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Disclosing social indicators
As part of our corporate responsibility, we recognise the importance of community engagement and shared value back to society. We actively work to lessen some of the gender imbalances culturally embedded in the societies we work in and seek to empower our employees to grow and develop.
About us
At NRS Relief, we are a diversified team of 27 professionals coming from all over the world. Colleagues covering managerial, executive, and assistant roles are from Nigeria, Lebanon, Italy,
Gender balance
At NRS Relief we do our best to create a gender-balanced workplace.
Education and training
In-house training sessions for employees were held remotely and on site. At HSNDS, more than 1,500 training hours were recorded, covering a range of 15 topics related to Health and Safety, Quality Management and Code of Conduct / Company Policies.
Netherlands, Switzerland, India, Pakistan, Nepal, Algeria, and the Philippines. Staff retention rate for long term employment is considerably high with more than 40% of the current staff working for the company for more than 7 years.
At NRS Relief, more than 150 hours of internal and external training and professional education was given covering a range of 8 topics related to Health and Safety, Quality Management and Code of Conduct / Company Policies.