2 minute read
Beside Still Waters
The veil was torn from top to bottom on that day
The earth shook, the darkness came and it appeared Christ was dead
The veil that separated was ripped for us to walk right in
Into the throne room
Into a relationship with God
Into a new way of life and an eternal life to come
The veil separated, blocked and kept hidden
The veil we can wear separates us from the radical, never-ending, never-surpassing love God has for us
The veil we can wear attempts to hide us from the forgiven sin and shame of our past
The veil can masquerade as a false means of protection
The veil can get thicker and heavier as time goes by
Wearing it each day can create a burden too heavy for one to walk in the freedom and joy our Father plans for us
So decide today, sister
Take a deep breath in of God’s wind of worship Beat on the drum of His blessings to be
And lift the veil and lift your voices
Singing Praises to thee
No more hiding
No more shame
No more living behind the wall and shadow of the veil
Come forward
Come free
Come home
To where He calls you to be
The veil has dropped to the floor beneath and behind you
Come sister
He is holding your hand gently yet tightly, never letting go
Ready to take you toward all He has for you!