VOA Epaper 02-14-20

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FRIDAY,In February Section14, 2 2020 l FORT BEND

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FRIDAY, February 14, 2020 l Published Weekly From Houston


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Vol. 34 • No. 7 • 16 Pages (2 sections) • 50 cents • 713-774-5140 • www.voiceofasia.news • E-mail: voiceasia@aol.com

2020 Chairman’s Gala: Highway to Fort Bend featuring Doppelganger Band

Trump announces visit to India February 24-25


ASHINGTON | AFP | 2/10/2020 President Donald Trump will visit India, with stops in the capital New Delhi and the western state of Gujarat, from February 24-25, the White House announced Monday. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump will make the trip to “strengthen the United States-India strategic partnership,” the announcement said. Gujarat is the home state of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and was also the home of independence icon Mahatma Gandhi. The White House said that Trump and Modi talked by telephone over the weekend. The two leaders have From L to R - Keri Schmidt, Malisha Patel, Rehan Alimohammad. Photo credit: Myke Toman with Toman Imagery.


he 5-Star Accredited Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce held the Chairman’s rock-n-roll Gala on Friday, January 31, 2020, in the Infinity Ballroom at Safari Texas Ranch. The annual event paid tribute to the leaders and volunteers of the Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce who served the chamber in 2019 and welcomed the new lead-


ership for 2020. Immediate Past Chair, Rehan Alimohammad, Partner of Wong Fleming, presented the Community Spirit Award to retiring City Manager, Allen Bogard who has served the City of Sugar Land since 1995. Mayor Joe Zimmerman accepted the award on behalf of Mr. Bogard and made kind and heartfelt re-

marks about his tenure with the city. Mr. Bogard has seen the city more than double in population, with his implementation of the City Council’s vision for Sugar Land resulting in numerous state and national recognitions, including “Best Place to Live” and “Safest City.” Continued on Page 8

US President Donald Trump claps for Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi as they address a joint rally in Houston in September 2019 (AFP Photo/Thomas B. Shea). pursued a close relationship, with Modi visiting in Sep-

tember and hosting Trump at a huge rally in Houston,

Texas, dubbed “Howdy, Modi!”

Modi concedes defeat in key New Delhi election by Abhaya Srivastava


EW DELHI | AFP | Tuesday 2/11/2020 - Followers of an upstart Indian political party danced in the streets Tuesday after inflicting a crushing defeat on Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s right-wing party in a key election in the capital.

The poll was the first electoral test for Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party after it passed a controversial nationality law which opponents say is anti-Muslim. Aam Aadmi Party supporters cavorted to bhangra Continued on Page 6

Arvind Kejriwal, chief of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP)




by Menachem Genack


Publisher: Associate Publisher: Editor-in-Chief: Austin Correspondent: Director Marketing: Office Accountant: Data Entry:

Koshy Thomas Sherly Philip Shobana Muratee Sherine Thomas Giril Edakkunnath Priyan Mathew Satish Philip

Contributors: OpEd: Dr. Chandra Mittal Legal: Sharlene Sharmila Richards Mala Sharma Health: Sudhir Mathuria Research: Dr. Meenakshi Bhattacharjee


Editor Online: Shobana Muratee All rights reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be published without the consent of the publisher. Voice of Asia assumes no liability resulting from action taken based on the information included herein. Published weekly by Free Press LLC, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074. Tel: 713774-5140. Fax: 713-774-5143. Email for editorial submissions: voiceasia@aol.com; Email for advertising inquiries and submissions: ads@voiceofasiagroup.com. It is the policy of Voice of Asia to publish letters to the editor which evidence a variety of viewpoints. The opinions expressed in any particular letter to the editor are not necessarily those of the management. Voice of Asia welcomes letters in reply to issues raised in letters to editor. In as much letters to the editor are not articles written or researched by members of Voice of Asia, it is not the policy of the Voice of Asia to perform any investigation or confirmation of any facts or allegations contained in letters to the editor. Moreover, Voice of Asia reserves the right to edit letters to the editor as necessary to correct errors of fact, punctuation, spelling and to comply with space constraints. Although paid advertisements may appear inVoice of Asia Group Publications in print, online, or in other electronic formats, theVoice of Asia Group does not endorse the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. — The Publisher Voice of Asia (USPS 010-215) (ISSN#10705058) is published every Friday (for a subscription rate of $50 per year) by Free Press LLC, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074. Tel: 713-774-5140. Fax: 713-774-5143. Periodical postage paid at Houston, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Voice of Asia, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074.

resident Lincoln left a rich legacy of saving the Union and freeing the slaves. The spirit of his leadership lives on in our nation. As we celebrate his birthday next Wednesday, we should remember how he taught us to stand for principle and not for prejudice.

In dealing with the aftermath of the Great Sioux Uprising in 1862, the largest massacre of Caucasians by Native Americans in American history, Lincoln’s moral rectitude was on full display. With the westward expansion of the United States and the establishment of the state of Minnesota in 1858, the native Sioux or Dakota tribe had been pushed off their native lands to a reservation along the banks of the Minnesota River. This situation continued to worsen year after year with the desperation of the Native Americans growing as well. In the summer of 1862, four Dakota men murdered five Caucasian settlers while robbing a farm. Sensing that they would be attacked, the Dakota preemptively declared war and killed four to 800 Caucasian settlers during the first days of the rampage, burning their farms and fields as well. Lincoln sent General John Pope to quell the uprising. Eventually, 1,200 Native Americans were captured. Henry H. Sibley, appointed by Minnesota governor Alexander Ramsey as a colonel in this battle, established a military commission to try the prisoners and “pass judgment upon them, if found guilty of murders or other outrages upon the Whites, during the present State of hostilities of the Indians.” Just over a month later, the commission had conducted 392 trials, including a single day in which 40 trials were conducted. The trials resulted in death sentences for 303 Dakota men. Despite the haste in which the trials were conducted, and although the Native Americans were given no presumption of innocence or right to defense, public opinion in Minnesota overwhelmingly approved the verdicts and wanted to see them carried out without delay. Nevertheless, the executions could not proceed without the approval of President Lincoln. He was telegraphed a list of names, and in response asked for “the full and complete record of these convictions” and to identify “the more guilty and influential of the culprits.” Lincoln instructed Pope that he wasn’t allowed to perform any executions without Lincoln’s approval. Despite the pressures he was facing from all sides, Lincoln


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FRIDAY, February 14, 2020

President Lincoln reminds us to stand for principle and not for prejudice

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began reviewing the cases of the convicted Sioux, spending many hours upon hours reading transcripts of the trials and receiving visits from family members of convicted men. As an accomplished trial lawyer himself, Lincoln could not help but notice that among other issues with the trials, had the accused been allowed defense representation, they would have been able to call attention to the problematic nature of the witnesses and the composition of the military commission. While Lincoln understood that the indiscriminate murder of settlers must be punished, he nevertheless did not allow a type of massacre in response. When Alexander Ramsey suggested to Lincoln that he would have won Minnesota by a wider margin in the 1864 election had he allowed the original orders to stand, Lincoln responded, “I

could not afford to hang men for votes.” Yet to fully appreciate Lincoln’s greatness in this story, one must keep in mind Lincoln’s personal history. Abraham Lincoln’s grandfather as well as his namesake, Captain Abraham Lincoln (1744-1786), was a wealthy military captain during the American Revolution, and a pioneer settler of Kentucky. One day he was shot by a Native American while in his field with his sons. The eldest son, Mordecai, ran to the cabin where a loaded gun was kept. From the cabin, Mordecai observed the Native Americans come out of the forest and stop by his father’s body. The Native American reached for Thomas, the future president’s father, either to kill him or to carry him off. Mordecai took aim and shot the Native American, killing him. Refer-

ring to his grandfather in a letter in 1854, Lincoln wrote that “the story of his death by the Indians, and of Uncle Mordecai, then fourteen years old, killing one of the Indians, is the legend more strongly than all others imprinted upon my mind and memory.” Given this lamentable backstory, it would not have surprised us if Abraham Lincoln would have adopted a vengeful attitude toward American Native Americans. Union general and Civil War hero General Philip Henry Sheridan allegedly commented that “The only good Indian is a dead Indian,” and many others at the time shared this attitude. But this was not Lincoln’s way. Here too, Lincoln applied his faith in the creed that all men are created equal. There is an important lesson that we must take away from this story. Despite the fact that a Native American killed his father, President Lincoln bore no grudge when it came to the issue of justice. Not tainted by the past, he made sure to review each and every case file for those who would be potentially executed. He didn’t harbor resentment and in today’s world where there is much that divides us, this is an important message. Rabbi Genack is the CEO of OU Kosher, the world’s largest Kosher certification agency. - The Hill



FRIDAY, February 14, 2020

COMMUNITY Second Front Page

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IIT alumni meet and greet Sri Kulkarni by Bhamy V. Shenoy


nder the leadership of Mallik Putcha, an IITM alumnus, a meet and greet event with Sri Preston Kulkarni was organized on February 9 at Indian Summer (Madras Pavilion) in Sugar Land. Objective of the event was to discuss how alumni like us from IITs can support the campaign of democratic candidate Sri Kulkarni for Congressional District 22.

It may be useful to recall what Houston Chronicle wrote while endorsing Sri “Overall, Olson has come to represent all the worst instincts of U.S. politics while Kulkarni represents our politics at its best”. Some of us felt that there is some sinister design behind the contest of an Indian origin candidate in Republican primary to pull potential votes from Sri Kulkarni. This was all the more shocking when that candidate had wholeheartedly supported Sri in his 2018 election. In 2019, Sri had visited India and IITM was one of the academic institutions where he spent a day interacting with students and research group. He returned with fond memories of stunning natural beauty of IITM campus. Inspired by the great sacrifice of Sri resigning from much coveted US foreign service to serve his mother land, many are volunteering in his campaign. Discussion with Sri covered several topics where his indepth knowledge with statistics completely bowled us. Sri did not hesitate to respond to an inconvenient question about his view on CAA, NPR, NRC or human rights issue in Kashmir. He was forthright in

telling us that he does not know much about these things, and he needs to spend time on things which affect his voters. When he had experience and expertise from his work and studied the issues, he discussed his views on complex situations affecting US foreign policy in countries like Yemen, Israel, Ukraine, Russia, Iraq etc. He narrated his experience of getting criticism while attending some community events. For example, he was criticized by some for attending “Howdy Modi” event. His response was that he also attended an event where Imran Khan was speaking via satellite and had attended several such events. Attending an event does not amount to supporting or endorsing any view. It was easy to appreciate the delicate balance someone like Sri has to make all the time. When there seems to be a groundswell of support for Trump especially after the failed attempt to impeach him, how can a Democrat like him attract votes not only from Republicans but also from Independents? When the tribalism seems to be the driving force to choose a candidate, how will even burning issues like health care (difficulty in securing insurance for those with preexisting health problems, reduction in Medicaid and Medicare funding), climate change, gun control, education, etc influence them? But we were convinced that Sri has sound policies to influence his voters. During our discussion it became clear that Sri has thought deeply about these issues and has a winning game plan. Af-

terall during the last election he lost just by 4.9% against six terms incumbent Pete Olson who had won his previous election by a whopping 19% margin. His “relational organization” of volunteers who can speak 16 languages succeeded in energizing different communities who never participated in large numbers to vote in earlier elections. With that experience and having identified local issues of flood control, improving traffic flow, education, etc he is in a far better position to attract even more voters this time. We saw the decadence in the long held US values when all Re-publican senators with one exception voted to drop charges against Trump purely driven by “tribalism”. They ignored the wise words of Robert Kennedy, “Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted, when we tolerate what we know to be wrong, when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt, because we are too busy or frightened, when we fail to speak up and speak out, we strike a blow against freedom, decency and justice”. During the event it was refreshing to hear Sri emphasizing the US values by telling us how he is inspired by the above quote of Robert Kennedy. He feels strongly to balance different viewpoints since neither extremes of left and right can offer the optimum solution. They result in “absolutism” as has been experienced during Trump era. The Texas-22 congressional district is fortunate that they have an outstanding candidate to choose in Sri. and IIT alumni made the timely decision to organize the event.

Mallik Putcha, an IITM alumnus (3rd from left) with friends during a meet and greet event with democratic candidate Sri Kulkarni (center) for Congressional District 22 on February 9, 2020 at Indian Summer.


Section 2

Family Health

FRIDAY, February 14, 2020

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

How to tell if you have severe Asthma


hile the majority of the more than 25 million Americans living with asthma enjoy active, healthy lives, for others, severe symptoms are part of daily life, despite using high dose asthma medicines and avoiding triggers.

risk of death, illness, and depression, and limiting the ability to work or go to school, severe asthma is dangerous, and is responsible for 50 percent of all asthma healthcare costs. Control is the key and is attainable even if you do have severe asthma.

access a downloadable summary of its findings to take to your next doctor’s appointment. Visit Lung.org/severe-asthma for more information, as well as to access questions that you can ask your doctor for a more productive conversation.

Does this sound familiar? If so, you could have severe asthma, a type of asthma that affects approximately 5-10 percent of those with the condition. Increasing the

Is your asthma under control? To find out, start by visiting the American Lung Association website, where you can take the My Asthma Control Assessment and

Better understanding your asthma is the first step to taking better control of your symptoms. -StatePoint


Tel: 713-774-5140

CMS finalizes decision to cover Acupuncture for Chronic Low Back Pain for Medicare beneficiaries


he Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) finalized a decision to cover acupuncture for Medicare patients with chronic low back pain. Before this final National Coverage Determination (NCD) reconsideration, acupuncture was nationally non-covered by Medicare. CMS conducted evidence reviews and examined the coverage policies of private payers to inform today’s decision.

This decision will cover up to 12 sessions in 90 days with an additional 8 sessions for those patients with chronic low back pain who demonstrate improvement. “Expanding options for pain treatment is a key piece of the Trump Administrations’ strategy for defeating our country’s opioid crisis,” said HHS Secretary Alex Azar. “President Trump has promised to protect and improve Medicare for our seniors, and deciding to cover this new treatment option is another sign of that commitment. Medicare beneficiaries will now have a new option at their disposal to help them deal with chronic low back pain, which is a common and sometimes debilitating condition.” The decision regarding coverage takes into account an assessment of benefits and harms and the opioid public health crisis. While a small number of adults 65 years of age or older have been enrolled in published acupuncture studies, patients with chronic low back pain in

these studies showed improvements in function and pain. The evidence reviewed for this decision supports clinical strategies that include nonpharmacologic therapies for chronic low back pain. CMS notes too that while there is variation in covered indications and frequency of services, a number of large private payers provide some coverage of acupuncture for certain indications. “We are dedicated to increasing access to alternatives to prescription opioids and believe that covering acupuncture for chronic low back pain is in the best interest of Medicare patients,” said CMS Principal Deputy Administrator of Operations and Policy Kimberly Brandt. “We are building on important lessons learned from the private sector in this critical aspect of patient care. Over-reliance on opioids for people with chronic pain is one of the factors that led to the crisis, so it is vital that we offer a range of treatment options for our beneficiaries.” In 2017, opioids were involved in 47,600 deaths related to overdose. CMS is keenly focused on fighting the opioids epidemic including by supporting access to pain management using a safe and effective range of treatment options that rely less on prescription opioids, including non-pharmacological approaches. In addition to today’s announcement, CMS has made significant strides in preventing opioid use disorder,

Sudhir Mathuria HEALTHLIFE 360 713-771-2900

such as issuing safety alerts to pharmacists when a beneficiary’s opioids prescription exceeds certain levels. Given these and other efforts from federal partners, total opioids dispensed by pharmacies nationwide declined 31 percent since 2017. Acupuncture is a treatment in which practitioners stimulate specific points on the body, most often by inserting thin needles through the skin. As with other complex diseases, CMS recognizes the importance of having treatment options which allow for an integrated approach that is tailored to the needs and preferences of Medicare patients. Source: CMS To choose suitable Medicare Advantage Plan, Medicare Supplement Plan or Medicare Prescription Drug Plan contact Sudhir Mathuria at 713-7712900.

Image Source: StatePoint

DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE FOR TX STATE HOUSE DISTRICT 26 For many years, I feel a sense of frustration seeing our healthcare system failing people throughout their lives and a lack of funding negatively affecting the quality of education for our children. In my practice, geriatric medicine, I see people riddled with ailments that would have been prevented with continuously regular health care. In Sugar Land, the political climate never seemed favorable to my values so we operated as we could and did much work in charitable circles. But in 2018 Fort Bend as a whole proved what our communities were capable of and proved our values were favored. It inspired me to more directly affect my community and health care by running for state representative. I wish to focus on affordable healthcare and sustainable school funding. I have been in private practice in the Greater Houston area for the last two decades and in Sugar Land for 15 years. I completed my fellowship training at Baylor College of Medicine and attended courses at Harvard Medical School and Columbia University College of Physicians. I have been triple board certified in Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine and Hospice and Palliative Medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine, and I have also been certified by the American Medical Directors Association. I am among an elite group of physicians nationwide with this qualification. I am also recognized by the National Register of Who’s Who for Excellence in

Geriatric Medicine. I have been serving in various leadership roles in both professional organizations and medical institutions. I am a Board member and also have served as Ambassador to US Congress for the Alzheimer’s Association. I strongly believe in philanthropy and volunteer service. I have formerly served as the Chairman for the Regional Committee of the Aga Khan Foundation USA for four years. The Aga Khan Foundation operates under the mandate to alleviate global poverty and improve the quality of life for all. I am also involved with raising awareness and funds for the National MS Society and Alzheimer’s Association. Locally I serve on the Fort Bend Rainbow Room, a resource room stocked with emergency and transitional supplies to meet the critical needs of Fort Bend County’s abused and neglected children and adults. I also serve on the board to the Exchange Club Exchange of Fort Bend, America’s premier service club, working to make our communities better places to live. My interest in caring for my patients - especially the elderly - continues to lead me towards researching solutions to the common problems that elder members of the community face. Political Ad by Suleman Lalani

As a physician, I know firsthand the impact a lack of health care has on communities across the board. There is nearly universal agreement that health care should be our #1 legislative priority. It is the issue Democrats are winning Republicans over within general elections, and it is the driving issue in Democratic primaries. Speaking on our most pressing issue is where I am most comfortable. Apart from those issues, I also know how to work with others to push forward an agenda. My expertise on multiple boards and organizations translates into leadership positions. Anyone representing our community must be able to build coalitions even within the party to pass legislation. I believe in this field I am uniquely qualified to get things done in a legislative body. A healthy and well-educated Texas is a better Texas for everyone.


FRIDAY, February 14, 2020

Science & Medicine

Section 2

Email: voiceasia@aol.com


Some facts about the Coronavirus: Possible precautions and preventions

Meenakshi Bhattacharjee Rice University, Houston TX

by Meenakshi Bhattacharjee Introduction We’re at a pivotal moment in the outbreak of the new coronavirus in China, either already in a pandemic, meaning there are ongoing epidemics of the virus on two or more continents or hurtling toward one, or on the path to averting a spiraling crisis. As of February 5, more than 24,500 people have been infected with 2019-nCoV, as the respiratory virus is known, and 494 people have died. There are also 185 cases in 25 countries besides China, including one death in the Philippines. This toll represents a tragic and stunning increase from a month ago, when it looked like there were no more than 50 patients with the virus in Wuhan, the mainland Chinese city where the virus is thought to have originated. Given the unknowns about 2019-nCoV, in the coming days and weeks, we’re in for some twists and turns. For now, many experts believe this outbreak could get a lot worse: burdening the Chinese health system, spreading in poorer countries with weaker health systems, and sickening and killing thousands more people along the way. Alternatively, it could get much better, with new cases and deaths steadily dropping. The infection from CoV resembles other respiratory tract infections, hence can be hard to isolate from the common flu. It spreads from respiratory fluids such as coughs and sneezes, similar to influenza and other respiratory tracts’ infections. The extent of the infection has ranged from a mild cough to severely sick and dying due to the infection. Common symptoms include cough, fever, shortness of breath (dyspnea), and occasional diarrhea. Countries have relied heavily on Western methods to combat the virus, with hospitals employing equipment and medicine that would not be unfamiliar in the western world. Scientists in China and around the world are searching for a drug that can tackle the 2019nCoV virus, sifting through dozens of potential candidates, including anti-HIV drugs, an anti-schizophrenia medication and an immunosuppressant. Viral infections Viral infections play an important role in human diseases, and recent outbreaks in the advent of globalization and ease of travel have underscored their prevention as a critical issue in safeguarding public health. Despite the progress made in immunization and drug development, many viruses lack preventive vaccines and efficient antiviral therapies, which are often beset by the generation of viral escape mutants. The situation is further exacerbated by the potential development of drug-resistant mutants, especially when using viral enzyme-specific inhibitors, which significantly hampers drug efficacy. Hence, there is an urgent need to discover novel antivirals that are highly efficacious and cost-effective for the management and control of viral infections when vaccines and standard therapies are lacking. Viral Medicine search Identifying novel antiviral drugs is of critical importance and natural products are an excellent source for such discoveries. Therefore alternative natural medications are an urgent requirement to fill the gap of unavailability of conventional therapies or vaccines. Complementary and alternative medicine has been used for centuries in many societies to treat various illnesses, including viral infections, herbal and dietary.

Coronavirus Head

Herbal medicines and purified natural products provide a rich resource for novel antiviral drug development. Identification of the antiviral mechanisms from these natural agents has shed light on where they interact with the viral life cycle, such as viral entry, replication, assembly, and release, as well as on the targeting of virus–host-specific interactions. As many viruses remain without preventive vaccines and effective antiviral treatments, eradicating these viral diseases appears difficult. Nonetheless, natural products serve as an excellent source of biodiversity for discovering novel antivirals, revealing new structure–activity relationships, and developing

effective protective/therapeutic strategies against viral infections. Coronavirus and possible natural remedies. CoV is an enveloped, positive-sense single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) virus belonging to the Coronaviridae family. The CoV family consists of several species and causes upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal infections in mammals and birds. In humans, it mainly causes common cold, but complications including pneumonia and SARS can occur. The known human CoV (HCoV) includes HCoV-229E, -OC43, -NL63, -HKU1, and the more widely known severe acute respiratory

syndrome coronavirus (SARSCoV) which caused a global threat with high mortality in 2002. In 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) designated a sixth type of HCoV infection identified as the Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) which is associated with high fatality. Now 2019-nCoV in China is a pandemic. There are no specific treatments for CoV infection and preventive vaccines are still being explored. Thus, the situation reflects the need to develop effective antivirals for prophylaxis and treatment of CoV infection. It has been previously reported that saikosaponins (A, B2, C, and D), which are natu-

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rally occurring triterpene glycosides isolated from medicinal plants such as Bupleurum spp. , Heteromorpha spp., and Scrophularia scorodonia, exert antiviral activity against HCoV22E9. Upon co-challenge with the virus, these natural compounds effectively prevent the early stage of HCoV-22E9 infection, including viral attachment and penetration. Extracts from plants like Lycoris radiata , Artemisia annua , Pyrrosia lingua, and Lindera aggregata have also been documented to display anti–SARS-CoV effect from a screening analysis using hundreds of Chinese medicinal herbs. Natural inhibitors against the SARS-CoV enzymes, such as the nsP13 helicase and 3CL protease, have been identified as well and include myricetin, scutellarein, and phenolic compounds from Isati indigotica and Torreya nucifera . Other anti-CoV natural medicines include the water extract from the plant Houttuynia cordata , which has been observed to exhibit several antiviral mechanisms against SARS-CoV, such as inhibiting the viral 3CL protease and blocking the viral RNA-dependent RNA polymerase activity. In traditional Chinese medicine there are a pair of formulas for pneumonia prevention that can work well with coronavi-

rus. The recommended formulas clear away heat, detoxify, dry dampness, moisten and enhance physical immunity, The two recommended formulations include black atractylodes rhizome (used in Chinese medicine to dry dampness), along with extracts of honeysuckle (to clear inflammation), tangerine peel (to disperse phlegm), raw astragalus (to boost immune response) and several other herbs. Some homeopathic medicines are also being considered in developing countries as a preventive measure against this virus. What can be done to protect oneself? There is no vaccine currently available to treat novel coronavirus, but WHO is recommending several precautionary and hygienic measures. • Avoid direct contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections, • Wash your hands frequently, especially after direct contact with sick people or their surroundings, • Avoid direct contact with farm animals or wild animals, living or dead, • People with symptoms of a severe respiratory infection should try to keep their distance from other people, and cover their nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing and use masks in crowded areas. NB: The information in this article is entirely from scientific research publications. Do not use these remedies without talking to your doctor.



FRIDAY, February 14, 2020

Eternal Gandhi Museum of Houston held Gandhi’s Shraddhanjali in collaboration with Unity of Houston and other organizations

Houston organizations jointly commemorated Mahatma Gandhi’s 72nd death anniversary at Unity of Houston on February 8, 2020. Photo credit: Satyajit Verma.


ahatma Gandhi who spread the message of truth, non-violence, and global peace, died on January 30, 1948. Eternal Gandhi Museum of Houston (EGMH) in collaboration with Unity Houston commemorated Shraddhanjali, a memorial service, on Saturday, February 8.

Mahatma Gandhi said “I shall conquer untruth by truth. And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.” He was never afraid of death. Currently, the world is encountering several challenges including intolerance, impatience, and terrorism. It is essential to follow the ideas and principles of Mahatma Gandhi, especially truth and non-violence, not only to achieve international peace and prosperity, but to achieve the same within one’s own heart.

EGMH and Unity Houston jointly observed Shraddhanajli, Memorial Service, in collaboration with Arya Samaj Greater Houston, Interfaith Ministries of Greater Houston, The Ismaili Jamatkhana Center on Saturday, February 8 at Unity Houston. It was the commemoration of the 72nd death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Eternal Gandhi Museum (formerly known as Mahatma Gandhi Library) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the universal values of truth, nonviolence, love and service. The organization was started almost 18 years ago by the vision and dedication of Atulbhai Kothari and today, with many dedicated volunteers, their worthy efforts continue. The Shraddhanjali program

started at 3:00 pm with a gracious welcome by Rev Mindy Lawrence-Curtis, Associate Minister at Unity. Anusha Sathya was a brilliant Mistress of Ceremony for the program, which initiated with an Invocation and meditation from Dr. Alejandro Chaoul, founder and director of The Jung Center’s Mind Body Spirit Institute. The program started with a beautiful rendition of the bhajan Hamko Maan ki Shanti Dena and Jab Zero Diya Mere Bharat Ne by the adorable kids from Swar Swangam School of Music, directed by Ms. Smriti Srivastava. Honorable Consul General Aseem Mahajan, newly arrived in Houston in January 2020, gave a welcoming speech and the profound Universal significance of Gandhiji.

Consul General of India Aseem Mahajan addressing the audience at Shraddhanjali. Photo credit: Satyajit Verma

Kamal Haji then conducted the Zikr Band in their beautiful rendition of “Allah” and “Lab Pe Aati Hai” bringing tears of joy in the eyes of many in the audience. 1st place i-tribute winner, Vir Sehgal, then introduced his winning entry on LEED and Climate Change as the audience was educated on this 3 minute clip. Eighth grader Esha Nair, 2nd place winner of the annual EGMH speech contest, delighted the audience with her winning speech, “Eternal Gandhi Museum: What I’d like to see.” Steps for Dancing school, Choreographed by Ms. Dolly Goyal, with children from River Oaks Elementary School gave an outstanding dance per-

formance titled “Nonviolence is the weapon of the strong “followed by a freelance performance by Dolly Goyal and her dancing partner Shilpa Thacker.

an informative update of the museum and their recent trip to India with members from the architecture and exhibit/design firms.

Alma Rosha Zamir recited a beautiful poem accompanied in the background by her sister, Anisa, playing the violin. The keynote speaker for the program was Mr. Ajit Giani, from Austin Bahai Community serving as the secretary and a member of the executive committee of the Interfaith Action of Central Texas. He enthusiastically addressed the crowd explaining “from Mohandas to Mahatma.”

The program continued with Swar Sangeet Symphony singing a beautiful medley of Vande Mataram, Saare Jahan se Accha Hindustan Hamara, and Nanha Munna Rahi Houn.

Fort Bend County Judge KP George paid rousing tribute to Mahatma Gandhi.

The program concluded with a vote of thanks by Mr. Rajan Chawla, dedicated volunteer of EGMH. Swar Sangam School of Music, directed by Smriti Srivastava, then sang Raghupati Raghav Rajaram while all in the audience came up to the garlanded picture of Mahatma Gandhi to give their respect.

Dr. Manish Wani, Board of trustee member of EGMH, gave

A short reception followed outside with tea and snacks.

Tax Savings Opportunities for Fort Bend County Municipal District 46


ort Bend County Commissioner Ken R. DeMerchant on Tuesday announced that yet another entity has taken steps in the right direction to generate tax savings for its residents. Municipal Utility District (MUD) 46 became the newest member to join in an Interlocal Agreement with Fort Bend County Tax Assessor/Collector. In doing so they will receive a 97% savings. Last year Commissioner DeMerchant worked closely with Levee Improvement District (LID) 14 to find ways to lower the tax burden on its residents.

The result was a 22% tax cut and a tax savings of 4 cents for each of its residents. By working out an agreement with LID 14 to collect LID taxes using the Fort Bend County Tax Assessor/Collector, assisted in a LID tax savings of 98%. As promised Commissioner DeMerchant continues to evaluate, analyze, and brainstorm on fresh and innovative ways to pass on tax savings to the residents of Precinct 4. DeMerchant stated, “It’s working smarter to find alternative solutions such as reducin wasteful spending and using

Modi concedes defeat in key New Delhi election Continued from Page 1

music and set off fireworks as the vote count showed they had crossed the 36 seats needed to secure a majority in the 70-seat regional assembly. Hindu-nationalist Modi, whose party swept to power in national elections last year, congratulated AAP leader Arvind Kejriwal, the incumbent Delhi chief minister. “Wishing them the very best in fulfilling the aspirations of the people of Delhi,” Modi tweeted. The BJP had launched an aggressive campaign to win the city of nearly 20 million people from the AAP, using the election to rally support for the law easing citizenship rules for religious minorities from Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan, but excluding Muslims. At least 25 people have been killed in protests over the legislation so far. But the AAP, which swept to power in 2015 after it was launched three years earlier by former tax officer Kejriwal, retained control in an impressive showing.

well as the safety of women. “This win has given birth to a new type of politics -- the politics of work,” he told cheering supporters at party headquarters. “This is the type of politics that will take the country forward in the 21st century.” Yogendra Yadav, an academic who was a member of the AAP executive until 2015 and now has his own party, said the result was a clear rejection of Modi and his party’s angry campaign. “The BJP indulged in one of the most vitriolic, communal hate mongering campaigns as a desperate electoral gamble,” he told AFP. “If this succeeded, it would have become a template for everyone else to follow.

The defeat in Delhi is the latest in a string of setbacks for the BJP at regional elections over the past two years.

Congress, led by the storied Gandhi-Nehru dynasty and the main opposition at the national level, was set to draw a blank in another low for a party that ruled Delhi for 15 years before AAP took over.

Kejriwal, 51, fought the election on local issues such as subsidised water and electricity, as

Final results from the Election Commission of India were not expected until late Tuesday.

those savings where they matter most, is what is important for the wellbeing of our County.”



Sugar Land wins award for ‘Right Tree, Right Place’ tree planting event


FRIDAY, February 14, 2020

Staff and volunteers work together at the Right Tree, Right Place Tree Planting in March 2019. Staff and volunteers work together at the Right Tree, Right Place Tree Planting in March 2019.


UGAR LAND, TX ¬The Houston Area Urban Forestry Council recently awarded the Sugar Land Parks and Recreation Department a 2019 “Project of the Year” award for the Right Tree, Right Place volunteer tree planting event.

Sugar Land won the same award in 2018 for its Trees Across America tree volunteer planting event. Assistant Director of the Parks and Recreation William Hajdik accepted the award on Jan. 14 during HAUFC’s annual meeting and awards ceremony. The awards recognize individuals or groups in the greater Houston area who have gone above and beyond in the field of arboriculture and urban forestry. The Right Tree, Right Place planting began in 2015 and is the result of a partnership between the city and CenterPoint Energy. The 2019 tree planting took place on March 14 at Brazos River Park, where a variety of 30- and 15-gallon gallon trees donated by CenterPoint Energy were planted. A total of 30 trees were planted by more than 40

volunteers from Sugar Land, Missouri City and CenterPoint. “Trees are a vital part of our lives, and they provide so much more than landscaping,” said Hajdik. “They clean the air, reduce erosion, add to property values and so much more. We are proud to organize and host these tree plantings for the betterment of our community. “We’d like to thank CenterPoint Energy for their partnership and their generous donation of trees in order to make this volunteer tree planting possible.” A total of 100 trees have been added to the Sugar Land parks system’s tree inventory through the annual events. For more information about programs, events and forestry initiatives, contact Sugar Land Parks and Recreation at (281) 275-2825 or visit www.sugarlandtx.gov/parks. For other updates, follow Sugar Land Parks and Recreation on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @SugarLandParks.


STORIES ONLINE WWW. VOICE OF ASIA.NEWS Staff and volunteers work together at the Right Tree, Right Place Tree Planting in March 2019.



FRIDAY, February 14, 2020

2020 Chairman’s Gala: Highway To Fort Bend ... Continued from Page 1 The City of Sugar Land now boasts more than 66,300 jobs and is home to high-profile regional and international corporations. Effective community-building efforts, citizen engagement, and responsiveness to the needs of citizens has resulted in programs such as Sugar Land 101, multicultural initiatives, expanded cultural arts, and the city’s first animal shelter. Sugar Land continues to retain and challenge a champion workforce that consistently exceeds the high expectations of the community. A focus on developing future leaders within the city organization has led to successful internal promotions of numerous talented professionals to high-profile positions, including the current fire and police chiefs and several assistant city managers. The Chairman’s Award was presented to Lane Pearson, a fifth-generation Texan, and native

Houstonian and long-time Fort Bend county resident with a track record of exceptional support for our chamber. Lane Pearson with Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Gary Greene has been a champion of the chamber for decades. Lane is a graduate of the Fort Bend Leadership Forum Class of 1993 and has faithfully served as a Chamber Partner since the inception of the program assisting with numerous ribbon cuttings, groundbreakings, and Network Nites through the years and always offering a warm, and welcoming smile to everyone. Lane is a multi-million-dollar Top Producer and Consistent Top Lister since 1991 and has received numerous company awards as a real estate agent. Lane is dedicated to her profession and is a member of the Houston Association of Realtors, Junior Service League of Fort Bend, Texas Association of Realtors, Fort Bend County Women’s Center, National Association of Realtors, Quail Valley Country

Club Women’s Golf Association and Women’s Council of Realtors. Lane is also very well respected by her peers. The Women’s Center recognized Lane in the first Volunteer Hall of Fame class for her 10 years of service. In 2008, she earned the prestigious ALHS designation, Accredited Luxury Home Specialist. The awards continued with Alimohammad acknowledging the leadership and service of immediate past Chairman, Malisha Patel (SVP and CEO of Memorial Hermann Southwest Hospital and Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital); retiring Board Members, Raj Basavaraju (Principal Transcend Engineers & Planners, LLC); Khori Hunter (Business Director – Sweetpea Smiles); Linda Huynh (Doctor - Sugar Mill Chiropractic and Acupuncture); Jessica Jia (Senior Associate – Traffic Engineers, Inc.); Cindy Picazo (Senior Vice President – BancorpSouth); and Jana Williams (Financial Representative – Dearborn

Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce: Retiring Board and Division Members. Photo credit: Myke Toman with Toman Imagery. & Creggs); and retiring Division Chairs, Dee Koch (Lifetime Member); Christy Medlin (Business Development Director – Encompass Health Rehabilitation Hospital of Sugar Land); and Rob Thompson (Owner/Founder – TruCore Business Development).

Incoming Chairman, Jonathan Pursch (Vice President – Frost Bank) introduced the 2020 Executive Officers; Chair Elect, Janice Suchyta (Counsel – Seyfarth Shaw); Immediate Past Chair, Rehan Alimohammad (Partner – Wong Fleming); Treasurer, Keith

Borgfeldt (President – Spartan Wealth Management LLC); Legal Counsel, Dustin Fessler (Attorney – RMWBH Law); and President & CEO, Keri Schmidt along with the 2020 Board of Directors, Three Committee and Division Chairs.

Why Reddy, Why Republican, Why Now: An Interview By Vijay Sreenarasimhaiah


ndian Americans should be proud of their community. We are perceived as hardworking and highly successful by the general public. Our educational achievements and per capita income above the average also support this perception. We have assimilated well into this melting pot of America and maintain our own cultural identity. Most of are thankful for living in America and view ourselves as very blessed to be here. We love America. Very few of us dwell on being victims and claim overwhelming persecution, racism, and an unfair playing field for commerce, business, or education. Many are CEO’s, professors, and highly successful leaders in their fields. These same folks are involved in many organizations that are religious or service oriented that cater to the needs of the community here and back in the motherland. In fact it is the ingenuity of Indian Americans who each want to be leaders, not followers, which has propelled the community forward. One candidate, Bangar Reddy Aaloori, a noted community leader, has risen in the ranks of the Republican party with his “I love my America movement.” Out of an initial field of almost 20 candidates, Reddy has risen to the top three. This district covers Katy, Sugar Land, Pearland, and Brazoria County and will have primary elections on March 3rd and early voting starting next week. I sat down with Mr. Reddy to find out how he chose to run for public office and why he picked the Republican party. These are the highlights of the issues that Reddy discussed and why he and his party are better for America and for Indian Americans in particular. 1. Affirmative action. Everyone believes in leveling the playing field, but Democratic Congressmen have sponsored many bills that place race-based quota systems for hiring, contracts and for higher education. It is even more troubling to the parents of Indian-American children who will be limited in job and educational opportunities because their over achieving children which are high in number will be hit harder than other communities with tight quotas. 2. Socialism. Democratic lawmakers are promoting redistribution of wealth, guaranteed incomes and college tuition and expanded government subsidies. Reddy says this may sound good at first, but it comes at the cost of higher taxes and loss of incentive for productivity. Reddy points out that free market enterprise, the hallmark of the American system, provides more prosperity to more persons than another form of governance and has historically been proven. 3. Health care is a concern for all Americans, especially Indian Americans who take care of their parents. Reddy points out the flaws in the Affordable Care Act lauded by Democrats with markedly reduced choice of insurers (some parts of the country only have one insurance provider now), higher premiums, and still a sizable uninsured population. The Democrat approach of Medicare for All, would bankrupt many rural hospitals as they could not afford the Medicare level of payment, cut services in urban hospitals, and multiply the deficit enormously. 4.




business is another big concern for Reddy. Many Indian Americans own or work for small businesses and continuing to reduce regulations and taxes has already proven to be successful in their growth as well as with historically low unemployment rates. 5. Gun violence is a concern for Mr. Reddy. He rejects the Democratic proposals for gun con-

trol that are designed in a way that only criminals can easily obtain weapons and law abiding citizens are left defenseless. He notes that studies show controlling violence in the home, reducing access to drugs and gangs, and promoting two parent families are associated with less gun violence. 6. Immigration is an important topic for Indian Ameri-

cans. The path of legal immigration is long and cumbersome for many based on the country based quotas. Reddy promotes a merit based system that correlates to world population rather than country based systems. Promoting illegal immigration is unfair to the resources of the country, unfair to those who have to go through the legal process and puts an unfair burden on the system making legal immigration even slower.

7. The prolife position that promotes the sanctity of human life from the unborn to the oldest of the elderly is central to Mr. Reddy’s faith and religion. 8. Reddy is a strong supporter of Indian Prime Minister Modi and was quite active in the Howdy Modi event. Reddy points out how most Democrat lawmakers, especially of Indian origin are against Modi, against his actions

on article 370 and the Citizen Amendment Act. After speaking to Mr. Reddy, I am very impressed with his caliber as a candidate. He is very honest and sincere in his beliefs and in his party platform. His background as a community leader with many philanthropic activities over the almost three decades he has lived in Sugarland also speak of his character.


Fort Bend View

FRIDAY, February 14, 2020

Section 2

Sugar Land, Katy, Stafford, Missouri City, Richmond, Rosenberg and Meadows Place

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Tel: 713-774-5140

Fort Bend Education Foundation to lead 17th Sugar Land hosts ninth annual Showdown Annual Schlumberger Education Expedition Disc Golf Tournament


UGAR LAND ¬- The Sugar Land Parks and Recreation Department hosted the Sugar Land Showdown IX Disc Golf Tournament on Jan. 25, marking the ninth year the Parks and Recreation Department has hosted this event.

2020 Bike Ride Committee: 1st Row (l-r): Hillary Dunn, FBEF Marketing Coordinator, Students from Ridge Point High School, Student from the Math & Science Academy; 2nd Row (l-r): Sherry Grogan, Joanna Covington, Diane Rodriguez, Erma Trevino, Director Keith Burkart, Ronnie Escobar, Ronnie Williams; 3rd Row (l-r): Students from Elkins High School, Asheley Griffin, Donald Lam, Demetrius Martin; FBEF Past President John Wantuch, Margaret Constance


UGAR LAND - Grab your cycling gear and join us for the 17th Annual Schlumberger Education Expedition Bike Ride!

On Saturday, April 4, the Fort Bend Education Foundation will host its 17th annual bike ride. Whether you are training or just wanting a great day with friends, this is the ride for you. Riders take off at 7:30 am from Freedom Field (located at 10855 Iowa Colony Blvd., Iowa Colony, TX) to wind through the quiet streets and countryside of Brazoria County before looping back home. Riders have the option of three routes; 33, 48, and 72 miles. Rest stops are themed and staffed by Fort Bend ISD high

school students vying for the “Best Rest Stop” award. SAG wagon and motorcycle support will be on the course to assist you with any needs. After the ride, stay and enjoy a scrumptious lunch and don’t forget to vote for your favorite Rest Stop! This ride is a Recommended Ride and all proceeds benefit the Education Foundation. The Fort Bend Education Foundation provides opportunities to enrich and enhance the quality of education for all Fort Bend ISD students through its Grants to Teachers and Schools programs. We touch EVERY school in Fort


tatives interested in conducting business with FBISD to attend. Participants will learn about the guidelines FBISD requires vendors to follow if interested in providing information technology services, such as audio visual, cabling and video surveillance, to the District.

The tournament is sanctioned by the Professional Disc Golf Association (PDGA) and is considered one of the premier annual disc golf tournaments in the greater Houston area. This year, a record number of players registered, with all available tournament spots filling up in less than one week after registration opened. Over the course of the nine years that the city has hosted the tournament, participant numbers

A contestant training for the annual tournament. have risen from 58 in 2011 to 110 player registrations in 2020. The tournament organizers donated $1,120 of registration fees to the Child Advocates of Fort Bend. “The Sugar Land Showdown Disc Golf Tournament has become a staple to the department’s athletics calendar every year,” said L.R. Heffernan, athletics/ aquatics coordinator for the Parks and Recreation Department. “We are excited to have seen the growth of the tournament during the last nine years.”

The disc golf course at Imperial Park is one of two nine-hole disc golf courses operated by the city of Sugar Land. The Brazos River Park disc golf course, the newest addition, was opened in 2019. Both courses are free and open to the public. For more information about recreation and athletic programs for youth and adults, contact Sugar Land Parks and Recreation at (281) 275-2825 or visit www.sugarlandtx.gov/parks.



“We recommend registering online at www.thedriven. net/2020EducationExpedition before the event day to prevent any distractions for you on the ride morning”, the Foundation writes on their website.

FBISD’s Small Business Enterprise Program invites business representatives to join February focus group ORT BEND ISD (February 11, 2020) – On Wednesday, February 26, Fort Bend ISD’s Small Business Enterprise Program (SBEP) will host a focus group to discuss technology. The District invites all contractors, sub-contractors, architects, engineers, sub-consultants and other business represen-

“The annual Sugar Land Showdown is one of the most popular (disc golf) tournaments in the Houston area,” said Eric Jubin, head organizer of the annual tournament. “Many players call it their favorite tournament of the year. For nine years, we’ve been so successful thanks to the collaboration between the city, Disc Golf Consultants and the local disc golf community. The support the city of Sugar Land has given to disc golf is just fantastic.”

The event will be held at the District’s PFC Building (13600 Murphy Rd., Stafford, 77477), beginning at 2 p.m. Individuals interested in attending are asked to email sbep@fortbendisd.com to reserve a seat, as space is limited. To learn more about the SBEP, visit the website at www. fortbendisd.com/sbep.

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FRIDAY, February 14, 2020


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‘Parasite’ makes Oscars history with stunning best picture win by Andrew Marszal


OLLYWOOD | AFP | 2/10/2020 - South Korean black comedy “Parasite” made movie history at the Oscars on Sunday, becoming the first non-English-language film to win the best picture award -- Hollywood’s biggest prize of all.

A genre-defying thriller about a poor family infiltrating a wealthy household, “Parasite” won four awards, stunning the pundits who believed the Academy would never crown a subtitled Asian movie. “It’s such a great honor. I feel like I’ll wake up to find it’s all a dream. It all feels very surreal,” a jubilant Bong Joon-ho, who also won best director honors, told journalists backstage, calling the night “crazy.” “Parasite” also won the Oscar for best international feature, and became the first Asian film to scoop best original screenplay.

injustice and “an egocentric worldview” that leads to environmental destruction, before paying tribute to his actor brother River, who died of a drug overdose in 1993. Renee Zellweger sealed a remarkable comeback by winning best actress for “Judy,” dedicating the award to the Hollywood screen legend she portrayed. “Judy Garland did not receive this honor in her time. I am certain that this moment is an extension of the celebration of her legacy,” she said in accepting her second Oscar. - Politics reigns Pitt, who claimed his first acting Academy Award for his supporting turn in Quentin Tarantino’s “Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood,” was one of several

Parasite director Bong Joon-ho with the film’s second award of the night – for best international feature film. (Photo: AFP / Getty Images North America / Kevin Winter)

Rising American actor Utkarsh Ambudkar, who performed a rhythmic recap of the show two thirds of the way through the broadcast. Taking a dig at the lack of diversity among the nominees, he rapped: “Keep an open mind. I’m sure you’ll find that there’s plenty of light here for us all to shine.” (Image Credit: AFP)

Amala Paul forays into Bollywood with Mahesh Bhatt’s web series: Goes On Floors

“I thought I was done for the day and ready to relax,” Bong had said earlier after his best director win, promising to “drink until next morning.” Bong also paid tribute on stage to his childhood hero and fellow nominee Martin Scorsese, drawing a standing ovation for the veteran director of “The Irishman” -- which went home empty-handed. But a bigger shock was in store as the movie beat frontrunner “1917” to win best picture, the night’s final prize. “It feels like a very opportune moment in history is happening right now,” producer Kwak Sinae told an audience of Tinseltown A-listers, who cheered the film’s wins throughout the night at the Dolby Theatre. Bong predicted that “naturally we will come to a day” when “a foreign language film winning this won’t be much of an issue.” - Phoenix and Zellweger win The pre-Oscars favorite “1917,” Sam Mendes’s innovative and personal World War I movie about two soldiers crossing no-man’s-land, had to settle for best cinematography, visual effects and sound mixing prizes. The movie -- filmed to appear like one continuous shot -- had swept up trophies at several other galas in the build-up to Sunday.

Parasite’ cast and crew including Cho Yeo-jeong, Park So-dam, Choi Woo-shik, Kang-Ho Song,Yang Jinmo, Jin Won Han, Kwak Sin-ae, Ha-jun Lee, Yang-kwon Moon, Kang-ho Song, Yeo-jeong Jo, Bong Joonho, and Sun-kyun Lee accept the Best Picture award onstage during the 92nd Annual Academy Awards at Dolby Theatre on February 09, 2020 in Hollywood, California (Kevin Winter/Getty Images/AFP)

winners to strike a political note. “They told me I only have 45 seconds up here, which is 45 seconds more than the Senate gave John Bolton this week,” he said, referring to President Donald Trump’s recent impeachment trial.

Best adapted screenplay went to Nazi satire “Jojo Rabbit,” about a young boy corrupted by fascism.

“American Factory” won best documentary.

In an emotionally charged speech, the actor railed against


UMBAI - Actress Amala Paul who was last seen in the 2019 thriller Aadai, is awaiting the release of her long-delayed Adho Andha Paravai Pola tentatively hitting screens on Valentine’s Day.

“American Factory” -- the first film from Barack and Michelle Obama’s production house, about a Rust Belt factory reopened by a Chinese billionaire -- won best documentary.

Ta i k a Wa i t i t i , who is of Maori origin, said he hoped the win would inspire “all the indigenous kids in the world who want to do art and dance and write stories.”

Joaquin Phoenix won his first Oscar for his turn in supervillain origin story “Joker,” the film that started the night with the most nominations.

Amala Paul

riage Story.”

Laura Dern won best supporting actress for her turn as a feisty divorce lawyer in “Mar-

- Musical tributes The event’s luxury and glamour contrasted with the grief in Los Angeles over the recent deaths of Golden Age film

Joaquin Phoenix, winner of the award for best performance by an actor in a leading role for “Joker”, left, and Renee Zellweger, winner of the award for best performance by an actress in a leading role for “Judy”, pose in the press room at the Oscars on Feb. 9, 2020, at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. (Jordan Strauss/Invision/AP)

legend Kirk Douglas and Oscar-winning basketball star Kobe Bryant. Record Grammy-winning singer Billie Eilish sang a moving version of “Yesterday” to accompany the “in memoriam” montage for those Hollywood lost this year, which opened with Bryant and closed with Douglas. Music was a prominent theme throughout the night, which began with a medley addressing a swirling row over the lack of minorities and female directors on the star-studded nominee list. “We celebrate all the women who directed phenomenal films and I’m so proud to stand here as a black, queer artist,” singer Janelle Monae said. Elton John won for best original song from “Rocketman,” a film about his life. Rapper Eminem, who won an Oscar in 2003, made a surprise appearance on stage to perform his winning song “Lose Yourself” -- which was heavily

www. voiceofasia.news Read the latest articles and news on BOLLYWOOD /HOLLYWOOD & ENTERTAINMENT Visit : www. voiceofasia.news

bleeped out by censors. Icelandic composer Hildur Gudnadottir won best original score for her haunting music for “Joker.” “To the girls, to the women, to the mothers, to the daughters, who hear the music bubbling within, please speak up,” she said. “We need to hear your voices.” - No women directors No female directors were nominated this year -- a theme referred to by several celebrities. Natalie Portman, a best actress Oscar winner in 2011 for “Black Swan,” literally wore her feelings -- she had their names stitched into the Dior cape she wore to the gala. The ceremony had no host for a second consecutive time. Early reviews were not favorable. “When the ads are the real stars, you really have a really serious problem,” wrote Deadline Hollywood.

In the meanwhile, the actress has announced that she would be foraying into Bollywood with director-producer Mahesh Bhatt’s web series, which went on floors last week, on February 4th. The series also marks the digital debut of both the actor and director. Helmed by Pushpdeep Bhardwaj, the web series is being jointly bankrolled by Mahesh Bhatt’s Vishesh Films and Jio Studios. Amala Paul plays a North-Indian heroine in the series. Mahesh Bhatt and Pushpdeep Bhardwaj had reportedly taken into consideration almost all of the top Indian actresses and finally decided upon Amala stating that she would perfectly suit the role. The actress has been training for the challenging role for the past three months to perfect the language as well as the body language, appearance, and style of the character. The announcement for the web series was made by Mahesh Bhatt at the beginning of December, last year. He also went on to reveal that the story, set in the backdrop of 70s Bollywood, talks about the relationship between a struggling filmmaker and a top actress of the era. Rumour has it that the dramatic web series is based on the extramarital relationship between Mahesh Bhatt and Praveen

Babi, a successful Bollywood star back in the 70s. Back then, Praveen Babi had broken up with Kabir Bedi and got into a relationship with Bhatt, who, in turn, left his wife Kiran Bhatt (Lorraine Bright) and daughter Pooja to live with Praveen. There have already been films based on the relationship between the two namely Arth (1982) and Woh Lamhe (2006). While the former starring Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Shabana Azmi, and Smita Patil, directed by him, was entirely based on them, the latter starring Shiney Ahuja and Kangana Ranaut, written by him, spoke of Praveen’s battle with schizophrenia as well as the bond forged between them. Speaking about Mahesh Bhatt, Amala Paul said, “Some surprises knock on your door unexpectedly. And that’s what this opportunity truly is. Every South Indian actress has a dream of working with Mahesh Bhatt sir. His enduring films always contain strong and sensational women characters that stand to date. I am very excited and can’t wait to learn from someone of his caliber.” “Pushpdeep Bhardwaj is very talented and clear with his work. After giving the screenplay a read, I was very confident that the series would turn out to be an extraordinary one,” added Amala Paul. Chhichhore fame Tahir Raj Bhasin essays the director in the series. Aisha and Kai Po Che! fame Amrita Puri has also landed a significant role. The rest of the crew details are yet to be announced by the makers. - Silverscreen



Section 2

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MOTORCYCLE RULES AND NECESSARY STEPS TO TAKE AFTER AN ACCIDENT IN TEXAS Riding motorcycles involve high risks of death or serious injury in the event of motorcycle accidents in comparison to many other types of automobiles. Although, many motorcyclists simply enjoy the ride and freedom associated with motorcycles. Texas motorcyclists and their passengers must still be cautious on the roadways for their safety and know what to do in the event of an accident. Texas helmet laws previously required all people who ride motorcycles to wear helmets. Presently, only those under the age of 21 must wear a helmet. Further, all motorcyclists must hold valid health insurance and/or have taken a course for motorcycle safety. This regulation means a rider may not be stopped by an officer just because he/she is not wearing a helmet but the officer can still require proof of the insurance or course completion during a stop. Motor cycle crashes can cause serious, if not fatal, injuries. According to the Texas Department of Transportation, of the 9,651 motorcycle accidents in 2018, of these 499 were fatal and 2,105 were se-

rious injuries. Thus, there are important steps to take after the accident in order to preserve all necessary data and evidence for later on. What to do after an accident: (1) do get medical care immediately and take pictures of all injuries, (2) get the negligent driver’s contact information, copy of his/her driver’s license and vehicle insurance information, (3) do not speak to any representative or agent from either the negligent driver’s insurance or your insurance company without seeking legal advice (4) never say sorry after the accident or anything that could be misunderstood as admitting liability for the accident, and (5) take pictures at the scene of the accident including all vehicles involved with their license plates, and (6) call your qualified auto injury attorney immediately to recover all damages you have suffered, including pain and suffering. If you or someone dear to you have suffered significant damages as a result of a motorcycle accident, you need to protect your rights, recover for all your

injuries sustained, and ensure the negligent driver does not get away with their wrongdoing. Always retain a highly qualified personal injury attorney.

About the Author: Mala Sharma has been practicing family law and personal injury with her family at the Law Offices of Sharma & Associates, founded in 1997 with over 42 years of combined experience. Mala is a Board of Advocates for the Houston Trial Lawyers Association, Vice-Chair of the American Bar Association GP Solo YLD, member of the Houston Bar Association, President Emeritus of the Houston Northwest Bar Association, and prior board member of the South Asian Bar Association.


This material is available for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. If you require advice on any particular legal question, you may contact Sharma & Associates at 281-893-8644 or by email at mala@sharmalaws.net to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

by Sharlene Sharmila Richards, Immigration Lawyer Email at srichardslaw@aol.com


Q: What is this Form I-944 Affidavit of Self Sufficiency? A: The Inadmissibility on Public Charge Grounds final rule will go into effect on 24th, February 2020. The rule requires applicants for adjustment of status who are subject to the public charge ground of inadmissibility to report certain information related to public benefits, to be completed on Form I-944 Affidavit of Self-Sufficiency. The instructions for the Form I-944 Affidavit of Self Sufficiency states that the form is used to determine whether one is inadmissible to the United States under Section 212(a)(4) because there is “a likelihood that you will become a public charge at any time in the future”. The instructions for Form I-944 as published by USCIS requires the applicant to report and submit information about whether the alien applied for, was certified or approved to receive, or received certain non-cash public benefits on or after Oct. 15, 2019. However, due to litigation-related delays in the final rule’s implementation, USCIS is applying this requirement as though it refers to Feb. 24, 2020, rather than Oct. 15, 2019. In other words, applicants subject to the public charge ground of inadmissibility need not report the application, certification or approval to receive, or receipt of certain non-cash public benefits on the Form I-944 before Feb. 24, 2020. USCIS instructs that all references to Oct. 15, 2019, to now refer to Feb. 24, 2020. This Form I-944 is an 18 page document which requires the applicant to provide details of their assets, resources, financial status, financial status of their household members, U.S Credit Report and credit score, information about prior bankruptcy filings, health insurance details, past and present use of public benefits, education and occupational skills and English language abilities.

certain federally funded Medicaid benefits, and quite a number of forms of government subsidized housing, including Section 8 Housing vouchers, nonemergency Medical benefits (with the exceptions for children under 21, people with disabilities, pregnant women and mothers within 60 days after giving birth). A public charge denial would occur if the applicant received one or more of these designated benefits for more than 12 months in aggregate within any 36-month period. Receipt of three different qualifying benefits in one month will count as three months’ worth of benefits. In addition, and more troubling is the immigration officer also needs to determine if the prospective immigrant is more likely than not in the future to use benefits taking into account their financial status, age, educational level and skills, their health, how many dependents they have, what kind of debts they have and their English Language proficiency. Also, there is a requirement that the adjustment applicant must be able to show his or her household income (or asset equivalent) is at least 125 percent (or 100 percent is you are on active duty, other than in training, in the S.S Armed Forces) of the Federal Poverty Guidelines. This could pose a problem for many intending applicants especially those from the lower income brackets and those who have many household members. Q: When will this rule actually take effect? Who does it affect?

A: This rule essentially gives immigration officer more powers to deny permanent residence to green card applicants if they are deemed a public charge. The rule expands the types of benefits used to include using food stamps (SNAP),

The rule will take effect for all applicable adjustment of status applications filed on February 24th, 2020 and thereafter. Those applications postmarked before February 24th, 2020 will be adjudicated under the policy in place before the new rule. The rule will affect those who are applying for permanent residence or green cards in the United States through a process known as adjustment of status. This applies to both family-based and employment-based immigrants. Some individuals are exempt from the public charge test, such as asylees, refugees, applicants adjusting status as battered spouse (VAWA) and victims of qualifying criminal activity (U nonimmigrant visas) under section 245(m). The detailed list of individuals exempted from the I-944 requirement can be found on the instructions for this Form.

portunities down the road; and (iii) impact relationships not just within your organization, but in the market as a whole. You then need to become a beta tester. This means not only seeing a demo but actually trying out the technology and sharing that solution outside your organization. Members of the legal community can learn from you and come to view you as a leader and an authority in the field. - Technology Will Transform The Legal Practice For The Bet-

ter Email changed communication and replaced writing letters. Did it reduce the volume of our communications? No, it has increased them because it has made communicating easier. Technology does not decrease the need for legal advice but opens up new possibilities and allows providing legal advice to be more efficient. Yes, the fears around technology are understandable. By using bigger, better tools, there will be even more important,

Q: What is the public charge rule?

In-house departments lead legal innovation

Tel: 713-774-5140


Personal Injury:

Mala Sharma

FRIDAY, February 14, 2020

Q: I plan to file for adjustment of status next month in March 2020. My husband, the US Citizen sponsor is employed and earns enough to provide the Affidavit of Support on Form I-864. Am I still required for file Form I-944 Declaration of Self Sufficiency? I do not understand why it is necessary for me to complete this Form I-944 if my spouse is already going to sponsor me. A: Yes, you will be required to file with your adjustment application, the Form I-944 Affidavit of Self Sufficiency. This is the new policy imposed by our current administration which requires that the applicant for adjustment of status demonstrate that he or she will not likely be a public charge, despite the Affidavit of Support by the sponsor. Q: Is there a fee to file this Form? Do you recommend that a lawyer assist in the preparation of this Form I-944 Affidavit of Self-Sufficiency? A: There is no fee. Just file the Form along with the I-485 Application for Adjustment of Status. Yes, in view of the extensive information and documentation needed to complete the Form I-944, I do recommend that applicants seek the professional assistance of an Immigration Attorney.

Disclaimer Any advice provided in this article is general in nature and not intended to constitute legal advice for any specific case. Please consult with an immigration lawyer about the specific circumstances of your case. My Bio Sharlene Sharmila Richards is a licensed Immigration Lawyer practicing in Houston, Texas. She is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. She was admitted to the New York State Bar in 2000 and is a member of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and a member of the US Supreme Court. If you require advice or assistance, you may contact her at telephone number 713-623-8088 or by email at srichardslaw@aol. com to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

Technology presents opportunities for us to have a greater impact and engage in more exciting work that we enjoy doing together. by Olga Mack


hese days, in-house departments are playing an increasingly critical role in legal innovation. Because they’re on the front lines of the business world, with the closest proximity to real pain points, many are increasingly open-minded in adopting new technologies to address old problems. I recently shared my observations with Legal 500. Here are the top three.

- The Business Pressures For In-House Lawyers Are Real Legal departments are increasingly asked to do more with less. In response, they have increasingly figured out the importance of using twenty-first-century tools to get results. So, it’s not surprising that the adoption of tools and innovation has been led predominantly by in-house lawyers. The pressures in-house are higher than anywhere else. When we work with our inhouse clients, they have often already adopted newer, more sophisticated tools to improve their ability to make smarter decisions and work better and more efficiently. They already know first-hand how technology improves their personal lives and the professional lives of their colleagues, and they are increasingly curious about how it could make their lives easier

in the legal department. We also have a new generation of lawyers who cannot imagine practicing law without technology because they have grown up with technology everywhere, in all aspects of their lives. Combined with the pressures of businesses, these factors have lead to open-mindedness to new technology, even if accompanied by caution. - Exploring And Adopting New Tech Strategically Is A Must A good place to start is with pain points. You need to identify where the vulnerabilities and weak spots are in your department or business. Then look for solutions or processes that have been developed or are be-

ing developed. You then need to become a beta tester. This means not only seeing a demo but actually trying it out. And don’t just try one thing, try at least a couple, because: (i) you will learn a lot about what is available in terms of solutions; and (ii) you will gain a different view of the problem you have. By the time you’re done beta-testing and thinking about your challenges ahead, you will find a selection of possible solutions to address those challenges. That allows you to: (i) do what you’re trained to do and focus on solving complex problems; (ii) have an impact on your business and enjoy the future influence it brings in shaping op-

strategic decisions for us to make to further maximize our impact. Technology presents opportunities for us to have a greater impact and engage in more exciting work that we enjoy doing together. Let technology be your friend. If you are thoughtful in how you make use of it, technology will transform your practice. But it is a process and one that requires constant testing, communication, and, yes, some risk-taking. Don’t let fear get in the way. - Above The Law


FRIDAY, February 14, 2020


Section 2

Business Email: voiceasia@aol.com


US indicts four Chinese military ‘hackers’ for Equifax breach

FRIDAY, February 14, 2020

Tel: 713-774-5140

Tech firms skipping key mobile fair over virus fears

by Paul Handley


ASHINGTON | AFP | 2/10/2020 - The US Justice Department on Monday announced indictments of four members of China’s People’s Liberation Army for alleged involvement in the massive 2017 hack of the database of giant US credit rating agency Equifax.

The hackers are accused of stealing the sensitive personal information on some 145 million Americans, in one of the world’s largest ever data breaches, said Attorney General Bill Barr. “This was a deliberate and sweeping intrusion into the private information of the American people,” he said. Four members of the Chinese army’s 54th Research Institute -- Wu Zhiyong, Wang Qian, Xu Ke and Liu Lei -- were charged with multiple counts of hacking, computer fraud, economic espionage and wire fraud. - ‘Remarkably brazen’ Officials said it took well over a year to track them through the 34 servers in 20 countries they allegedly used to hide their tracks. “This was an organized and remarkably brazen criminal heist of sensitive information of

US Attorney General William Barr says the Equifax hack was a “deliberate and sweeping intrusion” into Americans’ private lives (AFP Photo/Sarah Silbiger)

nearly half of all Americans, as well as the hard work and intellectual property of an American company, by a unit of the Chinese military,” Barr said. The hack stunned US intelligence officials, following a similar intrusion on the civil service database of the Office of Personnel Management (OPM), also blamed on the Chinese. Since then, as well, hotels giant Marriott lost data on some 500 million global customers to hackers believed to be Chinese. US officials believe the Chinese military and security ser-

Amazon wants Trump testimony about huge Pentagon contract


AN FRANCISCO | AFP | 2/10/2020 - Amazon is seeking testimony from US President Donald Trump and other top officials about how the tech giant was shut out of a $10 billion US military cloud computing contract, according to court documents made public on Monday.

that the court should require evidence on whether a decision was made “to screw Amazon.”

As part of an evidence gathering phase of an appeal on the awarding of the “JEDI” contract to upgrade the US military’s computing networks, Amazon asked a judge to call for depositions of Trump and other administration figures including Defense Secretary Mark Esper and his predecessor, James Mattis.

An earlier court filing by Amazon detailed alleged errors that ended with Microsoft being chosen over its Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud computing division, part of the technology group led by Amazon chief Jeff Bezos.

“President Trump has unique knowledge about his involvement in the bid process, including private conversations with and instructions to others about the process and the award,” the filing read. The other individuals “can testify about specific conversations he had with them,” Amazon’s lawyers said. Amazon has alleged that Trump improperly intervened in the procurement process to deny the company the massive contract in late October. An Amazon spokesperson said in an emailed statement that Trump “has repeatedly demonstrated his willingness to use his position as president and commander in chief to interfere with government functions -- including federal procurements -- to advance his personal agenda” and

The 10-year contract for the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure program, better known as JEDI, ultimately will see all military branches sharing information in a system boosted by artificial intelligence.

Bezos, who also owns the Washington Post, is a frequent target of the US president. Amazon was considered the lead contender to provide technology for JEDI, with AWS dominating the cloud computing arena and the company already providing classified servers for other government outfits including the CIA. The Pentagon’s mistakes in the contract were “hard to understand and impossible to assess” when separated from Trump’s “repeatedly expressed determination to, in the words of the president himself, ‘screw Amazon,’” court documents filed by Amazon argued. The bid protest filed in US Court of Federal Claims urges that the rival JEDI bids be re-evaluated and a new decision reached. The lawsuit filed by Amazon will not delay implementation of the project, a senior Pentagon official said in December.

vice are collecting personal data on Americans for strictly intelligence purposes. After the OPM hack there were worries that Beijing could use the information to identify US spies working under the cover of non-intelligence jobs. FBI Deputy Director David Bowdich said there was no evidence yet of the Equifax data having been used, for example to hijack a person’s bank account or credit card. But he added: “If you get the personal identifying information of people, you can do a lot with that.” Atlanta-based Equifax is one of three giant, little-regulated credit-raters who sweep up financial data on all Americans.

Amazon and Sony are the latest major tech companies to announce they will skip the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona this year owing to concern about the coronavirus (AFP Photo/Pau Barrena) by Emmanuelle Michel


ADRID, Spain | AFP | 2/10/2020 - Major tech companies are skipping the Mobile World Congress this year because of fears over the coronavirus, though Chinese groups and other big names still plan to attend the top industry event. Amazon and Sony said Monday they will stay away from the world’s biggest mobile tech fair in Barcelona, joining Swedish telecoms equipment maker Ericsson and South Korean giant LG. NTT DoCoMo, the biggest Japanese telecommunications operator and one of the biggest in Asia, said it too would be absent for reasons of “security” stemming from the virus. The annual gathering is scheduled for February 24-27 this

year. “Due to the outbreak and continued concerns about novel coronavirus, Amazon will withdraw from exhibiting and participating in Mobile World Congress 2020,” a Spanish-language statement said. A Sony statement said: “As we place the utmost importance on the safety and wellbeing of our customers, partners, media and employees, we have taken the difficult decision to withdraw from exhibiting and participating at MWC 2020 in Barcelona.” LG, which normally has one of the biggest stands, said last week that its decision “removes the risk of exposing hundreds of LG employees to international travel which has already become more restrictive as the virus continues to spread across borders.” Like Sony, LG plans separate

Small businesses suffer as China virus shuts communities by Beiyi Seow


EIJING | AFP | 2/9/2020 - Wang Li’s guesthouse sits a stone’s throw from the Great Wall, an idyllic setting for a weekend getaway. But in these uncertain times of the new coronavirus, Wang and her family are the only occupants.

The 35-year-old woman now spends her days disinfecting Yingfangyuan Farmhouse and its empty restaurant near Beijing, as millions of people across the country stay home, either under government orders or out of caution. As the virus claims more lives and infects thousands of people every day, it is also taking a toll on the country’s small businesses that rely on spending from China’s growing middle-class. “We used to be able to have up to 10 tables of guests a day during this period,” she told AFP. “There is no one now.” While she usually earns around 10,000 yuan ($1,400) during the Lunar New Year holiday, her business was closed this year. “We rely on this for our livelihood. We can only wait for the epidemic to pass,” she said, noting that she will face problems if the situation persists for more

events to unveil its new mobile products. Other trade shows have also been hit by the virus, with the biennial Singapore Airshow reporting the loss of more than 70 participants, including US group Lockheed Martin and Bombardier of Canada. The MWC is a major date on tech company calendars and normally draws more than 100,000 people from all over the world to see the latest innovations and gadgets. The mobile trade association GSMA that organises the congress said Sunday it was taking drastic precautions this year to ease fears that it could become a hub for the virus to spread. To date, more than 40,000 people have been infected and more than 900 have died in the outbreak that began in China’s Wuhan city. Most deaths have been in China. The Barcelona congress will be off limits to anyone from the Chinese province of Hubei, where the virus first broke out, and visitors from other parts of China will have to show they have been outside the country for two weeks before arriving in Spain. Shenzhen-based ZTE, which makes smartphones and wireless networking equipment, and Huawei have said they still plan to attend, along with compatriots Oppo, Vivo and Xiaomi. Finnish phone maker Nokia and the South Korean giant Samsung are also still expected. “We remain more than 2,800 exhibitors strong,” a GSMA statement said. - Daily disinfection -

A woman wearing a facemask as a preventative measure following a coronavirus outbreak which began in the Chinese city of Wuhan, looks at empty supermarket shelves, which used for stacking paper towels, in Hong Kong on February 5, 2020. (AFP Photo/Philip Wong)

than two months. I don’t have other (backup) plans.” Across Beijing’s rural outskirts, guesthouses, restaurants and tourist attractions have been deserted for almost two weeks. The Great Wall and Ming dynasty tombs remain closed and people are urged to stay home -- with many working remotely even after the Spring Festival break ended. Many bus and train services have been suspended across the country, and central Hubei

province, the epicentre of the outbreak, has effectively been locked down. Supermarkets are struggling to sell their food as families have enough after stocking up for holiday gatherings that have not been held -- in line with officials’ advice. At the Shijihualian Supermarket in Heishanzhai village, boxes of Lunar New Year goods, remain stacked and unsold. Owners are fretting over an uncertain future.

ZTE’s exhibition stand and equipment will be disinfected daily and its booth exhibition staff will come from countries outside China, mainly from Europe, it said. Senior executives taking part in “high-level meetings” at the gathering “will self-isolate themselves in Europe for at least two weeks prior to the MWC,” a ZTE statement said. The company plans to showcase new 5G devices this year. Huawei staff, including executives, have also arrived two weeks early and shut themselves up in their hotels, a company spokesman told AFP. GSMA said: “We are grateful for the preventative measures our Chinese exhibitors have put in place, notably ZTE and Huawei.”



FRIDAY, February 14, 2020

In sickness and in health: mass wedding defies virus fears by Kang Jin-kyu


APYEONG, South Korea | AFP | Thousands of couples -- some in facemasks -- tied the knot in a mass Unification Church wedding Friday, despite concerns in South Korea over the spread of the coronavirus outbreak.

The church founded by Sun Myung Moon -- revered as a messiah by his followers -- distributed face coverings to the 30,000 crowd, but only some donned them. “I am overwhelmed that I am getting married today,” said Choi Ji-young, who met her husband -- matched by the church -- only two months ago. “It would be a lie if I said I was not concerned at all about the infection,” said the 21-year-old university student. “But I feel like I will be protected from the virus today.” South Korea has recorded 24 cases of the novel coronavirus outbreak that emerged in neighbouring China, where more than 30,000 cases have been confirmed, and Seoul has barred

entry to foreigners who have recently been in Wuhan, the epidemic’s centre. Festivals, graduation ceremonies, and K-pop concerts have been cancelled over fears large events could facilitate virus transmission, and authorities have asked religious groups to co-operate in preventing it spreading.

The church went ahead with the event because it had been “four years in the making” as part of the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of Moon’s birth, said official Jang Youngchul. But followers from China were asked not to come, he added. Nearly 6,000 identical-dressed couples from 64 countries -The church founded by Sun Myung Moon distributed face coverings to the 30,000 crowd, but only some donned them (AFP Photo/Jung Yeon-je).

Those who choose to be matched by the church must confirm under oath that they are virgins (AFP Photo/Jung Yeon-je)

many of whom met for the first time in recent weeks -- married in Gapyeong, a festive mood filling the venue as newlyweds took group photos and were congratulated by friends and relatives. - ‘God’s control’ Mass weddings, often held in giant sports stadiums with tens of thousands of couples, have long been a signature feature of the church, whose followers have been dubbed “Moonies” after its founder, who died in 2012.

They began in the early 1960s, involving just a few dozen couples at first but with numbers mushrooming over the years. In 1997, 30,000 couples took part in a joint wedding in Washington, and two years later around 21,000 filled the Olympic Stadium in Seoul. Those who choose to be matched by the church must confirm under oath that they are virgins, and after their wedding the couple must refrain from sexual relations for a minimum of 40 days.

Kim Chang-seong, 27, who was marrying a woman whom he met 20 days ago, said he was not concerned about infection because the mass wedding had “special meaning” for him. “By marrying a fellow church believer, I am taking a path paved by our church leaders.” The teachings of the Unification Church are based on the Bible but with new interpretations, and Moon saw his role as completing the unfulfilled mission of Jesus to restore humanity to a state of “sinless” purity.


Week of Febuary 14, 2020 HOROSCOPE.COM

21 March to 20 April What troubles you, Aries? As luscious Venus aligns with healer Chiron in your sign on Monday, you may feel a tad hurt by someone’s attitude and wonder if there’s something amiss. It could be that someone touched on a sensitive issue with an offhand remark or action and this has left you feeling a tad unsettled.

21 April to 20 May The sun in the topmost sector of your chart can be a call to shine and not hide your gifts and talents away from the world. Showcase your skills and relish the chance to let others know how brilliant you are. There is still a strong focus on your travel and adventure zone, which can see you reaching out for new opportunity. Mars gives you the courage to overcome any fears.

21 May to 20 June With the sun in your sector of far horizons, the coming week could inspire you to seek new opportunities. At the same time, with sweet Venus aligning with healer Chiron in your social sector on Monday, you also have a chance to resolve an issue with a friend or group. It may be minor or major, but with a willingness to reach out, much can be accomplished.

21 June to 22 July You may need to make peace with someone you work with, especially early in the week when convivial Venus links with healer Chiron. Whatever the difficulty, it can be resolved with goodwill on both sides. Your sector of relating continues to be in focus, but as sobering Saturn gradually eases away from potent Pluto, you may feel more relaxed about a key relationship. A lessening of tension can help you feel much more at peace.

23 July to 22 August With fiery Mars moving through your recreation and romance sector until Sunday, you may be ready to enjoy love adventures or activities that leave you feeling upbeat. At the end of this week, the focus shifts to your lifestyle sector, so you may be more eager to get on with plans and projects, and this could spill over into your leisure time.

23 August to 22 Sept Is there someone you need to reconcile with? If so, a healing aspect at the start of the week could inspire you to reach out. It might mean letting go of the past, but it could be worth it if you value this association and want it to continue. There is still a powerful emphasis on your sector of leisure, creativity, and romance. A relationship that has caused issues can begin to ease.

23 September to 22 Oct The radiant sun highlights your leisure and romance zone this week, and you could be eager to get out and about and relax when you can. Be sure to factor in some downtime because you could be busy in other areas. With a continuing powerful focus on your home zone, you may still have a lot of responsibilities.

23 October to 21 Nov You may feel like taking a step back and reflecting on your plans and goals. With the sun in your domestic zone, this is an opportunity to unwind and recharge when possible. Even so, there’s a lot of activity in your sector of communication, and when fiery Mars moves in on Sunday, this will ramp up even further. You may feel like making a clean sweep and replacing old ways and methods with new and more dynamic plans.

22 November to 21 Dec You might be in a congenial mood and ready to connect with others who are very much on your wavelength. With the sun in your sector of communication, this is very much the time to market your goods and services and explore the potential in various business ideas. With the right perspective, you can soon feel more adventurous.

22 December to 20 Jan The radiant sun continues to light up your money zone, and this could encourage you to take action on any issues that need to be resolved. It can also give you an overview and encourage you to experiment with different ways to earn some extra cash. Are you ready for Valentine’s Day? With a Scorpio moon in your social sector, any parties you attend could have a decidedly wicked vibe. This is one day when a friendship could cross into romance.

21 January to 19 Feb The illuminating sun in your sign can give you confidence and encourage you to get involved in ideas and relationships that are deeply meaningful to you. Others may accuse you of being selfish, but this is your time to relish being exactly who you are, so make no apologies. There is still quite a focus on a more private zone, however. You could find that an issue that has bothered you for some while is beginning to feel easier.

20 February to 20 Mar You’re currently in a phase when it pays to take time out for reflection and consider your game plan for the year ahead. With the sun in a spiritual sector, it’s also your chance to tie up loose ends and find closure on issues that have been holding you back. Your social zone continues to be busy, and there’s a sense that a difficult period is gradually ending.

ACROSS 1. Sell illegally 6. Crime scene evidence 9. “From California to the New York Island,” e.g. 13. Berth deck in relation to poop deck 14. Poetic over 15. Chocolate cake ingredient 16. Like Solitaire player 17. Go a-courting 18. Packing 19. *”Go Tell It on the Mountain” author 21. *South Africa’s first black president 23. Bag, à Paris 24. Schooner pole 25. #1 on Billboards Chart, e.g. 28. One way to memorize 30. *Civil rights activist and Ferguson opponent 35. Single pip cards 37. Give a shot of novocaine 39. Call forth 40. Long John Silver’s walk 41. Sauna product 43. Dashing style 44. Pariah, for medical reasons 46. Back arrow key 47. As opposed to gross 48. Kane and Goldberg, TV characters 50. Georgia ____ university 52. Poseidon’s domain 53. MXN, as in currency 55. Snowman Olaf’s favorite thing 57. *2019 eponymous movie character 61. Errand runner, at court 65. Matter of debate 66. Harry Potter’s Hedwig 68. Ineffectual vomiting 69. Giblets part 70. *Famous movie director, Spike 71. Ruhr’s industrial center 72. Played at military funerals 73. Flow alternative 74. Nostradamus and such


DOWN 1. Hunk of something 2. Flavored with kola nuts 3. Absent without leave 4. Gives a helping hand 5. Antebellum 6. Pillow filler 7. ____colonial or ____classical 8. Oven emanation? 9. Lady’s man 10. Ne plus ultra 11. Famous Coward 12. Man Ray’s genre 15. Back of a saddle 20. Popular Byzantine artwork 22. Nile viper 24. Reminder of times past 25. *First African American to win Best Actress Oscar 26. More slippery 27. Allegro and lento, in music 29. *Nobel Peace Prize laureate, 1984 31. Like fair share 32. Arch and ball location, pl. 33. *On Debi Thomas’ foot when she won Olympic medal 34. Busybody, in Yiddish 36. Work detail 38. Bid, past tense 42. Coffee shop order 45. D’Artagnan’s weapon of choice 49. Get the picture 51. *Harlem Renaissance poet 54. Fur shawl 56. Canada flyers 57. Handle of #45 Down 58. Most populous continent 59. Invitation request 60. Regrets 61. Commoner 62. Diamond’s corner 63. Walkie-talkie word 64. Japanese money, pl. 67. *Du Bois





FRIDAY, February 14, 2020






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