VNM Small Business Magazine Issue 024

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ISSUE 024 JAN 2019


e v i s u l exc



S E S S E BUSIN SALE FOR t n e t n co








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ive s u l c ex

S E S S E BUSIN SALE FOR t n e t n co

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HOW LOCAL G AFFECTS SMA One of the perks of having your own business is being accountable to nobody except yourself.

You are your own boss. However, having your own business is not all peaches and cream. You are not as independent as you might like to think you are. Although there is nobody to boss you around, you still have to follow certain criteria laid down by your local government. Yes, you read that right! The local government sets up rules and regulations that all businesses have to abide by. There are some rules that are mandatory. For instance, the minimum wage rule in which a worker is paid per hour by the federal law. If you are planning to hire labour, you simply can’t decide a specific wage on your own. Some cities and towns have their own local rules and regulations that state the minimum labour wages. There are also some policies that may affect your business indirectly. One of those policies is the taxation on small businesses. When you are considering your own start-up, you have to invest a lot of your money. And it is an unspoken rule of business that you can’t expect profit immediately after setting up a business. Businesses need time to make a profit due to the initial set up costs involved & the time required to develop a steady flow of income. Once the business starts to make profit, you will have to start paying taxes to the government.

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GOVERNMENT ALL BUSINESS There are various forms of taxes that a government may charge including a sales tax (GST), tax on business income, personal and real property tax, fringe benefits tax etc. Hence, it is important to develop a relationship with a trusted financial advisor/accountant who can advise you accurately as your business grows.

Another restraint you might be affected by is “land use laws”. If you are planning to establish your business near your home or a place that is feasible to you, you will have to check with the laws first. The local government doesn’t allow you to open a business wherever you like. Every locality has specific rules and regulations about how you can make the use of a particular land. And the rules are different for every locality. Mind you, manufacturing companies are restricted to a specific kind of neighbourhood, commercial stores to another etc. It is advisable to speak to your local council to find out what restrictions may apply to you. You may also know that the construction and maintenance of roads are a local government’s responsibility. If the city decides to build or alter a road near your business, it could impact the business. How? One will need a way to reach out to their customers and vice versa. Without proper roads or roadworks impacting local traffic people may not be able to find you, or access your services. Again, it’s worth making contact with your local council to find out if any works are planned to prepare well ahead for your business’ success.

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How to Choose THE RIGHT Business to Buy....... There are a plethora of small businesses available for sale in the business marketplace. If you are someone who is looking for a great business to buy, one thing that you will need to keep in mind is that not every business is worth your precious money.

No one likes to see their hard-earned money go down the drain, right? Especially if it involves a large sum of money. Not even in a million years! There are some key factors that need to be taken into account when deciding on a business. Continue reading to find out what those significant factors are.....

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The top-most aim of an investor is to seal the best deal in their best interest. Among a

variety of businesses, choosing the single best business can be a difficult decision. To succeed in your purpose, it is advisable to get in touch with a broker. If you are someone whose heart is not set on any particular industry, a broker can help narrow down your search for the best business to invest in based on your criteria. You will need to ensure that the broker belongs to a reliable and professional company. When the broker sits down with you to discuss your requirements, they will need to know details such as your skill sets, personality, and values. Keeping all of these things in mind, the broker will be able to guide you to a suitable business. For example, if the broker finds out that you have an engineering degree, he will start by looking for a business within that field. In addition to that, your personality can play a huge role in deciding on a particular kind of business. If you are an extrovert, a marketing or sales business could be best for you. Or if you are an introvert then a business that demands more behind-the-scenes work could be considered ideal for you. A business that fits your lifestyle and requirements is also crucial. Hence, a business cannot be chosen on one specific factor. It is, in fact, a combination of various aspects. The process of buying a business is extremely challenging. Another crucial factor that one needs to take into account is the potential profit a business can bring into your life. For some capitalists, the capital gain is their primary goal. Hence, they look for businesses that can allow them to get a 100% return on investment in just one year. If your sole purpose is to make money and nothing else, you can present this idea to the broker so that they can find a business with great profit. Beware – some businesses may look fantastic on books but may require you to burn the midnight oil so that you can squeeze out as much profit as possible. These kinds of businesses demand you to sacrifice your lifestyle or give up on your social life for a time being. If you are ready to take on this kind of challenge then go ahead! schools etc.

No one likes to see their hard earned money go down the drain, right?

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PURCHASE A RUNDOWN BUSINESS OR START YOUR OWN........ When it comes to operating a business, an individual has two options – one is to establish

their own business and the other is to purchase an already existing business. Particularly if you don’t have a great deal of money to invest, either one of these options could benefit you. Starting your own business requires starting everything from scratch. You have to come up with a sound business plan, ways to develop a strong customer base, hire employees, and implement marketing strategies. In the beginning, there is no steady cash flow and the reputation of your startup is nil. These are some of the challenges involved when you are planning to start your own business. If you think that you are not up to the challenge of starting your own business, then an alternative is to purchase a rundown business. When you buy an existing business, you simply take ownership of a business that is already in operation. This means that you are not required to make a fresh start; the business is set up, has some staff (potentially), has some marketing in place and is operating. Some people find starting with a clean slate a daunting task. The idea of how and where to begin can be challenging for some people, hampering them to establish their own startup. What equipment do they need? How much? What should they call it? How many staff do they need? Who will be their target market? Furthermore, purchasing a business will give you legal rights including patents and copyrights attached to a business that could be quite valuable to you & difficult to obtain otherwise.


By buying an existing business some of these decisions have already been made for you & you just grow from there. But one of the downsides of purchasing a business is that it can be just as costly as starting fresh. If it’s very rundown equipment may need replacing & substantial marketing may need to be implemented to restore a damaged reputation. Businesses that are in depths of economic losses and in need of a strong business strategy that could help them strive and thrive successfully will need work. For a rundown business, an experienced and skilled owner is required. To determine your path, start by looking for businesses that are for sale. Do some research & decide if you are willing to take the risk on an existing business or start your own.

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When you buy an existing business, you simply take ownership of a business that is already in operation. vnm magazine 09

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In the lesser developed countries, economic struggles are one of the biggest problems for policymakers. All of those factors that help boost the economy take time to function efficiently. Those factors include improved skill levels to produce more goods, investment and entrepreneurship, taxation on private goods, and laws for equal work. Similarly, one of the sectors that get affected the most by a drop in the economy is the property market. An economic downturn leads to a drop in property prices which in turn lowers the consumer confidence. The investor is hesitant to pitch his money on the property which can further lead to a lower economic growth. On the contrary, a rising property market influences the consumer to purchase the property for his own good. Investing enables them to make a profit. The construction and growth of the property positively affect the economic growth as well. It is clear by now that a high or low economy drastically affects the property market. All of which further impacts various businesses especially small businesses. If there is an increase in the economy, chances are the property market rates will be spiked too. For someone with a small budget and equally small business plan in mind, they would find it difficult looking for an affordable place to start their business.Whether purchasing or renting, cost is an important factor. Aditionally, if the property market is down and you are looking for investors for your business, it may be hard for you to find good investors. Generally, investors are reluctant to invest in any business during a shakeup in the property market. In times like these, entrepreneurs may find it challenging establishing their own small business. Profit is a faraway dream. Whatever little profit they make goes into the maintenance of their business. It is frustrating investing a large amount of your money and the business generating no revenue whatsoever initially as your customer base grows. Renting space is usually the largest overhead expense for small businesses, a cost usually calculated on a monthly basis. But that’s not all. Other kinds of expenses are involved too such as liability insurance, utility bills, maintenance fees, infrastructure, supplies, dÊcor, and insurance for business assets. Hence, for the time being, small businesses don’t have much scope for making a profit on leasing a private space. Moreover, the length of a rent can vary drastically from short-term (three to six months) to long-term (three to five years). You need the security of a long magazine lease without the landlord kicking you out, but you are then locked into paying rent for the entirevnm period regardless011 of how the business is going. With the inflation on the rise, at the end of a lease rent can increase substantially.

SPOT LIGHT ON CHRIS PANAGIOTIDIS As a Greek migrant to Australia over 40 years ago- Chris Panagiotidis has forged his way as the Director and leading Senior Business Broker within his company Absolute Business Brokers. Chris has always been involved and had a passion for hospitality and small business and saw a gap within the market for quality representation of local small business owners when it came time to sell their business.

Q. Chris what led you to becoming a business broker after so many years of success in running your own businesses? A. My first-hand experience as a business owner trying to sell my business showed me that there was a real gap in the market

at the time between professional agents and sellers in terms of the agents being up to relate and put themselves in the owners shoes. I felt that small business owners needed and wanted agents that could whole heartedly represent them knowing exactly what it was like to be in their shoes. At Absolute Business Brokers all our agents have past experience in owning and operating businesses, which really makes a difference in terms of the level of service we can give our clients- knowing exactly what it’s like to be in their position.

Q. Over the decades the market has seen many trends- what would you say is currently very important when considering the sale of your business? A. Technological advances such as social media and access to information over the internet has definitely made buyer’s in today’s market very aware of what documents and questions they need to be asking when buying a business. My advice to anyone looking to sell their business is to ensure they are well presented in terms of having their documents in order. Full lease, disclosure statements, accountant prepared financials etc are all crucial documents that you need when you hit the market. For example, when you are selling your house, you wouldn’t have an open for inspection without cleaning and tidying up- same should be said about your business and the documents used to represent it’s goodwill, that is what you are ultimately selling.

Q. Is the Chinese demand as strong as what people are suggesting? A. The Chinese investments over recent years has been a very strong force and it’s definitely made an impact to the market in


terms of business sales. We do however still have a healthy demand of local buyers and I believe in terms of small to medium businesses, there is enough stock on the market to go around for everyone. I remember in my time when I first came to Australia, there was great debate over the Greek and Italian migrants “ taking on small businesses etc” but I am a great believer that the beauty of Australia is that it offers reward to anyone who is willing to work hard to reach their goals. There are plenty of empty commercial buildings for lease at the moment so I don’t see the harm in more small businesses opening up and making a go of it- I think the demand for creativity and something new is always there.

Q. What would you say is the biggest challenge for a small business owner today? A. It depends on the industry of course, but if I had to answer the question generally, I would

say the high overheads of rent tends to be one of the biggest burdens, making it difficult for a lot of struggling business owners to keep their head above water. Rent prices in many areas and centres are crushingly high – making it very difficult for operators to maintain any kind of healthy cashflow needed to run efficiently and productively. The other major challenge is staff – finding reliable staff that contribute what their cost of employment is can be tricky. This is a major reason why we are seeing so many businesses move to online where they are usually being operated from home with very minimal staffing and overhead running costs.

Q. Given all your experience what would your advice be to young people out there with an idea to start their own business? A. I am a great believer and supporter of following your dreams and your gut instinct. I believe you are never too young to back

yourself and never too old to take risks. If you are willing to work hard and stay focused, I believe you should follow your dreams. My only advice is to always think of the worst case scenario as well should things not go according to plans. If the worst case is still something you can live with, then go ahead and do it and take the risk. You don’t know what you can do until you try.

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www.absolutebusines UNIT 7, 18-22 LEXIA PL MULGRAVE, VIC 3170

vnm magazine 014 PH: (03) 9566 7300

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Skilled Migration Is H Businesses In Austra Australia is regarded as one of the most ideal countries for migrants looking for better job opportunities and quality of life. Research shows that over the last 60 years Australia’s migration program has drastically changed. In recent years, the migration program has introduced a system in which migrants all over the world can permanently live and earn their livelihood in the country. This allowance is available under the Skillselect program in which skilled applicants can apply for and get a permanent Australian Visa. In order to gain the Australian Visa, skilled applicants are required to possess certain qualifications, work experience, and language proficiency that meets the Australian immigration requirements. It has been observed that over 186,000 migrants have settled in Australia, benefiting from the Skillselect program. Furthermore, nearly 70% of them have moved to Sydney or Melbourne. The government has put no restriction over which city the migrants can move to, hence it is up to the skilled migrants to choose which city they would prefer to settle in. The skilled migration has boosted Australia’s economy as droves of people have happily moved to different parts of the country. Different sectors, especially small businesses, in search of capable employees, have benefited the most from the skilled migration system. Only those who are highly skilled, well-experienced and educated, and have higher-level English succeed in getting Australia’s work Visa. These immigrants are profitable to small businesses as their skills and abilities help flourish the business. They are younger and more educated than a lot of average Australians, resulting in better employment outcomes. In this way, the overall productivity of a small business is elevated. Research by Peter McDonald at the Australian National University concludes that skilled immigrants are necessary for Australia’s workforce. Otherwise, it is next to impossible to run businesses and industries. Another great benefit of having skilled migrants from different parts of the world is that they bring in new and unique ideas and skills to small businesses. Since they are trained differently and have an innovative set of skills and thought processes, they help introduce innovative ideas to small companies. In this way, small businesses get a much-needed boost, creating their own niche in the industry. In the beginning, small businesses hardly made any profit and they usually have a tight budget. Therefore, they are not in a position to offer high salaries to their employees. Their pay-scale is low which is perhaps why most Australians may not agree to work for them in the first place. However, with migrants, the situation is slightly different. Since they have to make their own place in the country, they may agree upon taking a lower-paying job. As a result, small businesses have an advantage. At a minimum wage, immigrants can prove to be more productive and help grow small businesses to become bigger & stronger & more efficient.


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Helping Small alia

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... and so many more

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Businesses For Sale

Businesses Now Selling

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$7 5 ,0 0 0

REF: B13323

An excellent opportunity has arisen for a buyer to acquire a well established and successful butcher business for sale, located in a busy strip of shops in the Eltham/Diamond Creek area. Currently trading just 5 1/2 days per week (closing at 2pm on Saturdays), the business is operated by the owner on a full time basis with the assistance of 1 part time staff member and a casual cleaner. The business currently generates around $7,500 per week in turnover and enjoys a very reasonable $1,740 per month rent with a 3×3 lease currently in place. This is a great shop for a sole trader looking to be their own boss and run a business that isn’t reliant on a lot of staff. An experienced butcher looking for a simple business to run could carve out a decent living here and there’s room to grow the turnover for a good businessperson. Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or

BRIDAL SHOP BAYSIDE REF:B13332 $99,500 inc stock

This is a prime opportunity to take over a reputable bridal retail label boutique business for sale in Frankston.Front retail shop and back dress making area. Couture wear, bespoke gowns on a one off basis, mother of the bride, debs, suits, formals, red carpet, Alterations, Suit sales and hire. Dress hire and deb hire can be re activated as owner has stopped it due to health reasons but was a very good money earner. Currently operating Monday to Saturday. Rent of $1,803 pcm inc GST. Turnover of $130,000 per annum with great profits. Ideal for a dressmaker to take over a reputable name & implement their own designs. Price of $99,500 includes stock of rough value of $65,000 making this a great buy. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or ismar


REF: B13354

This Thai restaurant is located in the heart of Reservoir on one of the busy main streets.This business has been operating successfully for 6 years. It is a fantastic looking premise with great frontage and excellent exposure to the street. Currently seating is approximately 70 seats and is fully licensed. The dine-in business is supplemented by a thriving takeaway and home-delivery service. This business has a successful online ordering system via Menulog, Eatnow and Ubereats and a large collection of regular clientele. Weekly takings: $8,000 pw. Full Liquor License. Operates only 5 hours per day (evenings). Lease 4 years (start Feb 2018). Current monthly rent: $3,700 pcm. Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or


$1 9 8 ,0 0 0


This thriving pizza takeaway business for sale offers a prime location & a longstanding business since the 1990’s. Surrounded by other retailers such as a pool shop, busy coin laundrette and hospitality takeaways in a growing suburb, its high profile location off a major road means it receives a lot of exposure & is easily accessible with parking. Averaging $11,500 per week turnover. Rent of only $1,995 NO GST p.c.m. Double conveyor oven. Walk in cool room. Commercial Kitchen. Operating only nights. Space for sit down. Owner is moving interstate and is looking for a quick sale. Cranbourne has a great mix demographic of younger families and elderly people. Further information can be obtained by contacting ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

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. .P O.A


REF: B13321

with main road exposure. One of the biggest growth corridors in Victoria Total value of current listings as of September 2018 $10,315,000

Residential Rent Roll and Agency located in Melbourne’s South Eastern Suburbs,

Flexible lease terms

managing properties in Dandenong, Endeavour Hills, Doveton & surrounding areas. Residential Rent Roll: Management Commissions annually approx. -

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

$121,103. Number of Properties - 144. Sales Agency: Great prominent location

0404 146 202 or

. A . O P.


and 30 boxes of chips per week (around 450kg of chips). Turnover of $10,000 per week. Rent of $1,331 per week. Lease options of 5x5. Owners work in the busi-

This Business has a fantastic main street location in the heart of Berwick. The

ness with help from 8 part time staff. Makes good use of social media for marketing

business has a well established reputation for its charcoal chicken and home made

and is on Ubereats and Menulog.

salads. Mainly takeaway, but there is seating capacity for 25 inside and a further

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

10 outside. Trades 7 days - 11am to 8pm. Sales of approximately 240 chickens

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


REF: B13325

tential to expand the products on offer to grow the business further. Easy to operate business for anyone to run, become your own boss & live onsite to make the most of this business. Rent of $673 for both shop & residence, great location & vendors are

This busy milk bar for sale offers a great position in the heart of this affluent suburb

happy to train.Plenty of potential for growth in the hands of a smart operator.

in the north. Perfect for a family, there is also a 3 bedroom residence attached so you

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

can live onsite. Currently selling typical milk bar products & cigarettes, there is po-

0416 000 154 or

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0 ,00 5 2 $

k toc s +


The business only needs a storage space with freezers to store the ready prepared meals- no need to have too much space at home to be able to operate. Vendor

ituckerbox is a meal delivery business servicing the greater Melbourne Metropol-

only works one day a week doing deliveries and has a turnover of $65,000 per

itan area. This is an easy to run business, which can be run from home. This busi-

year, with good profit margins. Huge potential to grow this business.

ness takes orders and delivers snap frozen meals to homes and small businesses.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Meals are prepared by a third party company, so no food preparation is needed!

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. A . O P.



storage/unused area which can be converted into more beauty rooms or used for just about anything. Kitchenette and private bathroom. 2 secure parking spaces

Boasting a commanding position on booming High Street in Northcote, this stun-

behind the business. Rent only $3,293 per month. Taking an average $3,000 per

ning hair and beauty salon business for sale presents buyers with an opportunity to

week. Fit-out only around a year old. Huge scope for potential to keep growing.

take over a beautifully fit-out salon with a long list of features! 6 gorgeous hair sta-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on

tions. 2 basins. 3 stylish pedi chairs. 4 nail stations. 1 beauty/massage room. Large

0402 225 989 or

. .P O.A



cafe that has been recently renovated and has seating capacity of 20 inside and 12 outside. Owner works in the business with 5 casual staff. Turning over $6,000 per week, with low rent of approximately $358 per week and secure lease of 3x3.

For sale is a great little cafe with a unique position in Kyneton, one of Victoria’s

Great lifestyle business, trading 5 days per week: Monday to Friday 7am to 3pm

fastest growing regions. This cafe is situated next to the hospital. There is no cafe

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

in the hospital, so there is no competition for this business. This is an easy to run

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

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. A . O P.


REF: B13330

under management with 3 part time and 3 casual staff. Long established business of 23 years, but newly fitted out 3 years ago. Large premises with 9 rooms plus storage

This Beauty Salon For Sale with it’s beautiful and tranquil fit out is located on the

area. Trading 6 days: Turning over approximately $450,000 per year. Rent of $831 per

fringe of the Yarra Valley. This salon offers a full range of beauty treatments such as

week for a large premises. Secure lease of 5x5.

waxing, facials, hair removal, eyebrow and eyelash tints, eyelash extensions, make

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

up, spray tans as well as massages, manicures, pedicures and IPL treatments. Run

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


onto you. Fully renovated dog grooming parlour with 3 rooms that are rented out to offset the rent and a courtyard and storage at the back. The salon is run under

This busy dog grooming salon for sale offers a range of grooming services as

management with 2 PT staff and 5 casuals. Short operating hours. Turnover of

well as accessories for dogs. Great location with huge exposure on a busy road.

$7,000 pw with rent of $1,100 pw and new secure lease of 5x5x5 available.

The grooming salon prides itself on specialty service, treating their clients with the

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

utmost care and have earned themselves a great reputation that will be passed

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at


0 9,5



used for other beauty treatments. Run under management with 1 full time staff and 2 part time staff. Trades 5 days: Tuesdays to Saturdays, closed Mondays and Sundays, with

This hair salon for sale offers full hair styling services using natural hair products. The

late nights on Thursdays. Turning over $3,500 per week with rent of $507 per week and

salon has an excellent location in Mentone. The salon is well established in the area and

lease options of 3x3x3x3. Plenty of potential in this business.

has built up a solid client base. Recently renovated, this hair salon for sale is very well

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

fitted out and has 6 stations, 3 wash basins as well as 2 separate rooms, which can be

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 025

. A . P. O


manager and 3 part time staff. This fashion retailer is a long established business with a reputation for excellent customer service and clients from all around the

This Business For Sale has 2 stores in 2 excellent locations plus an online store.

country. Turnover is approx $830,000 per annum. New leases are available for

One store is on a busy main road on the city fringe. The second store is in the

both store locations with combined rent of approx $8,600 per month.

affluent suburb of Mornington. Not only a retailer, it also supplies wholesale. Run

Further information can be obtained by contatcting Chris Panagiotidis or

under management with experienced and well qualified staff. Each store has a

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,9 00 $6


seating capacity for 16 inside and 8 outside, a big kitchen and cool room. This cafe/takeaway food business is only one year old and already turning over $6,500 per week. Rent of $969

Cafe for Sale with perfect location in affluent Bayside suburb of Parkdale. This business

per week and secure lease of 5x5x5. This makes an excellent investment as staff (including

offers dine in options as well as wholesale sales and catering and ready made take home

chef) are in place to continue the operations. The hard set up work has been done.

meals. Trades 6 days: Monday to Friday 8am to 6pm and Saturday 8am to 2pm. Run under

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on

management with 1 full time staff and 6 casuals. The cafe has a new and beautiful set up with

9566 7300 or

SAV + 0 ,00 9 $4



setup and nearly full 5 years lease left in this Key Shopping Centre makes this a must see opportunity. Currently it is run under full management during the normal Shopping centre hours.

This well know bubble tea and Juice bar is located in a busy shopping centre. In addition to

Great opportunity for owner operator or partly active Owner to take on and grow the business

juices and smoothies, the bubble tea concept is rapidly growing. This Juice Bar provides an

during this early stage and then later pull back more and enjoy a good work / Life balance.

extraordinary and unique beverage experience with a good range of products that has been

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

tested and proven. All recipes, and thus the goodwill, come with the business. Brand new

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. A . O P.


in the business but all the work & quoting is done by staff. Turning over $5.2M per annum, this business makes excellent net profits. Could be a fantastic side earner

This highly profitable semi-managed solar business for sale offers an ideal op-

for an investor, or put more time into the business yourself to grow the business

portunity to make excellent money from day one! Established 10 years ago, this

further. With a showroom & factory renting at $668 per week.

business offers a range of renewable energy solutions for homes, businesses &

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

event venues. With an experienced team in place, the vendor does work part time

0416 000 154 or

. .P O.A



to Monday 4:30 to 9:30pm closed Tuesdays, with later closing on Fridays and Saturdays. Mainly takeaway business, but has seating for 10 inside and 8 outside.

Pizza and Pasta Takeaway For Sale in the Northern city of Whittlesea with high

Owner works with 2 part time staff and 2 casual drivers. Taking $6,500 per week,

exposure main road location. The town of Whittlesea is less then one hours drive

low rent of only $398 per week and secure lease of 3x3x3.

from Melbourne CBD. This business is a firm favourite of the locals and is also

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

a popular choice for the many visitors to the town. Opens 6 days: Wednesday

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or




S 0+




pedicure spa chairs, 2 nail stations, 1 beauty room, 1 tanning room, Separate store room and kitchenette, 2 car lock up garage, Currently generating $3,500

Located within walking distance of LaTrobe University in the Bundoora area,

per week on average, Low rent only $1,658 per month! 3 year lease plus anoth-

this hair & beauty salon for sale enjoys a spacious premises with a low rent.

er option of 3 years, Using mainly L’Oreal products.

The business is currently owner-operated with the owner also employing one

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on

part-time nail technician. The business features: 4 hair stations, 2 basins, 2

0402 225 989 or

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0 9,0



Monday to Friday, the business serves breakfast & lunch. Turning over $5,500 per week, it uses 5-7kg of coffee per week & has seating for 16 people. Premise is

This industrial cafe for sale has been established 18 years & offers a large corner

fitted out with fryers, grill & oven/stove as well as bain maries for easy food prep.

location with parking onsite for 10 vehicles. Prime location in a big industrial area

Good rent of $781 per week & lease of 4x5x5 remaining.

in the south east, this business has its own parking at the premises, plenty of

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

street parking & high exposure to passing traffic. Currently operating 6am to 3pm

0416 000 154 or

. .P O.A


serves a range of quality nuts, rice & health foods. Currently run by the vendor, this is an ideal opportunity for a hands on owner operator to take over & continue

This long established retail health food/nut shop for sale has been serving its loyal

its success. Operating Monday to Friday 9am to 5.30pm, and Saturday from 9am

clientele for over 30 years & now the vendors want to retire. This shop is within

to 2pm. Rent of $900 per week & new lease for the new owner.

a busy shopping precinct on a major road to the south. There is an enormous

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

amount of passing traffic daily. Turning over $10,000 per week, this business

0416 000 154 or

0 ,0 00 2 $2


works part time.The shop is just around the corner from a major bus interchange. Mainly takeaway business, but has seating for 35 people (19 inside and 16 outside).

This Asian takeaway Franchise for sale has a main street location in busy Warrnam-

Has 1 cool room and 1 freezer. Trading 7 days: 11:30am to 9pm. Turning over

bool. Being one of the largest cities in South West Victoria, Warrnambool is a region-

$495,000 per annum. Rent of $1,083 per week. A new lease is available

al service centre and the place where the rural population goes to for services, dining

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

and entertainment. Semi managed: with 2 full time and 2 part time staff. Owner only

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 028

0 ,0 00 5 $2


Wednesday to Monday for lunch at 11:30am to 2pm and dinner at 5pm to 9pm.

Large well fit out Chinese Restaurant for sale in Warrnambool - the gateway to the

Closed on Tuesdays. Strong turnover of $650,000 pa. Rent of $1,420 per week for

Great Ocean Road. This Restaurant has a high profile, main street location in the

2 premises. Secure lease of 3x3x3. This restaurant presents great opportunity for an

city. Restaurant occupies 2 shop premises. Has seating capacity for 160 inside. Well

owner operator or investor. It can be run under management.

equipped with 2 kitchens and 3 cool rooms. Fully Licensed till 1am. Offers dine in

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

and takeaway. Vendor works part time with 5 full time staff. Restaurant opens 6 days:

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


0 0,0



Seating capacity for 48 inside. Can also seat a further 15 outside. Fully Licenced to 11:00pm. Turning over $5,000 per week. Rent of $897 per week. Lease of 1x5

Thai Restaurant for Sale located in the stunning village of Emerald in the Yarra

remaining. Trading 6 days, evenings only 5 to 10pm. Closed on Tuesdays. Owners

Ranges, ample parking for customers and is very close to the Puffing Billy Railway

work in the business with 4 part time staff.

station. Well liked by the locals as well as the many visitors to this village who

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

come for the local attractions. Beautiful, near new fit out. Commercial kitchen.

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .



9am to 5:30pm, Thursdays and Fridays 9am to 8pm, Saturdays 9am to 5pm and Sundays 10am to 5pm. One part time staff.

Has no social media presence and

Long and well established Clothing Alterations Business for Sale in busy Dande-

very little advertising. So there is potential for new owner to grow the business by

nong Shopping Centre. Offers full range of clothing repair and alteration services.

implementing simple marketing strategies.

Turning over $4,700 per week. Rent $1,085 per week including gst and outgoings.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Lease options of 7 years. Trading shopping centre hours: Monday to Wednesday

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 029

. A . P. O



Has one part time staff to help with busy work load. Currently trading an average of $5,000 per week with room to grow. Rent of $1,108 per week including gst and

Well Established Clothing Alterations Business for Sale in busy shopping centre in

outgoings. Lease options of 5 years. Has no social media presence and very little

Cranbourne. Business has been long established with very good reputation and

advertising. Lots of opportunity for new owner to grow.

repeat customer base. Offers full range of clothing repair and alteration services.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Trades 6 days Monday to Saturday with later closings on Thursdays and Fridays.

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,9 00 9 $1



of one of Lygon Street’s best sections! Seating 26 inside and 12 outside, Room for additional seating outside! Trading 7 days currently 10am till 9pm. Roasting chickens in a

Boasting an prominent corner location on famous Lygon Street, this takeaway business

quality 5-door roasting oven, the business currently uses free-range chickens. Currently

for sale enjoys heavy pedestrian traffic levels in a busy destination food area. Currently

selling chicken, chips, salads, burgers, wraps and more.

generating around $11,500 per week on average. The owner works in the business with

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or

minimal staff. 3x3 Lease in place. Rent $5,500 per month for a corner shop in the middle

0 ,9 00 $4



commercial kitchen as well as seating inside & outside for over 20 people. Originally turning over $5k per week & using 18kg of coffee. Rent remaining of 3x3 & lease

This beach side cafe for sale ceased trading in October 2018 and is selling its

of $713 per week for both cafe and apartment. Easy to operate, perfect for a family

set up in a goods & chattels sale only. Top location opposite the beach along

or couple who wanted to live onsite, or sublet the apartment upstairs.

Melbourne’s Beach Road in the south, and has a 1 bedroom apartment above with

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

sea views! Large balcony upstairs in new condition, and downstairs there is a full

0416 000 154 or

vnm magazine 030

0 ,8 00 3 $3


of small goods, cheese & other delicacies. Ideal for owner/operator and easy to manage. Loyal customer base.Affluent and growing area with a population who appreci-

This busy deli for sale is located in a thriving Shopping Centre in a fast growing resi-

ate fresh, quality foods, the business is well targeted to the local customers. Lease

dential area. It is one of the stand out shops in this already growing shopping centre.

term 5 yrs commenced Nov 2018.Current monthly rent: $9136.56 include GST

Weekly sales: $22,000 on average. Stylish and modern fit out. Established over

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

10 years, this business has been serving the local community with its quality range

or Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

000 , 0 $17


tourist trade in the warmer months which drive the turnover quite high, while the winter months can dip below the average.The business currently has a 3x3 lease

Located in the “foodie” heart of Williamstown just across from the marina, this

in place and the rent currently sits at around $68,000 per year including GST.

gorgeous tapas restaurant business has been trading successfully since 2011. The

The venue is licensed till 11pm with commercial kitchen facilities.

restaurant seats 50 inside, 10 on the footpath, and up to a further 40 in the spa-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on

cious rear courtyard. Taking around $13,500 per week on average, there’s strong

0402 225 989 or


9 24


S 0+



professional property manager. Weekly sales $12,000. Café seats 30 inside and 20 outside. Corner location – Busy road with ample parking and no nearby com-

Pumping out over 30kg of coffee per week this café has its coffee lovers queuing

petition. Under-utilised Liquor license. Lease 5 yrs commenced Nov 2015 + further

up for their daily caffeine hit, whilst the hungry ones cram in for a table to rip into

2x3. Remt $7,300 + GST ($1,350 received for subletting the upstairs apartment)

delicious all day breakfast and lunch options. There is a 2 bedroom accommo-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

dation attached to this business and it is currently tenanted and managed by a


vnm magazine 031

0 ,0 00 $8



of loyal clientele. Sale includes vehicle & equipment, this is an easy business to operate & no experience necessary as vendor is willing to train. Vendor only works

This Melbourne based mobile car detailing business for sale is a great opportunity

part time hours & generates turnover of $80,000. High profit margin & flexible work

for part time to full time income with flexibility & mobility! Established 4 years now,

hours. Work from home, book appointments at times that suit you.

this business services all of Melbourne with a thorough detailing service including

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

high end detailing, paint correction & paint protection. Website in place & database

0416 000 154 or

0+ ,9 00 4 $3



upstairs dining room with its own full commercial kitchen upstairs serves classic authentic Thai dishes. Currently seating is approximately 120 upstairs and 30

The location could not get any better for this beautiful Thai Restaurant and cafe.

downstairs. Fully licensed till 11:00 pm. Takings $15,000 pw. Long 5x5x5 lease

The current owner has being operating this successful business for 12 years.

An opportunity exist to grow this business by adding an online ordering system

The cafe part of the business includes Ice cream machines that are very popular

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

in mid summer months when the beach goers frequent to village.The elegant


0+ ,8 00 $9



of cuisine. Fabulous commercial kitchen, walk in cool room and beautiful Dining area with outside seating makes this a must see opportunity at less than setup

Enjoy the spoils of the current owners hard work, a dedication to this business

cost. Taking $6,000 pw.Liquor license. Low Rent of effectively: $1570 PCM. This

which is reflected on the immaculate fit-out and systems in place.This business

business DEMANDS your inspection and genuine purchasers and investors.

is currently operating as traditional Greek street food, juicy skewers and mouth

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

watering souvlaki pita , however it can be run or transformed into any other type

0404 146 202 or Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.

vnm magazine 032

0 ,0 00 $7


sis, spray tans, SNS, nail services & eyelash services. Taking around $5,500 per week average, the rent for the business is around $730 per week and there is a

This elegant beauty salon for sale provides buyers an opportunity to take over a

3x3 lease currently in place. The vendor services clients in the business along with

successful beauty business in the heart of bustling Eltham shopping precinct. The

3 staff members, so this beauty salon business is ideal for a beauty therapist.

salon has an elegant layout which includes 4 rooms and nail tables in the front.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on

The salon offers traditional beauty services as well as IPL, laser, micro, electroly-

0402 225 989 or Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

0+ ,00 8 $8



of cuisine whether it be a hamburger place, Asian takeaway or fine dining as the foundations have already been laid. Immaculate fit out. Full commercial kitchen.

Enjoy the spoils of the current owners hard work, a dedication to this business

Liquor license. Can do any type of cuisine. Takings averaging $5,000 per week.

which is reflected on the immaculate fit-out and systems in place. Currently this

Great rent of $1,500 pcm inc GST. This business DEMANDS your inspection.

business is operating as traditional Greek street food juicy skewers and mouth

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on

watering souvlaki pita , however it can be run or transformed into any other type

0404 146 202 or Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921.


0 0,0




but would be much more profitable for a hands on owner operator that will run it themselves. Turning over $5,000 per week operating Tuesday to Sunday evenings

This long established fish and chip, pizza & kebab takeaway for sale is located on

only at the moment, keep it evenings only or expand the operating hours to increase

a busy road through the east. Well equipped with new griller, fryers, conveyor pizza

turnover. Cheap rent of $466 per week & lease remaining of 2x3x3.

oven, cool room & freezer room this business has nothing for you to do but take over

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

Currently running under management this business is run entirely by 4 casual staff,

0416 000 154 or

vnm magazine 033


0 5,0




in the business with casual staff. Turning over $5,000 per week. Rent of $1,224 per week for high profile city fringe location. Lease terms 3x3x3. Registered with

Busy Indian Restaurant For Sale located in the busy dining hub of Richmond.

Menulog for deliveries. Has limited online presence, so there is enormous potential

Immaculate fit out that has been recently refurbished. Seating capacity of 55.

for growth with more use of social media marketing.

Trading 6 days, evenings only: 5 to 10:30pm. Closed on Tuesdays. Fully licensed

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

till 11 pm. Well equipped with commercial kitchen and cool room. Owner works

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

0 ,0 00 0 $5


catering option - buffet, finger food, morning or afternoon tea, spit roasts, table service and more. Semi under management with one full time manager and qualified and

This Professional Catering Company Business For Sale has been established 35

experienced staff. The owner only works part time in the business. This business is

years and provides catering and hospitality services throughout Melbourne. It is fully

turning over $850,000 pa. A new lease is available with rent of $1,100 pw incl GST.

accredited by the Restaurant and Catering Association. Operating out of a really well

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

equipped premises in Melbourne’s south east, this business is set up to provide any

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


Turnover $12,000 per week. Lease of 6x8 remaining. Trading 7 days: Monday to Wednesday 8am to 5:30pm, Thursday to Saturday 8am to 6pm, Sunday 8am to

This Muffin Break Franchise for Sale is located in a busy shopping centre in

4:30pm. Under management with 2 full time staff and 7 part time staff. No previous

Shepparton - the heart of the Goulburn Valley. Within the centre this Muffin Break

experience is necessary as there is full training

Cafe is right at the entrance to the supermarket so has a huge amount of passing

Further information can be obtained bu contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

foot traffic daily. Seating capacity of 15. Shop fitted out approximately 2 years ago.

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 034

0 ,5 00 9 $3


very convenient for customers. Weekly takings: $9,000 approx. Part of a major well recognized franchise brand. 2 stores, one with drycleaner and the other is a dry

This long established dry cleaning Franchise for Sale is located in South East

store for pickup and alterations. Large (wet Store) with room to expand dry cleaning

Melbourne. You get 2 stores for the price of 1. The Main (Wet) Store is well equipped

capacity. Modern, compliant & well maintained equipment.

with ample room to increase capacity even further. It is around 200sqm, with 5

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

parking spots and located on a prominent corner off a busy main road, making it

. .P O.A


or events or for emergency power needs. Generating a turnover of approximately $1,2 million per year, it also supplies, installs, services and maintains chilled water

Fantastic opportunity exists to own a well established business that is easy to

units/refrigeration systems primarily to the wine and brewing industry. This is

run, allows you to have flexibility in work hours and has low overheads. Supplying

essentially 2 businesses, meaning 2 income streams, for the price of one.

an essential service in the area, this business rents out mobile generators in the

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Yarra Valley area. Most hires are for temporary power requirements for festivals

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

A .P O .



turnover of $49,000. Rent is $2,469 per week including gst. Long secure lease of 5x5. Easy business to run. Trading 7 days: 10am to 6pm. No late nights. 2 Full time staff

Health food, health products and natural beauty products retail business for sale in

and 2 Casual staff in place. Has online ordering and shipping system in place. If you

Glen Waverley. This retail store sells natural, locally sourced products such as bee

want a business that is easy to run or can be run under management, then call today.

products (honey, propolis, etc) woollen goods (comforters, sheepskin blankets), natural

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

beauty products, cosmetics, health supplements and much more. Average weekly

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 035

. A . O P.


in a courtyard and 18 outside on the footpath. Offers a modern menu with options to suit all tastes and dietary requirements. Very busy weekend trade especially for

Busy modern cafe located in upmarket Bentleigh area. This cafe has established an

breakfast. Turning over approximately $24,000 per week. Good rent of approximate-

excellent reputation with many regular customers, as well as many new customers

ly $720 per week plus gst. Lease options of 5x5x5. Is part of Uber Eats.

coming, simply because of word of mouth advertising. Run Under management

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

with 1 full time manager and 11 part time staff. Seating capacity of 60 inside, 15

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


ing a wide range of paint & paint supplies, the premises has a large showroom & the business is run by staff who are happy to stay on. Currently operating 7 days

This franchise paint retail service business for sale has been established over

turning over $837,000 per annum. New lease will be provided for the new owner.

20 years & the vendors are ready to retire! With a prime location on a major road

This is a fantastic opportunity to take over a long established business.

through this area of Eltham surrounded by shops & dining, the business offers high

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

exposure with large volumes of passing traffic daily and parking at the door. Stock-

0416 000 154 or

A .P O .



cabinet maker to be a hands on owner operator and continue the service & quality nurtured by the vendor over the years. Fully equipped factory located in the south

Serving its loyal customer base for 40 years, this business specialises in customised

east where a new lease will be provided to the new owner for $670 per week. Parking

cabinetry including kitchens, bathrooms, cupboards, laundries, outdoor entertaining ar-

onsite & located within a busy industrial area.

eas & office. Turning over $1.03M per annum, the business operates Monday to Friday

Furtner information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

with the vendor working full time alongside 2 full time staff. Ideal for an experienced


vnm magazine 036

. A . O P.


The store has a solid turnover of $17,000 per week. Rent is $2,419 per week for an excellent location in a busy centre. Lease options of 5x5. Trades 7 days: Monday to

This Retail Homeware and Gift Shop For Sale has a prime location in a busy Shop-

Wednesday 9am to 5:30pm, Thursday, Friday 9am to 9pm, Saturday 9am to 5pm,

ping Centre in the South East. The store has a huge exposure location within the

Sunday 10am to 5pm. 1 full time staff and 1 part time staff

centre, being at the entrance to a major anchor tenant. This shop sells a wide range

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

of homewares, gifts, seasonal goods, home decorations, ornaments, stationery, etc.

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

. .P O.A


hair salon generates over $3,000 per week. Affordable rent of $2,700 per month. Generous 3×3 year lease. No competition in the area. 2 working stations with room

Excellent opportunity to purchase an immaculate rock star Barber shop situated in

for 1 more. Loyal and long established client base and an impressive Instagram

the heart of Middle Park. Owner works by appointment only and there’s room for 2

page. Do not miss out on an exclusive and rare opportunity

more hairdressers to work in this immaculate barber shop business for sale. Pro-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Harry Hatzipanagiotis on

viding services including men’s cuts (some women also) styling and shaving, this

0421 000 247 or

A .P O .



One bedroom residence upstairs with toilet and bathroom Short trading hours, 7 days, evenings only. Fully licensed until 11pm. Under management with 3 FT and 7 PT staff.

This long established Thai Restaurant For Sale has an excellent location on the busy

Solid turnover of $15,000 per week. Rent of $1,806 per week for large premises on the

main road in Fitzroy. The restaurant is long established and well known for serving

city fringe. Lease options of 3x3x3. This business is on Ubereats and Menulog

authentic Thai cuisine. Large capacity restaurant with seating for 50 inside. Dining

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

room large enough for groups and parties. Beautifully fit out with traditional Thai decor.

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

vnm magazine 037

0 ,8 00 $4


food. No cooking skills are needed. Seating capacity for 13 inside, but mainly doing takeaway. Trades 7 days, short hours, no evenings and no late nights. Turning over

An easy to run boutique cafe in busy South Yarra, a high density residential area and

$2,500 per week. Rent of $1,000 per week including GST. Secure lease of 3x3x3

busy shopping precinct. This cafe has huge amounts of passing foot traffic daily and

This café with its short trading hours and easy menu.

is easily accessible by public transport. Doing a thriving business of takeaway cof-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

fees, sandwiches, cakes, muffins, pastries. This is an easy to run cafe serving simple

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

. .P O.A


per week. Secure lease of 7 years in place with rent of $10,300 per month including GST and outgoings. Currently operating with 4 part time staff and 11 casuals

Located in a prime position in the car park of a busy shopping centre in Mel-

who rotate throughout the week, the vendor only works part time in the business.

bourne’s South East, this excellent Magic Hand Car Wash franchise business for

New owners do not need experience.

sale provides an excellent opportunity for a buyer looking to take over and grow an

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

already profitable franchise business! Currently turning over an average of $14,000

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or



0 0,0



5×5 year commercial lease. Ample of customer car parking. Mainly Pies, sandwiches, patisseries and some bread as well. Only old-fashioned bakery in town. Great opportu-

This is a great opportunity to purchase a Pies and Cakes Bakery Cafe business that

nity for a Baker to buy a well known and established bakery in regional Victoria.

has been in the same family for over 30 years. It is located in Leongatha with great neighbouring businesses such as banks, post office, newsagent, restaurants, take-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

aways and so on. Averaging $14,500 pw takings. Rent of $2,583 pcm inc G.S.T.

vnm magazine 038

. A . O P.


cream, soft drinks, coffee and hot takeaway food. Turns over $7,000 per week. Rent is only $646 per week incl GST for a large premises. Lease options of 5 years. Long

This Milk Bar/Cafe/mixed business for sale is excellently located in South Melbourne.

established business of 40 years. Trades 7 days, with half day on Sunday. Easy to

It is nestled in an area with a good residential, small business and apartment mix.

run business, no previous experience needed.

It occupies big premises with double frontage and a corner location. Also has a 3

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

bedroom residence. The business sells groceries, snacks, chocolate and lollies, ice

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

0 ,0 00 0 $3


around $750,000 per annum. Rent $4,870 per month. Trading 6 days Tuesday - Sunday. Licensed till 1am for 79 patrons. Currently trading under management

This stunning bar restaurant business for sale is situated on a prominent corner

with competent staff in place! This business offers buyers a rare opportunity to take

in upmarket Seddon. Boasting a gorgeous fully equipped bar, large commercial

over a business with a stunning location and a whole lot of upside!

kitchen including walk-in cool-room and a good sized courtyard, few businesses

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on

in Seddon can offer the size, space and facilities this one can! Currently taking

0402 225 989 or



0 5,0



commercial kitchen includes cool-room. They currently trade as an Indian restaurant and enjoy a good reputation in the area for quality food. The restaurant itself can

This stunning restaurant business for sale in busy Lygon Street, East Brunswick

either continue to be run as is, or the fit-out and kitchen facilities lend itself to any kind

boasts a gorgeous fit-out that’s sure to impress! Taking around $12,000 per week on

of cuisine you might want to change to

average. Great rent of around $3,670 per month for a large premises. 5 x 5 lease cur-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989

rently in place. Licensed till 1am. Seating 90 patrons. Currently trading 7 days. Large


vnm magazine 039

0 ,0 00 6 $3


and 4 part time staff. Selling 35kg of coffee pw. Turning over $14,500 per week. Rent is $2,500 pw inc GST and outgoings. Lease of 7 years remaining. Popular for

This Cafe for Sale is located in a very busy Frankston Shopping Centre. This cafe

breakfast, lunch and dinner. This cafe, with its excellent location, makes a fantastic

has an excellent location within the centre as it is at the entrance of 2 major super-

investment as it is run under management and has experienced staff in place.

markets. The shop has a bright fit out which is only 3 years old. Seating capacity of

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

60 inside. Has a commercial kitchen. Run under management with 1 full time staff

Elle Likopoulos on 03 9566 7300 or via email at

0 ,0 00 2 $1


capacity of 40 inside and a further 34 outside the shop, but inside the shopping centre. Has a Commercial kitchen. Run under management with 3 part time staff

This Cafe for Sale is well located in a busy Bayside Shopping Centre. The cafe has

and 1 casual. Turning over $10,500 per week. Rent of $2,200 per week including

an excellent location at one of the entrances and has the right to place a coffee

GST and outgoings. Lease of 7 years.Makes an excellent investment

machine outside for takeaway coffees. Has an easy to prepare cafe food menu.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Very busy breakfast and lunch service. Selling 15-20kg of coffee per week. Seating

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .



set up with 4 treatment rooms. Currently turning over $10,000 per week. Rent of $544 per week including GST for a large premises and includes 1 parking spot. Lease of

On offer is a beauty salon with specialist treatments in skin care and therapy located in

2x5x5 remaining. Well designed and informative website with online booking system

Melbourne’s East. Stockists of beauty products with brands such as Environ, Derma-

and shopping cart and good exposure on social media.

viduals, Jane Iredale, Skin O2. This salon has an excellent location right by the train

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

station and off a busy main road in the area. The salon has a beautiful, warm relaxing

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 040

0 ,0 00 8 $2


for practical and theory. Locker and lunch room. On site laundry, toilets and kitchen. Certificates 2, 3 and 4 in Hairdressing. Certificate 2 in make up. All 4 Certificates

Established for over 12 years this business has had all the initial expense and leg

are funded. Full team of qualified staff and trainers in place. Annual turnover of over

work of building a registered training academy completed! It is a very large premises

$300,000 with plenty of growth as the space allows it.

with a retail section for clients and also multiple sections for students. 8 Stations for

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

clients and 8 stations for students to practice. 4 classrooms which are multi purpose


0 ,5 00 $7


in their food and more information about them. This busy shop crams in hundreds of brands and products that lead the way in the healthy product market. Turnover

This busy retail organic and health food store & cafe for sale offers a prime location

of $7,500 pw. The shop also offers cafe seating outside & serves organic coffee.

on a major road through the south east. A major movement is sweeping through

Cheap rent of $332 per week for an excellent location

the aisles and online at health retail stores across the nation. In pursuit of healthi-

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

ness, consumers from boomers to millennials are demanding healthier ingredients

0416 000 154 or

A .P O .



$565 per week. Secure lease of 5x5x5. Trading 6 evenings a week, closed on Mondays and open for lunch on Fridays. Owner works with 1 full time and 2 part time staff.

This restaurant has been going strong in this location for over 35 years. It has an

Offers dine in and takeaway - pick up and delivery; with online ordering facilities. Holds

excellent location in the heart of Pakenham near the corner of 2 main roads. It has a

a General License to 11pm and licensed to deliver alcohol.

good size dining room with seating capacity for 50 with further seating for 8 outside.

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Good for groups, parties and is family friendly. Turnover of $5,000 per week. Rent of

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

vnm magazine 041

. A . O P.


pcm. Long lease of 5x5x5 starting July 2016. Big gifts seller. Huge opportunity to extend gifts range as the premises are quite large. Supplies other businesses in the

This Newsagency for sale is located in a very busy shopping strip in Fawkner. This

area with Newspapers and Magazines. 5 casual staff with 3 doing deliveries in the

Business sells a huge range of newsagent products - newspapers, magazines,

morning. Owner only works on a part time basis as has reliable staff.

stationary, cards, calendars, art supplies, party goods, phone cards, MYKI cards and

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202

top ups. It has turnover of approximately $330,000 per annum with rent of $2,809

or Lynn Mu 0430 880 323.

0 ,0 00 5 $3


seating capacity of 20 inside and a further 9 outside. The premises has 3 rooms upstairs, which can be rented out to reduce sts or used as extra storage space.

This fast food restaurant/takeaway business has everything going for it. It is

Solid turnover of $15,000 per week, with rent of $997 per week and secure lease

multiple businesses in one, serving a range of everyone’s favourite fast foods - fish

of 3x3x3. Vendors are supported by 1 full time, 2 part time and 2 casual staff.

and chips, charcoal chicken, kebabs, burgers and more. Well Located in busy Port

Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or

Melbourne - a high density residential area.A well fit out, clean and tidy shop with

Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or

A .P O .



ships with some major dealers & manufacturers. Large factory set up in the south east & experienced staff in place that work on the tools that are happy to stay on. Currently

This long established automotive leather upholstery business has been serving its

operating Monday to Friday, the business turns over $2.1M per annum with excellent

loyal clientele since the 60s & the vendor is ready for retirement. Having established

net profits. Rent of $1,769 plus GST per week and new lease for the new owner.

a stellar reputation for quality craftsmanship, this business offers a leather upholstery

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154

manufacturing service for vehicles & campers, and has developed long term relation-


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$ 3 5 ,0 0 0

REF: B13372

Opportunity for new Hairdresser to enter this great location. Small Boutique salon, fully functioning and well established fit out. Currently has a 2x7 year lease in place, the current owner is selling due to personal reasons and looking for a quick sale and all offers are welcome as per vendor request. Ideal opportunity for young hairdresser to enter the area and wanting to start their own business. Save heartache, downtime and expense of fit out and start trading/ profiting day one. Great ultra modern fit out with 7 stations, 2 wash basins and spray tan room. Looking for enthusiastic person ready to run their own small business. With a Turnover of $5,500 per week on average, with no other competition in the area. Inspection will impress! All offers welcome. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


$1 9 0 , 0 0 0

This business is one with maximum capacity and potential for growth! A cafe with an impressive menu for breakfast and lunch that can easily move on to dinner and catering. Staff in place to provide support and assistance. Upstairs 3 bedroom apartment which is being rented out for $1,260 pcm. Commercial kitchen. Large area at back of shop which can be converted in to separate dining area. Averaging $8,000 pw takings. Rent of $3,321 pcm plus GST ($2,061 plus gst pcm after receiving upstairs rent). Liquor license. Very large space with 35 seating capacity inside and 9 outside allowing new owner to keep cafe style or serve a la carte dinner in restaurant format- great capacity for growth and flexibility. Currently taking an average of $8,000 per week. Very well presented with good equipment in place. Please contact Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


$4 9 , 9 0 0

REF: B13388

This long established fish and chips business for sale is located in Pakenham. This well presented shop is in a very convenient location and surrounded by good supporting businesses. Easy to run business selling fish and chips as well as hamburgers, souvlaki and a selection of snack foods. Turnover of $3,000 per week. Well presented shop with 5 Large fryers, Kebab Machine, Walk in chiller and freezer. This business has a good reputation in the area, but still has plenty of potential. The business does not have a website and has used minimal social media for marketing. It also does not offer home deliveries. A simple use of social media to market the business and joining an online delivery service will help boost the weekly turnover considerably. Further in formatiom can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or


$ 4 5 ,0 0 0


Established for over 10 years, this cafe is located inside busy Dandenong Plaza. Using 12-15kg of coffee per week & offering seating for 42 people, the business is easy to operate as the owner does not work in the business and it is fully run by staff. The store is run by 1 full time and 3 part time staff, the vendor does not work in the business, this could be ideal for an owner operator that will work in the store to be able to make the most of the current turnover and grow it. Operating shopping centre hours, the store turns over approx $4,000 per week. Only offering cakes, coffee and focaccia at the moment, huge growth potential. Rent of $4,125 pcm inc GST and outgoings. Next owner can increase the turnover by offering more variety of food. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

vnm magazine 043

9 ,9 99 $9


from 10am, this is an ideal salon for an owner operator to take over & make their own. No website or any online presence, this business is currently relying on passing

This nail & beauty salon for sale offers a prime location in the affluent suburb of

foot traffic so there is enormous potential for growth! Lease remaining of 2.5 years &

Prahran! This business is surrounded by residences & businesses as well as a high

very reasonable rent of $692 for such a high profile location.

volume of tourists passing through daily. Great set up with 4 pedicure stations with

Further information can be obtained by contacting Petros Margaritis on

spa chairs, 4 nail stations, a beauty room & a kitchen. Currently operating 7 days

0416 000 154 or

SAV + 00 8,0 8 $


place. All arrangements will be handed over to the suitable purchaser to ensure the smooth and profitable continuation of the business.The business is currently

This well established Ladies Retail Business for Sale offers a wide range of hand-

managed by the owners with no additional staff needed. It offers a good turnover

bags, wallets and ladies clothing in all sizes (including plus sizes) for the typical

and a solid rate of return. Approx $4,500 takings per week

30 plus age group. It has 3 changing rooms plus a storage room. It is a very easy

Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921

business to run as long established suppliers and arrangements are already in


A .P O .



no advertising over the last 4 years as most of the work has come from referrals. No overhead costs or rentals as they visit all their students in the workplace or local cafĂŠ.

Registered Training Organisation You Can Work From Anywhere – Life work Balance!

ASQA Registration until 2022. Impeccable reputation with ASQA and within the child

This business is a Registered Training Organisation offering a range of courses

care industry. Scope: CHC50113, CHC30113, HLTAID001, HLTAID003 & HLTAID004

varying from Early Childhood Education and Care (Cert III and Diploma level) and First

Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

Aid. Currently 50 students studying as Distance and Workplace learning. Minimal to

vnm magazine 044


$1 2 0 , 0 0 0

REF: B13379

Located in a busy industrial estate in Bundoora, this long established mechanics workshop businessy for sale has been trading at this location since 1994. The business has traded with the same owners since it first started and now the owners are looking to slow down and retire from running a business. Name and reputation for quality servicing in the area. Top location in a busy industrial estate with low overheads and outgoings. Rent around just $2,500 per month with 2Ă—2 commercial lease in place. Taking around $430,000+ per annum. Workshop facilities include 4 hoists, office, 4 marked car spaces at the front of the factory with room for more cars in the driveway. The property is also securely fenced with a lock-up gate. Ideally a buyer for this business will be a mechanic looking for a good workshop. Further information can be obtained by contacting Damon Ambatzis on 0402 225 989 or


P.O. A .

This tidy and well fitted out milkbar/convenience store is well located in Melbourne’s western suburbs. Located in the Spotswood area, it is close to a bus stop and reserve and next to a pharmacy and medical centre. There is plenty of car parks available for customers. Shop has a 3 bedroom house attached at the back. Turnover of approximately $5,000 per week. Rent of $554 per week. Secure lease of 3x3x3. Trades 7 days. Stocks all the basic pantry staples, drinks, milk, snack foods, lollies as well as Indian grocery items. Good location for a convenience store there are not large supermarkets close by. Perfect business for a family to own and operate, as it is easy to run and no previous experience is necessary. Further information can be obtained by contacting Chris Panagiotidis or Elle Likopoulos on 9566 7300 or


REF: B13328

Due to unforeseen circumstances the Vendor needs to return overseas thus creating this awesome opportunity. Takings $7,000 per week & growing. 6 days trading only with room to expand hours. Liquor license in place covering both inside and outside. Seating: 30 plus inside and 8 on the outside. Great location with lot of passing foot and vehicle Traffic. Ample customer parking available. Many supporting businesses around. Near new fit-out with a rustic atmosphere. The business is located in the heart of Bentleigh and features a full commercial kitchen with a spacious dining area and outside seating on the front pavement. Currently it operates as a modern Vietnamese street food restaurant; the menu is simple to run but uses fresh ingredients daily Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or


$ 3 5 ,0 0 0


Amazing location with a lot more potential for growth. Will suit owner operator. Ideal for renting some treatment rooms for weight loss, nutrition, and other health related services professionals. Established more than 15 years now with an excellent reputation by providing a high quality service utilising the latest industry techniques and products for all beauty needs. 4 treatment rooms with built-in cabinetry, handsfree sinks, electric beds + beauty equipment. Private Consultation room. Dedicated spray tanning room w / shower and sink. Pedicure + Manicure Stations, Make Up Station. Reception counter, computerised booking system + Retail area with security camera. New 3x3 year lease in place. Nurse renting room for $1,261 pcm . Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or

vnm magazine 045


$2 5 ,0 0 0

REF: B13338

This child friendly cafe for sale located in the heart of Croydon is a unique business to the area. It’s an ideal business for a buyer looking for a business that caters to children and parents, with a variety of children’s activities in a cafe environment designed for parents with children to be able to enjoy a coffee or cold drink and a snack while their children are able to play in an area specifically created to entertain them. Additionally there’s space for parties, so it’s an option for parents who want to hold small parties that are different from things such as play centre parties. Under management, owner does not work in the business. Taking $2,500 per week average. Rent $636 inc GST per week approx. New lease available. Seating 32 inside. The current owner has recently renovated the cafe so it is a near new set up. Further infromatiom can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or


$8 9 ,0 0 0

This weekday breakfast & lunch cafe for sale offers an easy to operate business anyone can run, and a great lifestyle with your evening & weekends free! With a prime location in the east on the external side of a shopping complex in the shopping hub of the area.The premises seats 26 inside & 8 outside. Established 4 years, this cafe serves breakfast & lunch from Monday to Friday only. Turning over $3,000 per week using 10kg of coffee per week, the vendor runs the business with the assistance of one full time staff member, so this is an ideal opportunity for an owner operator to take over & grow the business. Very cheap rent of $425 per week with long lease remaining of 1x4x4. No online presence, plenty of potential for growth. For further information please contact Senior Business Broker Petros Margaritis on 0416 000 154 or


$3 9 , 0 0 0

REF: B13361

This closed down pizza and pasta business was operating as a franchise pizzeria and has now closed down. The equipment is second to none with walk in cool room, multiple under counter fridges, office, seating inside and out. The owners have had to close down due to personal reasons and are selling under set up cost. Walk in Cool room. Great main st. location. Pasta bar. Large pizza bar. Large preparation area. Office. This is a great opportunity for the new owner to buy a full set up under set up cost as these shops cost a lot of money to start up. This is not being sold as an open business and the new owners will make it their own with near new equipment. Further information can be obtained by contacting Ismar Muratovic on 0404 146 202 or



This Beauty Salon is located in a fast growing area in a popular shopping complex. It has a semi corner exposure with lots of foot traffic. This business offers a wide, but basic, range of beauty treatments including waxing, pedicure, manicure, spray tan, and a little bit of lashes and massage work. The salon is under part time management with the owner spending less than 20 hours in the business only. There are experienced staffs in place for an easy transition. Weekly takings: $6,500. High exposure location with high-passing foot-traffic. 2 waxing rooms, 2 facial rooms. 1 pedicure room. 1 spray tan room. Ample room to increase sales by introducing addition services such as IPL, cosmetic and Injectable (STCA). Further information can be obtained by contacting Phil Booysen on 0429 006 921 or

vnm magazine 046

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SELLING YOUR BUSINESS DOESN’T HAVE TO BE HARD We employ the utmost ethical standards and perform our role with integrity, honesty and complete openness. We use our experience & industry knowledge to market your business appropriately to thewidest audience, as well as working in conjunction with migration agents, to find the right buyer for your business. We are Melbourne-based, and Victorian specialists. We know our area, we know our industry. Our agents have had busine sses in Victoria so we know YOUR area. Our goal is not to be the biggestjust the best. OUR SENIOR BUSINESS AGENTS ARE FULLY LICENSED REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND ALL OUR TEAM HAVE BEEN BUSINESS OWNERS BEFORE. WE KNOW THE INDUSTRY AND WE HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE. WE ARE NOT SALES PEOPLE, WE ARE INDUSTRY SPECIALIST.

vnm magazine 048

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