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Upcoming Events-2012 Calendar Events

Annual Prayer Breakfast Memphis Hilton 932 Ridge Lake Blvd Jan. 28, 2012 $25.00 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.

Annual Servant Award

Holy Nation Church of Memphis 3333 Old Brownsville Rd Bartlett, TN 38134 May 26, 2012 $25.00 For more information please call (901) 308-4417 / (901) 949-3409

OPM-Women Empowerment Conference 2012 Holy Nation Church of Memphis 3333 Old Brownsville Rd Bartlett, TN 38134 Aug 24 & 25 2012 $25.00 (reg. fee)

For more information please call (901) 308-4417 / (901) 949-3409 ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 3

departments Founder and Editorial Director Verna V. Nickelberry Editor-In-Chief India B. Oliver Art Director Rushun Wiseman Contributing Writers Vanderbilt Brabson Paris Ducker Rhonda Hurst Paola Tennon Layout Designer Denardo Crawford Marketing Consultant Joyce Parkinson jpconnection.com (901) 907-8557 Photographer Kendall Elem Sales Director/ Memphis, TN Janet Chestnut salesmemphis@ ordinarypeoplemagazine.org Sales Director/ Frisco, TX Will Odom tndimension.net (214) 514-2926 O.P. Magazine Mail 8890 Bristol Park Cir. #103 Bartlett, TN 38133 (901) 949-3409 http://ordinarypeoplemagazine.org ORDINARY PEOPLE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication and is distributed in Memphis, TN; Knoxville, TN; Frisco, TX; Atlanta, GA; and Orlando, FL.

contents Summer 2012


Networking inMemphis 10

21 27




30 Inspirational Words


Editor-in-Chief OPM Summer

23 Let The Lady Speak

31 From WithIn...

IN THE SPOTLIGHT Networking-In-Memphis

25 Introducing Kidsplosion


16 FOR YOUR HEALTH Human Behavior and Spirituality

God’s Angel Walked In Thy Will Be Done

Victory in Submission

27 CONSIDER THIS A Broken Will

All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the founder/editor’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor. The publication of any advertisement in the issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by the publication. © 2012 Ordinary People Magazine

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On The Cover

William Alexander shares his testimony Jess and I have been married now for about a year and a half, and I can speak for both of us when I say how wonderful it has been. Sure we have our little spats, but we continue to grow in our relationship as we grow in our relationship with God. We have had the benefit of seeing our relationship before we came to know Jesus. We dated for a year about 8 years ago, and I am embarrassed and ashamed of the person I was then. I will not go into detail, but I was a liar, a cheater, a manipulator, and very selfish. By the way, if you would have asked me, I would have told you with confidence that I was a Christian and a good person. I wanted to portray a certain image to mask my insecurities and feed my ego. Needless to say, that relationship didn’t last very long. We kept in touch over the years, and I continued in my ways for a while. Over time, I started to really notice the changes that God had been making in my dad and brother’s lives. I began to see what true Christianity looked like realizing that I didn’t have it. I started to

view myself in a horrible way, and I knew that I had to change. I also knew that I couldn’t do it on my own. I began praying more and attending church regularly, and I felt God working in my life, convicting me of things and changing my desires. I was far from the Christian that I wanted to be (I still am), but obviously Jess noticed a change in me, and we found ourselves hanging out more and more, and eventually got back together. After we got back together I began a bible study on Wednesday nights. This was when the true transformation began. I was taught about what it means to TRULY be a Christian. I not only learned about what I professed to believe, but also why I believed it. I learned what it means to live a Godly life and eventually be a Godly husband. It didn’t take long to get Jess involved in church, bible study, prayer, etc. since it had such a huge impact on my life. Since then, we have gotten married, and even though we are from the Christians we want to be, we continue to pray, study our bible, and attend church and a young married class at Bellevue Baptist. We grow in our love for God and each other everyday knowing that we could never be in the position we are in without Him.

Letters to the Editor I really enjoyed reading your Spring 2012 issues and the cover was very refreshing! Mary Memphis, TN

6 I Summer 2012

As always your magazine is very inspirational and uplifting. When I receive my copy I read it from cover to cover. T.J. Atlanta, GA


OPM SUMMER Throughout my life I have always been willing to help others even when it meant “biting off more than I could chew” or failing to consider just how much of my time it would actually involve. You can imagine, at times I felt anxious and overwhelmed. When I was first asked to assume the role of Editor-in-Chief of Ordinary People Magazine, I knew it would be difficult in light of the fact that my plate was already filled with all the responsibilities associated with working full time, being a college student, a wife, and a mother of two demanding baby boys. I honestly did not know how I could possibly accept this position in light of my already busy schedule. The request left me anxious and overwhelmed, and because it did, I was tempted to reject this great opportunity, but God led me to do otherwise. Oh, did I fail to mention that prior to the request, I was already working with Ordinary People Magazine; however, my role and goal then was simply to lend another pair of eyes to the editor. I believed in the magazine, its’ purpose and its’ writers. I had no interest in a formal position and wanted to remain in my comfort zone—behind the scenes; however, God saw my role differently. Of course it is both the nature and tendency for most of us to shun anything that we surmise will be very difficult, and trust me, I am no exception. But the Lord said in Mark 8:34 if we are to be His servants, we must first deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Him. In short, if I am to abandon my will and comply with God’s will, then I must continually die to self (1 Corinthians 15:31). The focus of this issue of Ordinary People magazine is based on Jesus’ words when He prayed, “Father, if you are willing, remove

this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done (Luke 22:42).” In Consider This, Vanderbilt Brabson III paints a vivid and memorable picture on the canvas of our minds of what it truly means to die to self and to follow God’s will for our lives. He reminds us that God always knows and desires only that which is best for us and therefore may orchestrate whatever circumstances He deems necessary to render us submissive to His sovereign will for our lives. In Thy Will Be Done, Rhonda Hurst, reminds us that praying for God’s will to prevail in our hearts and lives is an act of obedience. She also reminds us that as children of God we may not always agree with our Heavenly Father’s decisions, but we must trust that in all things He has our best interest at heart. Finally, in Victory in Submission, we are reminded that God has given us free will. This means that during our time here on earth we can resolve to be submissive to God’s will, or we can choose to walk in the ways of the world. Spiritual victory happens in our lives only when we are submissive to God’s will. God loves us just the way we are, but He loves us too much to leave us the way we are. He changes us and begins the process of conforming us into the image of His Son. I am now EditorIn-Chief of Ordinary People Magazine because I believe God is using this magazine to spread His message of salvation and hope. Seeking and surrendering to God’s will has made my task of being Editor-In-Chief a blessing rather than a burden. As new opportunities arise I will seek to surrender each of my decisions to Him, and it is my prayer that you will do the same.

In Him,

India B. Oliver Editor-in-Chief

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In The Spotlight

Networking inMemphis by Nicole Gates

Networking-In-Memphis (NIM) will celebrate two years of bringing together business professionals, entrepreneurs, community and civic groups within the Memphis area.

“With the current economic challenges small business

As a premier networking event, Networking-In-Memphis’

such as Networking-In-Memphis will not only bolster their

CEO Kelly D. Price is innovative and on a continual basis,

products and services but also help create a better city. This

constructing and building new partnerships that will keep

is sure to make Memphis the city of choice for outside

businesses , communities, and civic groups on the cutting

companies to invest their time and most importantly their

edge of an ever-expanding environment.


10 I Summer 2012

owners and organizations must make important changes in managing their business activity”, says Price. It has been proven that networking helps re-engineer the selling environment as well as community activities when everyone is working together. In doing so, participants in events

NIM was created to maximize communities’ potential in Memphis, while building a solid sense of community. Participants can bolster their products and services to seize new market and prospect opportunities. The atmosphere is great! Memphis has a lot of great things going on that are unheard of; this event is helping to spread the word! The monthly event has a proven track record of generating money for business owners. To its credit 193 exchanges have been made with people that have visited NIM worth $353,000 in business to business and consumer to business transactions. NIM has proven that networking does work! NIM has embraced, adapted, and is holding Memphians accountable to the vision of making Memphis a city of choice. “A successful team takes a group of many hands, but ONE mind!” “It takes attentive leadership, I’d like to think I am doing my part”, states Price. Kelly D. Price retired from the U.S. Army in June of 2009 after 21 years of service to his nation, Price decided to become an entrepreneur, going into business with a friend to form Networking International, to connect local business and business around the world, Price also becoming a partner in a marketing firm, FireWolf Marketing with office locations in New York and Atlanta. In March of 2012 Price became a little closer to the city of Memphis by joining the JustMy.com a digital company that develops digital profiles for individual professionals and companies to help make Memphis the city of choice. On May 1, 2012 Price was named President of the Home-Base Business Chamber Memphis Chapter. The Home-Base Business Chamber was established to support home-based businesses, the primary benefit is to expose member to a bigger customer base.

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Word Search







Aaron Alter Blemish Bullock Congregation Israel

12 I Summer 2012




Lamb Leprosy Leviticus Moses Purification Tabernacle





UP C OMING E VENTS • Youth Month

September 2012

• Community Block Party

September 15, 2012 • 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

E.A. Harold Subdivision • Millington, TN

• Mother-Daughter: “Love, Live, Laugh” Event

October 12, 2012 - 6:00 p.m.

• Octoberfest October 31, 2012 • 7:00 p.m. Special Musical Guests: Donte Everhart & End Time Movement • Christmas Celebration December 23, 2012 • 6:30 p.m. Special Musical Guests: Billy Rivers & The Angelic Voices of Faith


9:30 a.m. Prayer 9:45 a.m. Bible Fellowship 11:15 a.m. Worship 6:30 p.m. Worship (2nd & 4th) 8:45 a.m. Worship (5th)

Wednesday Friday Saturday (1st)

Elder John B. Smith, Senior Pastor & Lady Carol A. Smith

7:30 p.m. Bible Study 12:00 p.m. Prayer 8:00 a.m. Prayer

8815 Millington-Arlington Road • Millington, TN 38053 901-829-4106 • www.rosemarkministries.org Facebook: Rosemark COGIC

For Your Health

Human Behavior and

Spirituality by Paola Tennon RN, BSN, MBA/HCA, CCM

“..Nevertheless, not my will, but Thine, be done.” Luke 22:42

parable of the lost sheep that is reflective of our rejection of others

We sometimes hear terms such as; human will, free will or human

and Christ love for all (Matt18;12-13; Luke 15:4-7), etc.

nature. Regardless of the terminology used, they each are reflective of our willfulness to make choices. Will is defined in the Webster’s

As humans, we make choices or decisions based on an array of

Dictionary as “the power of making a reasoned choice or decision

circumstances, emotions, stressors, and influences which denote

of controlling one’s own actions. Other definitions include: a strong

specific behaviors or actions. Therefore, our behavior is directly

and fixed purpose, determination; disposition or attitude towards

impacted by the choices we make and they can be either rewarding

others; a particular desire, purpose, pleasure or choice which

or detrimental. We must realize their complexity and whether

compels us into action.” Wikipedia encyclopedia states that; “a

unintentional or deliberate, the end result can lead to either

person’s will is one of the most distinct parts of their mind, along

optimistic responses or undesirable outcomes. Mahatma Gandhi

with reason and understanding. It is also, important in the ethics

once stated that: “Strength does not come from physical capacity.

associated with our actions.” From these definitions we can deduce

It comes from an indomitable will.”

that human will carries an awesome responsibility.

In contrast, God’s will helps to prepare

God created man in his image and in so doing; he gave us the

us for our

ability to make moral choices. One of the earliest references to

daily walk in

human will or the ability of man to make choices is found in the

a sinful world

book of Genesis. (Gen 1:26-27 ; 2:16-17 ) In these scriptures we

plagued with

find that Adam and Eve are given a command by God “not to eat of


the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.” Instead, they exerted

strife, greed,

their human will and made a personal choice to disobey God’s

lust and etc.

command. The result of their disobedience leads to sin entering

Our Christian

the world. Many examples of human will are found throughout

belief is rooted

scripture including several of the parables of Jesus. References

in our faith and

include: The prodigal son, Luke 15:11-32, who willfully demanded

trust in our risen

his portion of the inheritance; the ten virgins emphasizes being

savior, Jesus

prepared and the necessity of watchfulness Matt 25:1-12; and the

Christ and in

16 I Summer 2012

God Almighty. As Christians, we should strive to have our lives

to many of the choices we make. God in his infinite wisdom made

to unfold in the ways that will be pleasing in the sight of God. It

us so that we would be able to handle and respond appropriately

is God’s will that “ye present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy,

to stress. The Fight or Flight response is one such mechanism.

acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service” (Romans

However, sustained or prolonged stress can cause an imbalance in

12:1). And, though our areas of focus may vary, there is one

our systems that can lead to disease. The choices we make in the

constant that impacts us all and that is the understanding that our

way we respond to these stressors will be the deciding factor. We

help comes from the Lord. Philippians 2:13 states “It is God which

can either choose our way or God’s way to deal with our day to

worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”

day issues.

Sometimes a person with a strong will is admired because they seem to be successful in all that they do. We should be mindful because, an uncontrolled will can become a vehicle for evil. Likewise, a lack of mental discipline lessens our Will Power and causes us to make choices entirely on an emotional level. Our way of thinking changes based

Our way of thinking changes based simply on our feelings, which then take over and become the deciding factor in our lives. We become prisoners of our own emotions. The “I” syndrome takes effect and becomes the ruling force of every situation. Selfishness and selfindulgence

simply on our feelings,

When we choose our way we often take un-necessary risk with our health. Because our emotions are typically in charge we are less focused and often justify certain behaviors that may prove detrimental to our health. Examples include: over indulge with food and poor nutritional management; use of alcohol, tobacco or illicit drugs to help

which then take over and become the deciding factor in our lives.

us cope; non compliance with our medications; lack of exercise

We become prisoners of our own emotions. The “I” syndrome

and participation in risky behavior. We become reckless. The

takes effect and becomes the ruling force of every situation.

National Vital Statistics Report for 2010 Deaths: Preliminary Data

Selfishness and self-indulgence follow close behind and are all that

list 15 diseases as the top causes of death in the United States.

really matters at that present moment.

An overview of eight of these diseases can lay a foundation

When we direct negative attitudes towards ourselves and others

for the potential risk associated with each disease process. The

they can constitute an ungodly spirit that leads us away from God

following risk factors including sustained stress, poor lifestyle

and towards sin. Research has

choices, and multiple co morbidities could have played a role in

shown that there is a connection

the exacerbation of these disease processes. Their report included;

between spirituality and religion.

heart disease, cancer, strokes, diabetes, high blood pressure, kidney

Consequently, impacts on our

disease, chronic liver disease and cirrhoses. Managing our health

health can actually be seen in

based on these statistics should prompt us to become more aware

the decline of our physical,

of the choices we make and should help us to understand that

emotional, mental and spiritual

spiritual wellness is very much a part of our overall wellbeing.

wellbeing when we allow bad

God desires that we are spiritually fit. (1Timothy 4:7-9) One

choices to infiltrate our lives.

author states: “God’s Will is to our soul what food is to our body.

From a health perspective, it

It promotes growth in holiness, strength for daily trials, strength

is important to recognize that

to carry the cross and zeal to persevere in our desire for God.”

many of our health issues

As His Will unites with ours we grow in grace and our strength is

are in direct relations not

sustained. “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature:

only to the many stressors

old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” (2

of life or genetics, but also,

Corinthians 5:17) The goal of every Christian should be to abide in ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 17

the will of God. Healthy tips to keep us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually strong and to reduce our risk for ill health: • Avoid risky behaviors, smoking, substance abuse of all kinds, • Decrease the amount of high fat, high calorie, high cholesterol, high sodium and high sugar foods. Increase your fruit and vegetable intake. • Stay hydrated by substituting sweetened drinks with water, unsweetened tea, non-fat or reduced fat milk, zero-calorie flavored water or diet soda in moderation. Let water be your primary source of hydration as much as possible. • Increase physical activity in order to burn the energy producing calories. It’s ok to be creative. Add dance steps to your cleanup routine; walk in place, ride a stationary bicycle or do leg and arm lifts while watching the TV; take the stairs rather than the elevator and practice going up and down the stairs at home several times a day to increase your endurance. • Remember, unhealthy choices become unhealthy habits that lead to unhealthy behavior yielding unhealthy lifestyles that God is not pleased with. • Changing behavior is not easy. You can start by staying focused on what God’s will is for you. If you don’t know ask him. • Pray, meditate, read and study the holy word • Learn to forgive and ask for forgiveness • Set a goal that is realistic. Example: add a piece of fruit to one meal each day. Once this goal becomes a habit, build upon it by adding another goal. Remember, the goal you set for yourself should include God in the overall plan. In John 5:30, Jesus tells His Apostles, “I can of mine own self do nothing, because I seek not mine own will, but the will of

References Agne, M. & Guralnik, D. (2000). Webster’s New World College Dictionary, Fourth Edition (pp 1637, 1638). Foster City, CA: IDG Books Worldwide, Inc.148-316, Farmer, L.H. (1966). The ways if the will: Essays toward a psychology and psychopathology of will. New York / London, Basic Books, Inc, Publishers Brown, H.; Burchard, P.and etal. (1990). ABC’s of the human mind: A family answer book. Pleasantville, New York, Montreal, The Readers Digest Association, Inc. Faith and Healing Connection, Teaching Spiritual Truths for Health. Retrieved June 20, 2012 from http://www.faithandhealingconnection.org/the_connection/what-your-can-do/spiritual-excercises-spiritual-fi... Free Will, retrieved June 2, 2012 from http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_will Healthy Living: How Common Behaviors Affect Your Health. Retrieved June 29, 2012 from http://familydoctor.org/familydoctor/en/prevention-wellness/ staying-healthy/healthy-living/healthy-living... Pink, A.W. God’s Sovereignty and the Human Will. Retrieved June 2, 2012 from http://shepherds-heartbible-study.com/2012/04/gods-sovereignty-and-thehuman-will-a-w-... Is there a connection between faith and healing? Retrieved December 29, 2011 from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/release/27202.php National Vital Statistics Reports Death: Preliminary Data for 2010 issued Jan. 11, 2012. Retrieved June 12, 2012 from www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/1cod.htm/

the father which hath sent me.” Jesus came to the world to do the will of the Father to the point of dying in our stead so that we would have an opportunity for salvation. How much more can we do? Think of it this way. Food is essential for human survival. It provides nourishment, promotes strength, energy and growth. This is exactly what the Will of God does in our lives. This desire to do God’s Will must be a seeking, finding, and uniting experience. It must be done with intention, obedience, promptness and with the love of God.

18 I Summer 2012

Spirituality and your health-Understanding the connection, Retrieved January 1, 2012 from www.faithandfitness.net Will, retrieved June 2, 2012 from http://en.wikipedia. org/wiki/will_(Philosophy)

Gospel Music/Artists

Miracles and Blessings

Miracles & Blessings God’s Angel Walked In

Sharing the Experience of a Kidney Donor and Recipient

By Erma Veasey Foster


t the age of thirteen (13) years old, my pediatrician diagnosed that I had a kidney disease. It was caused by repeated strep throat. The doctor informed my parents and me that there wasn’t anything he could do for me. There was no medication to correct this disease. The only advice given was to eat healthy, drink plenty of water, drink clear beverages, get plenty of rest, and stay out of the sun. As I grew older, the advice was the same with additions of no alcoholic beverages, no smoking, and monitoring blood pressure control. I was also informed by my kidney physician that I would have to have a transplant. My daily prayer all day thereafter was: “Lord, please give me a kidney when the time comes that I will

need one. Do not allow me to have to get dialysis treatments.” Earlier, my son told me that he would give me a kidney when the time came. However, he was in a fatal accident in March of 2005. The time came for my much needed transplant. My family members, excluding my son, were evaluated for possible compatible donors. None were compatible because of chronic medical problems. Time was not on my side, so I began talking to my friends and anybody that would listen. The doctor monitored my kidney functioning. When the doctor was very close to prescribing dialysis treatment, ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 21

“Treasured Moments Often Come Unannounced.” God’s Miracles

through prayers, I felt the Lord had promised me a kidney. I believed and trusted in His promises.


ne afternoon while waiting for parents to arrive for each child’s dismissal at the daycare center, a parent came in for her son and noticed that my head was down. She inquired about how I felt. I told her I was fine, but I had just returned from the doctor and was told that I needed a kidney as soon as possible. I repeated that I was fine and that everything is going to be alright. She said without any hesitations that she would give one of hers. This parent stated that I had done so much for her son and the Lord needed me to help other children. We had known each other for only three (3) years. I think that the Lord spoke to her at that moment. We started talking about the complete process. The two of us needed thorough medical evaluation. The doctors were informed of my possible donor. I was given all the evaluation information for

22 I Summer 2012

the both of us. The evaluation results were everything needed for a match. All the medical reports indicated a match. A living donor that was healthy, well informed, and had made a voluntary decision to give one of her kidneys. The next was planning to schedule surgery.

Prayers Change Things! Is This a Miracle or What??


n November 20, 2007, at 6:00 a.m., we were scheduled for surgery. First, we were given all expectations by the surgeon. After the parent’s surgical procedure, I immediately had surgery and a new kidney. The transplanted kidney began functioning instantaneously. The transfer was very successful.

Let The Lady Speak


Be Done by Rhonda B. Hurst

When visiting the Lord’s Prayer

obtain my permission before he left out of the yard. When he

in the bible, we will notice that

wanted to do certain things around the house, he would ask for

it contains the phrase, “Thy will

my permission. As his parent, I was the one in control. I made

be done.” Have you ever really

decisions according to my will and what was best for him. I

wondered what Jesus meant when

expected Tyler to accept my decisions and be obedient to what

He instructed us to pray that God’s

I had spoken because I had his best interest at heart. I must

will be done? I am convinced that

admit, Tyler did not always agree with my decisions but he

Jesus modeled this prayer for us as

could never argue the fact that my decisions were for his own

a way of telling us that when we


pray to God, we should ask Him to handle every situation in the way that He deems best. How

So it is with our relationship with God today. He is our

God chooses to handle a problem or predicament is His will. I

Heavenly Father, and we as His children, must come to Him

believe that Jesus was teaching us in the Lord’s Prayer that we

and ask what His will is for our lives. When we repent and turn

should always pray for God’s will to be done in every situation.

to God for forgiveness, we also make Him the Lord of our lives.

I remember when my son, Tyler was just a little boy. He had to

This means He is in control, and it is His decisions (His will) ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 23

that we must seek for everything that affects us. Praying for

follower. Moses had disciples, the Pharisees had disciples,

God’s will is an act of obedience, just like asking for a parents’

John the Baptist had disciples. When Jesus began His public

permission. We may not always agree with His decisions but we

ministry, He too, looked for disciples so that, when His work

must trust that He has our best interest at heart.

was finished, there would be others who would faithfully carry on the work of the kingdom of God. So it is with us today,

Whether we actually say, “Thy will be done” when we

pray, or whether we use a less formal phrase, it is important to

God’s will is for us to be disciples and carry on faithfully in the building of His kingdom.

pray in God’s will. It is acceptable for us to tell God what we desire for a given situation, but we should always defer to Him and let Him know that we desire His will above our own. Even Jesus did this in the Garden of Gethsemane when He was facing torture and death on the cross. (Matthew 26:39 NIV) “Going a little

Praying for God’s will is an act of obedience, just like asking for a parents’ permission. We may not always agree with His decisions but we must trust that He has our best interest at heart.

Lastly, God’s will is for us to trust His plan for our lives. We were created by God, in His image, for a purpose. Just as God set apart from birth Isaiah (Isaiah 49:1), Jeremiah (Jeremiah 1:5) and Paul (Galatians 1:15) for a specific purpose, we also have a specific purpose. “For I know the plans I have for you, declared the Lord, plans to prosper you and

farther, he fell with his

not to harm you, plans to

face to the ground and

give you hope and a future”

prayed, My Father, if it

(Jeremiah 29:11 KJV). God

is possible, may this cup be taken from me. Yet not as I will, but

does not want to lead us with a bridle like a horse or a mule that

as you will.” We should follow Jesus’ example and desire God’s

has to be swayed. He wants to lead us intelligently by the Holy

will for our life.

Spirit according to His Holy Word. Our trust allows Him to lead us gracefully to our destiny.

Perhaps you are wondering, what is God’s will for your life? Many people desire to do God’s will but we struggle with

As Rick Warren famously said in his best seller book, The

knowing what God’s will is. Allow me to share with you some

Purpose Driven Life, “It’s not about you.” Life is about God.

knowledge of God’s will. First and foremost, God’s will is

God is the Creator of all, and all of creation, including me

that we have a relationship with Him through His Son, Jesus

and you. So, life starts with God, not us. Therefore, God’s

Christ. “This is good, and pleases God our Savior, who wants

will starts with Him, not us. If we are making decisions

all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth”

based primarily on what makes “us” happy, then we have our

(1 Timothy 2:3-4 KJV). God desires an intimate relationship

priorities backwards and we will stumble at every turn. We

with us; to bring Him glory by the way we live. When we draw

must understand that life is less complicated when we allow

closer to Him, He will automatically draw closer to us. His

God’s will to be done. Believing and living otherwise is a

ultimate will is to be closer to us.

never-ending, empty uphill battle. Who are we to battle against God’s will?

Second, God wants us to live a life that draws people closer to Him. “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me” (John 12:32 KJV). When Jesus called men and women to follow Him, what did He expect of them? He expected them to become his disciples. A disciple is a

24 I Summer 2012

Introducing Kidsplosion by Verna V Nickelberry

This summer I had the chance to meet an incredible young lady, Ms. Carlena J Harris, who is the visionary behind a new children concept call Kidsplosion. Kidsplosion was created to offer young children something POSITIVE to do as an alternative to the frequent negative alternatives. A very innovative an exciting, original concept as well as a full service entertainment company for ALL youth. For years, the Disney Empire has been entertaining children, but many of the characters and ideas from Disney are not relatable in the urban and global community. Because there are few positive outlets and role models for this demographic, our children often become victim to leading statistics in teen pregnancy, drugs, and incarceration. The goal of Kidsplosion is to soon offer positive television programming, and several other options much like Disney. Realizing that a television network as powerful as Disney will not happen overnight Kidsplosion have ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 25

created a full proof way to first build a large society of children, adding one member at a time. The Kidsplosion Empire has begun with Kidsplosion Nation, which is a 501c3 nonprofit organization offering affordable ($25) yearly memberships where members have their own events, which all members can attend for free such as summer camps, sports teams, created just for them. A Kidsplosion Nation membership also provides a much needed brother and sisterhood, much like a college fraternity or sorority. In addition to the family environment, all members also have access to a state of the art, electrifying web 26 I Summer 2012

community where members can post messages, add friends, play games, and watch videos from our Kidsplosion events! Kidsplosion is a powerful movement that will sweep this country within months! Currently, based out of Atlanta, GA, with plans to expand nationally and soon globally! Ms. Harris is a woman whose mission is to ensure every child and teen realize their worth, potential, and abilities. Her desire is for all youth (and adults) to realize that nothing is impossible! Ms. Harris is a tireless and outstanding advocate

for children, women, students, and mothers everywhere. While Carlena has achieved many successes, she is without hesitation to recognize “God made me who I am, without Him I would not be. . .Kidsplosion is HIS vision and I am honored to be used.” If you’re interested in bringing Kidsplosion to a location near you, don’t hesitate to send us an email at kidsplosion@live.com or call 1-800-KPS-8145 for more information. You can also send donations PO BOX 834 Ellenwood GA 30294. I urge you to become a part of the solution and sign your kids/teens up today for a membership today!

Consider This

A Broken


WILL By Vanderbilt Brabson III

n the ever popular American

by his slave owner. When this saga

blood from Kunte’s back. Between each

saga Roots, written by

moved from the pages of Haley’s book

crack of the whip, the foreman stopped

renowned author Alex Haley,

to the television screen in the homes

and gave Kunte an opportunity to

an incident occurs where

of millions of viewers, both white and

acknowledge “Toby” as his new name.

Kunte Kinte, a slave boy

black Americans alike sat horrified

“I want to hear you say your name,” the

from the continent of Africa, is strung

as they witnessed a young slave boy

slave owner demanded. “Your name is

up by his arms and beaten because of

being brutally whipped because of his

Toby. What’s your name?”

his refusal to acknowledge or answer

obstinacy and unwillingness to surrender

“My name is …Kunte Kinte,’ came

to his new American slave name Toby.

his will to that of his master. Repeatedly

the stubborn reply repeatedly from the

Toby was the name assigned to him

the whip cracked as it tore skin and drew

young slave. Despite the excruciating ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 27

pain and humiliation he was suffering in the presence of

As Christians we too are slaves—spiritual slaves, but not

onlookers, including other slaves, the young slave tenaciously

involuntarily so as in the case of Kunte Kinte. We became

continued to insist his name was Kunte. With each of his

slaves willingly. We understand that God purchased us at a

refusals to acknowledge his new slave name came the crashing

tremendous cost to Himself—the blood of His Son, the Lord

and slashing of the foreman’s whip across his already scarred

Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:20). This of course means we are

and bloodied back.

not our own—we are God’s property, and because we are, God

Standing nearby in the crowd was an old wise slave named

has given us a new name. We are no longer to be called sinner.

Fiddler. Fiddler had forewarned young Kunte that his

Our new name is saint, and as saints, our Master calls upon us

rebellious attitude would cost him dearly, but Kunte chose

to die to all those things which were once normal to us (Romans

to ignore Fiddler’s wise counsel. Knowing all this could

6:11) and to live our new lives in a manner which glorifies Him

have been avoided still gave Fiddler no comfort as he stood

(Matthew 5:16). To the Christians in Rome, Paul wrote,

helplessly watching the young slave being brutally whipped. Fiddler did the only thing he could do. He whispered a prayer,

“For whether we live, we live unto the Lord; whether we die

“Lord, help this boy. They gonna whip him dead!”

we die unto the Lord; whether we live therefore, or die, we

Finally after many brutal slashes, the foreman’s whip was

are the Lord’s (Romans 14:8)”

suddenly silenced. As he had done several times before, the slave owner asked the young slave, “What is your name?” Kunte finally whispered, amid tears and a broken body which hung limp in the presence of a sympathetic crowd, “My

We became slaves willingly. We understand that God purchased us at a tremendous cost to Himself—the blood of His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ (1 Corinthians 6:20).

In the book of Acts, Luke, the beloved physician, records an incident involving a Pharisee named Saul, who hunted and persecuted Christians. Accompanied by others, Saul, with letters in his possession from the high priest to the synagogues in Damascus, was in hot

name is …Toby.”

pursuit of Christians on the Damascus Road when

Captured in 1767 by slave traders in the small West African country of

suddenly he encountered a blinding light which caused him to

Gambia and transported to America on a slave ship, Kunte

fall from his horse. Looking up Saul heard a voice saying:

Kinte, a member of the Mandinka tribe, suffered a harsh awakening when his slave master forced

…“Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou Me? And he said,

him to realize that change was going to be an integral part of

Who art thou, Lord? And the Lord said, I am Jesus whom thou

his new life in America. Essentially, his master wanted Kunte

persecutest; it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. And

to die to all the things that were once native to him in Africa,

he trembling and astonished said, Lord, what wilt Thou have me

including his African birth name, Kunte Kinte. However,

to do (Acts 9:4-6a)?”

Kunte’s repeated refusal to do so forced his master to resort to measures that, although painful, were effective in breaking the

Also in the very next chapter of the book of Acts, Luke records

will of this stubborn, young slave.

another incident involving the Apostle Peter, which took place on a housetop in Joppa, an old port city on the Mediterranean

28 I Summer 2012

Sea. Around noon Peter went up to the roof of the house to

will and render us submissive to His sovereign purpose for our

pray. While there he became very hungry, and as the meal was

lives (1 Corinthians 11:29-30).

being prepared inside the house below, Peter fell into a trance. “And [Peter] saw heaven opened, and a certain vessel

What about you? Have you surrendered every area of your

(canvas; sheet) descending unto him, as it had been a great

heart and life to His lordship? If not, but you desire to, tell

sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth.

Him. Pray the following:

Wherein were all manner of four footed beasts of the earth, and

Dear Heavenly Father, please forgive me for my stubbornness

wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air. And there

and unwillingness to daily surrender myself totally to Your

came a voice to him, Rise, Peter, kill and eat. But Peter said,

lordship. I now realize that when I invited Jesus Christ into

Not so, Lord; for I have never eaten any thing that is common

my heart as my Savior, there were areas in my life that up

or unclean (Acts 10:11-14).”

to this point I had never allowed Jesus to be Lord. Forgive me. Cleanse me of this sin of disobedience, and from this day

Notice the contrast in these two accounts recorded by the

forward, please give me a heart and a life that is daily—totally

physician Luke. One of these men is saying, yes, Lord, and the

surrendered to Your Lordship. I ask these things in Jesus’

other is saying no, Lord. If we are truly God’s property, and if


we are no longer our own, then how can we as Christians say, “No, Lord?” The very

“Just as a servant knows

term “Lord” means God

that he must first obey his

has total authority, control, and power over our lives. As Lord, He is our master, our chief, and our ruler. Can that which is owned rightfully say “no” to its

If we are truly God’s property, and if we are no longer our own, then how can we as Christians say, “No, Lord?”

master in all things, so the surrender to an implicit and unquestionable obedience must become the essential characteristic of our lives.” Andrew Murray

owner? Andrew Murray. Murray As Christians, when you and I refuse to surrender certain areas

was the child of Dutch Reformed Church missionaries

of our will to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, immediately the

from Scotland, who became a Christian pastor in South Africa.

Holy Spirit, like the wise old Fiddler in the story above, begins to nudge us and lovingly warn us through other believers,

© July 2012

God’s word, prayer, and even through our circumstances to

Vanderbilt Brabson III, Author

obey our Heavenly Master’s voice. Why? Because He wants


only what is best for us, and He knows that if we will heed his gentle warnings, we will save ourselves from a lot of needless suffering in this life. However, if as Christians we persist in resisting the counsel of our Lord’s still small voice, we may force Him to bring about circumstances in our lives specifically designed to break our

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Inspirational Words

Victory in Submission by Paris Ducker

Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42 (NIV) How many times have we heard or read that passage when learning about the submission process that Jesus went through before his crucifixion? This was an assignment that was given by his Father, and it had to be completed. Jesus prayed this prayer in the midst of being pressed, shattered in spirit and wanting that bitter cup to be removed. Even when Jesus became extremely weak, an angel appeared and gave him strength to go through his anguish. Jesus knew that he would lose fellowship with his Father (temporarily) yet he still chose to obey God’s will. Imagine if God did remove the bitter cup from Jesus. Who would have paid for our sins on the Cross of Calvary? In order for victory to be realized, obedience to God’s plan was necessary. Praise God that bitter cup was not removed! It takes unshakeable faith, desire, honor to obey God’s unflawed will for our lives. What an example we have in Jesus who suffered so that we might have eternal life. Victory happens when we submit our sinful characteristics to God’s way. Merriam-Webster’s definition of free will states it is a “desire, purpose, determination by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course or action.” God has given us just that; free will to choose our walk during our time on earth. We can resolve to submit God’s way or the way of the world. Yes both ways may be filled with pain, abandonment, difficulty, loss, tears and even death. The way of the world leads those that choose to follow it down a path to destruction and death. When we make a firm decision to obey God’s will, not only do we receive every good and perfect thing that He has for us; all of heaven stands with us. God’s plan for each of us as individuals is perfect, right, and

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for His good pleasure. Submission to God means that we willingly yield or surrender our selfish nature to God. We agree to be broken, processed and purified by the Master himself. What better governmental authority to submit to than one that promises eternal life! According to Chuck Pierce, “when we submit, we stand under. The concept of submitting is the act of allowing the wing of His goodness and grace to spread over us and shelter us from the accusatory thoughts of the enemy, the fray of the world, and the condemnation of our own mistakes. If we always submit our lives to God, then we can resist the roadblocks in our destined path”. Submission as a sacrifice is spoken of in Psalms 51:17 (amp) “is a broken spirit; a broken and contrite heart”….dependence happens as well. It is good to obey God and reap the rewards He has for us. Practice and meditate on how good it is to say “not my will but yours be done.” Joy comes when we allow God to have full reign in every facet of our lives. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it Hebrews 12:11 (NIV). Let’s remember what God ordains is everlasting, and his will for us is encompassed by his awesome Agape love. Prayer: Father, we want to yield ourselves to your will and your way. We choose to die daily to our flesh. We acknowledge that many times it is easier to quit rather than submit. With the help of your Holy Spirit, we ask for counsel and wisdom when we pray. We are eager to receive every good and perfect gift you have for us. Thank you for the freedom that comes with submitting to your will. Amen.

From Within... When reading this scripture it seems very easy to do. Just, put your trust in God, and He will take care of everything? However, how many of us can say that we do precisely that! We attempt to trust God, with our lives, our relationships, our choices, and even our health. Somewhere alone the way we get off track. Could it be that we become impatient, and began to do things our way, and not wait on an answer from God? Not trusting Him will only bring about heart ache, confusion, and even destruction. Waiting on God to lead us in all that we do will make all situations easy, or it will seem that way.

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart: and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths”.

I can remember being faced with a problem and having prayed about it; I didn’t wait for God to intervene. Instead, I set out to do it my way, which caused things to become worst. I could have saved myself a lot of sleepless nights and worry if I had trusted and waited on God. Sometime we get ahead God, and try to fix the problem (s) ourselves. This cause a delay in what God is working out on our behalf. He will get the job done! Nothing is too big or too small for God to handle. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Matt. 6:33 And as always, Love, Peace, and Increase…

Proverb 3: 5-6

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The “Each One Reach One” church growth challenge is an initiative that challenge members of Holy Nation Church to....

• Be a witness and win souls for Christ • Compel individuals without a church home to visit Holy Nation • Challenge individuals to become members of Holy Nation • Spread the vision of Holy Nation in the Memphis and surrounding community We are extending ourselves to the Memphis, West Memphis and surrounding communities to come and grow with us as we impact the world for Christ!

3333 Old Brownsville Road Memphis, TN 38134 For More Information Call: (901)491-6403

Andrew and Shirley Perpener, Pastor

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