Logo Talks IV
with DVD-ROM
ISBN: 978-988-14688-1-9 Size: 215 Ă— 285 mm Pages: 288 Softcover with jacket The book is a comprehensive and inspiring collection of logo design that reveals its very latest trend. You will find two key parts which include Case Studies and Gallery. Case Studies not only emphasizes the idea and the concept within and shows how each design is perfectly presented for a particular company from the inside out by examining why design changes were made during the design process, but also gives valuable insights of different working style and impacts on the design of logos from big design firms to individual designers. By addressing in a brand new way the original ideas of a logo design, it discovers how form follows function or the other way around. An incredible wealth of contemporary and breathtaking design solutions from design studios all around the globe is showcased in the Gallery. Case studies include: Bank al Etihad, QUDS MEDIA, Edouard Malingue Gallery, Strikk and Blowhammer, etc.
Copyright Š Artpower International Publishing Co., Ltd.