5 minute read
Leaving a Godly Legacy
The Loveliness of Love
“All you need is LOVE! All you need is love, love, love is all you need.” Some of you may recall the 1999 Beatles hit written by John Lennon.
The catchy, carefree tune and the chorus are really all I recall. The rest of the lyrics, which I found in an online search, basically tout that everything is in vain without love. Doesn’t that sound vaguely like the message of 1 Corinthians 13:1?
In most countries, Valentine’s Day is celebrated on February 14th, when a colorful bouquet and a box of chocolates given or received can be the traditional gifts to express love. A gourmet dinner, a little wine, and candles on the table are the hint of romance to the man in your life. A festive family meal brightens those precious faces, and handmade Valentine’s cards from your little ones melt your heart.
But for many, February is one giant and reverberating gong and clanging cymbal. Some may have found love, or thought they found love at one time, but sadly life took them down a twisted, lonely, hurt-filled path. Romance and love are far from the minds of those who have been abandoned, abused, divorced, widowed, cheated on, forlorn in their singleness, or even those who are married but “single.” Some of you will relate all too well to that last grouping. Family unity is not warm and fuzzy but, in fact, may be sullen and shameful.
Dear friend, you have the power within to change the downward spiral. And this is where leaving a legacy of strong character comes in.
May I give you a surprising “nugget” of truth from the lyrics of the Beatles' song?
“But you can learn how to be you in time. It's easy. All you need is love.”
I would add: all the love you need is God’s love, working in and through you as His Light pierces the darkness of despair and loss. Think: Legacy! Think: What will people say about me after I am called home? Think: Isaiah 54:5.
After decades, I finally learned how to be me. It took time, years, surrender, and the will to want to please God with all of me. I had to step away from enabling another’s unhealthy behavior. I decided that I wanted to finish strong and well. Finishing well is to love well. It is to show my family how to love well. That’s part of my legacy to them in honor of the Spirit’s work in me.
In Leaving a Godly Legacy in December’s issue of Voice of Truth, I shared the importance of leaving unmistakable evidence of a Christ-like character to your loved ones. I referenced Galatians 5:22 as bookends to your growing faith. With the prominent attribute of Christ-like character being LOVE, cultivating a spirit of love in your household and toward all people is perhaps the most profound legacy you will leave your family.
Your example of unconditional love sets the tone. Remember, to love a person doesn’t mean you accept their poor behavior, but you love them despite that behavior. To model the agape love of Christ to your family members and others is to say, This person is made in God’s image. God loves them, and so will I.
Although you may not “like” someone’s personality, as a Christ-follower, you have the obligation and the power to love that individual. The Holy Spirit will give you the grace in your weakness to love the unlikable.
Jesus extended His arms on rugged, splintered, wooden beams forming a cross – arms open to the onslaught of the sin of the world. They were open to the unlovely and unlikeable – you and me. Although the surrender of Jesus to the Father’s will was much more than a “gracefilled” act, it demonstrated to what extent grace (the unmerited favor of God) was freely given, and to what extent it is necessary in all relationships. You and I don’t necessarily need to “like” that person, but we do need to express the love of Christ to them because God first loved us. This is the loveliness of love!
Professing Christ-follower, your family and your circle of influence are watching. Make the decision today to finish well to the glory of God so that you may leave a rich legacy for others to emulate.
Kathleen Barrett is an Indie published author and blogger on the Treasure Coast of Florida. She has written three books and numerous articles in a variety of publications. She serves on the Communication Team of her church’s Forever Young group. Tending a modest garden and preparing Sunday afternoon feasts for her multi-cultural family brings her joy. Visit her website, www.kathybarrettwrites.com Or contact her by email kathybarrett222@yahoo.com