This is a gift from me to you. A simple way to see you through. With love from Hannah x
Most of us get that we should check in on our moods and emotional wellbeing, yet how often do we actually end up doing so...
With our day to day commitments piled up high or simply just being in a funk, it's all too easy that our wellbeing slides to the bottom of our priorities list. Neglecting to commit time to nurturing and taking care of ourselves on a regular basis risks waking up one day so depleted that you feel there's simply no more left to give. There's only so long you can run on an empty tank, right?
Taking care of ourselves is not selfish, it's vital to our emotional health and wellbeing. It's essential for you and also for those in your life who you want to give your best to. Taking time to check in on yourself by asking yourself the questions on the next page can really help you to stay in touch with where you are at. It will also help you identify anything in your life that needs some love and attention.
1) What sort of moods have I been in lately and what feelings have they been bringing up for me?
2) What are my sleep patterns like? Am I getting enough sleep and feeling refreshed most days or do I feel closer to burning out?
3) How do I currently feel about the important relationships in my life: partner, friendships, family, work, business?
4) What’s been going well for me recently?
5) What specifically could be getting in the way of healthier moods and feelings? Is there something that no longer serves or supports me?
6) What do I no longer enjoy doing? What could I do about this?
7) What actions have I been putting off doing that scare me? In what ways could these choices be holding me back?
8) What inspires me?
Journal your answers and commit this self-care reflection exercise into your schedule, be that weekly or bi-weekly. Often as not, if we do not make a commitment and schedule time in our calendars, we simply won't do it. Give yourself some love by committing this quiet time to observe and reflect on how you are really doing. Feel good for all that's going well for you right now! But, also allow this exercise to help you identify any areas where you could make changes for the better.
A Friendship Call is a time for you and your wellbeing, a chance to check in on your moods and feelings, and how you are truly doing.
Taking just a few simple steps in preparation can help you get so much more from our call together.
Check out our 'YouLiberated Experience Kit' if you would like to explore ways dōTERRA can be used to help you with your self-care. You'll find recipes, blends, and more to try, you'll be amazed at what these little bottles of joy can do!
Soothing bubble baths, massages, reading a good book or whatever things help us to unwind, relax and feel nurtured are a great investment of our time. It's not only that we owe it to ourselves, it's vital to recharge ourselves so we can show up for ourselves as well as those who depend on us.
Self-care is about much more than the feel good, relaxation stuff though. True self-care is also about creating the circumstances to build the kind of lives that we don't feel a need to keep running away from. To whatever extent we love our lives or live in discontent, times of challenge are a part of our human experience. If we don't prioritise sufficient self-care to help weather storms, challenges can easily become overwhelming. Having access to a personal self-care toolkit to support us and ground us helps avoid losing sight of what's meaningful and important to us through those tougher patches.
When times get rough it's just as important to set aside time to take care of ourselves. Here are some self-care tips and tools to help weather the storms, ones that won't take up too much of our seemingly scarce time...
Give yourself quiet time to just breathe, breathing exercises can help calm an over chattering mind. Give yourself a few minutes each day to be still and focus on your breathing while letting go of any focus around troubling issues that have been absorbing your energy lately. This practice can, if you wish, be further enhanced through the use of essential oils. Keep your eye out on the blog if this interests you as it's just one of the topics we'll talk about there.
Carry out a physical activity. The key is that it is an activity that you enjoy and/or you find satisfying - a few laps at the local swimming pool, dancing in your kitchen, going for a brisk walk, decluttering a cupboard or room - anything that will up your vibe and give you a sense of personal satisfaction when you do it.
Make doing something that supports and takes you closer towards the life you want to create a part of your daily routine. Even if you can only commit a few minutes a day because there's so much else going on around you, it's essential to keep breathing life into your dreams!
Talk to someone you feel you can trust, will truly listen to you, and you know will not judge you. Social connection is vital to our emotional wellbeing. Oh boy, it can be such a relief to have someone you feel safe with to let off steam to.
Harness the power of high quality essential oils to support your emotional, social and physical wellbeing and help rechannel uncomfortable moods and feelings that could deplete you.
This Digital Gift Box is designed as part of the YouLiberated Self Care Kit. If you would like to share this with a friend, send them to: