VNM Small Business Magazine Issue 026

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ISSUE 026 JUL 2019


afterpay small businesses paying the price


australian small business targetS chinA


ive s u l c ex

S E S S E BUSIN SALE FOR t n e t n co










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ive s u l c ex

S E S S E N I S U B SALE FOR t n e t n co

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桂冠国际介绍 桂冠国际集团总部设立于澳大利亚墨尔本,在中国北京、上海、广州、厦门等城市设有分支机 构;集团专注于澳大利亚商业移民各类别签证,包括132,188A/B/C,888A/B/C,892/893等,并 为客户提供安居、生意开展、留学教育、家庭签证等一系列相关服务。桂冠国际凭借着专业高效 的团队合作及递交高质量的签证材料,已帮助数千个移民家庭成功获得永居签证,在澳大利亚商 业移民界享有良好的声誉。 桂冠国际秉承三年是客户,六年是朋友,九年是亲人的理念,注重 与客户保持长期的联系,帮助客户对接本土资源,在客户形成自己的朋友圈,享受移民生活。

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Laurel International, founded in 2004, previously known as a branch office of Austar Group, is a well reputable migration agent specializing in business migration visas. In 2015, Katherine CHEN, founder of the company and her key staff purchased all the shares of the company from Austar Group, changed the company name from Austar Melbourne to Laurel International and restructured the company to a partnership business. During the past 15 years, Laurel International has not only witnessed thousands of Chinese business migrants settle down, become permanent residents and find better business opportunities in Australia, but also become friends with its clients.

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AFTERPAY Many businesses are finding their existing customers who used to pay by cash or card are switching to Afterpay. One small business owner reported that Afterpay is many customers’ “dirty little secret“. She believes her predominantly female customer base use the payments platform to hide purchases from their husbands and partners. “For one purchase of $100, Afterpay comes up as four separate payments of $25 spread over two credit card statements,” she says. “Best of all the statement only refers to Afterpay, not to the name of the store.” It’s still early days, but it seems retailers are being forced to embrace Afterpay in the same way that restaurants are forced to partner with the double-edged sword UberEats. Afterpay works by enabling consumers to purchase items through a layby-like process of four payments over an eight-week period,.The clincher is that you get to take your purchase home straight away before paying off the balance electronically. Use of the Australian payment platform has spread like wildfire. Last financial year it had 2.3 million active users - nearly one in 10 Australians - and $2.2 billion in sales. A report by ASIC in late 2018 found Australian customers, collectively, owe $903 million in buy now, pay later debts through platforms like Afterpay. It also found a 400 per cent jump in customers who had used these schemes in the last financial year. However for small businesses around Australia, Afterpay comes at a high cost. In a tough retail market the extortionate fees could be what tips a lot of businesses over the edge.


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One small business owner reported that Afterpay is many customers’ “dirty little secret“.

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As Chinese demand for Australian products shows no signs of slowing, small Australian businesses are looking at how they can better tap into this huge international market. But there are a number of key factors that determine whether a small business is capable of making the jump from local to global. One of the most important issues is connectivity and the ability to service customers that can’t just walk into a store if they have an issue with the product. Another important issue is whether the business can afford to make such an investment before the revenue starts to come in from new markets. Karen Pouye, founder of Whizbang.TV says that while the connected world can open new revenue streams or a larger market, it can also benefit a small business by saving costs”. “Easier access to your potential customers means saving both time and money in unnecessary travel expenses,” Pouye says. But the Chinese market is a different beast, and getting to know that market is another challenge for small businesses. Pouye, who produces instructional videos for manufacturers and retailers, found that some of their assumptions about the Chinese market were incorrect, and had to change their approach as their off-shore customer base grew. “Originally, we believed that the Chinese businesses would be interested in ‘affordable’ product videos, however we learned that [they] were more interested in increasing the status, credibility and perceived quality of their products,” she said. “We discovered that if we wanted to go global, and particularly to China we needed to raise our bar somewhat in regards to the quality of our videos.” Paul Davidson, co-founder of Koala Eco, an Australian based natural cleaning products business, told us the size of the Chinese market means that there are many distribution channels and niche markets to consider, but there are barriers to overcome first. “The language barrier is also a significant challenge,” Davidson says. “It’s important to find local Chinese partners to work with who both understand the market and have the contacts to bring our product to market.” For Australian businesses, the appetite from the Chinese market for these products is generally still strong.The consumer spending habits of China’s rising middle class has been a key driver of the country’s economic growth, and that consumer spending has been unleashed on the global market as more people shop online.

Contribution and reference Business Insider Australia

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在企业经营过程中,经营者需要做出各种决策,其中可能涉及到复杂的法律法规或与法律相关问 题。 在创业,收购,出售 乃至结构重组等商业过程中,经营者需要专业的商业律师团队为其所有 者权益提供保障。Riverson Lawyers拥有专业的律师团队,通晓商业相关的法律法规,在起草、审 查、修改和最终确定适当的商业文件方面具备专业且全面的法律知识。

Riverson Lawyers的律师团队可以为个人及中小企业提供具体、实用的法律解决方案。为确保提供 专业可靠的法律服务,Riverson Lawyers的团队在具备丰富的实操经验的同时仍详细深入研究每 位客户的案例。在购买或出售产业时,专业的律师团队能够帮助客户完成合同、租约谈判以及转 让、牌证转让和交割。从而确保客户的利益受到保护。

在生意买卖过程中,需要特别注意以下3点: 1). 卖家必须准备SECTION 52 披露文件并要求买家在签署OFFER 之间签署。如果卖家没有提供该 披露文件给买家,买家可以以此为由退出合同。 2). 买家必须第一时间调查卖家的公司和生意是否被注册了PPSR,一旦和与生意有关的资产,设 备,及生意名被注册了PPSR,则必须要求卖家在交割之前解除PPSR。 3). HEADS OF AGREEMENT(HOA) 是具有法律效用的合同,所有HOA之后的销售合同也都必 须遵照HOA 的条件起草。双方的需求以及协议必须记录到HOA 文件中,除了书面协议以外的任何 谈判或口头协议在签署HOA后一律无效。 Riverson Lawyers的团队掌握多国语言 (普通话,粤语,英语,马来语),通晓多元文化,能够 与国际上多国客户开展紧密合作。无论是新移民到澳洲的客户又或者是没有生意经验的客户,我 行都能够通过无障碍沟通充分了解客户的诉求并提供无缝相应的法律服务,确保客户高枕无忧


We believe business doesnt need to be a daunting experience. Whether you are starting a business, planning to buy or sell a business, our team of commercial solicitors can help. Our team is experienced in all fields of business, across a range of industries and will provide you with hands-on support and a specific tailored solution. We offer practical legal solutions to individuals, small businesses and SMEs. Riverson Lawyers has expertise with all legal aspects of business sales and purchases and will guide you from contract negotiation to the transfer of various licences, council permits, commercial leases to the settlement of your business. Three tips for prospective buyers and sellers: 1). Vendors must prepare a Section 52 Disclosure Statement for prospective purchasers and must obtain the purchasers signed acknowledgement of receipt of the Disclosure Statement on or prior to signing the offer. A purchaser can withdraw from a contract of sale if they did not receive a valid Section 52 from the vendor prior to signing the offer. 2). Purchasers should conduct a PPSR search on the vendors company, business name and business as soon as they sign the offer to ensure that business and associated equipment is not subject to any lease, loan or debts. Any PPSR registrations must be withdrawn by or at settlement. 3). The Heads of Agreement is a legally binding agreement and the following contract of sale will be based on the terms agreed to by the parties in the HOA. Parties must ensure that all the terms and special conditions they wish to add are included in the HOA. vnm magazine 010

Our mission is to give our clients peace of mind by providing expert, personalised legal service.

联系方式 电话:(03)9804 0866 电子邮件 网址 地址:Suite 3, 321 Camberwell Road, Camberwell VIC 3124 Contact Details Telephone: 03 9804 0866 Email: Website: WeChat: RiversonLawyers Address: Suite 3, 321 Camberwell Road, Camberwell VIC 3124 vnm magazine 011

Stories are the curren human relationships

They have the power to touch, move and inspire people to take actions that transform individuals, communities and societies. At Maggie Li Fine Portraits, we use the medium of art portraiture to capture and share stories of individuals and communities, including organizations and families. We believe that every one has a story to tell and it is our mission to present these stories to the world. Maggie Li, comes from an illustrious tutelage of oil painting masters, and is well known for her expertise in combining portraiture photography with the art of oil painting for the portraits she creates. Maggie’s artistic journey started with her early love for painting and design. She expressed her creative skills and artistic desires through art and interior designing, before turning to photography as a medium to bring her ideas to life. Her quest for excellence and insatiable appetite to keep growing as an artist has enabled her to develop a signature style of photography that has brought joy to many clients, ranging from dignitaries, families and senior corporate executives. Her unique style of art portraiture photography combined with oil painting techniques has led her to become one of the most sought-after portrait artists in Australia. If you are looking to develop a signature personal branding for professional use, we can help you to capture your personality and infuse it into your visual branding and corporate profile. Portraits at Maggie Li Fine Portraits are not just photographs – they communicate your business positioning, strengths and power. We take time to listen to your needs and preferences. Together with you, we create a consistent and coherent personal branding for your business purposes. Whether you are looking to develop a signature personal branding, or a unique way to celebrate family or personal milestones such as anniversaries, graduations, birthdays or special occasions, or simply to honour your loved ones and yourself, we are able to work with you to create an art portrait that will be enjoyed by generations to come.


For more information, visit To make a private appointment to discuss your needs, please contact Maggie Li 0408 558 058.

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澳洲人竟然抱怨在中国吃不 到好吃的中餐 中餐的两幅面孔,你了解多 少 上周,我的一位澳洲朋友非常不解的向我抱怨,“为 什么在中国竟然吃不到好吃的中餐?” 原来他刚刚从中国海南旅游回来,原本满怀期待的体 验更美味的中餐,尤其在导游介绍的天花烂坠之后,几乎 垂涎欲滴。然而,导游口中的当地特色美食们却让这个地 地道道的老外“水土不服”。 朋友不解的问我,“为什么一整条带着骨头的鱼就被 端上桌?为什么鸡肉里都是骨头?墨尔本好吃的煎饺呢? 柠檬鸡呢? Dim Sim 呢?为什么在中国吃不到?!” 这一连串直击灵魂的拷问不难看出他对中餐深厚的 感情。同时似乎也反应了另一个有趣的现象,在墨尔本大 大小小,菜系繁多的中餐厅里,深受澳洲当地人喜爱的中 餐厅往往不受我们华人同胞的喜爱。


Four Seas Chinese Restaurants Chelsea 393 Nepean Hwy, Chelsea VIC 3196 经营 12 年 菜系:粤菜

墨尔本的中餐大致上可以分为针对华人客户的中 餐,例如:火锅、串串、烧烤、麻辣烫等,和针对澳洲当 地客人的中餐。而后者,作为外来的和尚就必不可免的需 要入乡随俗。在保留中国特色的基础上根据当地人的饮食 习惯稍作改良。 那么针对澳洲当地客人的中餐到底和针对华人的中 餐有哪些具体的区别?我们华人店家们都做了那些改良? 外来的和尚究竟应该如何念经? 今 天, 我 们 Absolute Business Brokers( 爱 博 思 生 意中介)请到有着多年成功经验的店主们为大家现身说法。

您在澳洲墨尔本经营的中餐和您在中国吃的中餐 有什么区别呢? 区别非常大。我们在澳洲做的中餐菜品都是根据澳洲 人的口味和偏好改良过的。比如,我们的蒸鱼全部都是鱼 片,没有鱼骨;鸡肉也都大部分不带骨;因为澳洲人不像 我们中国人从小就被训练如何避开骨头和鱼刺,他们非常 不擅长去骨去刺,所以索性我们就帮他们处理好了。 口味方面,老外偏甜偏酸,喜欢油炸,炸过的食物他 们会觉得非常香。澳洲中餐的“四大天王”就非常具有代 表性,蒙古牛、柠檬鸡、蜜糖鸡和咕咾肉。

Absolute Business Brokers 爱博思生意中介 7/18-22 Lexia Place. Mulgrave9566 7300

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Dumpling De Master 8 Darryl St, Scoresby VIC 3179 经营中餐 6 年 店面较小,25 个座位,65% 是外卖,以 Takeaway 为主

店里最受老外喜欢的食物有哪些,老外客人和华 人客人口味上有什么区别? 一定是饺子和炒饭。尤其是韭菜猪肉和鸡虾煎饺最受欢迎。 老外口味比我们华人重很多;他们喜欢油炸食物,我们华 人更喜欢烹炒。

做好针对老外的中餐,需要注意哪些方面? 首先,食材必须要新鲜。当然,做餐饮无论面对什么国家 的客户食材新鲜永远都是第一位。澳洲人也不例外,甚至 他们会更看重食物的新鲜度。 其次,店面一定要干净,无论前厅还是后厨。虽然我们以 外卖为主,但是我们店里还是会有一个半开放式的厨房。 客人可以直观的看到我们从包饺到煎饺的整个操作过程。 既然是半开放的,也就意味着要我们把自己毫无保留的放 在客户眼皮底下接受监督,在卫生,清洁方面更是不能有 一丝马虎。

服务方式之上菜顺序 老外本身固有的的饮食习惯和顺序还是比较根深蒂固的, 前餐、主餐、甜品。当他吃中餐的时候,哪怕最初已经点 好所有的菜品,服务员不顾顺序一齐上菜,老外客人还是 会让你撤下去。所以,我们以前服务老外客人的时候,都 会让厨房先配好菜,等服务生通知可以做下一个步骤的时 候,厨房才会走菜。










服务方式之打包剩菜 秀碳大排档 348 clayton rd, Clayton 经营中餐 6 年 2012-2018 经营针对澳洲当地人的中餐; 2018- 至今,经营针对中国人的北方菜和烤串

在墨尔本大部分中餐馆,如果你需要打包剩余的饭菜,服 务生通常只会把打包盒给你,客人自行打包。但是服务老 外客人,服务生就需要为客人打包包好。 因为服务老外客 人,服务生需要投入更多的时间和精力在照顾客人上,这 就是为什么老外客人基本上都会给服务生 10% 左右的小



区别大了,菜品口味、烹饪方法和服务方式完全不同。 菜品口味、烹饪方法:






面 3/4 都是过油炸并且是甜口。





与其抱怨经济和整个行业的不景气,不如放眼看看这 个时代的变化,探索客户真正需求和客户心里的变化。

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刚登陆墨尔本 2 个月 就买下生意的他(澳洲 商业创新移民)后悔了 吗? 1 月 8 号, 从 中 国 深 圳 到 墨 尔 本 载 有 M-PO$ 货物的集装箱在行驶 20 多天后顺利抵达 墨尔本 Dandenong south 的一家仓库。一位华 人模样的男子穿着标有 M-PO$ 商标的 T 恤,卸 货盘点入库理货,驾轻就熟的一系列操作,看似 已经拥有了多年的行业经验。

他,就是今天的主人公。来自中国深圳,全 家正式登陆澳大利亚墨尔本仅四个半月,生意交 割仅两个半月的澳洲商业创新移民梅日升。 恰好我去拜访的这一天,梅总为生意定制的 夏冬两季工服刚刚送到。为这个生意(Microtrade Australia) 断 断 续 续 工 作 了 五 年 多 的 老 员 工 Steve 也第一次感受到和这份工作深厚的亲密感 和责任感,脸上不时露出孩子般的笑容还不停的 说着,“我很喜欢绿色”。 比起做决定买这个生意时的略显不安和紧 张,如今的梅总沉着自信、侃侃而谈。

2018 年,梅总通过生意出售的广告联系到 我。那时还在深圳经营玩具模型贸易的梅总, 正考虑到墨尔本继续从事自己的老本行。于是, 我们 (AbsoluteBusiness Brokers) 在出售的两家 Hobby 店正中下怀。在走访了两家店,并结合 自己的预算、资金投入产出比和潜在的市场变化 后。梅日升迅速放弃了 Hobby 这个行业,调整 目标,将注意力集中在网络销售和批发生意上。 恰好,我们(Absolute Business Brokers)刚刚 拿到市场上出售的一家拥有 29 年历史的 POS 系 统网店生意又一次吸引了梅日升的注意力。行 事严谨的他在查阅过生意财务数据和报表之后, 带着记满了问题的笔记本开始了和店主的面谈。 最终,几次面谈之后顺利达成一致。2018 年, 11 月 8 日,生意正式交割。而这时,距离他正 式登陆仅仅 2 个月。 当您现在再去回顾购买生意的整个过程,您对 还在看生意的新移民有什么建议 ? 1、我建议大家在买生意签署协议之前一定要拿到设备清 单一一确认,尤其是网店;它没有实体店面,设备不能一 目了然。我和我的律师在签署合同时忽略了设备清单,以 致于在后期交割时候稍微被动了一些,但最终结果还是比 较圆满的。 2、另外想和大家分享我自己的一个体会,澳洲人在生意 方面不太讲究人情,但很遵守规矩、严格执行条款。也就 意味着,你只需要专注的在协议上规定好双方的权利和义 务,对方和执行和配合度都很高。

过度依赖员工、员工的流动性以及和员工的有 效沟通是很多新移民在买生意时候最大的担忧。 您当时是怎么考虑的? 网店生意虽说看起来通过网络下单,不需要语言沟通,但 实际上,大部分客人都会先电话确认产品功能之后才会做 决定下单。因为,我们真正登陆仅仅几个月,我目前的英 文在商务沟通方面还是稍有欠缺。所以,无论是语言的沟 通能力上,还是对公司业务的熟悉程度上,留住老员工 Steve 还是比较重要的。 我在买生意之前不仅和现任店主确认好了培训的时间,后 期的付费咨询,同时也和 Steve 就之后的工作意向和薪资 达成了一致。就像刚才我提到的,澳洲人不像我们华人讲 人情,请吃饭,送小礼物等等。我如果请 Steve 吃饭,他 反而觉得很奇怪。但从另一个角度来说,也是一件好事, 因为你也摸清楚了游戏规则。

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做生意 “做,就要把它做好”是梅日升一直践行的理念。结合在国内多年来的商业经验,爱思考,行动 力强的梅日升在接手短短的三个月里,就完成了培训;选址;办公室设计,装修;营销战略规划。 29 Williams Rd, Dandenong South VIC 3175 1800 70 10 75


“我接手的时候,这个生意还仅仅是网络的线上销售。结合生意当时的利润,我选择拿出一部分 用来租赁仓库。当我心里暗自觉得就是这个生意的时候,就已经开始选址了。所以几乎在生意交割的 同时,我们也入驻了仓库。” 梅总的仓库位于墨尔本著名的东南工业区 Dandenong South,220 平的仓库整齐、有序、不同 功能区间隔分明。这里有梅总和 Steve 的 office 工作专区;有货物仓储区,货物陈列区,产品测试区。 梅总带我参观的过程中,滔滔不绝的介绍着仓库里里外外的设计、布局;介绍着不同产品的性能、 用途的时候,我都很难想象这所有的一切出自刚刚登陆不到 5 个月的中国人。不禁佩服他的勇气、 魄力和执行力。

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“为了让我的团队看起来更加专业;也更加有凝聚力,我专门设计、定制了属于我们自己团队的 夏装和冬装。 这些虽然是额外的成本,很多人会认为可做可不做,因为它不能让你直接获利。我的想 法是,有些收益并不是通过金钱来结算,来衡量的。如果,我们统一的着装能给客户带来踏实和信赖感; 如果能给团队带来凝聚力。这点微不足道的费用是非常值得的。”

梅日升和 Steve


“我们线上销售的行业相对比较依赖于广告,尤其是 Google 广告。我研究了过去广告费的成 本和配比,也相对做了些调整,尤其是增加线下广告宣传,希望能够更加直接,点对点的把我们的 信息传递给目标客户。” 还记得去拜访的那天,下午三点半,仓库旁边的咖啡店已经在做清洁,准备打烊了。而梅日升 却刚从会计那边回来,刚刚吃上一口午饭。 现实中很多人对做生意有很多美好的愿景:简单、不操心、风险小、可控、利润高、投入少。 可这世上从来就没掉过馅饼也没出现过一步登天的捷径。《哈利波特》中邓布利多校长对哈利说过 一句话:我们本以为在生活中我们遇到的都是 the right way 和 the wrong way 的问题,但其实不然, 在真实的生活中我们面对的都是 the right way or the easy way. 哪条路才能真正到达彼岸,只有时 间和经历才会给出答案。

vnm magazine 018

中国人在澳洲经营咖啡店困难重重? 他们这样说

咖啡—墨尔本餐饮文化的灵魂 早上一杯果腹,中午一杯提神,它已经成为一种固定的生活方式。 然而,当提起经营一家咖啡店的时候,大部分中国人都会摇头摆脑的摆出一副“否认三连”: 不行,咖啡文化我们不懂! 不行,中国人经营的咖啡店老外不会去! 不行,没有经验会被员工欺负,还招不到人!

有些是因为道听途说, 有些是因为自己失败的经历。 那么我们不禁疑问三连: 精通中国文化的我们经营的每一家中餐厅都生意兴隆吗? 你走进的每一家咖啡店都会去并且都能精准的定位出老板吗? 招不到员工,经营失败首先不应该自我检讨吗? 幸运的是,在墨尔本众多经营咖啡店的华人店主里面,我们看到了越来越多的成功案例。

所以,对不起, 文化不背锅, 歧视不背锅, 员工更不背这口大锅!

我们有幸采访到两位华人咖啡店店主。一起分享和探讨: 如何招聘员工 如何应对员工的流动 如何应对客人的流失 老外对亚裔面孔做咖啡是否有歧视

vnm magazine 019

老客户会因员工的流动性而流失吗? 其实不太会,只要在招聘的时候把好关,食物制作出来的 水平还是比较统一、稳定的。

当地人对亚裔面孔经营咖啡店会有歧视吗? 我觉得个人气场很重要;如果你自己都不自信,每天都诚 惶诚恐的担心别人歧视你,客人又怎么会相信你的产品?

FREDA LI cafenetics forte 809bourke st,docklands vic 3008

这的确是个看脸的世界!不过看的并不是种族,看的是自 信、热情的笑容和问候!这才是客人走进店里接收到的你

经营咖啡店 4 年 164 高管移民,以获取 PR 知名外企白领,没有任何餐




使用哪个网站进行招聘? Gum Tree

收到第一份应聘简历的周期一般是多久? 一天

招聘周期多久? 2周

招聘的流程? 首先筛选。我会比较倾向雇佣英语为母语的本地人;然 后考察简历当中的工作经验。但招聘的主要环节还是要


放在实际操作上,我们要求的是 2 个小时试工。最后新

99% cafe 9 essex road, mount waverley vic 3149

员工的决定权我会交给我的团队。毕竟他们才是之后要 朝夕相处的工作伙伴,欢乐的工作环境和和谐的人际关

10 年经营咖啡店经验,年轻辣妈事业家庭两不误

系在一定程度上可以减少员工的流动性。所以,我们团 队会投票决定最终录取的员工。


使用哪个网站进行招聘? Seek & JoraLocal






招聘周期多久? 1-2 周

首先,新员工的工作积极性很高,主观能动性很强。 其次,避免流动性就要分析产生流动性的根本原因。在 我看来,最重要的无非就是两点,工资水平和晋升通道。 而这两点,又是彼此依赖,相辅相成。 举个例子,我现在的经理已经在我这里稳定的工作两年 了,他刚开始是招聘服务生来的,只有基本的 Service 的能力。但员工的晋升又和能力的提升密不可分,所以, 只要店里不是很忙的时候,我都会鼓励员工练习打咖啡, 锻炼、提升技能。所以他一路做到了经理,薪资也相应 有了提高。 整个过程里面,物质基础到自我实现都在一定程度上得 到了满足。流动性也可以相对降低。

vnm magazine 020

如何筛选简历? 简历对我来说没有很重要,只是大致了解一下应聘者的基 本情况。重点还是会放在试工上。两个小时试工和面试的 聊天基本就可以掌握应聘者的技能和大致性格特点。我会 更倾向于雇佣 Can Do Attitude 的员工。








就好像 1000 个读者就有 1000 个哈姆雷特一样,虽然我







没有问题。我做了将近 10 年的餐饮,这个市场上有大量


寻找工作的应聘者,只要你能给到标准甚至稍高的工资, 总是会招揽到优秀的员工。






Cook 对我完全不服气,没有把我放在眼里,甚至她要求我,






本身她管理的厨房食物成本就已经高达 43%,她怕是膨胀




其次,澳洲是一个比较民主、平等的国家。对员工呼来喝 去是完全行不通的。所以,管理是一门艺术,在对待员工 的方式、方法上面一定要有所思考。 上周,我在厨房呆了一天,不夸张的说,我真有点被气坏了。 但是,我不可能发现一个问题,就指出来,发现一个错误 就马上说。换位思考,如果你自己做一件事情,每一个步 骤都被人指手画脚,你也会不开心,不耐烦。所以,我就 会把所有问题记下来,以最容易被接受的方式,平和又坚 定的方法把我想传递的信息点传达给我的员工。 另外,避免对员工过多苛责的一个方法是,对于岗位职责 的明确细分。只有你对员工把他职责内需要做的工作,有

菜名:Ice Crystals Cave Pannacotta 出品于 99% Cafe

步骤的明确好,他们才能知道按照要求的去做,你也可以 做到赏罚分明。

如果,您想经营一家咖啡店, 如果正在经营咖啡店的您遇到困惑。 爱博思生意代理的咨询团队帮您分忧解难,实地培训。

菜名:Colourful Bubble Bloom 出品于 99% Cafe 95667300

vnm magazine 021

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tarting a business can be a daunting challenge – and experienced Victorian jeweller Glenn Curtis should know.

‘We’ve certainly made some beautiful things, says Glenn. ‘It’s something we all enjoy. There are days when it doesn’t seem like work at all.’

He’s built a successful business from the ground up – and it’s a story worth reading about. Some buy a franchise or an existing business while others like Glenn build their business over time, riding the inevitable highs and lows.

‘One of the most important keys to a successful business is service’ says Glenn, ‘We strive for excellence in every contact – answering an email, seeing a client to discuss their jewellery, or dealing with other industry professionals. It’s vital to help build opportunities and relationships.’

As Glenn himself points out – ‘there’s no right or wrong way – follow your instinct and be prepared to listen to and take advice. Treat every offer or idea with a healthy dose of reality, even cynicism and you’ll soon work out what feels right for you.’ World class quality in craftsmanship has led Curtis to become a world class brand, winning a coveted Robb Report Magazine ‘Best of the Best’ Award helped cement a reputation early on. In addition, ‘SuperYachts’ compared Curtis to global brand Cartier in terms of being ‘perhaps the world’s finest pens’ – accolades that help drive Curtis on to greater things. With their own studio and skilled team they create beautiful Australian made diamond jewellery, luxury pens and hand crafted watches in house, so Curtis certainly has luxury covered. They also create bespoke and one of a kind pieces for individual clients and love to create precious jewellery for any occasion. You can see the tremendous variety of their work at their website at

It was exactly this attention to service that led Curtis to form a relationship with legendary golfer Jack Nicklaus. A friend of Jack’s had bought a Curtis pen (the brand makes some stunning solid silver ones) and sent it back for a minor adjustment from America. Exceptional Curtis customer service led to an invitation to lunch privately with Nicklaus himself at the exclusive Bear’s Club in Florida.

to your own particular business. ‘Always try to innovate – to stand out from the competition. It might be a simple offer or idea – just give it some thought first and give it a try. For example, we have clients visit our studio for a demonstration and tour – it helps them understand a little about how we make their jewellery and it’s something they love to see’ At the core of this remarkable brand are straightforward values – the highest standards of craftsmanship coupled with the very best in service. Curtis can help you with your jewellery too – feel free to contact Glenn and start a conversation – he’d really love to hear from you. To learn more about Curtis Australia and see their remarkable work, or to contact Glenn Curtis, visit

Over the course of that lunch, the idea for a range of commemorative, limited edition pens began to form, beginning a very special relationship between Jack and Curtis. It just goes to show how a simple act of quality service can have unexpected and valuable consequences. Building a reputation for superb quality has also helped Curtis create gifts for the Parliament of Australia and the Office of the Governor of Victoria. Innovation is another facet to Glenn’s philosophy – whether in product or marketing, or just practices that relate Gents ‘Myst’ watch in yellow & white gold, set with brilliant white diamonds

Master Jeweller Glenn Curtis judging the Global Jewellery Design Competition

vnm magazine 024

Curtis Australia diamond rings are often custom designed to suit individual clients

Watches from Curtis are making waves in the world of high end watchmaking

vnm magazine 025


... and so many more

Free postage* *conditions apply vnm magazine 026



Businesses For Sale

Businesses Now Selling

+100 vnm magazine 027


$1 2 0 , 0 0 0

REF: B13494

FANTASTIC location convenience store/milk bar situated on an extremely busy corner location on LYGON STREET! Sensational corner location. Myki top-ups bringing loads of customers into the store. Indicated total revenue of $15,000 per week average. Indicated rental of just $2,400 per month! Small residence with lockup garage behind the business. Stacks of potential for a motivated buyer to build the business right up! Tram line outside plus busy bus stop a few steps from the door! Total size around 180m² If you’re looking for a convenience store/milk bar with a high foot traffic location then you need to consider this business. Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or


$1 2 0 , 0 0 0

This beautiful café is located on a prime corner spot close to a main Supermarket chain. It is surrounded by good supporting businesses and constantly exposed to high foot traffic with ample parking available. The café offers a variety of scrumptious breakfast and lunch selections which includes burgers, sandwiches and cake slices. Takings $6,000 pw. Under full Management. Superb fit out with full commercial kitchen. Fantastic location close to Major Supermarket chain. 7.5kg Coffee PW. Huge opportunity to grow the business. Huge car park area and supporting businesses. Open 7 days: daytime hours only. 36 plus seating capacity. Ideal for owner/operator. Simple to operate café Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or



REF: B13509

Long established and highly successful Thai Restaurant for sale located on a main road in busy Essendon North. Vendor indicates revenue of around $7,500 pw. Rental approx $2,703 pm. 3 x 3 x 3 retail lease in place. Gorgeous website in place. Fantastic reputation established over 20 years of trading. Trading 6 days evenings only. Potential for daytime trade if you want to increase hours. Restaurant and cafe liquor license till 11pm. Currently offering seating for up to 40 patrons. Kitchen facilities include wok burners, stovetop, grill, fryer, oven and more. Walk in cool-room installed. 2 private car spaces at rear of business for owner/staff. Great opportunity for buyers looking for a restaurant with room to improve in a desirable location with affordable rent! Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or


P. O . A .


This business for sale is a food Co-Packer that specializes in contract dry blending, filling and packing. On offer is a contract manufacturer that performs packaging services. Located in the growing Melbourne corridor of the south-eastern suburbs. The business packs for a variety of industries including: Snack foods, Confectionary, Pet foods, Sugar &sugar free items, Cocoa powders, Herbs &spices, Health foods etc. The business has had significant growth over the last 12 months and has new and up and coming purchase orders that will continue this growth.The owners have also invested in new semi and fully automated machinery that will not only assist with the growth of the business but also cut costs. Further information can be obtained by contacting ismar Muratovic on 0404 1462 02 or

vnm magazine 028


0 9,5



erates over $3,000 per week with only one person working and room for 2 more. Affordable rent of $2,700 pm. Turnover of approx $2,500 pw. Generous 3×3 year

Excellent opportunity to purchase an immaculate rock star Barber shop situated in

lease. Excellent location with high exposure to foot traffic transport next to a very

the heart of Middle park. Owner works by appointment only and there’s room for

busy road. 2 working stations with room for 1 more.

2 more hairdressers to work in this immaculate barber shop. Providing services

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

including men’s cuts (some women also) styling and shaving, this hair salon gen-

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 9,5




ranging from specialty spirits, beers and a boutique range of wines from across the globe! Majority of sales are Wine and International Beer. Huge car park at front of

Fully run under management and taking averaging $25,000pw, this Bottle shop

shop. The business has been established for over 7 years and has always enjoyed

business is an Excellent investment for overseas buyers with no skills or language

a loyal and growing customer base.

limitations! Location is ideal on a very busy main road within a thriving shopping

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

centre complex. Trading 7 days a week with extensive collection of products

0404 146 202 or


.A P.O


REF: B13495

the business is run by staff so this. Staff will assist with a smooth transition, vendors are happy to train the new owner in the processes. Turning over $11,000 using 30kg of coffee per week. Lease remaining of 5 years with rent of $594 per week. No web-

This busy cafe for sale in Wantirna offers a high exposure location on a major road

site in place and no online presence, enormous potential for growth!

through the east. Easy menu being served for breakfast & lunch, with a basic kitchen

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

in place (no canopy). Seating for 27 inside & 9 outside. Operating 7 days until 4pm,

0416 000 154 or

vnm magazine 029

. .PO.A


tractors with their own trucks. The business would need to be relocated and can be based anywhere in the Melbourne area. This Business has a turnover of approxi-

This Towing Business handles the transport or delivery of heavy loads or equip-

mately $5 million per annum. Great business for investment, or can be an add on

ment. It is equipped to handle the transport of machinery such as cranes, cherry

to an existing transport business, as experienced staff are in place.

pickers, forklift trucks, diggers/excavators, farm equipment, construction equipment

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

and much more. They have 7 trucks and 12 full time staff, as well as 13 subcon-

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


0 9,0





on a contract basis, 2 casual retail staff and the owner working only 25-30hrs pw in the front. Takings: approx $12k pw average. Low rent of only around 7% of the

This business is located in an affluent bayside location with huge exposure.

takings. If you’re an animal lover looking for a business in which you can utilise

Focusing on Dog grooming and pet accessories, both are in huge demand in

your passion & knowledge, this could be the perfect opportunity for you!

this high income area where pets are part of the family and people are not shy

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

spending money on them. Run under Semi management with 4 groomers working



.A P.O


delivery throughout Melbourne. Established 60 years this Business is a Camberwell icon and an award winning flower shop. Turning over an average $15,000 per week with rent of $854 per week including GST. Has a well designed website, but

Located in busy Camberwell this Florist has a reputation for selling the freshest

no online ordering, so there is potential to add an online shopping cart.

flowers and offering personalised service to customers. Well known for it’s floral

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

arrangements for any occasion - weddings, corporate functions, gifts - and for

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 030


.A P.O


REF: B13500

people. There is also an outdoor dining space and 2 bars . Big kitchen and a walk in coolroom and a wood fired pizza oven. Run under management with 7 full time and

This Groove Train Franchise Restaurant For Sale is located in a busy dining and

7 casual staff. Fully licensed until 1am. Turnover of approx $40,000 pwk, with rent of

entertainment hub. This Restaurant boasts up to 270 seats with several dining spaces

$6,750 pw for a very large 2 level premises. And secure lease options of 10 years.

available: ranging from downstairs front and back dining areas, an upstairs mezzanine

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

space with seating for 50, a function area and a private dining room that sits up to 24

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 0,0



to work from home and set your own work hours. A mobile service which can be easily relocated and there is no rent. Turning over approximately $105,000 per

Servicing Melbourne’s North West, this garden and maintenance service business

year, with the owner only working part time hours. Lttle to no advertising, mainly

has been established 7 years and built a good reputation and many regular

through referrals. Turnover can be increased through marketing on social media.

customers. Offers general garden services such as lawnmowing, garden care and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

landscaping, as well as rubbish removal and gutter cleaning. This is an opportunity

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at



0 0,0



days currently with a shorter day on Sunday. Long lease of 6.5 years remaining and rent of $1538 per week for 120sqm of space. Fantastic opportunity to take over a well set up

This butcher shop for sale offers a prime location in the bustling shopping hub of Oak-

business & make it your own. Keep on some staff to assist as you take over and run it

leigh. Lot of money spent on a bright, modern set up! Currently run by staff under man-

yourself to reduce wages & grow profits.

agement. Fully equipped with brand new and pristine condition equipment, just take over

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

& make money from day one! Turning over $12,000 per week the business operates 7

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 031


0 0 , 0



equipped with pristine condition equipment, just take over & make money from day one! Turning over $12,000 per week the business operates 7 days currently. Lease

This butcher shop business for sale offers a prime location in the a shopping cen-

of 4 years remaining and rent of $1307 per week for 70sqm of space. Fantastic

tre by the bay on the Bellarine Peninsula! Lot of money spent on a bright, modern

opportunity to take over a well set up business & make it your own.

set up! Currently run by staff under management, however this business would

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

be more beneficial for an owner operator to take over & run themselves. Fully

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


0 0,0




business would be more beneficial for an owner operator to take over & run themselves. Fully equipped with pristine condition equipment, just take over & make money from day one!

This butcher shop for sale offers a highly sought after location in Westfield Fountain Gate,

Turning over $22,000 per week the business operates 7 days currently with a shorter day on

a major shopping centre in the south east. Great location in a busy shopping centre. Plenty

Sunday. Long lease of 8.5 years remaining and rent of $1961 per week for 180sqm of space.

of parking & public transport direct to the shopping centre. Established since 2001, this

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

shop offers a bright modern fitout. Currently run by staff under management, however this

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


0 0,0





make money from day one! Turning over $25,000 pw the business operates 7 days currently with a shorter day on Sunday. Lease of 5 years and rent of $2285 pw for 100sqm of space.

This butcher for sale offers a highly sought after location in a busy Mulgrave shopping centre.

Fantastic opportunity to take over a well set up business & make it your own. Keep on some

Established 15 years, this shop offers a bright modern fitout. Currently run by staff under

staff to assist as you take over and run it yourself to reduce wages & grow profits.

management, however this business would be more beneficial for an owner operator to take

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or

over & run themselves. Fully equipped with pristine condition equipment, just take over &

Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 032


0 0,0




equipped with pristine condition equipment, just take over & make money from day one! Turning over $25,000 per week the business operates 7 days currently. Long

This butcher shop for sale offers a prime position in a busy shopping centre in

lease of 6 years remaining and rent of $1836 per week. Fantastic opportunity to

Rowville. Established 14 years, this shop offers a bright modern fitout with a 25m

take over a well set up business & make it your own.

display. Currently run by staff under management, however this business would

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

be more beneficial for an owner operator to take over & run themselves. Fully

0416 000 154 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


0 9,0





equipped with pristine condition equipment, just take over & make money from day one! Turning over $28,000 per week the business operates 7 days currently.

This butcher for sale offers a prime location in a busy shopping centre in Craigie-

Lease of 5.5 years remaining and rent of $2585 per week. Keep on some staff to

burn. Established nearly 5 years, this shop offers a bright modern fitout with a 25m

assist as you take over and run it yourself to reduce wages & grow profits.

display. Currently run by staff under management, however this business would

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

be more beneficial for an owner operator to take over & run themselves. Fully

0416 000 154 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


0 0,0




take over & run themselves. Fully equipped with pristine condition equipment. Turning over $13,000 per week the business operates 7 days currently with a

This butcher business offers a prime location in a busy shopping centre in Co-

shorter day on Sunday. Long lease of 6 years remaining and rent of $2077 per

rio. Great location in a busy shopping centre. This shop offers a bright modern

week for 100sqm of space.

fitout with almost new equipment. Currently run by staff under management,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

however this business would be more beneficial for an owner operator to

0416 000 154 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.

vnm magazine 033

A .P O .



for 12 inside and has a liquor licence to 9pm. Trades 5 days - Tuesday to Saturday 12-7pm. Rent of only $457 per week. Lease options of 3 years. Established 10

This wine shop and liquor business for sale is perfectly located in Ivanhoe. This

years, this wine bar/wine shop is a simple business to run. Perfect business for

liquor business specialises in fine wine and stocks a diverse range of local and

someone with a passion for wine and/or spirits. It is an easy business to run.

international wines, as well as a selection of craft beers, ciders and spirits. The

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

business also runs wine tasting events through out the year. Has seating capacity

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O


a breakfast menu. Also provides catering to local businesses in the area. There is seating for 20 inside and does a thriving takeaway business. Trades 6 days: Mon-

This award winning bakery and cafe is an icon in Dandenong and is a firm favou-

day to Friday 6:30am to 4pm with a later close on Friday, Saturday 6:30am to 1pm.

rite among the locals. It’s reputation even makes it an attraction for visitors from

Turning over $12,000 pw with rent of $1,007 pw including GST and lease of 1x2x2.

out of state. The very busy bakery/cafe offers bread, biscuits, pies, sweets, bagels,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

baguettes as well as hot foods, soup, burgers, salad, salad rolls, sandwiches and

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O


business operates Monday to Friday. The business operates out of a factory in the south east currently, but can be relocated if the new owner wishes. Current factory is

This long established automotive hoist business provides both sales and servicing of

leased at $370 pw with a new lease for the new owner. Excellent genuine business

automotive hoists for workshops, homes etc. The business has been established 25

opportunity for someone with a passion or experience in the automotive industry.

years and services all of Melbourne. It offers onsite hoist service and repairs, as well

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

as the sales and installation of new hoists. Turning over $297,000 per annum the

0416 000 154 or

vnm magazine 034


.A P.O


ideal opportunity for a hands on owner operator that will run it themselves to make

This well known kebab and wrap takeaway franchise business for sale offers a

the most of their profit. Easy business to operate and support from a major franchise,

prime position in a major shopping centre in the northern suburbs. Located within a

the business serves fresh, healthy kebab and wrap options. Training will be provided.

busy food court that sees an enormous amount of foot traffic every day of the week,

Fantastic opportunity to take over a well established business.

this business operates shopping centre hours 7 days a week. Turning over approx

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

$11,000 per week, the vendors run the business with some casual staff but this is an

0416 000 154 or

. P. O



for a further 12 outside. Near new fit out. Fully licensed till 12pm, Full commercial kitchen. A well designed website is in place and this restaurant business has a

This Restaurant For Sale is located in the busy dining hub of Richmond. Warm

large following on social media. Turning over approx $14,000 pw. Rent of $1,500

dining room with a Latin American vibe. Owner has created a fantastic dining room,

pw including GST for a good city fringe location. Secure lease options of 6x6.

which is perfect for customers to meet up for meals and drinks. Good size for

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

private functions. Dining room has seating for 58 people and there is also seating

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .



week. Rent of $932 per week including GST includes a 3 bedroom residence and 2 car parking spaces. Secure lease of 3x3x3x3x3. Vendor makes good use of social

This Kebab and takeaway business has an excellent location in the heart of

media for advertising. This business is signed up with UberEats for delivery service

Mentone. Selling kebabs as well as other takeaway food such as chicken schnit-

New owners can choose to live at this location or rent out the residence.

zels, dim sims, salads, chips and a selection of desserts. Doing mainly takeaway

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

business, but there is seating for 12 inside and 8 outside. Turning over $11,000 per

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 035

A .P O .




until 3.30pm, potential to open to the public on weekends to make more. Turning over $770k per annum, the vendors work part time alongside 2 full timers and sub-

This is a prime opportunity to take on a well established skip bin hire business

contractors. Ideal opportunity for a hands on owner operator to take over full time

with transfer station and make it your own. 100 bins as well as trucks for delivery

and grow the business further.Website in place and established reputation.

included in the sale price. Large premises in the south east of just over an acre

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

(mostly under cover) with long lease of 4x5x5. Currently open Monday to Friday

0416 000 154 or Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202.


.A P.O



with the assistance of 7 casual employees. Taking $22,000 per week on average, the business is selling approximately 2500-3000kg of poultry and game per week. Rent of

Located inside the hugely popular Psarakos Market in Thornbury, this poultry business

$4,331 pcm. 2 walk in cool rooms and 1 walk in freezer. Separate dry storage area.

for sale has been trading for in excess of 28 years with the same owner, proving it’s

Very good location at the entry of market.

success in today’s grocery market that is often dominated by large supermarket chains.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

Trading 6 days per week (closed on Sundays), the business is operated by the Vendor,

A .P O .



spaces. Turning over $3,500 per week with rent of $700 per week including GST and lease options of 5 years. Costs can be reduced by renting out the residence.

This Beauty Salon for Sale has a main road location in the Bentleigh area with

The salon has an informative website, but does very little marketing. So there is

huge amounts of passing foot and vehicle traffic daily. This boutique beauty salon

potential for new owner to use social media to market this business.

offers beauty services and specialises in lash and brow services. It has 4 treatment

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

rooms and is well fit out. Also has a one bedroom residence and 2 car parking

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 036


.A P.O


which are owned by the businesses themselves. 90% of the items cleaned belong to the business. Vendor has done very little marketing, so there is huge potential in

This Commercial Laundry and Linen supply Business supplies table cloths,

this business. The business turns over approximately $1 million per year; with rent of

serviettes, tea towels and other items to the hospitality industry (restaurants and

$34,400 per year and secure lease options of 3x3x3.

function centres). Also supplies linent to hotels and hostels. The business has a

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

large inventory of stock which they can supply to customers, but also launders items

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

00 0 , 0 $32


weddings, birthdays and christenings at this restaurant. Fully licenced until 11pm. Run Under Management with 4 full time staff and 6 part time staff. Well designed

This Restaurant and Cafe for Sale is located in Rowville. Located in a modern,

website in place and has a large social media following. Turning over approximate-

large premises which backs on to lush parklands, the restaurant is beautifully fit out

ly $25,000 per week. Rent of $3,173 per week incl GST for a very big premises

and has seating capacity for 180 inside and 60 outside. There is plenty of private

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

parking for customers. It is hugely popular for people to hold functions such as

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .



sions on Saturdays. Selling 15kg coffee per week. Seating Capacity of 19 inside, 6 out front and 25 in a court yard. Has a commercial kitchen and a walk in coolroom.

This Cafe, Bakery and Takeaway Business is located in Hawthorn and enjoys a

Signed up with Uber eats for delivery service. Turning over approximately $8,000

high exposure corner location. Doing a brisk business selling coffee, sandwiches,

per week. Rent of $571 per week including GST. Lease options of 4x4x4x4

pies, salads and cakes made to order. Sells take home meals and also offers

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

catering for functions. Open for breakfast and lunch with very busy breakfast ses-

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 037

0 ,00 9 $9



wear, Manchester, baby monitors, toys and more. Large showroom over 2 levels, with several large storage areas. All systems in place for in store and on line sales

This specialized well known and established retail baby shop offers customers

Solid turnover, with massive opportunity to grow it further. Awesome web presence

the widest range of quality baby products from around the world across multiple

and large customer database. Stock Approximately $250-300k.

Australian and overseas brands. The shop sells everything for parents new baby

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

and toddler’s Products include Nursery Furniture, prams, strollers, car seats, Sleep



0 0,0




Seating capacity of 30 inside and 6 outside. Huge commercial kitchen and walk in coolroom. Signed up with Uber eats for delivery service. Run under manage-

This Asian Restaurant/Cafe Business has an excellent location in an arcade on

ment with 2 full time and 1 part time staff. Turnover of approx. 7,500 per week.

the main road in Toorak. Serves Vietnamese cuisine and other Asian delicacies

Rent of $1,142 per week including GST and outgoings. Lease options of 3x3x3

in a sizeable, well fit out dining room. Only serves Vietnamese coffee at the mo-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

ment, so there is potential to introduce breakfast service and a coffee machine.

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


.A P.O


room. Does a brisk takeaway business as well. Currently has short trading hours of 4.5 days. Vendor works with 1 full time staff and 6 part time staff. Turning over

This long established Chinese Restaurant for Sale is a hidden gem in the

approx $8,000 per week. Rent of $984 per week. Lease terms of 3x3. Current

Dandenong Ranges. Has an excellent main road location in Upwey, with plenty

vendor wants to retire after running the business for 32 years.

of parking for customers and is also close to the station. Large dining room with

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

seating capacity for 70 people. Has a commercial kitchen and a walk in cool

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 038


.A P.O


of office space upstairs. Fully equipped & newly refurbished with tanks, shelving & plenty of display space. Currently turning over $6,000 per week. Long lease of

This long established pet retail business for sale offers a prime location on a major

4x5 with rent of just over $1100 per week for large premises in a high exposure

road through the southern suburbs. This business offers a wide range of retail

location. Website is still under construction with online sales being prepared.

pet supplies as well as small pets such as reptiles & fish. Spacious premises of

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

approx 604 square metres with hard stand in the back & approx 140 square metres

0416 000 154 or


0 0,0




well as large yard which provides plenty of space to park cars and wash/detail cars. The workshop is equipped with 3 hoists, 2 of which are brand new. Turning

This business has an excellent corner location on a busy main road which is a

over approx $4,000 per week with rent of $961 per week including GST for a large

main North-South link in the Springvale area. This automotive service business is a

premises and lease options of 4x4.

mechanical repair workshop and a car wash and detailing business, with contracts

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

in place with auto dealerships for detailing of their cars. Has a large workshop as

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .




factory/warehouse in Gippsland, the business is very well equipped and staffed with skilled and experienced fabricators, powdercoaters and installers. Has annum turn-

This multidisciplinary industrial business is a fabricator of various products, a

over of approx. $787,000. Rent of $4,400 per month including GST and new lease of

powdercoating business, abrasive cleaning and welding services business. Products

5x5x5 available or the freehold is available for sale.

that are fabricated include: fences, gates, garages, UTE bodies, trailers, windows,

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

doors, screens etc. This business is a Stratco reseller for fencing. Operating out of a

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 039



0 0 , 5



with late nights on Thursdays and Fridays. Ideally suited for a hands on hairdresser who could take on clients, however, the vendor is open to staying on in the

This Hair Salon for Sale is well located on a busy main road in the area, which

business renting a chair - which would help for continuity with current clientele.

enjoys plenty of passing foot and vehicle traffic daily. Established 6 years, this

Lease of 4x5 years remaining with rent of only $1,038 per week including GST.

salon for sale has a spacious premises and a neat, modern fitout with 6 chairs and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

2 basins. The salon currently trades 5 days per week. Open Tuesday to Saturday

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 5,0



smoothies. This immaculate cafe has seating for 30 people inside and commercial kitchen. Trades 7 days with a shorter day on Sundays. Vendor works with 3 part time

This Business For Sale has a fantastic location on the Mornington Peninsula. This lo-

staff. Turning over approx. $3,000 per week with rent of $1,269 per week including

cation enjoys very busy summer months as holidaymakers flock to the area, however

GST and outgoings. Lease options of 4x4.

this takeaway business has built up a good reputation with locals as well who come

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

to the cafe for their delicious selection of rolls, sandwiches, wraps, burgers, juice and

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O


due to owner moving interstate! Rent of $1,385 p/w including GST, with good leasing options of 5x5 is a very competitive rate for the area and includes a large

This florist in the heart of the CBD is the ideal location, with magical design and

storeroom. Under management, so could be ideal for an investor looking for a well

shop display. Corporate arrangements through consistent orders are one of the

established business.

biggest pieces of the pie! Provides floral creations for dream weddings, events

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

and large or small occasions. This business takes $16,000 p/w and is only selling

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 040


0 0,0




Run by 2 Full time owners, 1 full time staff and 4 casuals as needed. Turning over $18,500 pw and showing strong year on year growth. Rent is $1,650 pw for a highly

This Cafe for Sale in Caulfield serves breakfast, lunch, coffee and nutritious snacks.

visible corner location. Secure lease of 4x3x3. Outstanding location and a new bright

Serves a simple to prepare menu. Has short trading hours: Monday to Friday 7am

and modern fit out and equipment, an inspection of this cafe is sure to impress.

to 4pm and Saturday and Sunday: 8am to 3:30pm. Large cafe with seating capacity

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

of 56 inside and seating for 24 outside. Commercial kitchen with good equipment.

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 9,5



inside and 12 outside. 2 off street car parks for owners. The owner has had the business for over 7 years and is selling due to a marriage break up. The owner

With an outstanding location and a new bright and modern fit out and equipment,

only works part time so there is room to grow the business with a more hands on

an inspection of this cafe is sure to impress. Averaging $6,000 pw takings. Rent

operator. Currently the owner runs the business with 2 full time staff and 5 casuals.

$2,453 pcm inc gst and outgoings. Full commercial kitchen with walk in cool room.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

Fit out is only 12 months old as owner has recently renovated. Seats roughly 30

0404 146 202 or

A .P O .



as well as being close to a university and train station. Trading 5 days: Tuesday to Saturday, with late night on Thursday. The salon turns over approx. $5,000 per week.

Beautifully presented Hair and Beauty Salon Business for Sale in Hawthorn. This im-

Lease options of 1x3x3 with rent of $877 per week including GST and outgoings. The

maculate salon has been recently updated to create a bright, modern inviting feel and

beauty room is currently rented out, which lowers overhead costs..

includes 5 stations including a barber chair, 2 basins, a beauty room and a kitchen.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Outstanding main road location in an area with good commercial and residential mix,

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 041


0 0,0




ing agent and offers wash and iron service on site. Very easy to run with one staff member. Highly visible location just off a major road within a shopping strip in a busy

This long established laundrette business for sale offers a prime position on a major

shopping area, easy access with public transport & parking at the door. Cheap rent

road through the east. Established for 30 years plus, this business comes well

of $561 per week with a 6 year lease commencing in June 2019.

equipped with 8 dryers & 8 top loaders, soap machine plus a 2 double load front

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

loader. Brands include Speed Queen, Maytag. Laundrette also acts as a dry clean-

0416 000 154 or


0 0,0



the customers. Well designed and informative website in place with all product information. Trades 5 days per week: Monday to Friday 9am - 3:30pm and turns

Import and Supply business selling industrial and domestic boilers. Are the sole

over $250,000 per annum. Run from a premises in the western suburbs, with low

agents in Australian for the world renowned Çetík brand of domestic and industrial

rent of $646 per week and a new lease of 3x3x3 available.

boilers for heating and industrial uses. No specific expertise is needed as this

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

business only sells the boilers. Fitting is done by contractors who work directly with

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .



Victoria, the potential is endless for growing this business further. Outstanding profits, a solid client base, numerous contracts, reliable plant and equipment and wide variety

Excellent opportunity to purchase a well-established Civil Construction Company

of long-term partnerships are only a few reasons this business will sell itself. Solid

which specialises in installing infrastructure for various utilities. Strong management

processes and systems are in place and continue to drive the company.

team with professional and experienced, long term staff are in place. Operating for

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

over 10 years, based in the South East Suburbs, part of the large growth corridor in

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 042


.A P.O


at the intersection of 2 busy main roads in the area with a high visibility location. Turning over $1,2 million per annum with rent of $5,700 per month for large premises

Long established wholesaler and retailer of Cleaning Supplies with shop front and

and lease of 3x3. Retail shop open 6 days: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5:30pm,

online sales. Supplies to both domestic and commercial users. Sells cleaning

Saturday 8:30am to 2pm. Well staffed with 2 full time and 3 part time staff.

machinery/appliances as well as consumables. Has well designed and informative

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

website for online shopping and a retail shop located in the Dandenong Ranges

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O


with their own trading hours to suit their locations. Well designed website in place with in-house online ordering system and also a strong following on Menulog and

This Pizza Business has 3 excellent locations in the Geelong area. All are run un-

Eatnow. As there are 3 businesses, they all benefit from bulk buying of supplies.

der management with full complement of full time, casual staff and drivers. Mostly

Leases and rent vary by store location.

doing takeaway and delivery, all stores hold delivery liquor licences. Combined

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

turnover is approx. $2.38 million per annum. All stores trade 7 days per week,

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .



Rent of only $381 pw inc GST for an excellent location with 4x5 years lease remaining. Minimal social media presence at the moment, this business has potential to grow

This Long Established Barber Shop is well located in a busy shopping centre in Toor-

with some social media marketing. Great opportunity for a barber to own their own

ak, with ample customer parking and easy access by public transport. At this location

business and take advantage of the long established reputation of this barber shop.

for 45+ years, this well presented barber shop has 2 stations and 1 basin. Trades 6

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

days with short hours, Monday to Saturday 9am to 5pm and turns over $5,500 pw.

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 043


0 9,0




turning over approx $486,000 per year with current year looking stronger then last financial year. The business operates Monday to Friday & the vendor works full time

This busy Mechanic Workshop has been established for 60 years and current owner

alongside 1 full time and 1 part time mechanics. Approx 6 years left on the lease.

has been there for 31. This workshop is a little goldmine for the right business owner

Business has many loyal customers and vendor will help with handover.

that knows this industry. It has three bays: one 4-post hoist and two 2-post hoists.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

A large hardstand area behind lockable fence can store up to 13 cars. Currently

0416 000 154 or


.A P.O


an excellent web site, outlining all services offered, as well as an online booking system. The salon has 4 treatment rooms on 2 levels and is run under manage-

Beauty Salon For Sale located in Warragul, the main service centre of the West

ment with qualified and experienced staff. Turning over $8,000 per week with rent

Gippsland region. This skin and beauty clinic offers a whole range of beauty ser-

of $592 per week including GST for 2 level premises and secure lease of 3x3x3.

vices - facials, skin peels, microderm abrasion, IPL skin rejuvenation, brow tinting

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

and feathering and shaping, waxing, spray tanning, laser hair removal etc. Has

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .



it has been in the industry for over 30 years. Turning over approx. $1,3 million per annum. Has a team of professional and highly qualified staff. Well equipped factory lo-

This kitchen design and manufacturing business works with major clients in the home

cated in Rowville. Rent of $1,154 per week and lease of 3x3 for factory. Well designed

building and development industry. Provides design and installation of brand new

website showcasing their work and services

kitchens as well as kitchen upgrades and renovations. Priding itself with high quality

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

workmanship and materials, reliability and exceptional service with competitive pricing,

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 044


.A P.O


all work required. Solid turnover of approximately $2 million per year with unlimited potential for growth in the flourishing construction industry. Ideal investment for savvy

The business owns and supplies an extensive fleet of excavators and earth moving

investors who should take note of this innovative company which has qualified staff,

equipment to clients in Victoria and New South Wales. Clients are from the civil

reliable equipment and has built lasting long term relationships with all contacts.

construction, rail and road construction, mining and general earthworks industry.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Fully equipped with approx. $2,5 million worth of machinery & equipment to perform

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


.A P.O


opportunity for a hands on owner operator to take over & make it their own! The premises offers seating inside for 32 and 8 outside, as well as a well equipped

This busy cafe takeaway for sale offers a great location in an idyllic outer south

kitchen & cool room (which just had motor & fan replaced). Currently using 12kg of

eastern suburb of Emerald close to the Dandenong Ranges. Operating Tuesday

coffee per week.

to Sunday serving breakfast & lunch, the business turns over $9,000 per week.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

The vendor runs the business full time with the help of casual staff. This is an ideal

0416 000 154 or

A .P O .



surrounded by entertainment venues and shopping and dining businesses. The beauty of this franchise store is that there is no franchise fees. Store is run under management

MUJOSH is a cutting edge fashion eyewear brand headquartered in Hong Kong,

with 6 part time staff and trades shopping centre hours. Turning over approximately

offering fashionable, innovative and playful eyewear. With eye-catching store fitout this

$790,000 per annum.

store is located in Melbourne Central in the CBD and is perfectly located for the target

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

demographic - right by a major travel hub with huge amounts of foot traffic daily. Also

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 045


0 0,0




shop offers a bright fitout and is well equipped. Turning over $900,000 per year the business operates 6 days Monday to Friday 7am to 6pm, Saturday 7am to 1pm and

This Butcher Shop For Sale has a prime location on a busy main road and shopping

closed on Sunday. Long lease of 3x6 years remaining and rent of $869 per week

strip in Balwyn. It is well known in the area for supplying quality meat and service.

including GST. Plenty of potential in this business.

There is plenty of passing traffic and it is easily accessible by public transport with

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

trams running past the door. Plenty of parking is available for customers. This

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


.A P.O


will be no franchise fees or royalties. Turnover of $13,000 per week and rent of $3,923 per week including GST for 2 stores. Both stores have 7 year leases.

This Cafe and Cake Business For Sale has 2 outstanding locations in busy

One store has seating for 26 people and the other has seating for 21 people and is

shopping centres, one in the North East and one in the South East. Selling cakes,

located outside a major retail chain. Both operate shopping centre hours

cupcakes and macaroons, these businesses cater for all events and occasions.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Vendor is selling the 2 stores which will be operated as a franchise, however there

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at



0 0,0



preparation facilities. Turning over $8,000 per week, the business operates shopping centre hours. This is an ideal opportunity for a couple or family to run, easy to operate

With a prime position in the heart of one of Melbourne’s largest shopping centres in

business. Potential to expand the range of food on offer. 5 years of lease remaining &

the south east, this cafe business for sale offers high exposure & ease of operation.

casual staff happy to stay on which will assist the new owner with a smooth transition.

This cafe serves delicious coffee & simple complementary foods, using 18kgs of coffee

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

per week. The cafe offers a beautiful fitout with seating for 26 people & has basic food


vnm magazine 046


0 0,0



0 9,0




Located in Camberwell with 2 off street parking. Established 14 years ago, the

Immaculate fitout with 6 stations and 2 basins as well as a beauty room. Vendor

Vendor runs the studio with 4 part time employees. Average Takings of $22,000 pcm.

works part time with 3 hairdressers that rent chairs. Rent of $1,817 pcm with another

Rent of $2,700 pcm. Spacious Studio with 2 training and 2 consult rooms.

5 years option. Great location in a shopping centre.

Contact Ismar on 0404 146 202 or for more information.

Contact Petros on 0416 000 154 or for more information


. .P O.A

0 9,5




Located in North Western suburbs. Selling wide range of pet supplies as well as

Less than a year old, this business has an American diner style set up with seating

small pets. Open 7 days with takings of $3,500 pw. Rent $3,978 pcm with long

for 30 inside and 6 outside. 2 bedroom residence upstairs, average takings of $4,500

lease of 5x5. Clean premises with store room out back.

pw and rent of $5,431 pcm. Great exposure right accross Rye beach.

Contact Petros on 0416000154 or for more information

Contact Ismar on 0404 146 202 or for more information



0 0,0

0 $9

0 9,0




Modern stylish fit out with 8 stations and 3 wash basins. Current data base of 10,000

Established for 4 years with a great reputation, serving easy to prepare food and cof-

clients. Average takings of $430,000 pa. Rent of $4,766 pcm with lease 3x3x3. Locat-

fee. Good size premise with seating for 42 inside and 28 outside. Takings of $7,000

ed in inner eastern suburbs. Full online booking system and website available.

pw, trading 7 days. Long lease of 4.5x6x6 and cheap rent of $566 pw.

Contact Ismar on 0404 146 202 or for more information.

Contact Petros on 0416 000 154 or for more information

vnm magazine 047


0 0,0




pw. 20 seats inside and 30 outside. Commercial kitchen. Don’t miss this fantastic opportunity: All the hard set up work has been done, new owners can take over and

This burger bar takeaway for sale offers a highly sought after corner position in the

start making money from day one. Plenty of potential in this business, new owners

Mornington Peninsulas suburb of Hastings. This business has a trendy modern set

could add to the menu or partner with a food delivery service.

up. Liquor license. Corner location near major supermarket. Massive social media

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

following. Operating 6 days only. Averaging $15,000 per week takings. Rent $263



0 5,0



full hair salon with 8 stations and 3 basins. This spa is located in the busy business district of Dandenong and is very easily accessible with public transport. Rent is

This business currently offers beauty treatments such as facials, hair removal

only $2,006 per month including GST, which is reduced as the lower level of the

treatments (waxing and threading), as well as massage and spa treatments such

premises is rented out, reducing the rent and overhead costs. Secure lease of 5x5.

as acupressure, foot spa, reflexology, Swedish massage, hot stone massage. The

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

business occupies a 2 level premises with 4 treatment rooms on the top level and

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .



as it has minimal staff requirements, requires minimal factory space and the current vendor only works 24 hours per week. Vendor willing to stay on if needed. Has

This Light industrial Manufacturing Business is an easy to run business with short

turnover of $341,000 per annum for only 24 hours of work per week. Rent of $346 per

working hours. The business manufactures pressed metal components (lightweight

week including GST and new lease of 5x5x5. Business is relocatable if desired.

and clean products) and supplies various industries (automotive, building, protective

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

coatings industry and souvenir industry). This is an easy business to own and operate

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 048


P. O . A .

REF: B13527

Established 14 years, this catering company had built a reputation for exceeding customers’ expectations. Caters for small private dinners to large events (weddings, birthdays, reunions, office/corporate functions). It has built up long term repeat customers and has contracts to provide catering to city councils and television studios. Set up includes walk in cool rooms and freezers for huge potential to expand. The business comes with an excellent list of included assets ideal for caterers and professionals. Contracts in place for predictable and consistent income. Has an excellent and well designed website and very large following on social media. Run under management with 5 full time staff. New lease available for new owners. Rent is approximately $2,500 pcm plus outgoings. Owner will trial at minimum $18,000 per week. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


$ 8 5 ,0 0 0

Get two business for the price of one. These 2 cafes both have excellent locations with plenty of foot traffic daily. Both are run under management. Combined turnover is approx. $15,000 per week. The first café is located in a modern beautifully presented building in the south east and is a contemporary, modern café serving a range of salads, light meals, sandwiches, breads, pastries, sweets, savouries and delicious coffee. Run under management with 3 staff. Rent is approx. $961 per week. The second cafe is located in a complex that includes a busy public library. Lease options of 3x2. City council is the landlord and rent is 4% of gross sales plus GST – a very good arrangement. Owned approximately 15months so still relatively new and has a lot of potential for growth. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or



REF: B13529

This excellent barber shop business for sale has been operating successfully for more than 50 years in a great location in the Ringwood area! Revenue approx $16,000 per month. Excellent cheap rent just $1,377 per month! Unisex hair salon. 4 Chair set-up • Same location for more than 50 years! Owner operates with 3 staff. Trading 6 days per week (closed Sundays). Excellent opportunity for an owner operator looking to be their own boss! The owner of this barber shop has been part of the business for 29 years and the business has only come to market due to the owner wanting to retire. It’s a great opportunity for an experienced barber to take over a long established and successful business where whatever you put into the business you will get out of it! Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or


P. O . A .


This Pizza shop business for sale is located in the heart of Cranbourne. Not only does it offer pick up and delivery but also a sit down dining experience as well. Seating 25 inside and 12 outside. Liquor license inside and out, Delivery liquor license. Double conveyor oven. Commercial kitchen Walk in cool room. Averaging $6,000 per week and trading only nights Rent of $2,564 pcm plus GST. Great spacious fit out Lots of potential in this business, as new owners can add to the existing menu. Would make a great business for a family to own and operate. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

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0 0,0




the business serves a range of easy to prepare meals such as charcoal chicken, schnitzel, chips, etc. Operating 6 days Tuesday to Sunday, the business turns over

This thriving charcoal chicken business for sale offers a fantastic opportunity in the

$11,500 per week with no website & no online presence. The vendor runs the shop

beautiful country town of Benalla, 2 hours north east of Melbourne. Spacious prem-

full time with the assistance of casual staff. Long lease remaining of 3x3x3x3.

ises with a playground. Full commercial kitchen onsite with 2 cool rooms as well as a

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

2 bedroom residence attached. With seating inside for 50 people & 8 seats outside,



.A P.O


cific Epping has an avg turnover of $4-6,000 pw and rent of $1,346 pw. The store in Highpoint SC has avg takings of $6-10,000 pw and rent of $1,923 pw. Store in

Feeling Fruity Juice Co is a franchise business selling smoothies, juices, yoghurt

Knox SC has avg takings of $6-8,000 pw and rent of $1,442 pw. Stores can be pur-

and boosters, prepared speedily and using fresh ingredients. The Franchise is

chased as a package or are available for individual sale.

expanding and three stores located in busy shopping centres are available for sale.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

All trade shopping centre hours and are run under management. The store in Pa-

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or

A .P O .



week with rent of $650 per week and a new lease of 5x5x5. Operated with 4 full time staff and 5 part time staff, the owner only works part time.Great business to run under

This Cafe for Sale is nestled in the Dandenong Ranges, an extremely popular tourist

management as staff are in place to continue operations and new owners would not

and weekend destination. This cafe is well known in the area and is highly rated in

need experience.

tourist brochures. This beautiful and bright cafe has seating for 60 inside and 20

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

outside. Fully licenced until 10pm (Pub Licence). Average takings of $14,000 per

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

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SELLING YOUR BUSINESS DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD We employ the utmost ethical standards and perform our role with integrity, honesty and complete openness. We use our experience & industry knowledge to market your business appropriately to thewidest audience, as well as working in conjunction with migration agents, to find the right buyer for your business. We are Melbourne-based, and Victorian specialists. We know our area, we know our industry. Our agents have had busi nesses in Victoria so we know YOUR area. Our goal is not to be the biggestjust the best. OUR SENIOR BUSINESS AGENTS ARE FULLY LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND ALL OUR TEAM HAVE BEEN BUSINESS OWNERS BEFORE. WE KNOW THE INDUSTRY AND WE HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. WE ARE NOT SALES PEOPLE, WE ARE INDUSTRY SPECIALIST.

vnm magazine 052

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