April 2013 - Bucharest NightLife

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CONTENTS/CUPRINS Editorial 2. Esen]` de cire[ înflorit

Events & Culture / Evenimente si Cultura 3. Cezar merge la Eurovision 2013 4. La TNB, s`li noi 6. Enescu, pe Otopen 10. Wine Promoting Prestigious Landmark 12. Statuia Libert`]ii se redeschide pe 4 iulie 14. Valentin Gheorghiu, 85 16. Cartea junglei, la Ion Creang` 17. Premier` la }`nd`ric` 18. Jubilee Concert Madrigal Choir 19. Palm Sunday & Easter 2013 Fairs 20. Trupe de top la Rock The City 2013 22. Sfântul Patrick, s`rb`torit [i la Hotelul de Ghea]` 24. Quality Music at EUROPAfest 20

TOURISM / TURISM 20. Aegean Airlines sprijin` turismul grecesc 21. Grecia de nord la TTR 2013

LISTS / LISTE • Opera & Philharmonics 4 • Cultural Institutes 4 • Art Galleries 6 • Theaters 7 • Cinemas 8 • Casinos & Betting House 12 • Restaurants & Pubs 14 • Clubs 30 • New Places in Bucharest 32

CINEMA / FILM • Movie Premiere 8




Esen]` de cire[ înflorit


ac` m-a[ fi aflat în Japonia în aceast` perioad`, sau chiar la Washington, ori în Elve]ia cea cosmopolit` a[ fi fost îndrumat s` particip neap`rat la s`rb`toarea cire[ului înflorit, care bucur` an de an privirea [i sufletele numero[ilor turi[ti, pe lâng` sufletele localnicilor, cei care au ini]iat de fapt s`rb`toarea. Dar în ultima vreme, de vreo trei ani... m` simt tot mai mult turist în ]ara mea pentru c` nu contenesc s` m` minunez de ceea ce-mi v`d ochii aici zi de zi. Politica r`mâne nelipsit` din realitatea româneasc` contemporan`, de[i nu ne-a adus mari realiz`ri [i bucurii, nici m`car în ultima perioad`. Chiar dac` am dep`[it anul electoral, înc` n-am înv`]at c` de[i nu am primit mare lucru, ni se cere deja înzecit înapoi. Cu toate astea multe rude sau prieteni ai mei nu reu[esc s` se dezlipeasc` de ecranul televizorului, în special de emisiunile politice. Aproape c` nu exist` familie în care s` nu existe discu]ii pe aceast` tem`.


GabrielARSENE Fie so]ia vrea film, iar so]ul politic`, fie so]ul vrea meci, iar so]ia politic`! Politica intervine din nou chiar [i în turismul românesc, domeniu aproape deloc sprijinit guvernamental de aproape 30 de ani, dar exploatat politic pentru c`, nu-i a[a (?), d` bine la imagine, chiar [i când spui prostii... Noroc de aceast` prim`var`, chiar [i întârziat`, în care am sc`pat de frig [i de z`pad`, dar în care mul]i vom uita s` privim cire[ul înflorit, sau dac` îl vom privi nu vom reu[i s` vedem esen]a lui, noul ciclu al vie]ii în irupere odat` cu triumful soarelui asupra nop]ii. Iar`[i trebuie s` mul]umim lui Dumnezeu (cui altcuiva?), cei care mai avem rude sau case la ] ar`, [i ]`rani, care ne mai trezesc la via]`. Îi vizit`m înainte de Pa[ti sperând s` ob]inem o bucat` dintr-un miel crescut eco (!), sau m`car câteva felii de brânz` proasp`t`, tot eco, [i afl`m de la ei c` vi]a a înmugurit, cire[ii [i merii au înflorit, iar ceapa [i salata sunt r`s`rite [i cresc! Nu mai pricepem întotdeauna



vorbele astea semn c` ne am îndep`rtat de sat prea mult, dar ne bucur`m pe moment de bucuria rudelor noastre. Ne-aducem curând aminte c` am auzit tot la televizor despre modesta cre[tere economic` de anul trecut, care ar fi putut fi substan]ial`, dac` agricultur... Abia acum realiz`m din nou c` agricultura este [i asta în care vi] a înmugure[te, cire[ii [i merii înfloresc, iar ceapa [i salata r`sar [i cresc! Tumultul ora[ului ne-a dep`rtat prea mult de natur` [i de simplitatea ei, iar un weekend la munte nu e de ajuns c` s` ne readuc` la normal. O vizit` la rudele de la ]ar` înainte de Pa[ti este mult mai util`! Afl`m astfel c` se poate tr`i [i cu mai pu]in` politic` televizat`, pentru c` ]`ranul român [tie c` fie ceva r`u (de cele mai multe ori), ori bun, atunci când este realitate se simte în propriul portofel! Iat` c` am ajuns, ca la Tokyo sau Washington, tot la esen]a cire[ului înflorit! Si nu trebuie s` ne deplas`m a[a de departe, esen]a asta este [i aici!



Cezar merge la Eurovision 2013! Cezar a câ[tigat finala Eurovision România 2013, dup` ce a ob]inut cele mai multe puncte în urma cumul`rii votului publicului [i al juriului, în show-ul transmis pe 9 martie în direct la TVR 1, TVR HD, TVR Interna]ional [i online, pe www.tvrplus.ro, eurovision. tvr.ro [i www.eurovision.tv. Piesa lui, It’s My Life, compus` de Cristian Faur, a primit cele mai multe voturi din partea telespectatorilor (9.774, dintr-un total de 42.567), ob]inând 12 puncte din partea acestora, c`rora li s-au ad`ugat 8 puncte de la juriul de specialitate. Emo]ionat pân` la lacrimi, artistul a mul]umit tuturor celor care au f`cut posibil` împlinirea visului s`u: „Le mul]umesc fanilor! Nu e nimic fals, datorit` vou` am ajuns aici [i datorit` vou` tr`iesc un vis. Pân` în urm` cu pu]in timp, nu eram cunoscut în ]ar`, iar în trei s`pt`mâni am câ[tigat atâ]ia prieteni! Mul]umesc mult familiei, fra]ilor mei de acas`, mamei mele [i tat`lui, care m` prive[te din cer”. Locul al doilea a fost ob]inut de Electric Fence, iar al treilea de Lumini]a Anghel. Robert Turcescu [i Casa Presei s-au clasat pe a patra pozi]ie, iar Elena Cârstea a ocupat locul al cincilea. Juriul de specialitate al finalei selec]iei na]ionale a fost compus din ªtefan Naftanail`, realizator Radio România, Mihai Og`[anu, compozitor, regizorul muzical Alexandra Cepraga, compozitorul Eduard Cârcot`, compozitorul Andrei Tudor, artista Crina Mardare [i pre[edintele juriului, compozitorul George Natsis. Membrii juriului au felicitat to]i concuren]ii, dar [i echipa TVR, pentru spectacolul Eurovision 2013. Dan Manoliu, manager de proiect, a precizat: „Echipa care a realizat Eurovisionul în acest an a avut un singur scop: ca to]i interpre]ii s` fie mul]umi]i de condi]iile create de TVR... Cezar Ouatu, prin vocea sa, a[ezat` de compozi]ia lui Cristian Faur, nu are decât dou` op]iuni: s` duc` România în final` [i apoi foarte sus”.

Cezar s-a n`scut \ntr-o familie de muzicieni, studiind pianul de la vârsta de 6 ani. A terminat liceul de muzic` Carmen Sylva din Ploie[ti, apoi sec]ia canto clasic la Conservatorul G. Verdi din Milano. A câ[tigat premii la importante concursuri interna]ionale de canto \n Barcelona, Dresda, Milano, Monaco, San Marino. Are o carier` de peste 10 ani \n lumea operei interna]ionale, cu spectacole \n cele mai mari s`li [i teatre din lume. Din 2012, a decis s` abordeze genul pop opera, \mbinând cele dou` genuri, \ntr-un concept inovator [i original pe plan mondial. Pentru 2013, Cezar are deja \n plan dou` colaborari interna]ionale de anvergur`, al`turi de Andrea Bocelli [i Angela Gheorghiu, urmând s` lanseze [i un single scris special pentru el de legenda muzicii electronice, Vangelis. Anul acesta, la Eurovision particip` 33 de ]`ri, dintre care 16 concureaz` în prima semifinal`, cea din 14 mai, iar 17 ]`ri lupt` în cea de-a doua semifinal`, din 16 mai. Romania va intra în partea a doua a semifinalei din 16 mai al`turi de Israel, Norvegia, Albania, Ungaria, Elve]ia, Georgia, Grecia [i Armenia. În prima parte din cea de-a doua semifinal` vor concura Letonia, Azerbaijan, Malta, Islanda, San Marino, Macedonia, Finlanda [i Bulgaria.





OPERA AND PHILHARMONICS THE ION DACIAN OPERETTA THEATER – The shows usually start at 6:30 pm. Tickets available at Operetta Theater, 2, N. Balcescu Blvd. For reservations: 021-313-63-48, daily 11 am – 6:30 pm, Mon closed. THE NATIONAL OPERA – The shows start at 6:30 pm. You can buy tickets at National Opera, 70-72 Mihail Kog`lniceanu Blvd. For reservations: 313-18-57 (daily 10 am - 1 pm and 5 pm 7:30 pm), Mon closed. THE ROMANIAN ATHENAEUM & RADIO CONCERTS – The Romanian Philharmonic Orchestra holds its weekly concerts at the Romanian Athenaeum Hall, Revolutiei Square, every Thu & Fri The concerts start at 7 pm. For reservations: 021-315-68-75, 021-315-00-24. Season passes available. Romanian Radio Society organizes concerts in two halls starting at 7 pm. Tickets available at Radio Hall, 60-64 G-ral Berthelot St. For reservations: 021-312-35-59.You can buy a three month ticket. THE MUSIC UNIVERSITY – Usually classical recitals; entrance is normally free of charge. Concerts start at 6 pm. 33 Stirbei Voda St. Ph. 021-314-27-10 George Enescu Hall & Chopin Hall

La TNB, s`li noi Teatrul Na]ional din Bucure[ti (TNB) deschide în luna mai, dup` Pa[te, înc` o sal` nou`. Astfel, la cele inaugurate anul trecut – se adaug` Sala Pictur`. În septembrie, se va inaugura [i Sala Studio (fosta Operet`), urmând s` fie jucate acolo spectacolele de la Sala Mare, la care vor începe lucr`rile de refacere. Pân` în prezent, s-au consolidat aproximativ 70% din suprafa] a cl`dirii.

FOREIGN CULTURAL INSTITUTES • American Cultural Center – 10, Dumbrava Rosie St. Ph.: 021-200-36-50, fax: 021-200-37-23. Open: Mon-Fri 8 am-5 pm • British Council – 14 Calea Dorobantilor Ph.: 021-307-96-00, fax: 021-307-96-01 Open: 10 am-7 pm, Sat 10 am-1 pm, Sun closed. • Cervantes Institute - 38, Regina Elisabeta Blvd., Ph.: 021-210-2737, fax.: 021-210-7767 Library open: Mon.Thu. 10 am-2 pm & 3 pm-7 pm, Fri. 9 am-2:30 pm, Sat. 9 am-3 pm.Open Mon-Fri 9.30 am-6 pm, Sat 10 am-1 pm. • Czech Cultural Centre I. Ghica, St. Ph.: 021-312-25-37. Open: 8.30 am-12.30 pm, 1.30 pm-4.30 pm. Sat, Sun closed. • Friedrich Schiller Center – 15 Batistei St. Ph.: 021-211-32-29 fax: 021-211-01-42 Open: Mon, Wed, Fri 2 pm-7 pm; Tue, Thu 10 am-7 pm, Tue, Sat, Sun closed. • Goethe Institut – 22 Henri Coanda St. Ph.: 021-312-02-31, fax: 021-312-05-85. Open: Mon - Fri 10 am-1 pm, Tue, Wed, Thu 10 pm-1 pm & 2 pm-7 pm • Hungarian Cultural Center – 39 Batistei St. Ph.: 021-210-48-84 fax: 021-210-48-11 Open: Mon, Wed 10 am-1 pm, Sat, Tue, Thu 1.30 pm-5.30 pm Fri 10 am-2 pm. • French Institute – 77 Dacia Blvd. Ph.: 021-211-38-36 fax: 021-210-02-25. Open: 10 am-8.30 pm, Fri 10 am-2 pm. Sat, Sun Closed. • Italian Cultural Institute “Vito Grasso” – 41 Alexandru Alley, Ph.: 021-231-08-80/85/87. Open: Mon-Thu 10 am-2 pm, 3 pm-6 pm, Fri 10 am-2 pm. • Latin America House (Casa Americii Latine) 17 Prim`verii Blvd. Ph.: 021-230-67-69 • Nipponica Foundation - 43 Timi[oara Blvd., Bl. P13, 148 Apt. Ph./fax: 021-413-58-70. • Polish Institut – 46-48 Alex. Constantinescu St., Ph.: 021224 45 56 fax: 021-224-56-93 • Jewish Cultural Center –18 Popa Soare St., Ph.: 021-321-39-40


De la deschiderea [antierului, TNB a prezentat încontinuu spectacole. Condi]iile nu au fost u[oare, acum fiind mult mai bune. Au fost inaugurate galerii de art`, s-a înl`turat fa]ada, teatrul c`p`tând aspectul s`u adev`rat.

La încheierea lucr`rilor, TNB va avea [ase s`li, plus s`li de repeti]ie, un amfiteatru, bibliotec`, cafenele, o teras`. Vor fi patru intr`ri pentru public. Parcarea din partea laterala a cl`dirii va fi o zon` pietonal`. Potrivit lui Romeo Belea, arhitectul întregului proiect de la TNB, atunci când lucr`rile se vor finisa aceasta va fi cea mai complex` construc]ie de teatru din lume, neexistând în prezent nic`ieri a[a ceva. În condi]iile „vitrege”, TNB a scos totu[i premiere, iar programul de anul trecut dedicat lui I.L.Caragiale, patronul teatrului, a fost unul de mare succes. În curând, pe scena S`lii Mari va fi prezentat` premiera spectacolului “Revizorul” de Gogol, în regia lui Felix Alexa, cu Marius Manole în rolul principal. Dup` ce Sala Mare va intra în renov`ri, spectacolul va fi mutat la Sala Studio.




ART GALLERIES ANNART GALLERY – 1 Mahatma Gandhi St., Kiseleff area Ph. 031-437-9533 www.annartgallery.ro Open: Mon-Fri 2 pm - 8 pm, Sat 12 am - 8 pm ANTIQUES GALLERY HALF RETRO – 19 Buzesti St., Ph. 0722-771-994 e-mail: halfretro@clicknet.ro ART GALLERY ANA - ANTIQUES – 25 Ermil Pangratti St., Ph. 021-231-11-80, e-mail: antichitati.ana@gmail.com ART CENTER “Blue Gallery” - contemporary art WTC - 10 Montreal Square, Ph. 021-666-24-47 APOLLO GALLERY - painting, sculpture, decorative art 2 N. Balcescu Blvd., Ph. 021-313-50-10 Open: Mon - Sat 10 am - 6 pm ARTEXPO GALLERY - NATIONAL THEATER - decorative art, painting. 2 N. Balcescu Blvd., 3rd and 4th floors. Ph. 021-313-91-75. Open: Tue - Sun 10 am - 6 pm CAMINUL ARTEI GALLERY - painting, sculpture, decorative art. 16-18 Biserica Enei St. Ph. 021-314-18-18. Open: Mon Fri 10 am - 6 pm CERCUL MILITAR ART GALLERY – 1 Constantin Mille St., Ph. 021-314-95-51 Open: 10 am - 6 pm CUHNIA GALLERY - temporary exhibitions National Cultural Center Mogosoaia, 1 Valea Parcului St., Ph. 021-312-88-94 DOMINUS ART GALLERY - painting, sculpture, graphic art. 27 Sf. Elefterie St. Ph. 021-410-84-39 Open: Mon - Fri 10 am - 6 pm GALATECA GALLERY - painting, sculpture, graphic art. 2-6 C. A. Rosetti St. Open: 11 am - 7 pm GALATEEA GALLERY - painting, sculpture, decorative art. 132 Calea Victoriei, Ph. 021-212-82-10 Open: Mon 1 pm - 8 pm, Tue - Fri 9 am - 10 pm Sat 10 am - 10 pm, Sun 11 am - 2 pm GALERIA NOUA – 15 Academiei St., Ph./fax: 021-313-51-11 GOLD ART GALLERY - HILTON – 1-3 Episcopiei St., Ph. 021-310-18-27 GRAPHIS GALLERY - graphic art. 23A N. Balcescu Blvd., Ph. 021-315-89-17. Open: Mon - Fri 10 am - 6 pm; Sat 10 am - 2 pm HANUL CU TEI - ANTIQUES, ART GALLERY - Antiques, furniture, porcelain, art glass, jewelery, paintings, decorative art, Oriental carpets, old coins, medals, clocks, ikones & collectibles. 63-65 Lipscani St., 1st floor. Ph.: 021-313-01-81; 021-315-56-63; Open: Mon – Fri 10 am – 7 pm, Sat 10 am – 2 pm MELENIA ART GALLERY – 3, Constantin Daniel St. The first Greek Art Gallery in Bucharest. Artists of contemporary art. Open: Tue. – Fri. 1 pm – 7 pm & Sat. 12 pm – 5 pm. www.meleniagallery.com NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ART OF ROMANIA GALLERIES- large collection of European art, Romanian and foreign masterpieces. 49-53 Calea Victoriei. Ph. 021-313-30-30. Open: 10 am - 6 pm OCCIDENT GALLERY – personal or group exhibitions: painting, sculpture. 11 Occidentului St. Ph. 021-212-59-23. Open: 10 am – 6 pm ORIZONT GALLERY - painting, sculpture, decorative art. 23A N. Balcescu Blvd., Ph. 021-315-89-17 Open: Mon - Fri 10 am - 7 pm, Sat 10 am - 4 pm SIMEZA GALLERY - personal or group exhibitions: 20 Magheru Blvd., Ph. 021-659-75-80 Open: Mon - Fri 10 am - 6 pm


Enescu, pe Otopeni Aproximativ 500.000 de persoane, care pleac`, sosesc sau tranziteaz` Aeroportul Interna]ional „Henri Coand`“ (Otopeni), pot s` se informeze despre edi]ia din 2013 a Festivalului Interna]ional George Enescu (1-28 septembrie), prin intermediul unei campanii derulate de firma ARTEXIM în parteneriat cu grupul Spectacular. În cadrul campaniei, spotul este difuzat pe 52 de ecrane orizontale digitale amplasate în zone-cheie ale aeroportului. Campania se va derula pân` pe 31 decembrie 2013, rolul ei fiind de a promova cel mai important eveniment cultural din România pentru publicul str`in [i român, atât ca atrac]ie pentru turi[ti, cât [i ca imagine pozitiv` de ]ar`, precum [i de a consolida noua identitate de brand a Festivalului.

”A[a cum Festivalul Interna]ional George Enescu este o u[` deschis` c`tre lume, care conecteaz` România la cele mai renumite circuite culturale interna] ionale, ne-am dorit ca imaginea Festivalului s` se vad` [i la principala poart` de intrare în România, Aeroportul Otopeni. Lans`m aceast` campanie acum – mai devreme decât am inten]ionat ini]ial – [i ca un r`spuns fa]` de impactul negativ pe care îl pot avea asupra imaginii României experien]ele celor care au probleme cu taxiurile la Otopeni, experien]e despre care s-a vorbit în ultima vreme intens. Noi nu putem organiza taxiurile, dar putem ar`ta c`l`torilor c` la noi exist` [i ceva bun: Festivalul George Enescu este poate cea mai credibil` carte de vizit` pe care o are România în exterior în acest moment. Este important a[adar s` scoatem în lume aceast` carte de vizit`, s` o ar`t`m, s` ne prezent`m cu ea [i s` nu mai l`s`m situa]ii nepl`cute s` ne reprezinte în exclusivitate. Festivalul Enescu spune multe lucruri adev`rate despre noi, românii, despre creativitatea [i spiritualitatea noastr`, despre patrimoniul nostru cultural [i tocmai de aceea este important s` îl facem vizibil, s` îl punem în lumin`”, spune Oana Marinescu, coordonatorul de PR al Festivalului Enescu. Spotul de promovare al festivalului este realizat în condi]ii video excep]ionale, de echipa de crea]ie a festivalului, Ioana Gheorghiu [i Robert Blaj, în dou` versiuni, în limba englez` [i în limba francez`, [i are ca


UNATC are dou` s`li de teatru Universitatea Na]ional` de Art` Teatral` [i Cinematografic` “I.L. Caragiale” din Bucure[ti (UNATC) beneficiaz` (având sprijinul Ministerului Educa]iei) de dou` s`li de spectacol, în care \[i pot prezenta produc]iile studen]ii Facult`]ii de Teatru. Cele dou` s`li sunt în incinta Palatului Na]ional al Copiilor, iar publicul care va dori s` vad` reprezenta]iile studen]e[ti va avea acces liber. A[a cum anun]` UNATC, acest proiect î[i propune intensificarea rolului jucat de {coala de teatru [i film în societatea contemporan`. Noilor s`li de teatru li s-a dat numele a doi arti[ti importan]i, cu o carier` pedagogic` remarcabil`, c`ci au [lefuit talente ce au f`cut [i fac s` se vorbeasc` la superlativ despre creatorii români de teatru [i film. Ce doi profesori se numesc Ion Cojar [i Octavian Cotescu. Publicul are ocazia acum s` cunoasc` de la debut noi genera]ii de actori [i regizori. Inaugurarea s`lilor a avut loc de curând cu spectacolul “Elixirul” – un exerci]iu de Commedia dell’Arte, coordonat de prof. univ. dr. Mihai Gruia Sandu [i drd. ªtefan Lupu. Din distribu]ie fac parte studen]ii anului II Master – Arta Actorului, clasa prof. univ. dr Gelu Colceag.

Guest Lecture @Pavilion • Swel Noury – Morocco: To be faithful or not? Stakes and limits of film adaptation Every time when it is mentioned the link between literature and cinema, the most relevant part of the problem seems to be the adaptation. Is it faithful or not to the book? It is a difficult question because there are several forms of adaptations. It is introduced the concept of loyalty to figure out what screenwriters try to do every time they work on adapting books. Swel Noury will try to define the boundaries of adaptation through the movie The Man Who Sold the World. Based on Dostoyevsky’s short story A Weak Heart, The Man Who Sold the World unfolds as a literary and metaphysical tale of a young clerk, inept to cope with his inner turmoil. As he cannot accept the joy the marriage with a beautiful cabaret performer renders, the protagonist descends into a mental state of delirium and psychosis. Said Bey’s award-winning lead is a staggering demonstration of multi-facetted acting. His feverish appearance is hauntingly captured in painterly influenced wide-lens cinematography, intriguing sound design and a tentative narrative, which seem to confuse not only the film’s declining hero. Set in an anonymous, post-apocalyptic landscape, with a theme reminiscent of Camus, Kafka and Orwell, the film explores the individual’s vulnerability in an autocratic society where love and tolerance are scarce. Swel Noury is a writer, director and photographer, the son of Hakim Noury, a famous Moroccan film director and Pilar Cazorla, a Spanish producer. Borned in Morocco and based in Barcelona, he co-directs his movies with his brother Imad.

THEATERS • ACT THEATER 126, Calea Victoriei, Ph.: 021-310-3103 • CASANDRA STUDIO 9, Franceza St., Ph.: 021-315-6975, 021-310-3574 • CENTRUL CULTURAL EUROPEAN – SALA RAPSODIA 53, Lipscani St., Ph.: 021-315-8980 • CENTRUL MULTI ART DANS 41, 11 Iunie St., Ph./fax: 021-336-6668, multiartdans@fx.ro • CONSTANTIN TANASE SATIRIC THEATER 33-35, Calea Victoriei, Ph.: 021-315-5678 • COMEDY THEATER 2, Sf. Dumitru St., Ph.: 021-314-9137 • EXCELSIOR THEATER 28, Academiei St., Ph.: 021-315-9720 • GLOBUS CIRCUS 15, Circului Alley, Ph.: 021-210-4195, 021-210-2419 info, 021-210-4295, 021-210-4998 reservations • ION CREANGA THEATER 13, Amzei Square, Ph.: 021-317-8590 • ION DACIAN OPERETTA THEATER 2, N. Balcescu Blvd., Ph.: 021-313-6348 • JEWISH STATE THEATER 15, Iuliu Barasch St., Ph.: 021-323-3970 • LUCIA STURDZA BULANDRA THEATER Toma Caragiu Hall 76A, J. L. Calderon St., Ph.: 021-212-0527; Izvor Hall 1, Schitu Magureanu St., Ph.: 021-314-7546 • LUNI THEATER FROM GREEN HOURS 120 Calea Victoriei, 120, Calea Victoriei, Ph.: 0788-452-485, 0732-234-356 • MASCA THEATER 70-72, Uverturii Blvd., Ph.: 021-430-5069 • METROPOLIS THEATER 89, Mihai Eminescu St., Ph.: 021-210-4281 • NATIONAL THEATER 2, N. Balcescu Blvd., Ph.: 021-313-9175 • NOTTARA THEATER 20, Gral Magheru Blvd., Ph.: 021-317-4101 • ODEON THEATER MAJESTIC HALL 40-42, Calea Victoriei, Ph.: 021-314-7234 • TANDARICA THEATER 24, Gral. Eremia Grigorescu St., Ph.: 021-315-2377 • TEATRUL MIC 16, Constantin Mille St., Ph.: 021-314-7081, 021-314-7081 • TEATRUL FOARTE MIC 21, Carol I Blvd., Ph.: 021-314-0905


fundal sonor Sonata nr. 3 pentru vioara [i pian in La minor, op. 25, de George Enescu. Spotul Festivalului „George Enescu“ a fost difuzat, de asemenea, de principalii parteneri media interna]ionali ai evenimentului, respectiv cele mai prestigioase televiziuni de [tiri la nivel mondial, CNN [i Euronews. Pentru edi]ia 2013 au existat dou` campanii de promovare a festivalului pe CNN [i dou` pe Euronews.




BUCHAREST night LIFE CINEMAS In Bucharest, movie schedules change weekly, usually on Fridays. Movies are screened in their original languages, with Romanian sub-titles. The majority of cinemas show American movies, but you can find European productions at the French Institute Cinema or the Cinemateca. Ticket prices vary from 4 to 34 lei, and up to 68 lei for VIP tickets.

CINEMA CITY: 4,Vasile Milea Blvd., AFI Palace Cotroceni Ph.: 021-407-0000 CINEMA CITY SUN PLAZA: 391, Calea Vacaresti, Sun Plaza Ph.: 021-386-0600 CINEMAPRO: 3, Ion Ghica St. Ph.: 031-824-1360 CINEMATECA: • Eforie Hall: 2, Eforie St. Ph.: 021-313-0483 • Union Hall: 21, Ion Campineanu St. Ph.: 021-313-9289 CORSO: 5, Regina Elisabeta Blvd. Ph.: 021-315-1334 CITYPLEX: City Mall, 3rd floor; 2, Oltenitei Ave. Ph.: 021-319-8226 EUROPA: 127, Calea Mosilor Ph.: 021-314-2714 FESTIVAL: 34, Regina Elisabeta Blvd. Ph.: 021-315-6384 FRENCH INSTITUTE “ELVIRA POPESCU”: 77, Dacia Blvd. Ph.: 021-316-9930/0224 GLENDALE STUDIO: 9, Cotroceni Ave. Ph.: 021-316-3286 GLORIA: 6, Bucovina St. Ph.: 021-324-4675 GRAND CINEMA DIGIPLEX BANEASA: 42D, BucurestiPloiesti Road, Baneasa Shopping City, Ph.: 0742-654-321 HOLLYWOOD MULTIPLEX: 55-59, Calea Vitan, Bucuresti Mall Ph.: 021-327-7020/22 THE LIGHT CINEMA: 151-171, Progresului Ave., Liberty Center Ph.: 021-369-9740, 021-369-9797 MOVIEPLEX CINEMA: 26, Timisoara Blvd., Plaza Romania Ph.: 021-407-8300 NCRR: 3, Kiseleff Ave., the National Museum of Romanian Peasant Ph.: 021-317-9660 PATRIA: 12-14, Magheru Blvd. Ph.: 021-316-9266 SCALA: 2-4, Magheru Blvd. Ph.: 021-316-6708 STUDIO: 29, Magheru Blvd. Ph.: 021-316-5526


MOVIE PREMIERE 21 & Over (USA, 2013 – 1 hr. 33 mins.)

When Straight-A college student Jeff Chang’s two best friends take him out for his 21st birthday on the night before an important medical school interview, what was supposed to be a quick beer becomes a night of humiliation, over indulgence and utter

debauchery. Directed by Jon Lucas, Scott Moore; Starring Miles Teller, Justin Chon, Jonathan Keltz, Skylar Astin, Sarah Wright Admission (USA, 2013 – 1 hr. 47 mins.) In 1959, Alfred Hitchcock and his wife, Alma, are at the top of their creative game as filmmakers. When an ambitious friend lures her to collaborate on a work of their own, the resulting marital tension colors Alfred’s work even as the novel’s inspiration haunts his dreams. Directed by Paul Weitz; Starring Tina Fey, Paul Rudd, Nat Wolff, Dan Levy Beasts of the Southern Wild (USA, 2012 – 1 hr. 33 mins.) Faced with both her hot-tempered father’s fading health and melting ice-caps that flood her ramshackle bayou community and unleash ancient aurochs, six-year-old Hushpuppy must learn the ways of courage and love. Directed by Benh Zeitlin; Starring Quvenzhané Wallis, Dwight Henry, Levy Easterly, Gina Montana Oblivion (USA, 2013 – 2 hrs. 6 mins.) One of the few remaining drone repairmen assigned to Earth, its surface devastated after decades of war with the alien Scavs, discovers a crashed spacecraft with contents that bring into question everything he believed about the war, and may even put the fate of mankind in his hands. Directed by Joseph Kosinski; Starring Tom Cruise, Morgan Freeman, Andrea Riseborough, Olga Kurylenko Mamaia (Aka. Grandma) (Romania, 2013 – 1 hr. 38 mins.) Matilda, an old woman, has to fight against a real-estate mogul in order to save her house. Tanase is a ruthless businessman who built his fortune on scamming people and evicting them from their homes.

BUCHAREST night LIFE Directed by Michael Bay; Starring Mark Wahlberg, Dwayne Johnson, Rebel Wilson, Anthony Mackie (USA, 2010 – 1 hr. 57 mins.)

When he wants to kick Matilda out of her house, his luck comes to an end as the seemingly nice old lady manages to defend her property. Directed by Jesús del Cerro; Starring Stela Popescu, Adrian Vancica, Valentin Teodosiu, Madalina Anea The Call (USA, 2013 – 1 hr. 34 mins.) Jordan Turner is an experienced 911 operator but when she makes an error in judgment and a call ends badly, Jordan is rattled and unsure if she can continue. Teenager Casey Welson is abducted in the back of a man’s car and calls 911. And Jordan is the one called upon to use all of her experience, insights and quick thinking to help Casey escape, and not just to save Casey, but to make sure the man is brought to justice. Directed by Brad Anderson; Starring Halle Berry, Evie Thompson, Abigail Breslin, Michael Eklund Pain & Gain (USA, 2013 – 1 hr. 53 mins.) A trio of bodybuilders in Florida get caught up in an extortion ring and a kidnapping scheme that goes terribly wrong.

While Jo is chained down in a dead end supermarket job, her friends are all out on their own separate adventures: Cassandra is jetting off to New York to meet her Internet boyfriend; Kerrys is on a one woman crusade fighting for female liberation and Shannon is on a one way trip to meet her maker. But a chance encounter with some diamond thieves sends their separate worlds on a collision course with not only each other, but fate itself. These girls are about to have three days they will never forget... if they survive. Directed by Noel Clarke, Mark Davis; Starring Emma Roberts, Tamsin Egerton, Ophelia Lovibond, Adam Deacon Iron Man 3 (USA/China, 2013 – 2 hrs. 20 mins.)

When Tony Stark’s world is torn apart by a formidable terrorist called the Mandarin, Stark starts an odyssey of rebuilding and retribution. Directed by Shane Black; Starring Robert Downey Jr., Guy Pearce, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jon Favreau Dans la maison (Aka. The Seasoning House) (France, 2012 – 1 hr. 45 mins.)

A sixteen-year-old boy insinuates himself into the house of a fellow student from his literature class and writes about it in essays for his French teacher. Faced with this gifted and unusual pupil, the teacher rediscovers his enthusiasm for his work, but the boy’s intrusion will unleash a series of uncontrollable events. Directed by François Ozon; Starring Fabrice Luchini, Vincent Schmitt, Ernst Umhauer, Kristin Scott Thomas




Wine Promoting Prestigious Landmark

• The Tenth Annual International Wine Fair VINVEST Timisoara From April 19 to 21, Timisoara will host the tenth edition of the International Wine Show VINVEST. For three days, the resident, the tourists, and a lot of guests from all over the country, will stopover at the Regional Business Center Timisoara to taste the best Romanian and international wines.

personalities from different fields which represent an important audience for all the exhibitors.

VINVEST’s Mission

VINVEST fair has the same mission for ten years: to convince as many people about the importance of frequent but moderately consumption of wine. For 2013, the organizers have set five objectives: • To promote the wine industry at European standards and in front of a large public, industry from the labels, caps and specialized media to the most valuable wines; • To contribute to the edification of the public through tastings, techniques and skills in wine testing; • To promote the new technologies of wine production and to bring the consumers close the values of some business, those serve as a model; • To facilitate business relationships between exhibitors, and between professional public and exhibitors; • To attract strategic partners from representative institutions, but also volunteer.

VINVEST - Meet the Good Wine World

The traditional fair VINVEST managed to position itself as a landmark on the Romanian market in promoting the wine industry. With each edition, the fair has increased its importance, while the number of exhibitors, visitors, events and partners has been growing constantly. This 10th Anniversary International Wine Fair VINVEST 2013 is scheduled at a suitable time, April 19-21, two weeks before Orthodox Easter, when, psychologically, the public has a consumeroriented behavioral predisposition. VINVEST fair it’s also an excellent opportunity for the wine industry. Two major events will be held before the fair, which will involve significant human and financial resources. The first is a wine tasting for the heads of consular offices, top managers and middle management of large and very large companies in Timisoara and in the Timis County. Over a hundred special guests will attended a special evening of wine tasting for the products participating in the ninth edition of the International Wine Fair Vinvest Timisoara. In the Europe Hall of the Regional Business Center Timisoara, consuls, managers of companies with Romanian or foreign capital, leaders of institutions and journalists will test the preview of the wines offered by the Romanian and foreign producers. The second event is a special program for the group of journalists Romanian accredited for Vinvest 2013. These events bring together representative


The fair has grown with each year, every year increasing the number of visitors and exhibitors. This year, more than 9,000 visitors and 90 exhibitors are expected. As in previous years, the program will be focused on attracting the public and increasing its taste in wine consumption.

This year events program contains: wines’ launches, workshops on issues of vine culture, wine tasting practical lessons, chef demonstrations, bartending gigs and releases of specialized publications. Professionals in the field, personalities, celebrities and other opinion leaders will be present at this year International Wine Fair VINVEST Timisoara to taste, along with famous foreign wines, the domestic ones which lead Romania’s fame. Because these have the potential to make a difference!




Statuia Libert`]ii se redeschide pe 4 iulie Deja este oficial, Statuia Libert`]ii se redeschide pentru vizitare pe 4 iulie, la peste nou` luni dup` lovitura primit` de la uraganul Sandy. Liberty Island este pe cale de a se redeschide de ziua Americii, având o sta]ie de andocare nou`, o infrastructura energetic` îmbun`t`]it` [i toate celelalte facilit`]i pentru public reparate. 4 iulie este întradev`r o zi perfect` pentru a redeschide un simbol al libert`]ii Americii. Dar redeschiderea Lady Liberty pentru sezonul turistic de var` nu are numai o importan]` simbolic`, fiind chiar o binefacere pentru economia ora[ului New York. Statuia nu a fost practic v`t`mat` de uragan atunci când acesta a lovit, la sfâr[itul lunii octombrie, dar deterior`rile serioase ale restului insulei au dus la decizia închiderii ei pentru vizitatori. Practic, 75 % din Liberty Island a fost sub ape, iar aproape întreaga infrastructur` a insulei a fost distrus` de apele oceanului care au dep`[it 2 metri în multe zone ale celor 5 hectare ale insulei. Mul]i americani a[teptau o redeschidere mai rapid`, deoarece fiecare zi cost` New York, prin veniturile neîncasate din turism [i pentru locurile de munc` ale celor care lucrau pe Liberty Island [i vecina Ellis Island. Dar Congresul american a avut nevoie de 91 zile, dup` ce super-furtuna a lovit, pentru a vota un pachet de sprijin în valoare de 50,5 miliarde dolari. Aproape 60 de milioane USD vor merge la repararea parcurilor na]ionale ale ]`rii, inclusiv în Liberty Island. Reconstruirea facilit`]ilor distruse vizeaz` viitorul, astfel încât urm`toarea furtun` s` nu mai aib` acela[i impact devastator. Nu exist` înc` nici o dat` stabilit` pentru deschiderea vecinei Ellis Island, care a suferit daune mult mai mari.

LIVE CASINOS BUCHAREST CASINO: 4, N. Balcescu Blvd. (within the Intercontinental Hotel). ph.: 021-310-20-20, Open: 6 pm - 6 am GRAND CASINO MARRIOTT: 90, Calea 13 Septembrie. (JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel). ph.: 021-403-08-00; Open non-stop HAVANA PRINCESS CASINO: 13, Regina Elisabeta Blvd. Ph.: 021-313-98-23, 0742-129-991. Open: non-stop. METROPOLIS CASINO: 37 B, Calea Victoriei (Novotel Hotel) Ph.: 021-367-3412, 0742-079-119; Open: non stop. PLATINUM CASINO: 63-81, Calea Victoriei, (Radisson BLU Bucharest). ph.: 031-710-2234 - 7, Fax: 021-312-58-06 Open: non-stop. QUEEN CASINO: 5-7, Calea Dorobantilor (Howard Johnson Grand Plaza). ph.: 021-599-11-30. Open: non-stop.

ELECTRONIC CASINOS & BETTING HOUSES ADMIRAL PARIURI SPORTIVE: 28, Ion Campineanu St. (Sala Palatului). ph.: 021-312-34-03. Open: 10 am - 07 am

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Valentin Gheorghiu, 85



Marele pianist Valentin Gheorghiu a fost s`rb`torit în jum`tatea a doua a lunii martie (când a împlinit 85 de ani) de Filarmonica „George Enescu” pe scena Ateneului Român. A fost de fapt un dublu eveniment, c`ci în 2013 se împlinesc [i 70 de ani de când pianistul a debutat la Ateneu, al`turi de dirijorul George Georgescu (imaginea de arhiv` al`turat`). S`rb`torirea a constat, de fapt, într-un concert la care Valentin Gheorghiu a cântat la pian al`turi de violonistul Gabriel Croitoru [i violoncelistul Marin Cazacu, programul incluzând Sonata nr. 9 pentru pian [i vioar`, op. 47, “Kreutzer” de Ludwig van Beethoven [i Trio nr. 4 pentru pian, vioar` [i violoncel, în mi minor, “Dumky de Antonin Dvorak. Despre debutul s`u la Ateneu, cu 70 de ani în urm` (1943), marele pianist spunea, de curând c` î[i aminte[te cu drag [i emo]ie de primul concert pe scena

INTERNATIONAL CUISINE ALLEGRO: Enjoy the flavors of International - Mediterranean refined cuisine superbly executed and served with professionalism. Cosmopolitan and casual atmosphere at breakfast & lunch and more elegant overtoues in the evening. CC accepted. 44A, Daniel Danielopolu St. - Ramada Bucharest North Hotel. Ph.: 021-233-5000. Open: breakfast 07:00-10:00; lunch 12:00-15:30. dinner 18:30-23:00. AMBASADOR: Romanian dishes available. Traditional music & Cabaret Show. C.C. accepted. 8-10, Magheru Blvd. ph.: 021-315-90-80. Open: 6 am- 2 am AVALON: The restaurant welcomes you in a cozy, intimate atmosphere, with a large variety of international cuisine dishes. Italian, French, Asian and North-American influences are mixed and twisted by the Executive Chef into unique combinations. A feast for all senses. 5 – 7, Calea Dorobantilor (Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Bucharest Hotel). Ph.: 021-201-5030. Open: 6:30 – 10:30 (Breakfast), 12:00 – 15:00 (lunch) and 19:00 – 22:30 last order (dinner). BALKAN BISTRO: You are invited to Balkan Bistro, where the enticing dishes will offer you the perfect Balkan flavor. The menu offers traditional dishes from Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Turkey, Serbia. C.C. Accepted. Grand Hotel Continental, 56,Victoriei Ave. Ph.: +40 372 010 300. Open: Breakfast 06:30 - 10:30 weekdays; 07:00 - 11:00 week-ends. BARBIZON STEAK HOUSE: Pullman Bucharest World Trade Center introduces its restaurant with a capacity of 70 seats. Taste premium quality meats and choose from over 50 International wines (Red, White and Rose). Live cooking in the show kitchen. 45 seat designated smoking area. Air Conditioning. CC accepted. Free WiFi access. Free parking. 10, Montreal Square (Pullman Hotel). Open: Mon. – Fri. 12:00 - 15:30 (lunch), 18:00 - 23:30 (dinner); Sat. & Sun. 18:00 - 23:00 (dinner). Ph.: 021-202-1635.


Ateneului, al`turi de maestrul George Georgescu [i Filarmonica bucure[tean`. „În sal` era un public de cunosc`tori, care a[tepta ca în partea a II-a a concertului s` aud` [i Simfonia a 9-a de Beethoven, pe care maestrul George Georgescu o dirija magistral în fiecare an; pianul la care cântam, un Bechstein, era nou [i suna minunat; pentru mine acea zi a fost o adev`rat` s`rb`toare, iar Ateneul cu fresca lui accentua aceast` impresie. În decursul anilor, întotdeauna când am privit spre aceast` fresc`, cu istoria ]`rii noastre, mi-am explicat de ce nu am putut s` o p`r`sesc. Sunt recunosc`tor publicului nostru drag, care întotdeauna m-a încurajat cu generozitate.”



BUCHAREST night LIFE BOLIVAR: The chef Ernesto Goicochea Montenegro, who graduated “Le Gordon Bleu” school from Lima, recommends his culinary miracles. Weekly parties in the club. 9, Salcâmilor St. (from Blvd. Dacia). Ph.: 021-211-48-48 LA BRASSERIE: Less about fine dining but more about good quality, simply food for the whole family. The menu is available buffet-style or a-la-carte and gives a great choice for groups. The wine list remains a work of art and the atmosphere is cozier than ever. Sunday Brunch is back, with playground and a professional nanny to supervise the kids, smoking area and free parking. Air Conditioning, CC accepted, Parking, Live Music, Non-Smoking, Take Away. 1, Poligrafiei Blvd. (Crowne Plaza Hotel); Ph.:; Open daily: 06.00 – 23.00 CAFE ATHÉNÉE: Steep yourself in Romanian culture in Cafe Athénée, set in Bucharest’s historic Revolution Square. The restaurant’s elegant location and contemporary interior are reflected throughout the menu with a choice of classic European dishes served with a modern twist. As the sun sets, this Bucharest café transforms into a relaxed and cozy lounge with soft music and candles setting the scene. Indulge your senses in a range of tempting specials from the special menu or spoil yourself with gourmet cuisine and a glass of sparkling wine. CC accepted. 1-3, Episcopiei St. (Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel). Ph.: 021-303-3777. Open: 08:00 - 00:00 CAREDY * CASA ARDELENEASCA: Transylvanian & International cuisine restaurant, placed in an esquisite villa. Large offer and special selection of wines. C.C. ccepted.Guarded parking lot. 1, Sofia St. Ph.: 021-230-2769. Open: 11:00 - until the last guest leaves. CASA CAPSA: Established in 1852, Casa Capsa is the symbol of the Romanian high-life society. The founder, Grigore Capsa (1841-1902) introduced from the very beginning the occidental standards of quality and refinement. He made Capsa’s name a well known commercial brand all over the continent. Having a very good position, this old and famous restaurant is placed right in the focal point of the Bucharest historical center. CC accepted. 36, Calea Victoriei. Ph: 021-313 40 38 Open: 12:00-24:00 CASA DOINA: Large villa dating from the 19th century transformed into a very nice restaurant. Wine cellar. Terrace. C.C. accepted. 4, Soseaua Kiseleff. Ph.: 021-222-3179. Open: 12:00 - 01:00. CASA DOINA LA PARC: Within Ramada Plaza Convention Center Compound in a green island, Casa Doina is offering a luxury location, fully air-conditioned and a brand which is providing a special evening. With a adjoining playground for kids and terrace. C.C. accepted. 3-5, Poligrafiei Blvd. Ph.: 021-549-2541. Open: 12:00 - 23:30. CHEZ MARIE: Try the wide selection of international cuisine and special wines in this recently opened restaurant located in the heart of the city. 48, Dionisie Lupu St. Ph.: 031-107-2033; 0721-376-118. Open: 12:00 - until the last guest leaves. CONCERTO: Concerto is a gastronomic restaurant based on a modern concept of cooking – “nouvelle cuisine”. Delicate dishes made up with creativity invites you in a delightful journey of tastes. The wine list is complex, including selections from all the regions of our country and also from France, Italy, Spain, South Africa, North and South America. A professional team will counsel you regarding the dishes and the wines, accompanying you through the whole meal. C.C. accepted. Grand Hotel Continental, 56,Victoriei Ave. Ph.: +40 372 010 300. Open: Mon. - Sat.: 12.00 –16.00; 19:00 - 23:00. CORSO: You may take your business downtown and treat yourself and your partners with a special mix of international and Romanian cuisine, on a light lunch buffet. In the evening, a team of Romanian chefs wows you with authentic Romanian dishes presented with cosmopolitan attitude. The spectacular view on to the Bucharest’s busiest boulevard is complimentary! 85 seats. Air conditioned. C.C accepted. Parking lot. 4, N. Balcescu Blvd. - InterContinental Hotel - Ground floor, Ph.: 021-305-1060, Open: 06.30 - 23.00, Business Lunch Buffet Mon-Fri 12:00 - 16:00, enjoy “Great Brunch! Guest Love!” Kids room with entertainment. DACIA FELIX: Group restaurant within Radisson Blu Hotel for 224 persons. Terracce available. 63-81, Calea Victoriei. Ph.: 021-311-9000; Super Breakfast Buffet: Mon.-Fri. 6:30 - 10:30, Sat. & Sun. 7:00 - 11:00, Sunday Brunch 12:00 - 16:00.


Cartea junglei, la Ion Creang` Publicul mic se poate bucura de spectacolul „Cartea junglei”, produs, de curând, de Teatrul „Ion Creang`”. Reprezenta]iile au loc la sala Rapsodia de pe str. Lipscani nr.53. Bazat pe culegerea de povestiri scrise de Rudyard Kipling, spectacolul regizat de Octavian Jighirgiu va oferi publicului ocazia de a descoperi, al`turi de Mowgli [i de prietenii acestuia, cât de important` este prietenia. Inedit pe scena teatrului pentru copii este faptul c` în rolul prin]ului junglei joac`, alternativ, Liliana Donici, actri]` a Teatrului „Ion Creang`” [i Maxim Donici, fiul ei de doar 11 ani. „Când am ales s` dramatizez “Cartea junglei”, am [tiut c` pornesc pe un drum dificil, lansându-m` într-o confruntare periculoas` cu celebritatea povestirilor scrise de Rudyard Kipling. Când în con[tiin]a publicului, în special a copiilor, s-a înr`d`cinat o

versiune atât de bine realizat` a “C`r]ii junglei”, încercarea de a impune universul lui Kipling prin intermediul unui spectacol de teatru devine o imens` provocare. ªi ce este mai motivant în munca de crea]ie, decât un text mare care-[i revendic` o via]` scenic` pe m`sur`? Cu ajutorul talentatei echipe de arti[ti [i tehnicieni ai teatrului, am readus la via]`, din pagina c`r]ii, povestea spectaculoas` [i tulbur`toare a b`ie] elului crescut de animalele s`lbatice în adâncul junglelor din India. Este un spectacol care reu[e[te s` se desprind` de trena renumelui interna]ional al pove[tii, impunându-[i propria sa lume [i atmosfer`, [i pe care doresc s` îl dedic memoriei maestrului Cornel Todea, regizor [i fost director al Teatrului Ion Creang`”, declar` regizorul Octavian Jighirgiu. Distribu]ia include nume precum Anca Zamfirescu, Liliana Donici, Maxim Donici, Daniel Tudoric`, Mirela Busuioc, Cristian Irimia, Ion Gh. Arcudeanu, Nicoleta Rusu [i al]ii. Scenografia este realizat` de Anca Pâslaru [i Delia Ionescu, muzica - semnat` de Eduard Petru Jighirgiu, iar coregrafia este gândit` de Andrea Gavriliu. Spectacolul este recomandat copiilor de peste 6 ani.


Premier` la }`nd`ric` „Fata babei [i fata mo[neagului” este cel mai nou spectacol al Teatrului ]`nd`ric`. Este o versiune cu o lectur` modern` a pove[tii cu are acela[i titlu scris` de Ion Creang`. S-a p`strat umorul [i sensibilitatea acestui cunoscut basm. Daniel Stanciu, care a f`cut scenariul [i regia, a creat spectacolul cu mijloacele clasice ale

teatrului de anima]ie (p`pu[i de diverse tipuri, de la wayang la cele compuse, de mari dimensiuni), dar [i cu proiec]ii, pe un ecran ap`rând un desen animat. Este o combina]ie frumoas` între teatru [i film, povestea ajungând la publicul mic mai u[or, captându-i aten]ia. Povestea din scen` este foarte aproape de basmul povestitorului de la Humule[ti. S-a nuan]at pe scen` culoarea [i ritmul, dar [i calit`]i precum cinstea, bun`tatea, h`rnicia [i frumuse]ea sufleteasc`. Regizorul i-a avut în echip` pe Daniela Dr`gulescu (scenografia) [i Vasile Manta (ilustra]ia muzical`). Din distribu]ie fac parte actori din “aripa tân`r`” a Teatrului ]`nd`ric`: Simina Constantin, Alina Teianu, Dora Ortelecan Dumitrescu, Viorel Ionescu, Jou-Jou Dr`gan, Geo Dinescu, Marin Fagu.

If you open a new restaurant or bar in Bucharest let us know, and we’ll mention you in our magazine. Dac` a]i deschis de curând un nou bar sau restaurant anun]a]i-ne [i ve]i fi prezen]i în revista noastr`.




BUCHAREST night LIFE DONCAFE BRASSERIE: Located just off Dorobanti Square, Doncafe has a space particularly airy and flooded with natural light. The varied menu lets you choose between classic savory salads, a delicious Wiener schnitzel, numerous grills and homemade pastas, and a whole range of fresh snacks (including bruschetta, ciabatta or sandwiches). You can start your day with your Continental or English breakfast. For lunch or dinner you can also option the menu of the day. The location is adapted perfectly to private parties or events. Air conditioning. CC accepted. Guarded Parking. Free WiFi access. 7, Ankara St. Ph.: 0746222-444. Open: 08:30 – 24:00. HOTEL MARSHAL RESTAURANT: The glassy salon, the open kitchen and the charming covered terrace are waiting for you with delicious dishes carefully selected and prepared in front of you. Our secret: the charcoal grill. Fresh imported Argentinean beef and New Zealand lamb. C.C accepted. Air conditioned. Guarded parking. 2, Dr. Emanoil Bacaloglu St.; Ph.: 021-314-0880; Open: 07:00-01:00 ICI ET LA: Philippe Dupré, French chef, welcomes you in a warm ambience ideal for business lunches or family dinners. The restaurant has an open kitchen and a view to Piata Romana, where you will taste our specialties: home made smoked salmon, beef tartar or even a French cheese and charcuterie plate. Special evenings every Thursday. 43, Mendeleev St. Ph: 0731-453 608 Open: Mon.-Sat.10:00 to 23:00 JADOO: Mediterranean & International cuisine restaurant. Special lunch offer - 20% discount (food only). Wood oven baked pizzas. Catering services available in neighborhood (12:00 - 15:00) Smoking and non-smoking areas. Parking lot available. C.C accepted. 3, Nicolae Racota St. - entrance from Clucerului St.; Ph.: 021-222-0502; 0724365-583. Open: 12:00-until the last guest leaves (23:30 - last order) LA BOEMA: Enjoy the European cuisine, the selected French dishes. The relaxing atmosphere and the delicious dishes will make you realize why it is called “La Boema”... Refined wine collection. C.C. accepted. Air Conditioning, parking. Calea Vitan Barzesti; Ph.: 031-1061111 ext. 345 Open: 11:00 - until the last guest leaves. MAJESTIC: Romanian and International cuisine, accompanied by excellent service, in an attractive ambience. Capacity: 100 places; air conditioning, smoking/non-smoking areas, main CC accepted; summer terrace. Besides the Restaurant, Ramada Majestic Bucharest Hotel offers the clients Multi-functional BallRooms - elegant locations for parties, weddings, cocktails. Ramada Majestic Bucharest Hotel – 38-40, Calea Victoriei. Ph.: 021-310 27 20; Fax: 021-310 27 99 Open: daily 07:00 – 23:00. MERCADO: Finest culinary experience in a charming setting surrounded by paintings from a well-known art gallery. Refined atmosphere, excellent service. Two private rooms, non-smoking area, Guarded parking lot, CC accepted. 8, Prof. Ion Cantacuzino St. Ph.:021-260-2960; 0753-999-333; Open: 12:00-24:00. PARIS BUCAREST BRASSERIE: Pullman Bucharest’s newest restaurant. Indulge yourself with a tempting buffet for breakfast and lunch. Free WiFi access. Air conditioning. Non smoking area. 10, Montreal Sq., Ph.: 021-318-3000. Breakfast Buffet: Mon. - Fri.: 06:00 - 10:00, Sat. & Sun. 06:00 - 11:00; Lunch Buffet as per business 12:00 - 14:30. PRIME STEAKS & SEAFOOD: Grill Steak & Seafood restaurant within Radisson Blu Hotel for 44 persons. New: Irish Hereford Prime Rib- eye steak. Red glass for show kitchen, walk in wine cellar set-up in a hot, relaxed and upscale mood. 63-81, Calea Victoriei. Ph.: 021311-9000; Lunch: Monday to Friday 12:30 - 15:00; Dinner: Monday to Sunday 18:30 - 23:00. SANGRIA: International menu, few Spanish dishes, nice atmosphere. Open/covered terrace! C.C. accepted. 78, Caderea Bastiliei St. Ph.: 021-211-2276; Open: 12 pm - 12 am. TIMES RESTAURANT: Panoramic view restaurant with great Romanian and International cuisine at Golden Tulip Times Hotel. C.C. accepted. 19, Decebal Blvd. Ph.: 021-316-6516. Open: 12:30-23:00. TEATRO: The convivial restaurant is the heart of the hotel. Amazing a la carte offering a large panel of different cuisine for a fine dining experience, Romanian dishes, but also international casual food. Teatro is also a full buffet offer for lunch time during the week days (check availability!). Summer terrace and underground parking available. CC ac-


Mark Knopfler & Band Mark Knopfler, founder, composer, guitarist and lead singer of Dire Straits, will be for the first time in Romania for a concert to be held on April 25, at Sala Palatului. One of the most respected rock guitarists, Mark Knopfler is today a true benchmark for fans. Rewarded with an Edison Award (Holland) and one Steiger (Germany) for outstanding achievements in music, Mark holds three honorary doctoral student in music at prestigious universities in the UK, being recognized for his talent and technique who wields guitar.

Jubilee Concert Madrigal Choir The National Chamber Choir Madrigal celebrates 50 years of activity on the occasion of Easter themed extraordinary concert that it will perform on April 21, at the Romanian Athenaeum. The event marks the beginning of the national tournament which runs until April 30. The event mean a music celebration that embodies the values of half a century essentially altruistic and innovative spirit that has driven Madrigal on the highest peaks of choral performance. The concert, conducted by Voicu Popescu, will include pieces with a deep spiritual content of the Byzantine repertoire, and Romanian classical and contemporary. National Chamber Choir Madrigal, the symbol of Romanian choral interpretative mastery, was

BUCHAREST night LIFE founded in 1963 and for 47 years it has been synonymous with the name of conductor Marin Constantin, founder of the choir. During half a century, with over 4,100 concerts on the biggest stages in the country and abroad, Madrigal brought close to the public soul more than 1,000 creative masterpieces belonging to all ages of music history, Romanian and universal. Tickets for the event are on sale for the price of 150 lei.

Palm Sunday & Easter 2013 Fairs • April 26 - May 4, World Children’s Park In this fair exhibitors are expected with: gingerbread, cakes, chocolates and other sweets, decorated eggs, Easter decorations, Easter gifts, icons painted on glass and wood, handicraft (pottery, stone, wood), sheep pastrami, lamb, tripe, cheese, cosmetics, fur coats, bee products, grilled fish and fish products, kurtocs kolac and barbeque. A special attraction of the event will be the presence of some lambs and bunnies that will play both with children and their parents and grandparents.

• April 26 - May 6, Plaza Romania – 26, Timisoara Blvd Palm Sunday and Easter gifts fair dedicated to shoppers in Plaza Romania, one of the most important malls in Bucharest. Visitors will find in the fair products that give atmosphere of the two celebrations, in presentation stands as custom islands from the entrance rotunda and al halls of the mall. The fair brings all original elements from traditional to modern: seasonal decorations, gift baskets, jewelry, cosmetics, fashion design and creative accessories, floral design, custom engraving on various items, handmade products, sweets, coffee, tea, books, CDs and DVDs with music, but also creative workshops.




BUCHAREST night LIFE cepted. 37B, Calea Victoriei (Novotel Bucarest City Centre Hotel). Ph.: 021-308-8530. Open: 06:00 - 23:00. THE HARBOUR: You’ve come a long way... you need to relax... dock to The Harbour where you will find a buffer zone, the taste of the finest international cuisine and maybe an acquaintance just to make you feel you belong... Terrace and parking. C.C. accepted. 10-22, Piata Amzei; Ph.: 0724-388-686; Open: 11:30 - until the last guest leaves. THE SUNLIGHT RESTAURANT: The culinary world of the angelo Airporthotel Bucharest is provided by this restaurant. A copious buffet breakfast, a gala dinner and a variety of Romanian and International dishes are at your disposal every day. The Sunlight Restaurant has a capacity of approx. 110 persons. For special events such as cocktail parties, anniversaries or dinner parties, the conference rooms can be turned into functional restaurant rooms. And the stylish live music may even put you in the mood for dancing. CC accepted. 283 Calea Bucurestilor, Otopeni. Ph: 021 20 36 500; Fax: 021 20 36 530; Open 24/7. LE VERNET: Restaurant Le Vernet introduces each of its clients in the atmosphere of the Old City which has the world renowned reputation of being “The little Paris”.You are kindly invited to a remarkable experience and a modern restaurant, in the heart of the Old City. The International menu, the good taste and the service, all blend perfectly for an unforgettable culinary experience. 60, Franceza St., Ph: 0372-376-511 Open: 12:00 - 24:00 (23:00 – last order WHITE HORSE BUSINESS & EVENTS: Situated in the Northern area of Bucharest, the new established business district of the city, the restaurant offers carefully prepared traditional and international specialties for daily lunch while being in the same time the perfect location for corporate & private events. 12 years of experience, professional services and equipment and the dedicated staff assigned complete the fine quality of the taste. C.C. accepted. Baneasa Business &Technology Park, Building B, wing B2, 42-44, Soseaua Bucuresti Ploiesti, Ph.: 031-620-8412; Open: Mon - Fri 09:00 - 18:00 X-TIME RESTAURANT: Stylish, modern and minimalist decoration; multimedia projections; smoking & nonsmoking salons; air conditioned; CC accepted; guarded parking lot. Cocor Store, 4th floor – 29-33, I.C. Bratianu Blvd. Ph: 0728 63 04 03; Open: 09:00 - 21:00

Trupe de top la Rock The City 2013 Trei dintre cele mai apreciate trupe metal ale momentului, vor sus]ine recitaluri în premier` la Bucure[ti. Trivium, Enslaved [i Spineshank vin la Rock The City 2013. Toate cele trei trupe vor cânta în cea de-a doua sear` a festivalului, al`turi de capetele de afi[ ale festivalului, trupele Bullet For My Valentine [i Rammstein. Trivium, forma]ie originar` din Florida, SUA, este apreciat` în mod special pentru faptul c` reu[e[te s` imprime melodicitate unor riff-uri de heavy metal puternic, lucru pe care nu multe forma]ii metal din zilele noastre mai reu[esc s` îl fac`. În plus, fanii

AMERICAN CUISINE HARD ROCK CAFE BUCHAREST: f you enjoy rock ’n roll music and exquisite atmosphere this is the place for you. A great selection of classic American recipes and signature cocktails waits to tempt and satisfy your wildest cravings.You’ll find some of Bucharest’s best live acts, valuable pieces of memorabilia as Bruce Springsteen’s guitar and John Lennon’s outfit and the ultimate fashion trends in the souvenir shop. 32, Kiseleff Avenue, Herastrau Park. Ph.: 021-206-6261. Open: 12:00 - 24:00


BENIHANA RESTAURANT: offers authentic Japanese teppanyaki cuisine and a renowned sushi bar. Six skilled Asian cooks prepare the food in front of your very eyes, tantalizing your senses. For any lover of premium-quality fish and sea-food, a dinner at Benihana becomes an unforgettable experience. Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Hotel, Calea Dorobantilor 5 – 7, Phone: 021 201 5030, Open: 12:00 – 15:00, 19:00 – 23:00 last order. MAIKO: One of the most fashionable Restaurant, Bar & Lounge. The restaurant is always delighted to host your Business Lunches, daily between 12:00 and 15:00, and to offer you the perfect 25 Euro meal for such an occasion ( Includes Salad, Rice, Miso Soup, Meat or Fish Dishes). 27-29, Grigore GafencuSt. Ph.: 021-233-2633, 031-805-3985, 0751-262-465, 0730-562-456; Open: daily 12:00 - 24:00 MANDARIN: Explore the exotic flavor of the Asian with Mandarin cuisine. Come join us and taste! C.C. Accepted. Guarded parking. JOLIE VILLE GALERIA – 103 bis Erou Iancu Nicolae Street, first floor. Ph.: 021-206-8066. Open: 12:00 – 22:30 pm (22:00 – last order) ORASUL INTERZIS (THE FORBIDDEN CITY): Is the first luxury Chinese restaurant which aims at offering a true gastronomic experience due to the specialties that feed both the body and the soul. The restaurant as well as the terrace can host private and corporate parties, business lunch/dinner, work groups, meetings and other events, in a selected and refined ambiance. Enjoy the exotic


apreciaz` presta]iile live electrizante [i mai ales diferite de ale altor forma]ii de gen. Trupa a fost înfiin]at` în 2000 în Orlando, iar dup` numai [ase ani de activitate, a fost invitat` s` cânte pe aceea[i scen` cu Metallica [i Korn. Prestigioasa revist` Metal Hammer a acordat trupei titlul de Best Live Band la Metal Hammer Golden God Awards 2006. Trivium are cinci albume la activ [i lucreaz` intens la cel de-al [aselea. Noul material urmeaz` s` apar` în vara acestui an, chiar înainte de festivalul Rock The City. O alt` forma]ie care îi va încânta pe rockeri la festivalul bucure[tean este Enslaved, o trup` de progressive black metal din Norvegia. Format` în 1991, trupa are 12 albume la activ, cel mai recent dintre acestea fiind lansat chiar anul trecut. Nu în ultimul rând, la Rock The City 2013 vine Spineshank, o trup` american` de nu metal, care a vândut peste o jum`tate de milion de albume [i a fost nominalizat` la Premiile Grammy. Biletele pentru Rock The City 2013 se distribuie exclusiv prin Re]eaua Eventim – magazinele Germanos, Orange, Vodafone, Domo, libr`riile Humanitas [i C`rture[ti [i online pe eventim.ro. Festivalul Rock The City a adus de-a lungul celor cinci edi]ii care s-au desf`[urat la Bucure[ti cele mai mari nume ale rock-ului mondial, ca Limp Bizkit, Queensrÿche, Metallica, Rammstein, Slayer, Megadeth, Whitesnake, Judas Priest, Guns N’ Roses sau Evanescence.



BUCHAREST night LIFE menu and the business lunch special offer, Monday to Friday, 12:30 to 16:00. Home delivery. C.C. accepted, wireless Internet, air conditioned, smokers/ non-smokers area, home delivery. 3, Silvestru St. Ph.: 031 425 47 47; 0720 99 3333. Open: 12:30 – till the last guest.

BELGIAN CUISINE LA BELLE EPOQUE: The largest selection of Belgian beers in town. Belgian and international cuisine. Air conditioning. C.C. accepted. 6, Aviator Radu Beller St. Ph.: 021-230-0770; Open: 11:30 - 24:00. WATERLOO: Original Belgian recipes with Belgian Beer. C.C. accepted. Guarded parking. 188, Traian St. Open daily from 12:00 - until the last guest leaves (24:00 last order)


Sfântul Patrick, s`rb`torit [i la Hotelul de Ghea]` Anul acesta, pe harta locurilor din ]ara noastr` unde a fost organizat` o petrecere dedicat` zilei Sfântului Patrick- Ziua Na]ional` a Irlandei, s-a aflat [i Hotel of Ice de la Bâlea Lac, singurul obiectiv de acest fel din Europa de Sud-Est.

BALCIC: Wide range of Bulgarian appetizers and meals. Try spitted mutton & rabbit specialties! Nice decorated location. Smokers & nonsmokers areas. C.C. accepted. 1, Stefan cel Mare Ave. (Perla block), Ph.: 021-230-55-35. Open: 11:00 – till the last guest.

FINE DINING THE VINYARD: The Crowne Plaza’s flagship restaurant, a work of great detail where everything is lovingly prepared by Executive Chef Ashlie Dias and his highly experienced team. Based around Mediterranean cuisine you can always expect to find something special and a bit different on the daring menu. Reservations highly recommended. Air Conditioning, CC accepted, Parking, Non-Smoking. 1, Poligrafiei Blvd. (Crowne Plaza Hotel); Ph.:; Open: 17.00 – 23.00, Closed Sat, Sun.

FRENCH CUISINE CHOCOLAT – CREATEUR DE GOUT: Worldwide new and unique concept featuring a harmonious blend between the Restaurant, the Tea Room, the Coffee Shop and the Boutique that offers French inspired delicacies - cakes, pastry and bread specialties. Find them all in an exquisite ambience where you can savor a joyful moment at any time of your day. • 42D, Bucuresti-Ploiesti Road (Baneasa Shopping City) Ph.: 0730-608-888. Open: 10:00 – 22:00. • 13, Radu Beller St. Ph.: 021-230-2383. Open: 10:00 – until the last guest leaves. • 12A, Calea Victoriei – Historical Center Ph.: 021-314-9245. Open: 10:00 – until the last guest leaves. LA BASTILLE: Down the Caderea Bastiliei St. c’est la France qui vous acceueille... French specialties mastered by the Chef Philippe Faynot, served in refined atmosphere accompanied by a perfectly balanced choice of execelente french and romania wines. Special business menu (12:00 - 16:00). C.C. accepted. Air conditioning. Ph.: 021-310-7359; Fax: 021-310-7360. Open: 12:00-24:00. LA CANTINE DE NICOLAI: Semi-gastronomique French restaurant. Sami Babou, the “Special Delegate” of Chef Alain Ducasse, brings great joy to your sense of taste with his elaborate recipes. Pop-art sculptures and paintings complete the sophisticated atmosphere. The terrace - away from the public eye - is perfect for discreet business lunches or romantic dinners. 15-17, Povernei St. Ph.: 0725-210-608, 037-274-6213. Open daily: 11:00 till late (23:00 last order). L’ESTAMINET: French restaurant, within the new bis Continental Nord Hotel. CC accepted. 143, Calea Grivitei. Open: 7:00-22:30.

FUSION CUISINE THE ARTIST: A unique concept that highlights the vision of Dutch Chef Paul Oppenkamp, the place where the dishes are carefully prepared to emphasize the beauty in its details. CC accepted. 13, Tonitza St. (Historical Center). Ph.: 0728-318-871; 031-106-1722. Open: Tue. – Sun. 11:30 – 23:00.

GERMAN CUISINE DIE DEUTSCHE KNEIPE: Traditional German cuisine, drinks and atmosphere. C. C. accepted. 9, Stockholm St. Ph.: 021-233-9462, 021230-1120, 0722-284560. Open: Mon.-Sat 15:00 - 23:00. Sunday closed.

GOURMET CUISINE CHAMPAGNE & CAVIAR BAR: An exclusive location, a gorgeous villa, in the heart of the city, welcomes you in a refined and relaxing ambiance. Finest Champagnes & Premium Selection Caviar and special


Câ]iva zeci de turi[ti, cei mai mul]i dintre ace[tia sosi]i din Marea Britanie, dar [i oameni din Statele Unite ale Americii sau români, au ales acest loc inedit din inima Masivului F`g`ra[ pentru a petrece cea mai cunoscut` zi din întreaga lume dedicat` unui sfânt. Chiar dac`, pentru marea majoritate a celor prezen] i la Hotel of Ice, vizitarea unui asemenea loc a fost o experien]` tr`it` în premier`, fiecare dintre oaspe]i s-a acomodat repede [i bine la acest mediu, iar la final, to]i

au recunoscut c` aceast` zi de Sfântul Patrick va r`mâne, cu siguran]`, în amintirea lor, pentru unicitatea momentului. Au contribuit la bunul mers al lucrurilor cantitatea destul de mare de bere verde (bere blond`, combinat` cu un sirop special de ment`) consumat` cu acest prilej, meniul special preg`tit, dar [i muzica de calitate, ce a asigurat fondul sonor. O parte dintre cei ce au petrecut St. Patrick la Bâlea Lac a dorit s` adauge la aceast` inedit` experien]` [i senza]ia deosebit` creat` de somnul în condi]ii similare cu cele de care beneficiaz` eschimo[ii. Astfel, camerele Hotel of Ice [i cele din “satelitul” acestuia (cl`direa de igluuri) au fost ocupate de cei mai dornici de adrenalin` dintre participan]i. Aceasta a fost prima petrecere de St. Patrick organizat` la Hotel of Ice, organizatorii fiind deja deci[i s` fac` din acest eveniment unul cu tradi]ie [i în sezoanele viitoare.



BUCHAREST night LIFE Delicacies. High Class services,V P treat & Valet Parking. CC accepted, wireless internet, air conditioned. 40, Lascar Catargiu Blvd. Open: (Mon. – Sat.) 11:00 - until the last guest leaves; Sunday Brunch - from 12:00. Reservation is highly recommended. Ph: 021-317-6007; 0733-735-932. JW STEAKHOUSE: An American concept restaurant, based on quality, good-taste and comfort. Guest star is one of the best beef in the world - USDA Black Angus,with supporting act from England Aberdeen, both cooked to perfection with the house broiler. Fresh seafood and crisp salads complete the menu, together with the generous sized desserts, like New York Cheesecake. The Bourbon bar holds a remarkable collection of carefully chosen boutique Bourbons and the Cigar Lounge offer the perfect finish to a grand dinner experience. JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel, 90, Calea 13 Septembrie, Ph.: 021-403-1903, Open: Breakfast 06:30-11:00; Dinner 18:30-23:30 Sunday brunch 12:00-16:00

INDIAN CUISINE AGRA PALACE: Chef Arun Kumar brought the essential from the City of Agra, once capital of the famous Mogul Empire: the mysterious taste of India. C.C. accepted; Free Wi fi internet access; Guarded parking lot. Open: 12:00 .- 24:00 Sos. Pipera-Tunari nr. 47. Ph: 021-350.31.14 TAJ: Genuine Northern Indian menu creared by Indian chef. Special brunch offer. Indian live show, Fri & Sat. Indian decoration, soft music, pleasant atmosphere, separate smoking area. Air conditioned; terrace. C.C. accepted. Parking lot. 127-131, Calea 13 Septembrie. Ph.: 021-410-1820. Open: 12:00 - 02:00.

GREEK CUISINE RESTAURANT MYTHOS: Greek food, drinks and music in a traditional ambiance at incredible prices. 28, Costache Negri St. Ph.: 021-410-2376; 0727-392-938 Open: 12 pm - until the last gust leaves

HUNGARIAN CUISINE BISTRO MENUET: Traditional Hungarian cuisine. Warm atmosphere of a cozy restaurant, also keeping the Empire elegance. Elaborated Hungarian dishes goes the best with the Tokay wines, but also with best Romanian wines. 14, Nicolae Golescu St., Ph.: 021-31994-94, 0751-146-871. Open: 12.30 pm - 0.30 am

ITALIAN CUISINE AQUARIUM: One of the finest Italian restaurant in town. CC accepted. Guarded parking lot. 4, Alecu Russo St. Ph.: 021-211-28-20. Open: 12 am-until the last guest leaves. Last order12 am ANGEL’S: Satisfies your passion for fine Italian cuisine. CC accepted. Guarded parking lot. 52, Paris St. Ph.: 021-231-90-44. Open: 11 am - until the last guest leaves. CAFFÉ CITTÀ: Northen Italian Menu restaurant within Radisson Blu Hotel for 126 persons. Enoteca, espresso bar, pizzeria, salumeria, gelateria, pasticceria in a fresh, natural, urban and contemporary mood. Terracce for 96 persons available. 63-68, Calea Victoriei. Ph.: 021-601-3436. Open: 11:30 - 23:30. CAFFE & LATTE ITALIAN COFFEE BAR&PASTRIES SHOP: One of the best cappuccinos in town, just like in Italy. Pay them a visit and tell us what you think about their breakfast offer and their vast selection of homemade pastry. Near Cismigiu Park. 35, Schitu Magureanu Blvd. Ph.: 031-415-8551 Open: Mon. - Sun. 08:00 – 22:30. CUCINA: JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel. Authentic Italian food served in rustic surroundings. Fine choice of wines. Calea 13 Septembrie 90. Ph. 021-403-1902. Open: 12:00 - 15:00; 19:30 – 23:30 DE GUSTIBUS: Restaurant, Terrace & Pizzeria. A menu dedicated to only the most simple, appetizing and brilliantly executed Italian dishes, mainly with a Tuscan twinge. Happy Hours 11:30 - 16:00, From Mon. to Fri. 10% Off. Air conditioned. CC accepted. Parking lot. 10, Marcel Iancu St. Ph. 021-211-1449; 0744-520106. Open: 12:00 - 24:00 HOROSCOP: A real authentic Southern Italian cuisine. Air conditioned, guarded parking. C.C. accepted. 2, Dimitrie Cantemir Blvd. Ph.: 021-335-72-65. Open: 8:30 am – 1am last order. LEONARDO DA VINCI - L’INVENTORE: Restaurant & coffee shop. Fine Italian cuisine. Daily special lunch offer (1 pm - 4 pm). International cuisine available. CC accepted. 11, C~mpineanu. St.


Quality Music The sole European festival that brings together four musical genres - jazz, blues, pop and classical music, is programmed every year in Bucharest, with each succeeding edition managing to create a positive image of Romania. Under the motto “It’s All about Live Quality Music,” EUROPAfest returns in 2013 with quality artists and music, with a fresh image, but also with a surprise awaited for long time by its fans - the event is programmed during 17 days! So, the festival begins on May 9, with a concert dedicated to Europe Day celebration, organized in partnership with the European Commission Representation in Luigi Gageos, EUROPAfest Director Romania, and will end on May 25, with the EUROPAfest Gala, when winners will be announced to the public, and the spectators will have the chance to hear the best live bands. Besides the two events which mark the beginning and end of the festival, Bucharest residents have the opportunity to participate in another events, including: the long-awaited by the public over 40 concerts of jazz, blues and pop, the sixth edition of Bucharest International Jazz Competition, with over 300 musicians from 40 countries, from Europe, but also special guests from USA, Australia, China or Japan. At this 20th edition of EUROPAfest, its agenda includes an Opening Concert on Europe’s Day, live concerts– Jazz, Blues, Pop & Classic, Bucharest International Jazz Competition, Jeunesses International Piano Competition, Caffe Festival / Jam sessions, jazz and piano master-classes and workshops, the EUROPAfest Gala. Since 2005, the festival is held under the high patronage of Their Royal Highnesses Princess Margareta and Prince Radu. EUROPAfest program is full of attractive events, that’s hard for you to tick only one! Therefore, organizers expect you to join them anytime May 9 to 25, to celebrate good music. Additional information: www.jmEvents.ro EUROPAfest Facebook: www.facebook.com/ EUROPAfest.Bucharest


EUROPAfest 2013 AGENDA MAY 9: Opening Concert - Europe Day – The festival’s opening concert celebrates Europe Day, created in partnership with the European Commission Representation in Romania. The evening promises moments of jazz, blues, pop and classical music with the best bands in the event. MAY 10 TO 24: Concerts - Jazz, Blues, Pop – The following evenings, jmEvents propose jazz, blues and pop concerts with well-known bands. MAY 10 TO 24: Caffe Festival – The event is among the most famous and beloved parts of the festival - live music in unconventional spaces (The Loft, Tribute…), with well-known bands or singers, but also with the new generation. MAY 18 TO 25: Bucharest International Jazz Competition – is ranked among the top three in Europe. It addresses bands and vocalists, aiming the international recognition of the jazz values. Under the motto “100% jazz and more”, the event is, in fact, a week full of jazz, with the best musicians of the moment arrived from allover Europe, but also from other continents MAY 10 TO 25: Jeunesses International Music Competition - piano – is the second competition held under the EUROPAfest umbrella, well-known classical music competition. The competition has a record number of 140 piano players registered from 38 countries. Both those already in love with classical music and those who decide to discover the EUROPAfest, may find here the future international masters. MAY 10 TO 25: Jam sessions & Master-classes – If the jazz means versatility, force and liberty, the Jam Session it’s a real explosion of color and energy. During the entire festival are organized interesting and creative jam sessions with the participants of the Bucharest International Jazz Competition and special guests of EUROPAfest. In the same time are organized master-classes for piano players with international specialists. MAY 25: EUROPAfest Gala – The festival ends with a special event – EUROPAfest Gala, an evening in which the public has the opportunity to rediscover the most popular tunes and the most impressive attendances in the festival. On this occasion, it is also offered the Excellence Diploma for Cultural Support, awarded by the Royal House. The evening ends with a remarkable jam session, which closes the 17 day festival.




BUCHAREST night LIFE Ph.: 021-312-24-92. Open: 8:30 am - till the last guest. MODIGLIANI: Pasta /Carne. An Italian Original. Home made pasta, basil, creamy sauces and a whole new world of flavors are waiting to be explored in its cozy atmosphere. Air conditioned. C.C accepted. Parking lot. 9, Batistei St. (entrance also from the InterContinental lobby), Ph.: 0730-644-806, Open: Mon-Sat 18.00 - 04.00 ROBERTO’S RESTAURANT: Roberto’s offers its clientele Italian cuisine at its best, thanks to the use of the freshest seasonal ingredients, cooked to perfection by the chef. The menu will seduce you and take you on a culinary journey with courses from all around Italy, reflecting the country’s reputation as the land of robust flavors, simply prepared food highlighting the quality of the ingredients and magnificent wines. 1-3, Episcopiei St. (Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel). Ph.: 021-303-3777. Open: 12:00 - 23:00. RISTORANTE DA RENZO: Delicious Italian food & excellent wine selection. Daily special lunch offer. Smoking & non smoking areas; CC accepted. 13, Constantin Nottara St.- close to In City Residences (ask your taxi driver), Ph: 0721 587 560; 0744 299 499, Open: 12:00 till late SILVIU’S: Exquisite Italian restaurant located in a superb villa in Cotroceni district. Special lunch offer: Mon-Fri 20% discount, Sat-Sun 50% discount. 44, Louis Pasteur St. Ph.: 021-410-91-84, 0721-292-526. Open: 11 am - 1 am. TRATTORIA “IL CALCIO”: Extensive menu of Italian dishes. Large selection of wines, beers and spirits. Nice interiors, relaxing atmosphere, friendly staff. 14, Mendeleev St. Ph.: 021-312-2430; 0722134-299. Open: Sun - Thu: 12:00 - 24:00, Fri - Sat: 12:00 - 01:00. ZAFFERANO: Italian cuisine restaurant. Special discounts daily. Air conditioning, parking area. C.C. accepted. 29, Popa Savu St. Ph.: 021-222-72-10, 0788-415-707. Open: 11 am - 1 am. ZERILLO’S: Traditional Italian & Romanian cuisine, the finest Italian wines, an intimate atmosphere. Air conditioning. C.C. accepted. 2, Piata Lahovari. Ph.: 0722-383-507. Open: 12 pm - till last guest. ZIGOLINI: A deliciously intimate dining experience nestled in the most elegant Galleria of Bucharest! C.C. Accepted. Guarded parking. Jolie Ville Galleria – 103 bis Erou Iancu Nicolae Street, first floor. Ph.: 021-206-8069. Open: 12:00 – 22:30 (22:00 – last order).

MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE IL GAMBERO ROSSO: Located in a small and charming villa in the center of the city, this place offers you an original menu, a mix between the famous Italian and French kitchens. Marcello, an Italian who lived almost all his life in France, opened this restaurant where you will find specialties from various parts of Italy and the day specialty, almost always French. Aviator Stefan Protopopescu Str., 64. Ph: 021-230-3210, 0730 006 978. Open: 12:00-24:00 SHARKIA: Named after an eastern wind from the Levantine region, the restaurant brings you the whiff of the original East Mediterranean flavors. For the dishes are used the most wholesome ingredients therefore the quality, nutritional value and freshness of the food are a promise towards all Sharkia guests. The authenticity of the ingredients offers a unique culinary experience while the food that is fuel for your mind and body, as well as for your spirit. Enjoy the menu variety and let the East Mediterranean aromas and textures of the culinary delights spoil your senses. 63-81, Calea Victoriei (Radisson Blu Hotel). Ph.: 021-311-9000. Open: 12:00 - 23:00.

MIDDLE EASTERN CUISINE GOLDEN FALCON: Best Turkish restaurant in town. Full range of kebab dishes, Turkish aperitifs and traditional sweets. Catering service available. 18-20, Hristo Botev St. (near C.A. Rossetti Square). Ph.: 021-314-2825; 313-2833. Open: 12:00 - 24:00. PICCOLO MONDO: Arab & International Cuisine. 9, Clucerului St. Ph.: 021-223-22-25. Open: 12 pm- until the last guest leaves.

MOROCCAN CUISINE MEDINA: The only Moroccan restaurant in the city. Medina is proposing the most famous Moroccan and Tunisian specialties such


Aegean Airlines sprijin` turismul grecesc • 158 de rute interna]ionale de la 8 baze opera]ionale din Grecia [i Cipru Aegean Airlines, membru al Star Alliance [i pilon important al turismului [i economiei grece[ti, a lansat noul program de zbor pentru 2013, program care adaug` 29 de rute interna]ionale, de pe 12 aeroporturi, 8 dintre acestea func]ionând ca baze opera]ionale ale companiei.

Noile rute Aegean au fost anun]ate de managementul companiei într-o conferin]` de pres` organizat` la Heraklion, Creta, în prezen]a ministrului turismului, Olga Kefalogianni. Cele 8 baze de la care se fac zboruri interna]ionale sunt: Atena, Salonic, Heraklion, Rodos, Corfu, Kos, Kalamata [i Larnaca. Kos [i Kalamata s-au ad`ugat în 2013, iar Heraklion [i Rodos au un num`r sporit de aeronave. Dar zboruri interna] ionale se vor desf`[ura [i din Chania, Alexandropolis, Zakynthos [i Skiathos. 130 dintre rutele cu zboruri interna]ionale regulate sau cu chartere, din totalul de 158, sunt operate pe airoporturi regionale, într-un efort f`cut de Aegean pentru a sprijini zonele turistice ale Greciei. A[a cum se anun]ase anterior, Aegean î[i înt`re[te re]eaua interna]ional` care se ramific` din Atena, utilizând avioanele disponibilizate prin reducerea zborurilor interne datorit` sc`derii drastice a cererii. Re]eaua zborurilor Aegean pentru 2013 include cinci noi ]`ri - Ucraina, Elve]ia, Polonia, Suedia [i Azerbaijan, [i 10 noi destina]ii interna]ionale - Geneva, Manchester, Lyon, Stockholm, Kiev, Baku, Berlin, Nuremberg, Hanovra, Var[ovia. Din Heraklion, care a g`zduit conferin]a de pres`, compania are în 2013 un total de 33 destina]ii interna] ionale directe în 12 ]`ri, operând cinci aeronave Airbus A320. Rutele noi sunt c`tre St. Petersburg, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Tel Aviv [i Kiev, crescându-se semnificativ frecven]a [i capacitatea de zbor c`tre Rusia [i Germania.


Grecia de nord la TTR 2013 Un expozant interesant la Târgul Interna]ional de turism al României, în condi] iile în care Grecia nu a avut un stand na]ional, a fost regiunea Macedoniei de est [i a Traciei, care a participat cu succes la TTR 2013, dup` cum am aflat de la oficialii acestei regiuni importante a Greciei. În timpul participarii la TTR, directorul de dezvoltare al regiunii Macedoniei de est [i Traciei, în acela[i timp [i subprefect, George Geromarkos, a organizat o conferin]` de pres`, la aceasta fiind prezent [i ministrul turismului din Macedonia [i Tracia, Theodorus Karaoglou. Cei doi au apreciat interesul tour-operatorilor români pentru regiunea de est a Macedoniei [i Traciei, ca de altfel [i interesul reprezentan]ilor din domeniul turismului românesc. Pe întreaga perioad` a târgului, George Geromarkos a avut contacte [i convorbiri cu reprezentan]ii ambasadei Greciei [i cu reprezentan]ii agen]iilor de turism care au vizitat standul Ministerului Macedoniei [i Traciei. Din partea regiunii, pentru marketingul diverselor zone, la standul de la TTR a avut loc o tragere la sor]i ce a vizat câ[tigarea unor scurte sejururi pentru turi[tii noroco[i. Astfel turi[tii vor intra în contact cu destina]iile din regiunea Macedoniei de est [i a Traciei [i cu ospitalitatea profesioni[tilor din domeniul turismului din zon`. Regiunea Macedoniei de est [i a Traciei continu` cu optimism programul de promovare turistic` al c`rui scop principal este înt`rirea colaborarii [i atragerea unui num`r cât mai mare de turi[ti din România. În cadrul conferin]ei de pres` s-a reamintit c` regiunea Macedoniei [i Traciei este cea mai apropiat` zon` a Greciei de România [i zona cu cele mai multe leg`turi istorice dintre cele dou` ]`ri! Din secolul 7 î.Ch. pân` în prezent în România exist` o popula]ie de greci care î[i p`streaz` tradi]iile, fiind mândri de istoria lor. În criza puternic` ce afecteaz` înc` Grecia se arat` prim`vara la propriu, pentru c` apropiindu-se vara grecii sunt din nou con[tien]i de poten]ialul lor turistic. În aceea[i direc]ie se îndreapt` [i zona Macedoniei de est [i a Thaciei, care încearc` s` atrag` cât mai mul]i turi[ti. Regiunea cuprinde jude]ele Kavala, Xanthi, Drama, Evros [i Rodopi [i dou` insule fascinante. Thasos [i Samotraki. Zona are importante monumente istorice, cu arhitectur` interesant`, dar [i peisaje naturale superbe, toate combinate cu tradi]ii [i obiceiuri locale foarte importante pentru turi[ti.

Zona este considerat` paradisul nordului m`rii Egee, cu insulele Thasos cea cosmopolit` [i Samotraki, dou` insule cu istorie [i natur` bogate, insule cu peisaje naturale care combin` marea [i muntele, istoria [i tradi] ia, care sunt un adev`rat paradis ecologic [i sunt baza activit`]ilor turistice alternative. Dar în zon` este [i ora[ul Kavala, cu peninsula Sf. Maria, ora[ul anticilor Filipous, cu teatrul antic, cu b`ile cu nisip de la Crinides, cu muntele Pagheon cu satele sale tradi]ionale, cu m`n`stirile [i cu delta râului Nestos. Sau Drama, cu apele de la Sf. Barbara, p`durea de la Elatia, pe[tera de la Maara... Xanthi, locul de na[tere al lui Democrit, cu portul Porta Lagos, lacul Vistonida [i Biserica Sf. Nicolae, satele unde locuie[te minoritatea Pomachilor, cascada lui Livaditis [i faimoasa p`dure Haidu. În jude]ul Rodopi exist` Monisinoupoli, iar în jude] ul Evros pute]i vizita p`durea ecoprotejat` Dadia, delta râului Evros, zona antic` din Mesimbria, una dintre cele mai vechi biserici - Sf. Maria la Feres, [i ora[ul bizantin Didimotiho, Ora[ul m`t`sii - Soufli [i Doxipara cu zona ei antic`. Doar vizitând aceast` zon` pute]i sim] i magia greac`, cu nenum`ratele plaje, de la Strimonas pân` la Evros. La începutul verii, în perioada 21-23 iunie, în Kavala va avea loc al treilea concurs Kavala AirSea Show cu aviatori acroba]i, para[uti[ti, concerte [i multe alte activit`]i, la care s-ar putea s` întâlni]i [i surprize, membri ai Aeroclubului României. Prin Bulgaria, unde drumurile se îmbun`t`]esc pe zi ce trece, din România pute]i ajunge în Macedonia greceasc` în doar câteva ore! Drum bun!



BUCHAREST night LIFE as Couscous, Tajines and Pastillas, in a refined and sophisticated oriental atmosphere. For small hungers, you can also try our special Kemias (Tunisian tapas) with a fresh drink or a home made mint tea on our terrace. The restaurant can host private or corporate parties, business lunches/dinners. Special opening offer during summer! CC accepted, wireless internet, air-conditioning. Open: 11:00 - till late (last food order 23:00) 7, Decebal Blvd., Ph.: 031.432.6664

ROMANIAN CUISINE BUREBISTA: Traditional Romanian cuisine restaurant. 195, Calea Mosilor Ph.: 021-210-97-04. Open: 12 pm – 12 am. C.C. accepted. BUREBISTA VANATORESC: Traditional Romanian cuisine restaurant & Venison dishes. C.C. accepted. 14, St. Bati[tei St. Ph.: 021-211-89-29. Open: 12 pm - 12 am. CARU’ CU BERE: Historical restaurant (established 1879) in the old town district, behind the National History Museum. Original German style interior. Live music and dancing on weekends. CC accepted. 3-5, Stavropoleos St. Ph.: 021-313-7560; Open: 10:00 - 24:00.

CASA ROMANEASCA: Authentic Romanian culinary delight in the traditional setting of a Romanian mansion with a splendidly decorated terrace, rich wine-cellar, large selection of Romanian wines, traditional Romanian customs and hospitality. CC accepted. 285A, Calea Bucuresti. Ph.: 021-236-1510; Ph./Fax: 021-236-1511. CRAMA PANDURILOR: Traditional Romanian cuisine rich offer in a special space where collection wines can be tasted. Our selection includes more than 200 wines. Enjoy the Romanian folklore songs presented by the live band - Taraful Pandurilor. 71, Panduri Ave. Ph.: 0727-703-703 Open: 12.00 until the last guest leaves DECEBAL RUSTIC: Exquisite Romanian dishes. C.C. accepted. 17, Decebal Blvd. Ph.: 021-321-67-00; 0723-515-009; Open:. 10:00 until the last guest leaves DECEBAL CLASSIC: Traditional Romanian cuisine, folk music band, select atmosphere, terrace. Business meetings, special events. C.C. accepted. 51, Barbu Vacarescu St. Ph: 0724 891 819; Open:10:00 until the last guest leaves HANUL HANGITEI: Traditional Romanian cuisine. Daily special lunch offer. 16, Gabroveni St. Ph.: 021-314-7046. Open: 11:00 - until the last guest leaves. LOCANTA JARISTEA: A genuine taste of Romania, both food and atmosphere, a real part of the city’s history. C.C. accepted. Reservation neccessary! 50-52, George Georgescu St. Ph.: 021-335-3338; 0744.240.126; Fax: 021-301.98.45. Open: 11:00 - 02:00. DOI COCOSI: One of the most picturesque spots in Bucharest, in the northern outskirts. Rustic interior. Folkloric show every evening. 6, Soseaua Bucuresti-Targoviste Ph.: 021-667-19-98. Open: 12 pm - 4 am.

SEA FOOD LA VERANDA: The restaurant is housed inside a glass terrace offering wonderful views of the garden outside. It serves exquisite fish and sea food as fresh as the day it was caught. Air Conditioning, CC accepted, Parking, Smoking free, Outside Seating. 1, Poligrafiei Blvd. (Crowne Plaza Hotel); Ph.:; Open daily: 12.00 – 23.00.

VEGETARIAN CUISINE CASA SATYA: Vegetarian and Fish Cuisine. Organic Ingredients and Wines. 25, Banu Manta Blvd. Piata Victoriei area, near sector 1 Town-Hall; Ph.: 0788-788-111


PUBS & COCKTAIL BARS L’Arpege Bar: The perfect place to meet your business partners or to enjoy a relaxing moment while drinking a delicious cocktail. CC accepted. Free WiFi access. Free parking. 10, Montreal Square (Pullman Hotel). Ph.:021202-1632. Open: Mon. - Fri. 08:30 - 01:30, Sat. & Sun. 10:00 - 01:30. Bar “37”: The bar gives you the opportunity to experience the excellent view of Calea Victoriei. Creative cocktails, large wine list and food snack offer. Do not miss the Mediterranean Tapas finger food experience every day starting 18:30. Summer terrace and underground parking available. CC accepted. 37B, Calea Victoriei (Novotel Bucarest City Centre Hotel). Ph.: 021-308-8500. Open: Mon. – Fri. 07:00 02:00, Sat. – Sun. 09:00 - 02:00. Bla Lounge Bar: Ice bar within Radisson Blu Hotel for 108 persons. 63-81, Calea Victoriei. Ph.: 021-311-9000; Open: Monday to Saturday 09:00 - 02:00; Sunday 09:00 till midnight. Caffe & Latte: Before or after a pleasant walk through Cismigiu Park, in-between business meetings or... whenever, pay them a visit and let them spoil you with their home made specialities. They’ve got new goodies, breakfast choices, soups, salads and... lots of surprises that will keep on coming.Yours truly, Caffe & Latte! 35, Schitu Magureanu St. Ph.: 031-415-8551 Open: 08.30 - 22.30 Centro Bar & Lounge: Fresh selection of sandwiches, salads and pastry products make it a convenient place for any time of the day. Howard Johnson Grand Plaza Hotel, Calea Dorobantilor 5 – 7, Open daily 09:00 – 00:30 Champions: At the JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel. The American Sports Bar and Restaurant. Live TV Sport coverage on 27 flat screen TV sets. Calea 13 Sept. 90. Ph.: 021-403-1917; Open: 17:00 - 01:00 . Club InterContinental Lounge: The place for a meeting, networking, a light meal or just for relaxation, reading, listening to music and watching the unique city view. Air conditioned. C.C accepted. Parking lot. 4 Nicolae Balcescu Blvd. - InterContinental Hotel, 21st floor, Ph.: 021-310-2020 Open: 06.30 - 10.30 Dreamer’s Pub & Restaurant: Draught Guinness, live sports, darts and a wide variety of pub and international food. Amazing terrace located on the roof. 111, G-ral Berthelot St. (close to Casa Radio). Ph: 0744.366.350, 0723.112.200. www.dreamers.ro Open Mon – Fri: 10 AM - until the last guest Sat & Sun: 2 PM - until the last guest



BUCHAREST night LIFE English Bar: Relax in the soft lighting and traditional decor of the Athenee Palace Hilton Bucharest hotel’s inviting English Bar. Choose from over 40 whiskies, sip a cocktail or order form the international snack menu. Enjoy a Cuban cigar to round off your night. CC accepted. 1-3, Episcopiei St. (Athenee Palace Hilton Hotel). Ph.: 021-303-3777. Open: 17:00 - 02:00. The Dubliner Irish Pub: Genuine Irish atmosphere. Draught beer. Air-conditioned.Very popular among the members of the English speaking community. 18, Titulescu Blvd. Ph.: 021-222-3737; 021-222-9473. Open: 12:00 - 02:00. Gala Wine Bar &Tapas: Taste a large selection of Portuguese wines accompanied by goat cheese or chouriso, pumpkin gem, tomatoes or figs. Porto or Madeira wines or a special coffee will conclude a delicious experience. For desert choose nata pastel, chocolate cake or almond biscuits. One can buy all the above delis in the shop next door. 32, Icoanei St.- close to Romana Sq. Ph: 021–210-4039 Open: 10:00 a.m. till midnight The Gin Factory – Irish Pub & Restaurant International ciusine; Chef’s choice: fish & chips; beefsteak. Lunch: 12:0017:00. Live music every Wed & Sun; DJ set every Thu, Fri & Sat starting 23:00 C.C. Accepted, free WiFi internet; Digi TV, Sky TV, Smoking areas; 37, Lipscani St. Ph: 021-311-3836 Open: 10:00 – 05:00 (23:00 – last kitchen order; last reservation accepted; 22:00 hours) Green Hours 22 Jazz Café: Hip and unique. Enjoy exotic cocktails and coffee in a neon-lit, tube-shaped bar, with live, trippy jazz-rock on one end and cozy couches on the other-like spending an evening in a surreal submarine. Also a relaxing outdoor patio that’s packed on weekend nights. Music most nights after 9 pm. Morning coffee or nightly cocktails. 120, Calea Victoriei. Ph.: 0722-234-356. Open: non-stop The Harp Irish Pub: Very popular Irish hangout with great selection of beer, a warming atmosphere downstairs complete with fireplaces candle-lit tables and extensive seating upstairs. Guaranteed to be packed with younger Romanians and expats alike any weekend evening. Air-conditioning. C.C. accepted. 1, Piata Unirii. Ph.:021-335-6508. Open: 09:00 - until the last guest leaves. Intermezzo Piano Bar: Just the way you might imagine a classic bar: sophisticated but relaxed, chic but comfortable. Located just off the InterContinental Hotel lobby, Intermezzo offers live piano music in the evenings, creating the perfect backdrop after a long working day. Air conditioned. C.C accepted. Parking lot. 4. Nicolae Balcescu Blvd.,Ph.: 021-310-2020, Open: 08.00 - 01.00 James Joyces: A real Iris pub run by real paddy. 1-3,Valter Maracineanu Sq. Ph.021-311-4177. Light Bla Terrace: Outdoor, atrium bar within Radisson Blu Hotel. Beverages, cocktails, cakes, pastries, snacks in a chill, cool stuff and contemporary mood. Terracce available. 63-81, Calea Victoriei. Ph.: 021-311-9000; Open: 12:00 – 02:00. Onx Pub: Lot of fun, karaoke, live concerts & special parties. 290, Splaiul Independentei, Regie P16 Open: 12:00 - till the last guest. Orange Bar: (lobby bar): f you are looking for a place to enjoy the highest standards, a perfect coffee, fresh sandwiches, sft drinks and the best cognac in town, you most go high, go North! C.C. accepted. 44A, Daniel Danielopolu. St. Ph.: 021-233-5000 Open: daily 10:00-24:00 Pavilion Lounge: Within the JW Marriott Bucharest Grand Hotel. Your favorite drink, accompanied by Chef’s choice of canapés, in a relaxed atmosphere. CC accepted. 90, Calea 13 Septembrie. Ph.: 021-403-1904. Open: non-stop. The Sky Gate Bar: This bar of the angelo Airport hotel Bucharest offers a pleasant and relaxing environment where you can enjoy a cup of coffee, an afternoon tea, a refined cocktail or simply a cigarette in pleasant company. The hotel’s professional bartenders are always there just when you need them. Located right beside the lobby and restaurant, the bar offers its guests an intimate, private area. CC accepted. 283 Calea Bucurestilor, Otopeni. Ph: 021 20 36 500; Fax: 021 20 36 530; Open 24 hours a day.


Thomas Antiques Bar - Taste the house wine and enjoy it on one of their sunny balconies. Wide range of beers and something special for ladies - „French Vanilla” or „Brazilian Nut”. Smoking & non smoking areas; Air conditioned; Free WiFi internet; CC accepted. 19, Covaci St. 1st floor & attick, Ph: 0752 440 818, Open: bar (1st floor): Mon - Thu & Sun: 10:00 – 22:00, Fri – Sat: 10:00 – 24:00, attick: Mon – Sat: 10:00 – 20:00, Sun: 10:00 – 16:00 Trafalgar Pub: Beer, wines, spirits and snacks. Close to Turkish Embassy on Calea Dorobantilor.4A, David Emanuel St. Ph.: 021-211-3151. Open: 11.00 - till last gues. Victoria Club: Classic mahogany furniture, leather Chesterfield sofas, warm beige nuances, exquisite services... these are the fine details that will catch your eye and soul in our English Bar – Victoria Club. Here you can taste our delicate teas & coffees brews while engaging in succulent conversation during traditional English afternoon tea time, taste some of our delicious snacks and try something from the list of over 100 spirits. Cigars are available to round off your evening. C.C. accepted. Grand Hotel Continental, 56,Victoriei Ave. Ph.: 0372 010 300 Open: 09:00 - 24:00. White Horse: Pub & Restaurant. English & International cuisine. Wide selection of draught beers. CC accepted. 4A G. Calinescu St. Ph.: 021-231-2795. Open: 12:00 - until the last guest leaves.


CLUBS Bamboo: 39, Ramuri Tei St. Ph.: 0726 226 266 Bellagio Club: 31, Stefan cel Mare Blvd Ph: 0720 200 002 Blue Club: 290, Splaiul Independentei Ph: 0767 079 977 BOA – Beat of Angels: 31, Kiseleff St Ph: 0736 300 700 Icon Series Club: 111 – 113 Calea Floreasca Ph: 0721 260 012 Fratelli Social Events: 1-3 Glodeni St. Ph: 0731 036 222 Kristal Glam Club: 34, Regina Elisabeta Blvd Ph: 0722 795 184 Old City: 3, Franceza St. Ph: 0736 997 951 Princess Club Bucuresti: 24, Ghercu Constantin St. Ph: 0720 535 381 Tribute: First class venue, great live music. 118, Calea Victoriei, Ph.: 0728-742-883; Open: Wed. : 21:00 - 02:00; Thu. - Sat.: 21:00 - 05:00.





BUCHAREST night LIFE NEW PLACES IN BUCHAREST THE ARTIST: A unique concept that highlights the vision of Dutch Chef Paul Oppenkamp, the place where the dishes are carefully prepared to emphasize the beauty in its details. CC accepted. 13, Tonitza St. (Historical Center). Ph.: 0728-318-871; 031-106-1722. Open: Tue. – Sun. 11:30 – 23:00. MEDINA: The only Moroccan restaurant in the city. Medina is proposing the most famous Moroccan and Tunisian specialties such as Couscous, Tajines and Pastillas, in a refined and sophisticated oriental atmosphere. For small hungers, you can also try our special Kemias (Tunisian tapas) with a fresh drink or a home made mint tea on our terrace. The restaurant can host private or corporate parties, business lunches/dinners. Special opening offer during summer! CC accepted, wireless internet, air-conditioning. Open: 11:00 - till late (last food order 23:00) 7, Decebal Blvd., Ph.: 031.432.6664 SHARKIA: Named after an eastern wind from the Levantine region, the restaurant brings you the whiff of the original East Mediterranean flavors. For the dishes are used the most wholesome ingredients therefore the quality, nutritional value and freshness of the food are a promise towards all Sharkia guests. The authenticity of the ingredients offers a unique culinary experience while the food that is fuel for your mind and body, as well as for your spirit. Enjoy the menu variety and let the East Mediterranean aromas and textures of the culinary delights spoil your senses. 63-81, Calea Victoriei (Radisson Blu Hotel). Ph.: 021-311-9000. Open: 12:00 - 23:00. If you open a new restaurant or bar in Bucharest let us know, and we’ll mention you in our magazine. Dac` deschide]i în curând un nou bar sau restaurant anun]a]i-ne [i ve]i fi prezen]i în aceast` rubric`.


Publisher: Ludwig Gelobter Co-ordinaring Editor: Gabriel Arsene Senior Sales Executive: Sorin Patrascu Art Director: Mihai-Cristian Rampelt IT Editor: Vlad Alexandrescu; Financial Manager: Victoria Pavaloiu Published by: Crystal Publishing Group SRL an American-Romanian joint venture. 253, Calea Calarasilor, Bl 67 A, Ap 4, 030619 - Bucharest 3. Phone/Fax: +4021 323-38-29, +4021 323-70-33, +4021 323-47-06 e-mail: office@bucharestlife.com office@bucurestiwww.ro, advertising@bucurestiwww.ro Member of the Romanian Audit Bureau of Circulation BRAT

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ISSN: 1454-3184

Bucharest Nightlife Magazine is printed on paper originated from sustainable managed forests.

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