Fall 2022
Volume 49 Number 2

Pedagogy, Methodology, and Policy
American Association of Teachers of German - Wisconsin 7
The National Network for Early Languare Learning - NNELL 7
The purpose of WAFLT shall be to promote, strengthen, and facilitate the teaching and life-long learning of world languages and cultures in schools and communities to meet the needs of our increasingly interdependent world.
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WAFLT Executive Board Contact Information 2
American Association of Teachers of French - Wisconsin
From Your Conference Program Co-Chairs
Linda Havas & Cathy Stresing
Wisconsin Association of Chinese Language Teachers
Wisconsin Latin Teachers Association 13 American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese 14
From Your President Dan Tess 3
DPI Updates and Resources
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Pam Delfosse 5
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Wisconsin Association of Teachers of Japanese 10
Table of Contents
Affiliate Organization Newsletters
2021-22 Contributor Lists 6
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WAFLT Mission:
DPI International Education/ World Languages Consultant Pamela pamela.delfosse@dpi.wi.govDelfosse
Melanie AshwaubenonLaseeHigh mlasee@ashwaubenonk12.orgSchool
State Chair
Lee KenoshaBelanger-GonzalesUnifiedSchool District lbelange@kusd.edu
Cathy Stresing Fond du Lac School District stresings@aol.com
Grants & Scholarships
AATSP-WI President
Julie BeloitHorvathMemorial High School
Summer PD Chair
Public Relations / Advocacy National Chair Pablo advocacy@waflt.orgMATCMuirhead
New Berlin West High orgjessica.santiago@nbexcellence.School
Jessica Santiago
Communications & Publications Chair
NNELL Representative
Fall Conference Program Committee Co-Chairs
Dan BrookfieldTess Central High School grants@waflt.org
Iva AcademiesMcLeanof Racine at Park High iva.mclean@rusd.orgSchool
Victoria OnalaskaCarterHigh carvi@onalaskaschools.comSchool
Magara UW-RiverMaedaFallsmagara.maeda@uwrf.edu
Jamie StatelineGurholtCommunity Foundation, Beloit/French Alliance, Milwaukee profdev@waflt.org
Danielle OconomowocChausseeHigh amber.little@stoughton.k12.wi.usStoughtonAmberchausseed@oasd.orgSchoolLittleHighSchool
Josh GreenLeGreveLakeSchool advertising@waflt.orgDistrict
WLTA President
The VOICE of WAFLT appears twice annually, in the spring and fall, with copy deadlines of January 1 and June 1. Manuscripts describing world language pedagogy as well as study and travel opportunities and experiences are always welcome, and, if accepted, generally will appear in the next issue. Submissions for publication should be saved as a Google document or Microsoft Word document and sent as an email attachment to voice@waflt.org. Any photos or graphics must be sent as separate attachments in a .jpg format.
MOPI Training Coordinator Jodi jziemann@berlin.k12.wi.usZiemann
HS Guests Subcommittee Chairs
WAFLT Executive Board & Contacts for Wisconsin Association For Language Teachers
Local Sub-CommitteeArrangements/Exhibits
Nate WauwatosaKolpin School kolpinna@wauwatosa.k12.wi.usDistrict
Victoria OnalaskaCarterHigh awards@waflt.orgSchool
Jessica King Fox Point-Bayside School District jking@foxbay.org
Linda FondCathyGreendaleHavasSchoolsStresingduLacSchool District program@waflt.org
Katy MiddletonDueppenHigh voice@waflt.orgSchool
Fond du Lac School presidentAATFWI@gmail.comDistrict
The VOICE of WAFLT Subcommittee Chair/Editor
OWL Vacant WACLT President
Linda linda.havas@greendaleschools.orgGreendaleHavasSchools
Treasurer Kellie treasurer@waflt.orgMuskegoVillalobosHighSchool
Language AATF-WIRepresentativesAssociationPresident
AATG-WI President
Member SubcommitteeServicesChair
Mentoring/Leadership Project
Professional Development Chair
Advertising Subcommittee Chair
Lauren webmaster@waflt.orgUniversityRosenofWisconsin
Joslyn BrookfieldHegelmeyerEastHigh School advocacy@waflt.org
Discover Languages Contest
WiATJ President
Cathy Stresing
President Dan BrookfieldTess Central High School president@waflt.org
Devin OnalaskaPettysHigh petde@onalaskaschools.comSchool
Yongyan yongyan.liu85@gmail.comMilwaukeeLiu
Finance Committee Chair
Brian OnalaskaWopatHigh wopbr@gmail.comSchool
Dan Tess
Dan Tess
us who select the canon for classroom consideration every semester are in constant search for both: grand themes and focused inquiry—the experience of which might just have some life following exams. In UbD language, we are pursuing essential questions and enduring Iunderstandings.can’tpursuethose EQ’s and EU’s without my WAFLT colleagues.
It has prosaic elements although it is almost 10,000 lines of poetry, and it is both art and propaganda. Those inherent contradictions allow for endless discussion. The author's rhetorical style and bias cannot be avoided, and students get a chance to study their own in addition to Vergil’s.
Vergil would be an ACTFL superior/ distinguished author which, in theory, has no business being a part of high school curriculum, but the poem absolutely needs to be one of the last things a senior gets a chance to read, translate, question, rehearse, memorize, despise, and enjoy. Most students only excerpt about 10% of the whole poem in Latin. But that 10% is so fascinating that one can use it as a springboard into some of the more ignored sections or keep on revisiting it in future readings.
Yet for all its grandiosity, the granular moments shine. Between Olympian discussions and prophecies about boundless empire, there are countless meditations on love, suffering, and virtue. Who is the more destructive monster: Rumor or one of the Furies? Can one control the fates? How do heroes sound and act? Vergil waxes
From Your President ...
ach spring, I have the unique opportunity of studying the Aeneid with my seniors. Some of them have been studying Latin since seventh grade, and it, of course, a nostalgic, joyous, and yet bittersweet conclusion (for most students) to their classics track. Some of them continue their studies in college, perhaps as a minor or a double major, but for many it’s the end of the via.
grandiose when needed and gets very small and perspicacious as he considers the workings of minds and Manyhearts.of
We are very much looking forward to our first in-person conference in three years. In previous evaluations, many teachers expressed how fatigued they had become with a purely virtual format. November will be the perfect opportunity to visit an abundance of topics—from the lacrimae rerum, the tears of our current situations, as Vergil put it, like injustice and war, to the sine qua non, the indispensable “I can” gears of our daily lessons. No matter what you’d like to discuss, the epic, the ephemeral, or both, WAFLT is here to support that forum for continual professional development.
Whether it’s a major event like Fall Conference or FLESFEST, or a casual roundtable like our Power Hour zooms, the opportunity to get together with colleagues helps me revisit my practice and continually interrogate what, how, and why we do what we do. Will I ever dispense with Vergil and pursue another author? It’s hard to imagine, but I’d love to hear a colleague convince me to try another source.
As the state language teachers' association, WAFLT values inclusion, compassion, open-mindedness, unity, peace, and hope in our increasingly interdependent world. So much of our work is predicated on our commitment to these values. We stand united with our BIPOC colleagues and students as we continue to work together to achieve a global society that ensures equity and justice for everyone. We see you. We support you. We stand with you.
WAFLT Statement on Equity and Inclusion

Thursday Pre-Conference Workshop: Jill Woerner, Director of Education for AFS-USA, hosts an interactive workshop entitled Empowering Gen Z: Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals as Your Anchor for Learning. Join Jill to build and expand units around the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets! Participants will engage in an exploration of resources to actually make the SDGs tangible anchors, thus ensuring that global competence and community engagement are ingrained in every unit in alignment with the revised Wisconsin Standards for World Languages
WAFLT 2022 Fall Conference
We encourage you to share this document with your colleagues who are new to the profession and/or your building, as well as those who may not be WAFLT Wemembers.alsoencourage
Hilton Appleton Paper Valley, Appleton, WI
We are thrilled to return to our first in-person conference since 2019 and invite you to experience it with us! We are excited to offer you a wide variety of engaging professional development opportunities as we reflect on our practice and Level Up: Embracing Change, Empowering Learners. Along with your colleagues, explore the myriad of approaches to support our students’ quest for improved proficiency.
Friday Morning Workshops – We are again featuring a range of interactive workshops encompassing a variety of topics. Consult the WAFLT Pre-Conference bulletin for more information. Back this year is the High School Student Workshop to bring our future colleagues along for the ride!
Friday and Saturday One-Hour Sessions – This year’s conference includes an abundance of learning opportunities across languages, levels, and areas of focus
you to renew your WAFLT membership online at waflt.org. WAFLT members receive many benefits throughout the year, such as reduced registration fees for the Fall Conference and FLESFEST as well as the opportunity to apply for grants and scholarships, and participate in other professional development opportunities throughout the year.
We hope you will join us for the energy, professional development, and collegiality of the 2022 WAFLT Fall Conference!
Friday Morning Poster Sessions – Back by popular demand, colleagues will share their research and projects with attendees via Electronic Poster Sessions that will be presented in the exhibit hall on Friday morning.
Level Up: Embracing Change, Empowering Learners
Here are a few key highlights of our conference in Appleton from November 3-5, 2022.
The best way to register for the conference is online. You must have a current email address and create a login on the WAFLT website (waflt.org). As you register, be sure to carefully read instructions and note the sessions that require an additional fee. Remember to register early and check deadlines for the conference and hotel reservations. For the latter, contact the Hilton Appleton Paper Valley directly.
Friday Afternoon Awards and Keynote Event – Join us to celebrate our colleagues at our annual awards ceremony, and then stay to enjoy a slate of speakers in Wisconsin Voices, a TED talk-style presentation featuring educators from around the state sharing their perspectives on leveling up, embracing change, and empowering learners!
November 3-5, 2022
Linda Havas & Cathy Stresing WAFLT Program Co-chairs program@waflt.org
To join the listserv, send a blank email pamand,WisynewContacmplanningcpartlanguagesrectojoiningBiliteracparticMemgov[to:Join-languageleadership@lists.dpi.wi.]andreplytotheconfirmationail.oreWisconsinschooldistrictsareipatinginourstate’sSealofyprogram.Pleaseconsiderustoimproveequityinaccessthispre-collegecredentialognizingstudentsforproficiencyininadditiontoEnglish.Beaofthisnationalmovementtoelebrateandvaluemultilingualism.Aguideandapplicationaterialsareavailableheretmeanytimetosharewhat’sandwhat’sneeded.Knowthatouareseen,heard,andvalued.consinisworld-languagestronginWAFLT,weallbelong!ela.delfosse@dpi.wi.gov
World language educators across the state continue to make progress implementing the 2019 Wisconsin Standards for World Languages. New resources are available to support standards and proficiency-based planning. These planning and professional learning resources include a revised template for unit planning, sample units, and videos
by Pam Delfosse, DPI World Languages & Global Education
t is so exciting to be preparing to come together as a professional community, in person, for the WAFLT Fall Conference this year! Let’s bring our stories, our struggles, and our successes to share. Let’s be open to learning from each other, and willing to lean on one another, to improve our practice and our
highlighting practices for engaged and equitable learning. I learned so much from the design team who created these resources with all of you in mind. We value your feedback. Visit the DPI World Language Education website to access and engage with these new resources here
Virtual collaboration throughout the global health pandemic highlighted the value of time to learn with and from others. In that spirit, I have scheduled three professional practice, peer consultancy sessions from 4:00–5:15 p.m. on the 3rd Tuesday of September, December, and March. Zoom links for each session will be posted on the World Language and Global Education Google Site and also sent to DPI’s languageleadership listserv two weeks prior to each session.
SubmModelsit WISEdata related inquiries
Department of Public Instruction has enhanced its process for collecting data on world language education programs. This data will help us better understand the learners, languages, and learning experiences represented within Wisconsin’s world language landscape.
More detailed and accurate data can help us improve policies and practices for equitable and effective language learning. Please familiarize yourself with the working definitions for each program model, identify the programs within your school community, and help school and district colleagues who use WISEhome to submit world language and other program data to DPI.
We continue to make connections between language, intercultural and global learning, and school programs designed to prepare graduates who are workforce and world-ready. All of us are invited to reflect on how we introduce and connect language learners to community and career contexts for language use. Sample units and lessons are being collected and created as models for this work through DPI’s Careers in the Classroom project. Thanks to educators who have already contributed to this work! Please contact me to share more examples of how academic and career planning and world language learning intersect within your school community. I look forward to sharing more of what world language educators already do!
Pam Delfosse

World Language Education Program
DPI Updates and Resources
Donna L. Clementi
Kristy Albrecht
Danielle Chaussee Kelly
Bridget PeterDeborahGeboy-HelfensteinHoem-EsparzaHoff
Student Travel Scholarship Fund (Honoring O. Lynn Bolton)
Benefactor ($50-99)
Paul Sandrock
Benefactor ($50-99)
Sponsor ($25-49)
Anne Chartier (in memory of Jim Oakley)
Sponsor ($25-49)
Anne Chartier (in memory of Jim Oakley)
Justin DeborahGerlach&Juvencio Esparza
Anne Chartier (in memory of Jim Oakley)
Donna L. Clementi
General Endowment Fund
Deborah Hoem-Esparza
Paul & Nuria Hoff
Peter KarenHoffLuond Fowdy
Contributor ($1-24)
Professional Development Scholarship Fund (Honoring Dr. Roma Hoff, Dr. Connie Knop & Dr. Irène Kraemer)
Sponsor ($25-49)
Contributor ($1-24)
Karen Ralston
Linguiphile ($100+)
Anita Alkhas Kelly DeanaKelsiePabloKatelynnFergusonJensenMuirheadPattilloZorko
Anita Alkhas Kelly DeanaCathyKelsiPabloKatelynnFergusonJensenMuirheadPattilloStresingZorko
Ryan & Sarah Scott
Please consider contributing to one or more of these funds for 2022-23. You can do this online at waflt.org – log into your online account, and click “Endowment Contributions” on the top of the page to make your contribution, or mail your check to P.O. Box 1493, Appleton, WI 54912, noting to which fund(s) you would like your donation assigned.
Linguiphile ($100+)
Justin Gerlach
Benefactor ($50-99)
Lynn Sessler Neitzel
Patrick T. Raven CSCTFL Professional Development Scholarship
Sy MichelleKreileinNielsen
Contributor ($1-24)
Your Contributions Are Appreciated!
WAFLT thanks the following individuals for their contributions in 2021–22.
Thank You, Contributors!
Dan & Barb Rank
Mary & Wayne Novak Susan Otto
Melissa Dalton Justin Gerlach
Central States East Regional Representative to NNELL Kathy Wisconsinkathyolsonstudler@gmail.comMinnesotaOlson-StudlerWebsite:wi-nell.orgNationalWebsite:nnell.org
Jeffery OregonDyerHigh jmd3@oregonsd.netSchool
November 3-5, 2022 | Information: waflt.org
Join Your Language Association: Go to waflt.org/about-waflt/language-associations for a list of all organizations. Reach out to learn how to join their listserv.

March 9-11, 2023, Columbus, OH | Information: csctfl.org
Wisconsin Representative to NNELL Jessica King
Vice President Derek SlingerSchaeferHighSchoolderek.schaefer@slingerschools.org
President Melanie AshwaubenonLaseeHigh mlasee@ashwaubenonk12.orgSchool
Fox Point-Bayside School District jking@foxbay.org
Professional Development Opportunities
Past President
Join a Language Leadership Listserv: join-languageleadership@lists.dpi.wi.gov
Carley Goodkind Jody Schneider
American Association of Teachers of German – Wisconsin
Wisconsin Association For Language Teachers (WAFLT) Fall Conference
Secretary Sarah Seidler-Halwas Ripon High seidlers@ripon.k12.wi.usSchool
Central States Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages
November 18-20, 2022, Boston, MA | Information: actfl.org
Treasurer David couryd@uwgb.eduUW-GreenCouryBay
February 25, 2023 | Information: wi-nell.org
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Conference
Yongyan Liu yMilwaukeeongyan.liu85@gmail.com
Wisconsin Association of Chinese Language Teachers

On April 23, 2022, the 19 th annual Wisconsin Chinese language speech contest was successfully conducted through Zoom. This was the third online speech contest since 2020.
rubric includes four aspects: content, fluency, pronunciation, and stage performance. The judges and observers were highly impressed with contestants’ performances. The final awards and certificates were delivered to the contestants’ teachers a week later.
Middleton Cross Plains Area School District ywu@mcpasd.k12.wi.us
Treasurer Remya Sarma-Traynor UW-Stevens Point rsarmtr@uwsp.edu
022 Chinese Speech Contest Report

The WACLT board would like to thank all the participants (students and teachers) in the 19th annual Chinese speech contest. We especially appreciate the support and encouragement from the Language Resource Center at UW-Milwaukee, and the online newspaper Milwaukee Chinese Time. They both provided sponsorship to this year’s speech contest. Check out the article in the Milwaukee Chinese Time by scanning the QR code below. We look forward to the in-person contest next year.
The WACLT board continued the monthly sharing event for fellow Wisconsin Chinese teachers. The TCI guru Haiyun Lu shared her new book series, Not Easy To Be a Child. She demonstrated in great detail the planning, teaching materials, class activities, and assessments of one of the series. The participating teachers raised many questions and were encouraged by Lu laoshi’s new guided series
Yuzhou Wu
Yuzhou Wu
The opening ceremony of the event was a series of pre-recorded students’ performances by Wisconsin Chinese students and teachers. The showcase included a Chinese traditional instrument Guzheng performance, group Taiji forms, group singing of a Chinese song written by students themselves, and traditional Chinese dress dance, etc
Encouraged by a larger number of virtual participants last year, the WACLT board decided to extend the online format for one more year. This year’s contest welcomed 90 Chinese language learners ranging from pre-K to over 60 years old. Many family members, teachers, and friends of the participants showed up on Zoom to support the event.
The contestants were grouped based on their age and language proficiency level. Each group selected gold, silver, and bronze medal winners The speech
WACLT Monthly Sharing Event Highlights – February 2022
As you know, during the school year a plethora of “things” can come up. I invite you to reach out to AATF and me PresidentAATFwi@gmail.com if you would like me to put out a message to members. Please let me know if there are any announcements you would like shared, have questions that I can answer or have ideas that we can collaborate on. I look forward to sharing information about future workshops, graduate credit opportunities, and teaching resources, as well as working with all of you.
Fond du Lac School District presidentAATFWI@gmail.com
Brian OnalaskaWopatHigh treasurerAATFWI@gmail.comSchool
Cathy Stresing
Kara WausauTorkelsonWestHigh pastpresidentAATFLWI@gmail.comSchool
Concours Oral concoursoralAATFWI@gmail.com
AATF Regional Representative Tom tsapp@loy.orgSapp
AATF-WI website: aatfwi.org
Join us on Facebook: AATF-Wisconsin
AATF website: frenchteachers.org

Past President
American Association of French Teachers-Wisconsin Chapter
On an exciting note, we are pleased to present two outstanding French teacher candidates for WAFLT president elect. Andrea BEHN and Brian WOPAT will be running, and we wish them both the best of luck. We are certain that either one will represent AATF and will successfully fulfill the responsibilities that this position holds. We encourage you all to vote as the time approaches.
Cathy Stresing
Saturday morning where we will give an update on our events and budget. As always, door prizes will be drawn. You are also invited to join us for our “share fair” Friday afternoon. This is an opportunity for all French teachers to give and get ideas, plans, and activities and to provide support to each other and each other’s programs. Hoping to see you there!
Les dernières nouvelles de AATF-WI!
Andrew presidentelectAATFWI@gmail.comIrving
Don’t forget you can always write an article for The Voice (the publication you’re reading now)!
ATF successfully held its second Concours Oral virtually this spring. We had a record number of participants including students in Singapore. There were 27 teachers who facilitated the participation of 240 students from 23 different schools. 44 judges filled out 720 forms and awarded 223 gold medals and 17 silver. For the last three years, M. Brian WOPAT has been artfully organizing our concours and making sure that all students had a successful experience. Brian has decided to hand over the reins this year. The new coordinator of our Concours Oral is Mme Lorraine POPLASKI. Lorraine is a French teacher from Green Bay, and we are thrilled to welcome her on board, grateful that she has decided to take on this AATF-WIrolewould like to encourage you to attend the WAFLT Fall Conference November 3-5. AATF will be conducting its yearly meeting on
—included:Hannah N., Mark W., and Dalton W. (Level 1)
Kudos! Japanese National Honor Society (JNHS) award recipients!
Magara Maeda
Madison Country Day School pbreun@madisoncountryday.org
WiATJ Facebook: facebook.com/wiatj
Madison Country Day School teams took 1st & 2nd place in the Level 4.
WAFLT Fall Conference 2022
2022 Virtual Minnesota J-Quiz, Saturday, 2/12/2022
Tracy Leemon, Eli Nahkla, and Alice Shock at UWRF were inducted into the College Chapter of the JNHS in April, 2022. Recipients must have completed five semesters of Japanese language study, earned a GPA of 3.5 or higher in the language classes, hold an overall GPA of 3.0, and be nominated by an instructor. They were UWRF Maeda sensei’s students and graduated this past spring.
Teams from three Wisconsin high schools participated. Congratulations, Stone sensei (Denmark High School), and Patty sensei (Madison Country Day School). The Denmark teams

Treasurer Yu WisKitamuraconsinVirtual School
President Ex-officio Takako Nakakubo
Alice Shock
Membership Information: aatj.org/membership WiATJ website: wisconsinatj.wordpress.com
9th Annual Speech & Recitation Contest on Zoom by UW-Milwaukee Japanese program, 3/4/2022.
Wisconsin Association of Teachers of Japanese

Shinji tak(414)UW-MTakahashiilwaukee229-5650ahash@uwm.edu
— Samantha S., and Makenzie P. (Level 3), and — Brook B., Leah P., and Victoria S. (Level 3) — Hannah, Mark, and Dalton’s team took third place in the Level 1.
Patricia Breun
elcome back to the 2022-2023 school year! I hope everyone had a relaxing and rejuvenating summer and it is off to a good start whether your mode of instruction is face-to-face, online, or anything in between.
Activities Director
Secretary/Web Page Editor
Eli Nahkla
Yuko k(414)UW-MKojima-Wertilwaukee229-5650ojima@uwm.edu
36th Annual Japanese Language Speech Contest (2022), Consulate General of Chicago, 3/26/2022.

News Across Wisconsin
The 2022 WAFLT Fall Conference will be held November 3-5 and this will be a fully in-person event. This year's conference theme is Level Up: Embracing Change, Empowering Learners
UW-River Falls (715) 425-3121 magara.maeda@uwrf.edu
Maeda sensei (UW-RF) and Kojima Wert sensei participated in the AP Japanese Language & Culture reading and scoring of the exam. This is Kojima sensei’s first time and Maeda sensei’s third time doing this. This is a great professional development opportunity for high school and post secondary language educators. For those interested in becoming an AP reader, please visit the Becoming an AP Reader. For more information, please visit AP Japanese Language & Culture AP Japanese Language & Culture and Exam Description (PDF) is particularly very useful and important.
Japanese Professional Night by Avello
Kudos! Global Seal of Biliteracy recipients!
Bevan Breau (UW-La Crosse) and Matthew Albee (UW-RF) received the Global Seal of Biliteracy in Japanese/ English. Bevan took four semesters and Matt took two semesters of Maeda sensei’s Japanese language course and reached a level of Intermediatemid-proficiency on the STAMP 4s test by Avant. This is CLP’s (Collaborative Language Program) first time piloting the STAMP test for the second and the fourth semester language students in the program
2022 Virtual Annual Spring Conference (March 17-19, 2022)
During the last meeting of the training on July 30, 2022, Maeda sensei and Patty sensei reported how their action plan, “High school and university Japanese program collaboration” was implemented.
AP Japanese Language & Culture Reading (June, 2022), Cincinnati, OH
Members Activities Update
— Maeda sensei (UW-RF) co-presented with Sanae Jennings sensei from East Los Angeles Community College on “Onigiri Action, so what!?: Zero beginner Japanese learning community enrichment through Onigiri Actioat.” This presentation was the part of the pedagogy panel (Curriculum/Course Design and Implementation) titled “Dream Collaboration Between Table For Two USA (TFT) and University Japanese Classroom: A Pathway to Global Citizenship.”
Peace for Ukraine Collaboration Project
#EdamameChamp Workshop (April, M2022)aeda
Magara Maeda’s university Japanese language classes and Mrs. Patty Breun’s high school Japanese language classes at Madison Country Day School collaborated and started a “Peace for Ukraine” campaign on Padlet. Students learned about Hiroshima peace tourism, the horror of the Atomic bomb, and Sadako & 1000 paper cranes. They made paper cranes and posted the image along with their short message for peace. The Padlet site was shared with one of the independent media in Ukraine.
This collaboration is part of Maeda sensei and Patty sensei’s action plan for the year-long AATJ/JFLA Advanced Leadership Training
— Hanai sensei and Emori sensei (UW-Oshkosh) presented on “How to make the most of rapid development of one-to-one technology environment: New implementation model at elementary levels.”
The past two events were online due to Covid, but this time I was able to meet everyone in the long-awaited face-to-face, and the teachers were also excited!
sensei’s students from UW-RF, UWSP, and UW-L participated #EdamameChamp Workshop by Table For Two. We learned about soy-related food in Japan and enjoyed the chopsticks game and making inarizushi.

Magara Maeda

If you or your institution has any news, held any events, or received any awards, please share them with us so we can include them here in future newsletters. We would love to hear from you.

for both WLTA and WJCL events as the school year starts, and we’ll see you at the Fall Conference in November!
We might still need the panem et circenses of program peripherals to sustain interest in our classes, but those types of auxiliary activities might be the perfect door to welcome more people to explore our shared Keephumanityaneye
The perennial angst around enrollment reveals a more fundamental issue than numbers. We have a cultural problem of superficiality and a moral problem of values. In a world that wants workers, we also need to convince students, parents, and the businesses which they eventually work for or create, that what they need are amazing human beings. There are ample anecdotal articles attesting to employers seeking quality of candidate over a specific skill.
Michelle Bayouth
be a great teacher as well as a decent advertiser. This also might have seemed like an easy thing during practicum and student teaching, but making sure the courses we teach have advertisable appeal might become shifted to the back-burner when work load already pushes the boundaries of what’s doable within a reasonable schedule.
The obstacles faced could be primarily due to ignorance, which includes not knowing colleagues, principals, and guidance counselors. With most of the adults in students’ lives mesmerized by STEM or off campus internship opportunities, the best avenue left for persuasion is the direct one, the students themselves. Our current students realize the value in their language study and they attract new recruits. Friends, siblings, and peers reach out to friends, siblings, and peers to the extent that they are willing. Clubs and trips help energize the mustering process. It takes a lot of effort since good teaching and good curriculum are not sufficient. One must
Treasurer Daniel Tess Brookfield Central High School tessdanielp@gmail.com
Latin, and we would argue all language learning, is uniquely situated to explore humanitas. Not only do we frontload communication but we also explore deep questions of how we view the world and how something which perhaps initially seems foreign to us can become our own.
Nate Kolpin
Wisconsin Latin Teachers Association
Madison West HS mbayouthicloud@gmail.com
President Nate WauwatosKolpina
very year, come January, a state of anxiety until March or April (or May, this year!) surfaces. Departments find out the enrollment numbers and FTE allocations for the next school year. Most of our programs rely on enrollment numbers, and most of the time the responsibility for attracting new students is placed on the teachers. This is the sort of topic not dealt with perhaps if one’s school has mandatory language requirements, but for many of us, what used to energize us in our methods classes (how can we sustain an amazing program!) becomes something of a burden if fickle fortune deals us a low-request section for the following year.
School District kolpinna@wauwatosa.k12.wi.us
Mark Krause krausemg1@gmail.com
Magistra Caledonica had sustained a healthy program at Madison West with healthy enrollment numbers. She fostered a real community. And still, Latin was targeted for excision from Madison West due to administrative budgeting decisions. For all who wrote support letters and worked to persuade board members to consider an alternative, no thanks could ever be enough, and your efforts are valued by the parents and students who are still striving to have their voices heard.
—10 student winners received $100 scholarshipsNationalPoster
n 2023 we’re looking to fill this leadership position:
Please consider joining, sharing information about AATSP-WI with your fellow Portuguese Teacher colleagues/contacts, or emailing Jessica Santiago, jessica.santiago@ nbexcellence.org, with any contact information so she can reach out to them. Muita obrigada!

—Look for a new book selection at the WAFLT Fall Conference (and win a copy of the book in our raffle!)
JEDI Virtual School k.m.stenlund@gmail.com
Concurso Oral Coordinator
Oral: We had 268 students participate; the contest was virtual with a two-week window to submit a recorded Flipgrid; we plan to continue the Concurso Oral virtually.
Green Lake School District joshlegreve@gmail.com
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica Coordinator — Responsibilities include keeping a database of the members of the chapter. They advocate for teachers to implement chapters of SHH. They serve as a resource for chapter sponsors in the state of Wisconsin.
President Jessica Santiago
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
Nominate your colleagues! Please email Jessica Santiago, jessica.santiago@nbexcellence.org, if you are interested in joining our Board or with any nominations by October 15, 2022. Voting will take place at the AATSP-WI Networking Session during the WAFLT 2022 Fall Conference.
NSE Coordinator
Are you a Portuguese Teacher? Do you know someone who is? We are seeking greater REPRESENTATIOPORTUGUESENinAATSP-WI!
Josh LeGreve
—Email Alix Madden, maddeale@pittsville.k12.wi.us, for more information about joining the bookConcclub.urso
Nicole Thompson School District of New Berlin ncnicole.thompson@nbexcellee.org
Join us on Facebook: herstinyurl.com/AATSP-WITeac
Bridget Geboy Helfenstein School District of West Allis-West gebob@Milwaukeewawmsd.org
¡Un gran saludo de AATSP-WI! / Saudações a todos do AATSP-WI!
Victoria Carter
Secretary Alix PittsMaddenvilleSchool District maddeale@pittsville.k12.wi.us
Past President
Onalaska High School carvi@onalaskaschools.com
Achievements of 2021-2022 School Year
Pacelli Catholic High School, Stevens Point ccabello@spacs.k12.wi.us
—This year celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the National Poster Contest, with a theme of Valuing Our Roots and Building Our Future
New Berlin West High School jessica.santiago@nbexcellence.org
Barb Olsen
The “P” of AATSP-WI
Contest winners from Wisconsin: First Place 2nd-3rd grade: Tavish M.; and Third Place 4th grade: Zora —State-levS.el winning posters can be viewed on our AATSP-WI website
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Kettle Morraine High School barbara.olsen@kmlhs.org
¡Hola / Olá!
President Elect
Catalina Cabello
Kathy Varda
We have 155 registered members forNEW!2022.Members are invited to participate in a BOOK CLUB. —The goal of the book club is to provide a community where AATSP members can read and discuss literature together, en español. It is in no way a formal club, so feel free to join us for this novel, and skip out on the next or vice-versa!
Upcoming events for the 2022-2023 school
Student participation in Concurso Oral speaking contest, Poster Contest, National Spanish/Portuguese Exam
Concurso Oral: Submissions will be virtual in 2023 with submissions date TBD (mid-February–early March, 2023). Please check for more details, registration information, and selections on our website
Become a new member and enjoy the benefits for your students’ achievement and your professional collaboration and support for just $45 here
Each year AATSP-WI recognizes a teacher throughout the state that has made an impact in the classroom and/or in our organization.
AATSP-WI Networking Meeting during the WAFLT Fall Confernece, November 3-5, 2022.
Look for updates and local information online @ wiaatsp.org.
The National Spanish Exam is no longer a state-level position; the exam is coordinated nationally, with results sent to individual teachers.
Nationalyear:Teach Spanish Week: 25–SaturdayhWeek[aatsp.org/page/NationalTeachSpanis]Sunday,September,October1,2022.
Sociedad Honoria Hispánica: Two students in Wisconsin won the Bertie Green Junior Travel Award to Puerto Rico this year:
Interested in supporting AATSP?
¡Todos a una! Todos por um!
Poster Contest: Do your students have artistic talent? Entries may be hand-drawn (K-12) or digital (9-12), with a 2023 theme and submission date TBD (early March 2023). The winner(s) of the state competition will be sent on to the national AATSP Poster Contest. See our website for information.
AATSP-WI Share Session during the WAFLT Fall Conference, November 3-5, 2022.
—Kate B. from Waunakee Community High School
Join us on our Facebook group: AATSP-WI Teachers
Nominate a Spanish/Portuguese Teacher for the AATSP-WI Distinguished Educator Award
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica: Interested in starting a chapter? Need support or suggestions for how to encourage student participation or service opportunities? Not sure how to arrange an induction ceremony? Contact Nicole Thompson, mThomSHH—Wenicole.thompson@nbexcellence.orgareseekingaCoordinatorforfor2023.EmailNicolepsonorJessicaSantiagofororeinformation.
Book Club: Continuous and casual - check our website and Facebook page, or email Alix Madden, maddeale@pittsville.k12.wi.us, for the joining link, book information, or book suggestions.
Membership benefits: Professional networking and collaboration with local and international teachers of Spanish and PortugueseProfessional learning and development opportunities
National Spanish Exam: Students discover individual proficiency compared to the rest of the country Winners earn gold/silver/bronze/ honorary distinction, and may qualify for scholarship to Concordia Language Village, International Travel, and College Scholarships 2023 test date is TBD (mid-April–early May). Register your students here.
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (10-12) or la Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad (1-8)
Annual conference with more than 200Studysessionsabroad scholarships, conference attendee travel stipends andWealthawardsofstudent awards, scholarships, travel opportunities
—Jesús H. from Arrowhead High School
Join AATSP-WI today!
Jessica Santiago
National Teach Portuguese Week: 30–Saturdayes[aatsp.org/page/NationalTeachPortugueWeek]Sunday,October,November5,2022.
—The nomination form will be available on our website and Facebook page at the end of August, will be due on October 1, 2022, and the winner to be announced during the networking meeting at WAFLT Fall Conference, 2022.

WAFLT Distinguished Language Educator Award: WAFLT's highest recognition, may be conferred annually on an individual of the language teaching profession who has demonstrated long-term achievement and service to WAFLT and to the profession locally, statewide, regionally, and/or nationally. Nomination Deadline: March 15
WAFLT Scholarship for Professional Development: Designed to help world language educators in Wisconsin improve their classroom teaching skills, this scholarship was established in 1995 to honor Professor Roma Hoff as she retired from the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. The fund was expanded to honor Professor Constance Knop who retired from the faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1996, and again in 2005 to honor the memory of Professor Irène Kraemer who served in many capacities at Carthage College. Nomination Deadline: April 15
WAFLT Student Travel Scholarship: Designed to help Wisconsin pre-collegiate world language students to participate in language and cultural immersion programs, this scholarship was established in 1999 to honor O. Lynn Bolton, a Spanish teacher in the West Allis West Milwaukee school district. Nomination Deadline: December 1
Donna Clementi Award for Excellence in World Language Programs: Recognizes one school and/or district that promotes language learning through quality programs
WAFLT Recognition of Merit: May be presented annually to individuals who have demonstrated excellence in teaching or who have made significant contributions to the language teaching profession. Nomination Deadline: February 15
WAFLT Excellence in Language Study Award: May be conferred on students who have demonstrated great achievement and progress in language study and who exhibit great potential for further achievement in the language. Students currently enrolled in a world language course offered at their school. Elementary, middle school, high school, and post-secondary students are eligible. Nomination Deadline: March 15
WAFLT Future Language Teacher Award: May be conferred annually on students in teacher-training programs who have shown exceptional promise and potential to become outstanding world language educators. Students currently enrolled in a teacher-training program are eligible. Nomination Deadline: April 1
Anthony J. Gradisnik Award: May be conferred on an individual or group especially from outside the world language teaching profession who shares Mr. Gradisnik's enthusiasm and advocacy for language education in such areas as international education, early language learning, and creative initiatives in language education. Nomination Deadline: March 15
Frank M. Grittner New Teacher Award: May be conferred annually on an individual new to the language teaching profession with one to three years experience who has demonstrated excellence in teaching and leadership in the promotion of language learning and international understanding; has given service to school, community, and state organizations; and has shown commitment to regional and national organizations. Nomination Deadline: March 15
WAFLT Honors in Language Study Award: May be conferred on students who have demonstrated outstanding achievement in and commitment to their school’s language programs. Students currently enrolled in the most advanced world language course offered at their school; high school and post-secondary students are eligible. Deadline: March 15
WAFLT Special Projects Grants: Designed to support research efforts, exchange initiatives, special programs, and projects that clearly demonstrate an ability to benefit a broad constituency of world language educators and students in Wisconsin. Deadlines: April 15 and November 15
WAFLT Scholarship for Tomorrow’s Teachers: Designed to offer financial assistance to attend the WAFLT Fall Conference for up to 20 college-level students preparing to become language teachers. Deadline: September 25
WAFLT Professional Service Award: May be presented annually to recent retirees who have served both the profession and their students in providing quality world language education. Recent retirees with a minimum of ten years’ experience as world language educators and who have been members of WAFLT a minimum of five years within the past ten years are eligible. Nomination Deadline: May 15
WAFLT Awards, Scholarships, and Grants: Details & Forms available @ waflt.org
WAFLT Central States Extension Workshop Grant: Designed to offer financial support for two WAFLT members to attend the Central States Extension Workshop each spring. Recipients of the grant are expected to work together to present a WAFLT Extension Workshop at the Fall Conference in Appleton. Deadline: December 15