Issue 3 - February 2013

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The Little Strawberry Asthma Peeps


Colour Me Beautiful Aromapendants Interviews

Marketing your business on a Budget Back to School Getting Organised

Market Tips for a Successful Day

Find Time for RomanceIssue Three while running your business

February 2013

“Showcasing Australian Work At Home Parents”

Contents Page 3

Editors Desk


Feature Article The Little Strawberry


Exclusive Interview with Aromapendants


Marketing your Business on a Budget


Do you find time for Romance and run your Business?


Your Health and Fitness with Carly Grossek


Grab the Opportunity Promote your Business


Starting A Business - Part III with Helen Dayman


Back to School Getting Organised


Marketing Tips for a Successful Day


Elusive Romantic Night Out! Time to Reconnect


Markets - SE QLD


Asthma Peeps Back to School with Asthma


Plexus Newsletter


Exclusive Interview with Color Me Beautiful Cosmetics



If you would like to be included in our magazine as an advertiser or feature please email for more information.

Editors Desk Welcome to our 3rd issue and it has been a hectic time with a few of our Creative Team being affected by the flooding that has devasted Queensland and New South Wales. Unfortunately, many have lost their homes and businesses due to ex-cyclone Os- wald’s path down the East Coast. Our thoughts are with the many trying to piece their lives back together. This issue has been delayed a bit due to this and we do apologise. We hope you enjoy our collection of feature interviews and articles on WAHP businesses. As with any new business, we have been working on making WAHP Published the best magazine for you. This means putting together articles that are important to YOU. Not just your business, but as work at home parents your family is a very big influence. Life can get very busy, so take a few moments to recharge your batteries and enjoy a good read. We have a bumper issue for you, featuring a few fantastic WAHP businesses. Take a look at the interviews with Aromapendants and Color Me Beautiful and the feaature article on The Little Strawberry. With Valuentines coming closer and kids starting back to school, you will find a few articles in this issue to give you a few ideas. Not to mention our reader suggested article on Marketing your Business on a Budget. ď Š This is our first issue for 2013 and there are exciting events coming up for WAHP Published, we are sure there are also many exciting times ahead for your business too. We would love to hear about them. We now have a Submissions section and we are very interested in receiving articles for future issues.

Helen Dayman Editor WAHP Published

Contact Email Addresses For display advertising and Catalogue To contact the Editor To submit an article


Aromapendants Interview Keeping with our theme of Romance leading up to Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: Do you also sell your Valentines Day, I interviewed Julie Primmer from products at Markets? Armapendants. These beautiful scented pendants are Julie Primmer - Aromapendants: Yes, I do markets. the epitome of romance. Street markets, craft markets including Craft Alive, Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: How long has Agricultural Field Days, private home showings and Aromapendants been operating? various other events. I will be at our local street markets on 1st and 3rd Sundays; Craft Alive Seymour Julie Primmer - Aromapendants: The business has 15 - 17 February; Lucindale Farm Fair 15 - 17 March; been operating for 6 years now. Ballarat Rural Lifestyle Expo 6th April; and Craft Alive Shepparton 12 - 14 April. Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: Do you operate Aromapendants by yourself or in a partnership? Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: Are you looking to expand your range of products? I noticed you also sell Julie Primmer - Aromapendants: I run Aromapendants other items too. as a sole trader business. Julie Primmer - Aromapendants: Yes. I also sell Bush Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: I noticed all your Essentials Skin Care, which is a range of beautiful pendants are handmade, how did you come up with the products based on vegetable and essential oils. All idea of adding the ‘aroma’? these are very moisturising and the properties of the essential oils bring many more benefits than just being Julie Primmer - Aromapendants: I have been an a very effective moisturiser. They do not contain any Aromatherapist for about 18 years and have had an mineral oils, alcohols or any ingredient that does any interest in essential oils for years before that. I attended harm to the body. Looking at the Bush Essentials page an Aromatherapy Seminar. The person running the on my website you will see the many benefits of these seminar was selling gemstone necklace/bracelets with products. holes drilled into and wadding in the centre of the bead for insertion and holding of essential oils. I fell Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: Do you have an in love with that idea and investigated ways of being future plans for your business? able to put essential oils in jewellery so that it did not necessarily have to be placed on the skin (or on a tissue Julie Primmer - Aromapendants: I am also considering down the bra). I could not find any beads that opened, expanding my Aromapendants range but that is still in having them drilled was way too expensive, but came the development stage. across Precious Metal Clay. Reading further, I decided that I could use PMC as it could be moulded to any shape. I would be able to place a little pouch on the back for the oils. I found where I could do a workshop in Aromapendants Melbourne and learnt how to use PMC and developed Email - the idea from there. Website - Facebook -


True Alignment and Harmony of Body, Mind and Spirit with Silver and Aromatherapy

Email -

Aromapendants, a perfect item of silver jewellery in which to use your essential oils for personal aromatherapy. Choose which oils you take with you an essential oil for an aroma alone, as perfume or for their many medicinal effects on the body or to enhance mind, mood and emotion.

Facebook -

Do you Find time for Romance and to Run your Business? Being a WAHP and managing to balance work with your home life is just as difficult, if not more so than working outside the home. As a WAHP you are always surrounded with the temptation of getting just a “little” work done before dinner or before the kids go to bed. As you know, this can lead to extra hours sitting in the office or corner of the house rather than enjoying quality time with your partner. To help separate your work time from family or romance time can be to set specific “office hours”. Why not! When you work outside the home you have set hours and working at home should be the same. With modern technology it really is quiet easy to get caught up by “quickly” checking an email, website or Facebook. Set yourself dedicated hours for work and “log-off” when outside of those hours.

During your “date time” embrace the leisure’s or hobbies you enjoy doing together. Show you care about what is important to them as well. Remember to treat your partner as well, surprises are always fun. Little gifts or gestures to show you care and to keep things alive. If you have kids, maybe get the Another way to ensure you avoid the temptation kids to make a gift for your partner and join in and to work outside your ‘work hours’ is to where make one as well with a special message from you. possible create a space within your home that is specifically for working. By having a separate Spice things up! This can be as simple as planning area for work you can ensure that you avoid that a special night complete with roses and chocolate area, therefore avoiding work and keep your strawberries topped with wine and special foods. attention in the correct place – on your loved one. Try new things and push your comfort levels. For the ladies splurge and buy that nice piece of lingerie. It is important to try and keep that romance alive. Plan one night a week that is dedicated to spending Being a WAHP does not mean that romance and quality time with your loved one. Make it a date the fun things in life are no longer possible. It night, regardless of whether you go out or stay just means that sometimes you need to work home. Pack the kids and send them to family or a little harder and find the time for romance. friends for the night (or even a few hours) and enjoy Make sure that you remind your partner on some alone time. Some nights include the kids as a regular basis how much you love them! well and share the attention around. Quality time with your partner doesn’t always have to mean one on one or be overly intimate. It can also mean doing Written By Stacey Marnock something fun and enjoying each other’s company.


All in All Party Boxes specialise in complete party boxes that

have everything you need to host a two hour party!

In the boxes you will find invitations, thank you cards, tablewear, crafts, decorations, suggested agenda, filled treat tubes and suggested food ideas to compliment your theme. All that is left to do is supply the food.

All in All Party Boxes also works with your chosen theme to

create bunting, cupcake toppers, buffet labels, personalised treat tubes etc to create that perfect party in that perfect theme just for you.

Grab the Opportunity ‘Promote Your Business’

If there’s one thing we know all too well, it’s that people go nuts when shopping during special times of the year. Think TOYS at Christmas, chocolate eggs and bunnies at Easter, flowers and teddy bears on Valentine’s Day. Some interesting statistics to think about: * Men are expected to spend an average of $127 on their ladies; and ladies will spend $74 on their men * 22% of men and 15% of women planned to purchase a gift online * 65% would make their purchase one week before February 14

Make sure you’ve put your product out there for everyone to see. Use your business Facebook page to offer a Valentine’s Day special to entice people into having a look or perhaps run a competition. It’s also a good idea to create a photo album where you group together all your Valentine’s Day products for customers to view easily. Don’t forget you can also make use of the ‘promotional posts’ feature to get your products greater coverage. If markets are your thing, then make sure you head out there in the few weeks before and showcase your products.

As a business owner, consider yourself sitting on a If you send regular emails to customers who have goldmine if you can take advantage of the money- signed up to receive mail, make sure to have an spending over these Special Events. edition dedicated to the special day or holiday. Specifically Valentine’s Day, promote what products What can you do to incorporate the holiday theme you have on offer, whether you’re running a into your products? Easy! If you’re a baker, create competition or special. Format the email to easily heart-shaped cakes or other love themed treats. relate to Valentines Day, use the colour red, hearts, If you sell homemade candles, now is the perfect flowers and teddy bears are always popular. time to promote your goodies. These are just a few examples. At the end of the day, your business can take advantage of these special events and holidays. Promote! Promote! Promote! Whatever you have on offer, promote it ten times more than normal and in the case of Valentine’s Day, As always, promoting your products or services is a think RED! standard business practice. You can take advantage of special event days or public holiday as people are Written by Jessica Toor guaranteed to buy more now than at any other time. Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness ‘Where Dreams Come True’

Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness is a service for ladies. I myself have lost a large amount of weight and decided to study personal training so I could help others achieve the same results. Personal Training – starts from $45 for ½ hr Outdoor Bootcamp Sessions – casual rates $30 per session (1hr) Online Nutrition Program - $10pw Call Carly on 0428 163 313 to change your life for the better.

Back to School Getting Organised

Breathe a big sigh of relief, school is back in session. Actually, I think the kids will do that as well. While we love the opportunity to spend more time with out kids during the holidays, time to head back to school generates a lot of excitement in the kids as well. Time to get organised! Getting the kids back to school can be a stressful time with uniforms, school supplies and of course the new requests for lunches too. Getting the kids organised early in the school year and into a routine will make the rest of the year so much easier. Here are our ‘back to school’ tips to ease into the new school year. 1. School Supplies - Shopping for your school supplies online will save lots of time, stress and money. Recommended stores are Office Max Schools (www. and Officeworks (www. Alternatively, your local stationery store may pre-pack your school’s list for you. 2. Set Up a Study Zone - A space that is set aside for homework that is both comfortable and distraction free will encourage good study habits. Set aside a daily homework time will establish a routine that will carry over into high school and as adults into careers.

3. Create a Launch Pad Zone - This is dedicated space in your home where school bags are packed in the morning and unpacked in the afternoon. Helping to get all their school stuff organised. Have it ready to be packed the night before in the Launch Pad zone! 4. Calendar Central - The school year is a mix of excursions, sporting events, after school activities, school assignments and other family events. Centralise these in a designated Calendar Central. You could try a whiteboard calendar to easily change and update or even a cardboard calendar with big squares. Try colour coding for each family member.

3. Set up Routines - Before and after school can be a hectic time with kids racing here and there grabbing last minute forgotten items they need desperately. A set routine will calm the craziness and make this a more relaxed time of the day. A new school year is an ideal time to introduce new routines.

While this may take a little work to get it all organised at the beginning, these few steps will have you breeze through the rest of the school year. Not to mention, make your life a lot easier so that you will have time to concentrate on your WAHP business too.

4. Notes Zone - Set up an inbox for each child. This could be a set of stacked trays or even a hanging organise with separate pouches for school notes, readers or other important information. This is a good way to keep track of notes from school which may get easily lost.

Written by Helen Dayman


Elusive Romantic Night Out! Time to Reconnect Valentine’s Day, the most romantic day of the year will soon be upon us again. It is the time for grand gestures of love, sappy greeting cards and romantic nights out. So how do parents pull off the perfect romantic night out? Being a WAHP is not always easy and making time for your partner may sometimes sink to the bottom of the list. You need to work that little bit harder to inject some much-needed romance back into your life; so we’ve made it easy to plan a great night out with these 5 easy steps.

1. Firstly, you need a plan! As unattractive as it sounds, a plan will set out the steps needed to have some much needed fun.

2. Next, you need to choose a specific day this should be at the top of your list. Make sure it’s a day when you haven’t scheduled a million other things such as footy practice, ballet or your taxes.

3. You need to find a babysitter! This may be harder than you realise if you don’t have family living close by. Ask friends for a referral to a babysitter they have used before and trust. Ask the babysitter to visit a few days beforehand to make sure that the kids like them and that they aren’t going to run screaming from the house 10 minutes after you’ve driven away. This will help ease your stress (and guilt) levels.

4. Do your homework on the ideal venue for dinner. If you don’t have a special romantic restaurant that you always visit on special occasions, a little more research is required. Choose a place that suits your taste and budget. Trust me, you won’t have a good time if you are sharing an entrée and dreading reading the bill at the end of the night.

5. Check out the restaurant’s website, menu and customer reviews. You might also be able to book that romantic table on the terrace.


Back to School with Asthma? Breathe Easy in Four Steps! One in eight Australian children is affected by asthma, with recent data showing a sharp surge in asthma-related fatalities among those under 15 years old. Sending kids back to school, or even to school for the first time can be daunting enough without the added stress of managing a child’s asthma. Kym Latter, parent and creator of the Asthma Peeps range of child asthma educational products shares her key four steps for heading back to school with asthma. 1. Get your AAP together! The vast majority of people with asthma do not have a written asthma action plan (AAP), despite national guidelines over the last 20 years recommending their use. Make sure you have yours finalised, enlisting the assistance of your child’s GP or specialist where required.

3. Talk to the school With a new school year come new teachers and staff. Make time to visit the school and talk the teacher through your child’s AAP. Remember your child is under the supervision of various people, so where possible, ensure that physical education, nurse and main office staff all have a copy of the AAP.

2. Talk to you child Talk with your child about their “asthma drill”, that is, what to do in the event of an attack. This should always involve the first step of letting an adult know if they are having difficulty breathing. Reading Asthma Peeps’ book The Trouble With Bear Hugs with your child can help them in understanding this process. The book uses simple metaphors to help children understand and communicate their asthma symptoms to adults, something which can be difficult and confusing for youngsters.

Establish exactly who will implement and be responsible for following your child’s AAP.

Another great way to increase their understanding is to pull out their medication, whether that be a puffer, nasal spray and/or spacer, and go through the motions.

Asthma Peeps personalised wallet cards are a great, simple way to make sure your child’s carers are prepared in the event of an attack. These cards outline required asthma medication, attack symptoms and first-aid steps in the event of an attack. 4. Don’t let it slide As your child develops so too will their requirement for more or less medication. Regularly reassess your child’s condition and revisit steps one, two and three if there are any changes. Australia has the third highest rate of childhood asthma in the world, with the condition costing the community over $700 million dollars per annum. Asthma Peeps is a proud partner of Asthma Australia and donates $1 from every purchase made via the website to Asthma Australia. If you are the carer of a child with asthma, head to to shop the full range and access a range of valuable and informative resources to help prepare for school.


Facts * 2.2 million people have asthma, including 1 in 8 children and 1 in 10 adults * Australia has the 3rd highest prevalence of childhood asthma in the world * Research has shown that approximately 60% of asthma deaths are preventable * Up to 90% of people who have asthma inhalers do not use them correctly * Asthma costs the Australian community over $700 million each year – in terms of medical costs and lost productivity * Asthma is the leading reason children visit hospital * The peak for hospital admission rates occurs in the winter months * One million school days are lost nationally each year due to Asthma * Asthma affects 14% of people under 20 and 11% of adults * Is more likely to affect boys - 15% than girls - 12%, but after the age of 15 it’s more common in women than men * The cause of asthma is unknown and there is currently no cure. However, a number of factors have been identified which increase the risk of asthma. Research continues into improvements in treatment and management and finding a cure * The majority of people with asthma do not have a written asthma action plan, despite national guidelines over the last 20 years recommending their use for people with asthma * Regular physical activity is part of good asthma management. However exercise can trigger asthma if not properly managed * With good management, people with asthma can lead normal, active lives

Myths Many parents are confused by the amount of conflicting asthma advice given to them. Sadly, many asthma myths have become school-gate folklore. Here are some common ones: Myth 1: Asthma is only present during an attack Incorrect. Asthma is a long-term disease that requires ongoing treatment. Asthma is a permanent sensitivity in the lungs. Tiny airways can narrow or become inflamed due to certain triggers - an asthma attack is an extreme example of this inflammation. Myth 2: Children with asthma should avoid exercise Incorrect. With careful management and an understanding of your child’s triggers, they can participate happily in all sports. Myth 3: Children with asthma can’t own pets Incorrect. Again, with careful management and an understanding of your child’s triggers, your child can enjoy the company of any family pet - dogs, cats, rabbits and horses. Myth 4: Asthma is phase that children grow out of Incorrect. While many children do experience reduced numbers of attacks as they grow older, it is a lifelong lung disease which needs to be continuously managed. Myth 5: Asthma management is repetitive and tedious Incorrect. While asthma management is a serious commitment, it can also be an opportunity to add a little fun into your parenting. Asthma Peeps stickers, videos and resources for sharing can open up opportunities for you and your child to smile together. We guarantee most people are going to hear these myths (and more) from well-meaning friends and family members. A parent’s ability to sort fact from fiction is critical. Remember, it’s your family and your management plan.



Color Me Beautiful Cosmetics Interview

Running your business can be exhausting and sometimes it is hard to find a few moments to pamper yourself. It was great catching up with Julie from Color Me Beautiful Cosmetics and we chatted about all the fantastic products out there to help you look your best.

Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: How long has Color Me Beautiful been in operation and what is your business structure? Julie Morrow - Color Me Beautiful: I started Color me Beautiful Cosmetics - Australia in January 2012 as a sole trader, although I do have a small team of people who elp me with administration and marketing. This year I will be adding to this team to help manage the wholesale division. My mission is to help women to feel beautiful and develop confidence in their own skin, curves, hair colour, height, boob and butt size! We are all individuals and beautiful in our own way. We just need to be reminded once in awhile. Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: Love the name ‘Color Me Beautiful’! How did you decide on this name for your business? Julie Morrow - Color Me Beautiful: Color Me Beautiful is an American brand based on the best selling book of the same name, hence the spelling of ‘Color’. Color Me Beautiful launched its complete cosmetics and skin care brands in the late 80s as a result of the overwhelming success of the book Color Me Beautiful. Having worked in beauty for many years and studying personal colour analysis, I loved the products and the concept of using the power of color to help women achieve their full beauty potential. I decided to bring the CMB cosmetics and skin care ranges to Australia, and so, Color Me Beautiful Cosmetics Australia was born. Color Me Beautiful has continuously refined and expanded its system to reflect and cater to the changing needs of women. It is known for the best makeup colors available anywhere to coordinate with one’s eye and hair color and skin tone. As such, it is a highly personalized brand.

What I enjoy most is seeing the results of women wearing their best colours in clothes and makeup - you can see the confidence in the way they hold themselves when they know they look fantastic, it is very satisfying! Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: Color Me Beautiful offers a number of services, can you tell us a little about them? Julie Morrow - Color Me Beautiful: Color analysis is a great way to discover the colors that look best for your skin, eye, and hair color. The premise behind color analysis is that certain colors will enhance your looks and minimise imperfections. You will look healthy and energetic - you will shine! Women can go to the website and find out their Season - Autumn, Winter, spring or Summer. Once you know your season, it’s easy to select the makeup and clothing colours that will illuminate your natural beauty. You can even Shop by Season - select your Season and your best makeup colours will appear. Or, you can also order a Seasonal wallet with 42 of your best colours, to take with you shopping, knowing that any of the colours in your seasonal palette will compliment you. Experiment by mixing and matching any of your colours, they are complimentary to one another and to you! Our blog and Facebook page provide style, beauty and confidence tips that are easy for real women to follow. You can shop online for the complete range of Color Me Beautiful Cosmetics and Adrien Arpel skin care. Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: You mentioned there are business opportunities to join your team in 2013? Julie Morrow - Color Me Beautiful: We now offer the full range of products at wholesale prices. Our business start up kit contains a manual, testers and products for you to get started in your own business, selling via parties, beauty salons or your own website. We will also be providing ongoing support with business and marketing tips, it’s very exciting!

Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: Browsing your website, I noticed you stock both cosmetics and skincare. Which product line is your favourite? Julie Morrow - Color Me Beautiful: I love them both, cosmetics because the system makes it so easy to choose the right colours, also - what girl doesn’t love playing with makeup! I also love working with the Adrien Arpel skin care range because of the gorgeous smells and feel of fruit and vegetable extracts such as Papaya, Pumpkin and Tangerine!


Website: Facebook: ColorMeBeautifulCosmeticsAustralia Email:


Find out your best colours with Colour Analysis and Wardrobe Wallets

Cosmetics Skin care

Makeup Style tips

Are you looking for a Business Opportunity? Start your own Color Me Beautiful business Today!

The Little Strawberry Beautiful, elegant, unique and precious are words that come to mind when I look at photographs Alisha sent me from her WAHP business The Little Strawberry. They are words that describe the ‘one of a kind’ handmade dolls that she has been making and selling since January 2011.

These handmade dolls would be perfect as a gift for a new arrival and would be a treasured keepsake for any little girl. The problem is choosing which of these gorgeous handmade creations will match with their new owner.

Alisha is 29 and married, with two gorgeous girls who provide constant inspiration for her work. Living in Port Macquarie, NSW and working alongside her Mum whose contribution is making adorable fabric tea sets, which are also sold through The Little Strawberry Facebook page. Passionate about creating, Alisha sounds like a woman after my own heart when she tells me how much she loves beautiful fabrics and sewing. Her favourite creation to date is ‘Miss Darla’. Selecting the co-ordinating fabric and embellishments that give the dolls their personality is an experience that Alisha loves. The favourite part of Alisha’s creative process however, is choosing what to name them. With each doll having such a unique style finding the perfect name is very important.

The future is looking very exciting for Alisha and The Little Strawberry as they start to sell through their own website. Alisha is looking forward to the day when The Little Strawberry will be sending her doll creations to little girls all over the world. Where can you find The Little Strawberry? If you are on the Sunshine Coast, then visit Peaches and Cream Vintage Child Boutique at Nambour. Their online store also stocks a selection of handmade dolls from The Little Strawberry. Or you can go direct to The Little Strawberry Facebook page and purchase your favourite handmade doll.

Written by Andrea Whitrow

It is challenging being a WAHP and Alisha says that trying to find 20 hours a week to work can be challenging with a 4 and a 2 year old around to keep entertained (I hear you Alisha). An extra bonus she loves the quality time that she gets to spend with her Mum.

Facebook - TheLittleStrawberryOnline Email -


Marketing Your Business on a BUDGET Getting the word out can be hard at times. Marketing or advertising your business is very expensive I hear you say. Mainstream advertising is very expensive. Advertising in your local newspaper, radio or television is how it was done for many years. The internet and social media has changed all that. Now you can advertise and market your business for minimal cost or even free. So… how can you get the ball rolling? Use Social Media - create a Facebook business page, Twitter, Pinterest, Google Page or Blog.

Create a YouTube Channel! ‘Oh No’ I can hear you say. How can I do that? Every smartphone has a camera/video feature. You can easily record a video that showcases your product. Want it to go viral? Keeping with our baby theme and of course babies can be guaranteed to do some funny things. Just dress the little tyke up in one of your cute outfits or bib, get that camera rolling and wait for some hilarious antics. You could even post the video up on your Facebook page, as well as tweet the link out there too. Make sure you have a link back Twitter? Many people have a love/hate relationship to your Website/Facebook page and with a little with this social media platform. At times it seems creative editing your business name on the video as a mindless babble of short tweets inundate your well. Now, sit back and watch it go viral and your Twitter page. How can you make use of this? Don’t customers roll in. Cost - $0 over promote your products, it is better to offer related information instead. A beautiful feature Have a Scavenger Hunt! Lots of fun for your of this platform is ‘Twitter Search’. Keeping with customers and you too! Engage your prospects with our theme of baby products, why not use Twitter your brand and business. Place code words on your Search, say, ‘bibs’. Results come up and there is a website, Facebook page or Blog. Get them interested person who is always tweeting about bibs. Reach and engaged. The first to find all of the words wins out to them by following them, tag their name and _______ . This could be a voucher, discount or even offer a discount on bibs. Cost - $0 a product item. Cost - $0 Most WAHP businesses run their business via their Facebook Business Page. But… you can do so much more. Create a Facebook group on an interest that relates back to your business. Are your products for babies? Why not a mothers/baby group where you and others provide information and advice? Take this one step further and send out a monthly newsletter to group members with related information from your business by email or download. Cost - $0

Do you have a Website? Why not incorporate a Blog! Most hosting providers have extra software that you can add to your website, like a Blog. If you don’t have a website, you could always use one of the free websites such as, but this means that your potential customers won’t be on your website. You want them to stay at your website, ALWAYS! A few paragraphs on a daily basis will keep your customers interested and coming back to see what you have to say each day. Cost - $0

What a good idea! Keep an eye out for our Scavenger Hunt Code Words in this issue. Each code word will be bold and underlined. How many can you find? Keep an eye out for our post pinned at the top of our Facebook page to enter.


Written by Helen Dayman

Your Health and Fitness With Carly Grossek - Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness Your sweetheart may have the key to your heart, but a proper diet and regular physical activity can be the key to a healthy heart. This Valentine’s Day, indulge your sweetheart with a heart-healthy gift or date. 1. Lower Calorie Treat for Your Loved One with a Sweet Tooth What is Valentine’s Day without chocolate? In fact, it seems that this is the holiday that celebrates terrific chocolate. But… overeating this traditional delicacy is certainly not kind to your waistline. Check out this list of lower calorie chocolates and sweets that are perfect for your Valentine and all under 100 calories! * * * * *

Frozen Chocolate banana Hot cocoa Dark chocolate (2 squares) Low fat chocolate dessert (eg. Chocolate yoghurt pudding) Low fat and sugar ice creams and frozen yogurts!

2. Indulge in a Sweet, Red Treat What is more romantic than feeding your Valentine a juicy red strawberry? Sure, you might think that, traditionally, on Valentine’s Day these delicacies would be dipped in chocolate, but why is this necessary? Strawberries are naturally sweet enough on their own, loaded with anti-oxidants, vitamin C and low in calories! Share a big bowl of these succulent fruits with your Valentine without the guilt. 3. Buy That New Dress! It may seem strange, but by wearing clothes that you really feel good in you may find that it is far easier to stick to your guns when you’re faced with all things sweet on Valentine’s Day! You may actually find that you are more focused on how great you look rather than how quickly you can unwrap that chocolate truffle. Also, by wearing slightly tighter fitting clothes to dinner, you may find that you feel satisfied with less food than if you are wearing, say, the famous stretchy pants or something similar! 4. Cook a Romantic Meal at Home Eating out naturally brings about the temptation to indulge in an overly fattening, high calorie and large meal. Why not spark a little heat with your Valentine over your own stove at home? This way, you have control over what foods you eat on the day.

5. Eat Slowly! It is true! Eating slowly will allow you to feel satisfied with less food than if you inhale your meal! It takes a little time for your stomach to inform your brain that you are satisfied. By eating slower, your brain will get the message before you have overeaten. Besides, eating more slowly will allow for better conversation between you and your Valentine, allowing time for a little more romantic eye-gazing. 6. Split an Entrée If you do find yourself eating out for a romantic Valentine’s Day dinner, there are certainly a few things you can do to make sure that you stick to your diet. First of all, split an entree with your loved one! Most restaurant meals offer portion sizes that can easily feed 2-3 people! So, spike up the romance by sharing a plate to save a few calories and dollars! Also, make sure that you choose wisely. Grilled or broiled chicken or fish accompanied by a fresh salad with dressing on the side can be a delicious and low calorie choice. 7. Take the Focus Off of Food Valentine’s Day festivities don’t have to be centered around food at all. Perhaps your main entertainment can come from something like dancing, followed by a light dinner. This way, you can enjoy the evening with your Valentine, while burning calories instead of gorging on them. 8. Be Creative Rather than tempting your beloved with chocolates, consider a gift that has more permanence. Search for a poem that describes your feelings and write it on beautiful paper for a handmade Valentine. 9. Children and Valentine’s Day If your children are having a Valentine’s Day party at their school or day care, instead of sending candies, consider miniboxes of raisins and pretzels, pencils or stickers as tokens of their friendly affection. 10. Still craving something sweet? Send a fruit basket to your loved one that has natural sugar as well as healthy nutrients instead of sending sweets with added sugars. 11. Don’t forget to love Fido, too! Give your pet a Valentine and remember to walk or exercise them daily – getting active will benefit your health and your bond with your pets.


Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup Recipe of the Month The thing I love about soups is they fill you up and Method very quickly too. Nothing beats a good slurp of noodles! This dish is packed with protein from the 1...Place stock, fish sauce, soy sauce, ginger, star anise, cinnamon stick and 2 cups water in a saucepan. beef so you will stay fuller for longer. Bring to the boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Vietnamese Beef Noodle Soup 2. Remove the ginger, star anise and cinnamon with Serves: 2 | Prep time: 20 min | Cooking time: 10 min | 289 Cal per serve a slotted spoon and discard. Ingredients 750ml/ 25.4floz salt-reduced beef stock 3 teaspoons fish sauce 1 tablespoon tamari or salt reduced soy sauce 4 cm piece fresh ginger, thinly sliced 2 pods star anise 1 medium cinnamon stick 80 g(3 oz) dried vermicelli noodles 120g/ 4.2oz bean sprouts 120g/ 4.2oz lean rump steak, thinly sliced 1/3 cup fresh coriander sprigs 1/3 cup Thai basil leaves 1/3 cup fresh mint leaves

3. Meanwhile, cook the noodles following packet directions. Drain and divide between serving bowls. Top with the bean sprouts, beef and fresh herbs. 4. Reheat the stock until almost boiling and stir in the lime juice. 5. Ladle the hot stock over the noodle mixture (the hot stock will cook the beef).

Extra Tips Vermicelli noodles are my favourite because they are made from rice and are gluten free. There’s no need to overdo them, a little goes a long way...


Starting a Business? With Helen Dayman - Your Scribe

Part III

Business Plan A good business practice to start if you haven’t A few quick tips before we get into the nuts and already is to do a bit of research and put together a bolts of your business plan. It is important that your plan for your business. A Business Plan is a written Business Plan should be easy to read. description of your business’ future. It outlines ◊ Short sentences are better and keep what you plan to do, how you plan to do it and is a them to the point. set of strategies for your business growth. If you are planning on expanding your business in the future, ◊ Lists using bullet points are ideal to which may include finance (banks), taking on a clearly show related information. partner or investors, then you will require a Business Plan to show your business’ future potential. ◊ Avoid jargon, buzzwords and acronyms, Your Business Plan may be for 1, 3 or 5 years. If you have a big vision for your business, you may even develop a 10 year Business Plan. Developing a plan for your business is very simple and only takes a few steps. You will spend more time on your research and information gathering than the actual writing of your Business Plan.

not everyone will know what you mean. Spell it out!

◊ The text of your Business Plan should not become a novel. Keep it short and attach extra pages at the end with graphics that will make your point clearer, such as - monthly projections, management resumes, photos of the location; mockups of menus or relevant documents; floor plans, logos, products and signage. ◊ Simple business charts and summary tables can highlight the numbers. It is important that they are referenced against your attached projections. Bar charts are ideal for sales, profits and cash flow. Pie Charts will simplify showing your market share against the other market segments.


Your Business Plan will include -

7. Management/Personnel Plan - outlines job descriptions and functions, employment policies, 1. Executive Summary - an overview of your planning and training. business While this is at the beginning of your Business Plan, you will find it easier to write it last. 8. Finance Plan - costs of establishing your business, sales to break even, projected cash flow, funding/ 2. Business Profile - briefly describes your business finance details and any repayment plans. including business name, location, purpose of business (ie industry), information about business 9. Action Plan - identify tasks to successfully complete and achieve your goals (include any owners and their experience. resources required too). 3.Product/Service and Market Analysis - description of products/services, target market, market share and competitors. This analysis will assist in business decisions on pricing and possibly even Your Business Plan is not set in concrete. It is a living embodiment of your business and therefore your location. needs to be flexible to allow for changes that may 4. Marketing Plan - an outline of how you intend to occur or opportunities that present themselves. It keep existing customers and attract new customers. is also a good idea to regularly revisit your Business What is different about your product/service from Plan and keep it up-to-date. what is already available? There are many resources available through 5. Legal/Risk Management Plan - identifies risks your State Business department and business that may affect your business and how you will associations.. deal with them. Includes information about your business structure, business name and ABN/GST registration, and if any licenses or permits may be required. 6. Operating Plan - a summary of how your business works, products/services provided, details of IPAD Apps - (available in App Store) premises and any lease/rental terms, equipment, • MyBizPlan materials, labour and technology. Your operating plan will detail and assist in a smooth day-to-day • MarketMyBiz running of your business. Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness ‘Where Dreams Come True’

Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness now has a complete web-based nutrition & meal planning application that can be accessed by you! You will be able to tailor-make an entire week's meal-plan, recipes and shopping list in less than 15 minutes. All recipes and shopping lists can be tailored to serving sizes according to how many people are at each meal, quick, easy and user-friendly! Only $10pw for a healthy planned nutritional meals and much more!! Call Carly on 0428 163 313 or email to change your life for the better.


Market Tips for a Successful Day WAHP businesses sell their products in different ways and in many places. The most popular way to sell at the moment is at your local markets. Today, markets are a very different place than they used to be. Once upon a time markets were generally for fruit, veggies and second hand items, but now markets range from local weekend markets that have the fruit, veg and preloved items. They also have stalls run by WAHP businesses with brand new products for sale and handmade items. Some areas also have markets specifically for handmade items. For your WAHP business, markets are a great way to get some new customers, network with other businesses as well as sell your products. For customers it is a great way to grab a bargain and also to meet the face behind the business. Especially if it’s a Facebook or online business! Are you thinking about attending your first market? We asked our ‘WAHP Published’ Facebook fans to help out and they came up with some fantastic tips for you.

Preparing for the Market: Tip #1 - Insurance Insurance is something that doesn’t always come to mind when planning to attend markets, but it is always a smart idea. If markets do not have insurance it is recommended that you do look into getting your own insurance, especially if you will be attending markets on a regular basis. Insurance for 12 months depending on the insurance company can be as little as $200 per year.

Tip #3 - Products Selecting the products to sell on the day along with the quantity of stock is something that really does take some time to get right. Having a good supply of a lot of different things will also help work out what is popular and what is selling.

Designs by Sha I do my stall with my daughter-in-law and we don’t go every week, so insurance works out cheaper for us to just pay the market organisers the insurance premium they charge on top of the stall charge. Some offer this and others require you to organise your own insurance. If you are doing stalls regularly, it is worth it to organise your own insurance.

Designs by Sha When selecting products, items that are unique and different to what others have as well as modern is a good idea. Some weeks we find we’ll have a mad rush on a particular product and sell out, next time it will be a rush on something else. Best advice is to have a wide variety of good stock. You will also find that there will be a handful of products that are always popular and sell well, so have plenty of those. Finding out which products will be the most popular is all trial and error though.

Tip # 2 - Research It is a good idea to do a bit of research on the different markets in your area. Find the right market for your products. If you make handmade or baked items, then a ‘Arts & Crafts, Handmade or Farmers’ market may be more suitable.

Shower the Baby Nappy Cakes & Gifts I have experimented with both wrapped and unwrapped gifts (based on other people’s opinions), but I found wrapped is best, as they are ready to go, and if they get touched, then dirty fingers won’t affect them.

Shower the Baby Nappy Cakes & Gifts Doing markets is definitely a learning process! I’ve come a long way since doing my first one last year! Before I did my first one, I researched everything I could, read articles online, asked as many questions as I could, and took notice of other people’s stalls! What I have since learned through trial and error, is hand cards out as often as you can during the market (mine even have a “secret special” written on the back of them, exclusive for markets shoppers only!).

Tip #4 - What sells Best Think about a way to market your items. If you are selling an item for $5, maybe consider offering a cheaper price for more e.g $5 each or 3 for $10. Giving people a discount may encourage them to purchase as it is such a good deal.

Some markets around the country to check out include: Creative Markets The Mummy Tree Markets Billycart Markets Made With Love Markets Marion Indoor Market Sew You Say Handmade Markets

Designs by Sha One of our best sellers is burp cloths, we sell them for $7 each or 3 for $15 - we always make sure we have at least 20 in stock in as big a range of different fabric prints as possible, and they always go quickly - we could easily do with having more of these ready to sell.

Thanks to our WAHPs -


Designs by Ska Show the Baby Nappy Cakes & Gifts

On The Day: Tip #5 - Pricing When you are setting up on the day it is always helpful, for both you and your customers, if your stock is clearly marked and prices are visible. If customers can easily see a price they are more inclined to stop by and have a look and will be more drawn in to make a purchase. Designs by Sha Make sure everything has a price clearly marked on it. Customers get uncomfortable when they have to ask how much things are and if you have lots of things in your stall you tend to forget too sometimes. I also find if the stall is quiet go around the front of stall and slowly tidy it It looks different from the front and you may have missed a “bad” looking set up and it also looks like you have a customer and will attract others.

Tip #6 - Setting Up This one is a must. Even on days where there is no breeze when setting up, it is always a smart idea to take the extra time to secure the gazebo to save you having to try and secure your site and stock if the wind picks up out of nowhere.

Shower the Baby Nappy Cakes & Gifts I recently bought a few baby shower decorations to dress up my stall. That made the stall just look so much better! Tip #10 - Look Busy and Happy A slow market day with not much traffic past your stall can be boring. Avoid the temptation, if customers think you look bored or uninterested they are not going to want to stop and look at what you have to sell.

Designs by Sha Peg down your gazebo. One day we had a big sudden gust of wind, and fortunately about half a dozen customers browsing at the time who all ended up holding down the gazebo. Tip #7 - Presentation Ensure that when you are setting up your display that you have your stock on different levels. Rather than just spread across a table, use things like baskets and stands. Raise some items higher, some just in front of the table or to the side. Draw your customers’ attention around your stall. This will encourage them to keep looking. Have a main focus point in the front – something that will draw in their attention. Shower the Baby Nappy Cakes & Gifts Have an eye-catching focal point, something that will attract a customer to my stall, rather than be overwhelmed, and just walk past (my latest stall had a Hootabelle and Hoot nappy cake as the central focus point - if it didn’t attract every person, it would at least attract the children, and then the parents HAD to come over!) & raise your stall up, so there are different focal points. Tip #8 - Listen to your Customers Listen to your customers comments about your items – even general chit chat between customers will give you an idea, whether they like it or if they would be more inclined to purchase if on sale. Talking to your customers gives them a chance to get to know you and your business. Designs by Sha Customers can give you clues for new products. Listen to their comments about you products, chat with them, they will often reveal that they are looking for something in particular which can give you ideas for new products.

Tip #9 - Encourage Customers During the day, pop around to the front of your stall and slowly tidy up the stall. Engage with the customers walking past while you’re doing it and also, by being in front of the stall other people may think there are customers there and be inclined to walk over and see what goodies you have to offer. Try not to sit, read or play on your phone - engage the passing customer by showing that you are interested in them. Shower the Baby Nappy Cakes & Gifts Also stand, don’t slouch. SMILE the ENTIRE time, as you don’t know who is watching you from afar. Definitely, do not sit, even if you are tired! Tip #11 - Do you have enough Change? You have a customer ready to buy and you don’t have any change! It couldn’t be worse, you could lose a sale. Be prepared! Make sure you have a sizeable float. This is again trial and error, but you could start with a float of $100 broken down into different denominations. Say - 1 x $20; 3 x $10 and 4 x $5 for notes. Coins will vary depending on your prices; you may only need to go down as far as a 50c piece. Break the remaining $30 into $2; $1 and 50c. Designs by Sha Have lots, and I mean lots, of change - be prepared to be able to change several $50 notes throughout the day. In 2013 there are many new markets popping up. Markets are becoming more popular as the place to shop. For customers, if you have not attended one before, now is a great time to head down to your local market. Thank you to our WAHP’s for their market tips. Written by Stacey Marnock


com ate.



Shower the Baby Nappy Cakes & Gifts


ALL WELCOME SATURDAY MARKET Redbank Plains Road, Redbank Plains 2nd Saturday of the month Phone: 0413 893 793

JIMBOOMBA COUNTRY MARKET Mt Lindesay Hwy, Jimboomba Trading: 3rd Saturday of the month Phone: 07 55488333

BRISBANE MARKETPLACE: SATURDAY FRESH MARKET 252 Sherwood Rd, Rocklea Every Saturday Phone: (07) 3915 4200

KALBAR COUNTRY MARKET 93 George St, Kalbar Trading: Every Saturday Phone: (07) 5463 9265

BRUNSWICK STREET & CHINATOWN MALLS MARKET Brunswick Street, Fortitude Valley Saturdays & Sundays Phone: (07) 3257 4510

LAIDLEY COUNTRY MARKET Ferrari Park, Whites Rd, Laidley, Trading: 4th Saturday of the month Phone: 0438 881 281

CAMERON PARK MARKETS Cnr Glebe Road & Easton St, Booval 2nd Saturday of each month Phone: 0428 280 338

LANDSBOROUGH MARKET Old Landsborough Rd, Landsborough Every Saturday Phone: (07) 5494 6315 Mobile: 0413 009840

CARRARA MARKET Gooding Dr & Manchester Rd, Carrara Every Saturday and Sunday. Phone: (07) 5579 9388 Website:

MARKETS @ EP 15 Deakin St, Everton Park, 3rd Saturday of the month Phone:

DAVIES PARK MARKET Jane St, West End Every Saturday Phone: (07) 3844 2440

MT TAMBORINE COUNTRY CRAFT MARKET Mt Tamborine Showground, Mt Tamborine 2nd Saturday of the month Phone: 0417 618 379

ESK MARKET Highland St, Esk Every Saturday Phone: (07) 5424 1805

ROCK A BUY BABY NEW AND PRE LOVED MARKETS Mecklem St, Strathpine, 1st Saturday of the month Phone: 0459 213 359

GATTON COMMUNITY MARKETS Gatton State School, 26 William Street Gatton 2nd Saturday of the month Phone: (07) 3503 8525 Website:

SOUTH BANK LIFESTYLE MARKET Stanley Street Plaza, South Bank, Brisbane Friday Nights, Saturday and Sunday Phone: (07) 3844 2440 Website:

HOME STYLE MARKET Sherwood State School, Sports Hall, cnr Sherwood & Oxley Rds, 2nd Saturday of the month Phone: 0409 644 110 Website:

SPRINGFIELD CENTRAL MARKETS Robelle Domain Parklands, Springfield Every Saturday Phone: 0418 886 400 Email:


SE Q.L.D STRATHPINE STATE SCHOOL FLEAMARKET Pine Rivers Showground, Gympie Rd, Lawnton Every Saturday Phone: 0403 054 085 THE BIG PINEAPPLE FINE FOODS, GROWERS AND ARTISIANS MARKET 28 Nambour Connection Rd, Woombye, Every Saturday & Sunday Phone: (07) 5492 3102 VERANDAH MARKETS 235 Sinnamon Rd, Jindalee 4th Saturday of the Month Phone: 0409 704 750 VILLAGE MARKETS Kelvin Grove Urban Village Precinct, Blamey Street Every Saturday Phone: (07) 3870 2807 Mobile: 0408 154 285 Website: WEST END TWILIGHT MARKETS Boundary St & Wilson St, West End Saturday Evenings (EXC Easter, Xmas and New Years) Phone: 0423 144 922 Website: YMCA OLD PETRIE TOWN COUNTRY MARKET 366 Dayboro Rd, Kurwongbah Every Saturday Phone: (07) 3285 5934 Website:

Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness

“Where dreams come true” I started Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness in 2012 as I have lost a large amount of weight and still going and decided to study personal training so I could help others achieve the same results. * Small personalised group sessions * One on one personal training * Walking group sessions *Mothers Group Fitness * Specialised sessions aimed at ladies 100kg+ * Competitive prices * In home training / Outdoor sessions * Weekend Bootcamps All ages and fitness levels welcomed.

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A NEW YEAR – A NEW YOU – WITH PLEXUS SLIM Now that the “silly season” is over, children are back at school and life is returning to normal you may find you have a little more time on your hands, have you ever considered running your own business? Being financially independent is essential to ones self-worth. One of the main advantages of establishing a home based business is so that you don’t have to make the agonizing choice between time for family and time for business and so that you can enjoy a more flexible lifestyle. The beauty of Plexus is that family will always come first as Plexus does not require any certain time commitments. You can work at your own pace and around your family; home life and other occupations and you choose how much time you wish to invest in Plexus, making this an easy business to run. If you think that owning your own business is too expensive and out of your reach then think again .Plexus Slim offers a very low joining fee of only $34.95 – which enables you to have your very own website and for you to be able to order your products from USA at wholesale prices, including the famous pink drink and Plexus 96 meal replacements, fast relief creams and Dr.Spencers breast cream. Once you have joined the Plexus family you are offered a very welcome pack. There are 9 packs to choose from – each offering a once off considerable discount. The welcome pack includes all you need to start your own business. ♥ Commit to making 2013 your best year yet.... Lose weight or help friends lose weight, get healthier and make money and experience financial freedom. As you are supported through your new business adventure - you will make friends with many of the welcoming team members from Australia and receive training and assistance as you establish your business.

THE REVOLUTION TAKING THE WORLD BY STORM When a 33 year old Qld mum of four came across the advert for Plexus Slim whilst surfing the net late one night little did she know that this was going to change her life forever. That moment was to take Rebecca on an adventure that would not only result in a much healthier family but would see her start her own business that today only 10 months later is more than 300 strong and growing by the each day . Her growing team of ambassadors is a dedicated bunch of ladies and men, most of who are on their own weight loss journey. Their common goal is to enjoy a better life and help others achieve their goals through sensible and safe natural products which are inexpensive and affordable but most of all effective.

Disclaimer: All information provided in this article, particularly any information relating to specific medical conditions, health care, preventive care, and healthy lifestyles, is presented for general diagnose, informational purposes only. It should not be considered complete or exhaustive and does not cover all disorders or conditions or their treatment. The information provided is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or health care provider, and may not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. The author assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this article. The statements regarding any products included in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.



PLEXUS SLIM – CHANGING THE LIVES OF EVERYDAY AUSSIES FAITH – N.S.W Hi my name is Faith. I am 29 years old, and I live in Moree, N.S.W with my husband, our 6 children and our pet dog Missy. I joined in August 2012 after trying the product and having great results. At that point worked full time and spending hundreds of dollars on daycare. I wanted to spend more time with the children and was sick of missing the important moments and school functions due to work commitments. Now thanks to Plexus I only work outside the home 2 days a week and I’m able to spend time with them every other day while still earning an income for my family. I no longer worry about needing money for extra items like new shoes and school excursions as my business has allowed us the financial freedom that I have been longing for. I currently have 9 fabulous It is easy to manage Plexus with home life, children, work etc..... with 6 kids and my husband working full time our life is full on and never calm, but with plexus I can work in the mornings before the kids wake up and later when they are in bed. I would recommend it to anyone to take up Plexus as a business. The best thing is that you can work your own hours and you can earn whatever you want. If you only want a little pocket change then you work only a few hours or if you want a full time income you can work more towards the business. The commission and bonuses you can earn are fabulous and the whole time you get to still be a family.


girls under me but I expect that my team will grow this year as interest in joining has been promising . Not bad for a country girl from a small town who only a 6months ago had no idea how this all worked.

My advice to anyone thinking of joining...... Do it, don’t

think about it. You don’t want to sit back in years’ time and know you missed out on your kids early years because you had to work so much, or miss out on taking them to fun places because you couldn’t afford it!

I married my wonderful husband on October the 13th 2012. It was perfect timing that I came across Plexus Slim the month before as although I am not a big build after 6 kids my body shape had changed and Plexus slim gave me my shape back in time for the wedding. Another product I just love is Dr Spencer’s breast cream it made me from a small B cup to a large C cup, made them perkier, smoother, look and feel amazing. This product is absolutely amazing. Just ask my husband hahaha





My name is Carissa and I am a 34 year old mother of a gorgeous teenage boy. I am married to Justin whom is also a Plexus ambassador. We have 2 pet bulldogs, a cat, 6 parrots and 13 guinea pigs. We currently live on the Morning Peninsula but thanks to our Plexus business are able to take the big step of moving to an island on Moreton Bay in Queensland very soon. As you can see by my progress pictures I have lost a lot of weight - Plexus Slim has changed my life for the better in so many different ways. My favorite product is Plexus Slim of course which I combine with Probio5, which is like a magical probiotic! I am enjoying better health and have much more energy . I signed up with Plexus in September 2012 as I wanted to make sure that my son, who has autism, has a sure financial future for him. This is extremely important to me as I had to face homelessness at age 15 shortly after my mother died and I want to make sure that he never goes through that. The best thing about this company is that they treat their ambassadors and customers well. It is a laid back and relaxed company that does not put pressure on you to sell. There are no “quotas” that you must make. Earning an income with Plexus is simple as they have a great commission set-up and compensation plan. It is very easy to sell as the quality of their products speaks for themselves. The most rewarding thing about owning our own business is that I can be there for my son, which is going to be extra important this year as we start home school and lots of new adventures.



PLEXUS PRODUCTS Plexus Slim Plexus Slim is the all-­‐natural way to lose weight and inches by burning fat, not muscle. Slim also helps keep blood sugar, cholesterol and lipids at healthy levels. In addiIon, Slim helps reduce binge eaIng and increases your willpower over food. Simply pour into a boAle of water 30 minutes before a meal, drink, and experience the results you've been dreaming of. Available in a 3, 7 or 30 Day Pack. Direc/ons: Half an hour before a meal — it does not maAer which meal, it can be breakfast, lunch or dinner — pour the Plexus Slim powder into a 12 ounce glass/boAle of water, sIr/shake and drink. That's all there is to it!

Join our team and enjoy the products at wholesale prices.

Fast Relief™ Cream The Plexus FAST RELIEF™ Cream is for fast, temporary relief of pain and helps the body to eliminate pain quickly, safely and effecIvely. Simply rub the cream on the area giving you pain and within minutes you will have the temporary relief that you want.

ProBio5 Do you suffer from sugar cravings, inexplicable faIgue or bloaIng, anxiety or a "brain fog"? Fortunately, ProBio5 provides a soluIon to many of today's "mystery" symptoms. ProBio5 features five extra strength probioIcs, added enzymes, intesInal flora, B6 and Grape Seed extract — all in one effecIve delivery system — that supports the breaking down of hosIle organisms that negaIvely impact your health.

Plexus 96 Plexus 96, our protein meal on-­‐the-­‐go, is designed to support you on your Plexus Weight Loss program. Find yourself in a hurry with no Ime to stop for breakfast? Tempted to pick up a quick fast-­‐food lunch? Plexus 96 is there to rescue you. Avoid high calorie meals and starving yourself.

Bio Cleanse As a result of the modern lifestyle, most of our bodies are burdened with toxic waste and sluggish metabolisms. A specially formulated Magnesium Oxide compound with Oxygen Enhancement and Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids, Plexus Bio Cleanse can help do the following: Detoxifies and cleanses the gastro-­‐intesInal tract and arteries, Energizes both physically and mentally, Neutralizes acidic condiIons that may promote pathogens, Enhances weight loss, Supports collagen producIon, Relieves consIpaIon

Australian Capital Territory Sonja Falconer - ACT ID 112380 PH: 0401 25 156 E: FB: W:

New South Wales Amanda Billingham - New Lambton (Newcastle) ID 114084 E: FB: W: Belinda Di Pasqua - Gladesville & Belmore ID 113940 PH: 02 8003 7615 or 0414 761 676 E: FB: www.facebook/PlexusSlimNSWAustralia Char Carter - Newcastle Port Stephens area NSW ID 114394 PH: 0416 144 598 E: FB: W: Faith May - Moree and surrounds NSW ID 111161 E: FB: W: Tammy - Wagga Wagga NSW ID 113693 PH: 0416 708 369 FB: Bailey Sydney and NZ ID 113589 PH: 0478 141 548 E: FB: W:

Debbie Yeomans - Raymond Terrace NSW ID 114474 PH: 0467 658 700 E: FB: W: Michele Keenan - Cronulla NSW ID 114942 PH: 0416 270 103 E: FB: W: Mel Young - Cessnock/Maitland NSW ID 114500 E: FB: W: Krystal Rooke - Gunnedah and surrounding areas NSW ID 117658 PH: 0411 751 832 E: W: Gemma Fishlock - Orange NSW and surrounding areas ID 117435 Gem’s Gem’s Beauty PH: 0421 004 077 W: Joanna Flew - Queanbeyan and NSW/ACT border ID 116172 PH: 0439 658 200 E: FB: W:

Cathy Adams - Central Coast NSW ID 115193 PH: 0439 441 624 FB: W:


Victoria Lyn Roff - Pakenham VIC ID 117081 E: FB: W:

Theresa - Shep Echuca Wang Cobram VIC ID 110874 FB: W:

Queensland Bernie Lakey - Dimbulah QLD ID 112464 PH: 074093 5055 E: FB: W:

Gillian - Townsville Qld ID 115600 PH: 0413 570787 E: FB: W:

Denise Stevens - Toorbul/Caboolture Qld ID 112525 PH: 0410 509 162 E: FB: www.facebook/PlexusAtTheNailDen W:

Lanna Sutherland - Caboolture Qld ID 116888 PH: 0416 100 032 E: FB: W:

Laurel Ross - Tweed Heads NSW ID 115835 FB: W:

Justin & Carissa Wellbelove - Russell Island Qld ID 113005 PH: Justine - 0458 740 535 E: FB: W:

Kylie Greenhill - Redcliff Qld ID 115633 PH: 0437 204 038 E: FB: W:

Mel Young - Cessnock/Maitland NSW ID 114500 E: FB: W:

Char South - Gympie Qld ID 113417 PH: 07 5483 1083 E: FB: W: Emma Dessent - Brisbane Qld ID 14163 PH:0414 981 755 E: FB: BrisbaneAustralia W:


South Australia

Australian Capital Territory

Chris Lockwood - Mount Gambier SA ID 116012 PH: 0431 299 220 E: plexusslimsa@gmail FB:

Sonja Falconer - ACT ID 112380 PH: 0401 25 156 E: FB: W:

Western Australia Jodie Deliu - Perth WA ID 112887 PH: 0411 654 362 FB: W:

Lisa Galati - Coolbellup Perth WA ID 112675 FB: W:

Lisa Van Oyen - Kalgoorlie-Boulder WA ID 112578 PH: 0439 091 391 E: FB: www.facebook/PlexusSlimWesternAustralia NaturalWeightloss W:

Jade Scantlebury - Harvey WA ID 112526 PH: 0437 204 038 E: FB: W:


WAHP Published $10 Catalogue lis


Catalogue released every month!

KC’sWine Charms

zoo avenue


Personalised Wine Charms. Perfect for a quiet night in with that special someone, family get together or even at your wedding in place of name cards. Many difference styles/colours available. $1.00 each + postage. E:

color me beautiful australia

jaico kids


Enjoy exquisite aromas and the skincare benefits of Arpel’s Happy Hour Collection. The power of natural ingredients such as coconut, papaya, lemon, lime, Vitamins C & E combine in this skin care regimen to result in smoother, softer, younger looking skin. Collection includes Coconut Makeup Melt, Papaya Scrub, Lemon Lime Freshener, C-Source Facial Treatment Capsules. Suitable for all skin types, especially mature skin. www.


ELECTRIC GUITAR BACKPACK - Get your rock star on with this awesome Electric Guitar Backpack! It has two side zippered compartments and is the perfect size for a preschooler. Available in red/black and pink/ black. Dimensions: 30cm (H) x 23cm (W) x 5cm (D)

Boys Zipper Detail Hooded Sweater. Also available in Navy. Sizes 2 - 7 years.



passionflower canvases

the spiral path

$30.00 - $45.00

Passionflower Canvases are unique, one of a kind light weight canvases designed to hang on the wall or sit on a shelf. They can be personalised with a name, theme, colour – whatever you like! They make an affordable, original gift! Contact Kate today

zoo avenue


Archangel Michael is the angel of protection, courage & strength. We also stock crystals, spiritual wares, jewellery, dreamcatchers & more.

KC’s Wine charms


BLUE RAINBOW SHOES Awesome, funky and unique. These shoes are sure to brighten up any little person’s wardrobe. Also available in pink.


Set of 10 Bronze Tone Wine Charms. Perfect for a girls night in or family get together. $8.00 per set + postage (if required). E:

color me beautiful

pink pug designs

Conditioning Liptints Compact FREE with any purchase over $35 from the Color Me Beautiful makeup range. www.


Ralph the Pug Softie - Made out of silky minkie fabric and re-designed for babies and small children. $5.00 from the sale of each one going to help Pug Rescue and Adoption Victoria.



Your protein meal on-the-go, designed to support your Plexus Weight Loss program. No time to stop for breakfast? Plexus 96 is there to rescue you. ID 113005 /123Naturally Fabulous https://123naturallyfabulous.

Boysterous boys $30.00+p

Nappy cover and singlet set - handmade $30.00 plus postage E:

KC’s wine charms $1.00

Personalised Frangipani Wine Charms. Prefect for your beach themed wedding or Summer drinks with the girls. Many colours available. $1.00 each + postage E:

Add your listing in the monthly WAHP Published catalogue for only $10.00! The cataogue is published every month. zoo avenue


LIGHT SWITCH STICKERS Completely removable and reusable. No sticky residue is left behind. Also available in many other designs.

Submissions close on the 15th. To place a listing please email 35

Full Page

Half Page

Quarter Page

Catalogue Listing

Editorial $100 Includes: Two page spread, written article on one full page with the accompanied page used for images and/or adverts. Editorials will be listed in the website and Facebook fan page as featured sponsors. Limited editorial spaces are available each month. Advert

1 Month

3 Months

6 Months

12 Months


Full Page





210mm x 280mm

Half Page





210mm x 140mm

Quarter Page





105mm x 140mm

Catalogue Listing





92.5mm x 55mm

Terms and Conditions Design Fee: If you require your ad to be designed by one of our designers a fee of $40 will be charged. Deadline: All payments and full designed ads must be received by the 7th of each month to ensure publication on the 15th of that month. Payment: Payment is to be paid through PayPal with a PayPal account or credit/debit card. Cancellations: Cancellations must be received in writing before the deadline date. All refunded monies will be processed with PayPal. Any cancellations made after the deadline date cannot be refunded. Consecutive Months Discount: Only the one advert is to be used for consecutive month discounts, the advert cannot be changed month to month. Payment: An invoice will be sent via PayPal which can be paid with a credit/debit card or PayPal account. Payments must be made by publishing deadlines each month to appear in that months magazine (the 7th for magazine and the 21st for catalogue listings).

Please contact WAHP Published for a booking form

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