WAHP Published October 2013 Issue

Page 1

WAHP Published s

ay Alw


Fairs & Trade Shows

When does your

Hobby become a


Customer Service Don’t be THAT business

Series - Part 2

Partnership Marketing Are your EMAILS being read? HALLOWEEN


Arts and Crafts for Kids ISSN : 2202-8102

Issue Six October 2013

Contents Page 3

Editors Desk


Linkedin - Connect your Business


When does your Hobby become a Business


Work Life Balance


Don’t be THAT business: Customer Service Philosophy


Halloween Spooky Fun Crafts


Partnership Marketing


Where is your Local Market


Frantic in the Kitchen with Sofia Christo -




Fairs & Trade Shows


WAHP Published Advertising Rates

Your Inspiration at Home Consultant

If you would like to be included in our magazine as an advertiser or feature Email advertising@wahppublished.com for more information.

Editors Desk Welcome to our 6th issue of WAHP Published and just in time for Halloween. This issue is jammed pack full of interesting articles for your business and of course your family too.

This year is already shaping up as a busy one. Two new publications will be joining us.. We know that you each have specific target markets for your business. In each issue of WAHP Published we showcase many businesses. Kiddly Winks for business that cater to children and families.

We have some exciting news, WAHP Published Maazine has been assigned an ISSN number issued by the National Library of Australia. You can now see our new ISSN number on the front cover of each issue.

Many of you have already seen our two new Facebook pages. and both of these magazines will available to read very soon. Fit4U (health & fitness) will be out on 1st November and White Delight (bridal/wedding) will be out on 1st December. WE have more on the planning board. As you can see, it is exciting times happening here at WAHP HQ.

In this issue, Anna continues the Customer Service Series ‘Don’t be THAT business’. We have a bumper issue for you. Halloween is almost here and we have some fantastic crafts for the kids to enjoy.

As with all business, we have been working on making WAHP Published the best magazine for you. This means putting together articles that are important to YOU. Not just your business, but as work at home parents your family is a very big influence. Life can get very busy, so take a few moments to recharge your batteries and enjoy a good read.

Social media is a great tool to promote your business and this issue we explore how Linkedin can boost your brand. Linkedin is looking to surpass Facebook and Twitter or promoting your business. We would like to welcome Kirsten Bangs who has joined the team as our Advertising Manager. I won’t give too much of a spoiler alert here. Browse through and enjoy the range of articles on offer this issue.

Helen Dayman Editor WAHP Published

The magazine is now bi-monthly and there are exciting events coming up for WAHP Published, we are sure there are also many exciting times ahead for your business too. We would love to hear about them. We now have a Submissions section and we are very interested in receiving articles for future issues. Our Website www.wahppublished is in the process of getting a major revamp. The current and past issues are now all available to read directly on our website. No searching for links, ithey will be easy to find.

magazine for parents, babies and young children to our publication stable. The next issue of Kiddly Winks will be out in a few short weeks.

To contact the Editor editor@wahppublished.com

To submit an article submissions@wahppublished.com

As many of you are aware, we introduced Kiddly Winks a


Contact Email Addresses For display advertising and Catalogue advertising@wahppublished.com

When does your Hobby become a BUSINESS Many creative businesses start off as hobbies. Sewing clothes for your own children, making jewellery, scrapbooking and card making, propagating and growing your own plants, the list goes on.

“Yikes... I am a business” If you have just discovered you are running a business and not just enjoying a hobby, you have two options.

Every hobby has the potential to be a successful business. Option 1 - take a few steps back and just enjoy your hobby, you don’t want the hassles of running a business.

Option 2 - Get organised, you have a business on the road to becoming successful. Register a business name, ABN and Tax File Number. Open a bank account in your business’ name and maybe a Website too.

Did you choose Option 2? Congratulations! But... when does a Hobby become a business?

I know you are starting to think ‘GST’. Not to worry. If you are just starting out, you don’t need to be registered for GST. Only businesses over a specific income/profit threshold need to worry about GST unless your customers are Council or Government.

A hobby is any regular activity or interest that is done for pleasure, typically, during one’s leisure time. By definition, if you are selling the product of Once your business grows and becomes successful, you your hobby, you then have the intention of being a may need to revisit the GST issue, but your Accountant will be able to advise you best. business. Intention and if you are going about your activity or Welcome to the world of small business and WAHPs. interest in a business-like manner is what defines If you would like some more tips on setting up and running ‘running a business’.

“Let’s take a closer look”

a small business. Visit www.wahppublished.com, select the Magazines menu option to see past issues and our series on ‘Starting a Business’.

A hobby is where the main return is enjoyment and not making an income or profit. You might be making pretty hair accessories for your children, family and friends. Yes you sell them, but there is no organisation. You make one and sell it ad hoc to a person you know well. Your hobby becomes a business when you get organised. Maybe you have an ebay or other online store, selling via your Facebook Page or at Markets. You have the intention to make an income or a profit.



Don’t be THAT business:

Customer Service Philosophy Do you want to take your business to the next level? Do you want to satisfy your customers and build an excellent reputation for your business? A strong customer service philosophy is an essential tool in satisfying and keeping your customers. Here are some tips to create an exceptional customer service philosophy for your business:

What does your business stand for?

It’s important to have a clear understanding of the core values of your business. Does your company value honesty? Integrity? Teamwork? A distinct set of core values provides your business with a structure for success. It also helps differentiate your business from your competitors.

Staff member involvement

It is vital for your staff members to be involved in the development of your business. All staff must be aware of the reputation and image that you are trying to create. Educate your staff members on how to deal with Appreciate your staff customers in accordance with your core values. By treating your staff well, ensuring they get paid on time and offering praise and sales incentives it ensures your staff will not transfer negativity about your business to Make a great first impression your customers. You only get one chance to make an excellent first impression. The future of your business depends on it. Treat every customer with respect and politeness. Each Be consistent customer service experience has the ability to make or It is extremely important to be consistent with your break your company’s reputation. customer service policy. Customers will only return if your customer service is of a high quality every time they shop with you.

Change your viewpoint

Don’t be afraid to ask your staff members and customers for their opinions on how to improve your business; By creating a customer service policy you can Often staff members are consumers too and should be ensure that your customers are satisfied with your treated with the same respect that your customers are. business. Satisfied customers feel as though they

have received a great product and great service for a great price; it’s that simple!

Create a customer service policy

Write a strict policy about how phone calls and emails should be answered, especially returns and complaints. By having a plan on how to deal with difficult issues it will limit negative experiences for you, your staff and more importantly, your customers.

Written By Anna Holdsworth

Next Issue: Customer Service Standards


Partnership Marketing Wouldn’t it be fantastic to rapidly expand We had a chat with a couple of WAHP businesses your brand exposure? Partnering up with who are doing just that. complementary businesses is working well for many WAHP businesses. Rachel Webb from Rachel’s Home Child Care Nanny Agency believes that partnering with Boost your business profile and brand exposure other businesses is a ‘wonderful idea’ and has through network and partnership marketing. proved very successful for her business. Rachel’s Is there a business that has a complementary business is based in Sydney, the Riveriena and product or service? Murray regions, Brisbane and the Gold Coast. Of course there is. This is your opportunity to seek out businesses that you can work with in partnership to a common goal - increased brand exposure.

“We work with numerous other businesses, either to provide a service to them or to their clients. One example is for fitness groups and function centres, we offer a crèche.”


Tiona Hall of In Loving Memory of Cash is What do you look for in a another WAHP business that is finding success Collaborative Business? with partnership marketing. A very new partnership with Ti Amo Bella Jewellery and A partnership with other business needs to Gasp Personalised Photo Gifts is already seeing be based upon an equal share of benefit to great results. all parties. A common theme such as Tiona’s partnership where each business is targeting “We all offer personalised products that are the same market, with personalised products suited to pregnancy and infant loss so our target while similar, also complementing each other. markets are very similar. I am even sharing a market stall with Ti Amo Bella Jewellery next Alternately, your partnerships could be built Saturday at The Handmade Expo in Ipswich. We upon a supply and demand focus as in Rachel’s also have a collaboration giveaway coming up business partnerships. Her business offers an on Facebook to celebrate our partnership.” add-on service to other business’ customers. Remember, the key word here is partnership. It is important that at the outset, all expectations of each business partner be understood fully.

Rachel’s Home Child Care Nanny Agency www.facebook.com/rhccagency

In Loving Memory of Cash -


We look forward to hearing more of your partnership marketing stories, so please visit our Facebook page and share your experiences.

Ti Amo Bella Jewellery -


Gasp Personalised Photo Gifts -


WAHP Published -




Frantic in the Kitchen With Sofia Christo - Your Inspiration at Home Consultant ID: 1745701

The range includes the very popular Dip Mixes in a huge variety of flavours, seasonings, rubs, infused extra virgin olive oils. There are delicious balsamic vinegars, couscous herb & spice blends and amazing salt & pepper dusts. Savoury & sweet Dukkah’s are most popular and for the dessert lovers there are chocolate powders, aromatic sugars & baking spices. Our Herbal teas are incredible too!

Quality Ingredients: • Manufactured in Australia from local and imported ingredients • No added gluten • No added MSG • Low in salt • No added preservatives

The $59 Social Networking Kit My aim is to make cooking easier and tastier with less effort using the YIAH products and showing people that cooking delicious meals need not be hard labour. I will be showcasing the following products today : the Morroccan Marrakesh Bazaar, Louisiana Creole Dip Mix, The Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Powder and Chocolate Almond Dukkah. For product catalogue or to become a distributor please email all enquiries to sofiayiah@gmail.com .You can also peruse my website and shop: www.sofiachristopoulos.yourinspirationathome.com.au

YIAH - www.facebook.com/YIAHsofia Website - www.sofiachristopoulos.yourinspirationathome.com.au Frantic in the Kitchen - www.facebook.com/FranticInTheKitchen


MY NUTS ABOUT ALMOND CAKE Ingredients - Serves 4 2 tablespoons YIAH Chocolate Almond Dukkah 2 tablespoons hot water 1/2 cup Natvia (or sugar of your choice) 4 eggs separated. 1/2 cup Bertolli Light in Taste Olive Oil 1/4 cup Almond spread (I used Macro Natural Almond spread) 3/4 cup plain flour 1/4 tsp cream of tartar 1 tsp bi-carbonate of soda 1/4 cup almond flakes 3/4 cup almond meal 1/4 cup slivered almonds 1 tablespoon honey I initially made this cake in mind for a layered dessert. Dipped cake in coffee layers of whipped cream and almonds. Since making it I realized it was more than that…a light flavoursome treat with coffee or tea. Smothered in something moist like whipped cream, melted chocolate or sugar syrup it is enhanced to another level. This recipe is really very versatile as the use of Bertolli Light tasting Olive Oil does not over power the other flavours.

Method 1. Pre-heat oven to 180 degrees celsius. Use a 20 cm spring form pan lined with baking paper ( I used a silicone pan sprayed with a little oil) 2. Beat egg yolks, sugar until creamy. Add almond butter, oil, bicarb, hot water and almond spread. Beat briefly until mixed. Add flours, beat for a further 30 seconds on low. 3. In a separate bowl beat the egg whites with cream of tartar until stiff peaks form. Fold the egg whites in 2 batches into the other prepared ingredients until just combined. 4. Pour into pan and bake for 30 – 40 minutes until golden and still slightly springy in the middle. Wait 10 minutes then transfer onto a wired rack to cool. Turn over onto plate when ready for presentation. 5. On a tray lined with baking paper add almonds and honey and toast “grill” until golden brown. Smother over cake. 6. If you are intending on keeping this cake for a few days I recommend you make a sugar syrup of half a cup sugar to half a cup water. Bring to the boil and simmer for ten minutes. 7. When the cake is removed from the oven pierce the cake with a skewer in many positions and immediately pour the sugar syrup over it to soak in. Then add the honey almonds on top and Sprinkle with YIAH Chocolate Almond Dukkah


BERTOLLI NUTS ABOUT ALMONDS CAKE DESSERT IN A GLASS Ingredients - Serves 6 x 2 Cup capacity Glasses Half of‘My Nuts about Almond Cake, 4 tablespoons flaked almonds 500 ml Thickened cream PLUS Extra 100ml Thickened Cream 2 tablespoons YIAH Chocolate Raspberry Truffle powder 12 dark choc squares 1 cup hot water 2 tablespoons instant coffee

Method Use half of the ‘My Nuts about Almonds Cake’ for this delightful dessert. 1. A few days after baking this cake, I cut it into pieces and briefly dipped them into cooled cofee, layer by layer. Dissolve coffee in hot water and leave to cool. 2. Melt chocolate squares then add 100ml of thickeneed cream, stirring well to create a ganache like cosistency. 3. Place first layer of cake in glass and drizzle with the melted chocolate and cream ganache - don’t let it touch the glass or the chocolate will go hard). 4. Whip 500ml of thickened cream with YIAH Chocolate Raspberry Truffle Powder, into peaks and add a generous layer to the glass over the first cake layer.


MOROCCAN MARAKESH BAZAAR CHICKEN AND VEGETABLES Ingredients 2 tsp YIAH Moroccan Marakesh Bazaar Spice Blend 1/2 tsp YIAH Louisianna Creole Dip Mix 2 large potatoes cut into half then half again 2 large carrots cut into approx. 3 cm pieces 1 sml seet potato cut into 4 cm pieces 1 onion diced 1 can crushed tomoates 2 cups chicken stock 2 tsp olive oil ( I used Bertolli Classico) 600g chicken breast, sliced 1 cup peas ( 1 cup water extra if needed during the course of cooking)

Method 1. Put 1 tsp oil in a deep saucepan (30cm) on medium heat and cook chicken until golden in 2 batches. Set aside. 2. Add the remaining oil, and cook onion (add salt) on low heat (about 5 minutes) until soft. 3. Add YIAH Moroccan Marakesh Bazaar Spice and YIAH Louisianna Creole Dip Mix. Stir until aromatic for 1 minute. 4. Add vegetables and chicken. 5. Stir in crushed tomatoes and stock. Stir until starting to bowl. Leave on a simmer and cover with a lid. Simmer for 45 minutes or until veggies are cooked, stirring occassionally and adding the water if needed. This meal is lovely and aromatic and one of my favourites as it is so easy.


CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY CHOCOLATE POWDER SUGAR FREE COOKIES Ingredients 225g softened butter 1/2 cup NATVIA (stevia sugar substitute) 1 egg, lightly beaten 2 tablespoons YIAH Chocolate Raspberry Chocolate Powder 1 cup plain flour 1/4 cup cocoa powder 1/4 cup Almond Meal 1/4 cup 70% dark chocolate (or use sugar free chocolate if you like) approx. 2 tablespoons Chocolate Spread ( I used Sweet Williams 60% less sugar chocolate spread)

Method 1. Pre-heat oven to 190 degrees celsius. 2. Line 2 trays with baking paper. 3. Beat butter and sugar until creamy. Beat in the egg and mix in the other ingredients until combined. Stir in chopped chocolate. 4. Put mixture into the fridge for 10 minutes. 5. Spoon tablespoons of mixture and shape into balls. Space apart on lined baking trays. Use handle of a wooden spoon to make a hollow slight indentation in the centre. 6. Bake for 15 minutes. Leave to cool for 10 minutes then transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. 7. Fill in the centre with the chocolate spread. These are rich indulgent cookies and great with a cup of coffee or tea. Note - Keep in air tight container for up to 3 days. Alternatively freeze the cookies unfilled between baking paper and wrap carefully and store in the deep freeze for up to a month and fill centres when defrosted.


Are your Emails being READ?

Let’s Look at a Common Scenario You have stumbled upon a fantastic potential customer. This may have been a suggested post in your news feed on Facebook, Google search or even shared by a friend. You know that your business will be a great benefit to them. You know that if this potential customer knew about your business, they would definitely make a purchase. How do you communicate this without your message or email ending up in the spam folder or worse, deleted without even being read? You only get one shot to grab their attention, so think short, active and get your potential customer wanting to read more. Punchy Subject Lines Grab their attention! Think about your target Many people access their messages and emails customer… what key words will grab their via smartphones, so make your message easy attention. Spend an equal amount of time in to read. wording your subject line as the content of • Good use of Space your message. Turn “Visit my business” into • Dot Points “Great season specials at ABC Toys”. • Topic Headings No Nonsense Content You’re not sending an essay, so keep it short and to the point. What new ideas, solutions, products or specials are you offering? What benefits are there for your potential customer? Will it increase their sales as an add-on product or service? Target your audience. Keep your message easy to read. Use ‘plain Boost your email open rate by sending at the English’ and steer away from technical terms time your potential customer is most likely to or jargon unless your customer will understand open and read them. those terms. Think about when you check your emails. WHO - WHAT - WHERE - WHEN - HOW - WHY Studies have shown that the most effective email publishing times are from 1-2pm and These are the questions your reader wants to between 5-6pm. know.


If you have had some previous contact with a potential customer, you can add in a little personal touch. Refer to a topic or conversation you may have had previously. Personalise your message with a “Dear Susan”. If you are suggesting that a sales person will follow up, then tell them who - “Graham from our Sales Team will…”. Never mislead your potential client. If you tell them Graham will be contacting them, then Graham must contact them in the timeframe you said. If you are offering a special, then honour it. Avoid spam blacklists and always tell it straight.

By following these easy steps, you will soon build a positive reputation and an increased response to future emails and messages. Experiment a little to find what works best for your business.


Fairs & Trade Shows Are you already showcasing your products at local Markets? Why not expand your potential market base by displaying your products/services at a Industry Trade Show or Fair? As an exhibitor or a visitor - trade fairs, shows and Expos are great places to network and create good business relationships. You might even be able to forge some important marketing partnerships with other businesses. (see Partnership Marketing article on page 8)

Prices vary by size of stall and also by individual industry fairs. Keep in mind that booking deadlines for most Trade Shows are usually organised a few months in advance.

One of the main benefits for your business is the opportunity to meet large numbers of people in Getting that Face-to-Face contact with potential one place. customers and suppliers will raise awareness of your brand. Make the most of your time, by setting up appointments in advance so that you can focus Most industry sectors have a Trade Show or Fair on meeting those people most important for throughout Australia. Your products/services your business. will fit into at least one or more trade industry sectors. Remember, businesses attending a trade show or expo have been organised months in Trade shows/fairs may be run annually, bi- advance. The website of the Trade Show will annually or even monthly. They may be held usually have a list of exhibitors that you can use at a local level, regional, national or even to start making contacts well in advance. international. Look ahead now for Expos, Trade Fairs and The attraction to consumers attending a Trade Shows in your area for 2014. You can usually Fair is that there is so much on offer, depending find these via your local Chamber of Commerce on their interests. There are information or industry specific associations. activities - conferences, seminars, workshops and forums. You may find social and business networking You might be interested in attending one of activities too. these upcoming Trade Show/Fairs. But‌ the biggest opportunity for small business is the Exhibition area where stallholder/ businesses can display and showcase their products and services.


TASMANIA 1st - 4th Nov Tasmania Craft Fair - Launceston 23rd Nov Hobart Gluten Free Expo - Hobart


QUEENSLAND 16th Oct Stylin Showcase - Indooroopilly, Brisbane 18th - 20th Oct Brisbane Retirement & Lifestyle Show 8th - 10th Nov Good Food and Wine Show Brisbane

19th Oct Rydges World Square Open Day Sydney 20th Oct Wedding Expos Australia - Penrith 30th Oct Long Reef Gold Club Wedding Expo Collaroy, Sydney 3rd Nov Wedding Expo Shires - Sydney 3rd Nov Central Coast’s Annual Wedding Expo Gosford


22nd Oct Bram Leigh Bridal Expo - Croydon 25th - 27th Oct Parents, Babies and Childrens Expo - Melbourne 25th - 27th Oct Grand Designs Live - Melbourne 8th - 10th Nov Melbourne Bead Expo Melbourne 13th- 15th Nov China Clothing & Textiles Expo Melbourne 13th - 15th Nov Australian International SOUTH AUSTRALIA Sourcing Fair - Melbourne Permanent - The Australian Bridal Fair - Wayville, 14th - 17th Nov Taste of Melbourne - Melbourne Adelaide 15th - 17th MindBodySpirit Festival - Melbourne 18th - 20th Oct HIA Adelaide Home Show - 22nd - 24th Bendigo Food and Wine Expo Adelaide Bendigo 26th - 27th Oct Bridal Ideas Expo - Spring 23rd - 24th Australian Quilt Market - Melbourne 7th - 10th Nov Craft & Quilt Fair - Adelaide 22nd - 24th Nov Bowerbird Bazaar (Design Market) Adelaide 31st Nov - 1st Dec Xmas Craft & Gift Fair WESTERN AUSTRALIA Adelaide 8th - 10th Nov Hillarys Wellness Expo - Perth

Visit your local Chamber of Commerce Website to find Trade Fairs, Shows and Expos in your area.


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Connect Your Business Linkedin is a great way to promote your WAHP small Now it is time to expand your connections and network. business. Linkedin is one of the biggest networks, after Joining a Linkedin Group is a great way to expand your connections. These may be potential customers, people Facebook, YouTube and Twitter. in a similar industry or with common interests. While The difference between Linkedin and networking sites business-focussed, Linkedin is still a social network. like Facebook and Twitter, is that that Linkedin is a business-oriented social network. There are a wave of Finding the right group to join is important; choose a group changes occurring at Linkedin that will see it compete that is active. Choose a group that would include your target market. If your business sells children’s clothes, actively with other social networks. then join a parenting group. Be an active participant in Many people are tired of the spam, idle chatter that is groups you join, visit daily, comment and respond. synonymous with Facebook and Twitter. They are serious about their business. If you are too, then Linkedin might A Linkedin Group can form an active part of your marketing be a viable marketing and networking option for your strategy. Announce events, invite people to sign up/visit business. your website and even promote your products to the group. Your business might be the solution to a group members problem or meet a need. Get started with Linkedin If you are not already a member, you firstly need to go to You can also start your own groups on Linkedin. Of course the website - www.linkedin.com and create a login. Next as the originator, you become the source of knowledge, a step is to fully complete your profile. This information is person of authority. Not a bad place to be. what will get people to come and check you out.

What are the benefits of Linkedin for your business?

You are now ready to create a Linkedin Company Page for your business. You can do this from the resume section of your profile. You already have a Facebook business Gain exposure for your products - the search feature page - why do you need another one? allows others to find you, similar to Google search. Gain introductions - Linkedin business connections boost The difference between Facebook and Linkedin, is that your market reach - people you might under normal you can control the content that your potential customers circumstances, never have connected with. will see, unlike Facebook’s Edgerank algorithm that Display recommendations - show prospective customers controls what posts are seen. testimonials which increase your business credibility. Your Linkedin Company/Business page remains unchanged, unless you change it without compromising its intractability. Your visitors can click n tabs to access different sections of your page; it is like having your own mini-website. You can add rich media - videos, sound files and slides. Showcase your products under the ‘Products and Services’ tab. You are Linkedin to the network, so what to do next? Time to market your business and make some connections search for people you already know and connect with them first.


Make Linkedin work for your business Post regular status updates Be an active participant in groups Send messages and invitations to your network and group members Answer questions There are infinite possibilities with proactive marketing of your business with Linkedin. Try it today and explore the vast Linkedin connective network. Links Linkedin Company Page Help http://help.linkedin.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/710

Work Life Balance Running a WAHP business can be hectic at times. Business is booming - orders are coming in thick and fast. Finding that balance between work and the rest of your life can be difficult at times.

Being a work at home parent, running your business from home can put a big strain on not just yourself, but the entire family unit. You work, eat, sleep, interact all in the same place.

Without a healthy work like balance, you will What do we mean about ‘rest of your life’. We lose your appetite and drive for your business. are talking about everything else that doesn’t Not to mention, the deterioration in your family and friend relationships. revolve around your business and work. Achieve a healthy Work Life Balance by -

- family - friends - hobbies - sport - relaxation

1. Setting routine work hours for your WAHP business. 2. Allocate family time with your spouse and children. 3. Make sure you spend time with friends in a social setting outside of the home/work environment. It sometimes seems as if you don’t have any 4. Don’t forget a little bit of ‘ME’ time too. time left after working at your business. Sound familiar?

“All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy” This proverb more commonly means that without time off from work, a person becomes both bored and boring. Let’s pare it down to basics - just no fun at all.

It is fantastic to work for yourself, set your own hours and make an income off the sweat of But… the word dull can also mean blunt, your own brow. Without a balanced lifestyle without edge. Translate this to lacking in where every part of your life is enriched, then energy and enthusiasm, drained and stressed. the success and achievements can feel empty. Take time out, a few moments is all it takes to assess your lifestyle and ‘work life balance’. Make a few adjustments where it is needed most to ensure that you, your family and friends enjoy your new balanced lifestyle.


HALLOWEEN Spooky Fun Crafts

Halloween Moon This Halloween moon is easy to do and lots of fun. You might need to help younger children with cutting out the bat shapes, but they will enjoy sticking them to their “moon”.

What You’ll Need: Silver card black paper Glue

Make It: 1 Cut a circle from silver card, using a large plate or similar as a template. 2. Cut out some bats from black paper, using our bat template. 3. Glue your bats so they are flying across the moon.


Halloween Silhoette Painting Kids will enjoy the fun of silhouette painting. It is a clever way for kids of all ages to create a spooky Halloween picture.

What You’ll Need: Black paper Silver paint Our Halloween templates Scrap paper

Make It: 1. Fold the scrap paper in half and cut a semi-circle shape from the centre. 2. Open out the paper so you have a frame with a circle missing. 3. Lay this on top of the black paper. 4. Print and cut out the bat templates. . 5. Lay the template over the circle on the black paper. 6. With a thick paint brush, dab on silver paint. Hold the scrap paper and template still. 7. Peel away the scrap paper and template.


Salt Dough Ghosts Bring out the Spooky Halloween Spirit in your home with these mini sprites. Great for party decorations or just for a little Halloween fun.

What You’ll Need: 1 cup flour 1 cup salt 1/2 cup water Bowl Wooden spoon Fine-point permanent black marker

Make It: 1. Combine the flour, salt, and water in a bowl. Stir the mixture with a wooden spoon until smooth 2. Divide the dough into 6 equal pieces and shape each into a ghost, flattening the base so it will stand up. 3. Microwave the ghosts on a plate one or two at a time for 20- to 30-second intervals until the dough is fairly firm (about 1 1/2 to 2 minutes in total). Let the ghosts cool (they can get quite hot). 4. Use a fine-point permanent black marker to draw on eyes and a mouth.


Where is your Local Market?


QLD Markets Creative Markets


Last Sunday

Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary Farmers Mkt


Daintree Village Markets


Every Day

All Welcome Redbank Saturday Market

Redbank Plains

2nd & 4th Saturdays

Darling Downs Farmers Market


1st & 3rd Sunday

Atherton Market


1st Saturday

Eagle Farm Market


Every Sunday

Beaudesert Market


1st Saturday

Every Sunday

Boonah Country Markets

Eagle Street Pier Craft & Deli Market


3rd Sunday


2nd Sunday

Emu Park Lions Picnic Market

Emu Park

Boutique Markets Bowen Lions Market


Every Sunday

Esk Saturday Market


Every Saturday

Bribie Island Markets at the Marina

Bribie Island

Every Saturday

Eumundi Pavillion Markets


Every Wed & Sat

Brisbane Marketplace Saturday Fresh Markets


Every Saturday

Evergreen North Lakes Market

North lakes

Every Saturday

Brisbane Marketplace Sunday Discovery Markets

Every Sunday

Redbank Plains

Every Friday


Farmers Market @ Redbank Plains

Burleigh Heads

Every Friday


Every Wednesday

Friday Night Lantern Markets


2nd Saturday

New Farm

2nd & 4th Saturday

Gatton Community Markets

Every Sunday


1st & 3rd Sunday

Gold Coast Turf Club Farmers Market


Broadbeach Art & Craft Market


Bulcock Street Markets

Good Buy Baby Market

21 May, 30 July, 22 Oct


Every Sunday


1st Saturday

Bundall – Farmers Market

Gordonvale Cottage Markets


Every Sunday

Herberton Market


3rd Sunday

Burdekin Junior Eisteddfod Markets


2nd & 4th Sundays

Howard Market


1st Saturday

Burdekin Market traders Co-op

2nd & 4th Sundays


Every Sunday


Imbil Central Park Markets

Burleigh Heads Art & Craft Market

Burleigh Heads


2nd Sunday

Last Sunday

Innot Hot Springs Market

Burleigh Heads Farmers Market

Burleigh Heads

Every Saturday

Ipswich Showplace Markets


Every Sunday

Isis Flea Market


4th Saturday

Cameron Park Markets


3rd Saturday

Jimboomba Country Market


3rd Saturday

Canon Hill Flea Market

Cannon Hill

Every Sunday

Kairi Market


2nd Sunday

Canungra Village Market


Last Sunday

Koala Markets

Hervey Bay

2nd,4th & 5th Sunday

Carrara Farmers Markets



Kuranda Market


Every Wed, Thu, Fri & Sun

Carrara Markets


Every Sat & Sun

Laidley Country Market


4th Saturday

Chandler Markets


Every Sunday

Laidley Street Market


Every Friday

Chinchilla Visitor Information Centre Markets

Lantern Market

Every Friday


3rd Sunday

Logan City Centre Market


Every Sunday

Cleveland Village Bayside Markets


Mackay City Centre Markets


Every Sunday

Brisbane Marketplace Twilight Fresh Markets Brisbane Powerhouse Farmers Markets



QLD Markets Cont.

Axeman’s Makers Market


Every Sunday

Baby & Kids Market


Burnie Farmers Market


1st & 3rd Saturday

Civic Homespun Market


2nd & 4th Saturday

Collinsvale & District Makers & Growers Market


Cygnet Market


1st & 3rd Sundays

Daisy Chains and Desert Boots Market


1st Sunday

Deloraine Showgrounds Market


1st Saturday

Devenport Farmers Market


2nd & 4th Saturday

Dodges Artisans & Farmers Market

Dodges Ferry

3rd Sunday

Mackay Victoria Street Market


Every Sunday

Malanda Lions Market


Maleny Art Craft & Collectables Market


Every Sunday

Evandale Sunday Markets


Every Sunday

Mareeba Market


2nd Saturday

Evandale Sunday Markets


Every Sunday

Marina Mirage Farmers Markets

The Spit

Every Saturday

Farm Gate Market


Every Sunday

Market On The Mountain

Nth Tamborine

Last Sunday

Harvest Launceston Community Farmers’ Market


Every Saturday

Maryborough Heritage City Market


Every Thursday

Huon Valley Growers and Makers Market


4th Sunday Sept-May

Mirani Markets


3rd Sunday

Mt Molloy Market

Mt Molloy

1st Saturday

Kingston Rotary Sunday Market


Every Sunday

Mudgeeraba Farmers Markets


1st & 3rd Saturday

Launceston Esk Market


Every Sunday

Mulgowie Farmers Market


Every Sunday


1st Saturday

Launceston Farmers Market Lilydale Village Market


2nd Sunday

Mummy Tree Markets



Margate Wednesday Community Market


Every Wednesday

Nanango Country Market


1st Saturday

Nerang Markets


Every Sunday

Meet the Producer Market


Every Sunday

Nobby Country Markets


1st Saturday

Oatlands Mini Farmers Market


3rd Sunday

Noosa Farmers Markets


Every Sunday

Salamanca Market


Every Saturday

Noosa Marina Markets


Every Sunday

Snug Market


Last Sunday

Northey Street Organic Market


Every Saturday

The Huonville Market


1st & 3rd Sunday

Northside Markets


Every Sunday

The Market @ Franklin


Last Sunday

The Market @ Penguin


Every Sunday

The Nook Market

New Town

The Saturday Market



Turners Beach Farm Gate Market

Turners Beach

Last Sunday

West Tamar Lions Club

West Tamar

1st Sunday

Winter Market @ Franklin


4th Sunday

Wynyard Farmers Market


2nd & 4th Saturday

Nundah Farmers Markets Organic Gold Coast Farmers Market Oxley State School Craft Market and Carboot Sale


Every Sunday


Every Sunday


Last sunday in March, July and October


WA Markets

NT Markets Darwin Night Market


Every Day

Heavitree Gap Bush Markets

Alice Springs

2nd Sunday

Mindil Beach Sunset Market

Mindil Beach

Every Thur & Sun

Todd Mall Market

Alice Springs

SA Markets Enfield Plaza Market Emporium


Every Fri, Sat, Sun

Farmer’s Market @ Myponga Bank


Every Sunday

Mallala Community Markets


Marion’s Art and Craft Market


3rd Sunday

Market Square Adelaide


Every Sunday

Market Square Adelaide


Every Sunday

Meadows Country Market


2nd Sunday

Mt Gambier Blue Lake Sunday Market

Mt Gambier

Every Sunday

Original Open Market

Christies Beach

1st & 3rd Sunday

Pooraka Sunday Market


Every Sunday

The Goumet Food & Farmers Market @ Myponga Bank


Every Sunday

Waikerie Markets


Albany Farmers Market


Every Saturday

Boulder Markets


3rd Sunday

Boyanup Farmers Market


4th Sunday

City Farm Perth Organic Growers Market

East Perth

Every Saturday

Dwellingup Country Craft Market


Gascoyne Growers Markets


Every Saturday May-October

Kalamunda Farmers Market


Every Sunday

Kununurra Markets Inc.


Every Saturday

Manjimup Farmers Market


3rd Saturday

Margaret River Farmers Market

Margaret River

2nd Sunday

Midland Military Markets


Every Fri, Sat & Sun

Palmyra Western Farmers Market


Every Sunday

Perth Upmarket



Yanchep Sunday Markets


3rd Sunday

ACT Markets


Boulevard Market


Canberra Southside Farmers Market


Every Sunday

Capital Region Farmers Markets


Every Saturday

Ginninderra Village Markets

Gold Creek

4th Sunday

Gorman House Arts


Every Saturday

Hall Markets


1st Sunday

Old Bus Depot Market


Every Sunday

Tuggeranong Homestead Market


2nd Sunday

NSW Markets Aberdeen Market


3rd Sunday

Albury/Wodonga Community Market


Every Sunday

Alstonville Community Market


2nd Sunday

Captains Flat

1st Saturday

Armidale PCYC Markets in the Mall

Captains Flat Country Market


Last Sunday

Caringbah Markets


Last Sunday

Art & Design Market





Art Bazaar


2nd Sunday

Celebrating Design Artisan Market

Avoca Beachside Markets

Channon Craft Market

The Channon

2nd Sunday


4th Sunday

Chillingham Markets


2nd Sunday

Ballina Market


3rd Sunday

Chinatown Night Market


Every Friday

Bangalow Farmers Market


Every Saturday

Coastal Crafts Handmade Market

Albion Park Rail

4th Saturday

Banora Point Farmers Market

Banora Point

1st and 3rd Sunday

Coledale School market


4th Sunday

Colo Vale Market

Colo Vale

4th Saturday


2nd Sunday

Bathurst Artisan Markets


Como Craft & Antique Market

Bathurst Region Farmers Market


4th Saturday

Concord Hospital Volunteers Market


Every Thursday

Bathurst Showground Markets


2nd Sunday

Condobolin Community Markets


Beachside Farmers & Friends Markets


Coolangatta Art & Craft Market


2nd Sunday

Belmont Market


Every Sunday

Billycart Markets



Coonabarabran Craft & Local Produce Market


4th Sunday

Bilpin Market


Every Saturday

Cootamundra Market


2nd Sunday

BJ Bazaar

Bondi Junction


Last Sunday

Blackheath Craft Markets

Country Art & Craft Market


3rd Sunday

Croydon Market


Blacktown Drive in Market

Every Sun & Mon


Every Sunday


3rd Saturday

Blue Gum Rotary Market

Dalmeny Saturday Market by the Greens


4th Saturday

Danks Street Markets


Every Sat & Sun

Blue Mountains Market


Last Sunday

Davistown Market



Bondi Beach Community Night Market

Bondi Beach

Tues, Fri & Sat

Dean Park Community Markets

Dean Park

Bondi Junction Organic Food & Farmers Markets

Drake Markets


Last Saturday

Bondi Junction

Dubbo Farmers Market


1st & 3rd Saturday

Bondi Markets

Bondi Beach

Every Sunday

Bowenfells Station Market


2nd Sunday


1st Saturday

Dubbo Showground Market

Branxton Lions Club Inc - Market Day


3rd Sunday


10th July 2010


BullaBurra Markets


1st Saturday

Engadine Lions Club Market


1st Sunday

Bundanoon Village Market


1st & 3rd Sunday

Erina Fair Art and Craft Market


1st Saturday

Bundeena Markets


1st Sunday

Ettalong Market


Every Sat & Sun

Bushland Shire Craft Fair


3rd & Last Sunday

Eveleigh Markets


Fairfield Market


Every Saturday

Camden Craft Market


3rd Saturday

Fox Farmers Market


Every Wednesday


NSW Markets Kirribilli Art & Design Markets


2nd Sunday

Kirribilli Market

Milsons Point

4th Saturday

Kogarah Town Centre Markets


Every Day

Laurieton River Walk Market


3rd Sunday

Leura Market


1st Sunday

Lions Blue Mountains Markets


Last Sunday

Lions Club Heathcote Bush Market


1st Saturday

Lions Club Lawson Park Market


2nd Saturday

Little Masterpiece Handmade Markets


Little Tacker Market

Port Stephens


Lockies Bazaar


2nd Saturday

Magpie Markets


3rd Sunday

Maitland Fair


1st Sunday

Mangrove Mountain Country Markets

Mangrove Mountain

Last Sunday

Manly Market Place


Every Sat & Sun

Medowie Markets


2nd Saturday

Miller Square Markets


Every Thursday

Milton Village Market


1st Saturday

Moama Village Craft Market


4th Sunday

Mona Vale Artisan Market

Mona Vale

2nd Saturday

Morisset Mega Market


Every Sat & Sun

Gerringong Village Markets


3rd Saturday

Glebe Market


Every Saturday

Glenbrook Village Craft Market


1st Sunday

Glenreagh Country Markets


Goulburn Market


1st Saturday

Goulburn Old Brewery Market


4th Saturday

Grafton Showground Markets


3rd Saturday

Grand Bazaar


Every Wed & Sun

Grantville Variety Market


4th Sunday

Hamilton Family Markets


2nd & 4th Saturday

Handmade in the Hunter Markets


2nd & 4th Saturday

Heritage Craft Fair

St Ives

1st Sunday

Hide & Seek


4th Sunday

Hills Living Markets

Castle Hill

4th Sunday

Hunter Valley Kids and Baby Market


4th Sunday

Hurlstone Craft and Farmers Produce Markets


4th Saturday

Mosman Village Art & Craft Market

Spit Junction

1st Saturday

Hurstville Central Rooftop Market


Last Sat & Sun

Moss Vale Charity Market

Moss Vale

5th Saturday

Huskisson Market


2nd Sunday

Inverell Sapphire City Market


3rd Saturday


3rd Sunday

Mudgee Fine Foods Farmers Market Mums & Bubs Market

Port Macquarie

2nd Saturday

Jindabyne Markets


Every Saturday


Last Sunday

Johns River Market

Johns River

2nd & 5th Saturday

Murrurundi Monthly Markets

Kangaroo Valley Village Markets


Kangaroo Valley

2nd Saturday

Murwillumbah Cottage Market

1st & 3rd Saturday

Katoomba Craft Market


2nd Sunday

Nabiac Farmers Market


Last Saturday

Kempsey Mall Markets


Every Thursday

Kempsey Showground Markets

Nambucca Heads

2nd Sunday


1st Saturday

Nambucca Heads Lions Club Charity Market

Kiama Seaside Market


3rd Sunday

Narooma Rotary Market


Kings Cross Rotary Sunday Markets

Potts Point

Every Sunday

Narrabeen Village Market


3rd Sunday

Kingscliff Beachside Farmers & Friends Markets


2nd & 4th Saturday

Newcastle City Farmers Market


Every Sunday

Kingsford Rotary Markets


Every Sunday

North Sydney Market

Nth Sydney

2nd Saturday


NSW Markets Cont. Surry Hills Market

Surry Hills

1st Saturday

Swansea Market


4th Saturday

Sydney Opera House Market


Every Sunday

Sydney Style Markets


2nd & 3rd Sunday

The Artist Market In The Vines

Port Macquarie

4th Sunday

The Bluebird Artisan Market


Every Saturday


Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun

The Channon

1st & 2nd Sunday

Panania Village Market


2nd Saturday

The Channon Craft Market

Parklea Market


The Dazzling Boutique Markets


3rd Saturday

Penrith Market


Every Wednesday

Pittwater Market with Berry Reserve Market

Moore Park

Every Sunday

Nth Narrabeen

4th Saturday

The Entertainment Quarter Market

Point Clare Charity Markets

The Entrance

Every Sunday

Point Clare


The Entrance Lions Club Market


The Express Advocate, Noodle Market


Pomona Country Markets

2nd & 4th Saturday

The Impact Markets


Last Saturday

Port Macquarie Arts Society Market

Port Macquarie

Every Sunday

The Rocks Market


Every Fri, Sat & Sun

Port Stephens Market

Salt Ash

4th Saturday

The Schoolyard Markets


2nd Sunday


1st Sunday

Now & Then Markets

Wolli Creek

2nd Sunday

Orange Region Farmers Market


2nd Saturday

Ourimbah RSL Markets



Pacific Palms Community Market

Pacific Palms

Last Sunday

Paddys Market Flemmington


Paddys Markets Haymarket

Queanbeyan Cottage Market


4th Sunday

The Sydney Collectibles & Antiques Fair

Queen Street Markets


1st Saturday

The Village Markets


4th Sunday

Warners Bay

2nd Sunday

Rainbow Region Organic Market


Every Tuesday

The Warners Bay Lions Club Community Markets

Revesby Craft Fair


4th Saturday

Tocumwal Market


2nd Saturday

Nelson Bay

2nd & 4th Sunday

Richmond Park Lions Market


2nd Saturday

Tomaree Sports Complex Markets

Riverwood Car Boot Sale


3rd Saturday

Tomerong Village Market


3rd Saturday

Robertson Market


2nd Sunday

Rooftop Market


Every Sunday

Tweed Heads PCYC Market

Tweed Heads

1st & 3rd Sunday

Rotary Club of Orange Sunday Market


Every Sunday

Ulladulla Como

Every Sunday 2nd Sunday

Rotary Market At Crows Nest

Crows Nest

Wauchope Wollongong

1st Saturday

Rozelle Market


Tue, Sat & Sun

Mount SydneyVictoria

2nd Sunday

Sacred Tree Markets


3rd Sunday

Luddenham Williamtown

2nd Sunday Sunday 3rd

Salt Water Market


1st Sunday

Shellharbour Village Market

Wallsend Windellama

Saturday 3rd Sunday


Shoalhaven Greyhound Club Markets


4th Sunday

Campbelltown Windsor Warnervale

2nd Sunday Every Sunday 3rd Saturday

South Sydney Industrial Markets


1st Saturday


Every Sunday

Stroud Heritage Growers and Artisans Market



4th Sunday

Wollongong Produce & Creative Traders Mkt

Waterfront Craft Market


2nd Sunday

Wollongong Shopping Mall Market


Wauchope Community Markets


1st Saturday

Wollongong Weekend Market


Western Sydney Community Indoor Market


Woodenbong Yowie Country Market


Williamtown Craft Market


3rd Sunday


2nd Saturday

Windellama Hall Country Market

Woolgoolga Beach Market


3rd Sunday

Wyee Markets


2nd Saturday

Yanco Village Market


Last Sunday

Yass Craft Market


3rd Saturday

Windsor Mall Craft Market


Every Sunday

Wingham Showground Farmers Market


1st Saturday

Ulladulla Coastal Patrol Waterfront Craft Market Market Wauchope Community University of Wollongong Markets Markets Western Sydney ComVic and Albert Market munity Indoor Market Vicary’s Winery Vineyard Williamtown Craft Market Fair Windellama Hall Country Wallsend Markets Market Waminda Craft Markets Windsor Mall Craft Warnies Market Community Markets Wingham Showground Farmers Market


Colac Sunday Market


3rd Sunday

Main Street Market Mornington


Collingwood Childrens’ Farmers’ Market


2nd Saturday

Maldon Community Market


2nd Sunday

Community Market Yarrawonga


3rd Sunday

Melbourne Show Grounds Market


Every Sunday

Cowes Market


Every Sunday

Monkey Markets Eltham


Various Sundays

Cranbourne Public Market


1st Sunday

Monkey Markets Moorabbin


Various Sundays

Mount Waverley Market

Mount Waverley

2nd Sunday

Murrabit Country Market


1st Saturday

VIC Markets Acorn Community Market


Creations At CanterburyCraft Market


Akoonah Park Market


Every Sunday

Dandenong Market


Every Tue, Fri & Sat

Alexandra Produce & Craft Market


3rd Saturday

Daylesford Mill Markets


Every Day

Nagambie Lakes Community Market


1st Saturday

Altona Beach Market

Altona Beach

Every Tuesday

Daylesford Sunday Market


Every Sunday

Numurkah Lions Broken Creek Market


3rd Saturday

Babushka Moo Markets


Various Dates


Every Mon, Tue & Wed

Nunawading Market


4th Sunday

Baccus Marsh Country Craft Market

Bacchus Marsh

2nd Thursday

Deakin University Market Burwood Campus Doongala Trade Market


Ballarat Lakeside Farmers Market


1st & 4th Sat

Dromana Drive In Sunday Market


Every Sunday

Bank Street Market

South Melbourne

3rd Saturday

Drysdale Community Market


3rd Sunday

Beaufort Market


1st Saturday

Eaglehawk Lions Lakeside Market


3rd Saturday

Bendigo Prince of Wales Showground



Bentleigh Rotary Sunday Market


Every Sunday

3rd Saturday Oct - Apr

Berwick Akoonah Park Market

Every Sunday



Fairfiels Farmers Market

3rd Saturday

Bittern Country Market

Every Sunday



Fairhaven’s Davistown RSL Markets

Blackburn Station Art & Craft Market

2nd Saturday

Frankston Sunday Market



Every Sunday

St Kilda Esplanade Market

St Kilda

Every Sunday

Boronia Sunday Craft Market

Garfield Variety Market



Every Sunday

Last Sunday

Sunbury Craft Market


1st Saturday

Boroondara Farmers Market

East Hawthorn

3rd Saturday

Geelong Greyhounds Sat Community Market

Beckley Park

Every Saturday

Sunday Market at the Arts Centre


Every Sunday

Bundoora Park Farmers Market


1st Saturday

Geelong Mill Markets

North Geelong

Every Day

Sunday Market Bazaar

St Arnaud

Last Sunday

Buninyong Country Market


1st Sunday

Geelong Showgrounds Market

Geelong East

Every Sunday

Swan Hill Community Market

Swan Hill

2nd Saturday

Gembrook Market


4th Sunday

Taralye Children’s Market



Gisborne “Olde Time” Craft Market


1st Sunday

The Childrens Market - Bendigo



Caledonian Art, Craft & Produce Market Camberwell Rotary Market

Ballarat Camberwell

1st Sunday Every Sunday

Emu Plains Market

Nyora Craft & Produce Market Prahran Market Oakleigh Rotary Market Queen Victoria Ocean Grove Craft Market & Produce Market Riverbank Art & Peninsular Mill Craft Market Romsey Craft Piazza Italia MarMarket ket - On Lygon Rotary Club Village Pipeworks Market Market Shirt and Skirts Point Cook ComMarket munity Market South Melbourne Market

Nyora South Yarra Oakleigh Melbourne Ocean Grove Wangaratta Seaford Romsey Carlton Mount WaCampbellfield verly Abbotsford Point Cook South Melbourne

3rd Saturday Every Sunday Every Thu, Fri, Sat, 1st SunSun day 4th Sun day 2nd Sun3rd Sunday day Every Sat & Sun 3rd Sun1st Sunday day

Gravel Hill Market


2nd Saturday

The Designer Craft Market @ Buninyong


Every Saturday

Healesville Community Market


1st Sunday

The Esplanade Market, St Kilda

St Kilda

Every Sunday

Indie Market Place

Box Hill

2nd Saturday

The Substation Artists Market


1st Saturday


Every Fri, Sat & Sun

Caribbean Gardens Market


Every Wed, Fri & Sun

Caroline Springs Community Market

Caroline Springs

2nd Sunday

Kensington Arts and Craft Market


4th Saturday


Every Saturday

Every Sunday

Ceres Market

Brunswick East

Thomastown Market

Kids Market Central Victoria


Every Saturday

Surrey Hills

Chelsea RSL Indoor Market

3rd Saturday


3rd Sunday

Treasures@Trinity Craft Market

Kingsbury Drive Community Market


Every Sunday

Cheltenham Rotary Market

Upper Ferntree Gully Market

Upper Ferntree Gully

Every Sat & Sun


Koowee Community Market

Koo Wee Rup

1st Sunday


3rd Saturday

Latrobe Country Markets

1st Saturday


Every Sunday

Warrandyte Community Craft Market

Laverton Rubble & Riches Market

Every Sat & Sun

Warrnambool Weekly Market



Wesley Hill Market



4th Saturday

Every Saturday

Whittlesea Market


St Kilda

Every Sunday

3rd Saturday

Yarra Valley Farmers Market


3rd Sunday

Yerambooee Community Market

Hoppers Crossing

3rd Saturday

Campbellfield Market

Cherished Once More Baby & Childrens Mkt

Ferntree Gully

Coburg Trash & Treasure Market


Colac Sunday Market


Every Sunday 3rd Sunday

Collingwood Childrens’ Farmers’ Market


2nd Saturday

Community Market Yarrawonga


3rd Sunday

Little Treasures Indoor Craft Market Living Art Market Main Street Market Mornington



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