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WINTER 2020 | VOL. 11 | ISSUE 29


Comfort Nabi Mbeng FOR YOUR HEALTH

Beginning Again


For Whom the Bell Toll






Andrea Harrison

Founder of Cuture Creation Custom Paper Flowers

Cancer is a disease that can affect anyone, but it does not affect everyone equally. The American Cancer Society is addressing the unequal burden of cancer by reaching individuals in underserved communities in collaboration with community partners. Our Community Health Advisors provide education, outreach, and information to men and women, particularly in the area of cancer prevention. They encourage people to practice early detection of colon, breast and cervical cancer while it is in the most treatable stages. To find out more about our Community Health Advisor program , please contact the American Cancer Society at 1.800.227.2345.


Freelance Studio Engineer From Memphis, Tn to Atlanta, Ga RENEGADE EL REY has been putting in the groundwork to build the name of both his self as an artist and his brand, Southern Eagle Music Group LLC. Working as an artist, writer and engineer out of Stankonia Studios in Atlanta RENEGADE has been able to grow his network and hone his craft in a very organic fashion. Never satisfied with his latest accomplishments, RENEGADE EL REY is making sure to create a lasting name in the entertainment industry. For more info send an email to RENEGADETGC1@aol.com or call 901-336-3757

- Courtesy of

departments Founder and Editorial Director Verna V. Nickelberry Editor-In-Chief Sharon Locklear Art Director Rushun Wiseman https://creavolutionarts.com Contributing Writers Vanderbilt Brabson Jeanette Chestnut-Chester Teresa Jordan Paola Tennon Photographers Kimberly Taylor Kendall Elem Sales Director/ Memphis, TN Janet Chestnut salesmemphis@ ordinarypeoplemagazine ‘Advertise With Us� Please Contact Us At (770) 767-0649 O.P. Magazine Mail P.O. Box 672703 Marietta, GA 30006 (770) 767-0649 http://ordinarypeoplemagazine ORDINARY PEOPLE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication and is distributed in Memphis, TN; Knoxville, TN; Matteson, IL.

Subscribe Today! 4 issues for $35.00 send subscription information to vernav@vemashe.com.

Published 4 times a year

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contents Winter 2020

08 11 14 18 24 26


Verna V. Nickelberry & Family

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Sharon E. Locklear

JUST TO ENCOURAGE YOU Jeanette Chestnut-Chester

IN THE SPOTLIGHT Andrea Harrison


BEGINNING AGAIN: Renewing our health, our mind and our spirit

All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the founder/editor’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor. The publication of any advertisement in the issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by the publication. © 2020 Ordinary People Magazine VeMaShe’ Enterprise LLC

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Comfort Nabi Mbeng




For Whom The Bell Tolls


Verna V. Nickelberry





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On The Cover

ON THE C OVER   COVER INFORMATION                  So, what I’ve wanted for a few year finally took place, but I wasn’t ready at all! Not at all! The day came for the photo shoot that I had been planning for months. In my mind I had created this awesome day of my grandchildren and I having a fun filled day, now don’t get me wrong and I’m not regretting not one minute of what we shared. We started out on a good note, or at least that what I had envision would happen, you see I was high on “grandma” love. I’m sure there are grandmothers everywhere who are very familiar with this airy feeling and know just what I mean. Now back to the shoot, this is what really happen, take a look at the center picture, and those precious faces, the smiles are saying “we are so tired, we are ready for this to be over!” Miss Brookly, is saying “I’m ready for my snack, so over this!” For me, I’m so glad I got a chance to experience my first photo shoot with seven of the most incredible children any grandmother could love. The picture on the cover, from left to right is Israel (behind him) Cade, Noah, Isaac (twins), sitting is Ms. Verna V. Nickellberry, Brooklyn, Shelton, and Zion. Photo by Kimazing Photos Ms. Nickelberry’s make-up by Gabrielle Devine Mua

8 | Winter 2020

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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the

EDITOR Thank you so much for the awesome opportunity to share our story! You’re such a blessing to others! - Samantha Quin Walker Thank you soo much for sharing my story, I am still rejoicing in all that God is doing through you and for you. - Brenda F. Ferguson What a beautiful magazine!

I absolutely love the cover!

- Janice

- Carol B. Praising God for all he has done in my life, thank you so much Verna for your love and support. - Danita Brown

10 | Winter 2020



Genesis 1:1-3 In the beginning, GOD created the heaven and earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the earth. And the Spirit of GOD moved upon the face of the waters. And GOD said, Let there be light; and there was light.

this new decade the best decade of our lives? This is an opportunity to begin and discover our divine assignments. GOD has a plan for each of us to do great thing for His Kingdom. Let us commit to begin the process. My 2020 beginning:

Everything has a beginning. The beginning marks the creation. Are we Thankful, Grateful and Appreciative that GOD allows us to begin each day? Humans are afforded another day to awaken and go forward with GOD’s blessings, grace and mercy. What are we doing daily with our new beginning? Do we complain about the small, inconsequential things? Are we judging and criticizing others and ourselves? Are we living in gratitude for all that we are blessed to have? Or are we wanting more, bigger and better because more bigger and better is our expectation?

1. I ask GOD daily for my divine assignment. 2. I ask GOD to provide me with the skills, knowledge, ability and courage to begin and fulfill my assignment according to his will. 3. I remember that I am a vessel and GOD will fill me with what I need. 4. I remember to be Thankful, Grateful and Appreciative for my days beginning and end. 5. As I end each day in prayer and meditation, I ask GOD for another day to serve Him and to awaken renewed and ready for another beginning.

Two thousand Twenty was the beginning of a new decade. How can we make ordinarypeoplemagazine | 11

He Wrote The Script... God said to Jeremiah, “Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee.” The same goes for all of you. God has an assignment for each of you, and it is me for you to accept it. If you are ready to consent to your calling and learn how to become an entrepreneur in the field you are passionate about, read He Wrote the Script...Just Follow It!





Overview of Book In this engaging and interactive guide, entrepreneur Verna Nickelberry provides key tips and strategies, along with relatable biblical principles, to guide you through the essential aspects of business: creation, communication, and collaboration. With spaces for reflection, and a planner to help you organize goals, events, and opportunities, you will move further along your path to entrepreneurship. Hold God’s vision for you above any doubt, fear, or hesitation. The journey can be long and scary, but if you set credible, manageable goals for your success and allow God’s voice to guide you, you can break down the walls of negativity to build up your confidence and build up your business.

About the Author Ms. Nickelberry is the Founder and Editorial Director of Ordinary People Magazine (OPM) an inspirational magazine that showcase the stories and efforts of communities and charities. Ms. Nickelberry continuously serves others through sharing her confident spirit and the word of God. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, sewing, crocheting, and writing. Ms. Nickelberry currently resides in Atlanta, Georgia

Word Search





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Just to Encourage


14 | Winter 2020

In the book of Genesis God creates. Genesis is the beginning.

God, here is Elohim, the all mighty and all-powerful God. The

The beginning of the wonderful masterpiece called creation

One who alone has the power to create.

by our God. The beginning of this wonderful event starts with God creating the heavens and earth. The Hebrew word for

He is the Sovereign God whose great name is above all other

the beginning is bereshit. The beginning of creation marks the

names, He is self-sustaining, He is self-existing, He is Holy and

absolute beginning of the temporal and material world.

Righteous, and He Elohim every day!

Genesis 1:1 declares that God created the original heaven and

God ‘s power is at work in every sunrise and every sunset. In

earth from nothing. Nihilo is the Latin word describing this

every aspect of nature, and in every part of creation. The Psalm

nothingness. In the nothingness there was a void, there was

says that the heavens are telling of the glory of God; and the

no form as we understand form to be. There was void, which

firmament proclaim his handiwork. The work of God’s hands

means the entire nothing was just that; Nothing! There was no

at creation is at awesome event even in thought. King David

form and nobody. And there was only darkness, this darkness

puts it this way in Psalm 8, “When I consider your heavens, the

was all around, upon the face of the deep. In the Strong’s NIV

work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have

concordance, the deep is described as the depths of the earth,

set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them,

the deep recesses of the earth where the dead abides. This says

human beings that you care for them”? (NIV)

that everything that was there before the Lord God spoke the command to “Let there be Light” was utter darkness.

The earth and the inhabitants of earth exist only because of the Almighty, All Sovereign, All knowing, All seeing, God. From

There was an abyss of nothingness. The word spoken over this

the Strong’s complete dictionary of Bible words, the deep is

darkness was “let”, which is translated as allow. God said allow

described as Mahamorah, in the Hebrew. This is the word that

there to be!

speaks of an abyss or deep pit. Jesus said in the John 8:12, I am the Light of the world,

God hovered over this nothingness and commanded the light to

whoever follows me, will never walk in darkness, but will have


the light of life.

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God, the Great Creator spoke in the beginning (Genesis) allow

Before God spoke, there was only deep, utter darkness, there

light to be. In order for the darkness to recede, there had to be a

was no light to give life, nor health, nor illumination. Imagine,

command. The command to allow came as a directive for God

it you can, living in a state of darkness and deep oppression.

and Him alone. Until that time there was only nothingness.

This is how I would imagine the world was before the Almighty

From the command given by the Creator of all things light

God illuminated the world.

came and life came. In the book of Isaiah, it states that we are to “Arise, shine, for One commentator puts it this way; Light is required for any

your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you.

vegetation to grow, and the light clarifies the human spirit. Christ was present at the creation of the world. The Author of Light has the authority to illuminate His creation in its truest form. Jesus saying, He is the Light of the world, is the outer recognition of His Father’s creation and presence, and the inward

For behold, darkness covers the

“Let me encourage you with this; if you are feeling oppressed and darkness is threatening to overtake you, get in the light of God’s love. ”

dwelling of the Holy Spirit, by

earth, and thick darkness is over the peoples; but the LORD will rise upon you, and His glory will appear over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.… this means that we are to get up from the deep despair and constant oppression that the enemy of our souls has sent our

which we know our Father; and walk with Jesus. Jesus is the

way. We are shine with the Light of the Holy Spirit that is in

Light of the world, our world, and in the world. Like God is

us, so that we illuminate every dark situation that we come in

omnipresent, so Jesus is Light. Through Him and His sacrificial

contact with. We are not to become a part of the darkness; we

death on the cross, we are exposed to His light which shows the

are to show forth the light of Christ.

darkness of our sins. John 3:16-20 tells us this; For God so loved the world, that he When we see the contrast what we do in darkness, as reveled

gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him

by the Light of God’s word, we then understand our deeds and

should not perish, but have everlasting life. 17.For God sent

ask for forgiveness and repentance comes as a result of being

not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the

exposed to that glorious Light.

world through him might be saved. 18.He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned

already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only

kept you in deep darkness, void of life and light, to Christ. He

begotten Son of God. 19.And this is the condemnation, that

is well able to keep what has been committed to Him. He even

light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than

urges us to cast all our cares on Him, because He cares for us,

light, because their deeds were evil. 20.For every one that doeth

in 1 Peter 5:7.

evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved.

We are the workmanship of God, created in Christ to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do: Ephesians

In Genesis, the beginning, God spoke to the darkness and light

2:10. So, since we are His workmanship, He has not created us

came. In the book of John, God sent the Light in the form of

to walk nor live in darkness, we are created in Christ, who is the

His only begotten Son into the darkness, in order that the light

very essence of light.

might dispel the darkness. This is why Jesus is the Light of

We pray that our Heavenly Father will light us up, that no

the world. We understand that darkness cannot cast out nor

darkness prevails in us.

penetrate darkness, only light can do that. Father, light us up so that world may see our good works and In the last book of the Bible, Revelation, John the Revelator,

glorify you. Give us the light that dispels all darkness, help us

speaks of a river that is the water of life, this river is described

to be carriers of your wonderful glory, that we outshine even the

as being as bright as crystal, and flowing from the throne of

slightness darkness. Lord let it begin in us that we may always

God and of the Lamb. It also says that on each side of the

be carriers of your light. Give us holy boldness to walk in the

river, there is a tree of life that has twelve kinds of fruit, this

calling for which we have been called, to be salt and light in the

fruit is produced each month and the leaves of this tree is for

world. Let us never loose our savor, nor hide our light under a

the healing of a nation. God speaks light at the beginning, and

basket. Help us to shine with the glory of the Risen Savior.

continues all the way to the end. In the name of Jesus Christ‌ Amen. Let me encourage you with this; if you are feeling oppressed and darkness is threatening to overtake you, get in the light of God’s love. Get in the flow of the crystal river that flows from the throne of God. Eat from the tree of life where healing is found. Often times we find ourselves wounded and we cover the wounds and no light can get in. May I suggest that you submit your wounds, hurts, fears, scars, and everything that has

In The Spotlight


BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY                                                                                     OPM: Tell us a little about yourself. AH: I live in Lithonia Georgia. I previously worked 15 years at Macy’s corporate offices as a Media Buyer. After being laid off in 2009, I started a wholesale handbag business on eBay, where I became one of the largest resellers of luxury bags on their platform. I am also the mother of a 21 year old son, Aydan, who is currently studying at Georgia Southern University. I enjoy working out, cycling, reading a good book, traveling, and recently added another craft to my resume, designing my own t-shirts.

18 | Winter 2020

“I’ve alw flowers a beauty, a


ways loved the beauty of as they represent, love, and vibrance.� ordinarypeoplemagazine | 19

OPM: The name of your company is “Couture Creation,” where you create amazing custom paper flowers. How did you get into this industry? AH: I was planning a big birthday party in 2017, and I searched for hours to find a jaw-dropping floral backdrop that would be perfect for my guest photos. I’ve always loved the beauty of flowers as they represent, love, beauty, and vibrance. Everything I found was too pricey, and I also knew that they would quickly die. So, I set out to recreate the beauty of the flower in a new art form that also defined the name of our company. With the help of a dusty glue gun and lots of creativity, Couture Creations Paper Flowers was born! OPM: How did you come up with your company name? AH: After I created my first wall I stood back and thought it looked so luxurious, elegant, and upscale. The background helped my fabulous guests and photos look more beautiful, fashionable and “couture”. After a couple of name choices, I landed on Couture Creations Paper Flowers because I felt that each flower I made is a work of art, exquisite and couture. OPM: Where do you draw your creativity from? AH: I draw my creativity from real flowers. The beauty of a simple flower can not be overstated… the petals, the stamen, the leaves…just so beautiful. My goal is to try and replicate a real flowers natural refinement as close as possible. That means studying what the flower looks like, spending time on Pinterest and browsing thru my flower magazines. I recently purchased an airbrush system that I can’t wait to play with! I’m so excited because my new toy will help enhance and make my creations look even more stunning and realistic.

20 | Winter 2020

OPM: Where do you see your company five years from now? AH: There’s no question that most people love flowers but some of the biggest draw backs are the fact that they don’t last long, the cost and that they can be prohibitive if you have allergies. The beauty of using paper flowers is that they can last years, if you don’t try to water them!! And of course they are allergen free. Companies are continually looking at ways to tighten budgets, for more creative experiences and that social media moment. Our team works closely with our clients to ensure that we convey the brand’s vision through our flowers. All of which will ensure that my company, in the next five years, will be positioned as one of Atlanta’s premier destinations for décor and event flowers. OPM: What would you say to a teenager who might want to follow in your footsteps? AH: I would tell them to network and be bold. They are never too young to network. I landed some of my biggest clients thru either a networking event or simply using old school method, cold calling, or in this case emailing. Teenagers are experts at social media so utilize it. Send a dm with questions. Most companies will answer and would love the opportunity to help and guide them. This is such a new category and extremely visual, so I always ensure that I have photos or some type of visual available to show. You only have a few seconds to capture a potential clients attention. When I first started, I would try to explain and tell them about my business. After seeing the confused look on faces, I started whipping out my phone with my photos. Like clockwork, a huge smile always followed. I’ve since created brochures, various decks, and even a hard cover, table top style book that features some of my designs to stand out in a creative, bold way.

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Tired of Dull Lifeless Skin?

After 5 years of research and development Our Founder Allison (pictured) has discovered the secrets of nature from long ago. Through the power of beautiful flowers like antioxidant rich Lavender, collagen and B vitamin filled Vanilla Bean. retinol rich Calendula and youth restoring Rose, you can have it ALL. Your skin and your body will thank you for all of this flower power.

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24 | Winter 2020

I know you’re asking yourself, why the title “Her Fashion/His Style?” We wanted to focus on the totality of the couples not just their service but them as a whole, so that you our readers will get to know them in an intimate way, to become a little familiar with the many way they service their communities, and adding a few fun facts. This quarter’s couple is Jason and Joyce Kyles of Memphis, TN. OPM: What are your favorite fashion go to? Joyce: My fashion idea or sense of style is regal and modest. I loves wide pants and tunics with simple looks and basic colors, heels and accessories, both expensive pieces as well as costume designs. You can be sure that if I’m wearing a t-shirt, it will have an encouraging script or photo that represents empowerment, ambition, or overcoming. As a survivor of multiple intersections of domestic abuse, it has always been important to me to present a look and feel of being comfortable just the way God created you. I believes my biggest and best fashion ideas lie within my smile and resilient spirit. Jason: I likes to dress up, likes sports coats and slacks. You will rarely see me in a traditional matching suit set. I likes a classic suit and tie with wide legged pants, and will always mix it up with pocket a square and tie. Even when I dresses down, it will be slacks and a collared or polo shirt. I’m comfortable in jogging suits, but hardly ever wears jeans. OPM: Share what it is that you do in your individual businesses? Joyce: I’m an international speaker and trainer, 2x Amazon best-selling author, freelancer, certified coach and CEO of Joyce Kyles Consulting. Also the Founder and Executive Director of “Walking Into A New Life, Inc”. It’s a nonprofit organization whose mission is to provide tangible resources for individuals impacted by domestic violence. My speaking, writing, and advocacy abilities & accolades have been featured and recognized locally, nationally as well as internationally. Jason: I’m a Project Management Consultant with an extensive background in office & cloud based technology, startups, microenterprise development and software administration. I’m a founding board member for “Walking Into A New Life, Inc” and responsible for its web design and IT programming and maintenance. I was recently named “Volunteer of the Year”

for my community service work related to domestic violence. OPM: Tell us a little about yourselves. Jason and Joyce: Together, we own and operate Kyles Connections. We’ve combined our specific skill sets to provide services that include software administration, content writing, technology consulting and web/logo design. We met in 2009 and quickly discovered our individual skills could be combined to develop a business that would fuel our common passion to connect people, purpose, and productivity (which is also our business tagline). As our love for our business grew, our love for one another grew as well. Joyce: Fun facts about us, we are both Chicago natives; Jason is from the West Side while I am from the South. Jason is a “Chicago Stepper” and used to dance with one of his older brothers. They went by the name, “The Dons of Dance”. I am a music and movie enthusiast who enjoys learning about origins and inspirations behind the productions. I say that the stories of Tyler Perry, Sylvester Stallone, Oprah Winfrey & Maya Angeleou are especially encouraging and inspiring to me, and having sat front and center to hear Cicely Tyson speak remains one of her fondest memories. Jason and I realized that we were in love with one another while dancing. Our organization hosted its first Stepping Event in 2013 as a fundraiser. It would be the first time that we would dance together, and by the time we left the dance floor, it was obvious to us and everyone who saw us dance together that we were in love. It would be another three weeks before we would admit it to one another and later, to our friends, family, and colleagues. We married August 1, 2014 and are proud parents, grandparents, business owners, and supporters of several nonprofits whose missions include awareness and systemic change. We often joke about Jason being a foot taller than me and having our own eclectic interests and backgrounds. Jason is very introverted while I’m an extremely shy extrovert. It has proven to be a good balance. We attribute our spiritual foundation as the basis of what drew us together and even early on as friends, we would pray together. Communication and patience have also been key. People have often asked us how we have been able to work together in business and advocacy for as long as we have. OPM: They attribute their continued success to their faith and their respect for one another’s individuality.

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For Your Health


Renewing our health, our mind and our spirit


January 1, 2020 marked the beginning of a new year and the start of a new decade. Many people celebrated and made new year resolutions that they may or may not be able to remain committed too. Still others saw it as just another day. Our reference scripture is taken from Genesis 1:1-3 and states; “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, let there be light: and there was light”. In comparison to this scripture, our lives can also be without form or void and filled with darkness and disorder ultimately leading to increased anxiety, worry and stress. This is important because the long-term effects of sustained stress places us at risk for developing health conditions that could otherwise have been prevented. It also, could exacerbate any preexisting or underlying diseases that one might have. Furthermore, unhealthy behaviors such as binge eating, smoking, alcohol consumption and lack of sleep would only add to the problem, thereby wreaking havoc on one’s health. But, be of good courage for if we take note, we also see that at the end of this

26 | Winter 2020

scripture there was light. The light brings hope and hope brings peace of mind which signifies a new beginning. The poet Theodore Roethke encourages us to looks at darkness from a positive perspective when he says, “In the dark times, the eyes begins to see. The dark times in life are not our enemy. Dark times empty the world of things that would otherwise distract us from seeing the important things. Enter the darkness with confidence”. So, let us embrace the darkness that we might walk into the light of God’s grace. We can start by seriously evaluating our lives and what we want to accomplish; then establish short-term and long-term goals that are obtainable. So, as we move further into 2020, I encourage us to periodically revisit our goals not only for this year, but over the course of the next ten years (decade). And, ensure that the goals include a focus on the renewing of our health, our mind and our spirit and include those we love. The World Health Organization gives a medical definition of health that has not changed since 1948. It states that, “health is the state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. The Merriam-

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Wester Dictionary defines health as the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit. In addition, The Holy Bible, through scripture gives us God’s rules which guides us towards good physical, mental and spiritual health and wellness. It also gives us a hopefulness that is evident throughout God’s Word that not only strengthens us but encourages us to thrust forward in spite of the challenges we face. It is important for us to recognize our challenges and respond appropriately in order to curtail any unwanted outcomes. 1 Corinthians 6: 19-20 states; “…your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God… For ye are bought with a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit which are God’s”. Being good stewards of our body means increasing our awareness as to what health and wellness means and committing to make our health a priority, thus establishing a new beginning for our lives. A quote by Astrid Alauda further gives emphasis on the importance of taking care of our bodies when she states, “Your body is a temple but only if you treat it like one”. Ask yourself, does wealth really matter if you don’t have your health? “Therefore, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” 2 Corinthians 5:17.

of chronic diseases and conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure and strokes, cancer and diabetes. Disturbing statistics further show that 6 in 10 adults in the United States have a chronic disease and 4 in 10 adults have 2 or more chronic disease. In September 2019 the U.S. News & World Report listed obesity as a health crisis and suggested that it has led to 1 in 5 deaths according to a study published in the American Journal of Public Health. Other risk factors include poor nutrition, lack of physical exercise, excessive alcohol use and tobacco use including secondhand smoke. Additionally, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports stated that aging brings a higher risk of chronic diseases which are the leading drivers of illness, disability, death and healthcare cost. TIPS for successful and healthy living: Physical Health: •

Proper Nutrition is crucial to our overall health and wellbeing. The benefits of proper nutrition especially during childhood and adolescence is responsible for: helping to promote growth and development, helping to maintain a healthy weight, providing the proper nutrients for the body to function and helping to curtails certain health disorders and diseases that may develop later in life. Recommendations: 1. Choose a variety of fruit and vegetables in your diet (statistics shows that only 1 in 10 adults eat enough fruit and vegetables). 2. Choose whole grains, fat free or low-fat dairy products, protein foods, healthy oils such as olive oil, and avoid or limit saturated fats, 3. Reduce or avoid added sugar (sugar has been linked to inflammation which has been linked to chronic diseases such as diabetes, arthritis and cancer), 4. Decrease salt intake (9 in 10 people consume more than is recommended). 5. Avoid processed foods (many processed foods contain trans-fat, stripped of fiber, added salt (may have low nutritional value, prompt overeating, and sabotage your sleep).and 6. limit foods cooked at high temperatures such as grilling (can trigger an inflammatory response and have been linked to the recent epidemics of diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease). 7. Stay hydrated.

Increased physical activity improves overall fitness, strengthens bones and muscles, increases cardiovascular fitness, reduces the risk of chronic disease and decreases anxiety and depression. Statistics indicated that only 1 in 4 people gets

Some of the top issues for the 2020 election facing the presidential candidates include healthcare disparity, the economy, wealth inequality and immigration just to name a few. Other topics include the rising health care cost, access to care, the higher cost of medication compared to other nations, increasing insurance premiums, questionable medical billing practices; all of which we have no or very little control and the list goes on. However, we do have an opportunity to engage in corrective actions of those things we can control. The intent of this article is to give tips on how we can incorporate all aspects of our health including physical, mental and spiritual into our daily regimens as we set our goals for a healthy lifestyle. We still have an opportunity to make a difference in our lives if we choose too by reducing risk factors and increasing the quality of our life. “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers” 3 John 1:2. Physical Wellness: In August of 2018 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicated that; the prevalence of obesity in America was 35.7% among young adults aged 20 to 39 years, 42.8% among middle-aged adults aged 40 to 59 years, and 41.0% among older adults aged 60 and older. They further stated that; For children and adolescents aged 2-19 years: the prevalence of obesity was 18.5% and affected about 13.7 million children and adolescents. These statistics confirms at least one of the risk factors that can lead to the development

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enough physical activity. The benefits of adequate physical activity yields increased productivity, keeps your limbs limber and flexible, helps you maintain your balance effectively, helps strengthen muscles and stabilize joints. In addition, it decreases blood pressure and heart rate, increases lung capacity, strengthens the immune system and decreases incidences of illness and depression. Recommendations: Get at least 150 minutes of exercise each week. 1. Incorporate physical activity into your daily routine: Example. taking a 10-minute walk. 2. Try to alternate activities such as swimming, yoga, walk rather than ride, do yard work, etc. 3. On the job, replace breaks or lunch time with walking or you can take a dance class. 4. Choose appropriate gear and sports equipment and choosing safe environment. 4. According to Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition you should choose types of physical activity that are appropriate for your current fitness level and health goals. 5. Increase physical activity gradually over time to meet key guidelines or health goals. 6. Inactive people should “start low and go slow” by starting with lower intensity activities and gradually increasing the frequency and timeframe for the activities. Don’t look at it as a chore, rather have fun with it. •

Natural sleep: The CDC states that adequate sleep contributes to a student’s overall health and wellbeing. Students should get the proper amount of sleep at night to help stay focused, improve concentration, and improve academic performance. Chronic lack of sleep can lead to physical and mental health issues and worsening of chronic diseases. Recommended Hours of Sleep Per Day for children, adolescents and adults by The American Academy of Sleep Medicine: 6–12 years require 9 to 12 hours per 24 hours; 13–18 years require 8 to 10 hours per 24 hours; 18 and above require 7 to 8 hours per 24 hours.

“The intent of this article is to give tips on how we can incorporate all aspects of our health including physical, mental and spiritual into our daily regimens as we set our goals for a healthy lifestyle. We still have an opportunity to make a difference in our lives if we choose too by reducing risk factors and increasing the quality of our life. ”

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Wellbeing: Mental health is defined as a condition that effects ones psychological, emotional and social well-being; thereby affecting how we think, feel, and act. Contributing factors may be biological issues, such as genes or brain chemistry; life experiences caused by trauma or abuse, or a family history of mental health problems. Keep your mind actively engaged by mental stimulating activities such as games, reading, teaching or learning new skills and staying socially active. The University of Michigan Student Life University Health Services offers the following suggestions: Value yourself, take care of your body, learn how to deal with stress, relax your mind by exercise or listening to music, set realistic goals and ask for help when you need it. Also, think positive and keep a list of things you are grateful for; this will help you stay grounded. Recommendations from on the Mental Health.gov website list the following ways to maintain positive mental health: 1. professional help if you need it, 2. Connecting with others, 3. Staying positive, 4. Getting physically active, 5. Help others, 6. Getting enough sleep, 7. Developing coping skills. Spiritual Health and Wellbeing: Spiritual health and wellness is difficult to define scientifically; however, according to some theorist, it can be defined through various factors including religious faith, values, ethics and morals. Romans 8:7 states that; “For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. his quality of spiritual mindedness enables us to willingly display the fruit of the spirit as referenced in Galatians 5:22-23, and which include, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. A 2017 medical review by Justin Laube, MD, suggest that a growing

REFERENCES https://www.choosemyplate.gov/resources/physical-activity-tips https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/nutrition/facts.htm https://www.cdc.gov/healthyschools/sleep.htm https://www.cdc.gov/physicalactivity/basics/adding-pa/index.htm https://www.everydayhealth.com/pictures/ways-spirituality-canmake-you-healthier/ https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hblog20180904.457305/ full/ https://health.gov/sites/default/files/2019-09/Physical_Activity_ Guidelines_2nd_edition.pdf https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/ Bible-Verses-About-Spirituality/ https://www.mentalhealth.gov/basics/what-is-mental-health https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/health https://www.uhs.umich.edu/tenthings https://www.who.int/about/who-we-are/frequently-asked-questions

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body of research supports the claim that spirituality including prayer and religion, can have many positive effects on health and wellness. The benefits associated with Spiritual Health include: restoration of a sense of loss and finding meaning for your life, managing stress more effectively, decreasing depression, boosting the immune your by causing the fight-orflight response to turn off which allows the body to rest-andrepair your system. Spirituality also enhances our ability to think more clearly and positively according to a study published in 2012 in the Journal of Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. Recommendation: 1. Spend time with God through prayer and medication, 2. Participate in both private and corporate worship, 3. Read and study God’s Holy Word, 4. Reflecting on your beliefs, 5. Develop a sense of gratitude and 6. Be kind to others. These are just a few examples of how to maintain and promote spiritual wellness. God has given us the ability to gain knowledge and to gleam understanding and wisdom regarding every area of our existence. Thus, we have an opportunity to positively impact our overall wellbeing including our physical health, our mental health and our spiritual health so that we might be able to, “present our bodies a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is our reasonable service” Romans 12:1-2. When we invest in our health God is well pleased. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Jeremiah 29:11 (KJV)

RESOURCES 1-800-QUIT-NOW for FREE support. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or Live Online Chat, available to talk 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Veteran’s Crisis Line, 1-800-273-8255 and Press 1 or Text 838255, 1800-799-4889 support for the deaf & hard of hearing

“Guys…this is Missile Morgan” Seeking to overcome the scars from her abusive, alcoholic father, Jesse Cartwright, Anthony’s best friend from childhood, is determined to make something of her life. Tomboyish in every way, at times her stubbornness puts her in direct conflict with Anthony’s other friends. A born fighter, she ultimately proves to be tougher than every boy in the neighborhood and the only friend Anthony can really count on. As Anthony battles his inner demons in his march toward glory, and Jesse struggles through her own personal tragedies and loss, their paths grow apart. Eventually the two dis- cover their lives are somehow intertwined and neither will truly realize his or her dreams without the other. Surpassing the expectations his father had for him, Anthony Morgan is poised to be the biggest phenomenon baseball has seen in years. Anthony’s future is set. He has worked hard for it, dreamed about it all his life, and can practically taste it! However, what Anthony could not foresee was the untimely death of his father—his mentor and hero. This tragedy started a downward spiral of bad decisions, which ultimately threaten Anthony’s life and future in baseball. Beyond the Lies is as captivating as The Natural, as compelling as Love Comes Softly, and at times as humorous as Diary of a Mad Black Woman. It’s a coming of age story that will appeal to the young and old, the sports enthusiast, the romantic, those gripped by human tragedy, and those who celebrate the triumph of the human spirit. Author Mr. Vanderbilt Brabson, III https://beyondthelies-theboo.com https://www.amazon.cm/Vanderbilt-Brabson-III/e/ B004DWVNW?ref=dbs_p_pbk_r00_abau_000000 See the book Trailer at https://www.vanderbiltbrabsoniii.com

Gospel Music/Artists

C O M F OR T N AB I MBE NG A Servant of the Most High God, an Award winning Rhy thm & Praise Gospel Artist.   BY PASTOR TERESA JORDAN                                  Born in Beilo, a village in the Kingdom Of Mountains (KOM) situated in the North West province of Cameroon Africa. Initially as a child growing up she considered myself as a very shy, timid, low self esteemed, and insecure little girl, who is the oldest of seven, six girls and one boy Emmanuel.

Comfort Nabi Mbeng, I grew up with a passion for music. As a child I would gather my peers in the neighbourhood turn a spoon into a microphone, put benches together to form a stage and have my peers gather

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around and watch me sing. It was my way of breaking out of timidity. I will mimic Mama Africa Miriam Makeba of South Africa whose legacy lives on. My love for music only grew more and more as the years went by. I followed my parents for church choir practices and I sang along with them in the Calvary Baptist Church choir Muyuka. I wanted to join my secondary school choir but I was turned down but that did not deter me. I went to high school Cameroon Protestant College BAli and there I was accepted in the school choir where I would even play the drum when the drum boy was absent.

After high school I got my A’Levels in 1986 I came back to my secondary school where I taught Biology and Chemistry and had the opportunity this time as a staff member to form my own choir in the same school where I was not accepted to be in the choir as a student. Further went to the university where I got trained as a Senior Research technician in immunology and Biotechnology laboratory collaborated by World Health Organization. My passion for music never faded. My bosom high school friend Olivia Tumanjong literally forced me to join the then CRTV choir back in the early nineties as I was still not confident about myself. My confidence grew thanks to my bosom friend Olivia who believed in me when I did not believe in myself. Then I later join the Yaounde Ecumenical Chorus (YECO) where Mr Victor Epie Ngome our choir master noticed the talent I had in music that I had no idea about and drilled it out of me. My confidence has grown much stronger now. Stronger to the point where after we had an all male acapella group visit us from Nigeria one night I slept and woke up with the idea of forming an all female acapella group. Back then I did not see it as the promptings of the Holy Spirit as I did not even know He existed. The all female acapella group was formed TS. This also became a reality to the extent that we were noticed as we went about doing what we loved doing. Singing and praising God, to represent Cameroon in a Pan African music ensemble that took place in South Africa in 1995. We won and returned to Cameroon with a fourth prize medal award. Then followed a dead window period of 20 years I call the wilderness phase of my music life but the burden burnt and stayed in my heart to go solo. In 2015 I braved the fear and insecurities and decided to lift this burden off my chest by taking one step at a time to

go solo. At this point no one believed in me. I just knew this was something I had to do so I went ahead and closed my ears to all the negativities of the world around me and in 2017 I released my 1st Gospel Album titled. DRY BONES ALIVE AGAIN inspired from Ezekiel 37 v 1 to 14. I kept believing in myself all by myself alone until one day Barakah Barakah a very active servant of God called me and told me she had decided to nominate me for an award. I was blown away by two big terms, NOMINATE and AWARD. I ignored her several times but she kept on bringing up the topic. Then one day she called me and ordered me to get online because she wanted to now fill the form and needed detailed information from me. Even after she did all in her power as led by the spirit I still ignored the whole thing. To tell the truth I did not know what genre of music I was doing. I first knew how to describe my music when I saw I was listed under the category of Rhythm and Praise. Voting started and it still meant nothing to me until one day a facebook friend called me at a point where I had many questions about my life that I needed answers from God yet no focus on the nomination. She said to me she had noticed I was not active in voting which was true. I gave her all excuses but the truth was I was so buried in attacks both physical and spiritual that voting meant nothing to me. She then enlightened me and encouraged me and her words were Faith without works is dead. That was the day I got a wake up call. It is not like I never knew what it meant. I knew but just ignored to apply it but after that day I took her seriously. The first person was on over a thousand votes and I was on 89 votes. I changed my focus from my attacks and challenges to my votes and I tried all I could to get my fans and family members to vote for me. And the rest is history...

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MY MINISTRY REMNANT WAVES My whole life I had been marginalized, shun down, trampled upon, told I am too old and that I am going nowhere and shall amount to nobody in almost every ramification of life. I made a conscious decision to work on having a personal relationship with the Lord. I wanted to know Him for myself so I started to recognize the presence of the Holy Spirit and I also developed a relationship with Him and became sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. As I studied the word of God I yearned to know God even more and have a personal one on one relationship with the Lord where I was able to hear Him speak back to me via His word in the Scriptures. I also had a deep quest to find out who I am in the Bible or the Rod of God which is His word. I got bonded to the book of Haggai especially Haggai 2 vs 9 which says “The glory of the latter house shall be greater than the glory of the former, saith the Lord of hosts: and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts.” In the Book of Haggai, I also discovered that the Remnants were the ones God used to build His house. At this stage I had identified myself as a Remnant/the insignificant one. Identifying myself as a Remnant, birth something powerful in my spirit being. Now if the Lord could use the Remnants to build His house the Remnants must have been peculiar people of royal priesthood living in a chosen generation destined for unique greatness for his ultimate Glory even though the rest of the world saw them as insignificant. I discovered in God’s eyes they were the apples of his eyes. WAVES because each time I go to the sea I would watch how the waves went up and down and up and down and finally faded into a peaceful harmless position at the sea side where I could walk by confidently. This reminded me of How God walks and works with me in my different wavy rock bottom episodes and always brings me to that place of peace where my boundary lines are now fallen in PLEASANT places and I now have an inheritance.

Inspirational Words

P SALMS 91   BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY                                                              “In these verses we have, a great truth laid down in general, that all those who live a life of communion with God are constantly safe under his protection, and may therefore preserve a holy serenity and security of mind at all time. He that dwells, that sits down, in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty; he that by faith chooses God for his guardian shall find all that in him which he needs or can desire. It is the character of a true believer that he dwells in the secret place of the Most High; he is at home in God, returns to God, and reposes in him as his rest; he acquaints himself with inward religion, and makes heart-work of the service of God, worships with in the veil, and loves to be alone with God, to converse with him in solitude.” (Biblestudytools.com)

Psalms 91 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust. Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence. He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.

Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day; Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee. Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. Because thou hast made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation; There shall no evil befall thee, neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwelling. For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone. Thou shalt tread upon the lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet. Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honour him. With long life will I satisfy him, and shew him my salvation. (KJV)

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Miracles and Blessings


BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY                                                 We know that God is yet preforming “Miracles” every day. You may have witness one at one time or another. When the doctors had giving up on a given situation and announced that they have done all that they and do, but God still have the last say! Laquisha Rucker-Fields shares her incredible story of Faith and Victory with insert from her pain journal. “A glimpse of my fight with Trigeminal Neuralgia” My Story to Tell Monday, October 14, 2013 at 9:19 AM “This pain is trying to kill me I think but I don’t believe God would end my life like this. This burning pain has come back more frequently and Lord Jesus more intense. I can’t eat or drink because the pain is so bad; I have to force myself to drink something with a straw pushed all the way to the back of my mouth to keep from letting it touch my mouth. This morning I timed it. The pain lasted from 9:13 to 9:17 (4 minutes). I swear when it is happening, it is the longest 4 minutes of my life! This is the second time this morning it has happened. I haven’t taken anything because nothing is helping. My hands are shaking because the pain is so bad. My head is hurting but I don’t know why.

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same day, she comes back and says, “It really, really sounds like you may have Trigeminal Neuralgia, here’s some information, take it to your neurologist.” I did, and he explains he saw TN on the MRI, March of 2013, but because I wasn’t experiencing any pain at the time, he didn’t think that’s what I had. I was finally and officially diagnosed on June 26, 2013 with Trigeminal Neuralgia. What is Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN) you asked?

What you read above is an entry from the pain journal I kept. See, life for me ain’t been no crystal stairs. Baby, in this life I’ve struggled, but who hasn’t right? Yet, never would I have imagined that I would have to go through this. A diagnosis I couldn’t spell or pronounce and a thing that even baffled doctors. One day I’m healthy and the next I’m fighting a disease with pain the strongest medicine can’t ease and drinking tears for water (as my grandma would say). A disease called Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN), labeled by man as “The Suicide Disease.”

How it began It started out as numbness to the right side of my face in November 2012. I was seeing a neurologist who after sticking me in the face with safety pins, flashing lights in my eyes and flipping me upside down on tables; sent me for an MRI. Nothing. I continued my visits, poking and prodding and still they found nothing, but the numbness continued. In June 2013, while sitting at work I began to experience pain in the bottom right side of my face. I thought it was a toothache. I was seeing a new dentist, I called her, but she couldn’t see me. I called my old dentist and she got me right in. After examining me, she says “it’s nothing. The pain is coming from grinding your teeth. Wear your mouth guard.” I try, and the pain gets worse. I call my new dentist again and this time she gets me in. I am examined and x-rayed and the prognosis; nothing. I was already scheduled to see a dental specialist for some other work and in the midst of his examine he says, “I can tell you are in pain, but I don’t see anything wrong with your teeth.” Three (3) different dentists; 3 different visits over a 1-month timeframe and nothing except my pain was getting worse. I contact my primary dentist again via Facebook messenger and she responds, “My biggest fear with you was me doing something that was not really needed. I’d rather take a more conservative approach first but let me do some research.” That

Trigeminal Neuralgia (TN), (According to www.ninds.nih. gov) is a chronic neuropathic pain condition that affects the trigeminal nerve, one of the most widely distributed nerves in the head. (We all have this nerve on each side of our faces). There are two forms of Trigeminal Neuralgia: TN1 causes extreme, sporadic, sudden burning or shock like pain that can last a few seconds to as long as two minutes and TN2 causes aching, burning, stabbing pain. Neurologists say it is associated by a variety of conditions such as a blood vessel compressing on the trigeminal nerve, multiple sclerosis and/or injury to the nerve. The pain with TN can vary. It can be triggered by contact as simple as being exposed to the wind. The condition is progressive and eventually medication becomes useless. It is more common in women than men and the incidences of new cases is approximately 12 per 100,000 per year. Friday, September 20, 2013 @ 9:22AM “Although it has been a few days since I have written it has not been a few days since having pain! I’ve just been kind of tired of it all!! Yesterday was good; and because of that I didn’t take my medicine last night and because of that I am sitting on pins and needles here at work scared to death that the burning pain is going to start. I keep numbing my mouth when the shocks get really bad praying that I keep that other pain away! I’ve taken my medicine along with two pain relievers but that doesn’t ease my mind. I am stressing about my job. I am stressing about missing work and not getting paid. I am stressing about my account being in the negative and my bills being behind. I am stressing about not providing for my children. I am stressing about my momma being sick. I am stressing about that dude I married! I am stressing about my Grams not feeling good. Lord, I am just stressing over all these things I have no control over because I am human!!” Help me Lord Jesus Help me on my journey Help me on my way

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Lord I need you to help me!” Until next time; Uly

How it continued I really wish I could explain what Trigeminal Neuralgia is, like what it really is. I wish there were words to describe the pain, but you probably wouldn’t believe me. With this disease or condition, you can’t see the pain, signs or symptoms so it makes it hard to describe. People look at you and say, “well you don’t look sick,” and although it’s true because I don’t, and my scar isn’t visible; the destruction left behind from TN reminds me every day of the hell I’ve endured. In the beginning, when I was first diagnosed, my neurologist treated me from research he found online. He’d give me medications that websites said should work and when it didn’t, he’d refer me to someone else he “thought could treat me better.” The new doctor would give me medicines that caused a rash all over my body and then refuse to see me again because research said I was too young to have this disease. So here I was up all night in pain, covered in a rash and still pushing through because that’s what we do; right? On my best day brushing my teeth would send me to my knees and on my worse, I’d scream into my pillow to keep from waking anyone up. Pain was racking my body to its core and nothing helped. I went through every medicine used to treat TN, getting to the last one and on the highest dose possible. (3600mg a day!) I was on so much medicine, I started keeping a pain journal in case something happened to me. If I just so happen to not wake up at least my sister would know what I took and when.

“ I had never been perfect in my living, but I had always been perfect in my serving and I believed that counted for something. ” had given up on going back to work and was even considering retiring at 36 years old on Disability. In all, I saw three dentists, two neurologists, a chiropractor, an ENT doctor and had three ER visits. I tried and took five different anticonvulsant medications, used medication to numb my mouth before drinking a protein shake, took two to three different opioids (1 liquid and 1 pill form) every 2 hours, used a water with sleeping agents in it to help me sleep; all within a 4-month span. Friday, October 11, 2013 @11:22AM “Whew … this burning pain is back with a vengeance!”

How I was restored

Wednesday, October 2, 2013 “Lord Jesus, this medicine has me feeling some kind of way! I feel like I am going through withdrawals or something … My hands are shaking, lightheadedness, dizzy …”

Still suffering with pain while being too scared to live and too afraid to die. However, I kept going. My family was calling, emailing and writing doctors all over the world. We even had an appointment in Maryland. Then on November 1, 2013 my sister received a call from a doctor’s office in Nashville she’d contacted. They told her that they could help me and the doctor; Dr. Robert Mericle, was one of the top surgeons who treat TN! Here’s an added blessing … they had a cancellation for November 7th. Work God!

My progression was fast. What started as pain in my lower jaw quickly turned into pain, I wouldn’t wish on anyone’s worse enemy. By the time the calendar said October; I wasn’t eating anymore, only drinking enough to take medicine, brushing my teeth was a challenge, leaving the house was a no and a simple conversation with my children was done in tears. I wasn’t singing anymore or going to church. I

On that day; my sister and I, along with my baby sister; traveled to Nashville. From the moment we walked in the door we knew this visit would be different. We didn’t have to explain or spell anything. I didn’t have to convince anyone that I was in pain, they knew AND UNDERSTOOD. From the doctor’s assistant to his nurse practitioner, they just knew. When he asked me what I wanted, I told him … my

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life back. He offered a brain surgery with no guarantee it would l work. My reply, “no worries. I’ve already researched it and all I can do is try it.” We left there with my surgery scheduled for December 17, 2013 at 7:00AM. The surgery is called MVD, Microvascular decompression and it’s the most invasive of all the surgeries for TN. It is a brain surgery where they go into the base of your skull, through an incision behind your ear, and move the vessel that is causing the compression and then wrap the nerves with a protective sheath that keeps the blood vessel from irritating it. A surgery that can give relief for up to 10 years. We arrive in Nashville on 12/16/13 and enjoy dinner and a little time together as we have other family members arriving later on. We get to the hospital at 5:30AM the next morning and I am taken into surgery at 6:30. As I am being prepped the anesthesiologist says, you don’t look nervous at all. Truth was I wasn’t because while I didn’t know what my outcome would be or whether I would come out, I was not worried. See, I had never been perfect in my living, but I had always been perfect in my serving and I believed that counted for something. So, I went into that operating room and laid on my back with no care in the world but with gratefulness in my heart because even if God didn’t do it that day, I knew He was yet able. After about nine hours (surgery was supposed to be four), the doctor would tell my family, he’d found compressions on all three of the nerves on the right side. Here’s good news for me – I only had pain in one region when I should have had pain in all three. Here’s even better news - I wake up in ICU recovery with surgery pain but pain free from the disease that is Trigeminal Neuralgia and in my right mind. Anybody rejoicing yet? Yes, there was enormous pressure on my right side and dizziness, but I am able to get up and move the next day. After a two day stay in the hospital, I am released to head home. It takes me three months to fully recover before I can return to work, but I do. I still have numbness to the right side of my face and the doctor say it may always be there, but I refuse to allow it to limit my abilities to eat, talk and sing. It did once but not anymore. While I still experience the occasional shock, in any of the three regions, the pain is no where near where it once

was. While my story of diagnosis, treatment and healing seems to be rare in the world of Trigeminal Neuralgia; it’s mine to tell and while I wish I had a magic antidote to make everyone better I don’t. But what I do have is a little bit of faith and a whole lot of trust in God. So, while I can’t tell you that believing in the same God, I do, will make all your crooked paths straight, it won’t. I can’t tell you that believing in God makes everything perfect, it doesn’t. What I can tell you is what it did for me and if you do believe, remain steadfast in your faithfulness and trust the process that things will eventually work out for your good. Until next time, Laquisha “Uly” Rucker-Fields.

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Consider This

FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS   BY VANDERBILT BRABSON III, AUTHOR                    Not that very long ago a lady approached me on the job and asked me to pray for her coworker’s husband. I inquired as to what were the circumstances, and she told me the coworker’s husband was suffering from double pneumonia. I quickly acknowledged my ignorance by asking, “In the middle of the summer?” She said “Yes, in the middle of the summer, and my coworker’s husband has just slipped into a coma and one of his lungs has collapsed. According to this lady, the doctors had informed the wife they are not expecting her husband to survive.” This lady went on to say that her coworker, who is a professed Christian, is especially concerned because in all the years her husband and she had been married, her husband has continually refused to surrender his heart to Jesus Christ. I told this lady I would definitely pray for this wife and her husband. She thanked me and left. As I had committed to do, I prayed on the couple’s behalf. A short time later I approached the lady who had shared this information with

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me. I asked her what happened in regards to her coworker’s husband. She informed me that the man’s wife, her coworker, had been asking everyone to pray that God would bring her husband out of the coma so he could get an opportunity to invite Jesus Christ into his heart. According to the wife, her husband remained in the coma for a number of days while many interceded on his and her behalf. Finally, in answer to many prayers and with his wife at his bedside in his ever-weakening state, the man awoke out of his coma. His wife immediately summoned the medical staff. When they arrived, the man’s wife with tear-filled eyes was explaining to her husband that he had been in a coma for days, and then she began quietly pleading with him to invite Jesus Christ into his heart because his medical prognosis was not good at all. To the wife’s astonishment, her husband looked up into her eyes, and told her he did not want to invite Jesus Christ into his heart. As his wife and the medical staff stood by helplessly at his bedside, within minutes he again closed his eyes and died. *** I have a copy of my prayer list on my iPhone. The original prayer list stays affixed to my refrigerator door. Included on my prayer list are the names of people who are Christian and non-Christian, family and non-family. And to ensure no one is ever left out of my prayers, I include a couple of statements on that prayer list of those to whom I daily intercede on behalf of

which reads, “Every individual who truly knows Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord” and… “Every individual who truly doesn’t know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.” I daily ask God to truly bless the life of every Christian everywhere—be they carnal or spiritual, and that they and I may continually be about the business of doing Kingdom work, and that in and through our lives our great God and Savior may be glorified. Why? Because this is our purpose and our mission (Matthew 5:16). I daily ask God to truly bless the life of every non-Christian everywhere—that these individuals may come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and that we as believers may play a vital part in their salvation experience. Why? Not just because we are commanded to do so, but because I too in my spiritual ignorance once walked in darkness and have now been called into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9). Regarding my prayer list, at one time I felt convicted for my insertion of the names of some dear people and the omission of others—knowing within I could not include everyone’s name. Taking the matter before the Lord, He gave me peace, ensuring me that He is no respecter of persons. This simply means it is okay to place the names of certain people on our prayer list because we cannot possibly write the names of everyone needing our prayers. By the way, that would be everybody everywhere. However, when we do place certain

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names on our prayer list, we should do it with the understanding that while God does indeed love those specifically named on our list, He does not love them any more than He loves anyone else, nor does He love them any less than anyone else. It is important to me that when I go before our great God daily in prayer and devotion, that I pray first for the non-Christian, the unbeliever, the spiritually lost. Why? Because these individuals have the greatest spiritual need of all. It does not matter how successful, popular, wealthy, talented, loved, honored, and adored these unsaved individuals are. Each of them has one thing in common with all the others.

“It does not matter if these individuals hate us, loath us, pray or wish us dead, we cannot feel likewise about them because we have been commanded by God’s holy scriptures and empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit to love them”

They are all only one heartbeat, one breath, one second away from an eternity of regret in a lake that eternally burns with fire (Revelation 20:11-15). It does not matter if these individuals hate us, loath us, pray or wish us dead, we cannot feel likewise about them because we have been commanded by God’s holy scriptures and empowered by the indwelling Holy Spirit to love them (Matthew 5:44; Luke 6:32). And if we love them, we will pray for them that they too may come to faith in Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins. Barring a divine intervention from God, such as in the cases of Enoch, Elijah, and all those who will be caught away in the Rapture of the Church, every individual has a divine appointment with physical death, which the scriptures refer to as the first death. Scripture declares, “And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment (Hebrews 9:27). For the Christian, our judgment for rewards will take place before the judgment [Beama] seat of Jesus Christ (2 Corinthians 5:10). However, for the nonbeliever who dies in his or her sin, their judgment will be before the Great White Throne. Every individual standing before this Great White Throne of judgment is hell-bound in the eternal Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:11-15). This is the second death. I guess it would be appropriate to say at this juncture, that scriptures teach us that it is not what an individual does in this

42 | Winter 2020

life that will damn his or her soul to an eternity of punishment in the Lake of Fire. Rather it is what he or she fails to do in this life that will banish that individual’s soul to an eternity of torment and regret. Jesus said, “And this is the condemnation, that light is come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil (John 3:19).” The light spoken of in John 3:19 is Jesus Christ (John 8:12). Therefore, when an individual leaves this life having rejected Jesus Christ, that individual receives God’s eternal condemnation (1 John 5:11-12).

God brings light to all His creation (Genesis 1:3), and God wants to bring His Light in the form of His Son to each of us (John 3:19). But the choice is ours to make. Regrettably, the scriptures in Matthew 7:13-14 declare…there are a lot more individuals entering into the wide gate and traveling the broad road to hell than those entering into the strait gate and narrow road leading to eternal life. It has been suggested that the reason that more people ultimately are hell-bound rather than heaven-bound is due to the love of a particular sport. Spiritually speaking, it is the number one sport in the world, and it is not what many think it is. It’s not baseball, not running, not basketball, not football, not soccer, not rugby, not swimming, and it’s not boxing. Spiritually speaking, the number one sport in the world is the BLAME GAME. It can be played individually or in groups. It is a fast-paced game of dodge ball where the object of the game for players is to dodge any responsibility for one’s own actions and one’s own sin. Players get to blame their actions, their problems, and their sin on their parents, their family, their bosses, their coworkers, their friends, and—my personal favorite—demonic spirits (demons of lust, envy, unforgiveness, pride, etc.). This BLAME GAME attracts many because when we play, our attitude is that our problems, our hang-ups, and our actions are always someone else’s fault. The problem with the BLAME GAME is we only get to play it in this life. We cannot take it with us when we die. Each of us—you and I—will

personally stand before God and be held accountable for our life here on earth. If we have been born twice: 1) physically—as a new born baby and 2) spiritually—having been reborn through receiving Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, then barring the rapture of the church, we will die only once, and that is the physical death of our earthly body. However, if we have been born only once—and that is physically—as a new born baby, but not spiritually reborn through an acceptance of Jesus Christ into our hearts, then we will die twice: 1) the physical death of our earthly body and 2) the eternal banishment of our souls into the Lake of fire, which is the second death. The real question is not for whom the bell tolls? We know that at some point in time, maybe sooner than later, it tolls for you. It tolls for me. The real question is… when it tolls for me, I will be ready. When it tolls for you, will you be ready? “Though the Bible was written over sixteen centuries by at least forty authors, it has one central theme—salvation through faith in Christ.” Max Lucado Max Lucado (born January 11, 1955) is a best-selling Christian author and pastor at Oak Hills Church (formerly the Oak Hills Church of Christ) in San Antonio, Texas.

Knowledge by definition is an acquaintance, an accumulation, and familiarization with facts, data, and information. Wisdom however is the proper use of those facts, data, and information. When it comes to our eternal state and destiny, shouldn’t we choose wisely based on the facts, data, and information? And to choose wisely is to choose Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. How about you? Are you willing? If so, simply pray the following: Dear Heavenly Father, I admit to You that I am a sinner in need of a Savior. I know that Your word says in Romans 3:23 that all (including me) have sinned and come short of Your glorious standard. According to Your word in John 6:40 and 1 John 5:11-12, anyone who truly trusts in Jesus Christ as Savior has eternal life. I believe Jesus’ blood shed at Calvary on my behalf can and will cleanse me of all my sin. The scriptures say in Romans 10:9-10 that if I will confess with my mouth the Lord Jesus, and believe in my heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, I will be saved. For with the heart man believes unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. And so Lord I am now confessing with my mouth and believing with my whole heart that You raised Jesus from the grave, and in believing and accepting this, I am now confessing Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior and asking Him right now to come into my heart and forgive me of all my sins. Lord, from the depths of my soul, I mean every word of this. Thank You for hearing my prayer. Thank You for forgiving me of all my sins. Thank You for accepting me into the family of God. In Jesus name, Amen. ordinarypeoplemagazine | 43

Small Business Corner




44 | Winter 2020

We as so excited to introduce the “Small Business Corner”. According to Wikipedia, Small businesses are privately owned corporations, partnerships, or sole proprietorships that have fewer employees and/or less annual revenue that a regularsized business or corporation. Businesses are defined as “small” in terms of being able to apply for government support and qualify for preferential tax policy varies depending on the country and industry. We asked two Small Business owners to give us at least five great business tips. ordinarypeoplemagazine | 45

RENEGADE EL REY is the owner of Southern Eagle Music Group, LLC and This is A Rey Vision, LLC Ms. Nickelberry asked If I could give five business tips to small businesses what would they be? 1. Know your product 2. Know your industry 3. Find a competitive advantage 4. Never forget how important relationships are 5. Know and understand your value. Keeping these five things will allow you sustain the tests of time and politics. When you know your product to a “T” you can articulate and fully explain you product to others, which allows you to speak the language of your industry. The more you can speak the language of your industry and understand your industry as a whole, the more you realize what you provide that overs don’t; creating yourself a competitive advantage. This advantage should go on to help you solidify a decent clientele with people which will help to build relationships with those around your industry as well as all who need your type of service. Lastly this will lead to a bit of notoriety as well and possible business inquiries. This is when you HAVE TO UNDERSTAND YOUR VALUE in order to be able to know when to charge, barter, or simply lend a helping hand. I hope these tips help someone in the least bit. I appreciate your time and energy reading this. Stay positive, stay hungry, and stay focused.

RENEGADE Southern Eagle MG LLC/ This Is A REY Vision LLC

46 | Winter 2020

Courtney Robinson, Wardrobe Stylist & Image Coach is the owner of “Image by Courtney” 5 Business Tips for Small Business Owners

Being a small business owner will be rewarding, challenging, and overwhelming! However, anything worth having requires work. Building my business as a wardrobe stylist and image coach over the past several years, here are my top 5 tips for thriving in your business. 1. Invest in your Image and Brand Be authentic and allow your voice to shine through in the details of your business. Every touchpoint your client has with your business should reflect your brand. From your marketing materials to your website to your personal appearance, your client should experience a consistent and powerful message that is uniquely you. Show your clients what differentiates you from the competition and why your products and/or services are the best fit for them. 2. Show Up Diversify your business presence by using 1-2 social media platforms and take every opportunity to educate and connect with your customer base. Facebook groups are a great way to build a community for your business. You may also give free workshops or classes related to your products or services. Use social media platforms that are appropriate for business to serve your audience and develop content that appeals to your clients and followers AND stay true to your brand. 3. Share your Story Develop connections with your clients by sharing your story and journey. Weave your story into your brand and digital footprint. Use your story to inspire, educate, and inform. Your story will make you relatable and help you to attract ideal clients. 4. Practice Collaboration over Competition No one is an island. To thrive in your business, develop strong partnerships and collaborations that are mutually beneficial. Welcome mentors and connections that will stretch you and challenge you to become better in every aspect of your business. 5. Never Stop Learning (My favorite tip!) As a small business owner, in order to stay competitive, relevant, and be regarded as an expert, it is essential to understand the latest in your industry and appreciate how your industry is changing. Continuing to educate yourself will equip you with new skills, confidence and knowledge that will make you an asset to your clients and allow you to pivot when necessary – especially amid the current pandemic. Invest in personal and professional development to be successful. ordinarypeoplemagazine | 47

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48 | Winter 2020

FROM WITHIN...   BY VERNA V. NICKELBERRY                                                               “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light: and there was light” Genesis 1:1-3

was, He created everything that we needed in the earth before we became the apple of His eye. He love us so much, and is always there for us during each and every step of our lives. We just need to take the time to stop and listen, and allow God to be God.

This is the first scripture of the Holy Bible (KJV) it describe how God begin to create the world, beginning with the “heaven and the earth.” How He took time to put things in place and after each day it, “God saw that it was good.”

I pray that this issue bless you as it is our goal to bring you relevant and relatable articles.

The entire first chapter gives a step-by-step of each day that God created and everything that was created from the first day to the sixth day, “God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day.” Gen. 1:31 “In the beginning…” there are so many beginnings in our lives, the beginning of a new job, a new company, a new life, a new relationship, but do we take the time to cultivate these beginnings. Do we take the time to create a step-by-step plan of how we want to proceed, the course of action that we want to take. I believe that if we take the time to create a good action plan we too, can say this is good! Having a good/great action plan is help in all that you decide to put your hands to.

“Thus the heavens and the earth were finished, and all the host of them. And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made. These are the generations of the heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made the earth and the heavens,” Gen. 2: 1-4 And as always, Love, Peace, and Increase

Verna V. Nickelberry

PSA: At the time that this issue was publish we were experiencing a world PANDEMIC, Coronavirus disease, COVID-19. This disease rocked our world and our normal way of doing life was no longer normal!

I would admonish you to take time to go back and read the first chapter of Genesis with fresh eyes, read it aloud, with passion and allow God to speak to your heart. Before we were God ordinarypeoplemagazine | 49













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