In Memory Program - 2021 Honorees

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DEAR FRIENDS: On behalf of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF), I am pleased to welcome you to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial for our 2021 In Memory ceremony. Today, in the shadow of The Wall, we honor the service and sacrifice of the men and women who served in the Vietnam War, returned home and later died. The Vietnam War was unpopular at home, yet nearly three million Americans served during this time. They served for lots of reasons…a legal requirement to serve when drafted, a sense of duty when called upon by their country, or even so that others didn’t have to serve. Thankfully, most returned home. However, for many, coming home from Vietnam was just the beginning of a whole new fight. Many never fully recovered, either physically or emotionally, from their experiences. That is why the In Memory program exists — because only a fraction of the casualties actually died on the battlefields of Vietnam. Many more carried their wounds back and suffered long after the actual fighting ended. As these service members pass, it is our duty and our solemn promise to welcome them home to this place that our nation has set aside to remember our Vietnam veterans. Today, they join their brothers and sisters in this place of honor and remembrance. For many of the family members here today, this ceremony is bittersweet. Your loss is still new. While that pain lingers, you are proud of your Vietnam veteran and happy to see them finally receive the recognition they deserve. I offer you this thought, which I hope will bring you some comfort — our Vietnam veterans took upon themselves the commitment to never allow another generation of men and women go into harm’s way for their country without the respect and honor they deserve. That is part of their legacy, and the next time you hear someone say “thanks for your service” to someone in uniform, you can take comfort in knowing that thanks also is being extended to your loved one. Today, we add 361 veterans to the In Memory Honor Roll, joining more than 4,700 heroes that were previously honored. Together we’ll make sure that their sacrifices — and those of their families — will never be forgotten. For as long as this memorial stands, and as long as visitors come to this place to learn, your loved ones will be remembered. Thank you all for joining us here today. Sincerely,

Jim Knotts President and CEO Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund



Prelude Music

West Point Alumni Glee Club Directed by Ms. Nancy Riley

Welcome Remarks

Julianna Blaylock Outreach Manager Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund

Master of Ceremonies

Captain Denis Faherty, USN (Ret.) Former Deputy Director of the National Strategic War Gaming Center, National Defense University

Presentation of Colors Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Diane Parisi Wife of 2016 In Memory Honoree, John Parisi National Anthem West Point Alumni Glee Club Retiring of Colors Mansions of the Lord

West Point Alumni Glee Club

Name Reading Past Participants Keynote Remarks Jim Knotts President & CEO, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund The Unsung Heroes Recording by Chuck Price 2021 In Memory Honor Roll Call

Family and Friends



2021 2020 Inductees

Ernest R. Adkins January 5, 1947–March 7, 1999 Vietnam, 1970-1971

J. Blaise Alackness November 24, 1942–April 4, 2010 Vietnam, 1965-1966

Patrick P. Amell March 17, 1950–June 5, 2000 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

Johnny Owen Anderson July 29, 1946–June 23, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1968, 1970-1971

Willie Frank Anderson October 5, 1948–October 26, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Peter David Andres September 10, 1948–March 4, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

U.S. Army

Malcolm Frank Armstrong December 26, 1939–January 6, 2021 Vietnam, 1960-1967

Jack R. Arnold November 11, 1934–August 24, 2018 Vietnam, 1968-1970

John P. Ashley Jr. October 20, 1948–April 21, 1981 Vietnam, 1969-1970

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Howard Bernard Atwater April 17, 1951–June 23, 2018 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Eusebio Briones Avila February 12, 1949–July 6, 2019 Vietnam, 1969

Adrian E. Badger August 1, 1941–January 8, 2015 Vietnam, 1968-1969, 1970-1971

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Larry Charles Bahls March 27, 1945–June 21, 2018 Vietnam, 1965-1966

Patrick Michael Baker December 25, 1947–February 23, 1995 Vietnam, 1970-1971

John Allen Balkon September 13, 1948–June 4, 2018 Vietnam, 1968-1970

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

Stuart W. Ballard June 12, 1943–January 12, 2021 Vietnam, 1966-1967

Walter Louis Barber September 20, 1949–November 17, 2010 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Robert Terry Barbour August 29, 1950–March 25, 1976 Vietnam, 1971

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Harold Deroy Barefoot July 18, 1944–September 30, 2003 Vietnam, 1966-1967

Bradley C. Barnett December 12, 1952–May 7, 2020 Vietnam, 1971-1975

Raymond Barnett February 23, 1947–March 11, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1970

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

U.S. Army

Vincent Bavero February 1, 1947–May 29, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1967

William Thomas Beall January 19, 1948–January 7, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1969

Jack G. Beane April 7, 1949–August 16, 2017 Vietnam, 1967-1970

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Navy

U.S. Marine Corps

Patrick Dale Beaver September 16, 1947–December 14, 2018 Vietnam, 1965-1968

Thomas Edward Beck April 29, 1946–December 13, 2019 Vietnam, 1964-1968

John Merwyn Beeler October 2, 1951–August 19, 1995 Vietnam, 1970-1971

U.S. Navy

U.S. Navy

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Thomas Beerman March 31, 1947–February 12, 2013 Vietnam, 1968-1969

David Chester Beggs June 24, 1951–August 15, 2020 Vietnam, 1969-1971

Karl Thomas Beilmann May 14, 1946–January 31, 2020 Vietnam, 1965-1968

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

David E. Blaney July 28, 1948–October 31, 2003 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Harold Claton Blankenship July 7, 1950–January 8, 2011 Vietnam, 1969-1970

George Edward Bobb III October 30, 1946–January 1, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1970

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

Alan Earl Bock June 29, 1950–February 9, 2021 Vietnam, 1970-1974

Bryan Edward Bokuniewicz September 18, 1946–June 16, 1974 Vietnam, 1966

James Grant Boles Jr. April 11, 1948–April 23, 2016 Vietnam, 1967-1969

U.S. Navy

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Vincenzo Bordonaro May 19, 1950–February 1, 2007 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Larry Albert Bowers August 25, 1947–September 6, 2019 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Darrell William Bowman May 20, 1946–October 16, 2020 Vietnam, 1964-1967

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps

Robert Edward Box December 18, 1945–October 3, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Charles Ray Bradfield June 16, 1949–April 3, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1969

John Bolen Brown III October 5, 1948–September 27, 2020 Vietnam, 1970

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

Lester Eugene Brown Jr. June 19, 1947–September 28, 2015 Vietnam

Roger Wayne Brown May 6, 1948–January 12, 2021 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Ronald Lee Brown December 11, 1944–December 20, 2020 Vietnam, 1962-1965

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps


2021 2020 Inductees

Robert E. Bruno October 21, 1952–July 23, 2016 Vietnam, 1971-1974

Bernal J. Buessing February 11, 1944–April 1, 2000 Vietnam, 1967-1968

John J. Buleza Jr. November 17, 1941–April 26, 2018 Vietnam, 1964-1966

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Neil A. Burke May 7, 1944–January 8, 2021 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Charles Lawrence Burkhart August 31, 1940–June 28, 2016 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Dennis D. Burmeister April 9, 1947–February 18, 2021 Vietnam, 1967-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Air Force

Floyd Edward Burns Sr. March 9, 1950–September 4, 2019 Vietnam, 1970

Michael Dee Burns December 25, 1946–April 11, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1967

Herman David Burris December 26, 1943–August 25, 2019 Vietnam, 1961-1967

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy


2021 2020 Inductees

David William Burt August 31, 1950–November 29, 2020 Vietnam, 1970-1971

Henry W. Buss July 5, 1941–February 7, 2017 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Joseph Robert Butler June 9, 1951–February 10, 1980 Vietnam, 1968-1972

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

Larry H. Byerly April 1, 1947–October 31, 1980 Vietnam, 1966-1967

Thomas S. Cafferty August 26, 1947–September 3, 2003 Vietnam, 1967-1970

Jesse Hewell Cantrell July 30, 1945–March 12, 2010 Vietnam, 1965

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

William Kelton Carey March 12, 1951–June 13, 2020 Vietnam, 1971-1972

William Baker Carleton August 29, 1942–November 24, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

David Kaleimomi Carman October 6, 1945–February 26, 2021 Vietnam, 1968-1972

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Air Force


2021 2020 Inductees

Donald Ray Chandler August 5, 1947–June 5, 2014 Vietnam, 1968-1971

Dennis Christian December 19, 1948–October 3, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1970

Stanley Cidlowski Jr. September 19, 1941–November 3, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Leonard E. Clark Jr. August 18, 1937–August 3, 2020 Vietnam, 1964

Richard Alan Clark December 28, 1950–January 5, 2019 Vietnam, 1969-1970

James David Collett September 10, 1947–August 12, 2019 Vietnam, 1966-1968

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps

William A. Collins August 23, 1949–May 19, 2016 Vietnam, 1968-1969

John Ben Cook Jr. May 22, 1947–July 11, 2011 Vietnam, 1971-1972

David Ray Cox March 8, 1948–November 16, 2019 Vietnam, 1969-1970

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Air Force


2021 2020 Inductees

Carl D. Crabbs August 20, 1947–January 9, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1968

Ronald David Creps June 7, 1945–July 24, 2006 Vietnam, 1964

Albert F. Crowder March 17, 1930–August 28, 2017 Vietnam, 1966-1967, 1968-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Horace Wayne Crowe November 13, 1942–February 10, 2021 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Donald F. Crowell April 22, 1944–August 24, 2019 Vietnam, 1968

John Henry Culbertson July 24, 1946–September 8, 2015 Vietnam, 1965-1966

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

John Stephen Cygnarowicz Jr. March 6, 1949–December 25, 2020 Vietnam, 1970-1971

Bernard Phillip Czerwinski September 23, 1942–February 23, 2014 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Russell Owen Dalton Sr. September 7, 1949–November 19, 2019 Vietnam, 1969-1970

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Ray Darrow January 26, 1949–January 7, 2020 Vietnam, 1971

Joseph E. Daugherty Jr. February 5, 1944–April 3, 2011 Vietnam, 1968-1969

James Robert Davis August 14, 1942–March 27, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Air Force

Richard Spencer Davis August 9, 1944–July 1, 2019 Vietnam, 1966

Timothy Paul Davis May 18, 1948–June 30, 2018 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Dennis G. Deems September 26, 1950–January 19, 2020 Vietnam, 1970-1971

U.S. Navy

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

Leonard Densmore Jr. October 28, 1942–February 28, 2005 Vietnam, 1968

Larry Alan Dobson November 4, 1949–April 18, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1969

James Beecher Dollens May 29, 1944–June 6, 2018 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Joseph H. Dussault January 4, 1934–July 20, 2019 Vietnam, 1966-1967, 1969-1970

Eddie Dale Earls August 27, 1943–September 6, 2017 Vietnam, 1966-1967

George H.S. Edwards May 6, 1947–March 14, 2016 Vietnam, 1966-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

Otis Houston Edwards Sr. November 2, 1948–February 19, 2016 Vietnam, 1970-1971

Philip Thomas Eldon June 10, 1947–March 16, 2018 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Jaime E. Escabi June 29, 1949–August 30, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1970

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Patrick Michael Farrell August 2, 1946–March 14, 2018 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Patrick Ryan Farrell March 2, 1947–October 23, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1969

Peter Adams Fellman January 11, 1945–June 15, 2006 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Stan Ferguson November 9, 1947–December 3, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1970

Thomas Frank Ferreira June 18, 1947–February 2, 1980 Vietnam, 1966-1968

Richard Frederick Ficke Jr. April 5, 1937–April 20, 2020 Vietnam, 1971-1975

U.S. Navy

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Air Force

Robert A. Fiesler November 21, 1951–February 18, 2019 Vietnam, 1971-1972

Frank A. Filosa April 23, 1946–November 8, 2019 Vietnam, 1969-1970

John J. Finley August 21, 1946–September 19, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Terry Elmer Fix June 27, 1947–July 31, 2018 Vietnam, 1967

Arthur Richard Flanagan November 2, 1946–October 26, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Perry Elliott Flanyak November 19, 1946–January 7, 2017 Vietnam, 1967-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

John J. Fleming November 16, 1942–May 17, 1997 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Jerry Lee Floyd November 20, 1942–December 5, 2018 Vietnam, 1970

John T. Flynn Jr. December 23, 1947–December 13, 2002 Vietnam, 1969-1970

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

Wayne D. Foster April 29, 1944–December 6, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1968

Talma Joe Fowler August 21, 1944–February 8, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1967

Thomas E. Fraley September 6, 1945–January 7, 2014 Vietnam, 1967-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

Obie Alexander Franklin Jr. February 21, 1945–October 29, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1967

Donald Martin Freeman December 5, 1943–April 12, 2020 Vietnam, 1965-1967, 1969-1972

Richard Loren Frost July 3, 1944–January 26, 2020 Vietnam, 1972

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Dominic Joseph Gabriele September 23, 1943–March 12, 2017 Vietnam, 1964-1965

Joseph Edward Gaffney February 8, 1948–January 27, 2002 Vietnam, 1967-1969

Barry Allan Gallas June 11, 1942–March 8, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Mario Galvan November 17, 1946–May 8, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

George Gancarz July 2, 1940–December 2, 2019 Vietnam, 1960-1964

Clarence Bernard Julio Garcia Sr. September 7, 1950–April 26, 2017 Vietnam, 1970-1971

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

Brian E. Garman October 25, 1943–July 13, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1970

Duane Eugene Garoutte August 29, 1947–March 19, 2016 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Dennis R. Gasser February 17, 1947–August 8, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

James Craig Geiger November 13, 1951–January 18, 1987 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Anthony Genevrino August 3, 1950–June 7, 2004 Vietnam, 1969-1971

Lowell Edwin Gilmore January 14, 1942–November 23, 2010 Vietnam, 1962-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps

Robert Edward Glennon February 7, 1949–January 20, 2018 Vietnam, 1967-1970

Frank L. Glow June 28, 1947–March 8, 2008 Vietnam, 1967-1969

William James Goldman January 11, 1947–May 13, 2019 Vietnam, 1966-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Michael Douglas Gottas October 21, 1946–March 28, 2019 Vietnam, 1965-1968

Stan Gowlis October 10, 1947–July 14, 2018 Vietnam, 1966-1967

Richard Edward Greaser March 30, 1949–January 12, 2014 Vietnam, 1970

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Robert Melvin Griffus April 3, 1946–July 20, 2019 Vietnam, 1966-1967

Paul J.E. Griggs March 1, 1934–May 6, 2018 Vietnam, 1966-1967, 1972-1973

Larry Emmitt Groce March 9, 1947–March 25, 2017 Vietnam, 1967-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Navy

John Norman Gross Jr. July 12, 1949–September 13, 2017 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Frank Joseph Gubala November 15, 1947–March 25, 2020 Vietnam, 1968

John Daniel Guilford September 16, 1948–July 9, 2014 Vietnam, 1968-1970

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Alfred Guzylak March 26, 1948–July 21, 2002 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Adrien J. Hache December 1, 1948–March 17, 1979 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Kenneth Eugene Hadley February 12, 1947–October 13, 2019 Vietnam, 1966-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps


2021 2020 Inductees

Stephen William Haesche August 11, 1944–July 23, 2019 Vietnam, 1966-1968

Legree Hairston Jr. July 4, 1935–December 25, 2019 Vietnam, 1967-1968, 1969-1971

Floyd “Shorty” Allen Hall April 8, 1949–April 24, 2015 Vietnam, 1970

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Ross Harrison Hall August 24, 1936–June 15, 2016 Vietnam, 1966-1967, 1969-1973

Willie Ray Hall April 24, 1945–April 20, 2007 Vietnam, 1966-1968

Allan Ray Hancock March 15, 1947–November 30, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1968

U.S. Navy

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Robert Joseph Hanuschik July 21, 1948–May 5, 2015 Vietnam, 1968-1969

John D. Hardin January 26, 1948–December 30, 2015 Vietnam, 1967-1969

Frank Charles Harrison December 28, 1945–October 21, 2005 Vietnam, 1966-1967

U.S. Navy

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Keith Taylor Hearsch July 2, 1947–December 10, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Steven Jack Hellerstein December 24, 1946–August 8, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1970

Ed W. Hennessy May 10, 1945–November 30, 2020 Vietnam, 1969-1973

U.S. Army

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Navy

Raymond Arthur Hestres Jr. March 26, 1947–January 25, 2019 Vietnam, 1967-1970

William Alexander Hewitt October 26, 1933–January 2, 2021 Vietnam, 1966-1967

Chester A. Hibbert Jr. September 18, 1943–March 5, 2012 Vietnam, 1964

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Rodney D. Higgins March 12, 1949–August 5, 2020 Vietnam, 1970-1971

Samuel “Kip” Hines III July 27, 1949–May 12, 2015 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Donald Harold Hirsch June 6, 1948–November 1, 2015 Vietnam, 1969-1970

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps


2021 2020 Inductees

Loren R. Hodge July 28, 1938–December 10, 2017 Vietnam, 1965, 1968 - 1969

David Joe Hofeditz June 5, 1947–July 21, 2017 Vietnam, 1966-1967

Phillip Wayman Holdaway January 8, 1947–January 9, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1968

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Navy

U.S. Army

Robert Cantin Hoppe January 30, 1949–September 19, 2011 Vietnam, 1970-1972

Gerald Clayton Huhn Jr. March 8, 1947–March 3, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Frederick Allen Hummel July 10, 1941–December 15, 2020 Vietnam, 1960

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

U.S. Navy

Peter James Hundahl April 24, 1950–May 25, 2020 Vietnam, 1969-1972

William Oliver Hunnicutt III November 15, 1943–April 23, 2017 Vietnam, 1970-1971

William Duane Hunt May 18, 1946–June 5, 2020 Vietnam

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

David Nye Hutchinson May 1, 1947–December 2, 2019 Vietnam, 1969-1974

Mark Douglas Hutchinson March 12, 1949–September 24, 2013 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Daniel Allen Ingels July 12, 1947–December 21, 2015 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Bruce A. Jenkins April 22, 1948–March 3, 2021 Vietnam, 1965-1968

Edward A. Johnson June 19, 1949–October 6, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Richard Lee Johnson August 31, 1944–April 23, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1967

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Air Force

Samuel K. Jones Sr. October 31, 1945–June 2, 2018 Vietnam, 1963-1967

Tommy Vern Jones November 5, 1945–March 17, 2019 Vietnam, 1966-1968

John Edward Kallas December 14, 1947–November 24, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Navy

U.S. Marine Corps


2021 2020 Inductees

Ricky Lee Karls August 7, 1950–September 27, 2012 Vietnam

Joseph Michael Kasper October 26, 1950–October 12, 2010 Vietnam, 1970-1971

James Stephen Kelley November 18, 1950–January 24, 2019 Vietnam, 1971-1972

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

Thomas L. Kelley Jr. April 27, 1947–November 17, 2019 Vietnam, 1970

James David Kesselring December 29, 1948–December 31, 2020 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Delbert Efird Kibler January 29, 1938–February 5, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1968, 1970-1971

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Danny E. Kinsley February 19, 1947–January 15, 2021 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Jaroslaw Klymec October 19, 1946–June 21, 2020 Vietnam

Jeffrey C. Knutson September 20, 1951–July 21, 1997 Vietnam, 1972-1974

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy


2021 2020 Inductees

Brian Arthur Kolbe September 20, 1947–April 19, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1968

Jack O. Kuhlman December 19, 1942–March 15, 2021 Vietnam, 1964-1965

David H. Kuhns August 6, 1948–October 18, 2004 Vietnam, 1969-1973

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

U.S. Navy

Lawrence Eugene Kuhn April 1, 1948–November 16, 2019 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Ronald Lainhart November 15, 1947–May 7, 1987 Vietnam, 1966-1969

Jim Langford October 30, 1950–October 30, 2019 Vietnam, 1970-1973

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Lawrence Leland Larsen August 27, 1946–November 24, 2015 Vietnam, 1966-1967

William C. Larson November 19, 1950–January 29, 2017 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Richard C. Laux May 17, 1947–September 9, 2015 Vietnam, 1966-1967

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Navy


2021 2020 Inductees

Lee F. Ledet January 15, 1942–January 22, 2021 Vietnam, 1965-1966

Paul Freeman Lee September 23, 1940–May 30, 2019 Vietnam, 1967

Kyle Letterman January 14, 1951–April 22, 2017 Vietnam, 1971-1972

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Navy

U.S. Army

Cecil Dwain Lewis June 30, 1929–August 30, 2006 Vietnam, 1967-1968, 1970-1971

Jerry D. Linhart June 20, 1943–December 28, 2019 Vietnam, 1967-1969

Wallace T. Littlewood October 21, 1946–June 12, 2015 Vietnam, 1969-1971

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

Frank George Machovsky March 22, 1947–October 26, 2018 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Porfirio Rudy Macias January 16, 1949–March 23, 2018 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Vinson Lee Macy November 6, 1946–August 14, 2016 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

U.S. Air Force


2021 2020 Inductees

Alfred Michael Magrum Jr. May 3, 1944–August 25, 2016 Vietnam, 1965-1966

Patrick M. Malone March 29, 1947–April 24, 2016 Vietnam, 1968

Howard A. Malone Jr. March 11, 1938–January 13, 2021 Vietnam, 1965-1966, 1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

James B. Maloney March 3, 1944–August 14, 2019 Vietnam, 1967-1968

David Anthony Masson March 15, 1954–November 4, 2019 Vietnam, 1972-1973

Teddy Ray Matney February 26, 1947–March 30, 2004 Vietnam, 1967-1968

U.S. Navy

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

Jeffrey J. McCrea December 15, 1948–June 17, 1992 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Robert Paul McDuffie October 24, 1950–November 13, 2018 Vietnam, 1969-1970

James Alvy McGarity Jr. October 20, 1946–April 30, 2019 Vietnam, 1966-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Frank E. McGlinchey May 24, 1946–May 30, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Sylvester “Mac” McGlothan Jr. May 22, 1946–June 17, 2006 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Jimmy Jon McGraw February 16, 1935–June 10, 2018 Vietnam, 1966-1967, 1969-1970

U.S. Army

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

JB Meachum July 13, 1950–April 28, 2020 Vietnam, 1969-1973

Norman Charles Megahan March 25, 1942–April 21, 2007 Vietnam, 1966-1967

William Steve Meineke June 1, 1952–October 16, 2020 Vietnam, 1969-1973

U.S. Navy

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Navy

Paul Jerome Melnick April 1, 1947–April 24, 1983 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Paul Mencinskas November 4, 1946–September 29, 2007 Vietnam, 1968-1969

James Ivan Mendzef February 27, 1948–February 1, 2006 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

William Delano Merritt September 18, 1952–March 12, 2014 Vietnam, 1971

Stanley Howard Mersand September 22, 1946–May 26, 2017 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Barry Miller July 12, 1947–April 14, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Wiley Cecil Mingia December 19, 1949–April 27, 2010 Vietnam, 1968-1971

John Keith Miskimins September 3, 1947–May 28, 2016 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Larry Dale Mitchell November 26, 1948–December 15, 2016 Vietnam, 1968-1970

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Roland James Mitchell December 13, 1947–January 4, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1970

Samuel Raymond Molski September 28, 1946–August 23, 2019 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Patrick C. Monahan July 24, 1948–February 7, 2021 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Salvador Alfredo Montoya October 8, 1946–November 9, 2018 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Dale F. Morin October 11, 1942–April 26, 1984 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Sanford Maples Mullis January 10, 1941–February 24, 2016 Vietnam, 1968-1973

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Victor Pena Nacianceno December 23, 1952–March 5, 2014 Vietnam, 1970-1972

Michael G. Najarian August 5, 1943–May 14, 2020 Vietnam, 1962-1968

Michael Allen Nash January 21, 1948–January 30, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1972

U.S. Army

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Navy

M.C. Nelson June 25, 1935–February 7, 2003 Vietnam

Norman “Skipper” Ness April 7, 1952–May 5, 2019 Vietnam, 1969-1971

Jerry Martin O’Neal September 16, 1951–July 5, 2019 Vietnam, 1970-1971

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Bill O’Toole November 17, 1949–May 1, 2019 Vietnam, 1969-1970

William Glen Oldham August 31, 1944–September 27, 2007 Vietnam, 1968-1969, 1970-1971

Donald P. Olds Jr. July 12, 1948–April 27, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

Gary R. Oltz November 12, 1947–December 27, 2020 Vietnam, 1965-1969

John William Owings III May 9, 1946–July 22, 2017 Vietnam, 1965-1967

Daniel Paul Panek November 18, 1942–July 12, 2017 Vietnam, 1963-1965

U.S. Navy

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

Joseph John Pavlik Jr. January 9, 1949–January 5, 2021 Vietnam, 1971

Carroll Paul Pedersen April 15, 1942–January 19, 2021 Vietnam, 1965-1966

David Joseph Pendzinski September 30, 1944–September 20, 2019 Vietnam, 1962-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps


2021 2020 Inductees

WC Pepper March 26, 1946–January 25, 2018 Vietnam, 1965-1968

Allen Petersen November 12, 1941–August 2, 1994 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Dale Glenn Petersen February 22, 1942–June 16, 2019 Vietnam, 1965-1966

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

Craig M. Phillips July 7, 1947–October 26, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1968

John Edwin Pierce August 20, 1942–December 22, 2015 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Michael Stanley Pikula February 24, 1945–December 12, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

James Robert Pinter October 17, 1944–July 14, 2013 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Henry J. Podlaszewski December 29, 1948–December 16, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1971

Gordon Polut January 29, 1948–January 13, 2021 Vietnam, 1967-1969

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Salvatore E. Popolo June 20, 1948–January 12, 2021 Vietnam, 1968-1970

Richard Witold Porada November 27, 1952–January 19, 2011 Vietnam, 1971-1972

Gordon B. Porterfield III December 27, 1943–March 18, 2020 Vietnam, 1965-1966

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Marvin Wayne Poser January 4, 1950–August 27, 2020 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Dwight T. Powers March 17, 1948–May 21, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1969

Benjamin Primus December 30, 1945–May 1, 1993 Vietnam, 1965

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps

Steven C. Printz April 25, 1950–August 9, 2019 Vietnam, 1967-1973

Florencio “Frank” Ramirez January 8, 1948–August 24, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1969

Robert Charles Rands March 14, 1943–May 11, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1967

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy


2021 2020 Inductees

Harley Lee Rayburn September 8, 1952–September 14, 2018 Vietnam, 1971

Richard Alan Reed August 17, 1948–December 7, 2020 Vietnam, 1969-1970

David K. Reese February 6, 1945–September 28, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1968

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Robert L. Reeves June 26, 1945–December 6, 2020 Vietnam, 1969

Ricardo Lechliter Reyes June 16, 1946–April 19, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1970

William B. Reynolds Jr. November 18, 1934–February 4, 2021 Vietnam, 1965-1966

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Air Force

James Edwin Richcreek Sr. April 26, 1946–January 7, 2021 Vietnam, 1970-1971

John Victor Risko August 27, 1945–January 25, 1991 Vietnam, 1965-1967

Richard Frank Rivera February 23, 1951–October 21, 2016 Vietnam, 1970-1971

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

John Charles Robinson December 3, 1947–June 19, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1967

Michael Patrick Rogers April 11, 1948–June 2, 2020 Vietnam, 1965-1969

James Henry Rose February 20, 1949–March 17, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Navy

U.S. Navy

U.S. Army

Ricardo R. Sanchez July 2, 1946–January 27, 2021 Vietnam, 1966-1968

John Sandow October 13, 1947–July 21, 2016 Vietnam, 1966-1969

Edward D. Santiago June 19, 1943–July 14, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Craig Stanley Sawmiller March 25, 1950–May 3, 2017 Vietnam, 1969-1971

Leo Anthony Schaefer Sr. October 10, 1937–November 6, 2020 Vietnam, 1955-1967

Lance E. Scholtes June 12, 1946–January 28, 2021 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

U.S. Navy


2021 2020 Inductees

Michael Louis Schrock July 4, 1947–May 14, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1969

Billy Leland Segraves October 19, 1950–June 18, 2008 Vietnam, 1969

Charles Sharkady February 15, 1932–November 23, 1992 Vietnam

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Air Force

Michael F. Sharp July 13, 1948–August 11, 2014 Vietnam, 1970

James N. Shawlin December 19, 1936–April 8, 2018 Vietnam, 1967-1970

John Emerson Sims July 11, 1945–December 20, 2003 Vietnam, 1970-1971

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

U.S. Army

Glenn Charles Smith October 2, 1942–March 18, 2018 Vietnam, 1963-1964

Daniel Bernard Stachurski June 25, 1944–November 20, 2017 Vietnam, 1968-1970

Paul L. Staudenmaier November 7, 1947–May 20, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1970

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

David John Stencil October 16, 1950–August 14, 2010 Vietnam, 1970-1972

Charles William Stephan April 2, 1948–November 3, 2016 Vietnam, 1967-1969

Ross William Stephen September 21, 1947–November 28, 2018 Vietnam, 1967-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army

Larry J. Stienes September 14, 1948–March 3, 2021 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Allan Davis Stirling Jr. February 23, 1946–January 11, 2015 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Donald Drew Street February 28, 1950–April 30, 1982 Vietnam, 1968-1974

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

Elmer A. Strickland February 24, 1948–May 17, 2011 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Allan W. Strout September 13, 1946–October 29, 2019 Vietnam, 1965-1966

Dexter Sturgeon Sr. May 3, 1948–February 14, 2015 Vietnam, 1968-1970

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Howard Kent Stutz May 26, 1941–September 28, 1986 Vietnam, 1958-1967

Neslie Derrick Sutton Sr. June 5, 1945–September 1, 2018 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Fred Svarney September 8, 1947–April 11, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Navy

U.S. Navy

U.S. Army

David W. Swarthout March 6, 1949–May 8, 1999 Vietnam, 1967-1969

Joseph Vincent Tallerico May 19, 1945–April 9, 2020 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Wayne L. Talley March 23, 1950–July 7, 2019 Vietnam, 1970-1971

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Earl Lee Taylor December 11, 1939–February 18, 2000 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Frederic W. Temple May 2, 1943–March 21, 2013 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Arthur D. Thomas May 25, 1945–December 10, 2020 Vietnam, 1965-1967

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Edward Earl Thompson February 18, 1949–April 23, 1995 Vietnam, 1970

Terry Lee Tiffany August 19, 1948–May 11, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1972

Robert L. Toman April 27, 1954–July 9, 2009 Vietnam, 1972-1973

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

U.S. Navy

Corsino Toro Jr. December 15, 1946–March 29, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1969

Lewis M. “Mike” Totten August 25, 1949–November 16, 2020 Vietnam, 1970-1971

Donald L. Tucker January 13, 1948–July 3, 2015 Vietnam, 1967-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Robert G. Tulwits March 13, 1945–January 29, 2021 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Carlos Jose Uresti August 17, 1949–October 18, 2017 Vietnam, 1969-1971

John J. Valente Jr. April 22, 1948–July 14, 2018 Vietnam, 1967-1969

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Glenn Patrick Valuroso April 3, 1948–October 30, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Jose R. Velez Morillo March 5, 1948–February 17, 2021 Vietnam, 1966-1968

Glenn Arthur Vermett Jr. April 21, 1948–November 11, 2019 Vietnam, 1971

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

Richard C. Vigus October 27, 1950–January 17, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Steven D. Vineyard November 29, 1949–September 30, 2017 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Michael John Voigt September 20, 1948–June 15, 1993 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

William Henry Ward Jr. December 15, 1947–May 14, 2019 Vietnam, 1970-1971

Richard Charles Watson May 8, 1944–February 3, 2018 Vietnam, 1968-1969

David Burtyn Weltich July 25, 1945–December 12, 2018 Vietnam, 1965-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Coval Edward Wetmore December 2, 1949–September 9, 2015 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Dale Edward Whicker December 23, 1944–January 18, 2016 Vietnam, 1964-1966

Jeremiah Francis Whittier August 23, 1949–March 18, 2016 Vietnam, 1970-1972

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Navy

U.S. Navy

Herbert W. Wilkes Jr. April 29, 1925–October 10, 2009 Vietnam, 1964-1965

John Allan Williams December 5, 1946–December 20, 1993 Vietnam, 1965-1970

John R. Williams Jr. November 21, 1946–December 28, 2019 Vietnam, 1968-1970

U.S. Army

U.S. Navy

U.S. Army

Kevin Bradley Williams February 11, 1954–December 23, 2018 Vietnam, 1972-1973

Robert Francis Williams September 12, 1947–May 22, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

Ronnie Williams February 24, 1948–September 12, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Army


2021 2020 Inductees

Donald Lee Wilson April 6, 1947–September 23, 2007 Vietnam, 1967-1971

Terry Vaughn Wilson June 4, 1950–January 30, 2013 Vietnam, 1968-1971

Wayne Deloss Wines Jr. July 26, 1947–November 25, 2010 Vietnam, 1967-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps

Charles Frederick Wing January 9, 1933–October 13, 1993 Vietnam, 1964-1968

William Edward Wisniewski October 1, 1949–September 1, 1998 Vietnam, 1967-1968

Stephen M. Wistrand April 4, 1944–August 21, 2017 Vietnam, 1969-1970

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Marine Corps

James William Wood III December 1, 1949–June 29, 2018 Vietnam, 1971-1972

Raymond Charles Wood December 8, 1947–October 10, 2020 Vietnam, 1965-1968

Richard Charles Woodcock March 13, 1949–August 15, 2010 Vietnam, 1967-1968

U.S. Army

U.S. Air Force

U.S. Marine Corps


2021 2020 Inductees

Paul Houston Woods December 8, 1937–October 21, 2017 Vietnam, 1967-1970

Morris Dan Wright November 19, 1951–February 23, 2020 Vietnam, 1971-1972

Ronald Leon Wynegar May 3, 1951–June 11, 2018 Vietnam, 1970-1971

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

U.S. Army

James Nicholas Wynne November 10, 1950–September 12, 2020 Vietnam, 1969-1970

Donald Edward Yates May 22, 1947–January 6, 2011 Vietnam, 1966-1969

Howard R. Yeatman Jr. December 12, 1944–October 15, 2011 Vietnam, 1966-1967

U.S. Army

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Air Force

John Percy Young March 7, 1946–February 6, 2020 Vietnam, 1967-1969

Robert Gordon Young November 8, 1944–April 25, 2002 Vietnam, 1966-1969

Dennis Anthony Zgardzinski October 6, 1947–September 14, 2020 Vietnam, 1968-1969

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Navy

U.S. Marine Corps


2021 2020 Inductees

George Arthur Zimmer August 30, 1943–March 23, 2020 Vietnam, 1966-1967 U.S. Army


IN MEMORY HONOR ROLL 2021 INDUCTEES INDEX BY STATE ALABAMA Adrian E. Badger...........................................................................Enterprise John Ben Cook Jr.............................................................................. Auburn Horace Wayne Crowe....................................................................... Moody James Robert Davis............................................................................Centre Willie Ray Hall.........................................................................................Opp Donald Lee Wilson.............................................................................Pinson

GEORGIA Johnny Owen Anderson...................................................................Dublin Willie Frank Anderson................................................................ Columbus Jesse Hewell Cantrell........................................................................Canton Leonard Densmore Jr.......................................................................Canton William Oliver Hunnicutt III......................................................La Grange Paul Freeman Lee......................................................................... Fort Valley Wallace T. Littlewood................................................................ Norristown James Alvy McGarity Jr.....................................................................Canton William Delano Merritt......................................................................Lizella Charles Sharkady............................................................................... Atlanta Michael F. Sharp............................................................................Pembroke James Nicholas Wynne................................................................. Hortense

ARIZONA John Merwyn Beeler...................................................................... Lakeside Robert Melvin Griffus....................................................................... Tucson Edward D. Santiago........................................................................... Tucson Glenn Patrick Valuroso................................................................... Phoenix ARKANSAS Charles Lawrence Burkhart.............................................................Warren John D. Hardin................................................................................Sheridan WC Pepper........................................................................ North Little Rock

HAWAII David Kaleimomi Carman.................................................................. Kailua Clarence Bernard Julio Garcia Sr................................................Honolulu IDAHO Jerry D. Linhart...............................................................................Pinehurst

CALIFORNIA Jack R. Arnold................................................................................... Lompoc Eusebio Briones Avila.......................................................................Delano Bradley C. Barnett...............................................................................Santee Ray Darrow.................................................................................... Los Gatos Robert A. Fiesler............................................................Huntington Beach Mario Galvan..................................................................................Elk Grove Brian E. Garman................................................................................ Oxnard Michael Douglas Gottas..................................................................Graegle Larry Emmitt Groce...................................................................... Santa Ana Kenneth Eugene Hadley....................................................................Salinas Phillip Wayman Holdaway................................................San Bernardino Jim Langford..................................................................................San Diego Porfirio Rudy Macias.....................................................................Alhambra William Steve Meineke......................................................... Lake Elsinore Michael Allen Nash........................................................................Fullerton Allen Petersen................................................................................ Riverside John Charles Robinson..................................................................San Jose Ricardo R. Sanchez..................................................................... Pico Rivera Michael Louis Schrock......................................................... San Francisco Allan Davis Stirling Jr......................................................................Oakland Robert L. Toman.............................................................................. Torrance

ILLINOIS Jack G. Beane.......................................................................................Aurora Dennis Christian...........................................................................Tower Hill David Ray Cox..........................................................................Beecher City Bernard Phillip Czerwinski............................................................ Chicago Patrick Michael Farrell...................................................................... Galena Donald Martin Freeman................................................................. Chicago Ed W. Hennessy............................................................................Oak Lawn Edward A. Johnson............................................................................... Pekin John Edward Kallas..................................................................... Tinley Park Ricky Lee Karls..........................................................................Wonderlake Jack O. Kuhlman........................................................................Jacksonville Paul Mencinskas................................................................................. Cicero Michael Patrick Rogers....................................................................Huntley Paul L. Staudenmaier...................................................................... Dundee Glenn Arthur Vermett Jr........................................................... Woodstock John Percy Young.........................................................................Glen Ellyn INDIANA Raymond Barnett.................................................................... Jeffersonville James Beecher Dollens......................................................... Bloomington Lowell Edwin Gilmore................................................................ Richmond William James Goldman..........................................................Indianapolis Robert Cantin Hoppe....................................................................Lafayette William Duane Hunt.................................................................... Anderson David Joseph Pendzinski.........................................................South Bend Steven C. Printz............................................................................. Cromwell James Edwin Richcreek Sr..............................................................Swayzee Lance E. Scholtes.............................................................................. Muncie John Emerson Sims..............................................................West Lafayette David Burtyn Weltich......................................................................Trafalgar Donald Edward Yates............................................................... Greenwood

COLORADO James Grant Boles Jr...........................................................................Aurora Henry W. Buss...................................................................................Greeley Donald Harold Hirsch................................................................... Brighton Jeffrey J. McCrea............................................................................ Lochbuie Robert L. Reeves................................................................. Grand Junction Richard Frank Rivera.........................................................................Denver Ross William Stephen............................................................. Westminster Terry Lee Tiffany..........................................................................Englewood Donald L. Tucker...................................................................... Westminster CONNECTICUT Stan Gowlis.................................................................................. Bethlehem Neslie Derrick Sutton Sr..................................................................Groton

IOWA Lester Eugene Brown Jr.................................................................. Danville Dennis D. Burmeister.................................................................Davenport Dale Glenn Petersen............................................................................ Miles Robert Charles Rands....................................................................... DeWitt

FLORIDA Thomas Edward Beck......................................................Santa Rosa Beach Harold Claton Blankenship.............................................Deerfield Beach Stanley Cidlowski Jr..............................................................St. Petersburg Philip Thomas Eldon........................................................................... Venus Jaime E. Escabi.....................................................................................Valrico Stan Ferguson........................................................................... Cantonment Frank A. Filosa.....................................................................................Venice Jerry Lee Floyd...........................................................................Jacksonville Dominic Joseph Gabriele.............................................................. Margate Barry Allan Gallas......................................................................Jacksonville Samuel ”Kip” Hines III..............................................................Jacksonville Mark Douglas Hutchinson.....................................................Port Orange Richard Lee Johnson......................................................................Lakeland Gordon B. Porterfield III...........................................................Brooksville Elmer A. Strickland...........................................................................Alachua Fred Svarney.................................................................................... Parkland John J. Valente Jr.................................................................................Venice Jose R. Velez Morillo............................................................... Punta Gorda

KANSAS Bernal J. Buessing.................................................................................Axtell Tommy Vern Jones..........................................................................Lacrosse Howard A. Malone Jr........................................................................ Wichita Bill O’Toole....................................................................................Marysville Steven D. Vineyard.......................................................................Marysville KENTUCKY Malcolm Frank Armstrong.................................................Bowling Green Larry H. Byerly................................................................................ Villa Hills Timothy Paul Davis............................................................... Elizabethtown Earl Lee Taylor........................................................................... Owensboro LOUISIANA Lee F. Ledet...................................................................................Thibodaux


IN MEMORY HONOR ROLL 2021 INDUCTEES INDEX BY STATE MAINE Rodney D. Higgins............................................................................. Bangor Allan W. Strout.............................................................................. Windham John R. Williams Jr.................................................................................. Bath

NEW HAMPSHIRE Patrick Dale Beaver......................................................................Rochester Robert E. Bruno................................................................................ Monroe David Nye Hutchinson........................................................................Derry

MARYLAND William A. Collins..................................................................... Hagerstown Michael G. Najarian................................................................ Silver Spring John Sandow............................................................................ Ocean Pines Daniel Bernard Stachurski..................................................... Ocean Pines Howard R. Yeatman Jr........................................................................ Easton

NEW JERSEY John Henry Culbertson..............................................................Piscataway Anthony Genevrino......................................................................... Rahway Adrien J. Hache......................................................................Basking Ridge Robert Joseph Hanuschik..............................................................Yardville Jaroslaw Klymec........................................................................ Frenchtown William C. Larson....................................................................... Rutherford Joseph John Pavlik Jr.....................................................................Sayreville Benjamin Primus............................................................................ Paterson Joseph Vincent Tallerico................................................................ Dumont Corsino Toro Jr............................................................................... Secaucus

MASSACHUSETTS David E. Blaney........................................................................South Hadley Roger Wayne Brown...................................................................Sturbridge Joseph Robert Butler.............................................................South Boston Thomas S. Cafferty.......................................................................... Woburn Joseph H. Dussault............................................................................. Lowell Thomas Frank Ferreira........................................................... New Bedford Stephen William Haesche...................................................... Marblehead Frank Charles Harrison............................................................Wilmington Bruce A. Jenkins............................................................................... Ashfield David Anthony Masson............................................................South Barre Richard Alan Reed........................................................................ Brookline Frederic W. Temple........................................................................... Oxford

NEW MEXICO John Edwin Pierce..........................................................................Mimbres Dale Edward Whicker.......................................................................La Plata NEW YORK Patrick P. Amell.......................................................................Bloomingdale Peter David Andres........................................................................... Nassau Stuart W. Ballard........................................................................... Apalachin Vincent Bavero..........................................................................Farmingdale Vincenzo Bordonaro........................................................................ Buffalo Larry Alan Dobson.......................................................................... Phoenix Patrick Ryan Farrell.................................................................Far Rockaway Richard Frederick Ficke Jr..........................................................Rhinebeck John J. Finley....................................................................................Brooklyn Arthur Richard Flanagan......................................................... Ballston Spa Wayne D. Foster.......................................................................................Elba George Gancarz.................................................................... New York City Robert Edward Glennon............................................................... Syracuse Frank L. Glow...................................................................................... Batavia Paul J.E. Griggs........................................................................ Southampton Frank Joseph Gubala..................................................Town of Tonawanda Alfred Guzylak.................................................................................. Auburn Brian Arthur Kolbe........................................................................... Bayside Richard C. Laux........................................................................... Weedsport Alfred Michael Magrum Jr...................................................Bowmansville James B. Maloney.............................................................................. Buffalo Robert Paul McDuffie......................................................Martville Hamlet Norman Charles Megahan............................................................Freeport James Ivan Mendzef......................................................................... Auburn Stanley Howard Mersand............................................................... Pawling Donald P. Olds Jr..................................................................West Henrietta Daniel Paul Panek.................................................................. Cheektowaga Michael Stanley Pikula..........................................................Orchard Park Salvatore E. Popolo.........................................................................Brooklyn Dwight T. Powers.......................................................................... Levittown Glenn Charles Smith.......................................................................Chaffee Charles William Stephan................................................................. Buffalo David W. Swarthout................................................................... Weedsport William Edward Wisniewski........................................................Hamburg Raymond Charles Wood........................................................Staten Island Dennis Anthony Zgardzinski.....................................................Jamesville George Arthur Zimmer...................................................................... Berne

MICHIGAN John Allen Balkon........................................................................ Grandville Bryan Edward Bokuniewicz....................................................Lincoln Park Ronald Lee Brown..................................................................Grand Rapids Neil A. Burke................................................................................ Coldwater Floyd Edward Burns Sr.....................................................................Bay City Obie Alexander Franklin Jr.............................................................. Detroit John Norman Gross Jr................................................................. Lexington Keith Taylor Hearsch....................................................................... Davison James David Kesselring....................................................................Milford Lawrence Leland Larsen................................................................ Hartford Frank George Machovsky............................................................ Rothbury Victor Pena Nacianceno...................................................................Pontiac Jerry Martin O’Neal.................................................................... Deepwater John William Owings III................................................................... Detroit Gordon Polut....................................................................... St. Clair Shores Richard Witold Porada...................................................................... Detroit Richard C. Vigus.................................................................................Warren John Allan Williams....................................................................... Westland MINNESOTA Larry Charles Bahls........................................................................... Bemidji Richard Alan Clark......................................................................Woodbury Dale F. Morin........................................................................... Bloomington Norman ”Skipper” Ness.....................................................................Sartell Michael John Voigt.............................................................................. Aitkin MISSISSIPPI Albert F. Crowder........................................................................... Gulfport MISSOURI Duane Eugene Garoutte.................................................... Mount Vernon David H. Kuhns................................................................................Imperial MONTANA Jeffrey C. Knutson....................................................................... Great Falls Patrick M. Malone......................................................................... Bozeman Leo Anthony Schaefer Sr................................................................Kalispell

NORTH CAROLINA Robert Terry Barbour....................................................................... Clayton William Baker Carleton............................................................... New Bern Donald Ray Chandler....................................................................Asheville Donald F. Crowell.......................................................................... West End Eddie Dale Earls............................................................................... Ahoskie Richard Loren Frost.................................................................. Greensboro Wiley Cecil Mingia............................................................................ Garner Sanford Maples Mullis................................................................... Monroe John Victor Risko.............................................................................Ft. Bragg Edward Earl Thompson.................................................................... Kinston Ronnie Williams................................................................................. Garner Charles Frederick Wing......................................................... Hillsborough Paul Houston Woods........................................................................ Garner

NEBRASKA Allan Ray Hancock..................................................................................Elba Danny E. Kinsley..............................................................................Bellevue Robert Gordon Young................................................................... Benedict NEVADA Steven Jack Hellerstein................................................................ Las Vegas William Glen Oldham.................................................................. Las Vegas


IN MEMORY HONOR ROLL 2021 INDUCTEES INDEX BY STATE NORTH DAKOTA David K. Reese....................................................................................... Rolla OHIO Ernest R. Adkins............................................................................. Kettering Walter Louis Barber...................................................................... Mansfield George Edward Bobb III............................................................Westerville Larry Albert Bowers.........................................................................Bellville Darrell William Bowman...................................................................Sidney Charles Ray Bradfield...................................................................Kingsville Herman David Burris.................................................................. Clarksville Carl D. Crabbs..................................................................................Norwalk George H.S. Edwards..................................................................... Chardon Dennis R. Gasser..............................................................................Delphos John Daniel Guilford.................................................................. Sherwood Gerald Clayton Huhn Jr............................................................ Uniontown Ronald Lainhart.............................................................................. Hamilton Cecil Dwain Lewis.............................................................................Dayton Sylvester ”Mac” McGlothan Jr....................................................Massillon Patrick C. Monahan..................................................................... Columbus James Robert Pinter.................................................................. Middlefield Harley Lee Rayburn..........................................Washington Court House Craig Stanley Sawmiller........................................................................Lima Arthur D. Thomas........................................................................ Brunswick Wayne Deloss Wines Jr.....................................................................Toledo

Craig M. Phillips........................................................................Spartanburg William Henry Ward Jr............................................................ Summerville Herbert W. Wilkes Jr.................................................................... Columbia SOUTH DAKOTA Thomas Beerman................................................................................ Huron TENNESEE Karl Thomas Beilmann.......................................................................... Dyer Robert Edward Box........................................................................ Maryville William Kelton Carey........................................................................Smyrna Legree Hairston Jr........................................................................ Clarksville Frederick Allen Hummel............................................................ Millington Samuel K. Jones Sr....................................................................... Oak Ridge Kyle Letterman......................................................................... Elizabethton TEXAS Alan Earl Bock....................................................................................Temple Michael Dee Burns.....................................................................Valley Mills Leonard E. Clark Jr.........................................................................Longview James David Collett............................................................................ Scurry Talma Joe Fowler.......................................................................... Pattonville Loren R. Hodge......................................................................................Buda David Joe Hofeditz.............................................................................. Jarrell James Stephen Kelley..........................................................................Rotan Jimmy Jon McGraw............................................................................Borger JB Meachum..................................................................................... Daisetta Salvador Alfredo Montoya................................................................El Paso M.C. Nelson.........................................................................................Killeen Gary R. Oltz......................................................................... West Columbia Florencio “Frank” Ramirez......................................................San Antonio Dexter Sturgeon Sr...............................................................................Irving Howard Kent Stutz...................................................................... Grapevine Wayne L. Talley.........................................................................Johnson City Carlos Jose Uresti........................................................................... Wharton Richard Charles Watson....................................................................Forney Terry Vaughn Wilson.................................................................San Angelo Morris Dan Wright......................................................................... Roanoke

OKLAHOMA Patrick Michael Baker......................................................................Fairland Jeremiah Francis Whittier............................................................. Skiatook Stephen M. Wistrand..........................................................Oklahoma City OREGON Richard Spencer Davis...................................................................Portland Peter James Hundahl......................................................................Portland Lawrence Eugene Kuhn................................................................ Hillsboro Vinson Lee Macy...................................................................Warm Springs PENNSYLVANIA J. Blaise Alackness...........................................................................Roulette Harold Deroy Barefoot.............................................................. Alum Bank David Chester Beggs................................................................... Nanticoke John J. Buleza Jr................................................................................. Auburn David William Burt................................................................... Washington Ronald David Creps.................................................................Martinsburg John Stephen Cygnarowicz Jr................................................... Pittsburgh Russell Owen Dalton Sr.........................................................Williamsport Joseph E. Daugherty Jr..................................................................Claysville Dennis G. Deems..................................................................New Freedom Peter Adams Fellman....................................................................Lancaster Terry Elmer Fix.................................................................................. Bedford Perry Elliott Flanyak.................................................................. McKeesport John J. Fleming............................................................................. Pittsburgh John T. Flynn Jr.............................................................................. Meadville Thomas E. Fraley............................................................................. Bradford Joseph Edward Gaffney................................................................. Freeland James Craig Geiger..........................................................................Oregon Richard Edward Greaser................................................................. Bedford Ross Harrison Hall.........................................................................Oakmont Joseph Michael Kasper....................................................................... Dallas Frank E. McGlinchey................................................................. Collingdale Paul Jerome Melnick.......................................................................Midland Barry Miller.................................................................................. South Fork Larry Dale Mitchell......................................................................Johnstown Henry J. Podlaszewski.............................................................Philadelphia Marvin Wayne Poser..........................................................Mechanicsburg Ricardo Lechliter Reyes..............................................................Harrisburg Larry J. Stienes............................................................................Warminster Robert G. Tulwits....................................................................... Philipsburg James William Wood III.................................................................. Bedford Richard Charles Woodcock.......................................................Harrisburg

VIRGINIA William Thomas Beall...................................................................Arlington Otis Houston Edwards Sr.......................................................... Disputanta Floyd ”Shorty” Allen Hall................................................................... Dante William Alexander Hewitt.................................................................Vinton Teddy Ray Matney..............................................................................Hurley Donald Drew Street.........................................................................Vansant Ronald Leon Wynegar................................................................. Abingdon VERMONT Roland James Mitchell...................................................................... Jericho Coval Edward Wetmore.................................................................Brandon WASHINGTON Chester A. Hibbert Jr....................................................................Lakewood Billy Leland Segraves..................................................................Vancouver Kevin Bradley Williams..................................................................... Renton WEST VIRGINIA John P. Ashley Jr...........................................................................Clendenin Howard Bernard Atwater................................................................Boomer John Bolen Brown III...................................................................... Oak Hill Daniel Allen Ingels.................................................................... Huntington James Henry Rose.........................................................................Princeton Lewis M. “Mike” Totten...................................................................Marmet Robert Francis Williams......................................................................Elkins WISCONSIN Samuel Raymond Molski......................................................Stevens Point Carroll Paul Pedersen.................................................................... Hayward William B. Reynolds Jr............................................................Mineral Point James N. Shawlin........................................................................ Milwaukee David John Stencil....................................................................... Green Bay

PUERTO RICO Raymond Arthur Hestres Jr.......................................................... San Juan SOUTH CAROLINA Thomas L. Kelley Jr........................................................................Hartsville Delbert Efird Kibler...................................................................... Newberry

WYOMING John Keith Miskimins.................................................................Torrington



Each of today’s In Memory honorees have been added to VVMF’s Online In Memory Honor Roll at Each honoree has a personal page. Just go to the search bar and type in an honoree’s last name to see their page. We encourage visitors to leave remembrances, add photos and share with friends and family. You can also make donations to VVMF in memory of an honoree to help us continue the In Memory program for years to come. Please visit the online In Memory Honor Roll today to learn more about all our honorees.



VVMF’s The Wall That Heals exhibit includes a three-quarter scale replica of The Wall, a mobile Education Center and a replica In Memory plaque. The replica Wall is made of Avonite, a synthetic granite, and visitors can do name rubbings of names on The Wall. The replica travels in a 53-foot trailer that becomes a mobile Education Center which includes digital displays customized for the local area where the exhibit is on display. Visitors can see the Hometown Heroes display which includes photos of local service members on The Wall. They can also see the In Memory Honor Roll which includes photos of In Memory honorees from the state where the exhibit is on display. Items representative of those left at The Wall in D.C., a timeline of “The War and The Wall” and a map of Vietnam are also on display. The Wall That Heals will be on display in 26 communities across the country in 2021. We hope that our In Memory families will come out to see their honoree’s photo on display when we’re in their home state. To see a full schedule, go to Want to bring The Wall to your community? VVMF is now accepting applications to host The Wall That Heals in 2022. To learn more about being a host or how to apply, please visit: www.



Support VVMF programs, including In Memory, by purchasing items from the VVMF store. Your purchases allow us to continue hosting this ceremony and honoring veterans in years to come. Each applicant receives (at no charge) one printed yearbook, one DVD of the ceremony and one lapel pin. For additional yearbooks, DVDs, and pins as well as our In Memory patches, magnets and bracelets — please visit the VVMF store at:



We invite you to join our Facebook group — In Memory: Families of Vietnam Veterans lost to Agent Orange and PTSD. Launched in February 2018, the Facebook group serves to connect our In Memory families all year long and has become a place to share stories of love and loss. It also provides a way to stay up to date on all of the latest In Memory news, the latest updates on the ceremony, and where The Wall That Heals will be on display. More than 10,000 members strong now — we invite you to join us. What others are saying about the Facebook group — “I’m so glad I found this space, with people who understand. Thank you” “No one is alone here. Just reach out. We are all going through the same thing. This site is like a support group for me. I lost my husband in 2016 after 47 years together. Hugs.” “To all of us who are missing someone we love. We will get through. You are a wonderful group.”



VVMF would like to give a special thanks to all who help make the In Memory program possible. We couldn’t host ceremonies like today’s without the help of our generous donors. A big thanks to the following individuals who provided financial support for In Memory this year.

Donna C. Harris Elizabeth Kelly Huong Le A special thank you to our In Memory Circle of Friends. Your generous support allows VVMF to continue honoring Vietnam veterans through the In Memory program each year. Rita Kay Andersen Sharon Appollonia Christa Atchison Judith Scanlan Barthel Bonnie Bell Major Marcia Jean Brinkley Christi Lynn Broam Karen Brooks Bernadette Cannon Brandi Ann Clark Sherrill E. Cline Dorothy L. Crooks Vivian Davis Col. Charles D. Davis III, Ret. Judy C. Edwards Dillard SFC Johnnie R. Downs, Ret. Patricia Trefny Ford Katie L. Foster David Allen Freier Sally Gassler Judith Glenn Janet A. Greiner Sharon Brunette Hagens Sheri Hauck

Blanca Hendry Jessica Hilt Cyndy Hollender-Stancliff Mary Holliday Kathy Lynn Huey Karla S. Hurley Maxine Asal Johnson Denise Kingsbury Michael Chris Kingsley Kathryn Krause Susan Elaine Lindeman Dee Louviere Jeffrey Dean Marlow Mary P. Martin Teri (Fulsom) Masters Alice Marie McCarty Glenna Suzanne McClure Timothy McDaniel Linda McDonald Dorothea Stapp McPheeters Marsha Elaine Miller Loretta & Wilfred Miyashiro Linda Louise Mullen Janet M. Musolf

Lois Oostenink Doris Osborn Donna Jean Osterbaan Diane Parisi Sherry Lynette Patterson Joanne Philhower The Pokrajac Pack Elaine Yvonne Raines Jill Rangarajan Arlene Reinhart Ruthann Resch Amy Rigall Coretha Rozendaal Barbara Lynn Ruthberg Diana Leann Satterfield Claudia D. Simmons Karen Ann Sustad Judith Kathryn Thomas Kathy Tignor Sharon Trisler Ellen Tuohy Fealey Charlotte J. Wilson Barbara E. Wright Steven E. & Beth L. Wright

VVMF would also like to thank the volunteers of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial who have dedicated thousands of hours to the Memorial over the years. A heartfelt thanks to the families and friends of the In Memory honorees for journeying to Washington, D.C. to take part in this special day.
















“A friend is the heart’s celebration.”


When VVMF built The Wall in 1982, no one knew how many Vietnam veterans were going to continue to suffer from service-connected illnesses. As more and more veterans passed, the In Memory program was created to honor these veterans who came home but ultimately died because of their service in Vietnam. We come together each year for the In Memory ceremony to pay tribute to these veterans who sacrificed for their country. For many friends and family members of our honorees, the ceremony has a lasting impact and the friendships fortified here and the memories shared with other families enrich their lives. Honoring service and sacrifice and preserving the legacy of our nation’s Vietnam veterans is central to the VVMF mission. Family members know firsthand the struggle to receive support and acknowledgement for their loved one’s service and sacrifice. We’re asking you to help us lead the way in inspiring others to honor and remember the millions of Vietnam veterans who returned home to an unwelcome nation. We invite you to join the In Memory Circle of Friends — a community of supporters who are fulfilling the promise to Never Forget. Your support will make it possible for us to maintain the In Memory program, which after today honors more than 5,100 veterans, with thousands more expected to be honored in coming years. Your support will help VVMF host the annual ceremony and welcome gathering, promote healing and education, and continue to honor all Vietnam veterans. Members of the In Memory Circle of Friends are recognized in the annual In Memory yearbook and receive other special benefits throughout the year. Please help us to ensure the impact of the Vietnam War is never forgotten and that those who served their country and gave their lives as a result are remembered always. Together, we can continue to pay tribute to your loved one and our nation’s Vietnam veterans for generations to come. For more information on joining the In Memory Circle of Friends, please contact Luz Lovins at or 202-393-0090. More information is also available online at:



The Vietnam War may be over, but the battle continues for many Vietnam veterans. Nearly three million service members served in Vietnam and most returned home. But since then, thousands of Vietnam veterans have fought illnesses related to Agent Orange exposure. This deadly toxin has impacted the lives of thousands of veterans and their families but is largely unknown to most Americans. August 10th is the anniversary of the first day that Agent Orange was sprayed in Vietnam in 1961 and the date we commemorate Agent Orange Awareness Day. Join us each year on August 10th to bring light to the continuing toll of the use of Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. For more information, go to:


Some left Vietnam but Vietnam didn’t leave them. Nearly 3 million service members served in Vietnam and most returned home. But since then, thousands of Vietnam veterans have battled PTSD — Post Traumatic Stress Disorder — and it has impacted their lives and the lives of their families in many ways. Returning without a proper homecoming compounded the issues veterans faced upon their return. On June 27th — National PTSD Awareness Day — we brought light to the continuing toll of the war. The Vietnam War may be over, but the battle continues for many Vietnam veterans and their families to this day. We hope you’ll join us next June 27th to keep the awareness going. For more information, go to:


ABOUT THE VIETNAM VETERANS MEMORIAL FUND The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) is the nonprofit organization that founded the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (The Wall) in Washington, D.C. in 1982. VVMF’s mission is to honor and preserve the legacy of service in America and educate all generations about the impact of the Vietnam War and era. We honor the service of all, preserve the memory of those who died during the war and since returning home, and educate all generations about the lasting impact of the war. Today’s In Memory Ceremony and other VVMF ceremonies, programs, and education efforts are made possible by donations from our generous supporters. VVMF’s work includes:



VVMF partners with the National Park Service (NPS) to care for The Wall, the Three Servicemen Statue, the flagpole, and the In Memory plaque. The In Memory plaque was dedicated on the grounds of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial site in 2004.

THE WALL THAT HEALS The Wall That Heals mobile exhibit features a ¾-scale replica of The Wall in Washington, D.C. along with a mobile Education Center and a replica In Memory plaque.


VVMF develops and distributes comprehensive and balanced education materials that help students learn about the lasting impact of the Vietnam War and era. VVMF offers guided tours of The Wall in D.C. and at The Wall That Heals as well as a virtual tour and a mobile tour app to educate those who can’t visit the Memorial site.

THE WALL OF FACES The Wall of Faces is an effort to collect a face and a story to each name on The Wall. Photos are displayed online as well as at The Wall That Heals stops.


Each year, VVMF holds several ceremonies at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to help carry out is mission to honor those who have served and sacrificed for our country.

Earlier this year, VVMF launched a new podcast— Echoes of the Vietnam War. Even after 50 years, the impact of the Vietnam War echoes across generations. Hear stories of service and sacrifice from people who were impacted by the Vietnam War — veterans, their families, and others who add perspective to those experiences. To listen or learn more about it — please visit:

IN MEMORY VVMF’s In Memory program honors Vietnam veterans whose lives were cut short as a result of their service in Vietnam, but are not eligible for inscription on The Wall under Department of Defense guidelines.

For more information on VVMF’s work or to make a donation in support of these programs, please go to: or call 202-393-0090.


About the In Memory Program The In Memory program honors Vietnam veterans whose lives were cut short as a result of their service in Vietnam, but are not eligible for inscription on The Wall under Department of Defense guidelines. In Memory is a way that all Vietnam veterans can be honored on the National Mall. The plaque that honors these veterans was dedicated as part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 2004. It reads: In Memory of the men and women who served in the Vietnam War and later died as a result of their service. We honor and remember their sacrifice. The In Memory ceremony is held annually on the National Mall. Family members and friends of current honorees — as well as past honorees — are invited to say their loved one’s name in a touching ceremony on the East Knoll of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. The In Memory program has honored more than 5,100 veterans. The In Memory Honor Roll has a remembrance page for each veteran and can be seen online at If you have a family member or friend whose death was related to their service in the Vietnam War and would like to have that person considered for inclusion in the In Memory Honor Roll, please contact VVMF at 202-393-0090 or visit our website to download the application at:

Photos, as well as additional Tribute copies, will be available for purchase on our website after the event at: VVMF’s 2021 In Memory honoree t-shirts will be sold one final time from October 18 – November 8. Sales are online only and this will be the last opportunity to purchase shirts with the names of all our 2021 honorees. Go to: to purchase a shirt. To learn more about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and its programs:

Stay connected with VVMF on: Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund

1235 South Clark Street, Suite 910 | Arlington, VA 22202 202-393-0090 |



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