VOA E-Paper 07-26-19

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FRIDAY, July 26,22019 In Section


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FRIDAY, July 26, 2019 l Published Weekly From Houston

Sugar Land presents proposed FY2020 budget

Vol. 33 • No. 30 • 20 Pages (2 sections) • 50 cents • 713-774-5140 • www.voiceofasia.news • E-mail: voiceasia@aol.com

Voice of Asia News Group partners with ABC13 A giant media leap for the community

By Staff Reporter, VOA OUSTON, Wednesday, July 24, 2019 – Voice of Asia News Group, a leading Asian community newsweekly published in Houston has formed a content partnership with KTRK TV-ABC13, Houston's television news leader, creating an additional platform to showcase the Asian community. This is a major milestone for Voice of Asia, serving the South Asian community for over 30 years as a gratis newspaper, as the partnership will lend digital content that will help bridge the gap from weekly news to daily community news coverage. “We are thrilled to partner with ‘Voice of Asia’, one of the premier Asian news outlets in the Houston area for the past 30 years. KTRK-ABC13 proudly serves one of this country’s most diverse populations, and we are always looking for innovative ways to expand our coverage. Teaming up with the Voice of Asia helps us better showcase and share the unique stories of those we serve,” said Wendy Granato, Vice President of News. “Our partnership with KTRKABC13 is the most significant


step towards building communities. I have always envisioned and worked toward integrating communities for over 30 years and this partnership will certainly help fulfil that goal,” said Koshy Thomas, Publisher & CEO, Voice of Asia News Group. I am especially happy and thankful to all my readers, well-wishers, advertisers, my family and sincere and hardworking staff,” he added. Voice of Asia readers will now can now get timely and relevant information from their neighborhoods with ABC13’s breaking news and in-depth community coverage. Voice of Asia will continue to publish its newsweekly every Friday, but the its digital presence at VoiceofAsia.News will be updated with latest news coverage. “The partnership is a tremendous boost to the rapidly growing Asia community and its demanding media needs. It is very exciting as there are so many stories that need to be told. We hope to bring a fresh look to the way we showcase Asian Americans,” said Shobana Muratee, Editor-inChief, Voice of Asia. The partnership was made official on July 24, 2019.

Seated: Koshy Thomas, Publisher & CEO, Voice of Asia News Group (left) and Wendy Granato, Vice President of News, ABC13. Standing (left to right):Dhruva Rao, Dir. Digital Content, VOA, Shobana Muratee, Editor, VOA, Brittany. N. Guarglia (KTRK-TV), and Giril Edakkunnath, Dir. Marketing, VOA. Photo:Voice of Asia

Harris County Judge Hidalgo and Houston Mayor Turner announce joint Complete Count Committee for 2020 Census


OUSTON, TX – County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Mayor Sylvester Turner, along with members of Houston in Action, outlined the steps the county and city are taking to ensure every person is counted in the 2020 Census. They announced the newly appointed Complete Count Committee (CCC) which will focus on achieving a complete count and reaching undercounted and hard-to-count populations. The region stands to lose congressional representation and billions in federal dollars for health, education, public safety and other areas, if people do not participate in the 2020 census. The CCC held its first meeting im-

mediately following the news conference. Live video and photos from the event are available here, here, and here. Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, said: “We fought for the right of every Harris County resident to trust the Census process and won. But this is just the start. Harris County is doing its part by committing the resources needed to reach undercounted residents through a historic partnership with the city and community leaders.” City of Houston, Mayor Sylvester Turner, said: “There is too much at stake to leave anything to chance in preparing for the 2020 census. I want

County Judge Lina Hidalgo and Mayor Sylvester Turner, announced the newly appointed Complete Count Committee (CCC). to thank members of the Complete Count Committee who have come together to make sure the city and county fulfill their constitutional requirements county everyone. We have a lot of work to do because there is a lot of mistrust and some people think

the census is intrusive. We have to convince them that it is in their best interest to fill out the census.” Nabila Mansoor, Census Director, Emgage; Community Subcommittee Co-lead, said:

“The census tells us who we are and where we’re going, it helps our communities determine where to build everything from schools to supermarkets, and from home to hosContinued on page 3

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Koshy Thomas Sherly Philip Shobana Muratee Sherine Thomas Giril Edakkunnath Dhruva Rao Priyan Mathew Satish Philip

Contributors: OpEd: Dr. Chandra Mittal Legal: Sharlene Sharmila Richards Mala Sharma Health: Sudhir Mathuria Research: Dr. Meenakshi Bhattacharjee


Editor Online: Shobana Muratee Director Digital Content: Dhruva Rao All rights reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be published without the consent of the publisher. Voice of Asia assumes no liability resulting from action taken based on the information included herein. Published weekly by Free Press LLC, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074. Tel: 713774-5140. Fax: 713-774-5143. Email for editorial submissions: voiceasia@aol.com; Email for advertising inquiries and submissions: ads@voiceofasiagroup.com. It is the policy of Voice of Asia to publish letters to the editor which evidence a variety of viewpoints. The opinions expressed in any particular letter to the editor are not necessarily those of the management. Voice of Asia welcomes letters in reply to issues raised in letters to editor. In as much letters to the editor are not articles written or researched by members of Voice of Asia, it is not the policy of the Voice of Asia to perform any investigation or confirmation of any facts or allegations contained in letters to the editor. Moreover, Voice of Asia reserves the right to edit letters to the editor as necessary to correct errors of fact, punctuation, spelling and to comply with space constraints. Although paid advertisements may appear inVoice of Asia Group Publications in print, online, or in other electronic formats, theVoice of Asia Group does not endorse the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. — The Publisher

“Love or Leave America” – New Divisive Slogan of Donald Trump for Election 2020 Chandra K. Mittal, Ph.D by Chandra K. Mittal, Ph.D.


s decent Americans try to grapple with and absorb the shock of President Donald Trump’s Tweets and messages over the past week, President might have discovered a new slogan “Love or Leave America” (LOLA) to win in Election2020. Never mind the moral “lowliness” of his message which is patently vicious, divisive and borders on fascism. But it seems to be working for now as an effective “hate glue” to bring his supporters together. President Donald Trump’s Tweet of Sunday, July 14, 2019, …..“So interesting to see “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen, who originally came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe, the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a functioning government at all), now loudly”......and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don’t they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from which they came. Then come back and show us how....” which was the opening salvo in pursuit of his future objective, is not likely to go in American history as having any parallel in modern times. And if it did, it would come close to Adolph Hitler of Germany or Benito Mussolini of Italy, the fascist dictators who demonized Millions of their countrymen in the mid-1930s in the name of nationalistic purity, and killed many of them. Besides being un-American

Get Smart!

Congressman Max Rose, (D-Staten Island and S. Brooklyn, NY)

by Rep. Max Rose

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he Christchurch terrorist exploited the extraordinary power of social media to broadcast his message of violence and hate across the world. As he brutally murdered 51 people and wounded 49 more in two mosques in New Zealand, his livestream on Facebook ran uninterrupted—and before it was ultimately pulled down from Facebook, it was quickly posted and shared millions of times across Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other platforms. This is the new age of terrorism, defined by the rise of extremist communities online and terrorists who carry out real-life violence inspired by virtual content. And every time a successful terrorist attack is broadcasted online, it risks inspiring copycats attempting to unleash similar terror in their own communities. We as a nation need to adapt





and undemocratic in character, Presidential Tweets contained glaring factual inaccuracies in their contents. Of the four “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen he was referring to (Reps. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Alexandria OcasioCortez of New York, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts), three are US-born citizens of United States. So, they are as American as Donald Trump who could not go anywhere. The only person who came from outside, was Rep. Ilhan Omar who was born in Somalia and is a naturalized US citizen. This suggests that President Trump either had something more sinister in his mind (like their gender, skin color, ethnicity, race, etc) or that he suffered from memory loss. Either way it is inexcusable and unsettling for America. While this moral decay and political decadence is playing out in full view, the Republican Party and its leadership has been completely missing from the scene with their silence. Both, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Congressional Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy have not even had the courage to comment on the immorality of the President’s actions of assaulting the elected members of the US Congress – the Co-Equal branch of the US government. It is only Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Caroline) who felt compelled to urge Donald Trump to “aim higher”, suggesting that President really took a “low” road in his Tweets. Sadly, for America, Donald Trump’s divisive Tweets are part of a winning political strategy as he has continued to persist on his negative message

by making it more inflammatory and vicious. For example, in his follow-up Tweet of July 16, 2019, President stated…...“The Democrat Congresswomen have been spewing some of the most vile, hateful, and disgusting things ever said by a politician in the House or Senate, & yet they get a free pass and a big embrace from the Democrat Party. Horrible anti-Israel, anti-USA, pro-terrorist & public.....” The criticism in the media, political circles, among political pundits and Presidential historians that with his Tweets against the four “Progressive” Democrat Congresswomen of color, President Donald Trump might have touched a new “low”, but he does not seem at all ruffled or unfazed with its aftermath. To the contrary, his vile Tweets seem to have energized the President and motivated him to go an extra mile down the “hate” lane as is apparent from his divisive rhetoric. At his recent public rally at North Carolina, his supporters chanted “Send Her Back” (referring to Congresswomen Ilhan Omar, D-Minnesota) when President mentioned her name to the crowd. While many in the Democratic Party like Presidential candidate Kamala Harris, Julian Castro or Senator Chuck Schumer have called President Trump out for his Tweets and characterized them as racist and bigoted, President Trump’s condemnation is not universal. There are many on the Republican side who are either hiding or do not view President’s Tweets as racist. They instead criticize the four Democrat Congresswomen for their extreme Leftist views to justify Trump’s actions. People like former Senator Rick Santorum defends the President

as being merely a reactionary to extreme Democratic leftist agenda. This should remind Americans of McCarthyism of the 1950s when socialists and communists were demonized. Finally, to remove any confusion his proxies or surrogates might create by dissuading public against Donald Trump’s racial and fascist instincts, the President has directly reaffirmed in his faith in the inferiority of these Congresswomen to serve this country. His July 21, 2019 Tweet states ……I don’t believe the four Congresswomen are capable of loving our Country. They should apologize to America (and Israel) for the horrible (hateful) things they have said. They are destroying the Democrat Party, but are weak & insecure people who can never destroy our great Nation! So, there you have it, America, making of a democratically elected fascist in the land of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Abraham Lincoln, where all men are supposed to be created equal, and no man is superior to the other. With this America seems to be at the verge of departing from its core values and enter into period of political decadence, which is moral equivalent of evil. Who can reverse it? Perhaps few good men, as British philosopher Sir Edmond Burke famously said in 1700s …“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. But where are they to be found - that is question? Dr. Chandra Mittal is Professor at Houston Community College, Op-Ed Columnist at Voice of Asia, and Co-Founder of Indo-American association, Houston.

Social media companies are failing to stop the spread of terrorism online

Voice of Asia (USPS 010-215) (ISSN#10705058) is published every Friday (for a subscription rate of $50 per year) by Free Press LLC, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074. Tel: 713-774-5140. Fax: 713-774-5143. Periodical postage paid at Houston, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Voice of Asia, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074.

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FRIDAY, July 26, 2019







to this new reality. Which is why it is incumbent upon social media and tech companies to step up to the plate and take these threats seriously. Gone are the days of unicorns and The Next Big Thing—tech companies of today have become critical institutions in our society in the same way that banks, telecom and utilities matured in the last century. Earlier this year, as chairman of the House Homeland Security’s Subcommittee on Counterterrorism, I questioned Facebook, Google, Twitter, and Microsoft (which owns LinkedIn) about the resources they’re devoting to counterterrorism—because budgets reflect values, and if they’re spending more on lobbyists and catering than on combating terrorism, there should be hell to pay. Unfortunately, the companies did not fully or promptly share this critical information. The little they did provide months later proved the companies are not doing enough. When Facebook, Google, and Twittertestified before Congress last month, I told them that their anemic response to the issue of online terror content is insulting. They oversell the capabilities of artificial intelligence, they undersell the nature of the challenge, and they obscure the amount of resources they’re devoting to fighting online terror content. They also point to a group that they created in 2017 to pool certain basic counterterrorism data that can be shared, called the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism (GIFCT). The viral spread of the Christchurch video exposed the real limitations of GIFCT’s skeletal consortium—a shoestring operation with no permanent staff, no shared location, and minimal technological and policy collaboration between the companies. This initial effort, unsurprisingly, has not lived up to

its promise. It’s time to start thinking about a newer model for more robust self-regulation and industry-wide cooperation to deal with the metastasizing threat of terrorist content online. This week, the big tech companies will be meeting in Silicon Valley to discuss the future of GIFCT. Ahead of that much-needed conversation, and after what I have seen in my oversight role in Congress this year, I am urging that GIFCT be transformed. First, GIFCT must have permanent staff who serve as dedicated points of contact for the companies and law enforcement. Further, moving its operations into a shared physical location, as is done in the military and intelligence community, could help companies stay ahead of online terrorist activity. These are the wealthiest companies in the world. There’s no reason they can’t make serious investments in hiring more counterterrorism staff and build out an infrastructure for timely information sharing among the companies. Second, GIFCT must develop industry standards on terrorist content removal. How long is too long for terrorist content to remain live online? What error rates are acceptable from machine learning tools targeted at taking down terrorist content? How quickly are users’ reports of terrorist content handled? Having clear standards will not only help social media companies advance the ball together, but

also enable lawmakers and the public understand how well the companies are handling terrorist content. Third, GIFCT must explore opportunities for cooperation beyond simply maintaining a collective database of digital fingerprints that help the companies identify terrorist images and videos after they’ve already gone live. Finally, GIFCT must foster a culture of transparency. Academics and other experts need appropriate access to removed terrorist content to study trends and better understand terrorist behavior. Outside experts must also have access to this information to audit the companies’ claims of success against their own standards. And the public deserves transparency into the process of content moderation—particularly when issues of public safety and national security are so deeply implicated. The leaders of GIFCT need to think big to face the uniquely 21st century challenge of preventing terrorist content from being spread online. The largest technology companies have the resources and brainpower to implement these very necessary changes. It is time for the social media companies to transform GIFCT into an organization positioned to address this pressing national security challenge. Lives are on the line. Congressman Max Rose, chairs the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Intelligence and Counterterrorism.

- The Hill


Section 1

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FRIDAY, July 26, 2019

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India House elects its new Executive Committee Completed in July 2008, India House opened its doors to serve as a vehicle through which we can reach the broader Houston community. July 15th 2019 to July 15th 2021. As an accomplished doctor, Manish Rungta. M.D., brings in his proactive and productive skills to the committee. Paul’s effective business operation and legal skills along with Rajinder Soni’s international experience in the field of engineering and Ashok Bhambhani’s real estate expertise and business acumen together form an effective team to support the President. With continued support from Jugal Malani and the induction of Col. Vipin Kumar into the reorganized committee, India House has assembled a strong group that will enable it to thrive and continue to strive towards its mission and vision.

President; Mr. Paul Madan


OUSTON: India House is delighted with the election of their new Executive Committee, full of experience, expertise and vibrancy, which promises to take India House to even greater heights. Unanimously elected during the elections held at O.P. Jindal Center, India House, the Board welcomes their new Executive Committee led by Dr. Manish Rungta – President; Mr. Paul Madan - Vice President & General Counsel; Mr. Rajinder Soni –Treasurer; Mr. Ashok Bhambhani Secretary; Mr. Jugal Malani - Immediate Past President; and Col. Vipin Kumar, Ret. - Executive Director. The new committee’s tenure will be from

Sitting from left: Rajinder Soni, Manish Rungta, Jugal Malani, Standing from left: Virendra Mathur (Trustee), Vipin Kumar, Ashok Bhambhani. Photo credit Bijay Dixit

India House Board would like to thank their outgoing Executive Committee for an impressive tenure and for showcasing India House at the front of community-building.

Complete Count Committee for 2020 Census announced... Continued from front page

Elena Marks, President & CEO, Episcopal Health Foundation; Health Subcommittee Co-lead, said:

pitals. "More than 430,000 Asian Americans and 137,000 South Asians live in the Greater Houston metro area. We make up 7% of the area’s total population. We are also home to the fifth largest population of Muslims in the U. S. estimated at 60,000 or 1.2% of the Greater Houston area. We are the people that visit our mosques, temples and churches. We are the people that visit our mosques, temples and churches. We are our teachers, our students, our doctors, our business people. "The Empowering Communities Initiative and Emgage understand that it is going to take all of us to make sure that we are counted. Our diversity is our strength and in working together we know we can ensure a fair and accurate count. We will do this together.”

“Health has the most to lose if federal funding declines due to a Census undercount in Texas. From Medicaid and children’s insurance programs to funding for city and county health departments, there are millions of dollars at stake for health-related programs and the Census count determines that funding. With 55% of the budget for state health programs coming from federal sources, for example, the impact of an undercount could be huge.” Carlos Duarte, Texas Director, Mi Familia Vota; Community Subcommittee Co-lead, said: “Estoy aquí hoy porque mi comunidad ha sido, por lo general, desestimada porque enfrentamos barreras sistémicas para una participación significativa. El censo es para todos, sin importar el lugar de nacimiento o

el estado de inmigración. No nací en este país, pero hace casi una década que llamé a Houston mi hogar, hoy estoy aquí para dirigirme a nuestras comunidades porque yo cuento. Mi esposa y mis cuatro hijos, incluso nuestro bebé Antonio, yo y mi familia contamos. Todos contamos. Y nos vamos a hacer contar en marzo 2020 cuando llegue el censo. “We've already begun our work on the census: Mi Familia Vota was a plaintiff, representing our community, in a successful lawsuit that stopped the citizenship question from being added to the 2020 Census. "Just this week, two judges made the final orders preventing President Trump and this administration from politicizing the census. I invite everyone listening to join us as we roll up our sleeves to continue working on a Complete Count for the Houston region.”

Nabila Mansoor, Census Director, Emgage; Community Subcommittee Co-lead speaks at the press conference.

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FRIDAY, July 26, 2019

Over 400 delegates attend 32nd CSI Family and Youth Conference in Houston

Governor Abbott announces $5.2M in Texas Talent Connection Grants Funds for innovative workforce skills training programs

CSI Moderator Most Rev. Thomas K. Oomen

Rev. William Abraham,


OUSTON - The largest annual gathering of the CSI Church in North America is set to get underway on July 24, with over 400 delegates from across the US and Canada assembling for the 32nd CSI Family and Youth Conference in Houston. The four-day conference, which is being hosted by St. Thomas CSI Church Of Greater Houston at the Hyatt Regency Houston Intercontinental Airport and runs till July 28, also concludes the Silver Jubilee celebration of the North

Dr. Susan Thomas

The Rt. Rev. Dr. John Perumbalath

Rev. Joby Joy

American CSI Council.

town, New Jersey.

The 32nd CSI Family and Youth Conference is being held under the auspices of CSI Moderator Most Rev. Thomas K. Oomen, who will also be the Main Leader of the Conference. The Honored Guest Speaker will be The Rt. Rev. Dr. John Perumbalath, Bishop of Bradwell, Church of England. Other noted speakers who will address the gathering include: Dr. Susan Thomas, Women's Programs Leader and Rev. Joby Joy, Vicar of Immanuel CSI, Elizabeth-

"It is an honor and privilege to be able to welcome and host our brothers and sisters from across North America here in Houston, for what we pray will be three days of spiritual upliftment, learning and fellowship," said Rev. William Abraham, Chairman of the Organizing Committee and Vicar of St. Thomas CSI Church Of Greater Houston. "We thank God for the presence of our Moderator and other noted church leaders in our midst and we pray that we all are able to live up

to the theme of the conference - Desert Blossoms." The conference will get underway with a meeting of the Executive Committee on July 24 and will continue with a series of messages from the speakers on each day accompanied by a slew of events alongside including: Welcoming procession, entertainment programs, talent and choir competitions, games and quizzes, interactive sessions for the youth, special programs for children, women and senior citizens.

Texas unveils new hospital unit for veterans Effort will provide specialized mental health care


USTIN – Texas health officials announced today the creation of a 20-bed specialized care unit for Texas veterans. The first of its kind within the state, the new unit at Terrell State Hospital is designed to provide mental health services to this specific population with unique needs. HHSC estimates at least six percent of patients in state hospitals identify as veterans. Many of those veterans come to a state hospital from the legal system and face unique challenges that are best addressed through psychiatric care attuned to their background. “Providing specialized mental health services with this new unit marks an innovative direction in how we care for our veterans, who have made sacrifices to defend our nation’s freedom,” said Dr. Courtney N. Phillips, HHS executive commissioner. “Our modern treatment and caring team members will serve veterans well and help them recover and live successfully in their communities. It is an

honor and privilege to enhance our mission on behalf of veterans.” “I am honored that HHSC has chosen to expand the capacity of Terrell State Hospital to include this new unit focused on providing essential mental health services to the veterans in our area,” said Rep. Keith Bell. “Dedicating this expansion to those who have made this country a beacon of democracy is the least we can do. I am hopeful that this is just the beginning of a renewed commitment to this facility.” “Throughout the past year, my staff and I have met with Terrell State Hospital staff, concerned citizens, and agency leaders about the future of the Hospital and its desperately needed improvements,” said Sen. Bob Hall. “I'm pleased to hear about HHSC's specialized veteran care unit at Terrell State Hospital. As a member of the Senate Veterans Affairs and Border Security committee for the past three legislative sessions, I've examined the diverse and complex struggles

that veterans face. Although there is still much more work that needs to be done for the future of the Terrell State Hospital, I do believe this is a step in the right direction and I look forward to working together toward a common goal of providing assistance to our veterans.” “The Texas Veterans Commission welcomes this expanded support for the wellbeing of our veterans,” said Thomas P. Palladino, Executive Director of the Texas Veterans Commission. “Through an inter-agency contract with the Health and Human Services Commission, TVC supports HHSC’s Mental Health Program for Veterans and works to connect veterans to the resources they need. The TVC remains committed to supporting HHSC’s Mental Health Program for Veterans and increasing access to mental health services for military personnel, veterans, and their families.” The new 20-bed unit at the state hospital, located about 30 miles east of Dallas, began welcoming forensic veteran

patients July 1. The veterans unit is staffed by 51 clinical workers, many of whom are also veterans. Staff at the new unit at Terrell is receiving specialized training, which will eventually become part of continuing training for all clinical mental health providers working at HHSC’s 10 state hospitals. Key to this approach is cultural competency training that will allow staff at the new unit to better interact with the patients residing there. Working with the Texas Veterans Commission, HHSC piloted a training course at North Texas State Hospital. The training includes providing knowledge of military basics along with specialized psychotherapies and resources proven to help veterans. Veterans from all of the state hospital system’s service areas are eligible to request admission to the new unit at Terrell State Hospital. Depending on availability of space, veterans on civil commitments to the state hospital system could also be placed at the unit.


Gandhi’s First Experiment in Satyagraha In 1906, an ordinance introduced by the Transvaal government required all Indian men, women, and children, to register themselves and obtain a personal certificate bearing their name and thumb impressions. It was demeaning and humiliating to Indians, who refused to submit to the terms of the ordinance. They resolved to fight it. Gandhi saw the need for passive resistance or satyagraha. He explained to the people his concept of satyagraha. First, he said, they must be prepared to observe absolute nonviolence. The authorities would take all measures to put down the agitation. They might use violence, arrest people and send them to jail, but all this must be faced without resistance, Gandhi told them. “Merely disobeying the government’s laws will not be enough,” Gandhi told them. “You must have no hatred in your hearts and you must cast away all fear.” The Government ignored all Indian protests against the ordinance and it came fully into force. The Indians decided to disobey the provisions of the ‘Black Act.’ Hundreds of Indians were arrested, tried, and jailed. They all pleaded guilty and went to jail without putting up any defense. Gandhi too was imprisoned. Then one day he was taken out of prison and sent to Pretoria to see General Jan Smuts. “This movement you have started,” Smuts said, “must stop at once. It is not in me to dislike Indians, but they must obey the law”. “I would rather die than submit to this law,” Gandhi replied. “It is

meant to humiliate the Indians.” After some argument, however, they reached a compromise. Gandhi promised to end the satyagraha if the act was repealed and the prisoners released. Smuts agreed to do this provided the Indians would register of their own accord. On this agreement, they parted. Back in Johannesburg, Gandhi called a meeting of the Indians.“We must now register voluntarily to show that we do not intend to bring a single Indian to the Transvaal by fraud,” he said. “If we show our goodwill by prompt registration, General Smuts will see to it that the “Black Act” is repealed,” added Gandhi. Many Indians agreed with Gandhi, but a man named Mir Alam disagreed, saying it was Gandhi who had earlier preached that only criminals get finger-printed. He wanted to know why Gandhi had changed his mind. Early the next morning Gandhi, with his fellow satyagrahis, set out for the registration office. But on the way Mir Alam attacked him with a heavy stick. Gandhi fell down unconscious. Mir Alam and his associates went on beating him until he was rescued. When Gandhi recovered consciousness, he found himself on a couch in the house

Gandhi with Kasturbai in 1913 Mahatma Gandhi Week in Houston Call 713-785-3900 or visit www.mahatmagandhilibrary.org of an Englishman whom he hardly knew. Struggling to sit up, Gandhi requested that Mir Alam not be judged too harshly for not understanding Gandhi’s stance about the registration. Then he insisted that a clerk from the registration office should come to take his thumb impression and make out his certificate. In this way Gandhi was duly registered. Many Indians followed Gandhi by registering voluntarily. But General Smuts, reneged on the deal and did not repeal the “Black Act.” The Indians, disappointed at the Government’s attitude, demanded a return of their applications for voluntary registration. The Transvaal government did not budge. Gandhi, who had by then recovered from his injuries, gave the government a very firm ultimatum: If the Black Act is not


USTIN – Texas Governor Greg Abbott yesterday announced more than $5.2 million in Texas Talent Connection grants to 15 innovative workforce skills training and job placement programs across the state. These competitive grant awards, administered by the Texas Workforce Investment Council in the Governor’s Economic Development and Tourism division, support innovative education and workforce skills training programs that lead to successful job placement, increased wages, and improved job retention, as well as programs serving workforce populations with special needs. “Texas continues to lead the nation in job creation because of our growing and skilled workforce,” said Governor Abbott. “When we asked Texas employers what the most important factor is for future job growth and business expansion, the top answer is a continuing pipeline of skilled workers. With the more than $5.2 million in Texas Talent Connection grants, we are connecting more employers to work-ready skilled Texans and more Texans to in-demand skills training for higher-paying jobs and career advancement.” The $5,204,385 in Texas Talent Connection grant awards announced today include: Alvin Community College in Brazoria County is awarded $394,004 for the Alvin Community College Student Success Initiative serving Brazoria County with integrated reading, writing, and math curricula to model workplace applications for postsecondary youth and adults, as well as mentoring, academic counseling, and career coaching. American Youthworks in Travis County is awarded $255,924 for the New Start PreRelease Occupational Training program serving Travis County. This vocational program serves incarcerated youth ages 16-24 who reside at the Travis County Correctional Complex by providing construction industry certification training and re-en-

repealed before a fixed date, the certificates collected by the Indians will be burnt. When the Government ignored this threat, Gandhi started another satyagraha movement. A big bonfire was lit and more than two thousand certificates were burnt. Many Indians openly crossed the border into the Transvaal, where their presence was illegal. Gandhi and many of his compatriots were imprisoned several times in the course of the agitation. When Gandhi came out of jail for the third time, the Indians held a meeting and decided to send a deputation to England to acquaint the British Government with the real situation in South Africa. Gandhi and Seth Haji Habib were asked to go to London and present the grievances of the Indians. Accordingly they went, but accomplished nothing as the British government favored the British domiciled in South Africa. They returned with grim determination to fight to the bitter end. Gandhi then made a big decision. He gave up his practice as a lawyer. He felt it was a conflict of interest earning his living by law while defying it. Hermann Kallenbach, a white farmer, was so impressed with the peaceful way of life at Phoenix that he offered Gandhi his own big farm near Johannesburg to start another colony. He suggested that all those who had lost their jobs and homes by their participation in the satyagraha could settle there. The new colony was established in 1910 and named “Tolstoy Farm” after the Russian writer whom Gandhi much admired. Here people who were different in nationality, religion, and color lived together like one family. They worked hard and shared the fruits of their la-

try services upon release. Central Texas College in Bell County is awarded $113,297 for the Educational Accelerated Gateway to Leadership and Employability Summer Camp serving graduating high school seniors in Bell County. Graduates participate in a full college experience while receiving training and certifications in high-demand career and technical fields. Collin County Community College in Denton County is awarded $158,664 for the Water Works Initiative, which addresses the shortage of talent in the water and wastewater treatment industry. The program serves credit and continuing education students in Denton, Rockwall, Hunt, and Kaufman counties by providing training and internship opportunities in water distribution, water treatment, wastewater collection, and wastewater treatment. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Worldwide is awarded $500,000 for the Accelerated Skills Training Initiative for Aviation and Aerospace serving Bexar and Comal counties. This program engages underserved young adults ages 18-24, incumbent workers, and veterans in accelerated skills training in the advanced manufacturing, aviation, aerospace, and information technology fields. Goodwill Industries of Central Texas in Travis County is awarded $292,261 for the Goodwill Career and Technical Academy serving individuals with barriers to employment in Travis County by training participants to become Microsoft Certified Solutions Associates. Houston Capital Investing in Harris County is awarded $300,000 for the Capital IDEA and Career My Way program serving Harris and Fort Bend counties. This program serves unemployed and underemployed young adults ages 18-24 by providing a multi-pronged workforce strategy that includes tracks to postsecondary education, apprenticeship or industry training, or rapid employment.

bor. Gandhi spent much of his time at Tolstoy Farm. He was engaged in teaching the children and in other constructive activities.Gandhi’s efforts to persuade General Smuts to change the attitude of the Government towards the Indians had failed. Meanwhile, the struggle continued against the Black Act and the poll-tax. And now hundreds of Indian women, including Kasturbai, joined the movement. Meanwhile a recent court decision in South Africa holding that the law did not recognize Indian marriages, drew much unhappiness amongst the Indian women who could not stand this attack on family ties. They openly broke the law and were imprisoned in large numbers. In the coalmines at Newcastle, in Natal, Indian workers went on strike protesting against the repression. News of the arrests, the deportation of passive resisters, and the untold sufferings of Indian families angered the people of India. A large amount of money was collected for the relief of the victims. Many satyagrahis were beaten and flogged, and some lost their lives. Gandhi, who felt intensely the humiliation his people suffered, took a triple vow of self-suffering. He decided to dress like a poor laborer, to walk barefoot, and to have only one meal a day, till the polltax and other injustices were abolished. But Gandhi found the Government relentless. There was no solution in sight. He knew he had to take further drastic measures for any chance of change benefitting the Indians and people of color in South Africa. -To be Continued

Sponsored by Houston Arts Alliance in honor of Mahatma Gandhi Sesquicentennial Houston celebrations. Great Summer Project For children! Enter Mahatma Gandhi Week 2019 citywide contests: Essay, I-Tribute, Poster and Speech contests. Visit gandhilibrary.org for registration and more information. By participating in these contests not only will the children make good use of their vacation time, they will also learn universal values of Truth, Nonviolence, Love and Service by participating in these contests.



Business Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Legal woes dent Facebook profit, while revenue, user base grows by Glenn Chapman


Facebook also will be required to conduct a privacy review of every new or modified product, service, or practice before it is implemented, including for its WhatsApp and Instagram services. In the earnings report, the leading online social network beat market expectations on revenue and user growth, and shares rose slightly in afterhours trade that followed release of the earnings figures. "We had a strong quarter and our business and community continue to grow," said Facebook chief executive Mark Zuckerberg. The number of people using Facebook monthly grew eight percent to 2.41 billion in the quarter that ended June 30. The number of monthly users topped 2.7 billion when taking into account Instagram, WhatsApp and Messenger along with the main social network, according to Facebook. "This company has repeatedly shown that it can grow both its ad revenue and its


At a closed-door meeting of WTO's General Council, South Korea had earlier spoken out against Japan's decision to restrict exports of chemicals vital to Seoul's world-leading chip and smartphone industry. "The measure referred to by Korea is based on the export control system for national security, and is not an appropriate agenda for the WTO," Tokyo's delegation replied, according to copy of the remarks sent to AFP by Japan's UN mission. Seoul has argued that the Japanese measures were a politically motivated response to a South Korean High Court decision ordering Japanese firms that used forced labour during World War II to compensate

Car boom brings gridlock misery to 'green and happy' Bhutan


But booming car sales may impact efforts to preserve its rare status as a carbon negative country -- and an increase in traffic is testing the good humour of its citizens.

Facebook executives warned that regulation and efforts inside the company to ramp up privacy would be "headwinds" to ad targeting that powers the company's revenue. user base, even in the face of enormous challenges," said eMarketer analyst Debra Aho Williamson. "Today's earnings release demonstrates that it still has that power." Williamson said that for the moment, advertisers "remain dedicated to Facebook despite its problems. However, they are also paying more attention than ever to those problems." - Headwinds to ads During an earnings call, Facebook executives warned that regulation and efforts inside the company to ramp up privacy would be "headwinds" to ad targeting that powers the company's revenue. Compounding the effect of controls such as the General Data Protection Regulation in Europe and increased focus on privacy in operating systems and products are "creating headwinds that we think are going to impact us as we get later in the year and into 2020," said chief financial officer David Wehner. Privacy and compliance efforts also require significant investment in process, people

and infrastructure, he added. The Facebook workforce had grown to 39,651 by the end of the quarter, with the Silicon Valley company hiring aggressively, particularly workers focused on security, privacy and eliminating content deemed unacceptable. Zuckerberg renewed his call for legislators around the world to set clear, uniform standards on important issues such balancing free speech with fighting online bullying or election meddling. "Either the right regulations will get put into place, or we expect frustration with our industry will continue to grow," Zuckerberg said. "We think that having a more democratic process for setting what some of those norms are would be helpful." Also factored into the quarterly results was a tax expense of $1.1 billion stemming from a court decision on the treatment of stock-based compensation. Facebook shares gained 1.1 percent during Wednesday's trading session and swung slightly higher in after-hours exchanges following the earnings release.

S. Korea trade complaints 'not acceptable', Japan tells WTO ENEVA, Switzerland | AFP | Wednesday 7/24/2019 - Japan on Wednesday rejected South Korea's complaints concerning new export restrictions, telling the World Trade Organization that its policies targeting Seoul were necessary for "national security purposes".

Tel: 713-774-5140

HIMPHU, Bhutan | AFP | Wednesday 7/24/2019 - Famed for valuing Gross National Happiness over economic growth, Bhutan is a poster child for sustainable development.

Profit in the second quarter fell 49 percent from a year ago to $2.6 billion while revenues increased 28 percent to $16.9 billion.

The $5 billion settlement announced by the Federal Trade Commission calls for revamped federal oversight of the social network's privacy policies.

by Nidup Gyeltshen

AN FRANCISCO | AFP | Wednesday 7/24/2019 - Facebook reported Wednesday that its quarterly profit plummeted due to the cost of a US privacy settlement and forecast that regulation would slow its money-making ad machine.

The lower profits were due in part to Facebook setting aside an extra $2 billion to cover a massive settlement with US regulators on privacy and data protection.

FRIDAY, July 26, 2019


further impact bilateral trade.

Japan told the General Council, the WTO's top negotiating forum, that it had no choice but to act.

South Korea has said it is weighing legal action at the WTO, although no case has been filed.

"Korea stated that the measure taken by Japan went against the free-trade system. Free trade, however, does not mean allowing trade in sensitive goods and technologies that can be diverted to military use, without any controls or conditions," Japan said. Discussing the measures in terms of their economic impact "is not acceptable," given the security implications, the statement added. Tokyo has previously said that its trade restrictions were made necessary by a "loss of trust" in relations with Seoul, while also accusing South Korea of improperly handling exports of sensitive materials from Japan. Japan has also announced plans to remove South Korea from a so-called white list of countries that face minimum trade restrictions, which would

Bhutan has seen a more than five-fold increase in cars, buses and trucks on its roads in the past two decades, according to transport authority director general Pemba Wangchuk with capital Thimphu hardest hit by the influx of vehicles. Phuntsho Wangdi, a media consultant, says the congestion and lack of parking now makes driving stressful in the tiny Himalayan kingdom where there are no traffic lights. "I wish there were fewer cars. It wasn't like this before," he adds of life in Thimphu, which is home to half the cars in the country. The nation's economy has grown 7.5 percent each year in the past decade, according to the World Bank. Officials estimate there is now one car for every seven people in Bhutan, which has a total population of 750,000.

Downtown Trashigang, Bhutan (Image: Flickr/Flickr/kartografia) But the nation's narrow country lanes and outdated city roads can barely cope. A lack of infrastructure, along with poor driving etiquette -some simply leave their cars parked in the middle of the road -- compounds the problem. "Every year the number of cars and the number of people are increasing, and the roads have remained the same, and it’s a problem for us," Lhendup, a taxi driver, tells AFP. - Gridlock misery Morning rush hour journeys that once took five minutes now take more than half an hour. This may seem a small figure compared to the hours of gridlock faced by commuters in Manila, Jakarta, and Bangkok, but it is a step-change for

the Bhutanese who say the situation has rapidly deteriorated in the past year. "Its chaotic. I eat my breakfast in the car now to save time," says Kuenzang Choden, who drops her fouryear-old daughter at school every day before heading to work. The traffic jams are a sign of the wider economic changes the nation is facing. Bhutan is renowned for prioritising Gross National Happiness over GDP, and has captured tourists' imagination as a tranquil, idyllic land, but there are signs of malcontent. According to the World Bank's 2018 report, the youth unemployment rate is high, as is rural to urban migration, which puts a strain on the resources of towns and cities.

US stocks flat on earnings deluge, tech crackdown


EW YORK | AFP | Wednesday 7/24/2019 - Wall Street stocks were little changed on Wednesday as markets largely shrugged off disappointing results from Caterpillar and Boeing and a US antitrust probe into technology giants. Investors were also keeping an eye on high-stakes congressional testimony from former Special Counsel Robert Mueller on Russian meddling in the 2016 US elections, part of a news-jammed session during peak earnings period. About 40 minutes into trading, the Dow Jones Industrial Average was at 27,267.70, down 0.3 percent. The broad-based S&P 500 was up less than 0.1 percent

at 3,006.61, while the techrich Nasdaq Composite Index gained 0.1 percent to 8,260.88. Technology giants were under scrutiny after the Justice Department announced it would begin an antitrust review of major online platforms to determine if they have "stifled" innovation or reduced competition. Amazon fell 0.7 percent, Google parent Alphabet dropped 1.1 percent and Facebook 1.3 percent, while Apple was flat. Art Hogan, chief market strategist at National Securities, said investors were taking a wait-and-see view of the probe, in part because any action by the government to break up one or more of the giants

would take time. "These things take years, not weeks," Hogan said. "It's going to change several large companies perhaps, or perhaps not." Caterpillar dived 4.5 percent after reporting second-quarter earnings that missed analyst expectations and signaling full-year profits would be on the low end of its range, citing higher costs and weak activity in China and some other markets. Boeing dropped 1.3 percent as it reported a $2.9 billion loss in the second quarter, its biggest ever, following the 737 MAX grounding. The company also pushed back expectations for launching the 777X, a new long-distance plane.

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FRIDAY, July 26, 2019

FIA and BAJNA organize Super 30 publicity event at Times Square and AMC Lowes in Edison

Members of the Federation of Indian Associations (FIA-NY/NJ/CT) at the screening of Super30


dison, NJ, Federation of Indian Associations (FIA-NY/ NJ/CT), one of the oldest and the largest nonprofit umbrella organization of the Indian diaspora organized the screening of the latest Hindi Movie inspired by Anand Kumar, a mathematician and professor from Bihar, India who was the Guest of Honor in 2017 for FIA’s Annual India Day Parade in NYC. The role of Anand Kumar in the latest movie Super30 was played by Bollywood heartthrob Hrithik Roshan. The movie is inspired by the story of Anand Kumar was released in North America on July 12, 2019. Super30 the title of the movie is based on Anand Kumar’s compilation of 30 underprivileged children from extremely poor backgrounds whom he coached thru hardships to successfully ace the tough entrance exams of one of the most revered Ivy League college in India and

renowned in the world, IIT or Indian Institute of Technology. IIT’sgraduates are heads of today’s fortune 500 companies in the US as well as prominent position holders in corporate world. FIA has garnered a long association with the genius mathematician and teacher. Alok Kumar, President, FIA credited Anand Kumar his dedication and devotion to the underprivileged and mentioned that he has not just changed the future of the children for better but also of their families and of their future generations to come essentially contributing to the hon. PM Modiji’s dream of abolishing poverty. The screening held at AMC Lowes in Edison was a full house attended by families of Federation of Indian Association and Bihar & Jharkhand Association of North America.

After watching the movie FIA Chairman, Ramesh Patel said, "The film highlights struggles of a genius mathematician and we are privileged to honor and support him in his good cause. Patel stated to bring Anand Kumar again to the India Day Parade in NYC soon. Vinay Singh, President BAJNA also applauded the film industry for highlighting and showcasing struggles of a society where much needed changes and efforts such as this one projected in the movie are needed. He also welcomed a different aspect showcased for Bihar, which is usually stereotyped with gangsters violence and lawlessness. The community in attendance applauded the acting and makeup of Hrithik Roshan in the movie dubbing it to be potentially award winning. Prior to the movie release, FIA also organized the Super 30 publicity event at Times Square, Manhattan.

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FRIDAY, July 26, 2019

Lifting country cap on Green Card would help in attracting best talent: Congress reps The bill will provide relief to the thousands of families who have been stuck in employment backlogs for decades, said IndianAmerican Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal.


ASHINGTON: PTI | Jul 12, 2019 - Top American lawmakers have welcomed the passage of a legislation lifting the seven per cent country-cap on Green Card applicants, saying that the move will help in attracting and retaining the best talents in the US. The US House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a legislation to remove the seven per cent country-cap on Green Card applicants, a move which could end the agonizing wait of tens of thousands of talented professionals from countries like India who have applied for permanent residency in America. A Green Card allows a nonUS citizen to live and work permanently in America. "In order for American industries to remain competitive and create more jobs, they must be able to recruit and retain the best talent in the world," Congressman Zoe Lofgren, Chair of House Judiciary's Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship said after the passage of the Fairness for HighSkilled Immigration Act. "This becomes increasingly difficult when workers from high-population countries must compete for the same limited number of visas as workers from low population countries," Lofgren said "Our bipartisan bill would phase-in a visa system where the applicant's nationality is irrelevant, providing relief to individuals who have waited patiently for a green card for years, if not decades, while they continue to work and contribute to our economy," he said. "As an original co-sponsor, I'm glad to see that both parties came together to resoundingly pass the Fairness For High-Skilled Immigrants Act, legislation that will strengthen

business development and economic expansion in America," said Indian-American Congressman Raja Krishnamoorthi. "By levelling the playing field for high-skilled applicants regardless of their country of birth, this legislation will keep families together while helping American companies retain top talent," he said. The bill will provide relief to the thousands of families who have been stuck in employment backlogs for decades, said Indian-American Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal. Indian IT professionals, most of whom are highly skilled and come to the US mainly on the H-1B work visas, are the worst sufferers of the current immigration system which imposes a seven per cent per country quota on allotment of the coveted Green Card or permanent legal residency. "It's time to ease the backlogs and leverage the talent and expertise of our highskilled immigrants who help strengthen the US economy and fill knowledge gaps in certain fields. These are people who have helped America grow and thrive as a nation of immigrants and we need to make sure our system continues to value those who are following our laws and doing the right thing," said Congressman Ken, Ranking Member of the House Judiciary's Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship.

China; in years two and three, no more than 90 per cent of employment-based visas may be allocated to India or China. Also, during this period, a safety provision would prevent visas from going unused. It ensures that immigrants who have an approved employment-based visa petition prior to the bill's date of enactment do not lose their place in line. "Our immigration policy should be transparent and based on a first come, first served basis, and that's what this bill does for employmentbased Green Card applicants," said Congressman French Hill. This bill, he noted, does not increase overall immigration numbers or the number of employment-based visas. It simply eliminates antiquated and arbitrary caps on the number of individuals who may come from a particular country and ensures that all new applicants for an employment based green card will wait the same amount of time for that green card, regardless of their country of birth. "After they earn their green card, they will be able to open businesses, further contributing to our economy, and, should they choose and meet the qualifications, become United States citizens," he said.

The Fairness for HighSkilled Immigrants Act, would eliminate the "per country" cap for employment-based immigrant visas so all workers are treated equally.

The legislation passed by the House, would strengthen the American workforce by reducing the wait time for those impacted most by the decadeslong backlog of immigrant visas. It would achieve this by eliminating the per-country limits on employment-based visas and implementing a fair and equitable "first come, first served" system.

This provision would be implemented over a 3-year phase-in period: during year one, no more than 85 per cent of employment-based visas may be allocated to India or

The bill passed by the House on Wednesday by a bipartisan vote of 365-65, also increase the per-country limit on family-based visas from 7 per cent to 15 per cent.

2019 HGH Youth camp

All discourses will be in English. Swami Mukundananda is founder of unique Yogic system JKYog, also known as Yoga for the Body, Mind and Soul. He received His degrees in Engineering & Management from IIT (Delhi) and IIM (Kolkata). For last 3 decades, He has inspired people on path of Spirituality, holistic health, yoga, meditation, service to society & God-realization. He has been invited to speak at various Fortune 500 companies like Google, Oracle etc. For youth, has conducted programs at prestigious universities such as Stanford, Princeton, MIT, Kellogg School of Management and Duke University. Free Registration recommended at jkyog.org/events

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etween the laughter that erupts as a response to a game of “Steal the Butter” and the engaging dialogue that takes place regarding the importance of meditation that is revealed in Chapter 6 of the Bhagavad Gita, Sunday afternoons are a delight for counselors of the Hindu Heritage Youth Camp (HHYC). Preparations for the long-awaited “best five days of the year” are in full swing, and the eyes of every incoming counselor are bright with anticipation. It would be fair to question why a group of more than 60 young adults are inspired to dedicate their summer to igniting the spark of Hinduism in campers. To put it simply, Dhruv Gomber, a first year counselor, explains, “As a camper, I was constantly inspired by the willingness of my peers and the counselors’ will to teach and learn about Hinduism. Camp has allowed me to explore my identity as a Hindu; as I step into my role as a counselor, I can only hope to make that same impact on young Hindus.” Since its founding in 1984, HHYC has been a source of light in the Hindu-American community, both within the Greater Houston area and across the nation. HHYC operates under Hindus of Greater Houston, which is the organization known for its annual Krishna Janmashtami celebration, Hindu Youth Awards, and its aim to unite Hindus in the Houston community. Moreover, HHYC is completely non-profit, relying on only volunteers and donations to help it run efficiently. The camp aims to give young Hindus a deeper understanding of their cultural and religious traditions so that they can realize the applicability of Hindu teachings in their daily lives. Through a seasoned blend of techniques that focus the mind to make it apt for in-

Bhavya Kethireddipalli. Bhavya is going to be a freshman at UT Austin, where she will be majoring in Plan 2 and Business Honors Program. Photo credit Vevek Shukla formation, such as yoga and discussion-based education, and entertaining activities that allow the youth to exude their energy, HHYC taps into the desire within each camper to learn more about their Hindu roots. Every morning at HHYC, campers wake up at 6:30 AM for Shakha, which is a movement that was originally started during the British colonial rule in India to unite Hindus while building character and discipline. Thus, campers begin their days with the focused energy that arises from practicing yoga proceed to engage in physical exercises and games in order to engage all aspects of the body, mind and intellect and build community. As the day continues, campers head to ‘educations,’ which are hourlong, periods in which counselors explore a topic relating to Hinduism with campers. During educations, campers get to learn about different aspects of the Hindu way of life and also engage in thought-provoking dialogue about the subject matter with both their peers and the counselors that lead the discussion. In addition to educations, campers also get to discover Hinduism through several arts

and craft sessions. Once campers are finished learning explicitly for the day, they get to relax and enjoy a period of free recreation. Following the fun, campers and counselors gather to sing bhajans and perform aarti. Finally, in the evening of each night, the entire camp comes together for a special activity, such as HHYC’s famous dodgeball tournament or talent show. These activities are filled with energy, joy, and companionship, and the sweet memories they create build the HHYC community. Finally, the night ends with the classic combination of cookies and milk, and campers head off to bed.

a project as hefty as HHYC to operate well without great diligence, and the counselors here definitely exemplify an amazing amount of commitment to the cause.”

To prepare for the actionpacked days at camp, HHYC counselors meet every Sunday throughout the summer in order to plan each eventful day that the campers experience. Through these meetings, counselors build an exceptional community, as they all work together to create the best possible experience for campers. As Ranjan Veludandi, a second-year counselor, shares, “Camp would not be as great as it is without the discipline of its counselors. It’s hard for

The harmonious mix of education and entertainment would not be possible without the dedication and guidance of HHYC’s directors, Namita Pallod and Abhimanyu Aggarwal. Namita is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and is currently working in Houston. After going to camp as a camper for 11 years, she became a counselor throughout her collegiate years. For the last three years, Namita has been leading HHYC as a director, and her valuable wisdom has allowed camp to grow into the structured

Counselors: Bottom Row: Meena B, Richa G, Anjali M, Mallika S, Hamsini A, Srishti C, Niyati P, Bhavya K, Bhavi P Second Row: Abhimanyu A, Kajal A, Sieanna P, Manushi V, Nupur D, Megana J, Priya P, Shreya K, Mythreyan G, Third Row: Sarthak B, Akhil S, Neha A, Namita P, Parth D, Smit S, Mihir A, Ajay A, Nihanth P, Gaurav G Fourth Row: Annika G, Sarina P, Akash T, Rahil D, Soham D, Ranjan V, Achal S, Shamal S, Sidd P. Photo credit Vevek Shukla yet fun-filled experience that it is today. Abhimanyu, a firstyear director and recent University of Texas graduate only attended camp for one year, but he was instantly inspired by all that he was taught. As he is gears up to step into his new role, he explains, ”Coming to camp every year as a counselor allowed me to make a tangible difference in the lives of young Hindus. I’ve always wanted to play a bigger role in camp because I strongly believes in HHYC’s mission. Camp is a really exciting experience, and I can’t wait to be a part of its growth.” Evidently, HHYC is a funfilled summer camp with a wonderful Hindu twist. Neha Afzalpurkar, a four-year camper

and third-year counselor, puts it best, as she says, “Camp has completely changed my life. I met both my best friends and my life-long mentors there. I feel lucky to be constantly surrounded by an amazing group of people with strong values, similar to mine.” Truly, there is no Hindu camp in the country that has integrated the millennia-old Hindu tradition with modern life in such an impactful manner, and Hindu community of Houston is fortunate to have HHYC in its neighborhood. If you would like to make a donation to the Hindu Heritage Youth Camp or sponsor a meal for campers, please email houstonhhyc@gmail.com. For more information regarding HHYC, visit hinducamp.com.



Fury in India as Trump claims Modi asked for Kashmir mediation



EW DELHI | AFP | Tuesday 7/23/2019 - India's foreign minister issued a strenuous denial to an infuriated opposition in parliament on Tuesday, after US President Donald Trump said Prime Minister Narendra Modi had invited him to mediate in the bloody conflict with Pakistan over Kashmir.

Trump set off a political storm in India by claiming during a meeting in Washington on Monday with Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan that Modi had asked him two weeks ago to mediate in the Kashmir dispute. "I'd like to categorically assure the house that no such request was made by the prime minister to the US president," Foreign Minister S. Jaishankar told the Indian parliament, barely able to make his voice heard over the opposition tumult. Jaishankar insisted the conflict could only be settled bilaterally and that Pakistan had to end "cross-border terrorism" before any talks. Trump's comments touched on one of the most sensitive topics for New Delhi. India has disputed Kashmir with its neighbour since their independence in 1947. Both control parts of the former Himalayan kingdom, but claim it in its entirety. They have fought two wars over the region and tens of thousands, mainly civilians, have died since an insurgency erupted three decades ago in Indian-administered Kashmir.

India has strenuously denied that Prime Minister Modi requested any mediation from Donald Trump on Kashmir. (Photo: AFP) Tensions rose Tuesday across the line of control -- the de facto border dividing Kashmir -- as firing broke out, violating a ceasefire between the two sides.

could play a big part, President Trump certainly can play a big part."

Raja Akmal, a senior police official in Pakistani Kashmir, told AFP a 70-year-old woman was killed after she was hit by a mortar shell.

"Surprised by reaction of India to Pres Trump's offer of mediation to bring Pak and India to dialogue table for resolving Kashmir conflict which has held subcontinent hostage for 70 yrs," Khan said on Twitter.

Another government official said two people were wounded in "heavy shelling" on the line of control, "which was targeting civilian population". Earlier Tuesday Indian officials had blamed Pakistan for the resumption of border firing. - 'Poles apart' Indian opposition leaders demanded that Modi make a personal statement to parliament to confirm that there was no change in New Delhi's longstanding policy of only direct talks with Islamabad. Khan -- on an official visit to the United States -- stirred the controversy further by saying Kashmir could only be resolved with outside help. "Bilaterally, there will never be (an end to the Kashmir conflict)," Khan told Fox News, adding that Pakistan and India were "poles apart". "I really feel that India should come... (to) the table. The US

Khan said Tuesday he was surprised by Delhi's reaction.

Some US politicians quickly distanced themselves from Trump's comments. Brad Sherman, a Democratic Congressman and member of the House foreign affairs committee, said he apologised to the Indian ambassador in Washington for Trump's statement. "Everyone knows PM Modi would never suggest such a thing. Trump's statement is amateurish and delusional. And embarrassing," he tweeted. The State Department also sought to calm the storm. "While Kashmir is a bilateral issue for both parties to discuss, the Trump administration welcomes Pakistan and India sitting down and the United States stands ready to assist," tweeted Alice Wells, acting assistant secretary of the department's Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs.

USA go high-tech to tackle Tokyo challenges by Rebecca BRYAN


The US topped the medals table in Rio with 46 gold medals and a total of 121. Kirwan, speaking to reporters on a conference call on Monday, said the USOPC had already fostered sophisticated projects aimed at boosting performance. That included the use of radar technology to aid the training of athletes in the track and field throws such as shot put, javelin and hammer, which allowed athletes and coaches to better

Four elders of a tribal family, all aged in their 60s according to local media reports, were attacked by around a dozen stickwielding villagers outside their home late Saturday. "It is linked to some local occult practitioner(s) who blamed some negative development in the tribal village to the members of this family," Shashi Ranjan, deputy commissioner of Jharkhand state's Gumla dis-


HANGHAI, China | AFP | 7/23/2019 - Tottenham Hotspur manager Mauricio Pochettino heaped praise Wednesday on Son Heung-min and said he regarded the South Korean superstar as Asia's answer to David Beckham. The 27-year-old forward was undoubtedly the focus of attention for fans in Shanghai, where Spurs play Premier League rivals Manchester United in a friendly on Thursday. Pochettino's side, beaten by Liverpool in the final of the Champions League, arrived in China from Singapore, where Son was similarly feted. "We can see how people love Sonny in Asia, he's an icon. We joked a bit, but I compare him with David Beckham," said Pochettino. "But I'm not surprised and it's good to see how people love him and how important he is to people." The



"We have experienced athletes, but travelling to Asia you need to be prepared for that," he said. Some US Paralympic athletes may have a chance to acclimate by training on US military bases in Japan, Julie Dussiliere, USOPC chief of Paralympic sport, said. Countdown: the Tokyo Skytee observation deck announces marks the one year milestone ahead of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games AFP/File analyze data on flight, speed of release and angle of release to improve performance. "I think there was a realization coming out of Rio that we basically needed to up our game in the use of technology because other nations were getting the jump on us," Ireland's Kirwan said. At the USOPC's high altitude training facility in Colorado Springs, Colorado, endurance athletes can artificially experience the kind of high heat and humidity expected in Japan.

"What that allows us to do then is adjust fluid intake, we can look at feeding strategies, there are a whole bunch of things we can put in place to support those athletes," Kirwan said. "We're also looking at straightforward stuff like ice baths. We're in middle of project with those to make sure our athletes are able to get access to the best quality ice baths that are out there." Kirwan said USOPC sports science and medical staff would also work with national gov-

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trict, told AFP. Gumla is a densely forested tribal-dominated region some 100 kilometres (60 miles) from the regional capital Ranchi. "Additional forces have been at the Siskari village since authorities found out about the incident," he added. "It is peaceful but no one, not even survivors from the family, are saying anything, probably out of fear." The senior-most district official said no one had been arrested so far as investigations continue. Experts say belief in witchcraft and the occult remains widespread in impoverished

rural communities across India, especially in isolated tribal communities. In the past, women have often been branded witches and targeted by locals. Some believe in the occult, or have other motives including usurping their rights over land and property. More than 2,000 people -many of them women -- were killed in India on suspicion of witchcraft between 2000 and 2012, according to the National Crime Records Bureau. Some states, including Jharkhand, have introduced special laws to try to curb crimes against people accused of witchcraft and superstition.

He's Asia's Beckham - Spurs boss hails 'icon' Son

erning bodies of all sports to determine "appropriate sleep protocols" for athletes.

OS ANGELEs, | AFP | 7/22/2019 - US Olympic officials are counting on cutting edge technology to help American athletes refine their training and prepare for the unique challenges of Tokyo in pursuit of another dominant display at the 2020 Games. Wednesday marks the start of the one-year-to-go countdown to Tokyo 2020, and Finbarr Kirwan, the vice president of summer sport performance for the US Olympic and Paralympic Committee (USOPC), said the milestone was a good opportunity to assess preparations for the Games.

Four killed over withcraft allegations in India EW DELHI, India | AFP | Sunday 7/21/2019 - Four members of a family including two women were killed by fellow villagers in central India's tribal heartland over allegations of witchcraft, authorities said Sunday.

by Abhaya Srivastava

While Pakistan has often sought third-party mediation in the decades-old dispute which has cost tens of thousands of lives, the idea is anathema to India, which has always insisted the issue can only be resolved bilaterally.

FRIDAY, July 26, 2019

Dussiliere said officials were

who will be expected to mount a Premier League title challenge with his side this season, praised the way that Son bounced back from a difficult first year in England. Son joined the Londoners from Bayer Leverkusen four summers ago, but showed only flashes of his potential in his debut season and was linked with a move away from Spurs. But he has gone on to become a key player and last season was outstanding, scoring 12 goals in 31 Premier League matches and racking up seven assists. Pochettino praised Son's "fantastic mentality" and desire to keep improving, saying: "He is a good example for all the fans and people, not only here in Asia but in the whole world. "His first season was tough, it was tough to adapt to England, to new football, new culture, new habits. "But after the first season his adaptation was unbelievable and he became a very important player for us."

working with the Department of Defense to try to provide "unique training opportunities" for up to five parasport NGBs to place athletes at bases. She said such a move "clearly gives us a little bit of a home court advantage in terms of being on a US base surrounded by other Americans with topnotch facilities and group support services." - 'Exciting time' There has been plenty of

The affable Son, who was mentioned by some experts as a potential player of the year in the Premier League last season, said that he was proud to be a flag-bearer for Asian footballers. He said the Spurs players, among them striker Harry Kane, "deserved" to win a trophy this season -- something that has eluded them under Pochettino since he arrived at the club in 2014. "Seeing how hard the players work, how professional we are, I am so proud of this team," said Son. "Until now we don't have anything, it's tough, but we are looking forward to being successful. "I am sure we can do better than last season." A torrential downpour struck towards the end of an open Spurs training session on Wednesday morning and there is the possibility of more rain later in the day, and on Thursday.

turmoil in the US Olympic movement since the 2016 Rio Games, with the US Olympic chiefs coming under fire for failing to react swiftly when first warned of abuse allegations surrounding former national gymnastics team doctor Larry Nassar. The scandal has brought Congressional scrutiny, and a reform commission has recommended an overhaul of the USOPC to increase athlete representation.

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os Angeles | AFP | 7/24/2019 - A federal judge in California on Wednesday issued a preliminary injunction blocking the Trump administration's new rule barring most immigrants from obtaining asylum in the US if they transit through Mexico. US District Judge Jon Tigar handed down his decision, which takes effect immediately, following a hearing on the controversial policy that the government argued was necessary to stem the flow of migrants into the US. The policy would have effectively prevented most asylum seekers from Central America from gaining entry into the United States at the southern border as the majority come through Mexico. Tigar's decision came as another federal judge in Washington heard a separate challenge on Wednesday and allowed the new rule to be implemented. However, Tigar's ruling means that the new policy cannot be implemented until the legal challenges are resolved. "This new rule is likely invalid because it is inconsistent with the existing asylum laws," Tigar wrote in his order, denouncing the government's decision to promulgate

US judge blocks Trump administration's new asylum rule American countries seeking refuge in our country," Melissa Crow, an attorney with the Southern Poverty Law Center's Immigrant Justice Project, said in a statement following Tigar's ruling. "We will continue to fight this draconian policy as well as the myriad of others through which the Trump administration continues to wage war on asylum-seekers and our nation's asylum system." The lawsuit filed in California argues that the new rule was in violation of immigration laws that clearly state that asylum could not be denied based on a person's route to the United States. Central American migrants, part of a group of 87 people deported from US, gather at the El Chaparral border crossing before being transported to a shelter in Tijuana, Mexico, on July 22, 2019 (AFP Photo/Eduardo Jaramillo Castro)

the new law as "arbitrary and capricious." The American Civil Liberties Union, the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Cen-

ter for Constitutional Rights had challenged the policy in court last week. Two other advocacy groups had filed a separate challenge in Wash-

US woman gets 25 years for killing daughter to 'remove demons"


OS ANGELES, United States | AFP | 7/24/2019 - A California woman has been sentenced to 25 years to life in prison for killing her three-year-old daughter, who was left in a hot car for nearly 10 hours to cleanse her of demons, officials said. Angela Phakhin had been convicted in June of the firstdegree murder of Maiya and the sentence was pronounced last Friday, the district attorney's office in Sacramento said. Phakhin's fiance, Untwan Smith, has also been charged in the case and is awaiting trial. The pair moved to California in February 2016 from Arkansas and were living in their car, authorities said. Over a two-week period in June 2017, the couple subjected Maiya to extreme summer temperatures, they added. On one occasion, she was left in a car for four-and-ahalf hours and the next day for nine-and-a-half hours, which resulted in her death, prosecutors said.

(COMBO) This combination of handout pictures created on July 24, 2019 shows booking photos released by the Rancho Cordova PD on their Facebook page on June 29, 2017 of Angela Phakhin (L) and her fiance Untwan Smith (AFP Photo/Handout) "Phakhin had been warned repeatedly to protect Maiya and was advised to take her to a cooling shelter, but she did not accept the offers," prosecutors said. "After Maiya's death, Phakhin told law enforcement that she and Smith were trying to remove the lustful demons from Maiya." Phakhin and Smith were arrested on June 28, 2017 in

Rancho Cordova, north of San Francisco, after their SUV was spotted by police parked the wrong way. Officers began searching the car after a records check revealed that Smith had an outstanding warrant in Arkansas. Maiya was found underneath blankets in the back seat and was pronounced dead at the scene.

4 Chicago police fired for alleged police shooting coverup


HICAGO | AFP | Friday 7/19/2019 - Four officers accused of lying about the circumstances around the fatal shooting of a black teen have been fired by the Chicago Police Board. The 2014 killing of 17-yearold Laquan McDonald, which was captured on police video camera, sparked months of protests and became emblematic of longstanding police abuse in America's third-largest city. A jury in October convicted a white police officer, Jason

FRIDAY, July 26, 2019

Van Dyke, of second-degree murder for firing 16 bullets into McDonald, most of which struck the teen after he fell to the ground.

duty to act with honesty and integrity and to accurately and completely report their observations," the board said in a statement.

The Police Board said that Sergeant Stephen Franko and three other officers had exaggerated the threat posed by McDonald in order to cover for Van Dyke, according to a decision handed down Thursday.

McDonald's 2014 murder laid bare a deep distrust of government institutions among African Americans.

"Their conduct is antithetical to that expected and required of a sworn law enforcement officer, who at all times has a

The city's police chief and lead prosecutor both lost their jobs after the shooting, one in a series of fatal encounters between US police and African Americans, who formed the Black Lives Matter movement in response.

ington. "Today's ruling is an important victory for incredibly vulnerable individuals and families from besieged Central

The White House measure targets the stream of hundreds of thousands of migrants from Central America and other countries who have tried to cross into the United States from Mexico and request asylum over the past few months. These requests -- increasingly made by families saying they have fled endemic violence and poverty in their countries -- allow the applicants to remain in the United States and to move around freely while their cases are adjudicated, which can take two years. The number of bordercrossers detained by the US Border Patrol surged to a 13-year high of more than 144,000 in May before easing to 104,000 in June -still up 142 percent from a year earlier. Most are families from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador.

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FRIDAY, July 26, 2019



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Fort Bend County man designed the flag pole planted on the Moon


FRIDAY, July 26, 2019

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Sugar Land presents proposed FY2020 budget, capital improvement program

t age 89, Ken Parr has a lifetime of memories. One of his best happened 50 years ago this week. Although he didn't graduate from college, he was awarded a doctorate degree from the University of Houston, which he attended for two years in the 1950s. It was given to honor his work in designing the tools of industry for major oil companies. He said he also contracted with NASA.


UGAR LAND - City Manager Allen Bogard recently submitted a proposed $272.1 million budget for fiscal year 2020, which begins Oct. 1.

That allowed him to have a role from a distance the first time humans stepped on the surface of the Moon. "It gives me chills to think about it," Parr said, from his Fort Bend County home. "Don't make me get emotional." Parr was part of the team tasked with designing and then creating a flagpole that could be carried aboard the lunar lander. "It had to weigh in the ounces, rather than pounds," he said. "I chose a lightweight aircraft aluminum, and the design was accepted."

Ken Parr (Photo: KTRK) The design also included a horizontal rod that prevented the American flag from drooping. It was reported that the blast from the lunar module takeoff toppled the flag pole, but Parr believes the pole flexed, then returned to its original position.

The same design was also used for other U.S. flags planted on the moon. "It was one of the greatest things in which I have ever been involved," Parr said. "That flag pole will be on the moon longer than anything on Earth." - KTRK Channel 13

Thai fruit-carving demonstration planned at George Memorial Library


ICHMOND - Would you like to impress your guests by decorating your table with artfully carved edible centerpieces? Fort Bend County Libraries’ George Memorial Library will present a demonstration of “Edible Centerpieces: Thai Fruit-Carving” on Saturday, August 10, beginning at 11:30 am, in the Meeting Room of the library, located at 1001 Golfview in Richmond. The program is presented by Sucharee Yossunthorn, who attended the Culinary Academy of Las Vegas and received professional training for carving in Bangkok, Thailand. Yossunthorn will discuss the history of this traditional Thai art, and will demonstrate how to carve colorful fruits and vegetables into exquisite flowers, leaves, and garnishes that are suitable for special events.

Other challenges include the absorption of budget cuts and constraint in recent years that has left many increasing operational needs and priority capital projects unfunded; the impacts of unfunded mandates and recently passed legislation; and needing to take steps to secure the city's long-term water supply.

Missouri City to begin bridge reconstruction next week


ISSOURI CITY - Those traveling along Highway 6 near Missouri City will need to look out for detours beginning next week. Missouri City will closing the bridge on Glenn Lakes Lane near Highland Lakes Drive to all traffic on Monday, July 29 for a $1.8 million project that will reconstruct the bridge using current engineering design standards.

The project was submitted and approved as part of the

"The City of Sugar Land has a long history of being recognized as a leader in financial stewardship, with strategies uniquely tailored to our community and designed to minimize the residential tax burden," said City Manager Allen Bogard. "We are proud of our success, which includes the second lowest property tax rate in the state of Texas among similarly-sized cities and one of the lowest residential tax burdens on a per capita basis. As the city approaches its 60th anniversary, however, the strategies that led to success in the past must evolve to ensure Sugar Land continues to be successful in the future - recognizing that the city is aging and changing." Some of the factors driving the need for the city's strategies to evolve include slowing growth as the city approaches build-out, residential value growth outpacing commercial growth in recent years, increasing service costs, aging infrastructure and the volatility of sales tax revenues.

The program is free and open to the public. For more information, see the Fort Bend County Libraries website (www.fortbend.lib.tx.us), or call George Memorial Library (281-342-4455) or the library system’s Communications Office (281-633-4734).

The Texas Department of Transportation has an offsystem bridge inspection program. During a 2012 study of Missouri City crossings, TxDOT determined the Glenn Lakes Bridge as having deficiencies.

The proposed budget includes $231.6 million for operations and $40.5 million for capital projects. It follows guidelines in the City Counciladopted Financial Management Policy Statements, maintains existing service levels and seeks to implement the top priorities that have been identified by City Council through a series of discussions and workshops in recent months with an emphasis on programs and projects that directly benefit residents and enhance the quality of life in Sugar Land.

2013 Fort Bend County Mobility Bond Program and entails a complete reconstruction of the existing bridge that, according to the city, has reached the end of its useful life. Fort Bend County’s Mobility Bond Program will fund 50 percent of the build, which

city officials estimate will take about a year to complete. “Public safety and mobility/ infrastructure enhancements are of paramount importance to the city,” Missouri City said in a statement. “This project will also aid in promoting the quality of life for residents.”

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Strategies for fiscal year 2020 and the future include: * consideration of opportunities to rebalance the tax burden to increase the share paid by commercial properties - recognizing residential revaluation has outpaced com-

mercial value growth in recent years; * consideration of future general obligation bond elections to fund important capital improvement projects such as facilities, mobility and drainage; * completion of a review of fees and rates - as well as collections efforts - to ensure appropriate recovery of such services; and * evaluation of innovative service delivery opportunities to provide the same or higher levels of services at lower costs. "Our residents continue to tell us through feedback such as our most recent citizen satisfaction survey that investments in mobility, public safety and drainage are important to ensure the continuation of the Sugar Land Way, which is a commitment to meeting residents' expectations - both in terms of the service levels and the value for tax dollar we provide," said Bogard. "The proposed budget funds the projects that are most important to our residents - all with only a modest increase in the average residential tax bill and a lean but championship workforce." The proposed budget includes the following priorities, all of which are designed to respond to current challenges, increase the city's resiliency and ensure continuation of the Sugar Land Way by: * increasing funding for infrastructure rehabilitation such as streets, sidewalks, facilities, parks and drainage; * continuing investment in technology to enhance traffic and mobility responsiveness, such as Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) management and an update to the Comprehensive Mobility Plan; * supplementing traffic safety resources to replace traffic enforcement cameras; * identifying opportunities to more fully recover certain costs, including increases in emergency medical services fees, to offset revenues that were eliminated as a result of the 86th state legislature; and * investing in a championship workforce, such as a public safety compensation study and a performance-based merit pool of 3 percent, recognizing the city is a personnel-driven public safety and service provider and does not give cost of

living increases. The proposed fiscal year 2020 capital improvement program (CIP) priorities include the completion of the remaining 2013 voter-approved parks bond projects through a planned tax rate increase of approximately 1 cent and the strategic use of an increase in the homestead exemption from 10 to 12 percent to offset the residential tax bill impact. Other priority projects include Settlers Park drainage improvements, major street rehabilitation and capital projects funded through utility revenues to implement the Integrated Water Resources Plan (IWRP) and prepare to meet additional mandated surfacewater requirements. The proposed five-year CIP further plans for a general obligation bond program of approximately $90 million to address projects that are not affordable within the current tax rate, including drainage, mobility, public safety and a new animal shelter. City Council is in the process of finalizing the projects and amounts for consideration by voters, with projects to be funded in future year capital programs to begin in fiscal years 2021 to 2023, if approved. Water and wastewater rates - including surface water fees - have not been increased since January 2014, and increases are needed to support capital investment in accordance with the IWRP and in order to meet the upcoming 60 percent groundwater reduction mandate. The fiscal year 2020 budget includes a 5 percent increase to water/wastewater rates and a 10 percent increase to surface water fees to begin investing the funds needed for the projects - equating to only about $5 per month for the average residential utility customer. Residential solid waste collection will increase by 2.5 percent in January 2020 from $18.91 to $19.38 per month, consistent with the city's solid waste contract. A series of budget workshops, open to the public, will be held through August, and the budget will be formally considered for approval by City Council on Sept. 17. Public hearings will be scheduled prior to budget and tax rate approval. For more information, visit www.sugarlandtx.gov/budget. - City of Sugar Land


FRIDAY, July 26, 2019



Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Having big stars in a film is an advantage: "Mission Mangal" director Jagan Shakti

Indian Bollywood actors Sidharth Malhotra (L) and Parineeti Chopra (R) pose for a picture during the promotion of their upcoming romantic comedy Hindi film "Jabariya Jodi" in Mumbai on July 23, 2019. Sujit Jaiswal / AFP

Parineeti Chopra says ‘Jabariya Jodi’ is not preachy The actress stars alongside Sidharth Malhotra in the comedy MUMBAI -July 02, 2019 (PTI) - Actor Parineeti Chopra and her costar Sidharth Malhotra say though their upcoming ‘Jabariya Jodi’ talks about groom kidnapping, the film isn’t preachy or loaded with any “serious lecture”. "Mission Mangal" poster.


UMBAI | July 23, 2019 | PTI | Jagan Shakti is making his debut as a director with Akshay Kumar-Vidya Balan starrer "Mission Mangal" and he says having big stars on board is always an advantage. The film is based on real-life scientists, who contributed to India's first interplanetary expedition, Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), launched by Indian Research Space Organisation (ISRO) in 2013. Akshay plays Rakesh Dhawan, a scientist, who is in charge of the mission and the five female colleagues, played by Vidya Balan, Taapsee Pannu, Kirti Kulhari, Sonakshi Sinha and Nithya Menen, help him in spearheading the mission. "When I started writing it I never had a plan of having big stars. I just wanted to make this film, share this story with everyone. But when stars come on board it is an advan-

tage. With stars, a film reaches more people. But having said that, a good film will also work well with lesserknown actors," Shakti told PTI. The first poster of "Mission Mangal" courted controversy for giving Akshay a bigger display than the female co-stars. The director, however, said the all the characters contribute equally to the film. "You are going to have that because when you have seven to eight stars you are bound to have such a poster. But it is everybody's story and everybody brings in the crowd. In the writing every role is strong," he said. Shakti was an associate director on "Padman" (2018) and "Holiday" (2014) and it was during the former when he had shared the idea of "Mission Mangal" with Akshay. Talking about the casting of the

'Mission Mangal' to have Australian premiere at Indian Film Festival of Melbourne

film, Shakti said, "I am blessed, I have no complaints. I narrated him and he loved it. It was a blessing for me to have Akshay in my first film itself. I approached Vidya ji, I knew her when I was working on 'Paa' (as an AD), I have also worked with Sonakshi on two films - 'Akira' and 'Holiday'.

"I approached them because I knew them well. Maybe the script was strong that everybody agreed to be part of the film." Shakti said his elder sister is a scientist working for ISRO and through her he got to meet a lot of people who were part of the Mars Mission. The film also features Sharman Joshi and Dalip Tahil playing pivotal roles. "Mission Mangal" is scheduled to be released on August 15

Malhotra said the film gives a comical spin to a practice prevalent in Bihar. “It’s a relatable story to which we have given a comical turn. There is also a message on dowry in a fun way. This is a love story which both Parineeti and I haven’t done before,” said Malhotra. Chopra said the film doesn’t aim to send across a social message and hence has taken a comic route. “We are not giving any serious lecture or message through this film. We are just showing you that such a thing happens in India, but because we love watching comedies, we have given it a comical spin,” she said.

They were speaking at the trailer launch of the film. Directed by Prashant Singh and backed by Ekta Kapoor, ‘Jabariya Jodi’ reunites Malhotra and Chopra almost five years after their hit, ‘Hasee Toh Phasee’. Parineeti said the duo received a lot of love as a pair for the film and were particularly careful in choosing their next. “So while we used to talk about working together again, we did not go for those films because we wanted to do something extremely different from ‘Hasee Toh Phasee.’ “We wanted to do a love story, a story with that kind of chemistry but in a different world. When this film came, Sid called me and said we should do this film and I should talk to Ekta,” she added. With story and screenplay by Sanjeev Jha and dialogues by Raaj Shaandilyaa, ‘Jabariya Jodi’ is scheduled to release in India on August 2.

Vidya Balan to act, produce short film 'Natkhat'

Keerthy Suresh has shifted her focus to Bollywood?


eerthy Suresh, who was last seen in Sarkar, has not signed in any new film in Tamil so far. It is said that the actress is looking to make it big in Bollywood as she has already signed up for a Hindi film. Fresh, new actress Keerthy Suresh became a big star in a very short time. Within a few years, she has acted with Vijay, Dhanush and Suriya in many big-budget films. However, the actress currently has no Tamil projects in her kitty!


ission Mangal will have its Australian premiere at the Indian Film Festival of Melbourne (IFFM) on Independence Day. The movie, directed by Jagan Shakti, is based on real-life scientists, who contributed to India's first interplanetary expedition, Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM), launched by Indian Research Space Organisation (ISRO) in 2013.

According to a report published in a Tamil entertainment website, it is said that the actress has been consciously turning down Tamil films as she is aspiring to make it big in Bollywood. Keerthy was last seen in Vijay's Sarkar and she has bagged a Hindi film, which is going to be produced by Boney Kapoor. IFFM will host the premiere at HOYTS Chadstone in Melbourne. The film features Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan, Taapsee Pannu, Sonakshi Sinha, Sharman Joshi, Kirti Kulhari, Nithya Menen and HR Dattatrey in the lead roles. 'Mission Mangal' is scheduled to be released on August 15. - PTI

Many heroines like Sridevi, Hemamalini, Asin, Rekha and Jayaprada from the regional film industries went on to make it big in Bollywood. On the other hand, many actresses have also failed to make a mark in B-Town like Kajal Aggarwal, Tamanna and Shriya Saran. It has to be seen in which category Keerthy would eventually fall. Keerthy has however signed a film in Malayalam called Marakkar: Ara-

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Vidya Balan


UMBAI | Press Trust of India | July 23, 2019Vidya Balan is all set to turn producer with a socially relevant short film titled "Natkhat", in which

bikadalinte Simham and a Telugu film called Manmadhudu 2. Both films are huge projects in their respective industries. then went on to act with Sivakarthikeyan in the film Rajini Murugan. The actress is now one of the much sought-after actresses in the

she will also act. The actor has collaborated with producer Ronnie Screwvala to back this film, a statement issued on behalf of the actor read. As per the press release issued by the makers, "Natkhat" addresses several issues such as patriarchy, gender inequality, rape, domestic abuse, compartmentalisation by men in different relationships with women; and in doing so surpasses all possible barriers, be it age, gender, urban-rural divide and nationality. "It's a beautiful and powerful story that called out to me in a way that made me want to act in it and also turn producer. And who better than RSVP to do it with," Vidya said in a statement. Screwvala said he is looking forward to work with Vidya.

Read the latest articles and news on BOLLYWOOD /HOLLYWOOD & ENTERTAINMENT

"When I first heard the script of 'Natkhat', I immediately knew this film had to be made. The film addresses so many issues and gives out a powerful message too," he added.

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The makers added the film is being essentially made for international film festivals. Written by Annukampa Harsh and Shaan Vyas and developed with RSVP associate producer Sanaya Irani, "Natkhat" is directed by Vyas.


FRIDAY, July 26, 2019



Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Why Shang-Chi's movie has an Iron Man villain by Allie Gemmill


OS ANGELES, July 22, 2019 - The confirmation of ShangChi and the Legend of the Ten Rings' villain as The Mandarin at San Diego Comic-Con 2019 may have come as a surprise for some. Disney's "The Lion King" has already passed the half-billion-dollar mark worldwide (AFP Photo/Tolga AKMEN)

Disney's 'Lion King' roars as Cameron salutes new 'Avengers' record


OS ANGELES | AFP | Monday 7/22/2019 - "The Lion King" roared to a huge $191.8 million opening weekend in North American theaters, industry watcher Exhibitor Relations reported Monday, consolidating Disney's record-breaking reign at the box office. It was the eighth-biggest domestic opening of all time, surpassing "Avengers: Age of Ultron," Disney said. Director Jon Favreau's update of the classic 1994 animated film employs hyper-realistic computer-generated images and has a voice cast including Donald Glover as Simba and Beyonce as Nala, as well as Seth Rogen, Chiwetel Ejiofor and James Earl Jones. Worldwide, the movie has already passed the half-billion-dollar mark. The July record opening comes as director James Cameron congratulated "Avengers: Endgame" -- another Disney property -- for beating his film "Avatar" to become the highest-

grossing movie of all time. The Disney-owned Marvel superhero blockbuster ended the 10-year reign of "Avatar" Sunday after its global box office haul rose to $2.7902 billion. "Congratulations to Avengers Endgame on becoming the new boxoffice king," Cameron wrote in a tweet showing an image of Marvel's Iron Man hero surrounded by "woodsprite" plants from the alien moon Pandora of "Avatar." Both "Avatar" and "Endgame" are now owned by Disney following its takeover of 21st Century Fox. Well back in second place at North American box offices this weekend was "Spider-Man: Far From Home" at $21.2 million. A collaboration between Sony and Disney's Marvel Studios, the latest installment in the blockbuster franchise picks up where "Avengers: Endgame" left off, with Tom Holland as Peter Parker/Spider-Man atop

In Marvel comics, The Mandarin is an Iron Man villain whose story rarely overlaps with Shang-Chi's, so bringing them together in a film may at first be tough to imagine. A closer look at the reasons why The Mandarin is in Shang-Chi, including the desire to bring in an antagonist of Asian ori-

a cast including Samuel L. Jackson, Zendaya, Jake Gyllenhaal -- and Favreau. In third was "Toy Story 4," taking in $15.5 million in its fifth week out, while fourth spot went to Paramount's "Crawl," at $6.1 million. The disaster thriller tells the story of a father and daughter (Barry Pepper and Kaya Scodelario) battling hungry gators after a hurricane hits their Florida town. And in fifth was Universal's "Yesterday," at $5 million. The sweet comedy is based on the entertaining if fantastic premise of a struggling musician (Himesh Patel) suddenly becoming one of the only people on Earth who remembers the Beatles. Rounding out the weekend's top 10 were: "Stuber" ($4.1 million) "Aladdin" ($4.1 million) "Annabelle Comes Home" ($2.6 million) "Midsommar" ($1.6 million) "The Secret Life of Pets 2" ($1.5 million)

Move over Hollywood, tourist island Cyprus is ready to roll

gin into the MCU's first film with an all-Asian cast, begins to clarify things. Marvel Studios head Kevin Feige confirmed during Marvel's SDCC 2019 panel that The Mandarin would be played by Tony Leung (In the Mood For Love) and Awkwafina would join the film in a still-unconfirmed role. In addition to Leung, Shang-Chi director Destin Daniel Cretton announced Simu Liu would play Shang-Chi. Shang-Chi's release date was also confirmed to be part of the MCU's Phase 4, arriving in theaters February 12, 2021. Bringing The Mandarin and ShangChi into opposition in one movie is a bold choice. In the comics, ShangChi's primary antagonist is his father, the mythical and dangerous Fu Manchu. Meanwhile, The Mandarin has long been an antagonist to Iron Man. But with Marvel not owning the movie rights to Fu Manchu due to his origin in books by Sax Rohmer and The Mandarin being one of Marvel's Asian villains, the switch makes total sense. Bringing The Mandarin back for Shang-Chi gives the MCU a chance to really showcase the powers and personality of one of Marvel Comics' oldest villains (The Mandarin was first introduced Tales of Suspense #50 by Stan Lee and Don Heck) while also honoring the film's intention to feature an all-Asian cast.

The Mandarin first arrived on the MCU scene in Iron Man 3, sort of. It was eventually revealed The Mandarin antagonizing Iron Man was a fake one played by actor Trevor Slattery (Ben Kingsley). The version of the Ten Rings organization led by Trevor/The Mandarin was a front, with all of it orchestrated by Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce). In Marvel OneShot All Hail The King, the recentlyincarcerated Trevor believes he will be interviewed when the TV reporter set to interview him turns out to be a member of the real Ten Rings organization, there to kill Trevor because The Mandarin "has come back for his name." This confirmed the real Mandarin had existed all along, teeing up his appearance in Shang-Chi almost a decade later. It's possible Shang-Chi could center its plot around the only notable encounter Shang-Chi and The Mandarin had in the House of M comics series. In that arc, Shang-Chi and his gang come upon the mummified remains of The Mandarin, who still wears his ten rings of power. If the film does have ties to the House of M storyline — and it very well could considering the ten rings which are mentioned in the film's title also figure into that comic book encounter — then Shang-Chi is sure to have an epic face-off on his hands.

Katrina Kaif reflects on Bollywood career

line that has divided Cyprus along ethnic lines since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded and occupied its northern third in response to a coup sponsored by the military junta then ruling Greece. -

- 'Difficult to pull off in Hollywood'

Logothetis has high hopes for Cyprus developing into a low-cost destination for filmmakers, like Bulgaria and Romania. "You know Bulgaria had nothing, and it's got a huge studio now, Romania had nothing and now it's got a huge studio and a lot of infrastructures," he said.

Lights, camera action: Cyprus has introduced a government initiative giving filmmakers cash rebates, tax breaks and other benefits (AFP Photo/Matthieu CLAVEL) by Mathilde Dumazet


ICOSIA, Cyprus | AFP | Sunday 7/21/2019 - Watch out Hollywood and Bollywood, the eastern Mediterranean island of Cyprus that has built a reputation as a tourist magnet thanks to its pristine beaches wants a piece of the action: enter "Olivewood" and Nicolas Cage. The American actor is starring in a multimillion dollar sci-fi martial arts movie being filmed in its entirety on the island thanks to a government initiative giving filmmakers cash rebates, tax breaks and other benefits. Cage's action packer "Jiu Jitsu" is, along with adventure flick "S.O.S: Survive or Sacrifice" featuring US actor William Baldwin, the first foreign film to take advantage of the incentive plan dubbed "Olivewood". The scheme was launched by the government, which tasked Invest Cyprus to implement it in cooperation with the tourism and finance ministries, in a bid to attract foreign investment to the European Union member. "Cyprus is considered by a lot of people as a studio, a physical, natural (film) studio," says Invest Cyprus chairman Michalis Michael. The island offers deep blue seas and is endowed with white sandy beaches, rolling hills planted with olive trees, archeological sites and traditional mountain resorts -- plus year-long sunny skies. Academy Award winner Cage, who got the 1996 Oscar for best actor in "Leaving Las Vegas", told reporters in Cyprus that the island "has been a good spirit for me". He spoke of "the luxury" of visiting Mount Olympus, the highest point in Cyprus, and feasting on a "traditional

Greek lunch with a clay pot cooked lamb, it was absolutely divine, the yoghurt was great". - 'Lack of infrastructure' Last year, Cyprus hosted its first ever promotional film conference, attended by dozens of delegates from the foreign film industry. Authorities also unveiled "Olivewood", offering foreign and Cypriot producers tax credits and cash rebates of up to 35 percent of money spent on filming in the island, as well as tax discounts on equipment and infrastructure. A dedicated website, Film in Cyprus, was also set up by the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency to showcase the island. "Jiu Jitsu" producer Dimitri Logothetis and Martins Rozitis, who heads the production company for "S.O.S: Survive or Sacrifice", were won over, but both agree that the "lack of infrastructure" remains a problem. "Definitely we suffer from a lack of equipment and studios," Rozitis told AFP, on the set of his movie at the Moni fishing shelter, near the southern port of Limassol. "But still there are very good enthusiastic people here and companies who are starting to provide rentals of studio, cars, equipment," he added. Logothetis, a Greek-American who also directs "Jiu Jitsu", said he had to bring in the equipment needed to shoot the movie. "They (Cyprus) don't have the infrastructure yet but we brought that in. We create our own studio wherever we show up," he said, on the set of the movie in the village of Mammari near the capital, Nicosia. The village is located near the green

The filmmaker said Hollywood had become too costly for filmmakers with limited budgets, so he had canvassed several European countries that offer financial benefits before settling on Cyprus. And he is already thinking of filming a second movie next year in Cyprus. "The government's already approved a movie that I've got called 'Men of War', which was written by Gary Scott Thompson who wrote the 'Fast and Furious' (franchise)... So I'm thinking about bringing that in February." "It'd be very difficult to pull off an action film like this in Hollywood, it just wouldn't be enough money," Logothetis said of "Jiu Jitsu", which has a budget of 24 million euros ($27 million). - 'Film school needed' Invest Cyprus has an annual budget of 25 million euros and hopes it will be enough to attract 70 million euros' worth of investments from foreign film production houses, as well as create dozens of jobs on the island. Around 65 percent of the team working on "Jiu Jitsu" are Cypriots. But experts and industry folk agree that a lot more has to be done to build a solid film industry on the island.



"A studio will help big productions."

The actress celebrated her 36th birthday on July 16


ctress Katrina Kaif says she always knew that she would have to put in a lot of effort to make a place for herself in Bollywood. “When I entered the industry I knew I had to put in a lot of hard work to get where I am today,” Kaif said, who celebrated her 36th birthday on July 16. Despite a dud debut in the 2003 crossover film ‘Boom’, Kaif made her mark with her distinct screen presence in films such as ‘Maine Pyaar Kyun Kiya’, ‘Namastey London’, ‘New York’, ‘Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara’, ‘Ek Tha Tiger’, ‘Tiger Zinda Hai’,

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‘Zero’ and ‘Bharat’. Fans loved her performances in ‘Zero’ and ‘Bharat,’ particularly. “‘Zero’, according to me, is a film that encourages people to look beyond what holds them back and live a fulfilling life that they always dreamt of. I consider this film close to me because it talks about the passion that everyone should have in their life,” she added. Aanand L Rai’s ‘Zero’ (2018) features Khan as a person named Bauaa, who is afflicted by dwarfism. The film narrates the story of Bauaa’s love triangle. - IANS

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Young Life

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Subscription box helps young kids learn to read at home




Two Houston moms and former teachers came up with an early childhood development literacy program that prepares young minds for elementary school.

She was rushed to the local hospital where within 10 minutes she swiftly delivered a baby boy. Just 40 minutes after leaving the examination room, she was back at her desk, stunning her family who had rushed to the clinic as well as the invigilators.

"Our goal with LEAP was to bring the fun back into learning and help children build all the important foundations of literacy that make them able to read and write," said Gibson.

Her tale, recounted by the local me-

Inside each box, you'll find more than a dozen activities that do just that.

Each box is themed around a book wrapped like a present. The box also comes with sensory bin filler toys such as animals or space rocks, scented Play-Doh and a skill building activity sheet that shows parents stepby-step what to do.

"We generally say two years old to six years old," said Williams. "Some of our clients are younger, as long as they aren't putting things into their mouth. Even children going into first and second grade can benefit from our boxes." Each box costs $44.95. You can sign up for a one month, three month, or six month subscription.

dia, was confirmed by the head of the exam centre, Mohamed Diakite. Conde told AFP that she had told no-one, including her husband, that childbirth was imminent "out of fear that they would ask me to stay at home or go and see my doctor. "I just couldn't bring myself to imagine missing a single exam for my baccalaureate, which I have been studying for the whole year," she said. One of her relatives said that her husband, a corporal in the police, was delighted and was telling everyone who would listen about "this terrific woman". "Everyone in Mamou is congratulating them, and we are praying to God that Fatoumata gets her baccalaureate," said the relative, expressing the hope that the baby is named Espoir, "Hope" in French.

Why Hong Kong’s angry and disillusioned youth are making their voices heard

"Strengthening their fine motor muscles, moving their eyes to read words on a page, and building a strong core so they can sit at a desk," said Williams.

The boxes are primarily for early childhood.


The 18-year-old, from the town of Mamou in eastern Guinea, realised she was just about to give birth as she sat down for the physics part of her baccalaureate, a high-school diploma that entails exams in a range of subjects.

Sarah Williams and Wesley Gibson developed LEAP, which stands for Literacy Enrichment And Play, about 6 years ago. It wasn't until last year that they decided to provide families with their curriculum in one little box.

Tel: 713-774-5140

Teen mum in Guinea gives birth during exam, returns to finish ONAKRY, Guinea | AFP | 7/18/2019 - Nothing -- not even childbirth -- deterred teenager Fatoumata Kourouma Conde from completing the exam for which she had spent the past year preparing.

OUSTON - There's a subscription service for everything these days, even

"This is where we feel like we are actually teaching parents who don't know or don't have an education background," said Gibson. "We include the skills activity with a big paragraph on what the activity is and why it's so important."

FRIDAY, July 26, 2019

LEAP is a monthly subscription that creates a love of literacy in your children by combining a beautiful book, amazing homemade play dough and supplies, engaging sensory tub filler, and a Literacy Skill Building Activity. Each month, your child will receive book-themed materials that promote oral language and comprehension, strengthen fine motor and gross motor muscles, build phonological awareness spark the imagination, and most importantly…create a love of literacy in your child! • • • • •

A curated book your child will love Homemade scented play dough with themed play materials Sensory bag filler with fine motor tools A fun and meaningful literacy skill building activity Our monthly newsletter with recommended books and extension activities

If you live in Houston, they provide a free local pick up. August's box is all about space in celebration of the 50th

As residential property prices continue to rise in what is already one of the most expensive cities in the world, Hong Kong’s youth find themselves priced out of ever owning their own homes and raging against more than the proposed extradition bill by Peter Thomas


oung people have been at the forefront of ongoing protests against a proposed extradition bill that have shaken Hong Kong.

and brother in Hang Hau. Venting his frustration at a system he believes has robbed him of the chance to ever buy his own home, he says Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor has not listened to the people.

anniversary of the moon landing. - KTRK Channel 13

Tattoo twins Peaty and Dressel romp to world swim gold by Alastair Himmer


WANGJU, South Korea | AFP | Monday 7/22/2019 Britain's Adam Peaty completed a world treble in the men's 100 metres breaststroke Monday, while American Caeleb Dressel continued to feed his obsession for gold by romping to the 50m freestyle title.

Michael Ho. (Photo: South China Morning News/Reuters) At the root of the turmoil is concern over what many people see as the inexorable erosion of civil liberties and the city’s auto­nomy by an ever-meddling central government that refuses to grant full democracy in the former British colony. But many young people in what is one of the world’s most densely populated and expensive cities are also infuriated by sky-high living costs and a feeling that a home of one’s own will never be more than a dream.

Peaty completed what was deemed a formality after smashing his own breaststroke world record at the weekend in Gwangju, South Korea, clocking 57.14 seconds to win gold -- although his forlorn expression on seeing his time told its own story. "A little bit disappointed, but that will fuel me for next year," said the Briton, who set a new world mark of 56.88 at the weekend, becoming the first swimmer to break 57 seconds. "I know how bad I want to go near 56, even faster." The 24-year-old puffed out his cheeks and shook his head despite becoming the first male swimmer to capture three 100m breaststroke world titles. Unbeaten in five years over the distance in major competitions, Peaty turned inside world record pace but ran out of steam. Behind him, fellow Briton James Wilby took silver in 58.46 and China's Yan Zibei bronze in 58.63. "At the Olympics next year I've got to be more patient instead of going crazy in the semi-finals," said Peaty. "I need to hold back the guns and let go in the final." Dressel, one of the few swimmers with more body ink than Peaty, swept to seven gold medals at the 2017 world championships in Budapest -10 years after American great Michael Phelps became the first to do it. The 22-year-old retained his 50m freestyle crown in a championship record of 22.35 seconds with Russian Oleg Kostin second (22.70) and Brazil's Nicholas Santos third (22.79). - 'Weird day' It gave him a second gold medal of the week after leading off the American 4x100m freestyle victory on day

(L-R) Silver medallist Britain's James Wilby, gold medallist Britain's Adam Peaty and bronze medallist China's Yan Zibei celebrate during the medals ceremony after the final of the men's 100m breaststroke event during the swimming competition at the 2019 World Championships at Nambu University Municipal Aquatics Center in Gwangju, South Korea, on July 22, 2019. (Photo: AFP) one. "It was kind of a weird day -- I didn't have anything this morning so I got to sleep in," said Dressel, who could potentially top his haul from 2017 this week. "I'm in a better place than two years ago. If I try to be fast then I'm no good, so it's better just to shut everything off and let instinct take over." Elsewhere, Canadian teen Margaret MacNeil stunned Sweden's Sarah Sjostrom in the women's 100m butterfly. Sjostrom was looking to become the first female swimmer to win five gold medals in a single individual event, and the Olympic champion turned first -- and five hundredths inside her own world record. But MacNeil came roaring back over the last 25m to claim her first world title, touching in 55.83 with Sjostrom second in 56.22 and Australia's Emma McKeon third. "I didn't expect that," said the 19-year-old MacNeil. "I've looked up to Sarah forever so it means the world."

At the medal ceremony, the swimmers sent a message of support to Japanese rival Rikako Ikee, who was diagnosed with leukaemia earlier this year. The trio wrote "Never give up, Rikako Ikee" and hearts on their hands, which they held up to photographers in a touching show of solidarity. Hungary's "iron lady" Katinka Hosszu sped to her fourth world title in the women's 200m individual medley, her time of 2:07.53 more than a second faster the silver medallist Ye Shiwen of China.


For Latest on Young Life News

Over the past decade, Hong Kong’s residential property prices have skyrocketed by 242 per cent, and for the ninth year in a row, the city’s property market has been rated the world’s most unaffordable. The average monthly salaryis HK$19,100 for men and HK$14,700 for women. The average monthly rent for a one-bedroom flat in the city centre is HK$16,551. In 2018, average home prices were 20.9 times the gross annual median household income, accor­ding to the Annual Demographia International Housing Affordability Survey. You could buy a French chateau for what you would pay for your Hong Kong shoebox in the sky. With figures like these, it is clear that young Hongkongers’ anger will not be easily dispelled. MICHAEL HO, 24 (Pictued above). A graduate in government and international studies at Baptist University, Ho lives with his parents in Heng Fa Chuen. When Ho’s sister left home, he removed the wall separating her room from his and now has a double room measuring 118 sq ft. He says the protests are about the unjust circumstances that prevent young people from living their dreams. “It’s just hopeless for young people to grow, to develop their careers, because of the pricing problem.” FUNG CHENG, 25. The graphic designer, pictured in his 54 sq ft bedroom, lives in a flat with his parents

“It’s the system’s problem […] they don’t need a vote to be the govern­ ment, there is no democracy,” he says. RUBY LEUNG, 22. A law student who lives with her mother and domestic helper in Kowloon, Leung is pictured in her 75 sq ft bedroom. “They promised to have ‘one country, two systems’ for 50 years, so people panic about what will happen in 50 years. Will they continue this, or will they just assimilate us into China, like a district of Shenzhen? That’s very scary,” Leung says. “There was a hope that we could get universal suffrage. But then the situation got worse. Not only do we not have universal suffrage, but the Chinese government is even more influential in politics.” WILLIAM LUN, 22. The aspiring lawyer – pictured in his 70 sq ft room – shares a flat with his father and brother in Sha Tin. “It’s everybody’s dream to get a house. It is the Chinese mentality. It marks a stage in your life when you finally get settled. I want to buy a house but it’s mission impossible,” Lun says. “Hong Kong should have its own identity along with its Chinese identity. Hong Kong is special. I’ve cried over the [course of the protests], many times. Seeing what’s been happen­ing, my friends getting shot, tear-gassed. “It’s sad to see the government being indifferent. They seem to be not listening to the youngsters, they seem to be not caring. Two million came out and they are saying, ‘Oh, we hear you. But we are still going to press on.’” EUNICE WAI, 30. The primary school teacher, who lives with her parents and a brother in Prince Edward, is pictured in her 80 sq ft bedroom. Explaining how Hong Kong people feel stifled by Beijing, Wai says, “They control people more and give us less freedom.” - South China Morning News


FRIDAY, July 26, 2019

July is Ending Hunger Month

July is Reducing Food Waste Month

Section 2 Tel: 713-774-5140

Menstrual cups safe, practical and cheap: study by Marlowe Hood


ARIS, France | AFP | 7/16/2019 - Inexpensive and reusable menstrual cups are safe and as unlikely as disposable pads or tampons to leak, according to the first major scientific review of the devices, published Wednesday. Some 70 percent of women who have tried menstrual cups said they would like to continue using them, researchers reported in The Lancet Public Health, a peer-reviewed medical journal. Sanitary protection remains unavailable and unaffordable to many women around the world, the authors noted. This means monthly bleeding keeps many girls and women out of school or work, and puts them at risk of urinary tract infections if they use inferior products or make-do substitutes. In some cultures, girls or women unable to conceal bleeding may face hostility, even violence. A safe, affordable and long-lasting alternative to pads and tampons, in other words, has the potential to change the lives of millions. "Despite the fact that 1.9 billion women globally are of menstruating

age -- spending on average 65 days a year dealing with menstrual blood flow -- few good quality studies exist that compare sanitary products," said Penelope Phillips-Howard, a professor at the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine. The new research -- a review of 43 earlier studies gathering data on 3,300 women -- is the first to evaluate menstrual cups, which remain poorly known. Made from medical grade silicone, rubber or latex, the cups collect blood rather than absorb it, as pads and tampons do. They are inserted into the vagina and emptied every four to 12 hours. There are two types: a so-called vaginal cup which is generally bellshaped, and a cervical cup which is placed around the cervix high in the vagina much like a diaphragm for contraception. In four of the studies reviewed, the cups were found to be as effective or better at collecting blood than sanitary pads or tampons. The research showed no increased risk of infection. - 'Cost-effective' -

There were, however, five reported cases of toxic shock syndrome (TSS), a potentially life-threatening condition caused by bacteria getting into the body via foreign objects. Since the overall number of menstrual cup users is unknown, researchers could not determine how this compared with tampons, known to boost the risk for TSS. Finally, the study calculated that a cup, at a cost of less than $1 in some countries will be five-to-seven percent more expensive than 12 pads or tampons. But the cup is reusable and can last for up to ten years, making it cheaper in the long run that disposable alternatives. In some places, however, the cups can be expensive, costing as much as $40 apiece. "For consumers purchasing menstrual products, the results highlight cups as a safe and cost-effective option," Julie Hennegan from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health said in a comment, also in The Lancet Public Health. Yet, even in rich countries, only a fifth of women on average knew about the new devices, three of the studies found. Nearly 200 brands are available in 99 countries, but cups were only mentioned in a third of websites with educational information and advice on puberty in 27 countries.

CDC takes fight against HIV to Houston Harris County is one of 50 communities the CDC is targeting for an initiative to end the spread of HIV.


OUSTON - The director of the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention met with local health officials at Texas Southern University on Monday to discuss the government’s initiative to fight HIV/AIDS.

In order to reach the goal, the CDC is working with local communities, including Harris County. “I always say this initiative is not a Washington-driven initiative,” Redfield said. “It will be locally defined by your health department and your community here and it needs to be by the community, for the community, in the community.”

Harris County is one of 50 communities where the CDC is focusing the initiative, which President Donald Trump first announced during his State of the Union address in February. CDC Director Robert Redfield said half of all new HIV infections occur in 48 counties, Washington, D.C., and San Juan, Puerto Rico – all of them urban areas. The goal is to cut new infections by 75% in the next five years and by 90% by 2030, by getting more people diagnosed and getting those most at risk on preventative medication.

Robert Redfield, director of the CDC, talks during a Harris County will roundtable discussion with local health officials and develop a plan to subother stakeholders at Texas Southern University. (Photo mit to the CDC to reCredit: Marissa Cardenas/Houston Public Media) ceive funding for the initiative.

“We have the tools, the scientific tools, it’s to diagnose, get people into care and treatment, get the treatment so that their viral load becomes sup-

pressed,” Redfield said. “And then once your viral load is suppressed, the ability to transmit the virus to another person is negated.”

For the upcoming fiscal year, the president’s budget allocates $291 million for the program. - NPR

Memorial Hermann Life Flight announces new leadership Dr. Duke served as the program’s first and only medical director until his death in 2015. Dr. Osborn is Life Flight’s third medical director. In her role, she provides clinical oversight for Life Flight’s 21 flight nurses and 18 paramedics and dispatchers by developing and maintaining best practice medical protocols, reviewing patient records for appropriate application of medical care and preparing for flight review. In addition, she is responsible for continuing medical education for the crews and guidance on research, quality improvement and professional development.

Memorial Hermann Life Flight Medical Director Dr. Lesley Osborn (left) and Life Flight Assistant Director Dr. David Meyer (right).


OUSTON, TX – The Red Duke Trauma Institute at Memorial Hermann-Texas Medical Center is proud to announce two new leaders for the Memorial Hermann Life Flight® program. Lesley Osborn, MD, emergency medicine physician and assistant professor of emergency medicine at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth, has been named Medical Director of Life Flight, and David Meyer, MD, trauma surgeon and assistant professor of surgery at McGovern Medical School, has been named the program’s Assistant Medical Director. “We are excited to have Drs. Osborn and Meyer join the Life Flight team. Dr. Osborn’s experience and expertise in emergency medicine

make her an ideal leader to carry the program forward,” said Tom Flanagan, Vice President of Trauma Service Line and System Integration for Memorial Hermann Health System. “Drs. Osborn and Meyer will help build upon Life Flight’s 40-year legacy of providing high-quality, prehospital care to Greater Houston and its surrounding areas.” Life Flight, the only hospital-based air ambulance service in Houston, retrieves critically ill and injured patients within a 150-mile radius of Red Duke Trauma Institute, where patients can receive life-saving care. Since the program was founded in 1976 by legendary trauma surgeon James H. “Red” Duke Jr., MD, it has flown more than 140,000 missions.

“I am extremely humbled to lead one of the country’s first hospitalbased air ambulance services and to be part of such a rich history and legacy, working alongside the paramedics and flight nurses,” Dr. Osborn said. “I am passionate about the role of pre-hospital care in saving lives and will continue the precedent that Dr. Duke set for delivering the highest quality care possible to our patients in the Greater Houston and Southeast Texas areas.” Dr. Osborn earned her bachelor’s degree from Clemson University and her medical degree from

Planning for Travel Insurance while you are on Medicare


enerally speaking, Medicare does not provide any coverage when you’re not in the U.S. There are a few exceptions, such as when you’re on a ship within the territorial waters adjoining the country — within six hours of a U.S. port — or you’re traveling from state to state but the closest hospital to treat you is in a foreign country, for example, you’re in Canada while heading to Alaska from the main land USA

About a third of retirees on original Medicare also purchase supplemental coverage through a Medigap policy (you cannot pair Medigap with an Advantage Plan). Those policies — which are standardized from state to state but vary in price — offer coverage for the costsharing parts of Medicare, such as copays and co-insurance. Some Medigap policies — Plans C, D, F, G, M and N — offer coverage for travel. You pay a $250 annual deductible and then 20% of costs up to a lifetime maximum of $50,000. However, the amount may not go very far, depending on the type of medical services one might need. Also be aware that there is no overseas coverage through a Part D prescription drug plan. And, Medigap policies do not cover any costs related to Part D, whether you’re in the U.S. or elsewhere. For retirees who get their Medicare benefits — Parts A, B and typically D — through an Advantage Plan, it’s important to check your coverage even if you’re not leaving U.S. soil. While these plans are required to cover your emergency care anywhere in the U.S., you may be in a difficult situation for routine care outside of their service area. Or, other plans may let you visit out-ofnetwork providers, but require you to pay more. You must check to see if your plan has some sort of U.S. coverage outside of your service area. The big insurance companies generally do, and depending on where you’re traveling, you might find in-network providers there. Some Advantage Plans might also offer coverage for emergencies overseas, so it’s important to know whether your plan does and to what extent. Whether you have an Advantage Plan or original Medicare, travel medical insurance might be appropriate if you think your existing coverage is not adequate. Travel insurance is not expensive — maybe $90 for two weeks — and you can get a pretty good coverage. Such options are priced based on your age, the length of the coverage and the amount of it. On top of providing coverage for necessary health services, a policy typically includes extras such as non-medical required evacuation, lost luggage and even

the University of South Carolina School of Medicine. She completed her residency in emergency medicine at Palmetto Health. In 2016, she served her fellowship in emergency medical services (EMS) at the Red Duke Trauma Institute and UTHealth and became a full-time faculty member in 2017. Dr. Osborn is board

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dental care required due to an injury with an additional premium. The plans typically come with a deductible — say, $250 or more — and coverage could range from about $50,000 in maximum benefits to upwards of $1 million or more. However, if you’re age 70 or older, you might face a lower lifetime maximum. For many seniors, retirement means freedom to explore beyond your backyard. Before you take off, however, check whether your health insurance travel with you. Assuming you’re on Medicare — most adults age 65 or older are — coverage away from home depends partly on where you travel to, along with whether you’re on basic Medicare or get your benefits through an Advantage Plan. It also can depend on whether the care you get is routine or due to an emergency. And while travel medical insurance can be the solution to plugging holes in coverage, it’s worthwhile first determining your needs and a peace of mind that you deserve. One can get coverage for a single trip of a couple weeks or several months, or get a multi-trip policy, which could cover a longer period. The multi-trip policy is for on and off throughout the year. Also check whether your policy will cover preexisting condition. The diabetes condition may not be covered but something else such as heart attack, unrelated to diabetes would be covered. Also know that some Advantage Plans might disenroll you if you remain outside of their service area for a certain time — typically six months. In that situation, you’d be switched to original Medicare.

For Travel, Dental, Vision and regular individual or group health insurance coverage including Medicare and Long Term Care planning, contact Sudhir Mathuria at 713-771-2900.

certified in emergency medicine and EMS. Dr. Osborn was commissioned as a captain in the Medical Corps of the U.S. Air Force and Air National Guard in March 2018 and currently serves in this role as a member of the 169th Medical Group in McEntire, S.C. - MHHS



Machine-meshed super-humans remain stuff of fantasy

How to exercise in the summer without heat exhaustion


ith summer comes longer days and sunnier skies. It’s an opportunity to shed our winter clothes and get outside to go for a run, get on a bike or play pick-up sports with friends. Indeed, summer is when we are most active.

by Glenn Chapman


AN FRANCISCO | AFP | Friday 7/18/2019 - A bold vision by tech entrepreneur Elon Musk to mesh human brains with artificial intelligence remains more science fiction than reality. Even as Musk claimed his Neuralink startup had enabled a monkey to control a computer with its brain, experts were quick to dampen expectations for a futuristic scenario from "The Matrix" films, based on people with cybernetic implants.

FRIDAY, July 26, 2019

Exercising in hot weather adds stress to our body. Diverting blood to our skin to cool means less blood (and oxygen) going to the working muscles. Sweating also reduces the amount of water in our body and if this lost

Musk this week revealed his Neuralink startup is making progress on its brain-computer interface effort, and said the company hopes to begin testing on people next year. Musk, founder of the automaker Tesla and the private space firm SpaceX, has long contended that a neural lace meshing minds with machines is vital if humans are to avoid being outpaced by artificial intelligence.

Progress is being made brain-computer interface technology, an example of which is seen at a French laboratory in 2017, but scientists say a vision outlined by Elon Musk to mesh brains and computers using artificial intelligence remains far off. (Photo © Jean-Pierre Clatot)

"This has a very good purpose, which is to cure important diseases and ultimately to help secure humanity's future as a civilization relative to AI," Musk said.

ralysis, but the longer aim is to make implants so safe, reliable and easy that they could be options for people seeking to enhance their brains with computing power, according to the Neuralink team.

He disclosed that a Neuralink implant was successfully tested in a monkey in a California university lab. "A monkey has been able to control a computer with his brain, just FYI," Musk said, surprising the Neuralink president during a question-and-answer session. Experts remained cautious about his vision of merging minds with superpowered computing. Musk's description "is really an aspirational vision for something very far down the line," said University of Southern California assistant professor of biology sciences Andrew Hires. "It is unclear if we will ever get to that stage." Neuralink unveiled a tiny sensor with hair-thin strands that could be implanted in a brain through a small incision by a robot built for the highprecision task. "Ultimately, we can do a full brainmachine interface," Musk said. "Achieve a sort of symbiosis with artificial intelligence." For now, the goal is to let a person with the implants control a smartphone with thought, but the technology could eventually extend to other devices such as robotic arms, he said. An early focus is using the technology to address brain diseases and pa-

"It is not like Neuralink will suddenly have this incredible neural lace and it will start taking over people's brains," Musk quipped. "It will take a long time, and you will see it coming." Musk said the goal was to make adding the brain-enhancing implants as easy a procedure as laser eye surgery. - Mystery of the mind David Schneider, a professor at the center for neural science at New York University, was among those who saw barriers. A major limitation is that an array of regions of the brain are engaged for handling tasks, while implants target one part at a time. "A the end of the day, everything we do, regardless of how simple it might seem, is a distributed brain function," Schneider said. While technology has improved for reading information coming out of brains, it isn't up to snuff when it comes to sending it back to all the necessary parts simultaneously, according to researchers. "They were humble enough to admit their main targets were motor areas," Ramana Vinjamuri, an engineering professor at Stevens Institute of Tech-

nology, said of Neuralink. "I was happy they stopped there instead of claiming we are going to read your minds, your thoughts, your memories -- if they had done that I would have been laughing out loud." - Brain defenses Another challenge is that a brain implant triggers the body's defenses, which treat it as alien material to be rejected. "Say Neuralink puts it in a person tomorrow, will the interface hold up after one year and still keep giving the same signals it did day one?" Vinjamuri said. And regulatory approval would typically require long-term testing in animals. Neuralink could seek an "investigational device" exemption to try implants in a few patients impaired by spinal cord injuries or strokes. "I don't know that I want to meld my brain with AI, nor do I think do many of us," said Schneider. His hope is that Neuralink innovations could restore sight, or cure paralysis. For now, Musk is bringing energy and private investment to a brain implant area that researchers have been working on for decades with government funding. "We need fantastical thinkers, but we also need capital and the bravery to invest lots of capital in refining these technologies," Hires said.

Know the flax: A little seed may be what your diet needs


dding seeds to your diet can be an easy way to shore up your defenses against heart risks without adding too much work to meal prep. Many types of seeds can be valuable as part of a healthy diet – commonly added as a snack or add-on to salads or desserts – because they are rich in nutrients. You also can find seeds baked into breads or crackers, or even in some fruits and vegetables. Flaxseed and chia seeds, in particular, have been linked to good heart health because their nutrients pack a powerful punch. "Flaxseeds or chia seeds offer good sources of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which are unsaturated fatty acids that convert to omega-3 fatty acids typically found in fish," said Linda Van Horn, a registered dietitian and professor in the department of preventive medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago. "But they also offer a good plantbased supply of plant-based proteins, fiber, minerals and other nutrients." Specifically, flaxseeds contain lignans, a natural chemical compound that along with fiber, antioxidants and healthy fats can help reduce blood cholesterol and may also help lower blood pressure. Some studies suggest lignans may have the potential to reduce tumor growth in women with breast cancer and may protect against prostate cancer. Chia seeds, which contain many of the same nutrients found in flaxseeds, can help lower the blood sugar response to eating. Chia seeds also may serve as an appetite suppressant because of their high fiber content. Other seeds such as hemp, sunflower, pumpkin or sesame seeds are highly nutritious as well. Federal dietary guidelines include seeds and nuts as a good source of protein and

1. 2. 3. 4.

Know the weather conditions beforehand. Wear sunscreen and light clothing. Drink fluids regularly. Avoid exercising at peak hours of heat, or exercise in an airconditioned gym. 5. If you’re traveling to a warmer climate, whether in the summer or winter, allow your body to get acclimatized by slowly increasing your activity. 6. If you are completing an athletic event during the day and you usually train during the early morning or evening, you should also acclimatize your body to the midday heat. The other thing that comes with summer is heat and humidity. As Europe and North America grapple with recurring summer heatwaves, we all need to take care when being active in the summer heat. The work of sweat and blood When we exercise, our body’s core temperature increases. To combat this, we have a number of built-in cooling methods. The main way our body cools itself is through the evaporation of sweat on our skin. For sweat to evaporate it needs to absorb heat. That absorption of heat cools us down. In addition to sweat, blood is diverted to our skin’s surface to cool and recirculate throughout our body. It’s the reason why many of us become flushed in the face when we’re active. How much each of these two methods contributes to cooling can vary from person to person. Some people are profuse sweaters while others turn red and hardly sweat at all. The effectiveness of our body’s cooling also depends on the ambient conditions. The drier the conditions, the more effective sweat is at cooling us. But in high humidity, the air is saturated with water vapor causing our sweat to drip ineffectively off our body. In these situations, our body continues to produce more sweat in the hopes of cooling off.

fluid is not replenished, blood volume goes down. This can lead to lower blood pressure and increased heart rate. At the very least, this results in a decrease in performance. At the extreme end, it can lead to heat exhaustion and heat stroke as happened to Sarah True. Symptoms can include exhaustion, fatigue, poor mental functioning (dizziness, confusion, irritability), nausea, vomiting and fainting. If severe heat exhaustion isn’t treated, it can lead to long-term disability and even death. Young and elderly at greatest risk Even though education and awareness has increased over the years, the prevalence of heat exhaustion may be on the rise. And with record high temperatures being broken year after year due to climate change, the environmental exposure and risk may continue to increase. Those at the greatest risk are the very young, the elderly and those with pre-existing medical conditions. During Québec’s heatwave in 2018, an estimated 70 deaths were attributed to the heat. Most of the deaths were in these high risk groups. In addition, outdoor sports that involve wearing or carrying heavy equipment such as football pose an increased risk. This is due to both the weight of the equipment and the layering which prevents sweat from evaporating.

part of a healthy diet. When incorporating them into meals, it's important to choose seeds that are prepared in a healthy manner, Van Horn said.

including strawberries, blueberries or sesame seeds or other small particles of this size."

"There are no 'wrong' seeds, just unhealthy packaging, including added salt, sugar or fat," she said. "Better to use seeds in a natural or toasted state, like nuts, or blended into baked goods, cereal or mashed as a paste, like tahini from sesame seeds."

Buzz off: breakthrough technique eradicates mosquitoes

Because they are easy to eat by the handful, Van Horn said, it's wise to introduce them to your diet carefully. "Seeds are high in fiber and require lots of fluid to fully digest them properly," she said. "Problems with constipation or diarrhea can occur if too much is consumed too fast without fluid." Additionally, research shows chia seeds swell in size when exposed to too much water, so moderation is important. "Also, it is easy to overeat seeds and experience weight gain if not careful in factoring in these calories," Van Horn said. A 1-ounce serving of whole flaxseed contains 150 calories, 7.6 grams of fiber and 6.4 grams of omega-3 fats. A similar-sized serving of chia seeds contains 137 calories, 10.6 grams of fiber and 4.9 grams of omega-3 fats. Because of their size, seeds could be harmful among people who have been diagnosed with irritable bowel disease or diverticulitis, Van Horn said. "Problems occur when particles get trapped in certain folds or 'outpouches' within the intestinal track that can become irritated and inflamed as a result of these conditions. Better to check with your doctor if you suffer from any of these conditions," she said. "Most such patients have been advised to avoid any foods with seeds,

by Sara Hussein


OKYO, Japan | AFP | Wednesday 7/17/2019 - A breakthrough technique harnessing two methods to target diseasecarrying mosquitoes was able to effectively eradicate buzzing biters in two test sites in China, according to research published on Thursday. The mosquitoes targeted are a type that is particularly difficult to control called Aedes albopictus -- more popularly known as the Asian tiger mosquito -- which are a major vector for diseases including Zika and dengue. The study "demonstrates the potential of a potent new tool", wrote Peter Armbruster, a professor at Georgetown University's department of biology, in a review of the work. Researchers harnessed two population control methods: the use of radiation -- which effectively sterilises mosquitoes -- and a strain of bacteria called Wolbachia that leaves mosquito eggs dead on arrival. They conducted a two-year trial at two sites on river islands in Guangzhou, where Asian tiger mosquitoes are to blame for the highest dengue transmission rate in China. The results were "remarkable", wrote Armbruster: the number of hatched mosquitoes eggs plunged by 94 percent, with not a single viable egg recorded for up to 13 weeks in some cases. And the average number of female mosquitoes -- which transmit disease to humans when they bite -- caught by traps fell by between 83 and 94 percent. In some cases, none were detected at all for up to six weeks.

The results were also borne out by a decline of nearly 97 percent in bites suffered by locals -- which in turn shifted attitudes among residents, who were initially sceptical of the project's plan to release more mosquitoes into the local area. - Radiation and bacteria The research builds on two existing methods: radiation-based sterile insect technique (SIT) and incompatible insect technique (IIT). SIT works by releasing radiationsterilised male mosquitoes into an environment to mate with wild female mosquitoes, reducing the size of the population over time as females fail to reproduce. But irradiation of male mosquitoes tends to reduce both their mating competitiveness and their survival rates, undermining the technique's effectiveness. The IIT method involves a bacteria called Wolbachia. When males infected with it mate with female mosquitoes that aren't infected, their eggs don't hatch. The technique doesn't work if the female mosquitoes are infected with the same Wolbachia strain, and successful mating by mosquitoes that both carry the bacteria undermines the technique by producing more female mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia that are resistant to the process. Preventing the release of Wolbachia-infected female mosquitoes is difficult, with sex-sorting techniques usually resulting in a "female contamination rate" of about 0.3 percent. To overcome that, researchers decided to subject their Wolbachia-infected lab-reared mosquitoes to low-

level irradiation, which rendered the females sterile but left the males able to reproduce. This allowed the team to avoid the onerous sex-screening process and meant they could release significantly more mosquitoes at a time: in some cases more than 160,000 male mosquitoes per hectare, per week. - 'Striking results' Lead researcher Zhiyong Xi, a professor at Michigan State University's department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, compared the technique to "producing insecticide". "Our goal is to use this technique to build a protected area that is disease vector-free," Xi told AFP. Armbruster, in a review commissioned by the journal Nature that published the research on Thursday, said the study produced "striking results". That the trial "almost eliminated notoriously difficult-to-control vector mosquitoes from the test sites is remarkable," he wrote. The results weren't a universal success -- populations in areas with more traffic, near construction or roads, shrank less than those in isolated zones, likely as mosquitoes migrated in from elsewhere. But Xi said the technique still holds promise if "natural barriers" like highways are used to limit the arrivals of outside mosquitoes. And he said it could be used against mosquitoes that carry disease, including malaria. The next steps will involve developing a "highly effective and practical release strategy" suited for urban settings," he said.



Nari Ward: We the People exhibit

FRIDAY, July 26, 2019

Texas art gets its due in major San Antonio exhibition by Dallas News


he oldest of Texas' major cities, San Antonio, is certainly the best place to mount an exhibition titled "The Art of Texas: 250 Years."


ontemporary Arts Museum Houston will present Nari Ward: We the People, the first museum survey in Texas of the work of artist Nari Ward.

The exhibition brings together works spanning Ward’s 25year career. A public opening reception will take place on the evening of Thursday, August 15, 2019 from 6:30–9PM, run-

ning through Saturday, November 30, 2019. As always, admission to CAMH is free. 5216 Montrose Boulevard, Houston, 77006

Dharma Dogs: Buddhist chants calm stray Myanmar mutts by Richard Lapyae Ko




An estimated 1,000 people die from rabies each year in Myanmar, one of the highest rates in the world and a conservative estimate according to experts. Stray dogs are the main source of the problem but culling through poison has stirred debate through the Buddhistmajority country. Some adhere to the belief that neutering will result in karmic retribution that might render the person infertile in the next life. Vaccination can be expensive and many rescue centres lack the resources to do it. But the Thabarwa Animal Shelter, located 45 kilometres (28 miles) northeast of Yangon, is home to 2,000 strays, and

Dogs are seen resting as a worker cleans the Thabarwa Animal Shelter in Mawbe, on the outskirts of Yangon on July 9. (Photo: AFP/ Ye Aung Thu) says it has found a surprising solution for population control. It puts on pre-recorded, melodic chanting twice a day to make the dogs "less aggressive", Maung Maung Oo explains. "What else can we do?" he adds. Between 10 to 80 new canines arrive daily, and Maung Maung Oo and his 40-strong team -- who also take care of monkeys and Asian black bears -- have been overwhelmed. The number of dogs in the shelter has surged from 800 to 2,000 in recent weeks as Yangon authorities have stepped up canine control measures.

Some 7,000 dogs have been transferred from the streets to various shelters. The crackdown comes as public frustration mounts over what to do about the creatures. A 2016 sterilisation programme appears to have not had a long term impact -- there are some 200,000 strays in Yangon. Many regard them as a menace because of the rabies risk, and because animals foul and block the streets. - Controversial strategy The situation deteriorates in the evening when they form howling packs, leaving some streets inaccessible and resi-

Prized Thai buffaloes show off speed in muddy race


HON BURI, Thailand | AFP | Sunday 7/21/2019 - Sloshing across a muddy field with men sprinting behind them, prized water buffaloes blow past cheering spectators in eastern Thailand on Sunday in a rare display of bovine speed. Tractors have largely replaced the big beasts in daily work but farmers in Chonburi have preserved the more than 100-year-old racing custom to mark annual rice plantings. "Before, we used buffaloes to plough rice fields. When our work was done, we held the buffalo race as relaxation," said owner Thanin Sae-tiew, 52.

The races have been held annually in Chonburi for more than 100 years.

"It has since become our tradition."

And they are treated to fancier food than most livestock.

Pairs of horned buffaloes thunder to the finish line while a racer grasping a red plough tries to hold on until the end or face disqualification -- and excited laughter from the crowd.

Racer Noppadol Pornpaipan, 22, says his animals are fed boiled rice, eggs and chicken extract in the evening.

It's less about winning the 3,000 baht ($100) prize than pride in victory, though the best buffaloes can fetch higher

The book will be around a long time and is, to tell the truth, quite independent of the exhibition, but I wanted to let everyone know that the exhibition will not travel. You need to get there by Aug. 25 to see works culled from public and private collections throughout the state. Mounted in galleries that are not up to the standards of Austin, Houston or Dallas-Fort Worth museums (with rubber wall guards, airport carpeting and less-than-ideal lighting), the exhibition has a large selection of work that is at once generous and full of surprises. As I suspected, it is very strong in what is now called "early Texas art," and it gets weaker and weaker the closer we get to the present, when we are, as a state, at our best and most diverse.

HAUNG GYI, Myanmar | AFP | Sunday 7/21/2019 - Pumped out over speakers, Buddhist chants play for packs of stray dogs at a Yangon shelter in an unusual effort to calm them down as Myanmar struggles to control a ballooning canine population and a deadly rabies scourge. "We find that the dogs don't mate... when we play Dharma preaching," says Maung Maung Oo, the manager of the Thabarwa Animal Shelter.

The Witte Museum has a long tradition of collecting Texas art in addition to its natural and historical collections. And now — voila! — a vast exhibition at the museum and a very heavy book are literally the most comprehensive ever to deal with the subject of Texas art.

prices when sold.

But come race day they get a special meal of rice mixed with a little shark fin soup that supposedly boosts buffalo energy. The normally slow-moving

buffaloes can still be seen dotting the rural landscape but the rise of mechanised farming has made them less essential. Some worry that younger generations will lose touch with older ways of life but the race provides a way of keeping the history alive. "I feel good that I'm preserving the Thai buffaloes so they will not disappear," Noppadol said.

Quibbling aside, there has never before been an exhibi-

dents terrified of being bitten. Shopkeeper Theingi Win says many in the city feel under siege by the sheer numbers of the animals and there is real risk of being attacked. "Stray dogs often bite people when they are angry. Me and my granddaughter were bitten. We went to the clinic to take medicine," the 55-year-old recalls. Different townships opt for different responses.

R. Vernon Hunter's 1928 work Cowboy is on loan from the Collection of the Panhandle-Plains Historical Museum. (Witte Museum/ Courtesy) tion of its scope and ambition, and it is definitely worth a visit. As many of us contemplate the creation of a new Museum of Texas Art (MoTA) in Dallas' Fair Park, we have a lot to

learn from this exhibition and its book.

Some tranquilise the animals to bring them to shelters. But in a more controversial strategy up to 10 percent of the dogs are being poisoned, according to the Myanmar Veterinary Association.

firewall", says Dr Marina Ivanova of Four Paws, an NGO headquartered in Vienna that aims to vaccinate one million dogs against rabies in Myanmar over the next three years.

But neither culling nor removing dogs is a very effective way of tackling rabies -- the World Health Organisation (WHO) advocates for mass vaccination. Vaccinated dogs act "like a

The exhibition is at the Witte Museum; visit wittemuseum. org for hours and information.

"Once the animals are vaccinated in one territory, they will not get rabies and they will not spread the virus of rabies to the human population," she adds. Chairman Win Bo explains: "We don't want Myanmar to be seen as a dog-killing country."




FRIDAY, July 26, 2019





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Week of July 26, 2019 21 March to 20 April Can you handle all the sexiness in the air when the sun enters fiery Leo at the start of the week? As a fellow fire sign, you definitely can. Let your enigmatic personality do the talking. Loving Venus also starts spending time in outgoing Leo toward the end of the week, so there’s plenty of drama to go around.

21 April to 20 May This can be a powerful and unsettled period for you. There could be unfortunate events concerning communications that aren’t your fault. Many people simply aren’t focused on work. These are the best days to focus on your work team and acknowledge their contributions. You’ll feel particularly upbeat in a few days. Jobs that involve children will be especially satisfying.

21 May to 20 June You’re poised and ready to take advantage of new opportunities. There’s disharmony combined with long-lasting transformation. That means your relationships, which are currently being shaken up, may not always be there when you need them. Learning new skills may fall on you in the meantime. Spend more time in the home, making repairs and spending to ensure that everything is up to safety codes.

21 June to 22 July

It’s time to cleanse your system, especially if you feel more tired than usual. Exercise is a great solution, especially if you do it regularly. You need to get a good sweat going to coax the impurities out of your body. If you combine this with a diet of fresh food, juices, and plenty of water, your skin will glow and you’ll feel refreshed.

23 July to 22 August When the sun enters your sign at the start of the week, it’s a powerful combo. You have enough confidence now to do pretty much anything you put your mind to. A lucky Mars-Jupiter trine at week’s end puts a fortunate spin on your dates over the weekend, and getting those lucky breaks can be impressive. You don’t have to let your date in on the fact that it’s more luck than effort!

23 August to 22 Sept You will be happiest in any planning capacity where you can use your imagination and help others feel more appreciated. The energy is exciting now. You can make a positive impression on customers or authorities. Get up and be as active as possible. Things settle down later. It will be extra important to follow the rules.



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23 September to 22 Oct For you, this week is about your relationship sector. You’re a social butterfly capable of attracting just the right mix of business and pleasure into your life. Your pursuit of excellence in the mental arena is of primary importance. Your family, kids, and romantic partner make excellent diversions but shouldn’t keep you from your focus.

23 October to 21 Nov How do you use your energy every day? If you feel tired for no reason, look at your eating habits and daily routines. If you suffer from nervous tension, find the root of it and eat foods that feed your nerves and brain. It might help to cut back on caffeine or eliminate it completely. Good or bad health depends on whether your habits contribute to well-being or keep you from being well.

22 November to 21 Dec The fiery energy coming from the sun entering Leo early this week is exciting. Your perfect match now is someone who shares your enthusiasm for living a big life full of adventure. Sexy Venus enters the Lion’s confident sign later in the week, so passion is easily stirred up. Short-term flings are preferred over long-term romances now.

22 December to 20 Jan You may be feeling restless now. Watch what you say. This period could see you making big promises you can’t or won’t deliver. A more optimistic, aggressive energy is at work. It’s lucky for travel or work-related training. If you can, accept leadership positions for short-term tasks or projects. It’s likely you’ll feel lazy. Do your best with what’s in front of you.

21 January to 19 Feb This week, you’re considering a new plan to ensure your long-term financial security. You’re finding out who your friends really are. Some may bail when you’re no longer the life of the party, but that’s OK. Trying to make others happy could only result in more debt where there should be less. Meet your own needs first and then help others.

20 February to 20 Mar You digest ideas and concepts as well as food. Some may be more easily assimilated than others. If you’re taking the time to research issues associated with your well-being, go to a source you trust, one that feels right. Make sure that the next batch of ideas you consume really suits you. You’ll find it easier to incorporate them into your life.



1. "Beat it!"

1. Gets the picture

6. Bupkis

2. ____dad or ____fish

9. Tobacco mouthful, slangily

3. Stravinsky's "The ____ of Spring"

13. "All My Children" diva 14. *Pie ____ ____ mode 15. Oil source 16. *____ ____ or to go 17. Meghan Markle's Archie, e.g. 18. East Asian peninsula 19. *Italian or ____ meatballs 21. *À la King or Kiev 23. Pine juice 24. Jury colleague 25. U.K. broadcaster 28. Make a reference 30. Wine grape 35. Riyadh native 37. *Wafer, cake or sugar 39. "No way" partner 40. On ____, or cheap 41. Old World lizard 43. Rani's dress 44. Like a Harvard building? 46. "Don't bet ____ ____!" 47. Table scraps 48. *With cream or sugar 50. Montana tribe 52. Make lacework 53. Prospector's mother 55. Directing Spike 57. *Shaken or stirred 61. *Not on the rocks 65. ____ Bashevis Singer 66. Gobbled up 68. Between 10 and Queen 69. *Mini or maxi 70. No longer working abbr. 71. Saint in the Caribbean 72. Nobel Peace Prize capital

4. DNA and RNA 5. Natalie Merchant, once? 6. Funny poet Ogden 7. U.N. working-conditions agcy. 8. Jousting pole 9. Chocolate candy, to a Brit 10. "____! The herald angles sing" 11. Toward the lee 12. Withdraw gradually 15. Vail trail 20. Virgo's brightest star 22. Request for tailor 24. Self-flagellation, e.g. 25. In its simplest form 26. Music to a performer's ears 27. Representative of Allah on earth 29. *Eat in or ____ ____ 31. Comme ci, comme ça 32. Pie display 33. Largest artery 34. *Lime or ____ 36. *Rare or medium 38. Chieftain in Arabia 42. Bikini, e.g. 45. Civil wrong 49. Bajillion years 51. More rare than daily 54. Dear one for writing 56. Boredom 57. Fermented soybeans 58. Says "What?" 59. *Not top-shelf 60. Hawaiian tuber 61. Long for Liz

73. Kum Ba ____, song

62. Small European freshwater fish

74. Triangular road sign

63. Bad to the bone 64. In Davy Jones' locker 67. *Hot or iced




FRIDAY, July 26, 2019



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FRIDAY, July 26, 2019

Home&Real Estate HOUSTON Home prices over 50% above pre-recession peak


ouston home prices have risen 54 percent above their pre-recession peak, according to real estate data company Attom Data Solutions. Nationwide, single family homes and condos sold for a record median price of $266,000 in the second quarter, up 6.4 percent from the year before. Attom credited the increase, in part, to falling mortgage rates. "(With) mortgage rates dipping to new lows, it's no surprise that people were wanting to buy a home, even if prices were at its peak," Todd Teta, chief product officer at Attom, said in a press release. "We expect to see milder home prices in the coming quarters." In addition to home prices reaching

new highs, homeowners are staying put longer than ever, according to Attom's report. Homeowners who sold in the quarter had owned their homes for an average of eight years, up 4 percent from the year before. In the seven years preceding the Great Recession, the average homeowner stayed put for four years. Tied to both home appreciation and lengthening homeownership tenure, homeowners are seeing increasing gains when they sell their homes. Homeowners who sold in the second quarter of 2019 sold their homes for an average of $67,500 more than what they bought them for, a 34 percent gain. - Real Estate Magazine

Fire destroys Judge Sandill's million-dollar River Oaks home by Cathy Hernandez


ocal judge R.K. Sandill's million-dollar home in Houston's River Oaks neighborhood was destroyed by fire late Thursday. The fire at the home of Civil Court Judge R.K. Sandill and his wife was reported about 9:40 p.m. at the corner of Meadow Lake Lane and Drexel Drive. "I could see flames, really high because that's a tall house," said Bart Wittrock, who lives in the neighborhood. "You could see it was going to be a complete loss. They didn't have it under control at all." Firefighters said the modern design of the home made containing the fire difficult. They battled the blaze for nearly two hours but had to evacuate

when their air supply ran low. “They made their way to the first floor when one of the firefighters started running out of air and did call for a mayday, but luckily he was right at the front door,” said Houston Fire Department Deputy Chief Blake White. “Our primary prevent crew was right there. They were able to get him out.” The firefighter was taken to Memorial Hermann for treatment of smoke inhalation.

The amazing, fresh colors of 2019 by Lucia Tonelli, Elle Decor


ast year was all about bringing an edgier palette into the home–with vibrant reds, modern metallics, and variations of the statement black accent wall. Unlike 2018's color trends, 2019 is taking a more mindful, lifestyle-based approach to the development of new shades. Most paint brands have released their colors of the year, including Benjamin Moore, PPG Paints, Sherwin Williams, and of course, Pantone's 2019 Color of the Year: Living Coral. From powerful aquas to soft terracottas, companies are connecting the dots between consumers' home lives, mental demands, and digital engagement, which inspired many of the color picks this year. If you're looking to kick-start your home refresh by indulging in new hues, check out 2019's top color trends, along with how to use them in your own home now. ENERGIZING CORAL (Right) It only makes sense for Pantone's 2019 color of the year–Living Coral– to be on your radar when you begin your home revamp. According to interior designer Carolyn Pressly, "We’ll be seeing more hopeful and optimistic colors in the home, as evidenced by the recent selection of living coral, Pantone’s color of the year. Instead of using coral literally, you can separate it into its orange and pink counterparts. In this windowless office converted into a little girl’s room, the mood instantly becomes energizing and uplifting."

Photo: Carolyn Pressley


Firefighters were called to the house a second time about 7 a.m. Friday after a neighbor reported seeing more smoke coming from the roof.

"Currently, I’m in love with the deep saturated colors," says interior designer Keita Turner. "Beau Green, Kendall Charcoal, Hale Navy and Hunter Green. These darker moody colors are perfect for custom built-ins and kitchen cabinetry. I would ideally use them in a room with an abundance of natural light."

The homeowners were able to safely escape and said they believe an electrical problem is to blame for the fire. - KPRC

One of worst cities for firsttime home buyers?


Seems like an "uh oh" for first-time buyers in the Houston area.


Photos: Simon Upton

In 2019 we've seen a rise in colors that are associated with optimism, like bold yellows and oranges. Sherwin Williams' Afternoon, a rich and inviting yellow, pairs beautifully with cool blues, beiges, and pinks.

outnumbered actual residents—the church set about preparing the four Athens–area families for relocation to the unspoiled island.

statues, 36 marble sculptures, and a bounty of other significant Greek treasures. The island surely has more to be discovered.

Off Antikythera's coast, JacquesYves Cousteau mined a shipwreck from which came the Antikythera mechanism—the world's oldest known computer—along with bronze

Families with young children and the dream of island living are encouraged to apply.

A Greek island wants to pay you $565 a Houston real estate sales jump month to move there


ccording to WalletHub, Houston is one of the worst cities for first-time home

Houston's overall ranking was 242.

WalletHub based its rankings on statistics from the cost of living to real

estate taxes to the property crime rate. Houston totaled 46.72 points, ranking 97th in the real estate market and 258th in quality of life. Tampa, Florida, was ranked as the No. 1 place for first-time home buyers. - KPRC

Liquefied natural gas project having an influence


roperty sales of all types doubled in Houston and area for the first six months of this year compared to the same period in 2018.

family home here for under $200,000. In Smithers it would be between $300,000 and $350,000 so that’s been a driving force,” she said.

And the average price of a single family house also rose, indicates sales information released by the B.C. Northern Real Estate Board.

Hamelink is also aware of a growing shortage of rental housing.

As of the end of June, the average price of a single family detached home was $179,945, a bump up from the $175,977 as of June 30, 2018 with 20 homes selling as of June 30 this year compared to the 11 sold as of June 30, 2018.

“Some of the property owners here are renovating apartments and that’s good to see.”

The number of properties of all types sold in the first six months of this year was 28 with a total value of $5.2 million compared to the 14 properties carrying a value of $3 million which were sold as of June 30, 2018. But the number of properties up for sale has dropped — to 32 as of June 3o compared to 51 as of June 30, 2018. Houston realtor Jantina Hamelink said the increase in activity has been noticeable. “There’s a lot of optimism in the area. LNG is positive news for Houston,” she said of the Coastal GasLink natural gas pipeline which will run south of Houston to feed the LNG Canada liquefied natural gas project now under construction in Kitimat. “There’s been calls from people and businesses outside the area thinking of moving here.” And there’s interest from people attracted to Houston’s affordable housing prices compared to nearby Smithers, Hamelink added. “You can buy a really nice detached

“It’s getting hard for people to find a rental,” she said.

If Houston is undergoing a busy real estate time, things have been steadier in Smithers and area with 113 sales of properties of all types carrying a value of $35.3 million for the first six months of this year compared to 125 sales worth $37 million for the same time period in 2018. And the average selling price of a single family detached home fell in Smithers and area — from $314,954 as of June 30, 2018 on the strength of 50 sales to $294,783 based on 53 sales to the end of June this year. Still, this year’s average selling price has increased over the $270,807 of 2017. Sales activity Burns Lake and area was also stable with 37 properties worth $5.6 million sold for the first six months of this year compared to 39 properties worth $5.3 million as of June 30, 2018. But the average selling price of a single family detached house dropped in Burns Lake and area from $140,471 on 7 sales for the first six months of 2018 to $134,069 on 13 sales for the first six months of this year. And like Houston and Smithers, the average price of housing in Burns Lake has increased over 2017 when it was $127,701.

If you've ever dreamt of island living, consider this: the Aegean isle of Antikythera will actually pay you to move in. by Duncan Neilson


jewel of an island between Crete and Greece's mainland is incentivizing young, vibrant folk to relocate with a pretty attractive deal: Prospective residents with young children will get a plot of land, a home, and three-months of subsidized living—not to mention the benefits of the idyllic seaside climate. The current population (which is about the size of two basketball teams, and doubles in the summer months) is a dedicated bunch eager to expand. Those with trade skills—like baking, fishing, stock farming, or building— are especially encouraged to apply. "These are professions for which we can guarantee a decent income," says local council president Andreas Charchalakis. Does that deal sound too good to be true? Antikythera—like Greece as a whole—has been facing hard times as of late. The country's growing dogpile of issues includes a rocky economy, a declining birthrate, and an aging population. With help from the local diocese of the Greek Orthodox Church, and chutzpah from spirited locals, the island is taking steps to reverse these symptoms, at least on its own turf. A beacon of light on the foggy horizon, the island's shuttered schoolhouse just opened to the children of four new families for the first time in 24 years. After a visit by Greek president Prokopis Pavlopoulos—whose entourage

- Dwell.com

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