Mar - Apr 1997

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“And united their hearts; had you spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts, but Allah united them, surely He is Mighty, Wise”. (8:63) Issue 4 : Volume 2.

Mar / Apr

IUS News


Trip to Syria. - I.U.S are pleased to announce that a trip to Syria is being arranged for December 1997. However places are limited so make sure you book your place fast. For more details see page 7 of the Newsletter.

Free Books for Members - As a part of it’s continuing commitment to its members, the I.U.S is offering free books to members who attend universities out of London and are unable to attend the weekly gathering on Wednesday. The books on offer are: 1. The Caliphate 2. Shia, Belief and Origins 3. Murajat - The Right Path 4. Marriage and Morals Please contact the committee to obtain your free book.

Appeal - The I.U.S library needs all your old text- books so that it can continue to expand and offer a better service to it’s users. If you cannot hand them to Br Mohsin yourself we’ll pay the postage for you to send them in. The books required are of any academic subject from A-Level and above.

Muharram Campaign Pack - You can apply for a pack to advertise the I.U.S and enrol new members during the month of Muharram. The pack includes: I.U.S badge, poster, flyers & membership forms.

I.U.S Sportsnight - Inshallah from the new academic year the I.U.S are planning to hire an indoor sports hall for brothers for recreational activities such as football, basketball, etc. For details contact Br Kamal Haider.

On behalf of the I.U.S.N team, I would like to wish all our readers ‘ E I D MUBARAK’, and we hope that you did not find the m o n t h o f Ramadhan too difficult. This being the last I.U.S Newsletter in the Islamic calendar, the main feature article is on the pilgrimage of Hajj, with the month of Zilhajj arriving, once again we’ll find millions of Muslim brothers and sisters around the globe will be making their way to the holy city of Mecca to participate in this annual ritual. (Continued on page 2)

Contents in this issue of IUSN: IUS News / Editorial


Hajj (continued)


Learning Arabic


Pearls of Wisdom




Syria Trip




What’s On Guide and Dates to Remember



IUS Newsletter NEWS


(Continued from page 1)





With numbers increasing by Br M. Nasir - St Bart’s Medical School every year we find out the meaning of Hajj, what it DEFINITES AND INDEFINITES symbolises to the world and why it is known as the The most basic rule in Arabic is the distinction between the ‘Definite’ great pilgrimage. and ‘Indefinite’ of a noun (a person or thing) or adjective (a word describing a noun, e.g dirty). With travel being the subject, the I.U.S are offering a trip to Syria at Indefinite reduced student rate later during the year, see page 7 Basic Rule: Indefinites do not refer to any specific object or person. to find out more details In English, the indefinite article ‘a’ or ‘an’ is usually used. For and book your place now, ê example: “A plane flew over the sky,” or “An apple is a fruit.” hurry as there are only a Hence a particular plane or apple is not specified. limited number of tickets available. ê In Arabic, there is no definite article. Hence, there is no Arabic equivalent of the English ‘a’ or ‘an’. As a result, any Arabic noun In our educational section or adjective on its own means it is an indefinite article. we start a series on learning the Arabic (soorah) means a chapter. language and with usual features of ‘What's on’ and ‘I.U.S News’, we Definite hope you find the I.U.S Newsletter an interesting Basic Rule: Definites specify the particular. read. The main type is words preceded by the definite article. Of course, the Newsletter would be worthless ê In English, the definite article is ‘the’. For example: “The book.” without its readers. So tell It refers to a specific book. us your views on the Newsletter, and keep your ê In Arabic, the definite article precedes the noun or adjective it articles coming in by qualifies, the word (Al -) is used hence referring to the specific sending them to: chapter, prophet and book in Arabic we get: Br Mehboob Khaki 64 Sunningdale Rd Sutton, Surrey SM1 2JS

(al-soorah) means the chapter (TO BE CONTINUED IN THE NEXT ISSUE)

IUS Newsletter NEWS





DEATH The Inevitable Why are we so scared talking about dying?


he belief in the life hereafter can be found in many books of anthropology and archaeology.

Scientists have discovered that almost all prehistoric societies and communities firmly believed in life after death. The ancient Egyptians are a prime example of this, who were buried with household equipment and items and even grains stocked and stacked for use by the dead. Today in our society ‘Death’ is a taboo subject, all too easily do we become absorbed in this material world, thinking we will never die. People dare not mention that “so and so DIED” rather “They passed away”. Naturally people are afraid of the unknown and yet death is inevitable. The more we talk about death, the better prepared we will be for it. The beliefs in the unity of Allah and in the Day of Judgement are the foundations of true faith. All prophets, right from Hazrat Adam (a.s) to the last prophet Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) inculcated these beliefs in their people. The Islamic belief is that life in this world is not an end itself, that there is a life - hereafter, that all human beings will be resurrected one day and brought together to account for their beliefs and deeds, that it will be a day which will separate good from evil and all will be rewarded or punished according to belief and deeds. The following is an account of the conversation between Salman Farsi, a companion of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W). had had with a dead person. Asbagh bin Nubata (r.a) was a trusted companion of Ameerul Momineen Ali (a.s). He went to see Salman Farsi (r.a) who at the time was the governor of Madain. Asbagh (r.a) says:-

“I found him very sick, near his death. He told me: ‘O, Asbagh, the messenger of Allah informed me that, at the time of my death, a dead person will talk to me. Now, put me on a wooden plank and take me to the graveyard. On reaching the grave yard, Salman faced towards Quibla and in a loud voice saluted the dead. Nobody replied. After saluting them several times without getting any reply. Salman said: O, inhabitants of these graves, I am Salman, a slave of the messenger of Allah. The Prophet had told me at the time of my death a dead person will covers with me. Now, if that has arrived, then for the sake of Allah and His messenger, please talk to me’. Suddenly somebody responded to his Salaam and said. ‘O people who build and plant, and ultimately the buildings turn into ruins and gardens decay, ask me what you want and I will reply’. Salman (r.a) asked: ‘Are you from the people of Paradise or of Hell?’ The dead man said that he was from the people from Paradise. TO BE CONTINUED NEXT ISSUE..........



IUS Newsletter NEWS




he Holy Quran states: “Complete the Hajj and the Umrah for the sake of Allah.”

Hajj is a week of total loyalty. The body is denied all kinds of comforts. The mind and the heart are turned back in the light of devotion. It enables man to rise to the glorious heights of spiritual bliss. The proud, rich and the egotistic celebrities are made to know and realise their true insignificance, otherwise, in any other situation, they would prefer to spend any amount to avoid association with the ordinary people and being brought to level of the meek. No distinction of wealth, fame, birth, colour or nationality are any use when Hajj begins. All are in the service of Lord. It is a training ground to put the idea of the brotherhood of man into practice. Who so fails to do in day - to - day life what he has experienced during Hajj, is not a true believer. There is no other religion which has made an institution to inspire voluntary control to curb brutality and pride, so easily acquired by men of the world. Islam would have been labelled as an imperfect code of life if Hajj had not been prescribed as an obligatory duty. Hajj is the nearest we will feel to the Day of Reckoning were every person, Man, Woman and Child is stood equal wearing the same dress, uttering the same words and praying for forgiveness from the same God.



However, Hajj is not only about kissing a stone, going from one place to another seven times and visiting holy shrines. Although these are very important and relate to important events in history. Hajj becomes what you make of it, it gives you a chance to reflect upon how you lived your life, without the distractions of the material world. For that one week you are alone with Allah, but yet surrounded by millions of other people doing the same thing. The celebration of Eid - ul - Azha is also performed during the month Zilhajj, where the sacrifice Prophet Ibrahim was prepared to perform is remembered and the sacrifice of lambs is done in the act of celebration. Most of the commentators of the Quran interprets this as an indication of the sacrifice of Imam Hussein. “ The great sacrifice of Hazrat Ismail (a.s) found its physical conclusion on the martyrdom of Hazrat Hussein (a.s).” Extract from a commentry on the Holy Quran by Mir Ahmed Ali Submitted by Syeda Farheen Naqvi Accommodation available for one sister in Croydon, near West Croydon and East Croydon Stations, (only 1/2 hr train journey to central London) £35 per week. Please contact the committee for further details NOTICE: Please note that there is error with regards to the IUS Fax No: on some of our correspondance and publications, it should be : (0181) 482 4014.

IUS Newsletter NEWS



Edited extract from ‘Rationality of Islam’ Islamic Seminary Publications




published by Al Balagh Foundation The Most high says:

The holding of a great conference of the world by Muslims is another masterpiece of the Islamic teachings in respect of worship. The ceremonies of Hajj (pilgrimage) are so exciting, pure and interwoven with fraternity and equality that they deeply impress everyone without exception This gathering in which even now, every year, more than two million Muslims from all quarters of the world take part, affords an opportunity to the peoples of all races, colours, languages and nationalities, to meet on a common ground without any discrimination. It’s ceremonies take a man out of his material shell, which is marked with harshness and antagonism, and lifts him to an atmosphere full of devotion and virtue. They soften the emotions and enliven the feelings The Hajj gatherings also serve the purpose of a national conference on a world level and contribute to Muslim homogeneity, both political and economic. They serve as a unifying force and as a common bond among the Muslims belonging to diverse social segments, and provide them an opportunity to sit together and exchange ideas. A study of all acts of worship and devotion Islam will show that everyone of them has both moral and social aspects, and that the benefit of all our acts of worship go to ourselves.

“ .. and pilgrimage to the House is incumbent upon men for the sake of Allah, (upon) everyone who can undertake the journey to it; and whoever disbelieves, then surely Allah is Self Sufficient, above any need of the beings.” [al Imran 3:97]

Hajj is a collection of rites, actions and sayings, done during a certain period of time and in a certain place. They converge at a point to be manifested as an act of worship and a refining act that conduces to build the Muslims’ personalities, reform them, rectify their movement towards Allah and make this movement direct and constructive. As any other rites, it has its moral, social and political impacts on man. It is a public congregation in which Muslims worship, ask Allah’s forgiveness, repent and mention Allah, as a result, souls are purified from sins and transgressions, and hearts are brought closely together, opinions and viewpoints exchanged, doctrinal and ideological arguments thrashed out, and political positions closer to unanimity are arrived at. The Holy Quran explains Hajj’s human goals, in additional to its spiritual aims, when mentioning Allah’s order to His Apostle Ibrahim (A.S) to construct the Kaa’ba: “ And proclaim among men the Pilgrimage: they will come to you on foot and on every lean camel, coming from every remote path. That they may witness advantages for them and mention the name of Allah during the stated days over what He has given them of the cattle quadrupeds, then eat of them and feed the distressed one, the needy” [al Hajj : 2728]

All Islamic rites have a social impact and they are fruitful morally. Extract from ‘The Islamic Principles’


IUS Newsletter NEWS



Charity • A man giving in alms one piece of silver in his lifetime is better for him than giving one hundred when about to die. • To meet friends cheerfully and invite them to a feast are charitable acts. • To extend consideration towards neighbours and send them presents are charitable acts. Education • To acquire knowledge is binding upon all Muslims, whether male or female. • The ink of the scholar is more holy than the blood of the martyr. • He who travels in the search of knowledge, to him God shows the way of Paradise. • Acquire knowledge, because he who acquires it, in the way of the Lord, performs an act of piety; who speaks of it praises the Lord; who seeks it, adores God, who dispenses instruction in it, bestows alms; and who imparts it to its fitting objects, perform s an act of devotion to God. Knowledge enables its possessor to distinguish what is forbidden from what is not; lights the way to Heaven; it is our friend in the desert, our companion in solitude, our companion, when bereft of friends; it guides us to happiness ; it sustains us in misery; it is our ornament in the company of friends; it serves as an armour against our enemies. With knowledge the creatures of Allah rises to the heights of goodness and to noble position, associates with the sovereigns in this world and attains the perfection of happiness in the next. Envy

Keep yourselves far from envy, because it eats up and takes away good actions, like the fire that eats up and burns wood.



Behaviour • Deal gently with a people, and be not harsh; cheer them and condemn not. • Much silence and a good disposition; there are no two works better than these. • The best of friends is he who is best in behaviour and character. • One who does not practice modesty and does not refrain from shameless deeds is not a Muslim. Parents and Family • Paradise lies at the feet of thy mother. • He who wishes to enter Paradise must please his father and mother. Pride

No one who keeps his mind focussed entirely upon himself, can grow large, strong and beautiful in character.

Remembrance of God • Whoever loves to meet God, God loves to meet him. • The five stated prayers erase the sins which have been committed during the intervals between them if they have not been mortal sins. Sympathy • God is not merciful to him who is not so to humankind. He who is not kind to God's creation and to his own children, God will not be kind to him. • Whosoever visits a sick person, an angel calls from Heaven: "Be happy in the world and happy be your walking; and take your habitation in Paradise."

Suppression of Anger Worldly Love and Materialism • Whoever suppresses his anger, when he has • The love of the world, is the root of all evils. in his power to show it, God will give him a • Wealth properly employed is a blessing; and great reward. a man may lawfully endeavour to increase it • He is not strong and powerful, who throws by honest means. people down, but he is strong who withholds himself from anger. Sayings of Muhammad (S.A.W.) taken from A Brief History of the Fourteen Infallibles, Ansariyan Publications.

IUS Newsletter NEWS





Islamic Unity Society presents

SYRIA Sat 20th Dec - Sun 28th Dec

Ziarat Includes:


Bibi Zainab Bibi Sakina Bibi Ruqayyah Includes:

Approx. £300 all incl.

Tourist Attractions Includes:


Qassyrian Mountain Sham Gardens Ain Fija

Heathrow - Damascus rtn. Accommodation & Travel in Syria. Food and Refreshments. Islamic camp incl. Seminars and Social activities. Excursions to historic sites, places of interest and local markets. For full details please contact I.U.S committee.

Limited Number of Places: Only 15 Brothers and 15 Sisters (Open to I.U.S Members only) Reservations should be made NOW Please note: This trip will be heavily subsidised and Inshallah we will try to keep the costs down to a minimum, but the above price is approximate as yet.







What's On... ¶

Back by popular demand, the remaining programme slots until the Easter break will be taken up by the study circles given by S.Taqi Rizvi The programme will commence at 5:00pm on the following dates, and as usual there will be a Q&A session followed by refreshments. Wed 26th Feb Wed 5th Mar Wed 12th Mar Wed 19th Mar There will be no regular programme after the last study circle for this academic year, tapes for previous talks, lectures and study circles are available and are in big demand. The newsletter will of course be published and look forward to IUS National Day where we will arrange for members from all over the UK to come down to London for a full day’s programme.

Pentium computers, upgrades and other computer components are being sold at greatly reduced prices. Phone Br Aezed on (0181) 551 1482.

Holy Quran on CD-ROM is now available at a reduced rate for IUS members, the prices has been slashed from £69.99 to only £37.50 for a limited period only. Contact the committee

Dates to Remember Shahadat Imam Sadiq (A.S) J Wiladat Imam Raza (A.S) Shahadat Imam Taqi (A.S) Shahadat Imam Baqir (A.S) Shahadat Hadhrat Muslim (A.S) JJJ Eid ul Hajj J Wiladat Imam Naqi (A.S) JJJ Eid ul Ghadeer Shahadat Sons of H.Muslim (A.S)

25th Shawwal 11th Zilkaad 29th Zilkaad 7th Zilhajj 9th Zilhajj 10th Zilhajj 15th Zilhajj 18th Zilhajj 22nd Zilhajj

Wed 5th Mar Fri 21st Mar Tues 8th Apr Tues 15th Apr Thurs 17th Apr Fri 18th Apr Wed 23rd Apr Sat 26th Apr Wed 30th Apr

All Dates Are Subject To Sighting Of The Moon

Islamic Unity Society Address: 15 Fountain Road London SW17 0HG

Telephone: Telephone:

(0171) (0171) 723-0247 723-0247 Email: Email: (0171) 0171) 582-6039 582-6039

Facsimile: Facsimile:

(0181) 4014 (0181) 482 767-5840

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