VNM Small Business Magazine Issue 27

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ISSUE 027 OCT 2019

The latest cash cow Second hand threads

Millennials are taking the world by storm

self employment is on the rise e v i s u l exc


spotlight on start up business - Crochetwlove

S E S S E BUSIN SALE FOR t n e t n co













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ive s u l c ex

S E S S E BUSIN SALE FOR nt e t n o c

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Start up Culture Millennials are taking the world by storm as their generation grows older. They’re changing how products are marketed and what items are made. They’re also making a mark on traditional industries, but challenging the idea of sticking with the same job for an extended period of time. Before millennials hit the job scene, people strove for a desk job or something to pay the bills — and then stayed there. Millennials want more. They want to be the boss. Jean Twenge, professor of psychology at San Diego State University, surveyed more than a million millennials, and found that selfimportance, self-esteem, and narcissism have been on the rise for the past five decades. Clearly, this is having an effect on employment preferences–working for yourself is the easiest way to avoid having a boss, and not having a boss is particularly appealing if you value freedom and independence.

That said, people who launch their own business or work for themselves end up working more hours and earning less on average. If your goal is to improve your work-life balance, then you should think twice before quitting a full-time job or starting a company. Many would ask why young people who face so much criticism from older generations would have such optimism, and to answer that question, you have to look at a few important factors. Millennials have grown up in an entirely new world than generations before, so they have many reasons to fuel their aspirations. “Younger people are more inclined to want to be entrepreneurs because of their exposure to leadership training and technology--which is now ruling the world,” says Sam Sanders, Ph.D., and chair of the School of Business at the University of Phoenix. “That gives them that hunger to go out there.” Role models like Mark Zuckerberg have demonstrated that you don’t need to spend decades toiling at someone else’s company and learning an industry before you can become a success in your own right. “Many young people want to start a business right away as opposed to paying their dues,” Sanders adds.

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Self Employment on The In a recent survey run by University of Pheonix astounding numbers proved the rise of self employment amongst our younger generations. 1,600 adults surveyed, 63 percent of people in their 20s either owned their own businesses or wanted to someday, and of those who were not already entrepreneurs, 55 percent hoped to be in the future. And while the urge to be your own boss isn’t confined to the young, people under 30 have more of an entrepreneurial itch than their older counterparts. In the survey, the older the respondent, the lower the likelihood that he or she had entrepreneurial ambitions. Only 26 percent of those over 60 not already running their own businesses had any desire to do so. “We’ve ing





increase research









nities, 49 per cent of the visits to our site are from those aged under 40 and 20 per cent are under the age of 30,” said Ben Johnston, Head of SEEK Business. “Owning a business is no longer reserved for older workers who after twenty years as an employee are now ready for a career change – there is a growing trend of younger people becoming small business owners,” he added. Over the past three years, business buyers via SEEK Business have increased by 25 per cent and enquiries to business sellers is up 70 per cent. This trend indicates that people are really considering being their own boss, and business/franchise ownership is growing as a career alternative for people in Australia.

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he Rise

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Labels are also important, especially those that are well known..... vnm magazine 08

SECOND HAND THREADS THE LATEST CASH COW Australia’s $34-billion second-hand economy is thriving and fashionistas are making a small fortune. Research by comparison website Finder shows that 35 per cent of Australians sell unwanted items on either Gumtree, eBay or at markets to make some extra cash. Other research suggests that over 70 per cent of us could actually be sitting on a small fortune in unwanted clothing items in our wardrobes. Gumtree’s 2018 Second Hand Economy Report estimates that figure is around $4200 per person. Clothing, shoes and accessories are the top second hand item sold through Gumtree, making up 22 per cent of items sold online. Blogger Jodi Wilson sells her and her children’s used clothes on an Instagram account she set up just for that purpose. She listed more than usual in preparation for travelling the country in a caravan for a year with her family of six. Sometimes she can sell 25 items in a matter of hours. Her most popular clothes are made of natural fabrics like wool, cotton and linen. “Labels are also important, especially those that are well known … and unisex pieces that people can really get use out of,” she says. “What’s also interesting about this second-hand market is brands like OshKosh, which was huge in the ‘90s, are now fetching big dollars.” Some of the tips for selling fashions in the second hand market include: 1. Hold on to the original packaging such as boxes and dust bags as these help to add to the value of certain designer items such as Louis Vuitton 2.

Be honest about the condition of an item and whether it is original

3. Be clear about your terms, such as do you allow people to try items on first, or do you provide refunds 4. Keep your communications professional, and don’t get angry if someone changes their mind about an item 5.

Be responsive in your communications

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Laurel International, founded in 2004, previously known as a branch office of Austar Group, is a well reputable migration agent specializing in business migration visas. In 2015, Katherine CHEN, founder of the company and her key staff purchased all the shares of the company from Austar Group, changed the company name from Austar Melbourne to Laurel International and restructured the company to a partnership business. During the past 15 years, Laurel International has not only witnessed thousands of Chinese business migrants settle down, become permanent residents and find better business opportunities in Australia, but also become friends with its clients.

桂冠国际介绍 桂冠国际集团总部设立于澳大利亚墨尔本,在中国北京、上海、广州、厦门等城市设有分支机 构;集团专注于澳大利亚商业移民各类别签证,包括132,188A/B/C,888A/B/C,892/893等,并 为客户提供安居、生意开展、留学教育、家庭签证等一系列相关服务。桂冠国际凭借着专业高效 的团队合作及递交高质量的签证材料,已帮助数千个移民家庭成功获得永居签证,在澳大利亚商 业移民界享有良好的声誉。 桂冠国际秉承三年是客户,六年是朋友,九年是亲人的理念,注重 与客户保持长期的联系,帮助客户对接本土资源,在客户形成自己的朋友圈,享受移民生活。

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在企业经营过程中,经营者需要做出各种决策,其中可能涉及到复杂的法律法规或与法律相关问 题。 在创业,收购,出售 乃至结构重组等商业过程中,经营者需要专业的商业律师团队为其所有 者权益提供保障。Riverson Lawyers拥有专业的律师团队,通晓商业相关的法律法规,在起草、审 查、修改和最终确定适当的商业文件方面具备专业且全面的法律知识。 Riverson Lawyers的律师团队可以为个人及中小企业提供具体、实用的法律解决方案。为确保提供 专业可靠的法律服务,Riverson Lawyers的团队在具备丰富的实操经验的同时仍详细深入研究每 位客户的案例。在购买或出售产业时,专业的律师团队能够帮助客户完成合同、租约谈判以及转 让、牌证转让和交割。从而确保客户的利益受到保护。 在生意买卖过程中,需要特别注意以下3点: 1). 卖家必须准备SECTION 52 披露文件并要求买家在签署OFFER 之间签署。如果卖家没有提供该 披露文件给买家,买家可以以此为由退出合同。 2). 买家必须第一时间调查卖家的公司和生意是否被注册了PPSR,一旦和与生意有关的资产,设 备,及生意名被注册了PPSR,则必须要求卖家在交割之前解除PPSR。 3). HEADS OF AGREEMENT(HOA) 是具有法律效用的合同,所有HOA之后的销售合同也都必 须遵照HOA 的条件起草。双方的需求以及协议必须记录到HOA 文件中,除了书面协议以外的任何 谈判或口头协议在签署HOA后一律无效。 Riverson Lawyers的团队掌握多国语言 (普通话,粤语,英语,马来语),通晓多元文化,能够 与国际上多国客户开展紧密合作。无论是新移民到澳洲的客户又或者是没有生意经验的客户,我 行都能够通过无障碍沟通充分了解客户的诉求并提供无缝相应的法律服务,确保客户高枕无忧


We believe business doesnt need to be a daunting experience. Whether you are starting a business, planning to buy or sell a business, our team of commercial solicitors can help. Our team is experienced in all fields of business, across a range of industries and will provide you with hands-on support and a specific tailored solution. We offer practical legal solutions to individuals, small businesses and SMEs. Riverson Lawyers has expertise with all legal aspects of business sales and purchases and will guide you from contract negotiation to the transfer of various licences, council permits, commercial leases to the settlement of your business. Three tips for prospective buyers and sellers: 1). Vendors must prepare a Section 52 Disclosure Statement for prospective purchasers and must obtain the purchasers signed acknowledgement of receipt of the Disclosure Statement on or prior to signing the offer. A purchaser can withdraw from a contract of sale if they did not receive a valid Section 52 from the vendor prior to signing the offer. 2). Purchasers should conduct a PPSR search on the vendors company, business name and business as soon as they sign the offer to ensure that business and associated equipment is not subject to any lease, loan or debts. Any PPSR registrations must be withdrawn by or at settlement. 3). The Heads of Agreement is a legally binding agreement and the following contract of sale will be based on the terms agreed to by the parties in the HOA. Parties must ensure that all the terms and special conditions they wish to add are included in the HOA. vnm magazine 012

Our mission is to give our clients peace of mind by providing expert, personalised legal service.

联系方式 电话:(03)9804 0866 电子邮件 网址 地址:Suite 3, 321 Camberwell Road, Camberwell VIC 3124 Contact Details Telephone: 03 9804 0866 Email: Website: WeChat: RiversonLawyers Address: Suite 3, 321 Camberwell Road, Camberwell VIC 3124 vnm magazine 013



1. What is CrochetWLove?

We are 2 sisters, Hatice and Humeyra, putting our passion for crocheting into creating original handmade pieces.

2. How do you both juggle working and raising a family as well as running CrochetWLove?

Humeyra-It wasn't very hard to incorporate CrochetWLove into my life, as crocheting was something I would regularly do anyway. The only difference has been trying to keep up our presence on our Social Media. I have a specific time in the day that I allow myself to post, this is at a time that I know I won't be interfering with my family time or my Full time job. As with anything you do in life, if you plan it out correctly, the rest is easy. Keeping the website and social media accounts active is the only part that is different to what I was normally doing, so I just ensure I plan out my times and spend only a specific amount of time on them that will not affect me or my family time. Hatice- Time management is key! I split the week according to my priority list. I don’t mix anything up with one another. I spend Monday to Wednesday planning for school. I allocate a cleaning day and set a time for myself so I don’t spend too much time on one thing. I spend Thursday to Saturday nights crocheting and enjoying some “me time” at nights. During the day I split my time accordingly prioritizing family time etc.

3. Were you at first nervous about finding the time to commit to a business with hand made products?

Humeyra- Most definitely! My main reason for being nervous is that not everyone can appreciate the time spent on handmade products. We put in a lot of hours for one item, sometimes remake things to ensure they are just right. Ensuring each item is as close to the previous, but we can never get things 100% the same with handmade. Hatice- Very nervous! The fact that it’s no longer gifts to just family and friends and people are ordering and paying for something we have so much passion and love for is very nerve racking. Making sure you perfect the item and that you spend enough time to value it was very exciting and scary at the same time. There’s a fine line between balancing efficiency and quality with handmade items such as ours.

4. What was the advertising platform that significantly changed your business for the better?

Humeyra- Instagram! We have met so many amazing business mums/ladies over this platform, that have assisted us and given us the right tips to grow our business. Instagram is great for any home based small business, as you don't necessarily have to put any money into the advertising. You just need to ensure you get your name out there and ensure you have interesting content on your profile. Hatice- This would definitely have to be Instagram. The power of Instagram has defiantly given us a massive opportunity to grow our business and to reach out too many people which has really humbled me.

5. Where do you hope to see your business in the next 5 years?

Humeyra- We are so in love with the progress our little business has made over the last 6 months, that we just hope to grow at this pace. The ultimate dream would be to be able to have our own little space where we can provide crocheting classes. Hatice- This is a really tricky question. Like all businesses everyone wants to grow and reach maximum goals. We aim high and believe we can reach high. We are a strong team of two which hopes to grow slowly and steadily being able to reach many people and to be a part of their lives either through handmade items or through inspiring them. We hope to one-day look back and tell young people that taking this step was challenging and many people didn’t even see this as a feasible business but with hard work, dedication and love with turned our passion into success. We would like to inspire young people to also want to make and create things and share them with others. vnm magazine 014

6. What advise do you have for people thinking about starting a business with family- any tips on how to make it work?

Humeyra- Focus on each-other’s strengths and delegate tasks accordingly. Ensure you are constantly communicating about what you want to do next, whether you are on the same page or on a different path - it doesn't matter as long as you know the outcome will benefit both. Hatice- Just start! I remember we had our website open on my sister’s laptop for about 5 weeks. I one day said to her just do it! Launch it! We can do it! And we did and never looked back! Regarding family and business- it’s hard working with anyone other than yourself. It’s ok to be different and to have times where you don’t meet eye to eye on things! This makes u work towards trying to meet in the middle and to become more resilient and enhance skills of communication, patience and overall teamwork I didn’t necessarily have before. Make a list of things, have meetings, write things down and always have goals. Lift each other up and soldier on!

7. How do you decide what new products to introduce?

Humeyra- We choose each product that we believe we can work with. We both have different products available on our site that we specialize and enjoy creating. Once we have tested the pattern and are happy with the outcome - we just go with it. Hatice- We both work differently which is great because we bring different facets to the business that high light our own individual skills, strengths and personality. We both work on items that are unique to us. We always write lists of things we’d like to create, then we choose and set ourselves new goals all the time. We are both allowed space to express ourselves and our own individual creativity which is great for us and also brings more range and appeals to more people we’ve found too.

8. Is it hard determining a retail price for items that are handmade and take so many hours to produce? Humeyra- If there's one negative about selling handmade goods, It’s that you never really get the value back. You can easily cover the costs of materials; however, you can never account for the time spent. So yes, it's always hard.

Hatice- This one is the hardest part of what we do. There’s no set value for handmade items. We generally research the market price, then we calculate the amount of yarn that goes into an item, the cost of the item and find a value in the middle. This price never actually comes close to the actual hours we spend on every single item but a big part of our business is “labor of love”.

9. Do you find there is a comeback for quality and handmade items instead of commercially produced products? Humeyra- I'd say this is a 50/50 and I think it may always stay that way.

Hatice Yes defiantly- I think so. I find people who appreciate handmade items are the ones that generally purchase so all our customers defiantly do.

10. What would be one word of advice for anyone looking to start their own business? Humeyra- Believe in your dreams so everyone else can believe in you.

Hatice- Never give up! There are times you feel down and de-motivated! These are the times you need to remind yourself why you started in the first place. Never do something just for the money- have passion in what you do so people feel this and sense this from you!

Visit us on Instagram @crochetwlove vnm magazine 015

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tarting a business can be a daunting challenge – and experienced Victorian jeweller Glenn Curtis should know.

‘We’ve certainly made some beautiful things, says Glenn. ‘It’s something we all enjoy. There are days when it doesn’t seem like work at all.’

He’s built a successful business from the ground up – and it’s a story worth reading about. Some buy a franchise or an existing business while others like Glenn build their business over time, riding the inevitable highs and lows.

‘One of the most important keys to a successful business is service’ says Glenn, ‘We strive for excellence in every contact – answering an email, seeing a client to discuss their jewellery, or dealing with other industry professionals. It’s vital to help build opportunities and relationships.’

As Glenn himself points out – ‘there’s no right or wrong way – follow your instinct and be prepared to listen to and take advice. Treat every offer or idea with a healthy dose of reality, even cynicism and you’ll soon work out what feels right for you.’ World class quality in craftsmanship has led Curtis to become a world class brand, winning a coveted Robb Report Magazine ‘Best of the Best’ Award helped cement a reputation early on. In addition, ‘SuperYachts’ compared Curtis to global brand Cartier in terms of being ‘perhaps the world’s finest pens’ – accolades that help drive Curtis on to greater things. With their own studio and skilled team they create beautiful Australian made diamond jewellery, luxury pens and hand crafted watches in house, so Curtis certainly has luxury covered. They also create bespoke and one of a kind pieces for individual clients and love to create precious jewellery for any occasion. You can see the tremendous variety of their work at their website at

It was exactly this attention to service that led Curtis to form a relationship with legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus. A friend of Jack’s had bought a Curtis pen (the brand makes some stunning solid silver ones) and sent it back for a minor adjustment from America. Exceptional Curtis customer service led to an invitation to lunch privately with Nicklaus himself at the exclusive Bear’s Club in Florida.

to your own particular business. ‘Always try to innovate – to stand out from the competition. It might be a simple offer or idea – just give it some thought first and give it a try. For example, we have clients visit our studio for a demonstration and tour – it helps them understand a little about how we make their jewellery and it’s something they love to see’ At the core of this remarkable brand are straightforward values – the highest standards of craftsmanship coupled with the very best in service. Curtis can help you with your jewellery too – feel free to contact Glenn and start a conversation – he’d really love to hear from you. To learn more about Curtis Australia and see their remarkable work, or to contact Glenn Curtis, visit

Over the course of that lunch, the idea for a range of commemorative, limited edition pens began to form, beginning a very special relationship between Jack and Curtis. It just goes to show how a simple act of quality service can have unexpected and valuable consequences. Building a reputation for superb quality has also helped Curtis create gifts for the Parliament of Australia and the Office of the Governor of Victoria. Innovation is another facet to Glenn’s philosophy – whether in product or marketing, or just practices that relate Gents ‘Myst’ watch in yellow & white gold, set with brilliant white diamonds

Master Jeweller Glenn Curtis judging the Global Jewellery Design Competition

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Curtis Australia diamond rings are often custom designed to suit individual clients

Watches from Curtis are making waves in the world of high end watchmaking

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... and so many more

AUSTRALIA'S LEADING WHOLESALER AND MANUFACTURER High quality products at factory price directly to your door Free postage*

contact us today for more details

*conditions apply vnm magazine 020

(03) 9008 8799

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P. O. A

REF: B13569

Established 15 years, this removal and storage Business For Sale, is a full service removalist company - offering packing services, moving services and also storage of goods. Primarily servicing Melbourne’s South East, Mornington Peninsula and Bayside Suburbs, it is also geared up to do country and interstate moves. The business offers clients extensive storage services in a secure (24 hour CCTV monitored), clean and climate controlled facility located in the South East. Offers short and long term storage for any volume of goods. Solid turnover of $811,000 per annum. The business will be sold with vehicles and freehold is also available for sale or a new lease is available for new owners with rent of approx $1,038 per week for large premises. For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


$9 9 , 000

This long established Coin Laundry is located in the heart of a growing Suburb in the East of the Melbourne Metropolitan area. The business is supported by many loyal long term customers and steadily growing. With a nice welcoming atmosphere, simple payment options, TV and free Wi-Fi, this Laundry provides the ultimate customer experience and convenience. This Laundry is purely self service, leaving ample room for someone who want to add laundry services and Dry Cleaning Pick up services. Automatic Timer lock on the front door. Ample Parking close by. Very Low Rent & Minimal outgoings. This is an ideal investment opportunity for anyone who values their precious time or a good growth opportunity for the more hands on operator. Potential to expand business significantly by offering value added services Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921


$180, 000

REF: B13583

This Restaurant is currently an Italian style restaurant that offers traditional, rustic wood fired oven pizzas, pasta, parmigiana and other choices served with salad or vegetables. Awesome setup with Wood fire Pizza oven & Full Commercial Kitchen 50 seating capacity inside and out and cover by red line. Full Restaurant Liquor license. Customers further enjoy the excellent selection of Italian or local wines and beers with their meals. Takeaway Pizza is another component of the business and there is a good delivery infrastructure in place with Uber Eats and Menulog. The current owner of 5 years wants to take a break to spend some time with his new family.This is an ideal opportunity for a family or a single experience operator looking for a solid and profitable business. Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921


$15 0, 000


This Cafe, Bar and Restaurant Business For Sale is located in one of Mornington Peninsula’s blue-chip suburbs. It gives its clients Port Phillip Bay views from the upstairs dining area. Upstairs you have a stand alone bar, toilets, character and it can be used as a function venue. Downstairs there is another bar, seating area, commercial kitchen, outside seating and an amazing side seating area with alcohol permitted, giving passers-by great exposure to this bustling business. Averaging $10,000 per week takings. Trading 5 nights only. Huge potential to open for breakfast and lunch. 60 seater restaurant plus 16 outside. Ample parking next to Restaurant. Rent of $4,361 pcm inc GST. Full Liquor License. Owner has enjoyed a lifestyle business and is looking to retire. For further information please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or ismar@

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Businesses For Sale

Businesses Now Selling

+100 vnm magazine 023


0 0 , 5



REF: B13567

Perfect business for a family to own and operate. Inspections will impress. Owners work in the business with 2 part time staff. Perfect business for a family to own

This Japanese Restaurant and Takeaway Business for Sale located in Burwood, has

and operate. Inspections will impress.

a busy main road location. Turning over $4,500 per week with rent of only $517 per

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

week including GST for a main road location. New Lease for new owners.

Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

.A .P O



great owner operator opportunity, or put on more staff & grow the business as plenty of work is knocked back currently. Vendor is ready for retirement so this is a rare oppor-

This long established local transport business for sale in the south east is ready for its

tunity to take over a thriving business with an established name!

new owner! Serving its loyal customers for over 40 years, this transport business is

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis

equipped with 2 trucks including prime movers & trailers for local transport of various

on 0416 000 154.

types of freight. Turning over $350,000 per annum with great net profit. Could be a

A. . P.O


REF: B13570

kitchen, walk in cool room and seating capacity for 90 inside and 20 outside. All equipment is in excellent and near new condition. Fantastic atmosphere with live music on Thursdays, Fridays and some Saturdays. Turnover is a solid $26,000 per week. Rent

Cafe, Bar and Restaurant Business For Sale with excellent bayside location. This cafe

of $1,190 per week including GST for a large premises.

has easy access to the train station and is close to the beach. Well fit out cafe with full

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or

bar facilities and liquor licensed until 11pm. Excellent facilities with full commercial

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

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A. . P.O


of flavour. This health food business has been selling online and wholesale for 10 years to the baking industry and public and have recently set up a cafe, to serve their delicious treats. This online/wholesale and retail business has a turn over of $9,000 per

This food business for sale prepares and sells a range of food products that cater for

week with rent of $1,089 per week and lease of 3x3x3.

people with food allergies and intolerances. The food is designed to accommodate

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or

specific dietary needs (gluten free, dairy free, vegan, nut free etc) but still have a lot

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 5,0



youngsters, as well as some toys and accessories. Trades 7 days with a turnover of $8,000 per month and rent of $1,601 per week including GST and secure lease of 5x5. Easy to run business. Ideal for an owner/operator who could employ 1 or 2 casual

This Retail Childrens Clothing And Accessories Business For Sale has a prime location


on the main road in Camberwell which is a busy shopping strip in the area. This vibrant

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

and welcoming shop stocks a wide range of beautiful clothing for babies, toddlers and

Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A. . P.O



windows, side windows, sun roofs and mirrors.Operates out of an office/warehouse in Melbourne’s western suburbs. Primarily a mobile service but does have some walk in customers at the workshop.Established 6 years with solid turnover of approx. $1,5

For Sale is a mobile Auto Glass Replacement Business servicing the greater Mel-

million per annum with rent of $3,400 per month.

bourne area from as far as Geelong all the way to the Mornington Peninsula. The

For more information contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300

business offers mobile replacement of all automotive glass, windscreens, rear

or via email at

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0 0,0



REF: B13575

centres. Turnover of $5,500 per week. Rent of only $770 per week with secure lease of 4x4x4. Plenty of potential in this business, new owners can open for lunch trade and

This Takeaway Business for Sale located in Pakenham sells the whole range of fast

add other items to the menu.

food -Burgers, hot dogs, chips, chicken parma, salads, drinks & milkshakes. Primarily

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

a takeaway business, but has seating for 20 inside plus space for another 20.

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

Excellent location in a shopping strip in Pakenham, which also has medical and dental

.A .P O


replacement services. All manner of glass supplied, repaired or replaced: shopfronts, doors, security doors, partitions, mirrors, shower doors, balustrading etc. Located in

Established for over 2 decades, this Glass and Glazing business has built a solid

Springvale. Turning over $1,45 million per annum.

reputation in the industry for its top quality glass as well as its prompt, reliable and

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

professional services. This business services the domestic, commercial and industrial

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

market with the supply and installation of glass products. Also offers glass repair and



0 0,0



Established 7 years, this elegant salon with a superb fitout has 5 treatment rooms, reception, spray booth & kitchen & there is 3 parking spaces dedicated to the prem-

Take over this prime beauty salon business for sale in the bayside area adjacent to

ises. The vendor only works part time and there are highly trained team in place who

Albert Park Lake and the CBD & make money from day one! Prime location surround-

are happy to stay on. The business turns over $9,000 avergae per week. Long lease

ed by popular dining establishments, eclectic retail shopping apartments & tourist

of 3x3 years remaining & rent of $1230 plus GST per week. For further information

accommodation, there is easy accessibility with public transport and street parking.

please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154..

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. .P O



REF:B13229 Turning over $8,500 per week.Rent of $1,535 per week for a large premises.Lease of

This Cafe Business for sale has an excellent location in Mill Park. It is located in a busy

5x5.This cafe restaurant business for sale is a must see. With it’s bright modern fit out

shopping centre which has a supermarket, pharmacy, medical practice and other food

it is an inviting cafe for all visitors to the centre.

and retail shops. There is plenty of parking and good access by public transport. The

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

shopping centre is surrounded by numerous schools and a reserve.

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 7,0



is only $462 per week with secure lease of 4x5 years remaining. This business is waiting for a beauty therapist or hair stylist to take over and implement their dream and

This Salon is perfectly set up with all necessary equipment for a Hair and Beauty Busi-

be their own boss. Chairs or treatment rooms can be hired out to other hair stylists or

ness. Due to unforeseen circumstances the current owner needs to sell and is offering


this well and fully equipped business for sale at an excellent price. This Beauty Salon

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

has been at this excellent location for well over 15 years. Rent for this large premises

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

.A .P O



bar area with seating capacity for 45 inside and 25 outside in a courtyard (beer garden) and a further 12 outside. Average turnover of $6,400 per week. Rent of only $773 per

This Wine Bar Business For Sale located in the South Eastern suburbs has a unique

week for a large premises in fantastic location.

business model - it offers an entertainment venue where customers can enjoy bou-

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

tique wines and craft beers, while bringing their own food. The bar serve a selection of

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

fine cheese platters. The bar has a near new fit out with a wine cellar feel and a cosy

vnm magazine 027

.A .P O


household products. This store has a busy location with an annual turnover of approximately $1,08 Million. Rent is $3,462 per week including GST and outgoings with 5 years

This Health Food Store Business for Sale has a busy Shopping Centre location in the

lease remaining. This is a very easy business to run and is well suited to someone with

South Eastern Suburbs. It is has an excellent location within a Shopping Centre being in

a passion for health, wellbeing & environmentally friendly products and practices.

the busy food market area so enjoys huge amounts of foot traffic daily. This retail store

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis or

sells a range of all natural products and supplements as well as skincare and natural

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 9,5




is also a 3 bedroom residence upstairs which is rented out to offset costs. Rent of $1,307 per week including GST, which is offset from rent from the upstairs resi-

This Newly set up Restaurant and Takeaway Business for Sale has an excellent loca-

dence. Secure lease of 5x5. There is huge potential in this restaurant in this area.

tion in Carlton, a very busy dining and entertainment hub of Melbourne. This beautifully

New owners can implement their food business dreams.

set up restaurant has a new fit out which has a rustic feel and has seating capacity for

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagi-

20 inside and a further 10 outside. Has a well equipped commercial kitchen. There

otidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 0 , 5



available for the new owner, with the terms open to negotiation, at a rent of $2,365 per month.The business is well located in a busy & industrial area of Coburg North, and

An outstanding panel beating workshop business for sale that has been owned &

right in the middle of an automotive industrial are.The business employs 2 full time staff

operated by it’s current owner for in excess of 15 years that also has an outstanding

members as well as an owner on a full time basis.

reputation for it’s high quality of work. Currently trading Monday to Friday as well as

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on

Saturday morning, the business has takings of $242,000 per annum. A new lease is

0416 000 154.

vnm magazine 028


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family, there is also a 3 bedroom residence upstairs so you can live onsite.Sells typical milk bar products and cigarettes as well as MYKI cards and top up for trains and trams

This Milk Bar / Convenience Store is very well located in an affluent suburb and is

and phone cards. Trading Monday to Sunday 7am to 9pm. Rent of only $706 per week

close to the intersection of 2 major roads as well as being close to parks and schools.

including GST for both shop & residence & lease of 6x3. Turnover of $3,000 per week.

Established over 30 years, this business is run by the vendors so this is an ideal oppor-

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

tunity for a hands on owner operator to take over & continue its legacy. Perfect for a

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A. . P.O


sessions 6 days per week. The business has an annual turnover of approx. $1,39 million per annum from multiple income streams - cafe, Bingo, vending machines and the

This Bingo and Gaming Centre business is a long established business of 25 plus

ATM machine. Rent for the large premises which can seat up to 400 people is $3,461

years and is well known in the area. This well established business encompasses a

per week. Lease options of 5 years.

cafe/food business, Bingo gaming & vending machines for lucky tickets and prizes and

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagi-

an ATM machine, providing multiple income streams. Bingo is run for day and night

otidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 0 , 2



week: weekdays 7am to 1pm, closed on Tuesdays and 8am to 3pm on the weekends. This cafe does a very busy breakfast trade. Vendor works in the business with 1 full

This Boutique Coffee Shop and Cafe Business For Sale has a bright fit out which has

time staff. Turning over $4,000 per week with low rent of $654 per week for fantastic

been welcoming customers for 10 years. Located at a junction of 4 roads, this cafe has

location and lease options of 5x5. Vendor works in the business with 1 full time staff.

the ideal high exposure location. This cafe seats 18 inside and 4 out in the front and

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

has a beautiful courtyard with seating for 20 at the back. Short trading hours 6 days per

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 029

A. . P.O



The business operates from a sizeable warehouse and showroom located in the south eastern suburbs. Current rent for the factory site is around $7,930 per month with lease

This is a rare opportunity to buy a well established and highly successful marquee and

of 1x3x3 lease remaining. Trucks and vehicles are included in the sale.Warehouse and

party / function equipment hire business. Fantastic business with takings of $1,3 Million

showroom opens Monday to Friday 8am to 4pm.

per year with a huge range of marquees, furniture (tables, chairs, flooring, heaters, stag-

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis or

es, lights), catering equipment, cutlery, crockery and glassware, table linen and decor.

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at



0 0 , 0



over $400,000 per annum over 48 weeks with rent of $1,100 per week including GST. A new lease is available. Included is a 1 bedroom residence upstairs with a toilet and

This Bakery, located on the main road in McKinnon, is a long established and well

bathroom, which can used by the new owner or rented out to reduce costs. Trades 6

known business in the area. Fantastic location in an affluent area and highly rated

days: Monday to Friday 7am to 4:30pm and Saturday 7am to 2:30pm.

school zone. This well equipped and immaculate Bakery sells the usual bakery fare of

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

bread, pies, cakes, as well as drinks, coffee, sandwiches and has a salad bar. Turning

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


A O.



females and males, barber services, blow waves, hair colour and treatments as well as beauty treatments such as spray tan, waxing and more. Run under management

This well established and popular Hair salon for sale has a superb location in the

with 10 full time staff. Established 5 years with a turnover of approximately $80,000 per

Sydenham / Taylors Lakes area - a high growth area in Melbourne. Located in a

month and rent of $4,000 per month. Lease terms of 1x5x5.

shopping centre that has a high exposure corner location . This large salon has 10 sta-

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

tions, including 4 barber chairs, 3 basins and 1 beauty room. Services include cuts for

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 030


A O.




reduction, eyebrow and lip threading, facials and skin treatments, microdermabrasion, tanning, acne treatment and more. Turning over approximately $18,000 per week with

This Beauty Salon and Clinic Business For Sale has an excellent location in Coburg.

low rent of $634 per week including GST for a busy main road location. Lease options

Has a high exposure busy main road location with easy access by public transport.

of 4x4.area.Has excellent website in place outlining all the treatments on offer.

Run under management with 5 full time and 4 casual staff, this salon offers a wide

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

range of beauty treatments: Cosmetic teeth whitening, body contouring, cellulite

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 0,0




through eBay. Sizeable retail store and showroom is located in Melbourne’s North West, just off a major freeway. Turning over $140,000 per annum with rent of $635

This retail and online business for sale specialises in selling all things fishing and

per week for a 2 level premises. A new lease is available for new owners. Two owners

camping related. This business is a manufacturer of fishing tackle (rods, reels, lines,

work part time hours, but this easy to run operation can be run by one full time person.

lures and accessories) and sell a wide range of outdoor and camping equipment. The

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

business sells retail as well as wholesale and online through their own website and

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at



0 0 , 5




among light industrial companies ensures it has a diverse customer market from both commercial and residential customers. Easy to run business and new owner does

Established 3 and a half years in Pakenham, this Battery World Franchise Business for

not need experience as staff are in place and franchise will give full 6 week training &

Sale sells batteries for every need: automotive batteries, mobile and cordless phones,

franchise support. Owner works with 1 full time and 1 part time staff.

health and medical equipment, video and computer equipment. Also sells jump

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

starter and charging equipment and offers a call out service to customers. It’s location

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 031

A. . P.O


seating capacity for 42 inside and covered seating for 50 outside. Has a well equipped commercial kitchen and is fully licensed until 11pm. Selling 40kg coffee per week with

This Cafe Business located in East Melbourne has the most excellent location. It is locat-

very busy breakfast service especially on weekends. Turning over $19,000 per week

ed below a block of serviced apartments, which brings in a lot of visitors. It is surrounded

with rent of $1,687 per week for an excellent location. Lease options of 7x7.

by numerous other apartment blocks and commercial buildings with high profile tenants

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis or

as well as hospitals and a huge park. This sizeable cafe has an immaculate fit out with

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

.A P.O


cafe with a simple menu. Has party rooms to cater for children’s birthday parties & two offices upstairs & a storage room at the rear. Taking $412,000 per annum. Established

This enchanting establishment for children is an incredible business opportunity for a

20+ years. Cheap rent of $4,977 per month for such spacious premises. Long lease of

smart investor or a creative owner operator. Well laid out play centre for children located

5x5 with 6 years left. Easy to operate & ready for anything else your imagination can

in the northern suburbs, original concept including interactive play equipment designed for

come up with!

pre schoolers. Excellent one of a kind setup with low overheads. Includes fully functioning

For more information call Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


0 0 , 5



would not normally be able to enjoy. Large restaurant with full shop front windows and seating capacity for 120 inside with further seating for 25 in a courtyard and 25 outside.

This Modern Italian Restaurant is also one of the first hemp inspired restaurants in

Established 6 years, this restaurant is turning over approximately $14,000 per week,

Melbourne and are are proud to offer this superfood to the region. This restaurant offers

with rent of $3,265 per week including GST, for very large premises and lease options of

a 100% gluten free food menu with a range of vegetarian, vegan and dairy free meals.

10x10. For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or

Using hemp they are allowing people with food intolerances to enjoy delicacies they

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 032

.A .PO


department and stocks a wide range of product lines as well as provide custom made apparel. Operating out of 2 large factories of 1,300 sq metres, the business turns over

COVO is a quality soccer apparel and equipment manufacturer and are also a wholesal-

approximately $1,3 Million per annum. Rent for these larger factories is $1,846 per week

er and importer.The COVO Brand is a market leader in the sporting goods industry and

including GST. Lease options of 5x5.

is an Australian owned and operated company delivering a high level of quality, products

Please contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

and service. A long established business of 30+ years, COVO has a manufacturing


0 0,0



Sale includes all equipment. Good size workshop with low rent of $404 per week including GST and outgoings. Lease options of 3 years. Turning over $8,000 per week.

Located in Geelong, this Automotive Repair Workshop is run under management with 3

Very good business for a mechanic who wants to own their own business.

part time staff. The workshop is located in an industrial zone surrounded by a lot of sup-

Savvy new owner could increase turnover by increasing social media marketing.

porting automotive businesses. Established 10 years, this mechanical repair workshop

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

is well equipped with 3 hoists and is equipped to do tyre changes and wheel balancing.

Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A. . P.O


with little to no competition & has a stellar reputation. Most of the $1.3M turnover comes from insurance work and there is potential for further growth. Operating out of a well-

This long established panel beater automotive business for sale is located in the heart

equipped factory in the heart of town, the business includes a spacious workshop, spray

of the beautiful town of Mansfield in Victoria’s north. A popular tourist destination during

booth, and a separate office.Rent of $750 per week with a new lease for the new owner.

both winter snow season & summer holiday season with Lake Eildon at your doorstep.

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on

Mansfield’s original panel shop has been serving the local community for over 60 years

0416 000 154.

vnm magazine 033

A. . P.O


for the Victorian government.Very well established business of 10 years with approximate annum turnover of $3,5 million.Can be run from anywhere as work is carried out

This Building Repairs and Maintenance Services business carries out repair and mainte-

onsite where needed throughout Victoria. 95% of work comes from railway companies

nance work to government owned buildings throughout the state of Victoria. Jobs range

and government bodies, so there is a bright future ahead for this company.

from small jobs such as painting over graffiti to whole building restorations or renovations

For more information and discussion about this business contact Chris Panagiotidis or

including carpentry, electrical, roofing and plumbing repairs.It is an approved contractor

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

.A .P O


point for fishermen & boaters on their way to the water. Sizeable shop including a kitchen area for the takeaway food, and a 3 bedroom residence at the back for you to live in! The

This general store takeaway business for sale is located in a small town only located

business has been serving the locals for 40 years & has a large loyal customer base.

an hour from Melbourne’s CBD at the head of Western Port bay. This business offers a

Turning over $18k per week overall, the vendor is happy to trial. Cheap rent of $675 per

variety of income streams including sales from its general store, liquor sales, takeaway

week inclusive of GST & long lease of 3x3x3 remaining.

food & bait. The business is located near a busy pier & boat ramp, so is often a stopping

For more information call Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


0 0 , 8




security system with cameras.This cafe offers a cafe style menu, however there is plenty of potential in this business - new owners could open earlier and/or offer a dinner menu

This cafe business for sale is a hidden gem in Melbourne’s north. Located on the main

as the business has BYO permits from 12pm to 10pm. With low rent of $450 per week

road through Thornbury, the cafe has good exposures and it has plenty of passing

including GST and lease options of 5 years, this cafe business is a must see.

traffic daily. Established 12 years, this beautiful cafe has seating capacity for 30 inside, 6

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or

outside and 8 in a covered courtyard. It also has a well equipped commercial kitchen and

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 034

. .P O




servicing, mechanical and electronic repairs, pre-purchase inspections and fitment of accessories.Low rent of approximately $1,154 per week including GST for the showroom

This Business for sale is a one stop 4x4 shop with a team of specialists that can help

and workshop, with a new lease available. Solid turnover of $1,375 million per annum

customers customise and accessorise their 4 Wheel Drives. Has a showroom and retail

over 48 weeks of the year. The business closes 4 weeks in the year.

store in Melbourne’s west. And also sells online with a well designed website and shop-

For more information and discussion or inspection of this business contact Chris Panagi-

ping cart. There is also a workshop for servicing and fitment. Services include log book

otidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


a full function set up out back. Accommodating up to 270 patrons, the outside back area is utilised as a function centre, catering for any function. Liquor licence and two bars for

Absolutely brimming with potential, this is an outstanding opportunity to own one of the

inside and outside. The business only trades 3 1/2 days per week and has an average

most unique restaurant and function locations and take it to the next level! Established

turnover of $12,000 pw.. The rent is $4,314 p.c.m inc GST and has a 5x5 year lease .

for 5 years, this stunning restaurant is in a prime location in Melbourne’s south eastern

For further information please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or ismar@

suburbs, walking distance to the water. Outside decking experience, front veranda and

A. . P.O


established and sought after by architectural studios and homeowners, this business has a solid reputation for the hardware it supplies and prompt delivery. Turning over approximately $560,000 per annum, it can be run from anywhere, even from home. New owner

This well established online business for sale stocks and sells door hardware and

just needs to take over and make money from day one.

tapware - selling the latest designs from known and trusted brands. Sells both retail

For more information and discussion contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on

and wholesale, with 95% of sales within Australia and 5% to the rest of the World. Well

03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 035


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Located in Oakliegh area with a highly visible location and plenty of passing traffic

This is an ideal solon for someone who is hands on hairdresser or it could well be for

daily. Operates with qualified and experienced staff. Rent of approx $3,400 per

a non- Hairdresser who is prepared to assist the already well trained staff in place.

month including GST and outgoings and a lease of 5 years with 3 years remaining.

Weekly takings: $7,0008 work stations plus 1 child Chair. . Rent $3,069 per month.

Contact Petros on 0416 000 154 or for more information

Contact Phil on 0429 006 921 or for more information.

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This long established Hair Salon for sale is located in the heart of a good South

Located in the heart of Balnarring village shops it is known as a high grade gourmet

Eastern Suburb of Melbourne. Low rent of only Rent $1,350 per month with lease

butcher shop. Currently turning over $17,000 per week on average with hight profit

of 3x3. 7 workstations and 3 basins. 5 day short trading hours.

margins. Great monthly rent of only $2,543 inc GST and outgoings

Contact Phil on 0429 006 921 or for more information.

Contact Ismar on 0404 146 202 or for more information.



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It is located in a small shopping strip on the intersection of 2 busy roads. Easy to run

The CafĂŠ is ideal for a first timer who wants n easy operation or for an experienced

bakery, turning over $10,000 per week. Rent of only $5,330 pcm. Well presented shop

operator who want to take this cafe to the next level. Rent only $2,334 pcm with long

with supporting businesses around. Affluent area with good quality customers

5Ă—5 lease. Takings around $4,000 pw. Surrounded by good supporting businesses.

Contact Phil on 0429 006 921 or for more information.

Contact Phil on 0429 006 921 or for more information.

vnm magazine 036



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Located in the heart of bustling Toorak rd Camberwell, this Asian restaurant and take-

This Cafe, Bar and Restaurant Business For Sale is located in Ferntree Gully. Trad-

away business for sale has been established for over 17 years and serves a wonderful

ing 7 days lunch and dinner. Full Liquor License & Wood fire pizza oven with simple

collection of authentic Noodle dishes. Averaging $7,000 p/w takings. Rent $3,800 pcm.

menu.. Averaging $8,000 per week takings. Cheap rent of $1,857 pcm inc GST

Contact Ismar on 0404 146 202 or for more information.

Contact Ismar on 0404 146 202 or for more information.



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This busy hair and beauty salon is located at a busy shopping strip, at the

This hair salon for sale is located in the busy and glamorous Chadstone shopping

intersection of two busy main roads in Cranbourne. Well presented salon. Taking

centre. It is run by staff with a manager leading the team. Taking $13,000+per week.

$4,000 per week. Rent of $5,258 per calendar month including GST.

Well-equipped including 12 stations + 4 basins. Selling well under set up cost

Contact Petros on 0416 000 154 or Phil on 0429 006 921 for more information.

Contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or



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This Crust Pizza shop is one of Melbourne’s best. This is a great opportunity for an

This Long Established Dry Cleaners for sale located in a sought after Shopping Cen-

investor, owner operator or Entrepreneur. $600,000+ Pa Takings with rent of $8,200

tre location with lots of foot traffic and supporting business. Takings $4,600 per week

pcm and a 5x5 lease. To find out more about this awesome Pizza shop for Sale,

with lots of opportunity to grow. Monthly rent of $6,417 includes outgoings and GST

CALL Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404-146-202

Contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or

vnm magazine 037


0 0,0




The shop, well located in the busy shopping heart of this large Gippsland town, has a clean and tidy presentation and has recently been refurbished. Rent for the shop

This fresh produce market is a fruit and vegetable store with a difference – sourcing

is $777 per week including GST with lease options of 5x5x5. Trading only one day

a lot of (in season) stock from local farms and so providing customers with the fresh-

per week from 7am to 5pm, this produce market turns over approx. $9,000 pw.

est produce possible. Whatever is not available locally is bought from the wholesale

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

market. Meat, bread, fish and cakes are also sold at this market, by other operators.

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

.A .P O


drinks and juices, sweets and cakes. Established 20 years in this location, this shop is well fit out. Trading shopping centre hour. Turning over approx. $10,000 per week.Rent

This Sandwich, Grill and Takeaway Business for Sale has an excellent shopping cen-

of $4,269 per week including GST and outgoings with lease options of 6 years Good

tre location. Located in the food court of a busy shopping centre in Melbourne’s north

business with an easy to prepare menu, so no specific cooking skills and experience is

west, it has plenty of foot traffic daily. This food business sells healthy and delicious

needed. For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis

sandwiches and burgers made to order as well as grilled/roasted meals, coffee, soft

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


A O.


RESTAURANT IN BRIGHTON REF:B13629 decent figures it makes. $16,500 pw Takings with $1,212 rent per week. This Restaurant had recent renovations done so looks a million dollars. Unfortunate-

70 Plus seating capacity & Full Commercial Kitchen/ Walk in Coolroom.

ly the current owners over committed themselves with too many business ventures

Located in Affluent Brighton area with Ample parking around & Good Frontage

and now reluctantly want us to put this Gem on the market. Awesome opportunity for

To find out more about this awesome Restaurant for Sale, CALL Phil Booysen NOW

any entrepreneurial operator to take this beauty to higher levels from the already

on 0429 006 921

vnm magazine 038


0 0,0


CHINESE RESTAURANT/TAKEAWAY REF:B13630 $736 pw with lease options of 1x3. Perfect business for a family to own and operate, and This long established Chinese restaurant has an excellent location in Wodonga. It is

also be able to live on site. Restaurant has seating capacity for 60 people and Is fully

located on the main road through the town and is at a pedestrian crossing, so has huge

licenced until 9pm New owners could introduce other cuisines to the menu.

amount of foot traffic. It is fully licenced until 9pm. Owners work full time with 2 part time

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

staff. Has 3 bedroom residence upstairs. Turning over approx. $7,000 per week. Rent of

Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

.A .P O


weeks of the year). Rent for this large premises is $1,014 per week including GST. A new lease is available. Vendor is looking to retire and is looking for someone to carry

This restaurant/diner located in Melbourne’s South East is well known for its gourmet

on this Iconic dining concept. Perfect investment opportunity as it is run under man-

burgers, craft beer and iconic decor. Many diners come to admire the decor.

agement and there are staff in place to carry on operations.

The large restaurant has 3 dining areas a large bar and is fully licensed to 12am. Run

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

under management and trading 5 days. Turning over $1,6 Million per year (trading 49

Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


A O.



pizza & Kebab menu .Turning over $9,000 per week the vendor operates the business full time with 3 casual staff, so this is an ideal opportunity for a hands on owner

This thriving pizza and kebab takeaway business for sale offers a prime location & a

operator to take over. Long lease of 5x5x5 which commenced in 2012 approx 7 years

long-standing business. Established 12 years ago, this business is situated in a busy

left with rent of $864 per week. Website in place with online ordering, registered with

shopping strip in the Western suburbs. Surrounded by shopping, dining & residences

UberEat/Menulog. All the hard set up work has been done, reputation established.

in an affluent suburb, its high profile location on a major road means it receives a lot of

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on

exposure & is easily accessible with plenty of parking. The business serves an easy

0416 000 154 or Muhammad Siddiqui on 0411 893 570.

vnm magazine 039

A. . P.O


with the highest quality materials and workmanship. This laboratory services the greater Melbourne area and provides a delivery and pick up service. Turning over $650,000

This Dental laboratory Business for Sale manufactures customised dental restorations

per year with low rent of $346 per week including GST. And lease options of 3x3. This

and protective mouth products for dental clinics in and around Melbourne. Services

business sale includes all equipment needed.

include the making of veneers, inlays, crowns, bridges, posts and cores, implants,

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

bleaching trays and more. All products are customised for individual patients and made

Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A. . P.O


rent of $646 per week and lease of 3x5x5.Run under management with a manager, 3 full time and 2 part time staff. Makes an excellent investment business as there

This long and well established Beauty Salon of almost 40 years has established an

are qualified and experienced staff to manage and run the business. Also good for a

excellent reputation in the area for non-surgical aesthetic procedures.This Beauty

beauty therapist looking to be an owner/operator and save on staff costs.

salon has an excellent location in a premium Bayside suburb where clientele have high

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

disposable income. Trades 6 days and is turning over approx $12,000 per week with

Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at



0 9,0



over $10,500 per week, with rent of $1,590 per week and lease of 1x5x5x2 remaining. New owners will receive franchise training and support which makes this the perfect

This Degani Franchise Cafe has a high exposure location right at the entrance to a

opportunity for someone with little to no experience in the hospitality industry.

shopping centre and is close to 2 major supermarkets. The large, immaculately fit out

An inspection will impress. For more information and to arrange an inspection contact

cafe has seating for 48 inside and 24 outside and large shopfront windows. Trades

Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at elle@abso-

7 days and run under management with 2 full time staff and 3 part time staff. Turning

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.A .P O


There is also a cafe, 7 party rooms and a kids playzone. The centre is located in the East, just off a major thoroughfare and close to a major shopping mall. Trampoline

This trampoline centre business for sale provides hours of entertainment and exercise

centre operates 7 days and Turns over approx. $700,000 per annum with rent of

for young and old alike.This entertainment business is well set up with 100 trampolines

$16,300 per month for this large complex with plenty of parking .Long lease of 5x5.

in a number of zones for different activities such as a free jumping area, volleyball,

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

dodgeball, junior jumping area, ball pit as well as a high performance jumping area.

Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A. . P.O


done on site. And also does leather and shoe care, but does not advertise these services, so there is plenty of potential to increase income by advertising these services.

This long established dry cleaning business of 20+ years has an excellent location at

Trading 7 days. Turning over approximately $6,000 per week. Rent for location and

the the entrance of a Shopping Centre in Melbourne’s South East. This dry cleaning

large premises is $2,594 per week including outgoings. Lease options of 5 years.

shop has an amazing set up with a commercial washing machine, a domestic washer

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

and 2 pressers. This dry cleaners also offers clothing alterations and repairs, which are

Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

P. O



& lunch menu & delicious coffee. Turning over $10,00 per week, the business is run primarily by staff.Long lease of 5x5x5 which commenced in 2017 for security & rent of

This bright spacious cafe business for sale offers a warm inviting atmosphere and a

$871 per week for a new building & spacious premises.There is minimal online pres-

thriving business opportunity. A highly visible presence with extensive natural light, this

ence so there is enormous potential for further growth with some modern marketing.

modern cafe is well equipped with a commercial kitchen & seating for 45 inside & 20

All the hard set up work has been done, take over & make money from day one.

outside. The business operates 7 days a week serving an easy to prepare breakfast

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

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A. . P.O


$180k per month. Supplies Asian retail stores in the greater Melbourne area from a warehouse in Moorabbin in Melbourne’s south east. Rent for warehouse is $1,523

This Business for sale is an importer and wholesale distributor of Asian food

per week including GST. If you are already a wholesaler with your own suppliers, you

products in the Melbourne area. Has well developed relationships with suppliers

could take advantage of the large customer database to expand your market.

in Asia and a large and well established customer base in the greater Melbourne

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

area. Averaging 3 containers every month, the business turns over approx $160k to

Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A. . P.O


in 2018.This long established business of 16 years has a well designed website in place with online ordering and delivery service. This restaurant with an excellent

This Thai Restaurant Business For Sale has ideal location. Located on busy arte-

set up, large dining room and huge kitchen, serves fresh and healthy authentic

rial road through the area, with lots of parking right outside the front door and very

Thai cuisine, but can be converted to serving any Asian cuisine.

close to the train station. Trades 7 nights 5pm to 10pm.Turning over $500,000 per

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or

annum, with rent of $1,128 per week including GST. Lease of 5x5x5 commenced

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


A O.



business performs very well despite the lack of any real web presence, showing the robust nature of the business model. The entrepreneurial buyer should be able to grow

This retail shop for sale is one of the best shops available in the rapidly growing

the business substantially in this regard.The Vendors, for last 17 years, are ready for a

Warragul area.The Shop focuses on a number of well-known and high end brands

well-deserved break and are looking forward to assist the next person taking it over.

combined with a culture of excellent customer service. This is a reputable business,

For more information on this fantastic opportunity or to arrange an inspection, call Phil

ideal for a serious business investor looking at a good long term investment. The

Booysen now on 0429 006 921 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

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.A .P O


Located in the busy shopping area of Berwick, with many supporting businesses around and plenty of parking for clients. Established 7 years, with annual turnover of $385,000.

This luxuriously and beautifully fit out salon offers a relaxing and calming atmosphere for

Rent for the premises is $1,464 per week with a lease of 3 years.Excellent business in

all the beauty treatments on offer. Offers facials, manicures and pedicures, massages,

which all the set up work has been done and client base has been established.

waxing, spray tanning, IPL treatments, eyebrows and eyelash treatments as well as

For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle

make up and hair styling serevices. Excellently designed, eye catching website in place

Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A. . P.O

BAKERY CAFE BUSINESS REF:B13650 Fully equipped with Seating inside and out. Serving iies, coffee, cafes and SandLocated in beautiful Monbulk in the Dandenong ranges is this Bakery that has

wiches. It is located in the main street of town surrounded by good supporting

been servicing the locals and tourists alike for over 25 years.The current owner


has enjoyed 17 years of trade and has decided that it is time to retire. Averaging

For further information contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or ismar@abso-

$7,000 per week takings - Rent of $2,018 pcm inc GST- 4 Stacker oven or Lynne Mu on 0430880323

P. O



females and males, barber services, blow waves, hair colour and treatments as well as beauty treatments such as spray tan, waxing and more. Run under management

This well established and popular Hair salon for sale has a superb location in the

with 10 full time staff. Established 5 years with a turnover of approximately $80,000 per

Sydenham / Taylors Lakes area - a high growth area in Melbourne. Located in a

month and rent of $4,000 per month. Lease terms of 1x5x5.

shopping centre that has a high exposure corner location . This large salon has 10 sta-

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

tions, including 4 barber chairs, 3 basins and 1 beauty room. Services include cuts for

or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 043


$4 9, 990

REF: B13592

This Long established Craft retail Shop for sale has been around for many decades. The current owner breathed some new life into it by developing a solid online and social media presence for the business. The shop was also recent refurbished, giving it new appeal to customers. The store is well known in the Crafting community, supplying crafters with a peerless selection of yarns, patterns, notions and accessories to inspire and help them decide what to make. They also run classes in knitting, crochet and weaving throughout the year, and are available for private consultations by appointment. Do you have a passion for Crafting and always dreamt of having your own business? Then this is the opportunity for you to bring the two together. For more information on this fantastic opportunity or to arrange an inspection, call Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921


$399, 000

This absolutely magnificent Restaurant for sale is located in the West Gippsland Region, just over an hour’s drive from Melbourne.Takeaway / Pick up is a growing part of the business with massive room to grow even more with delivery service.However the relaxed atmosphere of the dining room is still the main attraction for the customers who needs to get out of the day to day routine.This restaurant also features both an on and off-premise Liquor license. This enhances the amazing wine collection available at the restaurant.A beautiful wine cellar of 90 sqm in the basement is the final cherry on the top of this amazing restaurant. Weekly sales of approximately $20,000 per week. Reasonable Rent of only $1,200 pw for this 100+ seater For more information on this exceptional opportunity please CALL Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


$4 9 , 000

REF: B13600

This easy to run business for Sale is located in a great spot inside a major shopping centre. This is a very easy to run business, with no baking done on site, so no baking skills are necessary. If you want a simple to run business, or if you have the skills to add to this, then this is a must to see.They also serve bubble tea, which is fast growing in popularity in Melbourne. There is also opportunity to add on to this range for additional income streams. It is fully under management so ample room for an owner operator to make additional money from this business. The owners seek for a quick sale in order to focus their attention on their main business. Are you looking for a easy to run business, then this is worth looking into, CALL Phil Booysen now on 0429 006 921


$9 9, 000


Bright and Spacious Fitness Studio in a brilliantly located Melbourne inner south eastern suburb on a busy shopping strip. This studio enjoys abundant natural light, a large open fully equipped studio, a separate Pilates Studio, 3 Treatment Rooms and a consulting room. $8,800 pw Takings approx. Established 17 years; 4 years in the current location. Plenty of free parking (on street and basement). Excellent Reputation and Affluent client base. Good lease in place. Well maintained website with functional capacity for online bookings, seamless cloud based software systems in place. 2 permits in place – medical clinic (3 practitioners) and recreation facility. The setup may also be suitable for Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Osteopaths, Nutritionists or a combination. This is a must see, so Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921

vnm magazine 044


$225, 000

REF: B13625

This butcher shop business for sale offers a prime location in a busy shopping centre in Berwick. With a great location in a busy shopping centre, this butcher shop offers high exposure & easy accessibility. Pleanty of parking right in front of shop for quick in and out. Currently run by staff under management, However this business would be more beneficial for an owner operator to take over & run themselves. Fully equipped with pristine condition equipment, just take over & make money from day one! Averaging $27,200 per week turnover. Rent of $1,906 pw inc GST and outgoings.The owner does not spend any time in the business so there is still plenty of space to improve on current turnover for a hands on operator. For further information please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or ismar@


$9 9 , 000

This high foot traffic location secured a good income to the Vendor for the last 10 years. But due to other business interests, the Vendor feels the need to focus his attention on his other passions not relating to the hair industry. This allows for a great opportunity for you to secure this awesome location and team to take you into the future with your own business. Massive opportunity to extend the business by adding Brows, extensions or even Manicure/ Pedicure treatments. The huge foot traffic past this shop will definitely draw the necessary customers. Turnover of $5,000 plus pw. 6 Day Trading. Rent only $2,435 pcm including parking, storage and outgoings. Awesome corner location in a very busy mall close to a major University with very high foot traffic. To find out more about this awesome Hair salon for Sale, CALL Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921


P. O. A

REF: B13643

This impeccable Hair Salon business for sale has 7 stations and 3 basins. It offers a wide range of hair services including ladies and mens style cuts, colour, foils and bayalage; blow waves, sets and GHD styling, extensions and straightening and hair and make up for special occasions. Located in Kilsyth, in the Yarra Ranges. Turning over $364,000 per annum. Low rent of $323 per week. Lease of 3x3x3 commenced 2017. Currently only trading 4 days per week: Wednesdays to Saturdays. Vendor works in the salon with 2 full time staff and 3 casual staff. Salon also has a back room and a kitchen. Lots of potential to increase turnover by increasing trading days. Could be run under management, so also good for an existing business to expand in to this region. For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


$7 1, 000


This Takeaway Restaurant captures a very unique market segment with a simple range of cold and hot food products that is mostly focused on high quality and healthy takeaway food for everyday consumption. The Well equipped kitchen contains a range of specialized equipment, making this whole venture a really simple and efficient operation with high margins and low overheads. Takings of $4,500 pw, Rent only $2,437 pcm. Takeaway and delivery forms a large part of the business. Well equipped Commercial Kitchen, creating delicious Soup, Pasta, Desserts and Pastrie.s It is very easy to learn and there is no need for a chef. All the recipes are in place and there are still lots of opportunity to expand the range even further. To find out more about this awesome takeaway for Sale, CALL Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921.

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.A .P O


0 0,0





This long established Coin Laundry is located in the heart of a growing Suburb in the

Selling mostly Asian goods and groceries, this is a fantastic husband and wife team

East of the Melbourne Metropolitan area. Averaging $1,700 per week takings

business as there is also living area at the back with kitchen, bathroom & bedroom.

Rent $496 pw inc gst. Security camera system in place with automatic doors.

Averaging $10,000 pw in takings. 5x5x5 year lease. Rent of $2,850 pcm inc GST.

Contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or

Contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or

.A .P O

.A .P O



A cafe with an impressive menu for breakfast and lunch that can easily move on to din-

UltraTune Franchise business is For Sale in a great location in Western suburbs. Amaz-

ner due to the large commercial kitchen! Liquor license and walk in cool room. Weekly

ing exposure and traffic passing everyday.Commercial Lease of 5x5x5 commenced

takings averaging $2,500 per week plus. Rent $1,998 pcm inc GST.

2012. Rent approx. $6,700 PCM Last financial years takings just over $1,000,000

Contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

Contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or



0 ,00



0 9,0




The CafĂŠ is ideal for a first timer who wants n easy operation or for an experienced

Located in Oakliegh area with a highly visible location and plenty of passing traffic

operator who want to take this cafe to the next level. Rent only $2,334 pcm with long

daily. Operates with qualified and experienced staff. Rent of approx $3,400 per

5Ă—5 lease. Takings around $4,000 pw. Surrounded by good supporting businesses.

month including GST and outgoings and a lease of 5 years with 3 years remaining.

Contact Phil on 0429 006 921 or for more information.

Contact Petros on 0416 000 154 or for more information

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SELLING YOUR BUSINESS DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD We employ the utmost ethical standards and perform our role with integrity, honesty and complete openness. We use our experience & industry knowledge to market your business appropriately to thewidest audience, as well as working in conjunction with migration agents, to find the right buyer for your business. We are Melbourne-based, and Victorian specialists. We know our area, we know our industry. Our agents have had busi nesses in Victoria so we know YOUR area. Our goal is not to be the biggestjust the best. OUR SENIOR BUSINESS AGENTS ARE FULLY LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND ALL OUR TEAM HAVE BEEN BUSINESS OWNERS BEFORE. WE KNOW THE INDUSTRY AND WE HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. WE ARE NOT SALES PEOPLE, WE ARE INDUSTRY SPECIALIST.

vnm magazine 048

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