Mar - Apr 1996

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“And united their hearts; had you spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts, but Allah united them, surely He is Mighty, Wise”. (8:63)

Issue 4 : Volume 1. Mar/Apr 1996


IUS News

IUS on the Internet The



Society Internet Page is

salaamun-Alaikum Brothers and Sisters,

now up and running!

Inshallah this issue of the IUS newsletter reaches you in good health and iman. Hopefully you will notice the continued improvement in the newsletter in terms of quality and size.

On it you can find out

IUS News





the details of the next IUS


our our

The meetings during Ramadhan have been very successful Alhamdolillah, 4 Iftars were held with speeches on philosophy, Bibi Khadijah, a question & answer session and The Meaning of Ramadhan.

registration form and

The Eid trip to Lille, France, was sold out before Ramadhan started! The trip will have taken place at the time of going to press, but you will have to wait until the next issue for the full report.

provided links to other

We have been meeting various people and Ulema in the community presenting the needs of the Muslim youth to them. We raised issues such as books, publicity, accomodation for sisters, the possibility of a conference, and the problems faced by our students from the other Muslims and non-Muslims. The IUS have another superb holiday trip lined up for it’s members this summer. Full details will be in next issue, but preliminarily it looks like we will be having up to 16 days in the French Alps this summer!

all of our newsletters. We

• Start saving now! The IUS is about to finalise arrangements for this year’s Umrah trip. Provisional details are that it would be held in Christmas week and cost about £600


pages in the USA and Canada where you can find




resources searchable

Quran, Nahjul Balagha and much more. Also members



supplied addresses

The IUS meeting on the 28th Feb was the last meeting of this academic year. The talk was by Br Mufeed Al-Hayderi on the ‘Miracles of Numbers in The Holy Quran’. It was our last meeting due to exams approaching rapidly for all students. Inshallah meetings will resume in October



email on


their forms

please check your email at least once a week. We email details of the next



and its a great way of staying in contact (see a r t i c l e

o n

‘Networking’) Contents in this issue of IUSN: IUS News and the Internet


What is Society ?




Hadhrat Fatima (AS)






Miracles of the Holy Quran


What’s On Guide and Dates to Remember


IUS ON THE NET: ~zcapn67/ius/ius.html


IUS Newsletter

Editorial IUS. Continual Growth and Development. Imam Ali (A.S) said “The endurer does not miss success, although it may take a long time”. The changes that you have witnessed as each issue of IUSN has reached you, reflect both our internal and external continual growth and development. The newsletter began as a humble side of A4 in Issue 1, it grew to 2 sides in Issue 2, it gained a logo and grew to 4 sides in the previous issue. This current issue sees the newsletter double in size, yet again. It also carries our new improved and hopefully final version of the IUS logo. A significant amount of hard work and effort are going into these changes, and here at IUS we have strived to continually expand and improve every facet of our structure and function. This has come about by a fair amount of work by each member of our committee, helping both each other and the IUS as a whole. Imam Raza (A.S) said “He who assesses himself carefully will finally benefit ...”

and thus we have managed to improve and expand the IUS by constantly pushing one another, constructively criticising and educating one another and learning to understand one another. This has led to a special closeness and unity within ourselves. We hope, Inshallah, that this understanding and selfimprovement could be found within our community, like we ourselves have discovered. Perhaps our community would be a safer and happier place for all, if, as Muslims, we learn to co-operate, help, educate and understand one another. That would be true unity. We would sincerely like to thank all the speakers, advisors, donators and above all our members who have attended our meetings throughout this academic year. Chairman IUS, Syed Zafar Haider Naqvi.

Anecdotes Imam Ali describing a believer: “A believer has a cheerful face, a sorrowful heart, a broad chest (full of generosity), and a very humble heart. He hates high position and dislikes renown. His grief is long, his courage is farreaching, his silence is much and, his time is occupied. He is grateful, enduring, buried in his thoughts, sparing in his friendship (with others), of bright demeanor and of soft temperament. He is stronger than stone but humbler than a slave.” Nahjul Balagha

IUS Newsletter

IUS T-Shirts Are now available They have a maxim from Imam Ali (A.S) “There is enough light for those who want to see” The T-Shirt is light grey, long sleeve and in sizes L, XL Only £12

PHOTOS A range of official photographs, both in colour and in black & white of the IUS France trip, are now available. Please enquire about the cost and the selection of photographs we have.

LANDLORDS: We need you ! The IUS has nearly 100 Muslims student members, many of which need accomodation beginning this September. Some sisters are desperate for accomodation Please get in touch now.


Networking One of our aims and objectives is to link members in the same university. Now that our membership has grown to over 100 members all over the country, we have decided it was time to initiate such a needed project. For example we have over a dozen members in UCL, each member would be invited to attend a normal IUS general meeting and after the talk and refreshments these members would be introduced to one another. They could start maybe by arranging to have lunch together and so on, noone is going to force people to meet others if they don’t want to. Another example is the University of Manchester, we shall write to each member and Inshallah set up a meeting, what they do would be their perogative. There are many purposes of such a project; life at university is difficult. Of course you may have some very good relationships with other Muslims and non-Muslims, but is there any organised help, religiously or academically, for you? Wouldn’t you like to meet people from your own community ? Friendships, associations, and contacts forged now will be important when we leave university, we need to meet people from the same subject area and different walks of life.

This will help the long term independance and cohesion of the Muslim community as we will be the leaders of our community in 20 years time. Another type of networking is of course by subject, our members have been grouped into four general groups namely Arts & Humanities, Business & Law, Medicine & Related Sciences, Engineering & Technology.

What we are trying to do is to set-up sub-committees for each group. Each group could start by writing an article in the IUSN giving a general introduction to their group. This can then expand into course help, that is revision guides and recommended texts. Inshallah as the IUS gains more members who will eventually graduate and other already graduated members then we can also provide links for career guidance. Now it’s up to you, whether you are in London or not get in touch with each other. You can use email which is a very powerful communication tool, and more people are learning how to use it - it is completely free as well!) The IUS Executive Committee needs more people to set this part of the network up. The ball is in your court. The Executive Committee


IUS Newsletter

Scientific Miracles of the Holy Quran Part II Models of the Origin of the Universe and the Solar System as Indicated in the Qur'an. The Qur'an contains a number of passages which refer to the origin of the Heavens and the Earth, or the Universe and the Solar System. With the aid of earlier interpreters of the Qur'an, some of these passages will be examined in terms of modern theories for the formation of the Universe and later formation of our Solar System. The Qur'an indicates that the formation of the Universe occurred from a single entity as in the following verse:

Within galaxies, large clouds of both dust and gas can accumulate and gradually increase in density until chemical reactions and the collapse of the cloud cause the formation of a Solar Nebula. This Solar Nebula forms an accretionary disc with a hot core. Heated gases and solid debris are transported out to towards the edge of the disc, and as these gases move outward, components of the gas condense into very fine-grained dust and smoke particles. These newly formed dust particles combine to form increasingly larger clumps of primordial material which, in time, accrete to the size of planetesimals and the larger planets such as Earth.

"are, then, they who are bent on denying the truth aware that the heavens and the Earth were (once) one single entity, which we then parted asunder?" (Surah Al- Anbiya (21): Ayah 30) Other passages refer to the balance with which the Universe was formed and that it is steadily expanding. Each of these statements generally conform with prevailing scientific models, which assume that the Universe began from a singular "Big Bang", or from a large quantum fluctuation of a pre-existing space-time metric. In the formation of both the early Universe and the Solar System, dust and smoke particles play an important role. A passage in the Qur'an also refers to the presence of dust and smoke in the heavens:

Thus, the above models for formation of the universe and our solar system show some aspects which are common to certain passages in the Qur'an. Aspects of these models are still undergoing refinement and reassessment as additional experimental data are obtained by astronomers, physicists and cosmologists.

"and He (God) applied his design to the heavens, which were smoke." (Surah Fussilat : Ayah 11)

Extract from a collection of Muslim Scientific Research Papers

Pearls of Wisdom If you need counsel about some matter that has suddenly happened to you, then begin by exposing it to the spontaneity of the young, for surely their minds are sharper, and their intuition is quicker; then after that refer it to the judgement of those who are mature and old, so that they can analyse it, and decide what is best for it, for surely they are the most experienced.

IUS Newsletter


What is Society ? A group of human beings linked together by certain common systems, traditions, conventions and laws and leading a collective life, forms a society. A collective life does not mean that a group of men should necessarily be living side by side in a particular region and should be utilising the same climate and consuming the same foodstuffs. The trees of a garden live side by side, utilise the same climate and consume the same type of nourishment.

Similarly the herd of deer graze together and move together. But neither the deer of one herd nor the trees lead a collective life nor do they form a society. Human life is social in the sense that it has a ‘social nature’. Human needs, achievements, enjoyments and activities all have a social nature, for they all are closely linked with certain customs, usages and systems of division of work, division of gains and division of the fulfillment of needs. There are certain dominating thoughts, ideas and habits which keep a particular group of people united. In other words a society is a collection of people who are compelled by certain pressing needs and influenced by certain beliefs, ideas and ambitions, to be amalgamated together and lead a common life.

Common social needs and the special relations of human life so unite people that they become like passengers travelling together in one automobile, in one aeroplane or aboard a boat heading towards a particular destination where either they all reach or none of them reaches. On their way if they face any danger they face it together and have a common destiny. The Holy Prophet (SAW) while describing the philosophy behind exhortation to what is good and restraining from what is evil, has used a beautiful similtude. He has said: “A group of people embarked on a boat which sailed and cleaved the bosom of the sea. Every passenger was sitting in his own place. One of the passengers on the plea that the place where he was sitting exclusively belonged to him, began to make a hole at his place. If other passengers immediately caught hold of his hand and restrained him from making a hole, they would not only save themselves but would also save him also”. Extract from ‘Man and Universe’ by Allamah Murtaza Mutaheri

IUS Newsletter

IUS Library As a service to members the IUS has now set up it’s very own bookstall and library (in English)! Special Orders (If there is a book YOU want we will get it). Selection of Tapes & Recording of our meetings available on request. Inshallah the IUS will continue to obtain more books for you and an updated list will be sent with every issue of the IUS newsletter. In the future the IUS plans to provide books relating to our members fields of study to assist you in your academic studies. HB: Hard back book SB: Soft back book








Hazrat Imam Ali (A.S)



Sayyid Mujtaba Musavi Lari



George Jordac



Imam Ali (A.S)



Muhammad Al-Tijani Al-Samawi



Yasin T. Al-Jibouri



Javed Iqbal Qazilbash



Muhammad Baqir As-Sadr



Imam Ali (A.S)



Allamah Muhammad H. Al-



Allamah Muhammad Riza Al-



Imam Ali and Imam Riza (A.S)



Yaqoob Jafri



Muhammad Sadeq Rahmati





Imam Zayn Al-Abidin



Mortaza Motahhari



Ayatullah Sayyid Ali Khamenei



Sayed A.A. Razwy



Allamah Sayyid M.H. Tabatabai




IUS Newsletter

Hadhrat Fatima (AS) Hadhrat Fatima (AS) said : Allah has made faith (iman) the means to purify one from polytheism (shirk); and made prayer (salat) to guard one from arrogance; and prescribed alms (zakat) to chasten one's self and increase one's sustenance ; and prescribed the fast (sawm) to strengthen sincere devotion to Allah; and prescribed the pilgramage to elevate the religion (din) and enjoined justice ('adl) to harmonise the hearts; and enjoined obedience to us (Ahlul Bayt) to organise the Islamic community (millah); and our Leadership (Imamah) as a trust to avoid disunity; and prescribed holy war (jihad) to honour Islam and denounce the unbelievers and hypocrites; and the bidding of good (amr bi'l ma'ruf) and forbidding the evil (nahy 'ani'l munkar) for

the benefit of the people in general; and kindness to the parents as a shield against the anger of Allah; and strengthening one's ties with near kin to prolong one's life: ... and the forbiddance of alcoholic drink to guard one from filth; and Allah has prohibited polytheism for the sincere devotion to His divinity; so O you who believe fear Allah as you should, and see that you die not but as Muslims [3:102] An excerpt from a lengthy speech delivered at the mosque of the Prophet at Medina in defence of her right of inheritance.

IUS FC The Islamic Unity Society is about to set up it’s very own football team to enter the various Islamic Leagues and Cup Tournaments. It’s about time, someone represented all the sporty Muslims at university. We can already boast our very own Kamal ‘Gigsy’ Haider and Salim ‘Collymore’ Yasin. We now need solid defenders and dynamic mid- fielders (and a 6ft goalkeeper wouldn’t go amiss) If you would like to join our squad or just come for a regular knock about on Sundays at Regents Park then please get in touch.

What's On... ¶

After the Eid Trip to France the last thing on the IUS agenda is a revision guide which Inshallah members will receive with Issue 5 of IUSN

The IUS bookstall will still be operational therefore if you want any books from the list then please contact brother Mohsen on 0171 723 0247

Sports, the IUS has started practice on Sunday at 12:30pm, in Regents Park. Starting 10th March. Please contact brother Ammar on 0171 582 6039, or brother Kamal on 0181 845 5255

Alif International, 109 Kings Avenue, Watford, Herts, WD1 and Al-Hoda Bookshop, 76-78 Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0BB, are offering 20% and 10% discounts on their Islamic books respectively for IUS members. For further details please contact the committee.

Imam Hussain Mosque in Kilburn, Saturday Night Live Regular discussion and lecture from 6:30pm - 8:00pm, Refreshments provided Imam Hussain Mosque, 14 Brondesbury Rd, Kilburn, London, NW6 6AY, 0171 372 0082

Discover Islam programme every Friday at 8:30pm : 8th March ‘96, Interactive Workshop with Dr Salmasi & Dr Zuhair on the Miracles of the Quran 15th March ‘96, Discover Islam goes to ‘Liberation House’ in Streatham 22nd March ‘96, Practical Workshop, 1/2 hr sports and 1/2 hr discussion of any topic

Dates to Remember Shahadat J Wiladat Shahadat Shahadat Shahadat JJJ Eid

Imam Ja’far-e-Sadiq (A.S) Imam Reza (A.S) Imam Muhammad Taqi (A.S) Imam Muhammad Baqir (A.S) Muslim Ibne Aqeel (A.S) Eid-ul-Adha

25 Shawwal 11 Dhul Qad 29 Dhul Qad 7 Dhul Hajj 9 Dhul Hajj 10 Dhul Hajj

16th Mar 31st Mar 18th Apr 26th Apr 28th Apr 29th Apr

Sat Sun Thur Fri Sun Mon

Our Contact: Islamic Unity Society 15 Fountain Road London SW17 0HG

Telephone (0171) 723-0247 (0171) 582-6039 Facsimile Internet


(0181) 767-5840

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