Dec 14

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Dec. 2014

I ss . 0 9

DOVW Coverage

Packed full of VW goodness to get you through the Holidays!

Vintage bits- Clocks

Wagensvi l l e2

Dec. 2014

Iss. 06

Pr esi dentLl oydDavi es :pr esi dent @vwcl ub. com. au Vi cePr esi dentRi char dGr aham :vi cepr esi dent @vwcl ub. com. au Secr et ar yLynDavi es :secr et ar y@vwcl ub. com. au Tr easur erMat tReynol ds :t r easur er @vwcl ub. com. au Edi t orJor danBevacqua :edi t or @vwcl ub. com. au WebMast erRi char dGr aham :webmast er @vwcl ub. com. au Cl ubHi st or i anChr i sScane p:0417593573 :hi st or i an@vwcl ub. com. au Techni calOf f i cerJohnGoodi son p:0394640366 :t echni cal @vwcl ub. com. au Member shi pSecr et ar yAndr ew Mengyl :member shi ps@vwcl ub. com. au Cl ubPl at eSchemeOf f i cer Andr ew Er mel p:0413355850 :chpl at es@vwcl ub. com. au Cr ui seandEvent sCoor di nat orChr i sJef f es :event s@vwcl ub. com. au Const i t ut i on&Associ at i onMat t er sJohnSt evens :const i t ut i on@vwcl ub. com. au

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 13. 14. 16. 18. 19. 20. 22. 23. 24. 25.

Cal endarofEvent s Upcomi ngEventDet ai l s Pr esi dent ’ sRepor t Vi cePr esi dent ’ sRepor t DOVW r epor t Met haneNew Beet l e Vol kswageni nF1 DOVW cent r ef ol ds DOVW Sponsor s Kennet tRi ver2015

Guer nsey

RACVawar ds Hi st or i an’ scor nerUKspeci al Recycl i ngt hef ut ur e Vi nt ageBi t s-Cl ocks Member shi pFor m

VWCVGener alMeet i ng-Fr i dayt he30t hofJanuar y Wi l l i amst ownSeawor ks,Pi r at esandPi zzas Seewebsi t eandFacebookpagef ordet ai l s

Mont hyCof f eeRun 17t hofJanuar y Headondownt oDakDakCaf ef or f ant ast i cf ood,cof f eeandcompany . Seeaddr ess bel ow

Unit2 1-3 Bignell Rd Moorabbin VIC 3189 Open 7am-3pm Mon-Sat Lunch from 11:00 weekdays Saturday is all day breakfast menu


President’s Report

Someofusgotal i t t l ewetatt heDayoft heVol kswagen, butwhatawonder f ulweekendi twas! TheSat ur daycaval cadeandcr ui seanddi spl ayspr ovedt obean i ncr edi bl ypopul areventwhi chst ar t edwi t hagr eatgat her i ngofpeopl e att hecaval cadedepar t ur epoi nti nEssendon. Wehadanal mostf aul t l ess( andspeedy)exi tont ot hef r eewayandby t het i mewegott ot heBol t eBr i dge,t hecar swer emor eorl essi nt i ght f or mat i on.Al t hought her ewer eaf ew hai r ymoment samongstt hel at er car swhensomecar si nf r ontst oppedsuddenl y ,al lwentwel lf oraf astt r i p t oWi l l i amst own,wher ewewer emetbyt hecar sanddr i ver sf r om t he cr ui sef r om Mul gr ave,andot hermember swhohadbeenbusyset t i ngupt hedi spl aysofhi st or i calar t ef act sand memor abi l i a. Vendor sf edandwat er edt hecr owdast heywander edar oundadmi r i ngt hecar sanddi spl ays. Wehi r edavi deocompanyt or ecor dt hi shi st or i ccl ubweekend.Dur i ngt hecaval cade,t her ewer esever alGoPr os at t achedt osel ect edvehi cl esandwemanagedt ogetsomegoodvi deof oot age.Aswel l ,ourcont r act edvi deo companyusedadr onecamer at or ecor dsomeaer i alshot sf r om t heBol t eBr i dge.AtWi l l i amst own,sever alpr oud carowner s wer ei nt er vi ewed aboutt hei rcar s,t hei rl ove ofVol kswagens and whatt he cl ub meantt ot hem. Vi deoi ngcont i nuedonSundayandwel ookf or war dt oseei ngal lt hef oot ageshotandhavi ngi tedi t edi nt oa col l ect i bl eDVDwhi chshoul dbeavai l abl ear oundEast er . Dur i ngSat ur dayaf t er noon,sever almember sandt r ader sheadedof ft oYar r aGl ent ost ar tset t i ngupf orSunday' s Show and Shi ne. A bar becue di nnerwas shar ed by al l ,wi t ht he occasi onalr ef r eshmentand l ot s ofl i vel y conver sat i on,bef or eweset t l eddowni nourcamper sf ort heni ght .Byt hi sst age,t her ai nhadseti n-seet he ar t i cl eont heDayoft heVol kswagenl at eri nt hi smag. Lat eNovembersaw agr oupofusheadf orAdel ai def ort heannualVol kswagenshow hel dbyt heVol kswagen Ent husi ast s'Cl ubofSout hAust r al i a,now hel deachyeari nabeaut i f ulset t i ngi nt heci t ycent r eont hebanksof t heTor r ens.TheSout hAust r al i ancl ubmakesusal lf eelver ywel comeeachyear .Weal socaughtupwi t hot her Vi ct or i ansf ordi nneront heSat ur dayni ghtatt hef unr est aur antThePi nkPi g.SeeAndr ew Er mel ' sar t i cl eont he Adel ai deweekendf ormor edet ai l s. AsIwr i t et hi s,wear eont heeveoft heCl ub' sChr i st masPar t y ,bei nghel dagai nt hi syearatt he' ManCave'i n El t ham.Wel ookf or war dt ogoodcompany ,goodf ood,andt heoppor t uni t yt opr esentt hePr oj ectBeet l et oi t s new owner .I tsoundsl i ket hecari sgoi ngt oagoodhome,t oamot or i ngent husi ast ,out si deGeel ong.Hesounds ver yexci t edaboutbei ngt hecust odi anoft hi sver yspeci alcar .AsmuchasIam sadt osaygoodbyet ot heBeet l e, I ' l lbegl adt onothavet owor r yf ur t herabouti tbei ngacci dent al l ydamagedwhi l ei nourcar e.Wear ef ul l yst ocked f oraKr anskyf est ,aswel lassausagesandchi ckenandAndr ew Er mel ' sf amousMexi canmar i nat edmeat .Thi s yeart her ewi l lal sobef r ui tmi ncepi esandchocol at esandPet erBr ut y' sKombicof f eemachi ne.AndSant ai s comi ngt oo! I ' dl i ket ot hankt hecommi t t ee,t heDayoft heVol kswagenGr oupandmanywi l l i ngvol unt eer sf ormaki ngt hi sour 60t hyearsover ysuccessf ulandenj oyabl e.I tal lst ar t edt woyear sagowi t ht hought sofr est or i ngaBeet l eand pl anni ngacaval cade.Ear l i ert hi syear ,i nourki t chenourhi st or i anChr i sScaneshar edhi si deasandwi t hhi s usualener gyandent husi asm,t hi shasr esul t edi naweal t hofhi st or i calar t i cl esi nt hemagazi ne,whi chyouhave al lenj oyed.Aspeci alt hankyout oChr i s.I tal sost ar t edwi t hMat tReynol dsf i ndi ngt heBeet l eoneBay ,t henso manymember senj oyi ngt hei ri nvol vementi naf ant ast i cpr oj ect .I twaswonder f ult oseet hel evelofi nvol vement i ncl udi ngnew member sandsomewhohadnotpr evi ousl ybeenver yact i ve. Asusual ,t heEr melf ami l ywent aboveandbeyondi nt hei rsuppor tf ort hepr oj ect .AndCyst i cFi br osi sAust r al i abenef i t edt ot heext entof$26, 250f r om t hi spr oj ect ! Thankyouf orsuppor t i ngt heCl ubt hi syearandIl ookf or war dt oyourf ur t heri nvol vementi n2015,wi t hsome exci t i ngchangesandact i vi t i est hatwi l lkeept heCl ubf r eshandi nnovat i ve.I fyouhavenotbeenact i vei nt he past ,maybe2015i st heyeart ogeti nvol ved. Mer r yChr i st masandHappyNew Yeart oyoual l . Ll oydDavi es Pr esi dent Wagensville 6

Vi cePr esi dent ’ sRepor t AChr i st mast r adi t i on. I fyouhaven’ tnot i cedyet ,Chr i st masi suponus. Thedecor at i onsar egoi ngup,t heshopsar eget t i ngmor e cr owdedt hanever ,andt heChr i st mascommer ci al s,er r r r gh! You’ l lal sof i ndyour sel fget t i ngnot i met odr i veyourbel oved VW whenr eal l yyoushoul dbedr i vi ngi tal otmor e. Youwi l lpr obabl ysee,ast hesungoesdown,t hatmany peopl eenj oydecor at i ngt hei rwhol ehousewi t hl i ght sandor nament sanddi spl ayi ngi t f ort hepubl i ct osee.Ther ear emanygr eatspot si nMel bour newher epeopl ewhoar e cr azi ert hanyouandI ,decor at et hei rhousest ot heext r eme.I ’ m sur emanyofyouhave spentsomet i mei nacardr i vi ngar oundt hesubur bsei t herwi t hMum andDad,or dr aggi ngyourownki dsoutt oseet hegr eatdi spl ayst hi st ownhast oof f er . Nowher e’ swher et heVW f i t si n.Takei tout . Takei toutandenj oyt hesi ght si nsomet hi ngyour eal l yenj oy .Loadupt hef ami l yand war m upt heol dbeast !Whatagr eatexcuset ogof oracr ui sear oundt own,under l i ght si nf r ontofcr owdsofpeopl e,r ol l i ngsl owl yandent er t ai ni ngt hef ami l yaswel l . Eachni ghtvi si tadi f f er entsubur bandcheckt hel ocalsceneout . Mywi f eandIusedt oheadouti nHer bi emanyyear sago.Wewoul dnor mal l yj oi na f ewot herVW coupl esandal lheadouti nourr espect i vevehi cl es.Aswewoul dpar k out si det hedecor at edhouse,wewoul dusual l yt akesomeoft heat t ent i onawayduet o t hel ooksoft hecar s.Buti twasal waysf unt odoandgaveusanexcuset odr i ve ar oundatni ghtwi t houtwaki ngever yoneupduet ot heai rcool edmot or s.Ihopet o cont i nuet hi sagai noncemyBeet l ei sbackont her oadbecausei t ’ sj ustnott hesame i nmyFor dFal con! Onbehal fofmysel fandt heVol kswagenCl ubcommi t t ee,Iwi shever yoneaMer r y Chr i st masandaHappyNewYear . Pl easedr i vesaf el yasDecemberi snotknownas agr eatmont hwheni tcomest odr i vi ngandcr ashes!Enj oyyourt i meof ft owor kon yourpr oj ect swhet hert heyar eneworexi st i ng. Ri char dGr aham Vi cePr esi dent

Dayoft heVol kswagen2014

Thi sbei ngt heCl ub' s60t hyear ,ourhi st or i an,Chr i sScaneandIt houghtweshoul ddo somet hi ng' outoft hebox' .Ourpr oposalwasputt ot hecommi t t eeandwasgi ven unani moussuppor t .Sopl anni nggotunder wayi n2013.Thet houghtwast hatwewoul d haveacaval cadeof60VWsheadi ngacr osst heci t ysomewher e.Wei nvest i gat edt heol d VW f act or yi nCl ayt onasapossi bl edest i nat i onanddi spl ay ,andt hi sl ookedpr omi si ngf or awhi l e. However ,i nsur anceconcer nsul t i mat el ymadet hi si mpr act i cal .Wet hen i nvest i gat edpossi bl edeal er shi pi nvol vement ,butunf or t unat el ymostdeal er shi pst r adeon Sat ur daymor ni ngs,whi chef f ect i vel yendedt hi sl i neofi nvest i gat i on.Ul t i mat el y ,wi t h some' t hi nkt anki ng'byt hecommi t t ees,wedeci dedt ot akecont r olofourowneventand ar r angedf ort hecaval cadet oassembl eatEssendonandt r avelvi at heBol t eandWest gat e br i dgest oWi l l i amst ownSeawor ks.Essendonwasal waysgoi ngt obeourdepar t ur epoi nt asi ti seasyt osl i pont ot heTul l amar i neFr eewayf r om t her ewi t houtt r af f i cl i ght s,andt he Bol t eBr i dgewasr at heri mpor t antasHenr yBol t epl ayedasi gni f i cantr ol ei nencour agi ng Vol kswagent osetupi nAust r al i a.Ah,t hedayswhenpol l i esact ual l ydi dsomet hi ng const r uct i ve!TheSat ur daycaval cadet ur nedoutt obeagr eatsuccess,wi t ht he caval cadef r om Essendonmeet i ngacr ui sef r om Mul gr aveatWi l l i amst owm,wher eal l si xt ycar swer eputondi spl ayi nsi det hemai nshed,ot hercar swer edi spl ayedout si de, andhi st or i calVW ar t ef act sandi t emsofi nt er est swer eal soondi spl ay .Thef eedback f r om t hi sdaywasover whel mi ngl yposi t i ve,wi t hmanycl ubmember scomment i ngt hatwe shoul ddosomet hi ngsi mi l ari nt hef ut ur e.

Wagensville 8

Unf or t unat el y ,ont heSat ur dayni ght ,t heheavensopenedandi tl i t er al l yr ai nedal lni ght .At6am SundayatYar r aGl en,t hedaywasnotl ooki ng pr omi si ng. Butwesol di er ed on r egar dl ess, hopi ngt hatt heweat herwoul dswi ngourway .Al t houghi tr ai nedmuchoft hemor ni ng,i twas nei t hercol dnorwi ndy ,socondi t i onswer er el at i vel ymanageabl eand,al t houghsl owl yatf i r st , peopl eandcar sar r i vedasusual .Whi l et hej udgesdi dgetweti nt hecour seoft hei rdut y ,and paper wor kdi dgetdamp,al lwentr el at i vel ywel l . Onei nnovat i ont hi syearwasengagi ngt he l ocalCFAt oassi stwi t hpar ki ng.TheCl ubmadeasi gni f i cantdonat i ont ot hi swor t hycauseand CFAper sonnelwer eencour agedt o' r at t l et hei rt i ns'ast heyassi st edwi t ht hepar ki ng.TheCFA benef i t t edt ot heext entof$1700ont heday .Byusi ngt heCFAwewer eabl et of r eeupourown vol unt eer st oassi stonot herar eas.Peopl eof t enaskwhywedonotconductext r aact i vi t i eson t heday ,butwear esi mpl yl i mi t edbyt hemanpoweravai l abl e. Over al lt hedaywasagr eatsuccessdespi t et heweat her ,andi tcul mi nat edi nt hedr awi ngoft he r af f l eat2pm byt heCEO ofCyst i cFi br osi sAust r al i a,Mi chel l eSki nner .Thel uckywi nnerwas RodBi r r el lf r om out si deofGeel ong. Whi l ehewasnotpr esentatt hedr aw,wewer eabl et o cont acthi m byphoneandhewasobvi ousl ydel i ght ed,i fatf i r stdi sbel i evi ng.Wewer edel i ght ed t hathei sal ocalandacarl over ,andt hatour' baby'wasbei ngf ost er edoutt oagoodhome. Fol l owi ng t hi s hi ghl i ghtwe wenton t ot he usualdr i ve t hr ough ofwi nner s and t r ophy pr esent at i on. Over al l ,t hef eedbackf ort hedaywasver yposi t i ve.Oneoft her easonsweuseYar r aGl eni st hat t her ei sal ar gecover edar eaandt hi spai dof fpar t i cul ar l yt hi syearwi t ht hei ncl ementweat her . We' dl oveyout oj oi nusnextyearasavol unt eer ,sopl easedocont actyourf avour i t ecommi t t ee memberi nt heNew Year .I ti saf undayandgetal otbacki nr et ur nf oryouref f or t s. I ' dper sonal l yl i ket ot hankal lt heusualsuspect swhohel pt i r el essl yyearaf t eryear .Iknow i t mi ghtsoundbor i ng,butt hi sshow woul dn' thappenwi t houtt hecommi t mentoft hesepeopl e, andofcour se,yout hepar t i ci pant s. Wel ookf or war dt obet t erweat hernextyear ,andt okeepi ngourshow get t i ngbi ggerandbet t er ever yyear . Ll oydDavi es

Met haneNewBeet l e

I twasr epor t edbacki nAugust2010t hatt hi sVol kswagenBeet l el i t er al l y‘ goesl i kesh* t of fa shovel ’af t eri tbecame Br i t ai n’ sf i r stvehi cl et or un r el i abl yon met hane gas pr oducedbyhumanexcr ement .TheBi of ueli smadef r om humanwast eatsewage wor ksacr osst heUK.Excr ementf l usheddownt het oi l et sofj ustsevent yhomesi s enough t o powert he pi oneer i ng carf or16, 000 kms – equi val entofone aver age mot or i ngyear .Thi sconver si ont echnol ogyhasbeenusedi nt hepastbutt heBi oBugi s Br i t ai n’ sf i r stcart or unonmet hanegaswi t houthavi ngi t sper f or mancehi nder edpr ovi ng how ver sat i l et hi s carcan be f oral t er nat i ve t echnol ogi es.The vehi cl e’ si mpr oved r el i abi l i t ymeanst hati t smaker sbel i evei tcan‘ bl owaway’ el ect r i ccar sandpavet heway f oragr eenmot or i ngr evol ut i on–f uel l edbyexcr ement . MohammedSaddi q,ofsust ai nabl eener gyf i r m GENeco,whi chdevel opedt hepr ot ot ype, pr omi sedt hent hatdr i ver s” won’ tknow t hedi f f er ence” .Hesai d:” Pr evi ousl yt hegas hasn’ tbeen cl ean enough t of uelmot orvehi cl es wi t houti taf f ect i ng per f or mance. However ,t hr oughusi ngt hel at estt echnol ogyourBi oBugdr i vesl i keanyconvent i onal carandwhat ’ smor ei tusessust ai nabl ef uel . . ” Att hemomentwear eusi ngwast ef l usheddownt het oi l et si nhomesbuti twon’ tbe l ongbef or et heener gywi l l al sobegener at edt hr ought het r eat mentoff oodwast e.I fyou wer et odr i vet hecaryouwoul dn’ tknowi twaspower edbybi ogasasi tper f or msj ustl i ke anyconvent i onalcar .I ti spr obabl yt hemostsust ai nabl ecarar ound. ”TheBi oBugi sa convent i onal2l i t r eVW Beet l econver t i bl e,whi chhasbeenmodi f i edt or unonbot h convent i onalf uelandcompr essedmet hanegas.Thecar ,whi chhasat opspeedof 114mph,i sst ar t edusi ngunl eadedpet r olbutaut omat i cal l yswi t chest omet hanewhen t heengi nei s” upt ot emper at ur e” .I ft hemet hanet ankr unsoutt heBi oBugr ever t sback t opet r ol-j ustl i keourdualf uelcar si nAust r al i awi t hLPG.

Wagensville 10

Ar ound18mi l l i oncubi cmet r esofbi ogasi spr oducedf r om humanwast eever yyearat WessexWat er ’ ssewaget r eat mentwor ksi nAvonmout h,Br i st ol .Thegasi sgener at ed t hr oughanaer obi cdi gest i on–wher ebugswhi char est ar vedofoxygenbr eakdown bi odegr adabl emat er i alt opr oducemet hane.However ,bef or et hegascanbeusedt o powervehi cl esi tmustunder go” bi ogasupgr adi ng”wher ecar bondi oxi dei sr emovedt o i mpr oveper f or mance.TheBi oBugdoes5. 3mi l espercubi cmet r eofbi ogas,whi ch meanst hatj ustonesewagewor kscoul dpower95, 400, 000mi l esperyearsavi ng19, 000t onnesofCO2. Weal l f eel t hati ti scont ent i ouswhenwebur nf ossi l f uel sanddr i vi ngVol kswagensi sno except i on!Theconceptofusi ngr enewabl eener gyhasbeenr ef i nedovermanyyear s andamet hanebeet l ei sagr eatwayt opubl i ci set hi st echnol ogy.Hopef ul l yt hewast e t echnol ogysci ent i st sandengi neer scangett hei ractt oget herandt api nt ot hi snever endi ngsour ceoff uelf orourcar st hati sf r i endl yt oourenvi r onment .I tshoul dbea cheaperf uelsour ceandhast hechal l enget oper suademot or i st st hatt hi si savi abl e al t er nat i ve. Your si nf ut ur eVWs, Chr i sScane

Wagensville 10

Thi sar t i cl eapear si nt hesecondedi t i onofVol kswagenAust r al i a’ s‘ New Hor i zons’magazi ne. I nt heNew Year ,t her ewi l lbeanar t i cl eont hebookl eti t sel f ,butf ornow,her e’ sat easer .

Vol kswageni nF1 Thi si sf arf r om t hef i r stt i mewe’ vehear dr umor sont hi st opi c,butt hi st i mer epor t sof aVol kswagenGr oupent r yi nt ot hewor l dofFor mul a1ar ecomi ngmor ef r equent l y ( and f r om mor er eput abl esour ces)t han everbef or e. BBC Spor t ’ sChi efF1wr i t er Andr ew Bensoni st hel at estt opoi ntt ot heVol kswagenGr oupent er i ngwhatmany consi dert obet het opt i erofMot or spor t ,basedonacombi nat i onofi nt er nalsour ces, monet ar yspecul at i onandr ecenthi r es. Ther ecentf ur yofspecul at i onwasi nnodoubtf uel edbyt hehi r i ngofexFer r ar iTeam Pr i nci palSt ef anoDomeni cal ibyAudi ,amovewhi cht hebr andcl ai msi sf orar ol ei n whi chhewi l lwor k“ar oundser vi ceandmobi l i t y . ” Bensoncl ai msi nhi scol umnt hat t hemovewasmor et oconductar evi ew oft hef easi bi l i t yofanAudient r yi nt oFor mul a 1-acl ai m echoedr ecent l ybyCAR’ sGeor gKacher . Per haps t he mosti nt er est i ng t i dbi tofBenson’ s ar t i cl e,i sj usthow much val ue a For mul a 1 ent r y hol ds f ort he Vol kswagen Gr oup. I ti s est i mat ed t hatt he gl obal adver t i si ngval ueofMer cedes’2014Champi onshi pseasont ot al ed$2. 8Bi l l i ondol l ar s ( £1. 8Bi l i on) . Thesameexper t speg t heval ueofVAG’ sspor t scarand t our i ng car campai gnsatj ust$30Mi l l i on( £19Mi l l i on) .Thesenumber sar eevenmor est agger i ng when you t ake i nt o accountt hatVol kswagen i nvest ed £254 Mi l l i on f orDTM and spor t scart oMer cedes’£103i nF1af t ersponsor shi psandpr i zemoney . Sowi l lVAG haveanent r yont hegr i di nt henextf ew year s? I tal lcomesdownt o Fer di nand Pi ech and Ber ni e Eccl est one,t wo peopl e who have admi t t edl y had a ‘ di f f i cul t ’r el at i onshi pi nt hepast .Bensonpoi nt st omanagementchangesatVAG as t hecat al ystf orFor mul a1ent r y ,anopi ni onshar edbyKacheraswel l .

This article is brought to you by VW vortex Wagensville 13

DOVW 2014Sponsor s

Ever yyeart heDayoft heVol kswagenshow wel comes f i nanci alsuppor tf r om sever alsponsor s.

I nexchange,sponsor sr ecei veVW speci f i cadver t i si ngwi t hi n t heVWCVaswel last hr oughpubl i cchannel s. Thel ogosoft hesponsor sappearont heshi r t s,post er s, banner sandpr omot i onalf l yer sal ldi st r i but edi nt he mont hspr ecedi ngt heshow. Thr oughoutt heshow i t sel f ,vi at hePAsoundsyst em,t henamesoft hesponsor s,andt he ser vi ces t hey pr ovi de ar e br oadcast ,al l owi ng peopl et o di scoverbusi nesses t hatar e passi onat eaboutt heVW hobby ,j ustl i ket hem. I fyou’ dl i ket osponsort heDayoft heVol kswagen2015,pl easegeti nt ouchwi t ht heCl ub vi at heemai laddr essatt hef r ontoft hi smagazi ne.

VWMA i san Aust r al i an owned and publ i shed ent husi ast smagazi neser vi ng bot ht heai r cool ed and wat er cool ed Vol kswagen scene nat i onal l y .Publ i shed quar t er l y( Feb,May ,Aug,Nov) ,t he magazi ne i s avai l abl et hr ough newsagent sAust r al i awi deorvi asubscr i pt i on,andcover sever yaspectoft hehobby ,f r om t hever year l ymodel s t hr ought ot hel at esti nnovat i ons,mot or spor t ,of f r oad,ki t ,cust om,books,t oysandshows.I fi tdoesn' tappeari n VWMAt heni ti sn' tVW r el at ed. Now i ni t ssevent hyear ,VWMAal sohost st wodr agr aci ngweekends,sponsor savar i et yofVW shows,andsuppor t s event sacr osst hecount r y .Pr i nt edanddi st r i but edbyAust r al i ancompani es,VWMAi sal sof or t unat et ohaveaccess t oat al ent edpoolofhomebasedVW phot oj our nal i st sandpr i nt / webt echni ci ans,whowor kwi t hVWMAt opr oduce qual i t yVW ent er t ai nmenteachi ssue.Andi n2011,t hemagazi ne' swebsi t ehasevol vedt oencompasst heonl i neand por t abl ei nf or mat i on r evol ut i on wi t ht he i ncl usi on ofaddi t i onalmedi a cont entt o enr i ch t he pr i nt ed r eadi ng exper i ence.

Vol kwer kei saEur opeanvehi cl eser vi cecent r especi al i si ngi nVol kswagen,Audi ,Skoda,Mer cedesBenzandBMW. Si nce1987t heyhavebeenof f er i ngonl yt hehi ghestl evelofcar ef ort heVol kswagenbr and.Theyhave sett hest andar df ori ndependentspeci al i st sdel i ver i ngbeyonddeal er shi pl evel sofser vi ce.Ast he Vol kswagen br and has gr own i n Aust r al i a,so have t hey ,cover i ng Audiand Skoda si nce t hei r i nt r oduct i oni nAust r al i a. Thei rpassi onf ort hebr andi sunsur passedandi tshowsi nt hequal i t yoft hei rwor kmanshi p.

JustKamper sAust r al i a Towar dst hel at t erendof2010JustKamper sUKl aunchedJust Kamper sAust r al i a,whi ch i sbased i n Aubur n.JustKamper s Aust r al i ai st he of f i ci alpar t nerofJustKamper s,ser vi ci ng cust omer sbasedi nAust r al i aandNew Zeal and. Oneoft hemai nmot i vat i onsf ort hepar t ner shi pi st opr ovi det he samepr oduct sandl evelofcust omerser vi cet ot hosel ocat ed ont heot hersi deoft hewor l d.Thi smi ni mi zesshi ppi ngcost s and di spat ch t i mes t o t he VW ent husi ast , whi ch woul d ot her wi sebeunat t ai nabl e. Si ncet hepar t ner shi pbegan,JustKamper sAust r al i ahasgr own f r om st r engt ht ost r engt handcont i nuest oexpandi t scust omer base and pr oduct r ange. We st ock many of t he cor e component sso you don' thavet o wai texcessi veamount sof t i me f oryouri t em t o be del i ver ed,and we r ecei ve r egul ar shi pment sdi r ect l yf r om t heUK,soi fwedon' thavei ti nst ock youwon’ tbewai t i ngl ong.

The Vol kswagen Gr oup wi t h i t s headquar t er s i n Wol f sbur gi s one oft he wor l d’ sl eadi ng aut omobi l e manuf act ur er sandt hel ar gestcar makeri nEur ope. The Gr oup oper at es 94 pr oduct i on pl ant s i n 18 Eur opeancount r i esandaf ur t herei ghtcount r i esi nt he Amer i cas,Asi aandAf r i ca. Each wor ki ng day , 501, 956 empl oyees wor l dwi de pr oducesome34, 500vehi cl es,ar ei nvol vedi nvehi cl er el at edser vi cesorwor ki nt heot herf i el dsofbusi ness. The Vol kswagen Gr oup sel l si t s vehi cl es i n 153 count r i es. I ti st hegoaloft heGr oupt oof f erat t r act i ve,saf eand envi r onment al l ysoundvehi cl eswhi char ecompet i t i ve i n an i ncr easi ngl yt ough mar ketand whi ch setwor l d st andar dsi nt hei rr espect i vecl asses.


Thef ut ur eVWCVPr esi dent ,Ll oydDavi es,checki ngout t hesur fatt heKennet tRi verBeachi nMar ch1971 Ladi esandgent l emen,yest heKennet tRi verCampouti sonagai nf ort het wel f t hyeari nar ow.Weal waysst ay att heKennet tRi verHol i dayPar ksi t uat ed164kmsf r om Mel bour neandr i ghtont hemagni f i centGr eatOcean Road.Asmostofusknow,t hedr i vet ogett her ef r om Tor quayi sononeoft hewor l d’ sgr eatsceni cr oadsandt he vi ewsar et ot al l ybr eat ht aki ng. TheVWCVdoesnotr unagr oupcr ui sedownt oKennet tRi verasmember sgener al l ychooset oar r i veatdi f f er ent t i mesont heFr i day ,butsomegett her easear l yast heTuesdayorWednesdayoft hepr ecedi ngweek.Theusual f or matoft heweekendi sar r i vewhenyouwant ,setupcamp,openacanofl emonadeandr el axf ort hebal anceof yourst ay .Weusual l ygetbet ween20t o30si t esf ul lofVWsandt hei rowner sandf r i ends.Thel ongr angesur f f or ecastl ookspar t i cul ar l yf avour abl esodonotf or getyourf avour i t eboar d. Wehavemadeapr ovi si onalr eser vat i onatt hepar kf oral ar gegr oupofpower edcampsi t esf ort hecl ubf orFr i day andSat ur dayni ght s.I fyoui nt endt ogopl easecont actt hepar kdi r ect l yon1300664417,t el lt hem youar ewi t h t heVol kswagenCl ubandmakeabooki ngASAPast hi si sschoolhol i dayt i me. Thi si sat r ul ygr eatandi coni cVWCVeventandi sonet hatmustnotbemi ssed.JanandIhavebeent her ef oral l t heel even( 1 1)pr evi ousKRsandwewoul dnotmi sst hi sf orqui ds. Seeyout her e. JohnSt evens

Hi st or i ani nUK-Guer nsey

Onmyr ecentt r i pt oGuer nseyf ol l owi ngmyt r i pt ot heUKIwasagai npl easedt ocheckoutt he l ocalVol kswagenandSeatscene.I tt ookmeaf ew dayst of i ndaf ew Vol kswagensar oundone oft hel ar gestoft heChannelI sl ands.Guer nseyhasani nt er est i nghi st or ywi t hast r ongl i nkt o t heUK butbei ngcl osel yl ocat edgeogr aphi cal l yt oFr anceandt hei rhi st or y .I twast heonl yUK t er r i t or yt obei nvadedandhel dt ot heendoft heWarbyt heGer mansi nWor l dWarTwo! Idi dnthaveahi r ecart hi st i mebuthadhadaccesst oacoupl eofi nt er est i ngcar sdur i ngmy st ayont hei sl and,j ustt hesame.Thef i r stcarIhadwasacur r entNew Mi nii nbr i l l i antr ed! I twasdescr i bedasanover si zedgocar t( wheel soneachcor neroft hecar )butl ot soff unwi t h a5speedgear box.Seenher ewi t hmeatt heGuer nseyOccupat i onMuseum,t hi swasahi ghl i ght ofmyt r i p.Thesecondmot or i nghi ghl i ghtofmyt r i pt oGuer nseywasgoi ngf oraspi ni nanear l y 2000sPor scheCar r er aCabr i ol et .Whatabl ast !I thada6speedmanualt r ansmi ssi on,bi tt r i cky t ogeti ti nt or ever se,butaccel er at i ont hatwoul dt hr ustyoubacki nt hel eat herseat sandhave youscr eami ngf ormor e. Thewat er cool edVol kswagensofanyvi nt ageseemedagai nt obel i mi t edasont hemai nl and. Ihunt edt hest r eet st ot r yt of i ndVol kswagescommoni nAust r al i a,butt heol destVW t hatIcoul d see on a r egul arbasi s was a Mar k 4 Gol fand a var i et y ofSeat s.Anot herser i es ofUK Vol kswagensi si ncl udedi nt hi scl ubmagazi nesf oryouri nt er est .Ther ewer eanumberSeat son t hei sl andandt heyal mostout number edt heVWs! Noai r cool edexampl eswer ef oundont hei sl andbutIknow t her ei saVW cl ubont headj acent i sl andofJer sey .Idi dnotgetachancet ogot oJer seyont hi st r i p,buti nt er est i ngl ymot or i st si n Jer seyhavea‘ J’ont hei rnumberpl at es.Somepi csar ei ncl udedt oshow t hei ract i vi t i es. On mywaybackt o Guer nseyI nt er nat i onalAi r por tf r om wher eIwasst ayi ng atmyf r i end’ s f ar mhouse,Isaw t hel ocalVol kswagendeal er shi pandt hatwast heendofmyadvent ur esi nt he UK!Lookoutf orsomenew st or i esf r om advent ur esi nt heUSAt hi syeari ncomi ngedi t i onsof ‘ Wagensvi l l eNews’ .Thanksf oryouri nt er est . Your si nt oUKVol kswagens, Chr i sScane

Wagensvi l l e19

VOLKSWAGENSWI NAGAI N( RACV-AUSTRALI A’ S BESTCARS) Vol kswagenGr ouphasdonei tagai nbywi nni ng5oft he15Cat egor i esi nt hel at estRACV awar ds!Thej udgeswer ei mpr essedwi t ht hel i neupandnot edt hatNi ssanandRenaul tgot a gong. The Skoda Oct avi a was awar ded as BestMedi um Carbel ow $50, 000,t aki ng advant ageofVW sour cedt echnol ogyandcomponent satamor ecompet i t i vepr i ce.The RACVj udgest henwentont odescr i behow eachVol kswagencompar edandwonagai nst t her i val s. TheGol fGTIadmi r abl ysat i sf i esaspor t scar ’ scr i t er i a.I t ’ sal labouthowwel li t scapabi l i t i es i n each ar ea ar e di st i l l ed i nt o af ocused yett ot al l y accessi bl e per f or mance car .Peak r eadi ngsf ort heGTIar e162kW at4500r pm,yetmor esi gni f i cant l y350Nm f r om 1500r pm t o 4400r pm,gi vi ng t hecarsubl i medr i vi ng f l exi bi l i t y.Thi swi l l i ng poweri sdel i ver ed vi aa st r ongyetsi l kencl ut cht ot her i f l ebol tpr eci si onoft he6spdmanualgear box.I t s245/ 40 R18t yr escompl ementt hecar ’ sbal anceandensur et hesuspensi ondel i ver si t si nt ended pi nshar pt ur ni nandt enaci ouscor ner i nggr i p.TheGTI ’ smechani calpackageneverl eaves you f eel i ng someaspecthasbeen over l ooked or ,conver sel y,over done.El ect r oni cdi f f l ock,engi nebr aki ngcont r ol ,count er st eerassi standspor tmodef orcl ubt r ackdaysar e t her et obackyouup.ESC andABSar ej oi nedbymul t i col l i si onbr aki ng,adapt i vecr ui se cont r olandf at i guedet ect i on.

Wagensvi l l e20

VW’ scar ef ulpl anni ngandengi neer i nghavepai dof ff ort hi sl at est gener at i onGol f .Ther ear emany goodvehi cl esi nt hecarcl assandt hi sGol fComf or t l i never si oni snott hecheapesther e,butGol f r eal l ygi vest hei mpr essi ont hatmaki ngt hecarappeal i ngt odr i vehasbeent hemanuf act ur er ’ spr i mar y obj ect i ve.TheComf or t l i nei st hemi dl evelcari nt her ange,andi t sst andar df eat ur el i st–e. g.r ai nsensi ngwi per s,f r ont / r earpar ki ngsensor s,dual zonecl i mat econt r ol ,t yr epr essur ei ndi cat or sanda r ever si ngcamer a–i scl assl eadi ng.Thei nt er i orhasast r ongsenseofqual i t yandal sover ygood f unct i onal i t yander gonomi cs.Al sost andar dar edr i verf at i gueandmul t i col l i si onbr aki ngsyst ems, whi chgot owar dsGol f ’ sf i vest arANCAPsaf et yr at i ng.Gol fscor eswel lf orf uelconsumpt i onandt hi s i sbackedupbyaheal t hy4. 5st aremi ssi onsr at i ngont heGr eenVehi cl eGui de.Engi nest op/ st ar ti s i ncl udedacr osst her angeaspar tofVW’ sBl ueMot i ont echnol ogi es. Buti t ’ sont her oadwher eGol fexcel s.I ti spower edbyVol kswagen’ sr enowned1. 4Lt ur bochar ged 90kW pet r olengi necoupl edt oa7spddi r ect shi f t( DSG)aut omat i ct r ansmi ssi on.I tl eadst hecl assi n per f or mance–i nf act ,i ti sal mostspor t sl i kebutwi t houtt heheavyf uelusage.Gol fi sal sot opsf or r i de;acomf or t abl er i deusual l ymeansadi pi nhandl i ngpr owessbutnotsowi t hVW Gol f . Ani nt er est i ngper sonalexper i encei nmyf ami l y ,mydaught er ’ sboyf r i end’ spur chaseofabr andnew bl ackComf or t l i ne,echoest hi sappr ai sal .Hei si mpr essed wi t ht hef ueleconomy ,smoot h dr i vi ng, excel l entf i ni shi nsi deandt hegener algr eatst yl eont heext er i or .Notabadsummar yf oramul t iawar d wi nni ngcar ! TheTouar egwasawi nnerl astyearbutchangesi nt heABC cl assesmeantt hatt hi syeari twasup agai nstser i ousof f r oader ssuchasLandRoverDi scover yandJeepGr andCher okee.Thewi nni ng vehi cl ehadt ocombi nesuper l at i vel uxur ywi t hexcel l entabi l i t i esonandof fr oad,andf orar easonabl e pr i ce.TheV6di eselTouar egof f er sahi ghl yr ef i ned,l uxur i ousandwel l i nsul at edcabi n.I nf act ,t he i nt er i ori sl i t t l edi f f er entf r om t hatofapr est i gesedan.Att hesamet i me,Touar eg’ sai rsuspensi onwi t h adapt i vedampi ngcont r olal soal l owsi tt ovar yi t sr i dehei ghtbymor et han150mm,meani ngi tcan t r aver semuddyandr ockyt r ai l s.Whent her oadsmoot hsout ,i tcanl oweri t sel fcl oset ot her oadt o opt i mi sei t scent r eofgr avi t y .( Thi sf eat ur ei sal sof oundi nt heot hert wof i nal i st s. ) Anot herst andoutf eat ur ewast hecomf or tofTouar eg’ scl assl eadi ngf r ontseat s.Ther earseat sal so have good adj ust abi l i t y ,and cr i t i cal l yt her ei s al so good l eg r oom f orsecondr ow passenger s. Touar eg’ s engi ne i st he st r ong,si l entt ype.I t s smoot hness and r ef i nementar e such t hatmany passenger swon’ teven know i t ’ sadi esel .That ’ sunt i li t smuscul ar550Nm oft or quecomesi n at 2000r pm.Touar eg i ssur pr i si ngl yt hr i f t ygi ven i t s2159kg bul k,wi t h of f i ci alf uelconsumpt i on of7. 4L/ 100km.Saf et yi sanot herst r ong poi nt :ni neai r bags,f at i guedet ect i on and an of f r oad f unct i on wi t hi nt heABSar ej ustsomeofi t soccupant pr ot ect i onf eat ur es. When Vol kswagen wi nsawar dsl i ket hesei tgi vesusal lagr eatsenseofpr i deand achi evement knowi ng ourmar quei snotonl yamar ketl eaderbutal so an awar d wi nner !Det ai l sofal lt heVAG cat egor ywi nner sar el i st edbel ow. •Bestsmal lcarover$35k–AudiA31. 4TFSISpor t backCOD •Bestsmal lcarunder$35k–VW Gol f90TSIComf or t l i ne •Bestspor t scarunder$50k–VW Gol fGTI •Bestl uxur ySUVover$65k–Vol kswagenTouar egV6TDI •Bestmedi um carunder$50k–SkodaOct avi a103TSIAmbi t i onPl us Your si ncel ebr at i onofVol kswagen’ sachi evement , Chr i sScane

UKVol kswagens-VW Tour an Thi si st hel asti nt heser i esf ornow onUKVol kswagensandhi ghl i ght st heVol kswagen Tour an( Typ1T)asacompactMPVbasedonaver t i cal l yst r et chedf i f t hgener at i on Vol kswagenGol fMk5,andsol di nEur opeandot hersel ectmar ket s. I twasl aunchedi n2003t of i l lagapi nVol kswagen' smodell i neup,bel ow t hel ar ge Shar anMPV.Thevehi cl ei sdel i ver edi nf i ve-orsevenseatver si ons.I tcanbeconsi der ed anext endedver si onoft heGol fPl us( det ai l si nourpr evi ousar t i cl e) ,si ncet hei rf r ont endsar esi mi l ari nsi ze,whi l et heTour an' sr earover hangi s200mm ( 7. 87i n)l onger( and t her ef or easevenseat er ,whi l et heGol fPl usi saf i veseat er ) . I nsomer egi ons,suchasJapan,t hecari scal l edt heGol fTour an.Thecarwasandi s madei nWol f sbur g,Ger many,Jakar t a,I ndonesi a( Gar udaMat ar am Mot or )andAnt i ng, Chi na( SVW)( 2004pr esent ) . I nt er est i ngl yt hi scari sr el at edt ot heAudiA3Mk2,VW Gol fMk5,Vol kswagenCaddy, Vol kswagenPassat ,SEATLeónMk2( seepi ct ur ei nHi st or i ani nUKGuer nsey) ,SEAT Al t ea,SEATTol edoMk3andŠkodaOct avi a( wi nneri nt hi syear ’ sRACVAwar ds) ! Theexampl eIf oundi nGuer nseywasal ovel ybl uef i r stgener at i onwi t ht hef acel i f tf r om about2006.Thi sf acel i f tmodelhadt hef ami l i archr omegr i l l eandbumperf acadeseenon pr evi ousver si onsoft heJet t aandR32Gol f s.Thi sexampl ewasact ual l yaUKcarandnot f r om Guer nsey( di f f er entnumberpl at es)andi tl ooksl i ket heywer est r et chi ngt hei rl oad capaci t yasmuchaspossi bl ewi t ht hecar gocont ai nermount edont her oof . Unf or t unat el yIdi dnotgetachancet ot al kt ot heownerbutIam st i l li nt r i guedbyt he manymodel sofVWsmanuf act ur edt hatweneverseei nAust r al i a.I tmustbeadi f f er ent mar ket i ngdynami cbutIof t enwonderi fVol kswagenAust r al i awer et ogi veaf ew di f f er ent model sat r y,maybet heymi ghtgetsomei nt er est i ngr esul t s. OK,t hat ’ si tf orUKVol kswagens.I fyouenj oyedt heser i esl etmeknow andmaybenext yearImaygett het i met odosomemor er esear cht obr i ngmor ei nt er est i ngst or i esonour Eur opeancousi nsandt hei rVol kswagencommuni t y.Youri nputi sr equi r edi n2015,your st or i esar ebeyondneeded.Unt i lt hen,cat chyoul at erol dchaps! Your si nt oUKVol kswagens, Chr i sScane hi st or i an@vwcl ub. com. au

Fut ur eVol kswagens-VW CarRecycl i ng Asoneoft hel asti nourser i esoff ut ur eVol kswagensweal sol ookt ot hef ut ur ef oral lourcar s andt hei ri mpactont heenvi r onment ,whi chi sgoi ngt obeani mpor t antconsi der at i onf orusand t hecomi nggener at i ons!TheVol kswagenGr ouphaspl acedahi ghpr i or i t yonenvi r onment al i ssuesf ormanyyear sbutt hi shasspeci alsi gni f i cancewheni tgoest or ecycl i ng.Thi shasbeen gi venser i ousconsi der at i oni nEur opef ormanydecadesbutmor eser i ousl ybyVol kswagensi nce t he1980s. Ihavei ncl udedanumberofYout ubel ocat i onsi fyouwoul dl i ket or evi ewmyr esear chandofnot e i st hef i r stl i st edl ocat i onwher et heyoungguydr i veshi sMar k2Gol fi nt ot her ecycl i ngdepot( why Iam notsur e-i tdi dn’ tl ookt oobad! )andt hesecond( l astont hel i st )i st hewashi ngmachi ne adver tbyVol kswagenGer manyt hatr eki ndl edt hei nt er esti nr ecycl i ngf orVol kswageni ni t shome count r y.

Gol fMar k2Recycl i ng ht t p: / / www. yout ube. com/ wat ch?v=UBxKkoe2L08 1965Recycl i ng ht t p: / / www. yout ube. com/ wat ch?v=Pf 1mssUeI SA( USA)CarRecycl i ng ht t p: / / www. yout ube. com/ wat ch?v=bJGkNEGQJE4 Volkswagen Germany Recycling Promotion Endof l i f er ecycl i ngcapabi l i t yi sbui l ti nt onew VW vehi cl esatt hedevel opmentst age. Vol kswagenhasdevel opedandi nt r oducednumer ouspr ocesseswhi chensur et hati t s new vehi cl esar enow atl east85per centr ecycl abl eand95per cent“ r ecover abl e” . Compl i ance wi t ht hese f i gur esi sr egul ar l ychecked byt he Ger man Feder alMot or Vehi cl esOf f i ce.Andt hankst ot heVol kswagenSi Conpr ocess,whi chi sal socapabl eof r ecycl i ngshr edderr esi dues,t he95per centr ecover yt ar getf orendof l i f evehi cl escan bemeti nawayt hati snotonl yenvi r onment al l ycompat i bl ebutal soeconomi cal l yvi abl e Ihopeyouhaveenj oyedourFut ur eVol kswagenser i esandi thasgi venyousomei deas f ornextyear .Thepacet hi syearhasbeenhotandwi t ht he60t hanni ver sar ycel ebr at i ons al lovert hehi st or i anwi l lbehavi ngabr eat her ,butwewi l lbel ooki ngt ot hemember sof t hi sgr eatcl ubt oputmor ei nt ot hemagazi ne,wi t haMember s’ Car ssect i on( andt hati s whatweal lr eal l ywantt oseemor eof ) .I fyoucansendme( oredi t or @vwcl ub. com. au) some mat er i al ,we woul dl ove t of eat ur e yourcari nt he magazi ne,bef or ei tget s r ecycl ed!Unt i lnextyear ,haveagr eatbr eak,dr i vesaf el yandwewi l lal lseeyouagai n i n2015! Regar ds, Chr i s hi st or i an@vwcl ub. com. au

Vi nt ageBi t s-Cl ocks Ast he60t hBi r t hdayyearwi ndst oacl ose,at i met or ef l ectonourVi nt ageBi t ssegmentmi ght beappr opr i at e.Wehavecover edmanyi t emsi nt hi ssect i onsi ncet heBi r t hdayedi t i onandt hank youal lf ort hewonder f ulf eedback.Wehopet ocomebacknextyearwi t hsomemor eVi nt age Bi t s–butmaybenotsor egul ar l y.Thef asci nat i onofol dVol kswagensandt heobser vat i onof t i measi tgoesby,gohandi nhand. Themechani sm wor kswhent hepoweri sappl i edt ot het er mi nal ,basi cal l yanel ect r omagnet ( coi l )i schar gedwi t hel ect r i ci t ywhi chcausest hewi ndi ngwheelt omovesepar at i ngt hecont act poi nt s.Thewi ndi ngwheelhasat ensi onspr i ngont hebot t om ofi twhi chkeepspr essur eso t hatt hepoi nt sar edr awnbackt oget her .Thepoi nt sar ehel dapar tf orashor tt i mebyasmal l cat chwhi chgr absoneoft hegear sont hemechani calcl ockmechani sm put t i ngt ensi onon,t hus get t i ngt hesecondwheelmovi ng.Oncet hecl ockhasr unbet ween1-2mi nut es( orl ess) ,t he cont act swi l lbedr awnt oget heragai ncausi ngt heci r cui tt oagai nbeener gi zedandt hewhol e pr ocesst ober epeat ed. Havi ngaType3al waysr emi ndsuswher eyourpr eci oust i mei sgoi ng,i ft hecl ockst i l lwor ks!Appar ent l y t hehandsoft heType3cl ockar edi r ect l yat t achedt ot hemechani sm andsot r yi ngr emovet hem i sver y danger ousandcoul dwr eckyourcl ock.Getsomeonewhoknowswhatt heyar edoi ng–younow havebeen war ned!Hunt i ng ar ound f ori nf or mat i on on cl ocks f ort he Type 3 has f ound some ver yi nt er est i ng accessor i esf ort he50sand60sBeet l et hatar ewor t hshar i ngwi t hyou.Bel ow ar eonl ysomeoft hecl ocks t hatwer eavai l abl easaccessor i es.Iam sur et her ear esomemor est or i esoutt her eandIsaw someni ceVW cl ockssol datt heSwapMeeti nJunet hi syear ,sowhynotdr opmeal i neandwewi l lal lenj oyyouri nput i nt ot hi si nt er est i ngpar tofVol kswagenhi st or y. Your si nVol kswagent i me Hi st or yoft heKi enzl ecl ock Theol dr oundKi enzl ecl ockwasaRar eaccessor yf i t t edf r om 68t hr ut o72mat chi ngt heear l yspeedoand f uelgaugeper f ect l y.Goodwor ki ngcondi t i oncl ock-happi l yt i cksawaywhenconnect ed,t hesol enoi dcl i cks r egul ar l ycompl et ewi t hbul bhol dert hi si sadr opi nupgr adef orLHD orRHD VW Baywi ndows.Of t ennot wor ki ng-t hemechani smsar e4050year sol d,def i ni t el ywi t houtel ect r oni cs! I n 1822JohannesSchl enkeropened acl ocksmi t h’ swor kshop i n Schwenni ngen,Ger many.1855Ni ght Wat chman’ sRecor di ngCl ocksar esol dal lovert hewor l d.1883JakobKi enzl emar r i esi nt ot heSchl enker f ami l y.Thecompanyi sr enamedSchl enker& Ki enzl e.1897JakobKi enzl ebecomest hesol eowner .1910 KI ENZLE expandsi nt ot heaut omobi l ei ndust r ypr oduci ngt hef i r staut omot i vecl ocksf ort hepr est i gi ous Rol l sRoycebr andi nEngl and.1911Expandi ngi t sgl obalboundar i es,KI ENZLEset supi nNew Yor k,USA. 1932KI ENZLE devel opst heaut omot i vecl ockcr eat i ngt he8DayAvi at i onCl ockf ori nst r umentpanel sof ai r pl anecockpi t s.1939KI ENZLEhas3, 500empl oyeesandpr oducesappr oxi mat el y5mi l l i ont i mepi ecesper annum. 1939KI ENZLE had 3, 500empl oyeesand pr oduced appr oxi mat el y5mi l l i on t i mepi ecesperannum.1954 KI ENZLE i nvent st hef i r stpar ki ngmet er s,manuf act ur i ngt hem excl usi vel yf oral mostt wodecades.1970 Annualpr oduct i oni ncr easest oover7mi l l i onuni t s.1972KI ENZLEi nvent st hef i r stsol ar power edt i mepi ece, t heHel i omat .Thecompanyal sost ar t spr oduci ngi t sf i r stquar t zmovement s.1987Onagl obalscal e,t odat e, KI ENZLEhassol d300mi l l i ont i mepi eceswor l dwi de.

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