4 minute read
Following the Son
At the Window
He who was seated on the throne said, “I am making everything new!” Then he said, “Write this down, for these words are trustworthy and true.” (Rev. 21:5 NIV)
There I stood, at the window, by a wash station off the side of the main dining area in the David Citadel Hotel. Once again, the sun stopped me, and I was able to capture another glorious morning sunrise. This stunning hotel in Jerusalem uniquely unites the old city and the new. A beautiful thing about mornings is they mark the beginning of a new day and new experiences.
I returned home to the United States and, over a year later, I started studying this picture. Archways are very common in structures throughout the Holy Land. In architecture, the arch is designed to lift the eye (and spirit) upwards. It is a symbol of strength and support. Passing through an arch is the symbolic act of rebirth, leaving the old and entering the new. Archways can mark an access into a holy place.
The apostle Paul says in Ephesians 1:3-10 (NIV), Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love he predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will — to the praise of his glorious grace, which he has freely given us in the One he loves. In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace that he lavished on us. With all wisdom and understanding, he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, to be put into effect when the times reach their fulfillment — to bring unity to all things in heaven and on earth under Christ.
During one of our tours on the trip, I discovered I had lost my black, cozy headscarf. I loved this accessory. I had it for decades. Frantically, I went back and scoured the area but couldn’t find it anywhere. I was so disappointed. But that scarf has now been replaced with a new sheer off-white scarf with hummingbirds and butterflies outlined in gold. Looking back, I left something old in the Holy Land and returned home with so much more. I gained a whole new passion for reading and studying the scriptures and a deeper understanding of my Savior’s love for you and me.
Have you ever lost something? I got lost (in a good way) in Israel. I was unaware the world was preparing for a global shutdown until the end of our trip, when ours became the last flight out. I left that old city with a new outlook. As you start this new year, let me encourage you to look up and walk through whatever God has in store for you, knowing He is all you need. He makes all things new. The one thing we cannot lose is God.
Michele and her husband reside in Jupiter, Florida and own and operate GoLifeSavers.com. Michele has been teaching CPR classes since 2011 as the lead instructor in their business and holds a master’s degree in education. She is a leader in WWL, serving in the Leadership Development team, and is a #1 best-selling author. Michele loves the Son/sun, paddle boarding, travel, and encouraging others.

Michele Hughes