Wagensville JUNE 05

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June 2005 Volume 51 • Number 2








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Dromana Drive-in > Meet at 3.30pm at Brandon Park then cruise to Dromana VWCV General Meeting

NOW at RACV Club www.vwclub.com.au


Inside > this issue Paul’s Ramblings Calendar of Events Air-Cooled VW Engine VWCV 4 Day Tour Get Down & Boogie Beetle to the Deb Ball Club Clothing For Sale VWCV 2005 Concourse Tech Day Info

Membership Discounts Membership Application

6 8 12 14 18 19 21 22 24 26 30 31

Wagensville News is the monthly newsletter of the Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Correspondence, articles and items of news are invited and should be sent to: The Editor 27 Scotia Street, West Preston, VIC 3072 Email: wagensville@yahoo.com.au Phone: 9484 8953 Deadline for the next issue: Friday 1st July 2005


Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc ABN 73 091 008 987 Address: GPO Box 1215 MELBOURNE VIC 3001 Web Site: vwclub.com.au Phone: 0401 310 704

General Meetings Melbourne Club meetings held every third Tuesday of the month at 8pm at the RACV Clubrooms (Henty Room), corner of Queen and Little Collins Streets, Melbourne, unless advised of an alternative venue in the Club magazine. Albury Wodonga members meet the first Tuesday of every month at the Biralee Tavern, Melrose Drive, Wodonga.

Annual Membership Fees • Full Membership: $40 • Additional Family Membership: $20 • Joining Fee: $10 To join the club, please complete the membership form in this newsletter and forward together with cheque for payment to the Club’s postal address as quoted on the form.

Disclaimer All material in this newsletter represents the opinions of the author(s) and does not carry any endorsement by the Editors of Committee unless otherwise stated. Any material advertised for sale does not carry any endorsement by the Club and the onus is on the purchaser to ensure the purchased goods meet their requirements. Each VWCV Committee Member is a volunteer, carrying out Club duties in their own leisure time. The club has no paid officials, only enthusiasts dedicated in furthering the interests of the club and it’s members. Could members please bear this in mind when contacting Club Committee Members.

VWCV Dyno Day

> Date to be advised...

Come along & measure the

Power & Torque of your engine... > The dyno will measure and compare power transfer at different points on your vehicle, thus telling you how your engine can be modified, or improved, to get more efficient power from it > To be held at Australian Volkswagen Performance Centre, 10/25-35 Luscher Rd, Croydon > $35 per car for VWCV Members $45 per car non club members > Sausage Sizzle & Trophies from AVWPC > For information please contact: Jen Littlechild on 0431 160 097




President - Paul Kinsey 03 9876 1463 • paulkinsey@optusnet.com.au

Vice - President - Richard Graham Secretary - Andrew Ermel 03 9369 1360 • cheryle@melbpc.org.au

Treasurer - Andrew Donnelly

• Are you passionate about motorsport?

0417 506 766 • adonelly@edlyn.com.au

Additional Committee Members - Eric Roberts 03 5367 2757

Public Officer - Jon Edsell

• Have you participated/ assisted in motorsport events in the past?

03 9844 3420 • jon.Edsell@holden.com.au

Restoration & Technical Sessions - Paul Blacker Membership Secretary - Ross Woolley

• Are you keen to do more?

0401 310 704 • beetle00@tpg.com.au

Pointscore Officer - Matt Kinsey 03 9484 8953 • wagensville@yahoo.com.au

Technical Officers - Bill Malkoutzis • 03 9439 5904 Gary Collis • 03 9370 3100



0418 527 862

Motorsport & Group 5 - Jon Edsell 03 9844 3420 • jon.edsell@gm.com

Club Clothing - Mercedes Woolley 03 9735 9386 • beetle00@tpg.com.au

VW Cruises - Nathan Leversha 0419 340 250 • leversha@eisa.net.au

The VWCV are looking for someone to take on the role of motorsport officer. If you think you can assist us in any way with this challenging position, please contact the club for more information.

Wagensville News Editor - Matt Kinsey 03 9484 8953 • wagensville@yahoo.com.au

Social Secretary - Jen Littlechild 0431 160 097 • jenlittlechild@optushome.com.au

Club Historian - Dave Evans 03 9808 6044

Contact Paul Kinsey on (03) 9876 1463


Paul’s Ramblings > Paul Kinsey - VWCV Club President Welcome to the June edition of the Wagensville News. As indicated last month, the magazine for May was printed and posted one week earlier than normal, so I hope you all received your copy. As an indication at the last general meeting, we had approximately 60 attendees, some of who did say that the earlier receipt of the magazine was a prompt to attend the meeting. We will now try and keep this timing for all future issues. Thanks Matt. Also at the last general meeting we did indicate that the June meeting would be held at the Coburg Drive-In for a special screening of the new Herbie movie. Unfortunately, the club’s negotiations with the organisers over the start time of the movie have not been successful, so as a result, the meeting on the 21st of June will be held as normal at the RACV Club commencing at 8pm. The organisers of the movie wanted to commence the screening at 11pm and we believed that this was too late on a weekday for members and young families. However, we are fortunate that we can now see the

movie at the Dromana Drive-In on Saturday the 25th of June. We will meet at Brandon Park at 3.30pm and then cruise on down to Dromana. The movie screening will be at 6pm. See the centre pages of this magazine for more details. This will be our last meeting in the current RACV Club as the RACV move into their new building at 501 Bourke Street on the 4th of July. The Tech Day was held on Saturday 21st May at Volkshome in Commercial Drive Thomastown, where John Goodison ably assisted by Boris, Andrew Ermel and Lloyd Davies explained the vehicle preparations required prior to a long trip. The day was a great success with approximately 40 people attending, with the day not finishing until 4pm. Thank you very much John, Boris, Andrew and Lloyd for your explanations and guidance. The members whose cars were checked gained a valuable insight into the preparations required, as did all who attended. A checklist of the items can be found on pages 26-27.

The VWCV June General Meeting is at the RACV Club NOT at the Coburg Drive-in as previously indicated! 6

The VWCV Dinner Dance held on the 28th of May at the RACV Club was a tremendous success with a total of 69 people attending. A special thanks must go to Jen Littlechild, Cheryl and Andrew Ermel for the preparations for the evening, and thanks to all who attended on the night. The following day, the VWCV Concourse was held at the RAAF Base at Point Cook. The day started cool and wet but fined up with the sun coming out in the afternoon. A total of 37 cars were offered for judging with a total of approximately 60 Volkswagens in attendance. Again a special thanks for the organisers Richard Graham and Cheryl Ermel. It was great to see some new cars presented on the day which keeps the pressure on the older cars (like mine), and the need for us to constantly continue to improve our cars. I know it’s a Japanese word not a German one, but the word in Japanese for continued improvement is KAIZEN. According to my English/German dictionary, the German word for improvement is “verbesserung” but I’m not sure if this is the same as “continued improvement?” May be some members with a good command of the German language could assist me, please. The important thing is that we need to continually keep improving our cars - that is our challenge. Don’t forget that the next meeting will be at the RACV Club on the 21st of June. I’ll see you then. •

> Some scenes from the VWCV Concourse at Point Cook. Photos courtesy of Andrew Mengyel and Cheryl Ermel.



what’s on


Sunday 19th June* Group 5 Speed Event - Round 4 Venue: PIARC at the Phillip Island Racing Circuit. Time: The event will start at about 10am; but you will need to be there by about 8:30am, to get your car scrutineered, and to get your licence checked and number allocated. You will definitely have to enter before the event to ensure that you will be able to run in the event. Contact: Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information. Supp. Regs. and entry forms available from the PIARC website, www.piarc.com.au about 3 weeks before the event.

Tuesday 21st June*

VWCV General Meeting Venue: RACV Club, corner Queen and Little Collins Street, Melbourne Time: Meeting begins 8pm

Saturday 25th June* VWCV Cruise to Dromana Drive-In - “Herbie - Fully Loaded” Venue: Dromana Drive-In Time: Meet at Brandon Park Shopping Centre car park at 3.30pm, then cruise to Dromana at 4pm - screening of “Herbie - Fully Loaded” commences at 6pm Contact: Richard Graham on 0418 527 862 - see advertisement on pages 16-17

Sunday 26th June* Group 5 Motorkhana - Round 5 Venue: HSCCV Toyota Club Grounds, McGrath Rd, Werribee Contact: Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information. Starting time will be about 10am, but if you want to compete you will need to be there before 9am to enter and to have your car scrutineered. Supp. Regs. and entry forms will be available soon from the VWCV website www.vwclub.com.au

The VWCV June General Meeting is at the RACV Club NOT at the Coburg Drive-in as previously indicated! 8

Friday 15th July*

> July Sunday 3rd July* NCCA John Mott Sprint, Sandown (TBC). Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information. Sunday 10th July* VWCV Motorkhana, Geelong Motorsport Complex, Princes Hwy, Avalon. Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information.

VWCV Bowling Night - Oztenpin Altona, 216-230 Blackshaws Road, Altona North from 7pm. $20 per head gets you two games plus hot finger food. Licenced. Pool tables and live music next door if you want to party on. Lets get a few teams happening, it’ll be lots of fun. Contact Jen Littlechild for more information on 0431 160 097. Sunday 17th July* VMCi Morwell Hill Climb. Contact Jon Edsell (jon.edsell@gm.com or 03 9844 3420 AH) for any information. Tuesday 19th July* General Meeting - RACV Club, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne.

> August Sunday 14th August* VWCV Group 5 Motorkhana. More information in coming issues... Tuesday 16th August* General Meeting - RACV Club, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne. Sunday 28th August* VWCV Puffing Billy Cruise. Meet at Emerald station at 10.30 - 11am for a 11.10-11.20am departure. Return approximately 4pm. Travel to Gembrook for a BYO Picnic lunch or a meal at Gembrook Pub. Contact Jen Littlechild for more information on 0431 160 097.


Sunday November 27th


> September

related vehicles catered for, principally VW, Karmann Ghia, Porsche. Food available on site and in the vicinity. Site entry for buyers is strictly 9am and sellers from 8am. Come to a swap meet where every stall will have VW parts. Organisers expect over 1000 buyers and around 70 sites. This is a must not miss for the avid restorer. For information, please call Eric on 03 5367 2757. Tuesday 18th October*

Tuesday 20th September* General Meeting - RACV Club, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne. Sunday 25th September*

General Meeting - RACV Club, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne. Saturday October 29th to Tuesday November 1st*

Murray, Lake Hume, the Alpine Country and Gippsland. For information contact: Ross Woolley or Jenny Littlechild (see page 4 for contact details).

> November Tuesday 15th November*

VWCV Cruise and Yum Cha. Details next issue.

> October

VWCV Around Victoria 4 Day Cruise. Travel to Corryong, Tawonga and Lakes Entrance. Fantastic scenic drives along the

Sunday 2nd October* VWCV Swap Meet. Bacchus Marsh College Corner Griffith and Franklin St’s Melways 219 G5. Entry $5, Sites (generous size) $25 on the day or $20 paid by September 17th. All types of VW

General Meeting - RACV Club, 123 Queen Street, Melbourne. Sunday 27th November* VWCV presents the 2005 Day of the Volkswagen. See advertisement on page 10. Please note: *These events marked attract club points.

Happy Driving > Herald Sun - 5/2005 LONDON - The most cheerful driver on British roads is likely to be female, aged 24 or less and driving a green Volkswagen Beetle. This happy motorist is also probably listening to Bob Marley music while chewing sugar-free gum and looking forward to a date, research for the Royal Auto Club Foundation found. Young women drivers in Britain recorded the highest smiles per hour ratio, with drivers aged 66 or more proving to be the most stern faced behind the wheel. The survey, involving 900 drivers, was carried out to coincide with National Smile Week. The survey showed those with green cars smiled most, while those with lilac and yellow cars smiled the least, while favourite driving music was reggae, ‘60s and ‘70s oldies, and 1970s West Coast rock.


Aircooled VW Engine

A Survival Story > Bill Malkoutzis on the downfall of the air-cooled engine in Australia... The early to mid seventies saw a significant shift in focus on the motor car and the roll it played in our lives. Road trauma was getting out of control, Victoria alone had over a thousand people dying every year on our roads due to road accidents. Also the exhaust emissions of the growing numbers of motor cars (and industry) were changing the weather patterns over our cities. Remember the fogs / smogs that we use to experience during days of little wind? Because of the ever increasing personal and environmental burden, the expectation of the motor vehicle changed. It was about the mid seventies that we started seeing features like collapsible steering columns, seat belts and their anchorages, head restraints (head rests) on our seats, and twin circuit brake master cylinders in some European motor cars - all of which helped lower the road trauma and avoid accidents. The Beetle in Australia lead the way in many of these areas, having twin circuit braked master cylinders, disc brakes and collapsible steering column from 1969, head rests from 1971, and stronger seat anchorages from 1975. I’m sure the enthusiasts out there know all the changes. The poor old Beetle died of a thousand cuts because of this change in our community’s expectation of the motor car. As the world’s population grew and the number of cars in any country started to effect the living

environment, cars in general came under close scrutiny as to the affect they had on that environment, and what could be done to minimise those affects. Exhaust emissions became the focus of industrialised governments around the world. Some of the first emission controls on cars addressed evaporative emissions. Evaporative emissions refer to the evaporation of the fuel in the fuel tank to the atmosphere. In Australia evaporative emissions were introduced in 1975. Bugs of this period were fitted with canisters which contained carbon pelts that absorbed the vapours from the fuel tank, and the engine purged and burnt these vapours off under certain engine operating conditions. The next major jump in vehicle expectation was the introduction of ADR 27A in July 1st 1976. This law and similar ones around the world, in my opinion, was the final cut that killed the Type 1 based Beetle, or more correctly, the VW type based air-cooled engine. The introduction of ADR 27 requires that a motor vehicle engine not discharge more than a certain level of carbon monoxides, or nitrous oxides. In the early days of emission controlled engines, and before catalytic converters, engine design relied on various methods to control these gases. One was the technique of feeding into the inlet manifold controlled amounts of exhaust gases to improve the

The VWCV June General Meeting is at the RACV Club NOT at the Coburg Drive-in as previously indicated! 12

combustion process and result in the emission targets. This was known as EGR or exhaust gas recirculation. Another was the use of an air pump. This consisted of the obvious little air pump driven off the crank shaft, which pumped fresh air into the exhaust system just after the exhaust port, which has the effect of completing the combustion process while the exhaust fumes travelled the length of the exhaust. (AKA VW Golfs post June 1976). Yet another method is to shape the combustion chamber - that is the pocket in the cylinder head and the shape of the crown of the piston to change the way the fuel and air burns and expands within the engine. In other words, design the engine for the task that is required - low exhaust emissions. Even while these early laws were being introduced even more stringent levels where being openly planned for in the near future. The dear old Type1 aircooled engine was designed by its famous designer Ferdinand Porsche as a simple basic power unit that would be durable, easy, and low cost to manufacture, back in 1938. Over time, as the science of engine design matured so too did the Type 1 engine - 1036cc, 1122cc, 1198cc, 1278cc, 1488, 1586cc. Throughout its life the basic design did not really change. The design was updated with each displacement increase to breathe better, and increase efficiency and power output, but exhaust emission was not a priority in the mind of the engineers at the time, other than its effect on fuel consumption. Well before 1976 with the introduction of ADR 27A, FMVSS in the USA, and ECE in Europe, Volkswagen was well aware of these looming legislations. Their design team would have had meeting after meeting discussing how this new challenge would be met by Volkswagen. Work of this type would have started as far back as 1969 (based my research). The ideas that would have been considered at the time I believe would have been many and varied. The following are some of what I believe most likely would have been considered. What would it take to make the current engine comply with these standards? Let’s build a couple of prototypes and measure them and see what they’re like? The results of

these questions would have resulted in an ECR and air pump being fitted as described previously, and the auxiliary equipment suitably modified or tuned to match. My guess is, the car most likely was fitted with a 1500 or 1600cc base engine and with these parasitic features added would have been very low in power. My guess would be compared to the 55 hp of a 1600cc as we know them; the equivalent pollution model would have been less than 40 hp. The vehicle most likely ran quite hot as the combustion temperatures would have been quite high due to the EGR and lean setting on the car. It would not have been impressive. About this time VW was also considering a replacement for the Beetle, code name EA26. This was a hatchback type design with a flat (Type 3) aircooled engine under the back seat. VW would have built scratch designed air-cooled engines to both suit the car and it’s upgrades as well as the emission standards of the future. I would not be surprised if these prototypes were were the Type 4 air-cooled 18-2000cc engine was derived from. Again heat would have been a problem. To achieve all the targets, the engine designers would have had to redesign the combustion chamber i.e. the heads, the barrels and pistons etc. Very major redesigns just to keep the car design alive. The VW engineers and management in crude terms would have been faced with the decision of; should I throw money at an engine design that may only survive for another few years, before a more stringent emission standard is legislated, or; do I have to start with a fresh sheet of paper and design an engine with the basic foundation design that would suit the immediate foreseeable emission standards, and may be coming? This would have been a very emotional decision as, VW had always relied on the security of little change year to year, which ensured you never disassociated yourself with your known clientele. • To be continued next issue...









K AR P ON D N RA B M RO F ISE U R - C E UN J Come Come and and help help us us celebrate celebrate 5TH 2 Y the DA therelease releaseofofthe thenew newHerbie Herbiemovie move R U T "Herbie-Fully "Herbie-Fully Loaded" Loaded" with with aa night night out out SA at at thethe Dromana Coburg Drive-in. Drive-In. Bring Bring your your Herbie Herbie (or (or whatever whatever VW VW you you own) own) and and bring bring your your friends friends -- we we want want to to fill fill the the drive-in drive-in with with VWs! VWs!

CRUISE & MOVIE: Meet at Brandon Park Shopping Centre, Springvale Rd car park 3.30pm (Melway Ref 71 B9) Depart at 4pm & cruise to the Dromana Drive-in (Melway Ref 160 E5) Movie commences at 6pm

COST: Adults $10 each • Kids $6 each Up to four adults $20 per car

MORE INFO: Contact Richard Graham on 0418 527 862 or email rgraham8@bigpond.net.au 16


R E G I S T R AT I O N FO R M The Volkswagen Club of Victoria invites you to participate in our 4 Day Victorian Tour . The tour will cover approximately 1150 km, taking in some of Victoria’s best landmarks such as Lake Hume, The Murray River, The Alpine National Park including Mount Beauty and Falls Creek and the Great Alpine Road. Whether you are participating in the entire event or joining us for only part of the tour, we would love for you to be a part of this memorial journey across our great state. Registration Fee: $20.00 per person - children under 12 y/o no charge. Please make cheque or money order payable to the: Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc.

Name/s: ____________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________ Post Code:________ Contact Number/s: Home: _____________________________Mobile: __________________________ Emergency Contact: _____________________________ Email: _______________________________ Vehicle Details:___________________________ Make: ________________ Model: _______________ Registration No: __________________________

Please tick days attending:

❏ Saturday 29th November ❏ Monday 31st October

❏ ❏

Sunday 30th October Tuesday 1st November

Office use only:

Registration Number: __________________Vehicle No: _______ Payment Received: $ ____________

Please return registration form and payment to the following address by August 31st 2005 thank you. VWCV 4 Day Tour - PO Box 1215 Melbourne VIC 3001




Get Down and Boogie!



> The VWCV 2005 Dinner Dance by Cheryl Ermel better night by staying on at the RACV overnight to recuperate. Thanks to Jen Littlechild for her persistence in organising the event and everyone that helped out with the decorating on the night. •

> The Ermels and the Clarkes enjoying their nibbles at the dinner dance.

Who said that VW owners have no rhythm or soul? Well around 70 members proved this wrong by attending the annual club dinner dance the RACV Rooftop restaurant on Saturday the 28th of May. The dress for the night was after five and everyone came looking very handsome in their evening attire. After very short speeches from Paul and Richard, we sat down to a three course dinner. It was silver service all the way as the RACV staff served up chicken terriyaki rolls, lamb tandoori, roast beef, salmon and two very delicious desserts. While we were eating the seven piece band ”Heatwave” provided music to eat by. After a couple of quick door prizes it was time to get down and boogie. The band started playing some blues and soul and the dance floor started to fill with usual people. However, this did not last long as people who would normally sit and watch were persuaded to show their moves. The music was funky and the moves on the dance floor were even funkier. Two encores around midnight saw an end to a great night with lots of members going away happy. Some of the members made it even a


> Top to bottom: A very happy looking President; the lovely Fran Oliver and Julie Clarke; Richard, Kim, Mercedes and Ross waiting for their dinner; and Xavier and company enjoying the night. Photos courtesy of Cheryl Ermel.

Beetle to the Deb Ball > Vaughan and Peta de Lautour I was sitting watching TV one night and my 16 year old daughter came to me and asked if she and her deb partner could go to their debutante ball in my newly restored Beetle. Most had chosen to travel in limousines and she wanted to go in something different. Of course I said yes with pride. The next evening, my daughter went out into the garage and cleaned and prepared the car for the following Saturday as it could not come soon enough. The Saturday afternoon started around 3pm, bright and sunny. When her deb partner and his mother arrived, they were happy and delighted with what they saw. The mother took quite an interest in the Beetle as she is a mechanical engineer with Ford. After some photos we headed off on our ride to Mooney Valley via Queens Park for some more photos with other school friends. On the way we got the customary stares and the odd toot from passing cars. At 4:15pm we arrived at Mooney Valley, where video was taken of all the arriving cars and debutante participants, so it could be played back on the big screen as part of the evening’s entertainment. The ball started at 7pm, where the students put on

themed performances in their various groups. Firstly, the arrival footage was displayed on the big screen, where a particular group of students were shown arriving in a horse drawn carriage. This was followed by limo after limo, and in the middle of it all, the Beetle drives in. To our surprise it received the loudest cheer and applause of the evening. After a good meal, a drink or two, a little bit of dancing, and a great show from the students, the evening finished in the late hours of the night. •

You can earn 5 club points by submitting an article to Wagensville News! Send your photos, articles, drawings or tit-bits NOW! 19


Club Clothing 2005 The VWCV has a great range of quality clothing and other merchandise. All clothing items are in stock and most sizes available. These can be purchased at club meetings and major VWCV events, or by using the club order form below. Garment







Cap - brushed cotton



Blue or Black


Bucket Hat

Navy or Black


Mens/Ladies Polo Shirt



Ladies Collared Shirt

Light Blue, Red, Navy or Black


Mens Twill Shirt

Black or Navy


Ladies Fine Chambray Shirt



Ladies Sleeve Polo

Lime or Scarlet


Mens Long Sleeve T-Shirt

Black or Navy


Pit Crew Shirt

Blue/Red or Black/Blue


Mens/Ladies Reversible Vest



Anorak Coat






• All items are embroided with a VW logo and the words “Club of Victoria”. Name(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________Post Code: ___________Telephone: ______________________ I have enclosed my cheque/money order for $________

Please make cheque/money order payable to the VWCV.

• Mail coupon to - VWCV Merchandise Officer: GPO Box 1215K Melbourne VIC 3001 Please enclose your cheque, name, address and phone number. Telephone: 0401 310 704 • Email: beetle00@tpg.com.au

Thank You The VWCV would like to thank the following businesses for their support of the 2004 Day of the Volkswagen: • Camberwell Volkswagen • Shannons Insurance • Australian VW Performance Centre • Volkshome Automotive • Wolfsburg Automotive • Classic Vee Dub Supplies • Vintage Vee Dub Supplies • Volkscare • KDF Werks • MIB Global (Models) • Mercwreck and Volksparts • Technical Bookshop


> For Sale

for sale

For Sale

Please Note:

• All additions to this section must be accompanied by either registration number, chassis number or VIN number.

• Advertisements will be limited to a period of two months only. If you wish to continue your advertisement beyond the initial two month period, please contact the Editor(s). Send your for sales and wanted ads to the Editor: 27 Scotia Street, West Preston, VIC 3072 Email: wagensville@yahoo.com.au

> For Sale

> For Sale

>For Sale: VW 1972 White Super Bug • Rego QBA 228 • 1600 engine, reconditioned in 2000, black interior, tinted windows, sports steering wheel, Porsche hub caps. Car in excellent condition inside and out. Price: $3500 ONO Contact: Kate on 0409 321 292

>For Sale: 2000 New Beetle, 2.0L, 5 speed manual, cyber green metallic, 89,000 km, paint and interior protection, tinted windows, powerchip, wheels: 17x7 Adrenalin, Tyres: 225/45zr17 Falken, Volkswagen lowering kit, front to rear sports exhaust system, 12 months registration, 11 x 1st place categories in various VW shows between 2000-04, rego. QEM 608. Price: $22,000 Contact: Ross on 03 9410 4067

> For Sale >For Sale: A set of four BBS wheels from a VR6. Good condition Yokohama ES100s all round. Price: $650 the lot Contact: Matthew 0411 220 277


>For Sale: VW Bug 1972, excellent condition, avocado green body, VG mechanically, rego. no DES 759 Price: $4200 Contact: Doug on 03 9787 8823 or Scott on 0417 032 091

> For Sale >For Sale: 1954 Oval Window Beetle, new floors, original style roof rack, headlight eyebrows, reco motor, cross ply tyres, whitewalls, original radio, brand new interior, new rear brakes, custom made lambs wool seat covers, lots of spares, semaphore indicators, two tone paint, beautiful to drive, award winning, 3rd prize in 2004 DOV standard beetle to 1957, reg till May QEV-749 Price: $8,500 Contact: Simon on 0400 604 500

> For Sale >For Sale: 1973 Type 3 Fastback, mint green, 1600cc 4 speed manual, complete and original condition. Some rust but straight body, suit restorer or enthusiast as needs restoration. Currently no RWC. VIN/Chassis No: 3102010151 - Bayside area. Price: All offers considered! Contact: Ameila on 0402 348 362

> For Sale >For Sale: VW 1976 white Superbug • Rego. VW059 • 1600 engine, very good condition inside and out, 9 months registration • chassis no. AS268962 Price: $3,500 ONO Contact: Kay on 03 9802 8657

> For Sale

> For Sale

>For Sale: VW Caravelle, 1990, 7 seat, 5 speed, 2.1 litre, good condition, rego RVE 904, 277.000km, located at Healsville Price: $9000 ONO Contact: 03 5962 1367

>For Sale: Kombi Campervan 1974 - 1800cc, rego no. FZN 535 registered till '06, interior revamped '03,front bull bar, full width bed, very good condition, RWC - prefer to sell to VW enthusiast Price: $$4975 Contact: Peter on 03 9315 0775

> For Sale >For Sale: Workshop Manuals; Beetle; Scientific Mag. revised edition 1957 for 1131cc engine; complete Price: $$40 >For Sale: 1974 passat publ by Clymer Price: $20 >For Sale: 1976-1985 Porsche 924 publ by Haynes Price: $20 Contact: Laurie on 03 9560 9969

> For Sale >For Sale: 2000cc T2 engine, dismantled, checked, repaired where necessary, complete, ready to fit, currently running on test rig. Price: $ 1250.00 ch/over or 1550.00 outright. Fitting can be arranged. >For Sale: 1600 cc single port engine, suit T1 or T2, new bottom end, rings, heads redone etc. Complete, with ok extractors. Hear running. Price: $900.00 ch/over (usable case) or $1150.00 outright Contact: Peter on 03 5967 3350

> For Sale

Thank you Ashwood NEIGHBOURHOOD

>For Sale: 1976 Golf 2 Door Orange Duco with Sunroof Motor running, needs tune 5 good tyres, little rust, sold without rego VIN No 176340900 Price: $500 ONO Contact: John on 0419 135 171

> Wanted >Wanted: Good diesel engine plus 5 speed gear box, for 1982 Golf. Contact: Mairi on 03 5354 5522

> For Sale >For Sale: VW 1965 Beetle, reg until Feb 2006, immaculate throughout, blue mica paint, matching interior, fully reconditioned 1600 twin port motor, must be seen to be appreciated! Price: $5,500 Contact: Debbie on 0419 424 847 or 03 5966 6061

Pharmacy for the donation of perfume to the VWCV Dinner Dance Raffle

380 Warrigal Road Ashwood 3147 Phone: 03 9885 3612


VWCV 2005 Concourse > Matt Kinsey

The VWCV held it’s annual concourse at the RAAF Point Cook Museum on Sunday 29th May. The day dawned cold but fine - many participants journeyed directly from the RACV Club in the city, after enjoying the previous night’s festivities at the dinner dance. A fine selection of vehicles graced the concourse this year - some never seen before cars making their first appearances on the show scene. 37 Volkswagens in total entered the concourse on the day, but there were many others present. The standard of vehicles entered was extremely high - making judging some categories very difficult. Many entrants had obviously gone to a lot of trouble preparing their vehicles - even the underbodies of many were immaculate. While judging took place, some people went for a stroll around the adjacent RAAF Museum, with it’s fine display of veteran aircraft and memorabilia. Other members made good use of the club’s BBQ facilities. Car of the Show this year went to John Bradley with his freshly restored 1960 Beetle - it really left everybody drueling with the quality of it’s restoration, and set


the benchmark for next year’s event. Thanks for the day should go to Richard Graham for excellent organization of the event (and in particular the judging), Cheryl Ermel for finding the wonderful venue, and Edlyn Foods for sponsorship of the trophies awarded on the day. A fantastic day was had by all who attended. Results from the concourse were as follows: Beetle pre-1957 Vince Zito Beetle 1958 - 1967 John Bradley Beetle 1968 - 2004 Lloyd Davies Kombi T1 & T2 Brad Wells Kombi T3 & T4 & T5 Brian Reed Type 3 & 4 Andrew Mengyel New Beetle Tracy Williams Golf Mk 1 & 2 & 3 Franz Franken Water Cooled Franz Franken Car of Show John Bradley No entries in Karmann Ghia or Golf Mk 4 & 5. •

> Scenes from the VWCV Concourse at Point Cook. Photos courtesy of Cheryl Ermel, Andrew Mengyel and Fran Oliver.


Tech Day Info > Suggested maintenance schedule & spare parts for your VW - John Goodison Monthly Maintenance ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

Fluid Levels Brake fluid Auto transmission fluid Engine oil Washer fluid Power steering fluid Tyres Pressure Tread wear Cuts and cracks Bulges Electrical Horn Lights Wipers/washers

Club Run ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ > Scenes from the VWCV Tech Day at Volkshome Automotive. Photos courtesy of Cheryl Ermel.

❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

Check all lights Dash lights Dip switch Indicators Parking and headlights Stop and reverse lights Check all monthly maintenance items Check accelerator cable ends for fraying Check battery terminals and fluid levels Check carburettor and fuel pumps for leakages Check front wheels for bearings adjustment and suspension component wear Check fuel lines and clamps Cable tie the fuel pump and carburettor inlet hoses Check spare tyre (condition and correct tyre pressure) and tools to change it

The VWCV June General Meeting is at the RACV Club NOT at the Coburg Drive-in as previously indicated! 26

The Big Adventure or 12 Months Inspection ❏ Check all flexible brake lines for cracking or swelling ❏ Check brake pads and linings ❏ Check CV boots and tighten CV bolts ❏ Check exhaust for leaks or loose baffles ❏ Check fluids in manual gearboxes ❏ Check fuses (replace if air-cooled) ❏ Check headlight aiming ❏ Check idle tension and pulleys ❏ Check master cylinder and wheel cylinders for leaks ❏ Check wheel alignment ❏ Check windscreen for sand blasting or cracks ❏ Clean fuse box ❏ Install or check fire extinguisher ❏ Replace wire from coil to carburettor ❏ Replace wiper blades ❏ Late model VWs - Change thermo fan fuses ❏ Late models VWs – Check Cam belt & drive ❏ Late models VWs – Check cooling system hoses and heater pump ❏ Older VWs - Check for rust in the battery box, fuel tank, A-pillar ❏ 1800 – 2litre Kombi – Check fuel pump, if Brazilian replace with Per Berg pump

Fluid Replacement Schedule Cars manufactured before 1993 Cars manufactured 1993 onwards Engine Oil - 6 months or 5000km 12 months or 15000km Gearbox Oil 2 years Coolant 2 years Power Steering 2 years Brake Fluid 2 years

Spares For Air Cooled Cars ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

Accelerator cable Clutch cable Contact points Engine oil Distributor cap & matching rotor button Fan belt (correct size) Fuel filter Fuel pump Fuses and spare headlight bulbs Generator pulley Ignition coil (correct voltage) Rear torsion bars (left & right) Rocker cover gaskets

❏ ❏ ❏ ❏

15 inch inner tube Spare braided fuel hose and clamps Spark plug connectors & spare plugs Voltage regulator (correct voltage)

Additional Spares for Water Cooled Vehicles ❏ Air filter element ❏ Radiator hoses and clamps ❏ Water! (coolant)

Tool Kit ❏ Tool kit that includes metric spanners & sockets ❏ Assorted metric nuts and bolts ❏ Axle nuts, split pins ❏ Cable ties ❏ Tube of silicon sealant ❏ Electrical, duct & gaffer tape ❏ Length of tie wire ❏ Spray lubricant ❏ Test light and length of electrical wire ❏ Gloves ❏ Towel or rug ❏ Cleaning clothes and hand cleaner Don’t forget your inflated spare tyre, jack and wheel brace!




The Professional Automotive People Parts • Servicing • Reconditioning • Full Workshop Facilities Complete diagnostic service using VW scanner and latest SUN 400 Engine Analyser.

John Goodison 16 Commercial Drive Thomastown VIC 3074 • PH 03 9464 0366 • FAX 03 9464 0856



D I S C O U N T S 29

Info discounts

> for members


Australian VW Performance Centre

10/25 Lusher Road CROYDON • P: 03 9725 5366 Contact Mick for trade pricing typically 10% off retail on most parts and services (up to value of $100). Dyno tuning at $60 per hour.

Camberwell Volkswagen 675 Burwood Road HAWTHORN • P: 03 9811 1888 Contact Dane Kelly and ask for member discount.

Imported Car Wreckers 9 Booloora Road SPRINGVALE • P: 03 9547 2169 Contact Mark for 15% discount.

Technical Bookshop

295 Swanston Street MELBOURNE • P: 03 9663 3951 10% discount - does not apply to lower margin items such as magazines, some videos and sale/discount items.


4 Macquarie Place BORONIA • P: 03 9729 9281 Contact Michael Clark for 10% discount on parts (maximum discount $50). Does not include genuine or special orders.

Volkspower 12 Florence Street BURWOOD • P: 03 9808 6777 Contact Dean for 10% discount on parts and servicing.

Wolfsburg Automotive 966 Mt Alexander Road ESSENDON • P: 03 9370 3100 Contact Gary for club member prices.

U Drive

Mark Pring • P: 9217 8866 U Drive is offering a 10% discount on all courses to all members of car clubs. This applies to all our Formula Ford drive days & gift vouchers - www.udrive.com.au

Volkshome Automotive 16 Commercial Drive THOMASTOWN • P: 03 9464 0366 Contact John for club member prices.


The VW Club of Victoria is authorised by VicRoads to issue Classic and Historic plates to financial club members with VWs over 25 years old. The main objective of the CH permit system is to enable club members a minimal registration fee because of the vehicles limited usage. The club requires all CH vehicles to undertake a safety check every two years. Safety checks are similar to roadworthy checks. A roadworthy certificate can be accepted in lieu of a safety check. The appointed club technical officers conduct safety checks at Tech Days and by appointment. A safety check ensures that the CH plate vehicle is safe to drive on club gazetted events and approved limited usage. It also encourages the maintenance, restoration and preservation of all types of VWs.

Membership Application Volkswagen Club of Victoria Inc. Membership Officer • GPO Box1215K MELBOURNE VIC 3001 • Phone 0401 310 704

Name(s): __________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ State: ________ Post Code: ________ Telephone: (H) ______________________ (M) _____________________ Occupation:______________________ (W) _________________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________ Competition Licence: Yes ❏ No ❏ (please tick)

• Vehicles - VWs only Model(s)/Year(s): ___________________________________________________________________________________ Capacity: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Registration Number(s): ______________________________________________________________________________

• I am interested in the following events/activities/functions: Being on the Committee

Car Shows/Concourse

Modifications Organising Events

(please circle)

CH Registration


Fuel Economy Runs



Social Events

Technical Sessions

Other Events:_______________________________________________________________________________________

• Club Membership Fees Single Membership (12 months) includes $10 application fee*

$50 per applicant

$ __________

$50 plus $20 per extra member

$ __________

Family Membership (12 months) includes $10 application fee*

*Membership Application Fee for first year members only


$ __________

• Please return this form together with your cheque or money order for payment to the above address. Please allow 28 days for processing.


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