boat talk

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Published bi-monthly by VOLUNTEER MARINE RESCUE, BRISBANE Radio Call Sign: Marine Rescue Sandgate Phone: 3269.8888 A/H Emergency Phone: 0428.022881 Fax.: 3269.2245



The next deadline for

2nd SCC AGM … 11 am 12th Lionfish Dive Group Social … 6.30 pm 20th SCC Committee Meeting … 7.00 pm 22nd Foxtrot Crew's Dinner … from 6.30 pm 26th VMRB Management Meeting … 7.30 pm 27th Lionfish Dive Group Meeting … 6.30 pm

contributions to BOAT TALK is THURSDAY, 26TH JULY, 2012

JULY 2012 10th 18th 24th 25th 27th

Lionfish Dive Group Social … 6.30 pm SCC Committee Meeting … 7.00 pm VMRB Management Meeting … 7.30 pm Lionfish Dive Group Meeting … 6.30 pm Sierra Crew's Christmas Dinner in July … from 6.30 pm.

LOOKING AHEAD TO AUGUST 2012 14th 15th 24th 28th 29th

Lionfish Dive Group Social … 6.30 pm SCC Committee Meeting … 7.00 pm Bravo Crew's Dinner … from 6.30 pm VMRB Management Meeting … 7.30 pm Lionfish Dive Group Meeting … 6.30 pm

VOLUNTEER MARINE RESCUE BRISBANE PO Box 201, Sandgate Qld 4017 Phone: 3269 8888 Fax: 3269 2245 Radio Call Sign 'Marine Rescue Sandgate' VMR 401

VMR BRISBANE MANAGEMENT TEAM EXECUTIVE OFFICERS President: Neil Sheppard 0417 499326 Immediate Past President: David Davis 3269 7937 Senior Vice-President: Bob Chapman 3216 5521 Junior Vice-President: Wayne Wright 0407 916388 Secretary: David Massam 3865 6364 Treasurer: Glenn Philip 0433 154105 Unit Training Coordinator: Peter Leech 3314 0388 Crew Liaison: Karl Nast 0421 239559 Members' Representatives: Stan Lewis 3203 4164 Bill Hirn 3203 5865

Welcome! New members this month are Paul Denman Linda Frankland John Gransbury Michael Hurrell Jon Maurice Col Neilsen Rob Storrie Jason Verlent Shane Traversari We look forward to seeing you around the Base and getting to

TEAMWORK Volunteer Marine Rescue, Brisbane is a member of the Volunteer Marine Rescue Association of Queensland

PATRONS: Queensland Water Police State Coordinator

BOAT TALK Editor: Deidre Windham Ph: 3602 5250 Publisher: Volunteer Marine Rescue, Brisbane Printed by: Redback Print Ph: 3269 6357 VMR Brisbane is proudly supported by

Member for Deagon: Cr. Vicoria Newton UNIT CHAPLAIN: Rev. Ron Holt Ph 3865 8896

Bob Chapman 3216.5521 David Massam 3166 9742 Occupational Health Safety: Peter Leech 3314 0388 iT & Communication: Thomas Grice 0413 200271 Membership: Greg Keough 3261 8821 Publicity: Deidre Windham 0419 7666687 Vessel & Equipment: Bill Hirn 3203 5865 Bob Chapman 3216 5521 Building & Grounds: Bob Chapman 3216 5521 Assistant Providore: Joe McCoy 3269 1255 Zone Delegates:


Tom Begbie 3269 8633 Tom Begbie 3269 8633 Duty Roster: Ray Langdon 0432 248679 Assistant to Treasurer: Phil Fitzgerald 0419 657131 Activations Recording: Luke Hillyard 0421 239559 Key Custodian: Refer to Neil Sheppard Fishing & Cruising: …………………………………….. Social & Support Team: Rae Hirn 3203 5865 Unit Historian: …………………………………………... Webmaster: Glenn Philip 0433 154105 Venue Manager: Hall Hire:

The Team also includes representatives from our Associated Groups – SYC, SCC and Lionfish Dive Group. BOAT TALK is published bi-monthly. Management Meetings are held at the Club at 7.30 pm on the fourth Tuesday of each month and members are welcome to attend. Front Cover: New Members hoping this is the closest they get to flare usage, at Flare and Fire Fighting Training on 19th May.

2 – June/July 2012



VMRB Matters WELCOME TO JUNE/JULY 2012 From Your President, Neil One of the significant benefits of membership of our Club is access to a range of facilities. All members acting in a spirit of co-operation and goodwill, and exercising common sense and sound judgement underpins the ethos of our Club. When enjoying the Club’s facilities, please give due consideration to others and ensure that all areas are left as secure as possible. In particular, members’ vessels should not be moored at the pontoon for periods greater than 20 minutes unless prior approval has been granted by the Management Committee, and the gates to the pontoon and Hardstand area must be closed when not in use. Thanks in anticipation of your continued assistance. The Duty Crew meeting held in April was well attended with some 40 Crew members present. We covered a wide range of topics from Squadron sustainability and training through to equipment care and maintenance. A summary of the meeting can be accessed from our website by clicking on the “Crew Log In” tab. Based on feedback, we intend to hold another Duty Crew meeting later this year. Following an extended period of discontent amongst the VMRAQ State Council and the VMRAQ Executive, John Jacobsen, VMRAQ State President, tendered his resignation at the State Council meeting held in late April. John served the Association well in his time in the position and prior to. The State Council appointed Mr Keith Williams, President VMR Raby Bay, as interim Chairman until the forthcoming elections in August. On behalf of our Management Committee, I thank John for his contribution and assistance to our Squadron and wish him the very best for the future. Our new 6 metre RIB is on track for delivery in July. The plan is to construct a shed adjoining the shed housing Energex Sandgate 1 to store our RIB. Barring any delays with the necessary approvals, we hope to have the shed constructed before the new vessel arrives. Our Queensland Rail raffle is well underway - see page 5 - if you can assist with selling raffle tickets (at your workplace, family / friends, join us at the local markets, etc) then please contact me. We have a long standing relationship with the Brisbane Airport Corporation (they supplied us with Sandgate II) and recently they contacted us to advise that they would provide us with $1,000 to help with the operation of our Club. We greatly appreciate the continued support of the Brisbane Airport Corporation. Grill’d Eagle Street Pier Restaurant supports local voluntary organisations like ours. Recently they asked us if we would like to participate in their fund-raising activities. We agreed and I’m pleased to advise that Grill’d Eagle Street Pier Restaurant has put us in the draw to receive up to $300 (minimum receipt of $100). If you’re in the City and feeling a little hungry why not go along to support our sponsor by purchasing a meal and while you are there vote for your Club. Over the past few months the Management Committee has discussed the need for a policy regarding the use of electricity from outlets in the Hardstand area. After much consultation with current Hardstand occupants, the Management Committee agreed on a policy at the May meeting. The policy is tabled in full on page 6 in this edition of our magazine. Please familiarise yourself with this policy. By the time you receive this magazine you should have received your membership renewal notice. Attached to the renewal notice is a form to help you advise us of any changes to your personal details. Hardstand renewal notices are also in the mail. If you haven’t received your renewal notice then please contact Greg Keough, our Membership Officer. Both membership and Hardstand renewal fees are due by 30 June 2012. The April BBQ was hosted by the Management Committee. The Chinese three course meal was well received. Thanks to all the members of the Management Committee and all those who attended for making the night a tremendous success. Safe Boating Neil Sheppard, President

From the Editor You may notice some differences this issue (apart from the fact it is thinner as we were short on contributions!). We have decided to change our publishing format from CorelDraw to MS Publisher. Hopefully this will make it easier for someone to step into my shoes so I can have holidays (ha ha!). Seriously, I am in need of someone to work with me on the magazine so I can start to take some Long Service Leave from work. Most of the time I will be available to support another editor with reports and photos of VMRB activities if wanted. I’d really like to hear from you (anyone?) if you are interested in a joint working arrangement. On page 11 we have pleasure in introducing Luke Hillyard to you, while on page 12 you will be able to update your knowledge about flares and the need to replace them every 3 years. Happy Reading.



June/July 2012 - 3

Activations Date 1/4

7/4 8/4 25/4 6/5 7/5

17/5 20/5



Grounded sailing vessel towed from mouth of Cabbage Tree Creek to its mooring at QCYC. Towed broken down 7 metre vessel from the mouth of the Koopa Channel to Cabbage Tree Creek. A disabled 7 metre power vessel located just off Cabbage Tree Creek towed back into the Creek. Another vessel towed from Houghton Hwy to Deep Water Bend. Towed 7 metre craft with engine trouble from mouth of Cabbage Tree Creek to public ramp. Towed a 5 metre vessel from Scarborough to Scarborough Harbour. Vessel located just north of Tangalooma required a tow back to Cabbage Tree Creek. Collected a 6 metre power boat from the Coast Guard and completed a tow to Cabbage Tree Creek. After Hours, a 25’ vessel with electrical problems was located east of Mud Island and towed to Colmslie Boat Ramp. Towed a broken down vessel from Mud Island to Nudgee Floodway.

Papa Crew’s Larry Baker and the tow on 6th May

Crews’ News Perhaps we can attribute the quiet duty days to better communication and people heeding the adverse weather forecasts although another train of thought is that we have more reliable boating equipment leading to fewer breakdowns. Whatever the reason, our crews did lots of training involving boat handling on Energex Sandgate 1, local knowledge and chart work.

Papa Crew were called to coordinates North East of Reef Point to retrieve a 5 metre Tinny with a motor which would start but refused to continue running It was towed happily back through smooth sunny waters to Redcliffe harbour where the vessel's crew were thankful for the prompt efficient assistance of Energex Sandgate 1's crew.

We have a number of new members who are enjoying getting to know their way around while they do their three crew rotation duty days.

It was a very busy afternoon on the May Day Monday holiday for Tango Crew. “After lunch we headed out to take over a tow of a vessel from a couple of VMRB members that had broken down by the leads of Cabbage Tree Creek. A call was received from crew on a Stabicraft that had electrical problems north of the wrecks at Tangalooma. While on the way back, there was a further call to assist a vessel that had broken down by the MV2 marker. Coastguard Redcliffe were asked to assist to start towing them back to the creek while we dropped the other tow off then we returned and took over the tow to the creek. While we were dropping that tow at the public ramp, another boat found the shoal in the creek so we assisted him off and back to ramp as he had more problems.”

The night before Sierra’s Crew day, David Davis had tried to recover a sailing vessel that had run aground at the mouth of Cabbage Tree Creek. With the tide working against him, David elected to ferry non-essential crew from the sailing vessel back to shore and leave the vessel for recovery at the next high tide. Sierra Crew picked up the tow just after daylight and with sufficient water was able to return the vessel to its mooring in Cabbage Tree Creek. The Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race saw a variety of vessels that rarely get wet see water other than rain. Although it was reported some took on water, ran aground and/or got anchors stuck on outer reefs, actually Papa Crew had a day free of mishaps and rescues. The next day, in good conditions Bravo crew towed a 7 metre vessel from the mouth of the Koopa Channel to Cabbage Tree Creek. Quebec Crew had two small tow jobs on Easter Sunday – one was a disabled 7 metre craft from the mouth of Cabbage Tree Creek back to the public ramp and the other, in fair conditions, from Houghton Highway to Deepwater Bend. Anzac Day saw Delta Crew tow a power vessel with engine trouble approximately 3NM east of the Cabbage Tree Creek entrance beacons to the Cabbage Tree Creek public boat ramp with Energex Sandgate 1.

4 – June/July 2012

Late on a Thursday afternoon Bob Chapman and Joe McCoy responded to a request for assistance from a 25’ flybridge cruiser with electrical problems that was located east of Mud Island. In fading light and fair sea conditions, Bob and Joe located the vessel and soon had it under tow back to the Colmslie boat ramp. Some 3.5 hours later Bob and Joe returned to Base safely. (Thanks to both of our volunteers for assisting with this after hours tow.) Sierra Crew received a call around midday on their duty day to tow a broken down vessel from Mud Island to Nudgee Floodway. With 5 crew on board they headed to Mud Island and quickly located the vessel. They entered the Floodway on a falling tide and were concerned as to whether or not they would have enough water under them to reach their destination. As luck would have it they successfully returned the vessel and her crew back to the boat ramp before returning to Cabbage Tree Creek without bottoming out.



Training News UTC, PETER LEECH On Saturday 12 May 2012, Luan Baldwin, a Marine Officer from MSQ conducted a seminar at the base, commencing at 0900 hours, on the legislative requirements imposed by the NSCV Part E – Operational Practices. A number of members attended from Brisbane and Bribie Island and Luan’s talk gave them a greater insight into the Safety Management System. The NSCV Part E contains four chapters which include Operational Practices, Emergency Planning and Preparedness and Safety Management of Vessels. From this, the Safety Management System for a vessel is developed. This is the procedure that will be required under the new National Marine Safety Act for commercial vessels. The intensive Coxswain Course which commenced on Thursday 8 March will continue until late July 2012. The course participants are being kept busy with assignments and study. It is noted that some members, currently holding Coxswain status have nominated for some of the future weekends. There is no problem here as long as they attend the training days and assignments are handed in some time prior to the training weekend. The main aim of the course is to bring members to VMRAQ Coxn level and the MSQ Coxn level is a secondary aim. Where possible Task Books will be completed accordingly as the material is covered. A total of thirteen new members attended their flare and fire fighting training on Saturday 19 May and are on their way to completing their ESS training. As there are a number of new members coming into the squadron, qualified members, in particular Duty Masters and Coxswains, should ensure that trainees are receiving valuable instruction. These trainees are not to undertake their ESS Assignment until they have completed the initial ESS Theory Training, attended a minimum of 2 crew days and attained 5-6 hours on Energex Sandgate 1. The ESS Assignment has to be all their original work and they can be supervised but not assisted when completing the Assignment. During their time on the vessel they should be shown/instructed where the items are and when they consider that they are competent undertake the assignment. This edition's question:

What is the risk assessment process?

In relation to the ESS Practical Assessment, they need to be aware of the requirements on page 1, have a sound working knowledge of the information on page 2 and page 3 up to Survival at Sea. The remainder of the Assessment is generally done during the swim test and the flares and fire fighting training. When members consider that they are competent enough to complete the practical assessment they should contact the UTC. The next ESS Theory training will be in August 2012 and the swim test will be in October 2012. The second First Aid training course for the year will occur mid-August 2012. All members MUST WEAR enclosed footwear when coming onto the base, whether it is for a duty or a visit. VMRAQ OH&S policy states that enclosed footwear MUST be worn at all times. There are no exceptions!!! Safe boating Peter Leech UTC VMR Brisbane The answer to last edition's question: What is meant by the term SMS and what does it do? A Safety Management System is a collection of all the documents that are evidence that safe operating policies, procedures and risk management practices are being used on a registered commercial or fishing ship. A safety management system should consider all risks associated with the operation of the ship. The replacement of Uniform Shipping Laws Code (USL Code) Section 15 with the National Standard for Commercial Vessels (NSCV) Part E affects the information that must be recorded in your ship's records and operating documents. All registered commercial and fishing ship owners/masters were required to make the necessary changes to their ship’s operating documents by 1 October 2010. This includes owners/masters of registered ships 8 m or less. To comply with these changes you must add some extra documents to your existing ship's operating documents (for ships greater than 8 m) or ship's records (for ships 8 m or less). A fishing ship less than 10 m in length is not registered and therefore not required to have these documents.

Tangalooma Resort awaits you! Queensland Rail has provided a great prize for supporters of VMR Brisbane. It is a 3 night Getaway Package for 2 people which is worth $1,096 and you just might be the lucky winner if you buy a raffle ticket. The prize includes return transfers from Brisbane Transit Centre to Holt Street Wharf, 3 nights accommodation at Tangalooma Wild Dolphin Resort with breakfast, Dolphin feeding & Desert Safari. The trip must be taken within 6 months of the draw date. Tickets cost just $2 each or three tickets for $5. They can be obtained from sellers at the Sandgate High School Markets, the Billycart Markets in Sandgate, or by either emailing or phoning 0415 254732 . They can also be bought at our monthly barbecues. The closing date is Wednesday, 15th August, 2012, and the raffle will be drawn at Bravo Crew’s Barbecue on Friday, 24th August, 2012, at our base at Shorncliffe. The winner will be notified by telephone and results published in The Courier-Mail on 31st August, 2012.



June/July 2012 - 5

Membership and Hardstand Fees Welcome everyone to membership renewal time. By the time you read this, you should be receiving your membership renewals and hardstand fees invoices. Please note these are due for payment by 30th June, 2012 (correction to previous advice). The payment methods are listed on the bottom of the renewal and will be the only way of remitting payment. Also there will be a change of details form with your renewal which we would appreciate you completing so that we can maintain up-to-date records. Current fees are noted below. Glenn Philip, Treasurer. Membership Classification Full Member

Membership Fee $150

Full Member Active Crew


Concessional Full Member (Country & Pensioner)


Associate Member


Associate Member + Magazine Subscription.


Vessel Type

Annual Fee

Mono Hull




Please note: Your access to facilities, hardstand area and ramp will be restricted if payment is not received by the due date.

Use of Electricity Outlets in Hardstand Policy Purpose & Coverage The terms and conditions of use of the Hardstand are detailed in Volunteer Marine Rescue Brisbane Inc.’s (the Association) By-Laws. The By-Laws do not specifically address the issue of use of electricity outlets available in the Hardstand. The purpose of this Policy is to outline the Association’s minimum requirements and expectations on the usage of the electricity outlets in the Hardstand area. Where there is conflict between this Policy and the By-Laws, the By-Laws shall prevail. Policy The Association must ensure that all electrical outlet points comply with the relevant Australian Standards and Queensland Electrical Safety Act and Regulation. The Association takes no responsibility for the actions of the vessel owner in relation to the use of the electrical outlet points including but not limited to the correct installation, use, maintenance and repair of electrical equipment on the vessel and connecting the vessel to the electricity outlet. The Association’s Management Committee may at its discretion: • withdraw all or part of the access to the electrical outlets; • seek reimbursement of costs from users of the Hardstand e.g. cost of electricity; inspection(s) by a licensed electrical contractor e.g. inspect extension leads; and / or • after an owner’s persistent failure to comply with this Policy, withdraw the owner’s Hardstand right and the Association may then reallocate the space concerned. The owner of a vessel in the Hardstand and using an electrical outlet in the Hardstand has the responsibility to ensure that: • all electrical equipment being used and its use comply with the relevant Australian Standards and Queensland Electrical Safety Regulation and Act (documents readily available on the internet – charges may apply). This includes but is not limited to cords, power points, adaptors, power boards, extension leads, switchboards and fuses, battery chargers, and safety switches; • any defective equipment must be immediately removed from service; • Hardstand electricity supply is only to be used to assist in completion of minor repairs (e.g. power tools), lighting (as necessary and not for security purposes), and short term (maximum of two days prior to date of planned voyage) pre voyage vessel preparation i.e. charging of engine starting batteries and running of vessel refrigeration units. This excludes using Hardstand electricity supply to run other devices and appliances either directly or indirectly (via batteries being charged by a battery charger) e.g. refrigeration units (except as noted above), air conditioning units, televisions; and • when charging a battery, the vessel is well ventilated and the battery charger is suitable for the intended purpose. • The owner of the vessel is responsible for all costs incurred in complying with this Policy and the relevant Australian Standards and Queensland Electrical Safety Act and Regulation. Policy Effective Date: This Policy is effective from 1 June, 2012.

6 – June/July 2012



Sandgate Yacht Club Last Report for 2011/2012 Sailing Season The Prize-giving for the Sandgate Yacht Club’s Club Championships for the 2011/2012 Season was held on Sunday, April 22, along with a Barbecue, after a morning of fun sailing and the last Trailer Sailer race. Overall Club Championship Flying 15 handicap winner was Fifty Fifty, skipper Ron Godwin and crews Ken and Brad Above: Our SYC reporter Amelia Brown Godwin. Congratulations to them on a great season! and Graham Elliott who won the Clas-

The fastest times were recorded by Peter Croft and his crews sic FF15s in Seamist. in the 505 Grumpy Old Men. The winner for the Classic Flying 15s was Seamist, skippered by Graham Elliott with Amelia Brown as crew. The winner for the Silver Flying 15s was Think Big, Bruce Wales and Richard Cunnold (prize also accepted by Eelke Wouda). Peter Croft and his crew took the Trailer Sailer title in Suzanne. Many thanks were given and received for the efforts of the Race Committee and the club officers over a great 2011/2012 Sailing season. Special thanks to all who contributed food and helped out over the last season, especially to Commodore Andrew Pearson, race results man Laurie Williamson, committee boat skipper John Mitchell, secretary Ron Walker, Bill, Greg and all the other Race Committee members.

Above: Fastest Times won by 505 sailors in Grumpy Old Men.. Left: Silver FF winners in Thing Big with Eelke Below: Andrew Pearson with Overall FF Handicap Winners, the Godwins in Fifty Fifty.

Amelia R. Brown Peter Croft and crew, winners of the TS prize in Suzanne


Andrew Pearson

3633.0152/0418 757149 Vice Commodore: Laurie Williamson 3269. 6052 Rear Commodore: John Mitchell 5484.1738/0429.387441 Secretary: Ron Walker 3399.1586/0407.251413 Treasurer: Lauren Kelly 3263.6058/0412.206122

The Modern 18 footers had an interesting time getting out of Cabbage Tree Creek and through the traffic.



June/July 2012 - 7

Management Team’s Dinner 27TH APRIL 2012

Above: Glenn giving the soup a stir ; (left) some of the Mgt Team ready to serve while Graham Makin (right) sets the scene.

It was a wet and cold evening - just the night for our 60 diners to enjoy the Chinese food prepared by Sharon Hickey of Daisy’s Snack Bar in Sandgate. The VMRB Management Team were your hosts and appreciated Sharon’s great contributions. Jan McCoy

We started with two very popular soups: chicken and wonton, followed by sweet and sour pork, beef and vegetables in black bean sauce, noodles and vegetables and fried rice. Those who had room finished with warm apple or apricot danish and icecream. Graham Makin came suitably attired in his Chinese-influenced shirt. It was a pity Graeme Dobson wasn’t there as his number came up for the $200 Members’ Draw. Karin Makin and her door prize

Karen Makin won the Door prize with Robin Young taking home the Early Booking prize. Jan McCoy won 1st prize in the raffle with Col English winning 2nd prize and Jenny Davis scoring the 3rd prize.

Col English

Left: Robin with the Early Booking Prize and (above) some of the diners.. Jenny Davis

Below: Thirsty people lining up at the bar.

Andy & Sally Byrne, Robyn Duffy, Graeme & Shirley Wahry, Col English and Alistair Duffy

8 – June/July 2012



Charlie Crew’s Dinner 25TH MAY 2012 Bill, the Chief Chip Taster

The very colourful Charlie Crew Janelle and Bronwyn were all for peace

The wet weather and the Broncos home game went against Charlie Crew but, boy oh boy, did the 50 or so people who attended enjoy themselves. This was a Sixties themed evening, as some of the clothing from that era certainly made us sit up and take notice! The food followed the same trend with hot dogs and hamburgers with all the trimmings, including a plentiful supply of freshly made hot chips. However we started with three beautiful soups – Jan Young's pea and ham, Bronwyn Young's pumpkin and Rae Hirn's potato and leek. They were as delicious as in previous years - well, we we were duty-bound to try them all just to confirm that was the case. Chocolate mousse, trifle and ice-cream finished off our 60s gourmet meal – and it was all delicious.

Joe Myatt

Yes, it’s Paul under that disguise

Bill Wheatley is usually at our barbecues and he'll be sorry he missed this one: his number came up in the Gooseclub so he couldn't collect the $250. Robyn Duffield had the honour of drawing the Lucky Door Prize – and pulled out her own number! Joe Myatt was on a winning streak: he won first prize in the raffle then 2nd prize as well. He donated the prize back and the redraw was won by Ian McCartney. Charlene Clark collected 3rd prize to finish off the raffles. All in all, you could say it was a fun evening which gave us the opportunity to recall some great memories.

Ian McCartney

The Duffields had some good luck!

Charlene Clark

Left: Peter, with the Fonz’s friends, Jenny and David

Standout characters, Nino and Angie!


Enjoy a social evening on Friday 22nd June, 2012 at our dinner hosted by Foxtrot Crew from 6.30 pm at $12.50 a head. Bring your family and friends! Members’ Draw stands at $300. Remember to let us know you are coming by texting 0415 254 732 or emailing Gee and Don tucked into their hamburgers


June/July 2012 - 9

Sandgate Canoe Club By the time you read this, the AGM will have been held (Sat, 2nd June at 11 am at VMRB) so there may be some management changes. The annual Wetlands Wander is coming up again - on Sunday 24th June. It starts near the front of VMRB in Allpass Parade, Shorncliffe and is a safe 6 km loop so there are three race lengths: 6km, 12km and 18km and lots of good viewing points. Last year there were 105 paddlers from as far afield as Hervey Bay to Sydney. A cautionary notice of this year’s event appears below. Sandgate Canoe Club are now on Facebook . Just go to their webpage and click on the link to their Facebook page to find out what is happening.

Meetings: Management Committee: 1st Saturday at 10.30 am. Sub-Committee: 3rd Wednesday alternate months 7 pm General Meetings: at 11.00 am on the first Saturday in March, June (AGM), September, November. Club President email: Club Secretary email: Club email: Web page: Newsletter email:

Wetlands Wander I’m writing to let you know that Sandgate Canoe Club will be holding its annual kayak marathon on Sunday, June 24th, 2012. This annual race is part of both the Queensland Canoeing Marathon Series and the Northern Rivers Marathon series (NSW) and we can have between 80 and 120 paddlers competing. It is sanctioned by the State association, Qld Canoeing, and by Maritime Safety. Competitors will paddle from the Yundah St boat ramp, past the marina and into Nundah Creek for 2km before returning. Paddlers will follow this course for 1 to 3 loops. We anticipate that the last paddlers will finish within 2 hours and we will advise all competitors in our race briefing to be aware of larger craft and to obey maritime rules. We would be grateful if you could ask your members to be aware of the larger than usual number of small craft on the water on that day. In particular, between 9.50 - 10.10 a.m. kayaks will be concentrated in the mouth of the creek for the race start. Larger craft leaving the creek during this short period of time could pose a risk to competitors so we would be grateful if your members could keep this in mind when planning their day’s sailing. Thank you for your consideration, Regards, Sue Gollagher, Sandgate Canoe Club Secretary.

Lionfish Dive Group Looking for a good place to dive? Australia’s Great Barrier Reef is probably the most popular diving site in the world, and one of the most famous diving sites here is the S.S. Yongala wreck. The Yongala sank in a cyclone on 23rd March, 1911, taking the lives of all 122 people on-board and was only found in 1958. Even after being submerged for so long, the Yongala is surprisingly well-preserved at its final resting place about 60 kms from Townsville in about 30 metres of water. The exact location is marked with a buoy. The wreck is protected under the Historic Shipwrecks Act 1976 and access is by permit only Club Nights: 2nd Wednesday of the month at VMRB 6.30 pm Club Committee Meetings: Last Wednesday of the month 6.30 pm (Venue to be arranged)

10 – June/July 2012

Club Contracts: Steve Dobson - Ocean Cat Trips 3203.2479 - Email: Katherine Harding - general enquiries 0408.789707 - Email:



Who’s Who in the Zoo LUKE HILLYARD I was hoping to keep a low profile but have allegedly become a leading light since joining VMRB’s Delta Crew in early 2011 and thus my travels under the radar have come to an end. Personally I feel readers simply wanted to know who kept winning the raffles! My boating exploits began with both canoeing and sailing with the Scouts next door to VMRB, operating in the local creeks and the upstream reaches of the Brisbane River. My interests continued to larger and, not surprisingly, much faster craft, the first being the scouting rescue vessel. This was when I obtained my recreational licence and having out-grown these interests, I began enjoying the highs and lows of owning my own boats. A small collection of jetskis, motorboats and sailboats gave me a good foundation before joining the VMR unit; but oh how much I have learnt since those first days!

experiences and also in my own personal boating. I have also found the club to be a wealth of knowledge, all very willing to help out with any questions I have from time to time. Whilst being a part of the VMRB unit, I have assisted a number of positions with my computer know-how. Activation Reporting, Emailing, Texting and assisting with Crew Inductions have become regular activities.

In exchange I have very much enjoyed my time aboard Energex Sandgate I, travelling to places I have never been and feeling quite reassured we were in good stead. The vessel is always immaculately presented which is an absolute credit to those involved and I am very thankful not to be among those few. My own experiences My original motivation to join VMR was largely to improve my ves- tell me that the effort required must be immense! sel handling and navigational skills and I have certainly found good value in our training package. It has been helpful in my rescue Tom Begbie and Nathan Sugars launching their boats

Merry, Merry Christmas in July!

Accident and Incident Reporting Please note that all accidents / incidents around the Base (and on our vessels) resulting in a person being hurt or significant damage to property must be reported as soon as possible by submitting a Form 2 Record of Injury form to our OH&S officer, Peter Leech, with a copy to President Neil.

Come One Come All for the Fun, Frivolity & Delicious Food of Christmas in July!!! Sierra Crew is hosting the VMRB Crew BBQ in July and in keeping with our great tradition the theme will be “Christmas in July”. So come along and enjoy the high spirits of the silly season with interesting company and treat yourself to a sumptuous traditional Christmas dinner. Please help us with our catering plans by letting us know if you will be attending and the number in your party by no later than 16 July – RSVP to: or text / telephone 0415 254 732 - if texting please include “Xmas BBQ” in message. Of course you can still come along if you haven’t provided us with advance notice of your attendance.

The VMR Annual “Shop till you drop”. All Welcome. Saturday, 27th October 2012 $50.00 per head (includes morning tea & lunch) Please RSVP with money by 1st October 2012. Pick Up: 8.00 am (sharp) at the VMR Brisbane Base at Shorncliffe then calling in to lots of great factory outlets throughout the day. Return: 6.30 pm (approx.) Email: or phone Rae Hirn on 0418 882933 or 3203 5865 You could have all your Christmas gifts under control by the end of October: how good is that?!



June/July 2012 - 11

Flares and Fire Fighting Peter Leech conducted a flares and fire fighting training session for new members of VMRB on 19th May. We thought it might be timely to give an update to everyone on the necessity of having indate flares on board. There are fines for having out-of-date flares under the Queensland Explosives Act 1999 and Explosives Regulations 2003 (even if you have in-date ones as well). Some insurance companies in Queensland have also said they will not cover you if you are carrying out-of-date flares and involved in an accident with consequences from the flares. At a cost of about $50 for a set of flares, it could be argued that it is cheap insurance on hand. Following is the latest information from the Maritime Safety Queensland website, There are three types of flares carried on board ships — red hand held, orange smoke and parachute. These are designed for day or night use and are used to attract attention of other boats or passing aircraft. Flares must be regularly inspected (expiry date three years from manufacture) and stowed in a readily accessible position in a watertight container away from heat. Again it is vital that all crew know the correct safety precautions and firing procedures. Operating instructions might differ depending on the manufacturer. Instructions must be read and carefully followed. Effective ranges of flares in conditions of good visibility are: At night •Parachute flare — 25 to 35 nautical miles. •Hand flare — 5 to 10 nautical miles. By day

Only flares that are within the manufacturer's expiry date can be considered as part of the safety equipment complement for your boat. You can dispose of flares that have passed the manufacturer's expiry date at these flare disposal locations. Brisbane area Location • Volunteer Marine Rescue Council Reserve, Jacobs Wells/ • • • • • • •

Pimpama Road, Jacobs Well. Coast Guard Scarborough Harbour, 2 Thurecht Parade, Scarborough. Water Police, 2 Howard Smith Drive, Lytton. Volunteer Marine Rescue, William Street, Cleveland. Coast Guard Manly Boat Harbour, Trafalgar Street, Manly. Maritime Safety Queensland, Regional Office, MacArthur Avenue East, Pinkenba. Water Police, 60 Hamilton Street, Redland Bay. Coast Guard, Boat ramp off Banana Street, Redland Bay.

• Orange smoke — very limited, up to 1.4 nautical miles,

better from air. • Red (hand and parachute) — may attract attention by day.

(Below left) Peter Leech explains to our new members how flares work . (Below right) participants see that although the 60 second operation time seems short, it’s quite long enough when you’re holding the flare. The flares all get very hot, but the red ones really made the cooling water splutter and spit when they were placed in the bucket (right).

12 – June/July 2012



Date Claimer


2nd December – Christmas Party Time to mark this in your diary. It will be similar to last year, with a sausage sizzle, games, prizes and a special appearance by Santa – at the base, on the lawn if it is sunny.

AUSTRALIA, EAST COAST – BRISBANE BAR LAT 27° 22'S LONG 153° 10'E Times and Heights of High and Low Waters

2012 Time Zone - 1000

FOR SALE SABRE 22 TRAILER SAILER Near new Yamaha Saildrive (9.9 HP), furling headsail/main and spinnaker. Great Bay boat on Redco Trailer $20,000 Phone Lionel or Sue on 3869.1018

Hall Hire Our own base is a great place to celebrate birthdays and other functions. There is a stage, large room with wooden floor suitable for dancing, nice new kitchen, separate carpeted area and verandah. Licenced and manned by bar staff (no BYO). To hire upstairs for an evening, the fees are: Members: $142 (no bond) and Non-Members $220 with a $200 bond, with a non-negotiable cleaning fee of $150 for all. For bookings and available dates, contact Tom Begbie on 3269.8633.


© Copyright Commonwealth of Australia 2010 Bureau of Meteorology National Tidal Centre Datum of Predictitons is lowest Astrronomical Tide. Moon Symbols: New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Last Quarter Tide times provided by courtesy of Maritime Safety Queensland. For more information, see the Official Queensland Tide Tables published by Maritime Safety Queensland and the World Wide Web at The tidal predictions for Brisbane Bar are supplied by the National Tidal Centre, Bureau of Meteorology. Copyright reserved.

ADVERTISING TERMS & CONDITIONS Advertising is available in this publication in the size and form as used on this page - approx. 10cm x 5 cm. Ads will be black and white placed as appropriate within the magazine on a bi-monthly basis. Cost is $25 per issue, paid in advance each June & December. One month's notice is also required should a long-term advert be altered or withdrawn from publication. To arrange advertising or for any further information, contact


June/July 2012 - 13

Crew Lists and Qualifications New member (clean slide) Duty Master (3 stripes + Anchor + Rank on Name Badge This roster is a living working document, and as Trainee Crew (1 stripe) Senior MSQ Coxswain (4 stripes + Anchor) such will change from time to time, or details LEGEND: Crew (2 stripes) Radio Operator (1 stripe + Lightning Bolt) may be omitted or entered incorrectly. Should VMRAQ Coxswain (3 stripes) Available Days you find an error, please contact Luke Hillyard

Senior VMRAQ Coxswain (3 stripes + anchor) Available Nights on 0421 239 559 to arrange for the correction.

This page has been left blank intentionally.

NEARBY SQUADRONS: Ambulance, Fire, Police……………000 Mobile Phone Emergency No. ……112 (even if you have no credit or service) Poisons Information Centre…..131 126 (Poisons, medicines, plants, bites and stings) VMR Sandgate………………3269 8888 Try Radio first: Channels 88 or 91 A/H Emergency VMRB 0428 022 881 VHF Channels 16 or 67 Water Police…………………3895 0333

14 – June/July 2012


VMR Bribie Island VMR Raby Bay VMR Victoria Point VMR Stradbroke Island Coast Guard Redcliffe Coast Guard Manly

3408 7596 3821 2244 3207 8717 3409 9338 3203 5522 3396 5911









Fishing & Cruising Licencing


Hall Hire

JUNE 2012









12 Lionfish Social







SCC C'tee Mtng



27 Management Mtg Lionfish Meeting

Only dates actually confirmed at time of printing are shown for this month. Further information can be obtained from members of the Management Team or are as displayed in the Radio Room.




Papa Crew



Bravo Crew

Tango Crew



Charlie Crew

November Crew



Foxtrot Crew BBQ

Delta Crew






24 Sierra Crew

Alpha Crew All dates are as provided by participating groups and members at time of production.

JULY 2012




SCC AGM 2 Alpha Crew


Watch for Boat Talk

Jubilee H'day 11 Foxtrot Crew










1 Quebec Crew













Lionfish Social






SCC C'tee Mtng




Management Mtg

Lionfish Meeting





Bravo Crew

Papa Crew



Foxtrot Crew

Tango Crew

21 Charlie Crew



Sierra Crew BBQ


22 November Crew



Delta Crew

Sierra Crew

31 Note: When scheduled meeting dates fall on public or school holidays, the meetings may be changed.



Dinner on 22nd June will be hosted by Foxtrot Crew while on 27th July it will be Sierra Crew’s turn to be your hosts with Christmas in July.



Selected Sundays after races SYC Meeting TBA 2nd Tuesday in Month Dive Group Social 6.30 pm. 3rd Wednesday in Month Canoe Club Management 7.00 pm

Alpha Crew Joe McCoy 3269 1255 Bravo Crew Ian McCartney 3869 0916

(General Meetings 1st Saturdays in March, June, September & November at 11.00am)

4th Tuesday in Month VMRB Management Team 7.30 pm. Last Wednesday in Month Dive Group Committee 6.30 pm. (Venues change….. NOT at VMRB)


Charlie Crew Bill Hirn 3203 5865 Delta Crew Bob Chapman 3216 5521 Foxtrot Crew Thomas Grice 3869 2825 November Crew David Davis 3269 7937 Papa Crew Nigel Turner Quebec Crew TBA

3264 3648

Sierra Crew Callum Bard

3869 1515

Tango Crew Karl Nast

3886 5451


JUNE 2012 JULY 2012 nd 2 Alpha 1st Quebec rd 3 Papa 7th Bravo th 9 Bravo 8th Papa th 10 Tango 14th Foxtrot 11th Foxtrot 15th Tango 16th Charlie 21st Charlie 17th November 22nd November 23rd Delta 28th Delta th 24 Sierra 29th Sierra th 30 Alpha AUGUST 4th Foxtrot 5th Quebec 11th Bravo 12th Papa 15th Alpha 18th Charlie 19th Tango 25th Delta 26th November

June/July 2012 - 15

Round the Rigging

Well, it was around election time!

The dredge removing sand from Cabbage Tree Creek (Above and below) Nudgee College Year 11 Environmental Studies Class

It certainly was busy on Good Friday.

The Modern 18 footers sailed from VMRB at Easter

Right: the trawler being towed in a little while ago.

There were plenty of spectators and the Water Police checked up on Jenny Wren before the start of the Brisbane to Gladstone Yacht Race

Below: The SYC Race Committee at their final presentation for the 2011/2012 season

Papa Crew recorded the start of the Brisbane to Gladstone race. This is looking like it could be a regular spot for unfortunate ramp happenings but no-one had a camera when a Distraction copy-cat landed on 20th May.

16 – June/July 2012



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