Nov - Dec 1995

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Islamic Unity Society Newsletter __________________________________________________________________________________

Issue 2 : Volume 1. Nov/Dec ’95 Salaamun-Alaikum Brothers and Sisters, Inshallah our second issue of the IUS newsletter finds you in good health and cheer. We trust all goes well at university, that you’re enjoying your courses, and that you are benefiting from the experience of university life. As promised we aim to keep you in touch with us, with other members and with the community in London. We will hope to provide you with up to date information on what is happening in the society, in the London community and the major events around the country.

IUS News • Our first three meetings of the year have been a great success, with a regular attendance of at least 30 brothers and sisters. At the first meeting on the 4th October, Syed Makki gave an enlightening talk on the importance of seeking knowledge

Dates to Remember: J J J J J J J J

14 Nov / 20 Jamadiul Akher: Wiladat Janab Fatima Zehra 24 Nov / 1 Rajab: Wiladat Imam Muhammed Baqir 26 Nov / 3 Rajab: Shahadat Imam Ali Naqi 30 Nov / 7 Rajab: Wiladat Imam Musa al-Kazim 3 Dec / 10 Rajab: Wiladat Imam Muhammed Taqi 6 Dec / 13 Rajab: Wiladat AMIR AL MU’MININ ALI 8 Dec / 15 Rajab: Wafat Bibi Zaynab 18 Dec / 25 Rajab: Shahadat Imam Musa al-Kazim 20 Dec / 27 Rajab: Eid-e-B’e-That (Meraj) 26 Dec / 3 Sha’baan: Wiladat Imam Husayn 27 Dec / 4 Sha’baan: Wiladat Hadrat Abbas 28 Dec / 5 Sha’baan: Wiladat Imam Zayn-al-A’bidin

Pearls of Wisdom Knowledge: 1. Life is too short for you to learn all that attracts you, so learn only that what inspires you. 2. Knowledge is power, whoever finds it overcomes by it, and whoever does not find it is overcome. 3. There are two kinds of knowledge: what is naturally absorbed, and what you hear about - and what you hear about will be of no use to you if it is not naturally absorbed. IMAM ALI (A.S).

Signing Off.... To all brothers and sisters throughout the U.K, the London based student body sends a special Salaam, we hope you are well and we would like to see you soon! You are now part of a national network of the IUS, with members in Brighton, Portsmouth, Stafford, Leeds, Manchester, Peterborough, St.Ives, Derby, and a special mention to our member all the way up in Glasgow! That’s all for now. If you would like to send out any messages, if you have any information about what is happening in the community or any ideas concerning the newsletter please contact us. Of course if you have any inquires please feel free to get in touch either by E-Mail or the address below. Allah-Hafiz, The Committee. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Please Note: MEMBERSHIP REGISTRATION FORMS If you have not yet completed and sent back your membership form, please do so as soon as possible. Unfortunately we will be unable to send out future newsletters, without receiving the form. WE NEED FULL CONFIRMATION OF YOUR ADDRESS TO BE SURE THAT THE NEWSLETTER IS GETTING THROUGH TO YOU. If you have misplaced, or not yet received your form, please do not hesitate in contacting us at the address below. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ IUS Contact Address: 15 Fountain Rd, London, SW17 OHG or Email: or

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