Arts world club # 17

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Rowan Atkinson Ռոուեն Ատկինսոն ¶É˳íáð ÊÙµ³·Çð` èáµ»ðï سð·³ðÛ³Ý îÝûð»Ý` سðï³ ü³ðÙ³Ýáí³ Ð³Ù³Ï³ð·ã³ÛÇÝ ·ð³ß³ðáõÙ ¨ Ó¨³íáðáõÙ òáÕÇÝ» гðáõÃÛáõÝÛ³Ý (è¸, ØáëÏí³) Computer typing and design Coxine Harutunyan (Moscow) ÂÕóÏÇñ` ²ðïÛáÙ ¶¨áð·Û³Ý ( ÐÐ, ºð¨³Ý) Reporter Artyom Gevorgyan (Yerevan) ²Ùë³·ðÇ Ñð³ï³ð³ÏáõÃÛáõÝÁ Çð³Ï³Ý³ñíáõÙ ¿ Ñáí³Ý³íáð ϳ´Ù³Ï»ðåáõÃÛáõÝÝ»ðÇ ýÇݳÝë³Ï³Ý ³ç³ÏñáõÃÛ³Ùµ:

Rowan Atkinson Rowan Atkinson Comic actor and writer Rowan Atkinson starred on the TV series Not the Nine O'clock News and Blackadder. He is best known for his infamous

Synopsis English actor, comedian and screenwriter Rowan Atkinson was born on January 6, 1955. In 1979, Atkinson wrote for and starred in the BBC's Not the Nine O'clock News. His later landed a role on the television series Blackadder and subsequent spin-off TV specials. In 1990, he starred as his originally developed character Mr. Bean on the televison series of the same name. Mr. Bean was adapted for film in 1997, and received wide success. Background Comic actor and writer Rowan Sebastian Atkinson was born on January 6, 1955, in Newcastle upon Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England. Rowan Atkinson is most famous for his roles in classic sitcoms, including Blackadder and Mr. Bean. Atkinson studied at Newcastle University and Oxford University, and earned a master's degree in electrical engineering. He got his start performing sketches while studying at Oxford, first appearing in Oxford revues at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Soon, he was entertaining at several theater clubs

Rowan Atkinson and on comedy shows for BBC Radio 3. In 1979, Atkinson wrote for and starred in the BBC's Not the Nine O'clock News. In 1981, Atkinson became the youngest performer to have had a one-man show in the West End. Atkinson later appeared in theatrical productions like The Nerd (1984), The New Revue (1986) and The Sneeze (1988). He then landed parts on such television shows as Not the Nine O'Clock News (1979-82), Blackadder (1983-89) The Thin Blue Line (1995-96) and Mr. Bean (1990-95). The success of Blackadder spurred the creation of the TV specials Blackadder's Christmas Carol and Blackadder: The Cavalier Years—both of which aired in 1988. In 1990, Atkinson starred as his originally developed character Mr. Bean on the TV series of the same name. The successful comedy series was adapted for film in 1997. Atkinson reprised his famous Mr. Bean character in a comedy sketch at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Summer Olympic Games.

Rowan Atkinson Rowan Atkinson Rowan Atkinson is a celebrated comic actor and writer, who is best-known for his role as ‘Mr. Bean’ in the hit television series and two feature films of the same name. He is a man with a pliant face, who can alter his look from a complete buffoon to a snooty grandee in a matter of seconds. He learnt of his flair for comedy while attending Oxford University and since then, there has been no looking back. Apart from the rib-tickling ‘Mr. Bean’ comedy series, he has gripped audiences with his performance in ‘The Black Adder’. He is often lauded for his black humor and his knack for physical comedy. During his early years, he was introduced to future screenwriter, Richard Curtis, with whom he wrote and performed comedy lampoons at the Oxford Playhouse and later at the Edinburgh Fringe. This led to local popularity and a stint in the popular television comedy series, ‘Not the Nine O’ Clock News’, which he wrote and acted in. He made his motion picture debut with the James Bond thriller, ‘Never Say Never Again’ and went on to star in a number of films including ‘The Witches’, ‘Four Weddings and a Funeral’, ‘The Lion King’, ‘Bean, ‘Johnny English’ and ‘Keeping Mum’.

Rowan Atkinson Childhood & Early Life

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson 25 Interesting Things About Rowan Atkinson You May Not Know If

you are not sure who Rowan Atkinson is, it’s enough to say just one name – Mr. Bean! Born on 6 January 1955, Atkinson is famous for keeping his private life as private as possible but today was his 60th birthday, which is a great occasion to sniff out some interesting facts about this great English comedian. To learn something new about Rowan Atkinson alias Mr. Bean, check out these 25 little known facts.

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Rowan Atkinson

Ռոուեն Ատկինսոն Անգլիացի հայտնի կատակերգուն արմատներով հայ է

Համաշխարհային կինոյի պատմության մեջ քիչ չեն այն դերասանները, ովքեր «պատանդ» են դարձել իրենց խաղացած մեկ դերին։ Նրանցից մեկը Ռոուեն Ատկինսոնն է՝ համաշխարհային ճանաչում ձեռք բերած իր Միսթր Բինի կերպարով, թեեւ դերասանը խաղացել է նաեւ այլ դերեր։ Ծնվել է 1955 թվականին, հունվարի 6-ին Միացյալ Թագավորության Կոնսետ քաղաքում, ֆերմերի ընտանիքում։ Ունի երկու բարձրագույն կրթություն, ավարտել է Նյու Քասլի եւ Օքսֆորդի համալսարանները, ի դեպ մասնագիտությամբ ինժիներ է։ Ռոուեն Ատկինսոնը դերասանական կարիերան սկսել է 1978 թվականին, սկզբում որպես հաղորդավար, սցենարիստ եւ The Atkinson People ռադիոշոուի հիմնական դերասանը։ 1990 թվականին էկրան է բարձրանում «Միսթր Բին» հեռուստասերիալը, որը դերասանին համաշխարհային ճանաչում է բերում։

Ռոուեն Ատկինսոն

Ռոուեն Ատկինսոն

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