Immersive technology has emerged as a serious contender for most compelling medtech—and deliverable solution for healthcare providers and medical issues. In the past month alone, Mojo Vision has positioned its smart contact lens as a medical device for the visually impaired, Embodied Labs has stepped up development of its VR caregiver training platform, Pear Therapeutics and Proprio have strengthened their hands in delivering immersive services to patients and medical professionals, and Nunaps has secured funding for its digital therapeutics platform. All of these developers and solutions are designed to solve complex problems, using VR and AR in the hospital as well as the home.
In this issue of VRWorldTech Magazine, we speak to leaders and experts from Oxford Medical Simulation, AppliedVR, Oxford VR, XRHealth and Precision OS to check the pulse of immersive tech development in healthcare, and we aren’t disappointed. Our focus is on training and digital therapeutics and how VR and AR are already delivering.