2 minute read
A Beautiful Mess
Every homeschooling parent has thought at least once to themselves, “Am I messing up my kids?” I have this thought a few times a month and I have been homeschooling my three kids for almost seven years. Doubt. That feeling of uncertainty. The never ceasing questions that repeat in my mind over and over “Am I doing this right? Am I making a mistake?” Nothing is certain. There is not a clear answer that can be Google-searched to know if you are choosing the right path for your kids.
Every season in life is different. Every kid is different and has different needs, and at the end of the day there really isn’t a right or wrong answer when it comes to our kids’ educational path for their lives.
Early on, when my oldest was pulled out to homeschool for first grade, I was convinced I had it all figured out from 1st to 12th grade. We are now finishing middle school and I am constantly finding myself re-evaluating her educational needs and situation. I wonder and question if being online or home with me or at a co-op or even in a private school would be the right fit for her with her ever-changing needs.
If you feel like you can relate to me, then know you are not alone in these thoughts. These thoughts and questions are a normal part of the homeschooling journey. There is great news, though! God made you the wonderful parent and steward of your kids. He has promised that when you seek Him, He is always to be found, and He will direct you and give you peace in your educational decisions for your kids.
Mark Twain once said, “Comparison is the death of joy.” I encourage you to silence the doubt, the fears, and the worries, and teach your kids with joy! Embrace the way God created you and your kids and dive into those interests and learning capabilities. You were made for such a time as this. You have been called and set apart. Lift up your head, pour yourself another cup of coffee, and high five yourself in the mirror, because you are awesome and you can do this! Your kids are going to be amazing because God made you not just their parent, but their teacher too!