VOA Epaper 07-19-19

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FRIDAY, July 19,22019 In Section

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FRIDAY, July 19, 2019 l Published Weekly From Houston

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Vol. 33 • No. 29 • 20 Pages (2 sections) • 50 cents • 713-774-5140 • www.voiceofasia.news • E-mail: voiceasia@aol.com

Pakistan arrests alleged Mumbai attacks mastermind


AHORE, Pakistan | AFP | Wednesday 7/17/2019 - Pakistani authorities on Wednesday detained the alleged mastermind of the 2008 Mumbai attacks as the country faces increased pressure to crack down on militants operating on its soil. The arrest of Hafiz Saeed was welcomed by US President Donald Trump, who next week will host Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan during his maiden visit to the White House. Continued on Page 8

The upper floors of the Taj hotel on fire during the 2008 Mumbai attacks. (AFP/File photo) Hafiz Saeed waves to supporters as he leaves court in Lahore, Pakistan, in 2017. (Arif Ali/AFP/Getty Images)

2019 Southwestern National Bank scholarships recipients Each of the 5 high school seniors was awarded a $1,000 scholarship

Trump hails arrest in Pakistan of alleged Mumbai attacks mastermind


ashington | AFP | Wednesday 7/17/2019 - US President Donald Trump on Wednesday hailed the arrest in Pakistan of the firebrand cleric believed to be the mastermind of the deadly 2008 Mumbai attacks, who had been declared a global terrorist by Washington.

Hafiz Saeed -- who had a $10 million US bounty on his head -- was taken into custody earlier in the day following a raid by counter-terrorism forces in the eastern Pakistani city of Gujranwala. "After a ten-year search, the so-called 'mastermind' of

the Mumbai Terror attacks has been arrested in Pakistan. Great pressure has been exerted over the last two years to find him!" Trump tweeted. The arrest came days before Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is due to meet Trump at the White House. Relations between the historic allies have plummeted in part due to the Trump administration's demands that Pakistan do more to contain extremists.

Indian-Americans thrilled over PM Modi's possible community address in Houston


OUSTON - PTI | Jul 15, 2019 - The Indian diaspora in Houston are thrilled over reports that Prime Minister Narendra Modi could visit America's energy capital to address them during his planned trip to the US to attend the annual United Nations General Assembly meeting in September.

Southwestern National Bank Scholarship Winners with Chairman C.K. Lee, Vice Chair, Ted Hsieh, CEO, George Lee, and Director Dr. Chuanwen Sun


outhwestern National Bank has selected its 2019 Southwestern National Bank Scholars. For the 14th consecutive year, five outstanding area high school seniors will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship to support their respective college educations. Each scholar was selected based on their academic achievement, extra-curricular participation, community service and financial needs. Southwestern National Bank has a long-standing history of service to local communities, and this fund helps support

those who exhibit the same commitment. Applications were accepted from students in Houston, Austin and Dallas areas. Below is the 2019 SWNB Scholars: 1. Gigi Zhong graduated from Cinco Ranch High School, - UH: Major: Finance 2. Que Dihn Vuong graduated from Alief Hastings High School – UH: Major: Health Science 3. MiMi Nguyen graduated from Benjamin Davis Senior High School – UH: Major: Supply Chain Management

4. Tony Nguyen graduated from Alief Hastings High School – UT: Major: Mechanical Engineering 5. Madison Cao graduated from Plano East Senior High School – Baylor University: Major: Health Science An award ceremony was held at the headquarters of Southwestern National Bank on 7/12/2019. Chairman C.K. Lee, Vice Chair, Ted Hsieh, CEO, George Lee, and Director Dr. Chuanwen Sun were present along with the family and friends of the scholarship recipients. Member FDIC.

Community leaders said the dates for the prime minister's address has not been finalised yet, but they have been asked to make preparations for a potential address of Modi in Houston on September 22.

Narendra Modi (File photo)

Houston, which has one of the largest concentration of the Indian-American community in the US, is the energy capital of the world. Energy security is a priority area for the prime minister.

sible visit to Houston and New York in the last week of September has already got Indian Americans into discussions and excitement mode about his arrival.

This could be Modi's third major address to the IndianAmerican community after he became the prime minister in 2014 and the first after his re-election in May.

Indian-American community leaders in Houston said that "this visit was long-awaited since Modi's first address in New York in 2014 and later in California in 2016."

The previous two being at the Madison Square Garden in New York in 2014 and theSilicon Valley in 2016. Both the events were attended by more than 20,000 people.

"The Indian diaspora is thrilled and counting the days for Modi's visit to Houston. We are enthusiastically preparing, one of the most memorable programmes to welcome him," said the members of Overseas Friends of BJP (OFBJP).

Prime Minister Modi's pos-

Prime Minister Modi is expected to address the Indian diaspora on September 22, at the NRG Stadium, which has a seating capacity of 45,000 people, the Indian community leaders said. Prime Minister Modi is likely to attend the UNGA session in New York between September 20-23 and will take a day off from his schedule to visit Houston on September 21-22, they said. "As it is very early in the stage, no other plans are yet finalised," a community leader said. Continued on Page 9



by Bhamy V. Shenoy


Publisher: Associate Publisher: Editor-in-Chief: Austin Correspondent: Office Accountant: Marketing Manager: Data Entry:

Koshy Thomas Sherly Philip Shobana Muratee Sherine Thomas Priyan Mathew Giril Edakkunnath Satish Philip

Contributors: OpEd: Dr. Chandra Mittal Legal: Sharlene Sharmila Richards Mala Sharma Research: Dr. Meenakshi Bhattacharjee Health: Sudhir Mathuria


Editor Online: Shobana Muratee All rights reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be published without the consent of the publisher. Voice of Asia assumes no liability resulting from action taken based on the information included herein. Published weekly by Free Press LLC, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074. Tel: 713774-5140. Fax: 713-774-5143. Email for editorial submissions: voiceasia@aol.com; Email for advertising inquiries and submissions: ads@voiceofasiagroup.com. It is the policy of Voice of Asia to publish letters to the editor which evidence a variety of viewpoints. The opinions expressed in any particular letter to the editor are not necessarily those of the management. Voice of Asia welcomes letters in reply to issues raised in letters to editor. In as much letters to the editor are not articles written or researched by members of Voice of Asia, it is not the policy of the Voice of Asia to perform any investigation or confirmation of any facts or allegations contained in letters to the editor. Moreover, Voice of Asia reserves the right to edit letters to the editor as necessary to correct errors of fact, punctuation, spelling and to comply with space constraints. Although paid advertisements may appear inVoice of Asia Group Publications in print, online, or in other electronic formats, theVoice of Asia Group does not endorse the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement.

t was cold winter night of 1984. After attending parents-teachers meeting in Fondren Souhwest Middle School, we had headed to our car in the parking lot. We were surprised to find another car behind ours. We had to wait for the owner to come. When she came, I politely asked if she did the right thing by parking behind our car and prevented us from taking our car. She took offensive and asked me “ to go back to my country”. Needless to say I was shocked by her unfriendly response. I told her that it is a good idea and suggested further that all of us should seriously think of moving back to our respective countries. After all the first generation or our parents and grand parents came from other countries. It is time we hand over the country back to native Indians to whom these lands belong. At that time I had not read the now famous book “People’s History of United States” by Howard Zinn. The book clearly showed how Europeans were brutal towards the natives and decimated them. By one account there were 145 millions in Western Hemisphere and their number declined by 90%. Zinn also discussed how inhumanly European whites mistreated African Americans, Chinese and Latinos - racism at its worst. It should not be a surprise that this book was banned in several states. Now the book has become popular again. When I first read about the racist tweets of Trump asking the four Congress Women to go back to their country (only one was born outside), my thought went back to the

by Katherine Hu July 16, 2019 Los Angeles Times

— The Publisher Voice of Asia (USPS 010-215) (ISSN#10705058) is published every Friday (for a subscription rate of $50 per year) by Free Press LLC, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074. Tel: 713-774-5140. Fax: 713-774-5143. Periodical postage paid at Houston, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Voice of Asia, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074.

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n a good day, I’m almost fluent in Chinese. I pepper my sentences with English “so”s and “like”s as well as the occasional hand flourish when I attempt to shape my thoughts in midair. Early on, my father impressed on me the importance of learning the language. It would become the foundation of my relationships with family; Chinese allows my grandmother to be at ease as she asks me to set the table or tells me about how fresh the lychees were at the market this morning. For this reason, I spent most of my summers in Taipei, strolling through night markets bathed in neon lights and eating at the chuabing shop that my father frequented in college, before he emigrated, before his American-born daughter was even imagined. Last summer, I spent two months in Beijing perfecting my Chinese, polishing off the rough edges until it sank into my hand like a smooth pebble. Tensions between China and the U.S. tightened. My father’s desire for me to learn Chinese darkened with a splash of worry. “You might need it one day. If there comes a day when America rejects you, you can go back.” President Trump’s weekend tweets admonishing four minority members of Congress

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above incident which took place 34 years back. I wonder how many Indians or non white immigrants would have been asked to go back to their countries of origin and how we would have reacted without feeling any hatred towards the whites. Most of us would have ignored it presuming it is just one ignorant individual. But now with the latest outburst of reaction to Trump’s tweets, will it be different? We need to ensure that it should not lead to ‘us versus them' division in the society. Such a development does not “make America great again”. It is true that some section of the society like the white supremacists and a small section of citizens of European descent which forms the base of Trump’s supporters have started to show racist attitude in recent years. However majority never harbored any racist feelings. Because of that when the House voted a resolution condemning the racist tweets, all the democrats and four Republicans supported it. Even more republicans would have supported it but for the threat of Trump. Most had privately expressed their disagreement with Trump. There has been outpouring of anger and criticism against what they considered as Trump’s bigotry, demagoguery, racism etc. This was not the first time there has been such reaction. When he pointed out how a judge of Mexican descent will not be fair, or how Mexican illegal immigrants

are rapists or his statement that there were fine people on "both sides" of the violent clashes in Charlottesville, or when he raised doubts about President Obama’s place of birth Americans were shocked and saddened with his undignified behavior. However his latest racist tweets may be the lowest point. More than likely there will be many more such incidents. There are some analysts who are suggesting that this is all part of his grand strategy to win the next election. He may be trying to divert the attention from the potential criticism of his failure to achieve any substantial success in solving big issues like immigration, health care, investing in major infrastructure projects etc. Also he may feel that by questioning the sincerity of four congress women, and asking them to go back to their country since they hate the US, he will not only strengthen the support from his base, but may also attract other voters. By confronting Trump and criticizing his racist tweets, those who are justly enraged are walking into his trap. They can neutralize his strategy not by confronting but by using Gandhian strategy of non-violent Satyagraha. Mahatma Gandhi preached that non-violence implies not only not attacking the opponents physically but also verbally. Even when Britishers put him behind bars, he never had ill feelings towards the British-

to “go back” to their “broken” countries revive an old narrative, one that has been employed since the Chinese Exclusion Act, in 1882, that echoed in the Immigration Act of 1924 and again in the ban on citizens of Muslimmajority countries in 2017. It is a narrative that discredits immigrants and their children solely because of the color of their skin or the cultural ties they struggle to keep alive. It believes that immigrants’ love is divided, that they only have half of their hearts left to offer this new home of theirs, that they love this place less than their white counterparts.

Just imagine what would happen, if we stop criticizing Trump and had taken a different stand. We should request him to lead a movement of all those who hate things in the US and critical of the government to go back to the countries they have come from. Since he has been critical of several things (health policy, immigration policy, trade policy, etc) both during the election and afterwards, he should leave the white house and the US and serve as a role model. We need to sympathize with Trump that though his intention of “make America great again’ is a sound goal, what he has achieved so far is just the opposite. Let us not get angry with him and criticize him. But take pity for his failure to appreciate what America stands for. He might not have learnt or forgotten that the US constitution gives equal right for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness to all citizens. When every one excepting Trump realizes that his tweets are racist, best way is to ignore him. Just like Britishers finally gave up fighting with Gandhi and gave freedom to India, Trump may finally get tired and stop his divisive strategies.

What those people forget is that the highest form of love is built on sacrifice. Immigrants and people of color actively choose to be American over and over again, even when this country tramples their humanity and disputes how genuine their intentions are. It is an overwhelming love for this country that kept my parents renting a run-down room in Denton, Texas, for $175 a month, spreading out a $2 bag of chicken thighs over a week’s worth of meals because it was all they could afford. My mother might have had a better life if she had gone back to “her country.” She wouldn’t have been denied deserved

Immigrants take the Oath of Allegiance during a United States naturalization ceremony in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., on July 4, 2002.(Kent Phillips / Agence France-Presse)

promotions because English is her second language, she wouldn’t be half a world away from her four siblings. To this day, my father yearns for the informality and comfort of his friendships in Taiwan. Instead, he settles for Sunday mornings in majority-white churches, with people who treat him as if it’s his first time there, Sunday after Sunday. I’ve heard too many stories of doctors who become janitors, professors who become factory workers to believe that immigrants love this country less, that they believe in it less than everyone else. I choose to fiercely criticize this country. On one hand, I see




ers. During the salt agitation when his supporters were beaten by the police, he urged them to take the blows quietly. When there was violence by his supporters, he called off the agitation. He even asked the judge who felt sad to punish Gandhi, that he has violated the law and he is ready to face any punishment.

‘Go back’ denies the sacrifice my parents made to be Americans


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Trump’s racist tweets: instead of direct confrontation, how about Gandhian Satyagraha?


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FRIDAY, July 19, 2019




the country my parents gave up everything for, that they have spent their entire lives proving they love. On the other, I see the country that could tell them to “go back,” that could choose to see the color of their skin as more important than who they are. I have chosen to believe in the America that exists in the imagination of immigrants, the America that draws them here despite oceans and borders and conditional love. But I don’t take that version for granted. On a good day, my mother is almost fluent in Chinese. I can tell that she has slowly forgotten the shape of certain Chinese characters, that she is frustrated by her inability to remember and my father’s inability to aid her. My greatest fear is that America will allow its very self to be subsumed by xenophobia and racism, that it will force them an ocean away from me as waves of tension with China swell. After all, this is no longer a country that is afraid of separating families. Until then, I will fight for a nation that sees its 45 million immigrants for what they are — Americans with hearts large enough to love two countries, to call both places their own.





Katherine Hu is a student at Yale College majoring in history. She serves as an Opinion editor for the Yale Daily News.


Section 1

Community Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Sri Meenakshi Temple celebrates its 37th Anniversary

FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

Tel: 713-774-5140

Swami Mukundananda Talk, Yoga & Meditation on ‘7 Secrets On Awakening Your Best Self and Shrimad Bhagavat Mahapuran


by N.S. Vatsa Kumar


EARLAND - On July 7th, Sri Meenakshi Temple celebrated its 37th anniversary in the presence of a large number of devotees, in the Main Temple. In early 1977, a small group of South Indian immigrants dreamed of building a Temple for Sri Meenakshi in Pearland, Texas. They took the first step of establishing Sri Meenakshi Temple Society of Houston- a Texas Non-profit association of Texas, with tax exemption. The founders’ dream soon became a reality, thanks to the continued support of growing Indian community in Houston. The day started with devotees arriving at the temple, early in the morning and attending the daily rituals. The anniversary celebrations started at 10.30 a.m. with the temple priests performing a special homam which was followed by simultaneous abhishekams to all the deities in the Main Temple. Devotees chanted holy scripture during the abhishekams. Alankaram (decorating the deities) of all the deities was tastefully done as can be seen from the following pictures. Final aarathi followed by distribution of fruits concluded the celebrations. All the 7 priests of the temple provided an excellent religious service to the devotees. Homa in Sanskrit refers to a ritual, wherein an oblation or any religious offering is made into fire. A homa is sometimes called a "sacrifice ritual" because the fire digests the offering. Fire is the agent, and the offerings include materials like coconuts, fruits, grains, clarified butter, incense, cloth and seeds.

A homa or sacrifice ritual being performed with priests Homa ritual is also known by alternate names, such as yajna in Hinduism. which sometimes means larger public fire rituals. Homa or Havana is a private ritual around a symbolic fire, such as those observed at a wedding. In fact, a Hindu wedding is considered incomplete without a Homa. There is a celebration in the Temple almost every day, and special events are held throughout the year, most popular amongst them being the New Year’s Day and annual Diwali Bazaar and Health Fair. The 10 -days celebration called Navarathri held in the month of September is both a spiritual and cultural extravaganza. With these celebrations, there is an opportunity for every one of us to create lasting memories & stay well connected to Hindu religion & culture. The current board of the Temple

has undertaken a mega project of renovating the existing Kalyana Mandapam (wedding and reception hall) increasing its seating capacity and also adding a state of the art, performing stage. A new car parking lot, to accommodate 104 more cars, was inaugurated on April 15th, this year. Over these four decades, the Temple has grown by leaps and bounds and is the first South Indian Hindu Temple in the State of Texas, third oldest Temple in North America. Visitors from all over the world come to the Temple and admire its architecture Temple is located at 17130 McLean Road, Pearland, Texas, is open every day, offers free tours to visitors throughout the year, admission is free, and all are welcome. For more information, please visit the temple web site www.emeenakshi.org or call the temple office at 281 489 0358.

Read more community stories. Visit us online : voiceofasia.news

is Holiness Swami Mukundanandaji, a world-renowned teacher of Spirituality, Yoga & Meditation, will conduct two different programs from August 3 – 16 in Houston. The first week-long program is a Life transformation program (LPT) for the holistic well-being of body, mind and soul. It is a combined approach of yoga and intellectual discourses by Swami Mukundananda. Swamiji will delve into the topic of 7 Secrets for Awakening Your Best Self at India House, from August 3 through August 9. In the Second weeklong program, Swamiji will Swami Mukundanandaji render the ‘Shrimad Bhagavat Mahapuran’ elegantly in & Meditation and the second part English at Houston Durga Bari Aucomprises of Spiritual Discourse. ditorium from August 10 through During the second week-long August 16. program from Aug 10-16, on ShriSwami Mukundanandaji received mad Bhagavat Mahapuran, Swamiji his degrees in Engineering and transports the audience into the Management from two world farealms of divine love, rendering the mous institutes in India- Indian In‘Amar katha’ elegantly in English. stitute of Technology (IIT) and InFor the audience, each day turns dian Institute of Management (IIM) into a celebration of divine love. respectively. However, the call After being drenched in the showof God was so strong that a short ers of nectar for seven days in a row, while after landing a top corporate audience do not wish for Swamiji’s job, he renounced his professional program to ever end. career to take Sanyas at age 23 in “So many confusions and stresses quest for God-realization. Swamiji is a senior disciple of Jagadguru clouded my mind. Mukundanandji Shree Kripaluji Maharaj and the took this ancient knowledge what founder of JKYog - a non-profit was otherwise too complex and organization dedicated to the spiri- made it simple to understand in the tual, mental and physical wellness context of my life. Absolutely life transforming!” says Sheela. of Humankind. Swami Mukundananda’s enlightening discourses clarify the deepest concepts of the Vedic scriptures with wit and perfect logic. Over the last three decades, Swamiji has been travelling all over the world, awakening thousands of seekers through true Yoga and Spirituality. Swamiji has been invited to speak at various Fortune 500 companies like Google, Oracle, Yahoo, M.D. Anderson, and for the youth, Swamiji has conducted programs at prestigious universities like Princeton, Stanford, Kellogg, MIT, and Duke. During the first week-long Program from Aug. 3-9, Swamiji will be presenting 7 Secrets for Awakening Your Best Self. The first part of each day’s session focuses on Yoga

Admission to program is Free and Prasadam will be served after discourses. Free Registration is requested. Details: 7 Secrets for Awakening Your Best Self at India House at 8888 W Bellfort Ave, Houston, TX 77031 from August 3 (Sat) – 9 (Fri) from 6 PM – 9 PM. Yoga & Meditation from 6pm to 7:15 pm; Discourse from 7:15 pm to 9 pm. Shrimad Bhagavat Mahapuran at Houston Durga Bari Society Auditorium, 13944 Schiller Road, Houston, TX 77082 from August 10 (Sat) to August 16 (Fri). Discourse from 6:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Contact 281-630-5982, 832-3776070, Email: houstonjkyog@gmail. com, Free Registration at www. jkyog.org/events/

Email your Stories to: voiceasia@aol.com


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Texas prepaid tuition program newborn enrollment deadline approaches


USTIN — Texas families have through July 31 to enroll their newborns in the Texas Tuition Promise Fund® and pay this year’s rates for all or some future tuition and schoolwide required fees at most Texas public colleges and universities (excluding medical and dental schools, health science centers and other health-related institutions). Newborns are children younger than 1 year of age at the time of enrollment. “I know what it’s like to be the parent of newborns and paying for college was not always at the top of my mind,” Texas Comptroller Glenn Hegar said. “That’s why we’re reminding new parents to take advantage of the opportunity to lock in this year’s rates.”

Under the Texas Tuition Promise Fund, the state’s prepaid college tuition program, participants can purchase tuition units and lock in future costs of tuition and schoolwide required fees at most Texas public colleges and universities, based on today’s prices. Enrollment at 2018-19 prices closed on Feb. 28 for children 1 year of age and older. The next annual enrollment period begins on Sept. 1, with new contract prices based on Texas public college costs for the 2019-20 school year. Complete plan information, including plan description and agreement, current prices, enrollment forms and more, is available at TuitionPromise. org or by calling 800-445-

GRAD (4723), Option 5. Purchasers should carefully consider the risks, administrative fees, service and other charges and expenses associated with the contracts, including plan termination and decreased transfer or refund value. The Plan Description and Master Agreement contains this and other information about the plan and may be obtained by visiting the website or calling the toll-free number above. Purchasers should read these documents carefully before purchasing a contract. Neither a contract nor any return paid with a refund is insured or guaranteed. Participation in the plan does not guarantee admission to or graduation from any college or university.

Southwestern National Bank Art Contest -Top five picks

FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

August at Asia Society: Back by Popular Demand: Tibetan Buddhist Monks Return for 5th Year to Create Mandala Sand Painting and Share Traditional Performances


OUSTON, TX — Asia Society Texas Center (ASTC) welcomes Tibetan Buddhist monks from Drepung Loseling Monastery, returning to Houston for their fifth consecutive year to construct a sand mandala and perform music and dance ceremonies on August 14­–18. Over five days at ASTC, the monks will meticulously place millions of grains of colored sand to create the mandala. Viewing hours are FREE and open to the public, who are also invited to create Tibetan prayer flags which will be strung together and displayed at ASTC.

Tibetan Buddhist monks create the mandala. Image: Asia Society

Plus New Exhibition Opens: Scraping the Sky: Photographs by Vicky Roy

On Saturday, August 17, visitors are welcome to try their hand at placing sand for a community mandala during viewing hours. Additionally, the monks will present Sacred Music Sacred Dance for World Healing, which draws from ancient Tibetan temple traditions, for two performances: a shorter, family-friendly afternoon matinee and a full-length evening program. Plus, in mid-August, ASTC opens new exhibition Scraping the Sky: Photographs by Vicky Roy, featuring images of human industry in radically different environments. The exhibition pairs a selection of Roy’s photographs of the rebuilding of the World Trade Center in New York with images from his extensive time in the Himalayas where he

Photographs by Vicky Roy. Image: Asia Society captured the high-altitude architecture constructed there with extremely limited raw materials. Roy compares these different approaches to build-

ing and engineering, and asks us to consider their environmental impacts. Admission to this exhibition is FREE and open to the public.

Our Sponsors for July RAJ & DIPIKA SETHI

Free Food Distribution:

Five selected artists with Southwestern National Bank on 7/12/2019. Chairman C.K. Lee, Vice Chair, Ted Hsieh, CEO, George Lee, and Director Dr. Chuanwen Sun


ive outstanding young artists have been selected in 2019 Southwestern National Bank Art Contest. These talented young artist ages range from 7-15. Contestants were asked to submit an original artwork

that creatively depicts their way to embrace “Spring Time”. Five young and talented artists were May Le, Loveon Liew, Angela Robinson, Cindy Tran and Wendy Tran. An award ceremony was held at the headquarters of South-

western National Bank on 7/12/2019. Chairman C.K. Lee, Vice Chair, Ted Hsieh, CEO, George Lee, and Director Dr. Chuanwen Sun were present along with the family and friends of the award recipients. Member FDIC.


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newspapers in England praised the services rendered by the Indians. The relations between the Indians and the Europeans had now become more cordial, and the Indians believed that their grievances would soon be removed.

Gandhi sets up ambulance corps to help British


andhi was rescued from a bloodthirsty mob by the Durban police. He was escorted by the police to Rustomji’s house, where a doctor attended to his injuries. “They are sure to calm down when they realize their mistake,” he said. Late in the evening, another mob of white people surrounded the house. “We must have Gandhi,” angry voices demanded. The mob was getting more and more threatening. “Give us Gandhi or we will bum down the house,” they shouted. Gandhi knew that they might carry out their threat. To save his friend’s house, he slipped out in disguise, eluding the crowd. Two days later a message came from London. Joseph Chamberlain, then Secretary of State for the Colonies, asked the Natal Government to prosecute every man guilty of attacking Gandhi. The Natal Government expressed its regret for the incident to Gandhi and assured him that the assailants would be punished. When Gandhi was called upon to identify the offenders, however, he would not do so. “I do not want to prosecute anyone,” he told the Natal Government. “I do not hold the assailants to blame. They were misled by false reports about me and I am sure that when the truth becomes known they will be sorry for their conduct.” Gandhi’s statement suddenly changed the atmosphere in Durban. The press declared Gandhi innocent and condemned his assailants. The Durban incident raised Gandhi’s

It was now 1901 six years after Gandhi had brought his family to Durban. Now he felt that his future activity lay not in South Africa but in India. Also, friends in India were pressing him to return home. When he announced his decision to his co-workers, however, they again pressed him to stay on.

prestige and won more sympathy abroad for the Indians in South Africa. As the struggle in South Africa continued, a change was coming over Gandhi. He had begun with a life of ease and comfort, but this was shortlived. As he became more and more involved in public activities, his way of life became simpler. He started cutting down his expenses. He took to washing and ironing his own clothes, and he did it so badly at first that the other lawyers laughed at him. But soon he became quite an expert at this and his collars were no less stiff and shiny than theirs. Gandhi once went to an English barber in Pretoria. The barber insolently refused to cut a ‘black’ man’s hair. Gandhi at once bought a pair of clippers and cut his own hair. He succeeded more or less in cutting the front part but spoilt the back. He looked very funny and his friends in the court laughed at him. “What’s wrong with your hair, Gandhi? Have rats been gnawing at it?” they asked. “No,” said Gandhi proudly, “I have cut my hair myself.” Then Gandhi tried changes in his food. He started taking uncooked food. He believed that if a man lived on fresh fruits and nuts he could master his passions and acquire spiritual strength. He made

Mahatma Gandhi Week in Houston Call 713-785-3900 or visit www.mahatmagandhilibrary.org

many experiments with his diet. He even came to the conclusion that fasting increased one’s will power. While he was thus experimenting with himself, the Boer war broke out. The Boers were South Africans of Dutch origin. They were fighting the British. Neither of these two white nations had treated the Indians well. Gandhi did not want to support either of them, but his familiarity with the British made him organize an Indian ambulance corps to help them. To his puzzled followers, he said: “India can achieve complete emancipation only through development within the British Empire. Therefore we must help the British.” The British won the war and the ambulance corps was disbanded. The

After much discussion they agreed to let him go, but only if he would come back to South Africa if the Indians there needed his help. He agreed to this. There were farewell meetings and presentations of gifts. The gifts were so many and so valuable that Gandhi felt he should not accept them. The people who had presented them would not take them back. He then prepared a trust deed, and all the gifts were deposited with a bank to be used for the welfare of the Indian community. On his arrival in India, Gandhi went on a tour of the country. The annual meeting of the Indian National Congress was being held in Calcutta under the presidentship of Dinshaw Wacha. Gandhi attended the session. It was his first contact with the Congress which he was to lead so gloriously in the future. The Indian National Congress was the only organization which gave the people of India a chance to express their political views. It was an influential body, as many important Indians were members, but its decisions had little affect on the Government.

Summer Enrichment Camp: Hindi Summer Camp:

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At the Calcutta session in 1901 Gandhi had an opportunity to meet Congress leaders like Sir Pherozeshah Mehta, Lokamanya B. G. Tilak, G. K. Gokhale, and others. He was not impressed with the way the Congress was functioning. He noticed a lack of unity among the delegates. Moreover, while they spoke English and affected the style of Westerners in their dress and talk, they did not seem to bother about essential things like good sanitary facilities in the camp. Gandhi wanted to teach them a lesson. On his own he quietly started cleaning the bathroom and urinals. No one volunteered to join him. “Why do you undertake an untouchable’s job?” they asked. “Because the caste people have made this an untouchable place,” replied Gandhi. From Calcutta Gandhi travelled round India by train. As he moved from place to place, he was shocked to see the life of the common people - the famished, ignorant, and neglected masses. His heart was filled with sadness and anger. Gandhi settled down in Bombay and started practice as a lawyer. He did well, much better than he had expected. In December 1902, however, a cable reached him from South Africa requesting him to return as promised. Joseph Chamberlain, the Colonial Secretary, was arriving from London on a visit to Natal and the Transvaal, and the Natal Indian Congress wanted Gandhi to present their case to him. — To be continued

Sponsored by Houston Arts Alliance in honor of Mahatma Gandhi Sesquicentennial Houston celebrations. Great Summer Project For children! Enter Mahatma Gandhi Week 2019 citywide contests: Essay, I-Tribute, Poster and Speech contests. Visit gandhilibrary.org for registration and more information. By participating in these contests not only will the children make good use of their vacation time, they will also learn universal values of Truth, Nonviolence, Love and Service by participating in these contests.



Business Email: voiceasia@aol.com

FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

Tel: 713-774-5140

Southwestern National Bank opens branch in Katy Asian Town

Google said it was conducting an internal review after it discovered confidential audio had been leaked by a contractor of private conversations with its digital assistant. (AFP/Alain Jocard)

Google launches review after leak of audio conversations


AN FRANCISCO | AFP | 7/12/2019 Google said it was conducting an internal review after it discovered confidential audio had been leaked by a contractor of private conversations with its digital assistant. The US internet giant acknowledged "misconduct" in the leak of the Dutch language conversations by one of its language experts contracted to help refine its Google Assistant, the artificial intelligence-powered system for voice interactions. Google made the announcement Thursday following a report by Belgian broadcaster VRT that it could access fragments of conversations from smart speakers and other Google devices in Belgium and Netherlands. The leak appeared to be from one of the language experts Google uses around the world to help it refine its program. "We just learned that one of these language reviewers

has violated our data security policies by leaking confidential Dutch audio data," Google product manager David Monsees said in a blog post. "Our security and privacy response teams have been activated on this issue, are investigating, and we will take action. We are conducting a full review of our safeguards in this space to prevent misconduct like this from happening again." The incident highlighted concerns about smart speakers and devices "listening" to private conversations or archiving audio files that could be inappropriately accessed. Privacy activists have accused Amazon of inappropriately storing conversations with children on its Echo Kids devices, asking for a federal investigation. Amazon has said it complies with federal laws on audio data and relies on guidance from family safety experts for its data storage.

Southwestern National Bank officials during the ground breaking ceremony in Katy


ATY, TX- Southwestern National Bank broke ground on a new full service branch in the heart of Katy Asian Town which is located off Grand


Parkway and I-10 on July 10, 2019. With the new location, Southwestern National Bank will be expanding its presence in Katy, to go along with a nearby branch in Sugar Land.

The new location will feature traditional banking services, as well as high technology services such as mobile banking, internet banking, and Treasury Management

Dutch airline KLM under fire for breastfeeding cover-up rule

HE HAGUE, Netherlands | AFP | Wednesday 7/17/2019 - Dutch airline KLM faced criticism Wednesday for policies that

"shame women's bodies" after a breastfeeding mother said she was told to cover up in case other passengers were offended.

The woman named Shelby Angel said on Facebook that a flight attendant told her to put a blanket over her breast while nursing her one-year-old baby

program. In addition, the new branch will have two drivethrough lanes. The estimated completion time is first quarter 2020.

on flight from San Francisco to Amsterdam. KLM confirmed on Twitter that "to ensure that all our passengers of all backgrounds feel comfortable on board, we may request a mother to cover herself while breastfeeding, should other passengers be offended by this".



FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

"Building Harmony through Leadership" - HGH hosts Hindu Leaders Meet 2019 By Manu Shah

dio station’s efforts to encourage discussions on community issues and urge Hindus to vote.


n the early 70’s there were only three consecrated temples in Houston – the Hindu Worship Society, ISKCON and the Sri Meenakshi Temple. They formed the hub for community gatherings, worship and the celebration of major festivals and events. Today, that number has proliferated to 30 earning the city the moniker of being the “Kashi of the US.” Taking the long view, Hindus of Greater Houston (HGH) ensured that the temples’ leadership met once a year to connect, support each other, share information about their respective activities and inculcate a sense of unity among the various Hindu organizations. The first meeting was held 30 years ago at the Hindu Worship Society (HWS) and it came back full circle on July 13 when more than 30 organizations gathered at the temple to recap their activities and highlight upcoming events. Prabhat Sharma, HGH founder member began the meeting with a beautiful Sanskrit prayer and recalled the late Padmakant Khambati who was a major driver behind HGH. HWS President Ravi Goel and Board member Nisha Bhatia were the perfect hosts warmly welcoming everyone to the temple. HGH Board member and Moderator Tupil Narasimhan kicked off the proceedings by inviting HGH President Thara Narasimhan to address the gathering. Describing the Hindu Worship Society as “the birthplace of HGH,” Thara emphasized the importance of being united as a Hindu community. This will enable the coming generation “to imbibe how to work together, build a strong community and use our voice effectively.” The idea of celebrating Janmashtami, she recalled, originated “in 1990 over a cup of coffee in downtown Houston” by founder members Padmakant Khambati, Prabhat Sharma and Raj Syal. The event was so successful that it went on to become HGH’s signature celebration. This year HGH will host the event with ISKCON of Houston on August 23. Other highlights from her address included the inauguration of the Gujarati Samaj of Houston (GSH) Event Center in September. GSH will host the 8th annual Hindu Youth Awards which recognizes the contributions of the youth on September 14 at their new facility. A musical program featuring talented youth from the community is also planned for the evening. Another notable achievement is the purchase of a camp site for the Hindu Heritage Camp for their annual camps. The Young Hindus of Greater Houston (YHGH) formed in 2018 also received praise for actively working to bring Hindu youth together to encourage leadership, involvement and networking. The growing incidence of hate crimes prompted HGH to organize a Forum on Understanding Hate Crimes and Protecting Places of Worship in April in collaboration with the US Department of Justice Community Relations Services. Law enforcement and Federal agents highlighted measures that places of worship can adopt to prevent hate crimes. The highly appreciated effort was spearheaded by HGH Past President Partha Krishnaswamy. HGH is also a key supporter of the International Day of Yoga celebra-

Amma Sri Karunamayi, a prominent Hindu leader, visits Houston for 3 days every year to lead a meditation retreat as well as teaches the pillars of Hinduism, stated representative Malvika Rao. G. N. Prasad of Sri Meenakshi Temple noted that the temple is celebrating its third consecration this year. Renovations are underway for the Kalyana Mandapam. Several events are lined up for August and its Gala is on September 8. The temple also runs a Vedic Heritage School.

HGH- Hindu Leaders Meet 2019

Bangar Reddy of Sri Ashta Lakshmi Temple elaborated on the celebration of festivals at the temple. The worldwide organization commemorated the 1000th anniversary of Sri Ramanuja’s teachings by constructing a 216 foot statue of the Bhakti saint near Hyderabad.

HGH- Board of Directors 2019: ( L to R): Hemant Jadhav, Sanjay Jajoo, Girish Naik, Komal Luthra, Radha Dixit, Partha Krishnaswamy, Thara Narasimhan, Tupil Narasimhan, Swapan Dhairyawan, Ranjan Lashkari, Brother Mark Ram, Bhagwan Bhutada, Namita Pallod, Vijay Pallod tions. Each organization’s representative was invited to offer an overview of their activities, goals and future events. Houston coordinator for Hansavedas, Adhish Gupta spoke about the organization’s goal to train seekers in Himalayan techniques of meditation, balanced living and preserving India’s heritage. The founder Swami Vidyadhishananda will be leading community fellowships and pranayama workshops from early September to mid-October in Houston. YHGH Executive Director Komal Luthra and Event Director Uma Zingade highlighted their efforts in connecting young Hindus in the age group of 18-35, their service and social programs and sharing the challenges they face as a community. Sanatan Hindu Center’s representative Kanti Patel spoke of the Center’s primary purpose which is to help families in times of grief and funeral services. The Center also presents Voice of Sanatan Hinduism Radio program every Sunday from 12 noon-2pm at Radio 1110AM station. One can listen live at http://www. sanatanhinducenter.org Geeta Patel and Girish Naik of Gujarati Samaj of Houston elaborated on the organization’s new 14,000 sq ft. facility on Beltway 8 and West Bellfort. The state of the art building provides parking for 400 cars and can accommodate 3000 people which will come in handy for their Navratri celebrations from Sept 29 - Oct. 8. What’s remarkable about the Hindu Youth Camp is it is completely run by Hindu youth. Camp Director Namita and Past Director Bharat Pallod offered details about the Junior and Senior Camps, held in July-August. A camp site has been purchased in Columbus, Texas and is available for any organization that would like to host their camps there.

Namadwaar representative Jeevan Nair and Sriram Ramanujam spoke of the childrens’ classes, grassroots community service and the mantra meditation program offered by the organization. Construction Continued on page 7

tive Jayakrishna Gundamaraju highlighted the Jnana Yagna from August 18-23 on “Krishna the CEO” and the Weight Loss and Diabetes Prevention Program on July 16 by Dr. Jaganath Dixit. Rasikendra Das of ISKCON spoke of their popular Janmastami celebrations on August 23rd that draws a crowd of seven to ten thousand people. This year, it is being jointly organized by ISKCON and HGH. A 3 day Kirtan Fest is also scheduled from August 31-Sept 2. Ashima Patel and Nisha Bhatia of the Hindu Worship Society highlighted the new management committee that is tending to the temple. All major Indian festivals are celebrated and youth programs are being revived. Girish Naik spoke of Vishwa Hindu Parishad of America’s project – “Save a Child” that supports 2500 children in remote areas of India. A puppet and musical show has been organized on July 19 to raise funds for the project at the Radha Krishna Temple. Therese Ramirez, a representative from Immigration Customs Enforcement appealed for soft bound books in Hindi and Punjabi for detainees at the ICE Detention Center. Jayani Parekh of Gayatri Consciousness Center offered details of the Satsang held every Sunday at their temple in Katy, the Bal Sanskar Shalas and pujas offered by the organization. Anil Gupta of Arya Samaj of Houston highlighted the organization’s 3 fulltime Acharyas and its two schools – the DAV Montessori and Sunday School. The Arya Samaj offers classes on the Upanishads, Vedas, yoga and meditation and also runs several community service projects.

Bharat Pallod, an active volunteer in the Hindu American Foundation spoke of the organization’s advocacy efforts for human rights for Hindus across the world and education reforms in textbooks in the US.

Swapna Choudhari of the Vedanta Society of Houston stated that the Society is the official branch Center of the Ramakrishna Mission to promote the values of Vedanta to the world. Their signature program is the Durga Puja to be held on 28th September.

Chinmaya Mission has two upcoming events. Representa-

Ramesh Anand representing Open Forum spoke of the ra-

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FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

SEWA and Arya Samaj conduct workshop on 'Women’s emotional and mental health wellbeing ' by Sakshee Jain

fying places they could look for if they needed help. This is where it felt that the group became more intimate. That these women didn’t feel like individuals but truly became a family. At this time it wasn’t hearing about a case study, but empathizing with real people.

In the midst of the scribbling, stretching, and sharing it was easy to determine that all 60 women present at “Women’s Emotional and Mental Health Wellbeing” gained valuable insight into what it meant to be a woman and how to better their lives. Organized by SEWA International and Arya Samaj the forum comprised of a plethora of successful psychiatrists and psychologists, who shared heartfelt stories and gave meaningful advice to the women about a range of topics including post-pregnancy, depression and anxiety, and just being a positive person. Sushma Mahajan welcomed the attendees and talked about the programs conducted at the Arya Samaj. Then Meera Kapur introduced Nikhil Jain, who warmly welcomed the panelists to the forum with a note, then continued to elaborate on the causes that SEWA promotes. He highlighted how this event falls under SEWA’s “Family Services” program. The women’s mental health forum included Dr. Renu Thapar, Dr. Christina Treece, Dr. Seema Thekdi and Mrs. Bhawna Luthra, all respective medical professional or therapists. Dr. Treece opened up the discussion by sharing common illnesses she notices in women post-pregnancy, including the ‘baby blues’, postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis. Describing the negative effects of depression during and post pregnancy, Treece urged women to seek support and get adequate nutrition and sleep. She explained that anxiety was common in almost

"Building Harmony through Leadership" Continued from page 6 is underway for their new building to be completed by the end of the year. V. Kartik of Sringeri Vidya Bharati Foundation spoke of the organization’s goal of promoting Sanatan Dharma and their Goshala – a sanctuary for rescued cows. Brother Mark Ram of the Brahmakumaris drew attention to the raj yoga meditation programs and the celebration of Raksha Bandha on August 17 -18. Geeta Ravula spoke of Ashirwad’s signature event – the Vedic Fair where children are encouraged to present different aspects of India particularly Hinduism. She also highlighted the Dussehra celebrations by the Shri Sitaram Foundation to be held on Oct. 19th at Skeeters Stadium. India Culture Center Director Swapan Dhairyawan drew attention to India’s Independence Day and Republic Day organized by ICC and celebrated with patriotic fervor at the Stafford Civic Center. The Lakshmi Narayan Temple of North Houston caters primarily to Hindus from the Caribbean. Vishnu Ramnarine stated that the temple offers music and yoga classes, celebrates all major festivals and holds satsangs at homes at no charge. President of Sewa International Houston Gitesh Desai noted that the organization has been serving Bhutanese refugees and offers Family Services Programs, yoga seminars and health camps. Their fundraising Gala is on September 8 at the Stafford Civic Center. HGH Joint Secretary Hemant Jadhav capped the meeting with the vote of thanks. He also stated that this meeting “successfully united all Houston Hindu leaders and organizations to work together for the greater good of the community.” (For more information, please visit www.hindusofhouston.org)

Meera Kapur concluded the program with vote of thanks to attendees and presenters. This was followed up with snacks and drinks. This permitted all the audience members to interact with one another and share their stories in an homely setting.

Meera Kapur introducing the panelists at the “Women’s Emotional and Mental Health Wellbeing” workshop 80% of the women, and if one ever felt hopeless or exhausted they should seek help immediately. Dr. Thekdi, another panelist, spoke about another frequent mental illness she observes in women in the ages of 30-55. Not solely applicable to this age group, Dr. Thekdi explained that “midlife crises” as well as anxiety greatly affects women. Adding on to Dr. Treece, Dr. Thekdi explained depression and how it can be stemmed from disappointment with life, an existential crisis, or just being the ‘sandwich generation.’ Following her was Dr. Renu

Thapar, who discussed solutions to a majority of the mental illness and even the midlife crisis Dr. Thekdi explained. Dr. Thapar’s message included the minimal - at home - activities one could do to just be an overall happy person. She told the audience that they should be positive, or find a positive in every situation, eat right, exercise, and most importantly be open to talking about yourself.

portance of a strong support system and family. Mrs. Luthra concluded her session by emphasizing the importance of loving people around you, but more importantly, loving yourself. She clarified that the point of her ‘getting to know the people around you’ exercise was to show the audience that you are not alone; there are women exactly like you and know what you are feeling.

And finally, Mrs. Luthra introduced herself by first asking everyone to stretch their bodies and introduce themselves to the people around them. She then described a case study in which she explained the im-

After hearing the experts, there was a Q&A session, where the audience could clarify or add something to the discussion. It ranged from their personal experiences and difficulties to just clari-

This was the 2nd workshop in this series and it provided women a platform of understanding their role in this extremely fast-paced society as well as how to maintain their societal expectations. It taught them that feeling low is normal, but scouting for guidance, when needed, is even more important. For more information or to volunteer with Sewa, please email ws-houston@sewausa.org or contact (713)834-4909. Sewa USA is 501 (c) (3) Hindu faith-based non-profit, charitable organization. All donations (cash, cars, clothes, securities, etc.) are tax-deductible. (Tax Id# 200638718). Sewa serves humanity regardless of race, religion, color, gender or nationality.

Glenn Lakes Bridge Construction to begin on July 29


he City’s contractor will be closing the bridge on Glenn Lakes Lane near Highland Lakes Drive to all traffic on Monday, July 29 for a reconstruction project. Staff will post static signs and message boards in the eastbound and westbound lanes by today, July 15 to alert commuters of upcoming closures. In addition, traffic control devices and detour routes will be set up; view map below for details: This project will reconstruct the bridge using current engineering design standards, and the Fort Bend County Mobility Bond Program is funding 50 percent of the build. GC Engineering was selected for design and construction will take approximately 365 days to complete. Learn more about this and other ongoing construction projects on the City Website via this link: http://bit.ly/2KevLBD.

Visit us @ voiceofasia.news For more news



Indian-origin founder of US-based hedge fund firm convicted for over $100m securities fraud

FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

GOPIO-CT to honor six Indian American achievers at its 13th Annual Awards Banquet in Stamford

Anilesh Ahuja, also known as Neil, was the founder, CEO and chief investment officer of the Premium Point Investments


EW YORK, PTI | Jul 12, 2019 - An Indianorigin founder of a Manhattan-based hedge fund firm and a former trader of the enterprise have been found guilty of securities fraud for their participation in a scheme to inflate the net asset value for hedge funds managed by the company by over USD 100 million. Anilesh Ahuja, also known as Neil, was the founder, CEO and chief investment officer of the Premium Point Investments LP (PPI), an investment firm that managed hedge funds. The 51-year-old resident of New York's New Rochelle area and 44-year-old former PPI trader Jeremy Shor, also from New York, were found guilty on four counts of conspiracy to commit securities fraud and wire fraud. The two carry a minimum of 25 years in prison. Audrey Strauss, the Attorney for the US, said Ahuja and Shor were convicted after a six-week trial in Manhattan federal court presided over by US district Judge Katherine Polk Failla for their participation in a scheme to inflate the net asset value reported to investors for hedge funds managed by PPI by more than USD 100 million. "Investors in our markets must be able to count on the truth and accuracy of the information they receive from those they entrust with their money. As the jury's verdict reflects, Ahuja and Shor failed to live up to that fundamental responsibility and investors lost significant money as a result," Strauss said. According to the indictment and based on the evidence presented at trial, in 2008, Ahuja co-founded the PPI, which managed hedge funds focused primarily on structured credit products, including residential mortgage backed securities

(RMBS). The PPI's flagship mortgage credit fund (the Hedge Fund) was launched in October 2009. In 2013, the PPI launched a new fund that purchased and securitised pools of mortgages that were not issued or guaranteed by a government agency. At various relevant times between 2008 and 2016, the PPI managed billions in assets. Shor was employed by the PPI as a trader, where he focused on non-agency RMBS, which are securities that were not issued by a government agency. From in or about 2014 through 2016, the duo participated in a scheme to defraud PPI's investors by mismarking certain securities held in hedge funds that the firm managed, thus fraudulently inflating the net asset value of those funds as reported to investors and potential investors. PPI fraudulently obtained inflated quotes, including from corrupt brokers, and manipulated its valuation process to inflate the purported value of securities held by the funds. The effect of the mismarking scheme was to materially overstate the reported net asset value – at times by more than USD 100 million across the funds managed by the PPI. This benefited the PPI as it was able to charge its investors higher management and performance fees and was able to forestall redemptions by investors who would have requested a return of their funds had they known the PPI's true performance and operating health. The mismarking scheme evolved as a result of demands by Ahuja that the PPI maintain its track record of success and keep pace with the performance of peer funds, regardless of market conditions or the actual performance of the funds.

...PM Modi's possible community address Continued from Page 1

bai," Turner said.

Regarding Modi's trip to Houston, Mayor Sylvestor Turner, who took a trade delegation to India in November last, told PTI, “I look forward with excitement to Prime Minister Modi's visit as this historic visit will strengthen the already robust bonds between Houston and India on trade, culture, tourism and more."

The Indo-American Chamber of Commerce of Greater Houston (IACCGH) said Prime Minister Modi's planned visit will not only strengthen the economic ties between the two countries but also encourage more investment in India.

"As one of the most international cities in the world, Houston hosts one of the biggest and most vibrant Indian communities in the US. This is one of the many growing connections I discussed with Vice President Venkaiah Naidu and some national government ministers during my trade mission to New Delhi and Mum-

IACCGH Founding Secretary Jagdip Ahluwalia said Texas accounts for 15 per cent of the US global trade while Houston-India trade stands at USD 6.6 billion. "With a catchment area of over 400,000 Indo-Americans, Houston, the energy capital of the world, and home to the worlds largest medical centre and NASA Johnson Space Centre, we hope

AWARDEES: From l. to r. Connecticut State Rep. Raghib Allie-Brennan, Prof. Ravi Dhar; Dr. Sathya Motupally, Dr. D.R. Nagaraj, Dr. Asha Kapoor Shah and Dinyar Wadia.


he Global Organization of People of Indian Origin (GOPIO)Connecticut Chapter will honor outstanding achievers of the Indian American community in Connecticut and those provide service to the community or the society at large at its Annual Awards Banquet on Saturday, July 27th at the Stamford Marriott Hotel, Stamford, CT starting at 6 p.m. Six Indian Americans are honored for their achievements in profession

and service to the nation. Chief guest at the banquet is Indian Consul General Sandeep Chakravorty. Other honored guests include US Senator Richard Blumenthal, Norwalk Mayor Harry Rillings; New Canaan First Selectman Kevin Moynihan; CT State Senators Carlo Leone and Tony Hwang and CT State Representatives Dr. Prasad Srinivasan and Raghib Allie-Brennan.

GOPIO-CT 2019 AWARDEES The 2019 awardees are: Connecticut State Representative Raghib Allie-Brennan for achievement in Political involvement; Dr. Ravi Dhar is George Rogers Clark Professor of Management and Marketing, Yale School of Management and Professor of Psychology at Yale University for Business Management; Dr. Sathya Motupally, Chief Operating Officer

(COO), Doosan Fuel Cell America for Engineering; Dr. D.R. Nagaraj, Principal Research Fellow at Cytec Solvay for Applied Sciences and Dinyar Wadia, Principal of Wadia Associates for Architecture. In addition, GOPIO-CT President’s Award for a young professional will be presented to Dr. Asha Kapoor Shah, Associate Hospital Epidemiologist and Associate Director of Infectious Diseases at Stamford Hospital.

Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital wins major marketing award for Childbirth Center campaign


UGAR LAND—(July 11, 2019) — Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital recently won a top honor in the 2019 Crystal Awards, presented by the Houston chapter of the American Marketing Association. The marketing and business development department won first place in the annual competition’s “Social Media Campaign: In-House” category for a multi-faceted program in support of the hospital’s Childbirth Center. The campaign included email marketing, a unique eguide for expectant mothers, a landing page for the hospital’s website, digital media advertising, the creation of a photo wall designed specifically for social media photographs, and more. The program’s theme – “Where the experience is as perfect as the moment” – was designed to showcase the Childbirth Center’s many unique amenities, all of which contribute to a memorable experience. “Our message was tailored specifically for millennial moms, who view pregnancy as more than just childbirth – it’s a journey that includes everything from tours and classes to social media opportunities,” said Leena Taneja, director of marketing and business development. “Thanks to the work of our team, we were able to deliver that message in a fun, creative and informative way through a variety of platforms to achieve the project’s objectives.” The campaign was unveiled during an ambitious physical expansion of the Childbirth Center and related women’s health facilities. The hospital was able to limit the impact of construction and keep the Houston Methodist Childbirth Center at Sugar Land a top

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choice for new moms. “All of us at Houston Methodist Sugar Land know firsthand the value that our marketing and business development team delivers, so it’s especially gratifying to see their efforts recognized and honored by their peers,” said Chris Siebenaler, regional vice president and CEO of Houston Methodist Sugar Land. “The Childbirth Center campaign was an important component of our overall marketing in 2018 and I’m proud of the team for their ideas and execution.” The Crystal Award is one of Houston’s most prestigious marketing honors. More than 600 local marketers attended the awards banquet, held May 23 at the Bayou City Event Center. To learn more about the Houston Methodist Childbirth Center at Sugar Land, go to houstonmethodist.org/childbirth-sl or call 832.968.7181. For the latest news, events and information, visit houstonmethodist.org/sugarland or our Facebook page at fb.com/methodistsugarland.

Crystal Award with storyboard that was submitted. WOMEN’S SERVICES OPEN HOUSE | JULY 18 Houston Methodist Sugar Land welcomes the community to an open house to tour our expanded women’s services facility and learn about services available to patients. The open house will be held on Thursday, July 18 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital in the Sweetwater Pavilion, 16655 Southwest Fwy. Sugar Land, TX 77479. Parking is available in the Sweetwater parking garage. Visit events.houstonmethodist.org/ openhouse-sl for more information.

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Monsoon rains wreak flood havoc across South Asia

India's PM bans nearly 10,000 non-profit groups over fund misuse charge


EW DELHI, India | AFP | 7/12/2019 -A legal rights group run by two of India's top lawyers Friday accused authorities of trying to intimidate and silence them after police raided their offices for alleged foreign funding violations. Since 2014 Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government has suspended or barred nearly 10,000 non-profit groups from receiving foreign funding, accusing some of using the funds for "anti-national activities".

The torrential rains have struck communities in India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan-administered Kashmir (AFP Photo/Biju BORO)


EW DELHI | AFP | Tuesday 7/16/2019 Survivors scrambled for higher ground as torrential monsoon rains swept away homes and triggered landslides across South Asia Tuesday, with millions of people affected and at least 180 dead, officials said.

underwater, said Arifuzzaman Bhuyan of the state-run Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre.

The monsoon is crucial for irrigation and groundwater supplies in the impoverished region -- home to a fifth of the world's population -- and brings relief after the unforgiving summer.

The toll in the flood-prone country rose to 34, including five children who drowned, 18 others hit by lightning and seven who drowned after their boat capsized in choppy waters in the Bay of Bengal.

But the downpours -- which stretch from June to September -- can turn deadly, and have wreaked havoc again this year across India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Pakistan-administered Kashmir, with people, dwellings and boats in remote low-lying areas washed away. "Entire communities have been cut off by rising waters, increasing the risk of people going hungry and getting sick," Xavier Castellanos, of the International Federation of Red Cross, said of the growing crisis. In Mumbai, a building collapsed in a cramped neighbourhood, killing seven people following heavy rains in the city. "Rescue operations are ongoing and we expect over 10 people to be stuck in the debris but cannot confirm the exact figures," Mumbai disaster spokesman Tanaji Kamble told AFP. Almost a third of Bangladesh -- a delta country criss-crossed by hundreds of rivers -- was

At least 14 major rivers, including the Brahmaputra, burst their banks and were flowing above "danger levels", marooning hundreds of thousands, he added.

In Nepal, at least 78 people died and 16,000 families were displaced, although flood waters have started receding. Images showed rescuers using inflatable dinghies to evacuate families trapped in flooded houses. "The ground floor of our house was completely submerged," Rajaram Yadav, 45, told AFP from a district near the border with India. "Our family and some neighbours survived by staying at the top floor for two days. Most one-floor mud houses in the areas have been severely damaged." Health experts have warned of possible outbreaks of waterborne diseases and called for international help. - Red alert Nearly 50 people have been killed in India, with two eastern states -- Assam and Bihar, which borders Nepal -- bearing the brunt of the deluge.

Authorities in Assam declared a red alert Monday as the flood situation turned critical, with villages cut off by surging waters and a major highway submerged. Photos showed residents crammed in boats carrying their belongings to safer areas in Morigaon, one of the worstaffected districts, and just the roofs of submerged homes above water. So far 11 people have died in the state and some 83,000 people displaced by flooding. Authorities have raced to reach animals marooned by the deluge at the state's WorldHeritage listed Kaziranga National Park, which is home to two-thirds of the world's onehorned rhinos. In Bihar, 25 deaths were reported, with 2.5 million residents affected. Among the dead were three children who drowned as they went to check the rising water level in a canal. Two others died while playing near a ditch filled with floodwater, the Press Trust of India reported. Further northwest, in the Pakistan-administered part of the Kashmir region, flash floods killed 23 people and damaged 120 houses, with the water and power supplies crippled. The United Nations said Monday it "stands ready to work with the authorities in the affected countries as they respond to the humanitarian needs resulting from this ongoing monsoon season".

FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said it had found "certain incriminating documents" during a search of offices belonging to the nonprofit Lawyers Collective in New Delhi and Mumbai on

Thursday. The group -- which is headed by top lawyers Anand Grover and Indira Jaising -- had received and misused $4.7 million in international funding, the CBI said in a statement. The agency was acting on a complaint from the home ministry that the NGO had conspired "with an intent to cheat the government of India" by siphoning off money it received from abroad. Lawyers Collective said the raids were "nothing but a vicious means to humiliate, intimidate and silence its trustees... whose fierce independence and advocacy for human rights, perturbs the political establishment of the day."

Opposition lawmakers called the CBI action the "latest in a long line of coercion and intimidation" against Jaising and Grover. The group is the latest to face action after Modi's nationalist government launched a crackdown against foreign non-government organizations in 2014 when they assumed power. A government intelligence report from the same year reportedly said associations were working with foreign powers to undermine India's economic growth. Modi, re-elected in May, has criticized foreign-backed aid organizations, terming them "five-star activists".

US bans Myanmar army chief over Rohingya 'ethnic cleansing'


ASHINGTON | AFP | 7/16/2019 The United States on Tuesday banned visits by Myanmar's army chief and three other top officers due to their role in the "ethnic cleaning" of the Rohingya minority, urging accountability for their brutal campaign. The State Department said it had "credible evidence" that army chief Min Aung Hlaing and the others were involved in the violence two years ago that led about 740,000 Rohingya to flee across the border to Bangladesh. "With this announcement, the United States is the first government to publicly take action with respect to the most senior leadership of the Burmese military," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, referring to Myanmar by its former name Burma. "We remain concerned that the Burmese government has taken no actions to hold accountable those responsible for human rights violations and abuses, and there are continued reports of the Burmese military committing human rights violations and abuses throughout the country," he said in a statement.

Army chief Min Aung Hlaing Pompeo voiced outrage that Myanmar in May ordered the release of seven soldiers convicted for killing Rohingya villages, contrasting their treatment with the more than 500 days in prison spent by two Reuters journalist who helped expose the killing. UN investigators say the violence warrants the prosecution of top generals for "genocide" and the International Criminal Court has started a preliminary probe. Pompeo, issuing a statement during a major meeting at the State Department on religious freedom, repeated the 2017

finding of his predecessor Rex Tillerson that the killings amounted to "ethnic cleansing" -- while stopping short of using the term genocide. A State Department study released last year described the violence against Rohingya as "extreme, large-scale, widespread and seemingly geared toward both terrorizing the population and driving out the Rohingya residents." Buddhist-majority Myanmar refuses to grant the mostly Muslim Rohingya citizenship or basic rights, and refers to them as "Bengalis," inferring that the Rohingya are illegal immigrants from Bangladesh.

Bangladesh rest Shakib, retain Pakistan arrests alleged Mumbai attacks mastermind Mashrafe for Sri Lanka ODIs Continued from Page 1 "After a ten year search, the so-called 'mastermind' of the Mumbai Terror attacks has been arrested in Pakistan," Trump wrote. "Great pressure has been exerted over the last two years to find him!" Saeed -- declared a global terrorist by the United States and the United Nations, and who had a $10 million US bounty on his head -- has in fact never been missing, but has instead for years rotated in and out of detention in Pakistan, sometimes under house arrest, sometimes briefly arrested then released by authorities. His latest arrest was carried out in eastern Pakistan by counter-terrorism forces, a security official with knowledge of the arrest said. "Hafiz Saeed was going to Gujranwala to apply for bail in another case when he was ar-

rested," said the official, who requested anonymity. Another security official said the arrest relates to terror financing charges.

for South Asia Alice Wells wrote on Twitter, calling for Saeed's "full and expeditious prosecution." - Blacklisting -

A spokesman for Saeed's group, Jamaat-ud-Dawa (JuD), a wing of the militant organisation Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), confirmed the arrest to AFP, but gave no further details.

Since taking office in 2017, Trump has frequently singled out Islamabad for failing to rein in extremists and being an unfaithful partner in the fight against militants.

Saeed has spent most of him time outside of jail and moves around Pakistan at will.

Khan's visit to Washington is seen as an opportunity for mending the acrimonious relationship between the two countries.

That's enraged India, which has repeatedly called for Saeed's prosecution over his alleged role in the 2008 Mumbai attack that killed more than 160 people. LeT is accused by India and Washington of masterminding the four-day assault. Saeed has denied involvement. "The victims of terrorist attacks deserve justice," US acting assistant secretary of state

Even before the Mumbai attacks, Washington and New Delhi urged Pakistan to take action against LeT, which was banned by Islamabad in 2002 but re-branded itself as JuD and Falah-e-Insaniat Foundation (FIF) -- both charities that have long been considered fronts for militant activity targeting India.


HAKA | AFP | 7/16/2019 - Bangladesh are resting all-rounder Shakib Al Hasan but have retained skipper Mashrafe Mortaza for the three-match one-day international series against Sri Lanka later this month, officials said Tuesday. Left-arm spinner Taijul Islam and top-order batsman Anamul Haque were also recalled to replace Shakib and batsman Liton Das, who has been rested for personal reasons. Medium pace Abu Jayed, who was part of World Cup squad but did not play any games, was the other player to miss out. "Now that the World Cup chapter is over and we are starting a new season. This series is very important for us," said Minhajul Abedin Nannu. "We didn't make big changes from the World Cup squad

Bangladesh have kept faith in captain Mashrafe Mortaza for the forthcoming Sri Lanka tour despite a lacklustre performance at the World Cup (AFP Photo/Saeed KHAN) here. As we don't have Shakib and Liton, we included two players in their places and dropped one player," he said. Bangladesh finished eighth in the World Cup after just three wins -- against struggling South Africa, West In-

dies and Afghanistan. The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) sacked coach Steve Rhodes after the team returned home last week and announced it will not renew the contract of bowling coach Courtney Walsh.



MS-13 gang members charged in string of grisly US killings by Jocelyne ZABLIT


Most of the bodies were dumped in the Angeles National Forest, northeast of Los Angeles. The sweeping indictment focuses on a particularly violent sub-group of the gang known as the Fulton clique, which operates in the Los Angeles area and has recently been recruiting young immigrants from Central America. Authorities said as part of their initiation, potential recruits had to kill an MS-13 rival or someone perceived as a threat in order to join the gang. In one particularly gruesome episode, in March 2017, several MS-13 members allegedly targeted a rival gang member thought to have defaced MS13 graffiti and drove him to a remote area in Angeles National Forest. Six people attacked the victim with machetes, dismembered him and then dumped his body parts in a canyon after one of them allegedly cut his heart out. In another instance, the gang even set upon a homeless man who was temporarily living in a park controlled by the group, the indictment said. Three of those charged in the indictment were arrested in the Los Angeles area in the past several days and a fourth was arrested in Oklahoma over the

In rebuke to Trump, US Congress blocks Saudi arms sales by Michael Mathes


os Angeles | AFP | 7/16/2019 - Several members of the notorious MS-13 gang have been charged in Los Angeles for their role in multiple grisly murders, including the machete killing of a rival gang member who was dismembered and had his heart cut out. According to a 12-count indictment against 22 members of the gang unsealed Tuesday, most of those charged took part in seven killings carried out with machetes, knives and baseball bats over the last two years.

FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

ASHINGTON | AFP | Wednesday 7/17/2019 - The US House voted Wednesday to block $8.1 billion in arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other allies, a rebuke of Donald Trump that will likely lead to a veto by the president.

An undated image released by the US Justice Department on July 16, 2019, shows alleged MS-13 gang members (AFP Photo/HO) weekend. The 18 other defendants were arrested over the last year on a range of charges, including drug trafficking offenses, authorities said. - Preying on the vulnerable "We have now taken off the streets nearly two dozen people associated with the most violent arm of MS-13 in Los Angeles, where the gang is believed to have killed 24 people over the past two years," said Nick Hanna, the US attorney in Los Angeles. He said the gang had engaged in brutality not seen in the region for over 20 years, and many of the defendants could face the death penalty. MS-13, or Mara Salvatrucha, was formed in Los Angeles in the mid-1980s and has been active ever since, with members in at least 10 states and several Central American countries including El Salvador, Honduras and Guatemala. President Donald Trump has often railed against the gang, describing its members as "animals," and frequently cites it when pushing for his border wall project and tougher immigration regulations. Authorities said it was unfortunate that some of the gang's newest recruits are young people from Central America who likely fled their homelands in

hope of a better future in the United States. "Instead, these victims had the misfortune of crossing paths with violent gang members who preyed on the vulnerabilities of their immigrant experience," said Los Angeles County District Attorney Jackie Lacey. The majority of the crimes outlined in the 78-page indictment, including the seven murders, took place beginning in 2017 and continued into this year. The murders were carried out in Angeles National Forest, the Malibu hills or North Hollywood.

Lawmakers, many of whom are outraged with the kingdom over Riyadh's role in the murder of Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi last year, approved three resolutions that would prevent the controversial sales announced under emergency measures earlier this year by Trump.

US President Trump speaks with Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman during a family photo session with other leaders and attendees at the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan (Photo: Kevin Lamarque) tensions in the Middle East.

The resolutions blocking the sales have already cleared the US Senate, and now go to the White House, where Trump is expected to issue a veto, the third of his presidency.

Critics say the arms sales would aggravate the devastating war in Yemen, where Saudi Arabia is leading a US-backed coalition in a battle against the Iranian-supported Huthi rebels, and which the UN said has triggered the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

While the House blocked the sales with a comfortable majority, it was about 50 votes shy of the two-thirds needed to override Trump's veto.


Salman Abedi's brother Hashem, who was arrested in Libya days after the bombing, was handed over to British officials and then flown to Britain where he was arrested for murder, Greater Manchester Police

Lawmakers including some Senate Republicans have said there were no legitimate grounds to circumvent Congress, which has the right to disapprove arms sales.

"When we see what's going on in Yemen, it's so important for the United States to take a stand," House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee chairman Eliot Engel said on the House floor.

Trump is seeking 22 separate sales of aircraft support maintenance, precision-guided munitions and other weapons and equipment to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Jordan at a moment of heightened

Last month Senator Lindsey Graham delivered a stinging rebuke of the arms sales and Riyadh, saying he hoped the vote would "send a signal to Saudi Arabia that if you act the way you're acting, there is no space for a strategic relationship."

The veteran Democrat concurred that the threats from the Iranian-backed Huthis were real, "but that doesn't mean we should just look the other way in the face of violence and the slaughter of civilians."

Libya extradites Manchester bomber's brother ONDON | AFP | Wednesday 7/17/2019 - Libya on Wednesday extradited to Britain the brother of a suicide bomber who attacked an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester in May 2017 and killed 22 people, officials said.

peo had said the administration was responding to an emergency caused by Saudi Arabia's arch foe rival Iran, which backs the Huthi rebels in Yemen.

The senator was referring to last year's brutal murder of Khashoggi in Turkey at the hands of Saudi agents, an incident that triggered a full-blown crisis in Riyadh's relations with the West.

Trump's administration took the extraordinary step of bypassing Congress to approve the sale in May, as his administration declared Iran to be a "fundamental threat" to the stability of the Middle East.

said in a statement.

Asked about the arrest, British Prime Minister Theresa May said it was "an important moment in the investigation.

Secretary of State Mike Pom-

But Michael McCaul, the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, criticized the resolutions as "dangerous" at a time Iran is expanding its reach.

"I hope it is a welcome step for the loved ones of all the victims," she said, condemning the "appalling" and "senseless" attack.

Manchester police said Abedi was also being arrested for attempted murder and "conspiracy to cause an explosion likely to endanger life".

"If we allow them to succeed, terrorism will flourish, instability will reign, and the security of our allies, like Israel, will be threatened," he added.

"He has today been successfully extradited for offences relating to the Manchester Arena attack," it said.

"Iran is stretching its tentacles of terror across the Middle East," he said in a statement.

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Missouri City Fire Station 1 and Fort Bend County EMS agree on joint location


ort Bend County Precinct 4 Commissioner Ken R. DeMerchant fulfilled yet another collaborative agreement to benefit the community.

FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

Section 2

Tel: 713-774-5140

Missouri City, AccessHealth and Fort Bend County Partner Again to Host Annual “Back-to-School” Health Fair

Commissioner DeMerchant welcomed the opportunity to work with the City of Missouri City Mayor Yolanda Ford in the renovation efforts of Missouri City Fire Station 1. An interlocal agreement was reached to partner in the funding of the much needed renovations of this station. Fort Bend County EMS (medic 8) has been housed in Missouri City Fire Station 1 since the 2017 Annexation and has served the community with approximately 801 responses

Fort Bend County Precinct 4 Commissioner Ken R. DeMerchant (right) speaks with Mayor Yoland Ford (center).

2019 Back-to-School Health Fair committee members, partners and staff are prepared to host another successful event.Image courtesy of AccessHealth


Missouri City officials surrounded by EMS and Fire Station firefighters. (Photos: City of Missouri City) Jan- April 2019. The unit is staffed with two Paramedics around the clock. The location has resulted in reducing the response time by 1 minute which is a significant factor in saving lives.

Commissioner DeMerchant identified that keeping the County EMS, housed in the Missouri City Fire Station 1 would be the most efficient means of providing for the communities it served. Coor-

dinating efforts to update the Fire Station is an important step in taking care of the first responders and the public they serve explained Commissioner DeMerchant during his visit to the Fire Station.

n celebration of National Back to School Month and continuing the tradition of community unity, the “Show Me City” is once again partnering with AccessHealth and Fort Bend County to host the 2019 Back-to-School Health Fair and Backpack giveaway on Saturday, Aug. 10, from 9 a.m. to noon, at the Fort Bend County Annex, 307 Texas Pkwy. “Our City credo is together, we excel!” said City Manager Anthony J. Snipes. “And, partnership initiatives such as this one, are integral to our efforts

to be a strong, strategic municipality with a focus on community service.” At this year’s event, participants will receive free immunizations, vision and dental screenings, speech/language screenings and haircut vouchers. The fair will also feature a DJ, bounce houses, snacks, face painters, mascots, a dunk tank, community booths and more. Shot records are required to receive immunizations and children must be present to receive backpacks and school materials. “Over the past several years,

Registration open for FBISD’s Grand Slam job fair event


ORT BEND - Fort Bend ISD is inviting qualified and experienced individuals to its Grand Slam job fair event, to be held

July 25, 2019 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Clements High School (4200 Elkins Road, Sugar Land, 77479). The District is looking to fill all remaining

campus positions, and representatives from each campus will be on hand to meet with candidates. Registration is open for those

Houston Methodist Sugar Land welcomes Dr. Rosalyn Miller, OB-GYN


UGAR LAND— (July 16, 2019) — Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital is pleased to welcome obstetrician-gynecologist Rosalyn Miller, DO. Miller is the first hospital’s first OB-GYN employed by the Houston Methodist Physician’s Organization, and she will begin seeing patients Aug. 1 at her new practice, Houston Methodist Obstetrics and Gynecology Associates at Sugar Land.

“I am pleased to be joining Houston Methodist Sugar Land at such an exciting time,” Miller said. “Houston Methodist continues to make significant investments in women’s health services, and the recent opening of the new $60 million expansion and renovation strengthens our Childbirth Center’s standing as the facility of choice for moms-to-be in Fort Bend and surrounding areas.” Miller earned her medical degree from Ohio University College of Osteopathic Medicine. She completed her residency at OhioHealth Doctors Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

Rosalyn Miller, DO, OB-GYN. (Image provided by HMSLH)

Most recently, she was an OBGYN on staff at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The newly renovated and expanded Houston Methodist Childbirth Center at Sugar Land offers a patient and family centered experience that now includes more spacious birthing rooms, additional operating rooms for cesarean sections, mother-baby rooms, expanded Level II continuum care and well-baby nurseries. This expansion will bring the hospital closer to opening a level III neonatal intensive

care unit, which will be the first in Fort Bend County. Miller’s practice is located in Medical Office Building 3 on the Houston Methodist Sugar Land campus, 16605 Southwest Freeway, Suite 335. To make an appointment with Dr. Miller, call 281.882.3130. To learn more about Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital, visit houstonmethodist. org/sugarland or our Facebook page at fb.com/methodistsugarland for the latest news, events and information.

For updates, please watch the City website: www.missouricitytx.gov

interested in attending, and candidates are encouraged to bring multiple copies of their resume. Visit FBISD Human Resources web page for more information and to register for the event.

Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital earns new quality-based accreditation


UGAR LAND – Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital has been accredited with DNV GL - Healthcare. By earning accreditation, Houston Methodist Sugar Land has demonstrated it meets or exceeds patient safety standards (Conditions of Participation) set forth by the U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The Det Norske Veritas (DNV) process allows for more organizational innovation by encouraging the sharing of ideas and embracing best practices. DNV surveys are an annual occurrence. Annual surveys foster even greater improvements in patient care.

Miller is board-certified in obstetrics-gynecology and has extensive experience dealing with high-risk pregnancies, including patients with hypertension and diabetes. She also provides the full range of gynecological care, including minimally invasive surgeries.

it’s been our pleasure to assist families with preparing their children to return to school,” said Sharonda DeBose, Community Engagement Manager for AccessHealth. “We understand the financial demands and stress that parents face each year and by having the Back-to-School Health Fair events, we hope to alleviate some of their burdens by providing them with an opportunity to receive free immunizations, sports physicals, health screening and backpacks filled with supplies.”

“The DNV GL program is consistent with our long-term commitment to quality and patient safety,” said Chris Siebanaler, regional vice president and CEO of Houston Methodist Sugar Land. “The ability to integrate ISO 9001 quality standards with our clinical and financial processes is a major step forward.” “We have taken an entirely different approach to accreditation, and hospitals are really responding,” said DNV GL - Healthcare CEO Patrick Horine. “Since accreditation is a must-have credential for just about every hospital in this country, why not make it more valuable, and get more out of

it?” DNV GL’s accreditation program, called NIAHO® (Integrated Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations), involves annual hospital surveys – instead of every three years – and encourages hospitals to openly share information across departments and to discover improvements in clinical workflows and safety protocols. For more information on Houston Methodist Sugar Land Hospital, visit houstonmethodist.org/sugarland or call 281.274.7500 to find a doctor in your area. Visit our Facebook page at fb.com/methodistsugarland for the latest news, events and information.


FRIDAY, July 19, 2019



Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Emmys: HBO, 'Game of Thrones' Dominate Nominations


ame of Thrones dominated the nominations for the 71st Emmy Awards, which were announced Tuesday morning. The HBO drama landed 32 Emmy nominations, setting the record for the most noms for a show in a single year. In addition, HBO earned 137 nominations overall, beating its own record for most noms for a network in a single year (it landed 126 in 2015). Netflix came in second with 117 Emmy nominations after topping HBO last year. NBC came in third with 58 total, followed by Amazon with 47 Emmy noms.

In addition to being nominated for best drama series, a category it has won four times previously, Game of Thrones also landed acting Emmy nominations for Kit Harington, Emilia Clarke, Peter Dinklage, Nikolaj Coster-Waldau, Alfie Allen, Lena Headey, Maisie Williams, Sophie Turner, Gwendoline Christie and guest star Carice van Houten. Meanwhile, other shows scoring multiple Emmy nominations include Amazon's The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (20), HBO's Chernobyl (19), Saturday Night Live (18), HBO's Barry and FX's Fosse/ Verdon (17 apiece), and Netflix's When They See Us (16). (Click here to see which shows and talent were snubbed,

and click here for The Hollywood Reporter's TV critics' takes on the noms.) The 2019 Primetime Emmy Awards, honoring the best in TV programming, will be handed out Sunday, Sept. 22. The show will air live on Fox starting at 5 p.m. PT from the Microsoft Theater in Los Angeles. A host has not yet been announced. The noms for the 2019 Emmy Awards were announced by Ken Jeong and D'Arcy Carden at the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences' Wolf Theatre in North Hollywood starting at 8:30 a.m. PT. They were joined by TV academy chairman and CEO Frank Scherma and president and COO Maury McIntyre. - Hollywood Repoter

How Attenborough nature docs inspired new 'Lion King'

Ranveer Singh says Priyanka Chopra describes his stardom the best by Analita Seth | July 13, 2019


f Ranveer Singh is in a film, you automatically know the film will be great. That’s the power of the actor and his choice of movies nowadays. He’s got masterpieces like Bajirao Mastani, Gully Boy, Padmavat already in his hit kitty and films like ’83 and Takht coming up next year. With one of the best filmographies in Bollywood, Ranveer Singh talked to Femina about what keeps him grounded even with such success. Describing how he feels about his stardom, he also revealed that his

friend and co-star Priyanka Chopra defines it the best. He said, "I am a special case because I never became a huge star in my head. I'm still the kid with stars in his eyes who is in disbelief that he even became a star.” He further revealed how Priyanka always tells him that he is still the boy who cannot believe he has become a star and that he is someone who still tells his mother, 'mummy, main star bann gaya, dekho yeh log meri photo lena chahte hain." How adorable is that?! - Hidustan Times

Shah Rukh Khan to be honoured with honorary doctorate by Melbourne's La Trobe University

The Lion King actors, producers, composers and director Jon Favreau (right) in Beverly Hills, California. Favreau says David Attenborough's BBC documentaries shows just how much emotion can be expressed without human performance. – AFP pic, July 14, 2019. by Andrew Marszal


OS ANGELES | AFP | 7/13/2019 - Disney's new 3D "Lion King" was inspired by the majestic scope of David Attenborough's natural world documentaries -- although the talking animals did cause some problem, its creators have revealed.

Its producers took safari tours of real-life locations from Kenya's huge Masai Mara reserve to the desert sand dunes of Namibia for inspiration, before artists and technicians sketched and modeled details for the final film. The movie also featured the musical talents of celebrated German composer Hans Zimmer, who provided the soundtrack for the Attenborough series "Planet Earth II" produced by the BBC. Attenborough, a veteran British environmentalist, has narrated dozens of wildlife documentaries over six decades, opening the eyes of millions of television viewers around the globe to the wonders of the natural world. It was important the film have "the illusion of it being a naturalistic documentary," director Jon Favreau told journalists in Beverly Hills this week. "We looked at a lot of the work that Hans had done like Planet Earth II, all of those Attenborough BBC documentaries, and how much emotion can


ELBOURNE: Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is set to receive an honorary doctorate degree from Melbournebased La Trobe University for his contributions and efforts towards underprivileged children, women's empowerment through Meer Foundation and his achievements in the Indian entertainment industry. Khan, who will be visiting Australia to attend the 10th edition of Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) next month as its chief guest, said

The film tells the classic tale of young lion cub Simba seeking to avenge his father Mufasa's death and save his kingdom, rendered in photorealistic visuals using cutting-edge effects. From the very opening scene, the remake -- which emulates the 1994 original's "Circle of Life" theme -treats viewers to breathtaking "shots" of antelopes, zebras and wildebeest galloping across the African savannah.

Shah Rukh Khan having his humanitarian endeavours recognised for the first time by the country was a great honour. La Trobe University is the first Australian university to award Khan with an Honorary Degree, Doctor of Letters (honoris causa). "I'm proud to be conferred with a great university like La Trobe which has a long-standing relationship with Indian culture and impressive track record in advocating for women's equality," Khan was quoted by the university's statement on Monday.

Here's how Deepika Padukone wished Katrina Kaif on her 36th birthday Broadcaster and natural historian David Attenborough takes part in a discussion on nature and the economy during the IMF - World Bank Spring Meetings at International Monetary Fund Headquarters in Washington, DC, April 11, 2019. (AFP/Mandel Ngan) be expressed without human performance, just through music and editorial and storytelling," said Favreau. Unlike the original cartoon version, the animals' faces in the new "Lion King" are largely realistic and not human-looking. This meant the animators had to rely on using actual facial expressions and movements observed in the reallife species, and find creative ways to match these to the dialogue recorded by voice actors. "We would shoot video on long lenses (of the voice actors) just to have reference of what they were doing on their faces and we would give that to the animators," explained Favreau. "And the animators would take the choices that they made and interpolate it into what a lion would do, or a hyena would do."

He added: "So it really fell on the animators' hands to try to figure out how to express their performances through the language of an animal's emotive language." Working on Attenborough's documentaries provided another, serious lesson for Zimmer, one of Hollywood's most sought-after composers who won an Oscar for his work on the original "Lion King." Concern over humanity's detrimental impact on the natural environment and its species has only grown since work began on the first film, he said. "We started in '92 or something like that. And what was so pertinent and important then has become somehow more urgent and more important," he said. "David Attenborough has shown us where nature is going."

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Instagram/File Photo atrina Kaif ringed in her birthday in Mexico with her close friends and family.

As the actress turned a year older, fans took to their social media to wish her for the same. Bollywood celebs were no different, Salman

Khan, Karan Johar, Aayush Sharma, Alia Bhatt, Priyanka Chopra, Varun Dhawan, Anushka Sharma and more took to their respective social media handles to pour in love for Kat on her big day. Deepika Padukone and Katrina had a bittersweet relationship with each other until Kat attended DP's reception in Mumbai. However, the divas have moved on now and let bygones be bygones. Taking to her Instagram story, DP wished for Kat's good health and peace of mind on the latter's birthday. Meanwhile, on the work front, Deepika will be next seen in Meghna Gulzar's 'Chhapaak' co-starring Vikrant Massey. She is currently in London for the shoot of Kabir Khan's sports drama '83' starring Ranveer Singh. On the other hand, Katrina will feature in Rohit Shetty's cop drama 'Sooryavanshi' alongside Akshay Kumar. -Entertainment Times



Section 2

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

FRIDAY, July 19, 2019


PERSONAL INJURY– Injured on the job and wondering how to recover all damages? Mala Sharma


f you or someone you know has been injured while working, it is important to act immediately in order to properly recover all damages, including economic expenses, mental anguish, physical pain, loss of income, and more. Having the proper information and support from a qualified attorney will help you fight stubborn insurance companies and defendants who try everything in their will to avoid paying you a just compensation owed. The first question is to find out, from the Texas Department of Insurance, if the employer company has worker’s compensation which provides payment to injured employees from accidents on the job even if they are the reason for the accident. If so, the injured employee may file a workers compensation claim. However, Texas does not require all companies to have worker’s compensation and some companies may choose private insurance coverage or may have a self-funded insurance plan. In these situations, the injured employee would have to file a claim through the employer’s relevant policy. On the other hand, some companies do not even carry any insurance coverage. As such, claims would need to be directly against the employer. Often, finding the correct defendant name and service address is not easy and more research would need to be done to pursue a civil judgment against the proper defendant, for all economic and non-economic damages incurred. When a company does not have worker’s compensation, an employee need only

About the Author: Mala Sharma has been practicing family law and personal injury with her family at the Law Offices of Sharma & Associates, founded in 1997. Mala is chair of the American Bar Association GP Solo and GP Solo YLD division, Board member of the Houston Trial Lawyers Association, President Emeritus of the Houston Northwest Bar Association, and prior board

member of the South Asian Bar Association. She is also a member of the Houston Bar Association. Mala has also been selected as 10 Best Attorneys by the American Institute of Personal Injury Attorneys, Top 40 Under 40 by the National Trial Lawyers, and also selected Texas Rising Star by Super Lawyers. This material is available for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. You should contact an attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular issue or problem. If you require advice or assistance, you may contact her at office number 281-8938644 or by email at mala@ sharmalaws.net to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case. About the Author: Mala Sharma has been practicing family law and personal injury with her family at the Law Offices of Sharma & Associates, founded in 1997 with over 42 years of combined experience. Mala is a Board of Advocates for the Houston Trial Lawyers Association, Vice-Chair of the American Bar Association GP Solo YLD, member of the Houston Bar Association, President Emeritus of the Houston Northwest Bar Association, and prior board member of the South Asian Bar Association. Disclaimer: This material is available for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. If you require advice on any particular legal question, you may contact Sharma & Associates at 281-893-8644 or by email at mala@sharmalaws. net to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

A single word costs a divorcee $1.5 million. by Alan Gassman


n May 2019, the Second District Court of Appeals for the state of Florida ruled that the indefinite article “a” in the phrase “the time a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage is filed” was significant enough to cost the former wife $1,500,000. Mark and Jennie Famiglio were married in 2006 and entered into a Prenuptial agreement a few weeks before marriage. One of the provisions stated that, in the event that they divorced, Jennie would receive a certain amount of alimony, scaled in accordance with the length of the marriage. The operative and deciding provisions are as follows: "5.1 In the event the marriage of the parties is dissolved by a court of competent jurisdiction, then the parties shall have no obligation to make payments of any kind or for any purpose to or on behalf of any kind or for any purpose to or on behalf of the other, except as specifically set forth in Paragraph 5.2 and 5.3. 5.3 JENNIE’s Benefits and Obligations. If the marriage ends by dissolution of marriage or an action for dissolution of marriage is pending at the time of MARK’s death, the JENNIE shall receive the additional benefits and obligations described in 5.3.a. through d. a. MARK shall pay JENNIE, within ninety (90) days of the date either party files a Petition for Dissolution of

Marriage the amount listed below next to the number of full years they have been married at the time a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage is filed. (Emphasis added.)" The main issue is that the wife actually filed two petitions for dissolution of marriage three years apart. She filed the first one in 2013, and, at the time, Mark and Jennie had been married for seven years. A few months after filing the petition, however, she voluntarily dismissed the petition without prejudice, and it was never served. The second petition was filed in 2016, when the two had been married for ten years, and brought about an end to the marriage. So then the question is: which petition should be used to measure the amount of alimony? If the first petition was used, the wife would be entitled to $2.7 million. If the second petition, the one that resulted in a dissolution of the marriage, was used, then the wife would be entitled to $4.2 million. The Trial Court stated that the use of “a” instead of “the” should be examined in the context of the whole agreement. Under this analysis, the court ruled in favor of the wife and used the petition filed in 2016 as the measurement for alimony, stating that the “provision in question can only be consistently and logically interpreted to apply to the parties’ obligations ‘in the event the marriage of the parties is dissolved.. . .’” Disagreeing with the decision of the Trial Court, Mark

by Sharlene Sharmila Richards, Immigration Lawyer Email at srichardslaw@aol.com


Sharlene Sharmila Richards


he long-awaited day has finally arrived. You have received a letter from USCIS informing you of your interview date. These are some helpful tips to have when preparing for and attending your immigration interview:

--Make sure you review your application which you submitted so that you are aware of all the information in that application. If there are any errors or updates which need to be made, you need to make a note to inform the immigration officer at the interview about the correction or update. --Do not forget to review the Checklist of Documents which is provided with the interview notice and follow the instructions under the Checklist. --Do not forget to take the USCIS Interview Notice with you. The Interview Notice is needed for you to check-in for the interview. --Do not arrive late for the interview. Plan to be there at least 30 minutes before the scheduled interview date. --If you are not familiar with the location of the interview, it is advisable to make a trip there prior to the actual interview date to be sure of the location. This is important especially if your interview has been scheduled early in the morning or during peak traffic hours when you cannot afford to waste time getting lost and having to find the interview location. --Take all relevant identification documents such as Drivers License, Employment Authorization Document, Permanent Resident Card and all current and expired Passports.

1.5 Million reasons to carefully check your legal documents appealed the decision to the Second District Court of Appeal, where the District Court looked at the case de novo because the interpretation of the Prenuptial Agreement was considered to be an interpretation of a contract – where the decision is a matter of law. The District Court went through a series of steps to help “solve this puzzle” and reach its ultimate conclusion.

--If a Medical Exam is required for your type of case, make sure you take one with you if you have not provided one before. If you have provided one at the time of submission,



Step 3 - Examined the Trial

--Organize all your documents for easy presentation. Nothing is more irritating to the USCIS officer who has to waste time with interviewees who are disorganized. --Take all original or certified as true copy of original documents such as Marriage Certificate, Divorce Decrees, Birth Certificates, Conviction Records and Naturalization Certificate. Often times, these documents are needed for verification of the copies of documents which were already submitted as part of the application. --Take copies of all other document such as insurance policy, photos, etc. if you do not wish to leave the original with USCIS. For example, if you are applying for adjustment of status to permanent resident, and you intend to provide your lease as evidence of cohabitation with your spouse, it is best you take a copy of the lease for the USCIS officer to keep. --If you need an interpreter to assist with interpretation, you will need to make arrangements with an interpreter to be present at the interview. USCIS will not provide you with an interpreter. Ensure that your interpreter is competent to interpret for you. --If you have dependent spouse or children who have also filed for immigration benefits, make sure they all attend the interview at the scheduled time. --The immigration interview is like any other interview. Treat the USCIS officer or examiner with respect and be courteous to them. Dress appropriately for the interview. Do not wear sandals, shorts, hats, or dirty or torn clothing. Be confident. Know your case and be prepared to provide information to the officer about your case.

--Do not lie to the immigration officer or attempt to misrepresent the facts of your case. --Do not present any false documents. --If your interview is being recorded, you have a right to know about this. The officer should inform you that the proceedings are being recorded. --If you are represented by an attorney, the attorney present is not permitted to answer questions pertaining to your personal situation. The attorney can only assist or answer questions which relate to legal matters pertaining to your case. --At the conclusion of the interview, you may ask the officer what you should expect from your case and if possible, when you will hear from USCIS. The officer will often times give you a timeframe as to how long you should expect to wait for them to complete your case. Disclaimer: Any advice provided in this article is general in nature and not intended to constitute legal advice for any specific case. Please consult with an immigration lawyer about the specific circumstances of your case. My Bio Sharlene Sharmila Richards is a licensed Immigration Lawyer practicing in Houston, Texas. She is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association. She was admitted to the New York State Bar in 2000 and is a member of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals and a member of the US Supreme Court. If you require advice or assistance, you may contact her at telephone number 713-623-8088 or by email at srichardslaw@aol.com to schedule a free consultation to discuss your case.

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Step 2 - Discussed the question of ambiguity. The District Court’s analysis of the Trial Court’s ruling provided that the Trial Court “deemed section 5.3 to be unambiguous on the question of which dissolution petition should be utilized to measure the wife’s alimony.” Further, the District Court noted that throughout the Trial Court proceedings, both parties maintained that the terms of the agreement were unambiguous.

and more than one year has passed since it was submitted, it is advisable to take a new medical exam to substitute for the expired one.

Sharlene Sharmila Richards

Step 1 - Established subject matter jurisdiction over the case. The first step that an Appellate Court must take before reviewing a case is to establish that it has the ability to hear the case, in other words, that it has jurisdiction over the case at hand. The court established subject matter jurisdiction over the case by virtue of the Prenuptial Agreement being governed by the law of contracts. Thus, the District Court was able to reexamine the case de novo, or from the beginning, with the given facts from the trial court.

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prove 1% negligence against the employer to recover all damages, including any and all ambulance expense, hospital bill, emergency physician’s fee, therapy, MRI’s, orthopedic bills, neurology bills, counseling, prescription, lost wages, mental anguish, and physical pain. Mental anguish and physical pain, also known as ‘pain and suffering’, is difficult to prove. Mental anguish and physical pain claims from a work injury accident include difficulty with daily activities, continuous treatment, anxiety, depression, permanent disability or disfigurement, and the loss of enjoyment of life. There is no formula specified how to compute mental anguish and physical pain and insurance companies are not required to offer mental anguish and physical pain payments without a jury but most often multiply economic damages to quantify the amount. Although mental anguish claims are not adequately calculated by the insurance, a qualified attorney will fight to have all damages valued for full and just compensation deserved by forcing the insurance company to pay the full value now or be exposed to potentially much higher award at trial! It is important to have an attorney by your side with insight and experience needed to confidently move your case forward, help you understand all your rights available when hurt on the job, and to collect your fair compensation.

Court’s interpretation of the contract’s language. While the Trial Court determined that the indefinite article “a” held no real importance in interpreting section 5.3's phrase “at the time a Petition for Dissolution of Marriage is filed,” the District Court disagreed, stating that “the use of this indefinite article is the heart of the problem . . .”

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The District Court points out that the use of the indefinite article “a” provides that a generic and unspecified petition for dissolution of marriage be filed and leaves open the possibility that more than one petition could be filed. That still leaves the question of which petition should be used for measurement of alimony? The Trial Court essentially

reconstructed section 5.3.a. to “clarify” the meaning by referring to the date a dissolution petition is filed “when that Petition results in a dissolution of marriage.” While this may seem like a fair way to decipher the meaning of the phrase, past precedent has provided that “a court may not rewrite a contract to add language the parties did not contemplate at the time of execution.”


Section 2

Young Life

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Want to reduce college costs? High schools can help. Credits earned before college lower costs — and can ease the 'diploma divide.' By Rahm Emanuel


hen politicians discuss the crisis of higher education, they tend to focus on finding ways to reduce the price that students pay for college: tax-deductible savings accounts, better known as 529s; massive student debt cancellation, as Sen. Elizabeth Warren has proposed; free college, one of Sen. Bernie Sanders’ key talking points. All those plans presume that cost is the central barrier to college access — and admittedly, in far too many cases, it is.

They could potentially move through college more expeditiously, and enter the workforce months or even years earlier than they otherwise would take to do so. The implications are real. When one Chicago student, Rikyah Wright, graduated from the South Side’s Kenwood Academy in 2017, the Advanced Placement course credits she earned in high school combined with college credits she earned through her simultaneous enrollment at Harold Washington Community College amounted


FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

Tel: 713-774-5140

Comic-Con mines past for future hits on 50th edition by Andrew Marszal


OS ANGELES | AFP | Wednesday 7/16/2019 - A smorgasbord of sequels, prequels and reunions from "Terminator" to "Game of Thrones" awaits thousands of misty-eyed comic book geeks and sci-fi nerds descending on San Diego this week for the world's largest celebration of pop culture fandom. The 50th edition of Comic-Con International will see 135,000 cosplayers, bloggers, movie executives and humble fans pile into a sweaty convention center for glimpses of their heroes, in town to promote the next mega-hit films, TV shows and comic books. This anniversary edition promises to be more nostalgia-laden than most -- among those expected to appear are Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton, who will soon reunite on screen for the first time since 1991's "Terminator 2" for Paramount's killer cyborg sequel "Dark Fate."

starring Superman actor Henry Cavill as the monster hunter from a series of cult 1990s Polish novels which spawned a lucrative video game franchise.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige is in town, and hopes are mounting that he and billed "surprise panelists" will unveil identities of the eight untitled Marvel films on parent company Disney's release slate.

Also pushing hard on sentimental buttons will be Patrick Stewart, attending a panel for the launch of CBS's new Star Trek series in which he reprises the fan-favorite role of Captain Jean-Luc Picard after almost two decades.

Photo: Istock But when I served as Mayor of Chicago, I discovered that focusing exclusively on student debt is the wrong approach — it attacks the problem at the wrong time and in the wrong place. We live in an age when a high school diploma is no longer sufficient for those looking to earn a middle-class living — almost every student needs something more. If we really want to broaden the gateway into higher education, we need to focus more directly on what comes before that, specifically, what students learn in the final two years of high school. What if we transferred a huge slice of what previous generations of students learned in their first and second years of college to a curriculum that was broadly available in the junior and senior years of high school? That would help bridge the so-called diploma divide that separates privileged communities from those struggling to get ahead and brake one of the most powerful drivers of economic and racial inequality in America more effectively than anything we can do in college alone. Take a step back. During the industrial era, the body of knowledge taught in high school was generally considered sufficient, and a college degree was something extra—a credential that some professionals might have needed, but certainly not everyone. That drove a certain mentality: High school graduation was the sine qua non of public education, the crucial demarcation of who could reasonably aspire to the American dream, and who was expected to fall behind. Today, that’s no longer the case. Even as we celebrate those who cross the high school stage in caps and gowns each spring, we shouldn’t confuse what those ceremonies signify. If the end goal of high school isn’t the diploma itself, but rather a student’s readiness to take on the next phase of their education, the real question is whether those moving their tassels from right to left have a head start on the next challenge. If cost is the barrier preventing many worthy college students from earning the next degree, we should reorient the 11th and 12th grades so students don’t have to spend so much time (and money) on college. And we can do that. Public high schools have at their disposal established programs designed to help students accrue college credits, often free of charge, so that they can earn college degrees more quickly at many universities, and with less out of pocket. It’s a model we implemented in my time as mayor, expanding Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate programs while attending Chicago’s high schools, and enabling high school students to take community colleges classes (dual credit— dual enrollment) before they graduate. This year, nearly 50 percent of the city’s graduating seniors already have college credits to their name that are accepted at the city’s community colleges, state universities and many private colleges. Nearly 400 graduates have accumulated at least 15 college credits, the equivalent of a typical college semester’s workload. Think what that means for those kids and their parents. Less money eaten up by tuition; less debt to burden their futures.

to an entire semester toward her degree. She eventually matriculated to the University of Illinois, where she is set to graduate a mere three years after receiving her high school diploma. Boosted by the college credits she earned as a student at Solario Academy High School, another student, Salma Campos, was able to earn her associate degree at Daley Community College in two short semesters, at which point she transferred to Northwestern University with a very generous financial support package. That’s the financial reason to expand these programs—but there’s also an important non-monetary benefit. Many kids don’t initially enroll in college because they’re worried they won’t be able to hack it. They don’t think they can succeed. But completing college classes in high school proves that they can, in fact, do it. That makes it much more likely that they’ll complete their degree. And the promise of a more hopeful future can incentivize high school students to run through tape as well. In Chicago, shifting the orientation to college preparation helped boost high school graduation rates from 56 percent to nearly 80 percent. These programs need to be designed and implemented at the state and local level—but Washington can help. Just as President Barack Obama designed Race to the Top to improve American K-12 education, Congress and the White House could create incentives for districts and community colleges that work collaboratively to get a dual credit, dual enrollment program off the ground. The Department of Education could provide expertise, guidance, and standardized best practices. And the president could use the bully pulpit to get mayors, governors, and citizens engaged in the effort. To be sure, these shifts aren’t a panacea. And we should honor those working to reduce student debt philanthropically, as exemplified by Robert Smith’s incredibly generous decision to wipe out the student debt accrued by Morehouse College’s 2019 graduating class. But the challenge is too vast to hinge on personal generosity. Allowing kids to earn the associate and bachelor’s degrees more expeditiously saves families money and improves college completion rates because kids have the confidence to know they can succeed. If income inequality is really a reflection of the “diploma divide,” we need to stop looking to solve the problem entirely during the college years. If we focus on high school, we can ensure that education acts as a bridge to the American dream, and not a wall. Rahm Emanuel is the former mayor of Chicago and former White House chief of staff.

And lackluster reviews be damned: the cast of "Game of Thrones" -- or at least a hardy few -- will reassemble to dissect HBO's fantasy epic in front of an audience that has had little time to cool down since Mad Queen Daenerys and her dragons brought the franchise crashing to a conclusion. With author George R. R. Martin rumored to be attending, devotees who have kept the faith will be scouring for details of the numerous prequel series believed to be in development. - Netflix Kicking things off on Wednesday evening is New Line Cinema and Warner Bros.' now-traditional "Scare Diego," which for the second year running will offer fans insights into evil clown slasher "It: Chapter Two," based on the 1986 Stephen King novel. Netflix may be newer to the game, but it too is mining the archives in search of its next big hit. A prequel series to classic 1982 fantasy film "The Dark Crystal" is generating buzz, with its combination of old-fashioned puppetry and cuttingedge visual effects aiming to cast a spell on old and young alike. In its search for the next "Game of Thrones" the web streaming giant is set to lift the lid on "The Witcher,"

File Photo Another set of magical books getting the premium TV treatment is Philip Pullman's acclaimed "His Dark Materials" trilogy, which will be previewed by HBO on Thursday. Cast members James McAvoy, LinManuel Miranda, Ruth Wilson will attend. - 'Phase Four' Marvel Studios returns after skipping an edition and is expected to announce which characters from its comic-book back catalog will next be mined for its hyper-successful "cinematic universe." After the recent "Avengers: Endgame" and "Spider-Man: Far From Home," it is now time for "Phase Four" of the juggernaut of interconnected superhero films.

A standalone film for Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow and a fourth "Thor" movie are among those widely thought to be in the works. "Avengers: Endgame" directors the Russo brothers will also stop by to discuss the making of a film edging ever-closer to toppling Avatar's global all-time box office record. The absence of any DC Universe movies from Warner Bros. has been coolly received by superhero fans, however, while film studio giants Sony and Universal are skipping this year entirely. And sure to stir controversy in some of the internet's darker depths is an early glimpse at The CW's new "Batwoman" series, featuring Ruby Rose as an openly lesbian, feminist superheroine.

Indian HRD Ministry launches ‘Study in India’ programme for foreign students


he Indian Ministry of Human Resource Development announced the launch of the ‘Study in India’ programme to attract foreign students to the higher education sector. The General Scholarship Scheme (GSS) is an annual programme for international students belonging to certain Asian, African and Latin American countries at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels as well as for pursuing research at Indian universities. Photo courtesy: Pixabay The General Scholarship Scheme (GSS) is an annual programme for international students belonging to certain Asian, African and Latin American countries at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels as well as for pursuing research at Indian universities. Photo courtesy: Pixabay Union Minister for Human Resource Development Dr Ramesh Pokhriyal, in a written reply during Question Hour in the Rajya Sabha last week, stated that the programme is under implementation. “The programme focuses on attracting international students from select 30-plus countries across South East Asia, Middle East and Africa. The

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programme envisages participation of select reputed Indian institutes and universities by way of offering seats for international students at affordable rates, along with fee waivers to meritorious foreign students ranging from 100 to 25 per cent,” the HRD minister announced on Thursday. A centralised admission web portal was also launched for foreign student admissions. The website identifies five steps for foreign students to study in India, which also includes adequate research about the course they wish to study. The candidates can choose from over 160 private and public institutes that provide 1,500 courses at the undergraduate, post-graduate and PhD level. Students can register themselves for the courses of their choice and institutes and check their results online on the portal itself. There are also facilities for fee waivers and concessions for overseas students and Indian diaspora students, apart from scholarships provided by individual institutes. The General Scholarship Scheme (GSS) is an annual programme for international students belonging to certain Asian, African and Latin American countries at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels as well as for pursuing research at Indian universities. Another scheme is the Scholarship Programme for Diaspora Children (SPDC), offered since 2006-07 to the children of Persons of Indian Origin (PIOs) and non-resident Indian students (NRIs). A revamped SPDC was launched from the academic year 2016-17 with extension from 40 to 66 countries and enhancing the number of scholarships from 100 to 150, with 50 earmarked for Children of Indian

Workers in ECR counties. A general outline of the Indian student visa criteria is listed below: Visa rules / Eligibility: Indian missions/posts grant a student visa for a period of five years or for the duration of the course of study, whichever is less, to the below: To foreign students coming to India to pursue regular and full-time academic studies in India. For foreign students coming for industrial training, summer project and internship. Provisional student visa valid for six months for the students exploring admission or taking admission tests. Applicant should possess the proof of admission to a full time regular academic course in a reputed/recognised educational institution in India and evidence of financial support. The applicant should also possess a "No Objection Certificate" from the Ministry of Health in case of admission in medical or para-medical course. Spouse and dependent family members accompanying the applicant must apply for an Entry Visa. Its termination date will coincide with the period of the principal visa holder. Student visas are issued for up to five years, depending on the duration of the course. They can also be extended in India. The visitors are required to fill an online visa application by visiting a website and visit their nearest embassy with printout of the online filled application and required travel documents. - Connect2India


FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

July is Ending Hunger Month

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Section 2 Tel: 713-774-5140

New hints on why women’s Alzheimer’s risk differs from men’s


OS ANGELES — New research gives some biological clues to why women may be more likely than men to develop Alzheimer’s disease and how this most common form of dementia varies by sex. At the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Los Angeles on Tuesday, scientists offered evidence that the disease may spread differently in the brains of women than in men. Other researchers showed that several newly identified genes seem related to the disease risk by sex. Two-thirds of Alzheimer’s cases in the U.S. are in women and “it’s not just because we live longer,” said Maria Carrillo, the association’s chief science officer. There’s also “a biological underpinning” for sex differences in the disease, she said. Some previous studies suggest that women at any age are more likely than men to develop Alzheimer’s. Scientists also know that a gene called APOE-4 seems to raise risk more for women than for men in certain age groups. At the same time, women with the disease in its early stages may go undiagnosed because they tend to do better on verbal tests than men, which masks Alzheimer’s damage. The new studies add more evidence

and potential explanations for suspected variations between how men and women develop the disease. Vanderbilt University researchers found differences in how tau, a protein that forms tangles that destroy nerve cells, spreads in the brains of women compared to men. Using scans on 301 people with normal thinking skills and 161 others with mild impairment, they mapped where tau was deposited and correlated it with nerve networks — highways that brain signals follow. They found that tau networks in women with mild impairment were more diffuse and spread out than in men, suggesting that more areas of the brain were affected. It’s long been known that women do better on tests of verbal memory — skills like recalling words and lists. University of California, San Diego, researchers found that women did better on these skills despite similar signs of early to moderate Alzheimer’s than men. Using scans on more than 1,000 older adults, they found sex differences in how the brain uses sugar, its main energy source. Women metabolized sugar better, which may give them more ability to compensate for the damage from dementia and make them less likely to be diagnosed with it by tests that involve verbal skills.

“The female advantage might mask early signs of Alzheimer’s and delay diagnosis,” said study leader Erin Sundermann. “Women are able to sustain normal verbal performance longer,” partly because of better brain metabolism. At the University of Miami, scientists analyzed genes in 30,000 people — half with Alzheimer’s, half without it — and found four that seem related to disease risk by sex. “One confers risk in females and not males and three confer risk in males but not females,” said one study leader, Eden Martin. Researchers don’t know yet exactly how these genes affect risk — or by how much. “Some of these look like they’re tied to the immune system and we know there are differences between males and females” in how that works, said another study leader, Brian Kunkle. Seven other genes seem to have different effect on risks in men versus women. The researchers have a National Institute on Aging grant to do an international study on nearly 100,000 people to try to validate and extend the results. (Original article by Marilynn Marchonie, adapted from information in AP report 7/16/2019)

AIDS deaths down a third since 2010: UN by Patrick Galey


ARIS, France | AFP | Tuesday 7/16/2019 - HIV-related deaths last year fell to around 770,000 -- some 33 percent lower than in 2010 -- the United Nations said Tuesday, but warned that global efforts to eradicate the disease were stalling as funding dries up. An estimated 37.9 million people now live with HIV -- and a record 23.3 million of those have access to some antiretroviral therapy (ART), UNAIDS said in its annual report. Highlighting the enormous progress made since the height of the AIDS epidemic in the mid-1990s, the report showed that the number people dying from the disease fell from 800,000 in 2017 to 770,000 last year. The figure was down by more than a third from 2010, when there were 1.2 million AIDS-related deaths. But it also exposed weaknesses in

the world's fight against AIDS.

lion since the early 1980s.

While AIDS-related deaths in Africa, the continent most affected by the epidemic, have plummeted this decade, Eastern Europe has seen the death toll rise 5 percent and the Middle East and North Africa 9 percent.

The UN said that more than half of new HIV infections globally come from "key populations" -- intravenous drug users, gay men, transgender people, sex workers and prisoners.

Year-on-year, those same regions saw a 29-percent and 10-percent rise in new infections, respectively.

Despite this, the report said that under 50 percent of these at-risk populations were reached by HIV prevention services in more than half of countries.

"We urgently need increased political leadership to end AIDS," said Gunilla Carlsson, UNAIDS executive director. "Ending AIDS is possible if we focus on people not diseases... and take a human rights-based approach to reaching people most affected by HIV." Decades of research have yet to yield a cure or vaccine for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which has infected almost 80 million people and killed more than 35 mil-

Peter Ghys, UNAIDS strategic information director, said that the 16-percent reduction in new infections since 2010 was way behind the global aim of a 75-percent fall by next year. "Incident reductions are just too slow to reach the target that has been set out," he told journalists. - Funding gap Another vulnerable group is children, with more than 160,000 new HIV infections last year.

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That is 41 percent lower than in 2010, but far off the mark countries set themselves of no more than 40,000 new cases worldwide each year by 2018. There remains a pronounced disparity in new infection rates among young men and women, with young women 60 percent more likely to pick up HIV than young men of the same age. The report also warned that a lack of political will coupled

Using an Annuity offered by life Insurance company to help pay for college R529 plans a common option.


common option used for paying for college and educational expenses is a 529 plan, which is an education savings plan sponsored by a state or state agency. A 529 plan can be purchased not only by parents, but also grandparents and other relatives. When you purchase a 529 plan, your earnings grow tax-deferred and any qualified withdrawals are taxfree. As a child reaches college age, he or she can use the accumulated funds to pay for qualified expenses including tuition, room and board, books and computer equipment. While 529 plans have many advantages and can be useful in preparing for the future, there are limitations to consider as well. Limitations of 529 plans include: An account can lose value due to market downturns. You pay penalties if the money is not used for education purposes The account earnings can affect an application for financial aid Many plans include yearly fees and administrative costs Plus, if your child receives a scholarship, you will likely only need a portion of the money saved in your 529 plan. If you end up with remaining funds or if a child decides not to enroll in school, the beneficiary can be changed to another family member. However, if you do not have other family members looking to attend, you may have to pay significant penalties to withdraw your savings for other purposes, depending on the rules of your state's 529 plan. Using an annuity One tool to consider as part of an overall college saving strategy is a fixed or fixed indexed annuity. A significant benefit of these products is your account value can grow tax-deferred and is protected from downside market risk. So, when the market is up, your money can grow, but when the market is down, you do not lose any of your hard-earned savings. Plus, if your child receives a scholarship or decides to pursue another path besides college, the money in your annuity can be accessed for other purposes. Keep in mind that annuities are designed to help you reach long-term savings goals. While most annuities allow you to withdraw a certain amount each year without penalty, you'll likely pay charges on withdrawals over that amount during the annuity's withdrawal charge period. This period typically ranges from five to 10 years or more, depending on the annuity. Helping pay tuition As with many financial plans, there is no time like the present to begin saving. An annuity purchased when your children are young can assist with tuition costs down the road. One option would be to purchase an annuity with a withdrawal charge period

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that coincides with the length of time it takes for your child to reach college age. For example, if on your child's 8th birthday you purchase an annuity with a surrender charge period that ends in 10 years; your child will be 18 and entering college. At this time, you'll be outside the withdrawal charge period, meaning you'll have full access to the annuity's value to supplement tuition payments. It's important to remember that withdrawals from an annuity may be subject to state and federal income tax. In most cases, withdrawals taken before age 59½ will also be subject to a 10 percent IRS penalty. Paying off student loans Graduating with student loan debt comes with tremendous responsibility, especially since interest continues to accumulate as time goes on. More than 2.5 million students have student loan debt greater than $100,000 and repaying those loans can be a significant hurdle. One way to help reduce a student loan balance is using income payments from an annuity. Over time, your premiums grow tax-deferred and then at a later date, you can elect to begin receiving payments. Depending on the type of annuity you choose, you can receive income immediately or several years later. These funds can then be used to help reduce any remaining student loan balance. Remember that annuities specify that you must be a certain age before starting income payments. As you begin to take steps toward saving or paying for college, consider which solutions can help make higher education accessible and more affordable. By starting the conversation now, you can bring the dream of your child's or grandchild's education within reach while still meeting your other long-term goals. Source: Athene Insurance company Yes, we can help you plan considering annuity for growth, income or long-term care, critical illness and more. Contact Sudhir Mathuria at 713-771-2900.

with decreasing finance risked undermining the progress made so far.

of the estimated $26.2 billion needed by 2020.

Last year $19 billion (17 billion euros) was made available for AIDS response, more than $7 billion short

Ghys said the funding drop was a result of "small reductions by different donor countries".



Here’s how much longer to sleep if you want to cycle faster

WHO warns of too sugary baby foods by Camille Bas-Wohlert


OPENHAGEN, Denmark | AFP | Monday 7/15/2019 - Commercial baby foods often contain too much sugar and display confusing ingredient lists, according to a UN report that proposed new guidelines Monday to improve infant diets. The World Health Organization (WHO) examined nearly 8,000 products from more than 500 stores in Austria, Bulgaria, Israel and Hungary between November 2017 and January 2018. "In around half of products examined... more than 30 percent of calories were from total sugars and around a third of products contained added sugar or other sweetening agents," the European branch of the WHO stated. The WHO noted that while foods that naturally contain sugars, such as fruits and vegetables, can be appropriate in young child diets, "the very high levels of sugars present in commercial products is a cause for concern". A high sugar intake can increase the risk of overweight and dental cavities, the organisation warned. And early exposure to overly sweet products can create a potentially

harmful lifelong preference for sugary foods.

by Selene Yeager


’ve always been able to sleep like a log for a good seven hours a night. Back when I was training for Ironman triathlons? I sacked out like a deposit from the petrified forest for a solid nine, sometimes 10 hours a day. Now that I’m older I make a habit of aiming for at least eight hours of shut eye during particularly draining training blocks.

"Good nutrition in infancy and early childhood remains key to ensuring optimal child growth and development, and to better health outcomes later in life," WHO Regional Director for Europe Zsuzsanna Jakab said in a statement. Up to 60 percent of inspected food products were labelled as suitable for infants under six months old, contrary to WHO recommendations "that infants receive exclusively breast milk for the first six months of life", said the report.

Seems I’m in good company: Perennial Super Bowl stud Tom Brady famously turns in by 9 p.m. every night to clock at least nine hours of recovery slumber, and pro golfer Michelle Wie, who claimed to have once slept 16 hours straight, swears by at least 10 to feel on her game.

The WHO said it was updating its guidelines to help member countries adopt new legislation to curb high sugar intake.

The health detriments of short sleep are clear—it has been linked to everything from weight gain to heart disease to depression. But as for the performance benefits of shuteye? Funny thing is that though numerous studies have examined the benefits of regularly getting more sleep on ball and skill sports like football, basketball, and tennis, they haven’t really put endurance athletes to the test…until now.

The WHO wants the promotion of breast milk substitutes to end, and recommends that children between six months and two years be fed nutrientrich foods prepared at home. The organisation called for the banning of added sugars and sweeteners in baby foods, and said labels on candies and sweetened beverages -including fruit juices and condensed milk -- should state the products are not suitable for children under three.

In a recent study published ahead of print in Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, a group of exercise scientists from Australia and Singapore examined the effects of both sleep extension and restriction across three nights on endurance cycling performance.

Is a lectin-free diet healthy for vegetarians and vegans? By Ruben Castaneda


n 2017, "The Plant Paradox: The Hidden Dangers in 'Healthy' Foods That Cause Disease and Weight Gain" by Dr. Steven Gundry was published. The book promotes the idea that many foods widely believed to be good for you are actually toxic because they contain lectins. Lectins are plant-based proteins that are designed to protect many foods – such as fruits, vegetables and seeds – from predators like insects and other animals, as well as from humans. Gundry propounds that lectins are associated with toxic reactions because they bind to carbohydrates, particularly sugars, in the body, and can block messaging between cells. Lectins, as the theory goes, are associated with an array of health issues, like inflammation, chronic fatigue and digestive problems. Many experts, on the other hand, say there is little or no evidence for the assertion that lectins are associated with widespread health problems. The idea that lectins are bad for you "is not established by research," says Dr. David L. Katz, director of the Yale-Griffin Prevention Research Center at Griffin Hospital in Derby, Connecticut. Some proponents of the lectin-free eating regimen say it’s also good for weight loss. For instance, in a 2018 interview, singer Kelly Clarkson said she adopted the lectin-free diet to deal with a thyroid issue as part of "an overall health approach." Though losing weight wasn’t her goal, Clarkson credited the diet for her shedding 37 pounds. While Clarkson sings the praises of a lectin-free diet, the regimen is not advisable for vegetarians and vegans, says Elizabeth Spencer, a registered dietitian at Northwestern Medicine Metabolic Health and Surgical Weight Loss Center at Delnor Hospital in Geneva, Illinois. For vegetarians and vegans, a lectin-free diet "would exclude essential food groups that plant-based eaters rely on for their protein, vitamin and mineral needs," Spencer says. "If one were to follow a lectin-free diet, (one) would need to eliminate legumes, soybeans, wheat, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, eggplant, peppers, some fruits and peanuts." Many foods that are prohibited by a lectin-free diet are actually good for vegetarians and vegans, says Mary E. Johnson, a registered dietitian at UC Health, the University of Cincinnati's affiliated health system. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes are rich in fiber, which aids in weight management and helps control blood glucose levels to ward off diabetes, she says. The nutrients founds in these foods are also protective against cancer and good for heart health, Johnson says. "Foods that are eliminated with this diet are foods I encourage people


The researchers recruited nine competitive endurance cyclists and triathletes and put them through a series of endurance tests while manipulating their nightly amount of sleep, first allowing them their normal 6.5 to 7 hours of sleep a night; then extending their sleep by 30 percent, so they were sleeping an average of 8.25 to 8.5 hours a night; and again after restricting their sleep 30 percent, leaving them with just under 5 hours of sleep a night.

to eat unless they have food allergies or food sensitivities," she says. In her practice, Johnson focuses on using food therapeutically and encourages patients to consume mostly plantbased diets with lean proteins. Prohibiting foods with lectins would leave patients with few nutritious options, she says. Lectins are found in a wide array of foods, including many that are touted by experts as nutritious and healthy. Gundry recommends people avoid or limit their intake of these foods that have lectins: • Tomatoes (unless they're peeled and deseeded), Cucumbers (unless they're peeled and deseeded), Eggplants, potatoes and green peas. • All beans, including lentils. • Tofu and soy. • Peanuts, cashews, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. • Pasta, bread and flours made from grains, whole grains, and oats. • Sugar. • White and brown rice. • Greek yogurts, frozen yogurts, American cheese, cottage cheese and ricotta cheese. Is a Lectin-Free Diet Sustainable? Because the lectin-free diet is so restrictive, it would be difficult to sustain in the long run, says Lisa Jones, a registered dietitian based in Philadelphia. "It's unsustainable and restrictive, especially for vegetarians and vegans," Jones says. "Since lectins can be found in almost everything, including plant and animal sources, this is limiting many food options from the beginning." Jones notes that many of the foods prohibited on the lectin-free diet – offerings including fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereal grains and nuts – are staples for many people who consume a plant-based diet. If you're on a plant-based eating regimen, "this does not leave many food options if you want to go lectin-free," she says. Abby Phon, a certified holistic health coach in Los Angeles who follows a vegan eating regimen, agrees with Jones. For vegans and vegetarians, avoiding certain plant-based foods, like lentils, isn't realistic in the long run, she says. Phon notes that

some lectin-free meal plans include meat, fish or eggs for every meal, a regimen that she says could lead to inflammation. "Personally, I find that the benefits of (eating) beans and nightshade vegetables (tomatoes, potatoes and eggplants, for example) outweigh the strictness a lectinfree diet would require," Phon says. Abstaining from foods with lectins because some people view them as unhealthy is a bad idea, adds Cara Marrs, a registered dietitian who works at UCHealth Yampa Valley Medical Center in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. "I'd argue that most healthy countries eat far more lectins than the U.S. population does with the standard American diet."

Photo credit: mikkelwilliam - Getty Images

For the endurance tests, the riders had to perform time-trials, pedaling until they achieved a set amount of work designed to simulate what they would produce during an hour-long TT. Compared to when they got their normal amount of shut-eye, the riders were considerably slower after just two nights of sleep restriction, completing their TT in an average of 60.4 minutes versus 58.8 minutes—a 3 percent decline in performance. On the other hand, they significantly improved following three nights of extra sleep, finishing their TT an average of nearly two minutes faster (58.7 minutes versus 56.8 minutes)—a 3 percent improvement in performance. The cyclists reported the same rating of perceived exertion—the TT felt just as hard—regardless of their sleep status. However, their mood and “psychomotor vigilance” (a.k.a. sustained attention and reaction time) both improved with more sleep and were hindered by sleep restriction. The authors concluded that “cumulative sleep time affects performance by altering the perceived exertion of a given exercise intensity.” In other words, getting more sleep

makes it easier to crank up your wattage without feeling like you’re suffering more or doing more work. Can’t swing more than eight hours in the sack on a regular basis? No sweat. Though the riders’ performance increased, their sleep quality and efficiency took a bit of a dip during the week of sleep extension, which indicates that a lesser amount of sleep extension would likely do the trick, says study author Spencer Roberts, Ph.D. candidate at Deakin University in Melbourne, Australia. “We know that many athletes do not achieve more than eight hours of sleep consistently. In fact, even at the very elite level, athletes often get less than seven hours of sleep per night due to the challenges of training and competition like travel and anxiety,” says Roberts. So instead of stressing about trying to squeeze in more sleep when life is hectic, get as much shuteye as you can when you can, and use sleep extension as a secret weapon when you need it, says Roberts. By extending your nightly rest by 30 percent in the days leading up to a big event, that next PR might feel easier than ever. - Bicyclist.com

Exercise offers protection against Alzheimer's


igher levels of daily physical activity may protect against the cognitive decline and neurodegeneration (brain tissue loss) from Alzheimer's disease (AD) that alters the lives of many older people, researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) have found. In a paper in JAMA Neurology, the team also reported that lowering vascular risk factors may offer additional protection against Alzheimer's and delay progression of the devastating disease. The findings from this study will be presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC) in Los Angeles by the first author of the study, Jennifer Rabin, Ph.D., now at the University of Toronto,. "One of the most striking findings from our study was that greater physical activity not only appeared to have positive effects on slowing cognitive decline, but also on slowing the rate of brain tissue loss over time in normal people who had high levels of amyloid plaque in the brain," says Jasmeer Chhatwal, MD,

Ph.D. of the MGH Department of Neurology, and corresponding author of the study. The report suggests that physical activity might reduce b-amyloid (Ab)-related cortical thinning and preserve gray matter structure in regions of the brain that have been implicated in episodic memory loss and Alzheimer's-related neurodegeneration. The pathophysiological process of AD begins decades before clinical symptoms emerge and is characterized by early accumulation of b-amyloid protein. The MGH study is among the first to demonstrate the protective effects of physical activity and vascular risk management in the "preclinical stage" of Alzheimer's disease, while there is an opportunity to intervene prior to the onset of substantial neuronal loss and clinical impairment. "Because there are currently no disease-modifying therapies for Alzheimer's disease, there is a critical need to identify potential risk-altering factors that might delay progression of the disease," says Chhatwal. - MedicalXpress.com

Katz is blunt in his assessment of a lectin-free regimen: "If you avoid all foods with lectins, your diet will be a disaster," he says. -US News and World Report

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Waze now shows road toll Five Instagram prices along your driving route accounts art

lovers should follow


ver the past nine years, Instagram has been changing the way we consume art, sometimes even propelling emerging artists to fame. The image-sharing app, where the hashtag #art appears on more than 526 million posts, also allows outsiders to get an inside-look into prominent art institutions. While recent studies have been pointing out the lack of diversity in major museum collections, some art-related Instagram accounts try to mend this imbalance, highlighting the work of non-male and nonwhite artists. Here are a selection of five of accounts offering a unique and distinct vision into the art world:

by Darrell Etherington


avigation app Waze is making getting to where you’re going even easier — or at least more transparent. A new feature rolling out today will show you any tolls along your route, including the actual amount you’re going to pay, across both the U.S. and Canada.

This is above and beyond what you’ll get in most navigation apps, where you might get a visual or text indicator that there is a toll on one of the roads in your path (and you can opt to avoid them if possible) but you won’t know what you’re actually paying. With Waze, you’ll get the amount — sourced from its community of user-drivers, rather

than direct from the official toll road operators — but Waze’s crowd-sourced navigation data often has a leg up on the official source in other cases.

Graffiti artwork, suspected to have been created by the British street artist Banksy, is pictured opposite the environmental protest group Extinction Rebellion's camp at Marble Arch in London on April 26, 2019 (AFP/Isabel Infantes)

Waze will show you the toll prices up front, too, before the navigation actually gets under way, which is great, because that’s when you actually have the opportunity to do something about it, whether it’s scrounging seat-cushion change or just choosing to drive a different way.

Over the past nine years, Instagram has been changing the way we consume art, sometimes even propelling emerging artists to fame.

This will be rolling out beginning today, so keep an eye out if you’re trying to get somewhere in the U.S. or Canada.

While recent studies have been pointing out the lack of diversity in major museum collections, some art-related Instagram accounts try to mend this imbalance, highlighting the work of non-male and nonwhite artists.

- Tech Crunch

The image-sharing app, where the hashtag #art appears on more than 526 million posts, also allows outsiders to get an inside-look into prominent art institutions.

Facebook needs 'very high standard' for Libra coin: US Treasury


ASHINGTON | AFP | Monday 7/15/2019 - Facebook must meet "a very high standard" before it moves ahead with its planned digital currency Libra, US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said Monday. Mnuchin said US regulators have already expressed concerns to Facebook about the plan for a global cryptocurrency, noting that these kinds of virtual coins have in the past been associated with money laundering and illicit activities. "Whether they're banks or non-banks, they're under the same regulatory environment," Mnuchin told reporters at the White House, adding that Facebook "will have to have a very high standard before they have access to the financial system."

- 'National security issue' He said US regulators have met with Facebook officials on this question, and how Facebook can protect against the new virtual coin being used for criminal activity. "This is indeed a national security issue," the Treasury chief said. Facebook, he added, must implement safeguards against the use of Libra for money laundering and terrorist financing and comply with other financial regulations. Commenting on Facebook's claim that Libra could lower costs and help people without access to traditional financial services, Mnuchin said, "That's fine (but) they've got a lot of work to do to convince us they

by Dmitry Zaks


he UK government said Wednesday that Britons will be able to get answers to this and other medical queries from the National Health Service (NHS) using their Amazon smart speakers. The state health system's tieup with the US technology giant -- billed as a world-first -- drew praise from overworked doctors and professionals weary of bad medical advice proliferating online. But privacy campaigners expressed alarm over the possibility of Amazon storing medical data and then using it to sell targeted ads. "Technology like this is a great example of how people can access reliable, world-leading NHS advice from the comfort of their home, reducing the pressure on our hardworking GPs and pharmacists," Health Secretary Matt Hancock said in a statement. Amazon said it began updating its Echo smart speakers to search NHS websites for medical answers at the start of the week. More and more people are abandoning websites in favour of voice devices that use algorithms to scour online content and come up with answers in seconds. The UK health department said it expected half of all symptom checks to be made through voice-assisted technology next year. It added that the more reliable answers provided by the NHS would be especially helpful to the elderly and the blind. Health professionals welcomed the government's embrace of shifting consumer habits. "However, it is vital that independent research is done to ensure that the advice given is safe," Royal College of GPs chairwoman Helen StokesLampard said.

The UK government says that Britons will be able to get an answer to this and other simple medical questions from the National Health Service (NHS) using their Amazon smart speakers. (File Photo) Some privacy campaigners have also expressed alarm about entrusting tech giants with sensitive enquiries. "Encouraging the public to give their private health details to one of the most aggressive corporate data guzzlers is astonishingly misguided," said Big Brother Watch privacy group director Silkie Carlo. "It's a data protection disaster waiting to happen." Big Brother Watch additionally claimed that Amazon stores users' voice recordings in its data centres. Amazon said in a letter to US Senator Chris Coons last month that its services "allow customers to see, hear, and delete the audio that was streamed to the cloud". Coons has been investigating Amazon's data practices since last year. - 'No patient data shared' The health department insists that Amazon will not be able to access Britons' medical records. "No patient data is being shared with Amazon as part of this agreement," it said in a statement released to AFP. "Amazon is not sharing any of this information with third parties, nor is it selling products or making product recommendations based on this health information, nor is it building a

health profile on customers." The policies Amazon outlined in the letter to Coons suggest that some written records of voice data interactions remain in its systems even after users delete the audio files. "When a customer deletes a voice recording, we delete the transcripts associated with the customer's account of both of the customer's request and Alexa's response," the Amazon letter said. "We already delete those transcripts from all of Alexa's primary storage systems, and we have an ongoing effort to ensure those transcripts do not remain in any of Alexa's other storage systems." It also reserved the right to "retain other records of customers' Alexa interactions". The health department said Amazon was accessing the information for free and that similar services such as Google Assistant were also encouraged to sign up. "This agreement with Amazon is not exclusive -- we want to work with other technology providers on similar agreements," the health department said. The NHS website offers basic advice on thousands of medical conditions and is one of the most popular symptom checkers in the world.

Tech tax set to dominate G7 finance ministers meeting by Antonio Rodriguez


Facebook's David Marcus, who heads the social network's digital currency initiative, said he expects an extensive regulatory review of the Libra project (AFP Photo/Glenn Chapman)

ARIS | AFP | Monday 7/15/2019 - A row over taxing tech giants is set to dominate a meeting of G7 finance ministers near Paris this week, with the world's leading industrialised nations already riven by disruptive US trade policies. During the meetings Wednesday and Thursday in Chantilly, ministers are set to discuss making taxation fairer as part of wider plans by G7 leaders to address rising inequality when they gather next month in the southern French city of Biarritz.

Facebook last month unveiled its plans for Libra, widely regarded as a challenger to dominant global player bitcoin. Expected to launch in the first half of 2020, Libra is designed to be backed by a basket of currency assets to avoid the wild swings of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Mnuchin said the US Treasury welcomes "responsible innovations" that can improve the efficiency of the financial system but added: "Our overriding goal is to maintain the integrity of the financial system and protect it from abuse."

'Alexa, my head hurts': UK health service signs up Amazon

"Otherwise it could prevent people seeking proper medical help."

by Rob Lever

FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

An international effort to update rules so as to rein in multinationals gaming the system by paying in low-tax rate countries has been plodding along. The planned digital currency Libra is to be managed by a Swissbased association that includes Facebook and its partners (AFP Photo/Handout) can get to that place." Mnuchin's comments echoed concerns voiced by Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and regulators around the world, as well as by lawmakers set to open hearings this week on the plan by Facebook and its partners in the Libra project. - Hearing set Tuesday David Marcus, who heads Facebook's digital wallet and blockchain efforts, said in testimony prepared for delivery Tuesday that he expects regulators to carry out an extensive review of the Libra project. "The time between now and launch is designed to be an open process and subject to regulatory oversight and review," Marcus was to say in his remarks, which were released by the Senate Banking Committee. "We know we need to take

the time to get this right. And I want to be clear: Facebook will not offer the Libra digital currency until we have fully addressed regulatory concerns and received appropriate approvals." Marcus said that Libra, whose association will be based in Geneva, will be supervised by the Swiss Financial Markets Supervisory Authority, but would also register with the US Treasury's FinCEN (Financial Crimes Enforcement Network) to comply with antimoney laundering regulations. Facebook "will work with the Federal Reserve and other central banks to make sure Libra does not compete with sovereign currencies or interfere with monetary policy," Marcus added. The companies behind Libra include payment giants Visa, MasterCard and PayPal.

But France and Britain gave the process a jolt last week when they moved forward with plans to apply sales taxes to digital giants, mostly American companies. France became the first major economy to impose such a tax when legislators gave their final approval while Britain unveiled legislation. The French measure does not specifically target US internet giants, but it is commonly called the GAFA tax, an acronym for Google, Amazon, Facebook and Apple. French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire will meet seperately with his US counterpart Steven Mnuchin, with the tax measure expected to feature prominently in their discussions. - 21st century tax rules Even before the final vote by French lawmakers, the US announced it was opening a socalled Section 301 investigation into the measure. A Section 301 investigation

The French tax on big tech firms is often call the GAFA tax, short for Google, Apple, Facebook and Amazon. (File Photo) was used by the Trump administration to justify tariffs on China. Washington and Beijing have lashed out at each other with punitive tariffs on about $360 billion in goods in a trade dispute that has roiled global financial markets and undermined business confidence. "We will urge Mnuchin to accelerate efforts to define tax rules for the 21st century rather than threaten us with Section 301, sanctions, retaliatory measures, which aren't really the best actions for allies to use on one another," a French government official told AFP on condition of anonymity. "We need 21st century tax rules for a 21st century economy," said the official. French and British officials have indicated their perference for an overarching deal, which is being negotiated via the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the G20, and they would abandon tech taxes if an agreement is reached. The French government official said the US supports the tax reform effort, but played down the possibility of a break-

through, such as an agreement on a minimum tax rate, one way to discourage so-called tax optimisation by firms. "It won't be possible to set a rate at this meeting," said the official. "It's premature. We need to get agreement on the principle first." - Libra not liked A number of other thorny issues await ministers, including plans by Facebook to launch a virtual currency called Libra, which has stoked concerns by regulators in numerous countries about regulation and market oversight. "We'll reiterate our intention not to allow a private company to acquire the elements of monetary sovereignty," said the French official. Le Maire has publicly voiced his concerns about Libra, a virtual currency to be backed with a basket of real-world currencies that Facebook says will facilitate online financial transactions. The ministers are also expected to discuss who will take over at the International Monetary Fund after Frenchwoman Christine Lagarde is gone.




FRIDAY, July 19, 2019





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Week of July 19, 2019 21 March to 20 April You have the unique communication skills to get your ideas and goals across to higher-ups at work. It’s like a lesson in performance. You have what it takes to get your point across whether it’s a presentation or request for a raise. Aspects help you move forward.

21 April to 20 May You’re under a lot less stress than you have been lately. You might feel slightly on edge about your financial situation. Try something different, like a cranial massage or a bath with some relaxing herbs. The healing scent will help your muscles feel fabulous.

21 May to 20 June An emotional Venus-Neptune trine arrives midweek, putting you in the mood to express how you’re truly feeling. If you’re afraid of saying too much too soon, ask a friend for advice. The sun-Mercury conjunction in introverted Cancer over the weekend has a quieting effect.

21 June to 22 July You may experience a strong temptation to stretch the truth. This could backfire in ways you can’t anticipate. Be honest. The energy now demands a careful approach with an eye to previously made errors. This can make you feel restless.

23 July to 22 August You can get what you need from a current working situation, particularly compensation. You may need to consider audiences or customer bases outside your country for greater success. Think about how to incorporate your spiritual life into your work. Your relationships will be helpful, supportive, and, most of all, productive.

23 August to 22 Sept You’re moving through a period of cleansing on all levels. Letting go of resentment or bitterness is every bit as important as clearing toxins out of your body. If you haven’t tried a short detox diet yet, perhaps you could make it a regular habit.



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23 September to 22 Oct You’re happy to follow the rules of the Venus-Saturn opposition early in the week if they lead to love. Most Libras know how to play the game. Intelligent Mercury pairs up with emotional Cancer later in the week, making romance a mix of calm and chaos.

23 October to 21 Nov You may be white-knuckling through this time. Power struggles at work could be hard to ignore. You might find that people with a practical focus are immune to your charms. Expect the energy to ease somewhat soon. You may be especially busy with work soon.

22 November to 21 Dec For you, this week is about fueling your energy. You will find ways to spend money on fun pursuits or have a family meeting to determine the most prudent investment strategies. Your communication is affected, enabling you to make your goals.

22 December to 20 Jan You may be feeling especially restless or lazy. Be sure this doesn’t reflect on any work you do for others. It’s a great time for a gathering. Stay as organized as possible and don’t volunteer for anything extra. Rushing can lead to accidents.

21 January to 19 Feb There are no real stresses to challenge you now. However, you still need to take extra care with some aspects of your health. It’s important to keep an open mind about symptoms and treatments. There is more than one way to do everything. If your intuition encourages you,try another way.

20 February to 20 Mar Stick to the familiar and expected now. The energy could be intense and see you standing on the sidelines of a work-related power struggle. This isn’t the time to take sides. Things lighten up soon and you will feel more upbeat. Be a source of fun and inspiration.



1. Without, à Paris

1. Masseuse's office

5. *"Blind as a ____," simile

2. "Some Kind of Beautiful" star

8. *Attract someone's attention onomatopoeically

3. Steelers's Chuck

12. Scheme

5. Western neck ornaments

13. Frosh, next year 14. *Grim Reaper 15. Having the know-how 16. Medicinal houseplant 17. Forearm bones 18. *"Napoleon of "Animal Farm" 20. Horsefly 21. Emotional turmoil 22. *Damn, homophone 23. Reproductive cell 26. *Opposite of figurative 30. Bonanza find 31. Er on Periodic table 34. Dalai ____ 35. Chopper blade 37. The little one "stops to tie his shoe" 38. Like three nursery rhyme mice 39. American stock exchange in NYC 40. Temper, as metal 42. Baron Munchhausen's statement 43. "____ fly away home..." 45. Time of the year 47. Police shot 48. Headquartered 50. Sailor's hail 52. *"Broken heart" or "heart of stone"

4. Rosetta Stone and such 6. To the left of helm 7. People in general 8. Helter-skelter 9. Not loony 10. Doe's mate 11. Café alternative 13. One in low-fitting jeans 14. Old European coin 19. "C'mon in!" 22. Slow-witted 23. Small Asian ungulate 24. Enophile's sensory concern 25. Dished out 26. *Stringed homophone of loot 27. Pair in a railroad track 28. Prenatal test, for short 29. Full of cargo 32. *Collision, onomatopoeically speaking 33. Wayside stop 36. *"Sweet sorrow" or "painful pride" 38. 4-letter word on primetime TV 40. Summer mo. 41. Attack 44. "____ beware" 46. Stick firmly 48. Launch 49. Country album?

55. Dig, so to speak

50. Shevat follower

56. Tangelo

51. Vagrant or tramp

57. Kind of Steven?

52. Gala to Dali

59. September's reason to celebrate

53. Baker's baker

60. Outer layer of Earth's crust

55. Actor Mahershala

61. First female Attorney General 62. Caddie's offering

54. Tear 58. Us, in Mexico

63. Lt.'s subordinate 64. Means justifiers




FRIDAY, July 19, 2019



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FRIDAY, July 19, 2019

Indonesian textiles in limelight at Rome Fashion Week by Josa Lukman


AKARTA - Indonesian traditional textiles were in the limelight at the closing night of Rome Fashion Week on Sunday with a showcase of couture creations. Third-year students from the Koefia International Fashion Academy showcased 46 of their hand-sewn couture pieces. Taking “Memorabilia: Impossible Wardrobe” as their theme, the students reinterpreted Indonesian textiles in their own way, combining them with other fabrics like cotton and linen as well as embellishments such as applique and embroidery. Style-wise, the creations ranged from a vintage-looking 60s jacket with tenun (handwoven textile) accents, a jumpsuit cut from Megamendung batik to plastic-layered batik modest wear. The fashion show was also attended by representatives from notable fashion house Balenciaga, who awarded Koefia student Valeria Catania for her excellence in fashion production.

Koefia head Antonio Lo Presti said the concept of fashion memorabilia had successfully married two different cultures, saying the combination was “unusual and near impossible” yet extremely inspiring. Indonesian Ambassador to Italy Esti Andayani said in her opening speech that it was hoped the collaboration would inspire young designers to create cross-cultural works that can encourage more understanding between nations. “Fashion is more than the process of designing clothes, it is a form of expression to understand the world around us. Tonight’s presentation brings a mix of Indonesian and European cultural heritage, across time and space,” Esti said. The fashion show was part of the celebrations surrounding 70 years of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and Italy. The Indonesian Embassy in Rome provided a number of traditional Indonesian textiles for Koefia students to work on under their professors’ supervision, which took six

Into Indonesia:: Models wear creations by students from Koefia International Fashion Academy during the closing night of Rome Fashion Week on Sunday. (Courtesy of Indonesian Embassy in Italy) months to complete. Following the show, the collection will be exhibited at the embassy starting July 10. A repeat show on the evening was attended by a number of diplomatic and industry guests, including representatives from fashion houses Gucci and Fendi. Fashion activist and author of

Contemporary Indonesian Fashion: Through the Looking Glass, Alessandra B. Lopez y Royo, who attended the event, said the Koefia show demonstrated the enormous potential of collaborative work in the field of fashion between Italy and Indonesia. “'Made in Italy' and 'Made in Indonesia' are both rooted in age-old traditions of design and workmanship that

eschew the ugliness of fast fashion and can really contribute to sustainable clothing for our contemporary world,” she told The Jakarta Post by email. “Indonesian and Italian designers have much in common and much to share. We can look forward to wonderful collaborations.” - The Jakarta Post

Three designer pieces which deserve a place Holiday wear is contributing to in your wedding wardrobe the rise of single-use fashion this summer

by Soshai, Vogue India


lanning a wedding isn’t easy. The bride-to-be has a lot on her mind, from the decor to the perfect wedding day outfit.

More than 50 million outfits will only be worn once this summer.

While there are some brides who know exactly what they’ll be wearing on their big day, there are those who remain confused till the final day, endlessly scrolling through a million mood boards on their phone for inspiration. Today, there are a lot of options to choose from. You can be a millennial bride, a traditional bride, an IndoWestern bride and the list goes on. But what if you can find all that you’re looking for in one place? Spearheaded by Sophiya Gupta, Soshai is the Indian couture label that will save you from a million scrolls (and a sore thumb!). Each ensemble by Soshai is styled with youthful exuberance. It celebrates the exquisite quality of its materials and the richness of colours. Here’s your guide to the perfect designer pieces for your wedding wardrobe.

Shrimps x Warehouse's "Holiday Edit" capsule collection (Courtesy WWD)

Mauve lehenga set (right) If you’re looking to get away from traditional wedding colours, kickstart your wedding celebrations with this mauve lehenga set by Soshai.

By Phoebe Master

Photos: www.soshai.in The mauve lehenga’s intricate dark embroidery with silver will make for a stunning cocktail lehenga. Style your look with polki earrings

and mang tikka for your big day. If you’re looking to get rid of the dupatta, simply add a cape instead. Bingo!


ONDON — Single-use fashion is becoming as much of an issue as single-use plastics and children’s charity Barnardo’s and survey consultants Censuswide, are urging shoppers to curb their shopping habits and to buy secondhand. The charity shop is launching a campaign to encourage shoppers to shop

Navy blue net sari

resale. The retailer will be launching a short film on sustainable fashion with sustainable style blog Paloma in Disguise and influencer Jade from NotBuyingNew as well as a special instore booklet that helps shoppers find and style items from its stores. “Choosing to buy pre-loved clothes for a special occasion from a Barnardo’s shop means you don’t have to worry about bumping into someone wearing the same outfit. It is also kinder to the environment and your wallet, getting more wear out of clothes, which might otherwise only be worn once and end up in landfill,” said Javed Khan, chief executive officer of Barnardo’s. According to a report conducted by Censuswide in partnership with Bernardo’s, Britons will spend more than 2.7 billion pounds for more than 50 million single-use summer outfits this summer, which is being fueled by the wedding, holiday and festival season. Single-use outfits for festivals such as Glastonbury and Coachella account for 248 million pounds worth of items or about 7.5 million outfits worn only once, which according to the report, is fueled by the increase in brand partnerships and sponsored fashion content. Although Glastonbury made a conscious effort to reduce plastic at this year’s festival, festivalgoers increasingly rely on multiple outfit changes to generate content for their social media pages, often shopping at fast-fashion brands. These figures come at a time when sustainability is considered to be the new baseline in fashion. Fast-fashion brands have recently come under fire for their extremely low-priced products. Missguided released a 1 pound bikini during their summer product launch that has led consumers to question the ethical and environmental impact of fast fashion.

Lime chikankari lehenga While it’s normal to have casual chikankari kurtas, shirts and more in our wardrobe, there is no denying the charm of a traditional chikankari lehenga in your wedding wardrobe. Perfect for the bride or even the bridesmaids, Soshai’s lime chikankari lehenga is a musthave for this wedding season. If you like adding a pop of colour to your outfits, pick a pair of ruby chandbalis and bangles with nude makeup and you’re all set for a mehendi or an at-home sangeet celebration.

Want to go the traditional way but are done picking the same old lehengas and anarkalis for your wedding trousseau? Soshai’s navy blue net sari is an excellent addition and you can switch a heavy lehenga for this lightweight piece. Complete your look with diamond chandelier earrings with smokey eyes and light pink lip. With Soshai, you can say goodbye to all your wedding wardrobe worries and get ready to dance the night away.

An increasing number of brands are hiring sustainability specialists. Earlier this month, Asos launched a “responsible” filter that categorizes products under “sustainable” or “recyclable” as part of its efforts to adopt an eco-friendly approach. The Censuswide report for Barnardo’s follows on from wider action by charity retailer Oxfam who recently launched their “Second-hand September” campaign, encouraging people to refrain from purchasing new clothing for the month. -WWD News

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