Jan - Feb 1997

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“And united their hearts; had you spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts, but Allah united them, surely He is Mighty, Wise”. (8:63) Issue 3 : Volume 2. Jan / feb 1997

IUS News


salaamun-Alaikum Brothers and Sisters,

Welcome to first issue of the IUSN in ‘97. Inshallah it reaches you in good health and Iman, and that you studied hard during the Xmas hols. ¶

Lots of new books for sale to members were donated to the IUS from various sources over the holiday period, as usual you will find the prices greatly lower than any other bookshop or mosque.

The executive committee has finished an intensive period of contact and lobby work on behalf of our members with the main ulema in the community, the situation and problems facing students and young professionals were presented to them. The response has been encouraging and Inshallah this will result in more resources being made accessable to the IUS for '96/’97 and the future.

Continuing from the above point, we can report that all the short objectives for the IUS have been achieved in the 2nd year of the existence of the IUS. Including establishing the society properly, a database of members, publishing a newsletter, regular meetings during term time, library, and an Eid Trip.

Naturally, accomplishing the short term goals, means the IUS now moves on to establish the medium term projects. The highest priority of the ten projects being accommodation and social & academic networking . Therefore, more members are needed to run these projects.

Please find enclosed two new publications from the IUS 1. Prayer timetable for 1997 2. Shahr Ramadhan timetable - please note the dates are subject to the sighting of the moon

Editorial The I.U.S Newsletter team would like to wish all our readers a Happy New Year, what with all the exams coming up (only five months away and counting ), and assignments to hand in. We’ll try and make the pressure a little bit easier to bear. On a more happier note you will be pleased to hear that I.U.S plans to continue its Ramadhan programme in the same format as last year. ie prayers and then iftar followed by a 1/2 hour talk by a selection of new (Continued on page 2)

Contents in this issue of IUSN: IUS News / Editorial


Holy Month of Ramadhan ( continued )


Invocation of the Imam of the Age (A.S.)


Discover Islam


Dangers of Alcohol


Pearls of Wisdom


Holy Month of Ramadhan


What’s On Guide and Dates to Remember



IUS Newsletter (Continued from page 1)

and old speakers So if you haven’t paid your membership fee yet please do so, as funding is obviously very important this time of year. This months Newsletter main article is on the history of fasting and shows that Islam is not he only religion which encourages fasting to be done on a regular basis. Please do not hesitate to tell us your views on the Newsletter, and better still send in any articles to: Br Mehboob Khaki I.U.S Newsletter Editor 64 Sunningdale Rd Sutton Surrey SM1 2JS

Invocation of the Imam of the Age (A.S) In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful O Lord ! Give us firmness in obedience, aloofness from sins, sincere intention and the knowledge of all that is held in respect by You. O Lord ! Bestow on us steadfastness, guidance and wisdom and let our tongue speak the truth. Fill our hearts with knowledge and learning Keep us from filling our stomach with unlawful food. Keep our hands from oppressing and stealing. Blind our eyes to witness immorality and debaucheries. Block our ears to hear absurd and undesirable talks as well as backbiting and malicious remarks Let our scholars be endowed with piety and ability of giving good counsel. Enable our students to devote themselves to their studies in right earnest. Let our listeners pay heed to what they hear and to follow them sincerely. Bestow health and comfort upon the sick Muslims, peace and mercy upon the dead Muslims, honour and dignity upon our good ones. Let our youth repent of their lapses. Make our women modest and chaste. Bestow upon the rich the quality of humility and generosity; upon the poor, patience and contentment; upon our warriors, victory and triumph; upon the prisoners, freedom from enemy’s captivity; upon the rulers, justice and compassion and upon the ruled, fairness and good conduct.

(0181) 241-4348 The next issue is not until after Ramadhan so let us be the first to wish you

Bestow upon the pilgrims to Holy Ka'bah and the Holy Shrines, means and provision, and enable them with Your Kindness and Mercy to perform Hajj and Umrah that you have made incumbent on them, O the most Gracious.


Eid Trip Cancelled L Apologies to all our members who were looking forward to this year’s Eid trip. After the success of the first trip, which was to Lille in France, it was hoped that we could repeat the same format to a different location. Unfortunately, the planned source only offered 10% of the calculated cost of the trip and consequently there were not enough funds available for the trip. Inshallah, a trip will be organised for the summer.

IUS Newsletter

Fancy a Drink? There is a drug which raises blood pressure, adding risk to cardiovascular disease; contribute to life threatening accidents; and it increases the risk of certain cancers and liver disease. The drug is alcohol, and a survey of middle class drinking behaviour soon to be published by the American Cancer Society in Atlanta, Georgia, had revealed the same U-shaped relationship between death rate and alcohol intake as did earlier studies. A survey of 12,000 male British doctors published in the British Medical Journal, two years ago, the lowest death rates were found among doctors who drunk up to 21 units per week - the equivalent of one and a half pints a day. Brain scans have shown how those who are fond of a drink have a different pattern of brain activity and we can lose control under the influence of alcohol. Dr. Malcolm Cooper, Dr. John Metz and colleagues at the University of Chicago used a scanning method called positron emission tomography to highlight where alcohol acts within the brain. They used a glucose molecule labeled with radioactive fluorine to reveal, to an array of detectors, the brain locations that had the greatest hunger for the energy molecule and thus the highest metabolic activity. In a double-blind trial, the researchers found metabolic differences between those who enjoyed alcohol and those who did not: the former had more activity in the left hand side of the brain, and in particular the front and temporal lobes. Alcohol produces a surge of metabolic activity in the speech area, suggesting why drunks talk so much and slur their speech and depression of regions of the cerebellum, which co-ordinates movement (that is why alcohol makes the drinker stagger) and of the limbic system, a region that controls primitive responses such as sexual arousal and violence- this might be related to boisterous behaviour.



IUS Newsletter

The Holy Month The Holy month of Ramadhan starts on the 10th January 1997, and once again it would be time to Fast, Think, Pray and reflect upon our own personal attitudes, behaviour and beliefs. What is important to remember is that Ramadhan is not about starving yourself for a day, and scoffing yourself at night, Many important events happened in the month of Ramadhan such as the revelation of the Holy Quran, the death of our first Imam, Hadhrat Ali (a.s), the birth of our second Imam, Hadhrat Hassan (a.s) .

History of the fast Since the dawns of History, man did not find any means better than fasting to ascend above yielding to his desires and worldly wishes, attain spiritual upliftment, return to spirituality, and renounce contemptible habits which he became addicted and which led him to perdition. Divinely revealed creeds, non-Muslim societies and former nations have been familiar with the fast. Ancient Egyptians, Greek, Romans Chinese and other nations knew and practiced fast for various reasons. Many still do even today. The Greeks came to know about fast and its merits from ancient Egyptians. They used to fast immediately before engaging in a war. The Romans emulated the Greeks not only in mythology, but also in observing the fast, especially when they were attacked, in order to gain victory. They believed that fast strengthened them and taught them patience and perseverance, two perquisites required to win the battle against internal temptations and external dangers. Ancient Chinese, too, incorporated into their doctrines and prescribed it for those who were passing through periods of trials and tribulations. For centuries, Hindus and Buddhists have been observing a somehow more rigid form of fast.

Jews and Christians observe certain types of fast Hadhrat Musa (a.s) observed the fast for forty days at Mount Sinai - see Exodus 24 : 18. During that period, he was granted the heavy responsibilities embedded in the Ten Commandments. He was commanded in the Torah to fast the tenth day of the seventh month and the ninth of the eighth. Jews used to (some still do) fast during times of grief and mourning and when exposed to danger. They were also accustomed to fast one day as act of atonement.and whenever they believed God was angry with them. Hadhrat Isa (a.s) and his disciples fasted forty days observed by Hadhrat Musa (a.s), this set the precedence of Lent, the pre-Easter fast, among Christians. Other Christian theologians started other types of fast during which they do not eat meat, fish or eggs. The lunar calendar of Islam brings the fast of the month of Ramadhan eleven days earlier every year. Thus, in a cycle of about thirty three years passes through all the seasons successively. Fast was first prescribed on the second of Sha’ban in the second year of Hijrah ( the migration of the Prophet between Mecca and Medina, corresponding to 622 A.D. ) The I.U.S is planning to repeat upon the success of last year by holding Iftar sessions in its usual meeting place, 45 Chalton St, Euston. Please see what’s on guide for a timetable of these sessions.

IUS Newsletter

of Ramadhan The holy month of Ramadhan is a holy invitation by Allah (swt). He calls his servants and fulfills their requests. All Muslims must prepare themselves to take advantage of this blessed month, which is filled with Allah’s forgiveness. Satan, mankind’s worst enemy, will be imprisoned during the month of Ramadhan and the door of Allah’s mercy and blessing will be opened to His sincere servants. Woe unto anyone who bars himself from Allah’s mercy in this blessed month, and blessings await those who seize the opportunities that Shahr Ramdhan presents, and turns towards Allah (swt). Ramadhan is a month of self-purification; both bodily and spiritually. Try to fast during this month with true faith. Fasting cleans our body of impurities and a complete fast should purge our hearts and minds of all impure thoughts and improper desires. By obeying Allah’s command to fast, we are given the key to escape from satanic temptations. Fasting is not restricted to just avoiding eating and drinking. During the month of Ramadhan, all your senses and your hands, and your feet must fast with you. Do not look at unlawful things. Prevent your tongue from telling lies, useless tales, insulting and backbiting. Close your ears to forbidden words, gossip and false statements. Prevent your hands from injuring others; instead strive to help them as much as you can. Do not visit forbidden places. This kind of complete fasting decreases one’s selfish desires and prepares one to tolerate difficulties in the way of Allah (swt). Do not lose this golden opportunity, as you will regret your decision if you choose not to fast as described above.

In this holy month, have compassion for your children and acquaint them with the meaning of worship and absolute obedience to Allah (swt) by teaching them through your example to avoid sinning. Muslim parents should encourage their children to fast and to pray regularly. Fasting has much significance. Fasting reminds man of exalted Allah (swt) and will strengthen his faith. A hungry Muslim can sympathise with less fortunate people more easily than a greedy, pleasure loving person. Another benefit to be derived from fasting is physical in nature. The body accumulates fat which can cause many diseases. Shahr Ramadhan is means of preventing such sickness by reducing the body’s amount of fat. If a servant of Allah (swt) regularly struggles against his selfish desires and evil actions, then the month will be a time of triumph for him, and he can ascend to ever- higher levels of spiritual awareness during this month.



IUS Newsletter

Discover Islam by Br Safdar Jaffer ‘Allah is He who created you from a state of weakness, then He gave strength after weakness, then ordained weakness and grey hair after strength....’ Al Quran: Rum 30:54 In this verse Allah (s.w.t) shows us that when we are born we are weak babies, in complete control of our guardians. As we grow up and finally reach the ‘youthful’ age, we are bursting with strength and have full control of our lives. Leading up to our old age we grow weaker as Allah (swt) takes our strength away. This is the important stage of our lives is our ‘Youth Age’. This is the time wherein we should build our foundations. Imam Ali (a.s) said that there are two things such that their importance and immense value is not realised until you lose them; Health-

We only appreciate our health when we are unwell.

Youth Age

As we grow older we look back at it appreciate it’s true essence

Hadhrat Luqman told his son to be prepared for four questions which would be asked of everyone on the day of judgement: 1) How did you acquire your wealth? 2) How did you spend it? 3) How did you spend your time in this world? 4) How did you spend your time in your YOUTH AGE?

Therefore we can see that the youth of Islam today are at an essential part of their lives and is extremely important to realise the role they have to carry out within our nation. A recent survey by the UN shows that 65 years from now, one in every two people born in the world will be born a Muslim. Islam is growing at an ever increasing rate. The shaytans cannot totally blunt its growth so they place obstacles in its way. This is done by diluting ‘True Islam’ through faltering and corrupting the Muslim youth, leading them astray from the righteous path.

This corruption of our youth is one of the biggest dangers the Muslim nation has to face, the youth of today are the future of tomorrow. As the youth, we have to be proud of our religion and defend it to our fullest potential. We may view the situation of young people in five specific areas; Intellectually, Politically, Spiritually, Economically and Socially. As Muslims we need to move forward intellectually. We need to equip ourselves with knowledge of Islam and use this to progress in the world today. The first verse revealed of the Quran says ‘ IQRA...’ - Read. This is an indication from Allah to become intellectuals before blindly rushing into the ritualistic aspects of Islam, otherwise we cannot progress as a nation. It seems that we have this sacred teaching and so are trailing behind the rest of the world. The prophet (pbuh) said: “ I want to see the Muslim youth in only two states; either that of acquiring knowledge or that of conveying knowledge.” If we look at the Jewish nation, we find that almost everything is controlled by them, as they have progressed intellectually. In America there are around 4 million Jews out of a population of 250 million and yet they have managed to secure high positions in the society. If we were to ‘intelluctulize’ ourselves, just imagine what we could achieve. When we look at the history of the Muslims, we find that Islam is compatible with any era... but we have to prove this to ourselves. ‘The young Muslims guide to the world’ by S H Nasr talks of the role of Muslim scientists in history. We find that much of western theory and education evolved from Muslim sources. We have the greatest message to all mankind in front of us. The Holy Quran, we must read it, ponder over one verse at least every day; for if we do not understand, we cannot progress. We should not be ashamed of our religion for we know it to be the only ‘real truth’ in this world. Think of Islam in a positive way and nothing that shaytan throws at us can deter us from the right path.

IUS Newsletter

Pearls of Wisdom The Prophet (S.A.W) said “ There are four things which are necessary for the wise amongst my followers: i) Listen to wise words ii) Memorise them iii) Act upon them iv) Teach others what has been learnt “ The Prophet (S.A.W) also said “ Amongst the sadaqa people give, none is more valuable as imparting knowledge and wisdom to others” He also said “ No gift is more valuable than that one should tell his fellow Muslim a true word by which he/she is guided to the path of Allah and keep away from the path of kufr” It is recorded in Nahjul Balagha that Imam Ali (A.S) said: “All kinds of virtuous deeds and (even) jihad in the way of Allah when compared to the duty of amr bil ma’ruf and nahyi anil munkar (encouraging others to do what is right and discouraging them from evil) are no more than spittle into the fanthomless ocean. Indeed, the two duties of encouraging to do good and discouraging from evil, do not allow the death (of people and civilisations) to come near them and do not allow them to be cut off from their sources of nourishment (risq). And over and above all of these is speaking the word of justice in front of a tyrant ”. Imam Jafer Sadiq said: “It is required for the faithful to have eight qualities in him. 1. Being gracious during hardship and calamities 2. Being patient in wake of affliction 3. Being thankful at the time of comfort and abundance 4. Being contented with the sustenance granted by Allah 5. Not committing excess and aggression upon enemies 6. Not loading his load (responsibilities) upon the shoulders of his friends 7. His body remains troubled by him (due to services) 8. And the people remain comfortable and at ease from him ” (He does not bother & trouble others)

Audio Tapes of IUS Talks and Study Circles True Success Ethics in Islam Women in Islam Tawakkul - Trust in God Imam Ali (A.S.)

Br Mustapha Mawjee Maulana S. Razavi Maulana S. Taqi Rizvi Br Haider Shirazi Br Abbas Jaffer

Study Circles on Usul e Din by Maulana S. Taqi Rizvi - tapes 1,2,3,4 & 5 now available


What's On... ¶

First talk of 1997 by Syed Bahr ul Ulum on Wed 8th Jan ‘97

Shahr Ramadhan programme: Wed 15th Jan: Wed 22nd Jan: Wed 29th Jan: Wed 5th Feb:

Mahmoud Al Muwati Mustapha Jaffer Murtaza Lakha Mufid Al Haideri

Programme will commence with Maghrib and Isha prayers, iftar will follow and then a 1/2 hr talk will be given by the above mentioned speaker. ¶

Course books are being provided at a discounted price. For further details phone Br.Fida on (0181) 769 4771, Alternatively send the details to the IUS address. The Muhammadi Trust has kindly offered IUS members a discount of up to 50% on all their books. For further details please contact the committee.

Alif International , 109 Kings Avenue, Watford, Herts, WD1 and Al-Hoda Bookshop, 76-78 Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0BB, are offering 20% and 10% discounts on their Islamic Books respectively for IUS Members. For further details please contact the committee.

Pentium computers, upgrades and other computer components are being sold at greatly reduced prices. Phone Br Aezed on (0181) 551 1482.

Holy Quran on CD-ROM is now available at a reduced rate for IUS members, the prices has been slashed from £69.99 to only £37.50 for a limited period only. Contact the committee

Dates to Remember Wafat J Wiladat Shab-e-Zarbat Shahadat J Lailat ul Qadr J Eid ul Fitr

Bibi Khadijah (A.S) Imam Hasan (A.S) Imam Ali (A.S) Imam Ali (A.S)

10th Ramadhan 15th Ramadhan 19th Ramadhan 21st Ramadhan 23rd Ramadhan 1st Shawwal

Sun 19th Jan Fri 24th Jan Tues 28th Jan Thurs 30th Jan Sat 1st Jan Sun 9th Feb

Islamic Unity Society Address: 15 Fountain Road London SW17 0HG


(0171) 723-0247 Email: A.Hasan@cs.ucl.ac.uk (0171) 582-6039 ucecmha@ucl.ac.uk


(0181) 482 4041



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