Voice of Asia June 19 2015

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FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

Over 26 years of dedicated service to the community

Vol. 28 No. 25 Friday, June 19, 2015 • Published Weekly from Houston • 713-774-5140 20 Pages ( 2 sections) 50 cents E-mail: editor@voiceofasiaonline.com


FRIDAY, June 19, 2015


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VOICE OF ASIA Over 26 years of dedicated service to the community

FRIDAY, June 19, 2015 Business owners read about various types of life Insurance that can help you.

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Vol. 28 No. 25 Friday, June 19, 2015 • Published Weekly from Houston • 713-774-5140 20 Pages ( 2 sections) 50 cents E-mail: editor@voiceofasiaonline.com

AARP reaching out to Asian Community, Media


OUSTON - Making sure all members of the Houston and Gulf Coast 50+ community know all AARP offers was the focus of meeting between AARP staff and members of the Houston Asian media. The gathering was held at the AARP Houston offices on Friday, June 12. At the metering were AARP staff and representatives from Voice of Asia, Pakistan Post and Komerica Post in Houston. The idea behind the meeting was to bridge the gap of information which may exist and provide life-changing information to members to Houston’s Asian communities. AARP Outreach and Advocacy Manager, Tina Tran, Communications Manager, Rafael Ayuso and Associate State Director of Communications for Houston and the Gulf Coast area, Juanita JimenezSoto spoke about the many initia-

India PM Modi greets Pakistan PM Sharif on eve of Ramadan

tives which are the focus of AARP’s work in our area. Among those initiatives are: Caregiving, Age Friendly Communities, Fraud Watch and AARP itself. Also discussed are upcoming free events which are open to all members of our community. AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, with a membership of nearly 38 million, that helps people turn their goals and dreams into real possibilities, strengthens communities and fights for the issues that matter most to families such as healthcare, employment and income security, retirement planning, affordable utilities and protection from financial abuse. We advocate for individuals in the marketplace by selecting products and services of high quality and value to carry the AARP name as well as help our members obtain discounts on a wide range of products, travel, and services. Learn more at www.aarp. org.

L-R: Koshy Thomas Publisher & CEO Voice of Asia Group, Rogene Calvert, Consultant, Charlene Hunter James, AARP Volunteer,Tina Tran, AARP Outreach and Advocacy Manager, Juanita Jimenez-Soto, Associate State Director of Communications, Rafael Ayuso, AARP Communications Manager and Saeed Gaddi, Sangeet Radio CEO and host.

Gujarati Samaj of Houston breaks ground for new community center

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi with his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif in New Delhi in 2014. Getty Image

ISLAMABAD — Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi telephoned his Pakistani counterpart Tuesday, offering Ramadan wishes and announcing the release of detained fishermen, in an apparent icebreaking conversation after recent provocative comments strained tensions between the two countries. Both the leaders spoke for five minutes and India’s Prime Minister also greeted Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on the eve of the holy month of Ramadan,� Sharif office said in a statement. “On this occasion India’s Prime Minister said his government is releasing Pakistani fishermen as a goodwill gesture and wants good relations with Pakistan,� it said. The call came after a war of words between the neighbouring nations over border disputes, particularly over recent airstrikes in Myanmar and a recent speech by Modi in Bangladesh. During the conversation Sharif emphasised that “Pakistan and India should forget differences and war and should move towards peace and harmony�, his office said.

GSH Board and committee members breaking ground with Consul General, and elected officials on Sunday, June 14, 2015. Photo by Shobana Muratee. by Harsha Mary Pradeep. Reported by Shobana Muratee


OUSTON--Saturday saw the Groundbreaking and Initiation of Construction ceremony for the Gujarati Samaj of Houston (GSH) Community Center on Saturday, June 12th, at 9550 West Bellfort.

The ceremony that began in the morning was the fruition of a nearly tenyear journey for the Gujarati Samaj of Houston. The search for a new community center for the 36-year-old Gujarati Samaj that had its humble beginnings as Mahatma Gandhi Community Center

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here in Houston began soon after and the present location was secured in 2011 thanks to a generous land donation by Amit and Arpita Bhandari and Mukesh and Nimmi Turakhia. The old center was sold in 2005. “The success of Gujarati Samaj of Houston center is a dream come true

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Joining the board of directors, trustees and members of various planning committees for the groundbreaking continued on Page 7

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VOICE OF ASIA Publisher: Associate Publisher: Editor-in-Chief: Austin Correspondent: Print & Media Marketing: Marketing: Production: Office Manager: Digital Coordinator

Koshy Thomas Sherly Philip Shobana Muratee Sherine Thomas Jacob David Susan Pothanikat AR Vadlamani Priyan Mathew Harsha Mary Pradeep

Columnists: Legal: Richard M. Alderman Legal: Sharlene Sharmila Richards Research: Prof. Meenakshi Bhattacharjee Health Insurance: Sudhir Mathuria Astrology: Hardik Vyas

VoiceofAsiaOnline.com Editor: Online & Newsletter : Shobana Muratee All rights reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be published without the consent of the publisher. Voice of Asia assumes no liability resulting from action taken based on the information included herein. Published weekly by Free Press LLC, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074. Tel: 713-774-5140. Fax: 713-7745143. Email for editorial submissions: voiceasia@aol.com; Email for advertising inquiries and submissions: ads@ voiceofasiagroup.com

Voice of Asia (USPS 010-215) (ISSN#10705058) is published every Friday (for a subscription rate of $30 per year) by Free Press LLC, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074. Tel: 713-774-5140. Fax: 713774-5143. Periodical postage paid at Houston, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Voice of Asia, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074


ention trans fat, and while many people might not know exactly what it is, odds are they know it’s bad for them. That knowledge, along with labeling requirements and market forces, cut trans fat consumption by nearly 80% since 2003. Quite a public health coup. On Tuesday, seeking to build on that success and get rid of even more artificial trans fat, the Food and Drug Administration outlawed its most common source — partially hydrogenated oil — and gave companies three years to eliminate it from their products. Restaurants will have to do the same. Saying good riddance to trans fat is easy. Once pushed as a healthy alternative to animal fats, the artery-clogging substance has long been linked to coronary heart disease and heart attacks. The FDA estimates that eliminating it could prevent 7,000 heart-related deaths a year. Even so, the government shouldn’t forget how successful it has been in cutting consumption without a ban, by giving the public the facts and letting the free market do the rest. In 2003, the FDA ordered companies to disclose on labels how much trans fat is in their products. Worried that the truth would hurt sales, several industry giants ditched most of their trans fat before the 2006 deadline, rather than risk announcing its presence on labels. Other food makers followed, and to-

FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

Trans fat facts can beat Nanny State bans: View

day trans fat is mainly found in processed products such as frozen pizza, canned frosting and microwave popcorn. The trans fat saga provides both a lesson in scientific humility and a way forward as government moves to reduce overconsumption of salt, sugars and high-calorie foods that contribute to the nation’s obesity epidemic. Washington should stick to a give-them-the-facts strategy rather than a Nanny State approach sure to produce a backlash.

One useful FDA rule, finalized last November, requires chains with 20 or more locations — including restaurants, supermarkets and movie theaters — to post calorie counts. Also, “Nutrition Facts” labels on food packaging are due for a major update that would provide more data about added sugars, for example, in soft drinks. No doubt, that information is needed. More than one-third of adults and 17% of children are obese. Obesity is linked to heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. The entire nation pays for those diseases in health care costs. Not all consumers, of course, will care about labels or calorie counts, but those who do will have the facts. The big payoff will occur if industries change food content because educated

Trans fat content. (Photo: Joe Raedle, Getty Images) consumers demand healthier products.

Courtesy: USA Today

Government’s smart bet is not to ban substances or tell people what to eat. When consumers get the facts, their power will prod the restaurant and food industries in the right direction.

USA TODAY’s editorial opinions are decided by its Editorial Board, separate from the news staff. Most editorials are coupled with an opposing view — a unique USA TODAY feature.

At the end of November, however, Gandhi received an urgent message from Natal asking him to return immediately. There were some developments which required his presence there. So Gandhi set sail for South Africa once

Soon there was a rush and much shouting. As Gandhi and his friends proceeded, the crowd began to swell until it was impossible to go any further. Suddenly Laughton was pushed aside and the mob set upon Gandhi. They pelted him

It is the policy of Voice of Asia to publish letters to the editor which evidence a variety of viewpoints. The opinions expressed in any particular letter to the editor are not necessarily those of the management. Voice of Asia welcomes letters in reply to issues raised in letters to editor. In as much letters to the editor are not articles written or researched by members of Voice of Asia, it is not the policy of the Voice of Asia to perform any investigation or confirmation of any facts or allegations contained in letters to the editor. Moreover, Voice of Asia reserves the right to edit letters to the editor as necessary to correct errors of fact, punctuation, spelling and to comply with space constraints. Although paid advertisements may appear in Voice of Asia Group Publications in print, online, or in other electronic formats, the Voice of Asia Group does not endorse the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. - The Publisher

STORY OF MAHATMA GANDHI Gandhi returns home, meets Tilak, Gokhale- Part V


he Indians now realized what was at stake; but they were unable to decide what to do. They requested Gandhi to postpone his departure and help them. He agreed to stay on for another month and organize resistance to the new bill. Late that night the Indians held a meeting ill Abdulla Seth’s house under the presidentship of Seth Haji Muhammad, the most influential Indian merchant there. They resolved to oppose the Franchise Bill with all their strength. Telegrams were sent to the Speaker of the Assembly and the Premier of Natal requesting them to postpone further discussion on the bill. The Speaker promptly replied that the discussion would be put off for two days. The Natal Indians then drew up a petition to the Legislative Assembly pleading against the bill. This was followed up by another petition to Lord Ripon, the then Secretary of State for the Colonies. This was signed by more than ten thousand Indians. Copies of the petition were circulated in South Africa, England, and India. There was much sympathy for the Natal Indians’ plight, but the campaign had started too late to stop the bill becoming law. However, the campaign did do some good. For the first time, the people of India came to know of the conditions in Natal. An even more important result was the new spirit that now awakened the Indians in South Africa. The Natal Indians pressed Gandhi to remain and guide them for a little longer. Gandhi told them that he was prepared to stay on if the Indian community would provide him with sufficient legal work. They gladly agreed to do this. Twenty merchants turned over all their legal business to him. When Gandhi applied for enrolment as an attorney to argue

When Gandhi applied for enrolment as an attorney to argue cases in court, the entire bar, composed of white lawyers, strongly opposed him. The Supreme Court of Natal overruled the objection, however, and he was allowed to practise.

cases in court, the entire bar, composed of white lawyers, strongly opposed him. The Supreme Court of Natal overruled the objection, however, and he was allowed to practice. Soon Gandhi became one of the busiest lawyers in Durban; but to him law was a subordinate occupation. His main interest was his public work. He felt that merely sending in petitions and protests would not help the Indians much. A sustained agitation was necessary. So he proposed the formation of a permanent organization to safeguard the interests of Indians. A meeting was called to discuss this matter. The spacious hall in Dada Abdulla’s house was packed to the full. It was there, on that occasion, that the Natal Indian Congress was formed. In 1894 the Natal Government sought to impose an annual polltax on the indentured Indians. These were laborers who had been recruited from India on a five-year contract, but on starvation wages. Under the contract they could not leave their employer. They were treated practically as slaves. These men had been taken to South Africa to help the white colonizers in agricultural work. The Indians did more than had been expected of them. They worked hard, purchased land, and started cultivating their own fields. Their enterprise did not end there. They soon built houses and raised themselves far above the status of laborers. The white people did not like this. They wanted the

Indian workers to return to India at the end of the contract period. To make things much harder for them, the Government now imposed an annual poll-tax of £25. The Natal Indian Congress started a strong agitation against this. Later, at the intervention of Lord Elgin, then Viceroy of India, the tax was reduced to £3. Still Gandhi considered it an atrocious tax, unknown anywhere else in the world. The Natal Indian Congress continued its agitation, but it was 20 years before the poll-tax was finally withdrawn. In three years in South Africa, Gandhi had become a wellknown figure. And his practice was well established. He realized that he was in for a long stay. He knew that the people there wanted him with them, so in 1896 he asked their permission to go home and bring his wife and children to South Africa. Besides, a visit to India would be useful in gaining more support for the Indians in South Africa. He had arranged his work so well that he could look forward to six months’ leave. In the middle of 1896 Gandhi sailed for India, and after twentyfour days landed at Calcutta. From there he went to Rajkot. It was a happy family reunion when Kasturbai welcomed him with their two sons. But the plight of the Indians in South Africa was so much on his mind that he could not be content to enjoy domestic bliss in peace. He therefore launched a campaign to acquaint the people of India with the real con-

dition of the Indians in South Africa. He met the editors of influential newspapers and important Indian leaders, including Lokamanya B. G. Tilak, the hero of Maharashtra, and Gopal Krishna Gokhale who, like Gandhi, was already famous at

Great Summer Project For children! Enter Mahatma Gandhi Week 2015 Essay, I-Tribute, Poster and Speech contests. Visit gandhilibrary.org for registration and more information. All school going children can participate! These contests are being organized to create higher awareness of the inspiring life and work of Mahatma Gandhi to promote universal values of Truth, Non-Violence, Love and Service. the age of 27. Wherever Gandhi went, he tried to make the people aware of the lot of their compatriots in South Africa. Many newspapers published his views and strongly supported his case. Summaries of these newspaper reports and comments reached South Africa long before Gandhi returned there. Meanwhile, plague broke out in Bombay and threatened to spread to neighboring areas. In Rajkot Gandhi volunteered to join a group who tried to educate the people about the need for sanitation and other measures to prevent the spread of the disease.

more, taking with him Kasturbai and their two sons and also the only son of his widowed sister. However, a message reached Gandhi advising him not to land with the others but to wait until evening, as there was an angry mob of whites at the dock. Kasturbai and the children were sent to the house of Gandhi’s Parsee friend, Rustomji. Later, accompanied by Jason Laughton, the legal adviser of Dada, Abdulla & Co., Gandhi went ashore. The scene looked peaceful, but some youths recognized him and shouted, “Look, there goes Gandhi.”

with stones, sticks, bricks, and rotten eggs. Someone snatched away his turban, others kicked him until the frail figure collapsed. He clung to the railing of a house. The fury of the white mob was unabated and they continued to beat him and kick him. “Stop, you cowards,” cried a feminine voice. “Stop attacking the poor man.” It was the wife of the Superintendent of police. She came up and opened her parasol and held it between Gandhi and the crowd. This checked the mob. Soon the police arrived and dispersed the crowd. — To be continued

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FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

Second Front Page

Friday, June 19, 2015 • www.voiceofasiaonline.com • Page 5 • Email: editor@voiceofasiaonline.com • Tel: 713-774-5140

Awareness Meet held by Malayalee Associations following recent Home Invasions

Mayors, police chiefs discuss safety and preventive measures with community members

by Harsha Mary Pradeep


ISSOURI CITY, TX - A meeting called by the Houston Knanaya Catholic Society, the Malayalee Association of Greater Houston (MAGH) and the South Indian US Chamber of Commerce (SIUCC) on Sunday 14 in connection with the recent home invasions was largely attended by elected officials, police officials and community leaders at the Knanaya Catholic Community Center.

Burglary_Police sketch of a burglary suspect. Courtesy Missouri City Police.

Abraham Joseph, whose home was burglarized three weeks ago, spoke of the fear he and his family experienced as they were held at gunpoint and tied up for hours by the home invaders. Mayors and police chiefs of Stafford and Missouri City, state representative Ron Reynolds, Fort Bend District Attorney John Healey, Lt. Rodney Glendening from the county sheriff’s office, and IndianAmerican council members Ken Mathew of Stafford and Harish Jajoo of Sugar Land, Voice of Asia publisher Koshy Thomas were among the speakers on the occasion. Missouri City Chief of Police Michael Berezin gave an update on the incident and showed the audience a police sketch of one of the suspects. In a panel discussion, moderated by Mrs. Sheeba George, FBISD teacher, officials advised the community members to take precaution by regularly visiting the website of respective city’s police department and following the crime pre-

submit an application to their home owners’ associations.

Home invasion victim Abraham Joseph speaking at the Awareness Meeting on Sunday June 14, 2015. Credit Joseph Saju. vention tips where information on Neighborhood Watch programs can also be found.

Other speakers on Sunday night included SIUCC secretary George Eapen, MAGH president and attorney Surendran Koran, Knanaya society president Aby Thattamkulam, and Fort Bend ISD trustee K.P. George. This is just the latest in a series of crime sprees committed by unrelated groups targeting South Asian homes and businesses in relatively well-to-do neighborhoods. Similar burglary clusters have been reported in California, Missouri, New Jersey and many other states.

They reminded the audience to have a plan ready to act during home invasions. In such a situation, they recommend covertly dialing 911 and allowing the dispatcher to listen in on what it going even if you cannot speak to them.

Left Pic: Seated front row (L-R) are Stafford Council Member Ken Mathew_ Koshy Thomas, Voice of Asia Publisher, Sugar Land Council Member Harish Jajoo and Knanaya society president Aby Thattamkula. Photo credit Joseph Saju).

The DA Healey clarified laws on trespassing and self-defense, explaining a homeowner can tell anyone to leave their property at any time. Answering a question about cameras at the entrance of subdivisions, city officials said that all that was required was to

Sewa International Welcomes Get Inspired Houston Interns 2015


he Get Inspired Houston internship, comprised of fresh faces eager to start, involves college students hailing from schools all over the country yet call Houston home. This year’s group of ten interns is divided into three groups based on their interests: Public Health, Children’s Activities, and Public Relations & Grant Writing. The Public Health interns are working on organizing and hosting three immunization drives, both in the Alief Independent School District and the Los Arcos Apartments. The Children’s Activities interns are busy working on the ASPIRE tutorials program, a tutoring program that is aimed towards elementary aged refugees. They are also hard at work at opening a new school in the San Marcos Apartment Complex. We are all hoping for it to open July 1! The Public Relationships and Grant Writing interns are working on finding grants and putting together all the necessary information to apply for grants. So far, all the interns have been having a great time working together and furthering the Sewa message. One of the biggest events the interns have had the pleasure of working on was Chai Pe Charcha on June 6th at the Los Arcos Apartments from 3:30 - 5:30. There was a great turnout of about 45 families from the apartment complex. The children were able to participate in finger painting, face painting, and crafts. As for the services offered, a toy drive that was previously held was put to good use as Sewa volunteers helped distribute the donated toys to the children in attendance. Also, an early dinner was provided for those families that came. The event was originally put together to unite the refugee community for everyone to have a good time while participating in fun events and receiving toys and clothing.

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FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

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A homeowner usually has no liability when her tree blows down in a storm Q. Due to the heavy rain in recent weeks, one of my healthy oak trees fell over onto the driveway of our neighbor, damaging his two vehicles parked in the driveway. Am I liable for the repair costs to his cars? A. If the trees were healthy and blew over as an act of God you have no liability. For you to be liable, it is necessary to show that you were “negligent” in caring for your trees and that is why they fell. You are not legally responsible simply because you are the owner of the property and the trees. Negligence means not taking reasonable steps to care for the trees and prevent damage to your neighbors. For example, it would be negligence to not cut down large dead branches. If you failed to remove them and as a result they fell on the neighbor’s car, you would be responsible. On the other hand, if you properly cared for your trees and one blew over due to strong winds in a storm or roots weakened by a flood, you have no liability for the damaged caused. Q. A homebuilder is selling a new house next to my house. He built the foundation several feet higher than my foundation. As a result, when it rains the water flows into my yard, making it impassable and hard to get to my back yard. I never had problems with drainage before, and now when it rains it floods the whole side of my house. I have spoken to him several times about this situation and he has done nothing. Help. A. Under the law, a landowner cannot divert the normal flow of water in a way that damages the property of surrounding property owners. In my opinion the builder is responsible for the damage to your property, and must take steps to improve the drainage from his property. I suggest you talk with the builder again. Let them know if he does not remedy the problem and install proper drainage you will speak with a local real estate attorney Q. Does a car dealership have to disclose if a car it is selling was involved in an accident? I recently purchased a car for my daughter. She was involved in an accident, and in the process of repairing her car, it was discovered that it had been in a major accident about one year ago. The insurance company even sent us a picture of the damaged car. I wish the dealership had informed us; we would still have purchased a car from them, just not that one. Do I have any legal rights? A. Under the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act, our state’s consumer protection law, any seller must disclose all information he is aware of and that he knows will matter to the buyer. If the accident was major, the car dealer knew about it, and, the accident is something that would matter to a buyer, the dealer had an obligation under this law to tell you. Not disclosing could result in up to three times your damages and attorneys fees if you were to sue. The dealer may not have an obligation to disclose the accident, however, if the damage was the type that could be completely repaired and returned to its original condition, or if the contract was very specific about the condition of the car and the price reflected the damage. I suggest you speak with another mechanic to determine the extent of the damage from the prior accident and how the damage affects the continue use and value of your car. Then review your contract and talk with the dealer about compensating you for your loss. If you cannot resolve the matter, consider justice court or, depending on the extent of your damages, speaking with a consumer attorney. Do you have a question about damage caused by the recent floods? Do you want to know more about your legal rights? Check out my website, www.peopleslawyer.net.

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FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

Gujarati Samaj of Houston breaks ground for new community center Continued from Page 3 was Consul General of India P. Harish who spoke of the need for an intellectual hub for the great Houston Indian-American community now that it had well established social and cultural centers in Houston. He urged the committee members to hold vibrant intellectual discussions like those sponsored by IndianAmerican centers in New York and Chicago. The event was also attended by Houston’s Mayor Pro-Tem Ed Gonzalez, Sugar Land Council Members Harish Jajoo and Himesh Gandhi, who spoke of his memories of the old community center and hoped the new one would create similar memories for future generations. He later presented a proclamation from the mayor to GSH president Yogina Patel. Designed by architect Dinesh Shah, the center will be a green building with state-of-the-art facilities. It will feature two banquet halls, one with a full stage, that can be combined to seat a 1000 people. The estimated total cost of construction is $6

million, $3 million of which has been raised so far, and work is expected to be finished in 12-14 months. Amit Bhandari spoke of his own decision to donate land rather than selling to the Gujarati Samaj and called on others to open their hearts and wallets. “If you invest in something like this, this will last a lifetime; maybe generations to come.” Bhandari said. “Our vision is, Arpita and I and our family, we’d still love to see a temple next to it, some food trucks and some place where the community in general can come and enjoy the evenings or weekends.” The event was greatly supported by a large number of Indian American organizations: India Culture Center, Indo-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston, IAPAC, India House, BAPS, VPPS, CMH, ASGH, HGH, ISSO, and many others that were thanked on the occasion. A special mention of Gopal Savjani, who is among the major donors, and Gary Owen,

A section of the audience at the event on Sunday, June 14, 2015. Photo by Shobana Muratee. CEO Southwestern Bank and Hasu Patel, Director was made by Dr. HD Patel. In conclusion

of the formal program, Yogina Patel GSH president thanked the vendors and sponsors after

which the dignitaries and directors of GSH proceeded for the ground breaking.

Renowned Indian-American doctor Suresh Gadasalli shot dead by friend Dr. Gadasalli hailed from Bangalore and was educated at the Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College in Belgaum, Karnataka, before studying at the Internal Medicine and Cardiology at the University of Wisconsin Medical School and the Sinai Samaritan Centre in Milwaukee. He was recruited by Medical Centre Hospital in Odessa, Texas in 1994. The Healthy Heart Centre profile mentions that Dr Gadasalli was recognised as a leading physician of the world by the International Association of Cardiologists.

Left to Right: Hasu Patel, Director, Southwestern National Bank with Dr. HD Patel, and CEO Gary Owens Southwestern National Bank. . Photo by Shobana Muratee.


Dr. Suresh Gadasalli. Image Courtesy: Facebook.

Community mourns the loss of an industrious leader retiring in 1999. Sharad and Beth have lived in The Woodlands since 2004, choosing to live near Beth’s sister Janet Stewart and her husband Don Stewart. Janet and Don’s help as well as that of Beth’s and Sharad’s friends in The Woodlands and the Greater Houston Area has been much appreciated.

Sharad Kulkarni. (June 1,1931-June 8, 2015)


harad Kulkarni left this life on June 8, 2015 after living for many years with Dementia with Lewy Bodies. His body has been privately cremated. Friends are invited to a celebration of his life to be held Thursday, June 25th from 7 to 9 pm at the South County Community Center at 2235 Lake Robbins Drive, Spring (The Woodlands), TX 77380. Sharad Ramchandra Kulkarni was born June 1, 1931, to Ramchandra V. and Sundrabhai Adarkar Kulkarni, the fourth of seven children, in Vengula, Ratnagiri District of what was then Bombay State. He spend his first years in Vengula until his family moved to Bombay where his father was a spinning master. Although Sharad loved to play cricket with the boys in his neighborhood, he soon realized that he needed to concentrate on his studies. He was a good student, continuing his education at Ria College of the University of Bombay, receiving his B.Sc. and M.Sc. in Chemistry. Soon afterward, he came to the US by a Norwegian cargo

ship. After a brief visit with his maternal uncle and family in Washington, DC, he traveled to Texas to continue his studies. He received a M.S. In Chemistry from Texas A & M and followed his professor to California where he completed his Ph.D. in Chemistry at the University of the Pacific, Stockton, California. It was there that he met his wife-to-be, Beth Beckwith, who was then an undergraduate student majoring in Physics. They were married soon after he completed his doctorate. Sharad and Beth then moved to Durham, NC, where he did post-doctoral work in the Biochemistry Department of Duke Medical School. Their daughter Shanti was born while they were in Durham. The young family then moved to Pennsylvania where Sharad taught at a Penn State campus and son David was born. Sharad taught a total of 13 years in Pennsylvania before the family moved to Houston in 1979. Sharad worked as a chemist for the City of Houston for nearly two decades before

Sharad will be remembered as a kind man and loving father, grandfather, and husband. His smile was joyful and contagious. He enjoyed doing volunteer work which was always done in the background with no expectation of recognition or reward. But he took pleasure in seeing the volunteer work done in the community by his wife and was always supportive of her. He was also very proud of his children and grandchildren. Sharad will be greatly missed by wife Beth, daughter Shanti, son David and his wife Melissa, grandchildren Meera, Matthew, and Sofia, and other relatives and friends. He felt strong connections to his family who remained in India including, his two living sisters Shailaja Prabu and Meena Pandit and their families, his brothers’ (Waman and Shyam Kulkarni) children and grandchildren, and his cousins. The family is grateful for the support of the many friends who visited him during his illness. We are also eternally gratefully for the care and love provided by Autumn Leaves and the LifePointe Hospice. In lieu of flowers, the family requests you make memorial contributions to the Alzheimer’s Association or a charity of your choice. Condolences may be sent to the family at 87 S Warbler Bend Circle, The Woodlands, TX 77382.


OUSTON: Renowned Indian-American cardiologist Suresh Gadasalli, who performed the world’s first simultaneous hybrid revascularisation, was shot dead by his friend and business associate who then committed suicide in Odesaa in the US state of Texas, police said. Dr Gadasalli, 53, was shot dead by 60-year-old patient and business associate Ayyasamy Thangam at the ‘Healthy Heart Centre’ on Thursday, according to a release issued by the Odessa Police Department. Thangam then closed the door of the room the two men were in and witnesses heard another,

single gunshot, it added. According to Corporal Steve LeSueur, the two men were close friends and business associates. Dr Gadasalli’s brother-in-law said that the two families knew each other for a decade, and that the last rites will be held in Odessa likely on Wednesday. The incident shocked the city, popular for Laura and George Bush’s home city of 2.5 lakh people. LeSueur on Friday declined to release a possible motive for the killings and the police had no information on why Thangam was being treated.

He was named “super doctor” by Texas Monthly in 2008. In 2005, he performed the world’s first simultaneous hybrid revascularisation, which involved two major procedures - coronary artery bypass and stent replacement, using a robotic system known as the Da Vinci Surgical System. Gadasalli was previously investigated in a federal court case on a currency structuring charge. The FBI began their investigation into the Healthy Heart Center in June of 2012. He was accused of violating federal law in structuring transactions to avoid reporting requirements, according to previous reports. According to court records, Gadasalli’s case was closed on January 22, 2014. (Source; PTI, 15 Jun, 2015.)


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FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

IACAN presents “Symptom Management, Pain and Sleep Management”


ne of the major goals of IACAN is to bring cancer awareness and preven¬tion to the public through edu¬cational seminars. One such seminar titled “Symptom management, Pain and Sleep Management” was presented on Sunday, June 7th, 2015 at India House. Dr. V.K. Dorai, President of IACAN, welcomed everyone. He briefly talked about various services, such as pa-

specialists have the expertise to communicate clearly and compassionately with the patient and treat one or more of the symptoms in inpatient or in out-patient setting. They make house call too. Most insurance plans cover Supportive Medicine services. Dr. Gomez mentioned that the Supportive Medicine team should be involved from the beginning in developing a patient’s treatment.

Dr. Dhanalakshmi Koyyalagunta, Professor of Pain Medicine at UT MD Anderson Cancer Center, mentioned that there are many sources of pain and degrees of pain. In cancer patients, surgery, chemo therapy and radiation therapy cause pain. Some of the medications have severe side effects that need to be addressed as well. She emphasized that the treatment of pain needs to be personalized, and the

Alpa Shah, Treasurer of Indo American Charity Foundation, presenting a check to IACAN.

Seated are panelists Drs. Diwakar Balachandran, Sandra Gomez and Dhanalakshmi Koyyalagunta with IACAN Executive Members.

tient navigation, organizing survivor network to promote fellowship and support, and bone marrow registrations, to name a few that are provided by IACAN. Alpa Shah, Treasurer of Indo American Charity Foundation, presented their annual support check to IACAN. Alpa mentioned that IACF is proud to support IACAN and its services that benefit the Indian American community. Kumari Susarla, Vice president of IACAN, was the moderator and introduced each of the speakers. Dr. Sandra Gomez, System Director of Supportive Medicine at Memorial Hermann Physician Network presented first. Dr. Gomez gave an informative talk on Symptom Management. A patient may present one or more symptoms such as pain, nausea, shortness of breath, sleep, depression, etc. which may affect the outcomes of treatment. The Supportive Medicine

NAGAR SANKIRTAN JUNE 20 2015 SATURDAY 5:30PM - 8:00PM With GITA CAMP Kids at Sugarland Town Square Come and join us to chant and spread the Holy Name of Lord Hari !! We will walk through the streets of Sugarland Town Place chanting and dancing. “The nectar names of Lord Krishna are always new and fresh. Whoever chants them becomes free of the embarrassment of material life. He becomes happy. He becomes liberated even while living in this world.” (Narada Purana) Meeting Point : Starbucks, 16090 City Walk, Sugar Land, TX 77479.

International Day of Yoga (IDY) JUNE 21 2015 Sunday At the GEORGE R. BROWN CONVENTION CENTER, HOUSTON (Exhibit Hall E @ 1001 Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX 77010) 8.30 am – 4 pm. The Consulate General of India, Houston will be celebrating the International Day of Yoga in coordination with Patanjali Yogpeeth (USA) and other local Yoga institutes at George R. Brown Convention Center. The event is free and open to all. For the first time the city of Houston will be experiencing a coming together of people from all communities for a cause that is YOU! Register at http://iyogadayhouston.org/ (which is mandatory for participation). Experts will be there to teach. A Free event, a Gift of goodness on Fathers Day!

medication given needs to be custom fit to each patient’s needs. Dr. Diwakar Balachandran, MD, DABSM, Associate Professor of Pulmonary Medicine, and Medical Director at Sleep Center, UT MD Anderson Cancer Center presented a very interesting and educational talk about sleep management. He informed that our body has a circadian rhythm that guides us in our sleep and waking cycle. To have a good night sleep it is essential not to use our iPads, iPods or computers before we go to sleep, since the blue green light affects the production of certain chemicals in our brain that signals our body to fall asleep. Soothing meditation

music, yoga and exercise helps us to fall asleep and stay asleep. He emphasized that we should go to bed at a fixed time each night and wake up at a fixed time each morning. The presentations were followed by a question and answer session. The audience had many questions for all the speakers. Meena Agrawal, Treasurer of IACAN, gave the vote of thanks. Each speaker was presented a token of appreciation. Photo credit: Bijay Dixit. For more infomation on IACAN visit www.iacannetwork.org or call 713 370 3489.



FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

Center For Gayatri Consciousness – A Temple of Ma Gayatri we are building a unique place which will be a place of worship as well as a place to learn the skills required to transform one’s personality. With this in mind we will have space for various activities that will help


ayatri Pariwar Houston cordially invites all the members of local community for the opening ceremonies of the “Center for Gayatri Consciousness”, a temple of Ma Gayatri. The opening ceremonies commence with a seven day Bhagvat Puran katha by Resp. Pragya Putri Rashmiben Patel from June 17th, Wednesday. The Pran Pratishtha ceremony of the idols of Ma Gayatri, Lord Hanuman and Lord Ganesha will take place on June 26th and June 27th in the divine presence of Adarniya Dr. Pranav Pandyaji, the current head of All World Gayatri Pariwar. Adarniya Dr. Pranav Pandyaji, MD (Medicine) Head All World Gayatri

Pariwar•Director - Brahmavarchas Research Institute•Chancellor - Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya•Editor - Akhand Jyoti Magazine. Dr. Pranav Pandya is a close and direct disciple of Pandit Shriram Sharma Acharya, the founder of Gayatri Pariwar. He

is world renowned as a pioneer of scientific spirituality. He is a shining example of a holistic, purposeful, selfless life lived in the true Vedic spirit and is an inspiration for millions of young and talented individuals all over the world. Under his dynamic leadership, the Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya (D.S.V.V) at Haridwar, is touching new milestones and reforming the face of modern education. D.S.V.V. aims to reestablish fundamental values of Indian culture and works to bring in a cultural & spiritual renaissance in the world. He has done intense research and conducted many studies in the field of Ayurveda, scientific aspect of spirituality & meditation etc. and authored more than 50 books.

Center For Gayatri Consciousness - Aim Gayatri Pariwar aims to bring heaven on earth by awakening divinity in man and is inspired by the motto “Hum badlenge, yug badlega (when we transform, the world transforms)”. In order to achieve this goal

Indian American Teen Killed in Game of Russian Roulette


ALLAS -- An 18year-old Dallas man was shot and killed by a friend during a game of Russian roulette, reports CBS DFW. Police say Vikram Virk, 27, confessed Saturday to shooting Jaskaran Singh in the head that afternoon while playing the deadly game in Virk’s car. Singh was shot in the parking lot of a Red Roof Inn, according to police.

Vikram Virk, was arrested and charged with manslaughter onJune 13. (Richardson Police Dept. photo).

Virk allegedly told police that he handed Singh a handgun that Virk believed he had emptied. Singh then pulled the trigger twice while pointing it at Virk, according to police. “The suspect then took the gun and pointed it at (Singh) and pulled the trigger one time and the gun did not fire. The suspect then pulled the trigger a second time and the gun fired, striking the complainant in the left temple,” a detective wrote in the arrest affidavit for

Virk. Virk rushed Singh to a local hospital, where Singh died. Hospital personnel recovered the handgun used to shoot Singh from Virk’s car and turned it over to police. Virk initially said Singh shot himself, according to police, but during questioning allegedly admitted that he killed his friend. Police have charged Virk with manslaughter. He is being held on $150,000 bond. SOURCE: CBS/AP

the devotees in sculpting their personalities and developing themselves into who truly can be called a divine human being, because we believe that reforming oneself is the biggest service to the world.

These are some of the activities we are planning to organize at our new temple:•Balsanskar classes for kids for ages 4-15•Workshops & Seminars for youth and working professionals•Spiritual

discourses, meditation & Gita classes•A platform to celebrate Indian cultural festivals•Gayatri Havan, Satyanarayan katha•Punsavan, Naamkaran, Vidya-aarambha, Annpraashan & other sanskars


FRIDAY, June 19, 2015



ONLINE .COM voiceofasiaonline.com

Vol. 28 No. 25 Friday, June 19, 2015 Section 2 Page 11 by Arnaud BOUVIER


ULHOUSE, France The Internet of Things -- connecting everyday items with sensors -- is hitting the beach in time for the northern hemisphere’s summer with a bikini that says when it’s time to apply more sun screen.

FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

Email: editor@voiceofasiaonline.com Tel: 713-774-5140

In time for summer: a ‘connected’ bikini that tells you how to tan

The made-to-measure invention comes from France -- the country that invented the bikini -- but with a price tag that might make even the well-tanned beach amazon blanch: 149 euros ($167).

A journalist for a French website specialised in the Internet of Things, Thomas Remilleret of ObjetConnecte.net, commented that the idea of having UV detectors linked to a smartphone app is “not really new or revolutionary”.

The detector is calibrated to the wearer’s skin type and how much of a tan she wants to get.

But, he acknowledged, Spinali’s bikinis “meet a demand” even though he believed their price still too high for the market.

And there’s even a “Valentine” function that sends the message to a boyfriend’s smartphone so he knows when to apply the cream to his girlfriend’s skin.

- ‘Not a gimmick’ -

An expert, Doctor Claudine Blanchet-Bardon of France’s National Association of Dermatologists, said the device was “interesting, because anything that warns people against UV exposure is good”. But she qualified that by saying that having the sensor attached to a bikini “doesn’t send the right message -- the best protection against the sun is to not get too much exposure and to stay covered with clothes”.

For that price, though, the wearer will get a two-piece swimsuit with a small detachable ultraviolet sensor that, through a smartphone or tablet, sends a “sun screen alert” when the user’s skin needs more protective sunblock cream.

“The idea came to me right away, on a day when I saw someone get sunburnt on a beach,” the Frenchwoman behind the smart bikinis, Marie Spinali, told AFP.

“It’s not a gimmick,” she added, explaining that often when people think to add more suncream, it’s too late and they already have sunburn.

A model shows a smartphone with the connected interface at a photo shoot for a new connected swimsuit collection by French company Spinali Design in Reiningue, eastern France, on June 4, 2015 (AFP Photo/Sebastien Bozon)

Spinali said her team was working with French researchers in nanotechnology to come up with a smaller UV sensor that would be part of the bikini itself.

She started her company, Spinali Design, last month in the eastern French town of Mulhouse where she lives, and sells the bikinis through

She also said they were at work on models for men and for children -- with the sensors for the latter also featuring GPS locators, to quickly find kids on the beach.

her website. “There are flowerpots that give an alert when plants need watering, so

I thought it was time to invent something to warn when the sun is too strong,” she said.

Asian cities half of top 10 costliest expat destinations: survey Overall, the cost of living in Western European cities dropped due to a slide in the euro. The three cities that made the top 10 -- Zurich, Geneva and Bern -- use the Swiss Franc, which jumped in January after the central bank removed a ceiling on its strength.

Hong Kong climbed one place from last year to become the world’s second most expensive place for expats, Mercer said in its annual Cost of Living Survey (AFP Photo/Philippe Lopez)


ONG KONG, China -Asia has become one of the most expensive regions for people working abroad, according to a new survey, with its major cities accounting for half of

the top 10 costliest expat destinations. Hong Kong climbed one place from last year to become the world’s second most expensive place for expats,

Mercer said in its annual Cost of Living Survey on Tuesday, with Singapore, Shanghai, Beijing and Seoul also making the shortlist. Much of the change in rank-

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Leading the rankings was the Angolan capital Tokyo fell four places from last year to number 11 due to a slump in the Luanda, which reJapanese currency after a massive easing programme by its central bank tained its top spot (AFP Photo/Toru Yamanaka) due to the high price of imported ings is down to currency flucBy contrast Tokyo, ranked goods and security services tuations, with the appreciation the most expensive city for used by many foreigners. of the yuan against the dollar expats in 2012, fell four places The survey by the Mercer pushing up the cost of living in from last year to number 11 China, which now accounts for due to a slump in the Japanese consulting group compares the nine of the top 30 most expen- currency after a massive eas- cost of over 200 items in 207 sive expat cities in the world. ing programme by its central cities, including housing, food, transport and entertainment. bank. “Chinese cities jumped in the It takes New York as its base ranking due to the strengthen“Japanese cities have contining of the Chinese yuan along ued to drop in the ranking this city for comparison, and meawith the high costs of expatriate year as a result of the Japanese sures currency movements consumer goods,” said Mercer yen weakening against the US against the dollar, which has executive Nathalie Constantin- dollar,” added Constantin-Me- appreciated significantly from a year ago as the health of the Metral in a statement. tral. US economy has improved.

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FRIDAY, June 19, 2015



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Uber game puts iPhone users behind the wheel


FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

Airlines struggle to please the modern passenger by Kerry SHERIDAN Miami Beach, - What does the modern air traveler want? Is it the perfect sized carry-on? A wearable device that tells you how to avoid jet lag? Free Wi-Fi? Cheap flights? Better service? Airlines are struggling to keep pace with the finicky desires of today’s passengers, many of whom are constantly connected to a mobile device and want something special on each trip. During a panel discussion Tuesday at the annual meeting of the International Air Transport Association (IATA), the largest trade group for airline executives, hundreds of industry representatives were asked in a quick informal poll how many think airlines are doing a good job meeting passenger demands. Fifty-five percent pressed “no” on their handheld devices. So what should airlines be doing differently? “Don’t give me a vanilla experience,” said panelist Lee McCabe, a former executive with Expedia who is now Facebook’s head of travel. “Make the information you give me very personal,” he said. “Make my life easy.”

UberDrive iTunes San Francisco Uber released a free game Thursday that lets iPhone and iPad users test their skills as drivers for the controversial on-demand car ride service. UberDRIVE launched in the US in Apple’s online iTunes shop. “UberDRIVE showcases a day in the life of an Uber driver-partner,” the company said in an online post. “Players help riders get from A to B and earn high scores for identifying the safest and most efficient routes to their destinations.” Game play involves tapping online maps to pick routes, interact with intersections, and pinpoint landmarks. The only setting for the game at launch was San Francisco, where Uber has its headquarters.

High scores will unlock new virtual cars and more neighborhoods to explore, according to Uber.

Alex Cruz, CEO of the lowcost Spanish airline Vueling, said his company strives to keep it simple.

“UberDRIVE was designed as a fun and engaging resource for our driver-partners to hone their navigation skills if they choose to,” Uber said.

“They want a nice, reliable experience at a normal price,” he said.

“It’s also a great way for prospective drivers to experience firsthand what it’s like to drive with Uber.” Links for applying to drive for Uber in the real world are built into the game. Uber, which connects passengers to drivers through a smartphone app, has expanded rapidly in recent years but has also faced hurdles from regulators in many locations and protests from traditional taxi services.

The key to keeping passengers happy is “managing expectations,” he added. Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce said “every customer wants something different.” The key to an individual experience is allowing passengers to decide on which perks they receive, he said. “Let them decide what they want. Let them pay for what they want,” Joyce said. According to Jen Durkin, CEO of Project Travel, millen-

Horror legend Christopher Lee dies at 93 by Alice RITCHIE


British actor Christopher Lee was best known for playing Dracula in the 50s and 60s (AFP Photo/Carl Court)

Lee died in his home city of London on Sunday, the local authority which issued his death certificate said.

for me is, as an old man, I’m known by my own generation and the next generation know me too,” he said.

“They’re more interesting, because there’s a greater variety you can apply: you can be very cruel or charming, amusing or dangerous,” Lee said. However, he criticised the gratuitous violence of many modern films, arguing the power of suggestion was more terrifying -- something he mastered early on, scaring the wits out of viewers with his piercing gaze. Lee was recognised for his achievements with a knighthood in 2009, when he admitted his pleasure in a long career. “What’s



“Millennials are curious, and because there are so many things that distract our attention we need help understanding what we should put our attention to,” she said. For instance, she suggested airlines offer passengers a behind-the-scenes view of their suitcase as it moves through the airport machinery. “I want to know what my bag is doing from the time it goes in the conveyor belt little door to the time it comes out of the conveyor belt,” Durkin said. If smartphones are everywhere in the airport, then so are the opportunities to use them to encourage people to shop. “The permanently connected traveler is an opportunity for airlines, airports, other service providers to improve their offerings,” said Tom Windmuller, IATA senior vice president for airport, passenger, cargo and security.

Lee also had a sideline as a heavy metal singer. His last album, “Metal Knight”, was released on his 92nd birthday, followed by a hard-rocking Christmas carol in 2014. Lee’s “Lord of the Rings” costars led the tributes, with Elijah Wood, who played Frodo Baggins, calling him “an icon and a towering human being”. Director Tim Burton told BBC news that Lee had “inspired an entire generation of film-makers”. Roger Moore, who played 007 opposite Lee’s villainously brilliant Scaramanga in the 1974 James Bond movie “The Man With the Golden Gun”, said they had first met in 1948. “It’s terrible when you lose an old friend, and Christopher Lee was one of my oldest,” he said. Prime Minister David Cameron described him on Twitter as “a titan of the golden age of cinema and a distinguished WW2 veteran who’ll be greatly missed”.

- ‘Making cult movies’ Lee was born in London on May 27, 1922, to a decorated army colonel and an Italian countess, and attended the elite schools of Eton and Westminster. He served in the Royal Air Force in World War II, at one point being attached to the special forces. After the war, Lee had bit parts in film, theatre and radio, although at six feet four inches (1.95 metres), he said he suffered from being “too tall and too foreign-looking”. His big break came when he signed with Britain’s legendary Hammer studios to make “The Curse of Frankenstein” in 1957. He and Cushing went on to make cinematic history with a variety of sinister tales, including “Dracula” (1958), “The Mummy” (1959) and “The Hound of the Baskervilles” (1959). Lee later returned to the Hammer brand opposite Hollywood actress Hilary Swank in thriller “The Resident” (2010). Other memorable films in-

“We will be able to learn more about our passengers and be able to offer them more tailored information to their needs,” he added. - The perfect bag? During the conference, Windmuller announced a new industry-wide standard for carry-on bags, an idea that aims to resolve bickering and delays over whether any given suitcase is too big to fit in the overhead bin. Many airlines have different size requirements for carry-ons, which can lead to confusion. “This is a nuisance for everyone,” he said, adding that the sizing bins many airlines place near the gates are “ridiculous.” So the IATA consulted with Boeing and Airbus to come up with a standard size: 55 centimeters (21 inches) tall, 35 centimeters (13.5 inches) wide and 20 centimeters (7.5 inches) deep. But whether this standard will please consumers remains to be seen. It requires travelers to

buy a new carry-on bag, which may be smaller than what they already own. The new bags will made by different manufacturers and will be marked with a special label, “IATA Cabin OK.” The label is not available to be placed on an existing bag. Since delays cost airlines money, Delta is working on its own way of speeding up the boarding process by having its crew members load passenger carry-ons ahead of the flight. The service, called Early Valet, is free for now and began this month at certain US airports. Another idea in the works is an air travel app, called SkyZen, that can be used with wearable fitness devices to tell travelers about their exercise and sleep levels during the flight. Eventually, IATA representatives said it will also offer advice about how many steps to try for and how much sleep to get in order to avoid jet lag and have a healthier flying experience.

Indian artist and secret gardener dies at 90


EW DELHI - Nek Chand, an Indian artist who toiled in secret for nearly two decades to create a sculpture garden that later became a top tourist attraction, died Friday aged 90. Chand died in hospital in the northern city of Chandigarh after suffering a heart attack, his son Anuj Saini told AFP by phone.

Chand, who had no formal education and worked as a road inspector in the new city, secretly cleared large areas of forest, transforming the landscape with his sculptures.

The 93-year-old appeared in more than 250 films and television shows, including “The Lord of the Rings”, “Star Wars” and “The Man with the Golden Gun”, but could never shake off his image as the bloody-thirsty vampire.

The Hammer films opposite Peter Cushing in the 1950s launched Lee’s movie career, and although he later expressed frustration at being typecast, he entrenched his image by playing a succession of exotic villains.

nials don’t want healthy snacks or free Wi-Fi.

His works are on display in museums around the world, but he is best known for creating the Chandigarh Rock Garden -- a 20-acre (eight-hectare) garden filled with sculptures made from the rubble of the city’s construction.

all, pale and with a deep resonating voice, British actor Christopher Lee, whose death was confirmed Thursday, will forever be remembered for his spine-chilling performance as Dracula in the cult Hammer Horror movies.

According to The Daily Telegraph newspaper, he died in hospital, where he had been treated for respiratory problems and heart failure over the preceding three weeks.

The IATA’s Tom Windmuller announced a new industry-wide standard for carry-on bags at the association’s annual meeting in the United States (AFP Photo/Kerry Sheridan)

“I started building this garden as a hobby” in the 1950s, cluded the Fu Manchu series and the terrifying 1973 movie “The Wicker Man” with Edward Woodward, one of the great cult films of all time. “That’s the story of my career really, making cult movies,” Lee once said. In a rare break from type, Lee hosted a one-off episode of US television show “Saturday Night Live” in 1978, which he said he had relished because it showed he could be funny. - 2000s career revival Lee considered his portrayal of Pakistan’s founder Mohammed Ali Jinnah in the little-seen “Jinnah” (1998) as his “best performance, no question”. But for many young fans he will be best known as Count Dooku in the “Star Wars” prequels and as Saruman in the films based on J. R. R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings” and “The Hobbit”. As Saruman, Lee used his voice and steely gaze to maximum effect as the wizard corrupted by power. Lee married former Danish model Gitte Kroencke in 1961 and had one daughter, Christina.

Self-taught Indian artist Nek Chand has works displayed in museums around the world (AFP Photo/Narinder Nanu) he said in a rare interview with AFP in December. “I had many ideas, I was thinking all the time... I saw beauty and art in what people said was junk.” His project was finally discovered in 1976, when it was formally inaugurated, and it now draws thousands of visi-

tors a day. “He passed away a little after midnight. He had been in hospital for the past few days due to ill health,” said Saini. India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the tributes, saying Chand would “always be remembered for his artistic genius”.

Young Life


Friday, June 19, 2015

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FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

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Michelle Obama champions $200 mn plan for girls’ education

US First Lady Michelle Obama speaks at Mulberry School for Girls in east London on June 16, 2015 (AFP Photo/Justin Tallis)


ONDON - US First Lady Michelle Obama announced plans for $200 million (177 million euros) in programmes to promote girls’ education worldwide on Tuesday as she visited a London school at the start of a European tour. “I’m here because girls like you impress me and inspire me,” Obama told pupils at Mulberry School for Girls in east London ahead of a trip to Downing Street, where she had tea with Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha. “With an education from this amazing school, you have everything you need to rise above all of the noise and fulfil every one of your last dreams,” she added. The First Lady unveiled plans for Britain and the United States to empower adolescent girls, with a particular focus on “fragile countries”. Obama said 62 million girls around the world did not attend

school, calling it a “heartbreaking injustice” caused by factors including forced marriages, early pregnancies, abuse and sexism. Writing in the Financial Times newspaper, Obama said Britain and the United States would work together on teacher training, girls’ leadership camps and other communitybased programmes in developing countries. “Combined, these efforts total nearly $200 million,” she said. A choir singing Labi Saffre’s “Something Inside So Strong” greeted Obama as she arrived at the school in bright sunshine. The First Lady made her maiden speech outside the United States at a school in north London in 2009, and later invited a group of pupils to the White House. “As I stood before that room full of girls, all I could think of was about how much promise

they had inside of them,” she recalled. “Those girls were the inspiration for so much of my work as First Lady.” Obama, her mother and two daughters also met with Prince Harry, Queen Elizabeth II’s grandson, for talks on their shared interest in support for veterans and their families. Obama flew into London late Monday, where she was welcomed by US military families, and will leave early Wednesday for Italy. There she will visit Milan, where a world expo devoted to food is being held and where she will discuss her “Let’s Move!” healthy lifestyle initiative. The First Lady will also do some cooking with a group of children and meet Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi.


She will then visit the US army base in Vicenza in northern Italy, where she will meet US military families, followed by a visit to Venice.

Save the Children offices Six students dead in California balcony collapse still closed in Pakistan


slamabad, Pakistan - Save the Children said its offices in Pakistan remained closed and its operations suspended Monday, despite media reports the government had reversed an order halting its work in the country. The authorities sealed Save the Children’s offices last week, saying the charity was “working against the country”, and threatened to expel more foreign aid groups for supposedly undermining Pakistan. Pakistan has toughened its policies towards international aid groups in recent years, accusing them of covering for spying operations. Local media reports suggested the interior ministry had suspended its own order to halt the operations of the British-based international charity. The reports were based on a document circulating on social media which appeared to be a confidential interior ministry memorandum. But interior ministry officials were unable to confirm the authenticity of the document, which was dated Friday, and Save the Children’s offices in Islamabad

remained under lock and key on Monday. An armed police officer guarding the offices told AFP they were still officially sealed. Save the Children spokesman Saeed Ahmad said they had received no word from the government about being allowed to resume their activities. “We have no communication, we have the same information which has been published in today’s newspapers. We welcome these news stories,” Ahmad told AFP. He said that as of Monday, all the group’s offices in Pakistan were closed and all its activities suspended. “All the information we are getting is only through media, we don’t have any other information from any other source,” Ahmad said. He said that before this issue arose, Save the Children had closed its operations in the northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and the southwestern province of Baluchistan. In 2012 the government expelled the expatriate staff of Save

the Children, which has worked in Pakistan for over 35 years and employs 1,200 Pakistanis. That move came after Pakistani intelligence services accused the charity of links to doctor Shakeel Afridi, whom the CIA allegedly used to carry out a fake vaccination programme as they searched for Al-Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden. Save the Children has always vehemently denied any link to either Afridi or the CIA. An intelligence source told AFP that Save the Children had been under close watch since the Afridi episode. He said it was believed to have been working in areas where it was not authorised to operate, in parts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Baluchistan. The official said five more foreign aid groups were under close watch for alleged “anti-state” activities: Oxfam, the Norwegian Refugee Council, Catholic Relief Services, World Vision and Church World Service. The United States on Friday warned Pakistan it was only hurting itself by its actions against aid groups.


os Angeles - Six young Irish students died in the early hours Tuesday when a fourth-floor apartment balcony collapsed during a 21st birthday party in the California university town of Berkeley, authorities said. At least seven people were injured, with some in critical condition, after the tragedy at a building located two blocks from the University of California, Berkeley campus, local media and officials said. Most of those involved were Irish students from University College Dublin, Ireland’s largest university, on the J1 work-study visa program, which allows them to teach, study, conduct research and work legally during their stay in the United States. The Alameda County coroner’s office confirmed that six people died. “My heart breaks for the parents who have lost children,” Irish Prime Minister Enda Kenny told parliament. He said 13 people had been on the balcony at the time, citing police. The structure collapsed shortly

after police received a phone call complaining about a noisy gathering.

of others across Ireland, head to the US each summer on J1 visas to enjoy the experience.

“It is truly terrible to have such a serious and sad incident take place at the beginning of summer of adventure and opportunity for so many young people on J1 visas in the United States,” Kenny said.

“It is heart-breaking to imagine that such a tragedy would strike these wonderful students when their lives are opening up to discover the world.”

He said he had spoken with US ambassador to Ireland, Kevin O’Malley, who expressed the United States’ condolences. Irish Foreign Minister Charlie Flanagan said the families of the dead had been contacted. The victims were identified as 22-year-old Ashley Donohoe, an Irish-US dual citizen from California; and Olivia Burke, Eoghan Culligan, Niccolai Schuster, Lorcan Miller and Eimear Walsh, who were 21 and from Ireland. Most of the victims were from University College Dublin. “It is with deepest sadness that I speak of the tragic accident involving UCD students and their friends in San Francisco,” college president Andrew Deeks said. “Our students, like thousands

A consular emergency response line was activated for those seeking information about loved ones. Berkeley Police spokeswoman Jennifer Coats told AFP that officers received a call just before 1:00 am (0800 GMT). Pictures in local media showed the balcony detached from its spot on the apartment building’s exterior wall, with its railings sitting atop a balcony one floor below. - Building finished in 2007 Berkeley officials said the building where the tragedy happened was finished in January 2007 and the owner of the property had been ordered to check the condition of the other balconies. The Los Angeles Times reported that three engineers who’d visited the site said the wooden joists that once supported the balcony had been weakened by dry rot.


Bollywood Masala

Friday, June 19, 2015

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‘ABCD 2’ is not about me or Varun Dhawan, says Shraddha Kapoor

FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

Tel: 713-774-5140

Arjun Kapoor launches Philips Pro Skin Advance Trimmers


UMBAI - Actor Arjun Kapoor is Philips India’s male grooming category brand ambassador and a regular user of the Philips electric trimmer. He is the perfect example of today’s fashion-savvy youth, which no longer considers the clean-shaven look the norm. The macho look that comes with the perfect stubble is the new rage in facial styling that every guy wants to get. Arjun says, “I feel very closely attached to Philips. Before I became an actor or became known in the public space, I was their consumer. I bought my first trimmer, a Philips, at the age of 15. It wasn’t because of any endorsement - I went to a shop and the shopkeeper recommended it as the best.” ADA Ratnam, president, consumer lifestyle, Philips India, said, “Men’s grooming products are a key focus area of growth for us in the country. Personal care, specifically the male grooming portfolio, has been the fastest growing category for us in India.

Shraddha Kapoor


he is known for portraying outgoing and expressive characters on-screen but actress Shraddha Kapoor says in real life she is a reserved person.

My father inspires me: Shraddha Kapoor Shraddha Kapoor said, “My dad always says that when you dance you have to have a lot of energy.”

The 26-year-old actress made lukewarm debut with Amitabh Bachchan starrer Teen Patti in 2010 but she got fame two years back with her stint as a budding singer in Aashiqui 2, opposite rumoured boyfriend Aditya Roy Kapur. Shraddha, however, feels fame has not changed her reserved self much and she becomes a bundle of nerves whenever she is in public eye. “I am a shy person in real life. I am not very social person. The only people I open up to are my family and close friends. Over the years, I have become more vocal but at the core I am a reserved girl. Many a time I think that I should change myself and become more expressive. People keep telling me to be a certain way as I am an actor but if I don’t have anything to say I can’t... I come out as a shy, nervous person and a little out of place because I need time and my space to become comfortable with someone,” Shraddha said. The “Ek Villain” star feels lucky that all those people in the industry whom she wanted to go up to and speak to, recognise her because of her work. The finest example of this is her recent meeting with Bachchan. “I am much more comfortable around Mr Bachchan now. We met at Piku’s success bash and he met me so warmly. It was amazing. Back when I did ‘Teen Patti’, I was so nervous to face him,” she said. Unlike many actors, who complain about rigorous film promotional activities, the selfconfessed introvert said she loves this aspect of her job. “I love promotions. They get exhaustive sometimes but I like taking instant feedbacks and reactions from fans, media. I like


Indian Bollywood actor Arjun Kapoor poses with a Phillips bodygrooming electronic device in New Delhi on June 17, 2015. AFP PHOTO/PRAKASH SINGH

Arjun personifies everything that Philips Male Grooming stands for — youth, style and confidence. Who better than him to endorse the male grooming product range that is designed to give the youth the power to be style icons in themselves?” Though getting a beard is not difficult, it’s maintaining it and grooming it to look perfect that’s a task. The new range of Philips electric trimmers makes it possible to get the perfect stubbled look in a matter of minutes, right at home, without a stylist. Whether you use it for cutting facial hair to avoid shaving or to groom your beard into a stubble, the trimmers provide technologically the

most advanced hair trimming system, with precision cutting and superior skin protection system. And to top all that, it’s easy to maintain. The Philips trimmer range offers up to 20 lock-in length settings, from 0.5mm to 10mm, for precise cutting of facial hair. The trimmers also come with non-scratch teeth. Their blades are made of titanium-coated stainless steel, and the combs and blades of the trimmers have rounded tips for a smooth and skin-friendly trim. “You can’t afford to have bad skin either, and this trimmer supports your skin. It makes sure your skin is not hard. It brings softness to the skin; that’s why it’s the right choice for me,” Arjun adds.

My role in ‘Yaara’ is challenging: Amit Sadh Bollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor, who will be next seen in dance movie “ABCD 2”, says she is inspired by her father, actor Shakti Kapoor.


ollywood actress Shraddha Kapoor, who will be next seen in dance movie “ABCD 2″, says she is inspired by her father, actor Shakti Kapoor. The 26-year-old “Ek Villian” actress will star alongside Varun Dhawan and Prabhudheva in director-choreographer Remo D’Souza’s upcoming film. “Apart from dance trainers, I thought of my dad (Shakti Kapoor) while dancing in ‘ABCD 2′. My dad always says that when you dance you have to have a lot of energy. It has to be in your bones. You have to literally break ground,” Shraddha told PTI. The actress said she got to learn a lot from D’Souza’s interacting with people,” said Shraddha, who is on a promotional spree for her upcoming dance drama ABCD 2. The Remo D’Souza-directed film, which co-stars Varun Dhawan, is special for Shraddha as it sees her playing a dancer for the first time. Calling herself and Varun just the “spokespeople” of the film, the actress said the sequel to 2013’s ABCD is

dancers. “We got to learn from Remo sir’s dancers who are such amazing teachers and all comes from his philosophy. It was amazing; it was outstanding.” Did she get any tips from Prabhudheva, India’s ‘dancing king?’ “Prabhudheva is amazing. He did not give as such, but we got to learn from him while shooting the film. Also he plays our guru in ‘ABCD 2′. Dancing with him is a lifetime dream come true.” Shraddha is very excited about the release of “ABCD 2″ as it was her dream to play a dancer’s role in films. “I am so excited I can’t tell you. It is the first time I am doing a film of dancing,” she said. “I have waited for a very long time to play this role. Finally it is happening. A lot of rehearsals and sweat have gone

into it,” Shraddha added. Shraddha, apart from hogging the limelight for her performances in ‘Ek Villian’ and ‘Haider’, has grabbed headlines for her singing capabilities. The actress had stolen many hearts by crooning the unplugged version of “Teri Galiyan …” from Mohit Suri directed ‘Ek Villian.’ The actress said she is taking vocal lessons from Samantha Edwards. “I am taking vocal lessons from musician and trainer Samantha Edwards. She is amazing, outstanding… such a beautiful voice,” she said. Samantha is Priyanka Chopra’s music trainer. “I am playing a singer’s role in ‘Rock On 2′, therefore I needed some guidance from an expert. Samantha is good at voice modulation,” she said. (PTI).

Amit Sadh

not about her or Varun but the dancers in the film and their journey.

Post ABCD 2, which releases on June 19, Shraddha will gear up for the sequel to musical drama Rock On!! and Baaghi, opposite Tiger Shroff. Courtesy PTI

It was a challenging role to play. The character starts from 25 and goes through till he turns 50-year-old. I had to gain

“It is not shouldered by me and Varun. It is shouldered by dance. It is actually the dance forms and journey of these terrific dancers. Varun, Remo sir and I are predominantly the spokespeople of the film. There is so much more in it.”


t was not easy for Amit Sadh to be a part of Tigmanshu Dhulia’s upcoming friendship drama ‘Yaara’ as the actor says he had to undergo a rigorous weight training regime to fit into the role of a gangster. Amit, 32, said in the film his character goes through a transition from a young adult to an aged man.

and lose weight to don the transition in my role. My director Tigmanshu Dhulia helped me understand the role. He is a great director and is known for making people act,” Amit said. The actor, who recently wrapped up the shooting of the film, said ‘Yaara’ is a period drama that travels to the time period of 1975 to the current day. The film also stars Vidyut Jamwal and Shruti Haasan in pivotal roles besides the ‘Kai Po Che’ actor.

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Friday, June 19, 2015

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US bans ‘unsafe’ trans fats in food by Jean-Louis SANTINI


ASHINGTON Artificial trans fats found in everything from margarine to cookies and frozen pizzas are not safe to eat and must be removed from food in the next three years, US regulators said Tuesday.


The pharmacies, located inside Target stores in 47 states, will give CVS a new channel for its retail pharmacy business as well as room to expand its chain of medical clinics, called MinuteClinics.

“The FDA’s action on this major source of artificial trans fat demonstrates the agency’s commitment to the heart health of all Americans,” said acting FDA commissioner Stephen Ostroff, confirming a 2013 proposal to ban them.

CVS will also partner with Target as it develops smaller “flexible format stores” to be called TargetExpress over the coming two years.

“This action is expected to reduce coronary heart disease and prevent thousands of fatal heart attacks every year.”

Food manufacturers in the United States have been required since 2006 to include trans fat content information on canned and packaged food labels. The law still allows foods to be labeled as having zero grams of trans fat if they contain less than 0.5 grams of trans fat per serving, but FDA officials said that a separate effort is under way to change that, and that PHOs will no longer be allowed in any foods after three years unless they get a specific exemption from regulators. The FDA has said the labeling rule and actions taken by the food industry have already led to a 78 percent decrease in trans fat consumption in the past decade. “While trans fat intake has significantly decreased, the current intake remains a public health concern,” the FDA said. According to Rebecca Blake, director of clinical nutrition at Mount Sinai Beth Israel in New York, the current labeling laws

Artificial trans fats found in everything from margarine to cookies and frozen pizzas are not safe to eat and must be removed from food in the next three years, US regulators said (AFP photo/).

are misleading consumers. “If one serving of a product has less than 0.5g of trans fat, it can be legally labeled transfat free. But are people really eating only one cookie or five fries? The servings often add up and the consumer ends up with far more trans fats in their diet than they realize.” - Petitions to allow Food manufacturers have three years to “either reformulate products without PHOs and/or petition the FDA to permit specific uses of PHOs,” the agency said. By mid-June 2018, no partially hydrogenated oils can be “added to human food unless they are otherwise approved by the FDA.” The Grocery Manufacturers Association said it was pleased with the three-year time period because it “provides time needed for food manufacturers to complete their transition

The deal “brings together two leading retailers with complementary strengths, brands and cultures to enhance the health care experience for Target guests while expanding CVS Health’s retail presence in new markets, such as Seattle, Denver, Portland and Salt Lake City,” CVS said.

to suitable alternatives and/or seek food additive approval,” a statement said.

The deal came just three weeks after CVS announced the $12.7 billion acquisition of pharmacy benefits manager Omnicare to expand its services to seniors.

The GMA, which represents some 300 leading food and beverage companies, is planning to file its own food additive petition to the FDA in the coming days, a spokesman told AFP.

With about 200,000 employees, CVS is one of the country’s top two pharmacy benefits managers, companies which handle prescription drug claims for the health programs of other employers and insurers.

“It will show that the presence of trans fat from the proposed low level uses of partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) is as safe as the naturally occurring trans fat present in the normal diet,” said the GMA statement.

It is also the number-two drugstore operator after Walgreens by prescription drug sales, with 7,800 retail pharmacies and more than 900 walk-in medical clinics.

“I think it’s the difference between zero and nearly zero,” said GMA spokesman Roger Lowe, who declined to give specifics about which companies or products still want to be able to use artificial trans fats in processing.

Target shares rose 1.7 percent to $80.84 in early trade Monday after the deal was announced, while CVS gained 0.3 percent to $102.54.

The FDA move bans artificial trans fats, not the trans fats that occur naturally in some dairy,

Consumer health groups applauded the FDA decision and said that artificial trans fat harms the body by elevating bad cholesterol and lowering good cholesterol.

Cleaner air would save two million lives a year: study

Tel: 713-774-5140

US pharmacy Split Dollar Arrangegiant buys ments in Life Insurance pharmacies for Business Owners of retailer target S ew York, 6/15/2015 CVS Health added to its powerful chain of drug stores Monday with a $1.9 billion deal to buy 1,660 pharmacies from retailer Target.

Also often used in frosting and crackers, partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs) contribute to heart disease and fatal heart attacks in thousands of Americans every year, said the US Food and Drug Administration, calling them not “generally recognized as safe.”

Partially hydrogenated oils carry no health benefits and the Institute of Medicine has previously determined that no level is safe for consumption.

FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

beef and lamb products.

“The eventual elimination of artificial trans fat from the food supply will mean a healthier food supply, fewer heart attacks and heart disease deaths, and a major victory for public health,” said Center for Science in the Public Interest executive director Michael Jacobson.

plit dollar life insurance is an arrangement between an employer and an employee rather than a type of insurance policy. Insurance in a split dollar arrangement is usually some form of permanent life insurance. Under a split dollar plan, an employee and an employer agree to share one or more of the following: •

premium outlay



death benefits

cash values

Under a traditional split dollar arrangement, the employer pays the portion of the annual premium that equals the increase in the policy’s cash value or net premium if it is lower than the cash value increase. The employee pays the balance of the premium, if any. The purpose of a split dollar plan is typically to make the purchase of necessary life insurance possible or easier for a valued employee and to provide a fringe benefit for him or her as well. It brings together the party with the need for life insurance, i.e., the employee, and the party with the funds to help pay for it, i.e., the employer. Such a plan is useful when an employer wants to provide a key employee or shareholder employee with a valuable benefit at a relatively low long-term cost. The employer’s only long-term cost is the after-tax cost of the use of its money. The corporation’s financial outlay gives the employee significant incentive to remain with the employer. If the employee dies or terminates employment, the corporation recovers its outlay from the death benefit or cash value of the policy, respectively. In the event of the insured employee’s death while the agreement is in force, the employer recovers its total premiums from the death benefit. The balance of the death benefit is paid to the beneficiary selected by the employee.

Sudhir Mathuria Contact: Sudhir Mathuria Licensed Professional Health Life 360 6650 Southwest Freeway Houston TX 77074 713-771-2900 www.MyMedicarePlanning. com As in all nonqualified plans, the employer decides which employees will be covered and what the terms of the coverage will be. In addition, the employer has the right to modify or to terminate the coverage to meet changing circumstances. Another use of split dollar life insurance is when a corporation wants to facilitate a cross-purchase of its stock. Two or more shareholders can purchase policies on each others’ lives and split the premium outlay with the corporation. Depending on whether the shareholders or the corporation own the policies, the shareholders will each pay the Table 2001 cost for the insurance owned on the other shareholder’s life based on the age of the insured shareholder or imputed interest on the premiums paid by the corporation. Then at the death of the insured, the policyowner will receive the proceeds and use that cash to buy the decedent’s business interest from his or her estate. An important factor to consider regarding split dollar plans is their taxation. Under IRS rules, the tax treatment given to a split dollar plan depends on whether the employer or the insured employee owns the policy. To plan and purchase suitable life insurance from any major company contact Sudhir Mathuria 713-771-2900.


“The final determination made today by the Food and Drug Administration gives companies more than enough time to eliminate the last of the partially hydrogenated oil that is still used in foods like microwave popcorn, biscuits, baked goods, frostings and margarines.”

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Timeless Therapy from Nature A general view of traffic during rush-hour in Tianjin, eastern China, seen in 2013 (AFP Photo/Ed Jones)


ASHINGTON – Cleaner air worldwide would save two million lives a year and not only in the most polluted countries, a study released Tuesday found. “We were surprised to find the importance of cleaning air not just in the dirtiest parts of the world -- which we expected to find -- but also in cleaner environments like the US, Canada and Europe,” coauthor Julian Marshall of the University of Minnesota said in the study published by Environmental Science & Technology. His team found that areas with dirtier air such as China, India and Russia could save up to 1.4 million lives by meeting

WHO pollution targets. In addition, hitting the targets in less-polluted regions could reduce premature deaths from pollution by more than half a million a year. Pollution -- especially by tiny particulate matter (PM) that can find its way deep into lungs -- is to blame for 3.2 million preventable deaths every year, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Lead author Joshua Apte of the University of Texas focused with his team on suspended particles smaller than 2.5 microns; this kind of PM can play a role in heart disease, stroke, and lung ailments such as emphysema and cancer. They come from burning coal

in coal-fired power plants, from car exhausts and industrial emissions. In lower-income countries they come from coal fires, wood fires, and other burning for cooking and heating homes. Around the world most people live in environments of under 10 micrograms of the particles per liter of air, the maximum allowed by WHO recommendations. But in parts of India and China, the levels can top 100 micrograms. “We wanted to determine how much cleaner different parts of the world would need to be in order to substantially reduce death from particulate matter,” said Apte. “We believe our model could help in designing strategies to protect public health.”

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FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

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US credibility at stake over ‘Stop eating Nutella’ urges Asia trade pact: Singapore French ecology minister


ASHINGTON America’s reputation in East Asia risks being undermined if it fails to seal a trade pact encompassing 40 percent of the world’s economy, Singapore’s foreign minister warned Tuesday. “American credibility will be seriously impacted if this doesn’t go through,” Foreign Minister K. Shanmugam said of the trade accord, which is in jeopardy in Washington. He highlighted how US officials have been stressing the importance of reaching such a deal for many years. “You are either in, or you’re out,” he told a seminar organized by The Atlantic magazine. The Republican-run House of Representatives on Friday delivered a stinging blow to President Barack Obama by refusing to give him fast-track powers to present Congress with a trade accord for an up or down vote, with no amendments. The Republicans were joined by many of Obama’s Democrats over concerns the accord could result in US jobs being lost. Obama wants to finalize terms with 11 other Pacific Rim countries on what would be the largest trade agreement ever, a massive pact which would include Japan but not China. Shanmugam pointed out the deal would also cover the 10nation ASEAN states, which includes Singapore, and whose economies he said were projected to grow to $4 trillion within the next five years. “So that’s a huge economy,” the Singaporean minister said. “In a sense the history of East Asia and the Asia-Pacific is being re-written through trade

Singapore’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Kasiviswanathan Shanmugam speaks during a panel discussion at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on June 15, 2015 in Washington, DC (AFP Photo/Brendan Smialowski)

deals.” “Can you as a Pacific power, a world power, afford to not fully engage in this region?” he asked. The Obama administration has long pushed a so-called “rebalance” towards the fastgrowing Asian region. And the US has already negotiated the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) with so many countries, “how do you think people will view America as a reliable partner?” if the deal falls through, Shanmugam asked. “How do you think people will take your word in the future when you say you’re going to do something? ... How do you think you can be taken seriously if after having put so much of your prestige on this, you don’t do it?” Republicans on Friday signalled they were prepared to regroup rather than abandon efforts to update America’s trade policy, and the White House insisted the process was salvageable. Obama has urged the House to vote again “as soon as possi-

ble” so US businesses can “sell goods made in America to the rest of the world.”

PARIS - France’s ecology minister, Segolene Royal, has rankled the company that makes Nutella by urging the public to stop eating its irresistible chocolate hazelnut spread, saying it contributes to deforestation. “We have to replant a lot of trees because there is massive deforestation that also leads to global warming. We should stop eating Nutella, for example, because it’s made with palm oil,” Royal said in an interview late Monday on the French television network Canal+. “Oil palms have replaced trees, and therefore caused considerable damage to the environment,” she explained. Nutella, she said, should be made from “other ingredients”. The comments needled Fer-

rero, the giant Italian chocolate group that makes Nutella. Without referring to Royal directly, the company issued a statement Tues- Ferrero, the company that makes Nutella, (AFP Photo). day saying it was aware of the environmental stakes nesia and Brazil. and had made commitments to Two and a half years ago, source palm oil in a responsible French senators tried to impose manner. a 300 percent tax on palm oil, Ferrero gets nearly 80 percent saying it was dangerously fatof its palm oil from Malaysia. tening and its cultivation was The rest of its supply comes bad for the environment. The from Papua New Guinea, Indo- measure was defeated.

Asia-Pacific region now has more millionaires than North America by Anita Balakrishnan, (USA TODAY, June 17, 2015) he population-packed Asia-Pacific region has the most millionaires worldwide — but the rich are richer in North America, according to a new report. By the end of 2014, there were almost 4.69 million millionaires living in the Asia-Pacific area, 10,000 more than in North America. But North America’s millionaires have $16.2 trillion in the bank, $400 billion more than those Asia-Pacific counterparts, according to the “2015 World Wealth Report,” by the Royal Bank of Canada and consulting firm Capgemini. The report highlights trends among the wealthy by using research methods such as internal market research from Capgemini and an annual online survey of 5,100 people across 23 countries who have more than $1million in investable assets, excluding their


primary residence. In the 2014 World Wealth Report, North America had the most millionaires worldwide. The survey found the rich reside in a few key countries as wealth becomes more concentrated across the globe. Sixty percent of millionaires live in the U.S., Japan, Germany or China. In the U.S., about 4.3 million people are deemed “high net worth individuals” and have investable assets of $1 million or more, according to the report. Worldwide, the number of millionaires is growing — and more than half that growth is driven by the U.S. and China, the report said. Across the globe, the top 1% of millionaires — those who have $30 million or more — grew faster than any other segment. Wealth will only get more concentrated, projects a separate report released Monday by the Boston Consulting Group. Millionaire

households held 41% of global private wealth - such as cash, stocks and bonds - in 2014, according to “Global Wealth 2015: Winning the growth game,” and are projected to hold 46% in 2019.

A man looks at a Maserati in Shanghai. The population of Asian millionaires is rising. (Photo: MARK RALSTON, AFP/Getty Images).

That report also predicted a rise of the wealthy in the Asia-Pacific region. That area, excluding Japan, which was tracked separately, is projected to hold 34% of global wealth in 2019, according to the BGC report. Those surveyed by Capgemini and RBC keep about a fourth of

their wealth as cash for “lifestyle needs.” What are they buying? Wearable tech, women’s watches and yachts will be popular in 2015, according to “The Wealth Report,” a separate study of highnet-worth individuals by real estate consultants Knight Frank.



FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

Your Horoscope for the Week of June 19, 2015 READ YOUR COMPLETE HOROSCOPE

by Hardik Vyas, Astrologer Cell : 832-298-9950


Aries (A,L,E) 21 March to 20 April

Libra (R,T) 23 Sept to 22 Oct

Get yourself back on track to the road to success. Recent events have put your emotional and physical well being out of whack. Static energy will only cause you to short out your mental battery. Simple pleasures will be needed in order to help you to relax. Strong words will only bring strong re-actions. Realize that tempers may be short. You need a break from away from extreme solutions to dealing with simple problems. Stay confident in who you are and you’ll be ensured a smoother ride.

Keep, keen understanding of how effective team work can be. You can enhance business, career & prestige in the community. Higher ups may request your time. Listen to other’s ideas on how to handle the situation & plan your strategy, accordingly. Sometimes you may feel as if you can conquer anything and maybe you can, but remember to thank those who have helped you on your way. They need to feel your respect & your love.

Scorpio (N,Y) 23 Oct to 21 Nov

Taurus (B,V,U) 21 April to 20 May The week end’s activities will provide you with tasty food, friends and good conversations. The rest you get will help you to replenish your energy and improve your perspective. Having to ‘rescue’ is likely. It appears especially ‘needy’ and there may be the need for both armchair shrinking and refereeing! Emotional ‘tantrums’ are also likely and your calm and constant intersession may be required, especially at big events or gatherings a ‘distance away’.

Rediscovery of higher education & using reliable ideas to accomplish your goals. Miscommunications or misunderstandings may occur, if you don’t choose your words carefully. What solution that had long gone by the wayside, may now become a viable one. Listen to others with expertise to overcome distance & language problems. Your ability to communicate on many levels will help others to understand your motivations. Be sensitive to those who are affected by your acts.

Sagittarius (BH,F,DH,TH) 22 Nov to 21 Dec

Gemini (K,CHH,GH) 21 May to 20 June Find new ways to succeed. Past performance will not carry much weight and will not have any bearing on the current situation. You need to find your voice and figure out how to use it to your best advantage. Before moving ahead on your own, think about ways to unite others. Human emotions cannot rule you, this time. You must try to look at things on and a more intellectual plane. Try your best to stay clear of those who try to bring you down to their level. You need to look beyond the immediate to understand how the bigger picture works.

Take the time to read, write & express your thoughts on paper. By doing so, you may feel an awakening of ideas, you shared with someone, long ago. That person may remind you of something very important that you forgot. Stress that seemed so intense, lately, may lessen, as the week goes by. Take the time to enjoy all of those favorite things that you really like to do. Don’t be afraid to express yourself. You need to open your mind & your heart to someone who shares your goals. There are no restrictions for you, this week.

Capricorn (KH,J) 22 Dec to 20 Jan

Cancer (D,H) 21 June to 22 July Bide your time. You need to continue to play the waiting game. Others want answers right away, but you should take some time to analyze the whole picture. If you try to push the process faster, something will hit the fan. Unfounded suspicions and accusations will only make others more uncomfortable. It’s better to keep quiet than to be negative. A surprise will shake things up and provide you with some answers. Try to be as discreet as possible. You’re ready to accept the news but not everybody is.

Your stars show you to be rather vulnerable to misunderstandings, minor accidents and clashes or frustrations. Once we clear the emotions and you have ‘processed them well’ you appears enjoyable and a ‘big relief’ in a variety of ways. Elders, pets and ‘dependent youth’ may need special attention. Be in a personal relationship or a business dealing, you will reach a very positive goal. Focus your energy full force. You’ll seem to have a keener understanding of how things work. Look behind the scene & you’ll see all of your options.

Aquarius (G,S,SH) 21 Jan to 19 Feb

Leo (M) 23 July to 22 August Motivation and positive reinforcement. Recent events have put you in a position of power. You’ll feel moved into proclaiming an alliance between yourself and your peers. Your message will come across in a way that encourages others want to join in. You know just which emotions to draw out of others and when to do it. You could combine valid points of view to provide a dynamic effort. Supporters will rally for your cause. Look upward and forward. Doubts should not be considered an option.

Your stars show fatigue, irritation and multiple ‘annoyances’ are likely and you may need delegate out duty and ‘make the most/best’ of more than one situation, especially IF you are entertaining visitors or have ‘big events’ planned for days. Facts, figures and ‘the bottom line’ must be taken seriously and their weight ‘considered first’. Your investment of time, effort, money and ‘heart and soul’ are key and your reputation stands to either be beefed up and/or expanded OR ‘toasted though impatience’.

Pisces (D,CH,Z) 20 Feb to 20 March

Virgo (P) 23 August to 22 September Passion, excitement and the start of new adventures. Negative energy will have no power over the positive flow that you are rolling on, but remember, you need to learn to walk first before you can run. The warmth you feel inside will spark your passion for life. Get out there and enjoy all that life has to give. Look past others misgivings in order to take advantage of their expertise. You may not understand all the workings of a new technology, but you can figure out how to use it for your own purpose.


Excellent results are likely early in the week and upgrades to new employment or opportunities are likely. ANY one who travel for a living, especially driving jobs, must be very careful as they may encounter ‘dangerous situations’ or be delayed or effected by ‘accidents’. Power people may be talking ‘all about money’ and every ‘bottom line’ may fall ‘under scrutiny’. Be ready with explanations, proof or ‘pitches’. Take the responsibility for your actions. You’ll have many options from which to pick from. A show of strength will improve your standing in the community. Choose the honorable road.


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Now You Know!

Amazing facts from all over the WORLD!

• The average American eats 263 eggs a year

MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY FROM HBR.ORG Don’t Overlook Your Long-Tenured Employees Somewhere along the way, workers can lose the motivation to make a difference and create value for their employers. That’s why the employees with the longest tenures in your company are also the least likely to be engaged. Retaining long-tenured, highly capable employees might be challenging, but minimizing their turnover is more practical than churning through new hires. Plus, experience is a strong driver of performance. So how can you increase engagement among these workers? For starters, give them managers who understand them and put them in roles where they can do what they do best every day. Make sure managers are helping them find ways to do more of what they’re good at. This means asking about their interests during regular check-ins and giving them more autonomy, stretch assignments, and the ability to learn new skills. Adapted from “Engage Your Long-Time Employees to Improve Performance,” by James Harter.

• The average bank teller loses $250 every year • The average person laughs 10 times a day

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• An average person will spend 25 years asleep

FRIDAY, June 19, 2015

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