Published bi-monthly by VOLUNTEER MARINE RESCUE, BRISBANE Radio Call Sign Marine Rescue Sandgate Phone: 3269.8888 A/H Emergency Phone: 0428 022881 Fax. 3269.2245
VMR BRISBANE is proudly supported by
DECEMBER 2011 4th 4th 11th 11th 13th 18th 20th 21st
VMRB Christmas Party 1-4 pm SYC TS/KB Race ... Starting time 10.00 am SYC Sailing Heats 5 and 6 Club Championships ... Starting time 10.00 am SYC Meeting ... 3.00 pm Lionfish Dive Group Social ... 6.30 pm SYC Sailing ... Starting time midday VMRB Management Team Meeting ... 7.30 pm SCC Committee Meeting ... 7.00 pm
The next deadline for contributions to BOAT TALK is
FRIDAY, 25TH JANUARY 2012 Earlier submissions preferred!
JANUARY 2012 10th 18th 20th 22nd 24th 25th 29th 29th
Lionfish Dive Group Social ... 6.30 pm SCC Committee Meeting ... 7.00 pm Alpha Crew’s Dinner “A Salute to Aussies”... from 6.30 pm SYC TS/KB Race ... Starting time 10 am VMRB Management Team Meeting ... 7.30 pm Lionfish Dive Group Committee Meeting ... 6.30 pm SYC Sailing ... Starting time 1.00 pm SYC Meeting ... 4.00 pm
New members this month are Richard Harris David Kirkpatrick Nathan Sugars Kelly Williams
LOOKING AHEAD TO FEBRUARY 2012 11th SYC Cocktail Party celebrating SYC Centenary 12th SYC Dinghy Race ... Starting time 1.00 pm 14th Lionfish Dive Group Social ... 6.30 pm 15th SCC Committee Meeting ... 7.00 pm 19th SYC TS/KB Race ... starting time 10.00 a.m. 24th Papa Crew’s Dinner ... from 6.30 pm 26th SYC Sailing Heats 7 and 8 Club Championships ... Starting time midday 26th SYC Meeting ... 4.00 pm 28th VMRB Management Team Meeting ... 7.30 pm 29th Lionfish Dive Group Committee Meeting ... 6.30 pm VOLUNTEER MARINE RESCUE BRISBANE PO Box 201, Sandgate Q 4017 Phone: 3269 8888 Fax: 3269 2245 Radio Radio Call Call Sign Sign ‘Marine ‘Marine Rescue Rescue Sandgate’ Sandgate’VMR 401
Neil Sheppard
Immediate Past President: David Davis 3269 7937
Senior Vice-President: Bob Chapman 3166 5521
Junior Vice-President: Wayne Wright 0407 916388
Secretary: 3865 6364
David Massam
Glenn Philip
0433 154105
Unit Training Coordinator: Peter Leech 3314 0388
Crew Liaison: 3886 5451
BOAT TALK Editor: Deidre Windham Ph: 3602 5250
Volunteer Marine Rescue, Brisbane is a member of the Volunteer Marine Rescue Association of Queensland
UNIT CHAPLAIN: Rev. Ron Holt Zone Delegates:
3166 5521 3166 9742
Occupational Health & Safety: Peter Leech 3314 0388
Thomas Grice 0413 200271 Greg Keogh 3261 8821
Deidre Windham 0419 766687
Vessel & Equipment:
Bill Hirn Bob Chapman
3203 5865 3216 5521
Karl Nast
Building & Grounds:
Members Representatives: Stan Lewis 3203 4164 admin Bill Hirn 3203 5865
Assistant Providore:
Ph 3269 6357
Bob Chapman 3216 5521 Joe McCoy
VMR Brisbane is proudly supported by and
Ph 3865.8896
Bob Chapman David Massam
IT & Communication:
Publisher: Volunteer Marine Rescue, Brisbane Redback Print Printed by:
Queensland Water Police State Coordinator Member for Deagon: Cr. Victoria Newton Member for Sandgate: Ms Vicky Darling MLA
We look forward to seeing you around the Base and getting to know you better soon.
3269 1255
Venue Manager:
Tom Begbie
Hall Hire:
Tom Begbie 3269 8633
Duty Roster:
Ray Langdon
Assistant to Treasurer:
3269 8633
0432 248679
Activations Recording: Luke Hillyard
0421 239559
Key Custodian: Refer to Neil Sheppard Fishing & Cruising: Social & Support Team: Unit Historian: Webmaster:
....................................................... Rae Hirn
3203 5865 ......................................................
Glenn Philip 0433 154105
The The Team Team also also includes includes representatives representatives from from ourour Associated Associated Groups Groups - SYC - SYC .......................... .......................... Management Meetings are held at the Club at 7.30pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month, SCC SCC .......................... .......................... and members are welcome to attend. Lionfish Lionfish .......................... .......................... Please don’t hesitate to contact us if there is a matter you wish discussed.
- Front Cover: Peter Keyte, General Mgr. Trade Services presenting VMRB’s Neil Sheppard with $15,000
2 - December October/November 2011/January 2011 2012
Boat Talk is published bi-monthly.
WELCOME TO DEC 2011/JANUARY 2012 From our President It has been quite a busy time since the September AGM. The new Management Committee is still finding its feet as we transition responsibility for a number of our back office roles. As I mentioned at the AGM, the key focus area for us is to reinvigorate our crews by developing our current members and attracting new volunteers. Taking into account our available resources, this task is best done by us increasing our profile in our nearby Northern and Bayside suburbs. We are still to determine the activities we wish to pursue in 2012 and we are keen to hear your ideas and pledges of support to transform ideas into reality. In particular, if you are interested in helping us with fundraising activities, then please let me know. Since late September we have been fortunate to receive $100,000 in grants and sponsorship support. The Port of Brisbane has funded the purchase of a thermal imaging unit for our primary rescue vessel; Jupiters Community Gambling Benefit Fund has made a significant contribution to the purchase of a new shallow water vessel; and Kedron Wavell RSL has helped us buy much needed computer equipment for our Radio Room and office. This new equipment will enhance our search and rescue capability and make our job a little easier and safer for our volunteers. Bob Chapman and I attended the November Moreton Bay Zone meeting that was held at the VMR Victoria Point base. The Moreton Bay Zone comprises Brisbane, Bribie Island, North Stradbroke, Raby Bay and Victoria Point squadrons. John Jacobsen, State President VMRAQ, attended the meeting and spoke of the need to make changes to improve the decision-making and implementation capability of VMRAQ and its Squadrons. John feels that this can only be achieved through a new organisational structure. He explained that one of first steps would be to have each Squadron operating under a common constitution. The Zone delegates agreed that this idea was worth exploring so John committed to sending each Squadron a letter outlining his proposal in more depth. We will keep you informed of any further developments. On 26 November I attended the T S Paluma Annual Awards and Achievements Presentations to present the “John Dohle Memorial Trophy” for Seamanship to a very worthy recipient, Leading Seaman Nicholas Richards. Our 2012 social calendar kicks off with the Alpha Crew BBQ on 20 January followed by Papa Crew's February BBQ. One of my goals for 2012 is to keep the positive vibe at our BBQs but this can only happen if you support each monthly Crew - so please come along, bring some friends and enjoy yourselves! Marine Safety Queensland (MSQ) recently announced changed boating rules that come into effect on 1 January 2012 with further rule changes effective 1 January 2013. MSQ will conduct an information session at our Base on 21 February commencing at 7pm. This session is open to members and the general public so please come along to hear first hand about the changes and how they might impact you. On behalf of the Management Committee I'd like to wish you and your family a happy and safe festive season. Best wishes Neil Sheppard, President
From the Editor
Our cover shows a very happy occasion with Port of Brisbane joining Energex as one of our sponsors. We’d like you to spread the word, as you do with Energex, that they are supporting us. (Photo by Greg Keogh.) I’m pleased to have reports from Amelia Brown and Neil Sheppard as well as an interesting book review from Daryl Claffey. Hugh Martin tells us about his boat, Sidecar, on page 12. Thanks to James Mathiesen and Greg Keogh for all their photos, especially of the function on 25th November. The presentation of 2010 Flood and Cyclone Citations is pictured on page 11 and the back page. This issue of Boat Talk will be at the printers at the time of the VMRB Christmas Party so you can read about that in February! In the meantime, I’m looking for someone willing to add their story to the Me and My Boat Library. It’s a painless exercise and very interesting for our readers to learn more about the boats and boating experiences of our members. Just call or email me! Happy reading
JANUARY - Friday, 20th - Alpha Crew The theme for January is “A Salute to Aussies”. Just before Australia Day is a great time for Joe McCoy and his crew to pay tribute to Aussies. RSVP by 13th January either by texting 0415 254 732 or emailing PLEASE NOTE: This is a week earlier than usual. FEBRUARY - Friday 24th - Papa Crew The theme for February is “Valentine's Day” with Nigel's crew likely to ensure there’s a little love in the air. RSVP by 17th February to or text 0415 254 732. Remember there is always a prize for someone who booked to come.
December 2011/January 2012 - 3
PBPL Sponsorship of VMR Brisbane “Volunteer Marine Rescue Brisbane provides a critical service to the local boating community. Importantly, their location at Shorncliffe means they cover the full extent of the port channel, and they've assisted the port on a number of occasions. The Port of Brisbane Pty Ltd (PBPL) is proud to support VMRB by providing sponsorship for the purchase of a new Forward Looking Infrared system. This vital piece of equipment will significantly boost the VMRB's ability to locate vessels and persons in distress, particularly during times of poor visibility. This will in turn lead to a safer boating environment for the community, and a safer work environment for the valued volunteers that make the VMR possible. PBPL seeks to support its local community, and aims to establish long-term partnerships that provide maximum value. This sponsorship with VMRB is a great example of a partnership that will provide long lasting benefits to both the recreational boating and Port of Brisbane communities.”
We were fortunate to have Peter Keyte, General Manager Trade Services, Port of Brisbane, spend last Friday night with us. As you will see on the front cover, their sponsorship has enabled us to buy thermal imaging equipment for Energex Sandgate 1.
Activations Activations are not available for this issue. A tow by Delta Crew on 29th October from Tangalooma
Crews’ News October was a relatively quiet month for SAR activations. Increased boating traffic in November resulted in several rescues. During the down time, our Crews were busy honing their skills with Man Overboard, Navigation, Fire Drills, vessel handling and local area knowledge being the main focus areas. We completed three tows from Tangalooma – one back to the Colmslie boat ramp, one to Wellington Point and the other to Clontarf boat ramp. Of note is Delta Crew's tasking around midday to locate and tow a vessel just off Cape Moreton and return the vessel and crew to Colmslie boat ramp. In moderate conditions the stricken vessel was soon located and the tow commenced. In just under 6 hours the tow was completed and the crew returned safe and sound to Base. Duty Master Callum Baird led a crew of four (Luke Hillyard, Cameron Pegler, Andrew Donaldson, Paul Harris) in a SAREX hosted by VMR Bribie Island on 11 November. Conditions were favourable and the crew benefited greatly from the experience. Many thanks to VMR Bribie for organising this exercise and inviting us to participate. Bravo Crew's day started with a request from the Brownsea Scouts to supply a safety vessel as they had forty sea scouts for a canoeing trip through the wetlands. "We launched Sandgate 2 and stood by to assist. We then launched Sandgate 1 and spent the morning on a
- December 2011/January 2012
training exercise. After we returned at midday, a call was received to assist a vessel at the Tangalooma Wrecks - the vessel had mechanical problems and could not be started. There were two adults and six children on board. After a fifty minute run we located the vessel and towed them back to the Clontarf boat ramp." Around 3 pm on Monday 14 November we received a call from the Water Police to activate a crew to search for a 5.4m powerboat vessel experiencing difficulties near Cape Moreton. To complicate matters, four crew from the vessel had been put ashore and two of these were now missing. Our task was to go to Comboyuro Point then progress north searching the beach for the lost vessel and the lost crew. Duty Master Callum Baird responded to the call and a crew was assembled. Just prior to departure we were advised by the Water Police to stand down as the vessel and missing crew had been located. We were then asked by the Water Police to attend to an urgent medivac (ill child). Callum, Ray Henery and two ambulance officers set off for Tangalooma in rough conditions. By the time our Crew arrived at Tangalooma the medical emergency had alleviated. Callum and crew now faced an uncomfortable journey home. Some six hours after activation our crew finally made it home – another job well done.
Training News UTC, PETER LEECH At the moment 3 persons are undergoing training in the subject MH12 07B Plan and navigate a short voyage within inshore limits. It is Q1. Has to be done on another vessel anticipated that they will undertake the written assessment prior to Q2. Has to be done on another vessel Christmas. Q6. Scenario On Sunday, 20th November, 7 persons underwent the practical aspects Q10. Has to be done on another vessel of the Elements of Shipboard Safety in the conducting of the life raft Q11. Has to be done on another vessel and swim test drills. All did very well and it now remains to undertake the theory and remaining practical training in this subject towards late Q13 a. View another vessel January 2012. Four of these members are yet to be allocated to a crew Q13 b. View another vessel and this needs to be done immediately so that their onboard training MR31 07B – Operate and carry out basic servicing on auxiliary can commence. systems While on the subject of ESS training, it should be noted that a person Q1. On a simulated vessel CANNOT be a crew member on a squadron vessel if they have been in MR54 07B – Carry out refuelling and fuel transfer operations the squadron more than 6 months and HAVE NOT completed the ESS course. A direction has recently been received from MSQ regarding This assignment is to done on another vessel this and VMRAQ have directed that this is to occur. The training program for the period 1 January - 30 June 2012 will be If a person wishes to be a Radio Operator only and not go on a VMRAQ published in early January and the courses offered will be in the vessel then they do not have to complete the ESS module. However relevant folder. Please note that it is recommended that members all Radio Operators must hold the following qualifications: complete their training in the order on the Crew Training Record Audit Sheet. This develops underpinning knowledge and skills. Please note 1. A current Marine Radio Operators Certificate of Proficiency that the Task Books will be audited prior to the end of January 2012. 2. A current Senior First Aid certificate It is strongly recommended that ALL members liaise with their Duty 3. Local knowledge – A comprehensive understanding of the squadron Master regarding their training and all crews are urged to discuss their area of operations. A VMRAQ certificate is issued on successful training requirements when on duty. completion of this subject. Peter J Leech Members should note that 3 above is a requirement for all members UTC VMR Brisbane and should be obtained before they operate a vessel in the squadron area of operations. It should also be noted that this subject does not The answer to last month's question: carry over from squadron to squadron and the qualification must be What is the difference between a windlass and a capstan? obtained for each area. A windlass - a mechanism for controlling an anchor rode as it is let In the last Boat Talk there was extensive information on the use and out or hauled in. It has a horizontal drive shaft. completion of Task Books. It is hoped that members are following the A capstan – essentially the same as a windlass but with a vertical requirements for the Task Books as they are an auditable document shaft. Both of these items are part of the deck machinery on many and are examined by MSQ. vessels. Further information can be found in the Small Ships In relation to Assignments, some assignments and part of assignments Manual 6th Edition on pages 277 – 280 and knowledge of both of CANNOT be done on squadron vessels. The following should be these is required for the Coxswain's Course. noted: This edition’s question: MR30 07B – Operate and carry out basic service checks on small The Safe Water mark may have a number of light flashes. Name the vessel marine propulsion systems. Part of this can be done on VMR light flashes and indicate the aspects of the flash sequence. vessels and the following should be noted relating to this assignment.
Treasurer’s Report GLENN PHILIP May I start this report by thanking Phil, Pam and Julie for the outstanding job they did in sorting through the maze of financial paperwork and books that go with the job. During the coming months we will be streamlining our invoicing and renewal process. We are in the process of also formulating a cash-flow projection to take into account our constantly evolving operation requirements. This is an ever changing project due to variations in spending and income. Once again, thank you for the opportunity to take on this position and I hope to look forward to a bright future for our club.
Please ensure we are advised of any postal and email address changes so we can guarantee you receive your magazines and membership renewals. Also current email addresses and mobile phone numbers would be great so you can be on our contacts list. Glenn Philip Treasurer and Webmaster
December 2011/January 2012 - 5
The summer season of sailing racing at Sandgate is off and running, with two Sundays of Club Championship racing in Flying Fifteens, 505s, and Lightweight Sharpies held to date, and two Sundays of Trailer Sailer racing. Though we've had a few Sundays too breezy to sail, overall the racing has been very enjoyable. After Opening Day, the first race of the season was a Trailer Sailer event on Sunday 25th September, with four starters and breeze of about 10 knots at the 10 am start, building to 18 to 20 knots by the end of the race. Grumpy skippered by Ron Walker recorded the fastest time, winning line honours from Suzanne skippered by Peter Croft. The heavyweight crew on Grumpy included Graham Elliott, Daniel Green and Bob Miles, while Suzanne had the assistance of Gary Rushton and Lindsay Gilbert aboard. With Handicap, first place was awarded to Bruce Wales and Eelke Wouda on Windrose, then Nigel Turner, Daryl Claffey and Hugh Martin on Tipsea took second, with Suzanne third and Grumpy fourth. On Sunday 2nd October, Club Championship racing was cancelled due to a gusting 25 to 30 knot Westerly breeze. However Sunday 16th October yielded a lovely 10 to 15 Knot breeze, allowing the 1st and 2nd heats of the Club Championship racing to take place, with eight starters including newcomer Flying Fifteen Big Red (Graham Elliott with new crew Andrea Bubenik). Ron Walker's Ghost Magic was holed due to a port and starboard incident at the start, and could not participate. The full results of Race 1 of the Club Championships were: FAB (1), Silent Butt Deadly (2), FiftyFifty (3), Antiquity (4), Virginian (5), Micky Ochi Blu (6), Think Big (7) and Big Red (8). The results for Race 2 of the Club Championships were FAB (1), Micky Ochi Blu (2), FiftyFifty (3), Silent Butt Deadly (4), Antiquity (5), Think Big (6), Virginian (7). On Sunday 23rd October, a Trailer Sailer race was not held due to lack of availability of skippers and crew. However, Amelia Brown and Graham Elliott joined skipper Ron Walker on Chris Eades’ Adams 31 foot cruiser Noahs Ark in the St Helena Cup conducted by the Wynnum Manly Yacht Club. There was a fine 8-10 knot Easterly wind for the traditional 'Martini-Glass' course between St Helena Island and Green Island. Noahs Ark finished third in the teams event, out of a total of 26 teams, with three boats to a team. On the weekend of 29th and 30th October, Flying Fifteen International (Queensland) sponsored a Coaching Weekend, which was conducted by professional coach Robbie Lea from the Academy of Sailing. Not only did many of the Flying Fifteen sailors participate in this event, but we also invited Sharpie and 505 sailors to join us. All who participated voted it a great learning experience, and a most enjoyable weekend. Special highlights were Figure 8 drills and short races.
The 3rd and 4th Heats of the Club Championship were sailed on Sunday 13th November, with seven starters, including six Flying Fifteens and one 505. The fastest times on the day were recorded by the 505, Grumpy Old Men, skippered by Peter Croft with crew Gary Rushton. Full results for Race 3 of the Club Championships were: FAB (1), Ghost Magic (2), FiftyFifty (3), Grumpy Old Men (4), Think Big (5) and Seamist (6). Results for Race 4 were: FAB (1), Grumpy Old Men (2), FiftyFifty (3), Ghost Magic (4), Think Big (5) and Seamist (6). Finally, on Sunday 20th November a second Trailer Sailer race was held with four entries. A fine Easterly breeze of 15-20 knots led to a choppy upwind leg from the Shorncliffe pier to the Fisheries beacon, with a fast downwind under spinnakers to the turning mark and back to the pier. Line honours went to Greg Williamson's catamaran Malibu, with crew of Andrew Pearson, Greg Moran and Ian Mitchell Hill. Second was Grumpy, skipper Ron Walker, and crew of Amelia Brown, Daniel Green and new SYC member Lauren Kelly. Next was Suzanne, skippered by Peter Croft, with crew Bill Wheatley aboard. Finally, 4th place Tipsea of Nigel Turner had the crew including Daryl Claffey Though all had a try at starting the outboard on Grumpy without success, there was a very enjoyable sausage sizzle after the race, as well as spectator entertainment courtesy of various dinghy sailors in the creek as the wind built to over 20 knots blowing straight down the creek and white horses galloped across the bay. The (unhandicapped) results for the Trailer Sailer racing on November 20th were: Starting time 10.20 am 1. Malibu, Greg Williamson, with Finishing time 12.07 am 2. Grumpy, Ron Walker, " " 12.20 pm 3. Suzanne, Peter Croft, " " 12.31 pm 4. Tipsea, Nigel Turner, " " 12.48 pm On November 27, the 5th and 6th races of the Club Championships were held, with eight starters. The day dawned with very light air, but a 10-15 knot breeze came up in time for the start, building to 20 knots by midday. The race committee on Moreton Bay included Laurie Williamson, Andrew Pearson and John Mitchell with his grandson William. Six Flying Fifteens went out, along with Sharpie Mango Magic and 505 Grumpy Old Men. After handicap, both races were won by Think Big, under skipper Bruce Wales and crew Richard Cunnold. (Cont’d page 7)
Mango Magic back in the Creek
Vice Commodore: Rear Commodore: Secretary:
Treasurer: FAB after getting a third place
6 -
December 2011/January 2012
3633 0152 0418 757 149 Laurie Williamson 3269 6052 John Mitchell 5484 1738 0429 387 441 3399 1586 Ron Walker 0407 251 413 Graeme Dobson 3262 2269 0417 756 356 Andrew Pearson
Who’s Who in the Zoo Our new Junior Vice President is a relatively new VMRB member and we’re pleased to welcome him to the Management Team. I had been working with David Davis for 5 years when he told me he was a member of VMR Brisbane and the things they did and how much he was learning. He invited me to come down one day and have a look. I didn't do anything for a while as I just couldn't find the time. Eventually I came down and had a look, That was about the time I bought my present boat – a 28 ft Mariner flybridge cruiser named Mystic which Maggie and I enjoy going out on, probably not as often as I'd like. Although I have two sons, aged 29 and 27, they have their own pursuits so we are left to our own devices. I decided to join in case of emergencies. On the maiden cruise home from the Gold Coast in the new boat, we broke a steering yoke as we approached the Port of Brisbane I called David Davis and, although he was not on duty, he said he would get things under way for us. In fact I was lucky as it was just on 5 pm and they about to close down for the day when I called. We dropped anchor, put up the V sheet and waited. David rang back saying Tango crew was on duty and would be about 40 minutes. It was
WAYNE WRIGHT starting to blow pretty hard and cold by the time Energex Sandgate 1 arrived to tow us home. You cannot believe the feeling of relief you feel when you see Energex Sandgate 1 on the horizon coming to get you! It was 8.30 pm by the time we arrived at Dockside in Brisbane where Karl Nast, who was at the helm, put us into the dock without a hitch. They then had to go home so it would have been a late night for them. I decided to become a full crew member the following week and I have been with Quebec crew ever since. David approached me about 4 months ago and said he was going to have a break and would I consider becoming Junior Vice President. I thought it over for a few days then rang David and said I would like to give it a go. So here I am.
Building and Premises Security One of the significant benefits of Club membership is access to a range of facilities. These include the Hardstand, pontoon, downstairs area of our Operations Centre, BBQ and amenities block. All of these areas have some form of security installed to provide some level of security to Club and individual member's property. The Club provides a boom gate, padlocked gates, high wire fences and an after-hours security service. However, the effectiveness of our security arrangement is highly dependent on the users of the facilities. In recent times we have received a number of reports of doors, windows and gates being left unsecured.
I ask that when you are using the Club's facilities you pay attention to how you can play your part in ensuring that all areas are left as secure as possible. In particular, the gates to the Hardstand area must remained closed when not in use. This includes the circumstance where you may be attending to your vessel in the Hardstand area. As in all cases we ask that common sense prevails and that we are all more diligent with the security of our buildings and premises. Thanks in anticipation, Neil Sheppard.
SYC Report for October/November (Cont’d from page 6)
Full results for Club Championship racing on November 27 were: Race 5. 1. Think Big, Bruce Wales and Richard Cunnold 2. Ghost Magic, Ron Walker and Lauren Kelly 3. FAB, Ashley Smith and Adam Kingston 4. FiftyFifty, Ron Godwin and Ken Godwin 5. Corang, Lindsay Gilbert and Luke Botteril 6. Grumpy Old Men, Peter Croft and Rhys Almond 7. Big Red, Graham Elliott and Amelia Brown 8. Mango Magic, Owen Hutchison, Mark Murtagh and Allan Ward Race 6. 1. Think Big, Bruce Wales and Richard Cunnold 2. FiftyFifty, Ron Godwin and Ken Godwin 3. Grumpy Old Men, Peter Croft and Rhys Almond 4. FAB, Ashley Smith and Adam Kingston 5. Corang, Lindsay Gilbert and Luke Botteril
Mark Your Calendars now for Racing in 2012, and for Centenary events! On Saturday, 11th February, 2012, a Cocktail Party will be held at the Sandgate Yacht Club to celebrate the Inauguration Meeting for the Club, which was held on 14th February 1912. This is the first of the Celebrations to be held all next year to celebrate the Centenary of the S.Y.C. - Amelia Brown & Ron Walker Grumpy Old Men relishing the conditions
The last round of Club Championship racing for 2011 is planned for December 11 (10 am start), with Trailer Sailer racing on December 4 Glenn, christening and a Christmas racethe fordishwasher all on December 18 (noon start).
December 2011/January 2012 - 7
Lionfish Dive Group Jackpots at Las Vegas and Aahrus Wreck comes alive! by ANITA ONG th
Saturday 5 November
An overcast start to the day and a slight swell on the way out; seeing a few upset tummies turned into beautiful sunshine and mild seas. We had our first dive at Las Vegas which some of us had not dived before so it was a real treat! 30m VIS! Fantastic! We descended to 25m and could see natural light bouncing off the colourful soft corals that lined the superb rock formation. We headed due north along the wall careful to keep an eye on our partial pressures for those diving with Nitrox and our NDL's for those of us with Air. We saw yellow spotted Moray eels, Green turtles, Cleaner shrimps, dozens of Nudibranch's and an array of soft and hard corals with bright yellows, oranges, peaches and whites coming through strongly for the underwater photographers. It was beautiful scenery and a place you would be quite happy doing a very long deco dive on. Unfortunately at depth, time flew past and as we turned the dive the AIR divers were forced up higher into the blue, but great conditions and thoroughly enjoyed by all. We experienced great service from Ocean Cat with coffee, tea and hot chocolate matched with cookies, chocolate cake, pizza and sausage rolls! I was starting to think a strong current may be necessary to work off all of this yummy food! We headed to the Aahrus wreck for our second dive, again a first for some divers. The VIS was 20m!! and the wreck was alive with a million wonderful creatures; that you didn't notice how small in scale the actual site was. There was a bit of current sweeping through some low lying areas, but the site is known for having much worse current so all in all we were very lucky today. We saw an amazing big octopus put on quite a
Club Nights Second Tuesday of the month at 6.30pm at VMR
colourful display, along with its three smaller counterparts who were hiding in the soft corals, tiny clown fish and baby anemones, a wonderful bright orange hermit crab who was not camera shy, the biggest Nudibranch you've ever seen munching down on some weed, a Bull ray, and some large Cod. On both dives we had around 50 minute dives, great VIS and pretty good currents. After our hot showers we finished the day having a relaxing lunch in the sun by the shore which consisted of moist chicken, gourmet salads and bread rolls, followed by ice cream! We then cruised back to the harbour to return to the unfortunate reality of the real world. Anita Ong The big octopus
Club committee meetings Last Wednesday of the month at 6.30pm. venue to be arranged
Club Contacts Steve Dobson - Ocean Cat Trips 3203.2479 - email: Katherine Harding - general enquiries 0408 789707 - email: Leafy Sea Dragon
Did you know...?
The giant squid's brain is a torus shape, and its esophagus runs through it. If the squid eats anything too big, it will suffer massive brain damage. (Evolution at its finest...) Helping it stay true to its name, the Vampire Squid comes complete with its own cape, made from arms connected by black webbing. The webbing help propel it through the water and almost fly like—you guessed it—a bat. But by far, the coolest/weirdest thing about this sea creature is its ability to hypnotize its prey using what's knowns as "photophores" on its arms. So basically it's a living, breathing dance club. The Leafy Sea Dragon is one of the few sea creatures with its own built-in camouflage. The tiny fins that are used to propel our leafy friend forward are impossible to see, giving the illusion that you are merely watching some seaweed lazily float by (like an underwater plastic bag à la American Beauty). The Dana Octopus Squid mesmerizes its prey by flashing. By emitting flashes of light used to blind their prey, the Dana Octopus Squid successfully disorients, then captures them.
- December 2011/January 2012
There are always interesting paddles being held by various members. Recently there were also two paddles in different parts of the Pumicestone Passage (on one we 'discovered' the remains of an old lighthouse) and two 'home' paddles up the Brisbane River (where we found the remains of the old pilot launch, the Teal, buried in the mud near Kangaroo Point. Both discoveries required a bit of satisfying historical research to identify the finds. On the racing front, there was a doubles time trial on Saturday 13th August. It was a beautiful morning, with perfect conditions: sun shining, water like glass and the competitors having the tide with them both ways. Winners were Peter Rummery and Cheryl Christensen paddling a TK2. Congratulations! th
On 8 October, the annual 365 Day Challenge was held. This all came about when Mike Parsons put a challenge out that he would beat Ray Dahl within 12 months (it didn't happen and would never happen, Ray reckons!). Bets were laid and the champagne flowed. This tradition was taken on board and is now open to all paddlers. The winner's trophy is on display in the club's trophy cabinet at the VMRB. Other race news includes the Currumbin Capers – here is a photo of one of our winning teams: Mike and Linda – TK2 - 1st Mixed Young Vets
The Sandgate Canoe Club has been conducting The King Billy Cup series of races every fortnight on a Thursday getting underway at 5.30pm. The races are a 5km twilight time trial for fun and fitness. They start from “Chickens Landing” (the boat ramp near the Co-op). The first of races proved a great success with 13 competitors eager for the 5.30pm start. Conditions were perfect, with high tide at 3pm providing plenty of water over the reef at the entrance to the creek. With sunset at 6.00pm, we considered getting a head lamp for one paddler in particular (just kidding Mike). Thanks go to Bill and Dell Ledgerwood for the well cooked BBQ enjoyed by all after the race. General Paddle information All Paddles shown in the newsletter or amendments otherwise issued are sanctioned. ? There is always a paddle at Yundah St on Saturdays starting at 8am and Tuesdays at 9am. ( Nominate leader on day) ? There may be a paddle at Yundah St on Sundays starting at 9am. (See John Blackley) ? In June, July, and August there may be an alternative paddle at Yundah St on Saturdays starting at 9am (See John Blackley) ? All Distances are return. ? All paddles are for everyone subject to self assessment in accordance with the club paddle grading system. ? We want to make paddling as interesting and enjoyable as possible, if you have any ideas for a paddle contact one of the paddle committee members. ? Race Training paddles –most mornings –paddle from Yundah St.
Club President email: Club Secretary email: Club email: Web page: Newsletter email:
Management Committee - 1st Saturday at 10.30 a.m. Sub-Committee - 3rd Wednesday alternate months at 7.00pm General Meetings - at 11.00am on the first Saturday in March, June (AGM), September, November
Alpha Crew Barbecue: 20th January, 2012 A Salute to Aussies The January BBQ may seem a long way away right now but preparations are already underway. The theme is “A Salute to Aussies” – please RSVP by 13 January to or text 0415 254 732. It would help us a lot if you could: § RSVP as soon as possible – we'd like to hear from you even if you can't attend – this helps us predict the number of people that might attend.
§ Any special dietary requirements – we will do our best to accommodate. § If you advise that you are coming along but something prevents you from attending then any advance warning you can give us would be greatly appreciated. There is also an Early Booking prize, just like the Lucky Door Prize, for someone who books and comes along on the night!
December 2011/January 2012 - 9
Me and My Boat HUGH MARTIN Howdy, having come to boating from some 20 odd years of the competitive sidecar section of motorcycle racing, one would think life was going to be a complete “sea change” for me. My dear wife Carolyn was excited and very keen to buy a tinny and get stuck into some fishing, a love she inherited from her late dad. My interests lay towards sailing. The theory, I explained to Carolyn was, one can fish out of a sail boat though not sail a fishing boat. In company with life-long mates Len and Carolyn Fairweather (now there's a good boating surname), we sailed the Whitsundays on a 38 foot Farr sloop, in fairly good conditions and fell in love with sailing. It took some time to study what was affordable and available and, as our other recreational pursuit was camping, we gravitated towards a trailer sailer. We bit the bullet, purchased a 23 foot Sonata 7 subsequently named Sidecar. This name has confused people over the years as many think the boat is a catamaran not a mono.
likes the heavy going. Sometimes the 3 or 4 hours' ride home in bad weather is extremely exhilarating to say the least. There was a period when we engaged with a group for day sails, with disadvantaged kids and their carers, you would say the carers were getting as much out of the sailing experience as the kids and we hoped our efforts gave the kids a different perspective for their futures. Many times we surprised a number of fishermen when, with sails furled and the keel up (only drawing 30 cms), we fished with them around the oyster leases and shallows of Deanbilla Bay and other spots, also laying and retrieving crab pots. For some time the competitive side emerged and we sailed Sidecar in Surf to City, Bay to Bay and other events never shining brightly but enjoying the camaraderie. Our social sailing crews, Troubadour, Tipsea, Adina, In the Red, Sounds of Silence and Sidecar enjoyed our trips for a number of years. Unfortunately, bad weather, work, family commitments and other things managed to get in the way.
Carolyn worked with two ladies whose husbands volunteered lots of time with Sandgate Air Sea Rescue and they suggested I join up as I urgently needed to gain experience around the bay. Those two gentlemen (now sadly passed on) were both highly respected men, i.e. John Dohle and John Porter.
These days the sailing experience has been on the back burner for too long, though I am fortunate to get a few races in lately as crew with Nigel Turner on his vessel Tipsea. This brings the men of the old sail group together and for me, one of the things that gives me a real buzz is race starts, it is no place for the faint hearted. These days' fleet numbers are down but in the earlier days it could be absolute pandemonium. The mayhem of a start!
I did join VMRB and was allocated to November Crew - might I add the one and only crew! We started out enjoying the bay with our mates onboard, anchoring overnight at many different locations meeting other yachties. A good group developed all sailing out of Sandgate and weather permitting we would sail each month. The group's exploits were often featured in Boat Talk detailing all the odd anecdotes and party times had. Sailing in a group like this also increased the knowledge gained, everyone contributed valuable information. We sailed everywhere (Bribie to Southport) and all points between.
At times we caught up with the bay cruisers, the likes of Tiata, Warramunga, and their gang living the life of “sheer bloody luxury”. As you would expect, we experienced some fantastic trips and also many very wild and woolly days, however Sidecar is a forgiving boat that
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December 2011/January 2012
The Surf to City this year was memorable as the outside fleet race was cancelled due to gale force conditions but the inside fleet were started with winds expected at 25-30 knots. There were a lot of retirements, some lost crew overboard (though later saved) others had breakages of equipment and, sadly, one boat sank near Mud Island after the long and rough haul up from St. Helena Island, the crew rescued, boat lost.
(cont’d page 11)
2010-2011 Flood and Cyclone Citations
Pictured, from left, are Bob Chapman, Cr Victoria Newton, Inspector David Kolb, John Belling, Neil Sheppard, Vicky Darling MLA, Peter Van Sloten, Bill Hirn, Robert Brock, John Jacobsen, Glenn Philip, David Davis, Harry Hubner, Tom Ivins, Alan Crawford, Thomas Grice, Ian McCartney and Shane Clark. Not present to receive their awards on the night were George Fisher and Joe McCoy. On 25th November, 14 of our members plus John Jacobsen, President of VMRAQ, Harry Hubner, Secretary/Manager and Robert Brock, State Training Officer, VMRAQ, were presented with Queensland Government 2010-2011 Flood and Cyclone Citations. David Kolb, Inspector, State Water Police Coordinator did the honours, ably assisted by Vicky Darling MLA, and Cr. Victoria Newton. These
badges recognise our VMR members who assisted in so many ways following the dreadful floods in January 2011. Every recipient was presented with two badges, both red and white, with the one measuring 2 centimetres across being the ceremonial version and a smaller one for everyday use.
Me and My Boat: Hugh Martin (cont’d from page 10)
On the social side, however, plans are afoot in 2012 to revive it all as some have retired from work and we could have more time to enjoy it once again. The most value we have gained from boating is the friendship from a wide-ranging circle of people attached to our association, and regardless of the size or cost of the vessel there is not a lot that compares with being in good company and having a light drink as the sun sets while safely anchored in the lee of Straddie or Moreton Islands. Safe boating Huge Martini
Sidecar resting peacefully at Tangalooma
Hugh racing his Sidecar (above) and the real one (left) on 26.2.84
And going back even further to Hugh’s days in a band. This time at Mt Gravatt on 7.9.1963.
December 2011/January 2012 -
Tango Crew’s Dinner Tango Crew
28th October, 2011
Annette Sheppard with a Lucky RSVP Prize
Maureen McCartney won the Lucky Door Prize
Sizzling Summer Salad Banquet
We were glad to welcome a number of new members tonight however we are curious why around 25 of the people who registered their intention to attend, did not appear. Tango Crew put on a variety of dips and cheeses with crackers and chips for starters. Main course began with 3 enormous platters of delicious cold meats: ham, silverside and roast beef. A variety of salads and fresh bread rolls accompanied our meat range. Icecream and apple strudel finished off the meal. After Peter Leech boomed out to get everyone's attention, Richard conducted the Gooseclub Draw. Unfortunately for Grant McHugh, he wasn't there to collect the $350 prize so it jackpotted to $400 for November. The RSVP lucky tickets were won by Alistair Duffey and Annette Shepherd. They can look forward to using their Laurel Shanley won 2nd prize vouchers at La Festa Restaurant in Sandgate. Maureen McCartney won the Lucky Door Prize. First prize in the raffle was a much sought after Oktoberfest Beer Pack and this was won by non-beer drinker, Luke Hillyard. The 2nd prize World Rugby Backpack and 2 bottles of rd wine was won by Laurel Shanley. 3 prize was also coveted by many but it was won by non rum-drinking Bill McCord. We have no doubt that Luke and Bill will have some friends who will help them with their prizes. New President Neil then introduced other new team members, including our new Junior Vice President Wayne Wright. He also told everyone about the recent great successes with grants and donations which will be a wonderful help to our organization. Bill McCord with 3rd prize in the raffle
Tina and Dave Harris with Jamie Bradley
Ann Hanson, Laurel and Liam Shanley and Jim Hanson
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Luke Hillyard won 1st prize in the raffle
Alistair Duffey with one of the Booking Prizes
December 2011/January 2012
November Crew Dinner 25th November, 2011 Ron Watson, Energex spokesman, is always welcome
November Crew plus helpers
It was a full house for the Flood Citations presentations
Ross Smith won 3rd raffle prize
Charlene Clark and another Door Prize
November Crew's BBQ was an outstanding success with 120 people in attendance. We were joined by David Kolb - Inspector State Water Police Coordinator, Vicky Darling MP, Councillor Victoria Newton, John Jacobsen VMRAQ President, Harry Hubner - VMRAQ Secretary / Manager, the members of the VMRAQ State Council, Ron Watson – Energex, and Peter Keyte - Port of Brisbane. It was a night of highlights with: § Citations presented to a number of our crew in recognition of the efforts of our Volunteers during the January floods. In doing so we also recognised the work our Volunteers do on a day-to-day basis that often goes unnoticed. (See page 11 for the group photo.) § Peter Keyte from the Port of Brisbane presenting us with a cheque for $15,000 for the purchase of thermal imaging equipment plus offering assistance with linking to the Port's Automatic Vessel Identification and camera systems. Luke Hillyard is becoming a serial Nicole Clark and the Door Prize § Ron Watson from Energex advising of a further donation of $5,000 making the winner. 1st in the raffle again. Joy & David Massam with their total donation by Energex to our Squadron $25,000 for this financial year. Early Booking Prize The success of this event can be attributed to the hard work and dedication of a number of people starting with the November Crew and wives, and Chris & Narelle Hillyard and daughter Jane for assisting in the kitchen. Sharon Hickey of Daisy’s Snackbar catered the main course and November Crew provided the nibbles and desserts. Special thanks also to Jim Hansen for providing the entertainment for the night – Jim, you were magnificent. Col English was happy he attended, as he won the Goose Club which was up to $400. The Lucky Door Prize was a Christmas Cake with a Full Moon beer voucher and Andrew Pearson and 2nd prize that was won by Nicole Clark. The prize for a person who booked early was a $50.00 gift voucher from 4017 Bar & Grill and this was won by Joy Massam. A second prize of a meal voucher from La Festa Restaurant was won by Charlene Clark. First prize in the raffle was the coffee machine donated by Breville to the Shopping Trip ladies and this was won by Lucky Luke Hillyard. Second prize, a bottle of wine in a wine cooler, with a Full Moon beer voucher was won by Andrew Pearson. Doug Young, recognised for Third prize, a wine survival kit with a Full Moon beer voucher was taken home by his long service Ross Smith.
Enjoy a social evening on Friday, 20th January, 2012 at our dinner evening hosted by Alpha Crew from 7pm at $12.50 a head. Bring your family and friends! Members’ Draw is back to $50
December 2011/January 2012 - 13
Book Review: One Common Enemy Author: Jim McLoughlin The sea can be a dangerous and exacting enemy and there have been a number of extraordinary survivals including: · Bligh's epic 47 day 3600 Nautical Mile navigation in a crowded open boat after the HMS Bounty mutiny where Bligh's longboat crew lost only one life (due to an attack by hostile islanders), · Shackleton's 800 mile 15 day mission across the wild Antarctic Ocean in a tarp covered lifeboat to raise help to rescue the rest of his crew stranded on Elephant Island saving all crew, and · The sadder lifeboat tale from the Cunard line RMS Laconia sunk in 1942 700 miles off Africa's West Coast. A chilling coincidence is that the earlier Cunard RMS Laconia launched in 1911 (10 years before the launching of her identically named successor) had been sunk during WW 1 in the evening of 25 February 1917 after being struck by two torpedoes from the German U-Boat U50. Liverpudlian Jim McLoughlin was one of the 1942 sinking's survivors and his book of the above title is one which raises one's ire at the ironic tragedies of wartime. Jim's father had been a prewar steward on the Laconia and he gave parental permission for the just-turned 17 years old son to join the Royal Navy in 1938. Jim had brought home enlistment forms after his boyish enthralment was engaged months before when he visited Able Seaman Jim McLoughlin, RN the outdated but impressive battleship. HMS Royal Oak opened to the Liverpool Public as part of rearmament recruiting. Jim completed his naval training and was initially drafted to the Royal Oak - but before he could join her, she was torpedoed by a U-Boat U47 in 1939 in the Scapa Flow naval anchorage North of Scotland with the loss of 833 of her 1234 crew. Jim was then drafted to the more modern Battleship HMS Valiant and after various voyages on her, she was severely damaged in Alexandria Harbour, Egypt, after an attack by Italian frogmen who had attached limpet mines to the hull of the docked warship. Many of Valiant's crew were sent off to various useful tasks during the long repairs - and after guard duties in Port Said, Jim was sent to South Africa by ship as a guard of Italian POWs. Eventually he was posted back from Capetown to England and with 1800 Italian POWs, this time guarded by Polish soldiers, while Jim was attached to the gun crew of the lightly armed Laconia. All told, there were some 2700 on board the Admiralty Armed merchantman on the 12 September 1942 when at 8.10 pm and sailing alone, she was struck by two torpedoes from the German s U-Boat U156 and the Laconia sank quickly thereafter. 32 of the lifeboats had been destroyed or lost in the explosions
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December 2011/January 2012
Reviewer: Daryl Claffey accompanying the attack and Jim found himself in his life vest aboard some larger flotsam when U156 surfaced and its Capt Hartenstein took Jim and others aboard, apologising that as the Laconia was armed, it was a legitimate target for attack without forewarning. The good Captain went against his own orders in exposing his sub and crew to risk as he filled his deck with survivors, provided some sustenance for them, and also took crammed lifeboats in tow.
He radioed the sinking seeking assistance for Laconia's survivors. He also put a Red Cross on his vessel while it was participating in this mercy mission. While a few other submarines were at hand, they were totally unsuitable for the humanitarian rescue of those marooned on the sea. The essential surface vessels were farther away from the calamity and those rendering assistance principally came from from Vichy French Territory in NorthWest Africa. These did pick up many of the survivors but before that could happen, on the morning after the sinking, a US B24 Liberator Bomber on patrol from Ascension Island, spotted the sub. Capt Hartenstein, under the Red Cross flag and with decks crammed with survivors and three lifeboats in tow, signalled to the bomber but the communications went awry. The bomber pilot, James Harden, radioed his base for instructions and was ordered to sink the sub. His bomb failed to sink U156 but did capsize one of the lifeboats and being daytime, it forced the sub to crash dive leaving numerous survivors in the sea.
The sub surfaced that night with Capt Hartenstein apologising for being unable to continue assistance but he provided the lifeboat a bearing and the 700 miles distance to the Africa. (Cont’d page 17)
VMRB Duty Roster for 2012
EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS Ambulance, Fire, Police 000 Mobile Phone Emergency No. 112 Poisons Information Centre 131 126 VMR Sandgate 3269 8888 A/H Emergency VMRB 0428 022 881 Water Police 3895 0333
(Even if you have no credit or service) (Poisons, medicines, plants, bites & stings) Try radio first - Channels 88 or 91 VHF Channels 16 or 67
DUTY MASTERS Alpha Crew Bravo Crew Charlie Crew Delta Crew Foxtrot Crew November Crew Papa Crew Quebec Crew Sierra Crew Tango Crew
Joe McCoy Ian McCartney Bill Hirn Bob Chapman Thomas Grice David Davis Nigel Turner TBA Callum Baird Karl Nast
3269.1255 3869 0916 3203 5865 3216 5521 3869 2825 3269 7937 3264 3648 3869 1515 3886 5451
December 2011/January 2012 - 15
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December 2011/January 2012
Book Review: One Common Enemy (Cont’d) from page 14)
When the sub had dived during the air attack, Jim McLoughlin was left in the sea and managed to swim to one of the remaining overfilled lifeboats. Its occupants were pushing those in the sea away from its sides, but Jim was spotted by a Navy occupant who insisted on hauling Jim aboard. There were 68 people crammed, some standing, in the 30 ft lifeboat with limited food and water and a compass. These were not amongst the more fortunate 1000 later found and saved by ships which briefly attended but had to leave on account of the ongoing dangers of attack. Indeed 42 of this lifeboat's number would join the other 1740 who lost their lives in the tragedy.Jim's story focuses on the next 27 days adrift in an overcrowded lifeboat attempting to row and sail 700 miles with a small makeshift sail. As time progressed, many died of exposure, despair and malnutrition, and at the hands of a callous cabal of service personnel in the vessel's stern who had taken control of the meagre rations at hand. They even resorted to throwing overboard, at night, survivors considered too weak to row. Jim, in another group in the bow, spent the rest of his life with recurring nightmares of these events. On st his 21 birthday he was given an extra teaspoon of welcome water.
On making shore, the 16 survivors were found by natives who carried their emancipated forms to their village and commenced to assist rehabilitation. While in the village, Jim contracted malaria. The survivors were soon ferried to Freetown in Liberia and billeted with European residents pending repatriation to Britain. Jim was drafted to return on a destroyer HMS Hecla however a
collapse with malarial fever saw Jim miss the fast ship home to his good fortune. Hecla too was torpedoed and sunk on 12 November 1942 off Casablanca on that very voyage by U515 with huge loss of life. A physical shadow of his former self, the physically and mentally debilitated Jim made it back to Liverpool where he was granted a very short leave and he set off to visit his family. After waiting long with his naval uniform hanging off his scrawny body, he joined a bus where an aggressive female conductress ordered him off as she said “This bus is reserved for Defence Industry Workers”. A long wait ensued before an alternative bus arrived and finally Jim got a short joyful reunion with family. Immediately thereafter Jim's couple of hours late return to base resulted in punishment for being AWOL. Eventually the Doctor on Jim's next ship detected his state of ongoing depression and he was posted to sentry duties at a shore-based Navy Radio facility. There he met one of the Wran Radio operators and was fortunate enough to court and marry her. Discharged as unfit for further service following the close of the war, and having no other workskills, Jim commenced an apprenticeship as a bricklayer but found the winter jobsites in war-ravaged Britain challenging. Then an old Navy friend suggested he try the Police Force. He joined the Police and subsequently passed promotional exams but he was informed he was more suited as a country constable - so he migrated to Australia where he went on to have a very successful career in the Police Force in Adelaide where he also raised a happy family. The book has tragedy and irony. The compassion of an older nurse in the lifeboat and of the U-Boat Captain (who later refused shore promotion to remain with his loyal crew and with whom he was to die when U165 was sunk) is in sharp contrast to the callousness often seen from many of those on his own side in the conflict. The common enemy to all was the sea. When we complain about our own misfortunes, disappointments and environment - we too often forget how very fortunate we really are. This is an easy worthwhile read and is on the discount shelves in the bookstores. A separate BBC mini-series on The Sinking of the Laconia may also be accessed via the Internet. - Daryl Claffey
Our own base is a great place to celebrate birthdays and other functions. There is a stage, large room with wooden floor suitable for dancing, nice new kitchen, separate carpeted area and verandah. Licenced and manned by bar staff. (No BYO.) To hire upstairs for an evening the fees are: Members $142 (no bond) and Non-Members $320 with a $320 bond, with a non-negotiable cleaning fee of $250 for all.
What do you see? 11 ships or 3 ships and 8 arches?
For bookings and available dates, contact Tom Begbie 3269.8633.
December 2011/January 2012 - 17
Overview of the Coxswain’s Course TDM07 Every now and then I am asked “So how long will it take me to achieve Coxswain level of qualification and experience?” So probably the best place to start is with some background on the course. It is appreciated that some people find it difficult to understand the length of time it takes to complete the Coxswains Course TDM07. What is TDM 07? TDM stands for Transport and Distribution Management and it is a course that was developed by the Industry Skills Council and came into play in 2007. It is the National Training Course for Coxswains throughout Australia. One benefit of participating in a national course is that successful students receive formal recognition of their skills and experience. The curriculum covers a broad range of topics from first aid through to navigation and environmental considerations. There are some 20 subjects in all. A typical subject includes a theory component with a closed book written exam, assignment, and practical assessment. The assessment program is comprehensive and designed to ensure that students are competent in all aspects of the course. The VMRAQ Training website provides a wealth of information and the content of this site is continually being improved. There are two publications which are of benefit to members and they are the Small
Paddy says, "Mick, I'm thinking of buying a Labrador." "Don't do that," says Mick. "Have you seen how many of their owners go blind?
Ships Manual 6 Edition, published by MSQ and the Australian Boating Manual 4th Edition by Captain Dick Gandy. For VMR students the course involves visits to shipyards to inspect larger and more complex vessels than those normally encountered in a VMR Squadron. For many VMR students it will take 2+ years of part time study to be fully competent and attain VMR Coxswain status. This timeframe is simply a product of the thoroughness of the course as well as that theory knowledge of a subject alone does not give a person experience in that area and it is the practical experience with the underpinning theory that develops a good seaman. There are full time Coxswain training courses available through certain TAFEs. These are intensive full time courses – course costs are borne by the student. This may be VMRAQ's goal: to produce good coxswains with knowledge and practical experience. Regards Peter J Leech UTC VMR Sandgate
The wife has been missing a week now. Police said to prepare for the worst. So I've been to the charity shop to get all her clothes back.
My neighbor knocked on my door at 2.30 this morning. Can you believe that? 2.30 a.m.! Lucky for him I was still up playing my Bagpipes. The Grim Reaper came for me last night and I beat him off with a vacuum cleaner. Talk about Dyson with death.
My daughter asked me for a pet spider for her birthday, so I went to our local pet shop and they were $70. "Blow that," I thought. "I can get one cheaper off the web!”
VMRB Annual Shopping Trip Our shopping trip this year started with everyone scurrying to the bus at our Base just as the Heavens opened up with a very noisy storm and the rain bucketing down. We left on time at 8.00am with 4 VMR Ladies and 18 friends/family - only a small group but we had a great day. By the time we reached our second outlet, the rain had cleared and we were able to dry out and warm up with a hot coffee.
This is a great way to spend a day and raise much needed funds for OUR CLUB. We will be doing it all again next year, and it would be great to welcome Ladies who have not joined us before and also welcome back those who were not able to join us this year. Rae Hirn Some of the ladies enjoying a coffee break
We held continuous lucky number draws throughout the day with 40 odd prizes (all donated) won by some very happy ladies. The main raffle prize of $50 Coles/Myer voucher won by Gail, one of the friends. Second prize was a large planter urn donated by Interior Discounters (one of our outlets) which was won by Tracey, one of the family. Breville, our first outlet, donated a Drip Filter Coffee Machine that we raffled at the November BBQ. The buffet lunch at Bronco's Leagues Club was very well received by the ladies, many of whom also enjoyed a chilled glass of wine or a hot cappuccino. We finished the day at the Xmas Shack and were back at our Base at 6.30pm. In all we invested $5762.69 (excluding GST) and earned $375 Commission for VMR; imagine what we could raise if we had more support from VMR Ladies!
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December 2011/January 2012
VMRB Duty Roster for 2012
December 2011/January 2012 - 19
The Croc Whisperer 53-year-old Chito, a Costa Rican fisherman, amazes onlookers by wading chestdeep into the water, then whistling for his 980lb 17 ft long buddy - and giving him an affectionate hug. Chito made friends with the croc after finding him with a gunshot wound on the banks of the Barron River near Cairns 30 years ago. He had been shot in the left eye by a cattle farmer and was close to death. But Chito enlisted the help of several pals to load the massive reptile into his boat. Chito named the crocodile Pocho which means strength although he only weighed 150 kg at the time. Eventually the beast started to recover, and then to grow, and grow, and grow. Fed on fish and chicken, it never had to fend for itself from thereon. And as time went by, a great deal of time, the crocodile actually started to come out of the water to Chito when called. Of course, that’s not particularly remarkable when you consider the bond. But when Pocho actually walked out of the water to follow Chito home one night, the fisherman knew that this was something more than the usual man-crocodile relationship. It actually took years before he felt that Pocho had bonded with him enough to get closer to the animal. Now he swims and plays with Pocho as well as feeding him at the lake near his home in the Lakeland river north west of Cairns, Qld. For a few years, the odd couple have been a major tourist attraction, with several tour operators, including Crocodile Adventures, taking visitors on touring cruises to see the pair.
And now from one extreme to the other!
Crocodile Shoes A blonde was on holiday and driving through Darwin. She desperately wanted to take home a pair of genuine crocodile shoes but was very reluctant to pay the high prices the local vendors were asking. After becoming very frustrated with the "no haggle on prices" attitude of one of the shopkeepers, the blonde shouted, “Well then, maybe I'll just go out and catch my own crocodile, so I can get a pair of shoes for free". The shopkeeper said with a sly, knowing smile, "Little lady, just go and give it a try"! The blonde headed out toward the river, determined to catch a crocodile! Later in the day, as the shopkeeper is driving home, he pulls over to the side of the bank where he spots the same young woman standing waist deep in the murky water, a shotgun in her hand. Just then, he spots a huge 3 metre croc swimming rapidly toward her. With lightning speed, she takes aim, kills the creature and hauls it onto the slimy banks of the river. Lying nearby were 7 more of the dead creatures, all lying on their backs. The shopkeeper stood on the bank, watching in silent amazement. The blonde struggled and flipped the Croc onto its back. - Rolling her eyes heavenward and screaming in great frustration, she shouts out..... *" SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! THIS ONE'S BAREFOOT, TOO"!* ****
20 - December 2011/January 2012
Dec 2011/Jan 2012 Birthdays
John Mackinnon Graham Makin Keith Nickerson Andrew Pearson Troy Schultz Peter Tommasi Charles Trevarthen Peter Van Sloten Bruce Wales Hielke Wiersma Barry Wilson Wayne Wright Bob Walkre Henry Klein Tom Lunney Ray O'Hara Ray Langdon Vince Nissen Callum Baird Robert Caputo Daryl Claffey Wayne Cross Peter Eickenhoff Ronald Godwin Col Guy Colleen Hobdell
LONG 153º 10’E
Horrie Hunt David Kirkpatrick Alan Appleton John Barringer Sean Bartleet Paul Clarke Peter Grainger Bernard Lanham Greg Litherland Robert Litherland Mike Mason Kimberly Mustchin Noel Peinke John Raisin Chris Ranga Lance Sewell Mark Stenhouse Greg Williamson Geoffrey Berg Allana Bold Lyn Dean Stephen Dobson Sue Gallagher William Murray Cindy Thompson Philip Woodhouse
©Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2010 Bureau of Meteorology Datum of Predictions is lowest Astronomical Tide
Moon Symbols:
New Moon
First Quarter
2011/2012 Time Zone - 1000
Times and Heights of High and Low Waters
National Tidal Centre
Full Moon
Last Quarter
Tide times provided by courtesy of Maritime Safety Queensland. For more information, see the Official Queensland Tide Tables published by Maritime Safety Queensland and the World Wide Web at The tidal predictions for Brisbane Bar are supplied by the National Tidal Centre, Bureau of Meteorology, copyright reserved.
VALE Margaret Withers We regret we must relay the very sad news that Margaret Withers, the wife of former Quebec Crew Master, Ian Withers, passed away on 27th November after a short illness. Margaret was only 58 years old. Our sincere sympathies are extended to Ian and the other members of her family, including 5 grandchildren on their loss.
ADVERTISING TERMS & CONDITIONS Advertising is available in this publication in the size and form as used on this page - approx 10cm x 5cm. Ads will be b&w placed as appropriate within the magazine on a monthly basis. Cost is $25 a month, paid in advance each June & December. One month’s notice is also required should a long-term ad be altered or withdrawn from publication. To arrange advertising or for further information, contact
December 2011/January 2012 - 21
Crew Lists and Qualifications This Roster is a living, working document, and as such will change from time to time, and details may be omitted or entered incorrectly. Should you find an error, please contact Karl Nast on 3886 5451 to arrange for the correction.
Coxswain ? Radio Operator ? Crew Master Advanced Crew Awaiting confirmation of ? Duty Master ? Senior Crew SES Registration & participation
ALPHA Joe McCoy Tom Ivins Alan Crawford Peter Van Sloten Beau Lloyd Paul Harris Alan Henderson
3269 1255 3261 3275 3356 2625 3385 0775 0433 601007 3269 8769 0417 631819
BRAVO Ian McCartney Cliff Gibson Brian Mathews Peter Quinn Gerfried Steindl Allan Eustace John Belling
PAPA Nigel Turner 3869 0916 ? ? ? ? Daryl Claffey 3886 0548 ? ? ? ? Gavan Orders 3265 2326 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Chris Brown 3269 3373 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? John Barringer 0407 450110 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Kerry Kyle-Little 32694072 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 0422 972076 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? QUEBEC
CHARLIE Bill Hirn Nino Aceto Joe Myatt Robin Young Paul Hollingdale Doug Young Warwick Stone Patrick Roos Ian Gillies
? ? ? ? NOVEMBER ? ? ? ? ? David Davis ? ? ? ? ? ? Denis Grant ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Tom Lunney ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Hugh Martin ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Cameron Pegler ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
3269 7937 3267 7269 3300 5916 3267 6125 3269 9902 3264 3648 3283 1259 3314 0898 0407 692784 0414 234511 0404 029534
STANDBY George Fisher ? ? ? ? David Massam ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Paul Massam ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Bob Moritz ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Simon Middap ? ? ? ? ? ? ? John Belling
0400 963344 3865 6364 0431 166579 0401 144615 0419 677101 0422 972076
R Available Days ¶ Available Nights
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
AFTER-HOURS EMERGENCY CALLOUT ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? NIGHT SKIPPERS ? ? ? ? ? ? ? David Davis R ¶ 3269 7937 0417 627014 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? -Joe McCoy R ¶ 3269 1255 0418 879677 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Ian McCartney R ¶ 3869 0916 0429 407996 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Callum Baird R ¶ 3869 1515 -
CREW ? ? ? ? ? ? Shane Clark ¶ 0448 795898 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Peter Birkbeck R ¶ 3269 2020 0409 741285 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Tom Ivins R ¶ 3261 3275 ? ? ? ? ? Bob Chapman ¶ 3216 5521 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Cliff Gibson R ¶ 3886 0548 0413 076953 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? David Massam ¶ 3865 6364 0421 158136 Paul Massam ¶ 0431 166579 Thomas Grice ¶ 3869 2825 James Mathieson R ¶ 3269 2642 ? ? ? ? Michael Overend R ¶ 3269 1922 ? ? ? ? ? Michael Jealous ¶ 3269 4904 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ¶ Glen Phillip 0433 154105 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? John Belling R ¶ 0422 972076 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ZULU AUXILLIARY CREW ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Deidre Windham BOAT TALK Editor 3602 5250/ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Publicity 0419 766687 Tom Begbie Hall Hire 3269 8633 Rae Hirn Social Activities 3203 5865 ? ? ? ? Jan Young Social Activities 3265 5892 ? ? ? ? Angie Aceto Social Activities 3264 6104 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?tba Fishing & Cruising ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Peter Leech UTC and WH&SO 3314 0388 Glenn Philip 0433 154105 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Stan Lewis Members’ Rep. 3203 4164 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?tba Michael Gill-Bailey 3269 6363 Club Historian ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Should you find yourself unable to carry out duty on your Crew’s rostered day, ? ? ? ? ? ? ? you are reminded that you are required to find ? ? ? ? ? ? ? - as soon as possible ? ? ? ? ? ? ? a replacement crew member for your duties from within this list, ? ? ? ? ? ?
Les Pascoe 3216 5801 Robert Massey 5498 5526 ? ? ? ? Tony Lloyd 33594736 ? ? ? ? Dean Steinback 3263 5583 ? ? ? ? Lionel Baker 3869 1018 ? ? ? ? Wayne Wright 0407 916388/ ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 3639 4078 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SIERRA ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Callum Baird 3869 1515 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Graham Makin 3203 6015 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Reinhard Ganzer 3263 3990 Jean-Paul Cardoso 0448 122363 Chris Hillyard 3269 3239 ? ? ? ? Neil Sheppard 3264 2700 ? ? ? ? Jim Toyer 0416 207969 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Bill McCord 3353 8041 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? TANGO ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Karl Nast 3886 5451 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Shane Clark 0448 795898 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Ray Henery 3266 5454 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? David Massam 3166 9742
3203 5865 page has been left blank intentionally This 3264 6104
DELTA Bob Chapman Ross Lind Bob Moritz James Mathieson Greg Keough Julie Young Steve Larman Justin Peters Luke Hillyard
0413 543072 0413 336504 3264 7472 3265 5892 3264 5258 3264 1131 3482 2115/ 0413 752857 3216 5521 5498 6705 0401 144615 3269 2642 3261 8821 0411 887855 0400 204214 0434 622774 0421 239559
FOXTROT Thomas Grice 3869 2825 Bob Walker 3266 8867 Graeme Dobson 3262 2269 Bob Gray 3265 3117 Michael Overend 3269 1922 Andrew Donaldson 3285.8009 Anthony Pamplin Troy Sauer 3267.3775
EMERGENCY NUMBERS Ambulance, Fire, Police 000 Mobile Phone Emergency No. 112 Poisons Information Centre 131 126 VMR Sandgate 3269 8888 A/H Emergency VMRB 0428 022 881 Water Police 3895 0333
22 - December 2011/January 2012
and advise your Duty Master of both your absence, and the name of your replacement.
NEARBY SQUADRONS (Even if you have no credit or service) (Poisons, medicines, plants, bites & stings) Try radio first - Channels 88 or 91 VHF Channels 16 or 67
VMR Bribie Island VMR Raby Bay VMR Victoria Point VMR Stradbroke Island Coast Guard Redcliffe Coast Guard Manly
3408 7596 3821 2244 3207 8717 3409 9338 3203 5522 3396 5911
F/C =
10 SYC Sailing
SYC TS/KB Race VMRB Christmas Quebec Crew Delta Crew
SYC Meeting Tango Crew Alpha Crew
Watch for BOAT TALK
SYC Sailing Lionfish Social
Sierra Crew
Papa Crew
Charlie Crew
SYC TS/KB Race Volunteers
Management Meeting SCC Committee Meeting
Bravo Crew
31 SYC Sailing Foxtrot Crew
Only dates actually confirmed at time of printing are shown for this month. Further information can be obtained from members of the Management Team or are as displayed in the Radio room.
All dates are as provided by participating groups and members at time of production.
1 Quebec Crew
Charlie Crew
Lionfish Social
24 Management Meeting
25 Lionfish Meeting
November Crew
Foxtrot Crew
Tango Crew
Alpha Crew
Alpha Crew’s Dinner
Delta Crew
Deadline for BOAT TALK
SCC Committee Meeting
SYC TS/KB Race Sierra Crew
SYC Sailing SYC Meeting Papa Crew Delta Crew
Bravo Crew
Note: When scheduled meeting dates fall on public or school holidays they may be changed
DECEMBER 4TH ... Christmas Party Dinner on JANUARY 21ST will be hosted by Alpha Crew: A Salute to Aussies
REGULAR MEETING DATES Selected Sundays after races (see above) SYC Meeting TBA 2nd Tuesday in Month Dive Group Social 3rd Wednesday in Month Canoe Club Management
6.30 pm 7.00 pm
(General Meetings 1st Saturdays in March, June, September & November at 11.00 am)
4th Tuesday in Month VMR Management Team
7.30 pm
DUTY MASTERS Alpha Crew Bravo Crew Charlie Crew Delta Crew Foxtrot Crew November Crew Papa Crew Quebec Crew Sierra Crew Tango Crew
Joe McCoy Ian McCartney Bill Hirn Bob Chapman Thomas Grice David Davis Nigel Turner TBA Callum Baird Karl Nast
Last Wednesday in Month Dive Group Committee 6.30 pm (Venues change .............. NOT at VMR)
3269.1255 3869 0916 3203 5865 3216 5521 3869 2825 3269 7937 3264 3648 3869 1515 3886 5451
DECEMBER 2011 3rd Delta 4th Quebec 10th Alpha 11th Tango 17th Bravo 18th Papa 24th Charlie 25th Volunteers 26th Volunteers 27th Sierra 31st Foxtrot
JANUARY 2012 1st Quebec 2nd Charlie 7th Delta 8th November 14th Foxtrot 15th Tango 21st Alpha 22nd Sierra 26th Bravo 28th Delta 29th Papa
FEBRUARY 2012 4th Charlie 11th Foxtrot 18th Delta 25th Alpha
5th 12th 19th 26th
Quebec November Tango Sierra
December 2011/January 2012 - 23
Round the Rigging
Col English happily receiving the Goose Club prize from emcee Bob Chapman at the November Dinner.
A sea of blue shirts at the presentation of the Flood Citations
Lauren and Gary Harms ready to enjoy a great day
Bob Chapman and Neil Sheppard at Kedron Wavell RSL to accept $2,500 from their Commmunity Investment Fund. Peter and Kieran McCullagh about to test This has bought computer equipment out their new craft for the Radio Room and Office.
Bravo Crew’s Rescue on 12th November from Tangalooma
James’ artistic shot of sunset in the channel The Flood and Cyclone Citations Ian McCartney receiving his Flood Citation from Vicky Darling Think Big and FiftyFifty coming back after the SYC race on 27th Nov.
New member Troy Schultz on his first day out on Let’s Go
24 -
December 2011/January 2012