VNM Small Business Magazine Issue 29

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INDUSTRY SPECIALIST WOMEN IN BUSINESS: Elle Likopoulos mother of 4 & CEO of Melbourne’s leading Business Broker firm.

S E S S E BUSIN SALE FOR t n e t n co



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S E S S E BUSIN SALE FOR t n e t n co

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In Australia, 4.8 million people are employed by small enterprises, accounting for 45.7% of the country’s workforce. But when the pandemic came, 70% of them reported a revenue decline. According to Shane Perry, SME loans analyst at Max Funding, “Small businesses are vital to the economy because they’re the ones that can quickly adjust to upturns and downturns. When the economy is strong, hiring begins with them. And during the recession, they’re also the first to cut down spending and conduct layoffs.” The contributions of small businesses to the economy and sense of community can be seen in the Australian Leadership Index, which shows that their ALI Score has continuously increased last year. The ALI Score is a measurement of a business’s direction for the greater good.

Small Businesses and Connections Many Australians believe that small businesses are more ethical, accountable and transparent compared to larger enterprises. The former also tend to be more responsive to the needs of the community and subgroups within it. Surprisingly, the COVID-19 pandemic created positivity towards small businesses, as consumers realise their contributions and deeper connections to the local communities.

Adapted New Business Models Sometimes, survival necessitates doing something you had never considered before. Many businesses expanded their products/services and offered deliveries, while others offered their space and equipment for other purposes. Take for example the schools and fitness centres that started offering online classes.

Wield Social Media According to a study, 71% of Australia’s population is active on social media. Social media now plays an integral role in our life—a strong factor in our personal and professional decisions. Small businesses that figured out how to properly exhibit their value via social media are reaping the rewards now. Ultimately, a small business may be the key to Australia’s economic recovery with the support of the government and sustainable partnerships between SMEs. It is also time for consumers to reflect on their purchasing behaviour.

So, what did most small businesses do to stay afloat during these uncertain times?

Adoption of e-Commerce Many businesses without an online presence were forced to adopt digital channels to continue operations. Those who didn’t have a complex virtual store could take advantage of the e-commerce tools offered by large marketplaces, such as Alibaba, Shopify, and Etsy.

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HOW 5 LITTLE BEARS AND A MUM THRIVED DURING COVID Leanne Murner is an author, business owner/designer at 5 Little Bears Pty Ltd and a proud mum of 5 boys. Leanne saw a gap in the market for Australian themed wooden toys and began creating products for children with an educational and Australian twist. Being a creative soul, Leanne grew the business fast and as time went by her product portfolio increased.. In Addition she has also published the first of a series of 6 children’s books, Franki and the Banksia, with the remaining being published later in 2021. Leanne wanted to teach kids about Australian native flora and fauna, what they are and who needs them to survive. Leanne is busy working on another series of books teaching kids about Australian animals and their habitat, threats and how we can help. Leanne is passionate about the need for children to be educated on Australian wildlife and the prevention of extinction. We sat down with Leanne to discuss how Covid impacted her business as well as what she did to overcome the challenges to survive through the lockdowns and the heartache the pandemic caused to small business throughout 2020.

Interview‘5 Little Bears was created in honour of our 5 sons, Oliver, Luca, Franki, Louis and Leo. We noticed how much Australia lacks good-quality Australian-made and Australian-themed puzzles and sensory products so we created products that celebrate our unique country and encourage children to learn through play. The first seven months of 2020 despite the pandemic exceeded our expectations with record sales and so much positive feedback that we now mostly wholesale to gift stores and online. Our products are so popular with customers purchasing to help with their home schooling as well as wholesaling to gift stores/online stores around the world who are struggling to find stock.’

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Did you have any prior business experience before taking the plunge to start up 5 little bears? Yes. My other business ‘Personalised Keepsakes’ had timber offcuts piling up and I was looking to find a sustainable use for them. I donated heaps of offcuts to my local preschool then was approached by an educator about making puzzles and sensory items. After extensive research, I found that there was an obvious void in the market for Australian themed educational resources. With focusing on teaching Australian kids about their own backyard 5 Little Bears was born. What was your biggest lesson from starting your own business? Learning to manage money and not over capitalise, growing with you business not beyond it. What did you find was the biggest cost or investment when starting your business? Definetley the machines to make the products Did you change your business model or methods during covid to adapt? With my husband being laid off from his job over COVID it allowed me to take the business to the next level with working longer hours and having more help with the kids. Growing a business and raising a family, there are only so many hours in a day. Did you spend more money and time on marketing during Covid? No. We were not doing any paid advertising on social media platforms, just our daily posting. With parents having their children at home they were looking for educational resources and us being still open and Australian made, this was the perfect opportunity to offer our range. We changed our marketing more geared to how many activities this one product had providing multiple activities from one investment. We have over a 400% increase in sales from COVID. What do you think is the most important aspect of your business? Quality, customer service, product, marketing? If I was to just pick one it would be our products, they are one of a kind with all being designed and handmade onsite, we are constantly getting customers tagging us on social media platforms and that is in return giving us free marketing. Would you do it all again? Definitely! Yes! What did you wish you knew when you first embarked on starting up your own business? How important the book-keeping is to see how the business is tracking. Tip on balancing mum life and business? Taking time out when you need it. Everything will still be there the next day. Your business and family cannot run with a burnt out mamma. Where do you see 5 Little Bears in 5 years from now? Expansion into wholesale internationally and all products and books in multiple languages. Website:

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When the movie 9 to 5 was released in 1980, women’s liberation was still a fresh concept for most of the world. Re-watching the comedy, about three women fighting back against a sexist boss, you’ll notice that the clothing and office technology has changed, but much of the film’s message about the dynamics between men and women in the workplace remains sadly relevant nearly 40 years later.

The three women—played by Jane Fonda, Dolly Parton, and Lily Tomlin—are secretaries at a large company, who get bullied and harassed by their strutting, pompous boss Franklin Hart (Dabney Coleman). Hart demands complete control of the workplace as he propositions and gropes Doralee (Parton), berates Judy (Fonda), and takes credit for the ideas of Violet (Tomlin). Through a farcical mix-up, the women end up taking charge of the business while holding Hart in captivity, and successfully transform the office into a progressive workplace with flexible hours and in-house daycare. Patricia Resnick was just 26 when she wrote the screenplay for 9 to 5. Resnick was interviewed at her home in California to talk about her research into the lives of secretaries, what she would change if 9 to 5 were remade today, and why she thinks working women are in some ways worse off now than in 1980. The interview has been lightly edited for length and clarity.

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Lily Tomlin’s character, Violet, is a highly skilled professional who is passed over for promotion, and whose ideas are stolen by men, all while successfully holding down her responsibilities at home as a mother. In that, she feels like a standin for a whole generation of working women. Can you tell us what informed her character? Violet wasn’t specifically based on any one person. I wanted her to reflect not just one particular type, but to try to cover different types. Violet is the super-competent woman who trains the guy who is below her who then eventually leap frogs over her. That was such a standard thing to happen back then. All those things that were said in the movie—that the man promoted over her needs to support a family—that’s what people said, that was the thinking in 1979 and 1980. That was such a common excuse, and another thing he says, which is clients prefer to deal with a male in that position, I think that’s still used.

At the end of the movie, Violet, Judy, and Doralee have transformed the office into what must have seemed like a workers’ paradise in 1982—and probably still sounds utopian to many of us—with job sharing, flexible hours, and on-site child care. How much of that seemed like fantasy when you wrote it? All of that was very much from the research that had been done by these various organizations into workers’ rights. That was all pulled from that. Most of that is still not really around. If you look at the number of major companies that have day-care, it’s a handful. Flexible hours, job sharing, that’s still not really standard. They were kind of cutting-edge ideas, but it’s amazing to me that they are not all in common practice still. Despite their success, the company’s chairman—who applauds most of the women’s improvements—scoffs at the idea of paying women the same as men, as if that’s a bridge too far. Was that your intention, to show that no matter how far these women can push things, equal pay was still unacceptable in a male-dominated workplace? Yes, absolutely. How long ago was it that the movie came out? Thirty-nine years ago? Thirty-nine years later, we still don’t have it. ERA (the equal rights amendment) still hasn’t passed it. Even though the movie is a comedy, and there’s fantasy, we’re still somewhat in the world of reality.

It sounds like you wanted to push conversation on hard hitting topics through a mask of light hearted comedy, was your intention to drive a message to the world on women’s rights? That’s a hard one. I certainly think that the movie presented the ideas we wanted to present, in a palatable form. The world was on the cusp of changing when I wrote the script. You never hear the words “sexual harassment” in the movie, and the reason is because none of us had heard the words sexual harassment. We didn’t know that phrase. Things started to change, but it’s certainly gotten much more attention recently as having something to say politically than it did at the time, and certainly much more so when the musical came out. Part of the problem is that theatre critics—who in America tend to be primarily, if not exclusively, male— is that they didn’t understand how a contemporary audience could relate to 9 to 5, because they felt none of these things were problems anymore (in 2008, when the musical debuted in Los Angeles). Only men think that. Women always knew that didn’t go away. Until recently, the only men who didn’t think it had gone away were the men participating. The men that weren’t doing that kind of thing just had no idea that this is part of women’s daily life, and it always has been and unfortunately this is not going to go away now either. This is not going to fix everything. I’m concerned about blowback. I’ve heard, here and there, that a number of guys in the business are saying, ‘I’m just not going to hire a female assistant and I’m not going to have women in the writers’ room because I don’t want to have to watch everything I say and everything I do.” Things change slowly and incrementally, and I certainly don’t think any one of us is going to wake up in a couple weeks and feel that sexual harassment is gone and women are going to be hired equally. Clearly a lot hasn’t changed for women in the office. But a lot has. How much would the movie need to be updated if you remade it in 2021? If it was going to be made today, I think there’s a lot of differences. In certain ways, things are even harder for women now, just because of the advent of all the tech stuff, which didn’t exist in 1980. Anyone would kill for a nine-to-five job now. We’re all expected to be reachable and ready to work, 24 hours a day. Women are expected to work and parent, and they’re expected to be available. That’s changed for the worse, and I would want to look at that. People are struggling. You could squeak by back then on a secretarial job—you could raise a family. People have to do crazy things now. People are bringing their kids to work when they’re sick because they can’t afford to take care of them. Many more people are one or two pay-checks away from losing everything. Those pressures are much stronger. The sexual harassment stuff isn’t as blatant. Hart probably wouldn’t say out loud the things he said, and therefore it’s more insidious. Right now it’s changed, but as of a year ago, there were a lot of younger women who didn’t consider themselves as feminists, who thought that was a dirty word, who honestly thought their chances in the workplace were equal with men. Between the election and everything that’s happened, it’s been a bit of cold water of reality in the faces of younger women. I think that’s a good thing, because you can’t change the world until you recognize what’s going on.

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A business broker is a professional who assists in the representation of the sale or purchase of a business at the negotiation or pre-sale of contract stage. The easiest way to describe the role is to think of the broker

“Like a Real Estate agent but for the sale of goodwill, not bricks and mortar” The sale/purchase of a business can be very complex and tricky to navigate as it is not always a visible or physical asset that can be understood without the important support of key documents and information. When considering the sale of your business it is important to begin with an appraisal and price point in mind to ensure you are making the best and most informed decision for your future. Unlike the sale of property, there currently is no pooled database of recent comparable business sales to accessibly refer to as a seller. An experienced business broker, from a reputable agency, is able to provide you with internal data to discuss similarities, market trends and buyers expectation in order to form a current market appraisal as well as assist with a targeted and effective marketing campaign. A business broker will also assist in recommending key documents you need to collect and organise as a seller. Did you know there are particular documents that you must provide otherwise the sale can be voided at any point? You may at first think the cost of a broker is high but legal battles and sales falling through can be a much higher cost in the long run! Ultimately the business broker will not get paid commission until you have settled on your business sale, however, legal bills are payable upon representation regardless of whether you settle the business sale or not. Business Brokers can also assist a purchaser in a “Buyers Advocate” position to provide recommendations on business suitability by profiling you and your lifestyle. This helps ensure you make the right purchase that will have the most probable outcome of sustaining long term success and growth. A business broker is dealing with small business owners every day, they know what to look for and what questions to ask. Having a business broker represent you in a purchase means it’s a fairer fight in negotiations against the broker representing the sale. Would you appear in court self-representing against a QC? The same logic applies here. For a minimal cost, you can ensure all the headaches of negotiating on a business is handled for you by an expert. With so many business brokers out there, how do you make the decision on which is best for you? Meeting with brokers is a good start but as salespeople, almost all business brokers will present well in an interview so it won’t be easy to pick one based on that alone. One of the most important things to look out for when choosing a broker to work with is chemistry. If the broker makes you feel comfortable and they appear confident about your business then this will most likely be conveyed to future buyers- confidence is key! You also want to make sure your broker is honest and provides an appraisal that is supported with feedback and comparable sales data. Don’t be fooled by the broker that is over-quoting or saying what you want to hear. Remember, future buyers won’t be so mindful of your feelings and they will be honest on price. You need a business broker that is not afraid to give you the information you need to hear. Many first time sellers will try to look for a broker who has sold a similar business but don’t let this limit your selection criteria. A professional business broker should be able to sell any business across all industry sectors using their core skills which can be applied to anything. Think about that line in Wolf of Wall Street, where Leonardo Dicaprio asks his team to “Sell me this pen”....this is a famous line but it’s also a true example of professional sales skills. It is not about the object being sold but how well the salesperson can connect with people to work out their motivators within the first few minutes of a conversation on why they may want the pen and connect those dots. Interested to find out more about the services a business broker can offer? Contact Absolute Business Brokers on 03 9566 7300 to book a free, no-obligation consult!

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Hear from one of the 28 women - Elle Likopoulos mother of 4 & CEO of Melbourne’s leading Business Broker firms. I run one of the most successful business brokerages in the state of Victoria. In a very heavily male dominated industry, I have climbed the ranks to being one of the best-selling agents in my field and the first business broker in the state to be formally invited to speak in China, about buying a small business, to foreign investors and visa migrants. I have pioneered for women within my industry and Absolute Business Brokers is now proudly one of the only companies to have more females than men in the team amongst the business brokerages in Australia. I have four young children, including twins that are under 2 years of age, my mission is to continue to empower women to scrap the notion that women need to choose between their career or their families. When I was a little girl, I used to love going into my Auntie’s room and playing dress up in her corporate fancy outfits. I would clip on these huge 80’s chandelier earrings, wear her shiny suit and be lost in puffs of sleeves and nylon. I used to even wrap sticky tape around my nails to make them look longer and colour them red with my texter. Undoubtedly, I would have looked ridiculous but all these years later, I still remember the rush I felt when I looked in the mirror and saw my reflection as a little girl. I felt glamorous, strong and powerful, it was as if I had put my super hero costume on and went from Bruce Wayne to Batman. I would take an old typewriter my grandmother had lying around and I would set up a pretend office on the coffee table. I would sit on that coffee table typing with my taped red finger nails for hours, never breaking out of character. One day, I was gifted a doll that looked like a little baby boy. I named him Joshua and I literally took him everywhere- he was my baby in every sense of the word to me. You’d imagine I’d forget about my career alter ego and move on to playing house with my new favourite baby doll as most children would. To the surprise and amusement of my family I set up my coffee table office, put on my garish power suit and began typing away as I normally did, the only difference was that baby Joshua was right next to me in his little toy bed.

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My mother turned to me and said “Sweetie, you can’t bring your baby into your office”. I looked up at her and innocently asked her “Why not”. In the 80’s , women certainly had more choice to enter into the workforce and hold careers but there was still very much a choice women had to make between being career women or mothers. My mother laughed and explained to me that my boss probably wouldn’t want a baby to be in their office and I have to leave my baby doll at home. I didn’t realise it then but I was about to make a decision in my life at that moment that broke society norm. “No, mummy, I’m not going to chooseI’m going to do both” I said and went back to typing away.

The key to winning in business is to make up your own rules As a mother of four young children and a successful career in business, I am always asked “How do you manage to do it all?’ The answer is very simple but one that usually has people perplexed at first. I play by my own rules! We all know that catchy Dolly Parton song “Working 9 to 5” but the reality is the idea of a primary caregiver trying to do this is as outdated as the song. Recent studies indicate that the weight of caring for the children and household are still largely the women’s responsibility in most “traditional” families. As cost of living rises across the globe more and more households are reliant on two incomes to survive. Mothers are now more than ever feeling the pressure of having to juggle the impossible. You can buy all the self-help books in the world, meditate, goal set and binge watch Marie Kondo all you like. The fact of the matter is you feel overwhelmed and exhausted because it isn’t sustainable to work full time structured hours, be at every sports match, remember to pick up dry cleaning and prepare Martha Stewart worthy roasts for dinner forever. Instead of trying to change myself and my family to fit around work, I realised it would be far more sensible to change my working schedule to weave through my family’s life. By starting your own business, you begin taking control of your life and creating your own rules to play by.

You can’t build a business on a trend We’ve all seen on social media the business bandwagon at one point or another. When one café created giant milkshakes with towering whipped cream and confectionary, we soon found our newsfeed flooded with similar images from others following suit.

Want to read more? Back Yourself can be found at all major book stores in store and online.

Likewise, in the Covid pandemic it seemed as though every event planner in Melbourne decided to pivot their business into creating grazing boxes delivered to your door! Visual forums such as Pinterest and Instagram are great sources for inspiration, however, they can also dull your imagination and block the ability to come up with your own creative ideas. For a business to be successful it needs people to engage. You don’t necessarily need to invent something but you do need to find your point of difference within your market. Whilst trends can sometimes be a quick and easy spike in income, they don’t last long enough to be able to build an entire business model around them. It is important therefore to have an underlining base on which your business stands on that sets you apart. Consider the world around you and make a list of what seems to be topics of interest and passion. What is making a lot of noise? If you want to stand out from your competition and convince people to spend money with you- you need to appeal to their emotional triggers. We all remember the big cupcake craze that took over little pop up shops and stalls everywhere overnight? The demand for these were so high that the prices soared and franchises began selling stores for hundreds of thousands to eager buyers looking to cash in on the craze. By the time many of them bought the business or set up their business the trend was already at the tail end. Many ended up losing their homes and life savings before they could even get a return on their investment because the hype moved to macarons so quickly! Depending on your business and industry you should think about how you can associate a value that is important to your target demographic that can connect with them for a long term commitment. Using grazing boxes as the example, you may wish to use ethically sourced packaging and local produce with stories of the producers or farmers to connect “support local” and “sustainability” movements with your product. When you start brainstorming you will find the ideas are rather easy to come up with, provided you already have a sense of what issues are important to your demographic. Keywords on Instagram are a great tool to help you research and see what moves your buyers as it’s what AI (artificial intelligence) is doing already to keep us scrolling. Using values rather than trends allows your business to adapt with changing hypes whilst maintaining consistent foundations and identity for branding awareness and customer loyalty. Starting a business is hard work and there will always be moments where you wonder if you made the right decision. Don’t let fear and uncertainty cloud your judgement and ability to make the courageous first steps. Most often the biggest regrets we have in life is not from actions we’ve taken but from the actions we didn’t take because we were too scared. If you have come this far, it means it’s something that you really want to do so block out the negative thoughts and just dive in. It’s not about the success of the business or how much money you make, in fact you may need to make a few attempts before you get it right.

Ultimately it’s the empowerment you unlock from within once you finally make the decision to Back Yourself!

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tarting a business can be a daunting challenge – and experienced Victorian jeweller Glenn Curtis should know.

‘We’ve certainly made some beautiful things, says Glenn. ‘It’s something we all enjoy. There are days when it doesn’t seem like work at all.’

He’s built a successful business from the ground up – and it’s a story worth reading about. Some buy a franchise or an existing business while others like Glenn build their business over time, riding the inevitable highs and lows.

‘One of the most important keys to a successful business is service’ says Glenn, ‘We strive for excellence in every contact – answering an email, seeing a client to discuss their jewellery, or dealing with other industry professionals. It’s vital to help build opportunities and relationships.’

As Glenn himself points out – ‘there’s no right or wrong way – follow your instinct and be prepared to listen to and take advice. Treat every offer or idea with a healthy dose of reality, even cynicism and you’ll soon work out what feels right for you.’ World class quality in craftsmanship has led Curtis to become a world class brand, winning a coveted Robb Report Magazine ‘Best of the Best’ Award helped cement a reputation early on. In addition, ‘SuperYachts’ compared Curtis to global brand Cartier in terms of being ‘perhaps the world’s finest pens’ – accolades that help drive Curtis on to greater things. With their own studio and skilled team they create beautiful Australian made diamond jewellery, luxury pens and hand crafted watches in house, so Curtis certainly has luxury covered. They also create bespoke and one of a kind pieces for individual clients and love to create precious jewellery for any occasion. You can see the tremendous variety of their work at their website at

It was exactly this attention to service that led Curtis to form a relationship with legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus. A friend of Jack’s had bought a Curtis pen (the brand makes some stunning solid silver ones) and sent it back for a minor adjustment from America. Exceptional Curtis customer service led to an invitation to lunch privately with Nicklaus himself at the exclusive Bear’s Club in Florida.

to your own particular business. ‘Always try to innovate – to stand out from the competition. It might be a simple offer or idea – just give it some thought first and give it a try. For example, we have clients visit our studio for a demonstration and tour – it helps them understand a little about how we make their jewellery and it’s something they love to see’ At the core of this remarkable brand are straightforward values – the highest standards of craftsmanship coupled with the very best in service. Curtis can help you with your jewellery too – feel free to contact Glenn and start a conversation – he’d really love to hear from you. To learn more about Curtis Australia and see their remarkable work, or to contact Glenn Curtis, visit

Over the course of that lunch, the idea for a range of commemorative, limited edition pens began to form, beginning a very special relationship between Jack and Curtis. It just goes to show how a simple act of quality service can have unexpected and valuable consequences. Building a reputation for superb quality has also helped Curtis create gifts for the Parliament of Australia and the Office of the Governor of Victoria. Innovation is another facet to Glenn’s philosophy – whether in product or marketing, or just practices that relate Gents ‘Myst’ watch in yellow & white gold, set with brilliant white diamonds

Master Jeweller Glenn Curtis judging the Global Jewellery Design Competition

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Curtis Australia diamond rings are often custom designed to suit individual clients

Watches from Curtis are making waves in the world of high end watchmaking

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Want to buy a business? We have 1000's of opportunities

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$19 8 , 000

REF: B13729

With an outstanding location and a new, bright and modern fit out and equipment, an inspection of this pizza and pasta takeaway is sure to impress. Vendor provided key points: – $10,000 plus PW Takings on average – Rent $2,235 pcm inc GST – 3x3x3 year lease – Long established – 15 Years – Walk in Cool room & Magnificent Commercial Kitchen For further information and to book a time to inspect contact Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.


$49, 000

This long established Hair Salon for sale is located in a prime spot in one of the South Eastern Suburb of Melbourne. This Hair Salon has been established and ran for over 17 years with the current owner. The location is one of the prime features of this salon. It is in close proximity to both Station and bus stops with great frontage in a high foot traffic corner spot. This is an ideal salon for someone who is hands on hairdresser who wants their own salon in an affluent area. 7 work stations & 2 basins. Beauty Room & Nail station. 5 days only & Long Established with a new lease available The current business owner, who is looking at retiring, owns the property as well. It is in her interest to support the buyer with a smooth handover to benefit both parties in the long run. Do you have what it takes to run a good business? Then Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921.


$48, 000

REF: B13733

This sleek and modern café is located on a corner with a busy connecting road in front, drawing a lot of attention from passing customers. It has a cosy and comfortable atmosphere. There is ample commercial offices and light Industrial businesses in the area hence providing a good mix of customers throughout the day. The cafe is ideal for either a first time buyer or for an experienced operator who want to take this cafe to the next level. The menu is Asian / Australian fusion cuisine with easy lunch menu and quality coffee. Well equipped fit out and full commercial kitchen. Fantastic Corner location, high visibility and takings around $7,000 pw. Rent $3,784 pcm. 5x5 lease. This is an absolute must see Café for sale. Are you looking for a great café opportunity? If so Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921


$75, 000

This massage business for sale is located in an up-market area with well off customers willing to pay good money to be pampered. It is located in the heart of a busy retail strip with a lot of foot and vehicle traffic exposure. This massage shop enjoys an outstanding customer base who benefits from the therapeutic effect of traditional deep tissue Thai massage. Good rent for this prime spot at only $3,140 pcm. Weekly takings: $5,000 with ample room to grow. The current owners are looking at retirement and are looking forward to a well deserved break after a long and prosperous time in the industry. The business would suit an experienced operator or therapist who can hit the ground running & grow with the great set up & clientele in place, to make money from day one. If you are interested to learn more about this great

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opportunity, Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921


P. O. A

REF: B13735

This long established Donut & Coffee Van operating out of a popular Sunday Market in Melbourne’s Northern suburbs, has been serving its delicious donuts to locals for years! Trading only one day a week for 48 weeks of the year and turning over approximately $100,000 pa with great net profits due to very minimal overheads. Once a year the Van trades at a show over a weekend, iserving Donuts & Coffee with takings of approximately $9,000 for the weekend. Retro styled van with Stainless steel setup and fully equipped to sell Coffee. With no limitations or stressful overheads this business allows you to grow within your own limits and ensures little competition as you are able to move directly to your market and always be in the right place at the right time! All that is needed is a Van, 4x4 or truck and you can be anywhere you like! For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact

Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.


$9 9, 000

This Medi spa/Beauty Clinic for sale is in an excellent position with high exposure and plenty of public parking. It is supported by other small businesses that attract many locals throughout the week and weekends. This partially under management business has 4 treatment rooms offering Fat Cavitation, Skin Tightening, Anti-aging treatment and Skin needling. They also supply quality retail beauty products. This beauty Clinic would suit a nurse or beauty therapist as well as a group looking to increase their number of clinics or for someone looking for a lifestyle change that is filled with peaceful and charming surroundings.With an immaculate modern fit out and elegant decor, this beauty salon has a great reputation with their clients This is a must see Medi spa for sale. Lease 5 years plus right of renewal. If you are interested to learn more about this great opportunity, Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921


P.O. A .

REF: B13775

Look no further if you are seeking a classy, sophisticated and stylish venue. The owners have spared no expense renovating this business.Located right next to some of the busiest venues on the Mornington Peninsula, across the road from the beach, major car park, boat ramp and carnival in the summer.This Restaurant and Bar venue has been styled with elegance and class which make it a very welcoming place to meet friends or conduct a business meeting. The business offers: Full Commercial Kitchen & Wood fire pizza & Liquor License. Great 3x4x4 year commercial lease & Rent $88,000 per annum inc. GST. The owners have spent a lot of money renovating this business but unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances have to sell. To book an inspection and for further information please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202


$26 0 , 000

Bonbons Bakery is an Australian and International food franchise brand, with retail stores specialising in ‘Grab & Go’ Asian and Western style freshly baked bread-based products, hot and cold beverages, cakes and treats. Bonbons Bakery Franchise offers a support system and network of highly experienced people in the food industry. It is a proven business model and growing brand. This store for sale is located in a busy shopping centre in Broadmeadows. This store has been established 7 years and generates a turnover of approximately $700,000 per year. Rent is $3,461 per week inclusive of GST and outgoings. Lease of 7 years commenced October 2013. For more information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

vnm magazine 023

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REF: B13714 5pm & vendor works part time. There 3 part time staff in place however this is an ideal owner

Surrounded by the beauty & serenity of the Yarra Valley, this long established nursery,

operator business.The business is registered with Interflora & has a website that allows

florist, giftware & cafe business for sale is a fabulous country business opportunity! The

online ordering of floral arrangements. New lease with rent of $750 per week for spacious

business incorporates a gift shop selling unique gifts for indoors & outdoors, a florist with floral

1855 square metre premises. Freehold also available ask agent for more details. For further

arrangements, a cafe & a nursery garden centre. The business operates 7 days from 9am to

information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.






Vendor runs the business with 1 full time and 7 part time staff. Turning over approx. $15,700 per week. Rent for large restaurant with excellent location is $1,734 per

This Fish and Chip business has an outstanding Bayside location, on a street that

week. Lease options of 5x5x5x5 commenced 2017. This business is suitable for

is a dining and entertainment hub. Established 6 years, this restaurant has a large

both owner/operators or someone looking for an investment, as it can easily be run

dining room, able to seat 90 people with further seating for 24 outside. It is fully

under management. For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact

licenced both inside and outside until 11pm. Trades 7 days: 11:30am to 10pm.

Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

.A .P O


COVID- 19, now turning over approx $18,000. Rent of $984 per week including GST - very good for this excellent location with huge amounts of foot traffic daily.

Sharetea is an international bubble tea franchise which has successfully operated

Lease of 5x5 commenced in 2017. Trading 7 days. An excellent investment

over 25 years with outlets in 20 countries. Sharetea’s bubble tea drinks are loved

business, as it is run under management and the franchisor provides training

by customers all over the world. Run under Management with 3 full time staff and

and support.For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris

5 part time staff. Business was Turning over an average of $25, 000 per week pre

Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

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0 5,0




centre is well staffed with 5 full time staff and 3 part time staff, which includes a cook to prepare meals for the children. All staff are qualified and experienced.

On offer is a long and well established childcare centre. Established 30 plus years,

Centre runs from 8am to 6pm Monday to Friday. Generates an average turnover of

this centre has a fantastic reputation and is highly recommended by parents. This

$600,000 per annum. Rent of $1,615 per week with a new lease available.

centre offers childcare for under 5 year olds and after school care for primary

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

school children. The centre holds a licence to accommodate 70 children. The

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300

.A .P O


Also offers an installation service to customers. Trading out of a large factory and showroom located on the Mornington Peninsula. Turning over approx $1,3 million

This light manufacturing business makes and sells timber doors and windows.

per annum. Rent is $923 per week for a large factory space. New Lease of 5x5x5

Established 40 plus years this business is a leading supplier of doors, door frames,

is available. Run under management with 3 full time staff and 4 part time staff

windows, gates and garage doors. Primarily manufactures timber doors and

Trades 6 days. For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact

windows but also supplies aluminium doors, windows, screens and safety screens.

Chris Panagotidison on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


0 8,0




this growing up market area. Rent is $5135 pcm + GST. Lease of 6x4 - till 2028. Full commercial kitchen. Walk in Cool room. Steamer, deep fryer, stove, large 7.2m extraction, 4 Wok Station and much more. This is awesome opportunity for

This amazing restaurant was renovated early 2019 so it looks like a million dollars.

any entrepreneurial operator to take this beauty to the next level from the already

Unfortunately, the current owners have over committed themselves with too many

decent figures it makes. To find out more about this awesome Restaurant for Sale,

business ventures and now reluctantly want us to put this Gem on the market. It

CALL Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921

is located on a high visibility corner with large front exposure, a prime location for

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REF: B13721 Lease options of 3x3x3 commenced in 2017, Perfect for someone wanting their

This long established florist and gift shop for sale is located in the Yarra Valley, in a

own business to take over and trade on the excellent reputation that this florist has

beautiful leafy suburb approximately an hour east of Melbourne.This is an Interflora

established over the many years it has been in business.

award winning florist renowned for providing wedding flower packages. Average

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis on

turnover of $6,000 per week. Low rent of only $429 per week incl GST.

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.


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RESTAURANT BUSINESS REF:B13722 including GST and outgoings. Lease options of 7 years, commenced in 2018. This Restaurant is located in the busy shopping, dining and entertainment hub of

The restaurant has a large dining room – with seating capacity of 80 inside and a

Knox. The centre draws hundreds of shoppers and diners daily. The restaurant

further 40 outside. Offers a multi-cuisine menu & caters for vegetarians, vegans,

has a large dining room – with seating capacity of 80 inside and a further 40

gluten-free and halal. For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact

outside. Average turnover of $20,000 per week. Rent of $22,000 per month

Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

A. . P.O


business and have excellent customer service, are happy to stay on and have no issue with change of ownership. Serves simple light meals and beverages no

This easy to run business is a café and homewares shop in one. Beautifully

kitchen. Owner also happy to provide support and training. Solid lease and rent

presented shop with superb location close to the beach and a busy roundabout

of only $575 per week, one of the cheapest rents on the street. Average annual

exposure. reputation in the community. New owners need not have experience as

turnover of approx. $235,000. For more information and to arrange an inspection,

this business is easy to run and long time loyal staff, who are able to manage the

contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

vnm magazine 026

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10 years, the business is currently taking approximately $9,000pw. Trading 6 days. Fully licensed to 1am with live music 6 nights a week. Rent of $4,250 pcm

This vibrant Bar and Live Music Venue is located in the heart of Thornbury.

including GST and outgoings. Lease of 5x2 commence March 2015.

Well known for supporting high profile local and touring acts as well as up and

This Bar enjoys a loyal client base and is in a fantastic location with potential to

coming artists, it is a local favourite. A well-appointed bar, excellent pool table

grow further. For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact

and indoor and outdoor seating, cap off the relaxed cool urban vibe. Established

Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

.A .P O



equipped commercial kitchen. A 3 bedroom house upstairs. Open 6 days a week Turning over $13,000 pw it uses 18kg of coffee per week and has a busy lunch

Located on a main road in Caulfield South, this cafe has high exposure with plenty

rush. Rent of $3,400 pcm which includes the upstairs residence & a secure lease

of passing traffic daily. It is easily accessible by public transport with a tram stop

of 3x3x3x3. This is an easy to run business with experienced staff in place to help

at the front door. Established for 5 years this speciality Kosher cafe and coffee

new owners. For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris

shop business for sale has: Seating capacity for 36 inside and 6 outside. A well

Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.


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Seating capacity of 10 inside and 8 outside. Trades 6 days. Turns over $11,000 per week with rent of $516 per week including GST. Walk in cool-room. Vendors work

Thriving business in COVID-19 pandemic. Ideal investment for those looking for

in the business with 8 part time staff (7 drivers and 1 kitchen hand), so this is an

secondary income or unemployed seeking steady income. Located on a main road

ideal opportunity for a hands on owner operator to take over.

in Kilsyth South with plenty of parking this Pizza takeaway business is within a

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

busy dining hub and easily accessible by public transport. Lease term of 3x3x3

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

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known for its floral arrangements & professional service for any occasion - weddings, special events, birthdays, anniversaries, corporate functions, births & sympathy - and

Whilst friends and family are isolated from one another funerals, births and events still

for delivery throughout Melbourne. Takings $9,500 per week. Rent $3,300 per calendar

carry on. Flowers are one of the last sentiments to show connection in a time where

month including GST. Lease terms 3x3x3. Trading 7 days per week.

its been so essential to reach out! This long established florist and gift shop for sale is

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

located in Newport, in a beautiful suburb just 7km South West of Melbourne CBD. Well

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

.A P.O


latex replica weapons, Die Cast Cars, Pop Vinyls, clothing, tactical/outdoors gear,

Here is a very rare and extraordinary opportunity to take over not just a business

gadgets and pretty much anything cool or pop culture related. Rent is $55,000 per

but a booming online business. This business bring you the coolest, craziest, and

annum with 3x3 lease commenced in 2018. An incredible business with fantastic

hardest to find TV, movie, gaming, and anime replica weapons & collectables.

financial rewards whether you are a collector or an investor.

With an ever expanding range of awesome gear includes museum quality replica

For more information or to arrange a private inspection please contact Senior

swords & armour from games, movies and TV. Also a growing range of foam

Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

P. O



very long hours so new owners may choose to operate even up to 2am on weekends and Friday nights. Very solid lease signed in 2017 for 5x5 years and rental only $9,220

Investors look no further- excellent Melbourne CBD location in secure arcade off busy

pcm INC GST. Business has ample seating for dine in and also perfect location for

Bourke Street. Brand new equipment less then 3 years old with full capacity for any

takeaway and delivery too. Liqour License from 11am-10pm.

Asian cuisine. Currently trading 7 days with owner only working less then part time

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

hours- excellent investment for those not looking for full time shop to run! Arcade has

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

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GARDEN & MAINTENANCE BUSINESS REF:B13739 hours, with weekend work available if desired. On the job training can be provided Servicing Melbourne’s Eastern Suburbs for over 25 years, this garden and

to the new owner to ensure a smooth transition and enable them to fully reap the

maintenance service business has built a solid reputation and a large loyal

rewards of this well-established business.

customer base. The business provides services to both commercial and domestic

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

clients. Turning over $370,000 per annum, This is an opportunity to set your own

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

oolest Online Collectables


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FRUIT AND VEG BUSINESS REF:B13740 proposition. Run fully by staff. Everything gets delivered as owner does not go to market. This fruit and vegetable shop for sale is ideally located on a shopping strip that enjoys an

Small goods section. Only retail, no wholesale. Rent approximately $918 per week plus GST

abundance of passing foot traffic daily. Having been established in excess of 30 years, this

There is huge potential for a hands-on operator to cut costs and improve turnover and

business enjoys a loyal client base and excellent reputation for fresh produce. Generating a

profitability bygoing directly to the market and spending more time at the business.

turnover of an impressive $17,000 per week on average, this business is an excellent

For further information contact Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

.A .P O


baked goods, it services a large multicultural community. Boasts a great location with ample parking out front. Large, well fitted out and stocked premises with walk-in coolroom and

Situated in a bustling shopping strip in Lalor, this well established supermarket and

freezer. Currently Taking $340,000 per month. Rent of $8,2000 per calendar month including

continental deli is a premium retail and wholesale supplier of one of Melbourne’s largest

GST and outgoings. Lease term of 5x5x5. Trading 7 days: Monday - Sunday 8am- 7pm.

ranges of international groceries. Currently offering a wide range of quality Halal meats and

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

food products; European, Middle Eastern and Asian groceries as well as premium nuts and

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

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CAFE AND JUICE BAR BUSINESS REF:B13742 Currently taking $30,000 per month, it is run under management with 10 part-time This modern cafe and juice bar has a central location close to university hubs. It

staff. The rent is $9,380 per calendar month including GST and outgoings, with a

is located on a busy main road, with apartments above the business premises

lease term of 3×3. Currently trading 7 days 12 – 9pm.

and ample foot traffic. A well known Asian franchise serving unique drink offerings

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagotidis on

including bubble teas, fresh fruit teas, milkshakes, smoothies and yoghurts.

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or


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good sized, well equipped workshop. Currently run by the vendor, the business and property is being offered for sale as a package deal- $90,000 for the business

This busy petrol station and mechanical repair workshop has been established for

and $660,000 for the property. The business turns over approximately $782,000

40 years and is the only business of its kind in Jamieson. The petrol station arm

per annum and is a great business for a mechanic who wants to own their own

of the business consists of 4 fuel pumps offering Caltex fuel, including a Hi Flow

business and premises. For more information and to arrange an inspection please

diesel pump for trucks. The automotive repair arm of the business consists of a

contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


A O.



REF:B13744 with a large bar that also seats 10 and 24 seats outside as well. Liquor license.

This modern Asian style restaurant business for sale is located in the

2-bedroom residence upstairs. Walk in cool room & full commercial kitchen.

picturesque town of Warragul. This amazing fit-out and fully functional

Averaging $18,000 per week takings. Rent is $4,248.75 Inc gst pcm for both

commercial kitchen has everything you can think of. Not only is the equipment

shops. Lease is 3x3x3x3 commence April 2019.

brand new but top of the line Goldstein. This modern layout has 78 seats inside

For further information contact Phil Booysen on 0429006921.

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INDIAN RESTAURANT BUSINESS REF:B13745 cool room and large seating capacity. The restaurant offers dine in, delivery and This well presented Indian restaurant specialises in cooking authentic Indian

takeaway services including online ordering & catering. Takings of $10,000 per

dishes and has an established reputation for great food and service. The

week. Rent of $6,068 incl GST per calendar month, with outgoings of $4,000 pa.

restaurant is located on a major road and bustling shopping strip within the heart of

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

the Dandenong business and retail district. It has a large commercial kitchen, huge

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

.A P.O


over $12,500 per week, the cafe uses 70kg of coffee per week (30kg of which is from the sale of custom ground coffee beans). Rent of $1,024 per week plus GST

This Bayside speciality cafe has been established for 10 years and prides itself

and outgoings of $3,800 per annum with a Lease of 3x3x3. This is an easy to run,

on delivering an exceptional coffee experience. Boasting a beautiful modern and

under management business with experienced staff in that is worth an inspection.

bright fit out, the cafe has seating capacity for 20 inside and 20 outside. It also has

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

a commercial kitchen, serving a simple quality menu. No chef required. Turning

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

A. . P.O

DELI BUSINESS FOR SALE REF:B13747 national meats, cheeses & specialty items. Well equipped & includes a cool room. This busy deli business for sale in a local shopping centre is located in the south

Lease of 5x5 commenced in 2016 & rent of approx $2,600 per week inc outgoings.

eastern suburbs. Excellent turnover of approx $500,000 - $600,000 per year, the

Long established & in a prime position in a busy shopping centre. No website so

vendors run the business themselves so this is an ideal owner operator business for

there is enormous potential for growth by utilising some online marketing!

a family or a partnership! Good size shop offering a variety of premium local & inter

For further information please contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

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with a late night Thursday, the business turns over approx $3,500 - $4,000 per week. Perfect for a new hairdresser looking for their first business, or a hairdresser that

This unique hair salon business for sale offers a fabulous pampering experience

needs a larger salon to bring their clientele into & grow! Cheap rent of $718 per

along with a prime position on a major road through this affluent area with easy

week for a prime location & reputation already established. All the hard set up work

accessibility. Well set up with 9 stations & 3 wash basins, this unique set up also 2

has been done. For further information please contact Senior Business Broker

beauty rooms which are being rented out. Currently operating Tuesday to Saturday

Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.



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BUTCHER SHOP RETAIL/WHOLESALE REF:B13749 in this 1.8M set up. Expands over approx 750sqm. Currently only selling retail Butcher Business for Sale with prime location in Newcomb. Located in a dense

direct to public, this store is where you will find premium quality meat, poultry and

residential/commercial area. Plenty of parking for customers right at front of the

seafood at wholesale prices. This is a must inspect business. Rent is $206,000 per

shop for quick in and out. There is little to no competition in the immediate area.

annum with long lease in place. For further information please contact

The shop fit out which was originally set up by Tasman group spared no expense

Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.



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BUTCHER SHOP RETAIL/WHOLESALE REF:B13750 up. Expands over approx 750sqm. Currently only selling retail direct to public, this Butcher Business for Sale with prime location in Traralgon. Located in a dense

store is where you will find premium quality meat, poultry and seafood at wholesale

residential/commercial area in just as soon as you arrive into town. Plenty of

prices. Turning over $50,000- $60,000 per week this is a must insect business.

parking for customers right at front of the shop for quick in and out. The shop fit out

Rent is $180,000 per annum with long lease in place. For further information

which was originally set up by Tasman group spared no expense in this 1.8M set

please contact Senior Business Brokers Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

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repairs (panel beating). Makes an ideal business for an experienced panel beater to take over and hire a motor mechanic to do the mechanical repair work or vice

This automotive business is currently doing smash repairs, but the vendor

versa. Well located in the Dandenong area with an average turnover of $10,000

unfortunately has limited experience and no staff to help him, so is offering it up for

per month with a new lease available.

sale. The large workshop is well equipped with 2 hoists and a big spray booth. All

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

equipment is new. It is equipped to offer both auto mechanical repairs and smash

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

A. . P.O


supply and install all Stratco products. Well established company of 20 years with a solid reputation for offering good on-site advice, quality workmanship, attention to detail

This building/construction business for sale specialises in building carports, decks,

and the ability to take on large or small projects. Another big advantage of this building

pergolas, verandas and sunrooms. With a team of staff and subcontractors it is also

business is that you can be based from home and take on work throughout Victoria.

able to complete home renovations. New owner can opt to do the work themselves

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

or subcontract the work. This business is an authorised Stratco dealer and is able to

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300

.A .P O

BUSY DFO SOUTH WHARF CAFE REF:B13754 Fabulous Cafe Business For Sale located in the busy South Wharf DFO. This is a

a turnover of approx. $27,000 per week. Rent for this cafe with large seating area

location second to none, with thousands of visitors to the centre daily. It’s location

is $3,216 per week with lease options of 5 years commenced in 2019.

also allows it to service corporate offices and businesses in the South Wharf area.

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

Established 10 years, this busy cafe sells approx 50kg of coffee per week. And has

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300

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HAIR SALON BUSINESS REF:B13755 Perfect opportunity for an established business to expand in to this area or for a hair This stunning hair salon for sale is located in busy Mornington. Even though this

stylist who wants to have their own salon. After running this hair salon successfully

salon has been established 25+ years, it has been continually upgraded and

for 25+ years, the vendor is looking to retire, so dont miss out on this opportunity,

modernised through the years, so has a fresh new look. Turning over approx. $5,000

call today.For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris

per week Rent of $723 per week with a 3 year lease commenced February 2019

Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

.A P.O


Sells and delivers Subaru parts to all parts of Australia. Turning over approx. $878,000 per annum. Rent for large workshop which spans 4 factories is $1,856

This auto mechanic business offers service, maintenance and repairs for all cars,

per week. Capitalise on this business which has established itself as a well known

but is a Subaru Specialist. It has a huge inventory of Subaru parts. Operates

Subaru service centre and parts specialist.

out of multiple factories in Melbourne’s south east. Immaculate and up to date

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

workshop with 12 hoists. Long established business of 27 years. Trades 5 days.

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.


A O.



meat packs and ready to cook meats for easy meals for families. Well equipped premises, turning over approx. $20,000+ per week. Rent for the large shop is

This Butcher Business for Sale offers a prime location in a shopping centre in

$1300 per week with lease of 5 years commenced 2017. Trades 7 days: Monday

Lynbrook, in Melbourne’s South East. It is located right by a major supermarket.

to Friday 8am to 6pm, Saturday and Sunday 8am to 5pm.

Established 15 years, this butchery stocks quality cuts of meat with a wide variety

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

of Australian produce. Sausages and burgers are made in-house and it sells

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.u

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and special occasions; as well as making bespoke gowns for clients and doing alterations. Turns over approx. $222,000 per annum. Rent for this high exposure

Prime opportunity to take over a well established and reputable bridal boutique

site on the city fringe is only $577 per week incl. GST. A new lease is available.

business for sale in Brunswick. Established 8 years, this business has built an

Trades 6 days: Monday to Saturday. Closed Sundays.

excellent reputation earning high praise from happy clients. This retail boutique

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

provides ready made dresses and gowns for brides, bridesmaids, debs, formals

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

.A P.O

LOLLY AND SWEET SHOP REF:B13759 Victoria. This is not a franchise, the current vendor is the supplier and has the This retail sweet shop business for sale located in a busy shopping centre in

buying power to be able to pay low wholesale prices. Turning over $5,500

a bayside suburb offers a huge range of lollies, chocolates and confectionary

per week. Rent of $1,292 per week including GST. For more information and

specialising in sweets from all over the world. This sweet shop is located in a

to arrange an inspection or discuss a possible location for a new shop please

bayside shopping centre, but the vendor is opening more sites throughout

contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


0 0 , 0



for an owner operator or a family business, but can also be placed under management providing a good work life balance. The 2 part time owners are

This long established gift/homewares/bargain Shop For Sale is located in a

supported by 2 casual staff as and when necessary. Turning over $5,500 per

busy shopping centre in the north west. Located in a high foot traffic shopping

week, with rent of $837 per week incl. GST. Secure lease of 4x4x4 commenced

centre in Woodend, this busy retail store for sale offers a wide range of gifts,

December 2019.

homewares, accessories and bric a brac. This easy to run business is ideal

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

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very easy business to run. This one is currently run under management with only 1 full time employee. New owners could very easily run it themselves. Trades 6

This Lotto business for sale occupies a kiosk in a busy shopping centre in

days: Monday to Saturday 9am to 5:30pm. This Lotto kiosk is averaging $49,470

Somerville. The kiosk is well located outside a large well known department store.

turnover per month. Lease of 5 years commenced in August 2019.

The kiosk, with brand new set up, is right by an entrance ensuring large amounts

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

of foot traffic. There is also plenty of parking for customers. This Lotto shop is a

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.


0 0 , 0




with seating for 40 inside. Added potential for further seating for 16 outside (if new owners wish to apply for permits). The restaurant also has a walk in coolroom and

Kebab, Pizza and Afghan Restaurant Takeaway Business for sale in the heart of

2 gas ovens for making Afghan bread and a brand new pizza oven. Turning over

Dandenong. Selling kebabs, pizzas, HSP’s, Afghan bread and many more Middle

$10,000 per week, with rent $1,338 per week and lease options of 3x3x3x3.

Eastern foods. This kebab shop has an excellent location in Central Dandenong.

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

There is plenty of foot traffic daily. Large well presented shop with plenty of space

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.



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storm. The restaurant has seating capacity for 15 inside and 15 outside and has a busy lunch trade. Plenty of office workers come into dine in or takeaway a fresh,

This Poke restaurant and takeaway business for sale is well located in the CBD

healthy lunch. There is also a walk in coolroom. Turning over $10,254 per month with

in a busy building with lots of corporate offices and residential towers close by.

rent of $5,092 per month. Lease of 4x4 commenced June 2017.

Poke (delicious fresh shashimi fish tossed over a bed of rice and topped with fresh

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

vegetables and Japanese flavoured sauces) has taken the fast food market by

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

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15+ years, selling fish and chips, burgers, souvlaki, potato cakes, dim sims and many more takeaway favourites, this shop has something for everyone’s taste.

Very busy fish and chip and takeaway shop located in a shopping strip in

With a turnover of approx. $16,000 per week this fish and chip shop is a hidden

Sydenham. It has a very convenient location with supporting businesses around

gem. Rent of $1,015 per week including GST and a secure lease of 5x5x5

it and plenty of parking for customers. This area in Melbourne’s west has seen

commenced 2017.For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact

rapid and continuous expansion in recent years. A long established business of

Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

A. . P.O

SIGNWRITING BUSINESS REF:B13765 stickers, 3D signage and vehicle wraps and more. Taking $350,000 per annum the On offer is a signwriting and signage business for sale in Sunbury in the north west

business operates Monday to Friday 8am to 4:30pm. Vendor operates the business

of Melbourne.

with 1 full time staff. Rent of $415 per week with lease of 2x2 commenced 2020.

It is well located in Sunbury among light industrial businesses where

there are plenty of customers for this business. This sign business is able to supply a

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on

large variety of signage: Aframes and portable signs, banners, window decals and

0416 000 154.


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per year, with rent of $550 per week including GST and outgoings. This salon has minimal costs, so vendor can maximise profits. A new lease is available. Excellent

This is a unique opportunity to acquire an excellently located beauty salon in

opportunity for a beauty therapist to acquire their own business and capitalise on

Ivanhoe. This salon offers a variety of treatments: waxing, eyelash and eyebrow

the reputation of this long established beauty salon in this area.

tinting, manicures, pedicures, spray tans, henna brows, lash lift, acrylic and shellac

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

nails, SNS nails, make up for special occasions. Turning over approx. $94,000

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

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REF:B13767 to many dance studios in Melbourne’s west, this long established dance wear store,

Opportunity to purchase a retail business selling dance wear (clothing, shoes and

turns over approximately $4,500 per week. Rent is $696 per week rent plus GST

accessories). Selling clothing and accessories for all dance disciplines, they are

and a lease of 3x3 commenced January 2019 is available.

stockists of well known brands such as Energetiks, Dream Duffell, Capezio, Studio 7,

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

Bloch and many more. Located in a major shopping centre in Werribee. Well known

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.


0 5,0



via a well designed website. Established 9 years, the Brand has become well known in local and international dance circles, with international customers in the USA, UK and New Zealand. Turning over $100,000 per year with rent of $428 per

Good Business manufacturing dance wear and selling retail and wholesale and

week and lease of 3x3 commenced December 2018.

online. This manufacturing business located in Berwick, in Melbourne’s south east,

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis on

manufactures dance wear and sells it through their retail outlet in Berwick or online

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

P. O



long established business of 60 years and the current owners have run the business for 14 years, building up a stellar reputation and strong customer base. Turning over

This long established florist business for sale offers an outstanding reputation for

an average of $7,500 per week, the shop is open Monday to Friday 9am - 5.30pm &

quality flowers, gift hampers and impeccable service.This florist business has a retail

Saturday 9am - 12:30pm. Great low rent of $396 per week incl GST, with lease options

shop in the Mornington Peninsula as well as a comprehensive website with online

of 3x3 commenced May 2019.

shop. It is able to do national and international deliveries through Interflora. This is a

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

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WILLIAMSTOWN CAFE BUSINESS REF:B13772 of $8,000 per week and selling 10kg coffee per week, this is an ideal opportunity This well established, busy cafe business offers an idyllic location in Williamstown.

for a hands-on owner operator. Easy and rewarding to operate, this business has a

Melbournes first port settlement, Williamstown is filled with maritime museums and

small but strong team of casual employees, and vendor is willing to train new owner

colonial landmarks like Timeball Tower and Fort Gellibrand. Yachts dock alongside

to assist with a smooth and successful transition. For further information please

tall ships at Gem Pier. Operating 7 days per week, daytime hours only, with turnover

contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


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DELI & INTERNATIONAL GROCERY STORE REF:B13773 providing exceptional products and specialty foods. Excellent average turnover This Deli and international grocery store has a prime location in a busy shopping

of $21,000 per week, the vendor works part time with 7 full time staff. Lease of 3

centre in Narre Warren. Sells a variety of meats, cheeses, smallgoods, dairy-free,

years commenced July 2019 with rent of $2,948 per week incl GST and outgoings

gluten-free and sugar-free products as well as international groceries. Established

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

15 years it has developed a large customer base as it has become known for

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300

,2 1 $


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design proprietary Permanent Formwork panels needed for construction of Concrete Structural walls and install the panels according to specification. Established 16 years,

This is a multi-million dollar building and construction business for sale . The Company

the business has a solid turnover of approx. $4,05 million per annum. It has offices

installs Permanent Formwork panels (AFS) which are concrete filled onsite, it also

north west of Melbourne in Keilor with rent of $2,200 per month including GST. A new

works very closely with the Panel Production design teams. This business liaises

lease is available. For more information, contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or

with architects, manufacturers, Structural Engineers, Builders and Developers to

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

vnm magazine 039

A. . P.O

BUSY CAFE RESTAURANT REF:B13776 Long lease of 3x3x3 & rent of $1,586 per week. Fantastic opportunity to take over a This busy cafe restaurant business for sale under management, offers a prime

well established profitable business & make money from day one. Investors & owner

location on main rd & long established reputation for excellence. Great set up with

operators alike can reap the benefits of this vendor’s hard work!

a warm inviting atmosphere, seating for 110 inside & 36 outside. Liquor licence in

For further information please contact Senior Business Brokers Petros Margaritis on

place, serving quality pizza & pasta. Vendor is prepared to trial at $53,000 per week.

0416 000 154.


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5 DAY INDUSTRIAL CAFE REF:B13777 Established 15 years, this cafe sells 6kg of coffee per week and has an average This Cafe and Takeaway business for sale is located in the Derrimut industrial

turnover of $6,000 per week. Rent for this large cafe is $715 per week incl GST

area. Trading 5 days per week, this industrial cafe is an easy business to run with

with secure lease of 4x4x4 commenced January 2020.

a simple menu and you don’t need to be a chef to run it. This cafe occupies a large

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

premises with a huge exposure corner location.

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.


A O.



loyal customer base and is known for its large selection of automotive paint and paint accessories, expert advice and prompt and reliable service. Solid turnover of approx. $420,000 per year with excellent profits. Rent for this shop in such an excellent

Paint Warehouse is a long established automotive and industrial paint and accessories

location is $988 per week with a lease of 3x3 commenced August 2017.

business that is locally owned and operated. Located in Cranbourne, and run under

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

the same ownership for 30 plus years, Paint Warehouse has developed a large and

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300..

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loyal customer base! Long lease of 5x5x5 began in 2016 and rent of $616 per week for a high exposure location & spacious premises. Currently serving authentic Thai

Business is still trading well during COVID 19. Only takeaway and delivery. This

food, plenty of potential for further growth by adding delivery through Uber Eats & the

bright, profitable Thai restaurant business for sale offers a prime location in the

like, but regardless make money from day one!

CBD of Traralgon. This is the first time this business has been up for sale so take

For further information please contact Senior Business Brokers Petros Margaritis on

advantage of the vendors’ years of passion developing a thriving business with a

0416 000 154.

A. . P.O


to visit the shop more often. Solid takings of $7,500 per week, Rent $761 per week. Well-equipped kitchen and prep area with cool room. Ample parking and

This long established Charcoal Chicken shop and successful business is a great

with supporting businesses. Long Lease in place 5x5 Commenced 2017. If you are

opportunity. With a great reputation and an enormous customer base that has

looking for a business that is ready to take to the next level this is a must.

stood the test of time and with a decent Products range, including Charcoal

For further information please contact Senior Business Brokers Petros Margaritis on

chicken, Souvlakis, salads, schnitzels and more, customers have enough choice

0416 000 154.

P. O


CONCRETE SLEEPER MANUFACTURER REF:B13781 sleeper walls. Takings over $4,000,000 per annum. Long lease in place. This Manufacturing Business For Sale is an Australian owned and operated company

Fully equipped with everything you need to produce sleepers. Site is approx 2,000sqm

and is proud to be the one of the largest manufacturers of Concrete Sleepers in

with a 450sqm factory and a generous hard stand area.

Melbourne VIC. The business has traded and continued to grow through Covid.

For further information please contact Senior Business Brokers Petros Margaritis on

Established over 6 years ago with a broad range of sleepers and accessories for

0416 000 154.

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A. . P.O


kitchen and walk in coolroom. Before restrictions this restaurant turned over approx. $30,000 per week. The business recorded $30,000 per week for the first 2 weeks

Not your traditional Vietnamese restaurant, this diner and bar in an affluent Bayside

after restrictions were lifted and is expected to turn over $27k to $29k per week

suburb is well placed for its target market. This large restaurant with a modern fitout

consistently from now on. Rent is $1,088 per week with a secure lease of 5x5.

has a large dining room as well as an outdoor seating area of approx. 35 sq. metres,

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis on

so is well suited for the new normal of social distance dining. There is a commercial

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

A. . P.O


there is 3 parking spaces dedicated to the premises. The vendor only works part time and there are 4 experienced qualified staff conducting the services, who

Take over this prime beauty salon business for sale. Specialists in Cosmetic

are happy to stay on. Operating from Monday to Saturday, the business turns

Injections, Beauty Therapy, Lashes & Makeup and lots more located in

over $9,000 a

Greensborough. Established approx 9 years years, this elegant salon with a

prime location. For further information please contact Senior Business Brokers Petros

superb fitout has 4 treatment rooms, reception, spray booth & kitchenette and

Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


0 0 , 9

verage per week. Lease in place at $1,028 per week for this



and other cutting edge ad ons. Relocatable to wherever you live, all you need is some storage space in your house or garage! Work the hours you choose, excellent

This Australian boutique homewares gift company is more than a business, it is a

part time money maker or remain in the current store with a new lease available.

brand. All the hard work has been done and is ready for the next evolution to online

Flexible, work the hours you want, options to expand the range of products & grow the

sales. Beautiful homeware products as shown, offering sophistication & elegance


with customer service. With full e commerce website up and running with afterpay

For further information please contact Senior Business Brokers Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

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A. . P.O


developers, schools, aged care facilities, golf courses and many more. Currently taking approximately $300,000 per annum with excellent net profits and very few

This is an excellent opportunity for someone looking to purchase a well established

overheads, including NO RENT! Included in the sale is the equipment and vehicles

tree maintenance and removal business. Offering tree services including tree

associated with the business to the estimated sum of $100,000.

lopping, tree trimming, pruning & shaping, stump removal and more. This business

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis on

has long established relationships with city councils, real estate agencies, property

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300


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Seddon with seating capacity of 34 inside and 16 outside. Also does a wholesale trade and sells its products at markets. Has an average turnover of $12,000 per

Thriving business in COVID-19 pandemic. Ideal investment for those looking for

week.Rent of $6,482 per month incl GST for the shop premises which includes a 1

secondary income or unemployed seeking steady income. This artisan bakery and

bedroom house above the shop. Secure lease of 5x5x5.

cafe has been trading for 10 years selling a range of specialty breads, pastries,

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis on

pies and cakes. This bakery cafe business for sale has a retail shop and cafe in

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300

P. O


CAFE, RESTAURANT, BAR REF:B13788 $1,061 per week including GST for a large premises with lease of 3x3x3 commenced This is a beautiful, welcoming, cosy cafe, restaurant and bar business located in the

December 2017. Was run under management with 1 full time employee and up to 22

popular seaside town of Inverloch – which is a favourite holiday spot attracting water

casual staff, as needed in the busy summer season.

sport enthusiasts during the summer months. Since recent Covid 19 restrictions

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

business has increased takings of $11,000 pw turnover with reduced hours. Rent is

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

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REF:B13789 Fantastic opportunity for a qualified beauty or skin therapist to be their own boss and

This Skin/Dermal Clinic business for sale has a prime shopping centre location in

take over a clinic with an established client base or for an established business to

Wheelers Hill, which provides convenience and plenty of parking for clients. Takings

expand in to this location where it can service the surrounding areas.

averaging $30,000 per month, with rent of $1,431 per week including GST and

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis on

outgoings. Lease of 5 years commenced August 2016.

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.


0 0 , 5




With 2 locations in Victoria, one in Shepparton and one in Wodonga this business is well placed to be able to service regional Victoria and southern NSW. Turning over approx. $100,000 per month, with combined rent of $3,100 per month and lease of

Wholesale and retail business selling hair and beauty products online and through

3 years for Shepparton and a month to month lease for the Wodonga store.

2 stores in Victoria. This business for sale is a wholesale supplier of products to

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

the hair and beauty industry, supplying both consumables and non-consumables.

on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


A O.


CAFE BUSINESS FOR SALE REF:B13754 Fabulous Cafe Business For Sale located in the busy South Wharf DFO. This is a

a turnover of approx. $27,000 per week. Rent for this cafe with large seating area

location second to none, with thousands of visitors to the centre daily. It’s location

is $3,216 per week with lease options of 5 years commenced in 2019.

also allows it to service corporate offices and businesses in the South Wharf area.

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis

Established 10 years, this busy cafe sells approx 50kg of coffee per week. And has

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300

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HAIR SALON BUSINESS REF:B13792 business that you can run under management, this is ideal. It is a large salon with This hair salon, in Bentleigh has 5 chairs and 1 basin. Currently it is set up to do

excellent location, so you could introduce other services, such as a nail station, or

walk in hair cutting and styling. Clients walk in, buy a ticket and wait for their turn. No

rent out a chair to other stylists who can provide full hairdressing services.

appointments are necessary. Turns over approx. $3,000 per week, with rent of $857

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

per week incl GST and lease of 3x3 commenced July 2018. If you are looking for a

on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


0 0 , 0




and service of brakes and suspension, roadworthy certificates and mechanical repairs. This business turns over approximately $18,000 per week. Rent is

This is a full service automotive business for sale with retail tyre sales, tyre

$1,385 per week for a large premises with a show room and reception area and

services and automotive repair and maintenance services. Operating out of large

huge workshop, with 7 hoists. Secure lease of 5x5 commenced in June 2016.

premises in Fawkner, this auto business sells new and used tyres, alloy wheels

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

and offers puncture repairs, wheel balancing, alignment and tyre rotation, check

on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


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THE FACE SHOP REF:B13795 affordable prices. Turns over approx. $4,000 per week with rent of $1,846 per week The Face Shop is a Korean-based skincare and cosmetics manufacturer, retailer and

including GST and outgoings. Lease of 5 years commenced August 2018

a franchise business. This well known brand is now sold in 22 countries around the

The store is beautifully fit out with fixtures imported from Korea.

World. Its products include body, bath, skin care and make-up aimed at both women

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

and men. Its products are naturally formulated and it provides high quality products at

on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

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COIN LAUNDRY BUSINESS REF:B13797 per year. Rent of $696 per week including GST and outgoings. Lease of 5x5 years Established 20 years this coin laundry business also offers full service washing,

commenced June 2018. Serviced washing, ironing, dry cleaning and alteration

ironing services, dry cleaning and alterations. This laundromat is well equipped with

services are offered Monday to Friday from 9am to 2pm.

2 Dexter Washing Machines, 9 Speed Queen machines and 9 dryers as well as a

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

coin machine. Run under management with 2 part time staff.Takings of $110,000

on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


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WHOLESALE, RETAIL & ONLINE REF:B13799 New Zealand, Europe, USA and China. Well respected in the industry for This wholesale, retail and online business that sells children’s fairy dresses,

innovative creations, good quality fabrics and workmanship. Winner of the ITSA

princess dresses, flower girl dresses, costumes and matching accessories.

Toy Awards Best Australian Made or Designed Product in 2007.

Established 20 plus years, it is a highly regarded local and international brand with

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

high-quality products that have proven to be timeless. Trademarked in Australia,

on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


A O.


FRUIT TEA AND BUBBLE TEA REF:B13800 Takings approximately $3,900 per week. Takings were $8,000 per week before current This Fruit Tea and Bubble Tea Business for Sale has a near new fit out and has an

climate of restrictions. Rent of $2,999 per week which is good rent for this location. The

excellent location in the heart of the Melbourne CBD. It is nestled between Melbourne

premises is shared with another business, thereby lowering the rent. Lease of 5x5.

Central, QV Melbourne and Emporium Melbourne. This is a location second to none,

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

providing this tea shop with huge amounts of foot traffic daily.

on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

vnm magazine 046

A. . P.O

DRY CLEAN AND ALTERATIONS REF:B13801 for its bridal/ball gown cleaning. Turning over approximately $55,000 per month, with This long established Dry Cleaning Business in Pascoe Vale is now available for sale

rent of $854 per week including GST. A New Lease is available or there is the option

only due to the vendors wish to retire. Established 28 years, this business has built a

of buying the property. Trades 6 days. Run under management.

good reputation for expertise in cleaning and excellent customer service. It offers dry

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

cleaning as well as clothing repair and alterations. It has built a good reputation

on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


0 0,0


,2 $1


REF:B13803 products. Turning over approx. $110,000 per week. Rent of $3,692 per week

This long and well established supermarket in Hampton Park sells a wide range

including GST and outgoings for a large premises. Lease 5x5x5. Established 8

of international products. This busy supermarket sells premium quality Halal meat

years this supermarket services a large multicultural community.

and a range of groceries, spices and products imported from the Middle East,

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

India, Asia and Europe. Also sells baked goods, premium imported nuts and deli

on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


A O.


BOXING GYM BUSINESS REF:B13804 and fitness levels. The centre has an electronic entrance so members have 24/7 This is a fully equipped fitness facility where members can learn boxing skills to

access. Turnover averaging $100,000 per year with rent of $2,800 pcm including GST

improve their level of fitness, health and well being. Also offers personal training, Boot

for premises well located on the Surfcoast. Lease of 3x3 commenced February 2019.

camp, yoga and massage. As well as Mini Ninja Circuit, an obstacle course fitness

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

circuit for 5 to 10 years olds. Established 19 years this fitness gym caters for all ages

on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

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BARBER SHOP WITH CAFE REF:B13805 attached to this shop, which can be rented out to offset costs or be used by the This Barber Shop Business in Brunswick has a 5 star reputation for excellent service

vendor. Rent for this large premises is $623 per week including GST and outgoings.

and cutting/trimming skills, attention to detail and atmosphere. The shop is fitted out

With a secure lease of 3x3x3 commenced June 2017.

with a coffee machine and take away window, all set up and ready. New owner only

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

needs to find a barista to make coffee. There is also a residence (studio apartment)

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

A. . P.O

HAIR SALON BUSINESS REF:B13806 to sell. An ideal prospect for a hairdresser looking to step out on their own and Here is a unique opportunity to acquire a fantastic hairdressing salon in an affluent

work for themselves, all the hard work has been done! This bright salon is well

inner city suburb of Armadale. Situated on High st next door to a busy 24 hour gym

thought out with 5 stations, 2 wash basins and a staff room.

within a bustling social precinct, there is an abundance of foot traffic and plenty of

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on

parking at the front door. This is a good and chattel sale only and Vendor is keen

0416 000 154.


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is also more pallet space to rent for any larger orders you get. Lease is 12 months which rolls over at your request.Turn over last financial year was $94,000 with great

This decorative lighting Wholesale/Distributor Business For Sale offers a

net profit. Business can easily be grown as vendor only works 2 days a week.

comprehensive range of decorative lighting in Australia for commercial and residential

For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on

spaces. Warehouse is in Oakleigh South and its a part of a logistics enterprise. There

0416 000 154.

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of 1x3x3. Very good investment business that can be run under management. Located in Dandenong very close to the Eastlink toll road, it is well placed to service

Profitable skip bin hire business for Sale providing commercial, industrial and

the greater Melbourne area from as far north as Preston to the Mornington Peninsula

household rubbish removal services. This well equipped skip bin business has 3

in the south.

trucks, 1 excavator and 90 bins of varying sizes (2,3,4 and 6 cubic metre bins).

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

Average turnover of $20,000 per week, with rent of $750 per week and a lease

on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

.A P.O

MANUFACTURING & WHOLESALE REF:B13809 products. Well suited for an existing manufacturer looking to expand their range On sale is quality equipment and machinery to manufacture high quality wooden

or a carpenter looking for their own business. New owners will need their own

chairs, tables and furniture components. This company has been manufacturing

premises. Lots of opportunity for national expansion and international expansion.

timber chairs for over 30 years and is now selling the machinery to manufacture

For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Chris Panagiotidis

this and other timber furniture, in order to concentrate on manufacturing their other

on 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


0 0 , 0


ONLINE DECORATIVE ARTWORK REF:B13810 If you already have an online business and wish to expand in to the decorative wall A massive stock of decorative wall art is on offer. This is a once in a lifetime

art market, this is the opportunity you have been waiting for. If you are currently in the

opportunity to purchase $100,000 worth of art pieces at a bargain price of $70,000.

art or homewares and decorating business, this is the opportunity to get stock at a

The artworks comprise 3D Art, Hand Painted Metallic Art, Hand Painted Oil Paintings,

very good price. For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris

Hand Crafted Paper Collage, HD Acrylic Glass Prints and a lot more.

Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

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FREEHOLD AND BUSINESS REF:B13811 holds an annual music festival and arts, craft and produces market which brings This freehold plus business is located in Boolarra, a small town located in the

large crowds of people to this town. If you want to escape the city and looking for a

Latrobe Valley, in Central Gippsland, Victoria. This business has a great location in

lifestyle chance, this freehold & business may be just the thing you are looking for.

the town and is opposite a park, which is also the start of the popular cycling/walking

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis

trail, The Grand Ridge Rail Trail, which attracts many travellers to the area. The town

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


0 0 , 5




estaurant/takeaway was turning over $15,000 per week. Rent is $1,731 per week

Large Vietnamese Restaurant/Takeaway Business for Sale in the Melbourne CBD.

including GST. Lease of 5x5x5 commenced April 2019.Lots of potential for growth

This cafe/takeaway is well located in the CBD to service corporate offices,

in this business by simply extending trading hours.

Government Buildings, Parliament House and theatres in the area. Occupies a

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis

large premises with seating capacity of 30 people. Before lockdown, this

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.



0 0 , 0



restaurant and takeaway food place, new owners can take over and continue with Vietnamese food or change to any cuisine. Before lockdown, this restaurant/takeaway

Take advantage of this amazingly set up restaurant business in the heart of the

was turning over $15,000 per week. With restrictions easing, turnover has already

Melbourne CBD. This business has the best location with excellent high exposure

steadily increased. Rent for this large premises in such a high exposure location is

location at the entrance to a 3 level shopping centre and block of serviced apartments.

$9,000 per month including GST and outgoings. With lease of 5x5x5.

It is located in the theatre district and Chinatown. Currently running as a Vietnamese

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

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A. . P.O


4 outside. It has a bar and a well equipped commercial kitchen with a tandoor. Also has a studio upstairs, which is currently used for storage but may be used as a

It is an Indian Restaurant Business for Sale located on the busy main road in

residence. Currently turning over an average of approx. $25,000 per week. Rent of

Fitzroy – an excellent location in a busy and well known trendy dining hub, known

$1,733 per week which includes the upstairs studio space. Lease of 5x5.

for nightlife, with trams running right outside the front door. Established 5 years, this

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis

restaurant has a large dining room with seating capacity for 48 inside and a further

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

A. . P.O

DANCE STUDIO BUSINESS REF:B13816 annual turnover of $760,000. Rent for this large first floor studio is $9,400 per Established 12 years, this Dance school provides private dance tuition for

month with lease of 10x5 commenced January 2013. If you have a passion for

individuals and couples. It teaches 4 dance styles - Latin American, Ballroom,

dance and want to take it to another level, this is the perfect opportunity for you.

Street Latin and New Vogue. It allows individuals to learn at their own pace and

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis

provides social events for them to practice what they have learnt. Has an average

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.



0 0 , 0



to public, this store is where you will find premium quality meat, poultry and seafood at wholesale prices. You will also find a range of store made value added products

Butcher Business for Sale with prime location in Belmont. Located in a dense

as well as grocery lines to make this a one stop shop. Turning over approx $50,000-

residential/commercial area. Plenty of parking for customers. There is little to no

$60,000 per week this is a must inspect business.

competition in the immediate area. $150,000 WIWO includes all equipment. Landlord

For further information please contact Senior Business Brokers Petros Margaritis on

is prepared to give a new lease to an approved buyer. Currently only selling retail direct

0416 000 154.

vnm magazine 051

A. . P.O

NEWSAGENCY AND LOTTO REF:B13819 approximately $910,000 per annum, with rent of $1,038 per week incl GST. Secure This long established Newsagency and Tatts Business for Sale enjoys a high

lease of 5x5x5 commenced March 2017. Owner works part time with 2 casual staff

exposure corner location at a busy main road intersection. It is a popular local

which includes a manager. Rent includes an upstairs storage area.

destination and is surrounded by good supporting businesses. Parking is available

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis

for customers and a train station is just metres away. The business has turnover of

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


0 9,0



which allows this cafe to serve delicious meals for breakfast, lunch and brunch as well as doing outside catering. This business has shown a solid turnover of aprox.

This Café Business for Sale has been busy through the entire pandemic. Located

$12,500 per week (takings were $15,000 pw before Covid-19). Rent is $1,939 per

in Dandenong South, it has a most excellent location. It is at the entrance to a

week including GST and outgoings with a lease of 9 years.

shopping centre which sits at the intersection of 2 major roads through the area,

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis

so there are huge amounts of cars passing daily. There is a commercial kitchen

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

P. O



of 3x3 commenced April 2019. Has excellent website with online ordering for pick up or delivery. Has social media presence but plenty of potential to build up following and

Halal Kebab and Pizza Cafe and Takeaway Business for Sale with good location in

exposure on social media. Great business for a family or husband and wife team to

Brunswick. Recently renovated, well presented cafe and takeaway business with

own and operate. Well worth an inspection.

seating capacity of 20 inside and 6 outside in the front and 14 outside in the back.

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis

Business has a turnover $5,500 per week with rent of $700 per week and secure lease

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

vnm magazine 052


9 9,9



RESTAURANT CAFE IN WARRAGUL REF:B13822 This modern restaurant / Cafe is in the fast-growing town of Warragul. It features

Café and evening Restaurant, doing lots of takeaway and delivery services as well.

an amazing fit-out and fully commercial kitchen that will impress any buyer. Fully

Rent is only $4,900 pcm for this large shop. Lease is 3x3 commence Jan 2018.

Licensed with seating for 60 inside and 16 outside, it leaves ample opportunity for a

The potential for this business to grow is endless due to the flexible setup and great

new owner to take it to the next level. Currently the business operates as a daytime

location. For further information contact Phil Booysen on 042900692.


0 0,0



ongoing appetite for desserts continues. Has a large dining room with seating capacity for 60 inside and 15 outside. Rent for this large premises is $1,200 per

Established 10 years, this well fit out business for sale serves a selection of

week, with a lease of 5 years commenced June 2019. Turn over was $10,000 per

attractive and mouthwatering desserts and beverages. Has earned a solid

week (selling 10kg coffee per week before Covid 19 restrictions and selling 3kg per

reputation for the high quality desserts that it offers and gained a large social

week during restrictions. For more information and to arrange an inspection, please

media following. It is a popular destination for people to go to for desserts, as the

contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


A O.



on to individual residents or allows building managers to supply internet/Wi Fi service to guests, such as in hotels/apartment buildings. This is a home-based business, all

On Sale is a specialist high speed Wifi internet network provider for multi residential

the work can be done from a home office, with no need to deal with rent or landlords.

buildings (including residential, hotel and corporate). This business is a licensed retail

Business currently has an annual turnover of approx $255,000.

internet service carrier and installs Wi-Fi to high rise multi-residential buildings. The

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis

business purchases services in bulk, sets the network up in a building and then sells

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

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0 0,0


GREEK RESTAURANT REF:B13825 per week. Rent is $875 per week incl. GST. Lease of 5x5 commenced March 2017. Greek Restaurant Business for Sale in the vibrant and thriving tropical city of

Best opportunity if you are looking for a business in tropical Queensland, with short

Mackay. This restaurant serves traditional authentic Greek cuisine and imported

operating hours, that will allow you to have a good work/life balance.

Greek wines in a relaxed and vibrant atmosphere. The restaurant has large

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis

shopfront windows and a verandah for alfresco dining. Average turnover of $12,000

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

A. . P.O


supermarket which ensures huge amounts of foot traffic daily. Takings of $25,000 per week Rent: $13,500 per month including GST and outgoings. Lease of 5 years.

Run under management this Bakers Delight Franchise business has excellent

New owners do not need baking experience, just a passion to have their own

location in a large Shopping Centre in Mill Park, in the north eastern suburbs of

business, as there is full franchise training and support. Call today for an inspection.

Melbourne. This area is a rapidly developing area with numerous high growth

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis

housing estates. The store occupies a corner location at the entrance of a major

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


A O.


BAKERS DELIGHT FRANCHISE REF:B13827 Run under management with 5 full time staff and 18 part time staff. Run under management this Bakers Delight Franchise business has excellent

New owners do not need baking experience, just a passion to have their own

location in a prominent Shopping Centre in Preston. It’s location just opposite a major

business, as there is full franchise training and support. Call today for an inspection.

supermarket ensures huge amounts of foot traffic daily. Takings of $25,000 per week

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis

Rent: $16,363 per month including GST and outgoings. Lease of 5 years.

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.

vnm magazine 054


0 0,0



has an excellent reputation, particularly in creating impressive and unusual floral arrangements for galleries and arts centres. They also offer an event and wedding

This florist business for sale is located in Richmond, on the city fringe, where many

consultation service. Average annual turnover of $150,000 per year. Rent $623 per

new residential blocks have been developed recently. The re-development of the

week including GST and outgoings, with lease of 2x2.

area has seen the area boom. Established 15 plus years this florist has been at

For more information and to arrange an inspection, please contact Chris Panagiotidis

this location for the last 3 years, but was previously in the Melbourne CBD, hence

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


0 0,0



Turning over an average $3,000 per week, with cheap rent of $265 per week incl GST which includes a 2 bedroom residence. Lease 4x4 commenced June 2019.

This dog and cat grooming business has been in business for over 40 years.

Has an excellent website which outlines the services offered. Has a social media

This pet grooming business offers services to both dogs and cats. From a simple

presence, however, there is huge potential to expand the social media following

groom and tidy, a short clip, fluffy clip or more modern style, this grooming

with some online marketing. For further information please contact Petros

business is able to service all sizes of dogs.

Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533.

,5 1 $


0 0,0


LONG ESTABLISHED BAKERY REF:B13830 a large Prover, Walk in cool room, Excellent oven, Mixers, Dough former and much, For the last 36 years this popular Bakery provided the local population with good

much more. The Vendors of many years wishes to have a break for a change, making

quality pies, buns, slices, Croissants, Specialty breads, Cake slices and more. Great

this awesome opportune available to you. This is a must-see Bakery for sale ideal for

location with good front exposure, ample parking and supporting businesses that

the serious and competent business owner. Low rent of only $2,300 pcm

ensures a steady flow of customers to the shop. The well-equipped kitchen features

For more information contact Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

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0 0,0




Established 12 years this butcher business has established a reputation for supplying the best quality meat and poultry and made in-house gourmet products,

This retail butchery and speciality food Business for Sale is located in Sunbury, in a

such as sausages, burgers, chicken schnitzels, chicken kiev and more. Also sells

busy shopping centre on a main road through the area. There is plenty of parking for

marinated meats ready for cooking. Immaculate shop with excellent equipment.

customers and public transport to the shopping centre. Currently turning over

For further information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis on

approx. $880,000 per annum. Great rent of $769 per week, with lease of 3x3 years.

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


0 0,0



gym. Average income per month is approximately $8,500. Rent is $2,704 per month including GST. • Lease of 3x3x3 commenced July 2018. This turnkey

On offer is a ladies only health club/gym/fitness centre specialising in fat loss and

operation is perfect for a personal trainer or fitness guru looking to own their own

toning for women of all ages. Established 10 years in an affluent Bayside suburb,

business. This well equipped gym with low rent, for this area, is a must see.

this fitness centre offers commercial cardio and strength training equipment as

For further information and to arrange an inspection contact Chris Panagiotidis on

well as group personal training to it’s members. This is a secure and well equipped

0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


0 0 , 9



or stop for a meal, before returning home in the evenings. Most equipment was new 2 years ago when shop had a full refit. Restaurant has seating for 20-28 inside.

This Traditional Chinese Restaurant Business for sale is all set up and ready to go.

Commercial kitchen is well set up. Easy to run small business. Cheap rent of $2,037

Currently closed and not trading. Come and get a bargain with this recent fully re-fitted

pcm. Long lease of 3x3x3 commenced April 2018. Currently the restaurant is closed.

business. Located in a busy shopping square on Plenty road with lots of parking right

For more information or to arrange a private inspection please contact Senior Business

outside the front door – makes it good for commuters to pick up a takeaway dinner

Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.

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0 5,0


PIZZA AND PASTA TAKEAWAY REF:B13837 equipment. It would cost you more to set this up from scratch. You can buy this Authentic Italian Pizzeria in Balwyn North Business for Sale. Selling classic

business with some confidence going forward, as takeaway businesses were

pizzas, gourmet pizzas, pasta, salads, chicken schnitzel and parmigiana, chips and

allowed to continue operating throughout strict lockdown. Run by the owner and 1

desserts. Rent is $3,300 pcm incl GST with a lease of 5x5 commenced June 2018.

casual staff. For more information contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle

This deal is too good to be missed – a fully set up takeaway business with near new

Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


0 0,0


HAIR SALON BUSINESS REF:B13838 treatments with 8 stations and 2 basins. Also offers barber services. There is plenty This is a long established hair salon in Bacchus Marsh, located on the busy main

of parking for clients at the front of the salon or at the rear of the shop.

road. It has a prime location as it is close to major supermarkets. Bacchus Marsh

Trades 6 days: Monday to Friday 9am to 5:30pm, Saturday 8:30am to 1pm

is a growing city as it is along the Melbourne-Ballarat corridor. Turning over $4,500

For more information contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos

per week, with rent of $1,287 per month including GST. Provides full hair dressing

on 03 9566 7300.


0 0 , 5



restrictions, but turn

Very tidy and well set up nail and beauty bar located in the Bayside suburb of

over before restrictions was $17,000 per month. Well set up with 8 nail chairs, 7

Mordialloc. The salon is part of a shopping mall, which has a busy supermarket.

chairs with baths and a room for waxing treatments. Equipment is only 2 years

But it also has road frontage. It is easily accessible by public transport and there

old. Rent is $3,447 per month with a lease of 5x5 commenced March 2018.

is undercover parking in the mall. The salon has been closed due to Covid

For more information and to arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis 0433 582 533 or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

vnm magazine 057


$10 0 , 000

REF: B13818

This quaint Café business in Ringwood is the new owners dream setup.This café is setup to seat 20 people inside and there is also space outside to utilise. Operating 7.00am to 3.00pm Monday to Friday with the Owner Operator and 3 casual staff members offering Breakfast, Lunch, Take Away Dinner, and offsite catering. Before COVID turnover was $19000.00 per month. Rent is cheap at $530.00 per week and there is a lease available of 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 with 2 staff car spaces available onsite. Large commercial kitchen, brand new pizza oven; BainMarie / fridge displays ready for someone to walk in and begin operation! Not very many opportunities around to make multiple income streams like this available. Genuine Vendor Sale. This is an opportunity too good to be missed. Walk in and start trading. For more information and to arrange an inspection please contact Tina Tzanopoulos on 0401 067 488 or via email at


$15 0 , 000

Marine Electronics and Boat Servicing Business for Sale in Paynesville. Volvo Penta Dealership. Vendor is ready for retirement and is motivated to SELL! Make an offer as vendors are keen to negotiate a package for a potential purchaser. $150,000 plus stock plus equipment. Let’s make a deal. Paynesville is a tourist/holiday resort town in the Gippsland region of Victoria. An affluent community of both residents and holiday makers, and home to thousands of boats. The town is located 293 kilometres by road, east of the state capital, Melbourne. Business average turn over has been over $1.1M over the last 3 years. This year business has grown and is improving month on month. Current vendor has been in this business for 15 years and is ready to retire. For more information or to arrange a private inspection please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154.


$60, 000

Juice and ice cream bar business for sale with excellent main road location in affluent Bayside suburb. This busy main road ensures plenty of passing foot and vehicle traffic. Very good location because it is within walking distance to the railway station and to numerous schools in the area. Perfect for year round exposure and growth for this bustling business for sale! Turnover for 2019 financial year was over $300,000. A lease of 3x3x3x3 commenced October 2015 is in place with rent of $5,098 per month. This includes 1 bedroom residence upstairs which is ready to be subleased (to reduce costs) or for owner to use themselves – adding to the potential in this business. Established 18 years, this business has been updated, current vendor has spent $40 to $50k on renovations. For more information about this amazing opportunity and to arrange an inspection contact Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300.


$99, 000

This Medi spa/Beauty Clinic for sale is in an excellent position with high exposure and plenty of public parking. It is supported by other small businesses that attract many locals throughout the week and weekends. This partially under management business has 4 treatment rooms offering Fat Cavitation, Skin Tightening, Anti-aging treatment and Skin needling, as core treatments. They also supply quality retail beauty products. This beauty Clinic would suit a nurse or beauty therapist as well as a group looking to increase their number of clinics or for someone looking for a lifestyle change that is filled with peaceful and charming surroundings. If you are interested to learn more about this great opportunity, Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921

vnm magazine 058


$12 9 , 000

REF: B13841

This high foot traffic location secured a good income to the Vendor for the last 20 years. The Vendor is now looking at retirement. An amazing Barber for sale. The Business is fully under management and is a great opportunity for either a hands-on buyer or an investor. The business is well established with a loyal clientele, walk-in trade. Virtually no marketing required. Ready for your entrepreneurial touch to further grow this successful business. •

$10,000+ plus pw

Fully under management

2 Full time staff, 6 part time staff and 2 Casuals as needed

4 Stations

No Chemical services, in this easy to run operation

This is a must-see opportunity, so CALL Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921


$4 9, 999

The business is still shut down since the lockdown and the vendor wishes to sell it as a setup rather than a going concern, hence the ridiculously low price. It was a long-established café and is in an affluent bayside Suburb. The vendor refurbished and replaced many of the equipment less than 2 years ago, leaving this immaculate setup ready for you. With a full commercial kitchen and a Liquor license for Café and restaurant for up to 50 patrons, the opportunities are open for you to build your dream business. So, you may be looking for a Café for sale or a Restaurant for sale, either option is possible with this one, at a price much less than what you will normally pay to set this up yourself. The business is near a major supermarket outlet, many more supporting businesses, and ample customer parking all around. Not to mention that the beach is within walking distance as well. If you are an entrepreneur who wants to make the most of the opportunities created by the lockdowns, then call Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 right NOW.


$99, 000

REF: B13860

The business is quite simple to run with no manufacturing on-site. 4 main suppliers provide a range of products including Donuts, Baklava, and other sweet deserts. Coffee and simple sandwiches would be an excellent add on to this business. Or the entrepreneurial buyer may wish to add a full commercial kitchen and prepare all the product in-house. The growth opportunities are huge. The business currently operates 5 days a week only, so this can also be expanded to increase takings considerably The Vendor is looking at focusing his attention on his other non-related business. This could well be a café for sale or a takeaway for sale Prime location in the pedestrian only walkway, probably the highest foot traffic area in Frankston. Limited competition in the area. Long lease. 5 Day trading only (can do more) This is a must see, so Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921


$19 9 , 000


This easy to run 5 Day Takeaway Café, is in the awesome and growing Warragul area. This long-established takeaway was recently refurbished and most of the equipment has been replaced brand new. The focus is takeaway food and coffee, allowing this business to thrive during the recent lockdowns, and virtually immune to its impact. Takings above $9k PW. Rent only $2,500 pcm. 2BR dwelling at the back as part of the lease. Long 5x5x5 lease in place . Modern and attractive fit out There is a 2 Bedroom apartment at the back of the shop, included in the lease. Currently not occupied and the rooms are only used for storage and office space but could well be transformed into a comfortable residence for the buyer who needs this. This Café for sale could well be a Takeaway for sale, so if either is of interest to you. Call Phil Booysen NOW on 0429 006 921.

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0 8,0



0 9,5




Located in one of Melbourne CBD’s hot spots right next to tram stop, bars, nightclubs,

Looking for a small, easy to run business that you can run on your own with a minimal

theatre, apartments, offices and non stop traffic. This takeaway offers not only kebabs

upfront investment? This Asian grocery business for sale could be a smart investment

but also pizza, hamburgers and char grill food. Averaging $16,000 per week takings

if you’re looking to be your own boss and run your own small business.

Rent of $8,724 pcm. For further information contact Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

Contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404146202 or


0 0 , 0





0 5,0




This Crepe Cafe business for sale offers a prime position on the city fringe with easy

This long established unique Dry Cleaners for sale is located in a sought after Doncaster

accessibility & high exposure! Averaging $300,000 per annum turnover. Rent $6,514

Shopping Centre with lots of foot traffic and ample car parking right at its door step.

per month inc GST. Lease 3x3x3. -Only trades nights except weekend.

Takings $270,000 per annum. 5 year lease with Rent of approx $6,333 pcm +GST.

For further details contact Phil Booysen 0429 006 921.

For further details contact Phil Booysen 0429 006 921.

P. O


P. O




This Kebab Shop in Seaford has an excellent location. Located at the junction of 3

This Dog Grooming business for sale has been operating since 2001. With the

major roads, this kebab shop has huge exposure. Rent of only $578 per week with

current challenges presented to the world this business is thriving with many pet

lease of 3x3. Turnover of approx. $4,000 per week. For more information and to

owners spending more and more time with their pets choosing to get them groomed.

arrange an inspection, contact Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300.

Contact Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 for more information.

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