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Upcoming Events-2012 Calendar Events

Annual Prayer Breakfast Memphis Hilton 932 Ridge Lake Blvd Jan. 28, 2012 $25.00 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Annual Servant Award

Holy Nation Church of Memphis 3333 Old Brownsville Rd Bartlett, TN 38134 May 26, 2012 $25.00 For more information please call (901) 308-4417 / (901) 949-3409

OPM-Women Empowerment Conference 2012 Holy Nation Church of Memphis 3333 Old Brownsville Rd Bartlett, TN 38134 Aug 24 & 25 2012 $25.00 (reg. fee)

For more information please call (901) 308-4417 / (901) 949-3409 ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 3

departments Founder and Editorial Director Verna V. Nickelberry Editor-In-Chief India B. Oliver Art Director Rushun Wiseman Contributing Writers Vanderbilt Brabson Paris Ducker Rhonda Hurst Paola Tennon Layout Designer Denardo Crawford Marketing Consultant Joyce Parkinson jpconnection.com (901) 907-8557 Photographer Kendall Elem Sales Director/ Memphis, TN Janet Chestnut salesmemphis@ ordinarypeoplemagazine.org Sales Director/ Frisco, TX Will Odom tndimension.net (214) 514-2926 O.P. Magazine Mail 8890 Bristol Park Cir. #103 Bartlett, TN 38133 (901) 949-3409 http://ordinarypeoplemagazine.org ORDINARY PEOPLE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication and is distributed in Memphis, TN; Knoxville, TN; Frisco, TX; Atlanta, GA; and Orlando, FL.

contents Fall 2012

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30 Inspirational Words




31 From WithIn...


IN THE SPOTLIGHT Moss Point, Miss...


FOR YOUR HEALTH Human Behavior and Spirituality

A Year In Pictures...


Victory in Submission

26 Let The Lady Speak God’s Plan for Me

28 CONSIDER THIS It’s Only Natural

All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the founder/editor’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor. The publication of any advertisement in the issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by the publication. © 2012 Ordinary People Magazine

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On The Cover Two years ago Ordinary People decided to dedicate its cover of the last quarter (which starts in October) to “Breast Cancer” survivors, but this year we decided to dedicate the cover to all “Cancer” survivors. Starting from left to right is: Marvin E Smith, Sr, he was diagnosed with colon cancer in 2003. Marvin say that he never gave up and kept the faith, “I reminded myself that positive thoughts bring positive results, but at the end of the day it was prayer and God’s grace and mercy that brought me through.” Danita Brown, is a breast cancer survivor, in her words; ‘’if you haven’t seen a miracle in a while, you are looking at one. I am a wife, mother, sister, daughter, and educator. I have been cancer for four years. Get to know my/your God and get to mammogram.” Danita is also a member of Brown Baptist Church of Southaven, Mississippi, where she serves in their Cancer Support Ministry. Stacie Payne has been cancer free since May 2010. She is a wife and mother of two. Stacie attends Cummings Street Missionary Baptist Church (Memphis, TN). She states, “I thank God for my

journey; because of Him I’ve won the race.” Stephanie Norvell is a breast cancer and heart attack survivor. Stephanie is known as a philanthropist, a loving wife, mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, humanitarian, and friend. Stephanie is a member of Brown Baptist church as well. Dywuana Sykes, was diagnosed with breast cancer in December 2010, Dywuana underwent two surgeries, dose dense chemotherapy and radiation during 2011. Remarkably, she also walked 30 miles in the Susan G. Komen (SGK) 3-day in Atlanta, Ga., just four weeks after completing her radiation treatments. Dywuana is an active member of the Brown Baptist Church, were she serves in the Sanctuary Choir and Cancer Support Ministry. She and her husband Kenneth have one daughter, Kendall. Cedric Tate was diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2011. He says, “My life took an unexpected turn when I was diagnosed.” Cedric also states that he was blessed with the support of my beautiful wife, Carleen, and my parents, children, as well as my grandchildren. He feel that his diagnose was a definitely test of his faith, and during that time he would remember his favorite scripture, Psalm 34:19 “Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivereth him out of them all.” Today he proudly say that he is CANCER free!

Letters to the Editor I love Ordinary People Magazine! I have every issue since its inception and have shared it with others who have also become fans. Finally a Christian magazine that is independent of any other ministry. Ordinary People is its own ministry and touches the lives of many. It has grown into a variety of departments that focus on things that we can all related to or have interest in. Thanks Ordinary People…and congratulations on your 5th Anniversary! Bernitta Kennebrew Atlanta GA

6 I Fall 2012

I enjoyed reading the testimony of Mr. Alexander, it was very humble of him to share with the readers of Ordinary People. I wish only the best for him and his wife. Mrs. Brown Memphis, TN


Editorial OPM Live, the web-based extension of Ordinary People Magazine, recently interviewed two college students with a passion for international mission work and a dedication to spreading the love and gospel of Christ around the world. Although not yet twenty, they have served in many areas of the world and have forsaken the comforts of home to work with those less fortunate, all in the name of Christ. Not everyone is called to do international mission work, but it is the responsibility of every believer to share the Love of Jesus Christ. Our tears, our compassion should move us to be in the field of laborers. Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” (NIV) In Consider This, Vanderbilt Brabson III explains how everything and everyone acts according to their nature. Only through salvation can an individual find true freedom from bondage to their old sin nature and the power to truly live as God’s child. In Inspirational Words, Paris Ducker reminds us that we are created for a reason, that every one of us has a different gift

and we are designed and shaped for God’s purpose in our life. In For Your Health, Paola Tennon posits that our mental well-being is incumbent upon our ability to cope or deal with the stresses of life. In Let The Lady Speak, Rhonda Hurst encourages us to draw close to God, follow His Word, and learn to listen to the Holy Spirit. If we acknowledge Christ in all areas of our lives, He will show us how to execute His perfect plan. I may have never lived the life of a missionary in foreign lands, but as each new day unfolds I ask the Lord to use my life and all my experiences to minister to others and lead them to Christ. I look forward to the opportunities God has in store for me. Although this is our last magazine for the year and this is my last editorial for Ordinary People Magazine I will not be leaving the OPM family. I will continue to do that which God has planned for me, coordinating and directing OPM Live. I pray God’s blessings upon all of you and I hope you have a wonderful holiday season. God bless you and your families.

In Him, India B. Oliver Editor-in-Chief

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In The Spotlight

Spotlighting Moss Point, Miss‌ 10 I Fall 2012

This summer I had the great opportunity to visit Moss Point, Miss., which is on the gulf coast only a few miles from Gulfport Miss. Moss Point was established on the Gulf Coast of Mexico in 1901; it is a small city that sits on the mighty Mississippi River and has a population of about 14,000. Moss Point was hit hard during Hurricane Katrina, but since then has begun to rebuild and revitalize the city. On the weekend of our visit; The Parade of Classes Association (POCA) was hosting its “Parade of Events Weekend.” The POCA is an organization of Moss Point High School graduates from 1977- 99. Their goal is to build a strong sense of community among the citizens of Moss Point. Ms. Beverly Bolden serves as the Executive Director of POCA, and she was one of the recipients of the Ordinary People “Servant Award” for the work that she does with in her community. Beverly says she loves “coming home to Moss Point.” She stresses that it is important to give back, to cause a change. Her motto is “Help me, help you. Helping you help us.” POCA ended the event with a winning Bar-B-Que “cook-off” which was great way to bring the community together. If you are ever on the gulf coast look up Moss Point, Miss., you will be glad that you did!

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Word Search








12 I Fall 2012









UP C OMING E VENTS • Youth Month

September 2012

• Community Block Party

September 15, 2012 • 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

E.A. Harold Subdivision • Millington, TN

• Mother-Daughter: “Love, Live, Laugh” Event

October 12, 2012 - 6:00 p.m.

• Octoberfest October 31, 2012 • 7:00 p.m. Special Musical Guests: Donte Everhart & End Time Movement • Christmas Celebration December 23, 2012 • 6:30 p.m. Special Musical Guests: Billy Rivers & The Angelic Voices of Faith


9:30 a.m. Prayer 9:45 a.m. Bible Fellowship 11:15 a.m. Worship 6:30 p.m. Worship (2nd & 4th) 8:45 a.m. Worship (5th)

Wednesday Friday Saturday (1st)

Elder John B. Smith, Senior Pastor & Lady Carol A. Smith

7:30 p.m. Bible Study 12:00 p.m. Prayer 8:00 a.m. Prayer

8815 Millington-Arlington Road • Millington, TN 38053 901-829-4106 • www.rosemarkministries.org Facebook: Rosemark COGIC

For Your Health

Mental Wellness and

Spirituality by Paola Tennon RN, BSN, MBA/HCA, CCM

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee…”

Jeremiah 1:5, KJV.

Jeremiah, also known as the weeping prophet in the Holy Bible; though anointed by God; faced an array of physical and mental challenges throughout his entire life. His mental well being had to remain intact in order to cope with the extraordinary circumstances he was faced with during those times. He had to be able to cope and find solutions for each individual challenge. How? By remaining stead fast, focusing on the task at hand and seeking God’s guidance in each situation. “For when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be strong in character and ready for anything. (James 1:3-4, NLT)” Like Jeremiah, our mental wellbeing is incumbent upon our ability to cope or deal with the

16 I Fall 2012

stresses of life. His spiritual beliefs enabled him to withstand in the face of adversity. And, so it is with each of us. Our ability to cope and our spiritual beliefs are very much a part of who we are. They dictate how we respond to a given situation and helps in the development of character. Spirituality is a crucial component of wellness; but it is often overlooked when addressing physical, mental or psychiatric issues which are thought of as separate entities and totally unrelated. In reality, our

emotional, psychological, social, spiritual and physical well-being is all intertwined. In recent years, public health research has identified vital links between mental health disorders and physical illness. Those associated with chronic diseases are inclusive of asthma, arthritis, cardiovascular (heart attacks, strokes), cancer, diabetes, epilepsy and obesity. Depression was also, found to be the disorder that most strongly correlates

with these conditions. Associative risk behaviors include physical inactivity, tobacco, alcohol abuse, and insufficient sleep. As we further delve into this topic, we find literature that links research to other potential causes that may exacerbate the symptoms of mental illness. Some include: heredity, toxins found in the environment or in our food source, diminished neurogenic chemicals in our brains such as Serotonin; electro-magnetic exposure (EMR) from electronic device over usage, post traumatic stress or major trauma, hormonal imbalance and the list goes on. Why should we be concerned? Mental health as defined by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is “a state of well-being that enables us to realize our own abilities, to cope with the normal stresses of life, to work productively and fruitfully; and to become productive contributors to our communities. It further states that there is evidence suggesting that positive mental health is associated with improved health outcomes.”

monitoring of mental health conditions and associative factors impacting mental health will: aid in increased awareness; provide evidence to help in management of mental disorders and chronic disease; promote healthier life styles and mental wellness/ prevention; as well as; improve overall outcomes for optimal wellbeing. One might ask; what does this has to do with spirituality? The answer lies in our belief system and the role that spirituality plays in our lives. 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 speaks of a thorn in the side of the Apostle Paul. He had to endure this agony for an unknown period of time and we don’t know what this thorn was. It may have been physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. Non-the-less; Paul besought the Lord three times to remove the thorn. But, the third time he asked the Lord said unto him: “My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness.” In looking at this scenario we see hope, meaning, comfort, strength, love, peace and Paul’s unwavering faith and connection with God.

One might ask; what does this has to do with spirituality? The answer lies in our belief system and the role that spirituality plays in our lives.

Unfortunately, clinical research indicates that mental illness represents four of the top six sources of disability from medical causes for Americans ages 15-44 and suicide accounts for more deaths each year than either homicide or AIDS. The economic cost for treating mental disorders is estimated at $150 billion with a potential costs increase greater than 20 percent annually. Surveillance activities monitored by the CDC also indentifies mental illness as a significant public health problem. Public health studies reported that about 25% of all U.S. adults have mental illness. Additionally, the incident rate of intentional homicide, suicide and unintentional motor vehicles injures is 2 to 6 times higher among people with mental illness. The Office of Minority Health and Health Disparities (OMHD) also reports that 1 in 2 Americans has a diagnosable mental disorder which includes 44 million adults and 13.7 million children. Some of the barriers that impact these numbers include limited access to care, income, managed care, consumer noncompliance, healthcare provider’s limited knowledge on treatments and the stigma associated with mental illness. Yes, these statistics are disturbing, but in spite of there negative connotations there is still hope. Jeremiah 32:17 reassures us that “There is nothing to hard for God.” Jeremiah was constantly challenged, yet he remained steadfast and focused on God. The silver lining in all of this is that the

Research has been conducted to look closer at the relationship between spirituality and mental health. Social support and cognitive realignment are elements found in literature that are sometimes utilized. The religious community in some studies was the protective agent that was used to abolish the thought of hopelessness and isolation. This helped to put an end to social isolation by encouraging a sense of belonging which then improved self-esteem and strengthened the family and social network. John Swinton author of “Spirituality and Mental Health Care: Rediscovering a Forgotten Dimension” refers to the review of research literature that reported on aspects of religious and spiritual involvement which yielded positive mental health outcomes. Credence is given to positive correlation with depression, anxiety, addictions, anorexia and schizophrenia. Despite this evidence which suggest the relevance of spirituality to mental health; uncertainty surrounding this research remains. Mr. Swinton has identified five ways in which spirituality contributes to and enhances mental health: 1. Well-being: is related and connected to self, others and God.

2. Spiritual support: refers to the knowledge of God’s presence, prayer, reading of scripture, and access to the spiritual community. ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 17

3. Social Support through religious communities: addresses emotional support, sense of belonging, self- esteem, and spiritual support in times of adversity. 4. Coping and positive cognitive meditation: deals with emotional focused coping and problem-focused coping. 5. Comfort, hope, value and meaning: references being valued, purpose and comfort during distress; as well as; Hope in the midst of hopelessness. Although researches clearly suggest that spirituality can be beneficial towards mental health, caution should be maintained. Case in Point: just as medications have side effects; psychotherapy and electro-convulsive therapy can lead to adverse events. And, the concept of spirituality in the treatment of mental illness is inconclusive. There are no guarantees. Thus, critical discernment becomes necessary when dealing with the topic of spirituality and mental health. There are alternative techniques that are thought to be beneficial in the enhancement of overall well-being of individuals struggling with physical or mental illness. In the book entitled, The Ultra Mind Solution, chapters 16, Mark Hyman M.D. gives self care suggestions in which to train our brain through life style changes, thereby improving mood, memory and the speed of thought: Please consult with your healthcare provider before engaging in any new activities. (This is not a treatment or cure.) 1. Exercise: It benefits the brain by improving memory, learning ability, concentration and focus. In addition, it strengthens the cardiovascular system, corrects and preserves insulin Insulin resistance, reduces pain, improves mood, helps promote cellular growth, boost immune function and reduces inflammation, reduces the effects of stress, etc. 2. Relaxation: Aids in healing, repairing, renewal and regeneration. Take a hot bath, massage, exercise, soft belly breathing, etc. 3. Increased sleep patterns:

18 I Fall 2012

During this time the brain and body rebuilds cells and is able to recharges itself. Create a sleep environment, comfortable temperature; avoid stimulating activities at least 2 hours prior to sleep (exercise, watching TV, using the internet. Avoid caffeine, sugar, alcohol, and etc.) Clear your mind. 4. Brain Exercise: Mental workout that helps to keep your mind active, improve your mood and brain function. Examples include dancing, hobbies, and reading books; learning new things such as playing an instrument, word games, taking a class, etc. In closing: “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.� Psalm 121: 1-2

References Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2006). Eliminate Disparities in Mental Health. Retrieved October 2, 2012 from http://www.cdc.gov/omhd/amh/ factsheets/mental.htm Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011). Mental Health Basics. Retrieved October 11, 2012 from http://www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth/basics.htm Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2002). Mental Illness Surveillance Among U.S. Adults. Retrieved October 2, 2012 from http://www.cdc.gov/ mentalhealth.surveillance/ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2005). The link Between Chronic Disease and Depressive Disorders. Retrieved October 3, 2012 from http:// www.cdc.gov/pcd/issues/2005/jan/04_0066.htm Culliford, L. (2005). Healing from within: Sprituality and mental health. Retrieved October 7, 2012 from http://mhcd.org/resource_library/faith_spritual-wellness Hyman, M. (2009). The UltraMind Solution. [CD]. Abridged ed. Read by Mark Hyman. Simon and Schuster Audio Lukoff, D. (2007). Spirituality in the recovery from persistent mental disorders. Southern Medical Journal, 100, 642-645. Swinton, J. (2001) Spirituality and mental health care: Rediscovering a forgotten dimension. London and New York, NY: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

Miracles and Blessings

Miracles & Blessings A Year In Pictures...

This year has been a great year for Ordinary People Magazine (OPM). From our Annual Business Prayer Breakfast to our Annual Servant Award, OPM is striving to be the best that it can be! The follow pictures are from our prayer breakfast that takes place in January every year. It is designed to set the tone for the New Year, as we pray and ask God to bless our businesses. We ask that He would lead and guide us in our creativity, our finances, our business ventures, as well as the choices that we make throughout the year. We ask that God make us good stewards over all that He has given us.

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“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Hebrews 11:1 (NASB)

3 John 1:2, “Beloved, I pray that in all respects you may prosper and be in good health, just as your soul prospers.” (NASB) Let this scripture be an encouragement to you as you set out to start your new business, or continual in business. We hope to see you at the 2013 Ordinary People Magazine Annual Business Prayer Breakfast. Romans 8:28, “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.” Be Blessed!

20 I Fall 2012

Gospel Music/Artists

Gospel Music/Artists

Ordinary People Annual Servant Award 2012

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This year Ordinary People Magazine (OPM) rolled out the Red Carpet as they set the tone for their “Annual Servant Award.” Holy Nation Church of Memphis (Bartlett, TN) was the place for OPM’s first glam night and everyone was dress “Red Carpet” ready. In sheer Oscar style nominees and award show attendees gracefully walked the red carpet greeted my award show hostesses. Kendall Elem, of Kendall Elem Photography, capture OPM’s historical moment for all award show attendees. Energized spirited filled, Elder John B. Smith of Rosemark COGIC (Millington, TN) blessed the event with a very inspirational prayer. And then it was praise and worship time as Holy Nation’s praise team came out and took the event to another level. The spirit was definitely high the entire evening! Elder Arnell Morris of WBBP AM 1480, served as the host of the evening. And with the same spirit of excellence that he brings to his listeners, he was brought the same to the award show. Performing at the 2012 Servant Award was: Vincent Tharpe &

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Kenosis; Diamond Praise Dance Company; Cartellis Wesley of Huntsville, Al; Crystal “The Sax Lady� Brown, Brooklyn Sierra. The 2012 Servant Award honorees, in our Individual categories; Mrs. Carolyn Lester, Ms. Joyce Parkinson, Ms. Beverly Bolden (Moss Point, Miss.), Mrs. Brinder Martin-Benson. In the Non-profit categories; Girls of Leadership, Her Faith Ministries, Pushing Outstanding Excellence For Kids. In the Corporation categories; Cargill Adgorizon-Memphis, Federal Express, and United Healthcare Community Plan. Ms. Wilma D. Williams received, The Sylvester Bowen Lifetime Achievement Award for 2012. To all of the 2012 honorees, thank you for your service and dedication to your individual organizations and your communities, may God continual to bless your efforts! OPM Servant Award Staff

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Let The Lady Speak

God’s Plan for Me by Rhonda B. Hurst

I wonder if I am the only person

indeed a plan, the question is how can we, as believers, connect

who wonders about God’s original

to God’s defined purpose and his divine plan for our life?

plan for me and my life. It would

Please allow me to show us how to get in order and in sync with

be great to know His plan step by

God’s plan.

step. Can you imagine the peace we would have just knowing that

1. Draw Close to God…God is such a gentleman. He will

all the decisions we make are led by

not stalk us or run down our door to spend quality time with

God Himself? We would always be

us. Besides, He wants to be our best friend, and best friends

in the right place, at the right time,

choose to stick around each other! When we are fully

at the right season for all the right reasons. We would always have enough provisions to do what God has already predestined us to do. We would not have to struggle with being indecisive or fear of failure. We would not have worry about the uncertainty of life because we would have God’s blueprint to follow. We would only have to live life according to God’s plan. One would think that this is wishful thinking. Or is it? Jeremiah 1:5 tells us “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” This scripture proves that before we were born, God had a wonderful and unique plan for each one of us. He has specially designed and created us with distinctive talents and gifts to walk in the perfect plan He has already predetermined for us. Now that we know there is

26 I Fall 2012

“in Christ,” we will

naturally desire to do those things which please Him and which

that it is correct, and always has been. It is the eternal fountain

draw us ever-closer to God. But if we are not “in Christ,” our

of truth.

sinful inborn nature will tend to draw us away from God. Throughout the Bible, there are fundamental dualities: good

3. Learn to Listen to the Holy Spirit…You will also read

vs. evil; righteousness vs. sin; heaven vs. hell; saved vs.

that you have to make a decision about Jesus. Once you have

unsaved; the Kingdom of God vs. the lake of fire; submission

submitted to His way of doing things and have received Him

to God vs. rebellion against God; light vs. darkness; God vs.

as Lord and Savior over your life, you have made the God-

Satan. All of these

connection and the Holy

dualities are variations

Spirit will start talking to you

of the one basic duality: close to God vs. not close to God. Once we recognize this twofold nature of all things, we can examine our own thoughts and actions to see if they draw us closer to God or push us farther away. “Sins” are those things which push us away from God. Righteousness is what

Once you have submitted to His way of doing things and have received Him as Lord and Savior over your life, you have made the God-connection and the Holy Spirit will start talking to you about God’s plan for you.

draws us closer to God.

about God’s plan for you. As a Christian we cannot be rooted and grounded until we have the Holy Spirit living within us. The Holy Spirit will come and dwell within us. The Holy Spirit will give us the gift of discernment of what is right and wrong. It will impress our minds to love Christ and will give us love for our fellowmen. It will lead and guide us continually. The Holy Spirit

2. Follow God’s Word…As we read and study the Bible,

will impart the power to live Godly. Just as an electrical device

we will discover that it is Christ’s message to us. It contains

cannot operate without being plugged in, so it is with us, we

everything a Christian will need to equip himself/herself to

cannot operate without the main power source for Godly living.

live a godly life according to God’s plan. As we read

The Holy Spirit is that Power Source. (Luke 11:13, John 16:13)

it under the guidance of God, we should be willing to change our life in accordance. It benefit us nothing to

Our vision is so limited and we are so short sighted that we

read the Bible and still insist on living a life contrary

cannot possibly know what is best for us without seeking God’s

to its directives. The Bible helps us to avoid the

plan. His plan is for eternity. Left to our own imaginations,

quicksand and pitfalls that will sink us into misery,

we do not look past the moment. However, when we draw

sadness and distress. By following its precepts, we

close to God, follow His Word and learn to listen and obey the

will attain a quality of life that will be both beneficial

Holy Spirit, God will direct our path. Trust in the LORD with

to us and those who live with and associate with us.

all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In

(Psalm 1:1-3)

all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Most people have been exposed to books and

(Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV). We must understand that when we

philosophies which are manmade theories

acknowledge God in all our ways, He will lead us, direct us

or conjectures. We often live according to

and show us how to execute his perfect plan for our life step by

denominational restrictions or our own self


righteous standards in which many of them are not proven to be true. The Bible, on the other hand, has been proven. It has endured the test of time and each and every year new research reveals ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 27

Consider This

Only It Is


Natural by Vanderbilt Brabson III

n old scorpion

the middle of that ocean with you on my

frog swam. When the two were about

became marooned

back, you will sting me!”

a half mile out into the ocean, suddenly that old scorpion wound up his tail and

on a deserted island without any food.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” exclaimed the

buried his stinger deep into the old frog’s

scorpion. “Surely you can see why I

back, mortally wounding him.

The only other living creature on the

want off this island. There’s no food. If

island was an old frog, and the frog

I stay here, I’ll surely die. You are my

In great pain and anguish the old, dying

decided he would swim to the mainland

only hope!” Having said this the old

frog looked up as he slowly began to

to find food.

scorpion broke down and began to weep.

sink. “Scorpion, why’d you go and do a thing like that? Don’t you realize now

Realizing his dilemma the old scorpion

Moved by the old scorpion’s tears,

we’re both going to die?”

approached the frog and reasoned,

the old frog finally acquiesced to the

Noticeably terrified and frustrated, the

“Look, it’s about one mile to the

scorpion’s request.

old scorpion cried, “I know, I know, Frog! I know. And, I really tried with

mainland, and you could swim there “Oh, you won’t regret this frog! I’ll be

all my might not to sting you, but I just

good. I’ll be really good!” pledged the

couldn’t help myself. You see, Frog, it’s

“Are you kidding me,” the old frog

old scorpion. So the scorpion climbed

my nature.”

replied. “As soon as I get out there in

aboard the frog’s back and away the

easily with me on your back.”

28 I Fall 2012

Although that old scorpion knew that stinging the frog meant

bondage to their old sin nature (Romans 6:6) and the power to

his own demise, he still had no power to act contrary to his

truly live as God’s child (John 1:12).

nature. And so it is with us. A thief is not a thief because What about you? Are you one of those individuals who

he steals. He steals because he is a thief. A liar is not a liar

simply has a form or appearance of godliness? This means you

because he lies.

may attend church regularly, use He lies because he is a liar. And a sinner is not a sinner because

Christian clichés, and know Christian doctrine; however, if you

he sins. He sins because he is a sinner. Everything and

are honest with yourself, you realize there is no real power in

everyone acts according to their nature.

your life to live for God daily. If this describes you, please pray

Committing sin comes naturally for individuals who have

the following:

not entered into a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Even if Dear Heavenly Father, I have come to realize

a non-Christian desires to live his/her life in service to God, he or she will quickly discover that apart from a genuine

that all my attempts to serve

relationship with Jesus Christ, the power he or she needs to

You apart from a genuine relationship with Your

perform it just is not there within him or her.

Son Jesus Christ are at best futile. Your word in Revelation 3:20 tells me that Jesus is knocking at

In his second letter to Timothy, Paul warned the young overseer about individuals who publicly made a show of religion but whose daily conduct and activities behind the scenes revealed their true, unregenerate

the door of my heart and

And a sinner is not a sinner because he sins. He sins because he is a sinner. Everything and everyone acts according to their nature.

asking permission to enter. I hear His voice, and I am now inviting Him into my heart and life to be both Savior and Lord. I believe that He died for my sins and rose for my justification. Please take that same power You used

natures (2 Timothy 3:1-5). Paul declared to Timothy that these individuals had an

to raise Jesus’ dead body from the grave and use

outward form of godliness but no real power within themselves

in my life to make me a new creature with a new

to truly live for Jesus Christ. A very popular doctrinal statement

nature in Jesus Christ. Thank you for hearing my

taught in many of our seminaries reads,

prayer, for forgiving me of my sin, and for accepting me as a child of God in Jesus Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

“No degree of reformation, however great, no attainment of morality, however high, no culture, however attractive, no baptism or ordinance,

“It is not my ability, but my response to God’s

however administered will bring a sinner one step

ability, that counts.” Corrie Ten Boom. Boom was a

closer to salvation in God than what is already

Christian Holocaust survivor, who helped a number of Jews

provided for in the shed blood and substitutionary

escape the Nazis during World War II.

death of Jesus Christ.” © October 2012 Only through the salvation wrought in a genuine relationship

Vanderbilt Brabson III, Author

with Jesus Christ will an individual find true freedom from their

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Inspirational Words

What is Your Spiritual DNA? by Paris Ducker

Jeremiah 1:5 The Message (MSG) “Before I shaped you in the womb, I knew all about you. Before you saw the light of day, I had holy plans for you: A prophet to the nations— that’s what I had in mind for you.” I knew you Our Spiritual DNA (SDNA) (self-replicating genetic code found in all spiritual living beings) was created in us by God even before our conception ever takes place. This gene from our Heavenly Father solidifies our spiritual pedigree which links us all to the family of God. This means not only can we trace our spiritual heritage and stand strong in the knowledge that we are created for a reason; but we can also understand why we all share some of the same SDNA traits. When we are not aligned with God’s holy plan for our lives a vast emptiness (void) grows in us, and oftentimes we suffer consequences of self-doubt, depression, and wandering aimlessly (both spiritually and naturally). But when we obey and follow the pattern of our SDNA, we joyfully fulfill our Father’s plan for our lives and become beacons of light to the nations. Each SDNA is designed specifically for each of us with spirited information and instruction from God. Every one of us has a different gift; a few examples are preachers, teachers, evangelists, apostles, prophets, pastors, mentors, intercessors, prayer warriors, parents as well as leaders. God has appointed his ministers to their offices before they were born (Geneva Study Bible). We are designed and shaped for God’s purpose in our life. I loved you and I chose you God was gracious enough to lovingly remind several great men in the bible of his plans and purpose for their lives, don’t forget that it applies to us as well. Our identity was established before we took our first breath. The great architect of our soul created the blueprint to guide us on our journey, and to do what He created us to do. He chose us to do his work of the kingdom in the earth. Even when we doubt our ability to do what we have specifically been chosen to do; we can

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always research and study God’s word, and read some examples from three biblical greats who share our same SDNA code: IS: 49: God calls Isaiah from birth to declare his destiny, formed in the womb and making mention of his name. Gal 1:15: Paul talks about God setting him apart from birth to do his work. Ps 139:15: David talks about God ordaining his days before they came to be. God is the Master Interior Designer, and He lovingly created the masterpiece that each of us are today. We are designed with a reason, calling and a purpose. I dedicated you. I set you apart to be a prophet. Isn’t it marvelous how God calls ordinary people to tasks that are not so ordinary? If you read a little further in Jeremiah and you can eavesdrop on his discussion with God as he expresses his doubts that he is truly called and set apart because of his age (Jer 1:6). How many of us have doubts or fears (myself included) about our ability to follow the blueprint God has set before us? We know and agree that we are here for more than just mere existence, but what are we doing with the destiny and purpose that has been placed within in us? Jeremiah 1:5 declares that God’s holy plan was to send us to the nations. Our nations can consist of our neighborhood, the marketplace, and family and yes in fact, many of us are called to the nations. We all have been called from the womb to share the good news of the salvation of Jesus Chris to the nations. Remember to make an appointment with your Interior Designer (Pray) Study the blueprint when you get the information (God’s Pattern for your life through the Bible) Apply the information (Walk in your Destiny and Calling) Do you know your SDNA?

From Within...

“Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations”.

Jeremiah 1:5

When God gave me this scripture, I thought that I knew why, only to realize that I didn’t. I must have read and re-read it several times, then I began to look at the words within the scripture. Often times we make thank that we know a person; that we can feel what they are feeling and understand what they are going through. However, God knows us like no other. He clearly tells us, that even before we were formed in our mother’s belly that He “knew” us. He knew we would go through so much during our life time; that our lives would not be a “bed of roses” so to speak, that we would face many ups and downs. But isn’t it great that He also sanctified us even as we began to come forth out of the womb! God is so awesome! Although we do understand that He was speaking to Jeremiah, we can take comfort in knowing that He is speaking to us as well. That we are ordained to be prophets unto the nations, to go out and share the good new of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! This is our last issue of the year, and we thank each of you for your love and support.Thank you so much for your emails and words of encouragement, as well as all the letters to the editor that we receive. God is truly blessing Ordinary People Magazine (OPM). We would like to say, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and pray that your 2013 will be richly blessed! And as always, Love, Peace, and Increase…

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The “Each One Reach One” church growth challenge is an initiative that challenge members of Holy Nation Church to....

• Be a witness and win souls for Christ • Compel individuals without a church home to visit Holy Nation • Challenge individuals to become members of Holy Nation • Spread the vision of Holy Nation in the Memphis and surrounding community We are extending ourselves to the Memphis, West Memphis and surrounding communities to come and grow with us as we impact the world for Christ!

3333 Old Brownsville Road Memphis, TN 38134 For More Information Call: (901)491-6403

Andrew and Shirley Perpener, Pastor

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