By & thru the Lord Jesus we are made free & able

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By & Thru The LORD

JESUS we Are Made Free & Able

( Jn.15:4-5; JN.14:23; Heb.5:8-9;Heb.2:14-18 ) Truly! The WILL of GOD THE FATHER is that we believe on HIS “ only begot-

ten SON “; The foundation ROCK of all Creation; The GOD of TRUTH ( Jn.3:16; Jn.6:44; Jn.14:1-3, 21,23; Duet.32:4; 1-Cor.10:4; Jn.1:1-3,10-14; Jn.14:1-6,21 ) And truly, the word “believe” means to “ carefully observe and carefully do according to” ( according to Noah Webster’s dictionary, 1828 edition ) All Power of GOD our SAVIOUR’S THRONE, is enjoined with the COMMANDMENTS & TEACHINGS of the LORD JESUS: the Writings of Moses, the Prophets and the Apostles. ( Matt.28:18-20; Jn.5:39,46-47; Jn.17:20; Matt.4:4; Heb.1-3,8,10 ) Truly! By GRACE thru faith, the TRUTH shall make us free & wise & cleans our mind’s eye and memory’s hall, from the darkness of man made teachings & traditions of worship. Even sanctify us ( set us apart to make us holy ), create in us a new mind, even make us partaker of GOD our SAVIOUR’S Devine Nature. But we must be willing to humbly hear, believe, accept, trust & obey The Guiding Written GOSPEL TESTIMONY of GOD our SAVIOUR. ( Jn.15:4-7; Jn.8:31-32; Heb. 5:8-9; 1-Jn.1:7,9; 2-Peter 1:4; 2-Tim. 3:16-17; Heb. 7:25; Rev.3:19-22; Jn. 14:14, 21 ) And truly, what is the WAY of faith in The LORD JESUS, but to trust & obey HIM. For when we are forgiven and cleans of our sinful ways, then by our standing upon HIS promises not doubting, even as a child seek to know & obey the WAY of HIS Kingdom. Even as a child seek to know & obey HIS WAY of righteousness, hereby do we believe on HIM, and our faith in HIM is made manifest by our fruits; even our thoughts, motives, intents, words we speak and the things we do. ( Heb.5:9; Jn.14:6, 21; Jn.15:4-5; Heb.11:1; Matt.7:20-21; James 2:26 & 8-12; Rev.12:17 ) Truly! Satan’s power of his deceit, treachery & lies are Revealed to us. Even Satan & his angels are compelled to flee from the weakest sinner, who humbly ask GOD THE FATHER in the NAME of HIS SON ( CHRIST JESUS our LORD ) for Mercy and Grace to Intercede and HELP. ( Heb.4:14-16 ) But we must be willing to obey The Written GOSPEL TESTIMONY of GOD our SAVIOUR. For by rejection or willing ignorance we make our self an easy prey for Satan, his demonic angles and those of our fallen race, who willingly reject the TRUTH & believe Satan’s lies ( man made teachings & traditions ). ( Matt.28:18-20; Jn.5:30,46-47; Heb.7:25; Is.49:16; Matt.15:3-9; Is.8:16,20 )

The TRUTH of The WAY of Promised MERCY & GRACE awaits and prepared to be freely given to all, who humbly hear and repent ( turn from sin unto righteousness ). ( Heb.4:14-16;1-Jn.1:9; Jn.15:4-5, 13-14 ) 1

Satan & his demonic angels are advancing upon our fallen race, with relentless hate for the COVENANT LAW & TESTIMONY of GOD our SAVIOUR. Leaving no means allowed untried to advance their bold lies and wicked works of treacherous deceit upon us. Even by treachery & deceit seek to steel our attention, affection and trust. Even cunningly draw and persuade into believing lies, and reject the TRUTH. ( Rev.12:12 &17; Is.8:16 & 20 ) The power of communication is of the greatest powers given to angels & mankind. And by this power 1/3 of Heaven’s Angels fell & joined with Lucifer ( Satan ). And by this power treacherous deceit & lies were advanced and caused almost all people, except 8-Noah & his family, to reject GOD our SAVIOUR’S GOSPEL and Merciful Warnings. Especially in these last days, Satan with all his power and cunning is using the power communication, flooding the World with his treacherous deceit and lies. ( Rev.12:12 & 17; 1-Peter 5:8 ) Truly! Obedience is the Highest form of Worship. For according to what we believe, even trust and obey. Thereby we honor & worship that person and spirit, who made and planted the teaching; or law; commandment; or tradition, which we believe. And truly Satan, is determined to be worshipped as god, and leaves no means allowed him, untried to plant his seeds of lies & deceit enjoined with his cunning works of treachery to steel affections and trust. Even as revealed by The LORD JESUS. Oh! Truly! Our only HOPE of not being deceived, even by The HOLY SPIRIT, WHO enjoins with the TRUTH, whereby only we are made able with wisdom & understanding, to know The LORD JESUS and GOD THE FATHER, WHO sent HIM. ( Jn.14: 26; Jn.5:39; Jn.17:3; Jn.15:26; Jn.8:31-32; Jn.15:7; Jn14.21, 23; Jn.17:3, 20 ) Truly! The LORD JESUS, over 2500 years ago has revealed in HIS written WORD of those things that have come to pass, & of those things which now coming to pass. Even of those things which are now happening, reveal the end of this world is almost upon us. ( Luke 21:10-11, 25-34; Matt.24:6-7; Rev.6:12-13; Matt.24:29-39; Mark 13:24-31 & 13 ) Even this great nation’s constitution, which secures freedom & liberty for all, is step by step being changed, even as revealed. ( Rev.13:11-12 ) But when this nation, shall step over GOD our SAVIOUR’S boundary of Longsuffering, Patience and MERCY. Then be assured, soon to follow shall that time of trouble revealed begin and come to pass. ( Dan.12 :1; Rev.13:11-17 ) All of GOD our SAVIOUR’S warnings, are plainly revealed & enjoined with HIS with MERCY, except HIS warnings of the 7 last plagues. Which shall be poured out when HIS Work of Judgment is finished. ( Rev.16:1-21; Reve.14:10; Rev.20:9,14-15 ) 2

Truly before the plagues shall be poured out The LORD JESUS will Declare HIS Final JUDGEMENT upon all generations. Even at that appointed time, known only by GOD THE FATHER. But plainly revealed, is that appointed time when The LORD JESUS shall begin HIS Work of Judgment. ( Dan.8:14-17; Dan. 9:4,21-27 ). Truly we now live our lives before The Judgment Seat of The LORD JESUS The Declare HIS Reward ( A Crown of Life or Eternal Death ). ( 2-Cor.5:10; Jn.5:22, 28-30; Rev.22:11-20; Jn.12:48; Jn.5:39; Matt.12:36-37; Matt.7:21-24 )

By the MERCY & GRACE of GOD THE FATHER thru HIS Only Begotten SON by The HOLY SPIRIT, we are given power to choose our motives, intents and overcome our sinful ways. Even to humbly repent, believe, trust and obey. ( Heb.4:14-16; Jn.15:4-7; Heb11:1 ) Our SAVIOUR Promises, we shall not be deceived if we believe, even trust and obey HIS Written WORD. And thus saith The LORD JESUS “ I AM the Way, the Truth & the Life: no man cometh unto the FATHER, but by ME: Search the SCRIPTURES for in THEM ye think ye have Eternal Life: And THEY are THEY which TESTIFY of ME.... And ye shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you Free. I AM the Resurrection and the Life: he that Believeth In ME, though he were dead, yet shall he live:..." ( Matt.4:4; Jn.5:39; Jn.14:6; Jn.8:32; Jn.11:25 ) "Unto you therefore which Believe HE is precious: ye are a chosen generation, A Royal Priesthood, an Holy Nation, a Peculiar People: that ye should show forth the praise of HIM WHO hath called you out of darkness into HIS Marvelous Light:.... For even hereunto were ye called: because CHRIST also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow HIS Steps: WHO did no sin, Neither was guile found in HIS Mouth: WHO, when HE was Reviled, reviled not again; when HE Suffered, HE threatened not; but Committed HIMSELF to HIM that Judgeth Righteously: WHO, HIS OWN SELF Bare our sins In HIS OWN BODY on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should Live unto Righteousness: By WHOSE STRIPES ye are HEALED." ( 2-Peter 2:7,9,21-24 ) Satan & his followers especially hate, GOD our SAVIOUR’S Sacred Gift of power to choose , even with freedom think and make our choice. Wherefore Satan, with all his cunning and power is relentless, in his efforts to steel away & rob us of our freedom of choice. Even rob us of our right to worship according to our conscience. But we have nothing to fear of Satan’s artful cunning & power, if we surrender our will into our SAVIOUR'S Nailed Pierced Hands, even trust and obey HIS WORDS of LIFE. ( Matt.11:6, 28-30; Is.49:16; Is.8:16 & 20; Rev.7:1-3 & 9 )


Thus saith the LORD JESUS: "But let your communication be, Yea, yea; Nay, nay: for what so ever is more than THESE cometh of evil...." ( Matt.5:37; Is.8:16, 20 ) I pray for the HOLY SPIRIT to intercede & open our understanding with wisdom. Even make us able to see and behold, Satan's cunningly laid plans to use any means of deceit & treachery to steel our attention and hear his lies. Even to cause us compromise by any measure or cause us to reject the Sanctifying Work of our SAVIOUR, for us, in us and through us. Truly! Our SAVIOUR’S faithful Witnesses, will not compromise, but according to HIS Written WORD and enabled by The HOLY SPIRIT, bare True Testimony of HIS Everlasting GOSPEL COVENANT. Even according to the certain sound of HIS Written Voice by Moses, the Prophets and Apostles. But The Written Voice HIS GOSPEL is almost silent. Causing a darkness upon almost all people, even like that of those 1260 years when the light of The TRUTH was hidden from almost all people. ( Jn.5:39,46-47; Matt.28:18-20; Hosea 4:1, 6; Is.:16 & 20 ) May GOD our SAVIOUR’S MERCY and GRACE be done in us and through us. Even according to HIS Wonderful Will, for thus saith The LORD JESUS: " Bind up the TESTIMONY and SEAL THE LAW among MY Disciples.... To the LAW and to the TESTIMONY; if they speak not according to this WORD, it is because there is no light (TRUTH) in them". ( Eph.2:8; Rms.3:3; 1Is.8:16,20; Rev.7:1-3; Duet.4:13; Ex.31:18; Ex.34:1,28; Matt.19:17; Rev.14:12; Rev.22:14; Jn.14: 21 & 23 ) A Voice, Sonny


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