Jul - Aug 1997

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“And united their hearts; had you spent all that is in the earth, you could not have united their hearts, but Allah united them, surely He is Mighty, Wise” (8:63) Issue 6 : Volume 2. July/August 1997

IUS News



On behalf of the current committee of the IUS salaamu-Alaikum Brothers and Sisters, and its volunteers, I Inshallah this issue of the IUS newsletter reaches you in good health and would like to give a Iman after those exams we all have had to face. We hope that Muharram was truly warm and sincere as uplifting for you as it was for us. Indeed this year, many of the centres in welcome to the new London had excellent programmes arranged, with lectures from some of the members of the IUS.

best speakers around. Due to the tremendously successful publicity Extraordinary General Meeting - IUS held an Extraordinary General campaign during the Meeting on Saturday 12th June regarding its position as a Trust. There month of Muharram, our was a good turn-out of members and everyone enjoyed themselves. volunteers enrolled over 100 new members. There is a more detailed report on page 2.

IUS News ¶

Muharram Campaign - IUS representatives visited many of the centres in and around London during Muharram, meeting and discussing the issues of today with Ulema. They also made 100 new members along the way (Alhamdolillah!)

IUS National Day & AGM - The IUS will be holding a day of lectures, seminars, stalls and the Annual General Meeting on Saturday 27th September 1997. All members are cordially invited to attend and travel costs will be subsidised or refunded for members travelling from outside London. This event will give us a chance to meet you and hear your views, and will give you the chance to tell us what you would like out of IUS - you might even enjoy it! All members are requested to reserve this date. Further details will be appearing in the next issue of the IUS Newsletter. Syed Aoun Abbas Shamsi Editor

Contents in this issue of IUSN: IUS News / Welcome




Welcome / Report on the EGM


Death - The Inevitable, Part 3


Truth & Leadership at Kerbala


IUS Syria Trip 1997 / Pearls of Wisdom




What’s On Guide & Dates to Remember


Our membership currently stands at 320, with new applications arriving every day. We welcome you to read the newsletter and also remind you that we offer you a full range of services. The meetings in the first two terms of the academic year form the heart of the society’s activities. However, we realise that some members cannot attend. Our efforts in the library and bookshop have increased tremendously over the last months and (Continued on Page 2)



IUS Newsletter

(Continued from Page 1)

we are keen to provide you with any Islamic book you require. We also organise football throughout the summer, and will be providing indoor football in term time. Our first trip of the 1997/1998 academic year will be to Syria over Christmas (see p7). What with the Internet Home page, tutoring scheme for the younger people in our community about to be established, and the possibility of a 6 week summer trip abroad, there is a lot happening. At present there is a positive atmosphere in the society with many people joining in the activities we are currently running. We urge you not to miss out, and remember, if there is something that you think that we are not providing then let us know! Our next meeting is the AGM & ‘IUS National Day’ on Sat 27th Sept ‘97 we really hope to see you there!

Syed Zafar Naqvi Chairman

REPORT ON EGM Report of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 21st June ‘97 An EGM took place at Dar-al Hikma on 21st June with the aims of ratifying our constitution and approving the application of the IUS to the Charity Commission.

and how examples set by us should be like the examples set by the Ahlul- Bayt (pbut) during their lives.

Proceedings began after Asr Salat and the reasons for our application were discussed by the Chairman.

Also impressed upon the members was the essence of the society, something unique to this organisation - unity. Our belief has always been that unity between, Iranians, Arabs, Khojas, Pakistanis, Indians i.e. people of ALL ethnic backgrounds is the only way forward for our community to evolve and gain strength, it is only then we can all succeed.

It was agreed that becoming a charitable trust had advantages of improving the revenue the society was receiving, but also it would emphasize and send a message to the rest of our community that the IUS was a committed and ever evolving organization which was here to stay.

The speech was followed by dinner. And thus another landmark in the short 2 year history of the IUS was posted, and with the approval of the general members another important step in the development of the IUS was achieved. May this growth continue, Inshallah.

With this it was agreed that there were responsibilities which the committee, trustees, and members would have to shoulder; namely that of a belief in the IUS’s ideals, goals and a commitment by all to ensure IUS would develop and remain strong for years to come.

Syed Zafar Haider Naqvi (Chairman)

Nearly 50 people attended as the motions to ratify the constitution and approve the application were passed unanimously.

After lunch Br Hasan Bokhari gave an excellent and uplifting speech to the members with respect to the IUS development, it’s position and importance in the community, and it’s future potential. Emphasis was placed on our actions and behavior in society

Readers Article

IUS Newsletter

Truth and Leadership at Kerbala When considering the concept of truth in Islam, it is a point of wonder that people are distracted from it despite their good deeds. The Holy Qur’an has mentioned the nullification of virtuous deeds as Islam does not simply ask for ritual worship, but requires obedience and submission to Allah. Iblis worshipped Allah for thousands of years, but when the stage of affirming obedience to Allah arrived, he became rebellious. To guard the truth and take action when required is incumbent upon every Muslim. But to sacrifice one’s life for this purpose and welcome martyrdom is an act of such eminence and self-possession which is possible only with a closeness to Allah which defies the attractions of this life. This spirit has been demonstrated in many messengers of Allah, such as Prophets Isa, Zakariya and Yahya who have sacrificed their lives in defence of truth and righteousness. While these and other sacrifices were made by individuals acting alone, the tragedy of Kerbala comprised sacrifices which were made by a group of men, women and children, of whom the men laid down their lives after enduring untold hardships and the women and children were made to suffer unbearable atrocities and deprivations with the indignities attending captivity. Imam Husayn (A.S) knew that the time for action had arrived as he had been asked to take the oath of allegiance to the depraved caliph of the time. The Muslim Ummah had become diverted to such an extent that the deviation could not be remedied merely by means of speeches, preaching and writings, or by delivering religious sermons and discourses. And follow not the wishes of a people who have erred before, and led many others astray, and wandered away from the right path. Surah al-Ma‘idah, 5:77

It is clear from this verse of the Holy Qur’an how certain persons are excluded from leadership on account of their sins. The Holy Qur’an has laid great emphasis on the subject of leadership, including positive and negative references. A positive command relating to leadership is that Allah has decreed the obeying of the Holy Prophet (S) and the men of lawful authority side by side with the obeying of Allah: Believers, obey Allah, His Messenger and your qualified leaders. Surah an-Nisa, 4:59 As Imam Husayn (A.S) was the qualified leader of the time, he made it known that the grave corruption which had taken place in the Islamic Caliphate in the first instance and had then affected all social aspects of the Muslim society could not be rectified without earnest rising, selfsacrifice and martyrdom. The Holy Qur’an has paid special attention to the narration of the history of past nations and the stories of the Prophets and of those who opposed them. The object of such narration is for Muslims to consider and follow the factors for advancement of a nation and to shun the actions which have been the cause of the downfall, adversity, Divine punishment and extinction of nations. The very force of the movement of Imam Husayn (A.S) shows that it was not a material rising tainted by worldly or personal motives. The Imam rose to enjoin the people to do good and to restrain them from evil, to forestall corruption and sins, to strengthen the fear of Allah in their hearts and to draw their attention to Him so that the teachings provided by the Holy Qur’an may be put into practice by the Muslim Ummah.

Syeda Tatheer Zahra Shamsi Muharram al-Haraam 1418




IUS Newsletter

AS-SALAT Allah, the Exalted, said: “As-Salat is a timed ordinance for the believers” (Surat un-Nisa, 103) As-Salat is a daily worship, fixed in its time, and Rak’ats [units], during which a Muslim stands before Allah, the Glorified, five times every day, admitting his oneness, worshipping Him, involving His help, forgiveness and guidance. Therefore, the Salat is a means of purifying the soul from sin and disobedience, of reforming behaviour, and of teaching man to do good, and to avoid evil deeds. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) described the Salat as to be like the water that purifies man from Najasat and filth.

“Recite that which has been revealed to you of the Book and perform the Salat, as indeed, the Salat forbids abomination and evil, and certainly the remembrance of Allah is [even] greater, and Allah knows what you do”. (Surat ul-Ankabut, 45) Thus, the Salat enjoins the right and forbids the wrong. It teaches us to love Allah, and wish good for the people. When the Musalli [the one who is performing the Salat] raises his hands in invocation, for example, during the Salat, and says:

In the darkness before dawn, seek the shining face of Allah, the Exalted.

“If there is a river running at the foot of one’s house, and he uses it to wash his body five times every day, would there remain any dirt on his body?” They said “No.” He said, “So the Salat is like a running river, When you perform a Salat, your sins, which you might have committed between this Salat and the one before, would be washed off” When a man performs his Salat, standing before Allah, the Glorified, reciting Surat al Fatihah in praise of Allah, glorifying Him, asking Him for guidance and righteousness, renouncing those who have gone astray and those who have incurred upon themselves the wrath of Allah, he is actually educating himself. Thus making himself accustomed to righteousness, loving good and staying away from evil and evil doers. Therefore, Allah, the Exalted says:

“O our Lord! Forgive me, my parents and the believers, on the Day of Judgement”,

he actually invokes goodness for himself, his parents and his fellow-believers. The Salat purifies the heart from arrogance and pride, When a Muslim bows in his Ruku’ and prostrates in his Sujud, as a sign of his submission to Allah, saying: “Subhana Rabbi al Azimi was Bihamih” in his Ruku’, and “Subhana Rabbi al A’la wa Bihamdih” in his Sujud, he is actually announcing his submission to Allah’s greatness. He is admitting man’s weakness before his Creator, renouncing pride and arrogance . He feels himself equal with his other brothers, because he submits and prostrates to Allah as they submit and prostrate to Him, and stands with them in a single row for the Salat.


IUS Newsletter

AS-SALAT Siddiqah, Fatima uz Zahra (AS) the daughter of the generous Messenger (SAW) had explained this point by saying: “He made the Salat [a means of] doing away with arrogance”. The Salat reforms the individual as well as the society. The love of goodness grows and developed in both, as well as the hatred of evil, injustice, pride and arrogance. It attaches people to Allah, so that they remember Him, do not forget His name, and His Oneness, obey Him in worship and servitude, deny the tyrants and renounce the lost and the wrongdoers. The Musalli does feel this when he recites, in his Salat Surat ul Hamd:

Allah, His Messenger and the believers renounce the one who neglects his Salat. The Hadith says: “Do not neglect the Salat deliberately, because the one who deliberately neglects it, will be renounced by the religion of Islam”. Therefore the Quran warns us: “So, woe to the Musallis who are unmindful of their Salat …” (Surat ul-Ma’un 4&5) It also speaks of those who neglect their Salat, their punishment is in Hell and the reason for their entering it as is stated in the Holy Quran:

“In the Name of Allah, The Beneficent, The Merciful. Whoever does not prepare for prayer All praise is due to Allah, before its time arrives is not honouring the Lord of the worlds, the “What has brought you it. Beneficent, the Merciful, to hell? They said: We the Master of the Day of were not of the Musallis” Judgement. You (alone) we worship and You (alone) we seek for help. Guide us to the right (Surat ul Muddaththir) 42 & 43) path, the path of those whom You have favoured, not (the path) of those whom Your The generous Messenger (SAW) said: wrath is brought down, nor of those who have gone astray” “Between Kufr [disbelief] and Iman [belief] is nothing but the negligence of the Salat” Similarly, the Messenger of Allah (SAW) explains the significance of Allah, and Hence the importance of the Salat, and its renounces those who do not perform the Salat, greatness in Islam, as it represents the identity saying: of the Muslim, distinguishing him from the disbeliever. “The one who belittles his Salat will not get my intercession” Extract from Manhaj ul-Fiqh il-Islami In another narrative we read: S.H. Al-Musawi



Readers Article

IUS Newsletter

DEATH THE INEVITABLE The final part of the series about life after death. Salman Farsi, the companion of the Holy Prophet (S) is asking a dead man about the process of dying.... Then an angel, very frightening, Munkar by name, came to me with a fiery club, and asked me: “Who is your Lord? Who are your Prophet and Imams? What is your religion?” I was so afraid that I became totally confused; my limbs were trembling; I could not understand what to reply. In that confusion, the Mercy of Allah supported me, and my heart became tranquil, and I replied: “Allah (His Power is Great) is my Lord; and Muhammad is my Prophet; and Ali bin Abi Talib is my Imam; and Islam is my religion; and the Qur’an is my Book; and Kaaba is my Quibla.”

is true, and Resurrection is true, and raising (of dead) is true, and flying of the books (in which deeds of a person are recorded) is true, and that the Hour (Day of Judgement) is sure to come, there is no doubt in it, and that Allah will raise all the dead who are in the grave.” Hearing these true answers, the angels said to me: “Sleep as a bride sleeps” (without worry); they opened a door of Paradise towards my head, and the breeze of Paradise came to me, and my grave (which previously looked like a prison) became a vast expanding place beyond my vision, and the whole place became a garden. O Salman, a man must remember his Lord at all times, and must spend his life in His obedience, because death is a sure thing and everyone will have to face all those things which I have told you.” Asbagh (r.a) said:

Then another Angel, who is called Nakir, interrogated me in the same manner about my beliefs. By the grace of Allah, I replied to his questions also and said: “I bear witness that there is no God except Allah, and Muhammad is His Messenger, and that Ali and his sinless progeny are proofs of Allah, and that Paradise is Haqq (a fact, truth) and the Fire (Hell) is true, and the Balance (of deeds) is true, and the Questioning of Munkar and Nakir in the grave

“When the voice stopped, Salman (r.a) told me to take him back home, there he lay on the ground and looking towards the heavens prayed to Allah, and left this world.” Extract from ‘Day of Judgement’ by Syed Akhtar Rizvi

So my friends, wake up to the reality of death. Stop and think for one moment about your Creator and about life in the Hereafter. The only thing guaranteed in life, is death.

What’s On...

IUS Newsletter


SYRIA Sun 21st Dec - Mon 29th Dec Approximately £350 all inclusive Ziarat Includes:

Tourist Attractions Includes:



Bibi Zainab Bibi Sakina Bibi Ruqayyah


Qassyrian Mountain Sham Gardens Ain Fija

Heathrow - Damascus (return) Accommodation & Travel in Syria Food and Refreshments Islamic camp including Seminars and Social activities Excursions to historic sites, places of interest and local markets For full details please contact IUS committee Limited Number of Places: Sisters places are now fully booked! Only ONE THIRD of Brothers places remain! (Open to IUS Members only) Reservations should be made NOW

FULL PAYMENT MUST BE MADE BY 1ST AUGUST 1997 Please note: This trip will be heavily subsidised and Inshallah we will try to keep the costs down to a minimum, but the above price is approximate as yet.

Pearls of Wisdom Discuss things with children with insight and argument, and with the middle-aged through reflection, and with old men by keeping silent. Imam Ali (A.S)


What's On... ¶

The yearly Arba’een Procession has been arranged to take place on Sunday 29th June, to start at 1:30pm with Salat, followed by various speeches in different languages. The procession should start from Marble Arch/Hyde Park Corner at around 2:30pm. Please contact the Committee for further details.

Inshallah the IUS Library will be receiving a very large donation of books from abroad. More information will be available by the next issue of the IUS newsletter. Watch this space!

Summer Football has now started on Sundays 12:30pm at Regents Park for IUS brothers. For more details contact Br Kamal on 0956 447 054.

Pentium P166 MMX Computers with multimedia from £799. Pentium computers from £450. For further details please contact Br Abd-Aezed on (0181) 551 1482.

Al-Noor Institute are holding lectures on Sunday 6th July at 6.00pm and on Friday 11th July at 8.00pm on ‘Kerbala and its Link to Prophet Muhammed (SAW)’ and ‘Islam in the Modern Perspective After Kerbala’ respectively at Fatemah Nursery, 53 Buckleigh Road, Streatham, SW16. For further details and information on upcoming events please call AlNoor Institute on (0181) 672 8701.

Alif International, 109 Kings Avenue, Watford, Herts, WD1 (01923 240 844) and Al-Hoda Bookshop, 76-78 Charing Cross Road, London, WC2H 0BB (0171 240 8381), are offering 20% and 10% discounts on their Islamic books respectively for IUS members. For further details please contact the Committee.

Dates to Remember


Demise of the Holy Prophet (SAW) Imam Ali Reza (A.S) Demise of Bibi Ma’sumah (A.S) Imam Hasan Askari (A.S)

28 29 4 8

Safar Safar Rabi-I Rabi-I

4th 5th 9th 13th

July July July July

Fri Sat Wed Sun

JJJEid JWiladat JWiladat JWiladat

Eid-e-Zahra Prophet Mohammed (SAW) Imam Jafar Sadiq (A.S) Imam Hasan Askari (A.S)

9 17 17 10

Rabi-I Rabi-I Rabi-I Rabi-II

14th 22rd 22rd 14th

July July July Aug

Mon Tues Tues Thur


Islamic Unity Society Address: 15 Fountain Road London SW17 0HG


(0171) 723-0247 Email: A.Hasan@cs.ucl.ac.uk (0171) 582-6039 ucecmha@ucl.ac.uk


(0181) 482 4014



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