VVMF 2021 Annual Report

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with the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to impact people and events across the country. We started the year with virtual events for Veterans Day and National Vietnam War Veterans Day, but we were able to finally get back out on the National Mall for an in-person ceremony by Memorial Day.

While the last year was a challenge, we learned a lot about what we could do virtually as we looked for innovative ways to connect with our supporters and continue our mission.

We launched two new efforts in March of 2021. As part of our education efforts, we launched a podcast, Echoes of the Vietnam War, which tells stories of service and sacrifice and illustrates the continuing impact of the Vietnam War and how it echoes across generations. Our Vietnam Era Veteran online registry also launched in March and acts as a tool for all Vietnam and Vietnam era veterans to connect with each other. Veterans can share and preserve their stories through their registry pages while connecting themselves with those on The Wall and in the In Memory Honor Roll.

In April, we were able to get back out on the road with The Wall That Heals and finally show

off our updated mobile Education Center exhibit items that few visitors were able to see in 2020.

We hosted our first-ever PTSD Awareness Day event on June 27th with the laying of more than 1,400 teal candles on the Memorial site in Washington, D.C. That was followed by our second Agent Orange Awareness Day event in August. We have been pleased with the success of these new awareness efforts to make the general public more aware of the continuing toll of the Vietnam War.

Our hardworking volunteers continued to find those elusive final photos all throughout the year to try and complete our Wall of Faces. And finally – after multiple rescheduled dates - we were able to honor both our 2020 and 2021 In Memory honorees in the Fall of 2021.

On the grounds of the Memorial site in D.C., we continued with our long-term care and preservation efforts including our regular maintenance on both the plaque and the Three Servicemen Statue from our Object Conservator throughout the year. We completed a stone inspection and analysis on The Wall that only occurs every 10 years.

Sadly, we lost one of our long-time board members in 2021. John Dibble was the chairman of the Board of VVMF for many years until his passing in March. He provided leadership among his peer Vietnam veterans, and worked closely with the staff to deliver the very best programs for those who deserve so much. He is missed but remembered, as VVMF remembers all our Vietnam veterans.

VVMF remains committed to the original promise we made when The Wall was built in 1982 – the promise to never forget. In these pages, you’ll learn more about some of the meaningful work that VVMF was able to do over the past year with your support. We look forward to what we can do together in the future to ensure that our nation’s Vietnam veterans will always be remembered for generations to come. All of these activities were possible ONLY because of your generous support.




Vietnam Veteran

VVMF Chairman of the Board


Chairman Emeritus,

Woods Peacock Engineering Consultants

VVMF Board Treasurer

Vietnam Veteran



Command Surgeon, Headquarters Air Combat Command

Gold Star Daughter Volunteer at The Wall


Vietnam Veteran Captain, U.S. Navy (Ret.)


Vietnam Era Veteran

Senior Master Sergeant, U.S. Air Force (Ret.)


West Point graduate and U.S. Army veteran Entrepreneur

Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran


Partner, Cicero Group Colonel, U.S. Army (Ret.)


Gold Star daughter, Army spouse

Military family advocate


Vice President, Hughes Network Systems

Volunteer at The Wall


Vietnam Veteran Volunteer at The Wall


Naval Academy graduate and U.S. Navy veteran

Senior Vice President for Military, Veteran and Government Affairs

National University

Operation Enduring Freedom Veteran


Vietnam Veteran



Vietnam Veteran


President, JJ Snow, Ltd.

Vietnam Veteran


President, TRG International

Professor & Dean Emeritus, Howard University

Vietnam Veteran


VVMF President and CEO

Air Force Academy graduate and U.S. Air Force veteran

Gulf War Veteran ^ Indicates non-voting member of the Board of Directors




those who served in Vietnam and preserves the legacies of those who died in the Vietnam War and those who died after the war ended. We work hard every day to keep the promise that The Wall was built on - the promise to never forget those who served and sacrificed in the Vietnam War. By mid-2021 – we were able to get back to hosting our traditional in-person events and we continued to find innovative ways to honor our nation’s Vietnam veterans both in-person and virtually.

• We commemorated Veterans Day 2020 and National Vietnam War Veterans Day 2021 with virtual events but we were able to get back to The Wall by Memorial Day 2021 for our first in-person ceremony post-pandemic.

• Our In Memory program had a record number of 591 honorees for 2020 and we were finally able to honor them at The Wall in the fall of 2021, along with our 361 honorees for 2021. We also continued with our virtual reading of all honoree names by producing and sharing our In Memory Honor Roll Call of all those honored through In Memory from 1993-2020.

• On Father’s Day, we laid nearly 3,000 roses at the Memorial site to honor the fathers who served in Vietnam and those who never had the chance to become fathers.

• On June 27th, we held our first-ever PTSD Awareness Day event at The Wall and laid nearly 1,800 teal candles to bring awareness to the effects of PTSD in those who served in Vietnam.

• On August 10th, we held our second Agent Orange Awareness Day and laid more than 1,700 candles at the Memorial site, bringing awareness of the continuing toll of the Vietnam War and encouraging others to do the same in their community.

All of these ceremonies and events are made possible through the support of our generous donors.




the long-term care and preservation of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial site and preserve the legacies of the more than 58,000 service members inscribed on The Wall. Visitors were back in 2021 post-pandemic and VVMF strived to provide each visitor with the best experience possible.

Each spring, VVMF receives updates from the Department of Defense on service members who should be added to The Wall as well as those service members who have been repatriated the year prior. VVMF works with the engravers and manages the process to add names and change symbols on The Wall. In 2021, two names were added to The Wall. Two status symbols were changed on The Wall to reflect the two service members repatriated in 2020. A stone inspection and analysis was conducted to look for cracks in the panels of The Wall. This preservation effort is done every 10 years by a geologist to inspect the well-being of The Wall’s stone veneer.

VVMF ensures that the Three Servicemen Statue and In Memory plaque look their best by having an Object Conservator attend to them throughout the year. The care of the lawn around the Memorial and the printing of new directories are also part of VVMF’s care and preservation efforts for the site.

Online, VVMF launched a registry for all Vietnam and Vietnam era veterans to connect with each other. Veterans can share and preserve their stories through the registry while connecting themselves with those on The Wall and in VVMF’s In Memory program.

VVMF’s Wall of Faces includes more than 58,000 photos of service members. Through the tireless effort of volunteers across the country, only a handful of service members were without at least one photo by the year’s end. Including the faces and the remembrances for each service member preserves their legacy online for more than a million online visitors to VVMF.org each year.

Through the support of our generous donors, VVMF can facilitate and fund these care and preservation efforts at the Memorial site and online.




to reach into communities across America to honor all those who served in Vietnam and educate younger generations about the impact of the Vietnam War. It gives Vietnam veterans and their families who may not have a chance to travel to Washington, D.C. an opportunity to visit The Wall.

Due to the pandemic, the 2020 The Wall That Heals tour was cut short and the exhibit was only able to visit five communities, so we were very pleased to get back on the road in 2021.

The 2021 The Wall That Heals tour had VVMF on the road for more than 13,000 miles and visiting 26 communities. More than 3,000 vehicles escorted us into those communities, and we were able to spread The Wall’s healing legacy to nearly 200,000 visitors.

We continued our partnership with the Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) to provide trucking companies and drivers to “Haul The Wall” from community to community. A special thanks to USAA as the presenting sponsor for the 2021 tour.

The Wall That Heals runs on support from our generous corporate sponsors and individual donors.





puts education efforts at the forefront of VVMF’s mission. We must educate current generations on the lasting impact of the Vietnam War to ensure that those who served and sacrificed in Vietnam are never forgotten.

VVMF’s education efforts in 2021 were a mix of in-person and virtual efforts with many students still learning online, it provided a unique opportunity for talking with students from around the country. Our education director presented to more than 800 elementary, middle, and high school students.

VVMF’s educational outreach in 2021 included:

• Launched the Echoes of the Vietnam War podcast. Even after 50 years, the impact of the Vietnam War echoes across generations. The podcast explores stories of service and sacrifice from people who are affected – veterans, their families, and others who add perspective to those experiences. Nearly 20 episodes were distributed in 2021 and have been downloaded more than 25,000 times.

• Hosted nearly 4 million visitors at The Wall in Washington, D.C. including many veteran and student groups met by VVMF staff for tours and help with name rubbings. On the road with The Wall That Heals, guided tours of the educational exhibit were provided to more than 12,000 students in 2021.

• Hosted online educational presentations on the Vietnam War and The Wall for more than 500 adults at senior centers, libraries and universities across the country.

• Shared education content with more than 1,200 individuals on our Teaching the Vietnam War and Era Facebook page.

VVMF can continue and expand these educational efforts because of generous supporters across the country.


12 VVMF FY 2021

STATEMENT of ACTIVITIES For the Year Ended September 30, 2021

TEM E N T of A CTI V ITI E S For the Year Ended September 30, 2021

STATEMENT of FUNCTIONAL EXPENSES For the Year Ended September 30, 2021

S TATEMEN T of FUNCTIONA L E X P EN S E S For the Year Ended September 30, 2021



IN RECOGNITION OF the caring individuals and organizations whose outstanding commitment and support demonstrates a spirit of loyalty and duty to honoring the service and sacrifice of all who served in Vietnam.





Curtis W. Clarkson

Michael Cooke

Shary Everett

Mr. Loyd T. Lavender

Ms. Huong Le

The Estate of Gerald Luksich

Charles Markey

Fred Masenheimer

Mr. William Milligan

The Estate of Basil Moskos

Bill Nelson

Thomas Joseph Roeseler

The Estate of Joan M. Seiger

Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter #77 #

Lt. Col. W. B. Willard, Jr. USA Ret


Caroline and Karl Alff

Chap Alvord

America’s Charities

Richard Anderson

Steven Anderson

Joe and Bonnie Andrews Anonymous Reginald Arnold

Carolyn Arpin

Mr. & Mrs.

Ron Arsenault *

Mr. & Mrs. Russell Atha

Phyllis Aubain SFC Ret

Robert Avriett

Horace Baker

Mr. David Barleen

Mr. Walter Bateman

David L. Benner

Ltc. Michael

D. Berendt

Mr. Wayne Bowers

James R. Brehm

Bonnie Breshears

Brock Seed Company, LLC

William C. Brodie

Ms. Catherine Caton

Charles Caussain

Barry W. Clark SSGT

USAF 65-69

Michael Cohan

Tri-Star Committee

Nels Cornelius *

Rhonda Cornum

Reg Corona Joseph Coulter

Dorothy L. Crooks

Dieter Cross

Dennis Crowley

Rebecca Darlington

SSgt. Joseph


Barbara Davenport

Dr. & Mrs.

Charles Donlan

James P Downey, III

Gerald E. Dubois *

Capt. Richard

A. Dunn NC USN Ret

Mr. Daniel G. Durack

Mr. David Eggert

* Honor Guard – In recognition of the caring individuals whose cumulative financial impact help sustain the mission of VVMF through their recurring monthly gifts. # Champions of Service – VVMF proudly recognizes and honors these veteran service organizations whose outstanding commitment and support demonstrates a spirit of loyalty and duty to honoring the service and sacrifice of all who have served. 16 VVMF FY 2021 ANNUAL REPORT


* Honor Guard – In recognition of the caring individuals whose cumulative financial impact help sustain the mission of VVMF through their recurring monthly gifts. # Champions of Service – VVMF proudly recognizes and honors these veteran service organizations whose outstanding commitment and support demonstrates a spirit of loyalty and duty to honoring the service and sacrifice of all who have served. 18 VVMF FY 2021 ANNUAL REPORT PATRIOTS LEAGUE (continued) Charles Elder Leroy Elfmann Ms. Gail Ellis Jennifer L. Fedorchak Richard Fernandez Sidney R. Finks * Rodney T. Fitzgerald Walter E. Fleischer * Mr. James C. Forney David Gallo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Galway Arthur E. Geuss Martha Darling & Gilbert S. Omenn, Seattle Foundation Arlene Graci David Griffin David Griffith Don Grobowsky Hale Family Charitable Fund II Thomas Hamelin Ed T. Henneberque Mr. & Mrs. Wilson Hinson Jr. Nancy Humphrey John Iappini * Don Infante George & Patricia Ingram Michael A. Johnson * Johnson & Johnson Matching Gifts Program Dave Johnson Ronald L. Jones Mr. Jack Jordan Mr. Warren Kaplan Nancy Kaplan Michael W. Keefe Mr. Michael Kelher Elizabeth Kelly * Nicholas E. Keltgen George N. Kemp Memorial Hall Leslie Kendal Smith Thomas Kenney Stephen W. Keto Col. Edward G. Klaus Ret Christopher Knotts Smsgt. Herman J. Knuppel USAF Ret John George Kolb Jr. Chris Krebs Mr. Michael A. Kriss Jerome M. Kruszka Mr. & Mrs. William P. Kupper Jr. Thomas J. Kwiatkowski Robert J. Lane William Langanke Lyn Lardner Mr. John K. Ledbetter Mr. Timothy Lindsey Margaret A. Listad Robert G. Lorenz Roberta Lund Kurtice Luther Daniel C. Maher Charitable Fund Mr. Bruce Makinson Leonard A. Maley Wilbur Mash Ms. Marie Mashintonio Cecelia Matthys Gen. Barry R. McCaffrey, USA Ret. Sheryl D. McGough Bill McKelvey * Michael McMahon Michael McPherson Cynthia Mirsky William C. Miseneimer Deborah Moloney Mr. Joseph Morales Robert J. Mulcahy Mr. Philip Mulligan Michael Munroe Norman & Thuy Murray Ronald Myles N. & E., Inc. Maj. Gen. Michael Nardotti Jr., USA Ret Phillip Lewis Paley Marty Paradeis Michelle Parrish Peace of Stage, LLC Peak 6 Sgt. Maj. Lawrence Pelis USA Ret Yoshiko Pettengill Leo Pierce Jr. Ms. R. A. Pilotte William Prout Dennis Ragan Ms. Susan F. Resnick Mrs. Lucrezia Risko


Mr. Stanley A. Rittenhouse

John A. Rodger, Jr. Foundation, Inc.

Mr. Steven Rodi

Mr. Gary Rude

Zach Sanzone

Jason Savarese

Mr. Billy Sawyer

Mr. Charles Schaub

MSgt. Leroy D. Schmaus USMC Ret

O. Griffith Sexton

Mr. Patrick Shaul

Naomi Shedlebowr

John Shedor

Mr. Richard Silbert

Ms. Donna Simmons

Kenneth Slater

John and Mark Slater

Jean Wade Smith

Gerald Smith

Larry Smith

Alan Snyder

Kenneth Sproul

Mr. Mac Steele

Flo Stein

Morgan Steinman

Garry and Pamela Stevens

J. Scott Stumpff

Robert H. Super

Michael Taylor

Mr. Charles Thomas

Mr. Norman Thomas

Roger Towle

United Way of Greater Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey

United Mine Workers of America

Lee W. Verhulst

Frances Ann Walker

Jack W. Walker *

Reino I. Wantin

Timothy J. Weber

Mary Lee Welch

Donald W. & Nancy S. Wetmore

Mrs. Charles (Helen)


Charles Wilson *

Mr. John Woods Jr.

Jean Zettler

Jacqueline Zwirner


Mr. & Mrs. Richard Branton

John Brazil

Sharon Bridges

Jeffrey Brobeck

Mr. David J. Brochi

Mr. Leslie Brommer

Timothy F. Brooks

Mr. Ralph E. Brown

Clarence Brown USAF Ret

Nick Brown

Gary L. Bruce

Frances M. Bruce

Glen Brunman

Mr. Don Bryan

Rob and Liz Bryson


Brian Brannon

Mr. Charles Bucek

* Honor Guard – In recognition of the caring individuals whose cumulative financial impact help sustain the mission of VVMF through their recurring monthly gifts. # Champions of Service – VVMF proudly recognizes and honors these veteran service organizations whose outstanding commitment and support demonstrates a spirit of loyalty and duty to honoring the service and sacrifice of all who have served. 20 VVMF FY 2021 ANNUAL REPORT VVMF DONORS
Mr. William D. Adams Mr. Robert L. Adcock William J. Adesso Adstra Patricia R. Ainsworth Mr. Frank Aleckna Steven Allen John Almquist American Legion Post 620 # Mr. Warren E. Anastasia Thomas R. Anderson Mr. Stephen Anderson Anonymous Donna and Bill Ard Mr. Bill Ardry Colleen Armstrong Charles E. Ayers Jr. Brooke Aziere Albert Babey James M. Bailey William Baiocchi * Robert W. Baird and Co. John Baity Jr. Mr. Ken Baker Mr. Ken C. Baldwin GYSGT Paul Ballantyne USMC Ret Mr. & Mrs. Barry and Karen Barbash Steven Bassett Jeff Baugh Christian Bauta Tom Bayless Sandra Beal * Col. Dennis Behrens Sandra and William Bennett Edmond K. Benson Evelyn D. Berg Mr. Tom Berryman Greg Beyerlein * Judy C. Bezek Mr. Rodger Billotte John and Janet Blaich * Mr. Steven J. Bogart William Bowers Barbara Bowman * Harriet Boyden Richard Braden Russell Bradway * Terry Brain-Paceman Mr. Steve


Richard Cummings

Clay Cummins *

Thomas Curtin

Ms. Karin Cutler

Kathy Dahlheimer

Daleville High School

Class of 1969

Lt. Col. Carlton R. Damonte USAF

Mr. & Mrs. Norvell Daniels

Ross Danielson *

Duane Danks

Sharon Davis

Tamara Daymude

Anthony E. De Los Santos

Mr. Normand Despres

Jeffrey Diamond

James Dietrich

Charles E. Dillin

Mr. Larry Dillman

Todd Dix Anne Dobson

Mr. Edward D. Doherty

Mr. Bruce A. Donaldson

Mr. Tommy Dorsey *

Ruth E. Drake

Daniel J. Driscoll

Thomas Drury

Mr. Walter Duckert

Mr. John Duffy Sr.

Barbara Dunlop *

Lt Gen. Charles W. “Bill” Dyke, USA Ret & Dr. Ann Bisconti Dyke

William Anthony Earner Jr.

Ms. Nancy L. Eberhardt

Maj. Gen. Maurice Edmonds USA Ret

Mr. Mark Ehlers *

Ralph Eidem

Timothy Eisenmann

Leon Eli Lt. Col. David England USAF Ret

Ken Estes

Ltc. Randy Everson USA Ret *

Rev. Kevin Farrell

Ronald Fatato

Mary Jane Ferluga

Nick Ficorelli

Stella M. Fletcher

Mr. Bob Foley

Mr. Terrence Forish

E. A. Foster

Mr. Thomas A. Frankenfield

Michael Fredrick Chuyler Freeman

Harold Frees

Daniel P. French

Raymond K. Fudge

Eric Fukunaga

Mr. & Mrs.

Weaver Gaines

Terry M. Galvin

John Gample *

Holland Garnett Jr.

Tom Gay

Mr. Kenneth Geel

Mr. & Mrs. William George Mahmette Gerrans

Ms. Catherine Gherardini

Gregory L. Gibbons

* Honor Guard – In recognition of the caring individuals whose cumulative financial impact help sustain the mission of VVMF through their recurring monthly gifts. # Champions of Service – VVMF proudly recognizes and honors these veteran service organizations whose outstanding commitment and support demonstrates a spirit of loyalty and duty to honoring the service and sacrifice of all who have served. 22 VVMF FY 2021 ANNUAL REPORT VVMF DONORS
Mr. William Buckberry Valerie Burns William Bussey * Butler Parachute Systems, Inc. Diana Butts Harold W. Byars Mr. Hary F. Byrd III Mr. Gustav Calhoun T. J. Campbell Mr. & Mrs. Alex N. Campbell Jr. Mr. Edward L. Campbell Wayne Caouette Mr. Stephen B. Caplan Mr. Richard Caplin Ms. Gloria Caporusso Pasquale Caputo Mr. Bill Carmell Steve Carter Linda Casiana Robert Castellini Luke Cates William Childers J. A. Chisholm P.E., LLC Stephen Christenson Chester Cichon Citizens Hose Co. Celinda Claxton Harriet Ann Clayton * Steven Colby Jane L. Coleman Eartha Collins SFC Edwin Conaway, USA Ret Jean E. Conley Mr. John Connelly Thomas Connelly Mr. Donald F. Constantino Mr. Jeffrey L. Contini Walt Cooper Mr. William Corbellini Ronald Cox Dewey Crawford Marjorie H. Cristea * Col. James Crockert USA Ret Mr. Charles Crooks USN Ret Mr. David A.
HEROES CIRCLE (continued)

HEROES CIRCLE (continued)

J. Holicky III

Jim W. and Ange N. Holland

Richard B. Holmes

Darwin Holsman

David Holt

Mr. James R. Horne

George Horner

James Hornsey

Clement Horstman *

LCdr. Ronnie

Richard Horton USN

Mr. Joe L. Howell

Lee Ann Howlett

James Huff

Mr. Eugene Ignatowski

Keith Irwin

CW3 William H. Isham Jr.

John Jackson

Mr. Kristi Jacobs

Mr. William M. Jarosz *

Robert B. Jenkins

Robert Jennings

Mr. David Jewell

Philip D. Johnson

Patricia Johnson

James Johnson

Mr. David C. Jones

Charlotte Joseph

Laura Joule

Aaron Kait

David Kauebart

Mrs. Tomye Keefauver

Donald and

Arlene Keehan

Mike Keliher

John Kelleher

Ms. Vickie Kelley

Stephen Kelly *

Richard Kendrick

Sam Kennard *

Rodney D. Kent

Mr. Maxwell Kepl

Sean Kerr

Robert Kindel

Roland Kinsman *

Larry D. Kitchen

Mr. Charles R. Kitson

KNB Family Fund

Knights of Columbus Assembly 3457

Mr. Rudy Kosits

Jack Kreisher

Richard Krous

Mr. Lowell Kruger

Col. Larry D. Krull

Herb C. Kuhn

Judith Laakkonen

Laurie Lacey

Francis J. Laignel Jr. *

Mr. Ivan Langford III *

Mary Larkin Han Lau

Phillip Lawson

Linda Lee

Laurence Lerner

J. David Lesser

Mr. John V. Levy

Gail Lewis

* Honor Guard – In recognition of the caring individuals whose cumulative financial impact help sustain the mission of VVMF through their recurring monthly gifts. # Champions of Service – VVMF proudly recognizes and honors these veteran service organizations whose outstanding commitment and support demonstrates a spirit of loyalty and duty to honoring the service and sacrifice of all who have served. 24 VVMF FY 2021 ANNUAL REPORT VVMF
George Gillen Leslie F. Gold Ruby Gomez Mr. Manuel H. Gonzalez Jr. Mr. Jimmy M. Goodbread Dennis Graham Robert Graham MD Joseph Granio Francis Graugnard Joseph Howard Gresham David R. Griffith John Grillo Robert Gruber SFC Bill Guthrie USA Ret Ms. Carlena G. Hacker William E. Hackett Mrs. Kathryn Haddock Henry Haimowitz Mr. Michael Hajjar Virginia Hall Joyce A. Hallenbeck Edward Haller Judy Hammerstrom Jim Hand Major James A. Hankins USA Ret * Dr. Frank Hannah Mr. Gordon Hanson Janet M. Harrell Mr. Daniel C. Harris Mr. Michael R. Hart John H. Hartman Col. Richard Harvey USA Ret Mr. Tom Hata Mr. Clifford W. Haury Gary P. Hauser Kevin D. Hayworth Mr. George Hecht Lt. Col. Roger A. Hedberg USAF Ret Lt. Col. John C. Hedley Ret Mr. James Heenan James Henry Mr. Paul F. Herchenbach Michael Herrera Mr. Clinton Hill Kenneth Hill Ronald Hinman Katherine Hlavac * Mr. Joseph
* Honor Guard – In recognition of the caring individuals whose cumulative financial impact help sustain the mission of VVMF through their recurring monthly gifts. # Champions of Service – VVMF proudly recognizes and honors these veteran service organizations whose outstanding commitment and support demonstrates a spirit of loyalty and duty to honoring the service and sacrifice of all who have served. 26 VVMF FY 2021 ANNUAL REPORT VVMF DONORS HEROES
(continued) John Lewis Richard Linsday Kenneth Linton Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Lockwood Sr. Wesley E. Looker Oscar Lopez Mr. Anthony E. Lorber Dee Louviere * Heather Lowder * Mr. Chuck Lowrey Mr. David Lusardi Mr. Mario Lussord Mr. James Lyons Mr. Kenneth MacArthur Mr. Donald MacDonald Mr. Tony MacKey Dave MacKin Bill Magrogan * Matt Mahoney Jay Malmquist Michael Maloney John Manning Mr. Steven C. Manning Robert Manning Ronald Manse Gerald Martin Mr. Rick Martin Jr. Mrs. Joyce V. Martin Juan Martinez * Denise Matthews * Jon McAlister Mr. Gary E. McCarthy Mrs. Glenna Suzanne McClure Gregory J. McDonald * Mr. Michael McFarland Stephen M. McMahon Edward McManus Mr. Kenneth McMinn James McMonegal * Ms. Christine McNally Mr. Thomas McNally Robert McNamara Cindy McWhorter Ms. Cyndi Means Ricky Don Meek Gerald Meisenhelder Kelly Melvin Barbara Mendoza * Mr. Bruce Mercer Mr. Robert Meyer Pfs Minnesota Mr. Eric Minotti Mr. James C. Mitchell Joseph C. Mitcho Peggy & Henry Miyares Mr. David R. Mizner Mr. Gerard Monico Mr. Paul Montero Mr. James C. Moore Mr. Lee C. Morgan Alfred G. Morris Mr. & Mrs. Bill Morris Ben Morris Geoff Morrison Dean A. Morrison Joseph Mroczkowski Joseph F. Mulligan Bruce Mulvany Mrs. Anna S. Munoz Joseph & Donna Murphy John B. Murphy Michael Mushinskie Jeffrey Nejedlik Cmsgt John S. Nelams Mr. John G. Nelson Iris Nelson Schwartz Michael Nemeth Network for
Good Joan M. Neuman
Ronald Herbert Neuman Mr. William J. Nolan
William Norcross
Mr. & Mrs.
Obermiller Peter J. O’Brien Charles W. Oetter Jr. Michael O’Keefe Barbara
Omaha Community
Carl A. Otto, III
* Donald
Jo Pedro Thomas E. Pelinka Damase Pelletier Andrew Pentaleri
Persak * Thomas Petrarca
F. Pink
Express Warehousing, LLC
Mr. William P. Overmohle Billie Jo Overturf Christine Herman Owen
Owings Robert E. Palmer Tom & Debbi Pandick John Pankey Patricia Papera Mr. Robert Patrick Lt. Gen. Burton Patrick Mr. Joseph Pawlus
Mr. Glen R. Pettit Mr. Ray G. Pickett Thomas
Pogodzinski Mr. James Pokryfke Pony

HEROES CIRCLE (continued)

Mr. Kenneth L. Schob Mr. Ken Schroth David D. Schul Ms. Diana L. Schumaker * Helmut Schwab Mr. Richard R. Schwartz Ms. Susan Scott Barbara Scott William Scully Mr. George H. Seaworth Mr. Peter Sentz Dr. Ralph Sevelius Robert Severson Jackie Shea Ms. Karen Sheets John Sherwood * Jason Shimabukuro June Sims * Mrs. Mary Singstock Mr. Peter Sipperly Brig. Gen. Fred E. Sisley USMC Ret Mrs. Christine M. Skog Col. John W. Small Ret Michael R. Smith Tommy Smith Mr. Michael A. Smith Robert Smith Mr. John Sommario Robert Soucy Mr. Philip P. Soule Jerry Spencer MD Ltc. Steven Sperry Mr. Ronald Spray * Dean Springer * Roy R. St. John Ken Stachura Mr. Ross Staffhorst Todd Stallkamp John Stanley USN Ret Gordon Stefenhagen Charles R. Stephens Chuck Sterling John R. Stevens James Steverson Frank Stewart Andrew Stimson Homer Stinson Christine Stone Bruce Storace Robert Stowell Karen Strand David Stromberger Ms. Jane Sugimura Mr. James G. Sullivan * Mr. David Suthard John Sweney Elliott Tallchief Donald Taylor Mr. Paul Taylor Lt. Col. Stephen R. Taylor US Army Ret Mr. Geoffrey Tedoldi Mr. Frederick Thiele Ms. Dorothy C. Thielges Ronald E. Tomasetti John Tomko Alexander Townsend Vickie Trinkle Jack Turecek Wallace Poteete Ms. Rebecca A. Pott John Povilaitis Gary L. Powell Marshall Prange III Mrs. Marian Pratt Rita Press William Presson * Mr. William Prien Frederick Proper Capt. Proshek David A. Pryzbylski Virginia Puckett * Tan Quach Mr. Steve A. Raben Lt. Charles Raggo Sr. Peter & Nancy Raisbeck Mr. & Mrs. William Rakow Mr. Terry Randolph Alan and Deborah Rasper Jeffrey Ratto Robert L. Richardson Sr. Judy L. Richie Mr. Robert F. Riggan Thomas J. Riggs Charles Riley Glen W. Roberts Raymond Robinson Jr. Capt. Paul L. Robison, Jr. USAF * Danny Robles Ret Capt. J. E. Robson USN Ret Betty Rogers Michael A. Rolenz David Rufrano * Edward Rundgren Jr. * Mr. Phillip Russ William J. Rutledge Col. George J. Sakaldasis USAF Ret Donald Sanford Col. Robert B. Sauve Joseph Savino Mr. & Ms. David Sayles John M. Schaefer Mr. Brent J. Schenk Mr. Steven Scher Mr. Steven Schlachter Dr. Donald D. Schmidt Mr. Gary Schnitker

HEROES CIRCLE (continued)

Anonymous Roger B. Barnes Keith Barrington Rowe Mr. Walter J. Becker The Estate of M. Francille Bergquist James V. Bradley * Mr. George P. Brown Mr. Wayne Canales * Linda Clifton Mrs. Cara Collins Mr. John J. Cortez Dieter Cross Mr. Edward Downs The Estate of Muriel Freeth Warren Gervais Garry L. Hanson Trust Ms. Donna C. Harris Mrs. Cheryl B. Hokens Mr. Craig Houser Elizabeth Kelly * James Frank Kulinsky Mrs. Susan Elaine Lindeman Ronald G. Loya * Alfred J. Lukievics Gerald Luksich Kenneth Edward Malstrom, Jr. The Estate of Alan Samuel Miller Mr. William Milligan Mr. Robert J. Moffe Laura Belle Moncreif John and Debbie Montgomery Basil Moskos Lt. Col. Janis Nark USAR Ret Mr. William B. Oakley Mr. Richard Osborn Jay Reynolds Thomas Joseph Roeseler Mrs. Norma L. L. Rommel Edie Morad Ross Mr. Timothy K. Ross Joan M. Seiger Trust Allen H. Smith Billy Floyd Sprayberry Chuck Sterling The Estate of Brian S. Stern Mr. Thomas Stino Anne Martha Theune The Estate of Marion Lewis Turrell Christy Ann Veasey Phelps Mrs. Charles (Helen) Wickesberg Dr. Robert L. Wintermyer The Estate of Sylvia Wolfson Mr. John Woods Jr. Irene Turner James Jordan Tyson Jr. Richard Upshaw * Leonard Urbach William Urton Hal Valeche Mr. & Mrs. James B. Vanairsdale Rebecca Vance Kate Varvel Henry Velez Joanne Veto VFW Post 2948 # VFW Post 3863 # VFW Post 9483 # Vietnam Veterans, Inc. # Ernest Vogt SFC Kendall Voyles USA Ret Daniel Vrbancic Greg Wadhams Kenneth Wadkins Walter E. Walka John T. Wallace Mr. John Walsh Fritz Walter Caroline Walters Charles E. Walton Mr. Louie Warren Mr. Willard Washington James Watson Donald Watson Mr. Edwin Weber III Deborah Wedell Donald Wendell Jack Weston * Thomas R. Whetstine David White Lt. Col. Cherie White Roger Whiting Mary Wilkinson James B. Willett Fred M. Williams Mrs. David Williams Mrs. Naomi O. Wilson Mr. John F. Wilson David Windsor Mr. Richard L. Winter Mark & Rebecca Wolters CAPT Leland E. Wood Jr. USN Ret * George Woofter * Mr. Donald Wright Charles Wright S. L. Wright Charles Wright Mr. Dennis Wright Richard Yarbrough Yavapai-Prescott Indian Tribe Ltc. John Yavor Sharon Yonashiro Mr. John P. Young Salvatore Zannelli * Marion Zoch Jack Zwicker

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