2023 In Memory Yearbook

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10:00 A.M.

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On behalf of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF), I am pleased to welcome you to the Vietnam Veterans Memorial for our 2023 In Memory ceremony. Today, in the shadow of The Wall, we honor the service and sacrifice of the men and women who served in the Vietnam War, returned home and later died. The Vietnam War was unpopular at home, yet nearly three million Americans served during this time. They served for lots of reasons…a legal requirement to serve when drafted, a sense of duty when called upon by their country, or even so that others didn’t have to serve. Thankfully, most returned home. However, for many, coming home from Vietnam was just the beginning of a whole new fight. Many never fully recovered, either physically or emotionally, from their experiences. That is why the In Memory program exists — because only a fraction of the casualties actually died on the battlefields of Vietnam. Many more carried their wounds back and suffered long after the actual fighting ended. As these service members pass, it is our duty and our solemn promise to welcome them home to this place that our nation has set aside to remember our Vietnam veterans. Today, they join their brothers and sisters in this place of honor and remembrance. For many of the family members here today, this ceremony is bittersweet. Your loss is still new. While that pain lingers, you are proud of your Vietnam veteran and happy to see them finally receive the recognition they deserve. I offer you this thought, which I hope will bring you some comfort — our Vietnam veterans took upon themselves the commitment to never allow another generation of men and women go into harm’s way for their country without the respect and honor they deserve. That is part of their legacy, and the next time you hear someone say “thanks for your service” to someone in uniform, you can take comfort in knowing that thanks also is being extended to your loved one.

Today, we add 566 veterans to the In Memory Honor Roll, joining more than 5,600 heroes that were previously honored. Together we’ll make sure that their sacrifices — and those of their families — will never be forgotten. For as long as this memorial stands, and as long as visitors come to this place to learn, your loved ones will be remembered. Thank you all for joining us here today.


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SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 2023 | 10:00 A.M.

Prelude Music West Point Alumni Glee Club

Directed by Ms. Nancy Riley

Welcome Remarks

Maury Izzett

Program Manager

Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund

Master of Ceremonies

Captain Denis Faherty, USN (Ret.)

Former Deputy Director of the National Strategic War Gaming Center, National Defense University


Presentation of Colors

National Anthem West Point Alumni Glee Club

Pledge of Allegiance

Retiring of Colors

Johnnie R. Downs

Brother of 2016 In Memory Honoree, Herman Downs

Mansions of the Lord West Point Alumni Glee Club

Name Reading Past Participants

Keynote Remarks Jim Knotts President & CEO, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund

The Unsung Heroes Recording by Chuck Price

2023 In Memory Honor Roll Call Family and Friends


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2020 Inductees

Geoffrey Johnson Abbott March 4, 1945–April 15, 2022 U.S. Army Anthony Abrams January 18, 1946–January 18, 2023 U.S. Marine Corps Ralph Harold Abston February 6, 1948–June 2, 2022 U.S. Navy Clifford Edward Adams February 1, 1945–September 4, 2020 U.S. Army Darrel Dean Adams April 29, 1942–October 8, 2013 U.S. Army Sammy T. Adams October 5, 1924–April 9, 1985 U.S. Marine Corps Roger Wayne Ahrens July 13, 1950–October 16, 2021 U.S. Marine Corps Charles William Albritton October 8, 1949–May 19, 2018 U.S. Army
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Gary Norman Aldrich January 5, 1949–May 1, 2021 U.S. Marine Corps

May 20, 1946–August 23, 1991 U.S.

2020 Inductees

September 8, 1946–October 27, 2021








Jerry Alexander Air Force Jack O’Neil Anderson 17, 1947–March 17, 2018 U.S. Navy Florentine Thomas Angel 8, 3, 2020 U.S. Marine Corps Charles Edwin Arthur U.S. Army Joseph William Ascolillo Jr. January 6, 1946–February 12, 2023 U.S. Marine Corps Ken W. Ashby 17, 1947–July 5, 2022 U.S. Navy Willie J. Ashley 25, 1942–December 6, 2016 U.S. Army Ronald Lee Asselin 17, 1947–July 13, 2022 U.S. Army Gary Gordon Atchison
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22, 1949–February 14, 2022 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Ray Allen Aucoin April 1, 1947–December 28, 2022 U.S. Army Enrique “Henry” Baldonado December 8, 1940–October 7, 1987 U.S. Army Paul Thomas Banach July 3, 1951–April 27, 2022 U.S. Air Force David V. Baniszewski October 19, 1942–June 17, 2015 U.S. Army Richard Anthony Baraga May 10, 1947–December 16, 2014 U.S. Army Albert Joseph Baraniak September 10, 1943–April 30, 2021 U.S. Army Donald Jerome Barger May 27, 1950–March 16, 1991 U.S. Marine Corps Gary Adelbert Barker January 28, 1947–July 23, 1975 U.S. Army
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Steven Dale Bartram July 22, 1943–November 8, 2022 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Timothy George Bartram July 23, 1947–February 13, 2019 U.S. Air Force Leonard C. Baxter January 5, 1943–February 21, 2021 U.S. Marine Corps David Wayne Beal March 14, 1950–February 6, 2022 U.S. Army James A. Beasley May 2, 1951–July 1, 2021 U.S. Air Force John W. Beck Jr. March 2, 1946–November 17, 2020 U.S. Army Robert Albert Beck Jr. June 27, 1949–October 30, 2022 U.S. Navy Dennis Bee September 22, 1950–March 5, 2023 U.S. Army William O. Benedict Sr. July 20, 1933–April 8, 2022 U.S. Army
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Clifford Guy Bennett Sr. December 13, 1946–August 15, 2020 U.S. Navy

October 4, 1946–December 28, 2022

2020 Inductees



June 19, 1946–February 13, 2007





September 28, 1947–September 22, 2021





Virgil E. Bennett III U.S. Navy William Arthur Bennett June 22, 1944–April 3, 2004 U.S. Navy Edward J. Benson 5, 25, 2022 U.S. Army Daniel Stephen Bethel U.S. Army Roy E. Betteridge 11, 21, 2022 U.S. Army Allan Lee Betts 13, 14, 1983 U.S. Marine Corps Bruce L. Bezio U.S. Army John R. Biksacky 30, 26, 2012 U.S. Air Force Phillip Michael Bingaman
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26, 21, 2018 U.S. Army

February 12, 1948–January 12, 2021

2020 Inductees

August 19, 1947–September 21, 1991


Ulysses Albert Black Sr. U.S. Army Michael Philip Blackburn June 7, 1945–May 6, 2004 U.S. Air Force William Jason Blankenship July 23, 1941–September 23, 2021 U.S. Army Jerry Blanton U.S. Army Roger L. Blaylock March 4, 1948–February 8, 1996 U.S. Navy Clarence Magruder Bond III May 10, 1948–July 26, 2011 U.S. Marine Corps Ted Thales Boquist 30, 1944–January 21, 2016 U.S. Army William A. Borhman Jr. September 25, 1948–July 13, 2004 U.S. Air Force Dewey Chris Boswell
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October 29, 1947–July 15, 2003 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Mark Wayne Boutwell December 16, 1950–February 7, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Bobby Ray Brannen December 26, 1948–June 25, 2000 U.S. Army Timothy L. Braucht Sr. August 29, 1951–September 27, 2022 U.S. Army William Allen Breedlove Jr. September 19, 1948–July 2, 2018 U.S. Marine Corps Larry J. Brice August 25, 1949–November 25, 2020 U.S. Army Marvin James Brietzke November 13, 1945–December 14, 2022 U.S. Army Carl “Redd” Briggs August 9, 1952–August 9, 2019 U.S. Army Lovis Franklin Brinkley October 5, 1930–July 13, 2013 U.S. Army
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Walter Jerome Brock July 29, 1946–September 4, 2021 U.S. Air Force

2020 Inductees

Milton Easton Brodhead December 16, 1930–August 6, 1993 U.S. Air Force Carl R. Brooks Jr. June 25, 1952–January 2, 2022 U.S. Army David Earl Brott November 19, 1948–November 5, 2010 U.S. Marine Corps James L. Brown Sr. October 18, 1946–September 19, 2022 U.S. Army Jim Brown September 13, 1949–November 4, 2012 U.S. Army Michael A. Bruckler December 9, 1944–March 14, 2019 U.S. Army Richard A. Bruening September 19, 1943–January 23, 2017 U.S. Air Force William Bruno Jr. July 2, 1948–December 5, 2009 U.S. Army
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Thomas Edward Bryant September 2, 1946–November 6, 2022 U.S. Navy

2020 Inductees

Christopher S. Bubnis January 28, 1948–November 13, 2021 U.S. Army James Edward Bumgarner August 26, 1944–March 28, 2020 U.S. Army Robert Eugene Busby December 17, 1947–October 20, 2022 U.S. Army John Robert Butchock July 2, 1945–January 7, 2015 U.S. Marine Corps Gary L. Butler May 26, 1947–May 26, 2022 U.S. Navy Michael Alexander Caldwell September 9, 1951–April 21, 2022 U.S. Army Dean Eldon Callison July 31, 1950–February 9, 2004 U.S. Navy Brian Joseph Campbell September 5, 1943–March 27, 2014 U.S. Air Force
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James Eugene Canfield November 18, 1947–January 1, 2016 U.S. Navy

June 6, 1946–November 30, 2020 U.S.

2020 Inductees




October 8, 1946–April 22, 2014



Calvin Fredrick Carlson Army Harlan E. Carlson 31, 1946–March 21, 2022 U.S. Army Clarence James Carpenter 30, 1949–November 6, 2021 U.S. Army James Patrick Carroll May 22, 1947–May 29, 2020 U.S. Army Lawrence William Carter 26, 1948–December 20, 2021 U.S. Army William Albrick Cartier Jr. June 20, 1948–February 18, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Don Cates U.S. Army Raymond Andrew Cawley 26, 1945–December 28, 1990 U.S. Army H. Russell Chambers
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4, 1947–July 7, 2019 U.S. Navy

2020 Inductees

Robert W. Champagne September 18, 1949–October 12, 2016 U.S. Army Stephen Leonard Champeau April 3, 1949–February 15, 2009 U.S. Navy Patrick L. Childers March 21, 1939–January 10, 2023 U.S. Navy James K. Chretien Sr. October 3, 1946–October 9, 2021 U.S. Army Ron Christensen July 7, 1939–April 24, 1988 U.S. Marine Corps John Allan Clark August 11, 1948–November 5, 2006 U.S. Army Don Clinton October 23, 1930–January 9, 2014 U.S. Army Paul Leroy Close March 8, 1944–June 21, 2003 U.S. Navy
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David Paul Cole July 10, 1932–July 11, 2021 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Richard Eldridge “Dick” Coleman January 7, 1944–April 16, 2018 U.S. Army Donald Edward Comfort February 9, 1949–August 5, 2018 U.S. Army Mereland Lee Cook December 23, 1946–January 18, 2008 U.S. Army Robert Van Copeland July 6, 1946–July 26, 2022 U.S. Air Force Thomas H. Corey December 24, 1944–June 6, 2022 U.S. Army Gerald Raymond Costa September 7, 1947–May 12, 2011 U.S. Army Michael Leonard Cotter May 31, 1945–June 25, 2017 U.S. Marine Corps Thomas Alvin Cowan August 29, 1948–March 4, 2014 U.S. Army Thomas Ray Cribbs
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January 24, 1934–November 27, 1983 U.S. Navy

2020 Inductees

Steve W. Crumbling March 22, 1950–April 21, 2010 U.S. Marine Corps James Joseph Culhane September 30, 1949–September 15, 2005 U.S. Army Jack Wayne Danielson September 1, 1946–February 9, 2018 U.S. Army Richard Martin Darr Jr. February 24, 1948–July 5, 1989 U.S. Army Michael Thomas Davia September 6, 1949–December 4, 2017 U.S. Army Roger Girard Davignon April 10, 1946–July 24, 2021 U.S. Army Earl Luther Davis October 22, 1944–January 20, 2019 U.S. Army Louis Anthony Davis December 16, 1950–November 23, 2020 U.S. Air Force
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Robert Alan Davis October 6, 1946–April 10, 2022 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Ronald Joe Day July 27, 1947–June 2, 2020 U.S. Army Kenneth Milton Debert November 16, 1949–June 23, 2012 U.S. Army Gregory F. Debrocke June 27, 1942–September 18, 2015 U.S. Army Anthony Thomas DeFina July 17, 1950–July 5, 2022 U.S. Army John J. Delaney September 5, 1934–December 13, 2021 U.S. Navy Ronald Delia August 11, 1946–October 4, 2022 U.S. Army James Robert Delp Jr. July 18, 1940–May 21, 1994 U.S. Navy Lawrence Walter Derkacz September 17, 1942–June 12, 2022 U.S. Army
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John Robert DesChamps August 24, 1943–January 8, 2022 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Michael James Desmarais July 17, 1950–August 27, 2012 U.S. Navy George C. DeVries January 14, 1950–November 1, 2022 U.S. Air Force Ronald Elwood Dewing June 22, 1949–January 19, 2022 U.S. Army Steve DiGangi October 28, 1947–July 18, 2020 U.S. Army Gary Patrick Dino April 6, 1947–April 6, 2020 U.S. Army Donald Robert Dixon July 6, 1946–December 21, 2020 U.S. Air Force Terry John Domek May 31, 1942–August 30, 2014 U.S. Marine Corps Gerald Wayne Doyle November 15, 1944–October 30, 2019 U.S. Navy
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Alfred T. Dube August 3, 1947–August 17, 2009 U.S. Marine Corps

2020 Inductees

Jack Chester Dunn September 14, 1944–August 29, 2000 U.S. Army John Francis Dunne April 21, 1947–July 21, 2022 U.S. Army Gary Lee Dwyer December 31, 1944–June 11, 2005 U.S. Army Kenneth Doyle Eatherly July 20, 1946–July 22, 2001 U.S. Army Ronald C. Effler November 8, 1946–January 28, 2015 U.S. Army Wayne A. Eller Sr. December 26, 1946–September 29, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps John Elliott May 21, 1948–May 8, 2022 U.S. Army Dennis Engebretson February 20, 1948–April 27, 2021 U.S. Army
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Jonathan Leonard Engelhard June 5, 1943–September 10, 1976 U.S. Army

August 22, 1944–April 16, 2009

2020 Inductees














James L. Erwin U.S. Air Force Rafael Espada 1, 1947–June 6, 2022 U.S. Army Richard Eugene Falardeau 19, 30, 2016 U.S. Marine Corps Keith L. Fay 13, 23, 2019 U.S. Marine Corps Michael Felix Felice 25, 1948–May 23, 2021 U.S. Army Denton S. Fenstermacher 19, 1931–April 9, 2018 U.S. Marine Corps Samuel Erskine Ferguson III 25, 18, U.S. Army John D. Fie Jr. 27, 1948–August 24, 2020 U.S. Marine Corps Robert Thomas Fiecke
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8, 27, 1999 U.S. Navy

2020 Inductees

Phil Fiscus September 29, 1946–August 13, 2018 U.S. Air Force Johnathan A. Fisher October 7, 1946–August 2, 2021 U.S. Army David Leo Fitzgerald February 26, 1937–August 3, 2020 U.S. Air Force Arthur Leo Flynn August 17, 1947–June 26, 2015 U.S. Air Force George Cicero Fogle January 21, 1947–July 20, 2016 U.S. Army Peter Anton Folz August 4, 1947–March 8, 1986 U.S. Air Force William Philmore Fornash Sr. October 15, 1949–September 12, 2021 U.S. Navy Larry Fredericks December 6, 1947–February 26, 2023 U.S. Army
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William Lloyd Freeman March 12, 1948–September 6, 2022 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees


Robert N. Frye II April 8, 1945–May 21, 2012 U.S. Army Richard V. Fuentes February 7, 1948–February 26, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Ronald William Gadzinski December 20, 1942–August 13, 2022 U.S. Army William B. Gallagher Jr. October 14, 1952–January 6, 2007 U.S. Marine Corps Joseph Dennis Gallegos May 11, 1948–December 17, 2022 U.S. Army Dennis Wayne Galvin July 12, 1949–May 27, 2018 U.S. Army Timothy Edward Gard Sr. September 8, 1946–September 11, 2021 U.S. Navy Gerald Steven Garrison September 14, 1946–July 22, 2011 U.S. Air Force Gilbert Gelling
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3, 1945–May 27, 2018 U.S. Army


2020 Inductees




Darrel “Jiggs” Howard Gerow 2, 1948–January 24, 2014 U.S. Army James A. Gillenwater May 19, 1949–April 10, 2022 U.S. Army Creedin Gitt 24, 1930–August 19, 1997 U.S. Air Force James Cameron Glasgow March 23, 1949–May 9, 2013 U.S. Navy Jimmy Goins March 15, 1947–October 15, 1993 U.S. Army Ernie Gonzales 13, 1949–January 7, 2021 U.S. Army Edward P. Grafje October 2, 1948–October 29, 1999 U.S. Air Force Kenneth Ray Grant January 14, 1947–October 17, 2010 U.S. Army Don W. Gray
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9, 1950–July 12, 2007 U.S. Army

March 22, 1947–December 11, 2020 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

September 30, 1945–January 10, 2021






Gregory Charles Gray Walter J. Green 7, 1947–March 4, 2023 U.S. Army Robert S. Greene 3, 1947–August 7, 2018 U.S. Army John Slater Hadfield U.S. Army Dennis Lawrence Hadler February 26, 1948–March 14, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Richard William Hafer June 1, 1947–March 25, 2012 U.S. Marine Corps John Raymond Hagen 29, 8, 2018 U.S. Air Force Earl Edmond Haines August 20, 1947–February 24, 2021 U.S. Army Jay Halladay
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7, 1946–August 5, 2019 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Jerry Dean Hamilton January 6, 1943–February 5, 2010 U.S. Navy Joseph Edward Harbinson November 16, 1941–August 19, 2020 U.S. Navy Spencer A. Harding January 28, 1947–October 3, 2012 U.S. Air Force James Millard Hart Jr. August 3, 1948–July 17, 2022 U.S. Navy William Carl Hartley May 28, 1947–February 25, 2022 U.S. Army Bill Haselton January 15, 1953–January 7, 1991 U.S. Army Thomas John Hathaway December 6, 1945–January 3, 2009 U.S. Army James Hatter Jr. April 22, 1938–November 27, 2011 U.S. Army
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James Mads Hauge December 11, 1945–August 17, 2020 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Raymond E. Hazzard January 14, 1928–October 16, 2020 U.S. Air Force Michael Dale Heater December 4, 1944–June 4, 2014 U.S. Navy Lloyd Gene Heath September 14, 1949–March 5, 2022 U.S. Army Rodney Lee Heckaman April 21, 1948–June 9, 2005 U.S. Army Philip John Heil Jr. August 9, 1949–August 4, 2022 U.S. Army Kevin P. Helferich March 2, 1950–November 8, 2021 U.S. Army James R. Hendershot November 9, 1949–November 28, 2014 U.S. Air Force Eugene Henderson January 9, 1944–October 2, 2020 U.S. Army James Ross Henke
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December 4, 1944–May 7, 2020 U.S. Marine Corps

2020 Inductees


Ray Henry June 4, 1947–July 1, 2018 U.S. Army Doyle Dwight Hensley October 24, 1945–December 4, 2021 U.S. Navy Frank Norris Hensley Jr. 29, 1946–August 15, 2021 U.S. Marine Corps James Leroy Herter April 6, 1948–November 24, 2002 U.S. Army Robert E. Highlands Jr. September 1, 1930–February 25, 2018 U.S. Army Gary Alexis Hines August 20, 1946–March 8, 1980 U.S. Army Robert “Bob” Hitzeman September 24, 1948–July 30, 2022 U.S. Navy Larry T. Hlavka September 6, 1947–June 4, 2014 U.S. Army Dennis Everett Hockenberry
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April 25, 1947–May 11, 2021 U.S. Army



2020 Inductees

Donald Hogan 16, 1948–January 11, U.S. Army Elvin Dewayne “Doc” Holliday May 6, 1952–July 4, 2021 U.S. Army Gene I. Hollingsworth November 7, 1931–June 17, 2017 U.S. Air Force Edwin Eugene Holzworth July 23, 1949–June 9, 2022 U.S. Navy Roger J. Housner February 24, 1947–August 22, 2020 U.S. Army John E. Hunter April 9, 1948–March 7, 2022 U.S. Army Lee Arthur Hunter November 23, 1941–March 22, 2020 U.S. Army Gary L. Huston June 21, 1945–July 19, 2020 U.S. Army
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Roger Lee Hyland August 31, 1949–August 19, 2011 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Joseph James Ingino December 18, 1947–December 3, 2022 U.S. Army Michael “Mike” Thomas Ingram April 15, 1947–September 9, 2020 U.S. Marine Corps Tom Jagger June 16, 1949–February 8, 2003 U.S. Army George Luther James December 11, 1950–March 23, 2017 U.S. Air Force Russell E. Jamison Sr. March 15, 1934–January 27, 2017 U.S. Marine Corps Louis Jampetro Sr. December 29, 1938–October 13, 2021 U.S. Air Force Anthony S. Jasinkonis June 26, 1929–January 21, 1969 U.S. Army David James Jenkins Jr. June 8, 1929–September 24, 1999 U.S. Air Force
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Frederick Eugene Jenneman July 11, 1949–November 11, 2022 U.S. Navy

2020 Inductees

Douglas D. Jensen Sr. January 4, 1950–March 19, 2019 U.S. Army Curtis Douglas Johnson March 11, 1941–December 8, 2020 U.S. Army Joe Labon Johnson Sr. December 19, 1936–December 30, 2018 U.S. Army Kenneth H. Johnson July 14, 1932–May 13, 2022 U.S. Air Force Otto B. Johnson Jr. March 12, 1939–July 19, 2009 U.S. Army Robert H. Johnson Sr. December 22, 1936–June 26, 2008 U.S. Army William Waldimar Johnson Jr. December 2, 1944–January 2, 2022 U.S. Army Douglas Alan Johnston January 9, 1948–June 28, 2011 U.S. Army
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Rodney Durral Johnston February 28, 1948–February 4, 2022 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Paul William Joines January 15, 1951–February 20, 2023 U.S. Army James N. Jones September 26, 1945–January 15, 2017 U.S. Army Ronald Wayne Jones January 12, 1947–October 24, 2022 U.S. Army George “Fran” Kartis February 2, 1950–November 8, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Andrew Patrick Kasper Jr. April 10, 1942–May 13, 2018 U.S. Army Ricky Wayne Kaufman September 1, 1948–July 22, 2020 U.S. Army Samson Keahna July 1, 1945–April 5, 2007 U.S. Army Thomas Henry Kearney III January 15, 1946–February 15, 2017 U.S. Army
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David W. Keller August 13, 1945–February 16, 2012 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees


Robert Michael Kelly June 28, 1944–March 4, 2023 U.S. Army David S. Kenney June 25, 1950–December 22, 2021 U.S. Army Robert Milton Kercher Jr. August 13, 1948–February 24, 2008 U.S. Marine Corps Charles Allen Kezer November 8, 1935–March 21, 1971 U.S. Air Force Dennis Patrick Kilday September 8, 1945–February 20, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps John A. Kimmell II July 22, 1943–December 18, 2021 U.S. Army Don King June 7, 1942–November 10, 2015 U.S. Army Robert W. Kipp Sr. March 23, 1950–October 12, 2020 U.S. Army Gary Eugene Klopstein
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14, 1947–January 21, 2006 U.S. Marine Corps

2020 Inductees

David William Knauth January 19, 1940–March 20, 2017 U.S. Air Force Joseph Francis Knipes Sr. July 10, 1941–November 29, 2021 U.S. Army Joseph E. Knowles November 5, 1948–December 27, 2020 U.S. Marine Corps William Dale Koehler June 1, 1950–March 6, 2023 U.S. Marine Corps Joseph Kopec Jr. March 22, 1945–January 1, 2022 U.S. Navy Kenneth Theodore Koplein Sr. July 7, 1947–July 18, 2018 U.S. Army Donald Lee Kowalik September 15, 1949–July 28, 2022 U.S. Army Jerome Edward Kraemer October 31, 1930–April 26, 2015 U.S. Army
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Mike Krafft May 2, 1951–July 15, 2022 U.S. Army

September 26, 1942–November 3, 2018 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

September 6, 1947–November 6, 2022





Richard Kramer Kenneth Karl Krimmel 15, 1948–April 21, 2016 U.S. Army Stuart Allen Krompetz Sr. 13, 1942–January 29, 2019 U.S. Army James J. Krueger II U.S. Army Donald Lee Kuenzi April 17, 1943–October 30, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Michael John Kulig 14, 1943–September 9, 2020 U.S. Marine Corps Joseph M.R. Kurth August 7, 1947–March 28, 2012 U.S. Army Charles “Chuck” LaForty May 25, 1940–October 6, 2009 U.S. Navy Donald Ray Lambert
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17, 1934–December 3, 2006 U.S. Army

November 13, 1941–March 4, 2014 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

December 4, 1949–September 25, 2021 U.S. Army

June 7, 1945–July 5, 2021 U.S. Marine

December 31, 1943–March

April 18, 1929–January 22, 2014 U.S.






Richard Dale Landerman Frank Rudolph Lanich Corps Anthony P. Lapadura 27, 2018 U.S. Army George Stewart Lawhorn Bobby Dee Lee 10, 1943–October 23, 2020 U.S. Navy Raymond Lee 2, 1945–December 28, 2022 U.S. Army Walter Thomas Lee Sr. Army David Leikam 12, 1951–July 19, 2022 U.S. Army Thomas G. Lewis
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25, 3, 2020 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Richard Baker Libbey May 23, 1942–February 17, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Kenneth R. Lisch December 26, 1949–January 6, 2016 U.S. Army Donald R. Litzau September 30, 1944–December 15, 1992 U.S. Army Mario J. Lo Sapio March 12, 1949–November 16, 2020 U.S. Army Martin Steve Lopez November 11, 1946–November 24, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Richard Edward Lorbetske July 23, 1950–February 17, 2022 U.S. Air Force Thomas P. Lorenc April 26, 1947–March 24, 2019 U.S. Army Stephen Thomas Love May 20, 1952–October 20, 2018 U.S. Army
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Everett Alan Lowry September 13, 1949–April 4, 2011 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Mike Lyon August 19, 1947–November 17, 2008 U.S. Army John Thomas Mackin May 7, 1945–January 9, 2022 U.S. Army Jeff D. Maddox August 11, 1948–April 18, 2022 U.S. Army Robert Michael Madich June 16, 1950–June 13, 2021 U.S. Army Ralph J. Maehler June 5, 1947–December 26, 2022 U.S. Army Charles Richard Maglione February 2, 1941–November 5, 2019 U.S. Navy Ronny Mahan October 16, 1943–July 21, 2022 U.S. Army Joseph Lawrence Marchi Jr. April 9, 1947–April 6, 2022 U.S. Navy
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Bob Marold August 10, 1946–May 21, 2012 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Jim Marquard July 5, 1949–May 29, 2017 U.S. Army Samuel Marquez October 22, 1946–May 26, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Robert Allen Marshall August 31, 1946–May 8, 2021 U.S. Army Duane Allen Martin March 24, 1948–June 18, 2000 U.S. Army Gary W. Martin September 26, 1946–November 17, 2015 U.S. Navy Christopher Robin Martinson August 5, 1946–April 13, 2022 U.S. Army Orlando Antonio Matas-Sosa October 19, 1949–September 19, 2015 U.S. Marine Corps Gary Wayne Matrau June 23, 1947–October 1, 2022 U.S. Army
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John Louis Mayberry March 20, 1947–September 13, 1984 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Justin J. McCarthy June 17, 1946–July 23, 2022 U.S. Navy Michael Elliott McClendon September 22, 1950–February 27, 2021 U.S. Army Phil Dan McClendon April 4, 1949–September 18, 2022 U.S. Army Anthony W. McCloskey Sr. November 4, 1945–February 16, 2017 U.S. Army K. Michael McCollum August 19, 1948–October 27, 2020 U.S. Army Dennis Peter McFarland October 9, 1949–July 16, 2015 U.S. Air Force Colin John Pitts McIntosh October 8, 1948–September 5, 2005 U.S. Navy Gary M. McMurtry December 14, 1948–March 13, 2017 U.S. Navy
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Lyle H. Menke July 17, 1945–February 9, 2017 U.S. Air Force

2020 Inductees

Charles William Meyer March 23, 1948–October 12, 2014 U.S. Navy Dana Humason Miller July 28, 1944–October 6, 2021 U.S. Army Jerry Lee Miller April 1, 1943–April 3, 2004 U.S. Army Paul Ross Millwood September 28, 1947–October 22, 2020 U.S. Army Curtiss R. Mincher February 6, 1948–July 5, 2022 U.S. Army Kenneth Riley Mincher Sr. June 2, 1946–August 3, 2018 U.S. Marine Corps Bobby Joe Mitchell May 11, 1949–September 22, 2008 U.S. Army Dean L. Mitchell April 10, 1952–May 8, 2022 U.S. Army
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Donald Allen Moberg May 3, 1950–December 22, 2014 U.S. Navy

2020 Inductees

Robert Lee Mollenkopf January 7, 1947–April 17, 2012 U.S. Army Paul Millard Montgomery January 6, 1947–November 1, 2013 U.S. Navy Billy Frank Moore Sr. November 29, 1947–May 1, 2018 U.S. Navy Dennis B. Moore June 1, 1949–November 24, 2017 U.S. Army Thomas M. Moreland June 29, 1946–April 23, 2012 U.S. Army Mario N. Moreno October 28, 1948–January 11, 2022 U.S. Army Charles W. Morris September 19, 1945–January 2, 2013 U.S. Army Joseph C. Morrison November 19, 1945–March 7, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps
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Richard Miller Morrison Jr. June 24, 1945–January 30, 2015 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Lowell E. Mortimer January 29, 1937–July 21, 2021 U.S. Marine Corps Melvin Moulton November 25, 1950–April 19, 2022 U.S. Army Charles Munsch Jr. April 10, 1945–August 4, 2020 U.S. Army Danny L. Murphy August 19, 1946–October 21, 2000 U.S. Marine Corps Denis Joseph Murphy III December 14, 1948–February 7, 2023 U.S. Army Mike Murphy February 4, 1951–January 4, 2018 U.S. Navy Leroy W. Nash December 7, 1940–September 15, 2011 U.S. Army John Reed Nauful November 21, 1945–May 21, 2019 U.S. Air Force
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Andrew J. Naugle April 20, 1948–April 18, 2007 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Gary Richard Nelson August 17, 1948–December 9, 2017 U.S. Army Robert Henry Nelson May 11, 1946–November 1, 2021 U.S. Marine Corps Stephen J Neuendorf April 17, 1946–November 9, 2019 U.S. Army Larry Neville September 10, 1950–March 30, 2020 U.S. Army David Keith Newell August 16, 1941–November 25, 2022 U.S. Army Sanford E. Newman Sr. April 10, 1947–March 29, 2022 U.S. Air Force Edgar Allen Newsom July 8, 1950–March 8, 1979 U.S. Army Patrick Lee Nex June 24, 1946–August 29, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps
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Larry Duane Nicholson October 18, 1946–October 7, 2020 U.S. Air Force

2020 Inductees

Thomas Edward Nicodemus August 1, 1947–August 17, 2003 U.S. Army John Henry Nitka April 5, 1946–December 5, 2022 U.S. Army William E. Noll January 24, 1947–July 29, 2020 U.S. Army J. Perry Noonan III January 13, 1944–April 20, 2014 U.S. Air Force Ian Murray Nulty July 19, 1943–July 28, 2022 U.S. Army David Hubert Nummer June 7, 1947–October 31, 2018 U.S. Army Patrick J. O’Brien November 7, 1945–October 13, 2022 U.S. Navy Brian Patrick O’Connor January 16, 1947–February 19, 2022 U.S. Army
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Donald Hugh Oakley October 20, 1946–November 26, 2021 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

David Old Bear Sr. October 3, 1940–November 6, 2017 U.S. Marine Corps Johnny Lynn Oleson April 1, 1947–August 4, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps David Charles Olson March 5, 1948–May 22, 2022 U.S. Army Theodore H. Orahood July 25, 1943–September 28, 2021 U.S. Air Force Kenneth C. Osborne December 27, 1946–July 11, 2022 U.S. Army Barry Bruce Osell August 10, 1947–June 27, 2021 U.S. Navy Anthony Edgar Oswald December 7, 1943–January 23, 2023 U.S. Marine Corps Clement Edward Paladino February 2, 1935–July 26, 2015 U.S. Army
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Robert Frank Palmer Jr. May 22, 1946–February 2, 2020 U.S. Marine Corps


2020 Inductees


Michael David Parris March 14, 1947–May 3, 2021 U.S. Navy Elden Lee Passard October 4, 1947–January 5, 2023 U.S. Air Force Louis Francis Patti August 22, 1942–December 31, 2022 U.S. Army Frank Paturas 25, 1951–February 20, 2023 U.S. Navy Ernest Ray Paugh July 20, 1951–July 4, 2022 U.S. Army Frank Ashworth Peacock October 28, 1943–November 12, 1988 U.S. Air Force Roger David Pearson 2, 1947–August 17, 1986 U.S. Air Force George Otis Peay November 30, 1946–July 30, 2001 U.S. Army
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Michael O. Pederson May 18, 1948–May 29, 2016 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Robert Perez July 25, 1947–February 17, 2022 U.S. Army Frederick Paul Peskorski Sr. April 19, 1951–March 21, 2019 U.S. Marine Corps Ronald Lee Pfaff April 25, 1946–September 6, 2021 U.S. Navy Carl Frederick Phillips Jr. August 28, 1947–March 18, 2005 U.S. Marine Corps Stanley James Phillips November 20, 1947–November 24, 2022 U.S. Army Wendell Dayton Phillips February 7, 1949–February 23, 2018 U.S. Marine Corps Frank A. Pietropolo April 23, 1946–May 3, 2022 U.S. Army Paul Edward Poling September 5, 1946–September 27, 2020 U.S. Army
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Ernst Henry Poll Sr. June 23, 1935–July 21, 2021 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Marvin L. Potts July 23, 1946–June 30, 2022 U.S. Air Force Jerry Mack Powell February 1, 1949–November 10, 2022 U.S. Army Harold Dean Price September 11, 1949–February 14, 2022 U.S. Air Force Michiel Todd Prochaska September 7, 1944–November 21, 2010 U.S. Marine Corps Ronald Joseph Prosser August 5, 1947–April 18, 2007 U.S. Army Louis Edward Puckett Jr. June 29, 1948–November 19, 2012 U.S. Army Robert Joseph Puyleart August 28, 1949–October 11, 2020 U.S. Army Richard Lee Quick Jr. October 14, 1954–October 29, 2022 U.S. Navy
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John Gillis Quilty April 9, 1945–March 11, 1991 U.S. Army

February 24, 1941–March 12, 2010 U.S.

2020 Inductees





February 17, 1949–November 12, 2010

John Quinlan Army Joseph Michael Quinn May 4, 1950–August 24, 2017 U.S. Army Michael F. Rabe 24, 1947–April 18, 2004 U.S. Army J. Paul Raines 17, 1948–January 26, 2015 U.S. Marine Corps Waldon Ray Raines 25, 1946–December 10, 2022 U.S. Army Nick Rector 17, 1948–September 1, 2019 U.S. Army Carl E. Reevs U.S. Army Edward Henry Remmers December 5, 1936–January 31, 2002 U.S. Navy Lawrence Mark Repanshek
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June 30, 1948–May 12, 2022 U.S. Navy


2020 Inductees




Keith L. Retzlaff April 11, 1947–February 18, 1994 U.S. Army Larry Wayne Revlett September 2, 1946–July 19, 2016 U.S. Army Anthony Peter Richards 24, 1948–January 11, 2021 U.S. Army Charles Monroe Richardson August 31, 1948–April 26, 2022 U.S. Air Force Dennis Ransome Richlen June 19, 1942–April 2, 2022 U.S. Air Force Delfino Fidel Rios 9, 1948–May 29, 2021 U.S. Army Donald M. Ritscher 9, 1930–February 25, 2021 U.S. Air Force Allan L. Robb April 14, 1931–April 11, 2016 U.S. Air Force Freddy James Robertson
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11, 1944–October 1, 2018 U.S. Army


2020 Inductees

Albert Raymond Robinson July 15, 1949–August 29, 2008 U.S. Army Elkana M. Robinson March 29, 1942–June 13, 2020 U.S. Army Larry Gene Robinson June 11, 1948–May 1, 2018 U.S. Army Ronald Walter Roe April 22, 1943–March 11, 1998 U.S. Air Force Ricky Lee Rogers November 9, 1948–September 10, 2015 U.S. Army Charles A. Rollins October 6, 1945–April 14, 2016 U.S. Army Roger D. Romick June 25, 1949–January 13, U.S. Navy Charles Edward Rummel April 1, 1948–October 3, 2021 U.S. Marine Corps
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John Joseph Rush May 11, 1946–December 19, 2016 U.S. Army


2020 Inductees

Henry Calvin Rutledge 3, 1935–December 7, 2022 U.S. Army Gary Loren Sage November 15, 1946–June 3, 1969 U.S. Navy Gregory Allan Sage Sr. February 20, 1948–June 3, 1969 U.S. Navy Kelly Jo Sage May 29, 1950–June 3, 1969 U.S. Navy Melanio P. Salinas October 22, 1942–July 3, 2013 U.S. Navy Daniel Leroy Saltz October 24, 1946–May 1, 2013 U.S. Army James E. Sanders March 24, 1943–February 12, 2020 U.S. Navy Ronald Edward Sandoval April 20, 1947–November 5, 2016 U.S. Army Ronald Joseph Saville
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October 9, 1949–September 4, 2017 U.S. Air Force

2020 Inductees

David W. Schaffe September 28, 1941–February 13, 2020 U.S. Army Richard Michael Schofield December 7, 1949–May 5, 2022 U.S. Air Force Richard Eugene Schrunk July 25, 1948–March 28, 2019 U.S. Air Force Alvin LeRoy Schultz October 1, 1946–June 4, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Robert Anthony Scott April 2, 1947–December 17, 2014 U.S. Army Rudy A. Scott III July 10, 1946–March 7, 2006 U.S. Air Force Joe W. Segari April 15, 1946–September 2, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Bryan Norman Severson August 22, 1946–February 23, 2022 U.S. Army
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James E. Shaleen April 1, 1946–November 20, 2017 U.S. Navy

2020 Inductees

David G. Shea November 21, 1946–October 26, 2022 U.S. Army John Charles Shepardson February 15, 1940–October 6, 1999 U.S. Air Force Alva Lee Sheraden May 31, 1944–June 25, 2022 U.S. Air Force Carl Douglas Sherer December 15, 1948–April 5, 2018 U.S. Army Ronnie A. Shewell November 30, 1947–March 20, 2003 U.S. Army Anthony Bruno Shumakeris May 8, 1942–November 21, 2014 U.S. Army Patrick John Sigmund August 12, 1947–April 13, 2017 U.S. Army Allen Edward Simpson February 10, 1947–April 20, 2021 U.S. Army
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Gayle Edward Sipes November 17, 1948–May 22, 2022 U.S. Air Force

2020 Inductees

Larry Dean Sizemore December 16, 1946–August 17, 2001 U.S. Army Dexter Woodard Slater October 11, 1944–October 28, 2020 U.S. Marine Corps Daniel Carl Smith October 28, 1944–September 26, 2022 U.S. Navy Michael Howard Smith April 12, 1941–February 16, 1999 U.S. Army Michael Keith Smith March 14, 1951–March 18, 2023 U.S. Army Nathan Smith Sr. March 3, 1946–November 6, 2012 U.S. Army Stanley J. Smith August 30, 1949–May 6, 2010 U.S. Navy William Smolek January 13, 1946–November 5, 2002 U.S. Army
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Robert Winfield Sneeden May 15, 1947–April 22, 2012 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Darrell Edward Snidarich January 17, 1947–June 3, 2018 U.S. Army Robert “Buck” Snyder March 30, 1944–January 17, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Henry Raymond Soetaert February 12, 1949–February 6, 2023 U.S. Army Larry F. Spencer November 22, 1948–March 27, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Terry Alan Staberg April 20, 1946–February 22, 2004 U.S. Army Thomas Henry Stelloh September 15, 1944–May 27, 2022 U.S. Army Michael Stevenson November 23, 1954–February 15, 2022 U.S. Air Force Roger Leon Stevenson October 2, 1950–August 18, 2020 U.S. Army
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Ralph Shamblin Stone II April 12, 1948–December 25, 2022 U.S. Air Force

2020 Inductees

John C. Stowell Jr. February 25, 1944–October 31, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps William Arthur Straub May 2, 1946–March 16, 2020 U.S. Army Robert Henry Strawhun February 19, 1938–February 20, 2016 U.S. Navy Jerry L. Stricker September 19, 1944–September 23, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps James Harvey Stringham August 23, 1944–September 3, 2019 U.S. Army Donald V. Sullivan October 2, 1946–June 15, 2022 U.S. Army Keith V. “Sonny” Surber March 24, 1946–August 18, 2006 U.S. Army Victor Eugene Surber May 4, 1945–June 9, 2018 U.S. Marine Corps
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Duane C. Swanson January 19, 1946–December 19, 2021 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Dennis Eugene Swecker September 23, 1952–August 8, 2013 U.S. Air Force Jaymie Darrell Tate March 21, 1946–July 20, 2020 U.S. Army Wade Tesar May 1, 1947–February 12, 2022 U.S. Navy Robert W. Theroux December 16, 1945–March 21, 2022 U.S. Army Leon Jerry Thigpen September 24, 1948–April 30, 2020 U.S. Marine Corps James Silas “Sye” Thomas Jr. May 12, 1946–May 23, 2019 U.S. Army Philip Joel Thomas June 19, 1949–March 20, 2022 U.S. Army David R. Thomson December 15, 1948–October 3, 2021 U.S. Army
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Perry Eugene Thon August 22, 1949–March 16, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps

2020 Inductees

Michael Lynn Thornton September 7, 1946–May 31, 2016 U.S. Army Dennis John Tidquist June 13, 1948–September 13, 2020 U.S. Army Dennis Linn Tobey March 22, 1949–April 23, 2019 U.S. Army Henry Todacheeney January 7, 1941–February 6, 2022 U.S. Army Reynaldo Surita Torres August 24, 1946–October 5, 2018 U.S. Army Arthur James Toscano Jr. October 2, 1946–April 23, 2011 U.S. Army Albert Edwin Townsend Sr. May 20, 1946–May 26, 2022 U.S. Army Lawrence Travis August 24, 1946–September 8, 2019 U.S. Army
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Randy George Travis November 15, 1948–July 13, 2022 U.S. Army

2020 Inductees

Raymond Louis Trompke February 17, 1946–July 31, 2018 U.S. Army Floyd Francis Turek Jr. August 18, 1949–March 25, 2019 U.S. Navy Charles Martin Turner October 29, 1946–December 15, 2014 U.S. Navy Mark W. Turner December 25, 1946–June 29, 2021 U.S. Marine Corps Randy William Turner March 23, 1947–June 23, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Willie B. Tyner May 3, 1945–February 28, 2013 U.S. Army Peter J. Van Cook October 1, 1947–July 11, 2015 U.S. Army Dwight C. Van Inwegen June 2, 1950–May 10, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps
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Rodney L. VanQuekelberg June 29, 1947–December 14, 2019 U.S. Army


2020 Inductees



Troy Leroy Varney June 30, 1948–November 3, 2020 U.S. Marine Corps Boyd Earl Vatalaro August 15, 1946–February 25, 2021 U.S. Air Force Timothy Kenneth Venzke March 10, 1949–January 1, 2021 U.S. Army James Vialard March 14, 1947–December 13, 2021 U.S. Army Pablo Villarreal Jr. December 15, 1943–March 9, 2022 U.S. Army Kenneth J. Voight Sr. July 8, 1950–May 4, 2020 U.S. Army Stanley Owen Voight 8, 1936–August 27, 1998 U.S. Army John P. Vollmer 21, 1949–February 7, 2022 U.S. Army James R. Vrabel
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1, 1947–April 22, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps


2020 Inductees

John Anthony Wachter May 30, 5, 1997 U.S. Marine Corps Robert Francis Wade March 15, 1946–January 1, 2012 U.S. Marine Corps Richard Allen Walior March 10, 1946–January 7, 2022 U.S. Army Dan Oliver Walker April 10, 1945–August 21, 2022 U.S. Army Doyle A. Warbler December 16, 1947–December 14, 2016 U.S. Navy Douglas Victor Ward June 8, 1946–September 19, 2021 U.S. Army Gerald R. Ward September 15, 1946–July 7, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps Mitchel Frank Ward November 19, 1945–December 4, 2022 U.S. Navy
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Cyrus Timothy Warner June 3, 1949–February 15, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps

2020 Inductees

Marlin Alroy Waterbury July 13, 1935–March 22, 1995 U.S. Army David L. Watson December 10, 1937–May 1, 2018 U.S. Navy Roger Francis Wautlet April 4, 1942–November 8, 2022 U.S. Air Force Gene Edward Wawrzyniak December 8, 1949–March 11, 2017 U.S. Army Frank Eugene Wayman July 12, 1950–January 15, 1999 U.S. Army James Charles Weaver February 19, 1947–August 16, 2021 U.S. Army Thomas Dewey Weaver March 14, 1945–April 14, 2014 U.S. Army Gerald Weinstein October 1, 1937–September 23, 1995 U.S. Air Force
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Daniel M. Welch July 17, 1948–November 7, 2021 U.S. Navy

2020 Inductees

William Lee Welker July 8, 1946–December 26, 2019 U.S. Army Michael Wayne Werger December 4, 1950–May 31, 2011 U.S. Marine Corps Lowry Arthur West III September 23, 1943–May 28, 2022 U.S. Army Gary L. Westrick December 31, 1948–April 11, 2022 U.S. Army Robert “Bobby” Michael Wheeler August 25, 1948–February 3, 2020 U.S. Army Joel Wesley Whiteley December 14, 1933–August 9, 2019 U.S. Air Force Larry Olin Whitt July 2, 1946–December 18, 2020 U.S. Army Donovan Carl Wikstrom August 9, 1937–December 12, 2017 U.S. Air Force Darrell F. Wilkes
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June 16, 1954–September 18, 2022 U.S. Air Force


2020 Inductees





Richard F. Will Sr. February 3, 1945–June 29, 2012 U.S. Army Johnnie Robert “Bob” Williams 5, 1946–November 19, 2018 U.S. Army Larry J. Willmsen 2, 1947–March 28, 1987 U.S. Army Wayne Edward Windholz 20, 1947–April 11, 2020 U.S. Army George Jonathan Wing Jr. October 16, 1943–January 21, 2019 U.S. Air Force David Bruce Winger June 20, 1947–April 12, 2016 U.S. Marine Corps James S. Winslow 25, 1948–November 9, 2022 U.S. Army Michael Leonard Wise November 17, 1948–September 13, 2022 U.S. Marine Corps James J. Wlodarczyk
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3, 1949–January 14, 2022 U.S. Army

September 18, 1945–July 15, 2022

2020 Inductees



Alan J. Wondergem U.S. Army Paul A. Woods Sr. June 26, 1942–October 24, 2014 U.S. Navy Dean A. Wright December 31, 1942–March 9, 2023 U.S. Army Douglas A. Wright April 25, 1947–August 29, 2019 U.S. Army William M. Young July 30, 1945–October 10, 2022 U.S. Army Edward Michael Zieleniewski December 20, 1946–May 2, 2016 U.S. Army Charles Kirk Zirion May 21, 1946–September 10, U.S. Navy Frank Zustiak
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19, 1947–September 19, 1970 U.S. Army




Larry Duane Nicholson Sterling


Jack O’Neil Anderson

Mount Olive

Willie J. Ashley Millbrook

Walter Thomas Lee Sr. Anniston

Dean L. Mitchell

Billy Frank Moore Sr.

Phenix City

Mount Olive

Michael O. Pederson  Huntsville

Carl Douglas Sherer ...................................................................... Sheffield


Alfred T. Dube Phoenix

Robert N. Frye II Vernon

Theodore H. Orahood................................................................... Prescott

J. Paul Raines Phoenix

Henry Todacheeney

Teec Nos Pos

Charles Martin Turner Phoenix

Dan Oliver Walker Cottonwood


Bobby Ray Brannen

Little Rock

James L. Erwin Cabot

Don King

Bella Vista

Richard Eugene Schrunk ...................................................................Austin

Robert Henry Strawhun Oakland

Thomas Dewey Weaver Paragould Greene County


Anthony Abrams Yucaipa

Clifford Edward Adams Anaheim

Darrel Dean Adams Fresno

Gary Gordon Atchison


Jerry Blanton Yorba Linda

Clarence Magruder Bond III Covina

Brian Joseph Campbell

Westlake Village

Stephen Leonard Champeau Santa Maria

Don Clinton San Diego

Thomas Alvin Cowan Chino Hills

Kenneth Doyle Eatherly


Samuel Erskine Ferguson III San Diego

Peter Anton Folz Carlsbad

Ernie Gonzales Lompoc

Charles Allen Kezer Orlando

Richard Baker Libbey Monrovia

Martin Steve Lopez Patterson

Samuel Marquez........................................................Rancho Cucamonga

Colin John Pitts McIntosh

Huntington Beach

Gary M. McMurtry Pacifica

Robert Lee Mollenkopf Santa Maria

Mario N. Moreno Oceanside

Ian Murray Nulty ............................................................................ Redding

David Charles Olson Irvine

Wendell Dayton Phillips

Delfino Fidel Rios

Los Angeles

Hawaiian Gardens

Melanio P. Salinas San Diego

Ronald Edward Sandoval ............................................................ Lawndale

Richard Michael Schofield Littlerock

Michael Stevenson San Diego

John Anthony Wachter Carlsbad

James S. Winslow San Diego

Charles Kirk Zirion ...........................................................San Luis Obispo

Frank Zustiak Burlingame


Milton Easton Brodhead Longmont

Christopher Robin Martinson ......................................................Boulder

Clement Edward Paladino Colorado Springs

Elden Lee Passard Broomfield

Donald M. Ritscher

Colorado Springs

Philip Joel Thomas Denver

Cyrus Timothy Warner Commerce City


David Paul Cole


George Cicero Fogle Weatogue


Timothy L. Braucht Sr. Lewes

Joseph Kopec Jr. Newark


Edward J. Benson West Palm Beach

Mark Wayne Boutwell Seffner

Clarence James Carpenter Blountstown

Thomas H. Corey ............................................................................... Jupiter

Anthony Thomas DeFina Englewood

John D. Fie Jr. Bunnell

David W. Keller Oakland Park

Richard Kramer Largo

Jeff D. Maddox ................................................................... Miami Gardens

Orlando Antonio Matas-Sosa Miami

Denis Joseph Murphy III Palm Coast

William Smolek St. Petersburg

Robert Winfield Sneeden Bradenton

Wade Tesar ................................................................... Panama City Beach

Douglas Victor Ward Silver Springs

Gerald R. Ward Lake City

Darrell F. Wilkes Indiantown

Michael Leonard Wise Gainesville

James J. Wlodarczyk.............................................................. St. Augustine


Ralph Harold Abston


Leonard C. Baxter Dublin

Otto B. Johnson Jr. Dublin

Bobby Joe Mitchell Talbotton

Thomas M. Moreland Covington

Frank Ashworth Peacock Villa Rica

Michael Howard Smith Dahlonega

Michael Keith Smith Newnan

Leon Jerry Thigpen Macon

James Silas “Sye” Thomas Jr. Brunswick


John A. Kimmell II Honolulu


Gene I. Hollingsworth Emmett


Roger Wayne Ahrens Dundee

John R. Biksacky ........................................................................ Channahon

Michael Philip Blackburn Caseyville

Gary L. Butler Pittsfield

H. Russell Chambers Spring Grove

John Allan Clark Chicago

Terry John Domek ........................................................................... Palatine

Ronald C. Effler Creve Coeur

Thomas John Hathaway Moline

Kenneth H. Johnson Shabbona

Samson Keahna Chicago

Patrick J. O’Brien............................................................................. Chicago

Ronald Joseph Saville Alton

Rudy A. Scott III Marion

Gayle Edward Sipes Canton

Robert W. Theroux Rockford

Michael Lynn Thornton ..................................................................Decatur


Virgil E Bennett III Mooresville

Ulysses Albert Black Sr. Seymour

Ronald Joe Day Terre Haute

Bill Haselton South Bend

Rodney Lee Heckaman Plymouth

John E. Hunter Franklin

Gary L. Huston Winchester

Thomas G. Lewis Greenfield

Charles William Meyer Sellersburg

Jerry Lee Miller Henryville

Allen Edward Simpson Birdseye

Roger Leon Stevenson Rockville

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Charles Edwin Arthur Hartley

Phillip Michael Bingaman Altoona

Russell E. Jamison Sr. Weldon

Andrew Patrick Kasper Jr. ............................................................... Ankeny

John Thomas Mackin Des Moines

David Old Bear Sr. Tama

Dennis Ransome Richlen Dixon

Roger D. Romick Union

Keith V. “Sonny” Surber.......................................................... Montezuma

Marlin Alroy Waterbury Akron


Donald Jerome Barger Manhattan

David Wayne Beal ........................................................................ El Dorado

Don Cates Claflin

Gary Patrick Dino Great Bend

James A. Gillenwater Wichita

John Raymond Hagen Melvern

Earl Edmond Haines ..........................................................................Olathe

Ronald Wayne Jones Liberal

Donald Lee Kuenzi Kiowa

Bobby Dee Lee Meriden

David Leikam Hays

Everett Alan Lowry......................................................................... Stockton

Charles Munsch Jr. Hays

Michiel Todd Prochaska Salina

Ronald Joseph Prosser  Great Bend

Ricky Lee Rogers Plainville

Henry Raymond Soetaert Shawnee

Ralph Shamblin Stone II Wichita

Wayne Edward Windholz Gorham


William Philmore Fornash Sr.


Curtis Douglas Johnson Middlesboro

Jerome Edward Kraemer Louisville

Danny L. Murphy Louisville

Edgar Allen Newsom Robinson Creek

Donald Hugh Oakley Cadiz

Elkana M. Robinson Pikeville


Ray Allen Aucoin Lake Charles

James Eugene Canfield Bastrop

Frank Norris Hensley Jr. DeRidder

Elvin Dewayne “Doc” Holliday .................................................. DeRidder

Frederick Eugene Jenneman Slidell

Ernst Henry Poll Sr. Leesville

Alva Lee Sheraden Ollie

Dexter Woodard Slater DeRidder


Lloyd Gene Heath New Vineyard

George Luther James Limestone

Robert W. Kipp Sr. Berwick


Sammy T. Adams

Severna Park

Keith L. Fay  Accokeek

William Lloyd Freeman Frederick

Jay Halladay .............................................................................. Hagerstown

Lee Arthur Hunter District Heights

Ernest Ray Paugh Dundalk

Robert Anthony Scott Baltimore

Larry Dean Sizemore Elkton

Richard F. Will Sr. Westminster

Paul A. Woods Sr. Pasadena


Joseph William Ascolillo Jr.


John W. Beck Jr. Melrose

Bruce L. Bezio Erving

Carl “Redd” Briggs


James K. Chretien Sr. Lawrence

James Joseph Culhane Woburn

Roger Girard Davignon New Bedford

Gregory F. Debrocke Methuen

Richard Eugene Falardeau ............................................................ Woburn

David Leo Fitzgerald Mashpee

Arthur Leo Flynn Bourne

William Waldimar Johnson Jr. Leominster

John Gillis Quilty Acton

Anthony Peter Richards ........................................................ New Bedford

Robert Francis Wade Mansfield


Harlan E. Carlson Atlanta

Donald Edward Comfort  .............................................................. Onaway

Lawrence Walter Derkacz Sterling Heights

Michael James Desmarais Chesterfield

Gregory Charles Gray Pontiac

Donald Lee Kowalik Almont

Gary Wayne Matrau ......................................................................Waterliet

David Hubert Nummer Armada

Stanley James Phillips  Fort Gratiot

Alvin LeRoy Schultz Ishpeming

Nathan Smith Sr. Detroit

James Harvey Stringham ............................................................. Manistee

Perry Eugene Thon Flushing

Willie B. Tyner Detroit

Alan J. Wondergem Kentwood


Richard Anthony Baraga Chisholm

Timothy George Bartram Winsted

Calvin Fredrick Carlson Willmar

Jack Wayne Danielson Deer River

Dennis Engebretson Leonard

Robert Thomas Fiecke Winsted

Joseph Edward Harbinson Litchfield

Larry T. Hlavka Silver Lake

Thomas Henry Kearney III Hibbing

Donald R. Litzau Lester Prairie

Robert Michael Madich Chisholm

Bob Marold ............................................................................................. Buhl

Robert Allen Marshall Minneapolis

Dana Humason Miller Tower

Donald Allen Moberg Bloomington

Barry Bruce Osell Brainerd

Michael David Parris ................................................................. Watertown

Roger David Pearson Mt. Iron

Bryan Norman Severson Elbow Lake

James E. Shaleen Britt

Darrell Edward Snidarich Virginia

Dennis Linn Tobey ............................................................................. Bovey

Arthur James Toscano Jr. Chisholm

Randy George Travis Willmar

Stanley Owen Voight Minneapolis

Richard Allen Walior Chisholm

Gene Edward Wawrzyniak ........................................................ Silver Lake

Donovan Carl Wikstrom Strandquist

Larry J. Willmsen Arlington

David Bruce Winger Chisholm


Richard Eldridge “Dick” Coleman Vicksburg

Allan L. Robb Pachuta

Albert Raymond Robinson Charleston


Kenneth Milton Debert St. Louis

John Francis Dunne St. Louis

Gary Alexis Hines St. Louis

Mike Krafft St. Louis

Kenneth Karl Krimmel St. Charles

Leroy W. Nash

Bonne Terre

Paul Edward Poling Kahoka

Marvin L. Potts St. Louis

Richard Lee Quick Jr. Waynesville

Nick Rector Washington

Charles Monroe Richardson Cape Gir

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Joe W. Segari .................................................................................... Warsaw

Larry Olin Whitt Weston


Florentine Thomas Angel Billings

David William Knauth ...................................................................... Bigfork

Rodney L. VanQuekelberg Columbia Falls


Gary Adelbert Barker .......................................................................Kimball

Richard A. Bruening Holdrege

William Bruno Jr. Omaha

Michael Thomas Davia Kearney

James Cameron Glasgow Clarks

Don W. Gray Plattsmouth

Jerry Dean Hamilton Omaha

Raymond E. Hazzard Miller

Michael Dale Heater Kearney

Lyle H. Menke Lawrence

Gary Loren Sage Niobrara

Kelly Jo Sage Niobrara

Gregory Allan Sage Sr. Niobrara

Victor Eugene Surber Omaha

Raymond Louis Trompke Loup City

Floyd Francis Turek Jr. Gibbon

Michael Wayne Werger Johnson Lake


John J. Delaney Minden

Dennis Lawrence Hadler Reno

J. Perry Noonan III Las Vegas


Michael A. Bruckler Southampton

Ronald Delia Livingston

Steve DiGangi Linden

Larry Fredericks ............................................................................. Wantage

Edward P. Grafje Barnegat

Louis Jampetro Sr. Browns Mills

Robert Michael Kelly West Deptford

Anthony P. Lapadura Passiac

Raymond Lee ................................................................................... Denville

Mario J. Lo Sapio Keyport

Mike Lyon South Brunswick

Joseph C. Morrison Freehold

Larry Neville Jersey City

John Henry Nitka ..........................................................................Randolph

James Vialard Denville

Edward Michael Zieleniewski Carlstadt


Enrique “Henry” Baldonado Socorro

Gary Lee Dwyer Bernalillo

Joseph Dennis Gallegos  Farmington


Clifford Guy Bennett Sr. Waverly

Roy E. Betteridge Churchville

Thomas Edward Bryant Auburn

Christopher S. Bubnis Rochester

James Patrick Carroll Baldwin

Raymond Andrew Cawley Queens

Gerald Raymond Costa Brooklyn

Louis Anthony Davis ................................................................... Plattsburg

John Robert DesChamps  Ilion

Donald Robert Dixon Weedsport

Jonathan Leonard Engelhard Apalachin

Rafael Espada New York

Michael Felix Felice ........................................................Massapequa Park

Gilbert Gelling Seaford

Robert S. Greene Brooklyn

Kevin P. Helferich Mechanicville

Donald Hogan Brooklyn

Joseph James Ingino  .............................................................. Lindenhurst

Anthony S. Jasinkonis Huntington

George “Fran” Kartis Newburgh

William Dale Koehler Clarence

Charles “Chuck” LaForty Watertown

Paul Millard Montgomery ............................................................ Oneonta

Louis Francis Patti Auburn

Carl Frederick Phillips Jr. Auburn

Frank A. Pietropolo Chelsea

David G. Shea Brooklyn

John Charles Shepardson .................................................................... Cato

Stanley J. Smith Binghamton

Albert Edwin Townsend Sr. Locke

Randy William Turner Memphis

Peter J. Van Cook Old Chatham

Gerald Weinstein Brooklyn

Douglas A. Wright Oneida


Ken W. Ashby Huntersville

James A. Beasley Elizabeth City

Lovis Franklin Brinkley Johnston County

James Edward Bumgarner Garner

Earl Luther Davis Marshall

Doyle Dwight Hensley Durham

James N. Jones Chapel Hill

Donald Ray Lambert Concord

Thomas P. Lorenc ............................................................... Hendersonville

Charles Richard Maglione Kill Devil Hills

Dennis B. Moore  Kitty Hawk

Jerry Mack Powell Conover

Harold Dean Price Cliffside

Louis Edward Puckett Jr. .................................................................. Raleigh

Daniel Carl Smith Greensboro

Jerry L. Stricker Wilmington


Jim Brown...................................................................................Wimbledon

Edwin Eugene Holzworth Jamestown

Ricky Wayne Kaufman Bismarck


Steven Dale Bartram ................................................................... Mansfield

Daniel Stephen Bethel Cincinnati

Roger L. Blaylock Springdale

William A. Borhman Jr. Cuyahoga Falls

John Robert Butchock Willoughby

Dean Eldon Callison ................................................................. Springfield

Mereland Lee Cook Youngstown

Steve W. Crumbling  Gibsonburg

Robert Alan Davis Cleveland

Gerald Wayne Doyle Findlay

Phil Fiscus Martins Ferry

Dennis Wayne Galvin Findlay

Philip John Heil Jr. Cleveland

James R. Hendershot Wooster

Roger Lee Hyland Springfield

Tom Jagger Bratenahl

Ralph J. Maehler Cleveland

Andrew J. Naugle Parma Hts.

Thomas Edward Nicodemus Amelia

Daniel Leroy Saltz Rawson

Robert “Buck” Snyder Martins Ferry

Dennis Eugene Swecker Tiffin

David R. Thomson Cleveland

James R. Vrabel Campbell

James Charles Weaver Uhrichsville

William Lee Welker Canton

Gary L. Westrick Defiance


William Jason Blankenship Carney

Dewey Chris Boswell Oklahoma City

Patrick L. Childers Tulsa

Freddy James Robertson ......................................................... Wapanucka

Lowry Arthur West III Lawton

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Robert Albert Beck Jr. Beaverton

Jack Chester Dunn ......................................................................... Portland

Gary Richard Nelson Gladstone

Johnny Lynn Oleson Gleneden Beach

David L. Watson Yachats


Gary Norman Aldrich Erie

David V. Baniszewski Erie

Albert Joseph Baraniak Indiana

Lawrence William Carter Harrisburg

Paul Leroy Close ...................................................................... Greensburg

Michael Leonard Cotter West Chester

James Robert Delp Jr. Pittsburg

Ronald Elwood Dewing Warren Center

Denton S. Fenstermacher Kutztown

William B. Gallagher Jr. ........................................................... Mckeesport

Creedin Gitt Carlisle

Richard William Hafer Greensburg

Spencer A. Harding  Sayre

William Carl Hartley Roscoe

James Leroy Herter ......................................................................... Renovo

Robert E. Highlands Jr. Carlisle

Robert “Bob” Hitzeman Williamsport

Dennis Everett Hockenberry Shippensburg

David James Jenkins Jr. Frackville

Paul William Joines............................................................... Susquehanna

David S. Kenney Kutztown

Robert Milton Kercher Jr. Kutztown

Stuart Allen Krompetz Sr. Collegeville

Stephen Thomas Love East Lansdowne

Justin J. McCarthy Exton

Anthony W. McCloskey Sr. Export

Sanford E. Newman Sr. Mount Union

William E. Noll Milesburg

George Otis Peay Sayre

Frederick Paul Peskorski Sr. Erie

Ronald Lee Pfaff Greenville

John Quinlan Upper Darby

Joseph Michael Quinn Athens

Michael F. Rabe Erie

Charles Edward Rummel Ligoneer

John Joseph Rush Pittsburgh

Anthony Bruno Shumakeris ..................................................Philadelphia

William Arthur Straub Erie

Mark W. Turner Northumberland

John P. Vollmer Clifton Heights

Frank Eugene Wayman Sayre

Daniel M. Welch ..............................................................................Franklin

Robert “Bobby” Michael Wheeler Erie


Michael John Kulig Cebu City


William Albrick Cartier Jr. Warwick

Robert W. Champagne Newport

Donald V. Sullivan North Providence


Jerry Alexander


Ronald Lee Asselin Inman

Walter Jerome Brock Taylors

Walter J. Green ............................................................................ Greenville

James Millard Hart Jr.

Ray Henry

Boyd Earl Vatalaro ....................................................................Spartanburg

Mitchel Frank Ward Spartanburg


James Mads Hauge Mitchell


William Allen Breedlove Jr. Knoxville

James L. Brown Sr. Portland

Michael Alexander Caldwell Linden

Thomas Ray Cribbs ..................................................................... Coalmont

Jimmy Goins LaFollette

James Hatter Jr. Milan

Eugene Henderson Clarksville

Robert H. Johnson Sr. Nashville

Joseph E. Knowles ...................................................................... Clarksville

John Louis Mayberry  Jackson

David Keith Newell Dayton

Larry Wayne Revlett Clarksville

Kenneth J. Voight Sr. Springville

William M. Young ......................................................................... Memphis


Charles William Albritton Hankamer

Marvin James Brietzke New Braunfels

Robert Van Copeland El Paso

Richard V. Fuentes Corpus Christi

Timothy Edward Gard Sr. Gilmer

Gerald Steven Garrison Stranger

Kenneth Ray Grant Beaumont

Rodney Durral Johnston Garland

Dennis Patrick Kilday Canton

Ronny Mahan Sutton

Gary W. Martin Hearne

Michael Elliott McClendon Austin

Phil Dan McClendon  Peaster

Curtiss R. Mincher San Augustine

Kenneth Riley Mincher Sr. ....................................................... Fort Worth

Melvin Moulton Anahuac

Patrick Lee Nex Lakeway

Robert Perez San Antonio

Charles A. Rollins El Paso

Henry Calvin Rutledge ..........................................................................Katy

Terry Alan Staberg Corpus Christi

Jaymie Darrell Tate Kenefick

Reynaldo Surita Torres Houston

Lawrence Travis Galveston

Timothy Kenneth Venzke ............................................................... Victoria

Pablo Villarreal Jr. Brownsville

Johnnie Robert “Bob” Williams Anahuac


Joel Wesley Whiteley .................................................................. Panguitch


Joseph Francis Knipes Sr. Wells


Carl R. Brooks Jr.  Portsmouth

Richard Martin Darr Jr. Burke

Wayne A. Eller Sr. Abingdon

John Slater Hadfield Norfolk

James Ross Henke Fairfax

Michael “Mike” Thomas Ingram Forest

Joseph Lawrence Marchi Jr. Front Royal



George Stewart Lawhorn Chesnee

Paul Ross Millwood

Richard Miller Morrison Jr.



John Reed Nauful Columbia

Frank Paturas Beaufort

Waldon Ray Raines


Larry Gene Robinson Greer

Larry F. Spencer York

John C. Stowell Jr.


Charles W. Morris Altavista

Mike Murphy Hampton

Stephen J Neuendorf Fairfax Station

Lawrence Mark Repanshek Fredericksburg

Ronald Walter Roe Danville

Dean A. Wright Marion


Richard Edward Lorbetske Tacoma

James E. Sanders ................................................................................ Everett

David W. Schaffe Kelso

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Ronnie A. Shewell


Dwight C. Van Inwegen Kirkland


Johnathan A. Fisher

Joe Labon Johnson Sr.

Washington DC

Washington DC

Robert Henry Nelson Washington DC


John Elliott


Robert Frank Palmer Jr. Wheeling

Troy Leroy Varney  Logan


Geoffrey Johnson Abbott


Dennis Bee Superior

William O. Benedict Sr. Winneconne

William Arthur Bennett ................................................................ Harshaw

Allan Lee Betts Lakewood

Ted Thales Boquist Red Granite

Larry J. Brice Green Bay

David Earl Brott Lampson

Robert Eugene Busby ........................................................................Bristol

Ron Christensen Suring

George C. DeVries Gile

Ronald William Gadzinski Manitowoc

Darrel “Jiggs” Howard Gerow Argonne

Roger J. Housner Waunakee

Douglas D. Jensen Sr. Rhinelander

Douglas Alan Johnston Waldo

Gary Eugene Klopstein Watertown

Kenneth Theodore Koplein Sr. Franklin

James J. Krueger II Beloit

Joseph M.R. Kurth Denmark

Richard Dale Landerman Fond Du Lac

Frank Rudolph Lanich Wausaukee

Kenneth R. Lisch Green Bay

Jim Marquard  Lake Tomahawk

Duane Allen Martin Hustler

K. Michael McCollum ..................................................................... Neenah

Dennis Peter McFarland


Lowell E. Mortimer Wauwatosa

Brian Patrick O’Connor Hartland

Kenneth C. Osborne  Tomahawk

Anthony Edgar Oswald ..................................................................... Racine

Robert Joseph Puyleart Green Bay

Carl E. Reevs

Edward Henry Remmers



Keith L. Retzlaff Two Rivers

Patrick John Sigmund ................................................................ Green Bay

Thomas Henry Stelloh Milwaukee

Duane C. Swanson Crivitz

Dennis John Tidquist Milwaukee

Doyle A. Warbler Sheboygan

Roger Francis Wautlet ...............................................................Luxemburg

George Jonathan Wing Jr. Oconomowoc


Paul Thomas Banach Cheyenne

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All of today’s In Memory honorees are now part of VVMF’s In Memory Honor Roll online at www.vvmf.org/honor-roll.

Each honoree has a personal page. Just go to the search bar and type in an honoree’s last name to see their page. We encourage visitors to leave remembrances, add photos and share with friends and family. You can also make donations to VVMF in memory of an honoree to help us continue the In Memory program for years to come.

Please visit the online In Memory Honor Roll today to learn more about all our honorees.

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VVMF’s exhibit includes a three-quarter scale replica of The Wall, a mobile Education Center and a replica

The replica Wall is made of Avonite, a synthetic granite, and visitors can do name rubbings of names on The Wall. The replica travels in a 53-foot trailer that becomes a mobile Education Center which includes digital displays customized for the local area where the exhibit is on display. Visitors can see the Hometown Heroes display which includes photos of local service members on The Wall. They can also see the In Memory Honor Roll which includes photos of In Memory honorees from the state where the exhibit is on display. Items representative of those left at The Wall in D.C., a timeline of “The War and The Wall” and a map of Vietnam are also on display.

The Wall That Heals will be on display in 32 communities across the country in 2023. We hope that our In Memory families will come out to see their honoree’s photo on display when we’re in their home state. To see a full schedule, go to www.vvmf.org/twth.

Want to bring The Wall to your community? VVMF is now accepting applications to host The Wall That Heals in 2024. To learn more about being a host or how to apply, please visit: www. vvmf.org/twth-request.

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Support VVMF programs, including In Memory, by purchasing items from the VVMF store. Your purchases allow us to continue hosting this ceremony and honoring veterans in years to come.

Each applicant receives (at no charge) one printed yearbook, one DVD of the ceremony and one lapel pin. For additional yearbooks, DVDs, and pins as well as our In Memory patches and magnets — please visit the VVMF store at: www.vvmf.org/store.

To purchase additional tribute certificates or photos from the ceremony, see the back of this program.

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We invite you to join our Facebook group — In Memory: Families of Vietnam Veterans lost to Agent Orange and PTSD. Launched in February 2018, the Facebook group serves to connect our In Memory families all year long and has become a place to share stories of love and loss. It also provides a way to stay up to date on all of the latest In Memory news, the latest updates on the ceremony, and where The Wall That Heals will be on display. More than 21,000 members strong now — we invite you to join us.

What others are saying about the Facebook group —

“I’m so glad I found this space, with people who understand. Thank you”

“No one is alone here. Just reach out. We are all going through the same thing. This site is like a support group for me. I lost my husband in 2016 after 47 years together. Hugs.”

“To all of us who are missing someone we love. We will get through. You are a wonderful group.”


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SUNDAY, JUNE 18, 2023 AT 10:00 A.M.

Please join us tomorrow at 10:00 a.m. for our annual Father’s Day Rose Remembrance at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

Father’s Day is a time to honor all of our fathers and the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) will continue the annual tradition of paying special tribute to fathers. Every year on Father’s Day, family members and volunteers affix long-stemmed roses with personal messages of love and remembrance and lay them at the base of The Wall and around the Memorial site.

Red roses symbolize those killed in action. Yellow roses symbolize those missing in action. White roses with red tips symbolize those veterans who returned home and later died. Family, friends and other visitors are invited to take part in the laying of roses surrounding the Memorial, a breathtaking sight that demonstrates both the gratitude and the sacrifices of families impacted by the Vietnam War.

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Check out VVMF’s podcast Echoes of the Vietnam War. Even after 50 years, the impact of the Vietnam War echoes across generations. Hear stories of service and sacrifice from people who were impacted by the Vietnam War — veterans, their families, and others who add perspective to those experiences.

A new episode is launched every other week. We’ve explored topics from the Draft to the use of helicopters to the experiences of one POW but there are many more stories to tell — and preserve for future generations.

In past episodes, we’ve heard from multiple In Memory family members including Episode 10: Agent Orange featuring Diane Parisi (2016 honoree John Parisi), Episode 16: Song for the Unsung featuring Natasha Sprague (2020 honoree James Carroll) and Episode 30: You Are Not Alone featuring Cyndy Hollender-Stancliff (1996 honoree John Hollender and 2022 honoree Paul Stancliff.)

To listen or learn more about it — please visit: www.vvmf.org/echoes

If you have a story to tell or an idea for a podcast episode, email us at echoes@vvmf.org.

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John Parisi James Carroll John Hollender Paul Stancliff


JUNE 27, 2023

Some left Vietnam but Vietnam didn’t leave them. Nearly 3 million service members served in Vietnam and most returned home. But since then, thousands of Vietnam veterans have battled PTSD — Post Traumatic Stress Disorder — and it has impacted their lives and the lives of their families in many ways. Returning without a proper homecoming compounded the issues veterans faced upon their return.

On June 27th — National PTSD Awareness Day — we’ll bring light to the continuing toll of the war. The Vietnam War may be over, but the battle continues for many Vietnam veterans and their families to this day.

We hope you’ll join us in DC — or in your own community — on June 27th by raising awareness around the continuing toll of the Vietnam War. You can sponsor a candle and personal message to be placed at the Memorial during VVMF’s PTSD awareness event. For more information on PTSD Awareness Day and how you can get involved, go to: www. vvmf.org/ptsd-awareness

These are just a few of the messages that were left at The Wall last year on PTSD Awareness Day:

“Don’t be afraid to get help. You deserve it. Welcome home brothers.”

“For 50 years you fought this demon. Now you are at peace.”

“For all who made it home but can’t escape Vietnam. Every. Single. Day.”

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AUGUST 10, 2022

The Vietnam War may be over, but the battle continues for many Vietnam veterans. Nearly three million service members served in Vietnam and most returned home. But since then, thousands of Vietnam veterans have fought illnesses related to Agent Orange exposure. This deadly toxin has impacted the lives of thousands of veterans and their families but is largely unknown to most Americans.

August 10th is the anniversary of the first day that Agent Orange was sprayed in Vietnam in 1961 and the date we commemorate Agent Orange Awareness Day. We hope you’ll join us in DC — or in your own community — on August 10th by raising awareness around the continuing toll of the Vietnam War. You can sponsor a candle and personal message to be placed at the Memorial during VVMF’s Agent Orange Awareness event.

For more information on Agent Orange Awareness Day and how you can get involved, go to: www.vvmf.org/Agent-Orange-Awareness.

These are just a few of the messages that have been left at The Wall on Agent Orange Awareness Day:

“Agent Orange took your memories, your health and eventually your life. But you are still alive in our memories and in our hearts every day. We miss you.”

“Although you were able to come home, death came with you and you suffered many years — but you made a great life in spite of it. Agent Orange took you from us but we gained a beautiful life from you. Love and miss you.”

“Daddy, Thank you for serving our country and all the sacrifices you have made. You were the best Daddy a girl could ask for. You will always be my HERO. There will always be a piece of my heart missing. Agent Orange took you too soon.”

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VVMF would like to give a special thanks to all who help make the In Memory program possible. We couldn’t host ceremonies like today’s without the help of our generous donors. A big thanks to the following individuals who provided financial support for In Memory this year.

Dorothy Crooks

Donna Harris Houng Le

Steven E. Wright

A special thank you to our In Memory Circle of Friends. Your generous support allows VVMF to continue honoring Vietnam veterans through the In Memory program each year.

Rita Kay Andersen

Sharon Appollonia

Christa Atchison

Caryn Bailey

Judith Scanlan Barthel

Kathryn Bergquist

Linda C. Bermes

Nancy M. Boutwell

Major Marcia Brinkley

Karen Brooks

Tammy Brown-Gentilini

Bernadette Cannon

Carrie S. Castleman

Brandi Ann Clark

Charles T. Culhane

Marjorie Demopoulos

Bonnie Bell Downs

Johnnie R. Downs

Marian A. Durbin

Judy C. Edwards Dillard

Manuel C. Felix

Patricia Trefny Ford

Katie L. Foster

David Freier

Sally Gassler

Janet A. Greiner

Sharon Brunette Hagens

Curtis Hammerle

Sheri Hauck

Diane Hebert

Blanca Hendry

Sharon L. Hill-Paugh

Jessica Hilt

David & Sandy Hine

Cyndy Hollender-Stancliff

Mary Holliday

Kathy Lynn Huey

Cindy Johnston

Denise Kingsbury

Michael Chris Kingsley

Kathryn Krause

Susan Elaine Lindeman

Dee Louviere

Diane Mack

Kathleen M. Mack

Jeffrey Dean Marlow

Mary P. Martin

Maria D. Matas-Sosa

Alice McCarty

Timothy McDaniel

Linda McDonald

Dorothea Stapp McPheeters

Marsha Elaine Miller

Wilfred Miyashiro

Janet M. Musolf

Kristin Olson

Doris Osborn

Donna Jean Osterbaan

Edmund W. Ow

Diane Parisi

Aimee Parker

Sherry Lynette Patterson

Joanne Philhower

Mary Pokrajac

Jill Rangarajan

Levi A. Reese

Arlene M. Reinhart

Coretha Rozendaal

Lorice Sherman

Claudia D. Simmons

Sharon Starr

Cynthia Strout

Tara L. Szymanski-Bird

Patricia Taggart

Elisa Tallerico

Judith K. Thomas

Kathy Tignor

Sharon Trisler

Ellen Tuohy Fealey

Glenda Valuroso

Linda L. Weldon

Charlotte F. Wilson

VVMF would also like to thank the volunteers of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial who have dedicated thousands of hours to the Memorial over the years. A heartfelt thanks to the families and friends of the In Memory honorees for journeying to Washington, D.C. to take part in this special day.

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When VVMF built The Wall in 1982, no one knew how many Vietnam veterans were going to continue to suffer due to Agent Orange exposure, PTSD and other illnesses as a result of their service. As more and more veterans passed, the In Memory program was created to honors those who served in Vietnam, returned home and later died.

We come together each year for the In Memory ceremony to pay tribute to these veterans who sacrificed for their country. For many friends and family members of our honorees, the ceremony has a lasting impact and the friendships fortified here and the memories shared with other families enrich their lives.

Honoring service and sacrifice and preserving the legacy of our nation’s Vietnam veterans is central to the VVMF mission. Family members know firsthand the struggle to receive support and acknowledgement for their loved one’s service and sacrifice. We’re asking you to help us lead the way in inspiring others to honor and remember the millions of Vietnam veterans who returned home to an unwelcome nation.

We invite you to join the In Memory Circle of Friends — a community of supporters who are fulfilling the promise to Never Forget. Your support will make it possible for us to maintain the In Memory program, which after today honors more than 6,100 veterans, with thousands more expected to be honored in coming years. Your support will help VVMF host the annual ceremony and welcome gathering, promote healing and education, and continue to honor all Vietnam veterans. Members of the In Memory Circle of Friends are recognized in the annual In Memory yearbook and receive other special benefits throughout the year.

Please help us to ensure the impact of the Vietnam War is never forgotten and that those who served their country are remembered always. Together, we can continue to pay tribute to your loved one and our nation’s Vietnam veterans for generations to come.

For more information on joining the In Memory Circle of Friends, please contact Luz Lovins at llovins@vvmf.org or 202-393-0090. More information is also available online at: www.vvmf.org/InMemory-Program/.

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“A friend is the heart’s celebration.”


The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) is the nonprofit organization that founded the Vietnam Veterans Memorial (The Wall) in Washington, D.C. in 1982. VVMF’s mission is to honor and preserve the legacy of service in America and educate all generations about the impact of the Vietnam War and era. We honor the service of all, preserve the memory of those who died during the war and since returning home, and educate all generations about the lasting impact of the war.

Today’s In Memory Ceremony and other VVMF ceremonies, programs, and education efforts are made possible by donations from our generous supporters.

VVMF’s work includes:


VVMF partners with the National Park Service (NPS) to care for The Wall, the Three Servicemen Statue, the flagpole, and the In Memory plaque. The In Memory plaque was dedicated on the grounds of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial site in 2004.


The Wall That Heals mobile exhibit features a ¾-scale replica of The Wall in Washington, D.C. along with a mobile Education Center and a replica In Memory plaque.


Each year, VVMF holds several ceremonies at the Vietnam Veterans Memorial to help carry out is mission to honor those who have served and sacrificed for our country.


Since the Vietnam War ended, thousands of Vietnam veterans have suffered due to Agent Orange exposure, PTSD and other illnesses as a result of their service. VVMF’s In Memory program honors Vietnam veterans who returned home and later died.


VVMF develops and distributes comprehensive and balanced education materials that help students learn about the lasting impact of the Vietnam War and era. VVMF offers guided tours of The Wall in D.C. and at The Wall That Heals as well as a virtual tour and a mobile tour app to educate those who can’t visit the Memorial site.


The Wall of Faces is an effort to collect a face and a story to each name on The Wall. Photos are displayed online as well as at The Wall That Heals stops.


Echoes of the Vietnam War is VVMF’s podcast. Even after 50 years, the impact of the Vietnam War echoes across generations. Hear stories of service and sacrifice from people who were impacted by the Vietnam War — veterans, their families, and others who add perspective to those experiences.

For more information on VVMF’s work or to make a donation in support of these programs, please go to:  www.vvmf.org or call 202-393-0090

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About the In Memory Program

Since the Vietnam War ended, thousands of Vietnam veterans have suffered due to Agent Orange exposure, PTSD and other illnesses as a result of their service. VVMF believes all those who served in Vietnam should be honored and remembered for their service. The In Memory program enables the families and friends of those who came home and later died the opportunity to have them be forever memorialized.

The plaque that honors these veterans was dedicated as part of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in 2004. It reads: In Memory of the men and women who served in the Vietnam War and later died as a result of their service. We honor and remember their sacrifice.

The In Memory ceremony is held annually on the National Mall. Family members and friends of current honorees — as well as past honorees — are invited to say their loved one’s name in a touching ceremony on the East Knoll of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial.

The In Memory program has honored more than 5,600 veterans. The In Memory Honor Roll has a remembrance page for each veteran and can be seen online at www.vvmf.org/honor-roll.

If you know a Vietnam veteran who returned home and later died and would like to have them honored through the In Memory program, please contact VVMF at 202-393-0090 or visit our website to download the application at: www.vvmf.org/inmemory.

Photos, as well as additional Tribute copies, will be available for purchase on our website after the event at: www.vvmf.org/event-photos

VVMF’s 2023 In Memory honoree t-shirts will be sold one final time from now until July 12, 2023. Sales are online only and this will be the last opportunity to purchase shirts with the names of all our 2023 honorees. Go to: www.vvmf.org/In-Memory-Program/In-Memory-Ceremony to purchase a shirt.

To learn more about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund and its programs: www.vvmf.org

Stay connected with VVMF on: Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund www.twitter.com/VVMF VNVeteransMemorial

3033 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300 | Arlington, VA 22201 202-393-0090 | www.vvmf.org

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