April 2005
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Volume 50 • Number 12
Inside > this issue Paul’s Ramblings Calendar of Events Membership Mumbo For Sale Have a Go Day Motorsport News Adventure to the Red Centre
Herbie: Fully Loaded Membership Discounts Membership Application
6 8 16 18 20 22 23 24 26 27
Wagensville News is the monthly newsletter of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Correspondence, articles and items of news are invited and should be sent to: The Editor 27 Scotia Street, West Preston, VIC 3072 Email: wagensville@yahoo.com.au Phone: 9484 8953 Deadline for the next issue: Wednesday 4th May 2005
Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc ABN 73 091 008 987 Address: GPO Box 1215K MELBOURNE VIC 3001 Web Site: vwclub.com.au Phone: 0401 310 704
General Meetings Melbourne Club meetings held every third Tuesday of the month at 8pm at the RACV Clubrooms (Henty Room), corner of Queen and Little Collins Streets, Melbourne, unless advised of an alternative venue in the Club magazine. Albury Wodonga members meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Biralee Tavern, Melrose Drive, Wodonga.
Annual Membership Fees • Full Membership: $40 • Additional Family Membership: $20 • Joining Fee: $10 To join the club, please complete the membership form in this newsletter and forward together with cheque for payment to the Club’s postal address as quoted on the form.
Disclaimer All material in this newsletter represents the opinions of the author(s) and does not carry any endorsement by the Editors of Committee unless otherwise stated. Any material advertised for sale does not carry any endorsement by the Club and the onus is on the purchaser to ensure the purchased goods meet their requirements. Each VWCV Committee Member is a volunteer, carrying out Club duties in their own leisure time. The club has no paid officials, only enthusiasts dedicated in furthering the interests of the club and it’s members. Could members please bear this in mind when contacting Club Committee Members.
President - Paul Kinsey 03 9876 1463 • paulkinsey@optusnet.com.au
Vice - President - Richard Graham 0418 527 862
Secretary - Andrew Ermel 03 9369 1360 • cheryle@melbpc.org.au
Volunteers are needed to
Treasurer - Andrew Donnelly
help with all facets of the
0417 506 766 • adonelly@edlyn.com.au
VWCV’s premier event -
Additional Committee Members - Eric Roberts 03 5367 2757
Public Officer - Jon Edsell
the ‘Day of the Volkswagen’, to be held in November.
03 9844 3420 • jon.Edsell@holden.com.au
Restoration & Technical Sessions - Paul Blacker
If you are interested in contributing to this fantastic
Membership Secretary - Ross Woolley 0401 310 704 • beetle00@tpg.com.au
Pointscore Officer - Matt Kinsey 03 9484 8953 • wagensville@yahoo.com.au
Technical Officers - Bill Malkoutzis • 03 9439 5904 Gary Collis • 03 9370 3100
Motorsport & Group 5 - Jon Edsell 03 9844 3420 • jon.edsell@gm.com
Club Clothing - Mercedes Woolley 03 9735 9386 • beetle00@tpg.com.au
VW Cruises - Nathan Leversha 0419 340 250 • leversha@eisa.net.au
Wagensville News Editor - Matt Kinsey 03 9484 8953 • wagensville@yahoo.com.au
Social Secretary - Jen Littlechild 0431 160 097 • jenlittlechild@optushome.com.au
Club Historian - Dave Evans 03 9808 6044
day in any way, please contact Richard Graham ASAP on 0418 527 862. A meeting will be held in the near future. (Don’t be afraid attendance doesn’t commit you to a role!).
Paul’s Ramblings > Paul Kinsey - VWCV Club President Welcome to the April edition of the Wagensville News. The good news for the month is that our web site “vwclub.com.au” is being brought up to date thanks to club member David Holinger who has gratefully assisted us with this endeavour. Thanks very much David. The VWCV “Have a Go Day” was held on the 3rd of April at Werribee. The weather on the day was very changeable - from rain, wind to sunshine, but for the eleven starters on the day, a great day was had by all. I must thank Andrew and Donald Ermel for allowing me to drive their “hot” cars. It took me a little time to get into the swing of motorkhanas again since my Mini Cooper S days of my youth quite a few years ago. I remember those days well. A special thanks must go to Jon Edsell, Michael Clark and Mark Zellner for their explanation and guidance on the day. We all had a terrific time. Even the wind couldn’t upset the barbecue that Cheryl Ermel and Ross and Mercedes Woolley had prepared. It was moved into a 20-metre container to get away from the wind, which allowed the food to be cooked, and it was great. Thanks guys. Motorkhanas are a great way to learn proper car control in an environment which is safe, controlled, and with keen experienced club members who are very keen and willing to help. Could I suggest that it should be a mandatory part of all club members’ learning experience in car handing skills, which will provide an important part in making us all better drivers. For all those who missed the day, please get involved at the next event, as
there is always support for new starters. Another reminder to all budding artists, to submit their “creative offering” for the post card competition for images the club will use on the new post cards which will be given to VW Dealers to promote our Club. We are seeking three new designs and the winners will be presented with copies of the wonderful book from Rod and Lloyd Davies, “Volkswagen in Australia”. Entries close at our April General Meeting on the 19th April - so hurry with your entry. Please don’t forget the 5th Annual Jamboree on the 17th April at Caribbean Gardens Scoresby. The location this year will be very close to the main market and it will attract a much higher exposure for the event than previous years. It will also be closer to all amenities. Finally, details of the VWCV Dinner Dance on the 28th May at the RACV Club have now been finalised and are shown in this month’s magazine. Last year’s event was great and I’m sure that this year’s will also be a great success. This will be followed by the Club Concourse at Point Cook on the following Sunday. I’ll see you at the April Meeting on Tuesday the 19th of April and don’t forget to bring your “Wheel”, which is the fun theme for the meeting. •
VWCV & the Riverina Volkswagen Club jointly present
Cruise to Wagga Wagga QUEEN’S BIRTHDAY JUNE LONG WEEKEND SATURDAY JUNE 11TH 9am > Depart from Shell Service Station at Kalkallo Hume Hwy 12pm > Arrive at Albury/Wodonga for lunch • 3pm > Arrive at Wagga Wagga for afternoon tea 5pm > Unpack and settle into motels / Caravan park 6.30pm > Tea at the Golden Seasons (all you can eat)
SUNDAY JUNE 12TH 10.30am > Meet at Bolten Park to head off to Monte Crisco, a haunted mansion. A tour and lunch will be provided. Tour is $7 and lunch is $8.50 per person. Numbers are needed a week before arrival so contact me to book. Sunday Night > Gathering at one of the RVWC member's house for a FREE BBQ provided by the RVWC.
MONDAY JUNE 13TH Head off home of own accord.
ACCOMMODATION You must organise your own accommodation. Please book ASAP as Wagga is very popular at this time of year. Some suggested accommodation is listed below: > Astor Motel 02 6921 4328 Cnr Baylis & Edward St > Australian Homestead Wagga 02 6922 7256 Sturt Hwy > City Park Motel 02 6921 4301 Tarcutta St > Golf View Motel 02 6931 1633 Sturt Hwy
INFORMATION Please contact Richard Graham on 0418 527 862 or email - rgraham8@bigpond.net.au
> May Sunday 1st May*
what’s on
Sunday 17th April*
Group 5 Motorkhana - Round 2 Venue: BP Truck Stop Service Station, corner of Cooper St and Hume Hwy. Somerton Time: Starting time will be about 10am, but if you want to compete you will need to be there before 9am to enter and to have your car scrutineered Contact: Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information
Sunday 17th April*
VW Cruises 5th Annual Jamboree Venue: Caribbean Gardens, Stud Road, Scoresby Time: Show starts 9am, judging from 11am - presentation at 2pm Contact: Anthony Surie on 0414 344 331 or vwcruise@yahoo.com
Tuesday 19th April* VWCV General Meeting - What’s Your Wheel Night Venue: RACV Club, corner Queen and Little Collins Street, Melbourne Time: Meeting begins 8pm
Sunday 24th April* VWCV Observation Run - POSTPONED!
Round 3 of the Group 5 Motorkhana Series will be held by the FFCC at the BP Truck Stop Service Station, corner of Cooper St. and Hume Hwy. Somerton. Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information. Starting time will be about 10am, but if you want to compete you will need to be there before 9am to enter and to have your car scrutineered. Tuesday 17th May* General Meeting - RACV Club, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne. Saturday 21st May* VWCV Tech Day - to be held at Volkshome - Commercial Drive, Thomastown. Sunday 22nd May* Round 3 of the Group 5 Speed Event series to be held by the VWCV at the Melton Motor Sports Club complex at Mt Cottrell, near Rockbank. Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information. Supp. Regs. and entry forms will be available soon from the VWCV website,www.vwclub.com.au The event will start at about 10am; but you will need to be there by about 8:30am, to get your car scrutineered, and to get your licence checked and number allocated. We need competitors and officials, so contact Jon Edsell for more information.
You can earn 5 club points by submitting an article to Wagensville News! Send your photos, articles, drawings or tit-bits NOW!
Saturday 28th May*
Sunday 29th May*
Dinner Dance at the fabulously retro RACV Club ‘Rooftop’ venue with it’s a fantastic city views. See advert and booking form on pages 14-15.
Round 4 of the Group 5 Motorkhana will be held by HSCCV Toyota Club Grounds, McGrath Rd, Werribee. (TBC). Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information.
Sunday 29th May* Concourse - RAAF museum at Pt Cook – Free entry. There is no café and so we will need to bring a picnic lunch for the day. Location RAAF Museum, RAAF Base Williams, Point Cook Road Point Cook, Victoria. See advertisement on page 13.
> June Thursday 9th June* Herbie Fully Loaded to be released! Tuesday 21st June*
Saturday June 11th Monday June 13th* VWCV and the Riverina Volkswagen Club jointly present Cruise to Wagga Wagga 2005 Queen’s Birthday Long Weeked. See advertisement on page 7 or contact Richard Graham for more information on 0418 527 862 or email rgraham8@bigpond.net.au Sunday 19th June* Round 4 of the Group 5 Speed Event Series will be held by PIARC at Phillip Island. Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information.
General Meeting - RACV Club, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne.
What’s your wheel? Bring along your wheels to the April General Meeting Tuesday 19th April Wheels can be wheels (with or without tyres), your spare wheel, hubcaps, steering wheels or any other wheel accessory. It can be factory or aftermarket, as longs as can be fitted onto a VW of any marque. The only restriction is that the “wheel” must be clean as possible and be able to be carried into the meeting at the Henty Room, RACV Club. Prizes for the most unusual, rarest, shiniest and best accompanying wheel story. Also there will be a special judge’s choice for the most outstanding wheel of the night. So go out there and gather those wheels! P.S. Please do not take the wheels off your car in the car park. It makes the car hard to park!
The Volkswagen Club of Victoria presents S H O W & S H I N E • T R A D E D I S P L AY S • S W A P M E E T • F U N F O R A L L T H E FA M I LY
Sunday November 27th YARRA VALLEY RACING CLUB Armstrong Grove, Yarra Glen - Melway Ref 275 B1 • Gates Open 9am Swap Site Holders & Trade Stand Entry Only from 8am Show & Shine Car Entries Close 11am SHARP • Sorry - NO Dogs permitted
You can earn 5 club points by submitting an article to Wagensville News! Send your photos, articles, drawings or tit-bits NOW! 10
Sunday 26th June*
Tuesday 19th July*
Round 5 of the Group 5 Motorkhana will be held by TCCA, Toyota Club Grounds, McGrath Rd, Werribee. Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information.
General Meeting - RACV Club, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne.
Tuesday 15th November*
> August
General Meeting - RACV Club, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne.
Sunday 14th August*
Sunday 27th November*
VWCV Group 5 Motorkhana. More information in coming issues...
VWCV presents the 2005 Day of the Volkswagen. See advertisement on page 10.
NCCA John Mott Sprint, Sandown (TBC). Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information.
Tuesday 16th August*
Please note: *These events marked attract club points.
Sunday 10th July*
> September
> July Sunday 3rd July*
VWCV Motorkhana, Geelong Motorsport Complex, Princes Hwy, Avalon. Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information. Sunday 17th July* VMCi Morwell Hill Climb. Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information.
> November
General Meeting - RACV Club, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne.
Tuesday 20th September* General Meeting - RACV Club, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne.
> October Tuesday 18th October* General Meeting - RACV Club, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne.
O R D E R Celebrating 50 years since full assembly in Australia, the book uncovers aspects of Volkswagen in Australia ALL VW enthusiasts should know.
The book will retail for $77 incl GST. The club will generate $10 per book on orders received from THIS flyer & Club meetings. Allow an extra $10 for those requiring postage & handling and 10-14 days for delivery.
Orders and cheques/ money orders made out to 'AF Publications' PO Box 685 Heathmont Victoria 3135.
Note! Books are now available!
The attractive hard-cover book is in full colour throughout the 168 pages. Advanced copies will come with a protective sleeve made in the appearance of a VW parts box. The book will have a dust jacket & marker ribbon.
Limited edition orders are NOW being taken! Please phone (03) 9720 1153 to reserve your numbered copy.
Please complete your details below: Name: __________________________________________Contact No: _______________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ Payment method (please tick): Card Type (please tick): ❏ Visa
❏ Cheque/Money Order ❏ Mastercard
Card No: Name on Card: _________________________________
❏ Credit Card
Exp Date:
N O W ! ! !
CONCOURSE SUNDAY MAY 29 RAAF Museum - POINT COOK FROM 10AM • Everyone is welcome to attend - however ONLY VWCV members' cars will be eligible to enter the concourse judging. • The RAAF Museum is 30 minutes from Melbourne. • Take the Point Cook Road/Laverton exit on the Princes Freeway and follow the signs to the museum. • The Melway reference is Map 198 K4. The museum is approximately 700 metres beyond the entrance to the RAAF Williams Base. Entry to the museum is free. • VWs will be parked on a grassy area near the museum. Concourse cars must be parked and ready for judging by 11am at the latest. • Cost for concourse entry will be
$10.00 PER CAR
• During the day, there will be an interactive flying show as well as access to the museum displays. Please note: Guided tours will not be available, however museum volunteers will be on hand to answer any questions about the displays. • BYO Picnic and refreshments as there is no on site catering at the museum.
G et
& n w B o
DINNER DANCE SATURDAY MAY 28 Live Music! • SCRUMPTIOUS 3 COURSE DINNER! • RACV Club Rooftop Function Room • Meal & band, brief welcome by VWCV starting at 7pm • Optional accommodation at RACV Club with secure parking of car & breakfast included • Spot prizes on the night • After Five Wear
PRICE $55.00 - includes 3 course meal and entertainment, drinks at bar prices
Phone 0431 160 097 for more information Members can enjoy the dinner & festivities & then stay overnight at the RACV Club. They are offering a discounted rate of $140 per night for a double or twin room. This avoids the hassles of getting home afterwards & knowing that your pride & joy is parked securely down in the private RACV underground carpark. You can then wake up refreshed, have breakfast & then take your car straight on to the Concourse at Point Cook (only 30 minutes away) in time for the 10:00am start. Bookings should be made directly with the RACV Club on (03) 9607 2311. Places are limited. Book early to avoid disappointment.
VWCV DINNER DANCE & CONCOURSE Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Contact number: (Home) _______________________________ (Business) ______________________________ Please indicate the events you plan to attend. Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate members at the dinner, concourse and tours, priority will be given to members who book in advance on a first-in basis.
Bookings for the dinner and full payment must be made by Friday the 13th May 2005!
VWCV DINNER DANCE (Saturday May 28) Please included the names of all people for whom you are booking. Number of people: __________ @ $55.00 per person = $_________ Total cost = $_____________ Names of people attending dinner: _______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ Please indicate if you have any special dietry requirements: ___________________________________________ Accommodation bookings should be made directly with the RACV Club on (03) 9607 2311 - you must mention that you are a VWCV member attending the Club function.
VWCV CONCOURSE POINT COOK (SUNDAY May 29) (see advert on page 13 for details) I plan to enter a vehicle in the Concourse and Show:
No (please tick) $10 per car payable on entry.
Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Vehicle details: __________________________________________ Category: __________________________
Please return forms together with payment by cheque or money order (if attending the dinner) to:
Volkswagen Club of Victoria - PO Box 1215K Melbourne 3001 or bring to the Club meeting. Please note cut off dates for events and bookings.
Membership Mumbo > Ross Woolley Total VWCV Memberships Current total memberships for the Volkswagen Club of Victoria: 422 New Members The following people joined the VWCV in March 2005: Glenn Ramage Denio O’Keefe Allan Liveridgo Evan Davies John Cook Thank you and welcome on behalf of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria.
Scott Thomson
Rejoining Members The following members rejoined the Volkswagen Club of Victoria in January 2005: Mark Trickett Bill Malkoutzis Ryan Camilleri Ursula Weidenmuller Chris Cole Cale Cole Donald Ermel Toby Primrose Hans Heine John Stevens Jan Stevens Keith Toughill Ivars Neilburgs Robert Busselmann John Pinkerton Timothy Pearce Thank you on behalf of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria.
Barry Pritchett Neville Dean Ron Bell Stephen Faure Karlena Proctor
Current Membership Renewals The following memberships are due in the month of April 2005: Tim Clark Elly Sommer Payet Kevin Payet Jackie Farlow George Economou Peter McCormack Elizabeth McCormack Jack McCormack Stephen Fellows Franz Franken Greg Cash Zoltan Krakowsky Michael Folker Frank Folker Paul Schmidt Clinton Bugg Steven Cooper Mandie Hawkins Steve Adams Ben Stewart Les Harris Bruce Joynes Damien Rundel Matthew Pex Louella Morrison John Price Sue Price Everard Hoffman Overdue Membership Renewals The following members have not renewed their memberships and are currently overdue: Megan Buchanan Mana Collado Josh Carson Andrew Sevels Russell Dart Matthew Brinsden James Constable Yusuf Cajee Thomas Seymour Michael Welch Taylor Welch Tim Mance Brett Chaplin Jodie Chaplin April Charles Brad Wells Michael Wohlgemuth John Mylonas Helen Barton Kellie Holopainen Chris Yuen Damien Harris Justin Orloff Vaughan Williams Mitch Whelan Christian At Pydde Justin Atrins Roger Serjent Sean Rafferty Ingrid Staggard Jim Smith Hayley Smith Andrew Cray Jade Benson Tristan Benson Matthew Reynolds Joanne Darmann Tracy Williams Rodney Williams David Halden Tracy Etherington Lisa Colban Marcel Bucek Joelene Johnstone Graeme Baker Emily Vegt Colin Bromily Launa Bromily Tahnee Van Herk Benjamin Thompson Rachel Thompson Wayne Hulbert Angela Watters Campbell Winks
John Farlow Sharon McCormack Ashok Kumar Kathy Krakowsky Greg O’Keefe Andrew Waddleton Ian Bryant James Garay Denise Burfoot
Steve Stewart Roger Kruse Danny Elliott Eugene Calalang David Holinger John Barton Cameron McGavin Paul Hamilton Deborah Walker William Lac Ann-maree Benson Todd Darmann Kevin Widmann Linus Dalton-Smith Dedra Baker Hank Van Herk Neil Rote Tito Octavianus
Please note, if you renewed your membership after the 5th March 2005, please ignore the above reminder.
Thank You The VWCV would like to thank the following businesses for their support of the 2004 Day of the Volkswagen: • Camberwell Volkswagen
• Shannons Insurance
• Australian VW Performance Centre
• Volkshome Automotive
• Wolfsburg Automotive
• Classic Vee Dub Supplies
• Vintage Vee Dub Supplies
• Volkscare
• KDF Werks
• MIB Global (Models)
• Mercwreck and Volksparts
• Technical Bookshop
> For Sale
> For Sale
> For Sale
>For Sale: Wanted - a retirement home for a faithfull retainer! 1973 VW Variant E Station Wagen, fuel injected. Excellent condition. 65,800 original miles, rego. LZG 300. Price: $5000 ONO Contact: Betty Allen on 03 9889 3425
>For Sale: 1973 Type 3 Fastback, mint green, 1600cc 4 speed manual, complete and original condition. Some rust but straight body, suit restorer or enthusiast as needs restoration. Currently no RWC. VIN/Chassis No: 3102010151 - Bayside area. Price: All offers considered! Contact: Ameila on 0402 348 362
>For Sale: Formula Vee Unfinished restoration. 1973 Venom Chassis. (Complies with FV historic class). Full set of log book history. Motor - Rebuilt (not started since rebuild) 1641 twin port engine, 9:1 compression ratio, ported rebuilt heads, Wade cam, bolted rocker arms, baffled sump, 009 Dist, Golf Carbie. Case machined for full flow filter and cooler. (est 90hp). Gear box 4.125 diff ratio, 30% limited slip diff, 40 hp gear ratios, fresh 200mm Clutch. Fresh Front end, custom pitman Arm., Koni adjustable. Fully adjustable suspension, steering and brake balance. Body needs paint, brakes require bleeding. Comes with two used 1200 engines and many spares. Every thing is either new or rebuilt. Great Club car or build for historic class. Minimum basic work to get on track. Can send photos. Price: $7500 ONO Have body and seat moulds as well - $300 Contact: Bill on 03 9439 5704 AH
> Wanted >Wanted: One vacuum modulator valve for automatic transmission for a 1971 Type 3 Fastback. Contact: Ameila on 0402 348 362
> Wanted >Wanted: Split Screen wheels (rims, caps, tyres 6-40-15) also air cleaner assembly part no 211 129 612...fits splitty and country buggy also 1300 eng. basic will do. Contact: 03 9878 6130 or 0427 987 861
> For Sale >For Sale: 1954 Oval Window Beetle, new floors, original style roof rack, headlight eyebrows, reco motor, cross ply tyres, whitewalls, original radio, brand new interior, new rear brakes, custom made lambs wool seat covers, lots of spares, semaphore indicators, two tone paint, beautiful to drive, award winning, 3rd prize in 2004 DOV standard beetle to 1957, reg till May QEV-749 Price: $8,500 Contact: Simon on 0400 604 500
> For Sale >For Sale: Lots and lots of 36HP and 40HP engine parts - reasonable offers. An original boxed 1600 ind. engine new ,magnedo type, best offer.... Spilt Screen frontend not complete Price: $100 ONO Contact: 03 9878 6130 or 0427 987 861
> For Sale >For Sale: 1976 Beetle, orange exterior, excellent body and mechanicals, rego 11/05, reluctant to sell, EKE106, 7 yr old engine (37,000kms), 5 VG tyres. Price: $3,990 Contact: Robyn on 0413 042 043 - Vermont
> For Sale >For Sale: 1969 white VW 1500 Beetle sedan VIN No. 1143028, Reg: PFD 253. Been in family since new. Sell as is. No RWC. Serviced regulary, Runs well. St. Kilda. If anyone wants to know anything, please feel free to call Price: $500 Contact: Eric 03 9534 0976 or mobile 0416 309 981
> For Sale >For Sale: VW Polo 1974, Yellow, 900cc, four speed manual. Complete, straight, running can be test driven, Suit restoration. Cute bit of VW history to put on CH plates. Comes with spare engine and gearbox and many new spares. Can send photos. Price: $700 ONO Contact: Bill on 03 9439 5704 AH
VWCV Have a Go Day > Jon Edsell - VWCV Motorsport and Group 5 The ‘Have a Go” Motorsport day was run on Sunday April 3rd. The day started out looking glum, with moderately high winds, and the occasional rain showers. When we arrived at the ground it was wet, but only just wet enough to make the loose soil on top of the ground very sticky. We set up, took entries, and had the drivers briefing; by that time the ground had dried out and we were ready to go! We started two tries at each event, with a total of four events. The times of every competitor, indicated that everyone there would be at least mid field in our typical Group 5 motorkhana events; and one first timer, Carl Evans, would have been in the top 3 for his class, at a Group 5 motorkhana event. In the afternoon we had a Khanacross, again very competitive times were posted. Surprise of the day was that a Mark 1 Golf (with a few small modifications!) was able to beat a Porsche Carrera 4 on the Khanacross track. The 3 drivers in the Golf consistently were about 2 to 3 seconds faster than the 2 drivers of the Porsche; and the 2 drivers in the Porsche also drove the Golf! See, as I have always said, VWs are good at this form of Motorsport. We did not get as many first timers as I hoped, but I am sure that Carl, Paul, Cheryl and Ross enjoyed themselves, and I hope they learnt something about motorsport and will come along to future events to have some fun and represent the VWCV. Thank
> Above: In the starting garage - photo courtesy of Cheryl Ermel.
you to our usual motorsport competitors for turning up, giving encouragement and driving tips to the first timers. Thank you to Chris Antonelli and Mark Zellner for doing the timing for the whole day, they did a great job, and did not seem to mind being bombarded with dust from competing cars! Thank you to Ross and Mercedes Woolley and Cheryl Ermel for the food and drinks during the day (it was free). Thank you to Michael Clark for being Director for the day, and Richard Graham for taking the entries. •
> Above: Golf showing some dust & a VW look alike - photos courtesy of Cheryl Ermel.
> Results - VWCV Training Day, 3rd April > Motorkhana Car Driver No.
Tee Tee Double Slalom 1 Slalom 2 Loop 1
1 J. O'Donnell-Young 2 Carl Evans 3 Donald Ermel 4 Jon Edsell 5 Andrew Ermel 6 Paul Kinsey 8 Cheryl Ermel 9 Richard Graham 11 Ross Wooley 14 Michael Clark
Porsche Carrera 4 Golf Mk2 Gti Beetle Golf Mk1 Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle Slowest Time
32.50 26.66 34.20 25.00 30.01 36.40 32.50 42.20 30.10 29.90
32.50 27.20 109.00 22.50 27.60 29.80 30.80 28.70 30.10 27.20
Double Loop 2
Multiple Loop 1
Multiple Loop 2
Enterprise Enterprise Total 1 2 Time
47.70 35.60
46.00 5.00 35.80 WD 43.70 38.30 38.10 39.80 39.70 41.19 42.30 42.50 43.60 44.81 42.00 46.14 WD 53.00 41.97 53.00 46.00
48.96 49.20 33.60 43.05 43.70 32.40 66.80 60.00 DNS 46.80 46.30 34.80 48.80 5.00 48.90 5.00 38.60 WD 38.90 51.70 WD 39.80 54.09 53.50 37.40 WD 46.04 34.90 50.60 46.10 37.00 66.80 60.00
33.90 32.00 DNS 35.50 DNS 34.94 DNS DNS 34.20 DNS WD 35.50
329.36 276.41 366.70 287.30 283.41 290.33 300.90 302.70 334.28 321.27
> Khanacross Car Driver No.
Clockwise Square 1
Clockwise Square 2
Anti-Clockwise Square 1
AntiClockwise Square 2
Total Time
1 J. O'Donnell-Young 2 Carl Evans 3 Donald Ermel 4 Jon Edsell 5 Andrew Ermel 6 Paul Kinsey 8 Cheryl Ermel 9 Richard Graham 11 Ross Wooley 14 Michael Clark
Porsche Carrera Golf Mk1 Beetle Golf Mk1 Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle Beetle Slowest Time
4 42.00 35.90 58.10
41.10 36.20 46.80 4 38.30 41.60 43.10 DNS 38.90 44.00 41.00 40.16
41.10 37.40 3.06 40.38 42.10 41.60 DNS 41.30 43.40 41.30 39.77
41.00 DNS
10.00 5.00
37.30 DNS
80.20 Golf = 39.4 secs 109.50 147.96 125.98 137.20 130.30 48.70 177.10 136.10 168.90
WD 43.50 45.60 48.70 43.40 48.70 44.10 37.05
10.00 1 WD
WD DNS 53.50 DNS 42.50 67.53
Notes: DNS = Did Not Start, in an actual event this would mean you get the slowest time, in your class, + 5 secs. WD = Wrong Direction, which means you get the slowest time, in your class, + 5secs (motorkhana), +10 secs (Khanacross) 5 seconds are added to your time for every flag you displace during the event. 10 seconds are added to your time for not coming to a complete stop inside the finish garage.
Motorsport News > Jon Edsell - VWCV Motorsport and Group 5 The Have-a-Go day was run, the turn out was a bit disappointing, but it was a good day and the people that did turn up had a great day of ‘entry level’ motorsport. Please see the separate report in the magazine. There are 2 Group 5 events during the month of April, a Phillip Island Sprint (10th April) and a Motorkhana at the BP truckstop on the Hume Hwy in Somerton (17th April). There will be a report on these in the May magazine. In May we also have two Group 5 events, a Motorkhana at the BP truckstop on the Hume Hwy in Somerton (1st May), and the VWCV Group 5 Speed event, an Autocross at the Melton Motorsport Ground in Rockbank (just off the Ballarat Hwy) on the 22nd of May. Supp. Regs. and entry forms will be out soon, but we need competitors, officials and helpers on the day, so keep this in mind and come along if you possibly can. I need help!!! I know, I know, this is a given, but I do need help to get this job done effectively! I am mainly unable to get to the meetings, so I need help to get this motorsport coordination job done. If anybody is able to give me a hand, please contact me. 2005 Group 5 Motorkhana Dates: April 17 CRBCC BP Truck Stop, Somerton May 1 FFCC BP Truck stop, Somerton May 29 HSCCV Toyota Club Grounds, McGrath Rd., Werribee June 26 TCCA Toyota Club Grounds, McGrath Rd., Werribee July 10 VWCV Geelong Motorsport Complex, Princes Hwy, Avalon August 14 PIARC To Be Confirmed September 18 VMCi Toyota Club Grounds, McGrath Rd., Werribee October 23 NCCA To Be Confirmed
2005 Group 5 Sprint Dates: May 22 VWCV Autocross, Melton Motor Sport Club Ground, Rockbank. June 19 PIARC Phillip Island Race July 3 NCCA John Mott Sprint, Sandown (TBC) July 17 VMCi Morwell Hill Climb July 31 PIARC Phillip Island Race Track(TBC) September 25 PIARC Phillip Island Race October 30 HSCCV Autocross, Geelong Motorsport Complex, Princes Hwy, Avalon November 13 VWCV / HAC Hillclimb (TBC) Don’t forget our Group 5 events (currently calendered for 22/5/05, 10/7/05 and 13/11/05) where we will need competitors and officials. So keep the dates in mind. Other Motorsport events currently planned for 2005 are listed below that might be of interest to VWCV members: 2005 Geelong Motorsport Complex: May 15 Geelong Motorsport Complex June 12 Geelong Motorsport Complex July 10 Geelong Motorsport Complex August 14 Geelong Motorsport Complex September 11 Geelong Motorsport Complex October 9 Geelong Motorsport Complex November 13 Geelong Motorsport Complex December 4 Geelong Motorsport Complex If you are interested in having a go at motorsport, and want to know more, please contact me and I will explain what is required. If you are interested in any of these events, please contact me and I will forward details when I get them. Don’t forget, if you want to help out as an official at motorsport events, please contact me so I can get you started. I hope to see you on or at the track. •
Adventure to the Red Centre > John Stevens on the VWCV’s upcoming Central Australia trip... The club is planning an epic three week Volkswagen adventure that will commence around fourteen months from now on 17 June 2006 and conclude on 7 July 2006. This will be a major event in the Volkswagen Club of Victoria’s calendar for 2006 and comprises a 5,400 km four wheel VW odyssey (all on well made roads) from Melbourne to Alice Springs in the Northern Territory and return. We will travel through such interesting and famous places as Adelaide, Port Pirie, Port Augusta, Coober Pedy, Alice Springs, Kings Canyon, Yulara, Uluru, Woomera, Hawker and the Flinders Ranges. Accommodation throughout the three weeks will be a mixture of on-site cabins, motel units and camping and there is ample scope for participants to vary the accommodation mix according to personal taste. We plan to cover as many of the famous main Central Australian tourist highlights as we can in the time that is available. There will be the opportunity over the three weeks to see many of the real Australian outback/Red Centre icons and really soak up the incredible and unique atmosphere that exists in this part of our great country. There are, of course, many significant challenges that will be encountered both organising and participating in a trip of this magnitude. These include travelling in convoy, sometimes for up to 10 hours a day, over 5,400 kms, and the challenge of maintaining effective communication and mutual support over extensive travelling distances and the remote-
ness and isolation of much of the country north of Port Augusta. Bearing this in mind we have decided to restrict the number of cars on the trip to a maximum of 12 to try to minimise our exposure to major problems and difficulties. This will be a real “hands on” four wheel VW adventure where those participating will need to undertake extensive forward planning and preparation of their cars, equipment and travelling kit over the next fourteen months. A very detailed 15 page trip brochure has been prepared and this covers such diverse matters as the proposed daily itinery, background information, travelling arrangements, car preparation, approximate costs and booking arrangements. If you want a copy of the brochure, that includes the trip application form, please let me know and I can email one to you. Alternatively I can post a copy to you if you do not have email facilities. Further information will be available at the April VWCV meeting at the RACV Club.
You can earn 5 club points by submitting an article to Wagensville News! Send your photos, articles, drawings or tit-bits NOW! 23
Herbie: Fully Loaded > From “The Age” 3/2005 The forthcoming Disney film “Herbie: Fully Loaded” tells the now familiar story of a classic Volkswagen Beetle that has a mind and feelings of its own, on its quest to become a star of the Nascar racing circuit, but which along the way falls in love with a new Beetle. For car-maker Volkswagen, the film is a product-placement godsend. "It's a great opportunity to do something special with the new product," says VW Australia spokesman Matthew Wiesner. The company's global publicity campaign to bask in the movie's release is currently being discussed in Germany. In the film, Herbie is rescued from a scrapyard before being resurrected into a racing star. Not surprisingly, the stripes and off-white colour scheme remain, as does the race number 53. Herbie then races, among other cars, a Pontiac GTO, better known here as the Holden Monaro. The race sequences were shot at the California Speedway in the US, during the pace-car laps of Nascar races, according to online film database imdb.com. The film, scheduled for release in the US and Canada on June 24, is the latest instalment of the Herbie series, which began with The Love Bug in 1968. According to imdb.com, the VW Beetle beat competing marques, including Volvo and Toyota, for the lead role in the original film.
For the new millennium, Herbie has added digitised stunts to his already impressive regime, outwitting regular cars with manoeuvres that defy belief. In one scene he drives up and over another car to take the lead in the race, all with the help of computer animation. However, many of Herbie's tricks - such as the blinking headlights and jumping suspension - are mechanical, built into the car and operated by remote control. Meanwhile, the Hollywood gossip mill is in overdrive over the movie's female lead, played by singer-actor Lindsay Lohan. According to reports, the actress has been slapped with a lawsuit by two Los Angeles motorists who claim they were injured in a traffic accident involving Lohan. •
The Professional Automotive People Parts • Servicing • Reconditioning • Full Workshop Facilities Complete diagnostic service using VW scanner and latest SUN 400 Engine Analyser.
John Goodison 16 Commercial Drive Thomastown VIC 3074 • PH 03 9464 0366 • FAX 03 9464 0856
D I S C O U N T S 25
Info discounts
> for members
Australian VW Performance Centre
10/25 Lusher Road CROYDON • P: 03 9725 5366 Contact Mick for trade pricing typically 10% off retail on most parts and services (up to value of $100). Dyno tuning at $60 per hour.
Camberwell Volkswagen 675 Burwood Road HAWTHORN • P: 03 9811 1888 Contact Dane Kelly and ask for member discount.
Imported Car Wreckers 9 Booloora Road SPRINGVALE • P: 03 9547 2169 Contact Mark for 15% discount.
Technical Bookshop
295 Swanston Street MELBOURNE • P: 03 9663 3951 10% discount - does not apply to lower margin items such as magazines, some videos and sale/discount items.
4 Macquarie Place BORONIA • P: 03 9729 9281 Contact Michael Clark for 10% discount on parts (maximum discount $50). Does not include genuine or special orders.
Volkspower 12 Florence Street BURWOOD • P: 03 9808 6777 Contact Dean for 10% discount on parts and servicing.
Wolfsburg Automotive 966 Mt Alexander Road ESSENDON • P: 03 9370 3100 Contact Gary for club member prices.
U Drive
Mark Pring • P: 9217 8866 U Drive is offering a 10% discount on all courses to all members of car clubs. This applies to all our Formula Ford drive days & gift vouchers - www.udrive.com.au
Volkshome Automotive 16 Commercial Drive THOMASTOWN • P: 03 9464 0366 Contact John for club member prices.
The VW Club of Victoria is authorised by VicRoads to issue Classic and Historic plates to financial club members with VWs over 25 years old. The main objective of the CH permit system is to enable club members a minimal registration fee because of the vehicles limited usage. The club requires all CH vehicles to undertake a safety check every two years. Safety checks are similar to roadworthy checks. A roadworthy certificate can be accepted in lieu of a safety check. The appointed club technical officers conduct safety checks at Tech Days and by appointment. A safety check ensures that the CH plate vehicle is safe to drive on club gazetted events and approved limited usage. It also encourages the maintenance, restoration and preservation of all types of VWs.
Membership Application Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Membership Officer • GPO Box1215K MELBOURNE VIC 3001 • Phone 0401 310 704
Name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ State: ________ Post Code: ________ Telephone: (H) ______________________ (M) _____________________ Occupation:______________________ (W) _________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________ Competition Licence: Yes ❏ No ❏ (please tick)
• Vehicles - VWs only Model(s)/Year(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Capacity: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Registration Number(s): ______________________________________________________________________________
• I am interested in the following events/activities/functions: Being on the Committee
Car Shows/Concourse
Modifications Organising Events
(please circle)
CH Registration
Fuel Economy Runs
Social Events
Technical Sessions
Other Events:_______________________________________________________________________________________
• Club Membership Fees Single Membership (12 months) includes $10 application fee*
$50 per applicant
$ __________
$50 plus $20 per extra member
$ __________
Family Membership (12 months) includes $10 application fee*
*Membership Application Fee for first year members only
$ __________
• Please return this form together with your cheque or money order for payment to the above address. Please allow 28 days for processing.