VOA Epaper 12-27-19

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FRIDAY, December In Section 2 27, 2019

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FRIDAY, December 27, 2019 l Published Weekly From Houston

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Vol. 33 • No. 52 • 16 Pages (2 sections) • 50 cents • 713-774-5140 • www.voiceofasia.news • E-mail: voiceasia@aol.com

Don't worry, Modi tells India's Muslims by Jalees Andrabi


EW DELHI, India | AFP | Sunday 12/22/2019 - Prime Minister Narendra Modi sought Sunday to reassure India's Muslims over a new citizenship law that has sparked deadly protests and put his Hindu nationalist government under pressure like never before. At least 25 people have died in almost two weeks of demonstrations and violence after Modi's government passed the law criticised as anti-Muslim. More protests took place on Sunday in the Hindu-majority nation. Addressing party supporters in New Delhi -- who cried "Modi! Modi!" at the mention

of the law -- the prime minister said Muslims "don't need to worry at all" provided they are genuine Indians.

of Assam has six detention centres holding more than 1,000 alleged illegal migrants, and plans another 11.

"Muslims who are sons of the soil and whose ancestors are the children of mother India need not to worry," Modi, 69, told the crowd of thousands.

India's junior home minister has told parliament that 28 detainees have died in the camps in recent years.

Accusing the main opposition Congress party of condoning the violence by not condemning it, Modi said opponents were "spreading rumours that all Muslims will be sent to detention camps". "There are no detention centres. All these stories about detention centres are lies, lies and lies," he said. Despite the prime minister's assertion, the northeastern state

The Home Ministry in June issued a "2019 Model Detention Manual" to states, asking them to set up camps in major entry points. Two centres were planned near the cities of Mumbai and Bangalore. Modi also said that there had been "no discussion" about a nationwide "register of citizens", which many Muslims in India fear is targeted mainly at them.

Indian-American Dr. Monisha Ghosh named 1st woman CTO of US' communications commission


ASHINGTON, PTI, Dec 22, 2019 - Indian-American Dr. Monisha Ghosh has been appointed as the first woman Chief Technology Officer at the US government's powerful Federal Communications Commission.

"As the FCC moves aggressively to advance American leadership in 5G, Dr. Ghosh's deep technical knowledge of wireless technologies will be invaluable," said Chairman Pai.

The ruling party also promised in their 2019 national election manifesto to implement NRC in a "phased manner in other parts of the country". This year such a register in

Assam state left off 1.9 million people unable to prove they or their forebears were there before 1971. They now face possible statelessness. In Bangalore other protesters gathered to support the law.

Spiritual leader Baba Ram Dass dies at 88 in Hawaii Alpert went to India in 1967 and returned as Baba Ram Dass after meeting his spiritual guru Neem Karoli Baba, also known as Maharajji.

She replaces Dr. Eric Burger.

An independent US government agency overseen by Congress, the FCC is the federal agency responsible for implementing and enforcing America's communications law and regulations.

Home Minister Amit Shah, Modi's right-hand man, has said repeatedly that such an exercise will take place aimed at removing all "infiltrators" from India.

in 1963 for experimenting with psychedelic drugs.

She will advise IndianAmerican Chairman of the FCC Ajit Pai and the agency on technology and engineering issues, and work closely with the Office of Engineering and Technology. Ghosh will take charge on January 13 next year. The FCC regulates interstate and international communications by radio, television, wire, satellite and cable in all 50 states, the District of Columbia and US territories.

India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi told a rally in New Delhi that if Muslims are "sons of the soil" they need not worry about the new citizenship law (AFP Photo/Prakash Singh)

Dr. Monisha Ghosh. (Twitter photo) "Dr. Ghosh has both conducted and overseen research into cutting-edge wireless issues in academia and industry. Her expertise is also broad, ranging from the internet of things, medical telemetry, and broadcast standards. And it bears noting that this is an historic appointment: I am proud that Dr. Ghosh will be the FCC's first female CTO, and hope her example inspires

young women everywhere to consider careers in STEM fields. I'm grateful to her for serving in this important position at this important time," he said. Ghosh received her Ph.D in Electrical Engineering from the University of Southern California in 1991, and B.Tech from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur in 1986.

Ram Dass became a spiritual teacher himself, melding beliefs and practices from Hinduism, Buddhism, Sufi and Jewish mysticism Ram Dass, the counterculture spiritual leader best known for the 1971 bestseller and other faiths. "Be Here Now," smiles during an interview at his San Anselmo, Calif., home, Ram Dass was Wednesday, Oct. 21, 1998. Dass, the author of 10 books, went to India to find the author of nuenlightenment and shared it with Americans. (AP Photo/Susan Ragan) merous books including "Be Here Now," published ONOLULU | AFP | on Sunday at his home in Maui, Monday 12/23/2019 Hawaii, his Love, Serve, Re- in 1971, which his foundation said describes "how to live joy- Baba Ram Dass, a member Foundation said. ously a hundred percent of the former Harvard University proAlpert was teaching at Harfessor who became a spiritual vard in the early 1960s when he time in the present." leader after a trip to India in the befriended a fellow psycholoRam Dass was also the co1960s, has died at the age of 88, gist, Timothy Leary, and the pair founder of the Seva Foundation, his foundation announced Mon- began experimenting with LSD. which provides health care for day. They went on to become a lead- Native Americans and works to Ram Dass, who was born in ing American counter-culture wipe out curable blindness in InBoston as Richard Alpert, died figure, were fired from Harvard dia and Nepal.projects.




By Beau Brunson


Publisher: Associate Publisher: Editor-in-Chief: Austin Correspondent: Director Marketing: Office Accountant: Data Entry:

Koshy Thomas Sherly Philip Shobana Muratee Sherine Thomas Giril Edakkunnath Priyan Mathew Satish Philip

Contributors: OpEd: Dr. Chandra Mittal Legal: Sharlene Sharmila Richards Mala Sharma Health: Sudhir Mathuria Research: Dr. Meenakshi Bhattacharjee


Editor Online: Shobana Muratee All rights reserved. No material herein or portions thereof may be published without the consent of the publisher. Voice of Asia assumes no liability resulting from action taken based on the information included herein. Published weekly by Free Press LLC, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074. Tel: 713774-5140. Fax: 713-774-5143. Email for editorial submissions: voiceasia@aol.com; Email for advertising inquiries and submissions: ads@voiceofasiagroup.com. It is the policy of Voice of Asia to publish letters to the editor which evidence a variety of viewpoints. The opinions expressed in any particular letter to the editor are not necessarily those of the management. Voice of Asia welcomes letters in reply to issues raised in letters to editor. In as much letters to the editor are not articles written or researched by members of Voice of Asia, it is not the policy of the Voice of Asia to perform any investigation or confirmation of any facts or allegations contained in letters to the editor. Moreover, Voice of Asia reserves the right to edit letters to the editor as necessary to correct errors of fact, punctuation, spelling and to comply with space constraints. Although paid advertisements may appear inVoice of Asia Group Publications in print, online, or in other electronic formats, theVoice of Asia Group does not endorse the advertised product, service, or company, nor any of the claims made by the advertisement. — The Publisher Voice of Asia (USPS 010-215) (ISSN#10705058) is published every Friday (for a subscription rate of $50 per year) by Free Press LLC, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074. Tel: 713-774-5140. Fax: 713-774-5143. Periodical postage paid at Houston, Texas. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Voice of Asia, 8303 SW Freeway, Suite # 325, Houston, TX 77074.

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For many, the best gift they can receive is the gift of life


f you’re looking for a last-minute gift idea — one that costs you nothing but an hour or two of your time and which you don’t even have to gift-wrap — consider giving blood this holiday season. Blood donations traditionally fall off nationwide because of people’s holiday schedules and severe winter weather in parts of the country. Without an adequate supply, hospitals are sometimes forced

to delay surgeries or to prioritize blood allocations to only the most urgent cases. Who knows how many people in our community and around the state and country will be deprived of a chance at life. The person in need might be a stranger — a child with a blood condition or a cancer patient. It might be a friend or a family member who suddenly needs blood because of a medi-

s the little ones are finishing up sending millions of letters beseeching Santa to bring them all sorts of goodies, it’s not too late for Congress to join the festivities. While most of the requests made of Santa include a relatively modest wish list of toys and games, if Congress gets in the holiday spirit, it could deliver legislation that would benefit all 327 million American consumers. Congress kicked off the holiday season with a gift that will prove a huge win for every American that owns a phone when the House and Senate reconciled their two bills to crack down on abusive robocalls. Earlier this year, Ajit Pai, chairman of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), put out a warning to U.S. telecoms: Stop robocalling abuse, or the FCC will. In light of Chairman Pai’s announcement, Consumers’ Research recommended a host of options that the FCC could take up to quell the consumer abuse of out-of-control robocalling. The House and Senate, picking up on the fact that American consumers hate robocalls, finally reached a compromise that gives the FCC additional authority and a legislative mandate to crack down on those unwanted calls. Before it went home for the holidays, Congress sent the compromise bill, called the TRACED Act, over the finish line and onto the president’s desk. Failure to pass such pro-consumer legislation would have been like Santa leaving the kids with an empty stocking. But the House and Senate shouldn’t stop there. Before the New Year, Congress needs to put a bow on the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) and bring it across the finish line. Almost a by Jaiveer Shergill


he government’s decision to implement the CAA has thrown the Northeast into turmoil and shaken investor confidence Every cause has an effect and that is why every government decision must be preceded by careful thought about its potential repercussions. The Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) of 2019 has had huge consequences on both the domestic and foreign policy front. In India, widespread protests that began in the Northeast are now raging across the country. On the international front, soon after the protests broke out, two Bangladesh ministers cancelled their visit to India, the Japanese Prime Minister postponed his visit to the country and the annual India-Japan summit was cancelled. From the perspective of India’s ambitious development plans and strategic diplomacy, the question that arises is whether the Central government factored in the ramifications of the CAA on India’s Act East Policy and its potential side effects on the country’s relationship with foreign stakeholders heavily invested in the Northeast. - Repercussions on various fronts Apart from being the unique region that links India with ASEAN nations, the Northeast is also the springboard for India’s engagement with Southeast Asia. This is precisely why New Delhi roped cal emergency or auto accident. There are plenty of opportu-

FRIDAY, December 27, 2019

A congressional Christmas list for consumers

tiny typically applied to federal agencies during the budget process.

year ago, Consumers’ Research cheered the announcement that the United States had reached an agreement with Mexico and Canada that would modernize NAFTA. But unfortunately, the USMCA languished in Congress for over a year. The House passed the bill last week, and it will now head to the Senate. This trade deal is good for consumers because it will promote freer markets, reducing prices for consumers while expanding choices. It will also help promote economic growth for all three trading partners. Some of the most consumerfriendly provisions bring trade with Mexico and Canada into the digital age. Privacy protection and email spam are some of the greatest consumer concerns online. While not perfect, the United States strives to push American companies to provide broad consumer protections online. The USMCA ensures that American consumers can expect companies operating in the digital marketplace to maintain the standards required by U.S. companies.

Most agencies must navigate a byzantine series of House and Senate hearings on operations spending, fight through lawmaker questions, deal with a bit of preening and finally, earn a budget agreement. Then they get to do it all over again with the appropriations committee. In Photo: Greg Nash the end, most agencies end up interacting with more than 100 elected The USMCA also exports some of the most critical as- officials during the budget propects of United States intel- cess, providing much-needed lectual property protections transparency to agency funding to Canada and Mexico. In one and activities. particularly noteworthy proviBut the only formal interacsion sure to please entrepre- tion between lawmakers and neurs looking to export tech- the director of the CFPB take nology products, the USMCA place over four hearings in two blocks the Canadian and committees a year. Assuring Mexican governments from better agency accountability arbitrarily taking proprietary through an appropriations protechnology from American cess under congressional overbusinesses. These protections sight is a worthy holiday wish. for American innovators help In just a few weeks, Ameridiscourage counterfeit goods ca will be ringing in the New that cheat consumers. Year. But Christmas hasn’t Last but not least, Congress quite come yet, and there is still should start work on biparti- time for federal policymakers san legislation updating the to keep consumers foremost in structure of the Consumer their minds. Consumers have Financial Protection Bureau their list, and Congress needs (CFPB) agency. Next year, the to check it twice before it heads Supreme Court will determine home for the holidays. By takif the bureau’s leadership struc- ing care of some last-minute ture is constitutional. Regard- business in 2019, policymakers less of how the court rules, the can start the 2020s off right. bureau’s funding mechanism will likely remain woefully deficient. As originally designed, Beau Brunson is director of the CFPB is funded outside of policy and regulatory affairs at normal congressional chan- Consumers’ Research. nels, a crucial flaw that allows - The Hill it to escape the rigorous scru-

A decision without forethought in Tokyo to fulfill its ambitious plan of expanding its global footprints via development in the Northeast. As part of its Free and Open Indo-Pacific strategy, Japan has been investing in the Northeast in a big way. Recently Tokyo decided to invest ₹13,000 crore in different projects in the Northeast. The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) is actively engaged in building Northeast road network connectivity, water supply projects and economic modernisation of the region. It will be financing the construction of India’s longest bridge between Dhubri in Assam and Phulbari in Meghalaya. Japan has contributed official development assistance loans for the North East Road Network Connectivity Improvement Project. Private Japanese organisations are also financing a host of developmental projects in the region. It is but natural that the CAA protests and Internet shutdowns in the region would have come as a huge shock to Japan and its investment plans in the region which hinge on stability and a business-friendly environment conducive. Given these considerations, the government could have done well to analyse how such a decision would affect the economic development of the Northeast. Second, in case Japan has a rethink on these development nities now and in the near future to give blood.

projects, will it do so keeping in mind only the Northeast or the rest of India too? JICA is involved in various big-ticket infrastructure projects in Himachal Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Odisha, etc. Third, the volatility of the Northeast can possibly be a setback to the collaborative efforts between India and Japan in providing an alternative to China’s Belt and Road Initiative. Fourth, besides being a development partner, Japan is also a member of the Quad, which came into existence to counter Chinese economic prowess and unlock India’s potential in the Indo-Pacific. Last and most importantly, when Kashmir is already volatile, can India afford to open another frontier of vulnerability in the Northeast? Clearly, the government did not take various stakeholders into confidence while taking this decision. The proof of messy diplomatic pudding is in the eating as the UN has described the CAA as “fundamentally discriminatory”. The U.S., the U.K., Canada and others have issued travel advisories to those visiting the Northeast. Why did the government not utilise diplomatic channels to put forth its views before the stakeholders in the international community? Had it done this, it could have avoided the embarrassment it is facing today. It is high time To find other drives throughout the region, download the American Red Cross Blood Do-

that decision-makers of the BJP learnt the basic difference between raw muscularity and successful diplomacy before taking such measures. - Viewed with suspicion The blunders of the BJP government are straining and staining India’s foreign policy. India has been described as the “Internet shutdown capital of the world”. Senior political leaders are under detention, Parliament is passing laws to grant religion-based citizenship to migrants of selected countries, and the youth of the country is out on the streets protesting. Will all this not shake investors’ confidence and dent the ease of doing business in India? The Indian economy is already going through a rough phase and the loss of investor confidence will only add to our woes. At the global level, India has always been respected for its diversity and inclusive character. It is because of parochial decisions like the CAA that India will now join the rank of nations which are viewed with suspicion because of their political and economic climate. Instead of being on an expansion mode, thanks to the government India will now be on an explanatory mode. Jaiveer Shergill is a Supreme Court of India lawyer and national spokesperson, INC. - The Hindu nor App, visit RedCrossBlood. org online, or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767).



FRIDAY, December 27, 2019

Second Front Page

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

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TiE celebrates winning young entrepreneur team at year-end social

Over a hundred guests attended the TiE Young Entrepreneur program event.


iE Houston was delighted to celebrate the holiday season by honoring the winning Young Entrepreneur team at their Networking Social at Songkran Thai Kitchen. The TiE Young Entrepreneur (TYE) program is directed at fostering future generations of

entrepreneurs. TiE Houston focused on supporting high school students from economically under-served communities. 28 high school juniors and seniors from eight public schools participated in the 8-month program that went from October through May. The program was supported by a generous $25,000 grant

from BNY Mellon. Four students were selected to represent TYE-Houston at the Global TYE competition held in Boston and won an award for “Teamwork”. Their concept was career path workshops for rising and current high school seniors, a critical need in their communities. Former TiE Global Trustee

Four students selected for TiE Young Entrepreneur (TYE) program with TiE members.

Guests during the Social at Songkran Thai Kitchen.


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Ashok Rao welcomed the 100+ attendees to Songkran Thai Kitchen for the fun, celebratory evening. TiE Board member, Mr. Ravi Brahmbhatt, Director of Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Houston Community College and a champion of the program explained its importance to highschoolers from target schools. Jaison Oliver, program coordinator, shared his experience running the program and introduced the team “Educators of Tomorrow”. The students, Debbie Quijada,( Milby High

School) Oscar Vazquez , (Sterling Aviation High School) Daeja Davidson (Energy Institute High School) and Yolanda Flores, (Sterling Aviation High School¬) shared their experiences in the program as well as their trip to Boston. Kevin Pollock, Director of Business Banking at BBVA presented the team with certificates and their winnings. TiE is the world’s largest entrepreneurship organization. Founded in Silicon Valley in 1992 it has grown to

over 15,000 members in 61 chapters across 14 countries. TiE Houston President, Dr. Atul Varadhachary shared the chapter’s mission of helping entrepreneurs succeed. With a global reach and a local focus TiE Houston supports entrepreneurs and our local ecosystem through its four pillars of Mentoring, Networking, Education, and Funding. Executive Director Samia Ahsan wrapped up the program by thanking TiE supporters and sharing upcoming chapter events.


Section 2

Family Health

FRIDAY, December 27, 2019

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Harris County Public Health confirms flu-related pediatric death Residents encouraged to protect themselves from the flu


OUSTON - Harris County Public Health (HCPH) is confirming a flu-related death of an infant in Harris County. The boy, less than one-year of age, was a resident of northwest Harris County. This is the first pediatric death in Harris County this flu season (starting October 1, 2019). Due to confidentiality reasons and out of respect for the privacy of the family during this difficult time, no further information on the child will be released. “We are deeply saddened to report a flu-related pediatric death, and our hearts go out to the child’s family, especially due to the holiday season. This is a somber reminder of the danger flu poses to our residents, especially those who are more vulnerable to develop serious flu complications,” said Dr. Umair A. Shah, Executive Director of Harris County Public Health. “We urge residents to get a flu shot and protect themselves and their loved ones.” According to information provided last week by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC),

there have been 19 pediatric flu-related deaths across the country during this current flu season. The CDC recommends getting a flu vaccine every year for all persons over six months of age. Since flu season can last as late as May, HCPH reminds individuals to remain diligent in protecting themselves and their families against the flu. Harris County residents who have not had a flu shot are encouraged to get one as soon as possible as flu vaccine remains available throughout our community. Getting vaccinated is especially important for the following groups: Anyone with certain medical conditions including asthma, diabetes, heart disease, and chronic lung disease; Pregnant women; Young children over the age of six months; Anyone 65 years of age and older; and/or, Anyone who lives with or cares for others who are at high risk of developing serious complications and/or lives with a child under 6 months of age. Flu symptoms include the following signs and symptoms:

• Fever* or feeling feverish/chills; •


Sore throat;

Runny or stuffy nose;

Muscle or body aches;


• Fatigue (very tired); and/or, • Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults. *It is important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever. Persons who have flu-like symptoms (especially if they are serious) are asked to contact their healthcare provider for further advice. In order to avoid making others sick, stay home from work or school for at least 24 hours after not showing symptoms. ** HCPH reminds others that flu is not a reportable disease to health departments. HCPH monitors flu activity mainly from lab reports, emergency room visits due to influenza- like illness, and school absenteeism data. However, children’s flu deaths must be reported to local health authorities.

looking for a healthy New Year’s resolution? Don’t overlook your eyes

Opt for a few, small, lifestyle wins rather than mounting an all-out assault on your current habits.


he most ambitious time of year is upon us: the time to set New Year’s resolutions. All the parties have been hosted, the marshmallows have been toasted and you’ve binged on your new favorite TV show the entire month of December. Now you’re asking yourself, “What do I want to accomplish this year?” A New Year’s resolution is, for all intents and purposes, a good thing. Now consider this twist on the standard resolution format: opt for a few, small, lifestyle wins rather than mounting an all-out assault on your current habits – more resolution-lite, if you will.

Here’s why: • It’s Easy: With a comprehensive eye exam, there’s no uncomfortable warm-up, pep talk or preparation period. Making an appointment is easy: you simply show up and your eye doctor tests different aspects of your vision and eye health. Save the maximum effort for a goal further down your list, knowing an eye exam is a small investment of energy that reaps huge health rewards. • It Doesn’t Take All Year: You can be certain that unlike most resolutions where some level of delayed gratification is the motivator, a comprehensive eye exam provides immediate results.

Choose resolutions that have clear start and end points, and that are attainable for you. Most of all, resolutions should make you feel good – that’s the whole point, right?

“All within your visit, you’ll learn the shape your vision is in, and, if you wear glasses or contact lenses, whether your prescription has changed,” Dr. Chinn says.

“A resolution that checks all the boxes is to get an eye exam,” says VSP network doctor, Jennifer Chinn.

• It’s Really Healthy: Beyond ensuring great vision, an eye exam offers an incredible look into your overall health. In fact, an eye exam is often the first line of defense when it comes to protecting your health.

If you have loved ones in mind, bring them. Their eyes will thank you.

During your visit, the eye doctor will examine your eyes to check their visual acuity (or how clearly you see), and for any signs of eye conditions like dry eyes, digital eye strain, glaucoma, cataracts and macular degeneration. “More significantly, a comprehensive eye exam gives eye doctors an unobstructed view of the eyes’ blood vessels and optic nerves, both of which can give away signs of chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and even some cancers years before a person shows symptoms,” notes Dr. Chinn. Unfortunately, many outward signals of diseases and conditions don’t appear until some damage has occurred, making eye exams powerful, preventative tools to keep tabs on what’s quietly happening in your body. To find an eye doctor near you, visit www.vsp.com/eyedoctor. You don’t need 20/20 vision to see that the case for a 2020 eye exam is clear. Make this the year you commit to an annual trip to the eye doctor. - StatePoint


Tel: 713-774-5140

Senior Living


Section 2

FRIDAY, December 27, 2019

Email: voiceasia@aol.com

New study reveals prevalence of diabetes is 23% among South Asians in US


HICAGO, IL: December 23rd, 2019 - Important research regarding South Asian cardiometabolic disease was published in JAMA on December 20, 2019 by Cheng YJ, Kanaya AM, Araneta MRG, et al entitled “Prevalence of Diabetes by Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 2011-2016.”(1) The American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI) together with the American Association of Cardiologists of Indian Origin (AACIO) jointly acknowledge that the data generated by these authors has far-reaching implications for the South Asian community with respect to diabetes and cardiovascular disease. In the above study, diabetes prevalence (diagnosed and undiagnosed) was found to be 12.1% for non-Hispanic whites and 23.3% for South Asians. “The 23% reflects a critical need for aggressive action towards better prevention and management of diabetes along with the accompanying cardiovascular risk” stated Dr. Kamini Trivedi, a family physician, lipidologist, and honorary Board Member of AACIO. In addition, Deepak L. Bhatt, MD, MPH, Executive Director of Interventional Cardiovascular Services at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School stated, “These valuable data demonstrate the incredibly high, vastly underappreciated burden of diabetes among South Asians. Particularly distressing is how many South Asians have diabetes without even knowing it. This phenomenon is surely fueling the cardiovascular epidemic among South Asians.” Cardiovascular disease is the lead-

ing cause of death in the U.S., spending over $500 billion on cardiovascular disease each year.(2, 3) AAPI and AACIO are medical societies together comprised of several tens of thousands of physicians of Indian origin in the U.S. who provide care to patients of all ethnicities and diverse backgrounds. Physicians who are engaged with these two medical societies are particularly passionate about diabetes given that diabetes and premature cardiovascular disease so often impact their extended family and friends. AAPI and AACIO immediately held a joint meeting the same day that the study results were unveiled, reflecting the urgency. Dr. Brahma Sharma, a prominent cardiologist affiliated with VA University of Pittsburgh and serving as the Chair of the AAPI Ad Hoc Committee on South Asian Cardiovascular Disease, led the meeting in which Dr. Trivedi and Dr. Bhatt participated alongside the current President of AAPI, Dr. Suresh Reddy, a neuroradiologist. Dr. Navin Nanda, MD, DSc (Hon), Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and an internationally renowned cardiologist, Dr. Hanumant K. Reddy, current President of AACIO, and Dr. Vishal Gupta, PresidentElect of AACIO, have offered their leadership on behalf of AACIO in conjunction with AAPI’s leadership towards addressing these challenges. Dr Nanda, who is past President and incorporator of AAPI as well as the Founding President

of AACIO pointed out that the results of the study are similar to those conducted by Dr. Naresh Parikh and him in the Atlanta area in 2004 which also showed, for the first time, a high prevalence of diabetes mellitus in South Asians living in the USA, 18.3% overall with 22.5% in men and 13.6% in women.(4) The JAMA paper along with CDC’s press release (5) on this paper were discussed at the joint AACIO-AAPI leadership meeting. AAPI and AACIO conducted preliminary brainstorming on strategy and will now work with increased collaboration to educate both physicians and the U.S. South Asian community. Education about lifestyle modification, including culturally appropriate nutrition and physical activity, along with guideline recommended medical therapy will be the foundation of educational efforts. Dr. Suresh Reddy on behalf of AAPI stated, “We have the talent, skills, strength, and the commitment. Let’s put them to work and help our community.” Dr. Sharma expressed that the authors of this JAMA study deserve high praise. The joint efforts of AAPI and AACIO will require a coming together of various stakeholders who are leading valuable efforts on South Asian diabetes and cardiovascular disease. AAPI and AACIO would like to amplify their various efforts and welcome collaboration. Physicians as well as other interested stakeholders who are interested in joining and shaping the collaborations with AAPI and AACIO should contact Vijaya Kodali at Vkodali@ aapiusa.org.


Tel: 713-774-5140

Taking certain vitamins during breast cancer chemo tied to recurrence, death by Linda Carroll


atients with breast cancer who use supplements during chemotherapy may be at an increased risk of recurrence and death, a new study suggests. Use of dietary supplements that boost levels of antioxidants, iron, vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids appeared to lower the effectiveness of chemotherapy, researchers report in the Journal of Clinical Oncology. "From this study and others in the literature, it seems that it may not be wise to take supplements during chemotherapy," said Christine Ambrosone, chair of cancer prevention and control, and senior vice president for population sciences at the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center in Buffalo, New York.

Shoppers browse for health products in an aisle stocked with vitamin supplements. (File photo)

"It's thought that antioxidants might interfere with the ability of chemotherapy to kill cancer cells," Ambrosone explained. "One way chemotherapy works is by generating lots of oxidative stress. The thinking is that antioxidants may block oxidative stress and make chemotherapy less effective."

After accounting for other factors that might increase the risk of recurrence or death, they found patients who took any antioxidant at the outset and during chemotherapy - including carotenoids, Coenzyme Q10 and vitamins A, C, and E - were 41% more likely to have their breast cancer return and 40% more likely to die during follow-up compared to patients using no supplements. - Reuters Health

Doctors have been advising patients for a number of years not to take antioxidants during chemotherapy, Ambrosone

References (1) Cheng YJ, Kanaya AM, Araneta MRG, et al. Prevalence of Diabetes by Race and Ethnicity in the United States, 2011-2016. JAMA. 2019(2) American Heart Association. 2018. Disease and Stroke Statistics-2018 Update.

said. "But there was no strong empirical data for that recommendation," she added. To take a closer look at whether supplement use might impact chemotherapy's effectiveness, Ambrosone and colleagues analyzed data from the Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle and Cancer Prognosis study, which was piggybacked onto a trial designed to determine the best dose and schedule of chemotherapy drugs. Participants were queried about their use of supplements at the outset and during treatment, and about their lifestyle, diet and exercise habits. The researchers focused on 1,134 patients who filled out

(3) American Heart Association. 2017. Cardiovascular Disease: A Costly Burden for America Projections Through 2035. (4) Venkataraman R, Nanda NC, Baweja G , et al. Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus and Related Conditions in Asian

the surveys and followed them for a median of six years. In this particular group of patients, supplement use was much lower than is typical, Ambrosone said, with 20% taking supplements prior to starting chemo and 13% during the treatments.

Indians Living in the United States. Am J Cardiol 2004; (5) CDC press release: CDC Releases First National Estimates on Diabetes within Hispanic and Asian Populations in the US - Demographic breakdown identifies specific groups at higher risk of diabetes.

Amazing health benefits of consuming papaya seeds in diet In today’s times, it is near impossible to avoid eating foods that are bad for your digestive system. Often we find ourselves eating junk food or restaurant food prepared in excessive quantities of oil. Eating a papaya daily can make up for

whole day, it is a good idea to come home to a plate a papayas. The wonder fruit is rich in several nutrients like Vitamin C which can keep you free from stress. According to a study conducted in University of Alabama, found that 200 mg of Vitamin C can help regulate the flow of stress hormones in rats. How to use papaya seeds

by Meenakshi Bhattacharjee Rice University, Houston


hristopher Columbus, an Italian voyager once referred to papayas as the fruit of the angels. The fruit which is extremely rich in Vitamin C has a wide range of health benefits making it a great fruit option to include in your diet. Papaya, a tropical plant believed to have originated in southern Mexico and Central America, is now cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide. Papaya is cultivated for its edible ripe fruit; its juice is a popular beverage, and its young leaves, shoots, and fruits are cooked as a vegetable. The fruits are a source of flavoring used in candies, jellies, preserves, and ice cream. Shallow cuts on the surface of fully grown but unripe fruits cause a milky sap or latex to ooze that is collected, dried, and termed "crude papain." Papain has many industrial uses, as well as milk-clotting (rennet) and protein-digesting properties. Nearly 80% of American beer is treated with papain, which allows the beer to remain clear upon cooling. Papain is most commonly used commercially in meat tenderizers and chewing gums. Cosmetically, papain is used in some toothpastes, shampoos, and facial creams. Miscellaneous Uses Papaya has been used widely in folk medicine for many ailments: the juice for warts,

corns, cancers, tumors, and thickened skin; the roots or their extracts for cancers of the uterus, syphilis, the tropical infection, hemorrhoids, and to remove mineral concretions in the urine; the unripe fruit as a mild laxative or diuretic, and to stimulate lactation, labor, or abortion; the ripe fruit for rheumatism and alkalinizing the urine; the seeds for intestinal worms or to stimulate menstruation or abortion; the leaves as a poultice for nervous pains and elephantoid growths, or smoked for asthma relief; and the latex for psoriasis, ringworm, indigestion, or applied externally as an antiseptic or to heal burns or scalds, or applied to the cervix to contract the uterus. Specific Uses 1. Lowers cholesterol Papaya is rich in fiber, Vitamin C and antioxidants which prevent cholesterol build up in your arteries. Too much cholesterol build-up can lead to several heart diseases including heart attack and hypertension. 2. Helps in weight loss Those looking to lose weight must include papaya in their diet as it is very low in calories. The fiber content in papaya leaves you feeling full and also clears your bowel movement making your weight loss regime easier. 3. Boosts your immunity Your immunity system acts as a shield against various in-

fections that can make you really sick. A single papaya contains more than 200% of your daily requirement of Vitamin C, making it great for your immunity. 4. Good for diabetics Papaya is an excellent food option for diabetics as it has a low-sugar content even though it is sweet to taste. Also, people who don’t have diabetes can eat papaya to prevent it from happening. 5. Great for your eyes Papaya is rich in Vitamin A which helps protect your vision from degenerating. Nobody wants to lose their ability to see due to diseases like agerelated macular degeneration, and eating papayas will ensure that you do not see a day where you cannot see. 6. Protects against arthritis Arthritis can be a really debilitating disease and people who have it may find their quality of life reduced significantly. Eating papayas are good for your bones as they have anti-inflammatory properties along with Vitamin C which helps in keeping various forms of arthritis at bay. A study published in Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases showed that people who consumed foods low in Vitamin C were three times more likely to have arthritis than those who didn’t. 7. Improves digestion

such occasional mistakes, as it has a digestive enzyme known as papain along with fibre which helps improve your digestive health. 8. Helps ease menstrual pain Women who are experiencing menstrual pain should help themselves to several servings of papaya, as an enzyme called papain helps in regulating and easing flow during menstrual periods. 9. Prevents signs of ageing All of us would love to stay young forever, but no one in this world has managed to do it. Still, healthy habits like eating a papaya daily will prolong the process and may make you look 5 years younger than you are. Papaya is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin E and antioxidants like beta-carotene which helps prevent your skin from free radical damage keeping wrinkles and other signs of ageing at bay. 10. Prevents cancer Papaya is a rich source of antioxidants, phytonutrients and flavonoids that prevent your cells from undergoing free radical damage. Some studies have also linked the consumption papaya to reduced risk of colon and prostate cancer. 11. Helps reduce stress After working hard for the

When you cut open the buttery flesh of papaya, you are met with a hollowed-out center that runs along the length of the fruit. Inside this cavity are strange-looking black, round seeds that have a very shiny surface. These little seeds easily detach from the papaya's center, and when you touch one, it feels wet and slimy. Take a seed and roll it between two of your fingers— you will then feel the gelatinous pouch that surrounds the actual hard seed inside of it. There is no smell other than the normal papaya scent. Continue rolling the seed with your fingers, and soon the little slimy covering will burst and pull away to reveal the black seed. Now you can take a better look at the strange-looking onyxcolored ball. It has a rough texture, and it looks similar to the surface of a morel mushroom cap with all of the tiny little holes. Once removed from the jelly pouch, you'll notice that there still isn't much of a scent. Savor That Zesty Flavor Now place the seed in your mouth. Chew it until you can taste a flavor other than papaya. It may take a second or two to recognize the taste coating your taste buds. First it will be a little bitter, then peppery, and lastly, it will be reminiscent of mild horseradish. As crazy as that sounds, papaya seeds do taste like that pungent root that goes so great with pork sausages. After your mind puts the similarity of flavors together, you'll notice that unlike actual horseradish, the pungency of papaya seeds lasts very little

time. You won't get the tingling sensation that people often get when they eat horseradish, but you will thoroughly enjoy the taste of the papaya seeds. Interestingly, each fruit has seeds that vary in their pungency. Some say that the papaya's size will affect how mild or spicy the seeds are. Save Your Seeds The next time you open papaya, consider saving the seeds instead of discarding them. Some people like to use the fresh, raw seeds in different recipes or eat them right along the papaya flesh. Other people dry out the seeds and use them as a seasoning. Whichever way you try, note that fresh papaya seeds have a much stronger taste than dried papaya seeds. Contraindications Papaya may cause severe allergic reactions and is therefore contraindicated in sensitive people. Pregnancy/Lactation Possibly unsafe depending on the part of the plant being used and dose administered. Avoid use. Interactions None well documented. Side Effects Papaya may cause severe allergic reactions in sensitive people. Papaya latex can be a severe irritant and vesicant on skin. Papaya juice and papaya seeds are unlikely to cause adverse effects when taken orally; however, papaya leaves at high doses may cause stomach irritation. Toxicology There are parts of the plant (eg, seeds) that contain benzyl isothiocyanate, which may cause poisoning at high doses.

NOTE: Before using the seeds for any medical conditions please speak to your Doctor.



Federation of Indian Associations NJ NJ CT election results for executive team for 2020 Anil Bansal to carry the FIA torch for 2020 – Elected President of FIA lic day festivities AKA Dance Pe Chance which FIA is set to hold on Saturday, 25th Jan 2020. The colorful event is a cultural dance competition held annually for the past 36 years that provides a platform for the new generation of Americans of Indian origin to showcase their cultural talent. The event has seen approx. Anil Bansal, President-Elect FIA. 18000 children participation over the 3 dehe annual general body cades and counting; This year meeting of the Federa- there will be a bigger venue, tion of Indian Associa- the War Memorial Theater in tions (Tri-State) was held on Trenton NJ. Tuesday December 17th, 2019 at TV Asia Auditorium, Edison, FIA’s Election Committee NJ. The Agenda includes the comprising of Election Chair overall performance and activi- Jayesh Patel along with Trustties of FIA during the year 2019 ees Dipak Patel and Yash Paul


significant portfolio of investments in the IT industry including having had investments in the F&B and hospitality industry. Bansal has been an integral part of the diaspora and FIA serving in various roles and after a two-year hiatus to spend time with his grandchildren, has now returned to serve the community again by holding the top spot in the soon to be 50 years old FIA. Bansal a graduate from IIT Kanpur India holds multiple residences with his primary residence being in NJ. Bansal in his role as the FIA President will be supported by his wife Kumud and two married and well-settled children. Bansal expressed his gratitude and assured the crowd in attendance that FIA will span uncharted altitudes with the milestone year under his leadership and will include a jamboree of festivities while continuing the active role of service to the diaspora. Ramesh Patel, Chairman of BOT congratulated the 2019

Sugar Land recognized for performance management leadership

Pictured (front row, L-R) during a recent City Council recognition are Performance and Accountability Director Reena Varghese; Data Analyst Hongqiang Sun; Performance and Accountability Analyst Rachel Owens; Performance and Accountability Manager Karen Ramirez; Mayor Joe Zimmerman, (back row) Councilmembers Stewart Jacobson, Himesh Gandhi and Carol McCutcheon; City Manager Allen Bogard; and Councilmembers Naushad Kermally, Steve Porter and Jennifer Lane. (Photo: City of Sugar Land)


UGAR LAND - The International City/ County Management Association (ICMA) awarded the city of Sugar Land a Certificate of Distinction for promoting transparency and accountability, data-informed decision-making and citizen engagement efforts. Sugar Land was one only 63 jurisdictions throughout the country to receive an award for data-driven management and reporting and one of only 19 in the Certificate of Distinction category. Industry experts evaluated initiatives to collect and verify data to ensure reliability; train staff in performance measurement; and report data to the public through budgets, newsletters and/or information provided to elected officials. The city's emphasis on providing comparative and benchmarking information to the

Federation of Indian Associations (Tri-State) Executive Team including various reporting as well as to announce the election results and elect the new executive committee for the year 2020. Alok Kumar, 2019 President along with his executive committee commended the support he was bestowed by the committee, sponsors, and supporters to make 2019 a remarkable year for FIA. Kumar announced the 28-community focused and community assisting programs and events held under his Presidency and how it had an impact as much on him as it did for the community. Kumar also thanked BJANA, who played a pivotal role in strengthening his resolve to deliver a stellar year for FIA and for the community. Kumar welcomed the President-Elect Anil Bansal who will take oath in the upcoming Repub-

Soi collectively announced the election results For FIA NY NJ CT for the fiscal year 2020 It is Anil Bansal-President – Himanshu Bhatia-Executive Vice President – Saurin Parikh – Vice President – Praveen Bansal – General Secretary – Mardavi Patel – Joint Secretary – Amit Ringasia – Treasurer and Immediate Past President Alok Kumar will continue to be part of the executive team. Incoming President Anil Bansal, a founder and Executive Chairman of Indus American Bank is an active and distinguished community leader, an active philanthropist thru his Bansal Charitable Foundation which provides financial support to a multitude of nonprofits in the USA and a very successful entrepreneur with real estate holdings across the USA. Bansal also holds a

FIA team for a wonderful parade and praised FIA's significant social activities performed that positively impacted the Indian community during the past year and welcomed the incoming 2020 committee who will carry the responsibility of the community engagements initiatives and festivities which comes with significant time and resource consumption. FIA is the oldest and largest nonprofit grassroots umbrella organization comprising of diversified Indian Associations and serves as the mouthpiece of the Indian diaspora while engaging in initiatives and activates to promote the culture and objectives of the diaspora along with tackling community issues. Contact: info@fianynjct.org OR visit www.fianynjct.org

Richmond makes best Houston suburbs list


ichmond ranked #5 in the Best Houston Suburbs To Live list compiled by HoustonProperties.com! Houston Properties.Com created a list of 17 Suburbs as Houston’s Best of the Best by looking at population centers above 10,000 within 45 minutes from the heart of Houston, both cities and suburban regions. They based this ranking on five characteristics included in their evaluation model- Walkability, Commute times, Employment, Public Schools and Amenities. The suburbs were graded on each item then ranked based on combined score and the 17 with the best score were chosen for the Top Houston Suburbs List. Richmond was recognized as having notable master-planned communities such as Veranda, Mandola Farms and Del Webb Sweetgrass, all with easy access to employment opportunities in the Energy Corridor, and zoned to Lamar Consolidated ISD. Also inviting for families,

Photo: City of Richmond

Richmond has several outdoor entertainment hubs like Pecan Grove Plantation Country Club, Shadow Hawk Golf Club and Black Hawk Country Club, as well as a variety of city parks with various amenities in George Park, Clay Park or Wessendorff Park. Residents will also find various retail and restaurant options with several

shopping centers and commercial establishments nearby. While the Richmond suburban area continues to grow offering a variety of neighborhoods for families, their connection to the City of Richmond with its’ charm offers a place to call home with a slower pace of life. - City of Richmond

FRIDAY, December 27, 2019

public and the use of performance data in strategic planning and operational decisionmaking is consistent with the Sugar Land Way. Part of the Sugar Land Way is being responsive to the needs of residents and ensuring they can easily access information, data and services that improve their quality of life. It's a commitment to bold and thoughtful thinking designed to make life sweeter and more refined for the people and businesses that call Sugar Land home. An example of Sugar Land's commitment to performance management leadership is an innovative goal measures dashboard that serves as an account of the city's performance on 30 key operations. It's an online tool that educates residents on the city's performance, identifies areas of operational improvement, assists city management and elected officials in

making data-driven decisions on key priority areas and enhances government accountability and transparency. Learn more at www.sugarlandtx.gov/ GoalMeasures. "This award is proof that we're meeting the needs of our residents and fostering the development of a performance culture throughout our organizations," said City Manager Allen Bogard. "It's yet one more example that demonstrates the Sugar Land Way is made possible through good governance practices, a business-like approach to decision-making, community listening and responding to the needs of our community." For more about the city's transparency efforts, visual communications and citizenbased data performance initiatives, visit www.sugarlandtx. gov/OPA.

Missouri City 2019 Year-In-Review: “Show Me City” continues to thrive in all operations


ISSOURI CITY 2019 has been another memorable year in the “Show Me City”. Residents, stakeholders, partners and staff celebrated a prosperous year in MCTX as economic development soared, local subdivisions remained among the safest communities in the nation, fiscal stewardship set high standards of excellence, events held citywide hosted a record number of attendees, and strategic initiatives set the City up for longterm success. “The success stories from this past year show why Missouri City is highly-regarded across the region,” said City Manager Anthony J. Snipes, who was recognized in November by the International City/County Management Association (ICMA) with the “Credentialed Manager” designation for his extensive public administration service and expertise including leadership initiatives in the “Show Me City”. “We are very proud to serve our residents and we want them to have the best quality-of-life as possible,” added Snipes, who was also inducted into the 2018 Class of Fellows for the National Academy of Public Administration. 2019 was also the first full year of City Council leadership for Mayor Yolanda Ford. Her role included presiding over Special and Regular Meetings, Serving as Chair of the 14-city Metro Coalition, building new partnerships to help drive growth and development, and working with an array of community leaders and partners to expand the City’s brand. “Moving the City forward continues to be the priority with an empha-

sis on strategic initiatives that will generate new revenue sources, create new partnership opportunities and expand our reputation as a safe, scenic municipality to potential new homeowners and business owners,” Ford said. “As we continue to grow, balance will be important to ensure we make the best decisions in the interest of our engaged citizenry.” Other Councilmembers who are striving to achieve these goals with Mayor Ford include Cheryl Sterling (District

A), Jeffrey Boney (District B), Anthony Maroulis (District C), Floyd Emery (District D), Vashaundra Edwards (At-Large Position #1), and Mayor Pro Tem Chris Preston (At-Large Position #2). “Through our working relationship with Council, staff has successfully executed business plan projects throughout the year,” Snipes said. “We look forward to working with the Members in the coming year as we strive to improve efficiencies across all operations.”



Pakistan to rejoin frozen US military training


ASHINGTON | AFP | Monday 12/23/2019 - The United States will allow Pakistan to rejoin a military training program suspended two years ago when President Donald Trump froze security aid to the country.

welcomed Pakistani help in negotiations with the Afghan Taliban.

Resuming the program, which represents only a part of the halted aid, is one sign of warming relations between Washington and Islamabad.

According to a US State Department spokesperson, the freeze "authorized narrow exceptions for programs that support vital US national security interests."

Trump hosted Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan at the White House in July, and the US has several times

In January 2018, Trump froze the assistance, saying Pakistan was not doing enough to target bases of the Afghan Taliban and its affiliated Haqqani group.

The US administration "has approved the resumption of

the International Military Education and Training (IMET) program for Pakistan as one such exception, subject to congressional approval," the spokesperson said. US officials have long accused Pakistani agencies of collaborating with Islamist radicals including the Taliban, but they cite progress over the past few months. Islamabad has denied such accusations and at the time called it "counterproductive" to threaten security aid, which Trump froze prior to Khan's election in August 2018.

US House speaker, Senate leader spar over Trump trial by Chris Lefkow


ASHINGTON | AFP | Monday 12/23/2019 - US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell sparred on Monday over the ground rules for President Donald Trump's trial in the Senate on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. Pelosi, the speaker of the Democratic-controlled House of Representatives, said she is not yet ready to name her team for Trump's trial in the Republican-majority Senate. "The House cannot choose our impeachment managers until we know what sort of trial the Senate will conduct," Pelosi said on Twitter. House managers will prosecute the case against Trump in the Senate in a trial expected to begin in January. Trump's Republicans have a 53-47 seat edge in the chamber. Pelosi has not yet sent the impeachment articles passed by the House last week over to the Senate amid a standoff with McConnell over the form the trial will take. Democrats have been pushing for four current and former White House aides with direct knowledge of Trump's Ukraine dealings to testify in the Senate. Trump blocked all four from testifying in the House. Democrats believe their appearances would bolster the case for conviction in the Senate, where a two-thirds majority is needed to remove the president from office. "President Trump blocked his own witnesses and documents from the House, and from the American people, on phony complaints about the House process," Pelosi said. "What is his excuse now?" McConnell, speaking on the Fox & Friends television show on Monday, said Pelosi "apparently believes that she can tell us how to run the trial." "We haven't ruled out witnesses," McConnell said, adding that he wanted to apply the same rules as in the impeach-


ASHINGTON | AFP | Tuesday 12/23/2019 - Just steps from the US Capitol, the Newseum's gleaming glass-andsteel structure has for over a decade been a shining symbol for the press and free expression. But in a reflection of the woes facing the US media industry -which is itself struggling financially while also facing repeated attacks from political leaders -the Newseum will be closing its doors on December 31. The museum, with exhibits covering the September 11 attacks and the Berlin Wall as well as a daily display of front pages from around the world, announced earlier this year it would sell its building designed by architect James Polshek to Johns Hopkins University for $372.5 million. The Freedom Forum, a nonprofit group created by USA Today founder Al Neuharth which operates the facility, has pledged to continue its mission of educating the public about the importance of a free press, but

by Abhaya Srivastava


EW DELHI, India | AFP | Monday 12/23/2019 - India's ruling party launched a video with animated Muslim characters on social media Monday as part of a publicity blitz to try to bust "myths" around a new citizenship law that has sparked deadly protests. The law has stoked concerns that Hindu nationalist Prime Minister Narendra Modi's government wants to marginalise India's Muslim minority. The short video clip shows two bearded men in traditional Muslim clothing discussing the legislation before concluding that the country can only progress if there is "peace and brotherhood". The video, which was released by Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party on its Twitter handle, has garnered thousands of "likes", but also some ridicule.

The advert also stated that there were no immediate plans to roll out a nationwide register of citizens, which has stoked fears of Muslims and others unable to prove they are Indian becoming stateless.

ment trial of President Bill Clinton. "You listen to the opening arguments, you have a written question period, and at that point in the Clinton trial, we had a decision about which witnesses to call," he said. "What was good enough for President Clinton is good enough for President Trump," the Republican senator from Kentucky said. - 'Absurd position' McConnell chided Pelosi for not sending the impeachment articles over to the Senate yet. "The papers have to be physically brought over to the Senate, and we can't go forward until the speaker does that," he said. "You know, I'm not anxious to have this trial," McConnell added. "So if she wants to hold all the papers, go right ahead. "Sooner or later, I'm assuming she's going to send them over," he said. "It seems to me a rather absurd position to say, after you've impeached the president, you won't send the papers over to the Senate for the impeachment trial mandated by the Constitution." Trump, who is on vacation in Florida, lashed out at Pelosi. "Pelosi gives us the most unfair trial in the history of the US Congress, and now she is crying for fairness in the Senate, and breaking all rules while doing so," he said on Twitter.

The House voted along party lines last week to impeach Trump for abuse of power for pressuring Ukraine's president to investigate his potential 2020 election opponent, Democrat Joe Biden. Trump is accused of withholding military aid to Ukraine to push Kiev to investigate Biden. According to an internal email published over the weekend, a US budget official told the Pentagon to "hold off" on military aid to Kiev 90 minutes after a controversial July 25 phone call between Trump and his Ukrainian counterpart Volodymyr Zelensky. Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer asked on Monday that the email be included in a list of documents to be reviewed by the Senate at trial. Schumer also took issue with McConnell. "The Majority Leader has suggested that the Senate should begin the trial and decide later whether to call witnesses or obtain documents," Schumer said in a letter to Senate colleagues. "The practical effect of that approach, however, would be to foreclose the possibility of obtaining such evidence because it will be too late," he said. Lawmakers also impeached Trump for obstructing the congressional probe into his Ukraine dealings.

Glittering symbol of press, Newseum set to close its doors by Rob Lever

India bids to bust citizenship law 'myths' with cartoon Muslims

The ruling right-wing government also carried an advertisement across all national dailies, with a "myths vs facts" explainer to show the law was not against India's 200 million Muslims.

McConnell chided Pelosi for not sending the impeachment articles over to the Senate yet. (Photo credit: Saul Loeb/Getty Images)

has not indicated if it will open a new public exhibit space. "The future of the Newseum is unclear at this time," said spokeswoman Sonya Gavankar. "It's going to take us at least six months to de-install the exhibits and move them to our dedicated archive facility. After that process is complete, we're going to start looking at what the future holds for us." The next step could be another museum structure, traveling exhibits or merely an online presence which relates the importance of journalism and a free press. The first Newseum opened in 1997 in Arlington, Virginia, and in 2008 it moved to a $450 million building with a seven-story atrium on Pennsylvania Avenue between the Capitol and the White House. Over its two decades, the Newseum has welcomed some 10 million visitors and hosted hundreds of media events and conferences. - Deepening crisis for press -

The fate of the Newseum mirrors a media sector embroiled in a deepening crisis. Thousands of American newspapers have closed amid financial troubles. Newsroom employment has fallen by around 25 percent over the past decade in all media, and by nearly half in the newspaper sector, according to the Pew Research Center. Trust in the media has also been eroding. Only around four-in-10 US adults have "a great deal" or "fair amount" of trust in newspapers, television and radio to report the news accurately and fairly, according to a Gallup poll released in September, down from more than 70 percent in the 1970s. Even though trust has been declining for years, President Donald Trump's labeling of the media as "the enemy of the people" has accelerated that trend, especially among his political allies. The Newseum has sought to be nonpartisan while promoting the five freedoms outlined in the constitution's First Amendment.

FRIDAY, December 27, 2019

Even if the register would be rolled out, "the guidelines would be framed such that no Indian citizen would face any harassment whatsoever", the advertisement read. - Hindu nation The wave of protests across the country marks the biggest

A tweet image from BJP's Twitter account. challenge to Modi's government since sweeping to power in the world's largest democracy in 2014. At least 25 people have died in the demonstrations over a span of two weeks. The citizenship law, passed by parliament earlier this month, allows people of six religions from Muslim-majority Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan an easier path to citizenship. Islamic groups, the opposition and others at home and abroad fear this forms part of Modi's aim to remould the country as a Hindu nation, something his government denies. Demonstrations have been largely peaceful but protesters have also hurled rocks and torched vehicles, while heavyhanded police tactics including the storming of a Delhi university a week ago have fuelled anger. Indian authorities have cut mobile internet access in places and imposed emergency laws

banning assemblies. In a speech on Sunday, Modi sought to reassure the Muslim community saying they "don't need to worry at all" and laying emphasis on India's diversity. In the coming few days, his party says it will contact more than 30 million families, organise countrywide rallies and hold over 250 press conferences to dispel doubts over the new law. The protests that first started in the northeastern state of Assam have since spread to the rest of the country, with Uttar Pradesh -- a tinderbox state with a population of over 200 million -- seeing the maximum deaths. Seventeen people have died, mostly from firearm injuries, in the state including a schoolboy who was crushed during a stampede that broke out as police tried to disperse the protesters. Fresh protests were planned on Monday in New Delhi as well as in Kochi in the south.

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FRIDAY, December 27, 2019


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FRIDAY, December 27 2019

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Alcohol testing coming for Rosenberg city council members By Nick Natario


No matter the motive, Rosenberg neighbors ABC13 spoke with don't seem to mind the idea of elected officials receiving drug and alcohol screenings. Isaac Davila (Facebook)

On Tuesday night, the majority of the council, including the mayor, voted in favor of the motion and for Davila to fund the tests.

Though he wouldn't say which member or members he was referring to, he also said he has no evidence.

Before the meeting, Davila said elected officials should be held to the same standards as city employees. Davila also said he believes some council members aren't sober during council meetings. "I suspect there is some alcohol use before meetings, and in my opinion, anybody working on city business shouldn't be under the influence of these chemicals, alcohol, or drugs," said Davila.

He said drug and alcohol tests would establish if there is a problem. "The goal here is to make sure no one is using alcohol or drugs when they're conducting business," Davila said. City council member Jacob Balderas made a motion to kill the proposal last month. He said Davila's allegation that council members are drinking before meetings isn't true. "I believe everyone on the council has enough respect for the office and the citizens not to show up drunk, not to show up under the influence of any substance," said Balderas. Davila ran for mayor earlier this year and lost, an outcome that Balderas believes might have fueled the council agen-

"Everyone should be drug tested," said Rosenberg resident Brandie Eason. "Nobody should be excluded. Everyone should have the same opportunities, right?" Resident James Rusher said, "With that position, there's a lifestyle that you need to uphold. Those particular people are watched outside the offices and they need to lead the community." Mandatory drug and alcohol testing would be hard to adopt, according to attorney Gerry Birnberg. He explained to ABC13 there's no state law that would allow mandatory testing on elected officials. Birnberg also said if they voluntarily took a test, a positive result wouldn't be grounds to remove someone from office. He said Rosenberg could adopt making drug and alcohol testing an option and informing voters who took the test and who did not.

City of Sugar Land hosts fourth annual business appreciation event


he city of Sugar Land, in partnership with the Sugar Land Legacy Foundation, hosted its fourth annual business appreciation event, the Leadership and Legacy Luncheon, on Dec. 10 at the Hyatt Sugar Land. The luncheon celebrates the outstanding performance, leadership, and contributions of Sugar Land's diverse business community. At the event, the Sugar Land Legacy Foundation presented

Stafford area kids go on shopping spree with cops and jocks

"He is upset and he is bitter," Balderas said. "That is why he's going and making a circus out of everything in order to serve some personal vendetta."

Council member Isaac Davila's mandatory testing was on the agenda for Tuesday's city council meeting. Davila said he believes some of his colleagues are drinking before council meetings.

It's unclear how much it would cost or when the council and mayor would be tested.

Tel: 713-774-5140

da item.

O S E N B E R G (KTRK) -- The Rosenberg city council approved by 4-3 vote a member's proposal to mandate drug and alcohol testing on elected officials, but with a catch.

The vote prompted a heated exchange between Davila and Mayor Bill Benton, who defeated Davila for the mayoral seat earlier this year.


Section 2

the Sugar Land Legacy Awards to recognize individuals and organizations that have made significant, lasting impacts on economic development and overall prosperity in Sugar Land. This year, the individual award was presented to restaurant partners Robert White and Victor Litwinenko. The duo have created several unique and successful restaurants during the last 15 years that are original to Sugar Land Town Square - Japaneiro's Sushi

Bistro & Latin Grill, Jupiter Pizza & Waffles Co., Original Poketo and Guru Burgers & Crepes. Their restaurants have contributed significantly to the development of Town Square as a vibrant destination for employees, visitors and residents. "Robert and Victor have introduced an exciting and innovative flair to the restaurant scene in Sugar Land," said Legacy Foundation President Sunny Sharma. "They bring a diverse array of food to our

Fort Bend county Precent Two Constable Daryl Smith helps young student Ezabella Gray pick out a stuffed animal toy. (Screengrab: KTRK Channel 13 News) by Nick Natario


TAFFORD (KTRK) -- Instead of elves, it was constable deputies, pro athletes, and Walmart employees who helped checkoff items from kids' Christmas lists. On Friday, Fort Bend County Precinct Two hosted kids at the Walmart in Stafford. It was the first shop with a cop and jock event. Ezabella Gray got more than a jewelry kit. Instead of hoping it'll be under the tree, this year, she checked items off her list. "I never went shopping to

community and exemplify what it means to be a strong leader in our business community." The duo also place importance on being local and supporting community philanthropic causes such as the local schools, Gigi's Playhouse, and other local non-profits. Robert White emphasized their desire to give locally saying, "We feel a deep sense of belonging here and we don't plan on going anywhere else." For the organization award, the Sugar Land Legacy Foundation recognized Accredo Packaging, Inc., a familyowned manufacturer and sup-

get all my stuff that I've always wanted," Gray said. Gray was one of 45 Fort Bend ISD students that received $150 to buy whatever they wanted. Gray didn't shop alone. She walked the aisles with constable deputies and professional athletes. "It just makes my heart just flutter," Constable Daryl Smith explained. "To be able to do this for the children, it just means a lot, and it puts a smile on our face as well," former NFL player, Kendyl Jacox said.

where to shop, but the money came from the company's funds. "And then the associates here in the store, we fundraised for about the last two months to add more money," store manager, Jeanette Rocha explained. The shopping spree may have given the kids gifts, but to the athletes, and law enforcement, it was about showing the kids community. A message that is just as loud as the register. "I feel good because I'm surrounded by good people," Gray explained.

To make it happen, Walmart not only gave the kids some-

A memorable shopping trip that'll last beyond the toy aisle.

plier of high-quality flexible packaging for consumer products. The Nguyen Family, owners of Accredo Packaging, have an inspiring story. As described by Tom Nguyen, Chief Operating Officer, the Nguyen family moved to America with nothing after the fall of Saigon in 1975. They worked hard and at first built a company that manufactured and supplied grocery bags to supermarkets. Then in 2009, "another opportunity came to us to diversify into flexible packaging," shared Nguyen, and Accredo Packaging, Inc. was born.

expansion with a new 200,000 sqft building in early 2020. The expansion will result in a $200 million investment and 150 new jobs, making Accredo one of Sugar Land's top 10 employers with more than 500 jobs and one of the largest production facilities in the area.

The company chose Sugar Land to build their operations and is now celebrating its third

"Accredo has continued to grow and expand as a thriving global company," said Sharma. "Their products cross international borders, and we are fortunate that they choose Sugar Land to connect the world." For more information about the Sugar Land Legacy Foundation visit www.sugarlandlegacy.org. (-City of Sugar Land)


FRIDAY, December 27 2019



Email: voiceasia@aol.com

Violence against peaceful protesters wrong in thriving democracy, says Priyanka Chopra


UMBAI, Dec 19 (PTI) Priyanka Chopra on Thursday broke her silence on the police crackdown against the students of Jamia Millia Islamia and Aligarh Muslim University, saying in a thriving democracy, violence against peaceful protesters is "wrong" .

Farhan Akhtar among other celebrities join Mumbai Citizenship Act protests

The 37-year-old actor is the latest Bollywood star to react to the violence against the students for protesting against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) on Sunday evening.


UMBAI, Press Trust of India, December 19, 2019 - Filmmakers Farhan Akhtar, Anurag Kashyap and Aditi Rao Hydari were among the prominent faces from the Hindi film industry to join the public protesting against the Citizenship Act at Mumbai's August Kranti Maidan on Thursday.

The police entered the Jamia Millia campus after the protest against the Act by the students turned violent. "Education for every child is our dream. Education is what empowered them to think independently. We have raised them to have a voice. "In a thriving democracy, to raise one's voice peacefully and be met with violence is wrong. Every voice counts. And each voice will work towards changing India. #Havevoicewillraise #Havevoicemustraise" Priyanka said in a statement posted on Twitter. Many from the film fraternity including actors Farhan Akhtar, Hrithik Roshan, Mohammad Zeeshan Ayyub, Parineeti Chopra, Siddharth Malhotra, veteran screenwriter Javed Akhtar, filmmakers Vishal Bhardwaj and Anurag Kashyap, and Hollywood actor John Cusack have expressed solidarity with the youth over the police crackdown inside the varsity campuses.

The gathering included workers of political parties, students and also a smattering of Bollywood personalities, who made out a strong case against the Act and the NRC. Priyanka Chopra on Thursday broke her silence. (AFP/File photo) There have been widespread protests held across India against the CAA, according to which, members of Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist, Jain, Parsi and Christian communities who have come from Pakistan, Bangladesh and

Afghanistan till December 31, 2014 following religious persecution there will get Indian citizenship. The protesters claim that the legislation is "unconstitutional and divisive" as it excludes Muslims.

Others to be spotted in the crowd were director Kabir Khan, his anchorwife Mini Mathur, directors Neeraj Ghaywan, Nikkhil Advani, Rakeysh Ompraksh Mehra, Anubhav Sinha and actors Swara Bhasker, Javed Jaffery, Danish Husain, Arjun Mathur and Sushant Singh. Anurag Kashyap, who broke his four-month self-imposed Twitter sabbatical, to voice his protests against CAA, has been at the top of the issue.

"By shutting down internet, metros, arresting people .. you are just being an ostrich... the voices will only get louder.. #Emergency2019," he tweeted in the morning after section 144 was imposed in certain areas of Delhi along with suspension of internet to quell the protests against the Act. In an interview with NDTV, he said, "You have shut down internet in the capital, you have stopped the metro. This is a scared government whose sole agenda is to win election." Anubhav Sinha also criticised internet shutdown in the capital. Actor Mohd Zeeshan Ayyub made an appeal to the public to come out and raise their voice in a peaceful manner. "Friends, this is an important day for our country. Whole country is coming together. There will be attempts to stop us. Instigate us. But we have to put our views forward, peacefully, together. Lend your voice," he wrote on Twitter in Hindi.

Sanjay Leela Bhansali announces film on Balakot Deepika, Siddhant and Ananya air strike, Abhishek Kapoor joins as director to star in Shakun Batra's next "It is a story of love


for the country... We endeavour that their story and bravery reaches to everyone in the right way," said Sanjay Leela Bhansali

UMBAI, Dec 19 (PTI) Deepika Padukone, Siddhant Chaturvedi and Ananya Panday have been roped in as the leads in director Shakun Batra's next directorial.

Karan and Shakun will produce the film alongside Apoorva Mehta. "Shakun has directed one of the most acclaimed films of Dharma Productions 'Kapoor & Sons'.


UMBAI: Filmmakers Sanjay Leela Bhansali and Bhushan Kumar will collaborate on a film on the Balakot air strike conducted by the Indian Air Force in February this year, the makers announced on Friday. Billed as a "story that celebrates the accomplishments" of the Indian Air Force, the movie will be helmed by Rock On! director Abhishek Kapoor. He will be writing the script as well. The project will also be backed by Mahaveer Jain and Pragya Kapoor. It will be the second film on the February 26 air strike against terror outfits in Balakot in Pakistan after Vivek Oberoi's film Balakot - The True Story. The strike followed the February 14 terror attack targeting the CRPF in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district in which 40 jawans were killed. "Sanjay Leela Bhansali, Bhushan Kumar, Mahaveer Jain and Pragya Kapoor come together, to pay tribute to the sons of India and their neversay-die spirit in, National Award-winning director Abhishek Kapoor's film based on 2019 Balakot airstrike. A story that celebrates the accomplishments of the Indian Air Force," the

Sanjay Leela Bhansali in Mumbai. statement, shared by Bhansali Productions on Twitter, read. Sanjay Leela Bhansali said the film is his tribute to the heroes "who have made India their priority". "It is a story of bravery, patriotism and love for the country... We endeavour that their story and bravery reaches to everyone in the right way," the "Padmaavat" director said. There are some stories in the history of India that need to be retold, Bhushan Kumar said of the upcoming film. "This will be one of our biggest projects for next year. It''s extremely close to all of us at T-Series because of the sentiment it carries. I have al-

Gully Boy gets Oscar nod

ways been a patriot and it gives me immense pleasure to present the story of bravado of our IAF officers." "Wing Commander Abhinandan is a national hero and the Balakot Airstrike 2019 happens to be an event of immense pride for the entire nation," the co-producer added. Abhishek Kapoor, whose last release was Kedarnath, said he is honoured to be entrusted with one of India''s bravest stories. "I remember the emotions that ran through the entire country when the strike was carried out. I am determined to do justice to this story in my endeavour to bring it to the silver screen," the director said. -Press Trust of India

In this picture taken on December 18, 2019 Bollywood actress Deepika Padukone arrives at the ‘Lokmat Most Stylish Awards’ in Mumbai. (Sujit Jaiswal / AFP) The yet-to-be-titled project will mark next step in Batra's collaboration with producer-director Karan Johar after "Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu" (2012) and "Kapoor & Sons" (2016).

Gully Boy


ilmmaker Zoya Akhtar's "Gully Boy", starring Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt, has been chosen as India’s official entry for the 92nd Academy Awards. Life of rapper Naved Shaikh, popular by his stage name Naezy, along with Divine's (Vivian Fernandes) served as an inspiration for the script of "Gully Boy".

Described as a relationship drama, Shakun said the film will see its character finding themselves "stuck in a morally ambiguous zone". "I have had a wonderful journey with Karan and his production house for almost a decade now, and I can't wait to get back into the director's chair for my next," the director said in a statement.

Gully Boy Poster

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The film will go on floors early next years with a release date of February 12, 2021. Deepika is currently awaiting the release of acid attack survivor story "Chhapaak". The Meghna Gulzar-directed movie will bow out on January 10.




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"With this movie, he also turns producer with us. His upcoming directorial is an intriguing relationship drama, which will release on Valentine's Day 2021. I am proud and excited about Shakun's vision as a versatile filmmaker," Karan said.












FRIDAY, December 27 2019


Section 2


Email: voiceasia@aol.com

2019: the year of way too many streaming services Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Amazon Prime Video, and so many more to choose from

Subtle 'Rise of Skywalker' moment confirms Star Wars fan theory The revelation has parallels to something viewers have been discussing since the original trilogy. by Rosie Knight (SPOILERS AHEAD)


here are plenty of secrets revealed in the final part of the Skywalker Saga. Fans finally learn Rey's (Daisy Ridley) true parentage and the fate of Kylo Ren (Adam Driver). But there was a subtler development, a shining gem of a secret hidden in plain sight. It was one that fans had been hoping for since the very first teaser trailer for The Force Awakens, and it centered on Finn (John Boyega) and his connection to the Force. Finn's journey has taken him from Stormtrooper to Resistance hero. It's a vast and epic adventure which has seen a young man grow beyond his traumatized past to become a powerful player in the Resistance and a fan favorite character in the Star Wars franchise. The Rise of Skywalker finally gives him access to the dynamic power source that fuels everything in the galaxy by finally making the character Force sensitive. In case you missed the subtle nods to his burgeoning abilities, they were mostly signposted by Finn's "feelings" and ultimately confirmed when he felt Rey die after her battle with Palpatine. It was a satisfying recognition of Finn's importance in the greater lore of Star Wars as well as a sweet nod to a classic character. Throughout the first two movies of the sequel trilogy some fans were convinced that Finn was Force sensitive. His ability to break through the brainwashing of the First Order, his skill as a gunner, and his uncanny sense for danger seemed to hint that maybe there was something more to the orphaned Stormtrooper. So what does this have to do with anyone other than Boyega's beloved character? Well, decades ago there was a theory about another potential Force user who was good in a pinch, could fly a ship like no one's business, and had a lot of "feelings." His name was Han Solo. Years before Disney bought Lucasfilm, fan theories ran rampant about whether or not Han Solo was — just like Luke and Leia — actually a Force user. This was before the era when midichlorians over explained just how people used the Force and was during the peak period when hundreds of books were being published

that expanded and changed the lore of Star Wars. The idea that Han Solo was Force sensitive might seem wild now — though he did just appear to his son (in a memory) despite the fact that he's dead — but at one point it seemed completely plausible. So what was it that these theories were based on? Well, like Finn, Han spent a lot of the Star Wars films feeling his way through deadly situations. His ability to “talk his way out of” situations was legendary around the galaxy to the point where it might not have been far fetched to imagine the Force was involved. He was an exponentially gifted pilot, something that in Star Wars lore always seems to align with Force users like Anakin, Rey and Luke. Han also seemed to be able to talk to aliens without a translator and had a penchant for turning up at just the right time which could easily be an example of his Force sensitivity.

by Mat Elfring


he wild west days of streaming are coming to a close, and we're entering a new era where everyone and their mother has their own service, vying for your attention and money. No longer do these services work under the guise of "We have everything." They are all working towards specialization as their main focus, with previously aired movies and TV shows being a secondary offering, even if upcoming services are spending millions getting the rights to shows like Friends and The Office. In 2019, the streaming service space got even bigger with the launches of Apple TV+ and Disney+. One is now a major player in this space and the other has already been forgotten about because it chose to launch without any kind of programming library to lure new users in. And it's only going to get worse. In 2020, there will be three new services coming: HBO Max, NBC's Peacock, and the self-proclaimed "millennial-focused" Quibi. Here's a wrap up of the year of way too many streaming services.

Since Netflix has been the king of streaming services for years, we've all wondered, "What's going to be the "Netflix killer"? The answer isn't a single service, though. It's becoming clearer and clearer that while everyone else was stepping up their game, Netflix was coasting, but if nothing changes, it'll quickly become a sinking ship. Sure, there is some great programming that's going to keep people subscribing--much like how Game of Thrones kept people tuned in to HBO. But aside from Stranger Things, Netflix doesn't have that "water cooler" series that has everyone talking. Unlike Netflix, Hulu isn't in a position where it is struggling. In many ways, it's thriving more than ever. The service continues to be a great place to go to in order to watch TV shows the day after they air, and now with Disney fully taking control, it'll be a whole lot easier to watch TV shows under that company's umbrella. More people have access to Hulu than ever before simply because Disney gave new subscribers the option to bundle it--along with ESPN+--with the Disney+ streaming service. While Netflix may have the broadest main-

stream appeal, it's actually Hulu that has the highest quality content overall for a "catchall" streaming service, even if a major selling point is watching many TV shows the day after they air. Out of the "Big 3 of Streaming," Amazon Prime Video had a great year for original content and a slow year for everything else. Its original series The Boys launched this year, which was surprisingly good. Additionally, Good Omens arrived, and the quirky comedy was a hit with fans. Meanwhile, the critically acclaimed The Marvelous Ms. Maisel debuted its third season. Regardless, the main reason to have Amazon Prime Video is because customers get two-day shipping for free when they buy something on Amazon, and during the holiday season, that comes in handy. of the series differed between episodes, it's still a must-see series for most Star Wars fans. 2020 will mark the era of picking and choosing rather than subscribing to everything. But all of these services will be vying for your attention, and it's going to be a tough--and day-today---decision to figure out what is worth your money.

U2 play their first-ever concert in India

When it comes to Finn, it shouldn't surprise fans that the hero who was the first to wield Luke's lightsaber was able to connect with the lifeblood of the galaxy. The Force is arguably what brought him and Rey together, sparking the entire trilogy. From escaping the First Order to helping defeat the Empire, Finn's entire story has been about balance; balancing out the sins of the past, balancing out his loneliness with new connections and love, balancing out his fear with bravery, and ultimately finding balance in himself with the Force. It's a quiet and nuanced subplot that flies in the face of the bombastic storytelling of The Rise of Skywalker, which ironically makes its realization one of the most powerful moments in the entire film. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker's confirmation of Finn's Force powers is a fitting send off for the character who was the subject of many passionate theories about his lineage, life and love. It's a true shame that he wasn't able to use his powers extensively in the final entry to the series, especially as Rey faced down against Palpatine and channeled the Jedi of the past. But Finn's constant overpowering "feelings" and slow, thoughtful realization that there was more to the galaxy than meets the eye was a beautiful nod to Harrison Ford's iconic character, his potential power, his arc, and ultimately his legacy. - Hollywood Reporter

Cats is being updated with “improved visual effects” The move is unheard of for a finished film in release.

Irish rock band U2 perform during a concert at the D.Y. Patil stadium in Navi Mumbai on December 15, 2019. (AFP/ Punit Paranjpe)


UMBAI, India | AFP | Wednesday 12/18/2019 Irish rockers U2 played their first-ever concert in India Sunday, with top celebrities and megafans converging from across the vast nation to the coastal city of Mumbai. U2 are the latest in a series of major international acts to tour the South Asian country, with Beyonce, Shakira, Coldplay, Demi Lovato and Bryan Adams among the superstars who have played to packed venues. Some 35,000 tickets were estimated to have been sold for the concert at the D.Y. Patil Sports Stadium, local media reported, with top Bolly-

wood stars posing for photos before entering the venue. Ahead of the concert, the band posted on their social media accounts a photo of the words "Ahimsa is the highest ideal". "We were shaped and formed by Martin Luther King Jr who was a student of Mahatma Gandhi," frontman Bono told the NDTV news television channel in September. "So we come as students to the source of inspiration that is 'Ahimsa' -- non-violence. Indians gave us this. It is the greatest gift to the world." Mumbai is the last leg on The

Joshua Tree Tour 2019 -- named after the band's seminal album -which kicked off on November 8 in Auckland. The Asia Pacific tour, which first started with stadium concerts in North America and Europe in 2017, marks three decades since the Irish group's "The Joshua Tree" was released. Released in March 1987, "The Joshua Tree" reached into the roots of Irish and American music and produced classic hits "With or Without You," "Where the Streets Have No Name" and "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For."

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OLLYWOOD - How many lives does Cats have?

On Friday — the movie's opening day — Universal notified thousands of theaters they will be receiving an updated version of Tom Hooper's troubled film with "some improved visual effects," according to a copy of the memo obtained by The Hollywood Reporter. The move is unheard of for a finished title already in release, according to cinema operators and Hollywood studio executives. Insiders say it is being done at Hooper's request. Cats — which has been ravaged by critics — is in need of any help it can get at the box office after opening to $2.6 million on Friday and receiving a C+ CinemaScore from moviegoers. Hooper has been upfront about the fact that he barely finished the CGI-heavy Cats in time for the Dec. 16 world premiere in New York City. Sources say he subsequently wanted to make more

tweaks to certain effects. Working Title produced the star-studded Christmas film, which cost roughly $100 million to make after tax rebates and incentives, and before marketing. Universal's dispatch to exhibitors said the changes do not affect the running time.

OF O The studio declined comment on PRSaturday.

The updated movie will be available to download Sunday via a satellite server, while exhibitors who don't have access to the server will receive a hard drive by Tuesday, per Universal's note. The studio is asking that theaters replace the current print of Cats as soon as possible. Cinemas received Cats this week in preparation of opening weekend. - Hollywood Reporter

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Young Life Email: voiceasia@aol.com


Eight-year-old is highest paid YouTuber, earns $26 million in year Ryan Kaji's toy unboxing videos have made him the highest-paid creator on YouTube.


EW YORK | AFP | 12/18/2019 - Eight-year-old Ryan Kaji earned $26 million in 2019 on his YouTube channel, making him the highest-paid creator on the platform, according to a list published Wednesday by Forbes magazine.

His channel "Ryan's World," launched in 2015 by Ryan's parents, is only three years old but already has 22.9 million subscribers.

Several of the videos have racked up more than one billion views, and the channel has received almost 35 billion views since its creation, according to data from the analytics website Social Blade. Recently, the channel was renamed after a consumer advocacy organization, Truth in Advertising, filed a complaint with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) about it. Truth in Advertising accused the channel of not clearly denoting which videos had been sponsored, meaning brands paid for the video to feature their products.

by Ammu Kannampilly / Vishal Manve


UMBAI, India | AFP | Friday 12/20/2019 -With the world's cheapest data, young Indians have lapped up Facebook, TikTok and WhatsApp. But when these toys are used as tools to organise protests or fuel unrest, the government gets scared.

Ryan Guan, was already the video platform's highest earner in 2018, with $22 million. (AFP/File photo) The channel has also evolved as Ryan ages, now offering more educational videos in addition to the toys. In Forbes's ranking, Ryan Kaji surpassed the channel "Dude Perfect," run by a group of friends from Texas who attempt seemingly impossible feats, such as launching basketballs into hoops from the tops of buildings or out of helicopters. Dude Perfect came in second, up from third the year before, having earned $20 million between June 1, 2018 and June 1, 2019. In third place was another child star's channel, that of Russia's Anas-

tasia Radzinskaya. At only five years old, she earned $18 million. Her channels "Like Nastya Vlog" and "Funny Stacy" boast nearly 70 million subscribers in total, with videos in Russian, English and Spanish. At the beginning of September, YouTube's parent company Google agreed to pay a $170 million fine after the FTC accused the internet giant of collecting personal data from child YouTube users without permission. According to the FTC, the platform used the data to ensure that advertisers were able to target children.

by Jaime Hopkins


s a somewhat surprising end-of-year move, the SECURE Act was attached to a government funding bill. Why this is surprising isn’t because the bill was passed, but that it got passed this year after some major backlash.

Let’s start by looking at the initial backlash and why this will impact younger savers. As Steve Parrish, Co-Director of the Retirement Income Center at The American College of Financial Services put it “if all ships rise with the tide, this new law should help young savers rethink their financial priorities. The SECURE Act is the first major retirement legislation since the 2006 Pension Protection Act. The attention it will provide Americans concerning retirement crises will hopefully spur more young savers to think about their own retirement.” However, all attention to it has not been positive. After passing the House in the summer of 2019, a handful of prominent news articles in The Wall Street Journal and other publications attacked certain provi-

Indian protesters tweet and TikTok but New Delhi fights back

India is the world leader when it comes to cutting off access to the internet, activists say, despite the country's ambition to be a digital superpower.

Mumbai student Suvarna Salve said she and her friends started formulating tweets and eye-catching memes hours after the legislation was passed.

"We are using social media with common hashtags to keep them on top of India trends," Salve said, adding that she was inspired by the youth-led pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong. As of Thursday evening, the hashtags #IndiaAgainstCAA and #CAAProtest were among Twitter's top trends in India, with more than 300,000 tweets. On photo-sharing app Instagram, posts offering advice on everything from what to take to a demonstration to what to do if you are detained by police have gone viral. Politics has even made it to TikTok -- which, like WhatsApp and Facebook, has more users in India than anywhere else and is usually a showcase for amateur Bollywood dance performances. Now the Chinese-made platform is being used to share montages of marching students and videos -- set to music -- of police beating demonstrators. Mohammed Javed, 23, initially heard about the demonstrations on social media. On Thursday afternoon, he made his way to a protest in Mumbai -- his first. "When I saw my friends sharing videos about this issue on TikTok and Instagram, I felt that I needed to be here," he told AFP. - Internet lockdown There were no restrictions in Mumbai for Thursday's protests, which were peaceful, but elsewhere in areas where police and demonstrators clashed -- and even where they didn't -- mobile internet was blocked. In India's northeast, where the current wave of anger began and where six people have died, a 10-day mobile internet blackout only ended on Friday.

sions of the SECURE Act as a backdoor tax increase. In reality, that’s true. One of the main parts of the bill modifies the so-called “stretch” tax provisions that allows inherited IRAs to be stretched out over the lives of multiple beneficiaries. The rule’s modifications, which you can read more about here, serve as a big tax revenue source for the government. The tax increase doesn’t impact everyone evenly. In fact, the tax increase and revenue will mostly come from those who inherit retirement accounts, not from the account owners themselves. Essentially, the tax bill will be paid by heirs in the future when they withdraw money out of inherited IRAs and 401(k)s over a now-condensed 10-year period. By shortening the time period an heir has to take required minimum distributions, the government reduced the long-term tax benefits of inheriting an IRA and will cause larger taxable distributions, likely increasing a beneficiary’s tax rate. While these changes tend to be negatives for young savers who might inherit retirement accounts in the future, the bill also has a few positives for young savers. The SECURE Act creates a new early withdrawal penalty tax exemption of up to $5,000 from an IRA to use for childcare costs in the year after adopting or the birth of a child. While I’m usually against adding more ways to tap into retirement accounts early as it leads to less retirement savings, this provision allows the saver to pay back the money and helps parents with the high costs of caring for new children. In the past, certain types of income like non-tuition stipends and fellowship money didn’t count as compensation for purposes of IRA and Roth IRA contributions. Now, those receiving these stipends could qualify to save money in an IRA or Roth IRA. If this is their only income, a Roth IRA would be a better savings vehicle since the student’s tax rates will be so low, there’s minimal value in an IRA deductible contribution for income tax purposes. Instead, aftertax money going into a Roth that could provide tax-free gain would be much more beneficial. Another provision of the bill is set to increase the number of lifetime income options and annuities inside of 401(k) plans. The insurance industry widely supports this because it eases the fiduciary requirement to vet insurance companies and products before adding them to a plan.

Seven million Kashmiris have been offline since August, and over the past week mobile internet was cut for tens of millions of others during demonstrations against a new citizenship law criticised as anti-Muslim.

"We are using technology to amplify our message by means of tweets, posters, hashtags on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp and even Telegram to mobilise people to come in large numbers to register their dissent," Salve told AFP.

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How the SECURE act will impact young savers and investors

This past summer, it looked like the SECURE Act’s passage was all but a foregone conclusion after flying through the House with a 417-3 vote. While most of the focus has been on how the SECURE ACT’s annuity provisions and required minimum distribution rules will impact retirees, a lot of features in it will also impact young savers and investors.

Kaji, whose real name is Ryan Guan, was already the video platform's highest earner in 2018, with $22 million, according to Forbes.

Initially called "Ryan ToysReview," the channel mostly consisted of "unboxing" videos -- videos of the young star opening boxes of toys and playing with them.

FRIDAY, December 27 2019

Protesters hold placards at a demonstration against the Citizenship Amendment Act in Mumbai on December 19. ( Punit Paranjpe/AFP photo) On Thursday, people in parts of the national capital Delhi saw their phones go dead, unable to access the internet, make calls or send text messages. And in Uttar Pradesh -- home to over 200 million people -- mobile internet and text messaging services were cut in several areas including in Ghaziabad, which neighbours Delhi. There, like elsewhere, the demonstrations have not always been peaceful, with protesters hurling rocks at security forces and setting fire to buses and police outposts. - Chinese praise In Kashmir, where tens of thousands of people have died since 1989 in an anti-India uprising, most of them civilians, the government says that the blackout is to stop militants communicating. But the shutdown has had a devastating effect on Kashmiris and the local economy, with the region's paltry dozen "internet kiosks" set up by the government being of little help, residents say. Social media in India is also awash with misinformation with the government warning that at times of heightened tensions, the sharing of such material could "inflame passions". This week New Delhi won praise from Chinese state media. India's actions show "that shutting down the internet in a state of emergency should be standard practice for sovereign countries", an editorial in the People's Daily said. "China's favourable statement effectively puts India in the same category as an authoritarian state," said digital rights activist Nikhil Pahwa. "It makes it clear that democratic protest is being stifled in this country," Pahwa told AFP.

- 'Onslaught' Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party and its supporters meanwhile have been avid users of social media to get their message across, as have their opponents. "There has been an onslaught of tweets attacking our protests, so we are using social media to push back against them," student Salve said. "If opposition IT cells can push for-

ward their propaganda on social media, we are also countering that this time around instead of sitting on the margins." But if an internet shutdown forces her and fellow protesters to log out, she said they would "use pamphlets and send volunteers across the city to create awareness". "There's no stopping public protests now."

Holidays & homeless youth by Susan Frankel


he holidays are traditionally a time to socialize with family and friends, enjoy food and drinks, and celebrate the possibilities of the new year. However, for the 4.2 million young people who are homeless in the United States each year, the holidays may be challenging. At the National Runaway Safeline (NRS), we work to keep America’s runaway, homeless and at-risk youth safe and off the streets. We do this largely through prevention programs and crisis intervention services, including our 1-800-RUNAWAY hotline and online services, all of which are open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. In 2019, our staff and trained volunteers connected young people to shelter, food, counseling, a bus ticket to a safe place, a non-judgmental listening ear and so much

more. We ensured that more than 100,000 youth had the resources and connections they needed to stay safe. For the teenager in Pittsburgh looking for shelter, we provided options where he could lay his head. For the girl who had run away to Seattle and was ready to return to her home in Phoenix, we arranged a free bus ticket on Greyhound. And for the boy who was being teased at school, we listened and helped him devise a strategy to stand up to the bullies. All children deserve to be warm, fed, loved and protected during the holidays, and always. Help us end youth homelessness today and find out more about the National Runaway Safeline by visiting 1800RUNAWAY.org. Susan Frankel is CEO of National Runaway Safeline.

While there’s a lot of value for retirees to have annuities and guaranteed income sources, it’s unclear if we want young savers to contribute to annuities. In most cases, they’d benefit from staying in the market and focusing on long-term investment growth over security early in their careers. This could backfire, though, if young savers use these insurance products too soon in their careers. Lastly, while much of the SECURE Act focuses on multiple employer plan provisions to increase the number of small businesses offering retirement plans, their impact is uncertain. I’m skeptical of their impact, although I hope I’m wrong because more small employers and employees need retirement plan coverage. Two new tax credits were added to help small business owners offset the costs of setting up a new retirement plan and to encourage automatic enrollment. If these provisions work, it’ll be a big benefit for young savers as they’ll have more access to retirement savings, more automated savings and more companies offering plans. According to Professor Parrish, “So often it is the younger worker who is part of the gig economy or who works for a small employer. The small company may now be more willing to offer a plan because of the ease of joining a multiple employer plan, the tax credit for autoenrollment in the SECURE Act, and other provisions encouraging plan creation.” However, he also noted that initial attempts to spur on small employer retirement plans often hit a wall as “SIMPLEs and SEPs never took off as intended”. While the SECURE Act has a lot of pieces focused on retirement income sources, Employee Retirement Income Security Act rules and retirees, the provisions could have a broader impact on young savers, too. However, as of right now, the true impact the bill will have on young savers is at best uncertain – some areas could even be viewed as a concern. The SECURE Act is likely to be in effect by January 1, 2020, so it’s time to start preparing now. - Forbes




Thousands mourn Bangladeshi charity, NGO pioneer

Email: voiceasia@aol.com


ONG KONG, China | AFP | Tuesday 12/23/2019 - Asian markets were muted in thinned business Tuesday as investors across the region traded with an eye on the early finish ahead of the Christmas break.

With many bourses due to close early ahead of the festive holiday, turnover was shallow and morning business markets swung back and forth.


HAKA, Bangladesh | AFP | Sunday 12/22/2019 - Thousands gathered in Bangladesh on Sunday for the funeral of Fazle Hasan Abed, founder of one of the world's largest NGOs and credited with lifting nearly 150 million people out of poverty. The 83-year-old passed away on Friday in a Dhaka hospital while undergoing treatment for a brain tumour. His body was brought to a stadium in Dhaka where at least 10,000 people attended the funeral, an AFP photographer from the venue said. Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus, top politicians, diplomats and businessmen paid tribute to Abed, who founded BRAC in 1972. "Sir Abed's NGO helped me to start my business. It was him who pulled me up when I thought I am done," Abdur Rahman, a small business

entrepreneur, told AFP as he came to say a final goodbye. BRAC's micro-finance approach has been hailed as one factor behind the drop in the proportion of Bangladeshis living in extreme poverty from 80 percent to around 40 percent. The approach proved so successful that BRAC, which has more than 100,000 local employees worldwide -- expanded elsewhere in Asia and even to Africa and has been lauded by world figures such as former US president Bill Clinton. The NGO has helped nearly 150 million people out of poverty according to the World Food Prize, which honoured Abed as its Laureate in 2015. Abed also received a knighthood from Britain in 2010 for his work. The accountant-turned-aid worker will be laid to rest in a Dhaka graveyard, BRAC spokesman Asif Saleh told reporters.

Hong Kong and Tokyo were each 0.1 percent lower, while Shanghai rose 0.2 percent. Singapore, Seoul and Taipei each dipped slightly while Wellington posted gains of 0.8 percent as the mini pact between China and the US continues to provide support. The two economic superpowers are expected to sign off the deal early next month. China's announcement Monday that it will cut tariffs on hundreds of imported goods from around the world added to the positive sentiment. Chinese Premier Li Keqiang's pledge to further reduce the amount of cash banks must keep in reserve -- freeing up billions of dollars for lending -- provided further support. "News that China intends to lower import tariffs on a wide range of goods along with comments from Premier Li Keqiang confirming the government will continue to introduce measures to lower

Tesco halts Christmas card production after China inmate message


ONDON, United Kingdom | AFP | Sunday 12/22/2019 - Supermarket giant Tesco said Sunday it has stopped production at a factory in China after one of its Christmas cards was found to contain a cry for help from a prisoner who made it. The Sunday Times newspaper reported that a London schoolgirl had opened a card last weekend to find a message inside claiming to be from inmates at Shanghai's Qingpu Prison. "We are foreign prisoners in Shanghai Qingpu Prison China," said the message, in a Tesco charity card featuring a kitten in a Santa hat. "Forced to work against our will. Please help us and notify human rights organisation." Tesco is Britain's largest retailer and the world's thirdbiggest supermarket chain with global operations that include China, India and Ireland. A spokeswoman said it was "shocked" at the revelation. It had "immediately halted production at the factory where these cards are produced" and withdrawn the cards from sale pending an investigation. "We abhor the use of prison labour and would never allow it in our supply chain," she said. The company said the card involved was produced at Zheijiang Yunguang Printing, where an independent audit

was carried out as recently as November 2019. "No evidence was found to suggest they had broken our rule banning the use of prison labour," the spokeswoman said, while no other complaints have been received. "If evidence is found we will permanently de-list the supplier." The firm added that it had 35 full-time sourcing managers working across Asia, who visited factories to ensure good working conditions. - Ask for Peter According to media reports, it is not the first such case. In 2017, a message in Chinese characters was found in a box of Christmas cards from retailer Sainsbury's in Essex, southeastern England. When translated, it reportedly said: "Wishing you luck and happiness" and was signed "Third Product Shop, Guangzhou Prison, No 6 District." In 2014, a woman in Northern Ireland found a note on a pair of trousers from low-cost shop Primark saying: "We work 15 hours per day and the food we eat wouldn't even be given to dogs or pigs." After the latest note was found by six-year-old Florence Widdicombe, her father admitted that he initially thought it was a prank. "On reflection, we realised it

Tel: 713-774-5140

Asian markets drift as The case for initiatives in India traders shift into holiday mode

Another record lead from Wall Street was unable to spur another rally, though analysts are optimistic the new year could start on a positive note with China-US trade tensions dialled down and the economic outlook improving.

Sir Fazle Hasan Abed (AFP/File photo)

FRIDAY, December 27 2019

was actually potentially quite a serious thing, so I felt very shocked," Ben Widdicombe told reporters. According to the Sunday Times, the message asked whoever received it to contact "Mr Peter Humphrey". Ben Widdicombe searched for Humphrey online and discovered that he was a former journalist who had spent nine months in Qingpu. He got in touch and Humphrey contacted some other ex-prisoners, who confirmed that foreign inmates had been packing cards for Tesco. Humphrey, a fraud investigator who had previously worked for news agency Reuters, then wrote up the story for The Times. He and his wife Yu Yingzeng, a naturalised US citizen, ran an investigative firm hired by pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), which faced a bribery investigation in China. They were charged in 2013 with illegally obtaining personal information, were convicted in August 2014 and deported the following year. Charity Christmas cards are popular in Britain and multipack boxes can be bought from supermarkets at low cost. Tesco said it donates ÂŁ300,000 (a year to three health charities from its Christmas card sales.

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borrowing costs have helped sentiment," said National Australia Bank's Rodrigo Catril. While world markets have had a bumpy ride from the ups and downs of the trade row this year, many are due to end it with huge gains, with Tokyo, Sydney and Shanghai up by about a fifth. Hong Kong, which has also been battered by months of sometimes violent protests, managed to squeeze out gains of around eight percent.

Young man texting next to a rickshaw in Jodhpur, India. Financing new social initiatives and development projects will benefit India’s younger generations, but will require prudent use of public funds. - See article below (Photo: Xavier Arnau/istockphotos)

IMF calls for 'urgent' action by India amid slowdown


ASHINGTON | AFP | Monday 12/23/2019 - India's government must take steps quickly to reverse the economic slowdown of an economy that has been one of the engines of global growth, the International Monetary Fund said Monday. Declining consumption and investment, and falling tax revenue, have combined with other factors to put the brakes on one of the fastest growing economies in the world, the IMF said in its annual review. After lifting millions out of poverty "India is now in the midst of a significant economic slowdown," Ranil Salgado, of the IMF Asia and Pacific De-

partment, told reporters. "Addressing the current downturn and returning India to a high growth path requires urgent policy actions." However, the government has limited space to boost spending to support growth, especially given high debt levels and interest payments, the fund warned IMF chief economist Gita Gopinath last week said India's slowdown had "surprised to the downside," and said the fund is set to significantly downgrade its growth estimates for the Indian economy in the World Economic Outlook which will be released next month. The IMF in October slashed

its forecast for 2019 by nearly a full point to 6.1 percent, while cutting the outlook for 2020 to 7.0 percent. Salgado said India's central bank has "room to cut the policy rate further, especially if the economic slowdown continues." The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) cut the key lending rate five times this year to a nineyear low, but at its last meeting earlier this month defied expectations by keeping policy unchanged. The central bank slashed its annual growth forecast to 5 percent from 6.1 percent, as consumer demand and manufacturing activity contracts.



The Other Gender Gap Men have more leisure time than women do. Brigid Schulte and Aymann Ismail talk about why that is. by Aymann Ismail


n a recent episode of Man Up, Aymann Ismail tried to break his worst habit: being late all the time. To learn how to manage his time better, he spoke to Brigid Schulte, director of the Better Life Lab (and host of its podcast) and author of a bestselling book about time pressure. She told him about a researcher who explained women have 30 hours a week of leisure time and men have 40 hours a week—something she didn’t believe until she kept a time diary. This edited transcript of their conversation contains bonus material you won’t hear on the podcast. Aymann Ismail: So we were supposed to start this interview at 9:30. When we were planning it, all of my producers were just glaring at me in the meeting. They were like, “Aymann, are you going to get here on time?” That should just give you a little bit of insight into the disarray that my life is currently in. Brigid Schulte: Well, I have to be perfectly honest, I wrote a book about time because I

Research shows that women have 30 hours a week of leisure time and men have 40 hours a week (Photo illustration by Slate. Photo by runzelkorn/iStock/Getty Images Plus.) guess you write books about the things that you most need to learn about. And I’m delighted that I was here on time this morning, so I struggle with that myself. I’m not really a detail-type person, and I never wanted to plan. I wanted to be open to life and spontaneous. Part of why I resisted [keeping a time diary] is here was this guy, this time use expert, telling me that I had 30 hours of leisure a week, and if I didn’t feel like I had it, I

was really afraid that he would be right. He did find 27 hours of what he called leisure, and I literally burst into tears because it was 10 minutes here and five minutes here and little bits of garbage-y time. My work life and my home life clash often, and one of the ways that I try and extend my home life is I’ll just stay up later. I don’t want to go to sleep because I know that when I wake up, I’ll have to go to work. So a lot of the time, I’ll

just stay up until 1 a.m., sometimes 2 a.m., just watching TV or just sitting on the couch, maybe in silence or writing notes or whatever. So what you’re describing is what people would call work-to-family conflict: when work gets in the way of time at home and family. It’s unfortunate. It’s very common. It’s common for men and for women. I think it goes back to the culture that we’re living in and what we get rewarded for. We haven’t figured out how to measure good knowledge work. Is it five podcasts, or is it a certain number of audience clicks? It’s very hard to measure good work, and so oftentimes we default to the old factory method of hours, hours worked, and hours of presence in the office. So you’ve got this internal clash between what you think you should be doing to be excellent at work and what it might really take. What it might really take is pushing against the status quo, and that’s very scary to do, and it’s hard to do on your own. So what are some things that I can do here? I feel like I’m finally in a place where I want to have a radical change to my lifestyle. Can you give me some actionable tips on how I can do that?

FRIDAY, December 27 2019

and salient for us that even though we may want to be well-rested the next day, even though we know that that’s a good goal, in the present moment it’s so much more powerful to sit there at 1 in the morning watching TV, feeling exhausted and stressed out, and dreading going back to work. It’s like we’ve got this clash between our present and future selves, and so to first be aware of it and then second to set defaults that help us make the right choice in the moment will really help us in the long run.

we’re going on a wing and a prayer that we’re actually going to do it. So if you begin to more intentionally schedule, it actually brings so much of the stress levels down.

I hate to say this because I’m so not a planner, but planning is an incredible ally at this point, so be clear about your priorities and then put them in your calendar. Actually schedule them. We start on Monday and we’ll think, “I’ve got this big project to do,” and then if you don’t actually create the space for it in your calendar,

Women have typically been in much more of a caregiving role, although I do want to make clear that this has really only been exacerbated by the Industrial Revolution. Prior to that, when families lived on the family farm, everybody worked. Home was work, and everybody worked together.

Earlier you mentioned that men see that they have 40 hours a week of free time, and women have 30. Do you know why that happens? I think a lot of it goes back to very traditional gendered norms and expectations. Men have always had much more pressure to be in that kind of breadwinner or provider role.

- Slate


A couple of things. What behavioral science would say is that we have a present bias. The present moment is so real

Week of December 27, 2019 HOROSCOPE.COM

21 March to 20 April With a solar eclipse on December 25 aligning to both jovial Jupiter and electric Uranus, this could be a memorable time because it encourages you to make a bold move. It might not happen right away, but events could conspire to bring opportunities your way, and these can be worth aiming for.

21 April to 20 May Whether you’re traveling or staying home, the coming week can be busy in more ways than one. You might be linking up with people from other countries or cultures, or perhaps with relatives who live quite a long distance away. News and conversation may prove inspiring, and this could see you eager to make changes that may have been on your mind for some while.

21 May to 20 June What would you most like to change, Gemini? This holiday week could find you reflecting on this deeply. In the middle of the hustle and bustle of this festive time, you could have ideas and revelations that bring major changes or perhaps a series of smaller ones. The action this week revolves around a very exciting solar eclipse that occurs in your sector of business on December 25.

21 June to 22 July It might seem like you’re getting calls and requests from everyone, and this is keeping you very busy. It could even seem like all your energy is expended on others and you’re constantly involved in discussions, tasks, and negotiations. Make time to enjoy some pampering, though, because you need an opportunity to recharge. ith a dynamic solar eclipse on December 25, you may feel buoyed up by an encounter.

23 July to 22 August After what may have seemed like a long period of hard work, you could begin to see hope on the horizon. Expansive Jupiter’s presence in your lifestyle zone can bring opportunities that inspire and recharge you. This week’s buoyant solar eclipse could give you a sense of excitement about the future. Opportunities and offers could be your making.

23 August to 22 Sept You may be involved in organizing holiday events, and this will certainly keep you busy. Perhaps you’re directing or taking part in a holiday play or arranging activities for children. But more than this, you could be ready to take your creative skills to a new level, and the inspiration to do so might be particularly powerful at this time.

23 September to 22 Oct There seems to be plenty of activity at your place over this week, and this could see you enjoying a chance to spend time with friends and family. With the sun in your domestic sector making lively links to innovative Uranus and positive Jupiter, the stage is set for some fascinating conversations, encounters, and opportunities.

23 October to 21 Nov While it’s great to have ideas, your mind could get overwhelmed by the possibilities open to you. You might be especially busy on all fronts, but does it need to be this way? The sun’s presence in this zone can encourage you to find another way forward by making a few key decisions. Since this is the holiday week, getting your to-do list down on paper can be a positive start.

22 November to 21 Dec Over this holiday week, you may become aware of those things that are truly important to you in life and those that are not. While you might be happy to have friends and family around, you’ll also revel in the quality of your relationships and the love you have for each other, with the material side of this holiday week being further down the list.

22 December to 20 Jan This week could bring a golden opportunity your way, one that you may have coveted for some time. As this is also the holiday week, it’s possible that encounters and conversations can be very beneficial. Mixing with a variety of people could see you involved in some fascinating discussions that hold the keys to further positive developments. Any doubts about your abilities may soon be dispelled.

21 January to 19 Feb Have you been struggling to resolve certain issues? If so, the days ahead can bring revelations and insights that prove very helpful. With a major focus on your spiritual sector, this can be a time of reflection. And even though lovely Venus in your sign encourages you to get out and enjoy yourself, you will likely seek a balance between the two. Something may come to light that helps you see things in perspective.

20 February to 20 Mar Whatever you’re doing over this holiday week, it looks like you’ll be busy in more ways than one. Make time for yourself to enjoy some pampering and self-care, because this can make a world of difference. You might be busy organizing as well as attending events and keeping everything operating smoothly whether you’re part of a group, organization, or committee.

ACROSS 1. Imposing abode 6. ____ ____ mode 9. Musical finale 13. Declares to be true 14. Bud or chum 15. Petroleum tanker 16. Relating to a gene 17. "La" precursor 18. Big Dipper shape 19. *Between Stone Age and Bronze Age 21. Concentration equalizing process 23. *E in BCE 24. Youngster 25. *The Romans built one at Bath's hot springs 28. Make like a cat 30. Mountain cover 35. Instinctive motive 37. "General Hospital," e.g. 39. Fresh Prince: "____ ya later!" 40. Lose coat 41. Upside down frown 43. Original thought 44. Not odds 46. Distinctive elegance 47. Feeling great delight 48. Mr. Selfridge's sphere of expertise 50. Green-eyed monster 52. *Early christogram Chi ____ 53. In the back 55. Granola grain 57. *Italian city, Mount Vesuvius' victim 61. *Pharaoh's resting place 65. Tear-jerker 66. *The ____ Peoples, attackers of ancient Egypt 68. *Infamous Athens' legislator 69. Continental money 70. Lincoln lumber 71. Itsy-bitsy bits 72. Pre-Soviet Russian ruler 73. Opposite of WSW 74. *Per Aristotle, there are 3 categories of this

DOWN 1. Gaspar, Balthasar and Melchior 2. Affirm solemnly 3. Wag of a finger 4. Don't cast your pearls before it 5. Inner wall of a trench 6. Altar holder 7. *____ Tzu, ancient Chinese philosopher 8. Metallic mixture 9. Bye in Palermo 10. Auto pioneer 11. Kosher eatery 12. *One of Greek mythology's twelve Olympians 15. *Mesoamerica's earliest known civilization 20. One maxwell per square centimeter 22. ____, snowshoe, tube 24. Movie teaser 25. *Mesopotamia's earliest civilization 26. Establish validity 27. End of a shoelace 29. *Romulus' domain 31. Ruler of emirate 32. Mothball substitute 33. 1st letter of Hebrew alphabet 34. *Founder of first Academy in Athens 36. *Virgil wrote of this volcano in the "Aeneid" 38. Blueprint or outline 42. Diplomat on a mission 45. "The Odyssey" temptresses 49. Hula accessory 51. Jamaican gang member 54. Bridal path 56. Divination card 57. *Virgil or Homer 58. Cross to bear 59. Actress Sorvino 60. Standard's partner 61. One side of a leaf 62. *Euclid's sphere of expertise, for short 63. International Civil Aviation Org. 64. Take a nap 67. Long, long time




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FRIDAY, December 27 2019


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How Deputy Dhaliwal's family is coping months after his murder

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by Pooja Lodhia


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O U S T O N , (KTRK) -- Three names have been added to the Harris County Sheriff's Office Wall of Honor.

Visit us: 8303 SW Freeway, Suite 325, Houston, TX 77074

Deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal, Deputy Omar Diaz, and Deputy Terry Faughtenbery all died in the line of duty. Deputy Diaz died from a blood clot while responding to a crime scene.

Fallen deputy's father: 'I've lost my hero' (Screengrabs: KTRK Channel 13)

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Deputy Faughtenbery died after a health episode in his patrol unit. Dhaliwal, the first deputy of the Sikh faith to be sworn in, was murdered during a traffic stop on Sept. 27, 2019. Dhaliwal's family, including his wife and three young children, were there as his name was engraved outside the sheriff's Office. "When they go to school, they'll be looked at different," his father Pyara Dhaliwal explained. "People will look at them that these are the sons and daughters of a hero, so they should be proud of that." He said the family is find-

Dhaliwal is survived by his wife, Harwinder Kaur Dhaliwal, two daughters and one son.

ing strength in each other. "We have his memories with us." Pyara Dhaliwal shares precious memories of his son, Deputy Sandeep Dhaliwal, and how the entire family is dealing with their loss.


"We are together, we are strong. We remember him all the time," said Pyara Dhaliwal. "I really feel it, which can never be the same, but I am proud that he left so much for me to live."

Theme: ANCIENT HISTORY from Page 14



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FRIDAY, December 27 2019

Home&Real Estate NY firm buys one of Houston's largest residential real estate companies


ouglas Elliman, the New York luxury firm that rocked the local residential real estate market when it established a Houston foothold earlier this year, has reportedly added one of the city’s largest homegrown single-family brokerages to its portfolio.

on HBJ’s 2019 Top Residential Real Estate Agents in Luxury List.

Houston-based John Daugherty Realtors has agreed to be acquired by Douglas Elliman, which is known for its highpriced listing and celebrity clients, according to The Houston Chronicle.

Sweeney and Kornhauser told the HBJ that they made the move to take advantage of the services and technological capabilities offered by Compass.

John Daugherty Realtors ranked No. 20 on the Houston Business Journal’s 2019 list of largest Houston-area residential real estate brokerages by transaction. The 130-agent firm reported it was involved in 1,419 transaction sides in 2018 and had a local sales volume of $1.12 billion. The firm’s primary office is located at 520 Post Oak Blvd. in Houston. It also has an office in The Woodlands, which is located at 1950 Hughes Landing Blvd. John Daugherty Realtors has earned a reputation for handling some of Houston’s largest single-family listings. Earlier this year, the firm was hired to list the former home of home of Stephen Way, the founder and CEO of Houston International Group. The 26,638-square-foot home at 120 Carnarvon Drive went on the market in October with an asking price of $29.5 million. However, John Daugherty Realtors recently saw two of its top agents jump to Compass, a tech-focused real estate brokerage specializing in luxury sales. Laura Sweeney and Lisa Kornhauser left John Daugherty Realtors for Compass on Dec. 12. Sweeney recently ranked No. 1 on HBJ’s 2019 Top Residential Real Estate Agents by Sales Volume List and No. 2

Sweeney is also the agent handling the listing of 120 Carnarvon. Kornhauser came in at No. 4 on the HBJ’s 2019 list of individual agents by sales volume.

For Douglas Elliman, the acquisition of John Daugherty Realtors marks the latest coup in the firm’s effort to establish a Texas presence. Douglas Elliman entered the Texas market in September through a joint venture agreement with Houston-based real estate sales and marketing firm Sudhoff Cos., which rebranded as Douglas Elliman Texas. At the time, Scott Durkin, president and COO of Douglas Elliman, said the deal with Sudhoff Cos. was an opportunity to enter a fast growing market with huge opportunities for new business.


New public structures help communities reconnect eight years after the earthquake and tsunami devastated Japan’s eastern coast. by Katherine M. t 2:36 p.m. on that snowy Friday in March 2011, the earthquake hit. The 9.1-magnitude force was enough to move Japan’s main island 7.9 feet to the east and trigger walls of water estimated at 38 meters tall—the height of a 12-story building. Within minutes, thousands of lives were lost, thousands more were suddenly without shelter, and the nation was in the middle of a nuclear disaster. In the coming weeks and months, the world rallied to help. One of Japan’s most influential designers, Toyo Ito, also wanted to do his


This building in Sōma, Japan, was designed to resemble a large straw sun hat held aloft by trees. The project was a joint partnership between Toyo Ito & Associates and Klein Dytham architecture.

she arrived in Japan 30 years ago. She was inspired by his latest idea and knew that it would serve an important healing purpose. "In a time

Since then, Douglas Elliman Texas CEO Jacob Sudhoff has opened offices in Austin and Dallas. In Houston, Sudhoff has been on a hiring spree, adding 10 new managers in just a matter of months. Outside of Texas, Douglas Elliman currently has about 7,500 agents working in 120 offices, as well as an exclusive relationship with Londonbased Knight Frank Residential for business in the worldwide luxury markets spanning 60 countries and six continents. Douglas Elliman falls under the umbrella of the Miamibased Vector Group (NYSE: VGR), via Vector subsidiary New Valley LLC. - HBJ

These were Houston’s 10 hottest neighborhoods for buyers and sellers in 2019 here are hundreds of Houston homes for sale (with more being added every day) right nowThe most popular zip code to buy in Houston right now? That would be 77379 in Spring, the Harris County suburb that’s northwest of Houston. This area saw the most potential buyers in 2019,

Up-and-coming architects offer a beacon of hope in tsunami-torn Japan

(Cypress, No. 7) and 77584 (Pearland, No. 9). All 10 zip codes are on the periphery of Houston’s city limits, a trend that Opendoor consumer trends expert Beatrice de Jong attributes to the rise of prices closest to the city center and the increased popularity of people working remotely.

Locals were suspicious of outsider architects, but Okano and others persisted. She surveyed communities, met with them, and asked what kinds of materials they wanted her to use. She even volunteered her weekends to plant rice and build trust.

people hope. But in this case architecture hurt people. The debris became a weapon," she says. Okano’s entire approach to design changed after witnessing the aftermath. Previously, she worked in a contemporary style, prioritizing a separation from the outside with sharply defined interior spaces. Yet, through this experience, she also came to understand the importance of a built environment that fosters an attunement with nature rather than shutting it out. "Now I want to create comfort without such a clear separation between inside and outside," she says. At Arc’teryx, we are a group of designers, perfectionists, makers, and outdoor-lovers. For a series of new stories, we sought out problem solvers who are leaning into challenges and

creating new possibilities. Learn more about the other stories at arcteryx.com/explore/problem-solvers. Up and down Northeastern Japan, Okano and her colleagues designed unique public pavilions with strong indoor-outdoor connections, built with debris or donated materials. Some structures were conceived as play spaces for neighborhood children, while others provided local farmers with a new place to sell their vegetables. While walls might not offer much protection against disaster, a strong sense of community and connection with nature can. "Architecture can provide places for people to gather on a daily basis. Ultimately, that might prove much more helpful when disaster strikes," Okano adds. - Dwell.com

part. While he could not solve some of the biggest challenges, he had an idea: what if he could bring together fellow peers and design a response with architecture? Amidst the emptied-out spaces he saw a need and opportunity to rebuild public spaces—central gathering points where communities could reconnect and seek support as they figured out what to do next. He called the organization Home For All. Now a board member at Home For All, Astrid Klein of Klein Dytham Architects first worked with Ito when

of tragedy, people need to get together, hug each other, talk it out, and feel like they are not alone." Yet, within the clusters of temporary housing set up by the Japanese government, a place for everyone to gather was missing. As Ito went searching for more volunteers, a member of his staff and rising star, Michiko Okano, immediately raised her hand. Yet, she couldn’t imagine where the journey would take her. Visiting the Tohoku region two months later, the devastation shook her. "Until the tsunami, architecture was something I made to give

and 77373 are near the top again, while 77346 in Humble and 77459 in Missouri City swooped in to round out the

Hackers target connected devices in the home

Okano leaned on new insights in her Home For All designs. The spaces were intended to meet the needs of each community while helping them stay connected with each other and their surroundings.

by Herb Weisbaum


any of this year's popular holiday gifts are made to be connected to the Internet. And these smart speakers, video doorbells and smart TVs are now prime targets for hackers.

Spring, a suburb northwest of Houston is hot right now for the market. (File photo) while 77346 in Atascocita and 77449 in Katy rounded out the top three. Two other Spring zip codes made the Top 10 — 77373 at No. 4 and 77388 at No. 10 — while Katy’s 77494 showed up again at No. 8. Also seeing an influx of interest were 77459 (Sienna Plantation, No. 5), 77095 (Copperfield, No. 6), 77429

As she explains in a recent Opendoor report, “Many people are moving to smaller cities and more suburban or rural areas. With remote work, they can prioritize affordability and the lifestyle they want, and get more bang for their buck in places outside of a big city.” As for sellers, those who lived in Katy’s 77449 saw the most traffic through their front door. Spring’s 77379

top five. Northwest Houston’s 77095, Katy’s 77494, Cypress’ 77429 and 77433 and Richmond’s 77407 finish out the top 10. While Americans in 2019 may have moved at the lowest rate ever recorded, there will always be a need to relocate, upgrade, downsize, or invest. Happy house hunting, - Opendoor

"When you put a voice-assistant in your home, you have to understand that's a microphone. When you put a webcam in your home, you have to understand that's a camera,” said Charles Henderson, head of IBM’s X-Force Red security testing team. “You expect it to be used for the intended purposes, but it can certainly be abused." Henderson says you should do what he does: Weigh the risks vs. the benefits of bringing an Internet-connected device into your home. "When one of those devices is compromised, it's not like there’s a big light on top of your voice assistant that flashes red when a criminal is inside,” Henderson told me. To keep hackers out, you need to reset the default password.

Home connected devices are prime targets for hackers. (File photo)

Connected devices are tremendously convenient. Smart thermostats set the perfect temperature without you having to carefully program in your home schedule. Smart security cameras keep an eye on our homes to keep us safe. So the question is whether these devices themselves are secure — and unfortunately, the answer is often "no." Lots of manufacturers make smart home devices, and some of them are more interested in advertising splashy features than they are in making sure their devices are secure. Make your new password something really long and strong – use a free password generator to come up with one. And don't use that password for

anything else. If two-factor authentication is available, set it up, to help keep the criminals out.

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