Wagensville JULY 06

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July 2006 Volume 52 • Number 2

VWCV Christmas in July > Sunday 23rd July www.vwclub.com.au


Inside > this issue Paul’s Ramblings What’s On Christmas in July Cruise 2006 Bug-In South Australia Effects of Ageing on Tyres VWCV 2006 Club Concourse For Sale Membership Discounts Membership Application

5 6 9 10 12 14 16 22 23

Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. ABN 73 091 008 987 Address: GPO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001 Web Site: www.vwclub.com.au Phone: 0401 310 704

General Meetings

Melbourne Club meetings held every third Tuesday of the month at 8pm at the RACV Club (Henty Room),  501 Bourke Street, Melbourne, unless advised of an  alternative venue in the Club magazine.

Annual Membership Fees • Full Membership: $40  • Additional Family Membership: $20 • Joining Fee: $10

To join the Club, please complete the membership form in this

newsletter and forward together with cheque for payment to the

Wagensville News is the monthly newsletter of the Volkswagen Club of

Victoria Inc. Correspondence, articles and items of news are invited and should be sent to: The Editor 27 Scotia Street, West Preston, VIC 3072 Email: wagensville@yahoo.com.au Phone: (03) 9484 8953 Deadline for the next issue: Friday 28th July 2006


Club’s postal address as quoted on the form.


All material in this newsletter represents the opinions of the

author(s) and does not carry any endorsement by the Editors

of Committee unless otherwise stated. Any material advertised for sale does not carry any endorsement by the Club and the

onus is on the purchaser to ensure the purchased goods meet their requirements.

Each VWCV Committee Member is a volunteer, carrying out Club duties in their own leisure time. The Club has no paid

officials, only enthusiasts dedicated in furthering the interests

of the club and it’s members.Could members please bear this in mind when contacting Club Committee Members.

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President - Paul Kinsey 03 9876 1463 • paulkinsey@optusnet.com.au

Vice-President - Michael Cronin 0419 684 181

Secretary - Andrew Ermel 03 9369 1360 • cheryle@melbpc.org.au

Treasurer - Andrew Donelly 0407 506 766 • adonelly@edlyn.com.au

Additional Committee Members John Stevens & Kingsley Morrison Public Officer - Malcolm Thompson

Restoration & Technical Sessions - Vince Zito 0418 137 855

Membership Secretary - Ross Woolley 0401 310 704 • beetle00@tpg.com.au

Pointscore Officer - Position Vacant Technical Officer - Bill Malkoutzis 03 9439 5904 Club Clothing - Mercedes Woolley 03 9735 9386 • beetle00@tpg.com.au

VW Cruises - Anthony Surie 0414 344 331 • vwcruise@yahoo.com

Wagensville News Editor - Matt Kinsey 03 9484 8953 • wagensville@yahoo.com.au

Social Secretary - Jen Littlechild 0431 160 097 • jenlittlechild@optushome.com.au

Club Historian - Dave Evans 03 9808 6044


VWCV July General Meeting > What’s On >VWCV Mini Auction: Looking for hard to obtain parts, books, car models or some rare memorabilia? You never know what could be on offer at the VWCV’s monthly mini-auctions. >VW DVD: See another exciting VW DVD... >Plus: all the usual news, goss and reports... >VWCV July General Meeting: Tuesday 18th of July from 8pm RACV Club, Henty Room 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne

Paul’s Ramblings > Paul Kinsey - VWCV Club President

Welcome to the July edition of the Wagensville News. Firstly, we must apologise for non-issue of the June edition of the Wagnesville News. This was due to the terminal failure of the Editor’s computer, which has resulted in Matt having to purchase a new one. The good news is that the computer has arrived and the July edition should be out on time. As I write this report, the Club members who visited Central Australia should be returning from their 21 day adventure, so we should hear all the stories at the next General Meeting. I have been out of action for the last month, having been in hospital for a small operation. I must thank Vice-President Michael Cronin for standing in for me at the last couple of meetings. I should be mobile again in about three weeks so I’ll see you then. The worst problem is that I can’t drive for 6 weeks so that certainly restricts my

movements. I did, however, start up my Beetle after 3 weeks of it sitting idle. With 10 pumps of the accelerator pedal and full choke the powerful 1200cc motor burst into life. I just had to drive it around the block to keep the battery charged. Only three weeks to go and I’ll be able to take it on a proper run. Can’t wait. It’s nice being driven around by helpful members of the family but it is not like driving yourself. The Club’s next scheduled event is the ‘Christmas in July’ cruise on the 23rd of July, which is booked out. The cruise to Castlemaine on the 27th of August will follow the very successful cruise to Puffing Billy held last year. The Club has reserved the Tambo Parlor Car at the end of the train so we should have a great time all together. Details are also included in this issue. We are fast approaching the time for the election of the committee for the next 12 months. Details will be appearing in next month’s magazine. If you are interested in joining the committee and having a more direct say in the functioning of the Club, please follow the directions to nominate. In addition, if you wish to get a better understanding of the positions on the committee, please either talk to myself or any committee member. We will only to willing to assist I’ll see you soon. •

You can earn 5 club points by submitting an article to Wagensville News! Send your photos, articles, drawings or tit-bits NOW! 5

what’s on


Tuesday 18th July* VWCV General Meeting Venue: RACV Club, Henty Room, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne.  Time: Meeting commences 8pm.

Sunday 23rd July* VWCV Christmas in July Cruise and Luncheon - BOOKED OUT!!! Venue: Coach and Horses Inn, Clarkefield.  Time: Cruise departs at 10.30am for lunch at 12pm. See article on page 9 for information.  Contact: Kingsley Morrison for more information on 03 9484 8953.

> August Tuesday 15th August* General Meeting - RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Sunday 27th August* VWCV Cruise to Castlemaine then Steam Train ride to Maldon for lunch. Running through the Goldfields of Central Victoria, the Victorian Goldfields Railway brings to you the experience of Steam Railway Travel. Linking the historic towns of Castlemaine and Maldon, your train takes you through Box-Iron Bark forest in a region that saw some of the richest gold mining in Australia. Meet at the Mobil Service Centre Western Ring Road Ardeer on the North Bound side at 8.45 am for a 9.15 am departure. We will cruise to Castlemaine where we will board the Victorian Goldfields Train

at 11.20am for a trip to historic Maldon where we will enjoy lunch and a wonder around the town before returning to Castlemaine on the 3.30 pm train. Founded

in 1853, Maldon is the best preserved of all the goldfields towns in the region. There are candle light tours at Carman’s Gold Mine running hourly, which is only a 2 km walk from town, for anyone feeling like being a little active. Prices to be confirmed. Please ring Jen on 0431 160 097 any time after 7pm to confirm your attendance on what should be a   fantastic day. See advertisement on page 8.

You can earn 5 club points by submitting an article to Wagensville News! Send your photos, articles, drawings or tit-bits NOW! 6

Christmas in July

Cruise & Luncheon

> Sunday 23rd July Meet at Deer Park BP at 10am for 10.30am departure. Arrive at Coach and Horses Inn at Clarkfield for lunch at 12pm. More information on page 9...

Booked Out!! • Booked Out!! > September

> November

Tuesday 19th September*

Saturday 4th to Friday 10th November*

Annual General Meeting RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne.   Sunday 24th September Spring 2006 Swap Meet Organised by Veteran Car Club of Aust (Tas) Inc. Northern section. Venue - Cimitiere St Council Car Park, Launceston Tasmania. Start time - 9am. Entrance via Cameron Street gate. $10 per site. Further information contact - Ken Watts. Phone 0411 404 560 after hours.

> October Sunday 1st October* VWCV Swap Meet. Bacchus Marsh College Corner Griffith and Franklin Sts. Melway Ref. 219 G5. All types of VW related

VWCV 7 Day Tour. See ad on page 3. Tuesday 21st November* vehicles catered for, principally VW, Karmann Ghia, Porsche. Food available on site and in the vicinity. Site entry for buyers is strictly 9am and sellers from 8am. Come to a swap meet where every stall will have VW parts. Organisers expect over 1000 buyers and around 70 sites. This is a must not miss for the avid restorer. See ad on page 20.  Tuesday 17th October* General Meeting - RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne.

General Meeting - RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Saturday 26th November* VWCV Day of the Volkswagen. See advertisement on page 19.

> December Tuesday 12th December* General Meeting - RACV Club, 501 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Please note: *These events marked attract club points.



what’s on

MALDON S unda y

2 7 th

A ugust

Cruise to Castlemaine then Steam Train ride to Maldon for lunch. Running through the Goldfields of Central Victoria, the Victorian Goldfields Railway brings to you the experience of Steam Railway Travel. Linking the historic towns of Castlemaine and Maldon, your train takes you through Box-Iron Bark forest in a region that saw some of the richest gold mining in Australia. T I M E S  Meet at the Mobil Service Centre Western Ring Road Ardeer on the North Bound side   at 8.45am for a 9.15am departure. We will cruise to Castlemaine where we will board the Victorian Goldfields Train at 11.20am for a trip to historic Maldon where we will enjoy lunch and a wonder around the town before returning to Castlemaine on the 3.30pm train. Founded in 1853, Maldon is the best preserved of all the goldfields towns in the region. There are candle light tours at Carman’s Gold Mine running hourly, which is only a 2km walk from town, for anyone feeling like being a little active. P R I C E S A N D I N F O R M A T I O N  If possible we would like to travel as a group in the Tambo Parlor Car.   Prices to travel in the Tambo are: Return - Adult $34 and Child $16 or One Way - Adult $29 and Child $13.  Standard First Class prices are: Return - Adult $22 and Child $12 or One Way - Adult $17 and Child $8.   Please ring Jen on 0431 160 097 or 03 8711 3246 any time after 7pm to confirm your attendance as we only have a tentative booking for the Tambo Parlor Car at this stage.


Christmas in July Cruise > An update by Kingsley Morrison... Due to an overwhelming response, the Christmas in July cruise is now booked out. So, to those who were lucky enough to book early the following information is of importance. On Sunday 23rd of July we will meet at the Deer Park BP servo on the Western Highway (opposite Burnside Shopping Centre) from 10am for a 10.30am departure. The cruise will continue along the Western highway to Bacchus Marsh, then across the Great Dividing Range to the picturesque township of Gisborne via the scenic Bacchus Marsh - Gisborne Road (C704). From Gisborne we will travel to Riddells Creek and Monagetta via Kilmore Road (C708). Turning right onto highway C325 will then get us to Clarkefield for our Christmas in July lunch. The cruise route carries very light traffic (after Bacchus Marsh) so a convoy of vehicles should not create any major hazards. The total distance covered from Deer Park to Clarkefield is approximately 90 kilometres and should take about an hour and twenty minutes. Therefore, it is estimated we should arrive at Clarkefield around midday. Upon arrival at the 1857 Coach and Horses Inn we will proceed to our private olde worlde function rooms. Each room will have a roaring open fire and will be decorated with customary Christmas trimmings. Don’t forget the outstanding amount payable for the luncheon will be $22.50 per person (drinks at own cost). During the afternoon the door prizes will be given away to lucky recipients thanks to the VWCV.

Overall, it should be quite a novel way to spend a mid winter Sunday afternoon. Why not dress yourselves or even your car to really get into the festive spirit? Look forward to seeing you all on the day. •

You can earn 5 club points by submitting an article to Wagensville News! Send your photos, articles, drawings or tit-bits NOW! 9

2006 Bug-In South Australia > Julie Clark on the VWCV’s exciting trip to Murray Bridge...

> Scenes from the 2006 Bugin at Murray Bridge in South Australia. Photos courtesy of Cheryl Ermel.

The Bug-In had rolled around again and for the first time we were going in convoy. The early hours of Friday saw Michael and I at the Ermels. Stuart Ermel was trucking Andrew’s Beetle and towing my 1500 Beetle. Michael and I piled into the truck and were ready to travel. The cabin of the truck was much roomier and more comfortable than I’d expected. Ross and Mercedes had their New Beetle and Chris Antonelli was driving Red Bus with Andrew and Cheryl as co-drivers. The drive was uneventful and at times wet. Seven hours after leaving Melbourne we found ourselves


at Swanport in excellent accommodation metres from the Murray River and 7 kilometers from Murray Bridge. Registration night gave everyone a chance to catch up and check out Bug-In merchandise. Saturday morning started bright and early as Red Bus and Ross and Mercedes Beetle were ready for the show and shine. Off we went with Andrew’s Beetle in the lead. Unfortunately it lost all gears before we made it to the freeway. Red Bus and the New Beetle headed off and left Andrew, Chris, Michael and I to put matters in order. My contribution consisted of good advice they decided to ignore... A big thank you to Margaret and Peter who saw a Beetle in distress on the freeway and came to help. After much hard work the Beetle was loaded onto the truck and retired from all events. We got into the B car (my 1500) and set off. The Show and Shine was right on the Murray and well attended. Next stop for the day was Montaro Zoological Park. It is an open plains zoo where we were bused around with our very own tour guide. The tour went for over an hour and was informative and very enjoyable. Time had gotten a little away from us and we were running late for the River Cruise dinner. Christine and Bernard convinced the cruise boat to wait for us, then off we went for a leisurely trip down the Murray. The meal was terrific and I even managed to win a prize in the raffle

(a 1.5 litre bottle of shiraz). Things became very interesting after that, as the cruise boat continued straight past the dock where we were to get off. The boat had lost reverse gears, and proceeded to do donuts in the middle of the river for the next ten minutes. After much calling for diesel mechanics the boat was rammed into the bank and ropes were used to pull it to dock. Never before had I been to a more exciting Bug-In. Sunday was race day. Michael, Andrew and Chris, now all competing in B car, were ready to race. I was a little nervous as to how the car would perform, but it came through beautifully, not just in the Motorkhana but the Autocross as well. Then it was time to scrub up and head to the presentation night. Ross had detailed his New Beetle into a winning position. Robert Busselmann sashayed his way around the Autocross track to win a prize as well. A special congratulation goes to Henny and Phil Southam who had life

memberships bestowed upon them by the South Australian Club. Congratulations also to all of the other winners. I had a great time and can hardly wait for next year’s inaugural Tasmanian Bug-In. Book now! •


Effects of Ageing On Your Tyres > Courtesy of Antique Tyres... Today’s tyres employ a combination of natural and synthetic rubber compounds to achieve the required combination of grip, wear life and heat resistance levels demanded by a particular tyre’s design application. These compounds involve complex chemical interactions which, like all rubber, undergo subtle changes with time. To a very large degree, the environmental conditions to which rubber is subjected will determine the effect these changes have on any particular tyre. These effects can of course be reduced by the addition of certain chemicals to the compounds, which does occur, however rubber manufacturers are yet to develop a compound which does not suffer any ageing effects. Ozone Cracking Exposure to ozone accelerates the ageing of the surface of the rubber, resulting in a series of fine cracks. The areas of rubber below the surface are generally unaffected, however given sufficient time these cracks may propagate deeper into the tyre. Long term exposure to sunlight, or to other high ozone environments such as in the vicinity of electric motors, are the main causes of ozone damage. Severe ozone damage is not common, and generally tyres are well and truly worn out before ozone damage is sufficiently severe to warrant scrapping the tyre.

The Effects of Heat on Tyre Ageing Heat and pressure are of course used to cure rubber as part of the manufacturing process. Prior to curing the compound is ‘plastic’ in its behaviour - i.e. it flows when subjected to an applied force. Curing promotes ‘cross-linking’ of the polymer chains, resulting in an elastic material which deforms when subjected to an applied force and bounces back to its original shape when that force is removed. Modulus of elasticity is a measure of the ability of rubber to deform and return to its original size and shape without tearing. A ‘harder’ compound has a higher modulus. Rubber ‘Blooming’ - The Release of Sulphur Sulphur is one of the main ingredients of rubber which creates polymer cross linking. As the tyres ages, sulphur loses its chemical bond and migrates from the compound (known as ‘blooming’). Blooming reduces the resilience of the compound, resulting in higher heat generation - which is, of course, the number one enemy of tyres and can quickly result in belt (or other) separation. Compound additives to reduce blooming are of course included in modern tyres, however a suitable compound which totally resists blooming is yet to be developed. •

Thank you to Antique Tyres for hosting the recent VWCV Technical Day 12

38TH NATIONAL BUG-IN EASTER 2007 Presented by the Volkswagen Association of Tasmania




2007 TA


6-9 A pril 2007 Welcome BBQ – Friday • Competition and River Cruise – Saturday Show & Shine and Presentation Dinner – Sunday • Farewell Cruise – Monday Extended Tour Tuesday 10 April – Friday 13 April 2007 For more information contact Peter Curran (03) 6249 2735 or pandpcurran@ozemail.com.au


VWCV 2006 Club Concourse > Andrew Ermel - VWCV Club Secretary

> Scenes from the 2006 VWCV Concourse. Photos courtesy of Cheryl Ermel and David Hollinger.

We all arrived at Eltham Lower Park for the concourse around 10am to find about six cars already lined up. The Club was allocated an area that had ample room to park cars and to put up the Club site. With the weather looking ominous, a humungous tarp was produced, just in time to shelter everyone from the rain. The rain did not dampen the spirits and people just moved from their cars, to under the tarp to continue socialising and drinking hot drinks provided by the Club. The VWCV also provided a free BBQ consisting of sausages and hamburgers for lunch. In true Melbourne fashion, the weather fined up in the afternoon, allowing for members to take advantage of the sunshine to ride the miniature railway, utilise the walking tracks and maybe take a pony ride. Some of the small children among us even had a lovely ride on a special train that looked like


an old red rattler. The area that we were allocated at the park was just perfect for our concourse and could have easily fitted up to 100 vehicles. I hope that we can get a booking again in the future for this venue as it very easy for most people to get to and made for a well attended day for the Club. We also had some new VW enthusiasts join our Club on the day and I would like to welcome them. I would like to thank Ross Woolley who had his membership computer with him and assisted members on the day with their renewals and also attended to the new joining members. The cars were all of a very high standard this year and it was good to see some new vehicles out for the first time at the concourse. Judging for the standard cars took into consideration such things as correct style materials used for the interior of the cars and original parts and finishes to engine bays and engines in particular. However, the judges “went easy� when marking the vehicles on paint cleanliness and under body road dirt as the wet day made it difficult for the participants to keep their cars clean.

Altogether about 50 cars with over 70 people attended the day with 26 cars entered for judging. The best in categories cars were: Best Beetle up to 1957 – Ben McKinnon Best Beetle 1958 to 1967 – Matt Kinsey Best Beetle 1968 onwards – Alison Richards Best Kombi 1950 to 1967 – Matt Brinsden Best Kombi 1968 onwards – Ian Armstrong Best Karmann Ghia – Pat Daune Best Water Cooled Transporter – Bernd Wachs Best New Water Cooled – Andrew Magin Best New Beetle – Kim Murray Best Modified Beetle – Vince Zitto Best Modified Volkswagen – Adam Fianders (new member) Car of Concourse – Matt Kinsey Thanks to everyone who helped out the day, the cooks, judges and organisers, Amanda Allen and the Nillumbik Shire Council who organised the event permit for the Eltham Lower Park. Special thanks to Steve Craven for suggesting the location and helping to organise the event and Edlyn Foods for sponsoring the trophies. Lastly thanks to all who attended and participated on the day. •


> Wanted

for sale

For Sale July

Please Note:

• All additions to this section MUST be accompanied by either registration number, chassis number or VIN number. Advertisements for vehicles without these details  WILL NOT be published.

• Advertisements will be limited to a period of two months only. If you wish to continue your advertisement beyond the initial two month period, please contact the Editor(s). Send your for sales and wanted ads to the Editor: 27 Scotia Street, West Preston, VIC 3072 Email: wagensville@yahoo.com.au

> For Sale

> For Sale

>For Sale: VW 1966 Beetle, blue, 30 years with the same owner, all original condition, interior spotless, travelled under 100,000 miles. Rego. SMH 422. Registered until May 2006. Price: $3,000 ONO Contact: Nancy on   03 9783 1060 (Frankston area)

>For Sale: Mk1 Golf Gti 1980, completely dismantled, 1600 8v, 5 speed, black, factory sunroof, needs minor bodywork, Pirrelli Pslot wheels, Yokohama tyres (2 new). WVWZZZ17ZAW708373. Price: $1,300

> For Sale >For Sale: 'KAFER" Number Plate: the ultimate plate for your Beetle! Kafer is the actual German translation for Beetle. Price: $5000 ONO Contact: Craig on 0417 527 022


>For Sale: Mk1 Golf Chrome bumpers brand new front and   rear set. Price: $500 >For Sale: 2L 16v ABF 110kw Golf Gti 94' motor and 5speed gearbox. Price: $2,000 Contact: Carl on 0408 329 841

>For Sale: Type 3 station wagon (Variant). Preferably Automatic, later model (long nose), and in original condition, or mild-custom. Prepared to pay $$$$ for a car   in top condition. Contact: Jean or John on  03 9755 2294

> For Sale >For Sale: VW 1971 Superbug Rego. KZX 478. One owner for 29 years. In the course of its 220,000 miles has had 2 motor rebuilds, the last incorporating new heads with hardened valve seats so it runs on ULP. It has a new generator, four good tyres, is mechanically good, tight and nippy. However,   it has serious Superbug-pattern   rust beside the back window and   is offered without RWC. Price: $1,500 ONO Contact: Frank on 0427 382 785

> For Sale >For Sale: 1970 VW Beetle Karmann Cabriolet. White and black interior as new, hood as new with tonneau cover, also has custom tonneau cover to cover interior when hood down (like MGs). Many period accessories, full history (imported from Germany in 70s), low kms. 16x7" original Porsche Fuch Rims, 15" VW Rim as spare with Porsche pattern. Never driven in rain, weekender/club car, always covered/garaged when at rest! Rare and sought after model, beautiful car. Rego. VW070, expiry 2/2007. Includes original steel rims/hubcaps x4. Excellent condition. Price: $20,000 Contact: Craig 0417 527 022

> For Sale

> For Sale

> For Sale

>For Sale: VW Type 3 1972 Squareback, mustard yellow, much loved. Good home wanted. Engine rebuilt (including new clutch) January 2005 by Mark at Imported Car Wreckers (now done 2,885 miles). Mechanically very sound,   registered until 21 Sept 2006 (PUO-511), 92,250 miles on clock, body and paint fair to good, front seats need re-trim. Price: $3,500 (no RWC)   or $4,000 (with RWC) Contact: Please visit www.fpga. com.au/vw for more photos or   Paul on 0409 140 884

>For Sale: 1975 Beetle, 75000km, rego VWVW. Price: $8,000 ONO Contact: Phone Graham on  03 9561 3982

>For Sale: 1973 Super Bug. Good Condition. Colour - Honey Brown. Little rust, motor needs rebuild. Engine no. AD470116. Price: $1,000 ONO Contact: John on 0419 135 171

> For Sale

>For Sale: 4 x VW “Brands Hatch” 7 spoke 16 x 6.5 inch alloy wheels with Michelin pilot hx 205/55 ZR 16 tyres (85 % tread) suit Golf/Bora, excellent condition. Price: $650 >For Sale: Standard size black and white personalized Vic plate “ZEN”, a peace-ful addition to your VW, excellent condition. Price: $700 Contact: Andrew on 0416 122 570

> For Sale >For Sale: 1976 Volkswagen Kombi Campervan (Sunliner conversion). Engine no. CJ012160; Serial no. 0464770. It is off road at present in need of new reconditioned engine and some rust fixed. Has good tyres and new specially made heavy duty clutch cable recently fitted. Owner would prefer this muchloved Campervan went to an enthusiast who could give it   a new lease on life. But hurry if interested. Contact: Phone Raymond on  03 9890 5009

> For Sale >For Sale: 1975 Type 136 VW L Bug. Chassis No 1342 97004 Engine No ABO 14123. Build Date 5/75. Rego PDX 936 until September 06. 1600 Engine reconditioned by Volkscare 13/10/04 (receipts available). Only 2000 km since reco. Distributor recently reconditioned. Mechanically very sound. Original Martini Olive paint work, with some minor cracking. Minor spots of surface rust.   No major rust. Very tidy interior. Price: $4,500 with RWC Contact: Janet on 0407 302 463

> For Sale >For Sale: 1975 VW L1600 Very good condition. Ideal for restoration. No rego. Engine no. AS199738. Price: $3,000 ONO Contact: Eric on 03 5367 2757

> For Sale

>For Sale: VW Kombi engine 1800cc. Reconditioned in 1999 and serviced every 6 months.  Car body damaged in accident but engine in excellent condition.   Buyer will need to remove engine. Other parts also available. Engine number AP024445 Price: $500 ONO Contact: Jeanette on   0402 019 753








1 S T


Australia’s BIGGEST SWAP for Volkswagen•Karmann•Porsche • Entry $5.00 • Sites (generous size) $25 on the day or $20 paid by September 16th. • All types of VW related vehicles catered for, principally VW, Karmann Ghia and Porsche. • Food available on site and in the vicinity. • Site entry for buyers is strictly 9am and sellers from 8am. • Come to a swap meet where every stall will have VW parts. Organisers expect over 1000 buyers and around 70 sites.

Bacchus Marsh Secondary College Corner Griffith and Franklin Streets • Melway Ref 219 G5

For more information contact Eric on (03) 5367 2757 20

5 21



Australian VW Performance Centre

10/25 Lusher Road Croydon • P: 03 9725 5366 Contact Mick for trade pricing typically 10% off retail on most parts and services (up to value of $100). Dyno tuning at $60 per hour.

Camberwell Volkswagen 675 Burwood Road HAWTHORN • P: 03 9811 1888 Contact Dane Kelly and ask for member discount.

Technical Bookshop

323-331 LaTrobe Street MELBOURNE • P: 03 9600 0922 10% discount - does not apply to lower margin items such as magazines, some videos and sale/discount items.

The VWCV would like to


thank the following

4 Macquarie Place Boronia • P: 03 9729 9281 Contact Michael Clark for 10% discount on parts (maximum discount $50). Does not include genuine or special orders.

businesses for their

Wolfsburg Automotive

Unit 2, 290 Old Geelong Road HOPPERS CROSSING • P: 1300 370 310 Contact Gary for club member prices.


Thank You

Volkshome Automotive 16 Commercial Drive THOMASTOWN • P: 03 9464 0366 Contact John for club member prices.

support of the 2005 Day of the Volkswagen: • Classic VW • Vintage VW • Volkscare • KDF Werks • ACE 30 oil made by QPL • Volkshome • Antique Tyres • Wolfsburg Automotive • Volksparts

Membership Application Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Membership Officer • GPO Box1215 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 • Phone 0401 310 704 Name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ State: ________ Post Code: ________ Telephone: (H) ______________________ (M) _____________________ Occupation:______________________ (W) _________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________ Competition Licence: Yes o No o (please tick)

• Vehicles - VWs only Model(s)/Year(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Capacity: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Registration Number(s): ______________________________________________________________________________

• I am interested in the following events/activities/functions:

(please circle)

Being on the Committee Car Shows/Concourse CH Registration


Modifications Fuel Economy Runs Motorsport


Organising Events Social Events Technical Sessions Other Events:_______________________________________________________________________________________

• Club Membership Fees Single Membership (12 months) includes $10 application fee* $50 per applicant

$ __________

Family Membership (12 months) includes $10 application fee* $50 plus $20 per extra member $ __________

*Membership Application Fee for first year members only


$ __________

• Please return this form together with your cheque or money order for payment to the above address. Please allow 28 days for processing.


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