WAHP Published September Issue

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Handmade Softie Heaven


Georgie Girl Interview The MUST have for all WAHPs

Health & Fitness for WAHPs

Destiny Wear

Compelled by love


Gorgeously messy

Issue One September 2012

“Showcasing Australian Work At Home Parents”

Contents Page 4

Exclusive interview with Georgia Girl

20 Is multi level marketing for you?


Meet the Creative Team of WAHP Published

22 Starting a Business - Part One

must have for all WAHPs Your Health and Fitness with 10 The 24 The slow cooker Carly Grossek Smash with Dilkarra 12 Cake Photography

26 The Balancing Act

14 Destiny Wear feature article

inside look into the beginning 28 An of Promise Weddings

Sneak Preview - WAHP Publised Softies - for now and 16 Handmade 30 monthly catalogue forever

If you would like to be included in our magazine as an advertiser or feature please email info@wahppublished.com for more information. Designed & Edited by Rachel Hughes


Georgie Girl

When I received a reply email from Tina Mihalitis from the one and only Georgie Girl, agreeing to an interview for our launch magazine, I have to say I was beyond excited! I along with over 25,000 fans on Facebook love and adore the amazing talent of Tina’s work.


my customers and their continued support and love for my brand. As their children are getting older I find it inspires me to evolve my brand and designs. Rachel Hughes - WAHP Published: What is your favourite thing about being a WAHP? Tina Mihalitsis - Georgie Girl: I absolutely love being able to decide when to sit down and start work for With no introduction needed, Georgie Girl is a dy- the day/week. I love to time manage myself and fit namic and thriving WAHP handmade baby clothing my work in around my family life. and accessories business. To be given the opportunity to share with you Tina’s thoughts and insights has Rachel Hughes - WAHP Published: What do you find been such a pleasure – so please read on and enjoy challenging about being a WAHP? the words from a business Mum leading the way in Tina Mihalitsis - Georgie Girl: Although I have the ability to schedule my own work hours, often I don’t showing ‘how to run’ a successful WAHP business. get quite as much work done in a day as I would like. Rachel Hughes - WAHP Published: Please tell us Managing that work/life balance can be very tricky! about the person behind Georgie Girl and how your Rachel Hughes - WAHP Published: How many hours business started? Tina Mihalitsis - Georgie Girl: I’m twenty-nine years do you work a week? old and live in Brisbane, Queensland. I am married Tina Mihalitsis - Georgie Girl: My work hours fluctuto a very clever, supportive man who is a builder/ ate hugely depending on what I’m working on at the renovator. We have one daughter named Georgiana time. I would say I work an average of ten to fifteen who is three years old and keeps us both busy and hours per week . When conducting stock releases entertained! I myself was a nurse prior to having my and shipping lots of parcels it would be more. daughter and was fortunate enough not to have to return to work once ‘Georgie Girl’ gained a good fol- Rachel Hughes - WAHP Published: Do you have any lowing. I’m a very disorganised and forgetful person advice to other WAHPs or parents thinking of starting but I do pride myself on having a strong work ethic their own home business? Tina Mihalitsis - Georgie Girl: Make sure that you will and a good degree of determination. be able to fully comitt to your work when you have I began sewing three months after Georgiana was to. Don’t enter into a home based business without born in 2009 because I wanted to make her some first deciding to give it your all because you may well very basic items. I discovered that I really enjoyed be headed for disappointment Ensure your family is it and felt the desire to start selling what I made. I also 100% committed to your passion and idea and initially sold items on eBay and then moved to Face- sure up their support because you are going to need it to a colossal degree. Planning and preparation are book and www.madeit.com.au key and always be prepared for the good and the bad Rachel Hughes - WAHP Published: What inspires that may lie ahead. Make sure you are fully prepared to work hard to gain your success. After all, success you to keep your business going? Tina Mihalitsis - Georgie Girl: I’m always inspired by is a combination of hard work and a little bit of luck.

Written by Rachel Hughes & Helen Dayman


Handmade Baby Clothing & Accessories Rachel Hughes - WAHP Published: What are your three favourite websites? Tina Mihalitsis - Georgie Girl: I am truly addicted to www.pinterest.com for my ‘time-out’. I adore using www.madeit.com.au as a buyer and a seller. The support and encouragement the owners of that site give to Australian Handmade items is truly invaluable. I also really enjoy the social and sharing aspects of www.goodreads.com - a ‘virtual bookshelf’. Rachel Hughes – WAHP Published: Finally, do you have a favourite gadget, tool or resource that is priceless to you in helping you work from home? Tina Mihalitsis - Georgie Girl: I couldn’t live without my iPhone 4s. I love that it allows me to access all of my business requirements no matter where I am. Also, a Facebook business page is the single most important resource for my business. Not only is it free but the exposure my brand gains from it is priceless. Visit Georgie Girl at www.facebook.com/georgiegirlhandmade www.madeit.com.au/georgiegirl


he t t e e


Creative Team

Andrea Whitrow Hi there, my name is Andrea, I’m 34 and live in Adelaide. I have lived here for 16 years, having moved over from Scotland when I was 18. I live with my partner and 5 of the most gorgeous wee men you will ever meet (of course I may be slightly biased).

Yes, mother to 5 boys, plus a husband type creature....even the dog is a boy I am severely outnumbered. My eldest is 13, then 12, 4, nearly 2 and 6 months. Life is in one word ‘busy’. As well as getting them all to their various schools, kindy’s and playgroups, there are after school and weekend sports and other millionaire by the time the younger 3 are pre-teen then I’m not sure I will be able to afford to keep them all. So after 13 years of being ‘just a Mum’(with a couple of stints in retail) I have decided to start a small business (because I wasn’t quite busy enough) making handmade and importing items for....you guessed it ...boys. :). People ask me “how do you do it?”. Well its quite simple, my house always looks like an episode of hoarders, every morning is a huge rush with everyone trying to find a matching pair of socks, and I’m up sewing, until 2am every night, therefore starting to look like a basset hound. But I have never gone for the ‘easy’ option and I am really enjoying being able to create. Boysterous is slowly starting to flourish and has introduced me to a whole new world of ‘adult conversation’. The online community of WAHP has been great in offering hints and advice. That is what brings me to this magazine and I look forward to learning more and sharing my experiences with you all. Sofia Christo My name is Sofia. Im 38 years old and a proud mummy of a 4 and 1/2 yr old son and 2 year old girl. I have them with me 24/7 other than 3 half days when my son attends kinder. My focus and priority are my children and everything else revolves around them. I started my facebook foodie page last year in September as a social network to keep as a diary of my cooking amd frantic life. www.facebook.com/FranticInTheKitchen is a place where people can come and share their recipes or be inspired to cook. My passion for cooking came about last year when I started cooking recipes out of a magazine I picked up in the supermarket. Every day I would cook something new and found learning new techniques and taste ignited a fire in my belly. I now continue to cook and be inspired from magazines and try to cook something new at least 3 times a week. I also have been working on many original recipes which is very demanding. Im not sure which direction Im going to take in the food world but what I do know is this: I have a burning passion which I want to share. My aim with this project will be to create a column where parents can be inspired to cook healthy and sometimes adventurous meals without taking too much time away from their busy lives. I will also aim at educating people about foods in season and offer time saving tips. I will also be open to requests. I look forward to this experience which I would like to link on my blog which Im creating and should be up and running by October.


Esther Minglis Hi Everyone, My name is Esther. First and foremost I am a wife to a lovely and supportive man, and a mother to my one and only “very handsome� son. Life has thrown so many obstacles, hardships and challenges my way, too many to mention, but I am a firm believer that Everyone should have Goals and Dreams. It is these dreams that drive us to keep going - Keep Following YOUR Dream. If I can motivate, teach, inspire one person, then I feel that I am achieving something good. I love to teach people from all the vast knowledge and experiences I have had, and I love to learn all the time as I feel learning continues to open new doors. I work for myself as a Team Leader, Recruiter, Trainer for a Successful, Ethical Company called LR Health and Beauty Systems. I love what I do, as I work my own hours, with No Boss, Sharing the most wonderful Health and Beauty Products. Please feel free to Contact me if you would like more Information on our Highest Quality Loarna Collins I am not a work at home parent, but I am a study at home single mum to two lovely boys who are always keeping me on my toes, one of which has special needs so that is an issue close to my heart. I have always had a passion for writing and I enjoy writing creatively and professionally and I am currently working towards a writing degree.I have had bits and pieces published along the way on amateur sites and hope to be recognised more in the future for my words. I want to help and connect with other busy parents, if they can relate to or feel touched by something I have written that is definitely a bonus. Samantha Rhodes Owner/Creator of Princess Pony Tales, Princess Pony Tales Protography Props and Designs, and mum to 4 little rascals.

Bec Catton I am a Mum of four and an ambassador at Plexus Slim Australia. I love to bake, go camping and hope to write a book one day!

Kirsty Ferguson Kirsty is a writer who also has a strong interest in proofreading and editing. She has contributed articles to websites, local businesses and is a content writer and editor of the Sunshine Coast Regional Guide. Kirsty is a stay at home mum to her son and also works freelance from her home on the Sunshine Coast hinterland.



Creative Team


Helen Dayman I have been a WAHP for 25 years and have enjoyed being able to run my own businesses and still spend time with my children. I have used my business and administration skills in offering secretarial services, resume preparation, branching out into fixing computers and training and then further into offering training in all these areas and more. Learning new skills is important and I embrace and explore as much as I can. Over the past 10 years, I developed my passion for writing and editing into a thriving freelance business offering my skills to businesses. I am very excited about joining the WAHP Magazine Team and feel that it fills an essential niche to promote and celebrate the many work from home parents in Australia. Carly Grossek Hi, my name is Carly Grossek and I am 35 years young. I am a personal trainer that works from home and runs outdoor group / personal training sessions for my own business ‘Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness’. This is a rather new venture I have embarked on this year as previously I was an Executive Assistant for many years and decide to change my lifestyle and job to something I loved. I personally have lost 35kg since February 2012 and changed my life around and now love sharing my experiences and knowledge with others to help them achieve their own goals. I am a very busy person running around either playing in a sport or running it. I also hold Sports coaching sessions twice a week in Out of School Care Programs. I am looking forward to sharing my experiences and knowledge to help you get on the health & fitness track or maintain your health & fitness.

Are you Creative? If you love writing, designing or sharing our magazine with others we want you! We are always looking for creative WAHPs looking to be included in our magazine or to help us spread the word. Some commission and free advertising is available for those interested. If you would like to know more information please email info@wahppublished.com with ‘creative team’ as the subject.


Slow Cooker the must have for modern WAHPs I love slow cookers. They are one of the best inventions for feeding a busy household. Nutrition is essential for growing families, but often parents can be guilty of skipping healthier options for less time consuming ones. The slow cooker eliminates the problem of time vs. goodness combining both to make it easier for you to serve dinner for your family. Family dinners become easy and light on the time required and also light on the waistline. As a single mother of two who studies at university, like many working parents juggling everything can sometimes prove problematic. The slow cooker eliminates part of this; I cook everything in my slow cooker. Did you know you can even cook desert in them? Lasagnes, cakes, curries, stews (absolutely perfect for stews) and even roasts! I also combine my favourite ‘Continental’ and ‘Maggi’ packet meals. Even if something doesn’t have the option for slow cooking, I slow cook it. It never lets me down; it’s like a trusty old friend. You cut up vegetables and chuck them in! All you need to do is put on some rice or extra vegetables, 20-

30 minutes before serving up. Just what the busy parent ordered. You can even prepare your meal early by cutting everything up the night before and putting it in the fridge, so during the mad rush of the morning and trying to get out of the house on time you can just throw it in, switch it on and forget about it- until the delicious and inviting smell wafts through your house and teases your taste buds. The meat is simply divine, it all but melts in your mouth. The most rewarding feeling is knowing you are feeding your children a nutritious and healthy meal, almost seeming like fast food because of the easy factor. So much better because it’s homemade and you know exactly what you are feeding your family. I believe that slow cookers are the backbone of any successful WAHP family unit. I got mine for around $40 from Kmart and it is well worth every dollar I spent. www.taste.com.au is my numbers 1 go to website for recipes. Take your pick from a large choice of recipes to suit your families’ tastes. Written by Loarna Collins


Willowblu Consultant – Natalie Clarke

All our handbags have meticulous attention to detail & are crafted from top quality leather. Each bag is fully lined and comes in its own protective dustcover. Our range includes: tote bags, hobo bags, shoulder bags, messenger/satchel bags, nappy bags, clutches and purses. The collection has something for every taste and budget and we want women to know they don’t have to lose money to GAIN style! You can purchase directly from my Facebook page as I post Australia wide or if you are in the Adelaide metro area you can host a viewing of our collection in your home or workplace, where you may even qualify to receive heavily discounted or FREE products of your choice!

Facebook - www.facebook.com/WillowbluConsultantNatalieClarkeAdelaide Email – natnatc@hotmail.com Phone – 0409 810 193





dilkarra Photography So here we go, my first article for WAHP Published ed. Then there are others that get straight in there magazine, and in my opinion I got the pick of the squishing their hands into it and grabbing fistfuls issue. What could possibly be cuter than a squishy of cake. 1year old covered in cake. The session usually lasts between 45 minutes to an To be honest I wasn’t really sure what a ‘Cake hour but of course you can’t put a strict routine on Smash’ was. I had heard (read) of the term in pass- things when there are small children involved so ing, on various ‘mummy type’ forums and, given the time scale is fairly relaxed. My main question the name, one can certainly take a rough guess at to Brandie was “how on earth do you clean up all what happens but I had to look it up to see exact- that mess?” She assures me that the mess looks ly what it was. The basics involve one super cute worse than it is, as it is usually contained to the baby, a large cake covered in icing and a photogra- one area. She mops up quickly whilst Mum gives pher willing to clean up a large mess at the end.... baby a quick dip in the ‘on standby’ bath. and I’m sure you can put the rest together. This gorgeous, cake covered, little boy’s Mum was So, I was introduced to Brandie from Dilkarra Pho- kind enough to fill me in on her experience, “Spentography and her gorgeous photographs of ‘Spen- cer loved his giant cupcake and thoroughly encer’, who was having a Cake Smash to celebrate his joyed having an audience watch him try to devour birthday. I asked her about her cake smash ses- it!” “It was a truly special experience and I would sions and what goes on behind the scenes. recommend Brandie’s cake smash experience to anyone!” Her only regret, “I wish we had known The preparation before the session is the most Brandie when my 1st son was younger, so we could time consuming as Brandie makes and decorates have had the same for him.” the cakes herself, she usually goes for a giant cupcake style cake as it works well visually. The cake is In the 3 years since Brandie started Dilkarra Phodecorated to co-ordinate with what baby is wear- tography she has booked over 600 sessions with ing, popular choices being little denim shorts or a huge 30% of them being cake smashes, somejeans for boys and a tutu for girls, tops are unnec- times she will do 2 – 3 in a day. The photographs, essary as by the end of the session they are usually as well as being passed out to relatives are often wearing a layer of icing. used as invitations for the all important 1st birthday party. Cake Smash’s are a special occasion that Most babies are a little shy to begin with and take a is becoming more and more popular with parents; while to warm up, so she plays with toys and takes it is almost becoming a rite of passage to your 1st a couple of shots to make them relax a little, then birthday. I know from experience as I’m sure most it is cake time. Not all babies dive straight into it, of you do, those first couple of years just go so fast some view it with cautious curiosity, poking at it why not take every opportunity to build lasting with their fingers and circling it a few times. Some memories of them. need a little helping hand from mum to get startWritten by Andrea Whitrow



Destiny Wear Kylie Howes created Destiny Wear two years ago with her mother and a few funky friends based in the beautiful Byron Bay region. As a creative person, Kylie loves the opportunity that working from home gives her family. Staying at home, developing her business while still having time to spend with her children. Destiny Wear’s central focus is about promoting healthy self worth with fun funky threads and Kylie’s vision to be able to give others a Destiny - hence the business name, Destiny Wear. Future plans for the business are to be able to help girls at risk and at that time, Destiny Wear, will indeed be giving hope and destiny to a life in need.

rently, you will find Destiny Wear only through Facebook. Take a browse through the photo albums to find these beautifully designed children’s clothing. Find something you like? Just use the Contact Tab to place an order. While most of Destiny Wear’s orders come through Facebook, you can also find a small stocking at The Collective Store. Looking for a cute outfit for your little one? Then pop by the Market Night held monthly at Destiny Wear. Helping promote other WAHM’s and Facebook businesses, Destiny Wear also has the ‘Yummies made by Mummies’ album. Destiny Wear is helping others to display their creativity and sharing the love with their motto, COMPELLED BY LOVE!

An engaging line of children’s wear that you will not find anywhere else. Influenced by Boho and Vintage, Kylie uses patterns and designs for each beautiful outfit that Destiny Wear stocks. These modest funky kids clothing still keep your child’s innocence while they are outfitted in designer outfits. Not just for the kids, Mum can also select a stunning outfit from Design Wear’s ladies range, Sparrow and Finch. A beautiful selection is available so be sure to take a look. Where will you find Destiny Wear? Cur-

The popularity of Destiny Wear and its funky designed children’s clothing line is growing fast. Using the Facebook social media platform to launch, promote and as an online shopfront has been a strong business strategy that is shown by the increasing popularity of Destiny Wear. Nearly 7,000 likes can’t be wrong. Kylie is planning a celebration when the 7,000 mark is hit. Be a part of this journey with Destiny Wear.


Written by Helen Dayman

compelled by love


Handmade Softies Toys are essential in a child’s growing years. Handmade soft toys (softies) are particularly popular among children, especially teddy bears and dolls. Some children even grow up into teenagers, keeping all their toys from when they were babies or toddlers. Some even keep their childhood toys when they became adults and then pass them on to their own children. This is something that is made even more special when toys are passed on through generations are that are handmade.

A Scarlett Store ascarlettstore@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/ascarlettstore

Nowadays, toys are not just limited to teddy bears and dolls. With handmade softies the options are almost endless – from the teddy bears and dolls through to pirates, all kinds of animals, characters such as mermaids and owls. Toys such as cars, space ships and horses that were once made from wood or other hard materials are now a huge part of the soft toy world making them more accessible. Other soft toys are available in the form of soft books, fabric blocks, play mats and even educational textile play sets. The wonderful world of handmade softies also includes dolls and bears, dressed and created to have personalities and lives of their own. Dolls, for example can be made with a simple look, but can then also be made into a nurse or a clown. Handmade softies take on a life and personality all their own. In some cases the outfits that your softie wears can even match the outfit your little person wears!

Handmade by Ashleigh handmadebyashleighfb@gmail.com

These baby toys are made of fabric that is soft and safe for children of all ages, from babies to toddlers and young children. Babies in their teething period may bite these soft toys, with no worries for parents as they are made of materials not hazardous to children. Fabric toys


for now and forever! are very versatile. Little boys and girls will definitely enjoy playing with them and learning new things every day. Since soft toys are made of fabric, they are washable. If they are dirty, parents only have to follow the cleaning instructions – it is that easy! Cloth toys and fabric books are lightweight making them easy to carry and perfect for those long drives or even a short trip to the shops. Handmade softies tend to be a little costly compared to factory made toys, but handmade softies are made to last. With good care and handling, these quality soft toys can be used many times over and will usually last for years. Parents will save a lot of money with handmade softies because they can pass them on to their younger children and possibly their grandchildren. The price may seem high for a soft toy but when you take a look at how in depth they are made, the passion and attention to detail, the reason behind the price is understandable. Each soft toy is given individual attention from deciding which fabrics, hair and eye colour down to ribbons and other beautiful extras. Every stitch is sewn with precision, each added feature sewn to ensure security and safety. One toy alone can take hours and even days to make. Baby fabric books, personalized soft toys and educational fabric play sets are great gifts. They can be given as baby shower gifts, for children’s birthdays or as personalized Christmas gifts. They are especially perfect as gifts for expecting mothers. Since they are made of fabric, they can be personalized with a child’s name or even a special date. This makes the gift truly unique, parents will appreciate the effort, and thought put into making such a


Missa Made It missamadeit@live.com.au www.facebook.com/MissaMadeIt

Handmade Softies continued beautiful and exceptional gift. These softies are great as educational tools for children, particularly babies and toddlers. Many of the products, such as the fabric alphabet play sets and imaginative play sets with fabric books are made with extra attention to the educational values that children can learn from them. Fabric alphabet play sets can also be mounted on walls as decorations in schools, day care and even at home. Who says that educational materials need to be plain and boring? Soft toys are making waves with many varieties of educational products. Soft toys can be made in assorted colours and they are definitely made with love. The amazing thing about handmade softies is that there are never two the same, each one is different. Even if designed, cut and made the same way, with the same colours and fabrics, they will each always be unique. Different emotions felt by the creator at the time of making the toy will come through in it. The passion and enjoyment of creating the item will be expressed for the life time of the creation. Written by Stacey Marnock

Chelle Belle Creations chellebellecreations@gmail.com www.madeit.com.au/chellebelle www.facebook.com/chellebellecreations


Pink Pug Designs pinkpug_designs@hotmail.com www.etsy.com/shop/pinkpugdesigns

Sewlovable Designs sewlovabledesigns@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/sewlovabledesigns


Is Multi Level Marketing a good fit for you? Have you seen a Multilevel Marketing (MLM) company that sparks your fancy but you just don’t know if it is right for you? There are some amazing companies out there that offer different products and incentives to suit different people, their life styles and tastes. So how do you decide which MLM company is right for you? Does the company have a proven track record running a MLM business or do they have a proven history as successful independent MLM entrepreneurs? MLM companies are a complex business for amateurs to attempt to run without experience. They are not ‘get rich’ quick schemes. MLM may see more money going out in the beginning than profits coming in while the company begins to grow. This can scare the inexperienced MLM company owner into making unfix-able errors in judgement and sabotaging their own business success before it has had time to get off the ground. Is the MLM company marketable? You can not have a successful independent MLM business if the company you are working for raises too many negative questions for customers. Do research using Google and Facebook by asking common questions you think customers would ask as about the product before buying. For example, if selling cosmetics does the company test on animals? You need to be comfortable with any company you work for and more so in MLM as your credibility will become tied to theirs. Look beyond personal opinions and personal posts, look deeper into professional and government reports instead as people post in forums on the internet may not be factual. You can disprove a negative personal post with your own success and facts. Are you passionate about the products? If you do

not want to wake up in the morning and tell people about the amazing products or services you are marketing, who will? Passion and drive to get the word out there is a huge part of running a successful independent MLM business as the buck stops with you. This means if you do not work, then you make no money. A true MLM business means working, just like any other job. Very few people can earn money without building a solid foundation especially when it is their own business. Long term benefits can see you needing to work less, but you need to take steps to get there. There is no jumping ahead before you have put the work in. How much time do you want to put into your MLM business? Not everyone wants to become a millionaire from running their own business (but wouldn’t it be nice). You need to look at your lifestyle and how much time you can put into your new business. Ask yourself ‘do you want to make lots of money’, or are you happy using the products and the business side will be a hobby. No one makes millions working 1 hour a day, so be realistic in your expectations and what the company can help you achieve. Finally and most importantly ASK QUESTIONS, lots and lots of questions. Do not be afraid to speak up. Ask for documents supporting any information that is vital to your final decision. If in doubt, ask for written confirmation of any information that you require. Once you have found the right Multilevel Marketing (MLM) company for you, enjoy the ride as it will have it’s highs and lows. When you are passionate about what you do, it will be a ride you’re happy to wake up and jump on each day.


Written by Carissa Debono Wellbelove

Starting a Business? So… you want to start a business. Fantastic news! Did you know that there are nearly one million home-based businesses in Australia? The attractions to running a business from home are many, so let’s take a quick look at the advantages and disadvantages. Advantages • Flexibility - work your own hours around your family and other commitments • Convenience - hop out of bed and you are at work • Opportunity - follow your dream career and do what you enjoy • Save on commuting time and travel fares or petrol • Control your own work space and hours • Build your business slowly and at your own pace • Lower start-up costs, less overheads and financial risk • Tax deductions of portion rent/mortgage and operating expenses Disadvantages • Conflict between home life and business • Family and visiting friends distracting during work time • Work space might not be suitable for operating your business • Customer visiting at odd hours • Parking and noise may irritate neighbours It is a good idea to maximise your chance of success if you are thinking of starting a home-based business or even if you are already running one. To do this, a good understanding of potential risks and any government requirements that may apply to your business will make everything easier right from the beginning. If you are thinking of having

your place of business at home, you might need to be aware and comply with your State or Territory as well as local government regulations. Your business activities may impact on your neighbours or the surrounding area, such as energy use, parking or pollution). Go in with your eyes open and be aware of any regulations and other issues like • • • • • •

Restrictions in your rental agreement or home mortgage Council Approvals i.e. zoning, signage and health issues Insurance - public liability, sickness and in jury or property Taxation - ABN, GST, asset depreciation and deductions for expenses Financial Management - setting up busi ness account systems, arranging finance and seek further information from either a Solicitor, Accountant or Business Advisor Setting Up your Business - allocate a separ ate work space

Are you all set to start your venture? Before starting a business you need to decide if you are ready to venture into operating your own WAHP business. This might be a good time look again at the advantages and disadvantages mentioned above. It is not just about working for yourself, it is also important to have the necessary skills such as business management, industry experience and technical skills, financial knowledge or access to a professional advisor and also a long term vision of your business success. Identifying your own skills and goals will guide the type of business you choose and more importantly, knowing your reasons for getting into business in the first place will keep you focussed.


Let’s take a look at finding the right type of business for you. Ask yourself what you like to do. Microbusinesses are ideal for a home-based business. Maybe in a previous job you hated most of it, but loved doing just one task. This one task could be a micro-business in itself. Do you enjoy a hobby? This hobby might be sewing, scrapbooking, woodworking or tracing your family tree (genealogy). Your hobby could be a WAHP business for you.

Business Advisory Links Business.gov.au - home-based business Digital Business Key Facts for Small Business Business Name Update - from May 2012 (very important) Business Name Registration Australian Taxation Office - ABN, GST and Tax File Number

Working in offices as a Secretary and finding it hard to find work at the time, I started a small business from home. My skills, you ask? I was a reasonably fast typist at 80wpm. How could I turn that into a business? I started a Secretarial Service and ended up specialising in preparing Resumes. Why resumes? At the time, Australia had a very high unemployment rate. This converted to a very large potential client base. This is only one example from my personal experiences. Today, this would be a difficult area to specialise in as most unemployed people attend a Job Network Provider and have their resume prepared with assistance.

Written by Helen Dayman

So… what are your skills and interests? Remember, it is important to look at who would be your potential customers. How many businesses are already doing this in your area? These questions are important to ask yourself before deciding on a business. Once you have decided on the business that you want to start, it is time to get to the nuts and bolts of getting it up and running. A few topics that will be covered in future issues include • • • •

Starting your business from scratch Get a Business Plan and stay focussed How to Grow your Customer base Your Marketing Plan and Social Media


Your Health and Fitness With Carly Grossek - Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness A little about me to begin…. I am a 35 year old personal trainer that runs my own business – Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness from home. I run outdoor group / personal training and love my job (lucky for me as I am up at 5am each morning)! Since February 2012 I have lost 35kg, changing my life around and I want to share my personal experiences and knowledge to help others reach their goals. 7 tips to a successful healthy lifestyle change…… 1. 2. 3.

Get support (don’t expect to do this alone) Become your biggest fan - Celebrate your wins - Watch your internal language (be posi tive, not negative) Set SMART goals - Always work towards something - Reward your goals achieved

S – Specific goals M – Measurable goals A – Achievable goals R – Realistic goals T – Timing of goals

4. Get organised (nutrition, training and your mindset) You need to have everything organised to achieve the best possible results. Plan your exercise times and do a big cook up and freeze meals for later in the week and make sure you are in a great head space and your mindset is positive.

5. 6. 7.

Stick to your guns! Stick to your nutrition and exercise plans that you have set your self. Recommit yourself each day to keep you on track. Control/Flex your willpower muscle and get out of your comfort zone. - Willpower and habit go hand in hand. My favourite quote / mantra when I am finding it hard or having a bad day is JFDI – Just freaking do it!!!

6 helpful exercise tips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Make sure you always warm up before a work out Stretching at the end of a workout is very important and will stop your muscles from aching so much the few days after your workout. You need to mix up the workouts – com bine cardio and weights to get optimal re sults. Involve your children when exercising – make it a game for them and exercise for you. Try - Toddlers and infants can be your weights when doing squats or rota tion lunges. If you are plateauing then change it up and try something new – eg a dif ferent exercise or sport. Most importantly, have fun whilst exercis ing as it will make the time fly. Try - Start and finish with something you like or are good at, it will motivate you to keep going and you will finish off on a high note, feeling great. Written by Carly Grossek

Easy Broccoli Soup Recipe of the Month This recipe is easy to make, extra portions can Method be stored in the freezer for later and your whole 1. Heat the oil in large saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and broccoli and cook, stirfamily is sure to love it!!! ring occasionally, for 2-3 minutes or until soft. Stir in the garlic. Cook for 30 seconds or until fraEasy Broccoli Soup (Vegetarian) Serves: 4 | Prep time: 15 min | Cooking time: 35 grant. Add the stock. Increase the heat to high and bring to the boil. min | 275 Cal per serve Reduce the heat to medium. Cover and cook for Broccoli is the KING of all superfoods! From build- 20 minutes or until tender. Uncover and set aside ing your immune system, to reducing inflamma- to cool slightly. Use a stick blender to blend until tion and fighting cancer, the good old Broccoli smooth. has it all. 2. Meanwhile, preheat the oven to 180C. Line a baking tray with non-stick baking paper. Place Ingredients the bread cubes in a large bowl. 2 Teaspoons Vegetable Oil Spray lightly with olive oil. Add the parmesan 1g Olive Oil Spray and toss to coat. 1 Medium Onion Scatter the bread cubes over the lined tray. Bake 1kg Broccoli for 10-15 minutes or until golden. 2 Cloves Garlic 5 Cups Liquid Vegetable Stock 3. Divide the soup among serving bowls and top 4 Slices Wholegrain Bread with the croutons. Season with pepper. 60g Grated Parmesan Cheese Preparation Tips • Chop the onion & broccoli • & Crush the garlic • Cut bread into 1cm cubes

Extra Tips Store the soup, in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days. Alternatively, freeze in portions for up to 6 months.


The Balancing Act 24 hours in a day is just not enough. No matter which way you look at it something always falls by the wayside. Whether it is that pile of washing that has grown so tall it is threatening to topple over and bury your child at any moment or those breakfast bowls you had to throw out because you couldn’t scrape the dried Weetbix off them. I don’t think that anyone understands the enormous juggling act of balancing working, raising a child and remaining mentally stable than a mother. I am a part time stay at home mum after going back to work when my son was 18 months old. I now work 15 hours a week and spend the rest of my time at home taking care of him and trying to study so I can gain qualifications that will allow me to work from home full time. It’s tough and I’m sure every mum who has ever worked from home has had this same experience: you’ve just set up your child on the couch with a pillow, doona, favourite toy and a kid-friendly movie with snacks and a drink in easy reach. They’re comfortable and happy so you sneak away into another room so you can begin working. You open your laptop, get in the zone and start typing only to have a small child clamber up onto your lap, deleting your work and spitting cookie crumbs all over your keyboard. Work time is now officially over. It’s not that they actually wait until the most inconvenient time to want to play with you; it just feels that way. I don’t know about you, but on the odd moments when I get time to study or work, I can’t actually begin until my house is tidy. I try to ignore it and say that it’s unimportant, but I cannot work with a messy house. I can almost see the sign of ‘lazy mother’ flashing above my head in pink neon. Cleaning the house proves quite challeng-

ing when my son is home. I clean before I start work then he comes along and tornados through the house, making a mess of everything so I have to clean it again … you see where I’m going with this. The worst part is when your other half gets home, surveys the toys strewn all over the floor, the half folded pile of laundry on the couch and their child with Vegemite still smeared over their face and they say those horrible words ‘so, what did you do today?’ So how do you balance working from home with a child? There is no simple answer. I know you were probably waiting for some type of life-changing revelation; maybe a secret passed down from generation to generation, but each family, each child is different. My advice would be to roll with it. Work when you can and do what I do, put on earmuffs. These years go by so fast and before you know it, they will be at school and you’ll miss the messy house and long for the silence to be broken by giggles.


Written by Kirsty Ferguson

An inside look into the beginning of Promise Weddings Tasmania’s leading wedding magazine

Promise Weddings was founded in January 2011 by Danielle Seadon and Chantelle Coote in Launceston, Tasmania. Chantelle was running her graphic design business called We Might Invite and she was often involved in designing wedding, engagement and hen’s night invites. Danielle was building up her photography business called Captivate Photography and found great enjoyment in capturing the special moments of a wedding. The girls got together over coffee and decided to give out each other’s business cards to potential couples. Both Danielle and Chantelle had recently planned their own weddings and begun talking about how difficult the process was in Tasmania; how many great ‘little’ businesses there were out there than nobody knows about; and the lack of information for local brides. An idle discussion between friends grew to a business idea as they discussed putting together a little bag with business cards from local suppliers and brainstorming a promotional pamphlet. By the end of the conversation the Danielle and Chantelle decided they would produce their own wedding planning magazine. As you can tell both the girls like to DO and they are quick to act on their thoughts.

Deciding on a name was the next task. After much deliberation they came up with Elle (for Chantelle and Danielle) as there already was an Elle magazine, they decided on Ellez (the two Elle’s). Initially the Danielle and Chantelle went with the Tassie Wedding Planner tag line and that is what they set out to be. Something that bride’s could put in their handbag while they shop for their wedding. Offering affordable advertising options to businesses had an overwhelming response. Edition One of Ellez magazine, a 40-page A5 glossy magazine was released. Initially they tried to distribute themselves. They soon learnt that this was time consuming and difficult, employing an independent distributer. The magazine is now in over 120 stores statewide. With this edition the website was launched and the online wedding directory. Danielle and Chantelle learned a lot in the first edition and making the second edition even better. The initial plan was for Ellez Magazine to be bi-annual but they soon found that 6 months comes around very quickly and there is not enough time for 2 people to do all of that work. Edition Two came out in October 2011 and also took on the A5 planner format. After this outstanding result, Danielle and Chantelle decided to make Edition Three an A4 annual publication. Allow advertisers more exposure on the shelves

and also makes Ellez Magazine more attractive to readers. With this came their new name, look, website and branding. Promise Weddings launched in July 2012 alongside the 3rd edition of the magazine at the Promise Weddings Event in Launceston where 300 people and 40 exhibitors attended. Promise Weddings is now looking at becoming the ‘number one’ wedding magazine in the state and so much more than the previous planner. The change from Ellez to Promise Weddings signifies the growth of the magazine and business. Promise Weddings is now so much more than just a magazine, it truly caters for all of a businesses advertising needs and the needs of their readers. During the last year the Danielle and Chantelle have been nominated for a Telstra Women in Small Business Award and a Telstra Small Business Award and also a finalist in both the Aus Mumprenuer and Business Employment Centre awards. They are extremely excited for a bigger and better 2012-2013 and very proud of what they have achieved. They now employ statewide Sales Representatives and a writing intern from Queensland. Danielle and Chantelle also take every opportunity to increase their business knowledge and have recently completed their Certificate IV in Business and Small Business Management. They also find great benefits from business mentors and networking. Danielle and Chantelle are passionate about continuing to provide small businesses with affordable advertising options while providing readers with the most up-todate information. Promise Weddings is destined to continue to grow and strengthen. Promise Weddings is so much more than just a planner magazine, now providing a range of products including a stylish A4 80 page glossy magazine, an interactive website (www.promiseweddings.com.au), a funky hot pink wedding planner compendium, The Promise Card (Tasmania’s first wedding specific loyalty card) and their exclusive partnership with the Wedding Girl App. Promise Weddings is leading the way in the Tasmanian wedding industry. Recent information has even shown their website is being viewed right across Australia and even internationally. If you would like to chat to Danielle and Chantelle about this excellent opportunity with Promise Weddings for your business, please feel free to contact them and make a convenient time for them to come and see you.



Chris Young Photography

WAHP Published $ 2.50 Catalogue lis ting

Catalogue released every month on the 28th!

Boysterous 17.00 Shoes - handmade pre-walkers available in many fabrics $17.00 + postage.

Chic maxi dress $60.00 Rhinestones Sweetheart Neckline Pink Black Mini Dress. Sizes 8, 10 & 12. Unique ruffles make it more gorgeous. Non-removable crystal beads decorate the strap. Padded enough for “no bra� option.

andrea@boysterous.com www.boysterous.com


handmade by ashliegh 30.00 Ziggy is a handmade plush made from felt fabrics and is approximately 27cm in height. This product, both hand stitched and machine stitched, would make a great addition to any soft toy collection. handmadebyashleighfb@gmail.com

jaico kids Boys Zipper Detail Hooded Sweater. Also available in Navy. Sizes 2 - 7 years.




jewellery of the valley $30.00 Handmade Rose Quartz Tibetan style bracelet. karleen.jayne@gmail.com www.facebook.com/JewelleryoftheValley

A scarelett store $12.00 Cats are about 20cm by 14cm and the dogs are about the same. They are filled with polester fill. They are $12.00 with delivery $6.50.

ascarlettstore@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/ascarlettstore

savvy bloom $22.00 White crocheted lace crown, measures 5 cm high. It has glitter paint for that bit of extra sparkle, and 3 flowers, each with a central ‘pearl.’


nail dolls $29.95 Temporary hair colour for your hair. Available in sets and sinlges plus our new sparkle powder! naildolls@gmail.com www.facebook.com/naildolls

willowblu natalie clarke $160.00 Measures approx: 43cm Length– 33cm Height – 13.5cm Width. 55cm double leather handle drop. natnatc@hotmail.com www.willowblu.com.au

pink pug designs $35.00 Ralph the Pug Softie - Made out of silky minkie fabric and re-designed for babies and small children. $5.00 from the sale of each one going to help Pug Rescue and Adoption Victoria.



siren & sailor $110.00 Siren and Sailor is a fresh new fashion label situated in Byron Bay. At the S&S helm are Christine Berry and Emily Turner.

willow mae $42.00 “Tickle me pink” collection. Releasing soon. info@willowmae.com.au

missa made it $50.00 ‘Huggable Babushka Doll’ made from an original Missa Made It pattern.

pretty petals $55.00 Dress - Handmade vintage inspired clothing and accessories for girls of all ages.


missamadeit@live.com.au www.facebook.com/MissaMadeIt


prettypetals@hotmail.com.au www.facebook.com/prettypetalsAUS


chic maxi dress $50.00 EXOTIQUE Cobolt Blue & Black. Sizes 8-22. A beautiful full length one-shoulder maxi dress with 3/4 sleeves.

chicmaxidresses@hotmail. com

chelle belle creations $20.00 Handmade giraffe softie made from cotton fabrics and felt.

chellebellecreations@gmail. com / www.madeit.com.au/ chellebelle

pink pug designs $40.00 Lamp Mobile Ring: Made from the softest lambs wool minkie fabric and handstitched. It sits in a fabric covered ring embellished with handmade flowers and tiny roses and buttons.


pretty petals $21.50 Singlet Set - Handmade vintage inspired clothing and accessories for girls of all ages.

prettypetals@hotmail.com.au www.facebook.com/prettypetalsAUS

the little details by jane $6.00 Baby Booties goatsmilk soaps suitable for Baby shower gifts. Available in all colours and Baby powder fragrance oil.

info@thelittledetailsbyjane.com.au www.thelittledetailsbyjane.com.au

pink pug designs $30.00 Made using quality designer quilt grade fabric, they feature cute lace, a hand embroided face and handmade embellished flowers.


sewlovable designs $60.00 Our lil Angels come complete with Tutu, ballet shoes and Wings, they can be made to order in a range of colours and fabricsc.

boysterous $20.00 Pyjamas - handmade pyjamas many fabrics available $20.00 + postage. andrea@boysterous.com www.boysterous.com

sewlovabledesigns@hotmail.com www.facebook.com/sewlovabledesigns


the little details by jane $10.00 Makeup bags and Personal Sanitary bags with zippers. Come in many designs and colours, they are 19cm x 16cm.

info@thelittledetailsbyjane.com.au www.thelittledetailsbyjane.com.au

pretty petals $21.50 Sandals - Handmade vintage inspired clothing and accessories for girls of all ages.

prettypetals@hotmail.com.au www.facebook.com/prettypetalsAUS

udesign phone covers $30.00 Personalize your own mobile cover with your business or favourite photos. All models available for soft and hard covers.

jaico kids $14.95 Available for pre-order. Ruffle dress, 2 Colour options (pink & blue)> sizes 2 - 5 years.

willowblu natalie clarke $160.00 Also available in Tangerine, Copper, Bright White and Black. Measures approx: 39cm Length– 28cm Height – 15cm Width.

nail dolls $5.00 Nail wraps, no more nail polish. Starting at only $5.00 per set of 24 nail wraps. naildolls@gmail.com www.facebook.com/naildolls

udesignphonecovers@gmail.com www.facebook.com/UDesignPhoneCovers

natnatc@hotmail.com www.willowblu.com.au



bubbamia $30.00-40.00 Strawberry Delight’ Patchwork Pillowcase Dress. Available in sizes 6-12 mth, 12-18 mth, 18-24 mth, 2, 3, 4 & 5. bubbamia@hotmail.com w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / b u b bamia.09

willow mae $69.00 Latest dress which is a OOAK (one of a kind) Spring Garden dress. info@willowmae.com.au www.willowmae.com.au

siren & sailor $110.00 Siren and Sailor is a fresh new fashion label situated in Byron Bay. At the S&S helm are Christine Berry and Emily Turner. www.siren-sailor.com

chelle belle creations $20.00 Handmade elephant softie made from cotton fabrics and felt.

chellebellecreations@gmail. com / www.madeit.com.au/ chellebelle

Add your listing the the monthly WAHP Published catalogue for only $2.50! The cataogue is published every month on the 28th! To place a listing please email info@wahppublished.com 35

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