WAHP Business Australia - November/December 2015 issue

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WAHP Business Australia

November/December 2015

Top 5 ways to get paid on time

Ensure that your business account stays on track

Does your Business website have a Blog? how to convert readers to customers

Quick PC Tips

Learn your way around your computer with these handy short cuts

Slow Cooker Recipes

prepare for the festive season with these gorgeous recipes

Young Entrepreneurs

future leaders of Small Business showcasing Australian Small Business and Work At Home Parents

The Team Editor-in-Chief Helen Dayman WAHP Business Australia w wahpbusiness.com.au e wahpbusiness@gmail.com (ISSN 2202-8102) A bi-monthly digital magazine published Australia-wide and is available online. Connect with us on Facebook - @wahpp Contributors Jen & Dave – Help Me Dave Paul Metcalf – CollectMORE Debt Solutions Michael Crook – Better Small Business Solutions Helen Dayman – WAHP Business Australia Graphic Design Digiwise Graphics e hello@digiwisegraphics.com.au w digiwisegraphics.com.au Find us on Facebook & Instagram @DigiwiseGraphics Advertise your Business Display Advertising Editorial (two page spread) Full - Half - Quarter Page Product Catalogue (see page 4)

WAHP Business Australia Nov Dec 2015 Editor’s Letter

Business Young Entrepreneurs


Franchising your Business Concept


the Future of Small Business

Money Payment Options for your Business Top 5 ways to get paid on time, every time as a small business owner

10 11

Marketing Does your business website have a blog? Are you breaking the law with your email marketing?

13 14

Technology Is your ‘app-etite’ too big for your mobile device? Quick PC Tips

Submit an Article wahpbusiness@gmail.com


Published and Distributed by: Goodnight Publishing 367 Nielsons Road Goodnight Scrub Qld 4671 Phone - 0437 726674 ABN 80 393 008 723

Product Catalogue

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Festive Slow Cooker Recipes

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This months hot products


Giveaway - Enter to Win Christmas Market Advertise your Business

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Editor’s Note

Editor’s Letter Christmas is just around the corner! Welcome to our November/December issue of WAHP Business Australia magazine. Great timing with the start of Summer and Christmas will be here before we know it. The work behind the scenes leading up to each issue is phenomenal. Researching each article topic to ensure that all information is current and correct. Editing and proofreading all copy and then down to the intricacies of designing the layout. A big welcome to Tracey Convery from Digiwise Graphics who designed the graphics and layout for this issue. We are seeing more young people entering the world of small business. Showcasing the future of small business, our feature article – Young Entrepreneurs celebrates their successes and achievements. Harry Styles (9 years), Kristen Kocev and Prashant Murphy who started their businesses at 19 years. Jen & Dave from Help Me Dave return this issue with handy PC Tips to make your computer work easier. Paul Metcalf from CollectMORE Debt Solutions brings his experience with 5 ways to get paid on time. Michael Crook from Better Small Business Solutions highlights the importance of doing the write thing when sending emails in Are you breaking the law with your email marketing. Read our article Does your website need a blog. We highlight how Michael is ticking all the boxes with his business blog. Back by popular demand we have more Slow Cooker Recipes to entice the taste buds over the Christmas festive season. Of course standard in every issue from our very first, is the Product Catalogue showcasing your WAHP products. Read on and enjoy this issue. WAHP Business Australia magazine is now bi-monthly. The next issue will be out on 15th January, perfect timing before start of school and Valentines Day. Interested in showcasing your business, advertising deadline for the next issue is 15th December. Promote your business from as little as $10 in the Product catalogue; $25 - quarter page; $50 - half page; and $80 - full page. We keep the rates low to support Work at Home Parent businesses. Are you an expert in your field? You are welcome to contribute articles. This wraps it up for this issue and I am very excited to get your feedback.

Helen Editor

WAHP Business Australia

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Young Entrepreneurs – the Future of Small Business These are challenging times for small business. Tightening of bank funding and the Australian dollar hovering around the 70 cents in the US dollar. Yet in the midst of all this, something hasn’t changed. Every day across Australia, new ideas and businesses are turned into reality. You might not see these businesses in the headlines, but they are making a difference to the lives of these young business entrepreneurs.

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Most of their business ideas and concepts are straightforward. Most don’t have a house to assist them in gaining bank financing for their business. These young people rely on energy, commitment, drive and enthusiasm.

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Harry Sykes is 9 years

old and started his own business, Beads for Brazil to fund his dream. At the age of 5 years, Harry fell in love with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. Harry decided that he wanted to travel to Brazil when he turns 19 years to train and increase his skills in the martial art.

Kristen Kocev

is an interior design student and started Neon Patina at 19 years old and has been operating her business for 12 months. Urban life inspired her to design gardens that thrive indoors. Kristen’s business enables her to work flexible hours around classes and learning new crafts. Creating new items gives Kristen the opportunity to test her skills providing clients with plans and designs. “Being the face of such a visually marketed small business has opened my story and skills. It provides me with something to show future employers in the design field”, said Kristen Kocev.

Prashant Murphy

(pictured overleaf), 22 years old runs a small business Unlimitly from home and Canvas Co-Working Space in Toowoomba. He works with clients from Australia, UK, Canada and Israel providing corporate graphic design services on a monthly retainer. “Actually putting in the effort like countless drives to Brisbane for networking opportunities have been key to getting where I am”, Prashant said.

Wanting to pay his own way, Harry and his mother Tamara Sykes discussed how he would be able to continue his business from anywhere in the world and fund his travels. An online business was the solution and Beads for Brazil was born. Harry loves creating custom made jewellery - necklaces, bracelets and aromatherapy strings.

Through her business, Kristen has been able to work on the interiors of cafes and small scale spaces. Kristen incorporates different aspects into her business creating and selling botanical crafts at markets, teaching in workshops and designing items for commercial spaces. One year into her business, Kristen still has one year of studies left. Neon Patina has created opportunities like a casual position with an interior design firm. While turning her business into an interior design firm isn’t on the cards yet, it will be exciting to watch Kristen’s journey.

It wasn’t always an easy road. Like many students leaving school without a QCE or OP, Prashant found it hard to get work and decided that starting his own business was the only option. At 19 years he started his first business in 2013. Incorporating as a company called Ebrander, developing his ideas within the crowded design market, but it failed to gain traction.

In early 2015, Prashant changed his business model and Unlimitly was born. Prashant hasn’t looked back and says things are progressing nicely with his new business. At only 22, Prashant said he has learnt a huge amount in the last 3 years of starting up and running his own small business.

Each of these young entrepreneurs started with a dream, the desire to achieve and the determination to succeed. They each work with their strengths – Harry Sykes enjoys making bead jewellery; Prashant Murphy loves creative graphic design; and Kristen Kocev brings the garden into urban spaces.

While young entrepreneurs can always benefit from an experienced mentor, possibly we can look to them for inspiration. They are the future of Australian Small Business. WAHP Business Australia

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Enter to win


**Terms and Conditions of Giveaways are available on the website


Franchising your Business Concept Do you have a successful business and want to expand? Franchising might be an option for your business to finance its expansion from a local business to an Australian home grown franchise. Franchising isn’t the answer to get rich quick and rarely suits a brand new business concept. There are exceptions, but they are not the norm. So… you have a successful business and are now considering franchising. You need to first look at whether your business is franchiseable. Key elements a business needs, to be a successful franchise: Credible – proven concept with a good track record and experienced management team Profitable – business should already be successful and generating a good profit margin Unique – a selling point that makes your business stand out from the rest Transferable – your business systems, knowledge and skills can be transferred to others) Teachable – all business, management and operational systems are well documents in manuals and with training easily undertaken in three months or less Supporting – ability to engage or provide support for your franchisees Affordable – buy-in to your franchise needs to be affordable so you don’t limit your expansion Benefits to franchising your business include financial with lower overheads, regular revenue, maximum profits and greater buying power. Franchisees are usually highly motivated and hardworking as they are also working in their own business. Overall, franchising is a lower cost method of expanding your business and building your brand. There are disadvantages to franchising your business. The cost involved in setup of the franchisee can place a financial burden as you may not see a return on your investment until the first few franchises

WAHP Business Australia

have been established. Finding the right franchisees can be an issue. You are looking for a person with the right skill set, drive and motivation who can succeed in running their own business.

Ready to take the next step and franchise your business? Prepare a Business Plan for franchising – structure of franchise, franchisee profile, Australian territories for each franchise, staffing resources and franchisee support system. Operating Guidelines for franchise – role of business, franchisee responsibilities, financial analysis and projections, profit margins, cash-flow, cost profiles and management service fees. Pilot Operation – You need to make sure that your business can run at arm’s length as a franchise; issues are flagged and solutions found; training is adequate and provide the necessary support; adjust your Operations Manual as needed. Operations Manual – detailed explanation of business system and operation; blueprint for how franchisee should run their business; used as a day-to-day reference tool for franchisees and their employees and as a training tool. Franchise Agreement – legal document that outlines the relationship between the business and franchisees; includes length of agreement, rights of renewal, obligations of all parties, termination options and what happens in the event of illness or death of franchisee. This is a basic outline to give you an idea of what is involved with setting up a franchise. If you are confident that you want to take this next step, we recommend you seek professional legal and accounting advice.

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Payment Options for your Business Getting Paid! It sounds wonderful, doesn’t it? Your business provides a service or product, getting paid keeps the wheels turning. There are many options available to receive payments. Are you a cash-only business? Recent research by PayPal Australia identified that four in five Australians want to support Australian business as long as they are equipped with the latest technology. “Consumers now expect the same level of technology from their local market stall as they experience at leading retailers and that level of expectation can be challenging and expensive for Aussie small businesses,” Emma Hunt, Director-Small Business, Paypal Australia said. It is good business to offer your customers more than just one option to pay. Payment options are growing with many online services available, bank merchant account to process debit/credit cards, handheld and mobile device payment processing devices. Popular payment services include Paypal, Eway, Paymate, BPay, EFTpos, cheque and bank internet transfer/direct debit. Fees vary, and may include a percentage on each transaction or a monthly service fee. As a business, multiple payment options may make the difference between getting the sale or not. The future of payment technologies have taken a leap forward and it is suggested that by 2025 we could be a cashless society. In the last 12 months, banks have introduced fingerprint scans to their banking mobile apps. ING Direct is the latest bank introducing this capability, Suncorp Bank in August and Westpac in December 2014. With the increase in consumers using their smartphones to pay for products and services. Digital wallets are the next wave of payment

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innovation and we will see it available in Australia in the next few months. ApplePay, Android Pay and Samsung Pay are expected to launch soon. Wouldn’t it be exciting to receive your payment straight away? No delay of a day or two while your money is in transit. The New Payment Platform (NPP) will allow consumers and businesses to pay each other with mobile numbers, emails or ABNs. No need to provide bank details. The NPP service is funded by all 12 Australian financial institutions including the Reserve Bank. BPay will be offering this service. The new service would “act as a catalyst for further innovation in electronic payments from all Australian financial institutions. This will benefit consumers and businesses alike”, BPay group chief executive John Banfield said. This new system will be as easy as selecting people from a contact list on a mobile phone. Streamlining your account keeping, businesses will be able to populate their booking system with payment details instantly when the money is received. “It will really be a completely new way to pay,” Mr Banfield said. “Both business and consumer will be able to pay each other immediately.” Are you excited about these new payment technologies? Now is the ideal time to take a closer look at your existing payment processes and get ready for the future.

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Top 5 ways to get paid on time, every time as a small business owner. by Paul Metcalf

As a small business owner, your cashflow is your lifeblood. When it is healthy, everything is rosy and being your own boss is the best feeling in the world. When it is struggling however, things become tough and there is no worse feeling than putting your blood, sweat and tears into a job and not being paid for it. Here are the top 5 tips to get paid on time, every single time. 1. Ask for a payment that day: Any money is always better than no money, so even if your customer claims they cannot pay you the whole amount they owe, ask for a goodwill part payment. How much to ask for is always relative, so try for 20% and go from there. 2. Keep your payment terms tight: Whilst trading as a COD business is best practice, customers these days expect time to pay so if you must give them terms, 14 days is ideal. Any longer and there is too much risk. Any less and you may offend customers who will take their business elsewhere. Ensure the due date of your invoice is visible don’t just include your terms and rely on them to work out when it is due. 3. Create urgency: This really is the key. Simply telling your customer that their account is overdue is not enough- they need to know what will happen if they do not pay. Putting them on stop credit, listing a default, taking legal action, sending the account to your debt collectors they must be left under no illusion that if payment is not made, further action will ensue and make sure you explain what exactly this further action entails. Be assertive, not passive. Be stern, not aggressive.

WAHP Business Australia

4. Ask questions, listen, validate, explain: The majority of people want to do the right thing and hate owing money, and there is often reasons why they have fallen behind or not paid. The key is to ask probing, relevant questions, show an interest in their responses, clarify exactly what is preventing payment and put a plan in place that gets you paid as soon as possible. Remember that you are not a bank and you should never allow yourself to be treated like one. 5. Follow up and confirm in writing: Once a customer makes a promise to pay, send them an email or SMS confirming the agreement. Make sure you include your bank details and any other important information related to the debt and ask them to reply as soon as payment has been made. This encourages accountability on their part and you will be seen to be thorough and professional as a result. There you have it folks. The 5 keys to getting paid on time, every time. If you incorporate the above into your accounts and bookkeeping function process, you give yourself every chance of avoiding a bad debt.

Paul Metcalf CollectMORE Debt Solutions www.collectmore.com.au

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first impressions count

At Digiwise Graphics we understand that there aren’t enough hours in the day to focus on all aspects of your business. That’s why we offer home based businesses competitively priced graphic design packages. We believe that each business brand should appeal to your ideal target market. A good logo creates instant recognition. Let’s start off on the right foot. We can help you brand your business professionally. Contact us today for an obligation free quote.

w digiwisegraphics.com.au e tracey@digiwisegraphics.com.au m 0424050523 find us on facebook


Does your business website have a blog? A blog on your website is one of the most important assets for your business. Why? Simply put you are providing extra value to your customers. A blog while providing important information, also establishes you as an industry expert and thought leader. Each blog post creates a channel to converse and engage with your audience via comments. We could talk about how fresh content and keywords is great for SEO. Not to mention that your blog posts shared through social media will drive traffic and leads back to your website. Yes these are also valuable, but without good content on your blog, none of this flow on effect will happen.

So what makes a good Business Blog? Clean Copy

Have you visited a blog post and found the first thing that jumps out at you is a typo? It may be in the heading or even the product name. Do you stick around to read on? Most people don’t, they click away and think that you don’t know what you are talking about. Spelling and Grammar check are your best friends when creating blog content. Most programs have them. So use them and check your work first. If in doubt, read the content aloud and decide if it sounds right.

Don’t Over Sell

You have products or services that you want to sell, but you can provide informative content without the ‘heavy sell’. Develop a relationship with your prospective customer that includes trust, belief and likeability. Consider your target market. You can provide blog content that complements your products or services. eg. Discover alternate uses for your cleaning product.

When selecting your visual content, always go for high resolution images that relate to the blog post. Michael Crook from Better Small Business Solutions blog post ‘Are you breaking the law with your email marketing?’ is an excellent example. Michael has kindly granted us permission to include his blog post in this issue. You can find it on page 14. Let’s take a closer look at Michael’s article. • Clear title that lets the reader know exactly what the blog post is about – ‘Are you breaking the law with your email marketing?’ It asks the question and the reader wants to read on to check if they not doing the wrong thing. • An eye catching image. This one is in black and white, complementing and not overshadowing the text content. • Outbound links – only two in this article that link back to firstly the Spam Act and the ACMA’s Fact Sheet to clarify the official stance on what a commercial electronic message is. • Clear headings that break up the content. Each heading is a title in itself that draws the reader through to each section. • Quote is clearly identified with a bold vertical line.

Intersperse information posts with exciting news and events, and specials only available on your blog.

• Writing style is informative without being overly formal.

Visual Content

• Each section heading provides an opportunity for further posts that go into more detail.

Text alone is boring and won’t grab the reader’s attention. Visual content will position your blog as the source for quality content and ideas. Browse social media, which blog posts entice you to explore further? A catchy title is great, but the image is what tempts you to click in.

WAHP Business Australia

A blog is essential for every business and can provide further marketing opportunities. If you haven’t set up a blog yet, there are many platforms available with WordPress one of the most popular. Happy blogging!

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Are you breaking the law with your email marketing?

As a business owner, the use of email can be an effective and powerful tool for connecting with potential clients. It is fast, effective and relatively inexpensive. Unfortunately, email has in the past was (and some would argue still is today) exploited too much to the point it became a nuisance. By Michael Crook (reprint with permission)

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Published by Goodnight Publishing

Marketing Once upon time not that long ago spamming for clients was a valid and often sort after marketing tool. Now it is a big NO NO. It was overused and frankly gave everybody a big dose of the “OMG not another email I don’t Want Blues”. That is the main reason why there are laws such as the Spam Act.

Has the Spam act killed email Marketing? No not really. If anything it has helped businesses get better results with their email campaigns. How it does this, is by providing you the email marketer with a set of rules on how to play the game fairly. Having said this, there is a lot of miss information about what spam is and what you can and cannot do when emailing a potential client. This blog hopes to dispel some of those myths and give you guidance on how to play the email marketing game and not get a red card.

Doesn’t the Spam Act stop business from bothering people? Kind of, but not entirely, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) see the main function of the Spam Act 2003 as to … prohibit(s) the sending of unsolicited commercial electronic messages—known as spam—with an Australian link. A message has an Australian link if it originates or was commissioned in Australia, or originates overseas but was sent to an address accessed in Australia. The key point here is unsolicited commercial electronic messages. All this basically means if you are a business and want to get in contact with another business electronically you need to the business’s permission to do so. If you are unsure what a commercial electronic message is, please check out ACMA’s pdf on the subject (link below)

How do I get permission? There are two forms of permission; • Express Consent is when you collect an email address from a recipient directly as long as the person is aware they receive a commercial email in the future. You can obtain express consent by a number of ways, mainly: • Collecting Business cards (providing the recipient is aware of your intent, • Filling out a form, • Ticking a box on and website, and • Calling then via the telephone and asking their permission. • HOWEVER: You cannot email them for permission. • Inferred Consent is a bit trickier. You may have inferred consent if there is an ongoing business relationship and it is expected that you may contact them in the future. You also may have inferred consent if a business and person has publicly disclosed their work related email address and your business wants to send them a commercial electronic message that relates directly to that person’s line of work. You cannot email them if their publication implicitly states for you not to email them. If you are unsure if you have inferred consent then the best way to get consent is to ask them for it. Please Beware: Proof of consent is up to you the sender.

Can I use purchased contact lists? Yes, you can. However you need to ensure two things: • Consent has been obtained. • The contact list has not been compiled by the use of electronic harvesting software. You should ask your list provider to state in writing if the list complies with both of these requirements.

For a Commercial Email to pass the “Not SPAM Test” it needs to:


1. Be consensual: you must have the permission to send the email

ACMA Fact Sheet Click here

2. Be identifiable: your email must clearly identify who is sending the email 3. Be unsubscribe-able: you must provide a mechanism where the recipient can stop any further emails if they wish. If you meet all three of those elements your email should be safe.

WAHP wahpbusiness.com.au Business Australia

Spam Act Click here

Published with Permission by Better Small Business Solutions. Original article link Visit Article Michael Crook Better Small Business Solutions Mobile - 0438 759 799 michael@bettersmallbusinesssolutions.com.au www.bettersmallbusinesssolutions.com.au

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Is your ‘app-etite’ too big for your mobile device? AVG Android App Report (Q2 2015) identifies the top 10 apps that drain your battery and performance, clog your storage and use up your mobile data. By Jen & Dave from Help Me Dave Today’s modern small business embrace mobility. Virtual shopfronts, homebased offices and many integrate a mobile business style conducting their business in boutique cafes. Mobile devices, we all have either a smartphone, tablet or both. Mobile devices have become integral in running your business with an ever expanding range of apps.

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Published by Goodnight Publishing


It is all exciting until your smartphone or tablet slow down to a virtual crawl. Your data use exceeds your plan and your battery life isn’t holding up. Catherine MacAdam, Managing Partner at Bigger Vision Group uses a variety of apps to manage her business. “Top of the list is Facebook to share content, read comments and reply. Messenger for quick chats. I use Dropbox to store my working files, that way I can always access files when talking to clients on the go. Buffer to add content on social media channels and Instagram for posting images with SPlanner to access my schedule 24/7.” The possibilities of mobile devices seem infinite. A multitude of apps to streamline your business, lightning speed, more data storage than ever before and a long battery life. It is all exciting until your smartphone or tablet slow down to a virtual crawl. Your data use exceeds your plan and your battery life isn’t holding up. “Battery life is becoming an issue with my Samsung S4 as I have to plug it in a couple of times in the day,” Mrs MacAdam said.

WAHP Business Australia

The latest AVG Android App Performance Report identifies popular apps that are killing Android mobile device performance. Anonymous data collected from over one million AVG Android app users analysing their overall impact and performance against three key categories – battery drain, storage consumption and data traffic use. The report reveals the top performanceaffecting apps worldwide and specifically here in Australia. Snapchat the image-sharing app has been crowned number one smartphone performance killer globally. In Australia, Facebook receives top honours with the number one spot in performance draining, storage eaters and data traffic hogs while Snapchat hit top of the list for battery drainers.

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AVG’s research has found a host of apps which silently drain device resources without your knowledge. Tony Anscombe, Senior Security Evangelist at AVG Technologies said that the goal of this report is not t o alarm smartphone users, but rather to enable them to make informed choices about the apps they run on a daily basis.

Facebook ‘mis’-manages – A consistent ‘top’ performer, Facebook and its monitoring app Facebook Pages Manager, store a lot of local content as it tracks page statistics, followers and comments.

“Apps are meant to enhance, not to detract from your smartphone experience, but with so many options, we are in danger of overloading our devices,” Mr Anscombe said.

Though many business owners make a conscious choice to download and run high-impact apps on their mobile devices.

Additional findings from the report include: Costly quest for Updates – Topping the list of hidden, battery-draining services is the innocuously named “com.sec.android.fwupgrade”, which is responsible for delivering periodic Samsung updates to Android devices via Wi-Fi. As with similarly update-heavy Samsung Security Policy Update (KNOX) and Google Play apps, the service has a massive impact on the battery life of your device. Browser ‘hoards’ data – Google Chrome Browser emerged as the second highest storage consuming app thanks to its collection of user browsing data over time.

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AVG’s research has found a host of apps which silently drain device resources without your knowledge. These apps are identified as those that ‘run at start-up’ versus those ‘run by user’ for battery drainers, as well as storage eaters and data traffic hogs. As business owners, the reliability of our mobile devices can make the difference in getting the job done. Whether it is responding to an email enquiry, updating social media, uploading files to Dropbox or making that very important phone call to seal the deal – your mobile devices and apps need to be up to the task.

Published bywahpbusiness.com.au Goodnight Publishing

Technology Top 10 storage eaters

1 2 3 4 5

Facebook Facebook

most installed

Google Play Services Google Inc.

Chrome Browser


Google Inc.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia




TripAdvisor TripAdvisor

Google Search


Google Inc.

Google Inc.


Drop Box


Drop Box Inc.

Top 10 data traffic hogs

1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10

Facebook Facebook

most installed

6 7 8 9 10

Google Play Store Google Inc.



Snapchat Inc.

Twitter Inc.




Samsung Security Policy Update Samsung OTA Software Update

Google Play Services


Google Inc.

Commonwealth Bank of Australia




Ebay mobile

Top 10 performance draining apps — excluding games

1 2 3 4 5

Facebook Facebook

most installed


Commonwealth Bank of Australia

Google Play Services

Google Search

Google Inc.

Google Inc.





Snapchat Inc.

Viber Media S.à.r.l




Twitter Inc.

Top 10 battery drainers — ran by user

1 2 3 4 5

Snapchat Inc.

6 7 8 9 10

most installed

TripAdvisor TripAdvisor


Google Play Newsstand

Twitter Inc.

Google Inc.

Google Text-To-Speech


Google Inc.



Google Doc

Google Inc.

Google Inc.

Chrome Browser

Google Play Music

Google Inc.

Google Inc.

Top 10 battery drainers — ran at start up

1 2 3 4 5

Android Firmware Updater Google Inc.

most installed

WhatsApp Inc.


Samsung OTA Software Update



Google Play Services

AntiVirus Security

Google Inc.

AVG Mobile




Commonwealth Bank of Australia


Samsung Push Service



6 7 8 9 10


Samsung Security Policy Update


Skype Skype



6 7 8 9 10

Samsung Electronics Ltd.


WAHP Business Australia



Travel & Local



Media & Video

Music & Audio

Newspaper & Magazines

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Quick PC Tips This is our list of Quick PC Tips – we’ll be adding to it regularly, so keep checking back for updates! Most people already know about CTRL+C (Copy), CTRL+V (Paste) and CTRL+X (Cut), but there are lots of other Quick PC Tips out there to help you work smarter! Zoom in to Read Small Text

Blank Documents with 1 click

3 ways to clear your Desktop

Hold the CTRL button and use the scroll wheel on your mouse for a quick way to zoom in (or out) of any website or document.

If you already have a Word document open and want a new document: hold down shift and left click the Word icon on your start bar. Voila – a new blank document without going near the file menu!

• Most people know about the Show Desktop icon in the bottom right of their screens – it instantly shrinks all of your open apps so you have a clear desktop again.

Clicking the scroll wheel also gives you access to special functions – eg a scroll wheel click on a link in explorer will open that link in a new tab and clicking the scroll wheel on a website or document lets you move around the page faster.

This Super Quick PC Tip works for any of the Microsoft Office apps.

Wonderful Windows Key

Batch Rename Files

• WIN = on its own will open your Start Menu

F2 is the shortcut to rename a file, but you can also use it to rename a whole batch of files at once – for example you could rename the photos from a birthday party so that you can find and sort photos by event.

• WIN+Arrow = Pins the open app to the side of your desktop (which side depends on which arrow key you used!) • WIN+TAB = scrolls between your open apps. • WIN+1-9= Will either start up or switch to whichever app is in that position on your taskbar. (0 gets you the 10th app) • WIN+E = Opens File Explorer. • WIN+L = Lock your desktop (don’t do this unless you know the password!)

Use Shift or Control Click to choose all of the files you want to rename. Click F2 and rename the first file all the others will be renamed as well – RileysBirthday(1), RileysBirthday(2) and so on.

• If your mouse hand is busy you can also show the desktop using the Windows key (bottom left of your keyboard) and the letter D together. Pressing Win+D again brings them back. • For a bit more fun you can grab the top of the app you are working on and shake it: everything other than that app will shrink. If you grab the same app and give it another shake everything will open back up. Shake that file to clear your desktop

You Tube Shortcuts List If you want a quick way to skip ahead in a YouTube video you can use J and L to skip backwards or forwards by 10 seconds at a time. Pressing the ? key will bring up a list of other shortcuts too.

• WIN + D = Brings your Desktop to the top. (Clicking WIN+D again returns the desktop to the bottom.) • WIN + M = Minimise any programs that can be minimised. Similar to showing the desktop but it works in a different way. (To reverse you need WIN+SHIFT+M.)

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And of course if you’ve made a mistake you can use CTRL+Z to undo it.

Unfortunately it doesn’t work on the ads….

Published by Goodnight Publishing

Technology Quick Access to More Websites

You can fit more websites in your Favourites Bar by right clicking on it. Every browser will be a little different, but there should be an option to Rename the title (to shorten it), or to show just the icons using Customise.

Calculator Bonus Functions

Your desktop calculator has some handy bonus functions hidden in the View Menu: it can convert weights and measurements, calculate interest on loans and you can tick History to keep track of the sums you’ve been working on.

CTRL+Z = UNDO You have an undo button in Word and most other programs, but what about those awful moments when you drag a bunch of documents into the wrong folder and then can’t find them? CTRL+Z works like an undo button on your PC. It won’t save you from every mistake, but it can undo a lot of trouble! It works in most Windows based programs, including Word, Excel, Windows File Explorer etc. Jen & Dave Help Me Dave

Jump Lists on your Task Bar Right clicking on a program in your task bar (that’s the strip on the bottom of your screen) gets you a jump list of recently used files – so you can open up yesterdays Excel spreadsheet with just two clicks!

Once you have the jump list open if you hover over a file you’ll see a pin appear – clicking the pin adds that file to your pinned list for permanent quick access.


Slow Cooker Recipes

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Published by Goodnight Publishing


Glazed Christmas Ham with Maple & Mustard Let this honey-glazed ham decorated with aromatic herbs double as your Christmas table centrepiece before carving thick slices Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 5 hrs on low


Ingredients 1 whole or half leg of ham (see notes) ½ cup maple syrup ½ cup brown sugar ½ cup apple juice


Lightly score the top of the ham to form a cross hatch pattern


2 tbsp Dijon Mustard 1 tbsp wholegrain mustard Whole cloves

Place ham in slow cooker bowl (see note below)

In a saucepan combine syrup, sugar, juice and mustards (whisk to combine). Stir constantly overheat until sugar dissolves, then set aside


Stud the ham with cloves, one in each diamond for presentation

Notes If using a leg ham prepare by removing skin, leaving fat layer on. You can use other cuts of ham, if no fat layer score surface of ham


Liberally brush ham with glaze and cook on low for 5 hours. Continue to brush with further glaze every half hour, for maximum flavour


Remove cloves before carving and serve with creamy mustard or your choice of condiment

Food for thought Christmas ham, it’s said to have its roots in ancient pagan ritual. A wild boar was supposedly the sacrifice of choice to the Norse god Freyr, who is associated with harvest and phallic fertility. When pagans were converted to Christianity, the porcine meal became linked to St. Stephen, whose feast day is December 26th.

WAHP Business Australia

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Published by Goodnight Publishing


Mulled Wine Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 3 hrs on low



Switch slow cooker on high to heat up (10-15mins)

Serves 8-10


Cut peel from oranges, lemon and lime (thin strips)

1.5 Ltrs Red Wine 2 Oranges 1 Lemon 1 Lime


Place fruit peel, sugar and squeeze just of one orange into slow cooker bowl, along with cloves, cinnamon stick, vanilla pod and 10 grates of nutmeg


Pour in a little red wine to cover the sugar and ingredients. Heat for 30-45 mins with lid off. Stir occasionally until you have a syrup


When you have a slight syrup, turn the slow cooker to low and add the remainder of red wine, star anise along with slices of remaining orange to the pot


Give it a good stir and let it gently warm through. Test regularly till it reaches a nice warm temperature (not too hot)

200g Caster Sugar 5 Whole Cloves 1 Cinnamon Stick 1 Whole Nutmeg 1 Vanilla Pod 5 Star Anise

Chef’s tips It’s worth investing in some muslin so you can create your own spice bag. Fill it with any unground spice such as cinnamon sticks, whole nutmeg, cloves or ginger slices. This way you won’t end up with floaters.

WAHP Business Australia

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Published by Goodnight Publishing


Christmas Pudding Cooking Time: 3 hours on high in 1.5 ltr slow cooker

Ingredients Serves 8

1kg mixed dried fruit 1 packet Vanilla Cake mix 1.5 cups SR flour 1 ltr Eggnog 1tbsp Brandy Essence (Quantity make 2 puddings)


Soak fruit in eggnog overnight


Add cake mix, flour and brandy essence, mix until combined


Spray slow cooker well with cooking spray, fill to ž full


Cook on high for 3 hours (1.5 ltr slow cooker). Turn bowl insert every half hour

Chef’s tips Cooking your Christmas pudding in your Slowcooker is easy and is an excellent way to cook your pudding for hours without heating up the kitchen

WAHP Business Australia

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Recipes Recommended 5L or larger slow cooker

Peppermint Christmas Bark Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes

Self Saucing Chocolate Pudding


Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 2 – 2 ½ hours High

Serves 12-14


200g dark chocolate, chopped 35g peppermint crisp bar, chopped 2 large candy canes, chopped ¼ cup m&m’s (regular and mini red/green) 75g white chocolate, melted

01 02

Line a large baking tray with baking paper

03 04 05

Fold in peppermint crisp pieces


Repeat Step 2 with White Chocolate. When melted, pour into a snap-lock bag, push into one corner and snip the corner tip off. Drizzle over set chocolate in a criss cross pattern. Allow to set completely before breaking into pieces

Turn slow cooker to high and put 1-2 cups water in. Sit a heat proof bowl/jug in it with chopped dark chocolate. Stir until melted and smooth

Serves 4-6

Cake 2 cups Brown Sugar 2 cups Plain Flour 6 tbsp Cocoa 4 tsp Baking Powder 1 tsp Salt 1 cup Milk 4 tbsp melted butter 1 tsp Vanilla Essence Fudge Topping 1 ½ cups Brown Sugar ½ cup Cocoa 5 cups Boiling Water

Pour evenly over tray, tilting slightly, to create a thin even layer

Cake Sprinkle chopped candy cane pieces and m&m’s evenly over the top and allow to set at room temperature


Mix sugar, flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt in large bowl. Stir in milk, melted butter and vanilla. Put into slow cooker

Fudge Topping


Mix brown sugar and cocoa together, sprinkle over cake mix. Pour boiling water over the top slowly and DO NOT STIR

Published by Goodnight Publishing

Recipes Serve with toothpicks and sweet chilli sauce for dipping

Marinated Chicken Kebab Sticks

Sweet Chilli Mini Meatballs Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 2 hours on High

Preparation Time: 15 minutes Cooking Time: 1.5 hrs on High in 7L slow cooker



Serves 6 skewers

Serves 10

500g chicken breast fillet 4 cloves garlic minced ½ cup soy sauce 1 tbsp olive oil 6 bamboo skewers

250g sausage mince 1 cup grated cheese 1/3 cup breadcrumbs ¼ cup sweet chilli sauce

01 02 03

Soak bamboo skewers in water for 2 hours while marinating chicken

04 05

Remove skewers from water and thread chicken cubes onto the skewers

01 02 03 04 05

Marinade – combine garlic, soy sauce and oil in bowl

Cut chicken into large cubes. Add chicken to marinade, mix well to coat. Cover and refrigerate for 2 hours (overnight okay)

Lay baking paper on bottom of slow cooker. Gently place skewers onto baking paper, cover and cook on High for 2 hours. Turn skewers halfway through cooking time

WAHP Business Australia

Lightly spray the bottom of slow cooker with cooking spray

Add sausage mince, breadcrumbs and cheese together in a bowl and mix well

Make small balls (golf ball size) and then roll each ball in sweet chilli sauce Place each ball on the bottom of slow cooker Cook on High for 2 hours

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Published by Goodnight Publishing


Sweet Potato Wedges Preparation Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 2 hours on High



Line slow cooker with non stick baking paper

Serves 4


Peel sweet potato and cut into thick wedges. Place in a large bowl, add all other ingredients and stir to coat well

1 large sweet potato 2 tsp oil ¼ tsp cracked black pepper ¼ tsp dried thyme ¼ tsp garlic powder ¼ tsp onion powder


Lay sweet potato in single layer on baking paper


Cook with tea towel under lid on High for 1 hour

Food for thought Sweet potatoes pack a powerful nutritional punch. They have got over 400% of your daily needs for vitamin A in one medium spud, as well as loads of fiber and potassium. They have got more grams of natural sugars than regular potato but more overall nutrients with fewer calories.

WAHP Business Australia

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Product Catalog

Well Natured Get silky smooth skin for summer from a nourishing blend of pure essential oils $22ea. postage $7 To purchase email vickykog@hotmail.com

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page 34

chandelier earrings Black clutch with gold hardware and zip closure, coin and note compartments $40 + $8 postage http://chandelier-earrings-jewellery.myshopify.com/ products/clutch

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Product Catalog

Doozie’s Creations Custom made petal hats sizes range from birth to adult Prices start at $15 various options available www.facebook.com/dooziescreations1

SteppinOut Kiddie Shoes Real Leather shoes for little feet to step out in comfort and style! $27.90 + $8 postage within Australia http://bit.ly/1k3Cj8E

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Belle Fever Stylist Ruth Renaye’s Keepsakes Baby Keepsake Boxes Made to suit your colour theme with name and birth details. Perfect for all those special keepsakes. $70 + postage Available in other sizes www.madeit.com.au/renayeskeepsakes

Tree of My Life Necklace Price: $99 A treasured tradition fuses within this family tree-style pendant. Personalise with up to 10 names. http://www.facebook.com/ BeautifulPersonalisedJewellery

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