Spring 2013

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departments Founder and Editorial Director Verna V. Nickelberry Editor-In-Chief India B. Oliver Art Director Rushun Wiseman Contributing Writers Vanderbilt Brabson Knena Delarkins Stephanie Dillard Paris Ducker Rhonda Hurst Paola Tennon Layout Designer Denardo Crawford Marketing Consultant Joyce Parkinson jpconnection.com (901) 907-8557 Photographer Kendall Elem Sales Director/ Memphis, TN Janet Chestnut salesmemphis@ ordinarypeoplemagazine.org International Director of Sales and Market Frisco, TX Will Odom tndimension.net (214) 514-2926 O.P. Magazine Mail 9000 Bristol Park Dr. #105 Bartlett, TN 38133 (901) 949-3409 http://ordinarypeoplemagazine.org ORDINARY PEOPLE MAGAZINE is a quarterly publication and is distributed in Memphis, TN; Knoxville, TN; Frisco, TX; Atlanta, GA; and Orlando, FL.

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contents SPRING 2013

06 07 09 10 14 18 26 30 36 39

On The Cover Rudy Walker

Letters to the Editor

“What an awesome cover”!

From With In

“Study to shew thyself approved...”


Straight Talk with Lady D The Word for Everday Living

In The Spotlight

Will Odom Publisher, CEO of The Next Dimension Marketing, LLC.

For Your Health

Study to Gain Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom


Miracles & Blessings

Operation Back to the Field

Bible Series

The Study of Revelation

Consider This

Revenge or Forgiveness


Inspirational Word

Be diligent to present yourself.....

All rights reserved.Reproduction in whole or in part without the founder/editor’s consent is strictly prohibited. The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the positions or views of the editor. The publication of any advertisement in the issue does not constitute an endorsement of the advertiser’s products or services by the publication. © 2013 Ordinary People Magazine


On The Cover

Rudy’s passion has always been centered in his faith in God, leadership and mentoring youth. His parents, James and Rosa Walker held key leadership positions in the community and professionally. During his grammar school years his parents exposed Rudy to youth activities at church, the Boys Club, summer camps and organized sports. Rudy naturally emerged as a leader among his peers, not always for his skills, but for his passion for helping others. His friendly, but very determined attitude towards winning positioned him for success. Succeeding personally was never enough for Rudy; he always wanted others to experience the good feeling of success. He strived to make his parents proud. In 2006, when his mother, Rosa Walker, passed Rudy’s faith was tested. From time to time Rudy continues struggle with his mother not being present. After the passing of his mother, Rudy made a strong commitment to serve the youth within the communities resides in. His message to the youth is focused on Leadership, Education and Life Success. Rudy has mentored youth in Memphis, Nashville and Chattanooga, Tennessee. He values the childhood memories of when his father, mother, brother and sisters were together as a family.

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It was Rudy’s destiny to be a banker. His father, James Walker, was a district manager for a large retail chain. His mother was an administrative assistant for the mayor’s office (Columbus, GA) and later pursued a banking career as a Trust Officer for a local bank. As a youngster Rudy enjoyed watching his parents prepare for work and debrief their days in the evening. Upon entering college at Southern Arkansas University Rudy knew he wanted to be successful in business. After completing his studies at Southern Arkansas, Rudy moved to Memphis, Tennessee to begin his banking career at Bank of America. He has been in the financial industry for over 22 years. Rudy spent 12 years with Bank of America and became one of the top performers in the Mid South. His career accelerated from Financial Service Representative to Regional Manager within 8 years. After much success several major financial institutions sought after Rudy. Union Planter, later know as Regions Bank, persuaded Rudy to consider an offer as Consumer Sales Manager and Senior Vice President. Rudy is a six time Chairman’s Club winner at Regions. Consistently, he has ranked in the top 20% of all sales mangers within Regions. He is a graduate of Vanderbilt’s Leadership Institute (Owen

School of Business). His favorite leadership author is John C. Maxwell. Rudy visits this quote from Maxwell often: The true measure of success is not what position you’ve reached in life, but what obstacles you have overcome to reach the desired goal. Rudy’s theme for 2013 is Accelerate Your Potential. Rudy is very active in the community. He is a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated and is the Board Chair at Veritas College Preparatory Charter School. In 2009 Mayor A.C. Wharton called upon Rudy and other executives in Memphis to work on a steering committee to restructure key components of the city’s budget. Rudy is a board member of the Mid South YMCA; currently serving as Campaign Chair for 2013. He mentors the varsity football team at Craigmont High School. Finally, he is a Deacon and Youth Leader at Holy Nation Church of Memphis. Rudy has been married to Tabitha Walker for 21 years. They have one daughter, Ravelle Sade’ Walker, who attends Middle Tennessee State University.

Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor What an awesome cover! (Winter 2013) I can truly see the growth of your magazine. It is so nice to read real story (Miracles & Blessings). Keep bringing us inspirational stories Unknown Memphis I really enjoy reading the articles of your magazine. I always read it from cover to cover. And many time I read it twice. B.K. Atlanta, GA Your Winter 2013 cover was very nice, different I must say. It is nice to see positive young men doing great things. Daphine Atlanta, GA

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From Within..



In this scripture Paul is writing to Timothy whom he refers to as his “beloved son.” Paul is in prison at this time and yet he finds the time to write to Timothy to encourage him and let he know that he (Timothy) is in his prayers night and day; and that he is sure Timothy has the same faith as his mother and grandmother. “When I call to remembrance the unfeighed faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.” 2 Timothy 1:5

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” 2 Timothy 2:15

Paul go on the tell Timothy, that he should stir up the gift that is in him, and that God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. “Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands”. 2 Timothy 1:6. Just like Timothy it is our duty to stir up our gift that is in us! We have to study more, witness more, and pray more! We hear so many say, that time is winding up, we are in the last days. If that is true we must be about our Father’s business. We can not be ashamed of the gospel of Jesus! In this issue: OPM sat down with Mr. Will Odom, CEO of The Next Dimension Marketing and Management LLC, in an very candid interview; in Consider This… Vanderbilt Brabson ask the question is it “Revenge or Forgiveness?”; in For Your Health, Panola Tennon, Study to Gain Knowledge, Understanding and Wisdom. In Miracles and Blessings; Operation Back to the Field, the story of a young boy’s love for football and how it lead to a book. “Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began”. 2 Timothy 1:9

And as always, Love, Peace, and Increase…

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Straight Talk With Lady D


WORD for Everday Living by Lady Stephanie Dillard

Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)

I can remember when I was a little girl, there was a song that the choir used to sing and the words said: “if you’re looking for love, look it’s in there , right in the Word of God..... If you’re looking for salvation, look, it’s in there, right in the Word of God.....if you’re looking for peace, look, it’s in there, right in the Word of God.....if you’re looking for joy, look, it’s in there right in the Word of God..... Back then I really didn’t fully understand what that song meant. But as I grew older and became more mature in the word, I understood exactly what the song was conveying. When we study the Word of a God, we begin to know our rights as Blood bought and washed believers and the power we possess. It is our guide for every day living and preparation for the world to come. For too long we have lived beneath our

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privileges. The word of God tells us we are the head and not the tail and above and not beneath.( Deuteronomy 28:13) We are the righteousness of God. We are also , “More than CONQUERORS” (Romans 8:37) So why do we not utilize our authority? My opinion is because we obviously do not know! The Bible tells us that my people perish for lack of knowledge. (Hosea 4:6) It is true,” what you do not know”, can hurt you. Once we meditate on His word, develop a prayer life and become filled with His spirit, we WILL NOT, be ignorant to Satan’s devices.

(2 Corinthians 2:11) The Holy Spirit is also the Spirit of Truth. (John 14:17) It will lead you into all truth and bring back to your remembrance all things which it has spoken unto you . God can speak to you directly, audibly, through prayer, and through someone else. But God mainly speaks to us through His Word. Nothing will be able to come back to our remembrance if we have not studied and mediated on His word. The psalmist David said that :” thy word have I hid in my heart that I may not sin against thee . (Psalms 119:11) In the Book of Joshua, God instructs us

to meditate in the word day and night. (Joshua 1:8) Our faith can be increased by studying the Word of God. It’s a lamp upon our feet and light unto our path. (Psalms 119:105) We get strengthen through the Word of God and healed also! He sent the word and it healed them (Psalms 107:20). You are cleaned by the words I have spoken unto you. (John 15:3) Sanctify them by your truth, for thy word is truth. ( John 17:17) I have confidence in the Word of God! Everything else will fail and falter, but the Word of God will remain forever. (Matthew 24:25) Someone said that the letters in the word BIBLE stands for: Basic instruction before leaving earth!

I agree with that saying! We need the Word of God to lead us and guide us as we navigate through this dispensation called “life”! God’s word is encouraging, uplifting and empowering. It’s the prescription that we need for every situation that we could ever imagine! I encourage you to set aside a time for personal Bible Study daily. Even if it is only for 10 minutes, its good to get that time in. A time where you get to experience and feel the very heart of God. Because that is exactly what we will find as we “search” the scriptures. Lady Stephanie Dillard, First Lady/ Women’s Ministry Director, Citadel Of Deliverance Church Of God In Christ

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a n r e V o t t ll I

Te Hey Verna,


The women of Women of Promise & Praise (WOPP) are on the move and doing great things within the Memphis and the Mid-South. They recently hosted their annual prayer breakfast as well as assisted yound ladies through Latrice Ryan Ministries and donated professional clothing to the women of Greater Prospest Baptist Church. For more information about WOPP contact: Sheilah Easterling-Smith @ (901) 516-5617

Hey Verna,

Hey Verna,


Chat & Chew Single Group meet every second Saturday at the University of Memphis Holiday Inn (Medallion Room) 3700 Central Avenue at 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. For more information contact Sajata Henderson: Sjhenderson12@yahoo.com


Get ready for the 8th Annual Atlanta Gospel Fest Music, Health & Wellness Festival on July 26, & 27 2013 at the beautiful Georgia International Convention Center located College Park Georgia. The Atlanta Gospel Fest is coming up on its 8th year of festivities. A year of new beginnings!!! Prepare yourself amazing event. Amazing concerts from some of your favorite Gospel Artist, Workshops, and Seminars and Networking opportunities its fun for the entire family it was listed in the Atlanta Journal as the one of the Top 5 events to attend.

Thanks HoJo 12 | Spring 2013

Word Search







2Kings 2Timothy Artaxerxes Bethel Ephraim Hezekiah

I 2 E L B A B B U R E Z






Jeremiah Manasseh Nihemiah Provers Vessel Zerubbable

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In The Spotlight


Will Odom

CEO of The Next Dimension Marketing, LLC. Interview conductedby Knena Delarkins

Will Odom, CEO of The Next Dimension Marketing, LLC. Is back in Dallas, back in the saddle and back with his artists. After recently working fashion shows, a gospel concert and leaving the country to get married, Will has decided to take a few moments with me to discuss where he is now and where would like to be.

A phenomenal person to know everywhere Will turns up, people know him and speak very highly of him. Read and determine for yourself, Mr. Odom is a force to be reckoned with, a star in his own right, set for his destination and most definitely on the rise. OPM…Will, recently you were married. Out of the country no less. First of all, congratulations to you. Second, can you tell us about what it was like to have such a quick turn-around from honeymoon back to work? Your dedication to what you do is phenomenal, how do you do it? Odom…Thank you for the best wishes and let me add, if you’ve never visited the Island of Antigua then you are in for a royal treatment. Mrs. Odom & I enjoyed 7 days of pure beauty it also reminded us that there is a God because there is no way man could have created such a place. WOW! Sorry I just had a reflection of the Island and our wedding ceremony. (My Wife is so beautiful) What was your other question? (LOLOLOL) The turn-around from honeymoon to business was a smooth transition because I put a strategy in place before I left to get married. I made sure everyone was updated on the projects along with tasks so upon my return we were ready to implement our first annual Gospel Extravaganza. God gives me the strength, favor and ingenuity to do what I do. Without his Grace and Mercy daily I couldn’t

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continue to fight the good fight to minister. OPM…What was your initial inspiration in regards to entering into your current profession? Odom…As he starts to smile) it started one afternoon when I was 8 years old and my mother and I started cleaning the house on the first day of spring. That was a chore I didn’t like, of course (LOL) It was really quite throughout the house so, moms went into the living room and pulled out a huge stack of album from underneath our record box, you remember the one that look like a long Chester drawer, Now for those of us from New Orleans we called it a (Chesser Draw Ya Heard Me!) (LOLOLOL). Long story short, she played a song called “Going to a GO GO” by Smokey Robinson & the Miracles and she started dancing and singing along with Smokey. Now I’ve never seen my mother Dance or sing so it shock me to the point I thought something was wrong with my mother. I started to call my grandfather to come over because she was losing it. (LOLOLOL) I said, Oh Ma! Please stop, what are you doing? She started laughing at me and she said mama can know how to jam like you young folks. There is a little more to the story but I will end it with this, from that day on I started playing and listening to all of my mother’s album in the house, which develop my love for Music and such a way that were I had begun to train my

ears to every instrument on the track and how the artist laid there lyrics to flow along with lows and highs of the beats. That is when I realize my passion for good music. My Mother has always maintained to be a huge inspiration to the cultivation of me transforming from a boy into a Godly Man. I Love You Ma! OPM…Tell us also, what exactly is it that you do? Odom…I’m a Vision enhancer, which simply means due to my gifts and experience of Branding, Marketing, Project Management, Stage production, and a heart to serve people affords me the opportunity to effectively add greater value of sight in the vision of entrepreneur’s product, services, and projects. I’m responsible for managing Christian Artists and the development of their careers with emphases on negotiations, booking, strategic planning, song arrangement, and creative design on projects. Also, I possess 8 years as a Stage Production Coordinator/ manager for Fashion shows, talk shows, & gospel showcases along with 7 years in sales in order to increase our client’s revenue. Currently, I’m the Marketing Director for MPVC (Moss Point Visionary Circle) 501 c (3); International Sales Director for Ordinary People Magazine and I sit on the Board of Amore Transitional non-profit organization. I’ve served 13 years as an Armor Bearer for Associate Pastor Rodney Derrick at The Potter’s House church in Dallas under the leadership of Bishop T.D. Jakes. Let me say it has been a privilege and honor to serve under the tutelage of Pastor R. Derrick and this awesome global ministry. Serving in that capacity has strengthen my faith, challenged my mind, released the gifts that are inside of me, led me to trust God completely, taught me how to serve faithfully, and gave me the power of knowledge. God is truly covering us and that keeps me encourage while running towards my Destiny. Amen! OPM…If there was anything you could change about your current profession, what would it be? Odom…I wish I would have stayed focus and pursued a degree in music but I allowed myself at the time to be distracted with my wants and not my needs. I would influence the entertainment industry to give Christian Artists the opportunity to advance on all talent show competitions on prime time television. OPM…What do you feel are the greatest challenges your company faces at this time, overall? Odom…Our greatest challenge was not having the right team to assist in building this ministry and vision God gave me and my former business partner Mr. David Jefferson, God rest his soul. Losing a business partner due to cancer change my outlook on life and how we as people should treat one another. One just never knows when God will call us. Amen! OPM…What makes your company different from ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 15


the others attempting to do what you do? Odom…Our heart to serve others and we believe in enhancing the vision God gave our clients not the other way around. In essence our company’s fruit is plentiful because we are all grounded in the word of God plus we each have a personal relationship with our Father in Heaven and that is what sets us apart from our counterparts. TND has a creed we stand by where we don’t consider having competition we’ve conclude that they are our constituent in this Industry. Plus the company is double blessed due to my Wife who is an awesome business Lady while taking this journey with The Next Dimension Marketing & Management, LLC. OPM…Will, you are vastly becoming a role model and leader in the community of Dallas, what does this mean to you and how has this view affected you personally? Odom…It is a humbling and shocking experience. I never saw myself stepping into this realm as a role model, my plan was to guide and encourage others into the forefront and now somehow I’m being pushed from the back to the front. It’s making me understand the gift God has given me while going through various test & trails but I must admit I’m still learning how to embrace this leadership role. I want to remain humble always in an effort to be effective in kingdom business. OPM…As a pioneering role model and leader, what advice would you have for the youth that aspire to follow in in footprints?

Odom…Timing! Before I was born God spoke a word regarding my Destiny and the Lord sent it out into the atmosphere, then I was born and I had to wait for Time to catch up with the word of God (My Destiny). Once that happens then there is a huge explosion and many rays of light which is what’s taken place for me at this moment. My purpose and Time just collided to form what you see in me today. WOW! One moment please, I need a praise break! Plus the support and unconditional Love I receive daily from my Wife who is my Rib, My Mother who is my Eyes, My sister who is my Legs adds to my rise. OPM…If you had it to do all over again, would you pursue the same path again and why? Odom…Yes I would pursue the same path but I would make better choices! Why? I have been exposed to many different interesting and phenomenal people since I choose this path even though I made some bad choices, God still cover and protected me thru it all. I’ve lost and gain so much in 44 years that I can honestly say, I Love and still enjoy the outcome. OPM…Most recently you and I discussed some exciting project coming up for you over the next few months. Please tell the reader about what’s next for you.

Odom…The best advice I could ever give to the next generation would be, Pray daily, understand why fasting plays an important part of your destiny, and study God’s word in an effort to hear his voice during your growth process. Without God, you will make the wrong choices and that will hinder your life. Please give Honor and respect to your parents because it is critical to your Destiny.

Odom…Sure Knena! Well, for the past 2 years I was blessed to be a celebrity judge for the Single’s Best Talent competition hosted by the Singles Ministry at The Potter’s House church in Dallas Texas which open up another Blessing. I was selected to be a Judge for another Gospel Talent Show on May 19, 2013 located in Frisco Texas hosted by Achievers United USA. I’m excited and perfecting my craft as a Judge because I feel another door is opening. Also, were planning our 2nd Gospel Extravaganza to be held at the end of July 2013.

OPM…As your “star” is rising this year, what do you feel is providing its spark?

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16 | Spring 2013

Helping Families Heal

Small Business

Chaisson Creative Consulting Hickory Hill’s newest outpatient mental health facility In a world where we often overlook those with mental health dilemmas, our facility strives to meet and exceed quality mental health services through alliance, creativity, and engaging consumers with innovative mental and educational support. Helping Families Heal one session at a time is what we do best! Each day is filled with an exciting creative marketing strategy using new age marketing techniques to focus on establishing new partnerships and productive meetings to make sure the agency continues to meet and exceed the need of people facing difficulties in their lives. The key to our Mental Health Agency is the quality of services and the work ethics of the staff at Chaisson Creative Consulting Inc. We seek innovative and creative services and programs for all of our consumers always providing “traditional clinical services”. Chaisson Creative Consulting Inc. offers mental health and educational support to adults, adolescents, children, families and couples. Services include: Depression Screening Alcohol and Drug Counseling Adolescent and Children Counseling Individual and Group Counseling Teen Parent Support Prevention Programs Couples Therapy The facility is open Monday- Thursday 9-4 and Fridays 9-2. Please contact (901) 362-7000, for more information about program and services. Chaisson Creative Consulting Inc.is an equal opportunity employer. We are always seeking licensed counselors and social workers to join our dynamic clinical team. We are Tenn Care Provider and currently accepting new patients. Please visit our website at: www.chaissoncreativeconsultinginc.com Like us on Facebook at Chaisson Creative Consulting/facebook:

Study to Gain For Your Health

Knowledge, Understanding, and Wisdom:

by Paola Tennon RN, BSN, MBA/HCA, CCM

“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2Timothy 2:15) Proverbs 1:5 teaches that “A wise man will hear and will increase learning; and a man of understanding shall attain unto wise counsels”. Therefore; when we “Study to show ourselves approved before God”, we not only gain an enhanced understanding of the Word of God; but we also learn how we can apply God’s Word to the activities of our daily living, which encompasses every facet of life including our health. The more we study and meditate, the more our focus is sharpened; we are able to increase our understanding, and our ability to discern information is heightened. On the contrary, the lack of knowledge and

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understanding can negatively impact our lives and can lead to undesirable outcomes. Biblical referenced in the Old Testament Book of Hosea 4:6 states; “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...” Hence; the act of study provides tools that enables us to become triumphant in the face tragedy, to persevere in the midst of the raging storms of life, to remain steadfast even if it is unto the end, and the list goes on. The purpose of this article is to bring awareness as to the importance of study. Additionally, it is my desire to help us to visualize the far reaching effects of study once we have grown to the point of understanding. And; to encourage us to develop a mindset which desires to seek out knowledge and understanding, both together yields wisdom. “Wisdom is the principle thing; therefore get wisdom, and with all thy getting get understanding”. Proverbs 4:7 According to Webster’s Dictionary; to study is the act or process of applying the mind in order to acquire knowledge

or understanding. When we study we become more knowledgeable and because we are better informed, we are more efficient in our choices and in the decisions we make. As we increase in knowledge, we grow in grace and there is a transformation of mindset. We become more empowered and develop a willingness to effect change. This leads us to more research study and as a sense of urgency takes over, our desire to become more proactive in the matter of our health decisions begins to consume us. Our increase in knowledge, understanding and wisdom ultimately aids in the development of a keener awareness of what quality of life really means to each of us. Remember, “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction” Proverbs 1:5 and 7. Knowledge: gives you the facts. It acquaints you with a range of information. Knowledge aids in the problem solving process. However,

it is possible to have knowledge, but lack understanding and wisdom. Understanding: gives us the ability to discern or comprehend the true meaning of the facts. We have a clearer picture as to what, how or why and the information is brought into focus. Wisdom: gives us a definitive direction on what to do next. We are able to place things in the proper perspective and make informed decisions that will optimize our outcomes. Wisdom gives us the power of judging rightly and following the soundest course of action based on knowledge, experience, understanding, and etc. as per the Webster College Dictionary. God’s word may be a revelation to some and to others it may only be thought of from a religious perspective. None the less, the Word of God is to be used as a guide to help us gain knowledge, understanding and wisdom. How we apply this guide to the affairs of our lives is incumbent upon our willingness to study. Our health concern is one area in which little thought is given to using The Word of God as a guide. The loss of our health can impact us in various ways including physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Our progress towards recovery can be hindered and our ability to move forward may be gridlocked because of personal attitudes towards the illness. To show how scripture applies all we have to do is to look at the Apostle Paul as one example. In the Biblical Books of I and II Timothy Paul offers encouragement and instruction to Timothy during a time of turmoil and challenge. This scripture reminds us that we to are to be diligent, we are to remain steadfast, to have patience, and to face our adversity with courage. Paul further teaches us that although we will have tribulations: “tribulations work patience and patience experience and experience, hope and hope make us not ashamed…” Romans 5:35. “Rightly dividing the Word of God” is to understand that God has a Devine purpose for each of us. Let us remember to keep God in the plan, for we know not what He will have for us to do. How do we begin? Through pray and supplication, it is important for us to study to gain as much knowledge as possible. Once we acknowledge and actively embrace our illness we are better able to help ourselves in becoming informed consumers of healthcare and in becoming proactive in the decision making processes regarding our health or the health of our loved ones. This intern helps us to have an in-depth view into our journey

towards wellness. We must understand that our perception of illness affects our attitude towards it. A negative attitude is destined for all that is negative including uncertainty, denial, dependency and etc. It is the elements of uncertainty that can erode our self-confidence and bring about self-doubt which leads to indecision and can have a profound effect on our overall wellbeing and keep us from having an optimal outcome. A positive attitude, on the other hand, can be used as a vehicle for growth, self-understanding, self-reliance, self-motivation, and etc. Our faith and prayer has a very important role this process. As we become more inspired by what we learn, we are prompted to become more active in the management of our illness or disease. And, as active participants we are better able to make informed decisions. In the book “Journeys in Healing”; we learn that healing is a journey of learning, self-regulation and understanding. We also learn about the four aspects of healing: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The physical aspect

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of healing meets our basic most needs which include food, exercise and sleep. The emotional aspect of healing deals with our views or thoughts during illness, the fear of the unknown and our ability to cope. The mental aspect investigates our attitude and responses to a given situation, and the spiritual aspect deals with our ability to come to terms with questions, decisions, thoughts and choices. To maximize wellness, we must harness the power within by increasing our knowledge base, expanding our awareness and gaining insight related to disease management strategies, disease prevention and we must also give thought as to the quality of life we would like to have. Does health and wellness really matter that much? Health and wellness matters because without them our quality of life is diminished, liberty is restricted, happiness is reduced and finances are impacted because of increasing medical cost. Thus, the old cliché “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” holds true. And, rather than having to be reactive towards illness because of neglect, overindulgence or lack of knowledge; why not be proactive through management and prevention. Dr. Andrew Weil, author of “Why our Health Matters” states that our long term goal must shift from disease intervention to disease prevention and that health promotion is the key along with knowing the importance of making healthy lifestyle choices to reduce risk. Why is studying about our health important? Studying about our health is important because Science and Health are ever evolving. New medications are being created and researched almost on a daily bases; new treatments/ therapies/procedures are constantly being investigated and etc. Additionally; medical practices and cutting edge procedures that were once thought to hold true for decades may now no longer apply. Increased knowledge and understanding is crucial because it helps us to: 1. Become more comfortable with asking questions related to our health or to advocate for our loved ones. 2. Become better sharers of information, thus, decreasing the risk of medical or medication errors; as well as helping to avert the probability of missed diagnosis and unnecessary test, procedures or surgeries. 3. Become better informed about the disease or illness and alleviate the possibility of miss-communication. 4. Understand the diagnosis and the test, procedures, treatments/therapies or surgeries that may be required 5. Understand the associated or potential risk verses benefits. 6. Better recognize side effects of treatment and/or

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medications and what to expect or do in a crisis. 7. Be informed of alternative treatments, second opinions, preventive strategies and etc. 8. Learn about expected outcomes and the potential consequences to the decisions made. How do you begin? 1. Make a personal commitment to become more involved in your own healthcare or the healthcare of a loved one. 2. Conduct your own research concerning the illness or disease and be prepared to discuss concerns with your health care provider. 3. Prior to your visit write down questions to ask you healthcare provider. 4. Keep a current list of all medications. 5. Provide information to your physician or healthcare provider that will be beneficial in making an appropriate diagnosis or a change in your current management or treatment. • Provide updated information on your Medical History including: Allergies, surgeries or procedures, therapy’s or treatments, family medical history and etc. • Current medications, supplements, and herbal treatments including tea, roots etc., (OTC) over the counter medications, etc. (Some of these may be in conflict with your medications). • Because we sometimes see more than one health care provider, make sure they also know if there are any changes in your medication regimen, current status or plan of care. • Inform your healthcare provider of any type of changes including; level of consciousness, memory loss, mental concerns; or signs and symptom such as shortness of breath, chest pain, unexplained pain or discomfort, etc. Be sure to include when these symptoms started, their intensity, if they only occur on exertion and etc. Other examples may include changes in: behavior, wounds, skin turgor, drainage, bruising, etc. • Report any new developments such as: questionable rash or mole, new developments or changes during the course of treatment (chemotherapy, new medications, etc.) • Identify someone to advocate on your behalf if you become incapacitated and ensure they have been kept abreast of your current health issues. Be honest about your condition at all times. 6. Being active participant in the management of our illness or disease also requires personal commitment on an ongoing basis. This include all of the above and in addition to, but is

not limited to: • Dietary management • Taking medication as prescribed. Check with your doctor or healthcare provider about free sample medication or medication assistant programs to help cut cost. • Establish communication with you insurance provider to get information on what is covered under your plan. The uninsured can check with their healthcare provide for programs that may offer assistance with medication cost, supplies or equipment. • Include healthcare cost in your monthly budget: medication, supplies, services, etc. • Exercise to maintain agility, endurance, strength, balance, flexibility and to prevent obesity. • Don’t be afraid or intimidated about asking questions especially when you don’t understand. • Seek a second opinion if you question your course of treatment or management. • Learn to accept the consequences for the decisions you make. • Be diligent in getting annual check-ups: physical exams, eye exams, mammograms, and etc. • Talk with your pharmacist for pointers on controlling

the cost of prescription medications. Yes, “Knowledge becomes Power” as we travel along this journey towards wellness. In the process of reclaiming, restoring and maintaining our health, this journey of healing will continue to evolve. Remember; illness can be a catalyst for learning and by increasing our knowledge base it can also, be a prompter of lifestyle change and it can be a promoter of wellness leading to an improved quality of life. Illness opens the doors of knowledge, understanding, wisdom and opportunity; but this process has to begin with each of us. “For you will know the truth and the truth will set you free: John 8:32.

References/Resources Acts 17:11 Bible Study: Knowledge, Wisdom, and Understanding: Retrieved March 3, 2012 from http://www.acts17-11.com/know.html

Weil, A. (2009). Why our health matters: A vision of medicine that can transform our future. Hudson Street Press, New York, NY.

“Study to Show Thyself Approved”: Retrieved March 6, 2013 from http://www.biblestudent. net/htdb/r4838

Resources Treatment Options: http://www. effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov/options

Go4Life from the National Institute on Aging at NIH (National Institute of Health): Retrieved February 26 from http://go4life.nia.nih.gov/trythese-excercises

AARP Foundation Prepare to Care Planning Guide: www.preparetocare@aarp.org

Be more involved in your health care: Tips for Patients. Retrieved February 26, 2013 from http://www.ahrq.gov/consumer/beinvolved.htm Benedetti, D. The frugal patient, (1st Ed.). 2003, Apothecary Publishing, Tyler, TX. Goudrine, M. (2011). Reclaiming our health. Yale University Press/New Haven & London Matthews, S. (2003). Journeys in healing: How others have triumphed over disease and disability. Finch Publishing, Sydney Australia

Consumers and Patients: www.ahrq.gov/ consumer Lipshutz,S. (2004). 10 things you need to know before you see the doctor: a physician’s advice from more than 40 years of practice medicine, Silver Lake Publishing, Los Angeles, CA. Well advised: Your guide for making smart health decisions. (2003). The Park Nicollet Institute/The StayWell Company,Yardley, PA.

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Gospel Music/Artists

Karen • 'mene~" "}


Singing came naturally to me as a young t .'" child. Our home was constantly filled with ~,~ "I the sounds of music as I grew up. My earliest memories are of my dad getting out his record player and singing to me and my siblings. I would listen and learn those songs, and eventually I began singing • along with my dad and trying to perfect my voice to sound just [ike the person on the record. Even at a young age, ~ I remember embellishing slightly so I could / give each song my own style.


My dad exposed us to so many different' genres of music, and I enjoyed each one, ., but my two favorites 'were Disco and Rock-n- \ Roll; but, growing up in Louisiana, I also had a little Country music in me too. As a teenager; I would listen to the many popular female vocalists and found myself mimicking them and always trying to hit that one special note. This was what I would call my training time. Singing became an everyday part of life for me - a passion. I knew deep down that I wanted to have a singing career; but I loved so many different genres that I had no idea what kind of music I wanted to sing. Loohng bach, I do believe God's hand was upon m)! life even though I wasn't a believer at that time. It wasn't until I put my faith in His Son at the age of twenty-three that I realized exactly what I should be singing. In this new chapter of my life I was allowed to join the youth praise team at my church and was able to perfect a little more of my vocals as well as maturing in the Word. Since that time, He has allowed me to sing for His glory throughout various denominational churches and stadiums. I can also I sing in Spanish and minister to Spanishspeaking churches. What a privilege it has been to be His servant and to use the talent He has given me. Since the day I confessed Him and believed in my heart, my life has never been the same. Now I hnow why I was given a voice ... to sing praises to Him. -


• .




Miracles and Blessings


I had the wonderful opportunity to speak with Mrs. Apryl Kelly about her amazing 7-year-old Son, Amare and their new book entitled, “Operation Back To The Field”. I spoke with Apryl about her son’s disappointment in regards to not playing football for the season and how Apryl creatively saved the day! In doing so, Apryl has discovered that Amare is not only a miniature pro football player, he is a baseball star, possible investment banker, novelist and so much more! With all of this bright potential in her young son, it only seemed appropriate to allow him to express his love for the game in their new novel.

OPM: This is most definitely an exciting time for you and your son, Amare. Please tell us, when was “Operation Back To The Field” was released? Also, upon release, what were your thoughts? Kelly: We released the book on March 6th, I sent out a text message and a Facebook post asking my friends and family to purchase the book. It was a pre-sale to see how the book would sell and to see if we had the support. My friends and family are awesome, the book sold like crazy! We were very excited. Amare would ask me to log on to see if he sold another one. He was so proud and that made me proud. I had told people that we were writing a book... I don’t think they thought it would be an actual book or I would take the project so far. I just knew if people bought the book and read it, they would relate to it and love it and their kids would love it. OPM: Apryl, please explain for us how this all got started? Why was Amare so determined to get back to the football field? My husband and I decided not to allow Amare to play football this year due to his attitude and his attention span. He didn’t want to pay attention and we all know if you don’t pay attention in football, you will get hurt. Amare has loved football since he was a baby. He can tell you stats, player’s names, numbers, game records, etc. He loves it. He feels like he is going pro one

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day so it was so important for him to play football in his mind. He often tells me what he is going to do when he goes to the NFL and he watches the NFL network like most kids watch cartoons! I wanted to turn the experience into a learning opportunity and we were working on a reading project at his school where we had to read a book every night. So, we would read a book and then he would tell me his story of how he felt about his day.... and not playing football. Most of his friends were playing at this time so he had some funny stories. I would type them into book format and we would laugh and laugh and he would correct me or tell me how he felt about what I wrote and his true feelings. He is so funny, he would often say “Man you guys are colder than a polar bears toenails” and I would just laugh. It was interesting to hear his true feelings. OPM: What was Amare’s initial reaction when his Father tells him, “No football this year”? Also, what prompted Dad to say this to Amare? Kelly: You could see Amare’s body grow weak. He sat there with his mouth open and begged for another chance.... If you know Amare he is very dramatic so we expected it! =) We had to tell him and we wanted to explain why, so he could learn the lesson behind it. I am more of a “let him down soft” and my husband is a straight down the road kind of guy. Also, my husband

Operation Back to the Field Interview written and conducted by Knena DeLarkins

was the one who took him to practice and so he was the one who could explain it to him best why he wasn’t playing. Amare knows his mom is the soft one and it was very important that we presented a unified front. OPM: As you and I previously discussed, Amare is multitalented in sports. Please share with us his new found love for baseball and do you believe once he has mastered it, will it replace his love of football? Kelly: He loves baseball as well. Last year was our first year playing and he liked it but I think it’s turning into love this year. He Loves the Atlanta Braves, his favorite players Jason Haywood and the Upton Brothers all play for the Braves. He has learned a lot of the player’s names and the teams and my brother, “Uncle Bud”, who is also a baseball lover, called me this summer while Amare was visiting and said he was amazed that a 7yr old knew so much about the players and the stats. He would let me know how they would watch the games and talk about the different players and teams. Amare is good at remembering those kinds of things. Even with this love, I am not sure it will replace football. My husband is a huge football fan so I am sure if he has anything to do with it, Amare will continue to play football, even though he supports him either way. OPM: As a parent, I can see how writing a book with your son can be very filling emotionally and can support your mother/son bond in a positive way. Is there a memory, challenge or event from this experience that you can recall that really stands out to you? Kelly: It was cool to explore his little mind and his true thoughts. It was a great bonding moment for us. Most days when Amare comes home from school he will tell me stories about his day and some days he has a standard answer of “Good... no trouble” when asked. So for him to open up and tell us so much was really cool. As a parent we all want to know what goes on

with our children so we can protect them and be there for them. The thing I loved the most was him giggling and laughing as I read the book back, or to catch him reading it and correcting me etc. He took it so serious as far as the story needing to be right, the characters had to be described accurately and so on. He was so proud of it. He wanted to show his teacher, he wanted her to know about it. The only challenge about writing the book is that I am a worrier. I wanted things to go right. I had no idea about publishing a book or even writing a book. I did a lot of research from the illustrator to the printing company. I had to start my own publishing company to publish it. I worried about how everyone else would take it, but I prayed about it, let it go and God opened so many doors. OPM: From the synopsis of your book on your website, it appears that Amare was a bit hesitant at first to create his first novel, as it appeared to him as extra school work. Looking back, has this experience given him a new found passion in regards to writing and storytelling? Kelly: Yes, he is so funny we will still have to read a book every night for school and he will say things like “Who is the illustrator of this book?” or “My next book, I am going to make sure I do this!” he loves to read other authors and tell me what he thinks or how he feels about it. It’s super cute. OPM: Apryl, what finally prompted you to turn your home project into a serious venture? Kelly: Amare actually suggested it. He wanted it to be a real book he could show his teacher. He loves chapter 5, it’s his favorite chapter in the book, and he wanted to share the book with his friends. All of his friends are in the book and he told me that his favorite part was being able to include his friends in the story. He thinks his mom is super woman so I decided that I wanted to make a few copies. I read it again one night and said “why not?” I did the research and spoke with Amare. I told him if I ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 27

put the money into this he had to do the work. He said he was down and anybody who knows me will tell you I love a project and God has blessed it so much that it all just came together. OPM: Did you ever think in your wildest dreams that you would one day own your own publishing company? Kelly: NO! Not at all! I never imagined at all. But it has been great! I have had several people contact me about publishing their projects and I am excited to see what’s next for Fancy Pants. OPM: When you initiated the idea for Amare and yourself to write a book together, was this first idea you had in regards to teaching your son the importance of handling disappointing situations or where there other ideas you had considered prior to initiating this project? Kelly: I love projects, and honestly I just wanted to do something positive and turn a bad situation into a good one. The lesson, to me, was taught when we told him he wasn’t playing and told him why. The book was just an outlet to allow him to get his feelings out and how to turn a negative into a positive. The book was so powerful to me because after he read his own story he realized he is responsible for his own actions and he put this in motion. The funny part is after reading his own story he said he finally got it. So in baseball he is more focused than before because he doesn’t want us not to let him play. He still makes mistakes and we have to get on him about his attitude. He hates to strike out and he hates to lose. However, we feel that he is learning from his mistakes and he is listening more to his coaches. The one thing my husband says to Amare that I think will last him a lifetime is “ I rather have a team full of kids new to the game than have a team filled with talented kids who don’t listen. If you’re not coach-able no one will want to deal with you because you can have all the talent in the world but if you don’t know what to do with it, it’s useless.” This is what we constantly instill in him. We understand it will be a process. As a parent we all know our children, they come in different shapes, sizes, and personalities but at the end of the day we love them for who they are and do our best to make them the best people we can. I always tell him there are so many jobs in the National Football League besides being on the field and he has to be able to adapt. We started out videotaping our picks for the College and NFL games last season; it was kind of a spin on broadcasting. I told

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him now that he has his own site and Facebook page we will post videos of his picks this coming up football season. We also pretend he is commentating football games sometimes. We just like to have fun. OPM: The book that the two of you have created is very inspirational for children and parents. What advice would you like to share with fellow mothers in regards to parenting towards such a tough issue with a son? Kelly: Just try to divert their attention and try to make them understand the why. When children hold things in, it festers, they start acting out and doing other things. I just wanted him to use this new found free time wisely and I think we did good. I will say find something else, if it’s writing a book, making a video, etc. to keep them busy and keep their wheels turning. My husband is wonderful with investments and we spend a lot of time teaching Amare about how to invest his money and how to save. This book has offered us the ability to teach him at a young age about these things. Every moment in life offers time to learn something new. That is why it is important that we teach our kids about money, how to be a boss (as Amare would say) and that little people can do BIG things. Our God is not a God of limits and when you know who you are and who’s you are you, know the possibilities are endless. You were not born in a box, so never let anyone put you in one! You never know who will be the next C (he) O’s and C (she) O’s! OPM: Now that the book is published, what is next for you and Amare? Will there be another book? Kelly: Just being a kid, and whatever God puts in his path. This is a fun project but I would never make him write another one because I want anything he does to come from his heart. The funny part is that he just told me that his baseball coach, Coach Eddie, gave him the inspiration for his next book! Lol!! He and Coach Eddie go at it and Coach Eddie has made him an amazing baseball player this year. We couldn’t ask for a better coach. Amare can be stubborn but his coaches are right there to put him back in line! We love it! So I think he may write a baseball book next, he told me that we could make it a series so we will see as we continue to promote this venture. OPM: Finally, will Amare be participating in football this year? Kelly: I think so; I really leave that up to my husband due to him understanding more about football and knowing if he is ready to be on the field. So we shall see. I hope so. I really miss screaming from the sidelines for my baby, but I will admit I don’t miss the practices and the traveling. lol!

Bible Series

Study of the

Book of Revelation by Charles Fouché

Chapter One Summary Part 1

VERSE 1. a). Revelation of Jesus Christ. b). God gave Him to show His servants. c). Things which must shortly take place. d). By His angel to His servant John. This Revelation of Jesus Christ, (who is Creator, Redeemer, and Judge) was and is still continuing today to be revealed before its ultimate and eventual future fulfilment by Jesus Himself. He received this Revelation from G-d the Father so that He can fulfill these prophesies and events as we read in the Book of Revelation. G-d as Father gave this divine knowledge to His Son, which prompts us to ask the question; when exactly was this revelation given to Jesus? It could not be just before the coming events of the 7 year tribulation, because that is still in the future. We see that John actually received the command to write the Book of Revelation (as we read it today), ± 2000

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years ago whilst he was held captive on the Island of Patmos. At that time John was approximately 90 years old himself. Let us see if John1v1-3 can provide the answer. O yes, and remember, Scripture always answers itself, and it always supports its own statements. v1). In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with G-d, and the Word was G-d. v2). He was in the beginning with G-d. v3). All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made, that was made. In the beginning?? Which “beginning” does John specifically refer to here? It is evident though, that he is not referring to the beginning of Genesis1v1. The “beginning” that John speaks of stretches so far back into the past, to an epoch so distant and so far removed back in time that it makes the “beginning” as mentioned in Genesis seems modern. It was a “beginning” that took place eons before the events of verse 1and 2 of Genesis. It was the eternal agelessness when the Triune G-d alone existed,

in the ageless vacuity of the time of the creation of the angels. It is an era buried so deep in the history of G-d that man’s mind cannot even begin to fathom its depths and complexities. It is in this “beginning” that we find the “Word”. This Word is both Christ as Son, and Christ as Word. It tells us of the Word as we understand Scriptures to be. It is the same Scriptures that we must now read, study and meditate on daily. The Scriptures obviously did not then exist in written form, but its spiritual essence and life giving quality existed throughout history in the form of Christ, the Son. From the beginning He existed as Christ the Person and also as Christ the Word. (Although we can identify the Word’s first appearance at the beginning of creation as we read in Genesis from verse 1). 1 John 1 v 14. And the Word became flesh and dwelt amongst us, and we beheld His glory. John 1 v 18. No one has seen God at any time, the only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him. John 10 v 30. I and My Father are one. John 14 v 9. Jesus said to him, “Have I been with you so long, and yet you have not known Me, Philip? He who has seen Me has seen the Father, so how can you say, “show us the Father? 1 John 1 v 1. That which was from the beginning which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, concerning the Word of life.

same role as the smoke and fire columns mentioned in the Old Testament. Let us now turn to John 1:3. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that were made. Without Christ nothing was made, nothing was created. This is a beautiful portrayal of Christ as Creator. This tells me that the Lord’s purpose was that John will write this in order for us, the redeemed, to read and “see” what He is telling us. It is given to His redeemed so that they will know and understand that which is about to come upon a) the whole earth b) all who have rejected Him. It is coming and the whole earth will experience it, as it will groan under the weight and wrath of His Judgement. All people throughout the earth will be exposed, and none will escape it. Not a single person of those not raptured away, will escape the coming tribulation.

“Our belief in the truth of the Word is our belief in Him. Trust in the Word, trust in Christ, it is the same faith filled trust we find in the same life giving, life sustaining source.”

It is for this very reason that the Word --the Scriptures-- as we read it today, is so life giving, so lifesaving. Our belief in the truth of the Word is our belief in Him. Trust in the Word, trust in Christ, it is the same faith filled trust we find in the same life giving, life sustaining source. It is also for this specific reason that the Scriptures were so inspired by Holy Spirit, for He is the Holy Spirit of G-d, the Holy Spirit of Christ, hence, the eminent Spirit Author of the Scriptures. He has spiritually converted the very life giving essence of who Christ is and what He represents; the life giving Word has become absolute and integral to our existence as His sons and daughters here on earth. In the Old Testament the Israelites (His covenant people) had the column of smoke by day and column of fire by night, which were the manifested presence, day and night, of Christ with His people. They also had the Ark of the Covenant in the temple. Today we, as His new covenant people, His redeemed, have the Indwelling Holy Spirit, which, by virtue of this indwelling makes us His temple (Just as they had the Ark). But we also have the Scriptures, i.e. His Word, which fulfills the


The question many speculate on is, “When is the rapture coming?” “When is the tribulation coming.?” No one knows, BUT IT IS A CLEAR AND UNEQUIVOCAL FACT THAT IT IS COMING. The Word is clearly understood when it warns and teaches us to be watchful for specific signs. World-wide the ever increasing speed of degeneration is frightful. The disintegration of moral standards, lawlessness, and disregard for one’s fellow man is standard practice in society today. It is taking on the character and principle of riches at all cost, money is god, and G-d is fictional. The following verses are included for personal scrutiny. Matthew 24 v 4-24, Mark 13 v 5-23, Acts 2 v 17-21, Acts 1 v 8-11, (This points to the rapture), Romans 13 v 11-14, 2 Timothy 3 v 1-17, 2 Timothy 4 v 2-4, 1 Peter 1 v 21-22, 1 John 2 v 15-17, 1 Thessalonians 4 v 13-17, 1 Corinthians 15 v 50-52, Luke 21 v 8-12. Jesus was asked about the signs which will be indicative of these things which are about to take place. His answer warns us what to be on the lookout for. 1). Many will call themselves by His name. We have seen this, we have seen churches teaching that we are “little gods”, or “little Jesus’. This is not Scriptural and is false. 2). Across the face of the earth there are conflicts, wars, earthquakes, floods, unnatural droughts, erupting volcanoes, ordinarypeoplemagazine.org | 31

civil unrest, lawlessness amongst peoples, unemployment, corruption on an unprecedented scale amongst both political and spiritual leaders, etc. the list simply becomes too long to mention. The Lord sent His Word to His servant, for His servants. Prisoners, slaves, redeemed, servants, bond servants; these are all names for the same “type” of people, who belong to the same “type” of Kingdom, and who serves the same “type” of King. But, are we, as todays redeemed, also still His servants, slaves, or bond servants? In studying the various passages in the Word, we see a number of instances where the disciples describe themselves as servants. James the disciple of Christ calls himself a bond-servant. That is, James fully understood his role and standing in Christ. He understood that he was purchased and paid for by the blood of Christ, as He paid for all of mankind’s purchase on the cross. This enables all who receive Him, to be called His bond-servants. (Just as James became His bond-servant). Sadly, very little value is placed upon this title by His redeemed today.

continually commit sin. c) Through sin, we are bonded to satan, his evil becomes our evil as if we partake of him personally. This partaking makes us one in spirit with him. d) If we are not saved, we die in his sin, and in death, we enter into the place prepared for him. Luke16v21-31. 2) Legal right. a) Sin gives satan legal right to an eternal hold on us, and to make us his own. b) Sin forces us to belong only to satan, and in this, we cannot belong to anyone else. c) Sin does not give us any right to belong to Christ. In fact, sin strips us of any right to have any call on Christ. d) Before redemption, we belong to satan in body, soul and spirit. This “belonging” is legal and is both binding and unbreakable and eternal.

“The first step the newly redeemed person needs to do is to be baptised. The baptism plays an enormously important role in the salvation process. It is a manifestation of the burial of the “old man” i.e. the old life, old desires, and old ways. ”

Let us look at this from a different perspective;

3) The true price. a) For satan, there is only one thing in all of creation more valuable to possess than man’s body, soul and spirit. And that is the body, soul and spirit of Jesus Christ. b) To satan, Christ Jesus is the only true prize to possess, the only possession more valuable than all of creation put together. Satan knows that Jesus is the Creator of all things and of all men, therefore it is better to own the Creator of men, (Christ) than to own the men whom He has created. c) So Jesus offered Himself up, once for all on the cross. This is the ultimate price that satan could not refuse. His life for man’s life. d) It is here that His blood flowed as the ultimate price paid for man’s life. And this is what Christ was prepared to do for all of mankind. It is here that His life is offered up by Himself in order for man to keep his life through salvation in Christ. e) Satan did not take His life, because he could not, but Christ offered His life, because He could. It is at this point that He entered into the grave on man’s behalf. (In a later summary we will deal with Christ’s resurrection from the grave and why He could come out of it, and how this caused the final and utter defeat of satan).

1) Living in sin. a) At birth we came into this world, which is the kingdom of satan. (It became his kingdom through disobedience to God’s will). Genesis 3v11-24 b) We live in sin, we grow up in sin, and we practice and

4) Salvation. a) In order for man to receive this salvation, the Lord places a condition, i.e. salvation is conditional, and is not automatic. (All men who dies will not automatically enter into heaven, and all roads, or religions, do not lead to G-d.

But even more sadly is how little we realize the magnificent position this places us in. It makes of us His instrument, just like the sickle in the hand of the farmer, (what does he do if the sickle is lost?). It makes of us His bricks, to build His house with. What does the builder do if he has no bricks? What does the wagon do if it has no wheels? But the importance here is to be the brick, or the wheel, and not to want to be the sickle, or anything else the self demands. To be obedient to His call, to His will, to His plan and His destiny, is the single most important thing that we can do to be pleasing to Him. The wheel cannot be the sickle, the brick cannot be a wheel. These things can only be what they were designed for, what its maker has purposed it for, and nothing else. Do what Christ Jesus wants you to do, be what He wants you to be. Obey His will, obey His will and not your own desires, not your own will.

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b) Christ alone, as the Word makes unquestioningly clear, is the only way, because He is the only Creator, which gave Him the legal right to become the only Redeemer, which makes Him the only Way). c) To receive Christ as personal Saviour, to commit your life to Him and to repent of your sins before Him. As soon as this is done from the conviction of your hart, satan’s claim on you falls away. d) It is here that his legal right and hold on you stops. e) From this moment on, he cannot have any further claim or legal right on your life. f) It is at this point of repentance that you are set free and have become free from satan’s hold and bondage and claim on your life. 5) The baptismal grave. a) In salvation, three facets of man is affected, this is; 5a) man’s spirit 5b) man’s body 5c) man’s mind. b) The first step the newly redeemed person needs to do is to be baptised. The baptism plays an enormously important role in the salvation process. It is a manifestation of the burial of the “old man” i.e. the old life, old desires, and old ways. c) The submersion in the water during baptism symbolises a “type” of the grave where the “old life” is now put off, or buried. To come up out of the water (the grave) signals the taking on of this, our new life in Christ. d) The baptism you must enter into is an imitation of the same grave Christ entered (for you). Your baptism becomes the simulation of the same grave you now entered into (for Him). As He had died for us, giving His all, so must we now live for Him, giving our all. e) The significance of the act of baptism is a spiritual signal declaring the leaving behind of the kingdom of satan, and all the things that it demands, and the “taking up,” the “becoming part of” the kingdom of G-d and all that it involves. f) To refuse to be baptised sends the signal that you refuse to enter into the grave, your refusal to release the things of the world. It is a declaration that you do not want to release the things of the world for the things of Christ. g) To refuse is to disobey, the Lord clearly instructs all who receive Him, to be baptised. In fact, it was the very first step the Lord Himself took (as an example for us). Immediately after His baptism, He went out and He started His ministry.

fulfilled without the other. b) The first action is a complete gift of the Holy Spirit. The second action, that of baptism, is an act of Holy Spirit in union with man’s will in terms of obedience to the Word. c) But the third step, that of the renewal of the mind, lies with man. d) The Lord will not renew the mind of man, this man needs to do himself. Salvation is an act of G-d alone, man cannot give himself salvation. e) Man cannot renew himself through baptism. Man enters into the grave, that is his choice, but the spiritual work relating to the baptism, that is G-d’s work, this is what G-d took upon Himself to do for man. f) But the renewal of the mind, that the Lord had called upon man to do himself. Man is called to renew his mind, i.e. his thoughts, imaginations, etc. An act of will, discipline, dedication, overcoming, it is what makes of man an overcomer. 1 Peter 4:1. Therefore, since Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind, for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin, Philippians 3:19. Whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame --who set their mind on earthly things. Ephesians 4:17. This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, Romans 12:2. And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. Romans 7:23. But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. John 3:5. Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. John 3:6. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. John 14:15. “If you love Me, keep My commandments. John 14:16. And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever-John 14:17. the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. Acts 1:5. For John truly baptized with water, but you shall be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.” Acts 1:8. But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit

“Baptism and salvation goes hand in hand, the one cannot be fulfilled without the other. ”

6) Baptism and salvation. a) Baptism and salvation goes hand in hand, the one cannot be

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has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Inspirational Words Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of

reject Him. b) They will do as they please in order to fulfil their own desires, for they will choose to continue in their sins. c) They will choose to hold on to satan and the pleasures of his kingdom. d) These will enter into the lake of fire, not because they were forced into it, but ultimately, because they have chosen it.

7) The gift. a) In these verses we clearly see the principle of the gift of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit either immediately after baptism, or not long thereafter. Two things are very clear, and that is; a1) Baptism is not a choice for the redeemed, it is a must. a2) The gift of the indwelling Holy Spirit is a promised fact. b) The responsibility to renew our minds rests with us, not the Lord. He deals with the spiritual aspects of our redemption and baptism, but we must deal with the renewal aspects of our minds, that responsibility is ours. c) One now need to permanently turn away from the things of satan, from his temptations, lusts, perversions and greed, in short, to turn from sin and if it is committed, to immediately repent before the Lord.

10) Are we servants? a) We as His redeemed may ask, are we servants who were bought with His blood? Yes! b) Does this make of us bond-servants? Yes! c) Are we therefore bond-servants in the order of James and John and Paul? Yes! d) Do we belong to Christ? Yes! e) Did He “buy” our salvation with His blood, Yes! f) Do we doubt this? NO!

the earth.” Acts 2:38. Then Peter said to them, “Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

“And the greatest gift man can receive from Christ, apart from salvation, is the gift of the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. ”

8) The following processes should now be followed daily, a) Study His Word. b) Spend time in prayer and meditation, (take note that this is the method of meditation as the Word and not the world, advises). c) To seek His will and purpose. In this process of growth, we must become sensitive in learning to listen and to obey as He will start to lead. NOTE; REMEMBER, HE WILL NEVER GIVE GUIDANCE OR INSTRUCTIONS THAT CANNOT BE CONFIRMED IN HIS WORD. EVERY PROPHESY AND EVERY WORD SPOKEN IN HIS NAME, MUST BE IN LINE WITH AND MUST BE CONFIRMED THROUGH SCRIPTURES. ANYTHING SPOKEN AGAINST THE WORD OF G-D IS NOT FROM THE LORD AND IS FALSE AND UNSCRIPTURAL. 9) Rejecting salvation. a) There are those who will not receive the salvation offer of the Lord, and who will, by their refusal, actually choose to

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11) Belonging to Him, baptism in the Holy Spirit. a) But now we must realize also that we do not belong to ourselves anymore, but to Him, therefore, His will must become our will. b) Now I want to mention the most important outflow of the baptism of submersion. c) Submersion opens the grave, from which man enters into the new life in Christ, but man cannot enter alone. He can enter into the life and kingdom of Christ only with the Holy Spirit. d) And the greatest gift man can receive from Christ, apart from salvation, is the gift of the indwelling of His Holy Spirit. e) And when man is released from the water grave, he comes up out of this grave, and is indwelt by the Holy Spirit. Matthew 3:16. When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him. Mark 1:10. And immediately, coming up from the water, He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit descending upon Him like a dove. Mark1:12. Immediately the Spirit drove Him into the wilderness. Luke 3:22. And the Holy Spirit descended in bodily form like a dove upon Him, and a voice came from heaven which said, “You are My beloved Son; in You I am well pleased.” John1:32. And John bore witness, saying, “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him. John 1:33. I did not know Him, but He who sent me to

baptize with water said to me, ‘upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.’ Philemon1v1 tells us that Paul saw himself as just such a bondservant to Christ. Titus1v1 speaks of Paul as bond-servant and apostle. Philippians 1v1 tells us that both Paul and Timothy are prisoners of Christ. Romans1v1 tell us also that Paul is a bondservant of Christ. They were all bond-servants to Christ, as it is He alone who could make this offer of His life for theirs (and ours). Satan cannot have any bond-servants. Ever wondered why? Simply because all men are already his at birth. Christ did not demand from man his blood in order to deliver him from sin, no. Instead, Christ offered Himself and He offered His own blood, to bring man out of sin. Satan has no valued life that he can, or could have offered, even if he had wanted to do so. Who would buy his life? And to what end would his life be bought? In the spiritual world there cannot be any offers, because he personalizes evil, it is his being. Sin is the living essence of the person and character of who and what satan is. He is in fact, the living personification of sin and evil. To see a tree is to see wood, to see satan, is to see living evil. G-d has cast him out of His kingdom, he cannot return, he can only go to his own place, therefore there is no other place for him. Acts 1:25. to take part in this ministry and apostleship from which Judas by transgression fell, that he might go to his own place.” It is clear that his being and person is useless and of no value to anyone, it is in fact totally worthless. Even if he could have offered his life, what possible purpose could it have accomplished? Because, surely, satan could not have saved someone from himself? Even the idea or thought of satan offering himself for anything good, is unimaginable, to say the least. But even more frightful is the knowledge that he is completely unable to do any good, just as it is impossible for G-d to do any evil. But what about your life? How valuable is it in actual fact if Christ was prepared to offer His life for your life? Ever thought on this? G-d the Father gave this revelation to Christ, and this He did at the beginning. It is from that eonic past that Christ existed, and knew that, at the end of time, He would bring salvation to the people who were still to be created in the future. And it is from this past that He also knew the role that the 7 year tribulation will play in the future of mankind. These things must come soon, as it was during the time of John that He already warned of the coming events and He said then that it would be soon, and that warning was 2000 years ago. “These things” which must take place is the coming tribulation and all that it entails, and is the warning the Lord gave through John, to us, by His angel. The Word does not specify the angel’s name, and therefore it is useless to speculate and debate on this question. But we see the pattern: a) First the Word came from the Father to the Son. b) Then from the Son to His angel. c) Then from the angel to John, His servant, and from John

His servant. d) To His redeemed. This first Revelation verse reveals very clearly the pattern of command that exist in the kingdom of Christ. In this pattern we see that man cannot give instructions to angels. It is only Christ, under the authority of G-d the Father, who can do that. Any teachings to the contrary are unbiblical and false. There is not a single example given anywhere in Scripture where man commands angels, in fact, the Word teaches that man is made a little lower that the angels. Hence the lower cannot command the higher. Luke 4:10. For it is written: ‘He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you,’ Luke 4:11. “and, ‘In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone.’ “ 2 Peter 2:11. Whereas angels, who are greater in power and might, do not bring a reviling accusation against them before the Lord. Hebrew 2:7. You have made him a little lower than the angels; you have crowned him with glory and honour, and set him over the works of Your hands. Hebrew 2:9. But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honour, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. This verse teaches us that even Jesus, when He was on earth as man, had to assume the role of man in full, which entails Him being placed under the authority of the angels, the very beings that He Himself created. Psalms 91:11. For He shall give His angels charge over you, to keep you in all your ways. Psalms 91:12. In their hands they shall bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. Matthew 26:53. Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels? From this it is clear that men have no authority over angels, and that in fact, the opposite is true. Angels has authority over man who is made a little lower than they. NOTE; THE NAME OF SATAN IS NOT CAPITALISED ON PURPOSE. END OF SUMMARY PART 1

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Consider This

Revenge or Forgiveness A

story is sometimes told of a lady who was bitten by a rabid dog during an era before an acceptable vaccine was developed for rabies. At the time she was bitten, the woman had no idea the dog was mad. However before long she realized something was seriously wrong, so she made her way to the town’s only doctor. After a thorough examination the doctor regretfully informed the woman of the bad news. He told her within a week she would be insane, and within another week she would be dead. Amid weeping and tears the woman pondered her situation for a few minutes and then suddenly requested the doctor to quickly provide her with a pen and a pad. As requested, the doctor supplied her with both, and the woman hurriedly began writing down name after name of people she obviously knew. Peeping over her shoulders and noticing the names on the pad, the doctor commented, “I assume those are the names of the people you intend to put in your will?” “Absolutely not,” the woman retorted. “These are the names of people I intend to bite!” Unfortunately like the woman in this story some people only live to get even. A slave to their passions, their likes and

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by Vanderbilt Brabson III

dislikes, these individuals find it practically impossible to refrain from acts of retaliation. However, this should never be our plight as Christians. Jesus taught and commanded us to: “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you; do good to them that hate you; pray for them who despitefully use and persecute you (Matthew 5:44).” God through His Son Jesus has not only called us to life, but He has also empowered us with His life to live differently. Jesus knew that as believers the most effective weapon we have against our enemies is God’s word, and the most effective response we have to their hatred and rejection of us is love. When we trust in God’s word, and in the God of the word in the midst of our testings and temptations, our behavior enables the world to see God expressing Himself in and through our lives. It is simply unacceptable for us as Christians to respond to our friends and family with love, while responding to our enemies with vindictiveness and hatred. To do so is to eliminate any opportunity we have to reflect the light of Christ and to share our faith with others. Jesus taught:

“For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? For sinners also love those that love them (Luke 6:32).” Jesus was telling us as believers if we only love the loveable, then we are really behaving no differently than any other individual who has not come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In this “dog-eat-dog world” we live in, the only response the bitten know is to bite. The perfectly natural response to hatred is hatred. Fighting fire with fire is the world’s way, but it is not God’s way for those of us who know and love Him. As believers we do not have the right to hate others. Why not? It is because your rights and mine were nailed to Calvary’s cross. At the cross of Jesus Christ we surrendered all of our rights and became willing slaves to our Lord (1 Corinthians 6:1920). Simply put—when you and I became Christians, we renounced our rights to hate and seek revenge against others. We are God’s property, and as such it is His responsibility, not ours, to right any wrongs done to us. Paul wrote: “Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but [rather] give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance [is] mine; I will repay,

saith the Lord. Romans 12:19” To respond to those who dislike or reject us in any way other than love is to respond like a nonbeliever, and such behavior misrepresents the God we serve. The world is drawn, if by nothing else—Spirit-led curiosity, to the resurrection power of Jesus Christ (Philippians 3:10) which they see in our lives as believers. This is the power to love in spite of hate; to care and show compassion in spite of rejection, to pray in spite of retaliation; and to be not overcome by evil but overcome evil with good (Romans 12:21). It is the power to be different and to make a difference in the lives of those around us. Tit for tat only creates a vicious circle to those who engage in its folly. However, when you and I call upon the power of our Lord and refuse to retaliate and repay another’s hostility with hostility, we demonstrate to the world that greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). The Apostle John wrote, “Hereby, know we that we dwell in Him, and He in us, because he hath given us of His Spirit…. And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him (1 John 4:13-16).” A vengeful, retaliatory spirit has no place in our lives as believers. Paul warned:

“Therefore, if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink; for in so doing, thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head (Romans 12:19b-20).” What about you? Is your mind and heart crippled today by a vengeful, retaliatory spirit? What are you doing about the wrongs done to you by others? Are you putting them behind you, or are you keeping a record? Are you making a list and checking it twice? If God did not withhold forgiveness from you and me, why would we withhold it from someone else? Perhaps it is because we feel the individual does not deserve our forgiveness. We are probably right—they don’t! The question is, did we deserve God’s? When you and I refuse to forgive someone, we become his or her slave. Their presence and the very thought of them seize our thinking, our emotions, and our actions and hold them captive. The good news is that God has liberated us from sin’s power through the blood of Jesus Christ, and we are no longer slaves to sin (Romans 6:6). Be honest—if your thoughts, emotions, and actions have been enslaved by an unforgiving spirit, and you desire to be free, please pray the following:

“To respond to those who dislike or reject us in any way other than love is to respond like a nonbeliever, and such behavior misrepresents the God we serve. ”

“Be ye angry, and sin not. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath. Neither give place to the devil (Ephesians 4:26-27).” An old preacher once commented, “When God forgave our sins, He cast them into the deepest part of the ocean and posted a no-fishing sign.” When Jacob died, his sons greatly feared their brother Joseph, who was now a very powerful ruler in Egypt. They feared Joseph would use their father’s death as an opportunity to avenge the evil his older brothers had done to him. Because of their great fear, Joseph’s older brothers approached and bowed themselves before him pledging: “Behold, we be thy servants. And Joseph said unto them, fear not, for am I in the place of God (Genesis 50:18-19)? “ Joseph’s response revealed that he believed judgment and vengeance are to be left in the hands of God for whom judgment and vengeance belong (Deuteronomy 32:35a). The next time you and I find ourselves tempted to get even or pay someone back for their wrong, like Joseph we should first ask ourselves, “Am I in the place of God?” Rather than behaving like the woman in the story, who made a list of names regarding the people she intended to bite, we should instead pray for those people, ask God’s blessings upon their lives, and as God gives us opportunity, do good to them (Galatians 6:10). To the believers in Rome, Paul wrote:

Dear Heavenly Father, please help me to live in the freedom You purchased for me through the sacrifice of Your beloved Son Jesus Christ at Calvary. I confess to You I have a difficult time loving certain individuals. In my own strength I find this an impossible task. But, I know with You all things are possible. Therefore, I am asking You to forgive me and help me to stop withholding forgiveness from others because You did not withhold forgiveness from me. Your word tells me in Matthew 6:15 that if I forgive not men their trespasses, neither will You forgive me of mine, and it is not my desire to be out of fellowship with You. Give me, I pray, a forgiving spirit and a surrendered heart from this day forward. I ask these things in Jesus’ name. Amen. “I can forgive, but I cannot forget, is only another way of saying, I will not forgive. Forgiveness ought to be like a cancelled note – torn in two, and burned up, so that it never can be shown against one.” Henry Ward Beecher Henry Ward Beecher. Beecher was a prominent, theologically liberal American Congregationalist clergyman and social reformer, and famous speaker of the 1800’s. © February 2013 Vanderbilt Brabson III, Author ALL RIGHTS RESERVED To view video teaching of Author and Conference Speaker Vanderbilt Brabson III go to vanderbiltbrabsonIII.com

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Inspirational Words

Inspirational word

By Paris Ducker

Be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of truth. 2 Timothy 2:15 This verse gives instructions to us as believers that we take in order to be approved by God. We cannot sit on the sidelines as believers; we have to become and stay active in our Christian walk. Following the instructions of this verse will fortify, strengthen us for battle against the enemy. To be a strong soldier in God’s army requires determination, submission, willingness to take instruction (whether we want to do it or not), and studying God’s Word. To be diligent means to be earnest, intent and focused on the task you have set forth

to complete. In order to see the fruit of your diligence; which in this instance is staying in the Word you must “study to show yourself approved.” Studying and knowing the Bible is essential to growing spiritually. When you present yourself to God for approval it means that we seek to please Him and Him only. Putting His Word first will strengthen us spiritually, emotionally and physically. Remember before products are deemed ready for use; they are put through a testing process. This means that anything imaginable that can cause it to fail or not function the way its creator designed it to will be done. A workman is one that actively engages in some type of activity; he labors and is worthy of his wages. A good workman is one knows that in order to advance the Kingdom he must always refer to the Word. A workman that is intense and determined to study and apply God’s Word will not be ashamed. He will be able to handle the Word of truth when facing all of the obstacles in this life. Yes it takes effort to make time to study the Word; consider it a daily appointment with God that you cannot miss.

There is an answer for every problem, ailment, dilemma, conflict, hurt, bouts of depression, financial lack and any other hard situation that we encounter in this life. But in order to be able to access these answers it requires that you set aside time daily to study God’s Word. Acts 17:11 tells us that the Bereans examined the scriptures daily with all readiness of mind to make certain that those things Paul told them were so. There is no need to be ashamed before God if we are rightly handling the Word of truth. We cannot share God’s Word if we don’t know His Word. Let’s be careful not to misinterpret what the Word says, study it, say it, speak it and share it. Are you reading the Bible daily? Has your knowledge increased since you began your walk with God? Do you stand on the God’s word in times of crises? Have you made meditating on God’s word your priority? If you answered no to any of these questions; then it’s time to dig deep into the Word, and become a workman that will not be ashamed to stand before God.

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The “Each One Reach One” church growth challenge is an initiative that challenge members of Holy Nation Church to....

• Be a witness and win souls for Christ • Compel individuals without a church home to visit Holy Nation • Challenge individuals to become members of Holy Nation • Spread the vision of Holy Nation in the Memphis and surrounding community We are extending ourselves to the Memphis, West Memphis and surrounding communities to come and grow with us as we impact the world for Christ!

3333 Old Brownsville Road Memphis, TN 38134 For More Information Call: (901)491-6403

Andrew and Shirley Perpener, Pastor

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