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FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Understanding Key Points in Estate Planning
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Vol. 28 No. 22 Friday, May 29, 2015 • Published Weekly from Houston • 713-774-5140 20 Pages ( 2 sections) 50 cents E-mail: editor@voiceofasiaonline.com
Hundreds Evacuated In Texas After Storms Leave At Least 15 Dead by Jon Herskovitz USTIN, Texas (Reuters) Hundreds of people were ordered to evacuate floodthreatened areas of Texas on Wednesday as storms bringing torrential rains battered the state, where at least 15 people have been killed in weatherrelated incidents this week, including six in Houston. People were told to stay away from more than 200 homes in Parker County where the Brazos River was poised to overflow its banks about 30 miles (50
Motorists survey the flood waters in southwest Houston, Texas May 26, 2015. AFP
km) west of Fort Worth on Wednesday night, county officials said. “The river is coming up fast and flowing at dangerous volumes,� Parker County Judge Mark Riley told a news conference, adding shelters were available. The death toll in Texas was expected to rise, with about a dozen people still missing and a new round of thunderstorms pelting the already flooded cities of Houston and Austin. In Hays County alone, nine people
Interfaith Ministries For Greater Houston Hosts Successful Annual Tapestry Gala
OUSTON (May 22, 2015) Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston held its seventh annual Tapestry Gala on May 21 at the Hilton Americas Houston and raised $950,000. The event celebrated Houston’s great diversity in cultures, ethnicities and faith traditions with guests of different religions, many wearing traditional ethnic clothing. The evening raised funds for the organization’s many services with Shell Oil Company and Motiva Enterprises LLC leading the way as Presenting Sponsor.
M.D. The evening honored Dr. Sushma and Devinder Mahajan with the Tapestry Award, which recognizes community leaders who have shown remarkable dignity through tangible work for the betterment of Houston and the world.
The Tapestry Gala was chaired by Paula Sutton and Bill Gross, Karen and Jay Harberg and Leena and Ash Shah with honorary chairs Anne and John Mendelsohn,
Mistress of Ceremonies Meena Datt welcomed more than 750 friends of Interfaith Ministries including, Lily and Charles
The evening also celebrated Elliot Gershenson, Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston’s, president and CEO with a touching retirement tribute given by Bill King and Frazier Wilson, Vice President of Shell Oil Company Foundation.
Honorees Devinder Mahajan and wife Sushma Mahajan with the Tapestry Award. Also seen are Kenneth Gayle_and the Consul General of India, Houston, Parvathaneni Harish.
Continued on Page 3
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were missing after flood waters on Monday swept away homes from their foundations. Three people in the county, about 30 miles (50 km) southwest of Austin, were already confirmed dead. The return of heavy rains was impeding emergency rescue efforts. “The river is going to start to rise again,� said Kharley Smith, the Hays County Emergency Management coordinator. “It is going to shift the previously inspected debris piles.� Floods damaged about 4,000 structures and snarled transport in Houston, the fourth most-populous U.S. city, where more than a thousands vehicles were trapped in rising water. The body of the latest victim in Houston, a 31-year-old man, was discovered near a submerged vehicle, the Harris County Institute of Forensic Sciences said. His name has not been released. The storms dealt a blow to air travel in the region with nearly 240 flights canceled as of 5:30 p.m. (18:30 EST) at airports in Dallas and Houston, which are among the nation’s busiest. The National Weather Service issued flash flood watches for parts of North Texas and large sections of Oklahoma. Near Dallas, police evacuated people living near a dam that had threatened to burst due to surging floodwaters. Water topped the dam and police ordered people living downstream to evacuate and move livestock to higher ground. About 11 inches (28 cm) of rain fell in Houston on Monday, while parts of Austin were hit by as much as 7 inches (18 cm). There was no damage estimate available for Texas, which has a $1.4 trillion-a-year economy and is the country’s main domestic source of energy.
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Economic Globalization versus National Sovereignty
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VoiceofAsiaOnline.com Editor: Online & Newsletter : Shobana Muratee All rights reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be published without the consent of the publisher. Voice of Asia assumes no liability resulting from action taken based on the information included herein. Published weekly by Free Press LLC, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074. Tel: 713-774-5140. Fax: 713-7745143. Email for editorial submissions: voiceasia@aol.com; Email for advertising inquiries and submissions: ads@ voiceofasiagroup.com
Voice of Asia (USPS 010-215) (ISSN#10705058) is published every Friday (for a subscription rate of $30 per year) by Free Press LLC, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074. Tel: 713-774-5140. Fax: 713774-5143. Periodical postage paid at Houston, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Voice of Asia, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074
It is the policy of Voice of Asia to publish letters to the editor which evidence a variety of viewpoints. The opinions expressed in any particular letter to the editor are not necessarily those of the management. Voice of Asia welcomes letters in reply to issues raised in letters to editor. In as much letters to the editor are not articles written or researched by members of Voice of Asia, it is not the policy of the Voice of Asia to perform any investigation or confirmation of any facts or allegations contained in letters to the editor. Moreover, Voice of Asia reserves the right to edit letters to the editor as necessary to correct errors of fact, punctuation, spelling and to comply with space constraints. Although paid advertisements may appear in Voice of Asia Group Publications in print, online, or in other electronic formats, the Voice of Asia Group does not endorse the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. - The Publisher
New Challenges and Solutions in the Transforming World Chandra K. Mittal by Chandra K. Mittal, Ph.D
he current debate in the US Congress about the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) involving trade among various nations including United States, as well as the past international trade agreements like North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), always bring to fore the contentious and controversial domestic issues pertaining to the effects of these Agreements on US employment, economy and national politics. Such debates also trigger deep soul searching among Americans about the relationship between national sovereignty and economy. Whereas the former is purely domestic in character as it relates to national governance and autonomy with no foreign interference, the later one is clearly linked to and influenced by global factors in this new era of economic globalization that are beyond the control of the United States. Since economics and governance are intertwined, globalization presents a challenge to national sovereignty. The predominant sales pitch to promote all such international trade agreements is that they reduce the costs of goods for American consumers because these are manufactured in countries with lower production costs. These Agreements also provide for lower import duties on these products to bring down the trade barriers. This all sounds quite good and attractive. But there is also a flip side to all this with a built-in contradiction. Low cost goods generate low revenues for business, which cannot pay higher salaries causing the wage stagnation in the low-end segment. After all it is the revenues from sale of the (cheaper) goods that support wages.
STORY OF MAHATMA GANDHI Gandhi goes to England to study law Part II “No, mother,” said Mohandas. “I am no longer a child. I can look after myself.” He pleaded with her to allow him to go, and he took a vow not to eat meat, not to drink, and not to touch a woman.
Gandhi as a law student in London
fter passing his high school examination, Mohandas joined the Samaldas College at Bhavnagar. He did not find the classes interesting and returned home after the first ten days. A big surprise awaited him at home. His eldest brother and a family friend suggested that Mohandas should go to England to study and become a barrister. Mohandas was thrilled. Here was a chance to see the world. But his mother did not like the idea. She did not want her youngest son to stay away from her. There was also the problem of money and she feared that Mohandas would lose his caste if he crossed the ocean (an age-old taboo against overseas travel among the high caste Hindus). The family friend assured her that there would be no such difficulty and everything would be all right. But his mother was still opposed to the idea. “I know many reasons why it is dangerous for a Hindu to leave India,” she explained to him. “You will have to eat meat. They drink alcohol there and you will be tempted to drink it. Then you might fall into bad company and there are many other temptations which may spoil you.”
Putlibai at last gave in and allowed him to go to England. Mohandas was sorrowful when he left Rajkot for Bombay, because he had to leave behind his mother, his wife, and son Harilal, who was only a few months old. On September 4, 1888, Mohandas left Bombay to set sail for England. Dressed in western style, he stood on the deck as the ship slowly steamed out of the harbor. Mohandas never forgot his first morning on board. He felt most uncomfortable in his black suit, a white shirt, a stiff collar and a necktie. The stiff collar pinched him. It was quite a job to knot his tie properly. The tight, short coat also made him ill at ease. He thought that Indian attire was much more comfortable. Yet a glance in the mirror made him feel proud of himself. He thought he looked very impressive. Mohandas was shy. He rarely left his cabin. He even ate by himself. He was not sure of all those unknown foods served on the ship. He thought they might contain meat and did not wish to break his vow to his mother never to eat meat. So he lived mainly on the snacks and sweets he had brought from home. On landing at Southampton he looked around and saw that all the people were in dark clothes, wearing bowler hats and carrying overcoats flung over their arms. Mohandas was embarrassed to find that he was the only one wearing white flannels. In London, he stayed at first at the Victoria Hotel. Dr. P. J.
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Mehta, a friend of the Gandhi family, was the first to meet him. Mohandas was impressed with Dr. Mehta’s silk top hat. Out of curiosity, he passed his hand over it and disturbed the pile of the silk. Dr. Mehta then gave him his first lesson in European manners. “Do not touch other people’s things,” he said. “Do not ask questions as we do in India when we meet someone for the first time. Do not talk loudly. Never address people as “sir” while speaking to them, as we do in India. Only servants and subordinates address their masters in that way.” Young Gandhi found everything around him strange. He was homesick. He almost starved until he discovered a vegetarian restaurant. Struggling to learn western manners and customs, he rented a suite of rooms. He bought well-tailored clothes and a top hat. He spent a lot of time before the mirror, parting his straight hair and fixing his tie. He took lessons in dancing, but soon gave it up as he had no sense of rhythm. He tried his hand at playing the violin, but failed. He took lessons in French and elocution, but went to sleep. His attempt to be an Englishman lasted about three months. Then he gave up the idea. He converted himself into a serious student. “I have changed my way of life,” he told a friend. “All this foolishness is at an end. I am living in one room and cooking my own food. Hereafter I shall devote all my time to study.” His meals were simple. He avoided expenditure on transport and went on foot everywhere in London. He started to keep an account of every penny he spent. Mohandas joined the London Vegetarian Society and soon found himself in its executive council. He wrote articles for the magazine Vegetarian. The bar examination did not require much study and Gandhi had ample time to spare. Oxford or Cambridge was out of the question because it meant a long course and much expense.
dizing its national sovereignty. This requires a commitment by all trading partners to play by the same rules whether regulatory, environmental, or economic. Presently, US is facing problems because of trade imbalance. These include lower employment at home, stagnant wages, and the wealth shifting from middle-class to the upperclass as US corporations move overseas.
To correct such oddities and bring back balance in the international trade US Congress is now pushing for the passage of TPP. In his recent appearance on CBS TV show Late Show with David Letterman, President Obama remarked that in the ongoing economic globalization, countries like China, India and others would manufacture low cost consumer goods whereas the United States would make the “highend” products for the world markets. The President perhaps feels that somehow trading of high-end goods in exchange for low-end product between US and other countries can fix the trade deficit and problems of unemployment. President Obama is well meaning but this is not likely to happen given the history of international trade. The opening up of China in the 1970s and NAFTA in the 1990s resulted in the stagnation of wages in the low-end sectors. The US has been already exporting the high-end goods for long time and still experiencing trade deficits with China, India, Japan, etc. Per the US Govt. stats, for two decades (1985- 2015), US has been consistently experiencing trade deficit with China and Japan causing depression in the low-end product industry in the United States. This is primarily because of uneven rules of domestic economics being practiced by the trading partners. But such developments are source of discontent and dissatisfaction among the US working class.
United States is the champion of the capitalistic free-market economy in the world and does not believe in imposing artificial protective measures to save its businesses and industry. But it has to create an import policy platform to preserve its national sovereignty by way of enforcing an equitable, fair and even playing field for US small businesses – the lifeline of American economy. Uneven domestic social, economic and political circumstances among the partners do not quite permit even playing field. Just low prices of import cannot be the primary driving force in the international trade. And this is exactly what the proposed TPP Agreement is attempting to address and accomplish. However, the final terms and implementation of such trade Agreements may not be palatable or practical for some partners (as apparent from history) due to their domestic political compulsions. Under such global intrigue and uncertainties, US should chart its own course to avoid trade deficits and consider some innovative solutions. US’s principal goal should be to seek “Value Parity” in trade with any partner. And this balance should be achieved through exchange of “goods and services” only rather than making up by qualitatively different economic tools. For example, by buying the US debt as has been observed with China. US currency does not represent goods and services. Besides, buying of US debt has boosted value of Dollar hurting US exports
In modern times, constant innovation, technologies and scientific discoveries are creating a revolution in goods and services industry. Some countries have raw materials whereas other have technologies to manufacture finished goods. Since goods and services are required by people to improve life everywhere, international trade is a necessity for every country. But trade imbalance is neither sustainable nor desired for any country without jeopar-
He therefore decided to appear for the London matriculation examination. It meant hard work, but he liked hard work. He passed in French, English, and chemistry but failed in Latin. He tried again, and this time passed in Latin too.
‘By Jove, fellows, we are in luck to have this chap sitting with us. That gives us an extra half bottle.” “You can have my share of roast, too,” Gandhi told them, looking quite content with his bread, boiled potatoes and cabbage. He was pleasantly surprised to find that his strange habits did not make him unpopular. The next time he went for the dinner, he had a pile of law books with him.
Meanwhile, he progressed in his study of law and in November 1888 was admitted to the Inner Temple. It was the tradition of the Inns of Court for the
of goods and services to China. It has also made the US a net debtor nation jeopardizing its sovereignty. If the trade/exchange involves goods and services only, the partners are more likely to have party in their trade relations. Most importantly, this will also prevent sudden swings of unemployment in partner countries and will allow slow transition to occur towards new products and industries. However, if the deficit still occurs for other reasons, it should be made up by imposing a “Deficit Tax” on the exporting partner. Such Taxes will dissuade the trading partner from manipulating export to US or seek trade surplus as has been observed in the past. Furthermore, if a US business decides to move the manufacturing to a foreign location for reasons of low cost and then imports those very goods to replace US-made goods, it should pay for five-years a Special Import Tax to be used for the retraining and transitioning of the unemployed to new areas of business. The costs of this transition should not fall on the public but be borne by the US corporations who move overseas to benefit from the global consumer which far exceeds the US domestic market. Globalization of economy and international trade are the realities of the modern interdependent world. And so is the sovereignty of the individual nation which is absolutely sacrosanct and is linked with its economic strength. It is only through free, fair and balanced trade among the nations that sovereignties, peace and stability can be maintained in the world. Dr. Chandra Mittal is Professor at Houston Community College and Co-Founder of Indo-American Association, Houston. He can be contact on drckmittal@yahoo.com or followed on twitter @drchandramittal.
his lighthearted friends that he worked so hard for sheer interest in the subject, and that he wanted to acquire knowledge for its own sake. After a short trip to France, he prepared for the final law examination. The results were soon declared. He had passed with high marks. On June 10, 1891, Gandhi was called to the bar. He was admitted as a barrister and the next day was formally enrolled in
Great Summer Project For children! Enter Mahatma Gandhi Week 2015 Essay, I-Tribute, Poster and Speech contests. Visit gandhilibrary.org for registration and more information. All school going children can participate! These contests are being organized to create higher awareness of the inspiring life and work of Mahatma Gandhi to promote universal values of Truth, Non-Violence, Love and Service. students to dine together at least six times each year. The first time Gandhi dined with his fellow students, he was nervous. He was sure the boys would rib him for refusing meat and alcohol. When wine was offered, he said, “No, thank you.” The boy sitting next to him said, “I say, Gandhi, don’t you want your share? As a law student in London you pay for it, you know!” When Gandhi replied that he never touched wine, the boy shouted to his friends,
He was taking the books to his room to study. “Gandhi,” said a student, “you are not really going through this stuff, are you?” He snatched up one of the fat volumes. “Look, you chaps,” he cried, “he is actually reading Roman law in Latin!” The students laughed. One of them said, “Let me tell you, Gandhi, I passed the last examination in Roman law by spending two weeks on a printed summary. Why do you slave at it like this?” Gandhi explained to
the High Court. The following day, June 12, he sailed for India. Gandhi’s three-year stay in England was eventful. Those were days of great intellectual activity, and there was tolerance for every school of thought. The country as a whole was a living university. As Gandhi sailed for home on the S.S. Assam, he felt that, next to India, he would rather live in England than any other place in the world. (To be continued)
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FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Second Front Page
Friday, May 29, 2015 • www.voiceofasiaonline.com • Page 3 • Email: editor@voiceofasiaonline.com • Tel: 713-774-5140
ISKCON Temple in Houston is a year old!
year ago to this past Sunday, Houston community witnessed the opening of a spectacular new temple by International Society of Krishna Consciousness of Houston (ISKCON of Houston). ISKCON of Houston, also known as Hare Krishna Dham, is located at 1324 West 34th street in the Heights area, is a haven for spiritual seekers since the late 70’s. From humble beginning, the temple has now blossomed into a cultural and spiritual oasis. In May of 2014, devotees and hundreds of volunteers from the congregation pulled off a spectacular grand opening of this amazing temple. The intricate teak wood hand crafted art work, the beautiful murals and the shining cool marble floors and walls are all a testament to the congregation’s mood of love and devotion to this place of divinity. Sunday May 17th saw hundreds of devotees and congregation members gathered to celebrate the one year anniversary of the temple opening with various festivities. The grand temple opening last year, which
and Sri Giri Govardhan.
the form of a Deity in order to accept devotion in any shape or form, as long as it is offered with love in all sincerity. The ISKCON temple is also the home to the resplendent Deities of Sri Sri Radha Nilamadhava, Sri Sri Nitai Caitanya Candra and Sri Sri Nitai Gaura Candra
Soulful kirtan or chanting of the Holy names filled the temple room throughout the ceremony and everyone present chanted in deep gratitude for this auspicious occasion. One of the talented youngsters from the community put together a heartwarming video depicting the past and present pictures of Sri Sri Radha Giridhari with the animation video of ‘Little Krishna and Radha’. This brought enlivening smiles all around. A lecture on the importance of Deity worship was presented convincingly by HH Rtadhvaja Swami. Thereafter a skit was presented on the past time of ‘Sakshi Gopal’ with a voice over narration. The skit revealed how once Lord Gopal became impressed by His young devotee’s devotion agreed to be his witness in his rightful claim to be married! A much beloved member of the congregation, Janak Maharaj, who is also one of the mentors to the congregation, also rendered a heartfelt poem in praise of the presiding Deities Sri Sri Radha Nilamadhava. The festivities ended with a free ISKCON vegetarian feast.
Children enjoy the animation video of ‘Little Krishna and Radha’.
Devotees being offered Aarati.
Priests perform abhishek or ceremonial bathing of Sri Sri Radha Giridhari Deities lasted three days, included an interfaith dialogue as one of the highlights, had attracted thousands of visitors. Many devotees from overseas also visited the grand temple opening ceremonies. The anniversary event was
The new temple’s alter for the Deities Sri Sri Radha Nilamadhava.
marked by an abhishek or ceremonial bathing of Sri Sri Radha Giridhari Deities with various offerings such as ghee, milk, yogurt, honey and scented water. According to our sacred scripture, Krishna is the Supreme Person and He assumes
The serene temple grounds creates an inviting ambience for everyone – young or old to come and escape the high stress of everyday life or to simply come and enjoy a cool summer evening at the temple. If you think you are the type who want to learn more about the connection between mind and matter, or between the body and soul and what connects us all, then ISKCON of Houston may be a worthwhile place to check out. The philosophy is ancient dating back thousands of years and yet you will be amazed as to how relevant it is today as it was centuries ago. The timeless wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, a cornerstone of the Krishna consciousness philosophy encourages one to go beyond the mundane material and seek out our true spiritual nature of bliss, knowledge and eternity. For more information on the temple and the Sunday Feasts, Goswami Academy, Sunday school and other various programs, please visit www.iskconhouston.org or come see us: ISKCON of Houston | 1320 W 34th St., Houston TX 77018 | 713.686.GITA.
Interfaith Ministries .... Tapestry Gala Continued from Page 1 Foster, Philamena Baird, Neda Ladjevardian, Harry and Marian Tindall, Diana Untermeyer, Regina Rogers, Ambassador Arthur Schechter, Fred and Kay Zeidman, Counsulate General of India Parvathaneni Harish, Reverend Bill Lawson, and Marie Bosarge. Guests entered the ballroom adorned with lavender hydrangeas and peach roses generously donated by Kroger and arranged with crystal and candle centerpieces by Darryl and Company. The evening consisted of a fabulous four course dinner of traditional Indian fare and beautiful program celebrating diversity with a number of performances including violinist Achron Ga-
L-R: Bill Gross, Paula Sutton, Jay Harberg, Karen Harberg, LeenaShah and AshShah
Front Row sitting from left to right : Gita Gidwani, Shashi Mahajan, Madhu Gupta, Nirmal Mahajan, Sushma Mahajan, Neera Shetty and Anya Shetty, Shashi Mahajan,Aruna Mahajan, Deepali Shah,Shelly Mahajan Back Row Standing from Left to Right: Baldev Mahajan, Rajinder Mahajan, Vishaw Mahajan, Virendra Mahajan, Dev Mahajan,Nikhil Shetty, Rajesh Shetty, Narinder Mahajan, Ashok Gupta, Nihar Shah.
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kvdoraiswamy@yahoo.com • kvdoraiswamy60@gmail.com More than 30 years of experience as Priest in major temples including Sri Meenakshi Temple Pearland, TX. Can speak 5 languages (Kannada, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, and English) Rituals Performed: Sreemantham, Punyahavachanam, Namakaranam, Annaprashanam, Vidyarambham, Choulam, Upanayanam, Wedding, Sathya narayana puja, and all kind of Homas (Havans) and more. I can drive to your place.
briel Maffuz-Anker, vocal pieces by Kenneth Gayle Productions, as well as Bollywood dancing by Infused Performing Arts and DAV Montessori School. The event benefited Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston, a non-profit organization that brings
people of diverse faith traditions together for dialogue, collaboration and service. The organization provides four main services to the Houston area: Meals on Wheels for Greater Houston, Refugee Services, Disaster Preparedness and Interfaith Dialogue.
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Even a private seller must disclose known defects. Q. I am a recent graduate of the University of Houston, and was hoping to get your advice. To make a long story short—my friend is trying to sell his flooded vehicle. The buyer offered around $16,000, which is about the right price if it was not flooded. The event of flooding has yet to make it to AutoCheck, which is why the price is near what it is worth in very good condition. What are the repercussions of selling this vehicle and not saying about whether it was in a flood? A. It my opinion, not disclosing that the car was in a flood will violate the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act. This is our state’s consumer protection law and it applies to all sellers, not just those in business. This law requires any seller disclose facts he knows will matter to the buyer. It sounds like your friend is aware that this information would matter to the buyer, and the law requires he disclose it. If he does not, he could be responsible for three times the buyer’s damages, plus attorney’s fees. Q. My tenant failed to pay rent on May 1st. He advised me on May 12the he was voluntarily moving out. On May 16th he said he would finish moving everything out that day. We entered property approximately 48 hours later and found items he had left. Is the intent of the tenant to vacate the property enough to consider the personal property left after May 16th abandoned? A. This one does not have a simple answer, and I would not rely on his “intent” to abandon the property. If you destroy the property and he did not abandon it, you could be liable for damages. The easiest approach is to contact the tenant and ask if he has abandoned the property and if you have permission to remove it. If you cannot contact him, you can remove the property, then send him notice you have it and that you will keep it a reasonable time for him to claim it. Tell him that after that you will consider it abandoned. Another approach is to go ahead with an eviction and let the constable remove the property. Q. There is a man that keeps calling me and says he is collecting a credit card company debt. He has been harassing me over this ten-year-old debt. He said that I would be served an arrest warrant for fraud if I don’t take care of this problem. He even said that I would be served at my place of employment or my residence. Can he do this? A. Based on what you say, it sounds like he is violating state and federal debt collection laws. Basically, these laws prohibit a debt collector from harassing you, or threatening an arrest. Texas law also requires a lawsuit be filed within four years, and threats to sue after that time period violate the same laws. To see what these laws say, take a look at the “Legal Topics—Debt Collection” section my website, www.peopleslawyer.net. Next time he calls get a name, let him know you know about these laws, and demand he stop all further communication. Under federal law he may only contact you one more time after you tell him to stop. Q. I have an eviction on my record from four years ago. I currently have two years of a good rental history and I am looking for a new place to live. However, I am being denied because of the past eviction. How long can apartment’s look back into your rental history? A. Unfortunately, they can go back as long as they want. At some point, however, your current payment history should be more important than what you did in the past. I suggest you speak with the landlord when you first apply and explain your situation. Hopefully, you will find one that believes you have turned things around. Maybe save up and offer a larger security deposit. Do you want to know more about your legal rights? Check out my website, www.peopleslawyer.net
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
YOUR IMMIGRATION LAWYER Answers to your Immigration Questions by Sharlene Sharmila Richards, Immigration Lawyer:email at srichardslaw@aol.com ANSWERS TO YOUR QUESTIONS ABOUT EMPLOYMENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CERTAIN H-4 DEPENDENT Sharlene Sharmila Richards SPOUSES Q: Are all H-4 dependent spouses eligible to apply for employment authorization under this rule? A: No, only certain H-4 dependents can benefit under this rule. Dependent spouses of H-1B holders are eligible to apply for employment authorization under this rule if either their H-1B holder spouse is the principal beneficiary of an approved I-140 Immigrant Petition for Alien Worker or the H-1B holder spouse has been granted extension of stay in H-1B status beyond the 6 year limit (under AC21) because the H-1B holder is in the process of securing permanent residence. Q: My husband is an H-1B visa holder and our I-140 petition has just been approved. I currently hold H-4 status. I understand that I am now eligible to apply for employment authorization. A: U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services has announced that it will be accepting applications for H-4 employment authorization commencing May 26th, 2015. Q: What is the Form to use and the filing fee for the application for employment authorization for H-4 dependent spouses? Can I pay by personal check and who do I make the fee payable to? A: The Form you will use is Form I-756 Application for Employment Authorization. The Filing Fee is $380.00. Yes, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services accepts personal checks and the filing fees are made payable to Department of Homeland Security. Q: My wife is an H-1B nonimmigrant. Her I-140 petition was approved but recently revoked. Am I eligible for the H-4 employment authorization? A: Revocation of the I-140 petition means that your wife is no longer the principal beneficiary of an approved I-140 petition. Accordingly, you are ineligible to apply for employment authorization under this rule. Q: How long does this application take to approve? A: US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) have indicated that it depends if other applications are submitted along with the employment authorization application. For example, if you are presently in H-4 status and there is no need for you or your H-1B spouse to extend status, then you can file the I-765 application for employment authorization. That application will most likely be adjudicated and approved within 90 days from the date of filing. If you are filing for an extension of your present H-4 status or change of status to H-4 together with your employment authorization, then you will need to file the employment authorization application with your form I-539 Application to Extend/Change Status. Here, USCIS will not process your Form I-765 until after it has adjudicated your Form I-539 and approved it. Only after having determined your eligibility under the Form I-539, the 90 day period for adjudicating the Form I-765 will start. Similarly, if in addition to your I-539 and I-765, the I-129 Petition For a Nonimmigrant Worker for your H-1B spouse is also filed then both the I-129 and the I-539 must be approved first before your Form I-765 can be adjudicated. Q; USCIS is offering e-filling for selected applications. Does this include the application for H-4 Employment Authorization? A: No, e-filing is not permitted for this category. You will need to submit the paper application and enclose all the necessary supporting documentation. Q: How do I show that my husband’s H-1B status is beyond the 6 years limit for H-1B? A: If your husband’s permanent residence process does not require a Permanent Labor Certification (PERM), then evidence that his I-140 petition was filed at least 365 days before the expiration of the 6 year limitation on H-1B stay and that it is still pending is all that is needed. If his extension beyond the 6 year limit was obtained because of the filing of a Permanent Labor Certification (PERM) application, then you may show that his Labor Certification was filed at least 365 days before the expiration of the 6 year limit on his H-1B stay. If the Labor Certification has already been certified, then you may submit the receipt showing that his Form I-140 was filed within 180 days of the Labor Certification having been certified. Q: How long will my H-4 Employment Authorization Document (EAD) be valid for? A: The validity period for the EAD will generally be the same as your H-4 status expiration date. Q: Upon the expiration of the EAD, will it be renewed? A: Yes, renewal is permitted as long as the applicant remains eligible under the H-4 employment authorization rule. Disclaimer: Any advice provided in this article is general in nature and not intended to constitute legal advice for any specific case. Please consult with an immigration lawyer about the specific circumstances of your case. My Bio Sharlene Sharmila Richards is a licensed Immigration lawyer practicing in Houston, Texas. She is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. She was admitted to the New York State Bar in 2000 and is a member of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and a member of the US Supreme Court. You may contact her at telephone number 713-623-8088 or by email at srichardslaw@aol.com to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
BAPS Charities Hosts Local Earth Day Activities
BAPS Charities Volunteer presents a plaque to Gerald Farris - Mayor Pro Tem, as Brad LaMorgese - City Councilman looks on.
Ray Cerda - Director of Parks and Recreation, BAPS Charities volunteers and participants during the tree planting.
Since its inception 45 years ago, Earth Day has become a significant event with more than two billion people across 192 countries participating on Earth Day 2015. This year’s theme, “It’s our turn to lead”, aims to bring individuals, communities, businesses, organizations, and nations together in support of a common goal, to address our planets’ environmental challenges.
ronmental designs and materials in their activities. Currently many facilities utilize power saving fiber optics, LED lighting and management practices to ensure energy consumption is both optimal and efficient. To help spread the message, exhibitions promoting environment protection and ecological awareness have been designed and displayed regularly throughout the year during events organized by BAPS Charities.
effort to conserve our planet’s resources. BAPS, through its
On April 17, 2015, BAPS Charities volunteers in [Irving, TX]. TXU ENERGY was the sponsor and The City of Irving/ BAPS were the beneficiaries. The tree-planting event took place at 4 pm and was attended by volunteers of BAPS Charities as well as council members of the City of Irving.
BAPS Charities has long been an active partner in environmental causes such as Earth Day. From recycling efforts, to water conservation efforts, to tree planting, to green energy, BAPS Charities has undertaken numerous projects around the globe in continuation of a solid commitment to our planet. BAPS Charities strives to offer individuals and families an opportunity to spend time improving the environment of their community, making it safer and healthier for generations to come.
“I learned the important of planting trees and how it helps maintain a sustainable environment.” said Shail Mehta, a young BAPS Charities volunteer, as he was participating as the MC of the event. In an effort to go beyond the 24-hours dedicated to Earth Day, BAPS community centers are continuously finding new ways to creatively harness new envi-
On an international level, BAPS has recycled over 10,000 tons of paper and 7 million aluminum cans, planted 1.5 million trees and conducted 497 rainwater-harvesting projects. These ef-
forts on a global scale highlight the necessity of making every
volunteer efforts, strives to build stronger communities through-
out the world by inspiring one individual at a time.
DWITA’- ‘Duality of Life’ Performed by mother and daughter duo by Saji Pullad
OUSTON; May 17th, 2015 witnessed the auspicious moment of the Indian Classical Dance latest thematic production called Dwita-Duality of Life Bharathanatyam performed by Rama Vaidyanathan and daughter Dakshina Vaidyanathan, The event was conducted at William B.Travis High school Performing Arts Theater in Austin, Texas. The ensemble included a live orchestra of four musicians. Nattuvangam and vocals were performed by Dr. S Vasudevan and K Venkateshwaran; Mridangam by Sri Ramamoorthy Sriganesh and Flute by Sri.Rajat Prasanna. Dwita-Duality of Life has been choreographed and conceptualized by Rama Vaidyanathan that included a complete
bharathanatyam margam within the concept of celebrating the duality that exists all around us in every walk of our lives. While both complement and empowers each other, one symbolizes the present and the other is significant of the future. There is always two sides to a coin, two perceptions and two paths to a goal. The challenge however is to recognize both and for both to coexist. The event was sold out to a capacity, crowd more than four hundred people with a sizable bharathanatyam student group from Houston, Austin, and San Antonio. Guests also included event managers from reputed production houses and theaters in Austin who have showed keen interest in presenting the art from on their floors. The event was organized, managed and marketed by Smt. Sruthi Mohan of Austin, Texas.
Rama Vaidyanathan and daughter Dakshina Vaidyanathan,
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
“Bhooli Bisri Yaadein”
Memories – Faded yet not Forgotten !
Dr. Kas Rangan, (far right) interacting with the legendary violin maestro Dr. L. Subbramanian and his wife the renowned singer Mrs. Kavitha Krishnamurthy who were Chief Guests at the event. Houston’s newly formed Music Ensemble, Symphonys Unlimited, provided the audience at the Stafford City Civic Center with an ambience of nostalgia on Saturday, May 9, 2015. These “Bhooli Bisri Yaadein” wafted down in the form of memorable songs of yester year from Indian cinema. The proceeds of the program were to benefit the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Research on Parkinson’s Disease. The singers were accompanied by an orchestra with a guest singer from Mumbai, India. The songs were in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu and Kannada. With both song and dance and audience participation, a colorful, festive atmosphere pervaded the auditorium. The excellent lighting was managed skillfully enhancing the beauty of the stage decoration put together by Nalini Kannan of Décor One with artistic flair and an esthetic blend of colors. The Chief Guests,
introduced by Dr. Kas Rangan, were the legendary violin maestro Dr. L. Subbramanian and his wife the renowned singer Ms Kavitha Krishnamurthy. The prime mover of the whole program was the multi-talented and sartorial Dr. Kas Rangan, an ENT surgeon practicing in Houston. Excellent catering by Rajan Radhakrishnan (Madras Pavilion, Sugarland) provided hors d’oeuvres and dinner. The program started with the traditional lighting of the lamp by Mrs. Krishnamurthy, followed by an Invocation to Sri Ganesha. The first song was the popular “Sathyam Shivam Sundaram” by Ms. Mohana Joshi, the guest artiste from Mumbai. Her dulcet rendering set the tone and tempo for the evening’s program. She followed it up with a duet with Kas Rangan entitled Dheere Dheere from the film “Veerzaara” composed by Madan Mohan. The other singers were Ms. Rashmi
Nair ( Dum maro dum ), Rajesh Vishwakarma (Aaj ki Raat , Bar Bar Dekho and Jawaniyan), Ashish Malhotra (Tum Pukharlo ) and Salil Patil (Phal Phal Dilke Paas). The guest singer Murali Jagannathan (Nilavu oru Pennagi) an accomplished Carnatic singer, pleased the audience immensely in a duet with Kas Rangan (Pon ondru Kanden). Rangan also sang in Telugu and Kannada. This list is a small selection of the many that were sung. A colorful highlight was a lively waltz by Dr. Prashant Palwai, Ekta Malhotra, Dr. Srinivas Panja, Annapurna Vishwakarma and the two comperes, to the singing of the medley Mohana, Rashmi and Salil. The audience spontaneously danced to the upbeat numbers sung by Rajesh Vishwakarma (Baar baar dekho, Jawaniyaan) Toward the latter part of the program Ms. Anupama Vishwakarma Inroducted
Mumbai’s guest artist Mohana Joshi, singing the popular hit Satyam Shivam Sundaram with local artists at the opening of the concert. a song to be sung by Kas and joined by Rajesh with audience participation-dedicated to the memory of Vishwakarma Senior an accomplished musician himself-who had heard Kas singing the song with his tingy Karoke machine and was very impressed. At the end of the song both did pranam to Rajesh mother. The song was Chandi Jaisa Rang. The finale was composed by Dr. Kas Rangan in a melange of languages – Tamil, English and Hindi, being a musical “thank you” to the audience for coming and supporting the fight against this insidious disease through their generosity. A wall sized TV monitor streamed out close-ups of the performing artistes in real time with some short personal clips as well. Also interspersed were original film sections corresponding to the songs sung, thus adding an extra dimension of enjoyment for the audience. The articu-
late and relaxed comperes of the evening’s program were Ms Sonal Shukla and Mr. K. Srinath. They effected a seamless flow of the program, amusing the audience with pithy remarks and humorous comments. The singers were admirably supported by the members of the orchestra and the techncians: Vasant (keyboard), Karthik (octapad), Murlidhar ( guitar), Surendra (tabla) and Selva (flute). Major credit is also due to Sridhar Balaji (lighting), Visual Interactive Dynamics led by Neel Agarwal (Video), Chris Peltier (sound system), Nandakumar Radhakrishnan and Pepe Ortiz (large screen video fusion). The comingling of all these technical talents with the performance itself bespoke great dedication, skillful management and joyous involvement and the audience felt and saw the result! The Chief Guest, Dr. L. Subbramanian, in his short speech reminisced
that both he and Dr. Rangan were once classmates though the latter continued on to be a great surgeon, he chose to follow a different calling. His wife Mrs. Kavitha Krishnamurthy remarked how enjoyable it was to be on the “other side” for a change. This altruistic fundraising program to help combat and one day to overcome Parkinson’s Disease was supported by local Houston groups such as Nritya, Samarpanam, CRY, Anjali, BKM and Promotions Sponsored by Anand Chauhan and Dr. Ashima Chauhan. Let us hope that this program was just the beginning of a series in which perhaps the Bhooli, Bisri Yadein of the romantic fifties and sixties will be presented one day by the immensely talented performing artistes and technicians of “Symphonys Unlimited”! They are indeed a very welcome and valuable addition to the artistic ambience of this great city.
Hasya Kavi Sammelan: Laughter in Poetry they don’s accept checks. In the olden days ashrams had rishi and muni; these days in our ashrams, we find rishi aur munnis. A disciple of Baba Ramdev was inconsolable that his guru was caught by the police trying to run away dressed as a woman. His friend said, “It is better to be caught by the police than by Asaram Bapu.” A man comes home drunk and tells his wife he was in some bad company. There were four of us and one bottle of liquor. “The other three were teetotalers,” he says. Ved Prakash came back with
is a favorite of Hindi satirists; one has heard jokes about her in almost every kavi sammelan. Absent this year, though, were an jokes about Laloo Prasad Yadav. Ritu Goel’s tribute to teachers was very apt as was her powm about the lost art of letter writing with pen and paper in this age of email and SMS. She also did a beautiful poem about the role and importance of a father in a child’s life. He carries on quietly, hiding his worries all for the famnily. Her other presentation was about the lack of communication between husband and wife and a very sad one about mothers who are
Asan (changing colors like a chameleon). Swapan Dhairyawan, ICC trustee, thanked dozaens of community workers for their support in making this event successful. He thanked Deepty, Sangita Bhutada, Pallavi, Sangeeta Derashri and Sapnaben in coordinating the token gifts to all the women attendees. Everyone was impressed that the ticket price included sumptuous snacks and a light dinner. Krishna Sounds provided the sound and the PA system. Madras Pavilion and Deep Foods provided the food and snacks. The lighting of the lamp was
Poets Arun Gemini, Ved Prakash Ved, both satirists, and Ritu Goel presented their collection. Photo credit: Sanjay Sohoni.
he Hasya Kavi Sammelan held by India Culture Center and the Houston chapter of the International Hindi Association was another two-hour laugh fest where the poets hit hard on typical Indian mores, politicians, social workers and film stars. India Culture Center has been organizing this mirthquake for the last 8 years and it has always played to a full house. Nearly 350 kavi sammelan lovers gath-
ered at India House on the eve of Mothers Day (May 9) to listen to the three poets — Arun Gemini, Ved Prakash Ved, both satirists, and Ritu Goel, whose work centers on human sensibilities and relationships. Gemini, who moderated the poetry session, after an introduction of the poets by Sangeeta Pasrija, started off by praising the phonetic nature of Hindi (no silent letters) - “Hindi ki bindi bhi bolti hai,” he said.
He then urged the audience to applaud generously and put the cell phones in the “Manmohan Singh mode.” Ved Prakash Ved did an excellent job of slaming the terrorism of adulteration and dishonesty in Indian society. Another lengthy poem was about the color black used to define many acts and characteristics. Some of his gems included the following: He was once stopped at a police “cash-post” in Delhi where
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Host organizers: India Culture Center and the Houston chapter of the International Hindi Association. Photo credit: Sanjay Sohoni. a poem on Ravan who comes to Delhi and finds its denizens (politicians) more diabolical than him. And there was another one about the actress Mallika Sherawat who goes to heaven and the intense competition she set off among the devas for her attention. It seems Sherawat
taken for granted and generally ignored by children once they grow up. Gemini had a great satire on the Yoga postures that have not been taught by Baba Ramdev — Reedheen Asan (spineless posture), Besharam Asan (shameless posture) and Girgit
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done by Mrs. Shakuntala Malhotra and Mrs. Jyotsna Dhairyawan. Dr. Nik (Srinivas) Nikam covered the event on video and also started uploading on You Tube/ Vimeo. Sanjay and Rishi Sohoni took pictures at the event. (Courtesy: India Herald).
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
BAPS Charities Hosts Annual Community Walk in Dallas
ALLAS, TX - Dhriti began her Saturday bright and early. Accompanied by her grandmother, both were eager to contribute to the betterment of their community. For the last six weeks Dhriti and her grandmother had taken up the cause of raising funds to support their local BAPS Charities walk. Even at the ages of four and 72, they had come together and raised over $200! The annual BAPS Charities walk, held on May 16, 2015 in Dallas helped raise support for American Cancer Society (ACS). For over 100 years, ACS has worked relentlessly to save lives and create a world with less cancer. Representative Carlisa Dorsey noted, “We are honored to be chosen as the beneficiary for the 2015 BAPS Charities Walkathon here in Dallas. The American Cancer Society is a community organization and all of the services that we provide are free of charge so it means a lot to us to have support from organizations like BAPS Charities.” This year, over 960 individuals of all ages joined together to walk in support of American Cancer Society. The walk commenced with a ceremony recognizing the many supporters with a plaque followed by the opening speech and proclamation making May 16th, 2015 BAPS Charities Walkathon Day in the City of Irving. Brad LaMorgese, Chair-
Participants, BAPS Charities volunteers and Sponsors of Walkathon in Dallas in support of American Cancer Society
man for the Transportation and Natural Resources Committee and City Council member representing the City of Irving said, “We really appreciate the spirituality and social contribution that BAPS Charities brings the community. BAPS Charities has done so much for the American Cancer Society and for the rebuilding in Nepal.” Upon completing the 5 kilometer walk, Vandan proudly stated “My grandfather, father, and I walked together today to raise awareness in the community for the fight against cancer. Ever since my grandmother was diagnosed, the cause is close to my heart.” Vandan and his younger brother Vivek look forward to participate again in the future, raise even more funds and continue to spread awareness about issues pertinent to bettering our society. BAPS Charities aims to selflessly serve society through a variety of social projects and inspire tens of thousands of others to do the same. In addition to the 54 such annual walkathons hosted across North America this year, BAPS Charities hosts various programs to support and raise awareness for healthy living, environmental sustainability and educational initiatives around the world. BAPS Charities strives to sincerely serve the community by improving the quality of lives of individuals and their families.
Houston engineers selected by American Water Works Association (AWWA) to work with India
Showri Nandagiri
OUSTON, TX - The American Water Works Association (AWWA) announced recently that it will establish its first International Community AWWA/INDIA, when it opens
Sunil Kommineni an office this spring in India. To assist them in this regard, a national committee of volunteers has been established and two local engineers, Showri Nandagiri and Sunil Kommineni have been selected by AWWA to be part of
the Advisory Committee. Established in 1881, AWWA is the largest nonprofit, scientific and educational association dedicated to managing and treating water, the world’s most important resource. With approximately 50,000 members, AWWA provides solutions to improve public health, protect the environment, strengthen the economy and enhance our quality of drinking water. Showri Nandagiri, a native of Hyderabad, is a long time resident of greater Houston area who retired from the City of Houston as Deputy Director and City Engineer in Public Works and currently working with the North Harris County Regional Water Authority. He has been very active in various professional organizations and served as vice president of AWWA southeast chapter in Houston, as well as vice president of
American Society of Indian Engineers in Houston. He is a registered professional engineer in Texas. Sunil Kommineni also a native of Hyderabad, is a long time resident of Houston and has worked in many consulting firms. Currently he is working with KIT Professionals Inc. a consulting firm providing design and construction services. Sunil has a doctorate degree in Civil Engineering and is considered an expert in water treatment and distribution. In comments made during the Indian Water Works Association’s Annual Convention in Kolkata, AWWA CEO David LaFrance said that the newly created AWWAIndia is an important step in achieving the Association’s vision of a “better world through better water.” “AWWA and the water professionals of India have had a long and proud working relationship, and AWWA is
excited about developing its first International Community there,” LaFrance said. “We want to be part of the local community rather than a partner from afar.” AWWA anticipates introducing AWWAIndia’s first executive manager in the coming months. In addition to opening an office, the executive manager’s initial focus will be on building a community of water professionals who collaborate to support public health, environmental protection and best management practices. AWWAIndia will also develop training for operators and managers The Advisory Committee for AWWA/India consists of a team of five members and will be closely assisting the India Water Works Association (IWWA) in their efforts to create standards and training programs.
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation Houston Chapter Annual Fundraising Event Raises Funds For Over 1250 Schools
OUSTON, (May 26, 2015) – Thanks to the generosity of local Indian diaspora, the Houston Chapter of Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation successfully raised over $450,000 in charitable donations to fund over 1250 nonformal schools across tribal and rural India at the Chapter’s annual fundraising event, held on Friday, May 22. There are over 1.5 million children in over 54,000 Ekal schools across the country. The fundraising event, held at Stafford Center of Performing Arts, included a dinner and the 100 Years of Bollywood concert by Niche Entertainment Group. About 1200 attendees were thoroughly entertained by Milind Oak and his crew of singers, dancers, and audio-video performers, as the three-hour long concert took them down the memory lane, with thoughtfully composed sequences of songs and dances from 1910s to the current decade. The sold-out auditorium at Stafford Center turned into cheering and singing along audience, as the depiction of past several decades of India cinema brought about nostalgia. The concert began with national anthems of US and India, sung superbly by Jennica Shah and Rupal Mehta respectively. Following this, three students from the Seven Lakes High School, Katy, Texas, R.I.C.E (Removing Illiteracy through Collective Education) Club spoke about sharing the gift of education with Ekal children and presented a check for $1095 to Mr. Naren Chavda, President, Ekal Houston. They raised the funds through local cultural events. This was followed by the “lamp lighting” (removing darkness of illiteracy with light of education) ceremony led by the Consul General of India, Mr. P. Harish, and his wife. Many prominent local philanthropists and dignitaries
mentum in this journey.” About The Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation, USA The Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation is a tax exempt, registered, non-profit service organization dedicated to bringing education & village development to rural India. The overriding philosophy is to take a holistic approach to social and economic development. The Ekal movement is the largest grassroots, non-government education movement operating in remote and tribal villages of India. Ekal presently operates in 54,000+ villages, educating over 1.5 million children. Ekal Vidyalaya’s goal is to raise the necessary funds to run 100,000 nonformal schools across tribal and rural India by the end of 2015.
Dignitaries and members of the Houston Chapter of Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation at the fund raiser held at Stafford Center of Performing Arts, Stafford, TX on Friday, May 22, 2015. also participated. Naren Chavda welcomed the guests and talked about the tremendous progress made by the Ekal movement in the 25 years since its inception. He also expressed his gratitude to the guests and donors for their generous pledges sponsoring Ekal schools. Mr. and Mrs. P. Harish were invited to present plaques recognizing the Bhutada and the Malani families for their consistent and outstanding contributions to Ekal. Dr. Shreyas Bhavsar, the event Master of Ceremony, made a powerful appeal for the need of the hour - children’s education in rural and tribal India. Among many volunteers helping ensure a smooth and wellcoordinated event, noteworthy mentions were high school and college students from the area, whose enthusiasm to give their time for charitable causes was evident, especially in light of
For more information about the Ekal Vidyalaya Foundation, please visit www.ekal.org and click on Who We Are or What We Do, or contact us at ekalusa@ekal.org
the ensuing long Memorial Day weekend. As the night progressed, Milind Oak, Director of Niche Entertainment, described his humbling experience visiting Ekal schools in Maharashtra, and appealed the audience to support this noble and successful effort by Ekal volunteers in India. Ekal Executive VP, Prakash Shah, shared highlights of Ekal achievements over the past 25 years. “We are truly blessed. The generosity of our guests is absolutely amazing. The support of our sponsors and the dedication of our volunteers are what make this event such a success,” said Ms. Shivani Shah, an Ekal volunteer and tickets coordination lead for the event, in her Vote of Thanks. “While much has been accomplished, a great deal more needs to be done to maintain the mo-
Consul General of India, Mr. P. Harish and wife Nandita Harish (far right) presented plaques to Mr. and Mrs. Malani and Mr. and Mrs Bhutada for their contributions to the Foundation.
Deaths from major heatwave sweeping India top 1,100 by Vivek Nemana
YDERABAD, India (AFP) 5/27/2015More than 1,100 people have died in a blistering heatwave sweeping India, authorities said Wednesday, as forecasters warned searing temperatures would continue. Southern India has borne the brunt of the hot, dry conditions and many of the victims are construction workers, elderly or homeless people unable to heed official advice to stay indoors. In the worst-hit state of Andhra Pradesh nearly 900 people have died since May 18 -- double the total number of heat-related deaths last summer, authorities said. In neighbouring Telangana, where temperatures hit 48 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit) over the weekend, more than 200 people have died in the last week compared to 31 in the whole of last year.
high-rise satellite city that is home to many of the capital’s workers -- suffered power cuts of up to 10 hours a day as the electricity grid struggled to cope with the demand from millions of air conditioners. “Nothing is working -- even after taking half a dozen baths a day, you can’t beat the heat,” 34-year-old shop owner Manish Singh told AFP in Gurgaon. “We try to spend more time indoors to avoid heatstroke. It’s worse than previous years -- we hardly get any electricity and the air conditioners become useless.” More than 9,700 people died between 2004 to 2013 due to heat strokes, according to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB). The NCRB shows in 2012 nearly 1,250 people died across India, while scorching temperatures killed more than 1,200 people the following year.
In New Delhi, forecasters said they expected the high temperatures to continue into next week -- adding to the misery of the thousands of poor living on the capital’s streets with little shelter from the hot sun.
India’s power industry has long struggled to meet rapidly rising demand in Asia’s third-largest economy, which is plagued by poorly-maintained transmission lines and overloaded grids.
Residents of Gurgaon -- a
The streets of Gurgaon were
largely deserted on Wednesday, while the few people brave enough to venture outdoors covered their heads to protect them from the strong sun. Sugarcane juice stalls were doing a brisk trade as construction workers and rickshaw pullers desperately tried to quench their thirst. Elsewhere volunteers were giving out cold drinks to motorists stuck in traffic. Brahma Prakash Yadav, director of the Indian Meteorological Department, said top temperatures in the capital would remain around 45 degrees Celsius -- the national benchmark for a heatwave. “Maximum temperatures won’t fall substantially. However, major relief can be expected from June 2 as there are indications of good showers,” he said. Hospitals in the worst-affected states were on alert to treat victims of heatstroke and authorities advised people to stay indoors and drink plenty of water. Hundreds of people -- mainly from the poorest sections of society -- die at the height of summer every year across India, while tens of thousands suffer power cuts from an overburdened electricity grid.
Mother’s Day Lottery Ticket Earns Mom $4m
ES PLAINES, Ill. (AP) — A winning Illinois Lottery ticket made Mother’s Day a lot greener than Priti Shah expected. The Indian American mom’s daughter gave her three lottery tickets for the special day. The final “$100 Million Money Mania” card Priti Shah scratched off won her $4 million. Shah said she was incredulous for several days before taking the ticket to a convenience store, where her winnings were confirmed. She will receive $200,000 a year before taxes for 20 years. She plans to share it with family and invest it. Shah says, “The next 20
Priti Shah, an Indian American mom from Illinois, won $4 million in the Illinois Lottery. (Illinois Lottery photo) years of my life will certainly be easier.’’ The winning ticket was purchased at Gateway Newstands
in Norridge. The retailer will receive a $40,000 bonus. The $20 ticket offers three prizes of $4 million and 20 prizes of $100,000.
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Habitat for Humanity to start building permanent houses for families affected by Nepal earthquake
ANILA (May 26, 2015) – One month after a devastating magnitude-7.8 earthquake struck Nepal and destroyed hundreds of thousands of homes, Habitat for Humanity will soon start construction of permanent houses.
“We will begin building the first 100 permanent homes in the heavily damaged district of Kavre in the next two weeks,” said Rick Hathaway, Asia-Pacific vice president, Habitat for Humanity. “This is just a first step. In the coming months, subject to securing funding, we aim to rebuild thousands of homes in Nepal.” Since the disaster struck, Habitat for Humanity has mobilized hundreds of volunteers and staff to remove rubble and earthquake debris left from damaged and destroyed homes in affected communities. Salvage of materials from this process can support future reconstruction efforts. Habitat for Humanity staff and volunteers helped to clear rubble and remove debris in the Nepali town of Opi Tol. “Getting families into permanent homes as soon as possible is critical and crucial to Nepal’s recovery,” continued Hathaway. “In conjunction with starting construction of permanent housing, Habitat for Humanity will be distributing temporary shelter kits to affected families. These kits contain materials that can be reused for permanent house construction at a later stage.” The earthquake and the following magnitude-7.4 earthquake in May damaged or destroyed more than 750,000 homes in Nepal, according the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs. Thousands of people in Nepal continue to sleep outdoors, fearful that unstable structures may collapse from further aftershocks. These families will be even more vulnerable when the monsoon
Habitat for Humanity staff and volunteers helped to clear rubble and remove debris in the Nepali town of Opi Tol. season arrives in Nepal. Habitat for Humanity’s temporary shelter kits contain materials such as corrugated galvanized iron roofing, steel tubing, re-enforcing rods, fixings and tools. An estimated 5,000 shelter kits are planned for distribution in the next two months. Habitat for Humanity has already started distributing water backpacks to displaced families, used to facilitate transport of drinking water from wells and other sources. This effort will continue in the coming weeks. Planned before the earthquakes struck Nepal, Habitat for Humanity’s Jimmy & Ro-
salynn Carter Work Project will continue as planned in Pokhara, Nepal, November 1-6. For 31 years, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn, have given a week of their time to help Habitat for Humanity build homes, advocate and raise awareness of poverty housing issues in countries around the world. Habitat’s ability to respond effectively to this disaster will require support from donors, corporate partners and other community organizations. Donations can be made at habitat.org/donate/nepal. To learn more, donate or volunteer, visit habitat.org.
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
ONLINE .COM voiceofasiaonline.com
Vol. 28 No. 22 Friday, May 29, 2015 Section 2 Page 11
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Email: editor@voiceofasiaonline.com Tel: 713-774-5140
DesiWeds showcases traditional and contemporary weddings of which captured the wedding weekend and the attention of soon to be brides all done by the best in Houston.
Oohs, Ahhs and Wedding Bells...DesiWeds Does it Again!
esiWeds.com reminded everyone why they are without equal when it comes to producing an exclusive bridal show. The gorgeous Hilton Houston Post Oak did not disappoint this past Sunday when they played host to the wonderful event. A good bridal show will have a few vendors you can meet and talk to but a great show has the following: Guests previewed a Sangeet mock up, and were delighted over the ceremony and reception displays from traditional setups to modern and contemporary, it allowed for guests to really see what vendors could do for them. People were impressed by the wedding portfolios and unique videos all
Food was more creative than ever, from Indo-Chinese to vegan cupcakes, there was something for everyone!
Dhol Beat International attracted participants to thier booth at the show. .
Vendors interact with prospective brides and grooms at the show. A
Eyelash and makeup demos to pamper the princess. There was a complimentary Mehndi station that was a crowd pleaser. Creative additions that families can have at their wedding were also available, like Photo Booths to keep your guest entertained while you prepare for your grand entrance as a couple for the first time or a coffee barista that will come specifically for your guests. One of our favorite things about weddings is cake! There were several great options to satisfy anyone’s sweet tooth. Wedding outfits, party wear, jewelry for
all your events and much more is what this event showcased. The Hilton Houston Post Oak was a beautiful venue to host this event, the regal look of their ballroom provided the perfect background so families could really envision their event. Aside from meeting some of our wonderful vendors, brides were excited to have a chance at winning some door prizes which in their case says one bride, “you guys simply made my day!” They participated in contests to win selfie sticks and even watched the Rockets game live at the Dhol Beat International booth. This show makes you want to get married! It was a beautiful affair and the team at desiweds. com has done it again. Don’t miss their next show set for the end of the year!
Traditional Indian jewelry for all occasions.
India’s street dentists filling gap for the poor by Manjunath KIRAN
have even figures on qualified dentists in India.”
ANGALORE, India - Ignoring noisy buses and curious onlookers, street dentist Allah Baksh plunges his hands into a patient’s mouth to fit a sparkling set of dentures for $12 in the Indian city of Bangalore.
Dhoble said 30,000 graduates join the profession every year, but India still has only one dentist per 10,000 people in urban areas and about 250,000 in rural areas, according to the US National Library of Medicine.
With his plastic stool, mirror and glass cases of teeth on display, Baksh is among hundreds of such dentists frowned upon by their licenced counterparts in rapidly modernising India.
Dhoble branded unlicensed dentists quacks who were not worth the risk, despite a lack of ultra cheap services offered by licenced professionals for the poor.
But the 54-year-old insists he is providing an essential service to tens of millions of poor who cannot afford a visit to a sterilised clinic.
“Ban them and they will be forced to look for another job. We can’t have cheap treatment as an excuse to continue this practise,” he said.
“There are millions of poor people in this country who cannot pay for expensive dental treatment,” Baksh told AFP in between customers at his makeshift clinic where his tools include a large, metal file. “But they also have a right to be treated and look good,” he said as he mixed pink gum paste with his bare fingers on a teaspoon. “I know this is not hygienic at all but if I start using sophisticated tools, the poor man won’t come here.” From dentists to shoe shiners, barbers and chefs, street services are an engrained part of life in India, particularly for the poor. - 80 cents a tooth Baksh never formally trained as a dentist, instead learning his skills from
- Status symbol In Delhi’s crowded old quarter, thirdgeneration dentist Satvinder Singh, 48, takes a lunch break from treating patients on the pavement. Numerous posters advertising his services are propped up around him, as a multitude of vendors jostle for space. Street dentist Allah Baksh takes measurements for dentures from a customer at his roadside stall at K.R. Market bus stand in Bangalore (AFP Photo/Manjunath Kiran). his father, who came in 1984 to the southern, sleepy backwater now transformed into a regional IT hub and thriving metropolis. Alongside his younger brother, son and nephew, Baksh set up their clinic 14 years ago outside a bus stand, where together they make and fit dentures for
some 20 customers a day. A full set of teeth, molded and ready to fit in 30 minutes, costs as little as 800 rupees ($12), while a single false tooth sells for 50 rupees (80 cents). Tools are thoroughly washed in soap and water -but not disinfected.
The teeth in all shapes and sizes are made in China and in India from dental cement. Soft pink adhesive is then moulded for gums and the teeth stuck in, with the dentists saying H-1B, TN, L, E, their handiwork Visas, PERM lasts for at least Labor, EB-2, four years.
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India passed a law in 1948 allowing only licensed
dentists to treat patients, but the legislation’s vague and outdated wording about exactly what constitutes a dentist has allowed many unregistered ones to operate. In big cities such as New Delhi and Mumbai, street dentist numbers have dwindled in recent years on growing awareness of contracting HIV/AIDS and other diseases, rising customer income levels, and a surge in dentist graduates. But they still thrive in smaller cities as well as towns, although few perform root canals, fillings or other operations. “There must be thousands of them,” Ashok Dhoble, secretary general of the Indian Dental Association, a private body of licensed dentists, told AFP. “The oral healthcare (industry) is in its infancy and surprisingly we don’t
Singh said his profession is slowly dying because of the growth of India’s formal dentist industry along with more hygiene-conscious customers. “A few decades ago I used to get 30 customers a day. I hardly see two now,” said Singh. “At my age I can’t change my profession. My sons are in a different business. I don’t want them here,” he told AFP. Singh said a few decades ago, traders from a nearby spice market, Asia’s largest, would line up for his false silver and gold teeth, considered a status symbol. “Earlier rich and poor would equally visit us but now we are looked down on,” he said. For his part, Baksh remains adamant he is improving the lives of the poor, and that his family will continue the tradition. “We have thousands of satisfied customers, who not only pay us but give us their blessings.”
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Powerhouse of Nutrients and Phytochemicals: Broccoli
One of the most popular types of broccoli sold in North America is known as Italian green, or Calabrese.
Prof. Meenakshi Bhattacharjee Prof. Meenakshi Bhattacharjee, Rice University, Houston, Texas.
roccoli is a member of the cabbage family, and is closely related to cauliflower. Broccoli has its roots in Italy. In ancient Roman times, it was developed from wild cabbage, a plant that more resembles collards than broccoli. It spread throughout the Near East where it was appreciated for its edible flower heads and was subsequently brought back to Italy where it was further cultivated. Broccoli was introduced to the United States in colonial times, popularized by Italian immigrants who brought this prized vegetable with them to the New World. . One of the most popular types of broccoli sold in North America is known as Italian green, or Calabrese, named after the Italian province of Calabria where it first grew. The health benefits of broccoli are very extensive. Not only is the vegetable loaded with essential nutrients, it also has therapeutic properties. Broccoli’s nutritional profile is impressive. It contains high levels of fiber (both soluble and insoluble) and is a rich source of vitamin-C. In fact, just a 100 gram serving of broccoli provides more than 150% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, which in large doses
can potentially shorten the duration of the common cold. Broccoli is also rich in vitamin A, iron, vitamin K, B-complex vitamins, zinc, phosphorus and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are compounds which lower the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers, according to the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service.
Bone Health Broccoli contains high levels of both calcium and vitamin K, both of which are important for bone health and prevention of osteoporosis. A British study revealed that broccoli contains a compound called sulfophane which may help fight osteoarthritis. 3 - sulforaphane can block cartilage-destroying enzymes by intercepting a molecule that causes inflammation.
Reduces cancer risk Eating broccoli just three times each month and you could potentially reduce the chance of developing bladder cancer by around 40 percent, according to experts at the Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, USA. Lightly steam broccoli to reap optimum health benefits, or eat it raw. There is an enzyme in broccoli called myrosinase which can reduce the risk of developing cancer. The enzyme works by changing sulfur-based chemicals found in broccoli (called glucosinolates) into isothiocyanates (other sulfur-containing chemicals), which have anticancer properties. Broccoli contains glucoraphanin, which the body processes into the anti-cancer compound sulforaphane. This compound rids the body of H. pylori, a bacterium found to highly increase the risk of gastric cancer. Furthermore, broccoli contains indole-3-carbinol, a powerful antioxidant compound and anti-carcinogen found to not only hinder the growth of breast, cervical and prostate cancer, but also boosts liver function.
Skin Health Broccoli may help prevent skin cancer, not by eating it though, but by applying it directly to the skin. An article in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that the damaging effects of UV (ultraviolet) radiation can be appreciably reduced with the topical application of a broccoli extract.
Broccoli compound detoxifies pollutants in the body Research from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, MD, suggests new benefits of eating broccoli. Broccoli has a strong, positive impact on our body’s detoxification system, and researchers have recently identified one of the key reasons for this detox benefit.
Health Benefits of Broccoli Over recent years researchers all over the world have identified a wide range of therapeutic properties associated with broccoli. So, apart from being a nutritional powerhouse, what other health benefits does broccoli provide?
DNA from pizza crust helps police identify US murder suspect: reports Washington, 5/21/2015 - Police were on the hunt Thursday for a suspect in the murder of a wealthy Washington family, after he was reportedly identified using DNA collected from the crust of a pizza delivered to victims’ home. Authorities have issued an arrest warrant for Daron Dylon Wint in connection with the four murders, one of the most notorious crimes in recent memory in the US capital city. Washington’s Mayor Muriel Bowser Thursday decried the killings as an “act of evil,” and appealed to the public for help in arresting Wint. The victims -- Savvas Savopoulos, president and CEO of American Iron Works, a building materials manufacturer in Maryland, his wife Amy, their 10-year-old son Philip and the family’s housekeeper Veralicia Figueroa -- were found bound and bludgeoned May 14 after a fire gutted the millionaire’s mansion in an exclusive section of Washington. Savopoulos’s blue Porsche, which had been stolen, turned
up shortly after the murders, abandoned several miles from the crime scene, authorities said. It also had been set ablaze. The Washington Post reported Thursday that the break in the case came after police matched Wint, 34, to DNA found on the crust of a Domino’s pizza that had been delivered to the house on the night of May 13, as the victims apparently were being held captive. The daily, citing sources and court records, said Savvas Savopoulos’s personal assistant dropped off a package containing $40,000 in cash at the home shortly before it went up in flames. Police said Wint is wanted for first degree murder in the case, and news reports said authorities have not ruled out that the crimes were committed with the help of accomplices. Washington Police Chief Cathy Lanier told reporters that investigators believe Wint was a former employee at Savopoulos’ firm.
“We have recent information that he did work at American Iron Works at one time in the past,” Lanier said. “Right now it doesn’t appear this is a random crime but there is a connection through the business of the suspect and the Savopoulos family business.” Lanier said law enforcement across the United States have been notified to be on the lookout for Wint. “Right now you have just about every law enforcement officer across the country aware of his open warrant and are looking for him,” she said. “I think even his family has made pleas for him to turn himself in.” The violence has shocked Washington, at least in part because it occurred in a tony section of the city rarely touched by deadly crime. The neighborhood is home to numerous embassies and diplomatic mansions as well as the official residence of Vice President Joe Biden and his wife.
Hackers steal personal data from US tax agency IRS
ASHINGTON Hackers stole information on 100,000 taxpayers from the online computers of the US Internal Revenue Service, the federal tax agency said Tuesday. The IRS said the unidentified cyber thieves used information on the specific taxpayers from sources outside the agency to access the accounts, which included crucial identifying information such as birth dates, addresses and social security numbers. “These third parties gained sufficient information from an outside source before trying to access the IRS site, which allowed them to clear a multi-step authentication process, including several personal verification
questions that typically are only known by the taxpayer,” the agency said. The IRS said the theft involved its online “Get Transcript” system, which allows users to view all their transactions and reports with the agency. The hackers tried to access about 200,000 accounts between February and mid-May, and were successful in about half those attempts. The IRS said the “Get Transcript” service is on a separate computer system than the one that handles online tax submissions for millions of Americans each year. “That system remains secure,”
it said. It said it has shut down the “Get Transcript” service, and its inspector general and criminal investigation offices were reviewing the case. It did not identify the source of the information that allowed hackers to enter the accounts. The agency is notifying owners of all 200,000 accounts to warn them about the hacking and provide free credit monitoring for those whose accounts were entered. “It’s possible that some of these transcript accesses were made with an eye toward using them for identity theft for next year’s tax season.”
Glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian, and glucobrassicin are 3 glucosinolate phytonutrients found in a special combination in broccoli. This dynamic trio is able to support all steps in body’s detox process, including activation, neutralization, and elimination of unwanted contaminants. Isothiocyanates (ITCs) are the detox-regulating molecules made from broccoli’s glucosinolates, and they help control the detox process at a genetic level. Chemical in broccoli, sprouts help treat autism. A chemical found in broccoli, sulforaphane, has shown promise for improving some behavioral symptoms of autism. This is according to the results of a small clinical trial led by researchers from Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine in Baltimore, MD, and Massachusetts General Hospital for Children. Antioxidant in broccoli ‘shows promise’ as treatment for progeria. A new study finds that the nuclei of cells in children affected by the extremely rare disease progeria are poor at breaking down and disposing of defective proteins. It also finds that an antioxidant present in broccoli appears to give the proteinclearing system a boost, potentially reducing the effects of the disease. Reduces Cholesterol Like many whole foods, broccoli is packed with soluble fiber that draws cholesterol out of your body. Broccoli can provide you with some special cholesterol-lowering benefits if you will cook it by steaming. The fiber-related components in broccoli do a better job of binding together with bile acids in your digestive tract when they’ve been steamed. When this binding process takes place, it’s easier for bile acids to be excreted, and the result is a lowering of your cholesterol levels. Raw broccoli still has cholesterol-lowering ability— just not as much. Reducing Allergy Reaction
and Inflammation Broccoli is a particularly rich source of kaempferol and isothiocyanates, both anti-inflammatory phyto nutrients. Research has shown the ability of kaempferol to lessen the impact of allergy-related substances on our body. Broccoli even has significant amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, which are well known as an anti-inflammatory. Powerful Antioxidant Of all the cruciferous vegetables, broccoli stands out as the most concentrated source of vitamin C, plus the flavonoids necessary for vitamin C to recycle effectively. Also concentrated in broccoli are the carotenoids lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, other powerful antioxidants. . Heart Health Although research in this area is still in the early stages, antiinflammatory substances found in cruciferous vegetables are becoming the topic of increasing interest with respect to heart disease. One particular focus here involves the anti-inflammatory properties of sulforaphane, one of the isothiocyanates (ITCs) derived from the glucoraphanin in broccoli. In some individuals susceptible to high blood sugar, sulforaphane may be able to prevent (or even reverse) some of the damage to blood vessel linings that can be cause by chronic blood sugar problems. Decreased risk of heart attacks and strokes may also eventually be linked in a statistically significant way to intake of broccoli and its glucoraphanin. The B-complex vitamins in broccoli can also make a major contribution to our cardiovascular health. Especially with respect to excessive formation of homocysteine—an event which raises our risk of atherosclerosis, stroke, and heart attack— B-complex vitamin deficiency intake can pose a major risk. Three B vitamins especially important for lowering our risk of hyperhomocysteinemia (excessive formation of homocysteine) are vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and folate. By making an important contribution to our
B6 and folate intake, broccoli can help us lower our risk of excessive homocysteine formation and cardiovascular problems that are related to excess homocysteine. Eye health Two carotenoids found in significant concentrations in broccoli—lutein and zeaxanthin—play an especially important role in the health of the eye. In fact, no tissue in the body is more concentrated with lutein than the area in the outer portion of the retina (called the peripheral retina). Similarly, in the macula near the central portion of the retina, zeaxanthin is uniquely concentrated. Risk of problems involving the macula of the eye (for example, macular degeneration) and problems involving the lens area of the eye (for example, cataracts) have both been show to lessen with intake of foods (including broccoli) that provide significant amounts of the lutein and zeaxanthin carotenonids. Diet Aid Broccoli is a smart carbohydrate and is high in fiber, which aids in digestion, prevents constipation, maintains low blood sugar, and curbs overeating. Furthermore, a cup of broccoli has as much protein as a cup of rice or corn with half the calories. Broccoli may help us solve our vitamin D deficiency epidemic. When large supplemental doses of vitamin D are needed to offset deficiency, ample supplies of vitamin K and vitamin A help keep our vitamin D metabolism in balance. Broccoli has an unusually strong combination of both vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene) and vitamin K. For people faced with the need to rebuild vitamin D stores through vitamin D supplements, broccoli may be an ideal food to include in the diet. Alkalizes Your Body Like many vegetables, broccoli helps keep your whole body less acidic, which has a host of health benefits. Include broccoli in your diet to lead a healthy life.
French law to force supermarkets Dogs domesticated over to donate unsold food
27,000 years ago: study
an’s best friend may have been his companion for far longer than believed, scientists reported, publishing an analysis that dates domesticated dogs to over 27,000 years ago. Humans possibly domesticated dogs 27,000 to 40,000 years ago, according to Swedish researchers whose work was published Thursday in the journal Current Biology.
© Joel Saget, AFP file picture | A food distribution takes place in the Parisian suburb of Courbevoie on January 26, 2015
rench MPs on Thursday voted unanimously in favour of a new law that will outlaw the destruction of unsold food products, forcing large supermarkets instead to donate them to charities or for use on farms. “It’s scandalous to see bleach being poured into supermarket dustbins along with edible food,” said Guillaume Garot, the Socialist MP who sponsored the bill, referring to one of the methods supermarkets use to prevent people from eating products from their refuse bins. Under the new law, all larger supermarket chains must enter into contracts with charity groups to donate any unsold food that is still edible. The dis-
carded food can also be used for animal feed and farming compost. In addition to the tons of food wasted every year by the country’s supermarkets, the average French person is estimated to throw away between 20 and 30 kilograms (44 to 66 pounds) of food per year, altogether worth between €12 billion and €20 billion. Thanks to the new legislation, the government hopes to halve France’s food waste by 2025. Critics, however, say the new law will weigh heavily on the supermarkets, which will have to implement new and costly procedures to store and deliver their unsold products.
“Food waste only represents 5 percent of overall distribution, and this [law] would involve creating new procedures,” said Jacques Creyssel, the head of France’s main commerce and distribution federation, in a statement. “We are the biggest [food] donors, with more than 4,500 stores having signed agreements with humanitarian groups,” he said, adding that his organisation would be urgently meeting with its members to evaluate the ramifications of the new law. Some charities have also questioned how they will be able to afford or manage the logistics of sorting and distributing the donated food.
Sri Lanka welcomes Cannes award for refugee movie
The scientists based their analysis on an ancient Siberian jaw fragment. Previous estimates said modern dogs diverged from their wolf ancestors 16,000 years ago after the last ice age. The “Taimyr” wolf bone in the study, dated to 35,000 years ago, shows that the animal was the most recent ancestor of wolves and modern dogs. “Dogs may have been domesticated much earlier than is generally believed,” said Love Dalen from the Swedish Museum of Natural History. Dalen said the only other explanation for the unusual bone was the less likely possibility that a major divergence between wolf populations took place at that time that gave birth to modern wolves while the wolf population became extinct.
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Actress and comedian Anne Meara dies at 85 LOS ANGELES 5/24/2015 - Actress and comedian Anne Meara, who appeared in dozens of films and television shows and is the mother of Hollywood star Ben Stiller, has died. She was 85. Meara, who with her husband Jerry Stiller formed a popular comedy duo in the 1960s, died Saturday, according to US media. The cause of death was not immediately known. Film producer Michael Skolnik said on Twitter: “The great actress, Anne Meara (Ben Stiller’s mom) who I had the pleasure of working with 20 yrs ago, has passed away.”
FILE - In this Nov. 12, 2008, file photo, comedian Anne Meara attends the Museum of the Moving Image Salute to Ben Stiller in New York. (AP Photo/Evan Agostini, File)
The redhead featured in everything from crime dramas to soap operas, but is best known for her comedic work. She had recurring roles on “Archie Bunker’s Place” –- a sequel to “All in the Family” -– and “The King of Queens.” She was nominated for a Golden Globe for her work on “Rhoda,” and was a four-time Emmy nominee.
The Taimyr wolf lived a few thousand years after Neanderthals disappeared and modern humans spread throughout Asia and Europe, the study said.
Meara and her husband were part of “The Compass Players” improv group that later became “Second City.”
DNA analysis also showed modern Siberian Huskies and Greenland sled dogs have an “unusually large” number of gene in common with the Taimyr wolf.
In reviewing Meara’s performance in “The Daytrippers” two decades ago, renowned film critic Roger Ebert said: “she is, almost by definition,
superb at her assignment here, which is to create an insufferable mother.” “The film’s problem is that she does it so well,” he added. In 1984, Meara shared a Writers Guild Award with Lila Garrett for “The Other Woman,” a romantic comedy television film. Tributes poured in from fellow actors as news of her death filtered through. “I always loved Anne Meara: funny forever, a terrific actress, & a really fine human being. RIP,” actor-comedian Michael McKean tweeted. Actress Patty Duke wrote: “RIP Anne Meara. Sorry to hear of her passing. Prayers and love to her family and friends.”
“American Days” Entertainment Show to be held by St Mary’s Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, Pearland
Director Jacques Audiard (C) poses with Kalieaswari Srinivasan and Jesuthasan Antonythasan after he was awarded with the Palme d’Or for his film “Dheepan”, during the Cannes Film Festival on May 24, 2015 (AFP Photo/Bertrand Langlois) COLOMBO, Sri Lanka Sri Lanka’s government on Monday hailed the awarding of Cannes’ top prize to a film highlighting the plight of the Tamil minority during the island’s civil war, saying authorities were working to redress past injustices. “Dheepan”, a French movie about a former Sri Lankan soldier’s struggles in a French ghetto after fleeing the separatist war, captured the Cannes Film Festival’s Palme d’Or prize on Sunday.
Sri Lankan government spokesman Rajitha Senaratne said the award could draw international attention to the new administration’s efforts at reconcilation with Tamils following the war that ended in 2009. “The movie talks about a situation (in Sri Lanka) decades ago. It is not the current picture. It is very different now,” Senaratne, who is also the health minister, told AFP. “We have a new government which is serious about reconciliation, ensuring justice and
addressing the problems of the minorities.” Senaratne said the movie touched on the use of child soldiers during the war by Tamil Tiger rebels who were known for their suicide bombings. “I am glad that the Tigers’ use of child soldiers has come to light,” Senaratne said. “With the publicity from this movie, I expect more interest in our reconciliation efforts.” The film’s lead actor, Anthonythasan Jesuthasan, himself a former Tamil Tiger child soldier who escaped the fighting and secured asylum in France over two decades ago, has said his character, Dheepan, was about “50 percent” autobiographical. The Tigers, who are still outlawed by most Western nations, were crushed in a major military offensive that ended in May 2009. But the rout sparked allegations that thousands of mainly Tamil civilians were killed or went missing. At elections in January, President Maithripala Sirisena unseated strongman Mahinda Rajapakse, who drew international condemnation for his refusal to investigate the alleged abuses. Since coming to power, Sirisena has lifted bans on at least two local film productions based on civilians caught up in the conflict. During his decade-long rule, Rajapakse had branded warthemed local productions “unpatriotic” because they allegedly portrayed security forces in a poor light.
Fr. Shoji of St Frances Cabrini Church receives the sponsorship check for American Days Entertainment Show from Mr. Paul Cyriac, Owner, Ann’s Grocer’s, Stafford, Texas.
EARLAND, TX -St. Mary’s Syro-Malabar Catholic Church, Pearland will be hosting “American Days” Family Entertainment Show on Friday, July 24, 2015 at Stafford Civic Center, Stafford. The purpose of this show is to raise funds to help build the St. Mary’s Syro-Malabar Catholic Church. The kick-off and announcement for this show took place on Sunday, May 24, 2015 at St Frances Cabrini Church by Fr.
Shoji by receiving the sponsorship from Mr. Paul Cyriac (Owner, Ann’s Grocer’s). During the event Fr. Wilson Antony, Sr. Agnes Maria, Fund Raising committee coordinators, members and Parish Council members were present. This program will be held on July 24, 2015 at 7 PM at Stafford Civic Center (Old) 1415 Constitution Avenue, Stafford 77477. It will include songs, comedy, skits and
dance. It will be a three hour long entertainment program for families. Many volunteers have signed up and are working hard to make this a successful event. Parishioners and community members are encouraged to participate, do their part to continue promoting this fund raising event for sponsorship and tickets. Please contact Parish Trustees at 713-517-4100, 832-603-7593 & 409-2560873 for more details.
KARMA: Bollywood Dance Theatre Production at Miller Outdoor Theatre on May 30, 2015
ndia House in collaboration with Naach Houston is bringing an exciting cultural show at Houston’s iconic and premier performance venue, the Miller Outdoor Theatre, 6000 Hermann Park Drive, Houston 77030 on Saturday, May 30th at 8:30 pm.
Karma meaning the spinning wheel of life! An enticing script, highlighting how our decisions and actions, create and shape our lives. Enjoy this colorful and vibrant dance drama full of romance, passion, tragedy, comedy, action, integrity, failures and successes. The performance showcases Bollywood’s best songs! This Bollywood dance dra-
ma is written and directed by Mahesh Mahbubani, Founder/Artistic Director of Naach Houston. The production is funded in part by The City of Houston, through the Miller Theatre Advisory Board. We are very thankful to our proud sponsors, Chowdary and Angela Yalamanchili, Bay Area Gastroenterology, and Kids R Kids. This is a free ticketed event for the covered seating area. Free tickets are available at the Miller Outdoor Theatre box office the day of the performance between the hours of 10:30am-1pm. If tickets remain at 1pm, the box of-
fice will re-open one hour before show time to distribute the remaining tickets. However, there is always space on the Miller Hill, a panoramic view may be enjoyed from the open seating on the lawn of the hill… Bring a picnic basket, drinks and snacks !!! For more details go to http://milleroutdoortheatre. com/events/649/ India House members may please contact me for the tickets in the covered seating area. We look forward to seeing you at our entertaining and vibrant cultural evening at the Miller Outdoor Theatre on Saturday, May 30th.
Young Life
Friday, May 29, 2015
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FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Tel: 713-774-5140
CRYKET 2015: Fundraising for children through cricket
illions of children can only dream of having the basic rights to live, learn, play and grow. The United Nations Convention on the rights of the child grants children four basic human rights: the right to survival, development, participation and protection. CRY supports organizations in India and the US and has transformed the life of over 450,000 children.
tre along with volunteers from different schools put in a lot of hours to make this event a success. There were stations for food, vendor’s booth & face painting. IACAN had put in their stall for Bone Marrow Drive. They were able to register a good number of people who could be possible donor for Bone Marrow and save life of someone suffering from Cancer. It was good to see how two charities through a game of Cricket worked together for a great cause.
With a vision of a just world in which all children have equal opportunities to develop to their full potential, CRY (Child Rights & You) works to raise awareness and support for underprivileged children. With this goal in mind CRY Houston Action Centre in partner with India House and HTBC organized CRYKET on 9th May 2015 at India House ground. The match was between two great teams of HTBC; HCC and YTCC. The Event started with a speech from Madhulica Misra who is the Houston AC Lead for CRY America. Student Volunteer Parth Misra from Memorial Middle School and Raveli and Hailey form Quail Valley Middle School talked about CRY and what CRY has been doing . Chief Guest for the event was Dr. Manish Rungta and Mr. Ravi Arora. Coin Toss was done by Mr. Ravi Arora. Shiva captain for HCC and Saif captain for YTCC introduced team to Chief guest Mr. Ravi Arora.. YTCC won the toss and elected to bat. At the event Indira Bhavaraju (Accounts Lead) took the oppor-
YTCC scored 118 runs in 22 overs. HCC scored 119 runs in 16 overs. HCC won the match. Man of the Match was Raj from HCC . Event ended up with dinner from Allings Chinese Cuisine . CRY America would like to thank all the sponsors, media and everyone who helped in making this event a big success. Our special thanks to our sponsors: Platinum Sponsor – Anand and Dr. Ashima Chauhan Gold Sponsor – Texas Family Pediatric Group Other Sponsors : CGI, WBSIT, IACAN, Mathnasium of Memorial City, Infodat, Allings Chinese Cuisine, Wakana Cafe, New York Life , Vantive, Hutumdesi.com, Hungama Radio and Radio Andhra Mirchi.
Organizers of CRY Houston Action Centre, India House and HTBC for the CRYKET fundraiser on 9th May 2015 at India House ground. tunity to thank all the sponsors who supported this event. This event was organized keeping young kids in mind. Madhulica Misra, AC lead for Houston Action Centre, Indira Bhavaraju Accounts Lead and Cheryl Lasater Outreach Lead for Houston Action Cen-
Next event is CRY Annual Carnival on 10th October at Lost Creek Park Sugarland, TX. For Sponsorship and volunteering please contact Madhulica Misra and Indira Bhavaraju. Email Houston @cryamerica. org
Announcements being made on the grounds at the India House.
Sewa Int’nal volunteer bags Greater Houston Service Awards
OUSTON - Last Friday, May 15th, marked the 31st annual Greater Houston Service Awards, a ceremony that honors the city’s most hardworking and dedicated volunteers. Recognized at the event was 17 year- Junior at Cinco Ranch High School, Kaushiki Tewary, who was nominated by Sewa International .She was honored as one of the top 3 youth volunteers of the Year from across Houston area at a glittering Gala event. She was also the only Indo American to be recognized at the ceremony. The chief guest at the event was Niel Bush , businessman and Philanthropist and also member of the Bush Family. Kaushiki has been involved with Sewa International Houston for four years and is still an active volunteer with the organization. She regularly communicates with a base of over a hundred volunteers as a volunteer coordinator in the Local Events program which
Sewa International members and volunteers with Niel Bush and Kaushiki Tewary. Pe Charcha , that Sewa has recently fostered to help Niel Bush and Kaushiki Tewary refugees from Bhutan to acconnects people across Housclimate them ton with volunteer opportu- better to their new lives. The nities. Additionally, she has program has also grown on the helped in the Bhutanese com- educational front as it sponsors munity reachout program Chai a tutorial program called As-
pire Tutorials that aims to provide after-school tutorials for the refugee children, and help them progress in their learning. The program was recently chosen out of 4000 other programs in the United States for the State Farm Neighborhood Grant into top 200 programs.. Through voting via Facebook, the program chooses the top
40 programs with the highest votes to receive $25,000 grants towards their selective missions to help them gain a boost and garner more attention.Kaushiki and her co volunteers are now working on this campaign.This campaign runs from May 14th to June 3 rd. To know more about the State Farm Assist Grant and
Sewa International’s application please visit us on www. facebook.com/facebook Sewa International is currently offering internship opportunities for both High School and College students over summer .To know more please reach out to Kavita Tewary email: educationhouston@sewausa.org or call 713-303-4253
Summer Vacation Means Millions Of Low-Income Kids Could Go Hungry by Casey Quinlan s school ends and summer vacation begins for K-12 students across the country, plenty of children will be excited to take a break from tests and homework and spend time with friends. But summer vacation often means something different for low-income children who relied on school for regular meals. During the 2014 fiscal year, over 21.5 million children qualified for the free and reduced-price lunch program, but only 2.7 million children used the national summer
food service program daily. A survey by No Kid Hungry, an organization that seeks to raise awareness about childhood hunger, released this month, showed 83 percent of educators worry that their students will not have enough to eat this summer and 75 percent say their students come to school hungry. According to a 2013 report by Children’s HealthWatch, “Too Hungry to Learn: Food Insecurity and School Readiness,” food insecurity in early in a child’s life has long-term effects. Teenagers who had in-
sufficient nutrition in infancy were more likely to have lower test scores on achievement tests, as well as more likely to skip a grade. The report also showed that food insecurity is tied to iron-deficiency anemia in young children, which hurts the development of basic motor skills and social skills. Although programs such as Early Head Start are meant to counteract these problems, only 192,664 children were enrolled in the program in 2013. In the 2014 fiscal year, 927,275 children were enrolled in the regular Head Start
program for children 3 years old and older. What’s worse is that some of the programs designed to reach low-income kids may not be effective. For example, the national summer meals program, which was designed to serve low-income families missing sufficient nutrition in the summer, doesn’t reach a lot of families because 80 percent of children from low-income backgrounds spend their time at home in the summer, not at a community program, according to No Kid Hungry’s analysis.
Because federal law requires the food be eaten at the site, the organization worries that the program is also ineffective. Kids may struggle to get to sites where it’s offered due to severe weather that often shuts down sites in the summer and the fact that low-income families struggle to pay for transportation. No Kid Hungry suggested a Meals on Wheels program for kids to make sure they get the nutrition they need, especially since a third of low-income kids live outside predominantly low-income communities,
which is where the meal sites are often located. The government is aware of some these limitations, which is why, in 2013, the U.S. Department of Agriculture gave guidance to regional directors of special nutrition programs that allows some flexibility by letting sponsors provide food by bus or other vehicles. That allows the meal service to still be supervised and for the kids to eat “on site” in the bus or near the drop-off location. The number of kids reached through mobile food programs is unknown, however.
Bollywood Masala
Friday, May 29, 2015
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Email: editor@voiceofasiaonline.com
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Tel: 713-774-5140
Priyanka Shah Rukh unveils Bailed Bollywood star Khan says first look of Salman’s allowed to leave India: reports Chopra she does not consider herself a star, but an achiever
Bajrangi Bhaijaan
Salman Khan’s first look in Bajrangi Bhaijaan. PTI Priyanka Chopra
AFP/AFP/File - Indian Bollywood actor Salman Khan was found guilty earlier this month of killing a homeless man with his SUV after a night out drinking in an upmarket bar in Mumbai in 2002
UMBAI - Bollywood superstar Salman Khan, who is on bail over a deadly hit-andrun 13 years ago, was granted permission Tuesday to travel to Dubai for a movie awards ceremony, reports said. The controversial actor was found guilty earlier this month of killing a homeless man with his SUV after a night out drinking in an upmarket bar in Mumbai in 2002. A court on May 6 sentenced him to five years in prison for culpable homicide and other charges, including driving while under the influence of alcohol.
But two days later the Bombay High Court agreed to suspend the 49-year-old’s sentence pending an appeal.
number and landline number to the investigating agency,” the agency quoted Judge Shalini Phansalkar-Joshi as saying.
The court granted Khan bail, ruling that he must secure its permission if he wants to leave India before the appeal hearing expected to take place in the next couple of months.
Khan has starred in more than 100 films and television shows but is no stranger to controversy. He spent over a week behind bars for killing an endangered Indian gazelle in 1998.
On Tuesday the court said he could attend the Arab Indo Bollywood Awards in Dubai on Friday, according to the Press Trust of India news agency.
The actor claims he was not at the wheel when his Land Cruiser rammed into a group of homeless men sleeping rough on a pavement, killing labourer Nurulah Mahbob Sharif and injuring several others.
“Salman shall furnish his travel plan, flight timing and number, address of the place where he will be staying in Dubai, his contact details including mobile
The High Court is due to reconvene on June 15 to set a date for the appeal hearing.
My ambition is to be honourable family man: Ranveer Singh Ranveer Singh says he is clear-headed about love in real-life and his greatest ambition is be a family man.
anveer Singh’s character in ‘Dil Dhadkane Do’ may be confused about love but the actor says he is clear-headed about it in reallife and his greatest ambition is be a family man. The actor, who is rumoured to be romancing Deepika Padukone, plays a rich child in the Zoya Akhtar’s film whose father wants him to marry for social status. When asked if he will marry
when offered money like his character, Ranveer said, “I would get married for love, so that I can be an honourable family man, which is my only ambition right now. This guy (in the movie) is confused, but I am clear that I want to be an honourable family man like my father and I am working towards that.” Ranveer and Deepika, who worked in ‘Goliyon Ki Raasleela: Ram-Leela’, have never admitted to their relationship publicly but
have heaped praise on each other quite often. But when quizzed about Deepika recently, he said, “I am here to talk about myself, my work and not about anything else. I will feel good if you would ask me about myself.” The actor, however, admired Deepika’s work in her last release ‘Piku’. “I have seen ‘Piku’ and liked it. She is doing great, she is very hard working, confident, focused and knows her craft. She is a kind person,” he added.
n her 13-year-long career, Priyanka, who has seen highs and lows, said she wants to do good quality work and entertain the audience. “I don’t think any one person is at the top alone. There is no top in the movie business. There is no number one slot, every Friday changes. Every movie changes one’s position in the industry. I believe I am among the top five actors,” she said. “There is no sense of satisfaction and if that happens then I will quit. I don’t think I am satisfied, I feel there is so much more to do. I don’t set benchmark for myself. I don’t consider myself as a star or actor, I consider myself as an achiever, I want to achieve the best in whatever I do,” Priyanka added.
Shah Rukh Khan today surprised fans by showing “brotherly” love towards foe-turnedfriend Salman by releasing the first look of Bajrangi Bhaijaan via his Twitter page. “I believe Being a brother is bigger than being a Hero. ‘Bhaijaan’ coming Eid 2015. How do you like the first look?,” Shah Rukh tweeted. The link was later shared by director Kabir Khan on his Twitter page. A rugged Salman is seen in a brown outfit with a gada (mace)-shaped pendant hanging around his neck in the first look of the movie. The Dabangg star’s complete face is not shown in the poster.
The trailer of the film, which recently wrapped up its shooting in Kashmir, is expected to hit tomorrow. Salman and Shah Rukh, who had a bitter fallout in 2008 at a party, indicated a thaw in their relationship by sharing a hug at an Iftar party in 2013. They further cemented their bond when Shah Rukh attended Salman’s sister Arpita Khan’s wedding last November and posed for a happy picture with brothersister duo. The Happy New Year star also visited Salman at his residence a day ahead of his hitand-run verdict.
According to the actor, the three achievements of her life are — becoming Miss India, Miss World at the age of 17 understanding that she can act and then taking up music as it was her father’s dream. The actress is excited about her next release “Dil Dhadakne Do” in which she plays the role of Ayesha. “I had finished Mary Kom and after ten days I started shooting for this film. I had to go on crash diet for this film as Ayesha is completely feminine, completely opposite of Mary Kom,” she said. “I have always played strong characters, while in real life I am feminine and I never got to play this part. I just fell for Ayesha. Her character is just like me...except that I am outspoken,” she said.
Tanu Weds Manu Returns: Give all awards to Kangana, but don’t ignore others
Kangana Ranaut has delivered an award-worthy performance in Tanu Weds Manu Returns. by Rohit Vats
EW DELHI - With a more-than-impressive Rs 38 crore opening weekend, Kangana Ranaut’s latest film Tanu Weds Manu Returns looks all set to bulldoze past the other two big winners of May this year: Gabbar Is Back and Piku. Indeed, the queen of the moment is Kangana: The driving force behind this mad caper which lays its canvas between Kanpur and Jhajjar. In fact, critics are already speculating she will be the toast of all eyes in next year’s award ceremonies.
Weds Manu presented Dobriyal in a completely new light. We noticed his latent potential despite a small role in Omkara (2006), and then Gulaal (2009) gave him the mileage above other character actors. But he deserved more than a sidekick’s role, and that happened with Tanu Weds Manu. His character Pappi was Manoj Sharma’s docile friend but Dobriyal played it in such a manner that he became the most remembered character of the film. This time the audience
was waiting for Pappi Jee and he didn’t disappoint. Though some critics say his act was over the top, none of them cited it as anything hampering the flow. If you give Tanuja Trivedi’s (Kangana) overt wild-child act the benefit of doubt, then you should also consider Pappi’s character growth in the last 4 years. His absent-mindedness or stupidity could only go higher, thanks to the ‘projection’ Indian cinema is used to. The evolution of Manoj Sharma’s (R Madhavan) emotional fool
However, at the risk of sounding discordant, we have a question: Isn’t a lead character just as good (okay, even bad) as its supporting cast? The truth is that while we are busy waxing eloquent on another Queen-like performance by Kangana, we are completely ignoring some other stellar performances in the film. Here’s giving credit to three other characters in the film that helped prop up our love for Tanu/Datto. Pappi Jee (Deepak Dobriyal) The original 2011 film Tanu
Deepak Dobriyal made a mark in Bollywood with Omkara.
character wouldn’t have been possible without the support of Pappi’s insane mannerism. Manu’s father (KK Raina) Sharma Jee senior is a veteran and he is not doing it for the first time. For the uninitiated, KK Raina played Ajit in Doordarshan’s milestone show Byomkesh Bakshi. He has also co-written films such as Ghatak, China Gate and Dahek. Such an experienced actor is expected to understand the nuances of this medium. His excellence and command over the situation is visible right from the credit sequence where he forces himself into an awkward dance with a bemused Navni Parihar (His ‘samdhan’ in the film). He just nails it in the scene where Manu asks for his advice on relationships. He preaches and preaches a lot while his wife keeps muttering ridiculous things in the background, and then he gets up, picks a wiper and blasts the tubelight on the wall. It’s insanely funny to see such a paradox. Advocate Arun Kumar Singh
(Zeeshan Ayyub) Raanjhanaa gave him the right kind of footing in Bollywood, and Tanu Weds Manu Returns was his chance to stamp his authority over the roles that belong to chirpy, witty North Indian guys, preferably UPites. In the sequence where he confronts Raja Awasthi (Jimmy Shergill) for the firs time brings out his brilliance. As a difficult, boisterous tenant, his act is worth praising. Yes, he hammed, but imagine someone else in that role and you’ll understand the dimension he has provided to the story. Also, his expressive face is a big asset for the directors; they can wipe off and write emotions on it with ease. He depicts the real essence of being a Rampuri in Kanpur. Zeeshan Ayyub came into limelight after Raanjhanaa. Probably, Tanu Weds Manu Returns wouldn’t have been the same film without these three actors. What say? Courtesy: ,Hindustan Times.
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More than four espressos a day can harm health: EU
an Food Safety Authority said in its 120-page report. Expectant mothers should not exceed half that amount, the agency added, while under-18s should consume no more than three milligrammes per kilo of body mass, the agency said. “An adolescent who drinks a coffee, a coke, and two or three red bulls every day would easily exceed this limit,” said the spokesman from EFSA, who wished to remain anonymous. In seven of the 13 EU countries studied in the report, Denmark came out on top for caffeine consumption with 33 percent of consumers exceeding the 400 mg limit.
Drinking the caffeine equivalent of more than four espressos a day is harmful to health, especially for minors and pregnant women, the EU’s EFSA food safety agency said (AFP Photo/Joe Raedle)
RUSSELS (AFP) Drinking the caffeine equivalent of more than four espressos a day is harmful to health, especially for minors and pregnant women, the EU food safety agency said on Wednesday. “It is the first time that the risks from caffeine from all dietary sources have been assessed at EU level,” the EFSA said in a statement, recommending that an adult’s daily caffeine intake remain below 400 milligrammes a day. Deciding a recommended
limit was a request of the European Commission, the EU’s powerful executive body, in an effort to find a Europe-wide benchmark for caffeine consumption. But regulators said the most worrying aspect was not the espressos and lattes consumed on cafe terraces across Europe, but Red-Bull style energy drinks, hugely popular with the young. “The main message of the report is that consumers must account for caffeine consumption from sources other than
coffee,” an EU spokesman told AFP. “The health risk is not enormous, but it exists,” he added. In the report, the EU sets at 400 mg a day the threshold between a healthy intake of caffeine and a potentially harmful one. “Caffeine intakes from all sources up to 400 mg per day consumed throughout the day do not give rise to safety concerns for healthy adults in the general population, except pregnant women,” the Europe-
The Netherlands followed at 17.6 percent and Germany at 14.6 percent. The French, despite the Gallic coffee culture, came at a surprisingly low 5.8 percent. Of all the respondents, about one third of the adults were regular consumers of energy drinks with 12 percent of those guzzling them down four or five days a week. But alarmingly for regulators, a whopping 68 percent of 10- to 18-year-olds were regular users of energy drinks with 12 percent of them heavy consumers. Caffeine levels in energy drinks can vary greatly, the agency said, between about 70 mg a litre to 400 mg.
Trial shows virus treatment effective against skin cancer WASHINGTON, AFP - A genetically modified herpes virus was effective in fighting skin cancer by infecting and destroying cancer cells as well as triggering an immune response, according to results of a clinical trial released Tuesday.
The dramatic results, showing a large jump in survival length, could lead the drug T-VEC (Talimogene Laherparepvec) to be approved by US and European drug regulators. Researchers randomly selected 436 patients with inoperable advanced melanoma to receive an injection of T-VEC made by US company Amgen.
Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer (AFP Photo/Joe Raedle)
In the study, more than 16 percent of those treated with the drug had a treatment response
Some patients have been in remission for more than three
lasting longer than six months, compared with two percent in the control groups.
years, the study said. Results were more pronounced in patients with less advanced skin cancer and in those who had no prior treatment, indicating T-
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Understanding Key Points in Estate Planning Remember from last article that a wealthy individual could create an irrevocable life insurance trust—the ILIT discussed earlier, in connection with the use of life insurance in charitable gifts. When creating an ILIT, the trust grantor, i.e., the individual who creates the trust, names a trustee who then purchases life insurance on the life of the grantor. The policy is owned by the trust, and policy death benefits are payable to the trust. Typically, whether the insured’s life insurance policy is owned by an ILIT or by the insured’s adult children, the insured arranges to make annual non-charitable gifts to either the trust or to the adult children, as appropriate, to pay the premiums on the life insurance.
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VEC could be a first-line treatment. Among 163 patients with less advanced melanoma, people treated with T-VEC survived an average of 41 months compared to 21.5 months for 66 patients treated with other therapy. “There is increasing excitement over the use of viral treatments like T-VEC for cancer, because they can launch a twopronged attack on tumours -both killing cancer cells directly and marshalling the immune system against them,” said Kevin Harrington from The Institute of Cancer Research. The drug uses a version of the herpes virus with two key genes removed to prevent it from affecting healthy cells, the scientists said.
Contact: Sudhir Mathuria Licensed Professional Health Life 360 6650 Southwest Freeway Houston TX 77074 713-771-2900 www.MyMedicarePlanning. com second spouse. In addition to the unlimited marital deduction, every decedent, regardless of his or her married state, is entitled to transfer a certain amount of assets at death estate tax-free. The amount of such assets that can be transferred is equal to the exemption equivalent amount of the estate tax unified credit.
• no donor retains incidents of ownership in the policy;
That term sounds more confusing than it is. The exemption equivalent amount of the estate tax unified credit is nothing more than the amount of assets that can be transferred tax free because of the applicable estate tax unified credit. Because the estate tax unified credit tends to increase over time as a result of the provisions of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA), the amount that can be transferred tax free also tends to increase.
• the beneficiary of the policy is not the insured’s estate; and • the policy is not brought back into the insured’s estate because of his or her death occurring within three years of the transfer. Although the cash value of life insurance when used as a gift is approximately equal to the policy’s cash surrender value, the gift tax on the lifetime transfer of the policy is likely to be smaller than the estate taxes payable on the death benefit proceeds if they are included in the estate. (The gift value is the cost to replace such a policy, which is approximately its cash value.)
To properly understand the role of life insurance in estate planning, some background on the federal estate transfer system is helpful. Under federal law, a decedent at death can transfer an unlimited amount of assets to his or her spouse without incurring federal estate taxes; this is known as the unlimited marital deduction, and it defers federal estate taxes until the death of the
As a general rule, the federal estate tax does not apply to estates valued at less than the exemption equivalent of the estate tax unified credit, because estates of that size can be transferred tax free. Estates larger than that amount can have significant taxes and settlement costs. For that matter, estates of any size can have state inheritance taxes to consider as well. Although the proceeds of a life insurance policy are not generally subject to income tax, they can be subject to estate taxes. In addition to using life insurance to create an estate, many individuals with larger estates employ life insurance to provide funds to pay their estate taxes and other settlement costs. For these wealthier individuals, life insurance may be a perfect tool for estate conservation. To plan and purchase life insurance from any major company contact Sudhir Mathuria @ 713-771-2900.
Americans keep getting fatter: poll
ASHINGTON, AFP 5/27/2015 - Waistlines of American adults kept growing last year with obesity creeping up to 27.7 percent, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday. It was the highest percentage since Gallup started studying American weight issues in 2008, the pollster said. The rate was 27.1 percent in 2013, 26.2 percent in 2012 and 25.5 percent in 2008. The percentage of Ameri-
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An alternative to purchasing new life insurance—one that may be the only option for an uninsurable client—is to give away currently owned life insurance. An existing life insurance policy can be transferred to a third party, such as to an adult child or an ILIT, and avoid inclusion in the insured decedent’s estate if
After a policy-owner has transferred ownership of a life insurance policy, he or she can no longer retain any incidents of ownership in it. In fact, that is an important reason for a policyowner to thoroughly consider the impact of giving away the policy. Once given away, the insured is no longer able to take a loan from the policy, surrender it, or use it as collateral for a loan from a bank. In short, it no longer belongs to the insured.
It was the first time an advanced-stage trial of this type of drug has shown such positive results, according to scientists from The Institute of Cancer Research in London who published their study in the American Journal of Clinical Oncology.
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cans who are either obese or simply overweight stood at 62.9 percent last year. And more overweight people passed over into the more serious obese category, Gallup said. Americans who have a body mass index of 30 or higher are classified as obese. Gallup said that obesity rates rose in particular among people over age 45 and among women. As in previous years, African Americans, the poorest Americans and people living in southern states like Mississippi or Louisiana are the most likely to suffer from obesity. Obese people also enjoy less “well-being,” calculated with a related poll that takes into account personal, social and financial factors. The Gallup poll involved 176,702 American adults and was conducted from January 2 through December 30, 2014. It had a margin of error ranging from one to four percentage points, depending on the size of the state being studied.
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$40,000 in envelopes, alleged bribes for 2011 FIFA vote
EW YORK, AFP, 5/27/2015 US court papers alleged Wednesday that soccer executives were handed $40,000 cash bribes stuffed into envelopes at an upmarket Caribbean hotel ahead of the 2011 FIFA presidential election. The payments were allegedly arranged by a high-ranking official at FIFA and the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) who was a candidate in the election but who was not named in the US indictment. Mohamed Bin Hammam, then head of the Asian Football Confederation, was suspended by FIFA in May 2011 when evidence first emerged that the bribes had been paid to support his candidacy.
Former FIFA vice-president Jack Warner also resigned in 2011 after the scandal emerged. At the time FIFA said it had dropped investigations and that “the presumption of innocence is maintained.” Warner, 72, from Trinidad and Tobago, is named throughout the US indictment. He has maintained his innocence on Facebook. According to court papers, $363,537.98 was wired from an account controlled by the AFC official to an account controlled by Warner in Trinidad and Tobago, through New York in late April. The AFC official subsequently met Caribbean Football
Union (CFU) members at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Trinidad and Tobago on May 10, 2011 -- just weeks before the scheduled election. The AFC official addressed the meeting on his candidacy and Warner afterward told delegates “they could pick up a ‘gift’ that afternoon at a conference room in the hotel,” the indictment claimed. They were allegedly instructed to enter the room one at a time, where each was handed an envelope containing $40,000 in US currency by CFU staff. The following day, Warner allegedly said the money had come from the AFC official but expressed anger that a representative had informed CON-
CACAF in New York of the payments. “There are some people here who think they are more pious than thou. If you’re pious, open a church, friends. Our business is our business,” the indictment quoted Warner as saying. “The purpose of the $40,000 payments was to induce officials of the CFU member associations... to vote for co-conspirator number seven in the June 1, 2011 FIFA presidential election,” it said. In July, after the scheme was uncovered and Warner had resigned, the co-conspirator wired $1.2 million from an account in Qatar for credit to an account in Warner’s name, the indictment said.
Charter to buy Time Warner Cable in new mega-deal mix Bright House Networks, for which it announced a buyout earlier this year.
EW YORK - Charter Communications announced Tuesday it is acquiring rival Time Warner Cable to create a powerful new player in the US pay TV and broadband sector.
The combination of Charter, Time Warner Cable and Bright House will have 23.9 million customers in 41 states. In a statement, Charter said the deal would lead to improvements in both Internet and video services.
The deal worth $55.3 billion plus debt comes weeks after Comcast abandoned a bid for TWC in the face of opposition from US antitrust regulators. Including debt, the transaction is valued at $78.7 billion. The merger, which also needs regulatory approval, would create a major new rival for Comcast, whose plan for TWC drew fierce opposition from consumer groups and fueled fears of cre-
Charter Communications is acquiring rival Time Warner Cable in a deal valued at $78.7 billion (AFP Photo/Kevork Djansezian) ating a dominant player in the broadband Internet market.
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Charter also brings into the
“The teams at Charter, Time Warner Cable and Bright House Networks are filled with the innovators of our industry ... That spirit of innovation will live on, and it will create real benefits and great long-term value for the customers, shareholders and employees of all three companies,” said Tom Rutledge, president and chief executive of Charter who will also head the combined group. “With our larger reach, we will be able to accelerate the deployment of faster Internet speeds, state-of-the-art video experiences, and fully-featured voice products, at highly competitive prices. In addition, we will drive greater competition through further deployment of new competitive facilities-based Wi-Fi networks in public places, and the expansion of the facilities footprint of optical networks to serve the large, small and medium sized business services marketplace.” TWC was also courted by France’s Altice in exploratory talks. But the group headed by
Tel: 713-774-5140
CFPB “Consumer Financial Protection Bureau” What does this mean for the Real Estate Industry? As a Realtor and Broker knowing the changes in the industry that would impact and benefit my client’s largest personal investment ( their personal home) is a part of my job. Making sure lender referrals were experienced in the real estate industry and maintained honesty and integrity in their business practice is still a priority as a Broker. There is a new private watchdog body called the CFPB or the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. This bureau will work to report illegal acts in lending or abuse in lending that affect uninformed mortgage consumers to the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. How do they fund themselves?? Through fines and winning litigation that exposes predatory lending and abuse practices in the real estate mortgage and lending industry. In fact the CFPB was responsible for recommending changes in the current TILA-RESPA Act. Truth In Lending Act – Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act of 1974 and Truth In Lending Act of 1988 was in acted into law and modified in order to
Anuradha Prasad protect the financial mortgage consumer from predatory lending acts and usury lending. The new TILA-RESPA changes that are set to apply to all loans originated before August 1, 2015 and all real estate transactions set to close after this date mainly affect closing dates and loan disclosures documentation and lending contact verbiage. RESPA changes are defined in Regulation X and TILA changes relate to Regulation Z. You can go to Federal Registry webpage : https:// www.federalregister.gov and then enter the term TILARESPA to learn more about the new changes.
Franco-Israeli telecoms and media magnate Patrick Drahi will not make a counter-bid, a source close to the company told AFP.
deal received, we believe the degree of scrutiny on the deal is still likely to be quite intense even if the deal is smaller in scale.”
The number two US cable firm, TWC was spun off in 2009 from media giant Time Warner.
The plan comes amid significant dealmaking in the sector, with a planned $48.5 billion bid for AT&T for satellite broadcaster DirecTV also being reviewed by regulators.
- Shifting TV habits The consolidation comes with the cable TV industry seeking to adapt to a shift of viewing habits to online media such as Netflix and Hulu, which allow people to watch on demand. Although the number of cable “cord cutters” has been relatively modest in recent years, analysts expect this trend to accelerate, which could have a significant impact on the television industry. Analysts said the deal is likely to get approval but could face scrutiny from regulators. “We do not expect hurdles as large as those Comcast faced,” said Barclays analyst Kannan Venkateshwar in a note to clients, arguing that the area covered would be less than that of Comcast. “However, given the degree of political pushback the Comcast
Rutledge said he expected the plan to clear, in part because Charter is not a content firm like Comcast, which owns NBCUniversal. “This is smaller than Comcast cable today, let alone Comcast NBCUniversal,” he told CNBC television. “Charter won’t be vertically integrated. We work well with other programmers.” The deal represents a coup for magnate John Malone’s holding company Liberty Broadband, which is the controlling shareholder at Charter and will hold voting power of 25 percent of the new company under the plan. Billionaire Malone is also chairman of Liberty Global, which has operations in 14 countries, among other media interests.
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FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Your Horoscope for the Week of May 29, 2015 READ YOUR COMPLETE HOROSCOPE
by Hardik Vyas, Astrologer Cell : 832-298-9950
Libra (R,T) 23 Sept to 22 Oct
Aries (A,L,E) 21 March to 20 April
Get ready for some serious sit-down negotiations now. It’s vital that you know what Domestic & personal decisions which will tend to make you feel more secure in you want before the discussion begins. You don’t want to be with some hardheaded who you are. Your energy has recently been weakened by others trying to pull you person who is going to bully you. Your best protection is preparation. If possible, redown. Don’t allow others to make you feel inferior, make your mark & stick to it. hearse. This allows you to consider all the possibilities, rather than have to deal with Your ideas & plans will become a blueprint for your future plans. Family & friends them on the spot. You clearly want ‘more artistic and aesthetic surroundings’ this week will express their genuine gratitude for your honest efforts. Entertaining, attending social events will and your efforts and attempts to hike spending and enhance your surrounds.... allow you to network your ideas. If you prepare properly, this could be a great adventure.
Scorpio (N,Y) 23 Oct to 21 Nov
Taurus (B,V,U) 21 April to 20 May A spark in your personal and professional relationships. They will grow & blossom beyond your expectations. Utilize your energy to organize, re-build & prepare for upcoming events. Your personal magnetism & appeal will certainly give you an edge in everything you do. Be careful not to mislead others, be honest with your approach. Recent changes in your lifestyle could prove to be a positive influence on others. You may be pleasantly surprised by comments made by higher ups. Aim high & you’ll beat all the odds!
Face the challenges at hand. You have a reputation for your fearlessness. If you aren’t already in control, you soon will be. You’ll feel a new energy that’s been building up inside you for some time. You need to change with the times. An old schedule or budget may no longer be relevant. The world awaits your next move so don’t waste this rare opportunity. Luck is on your side as long as you are reasonable in what you ask for. Confidence and hard work are an excellent combination to get the job done right.
Sagittarius (BH,F,DH,TH) 22 Nov to 21 Dec
Gemini (K,CHH,GH) 21 May to 20 June Interesting change of plans: Unfinished business may distract your focus. Someone can appear reasonable and attractive one minute, then just the opposite a moment later. For the short run, though, enjoy playing with the different people, feelings and situations that are likely to arrive in your life now. You may receive invitations to social events. Take the time to express your views publicly & your plans will become crystal clear. Your universal appeal will help to make your dreams come true.
Win others over to your side. Your style alone makes you popular. You’re at home with a full plate of tasks and a busy room to entertain. You may feel tired of being in the supporting role and be ready to quit. Hesitate on the quitting and focus on your message. Be open about your feelings. Take a bigger slice of the responsibility than usual. By boosting your confidence, you’ll raise the value of your work. A new you is beginning to emerge. With your resources, lucrative people will find you to be indispensable.
Capricorn (KH,J) 22 Dec to 20 Jan
Cancer (D,H) 21 June to 22 July A definite upsurge of energy. Your spiritual awareness will be sharp, children & family will play a large role. Listen to your inner voice, the sound of it may surprise you at first. Let your true feelings come to the surface, deal with little problems before they compound into larger ones. Your positive approach in dealing with others’ problems will help them to heal emotionally, spiritually. You may also have the gift of being able to push others in the direction you want them to go.
You know that good luck isn’t quite enough. You need to put more effort into achieving your goals. An almost finished project will get an extra creative push. You’ll be able to find exactly who you want on your team. The future is yours if you know what to do with it. First you need to find out how things work, then you will know how to repeat the conditions when necessary. Avoid any new developments that aren’t directly related to what you must do.
Aquarius (G,S,SH) 21 Jan to 19 Feb
Leo (M) 23 July to 22 August High emotional & spiritual feelings. Your motives could be challenged by those you love & trust. Focus your energy, exhibit your generous nature & understand other’s feelings. Your rewards will far outweigh the effort. You’ll be able to achieve success, if you trust your gut feelings & remain loyal to your friends & family. Partnerships, relationships & children will help you to take a breather from reality. Be sure to spend some quality time with those who really matter to you.
Strong friendships that came about by just you being yourself. It’s hard sometimes for you to be open about yourself, but this week you’ll find yourself feeling confident enough to confide in others. Travel could bring you cultural knowledge that can’t be learned in any other way. Your quick mind, wit & memory will help you in any creative endeavors you try. Be careful not to put too much trust in relatives who are incapable of comprehending your personal situation. Use your humor to put them in their place.
Pisces (D,CH,Z) 20 Feb to 20 March
Virgo (P) 23 August to 22 September Your independent spirit should help you find the perfect place for you to enjoy what you do. An exciting person may push you to try something new, possibly even dangerous. A little risk-taking could be good for you. Open the doors & be yourself. Take pride in how you handle your time with organization & confidence. Secrets will be revealed & your views and ideas should be brought out into the open. You have the ability to listen, as well as help others to see things clearer.
Feeling of being overworked and undervalued. A team player may default on a promise of help. It is a pain, but don’t overreact. You and your partner can connect and tell each other your troubles. Even though you may feel unusually high-strung, don’t allow your tension to cause you to make a wrong move or a false start. Stick with what you know, both in things and in people. Someone you’ve known a long time may contact you from a long distance. If possible, you should plan a reunion along with mates and partners. Let your mate help you with some psychic housekeeping, you’ll rest easier.
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Luxury High Rise Property for Sale CLEAR LAKE’S ONLY HIGH RISE - $675,000 Prestigious Endeavour. Stunning view of Clear Lake and Galveston Bay from all rooms in this lovely home. Amenities include Infinity pool, fitness room, resistance pool, Media room, 24 hour Concierge service, and Valet service. Contact: Karen Wright
MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY FROM HBR.ORG Turn Your Business Case into a Compelling Story The business cases that win funding tell compelling and memorable stories. That’s the best way to capture decision makers’ imaginations and make your idea stand out. Think of your business case as a concise adventure novel, with your company as the protagonist. The narrative involves your company solving a business need or seizing an opportunity by acting on your idea. To build that story, first identify the strategic need or opportunity you want to address. Then map out how your idea supports that important strategic or organizational objective. Once you’ve done your homework, you can outline your project approach and explain how your idea will be implemented. Finally, describe the benefits your project will deliver if it’s funded. Avoid vague goals like “improve customer satisfaction,” “cut costs,” or “drive sales.” Get specific: “We’ll reduce product returns by 10%, saving $300,000.” Adapted from “Craft a Story to Sell Your Business Case,” by Raymond Sheen.
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ASSOCIATE PRODUCER (Part Time) If writing is your passion – here’s your chance to work for a station that has taken producing to a higher level. KTRK-TV, the ABC O&O station in Houston, TX is accepting applications for a part-time Associate Producer. The person hired for this position will write and edit stories for our broadcasts and produce news cut-ins. You will also produce content for our digital platforms and social media. If you can write in active voice, understand how detail can add color to a story, and have the ability to sift through information to find the most interesting lead – we want to hear from you. Strong writing, video editing and social media skills a must. Applicants must be willing to work overnights, weekends and holidays. All Interested applicants must apply online at disneycareers.com, ref job #274266BR. Please upload a cover letter, resume and list of references. In addition, please mail writing samples to: Robin Freese, Executive Producer, KTRK-TV, 3310 Bissonnet, Houston, TX 77005. Equal Opportunity Employer – Female/ Minority/ Veteran/ Disability. No Telephone Calls.
The value of money is taught early! Earn Smart! Spend Wisely! A community message from Voice of Asia Group
FRIDAY, May 29, 2015
Houston Community College Request for Qualifications (RFQ) Energy Engineering Consulting Services Project No. 15-18 Documents can be obtained at: www.hccs. edu/district/departments/procurement. Sealed qualifications will be received in Procurement Operations (3100 Main Street, Room No. 11A06, Houston, Texas 77002) until 2:00PM (local time) on Thursday, May 28, 2015. Preproposal meeting will be held on May 19, 2015 at 10:00 am at 3100 Main Street, Seminar Room C, Houston, Texas 77002.
Houston Community College Request for Proposals (RFP) Alumni and Employer Surveys Software and Related Services Project No. 15-08 Documents can be obtained at: www.hccs. edu/district/departments/procurement. Sealed proposals will be received in Procurement Operations (3100 Main Street, Room No. 11A06, Houston, Texas 77002) until 2:00PM (local time) on Tuesday, June 16, 2015.
Vacation Home in San Leon, TX for Sale Wonderful home, well maintained - $145,000
Enjoy the refreshing sea breeze while sitting on the front verandah. 3 Bedroom, 2 bath close to wide open Galveston Bay. Open living, dining and kitchen areas. Contact: “You live only once, Karen Wright Live it in style.”
Houston Community College Request for Proposals (RFP) HCC Transformation Consulting and Related Services Project No. 15-19 Documents can be obtained at: www.hccs. edu/district/departments/procurement. Sealed proposals will be received in Procurement Operations (3100 Main Street, Room No. 11A06, Houston, Texas 77002) until 12:00PM (local time) on Monday, June 15, 2015.
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