WAHP Published - May 2013 Issue

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WAHP Published s

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Mothers day Edition Drop Shipping Sourcing your Products


Rock a Buy Baby & Boutique Markets

Secret Shopper Adventures


Recipes for Mothers Day Breakfast (kid friendly)

Top 10 Social Media Tips

a SPECIAL PRESENT FOR MUM Arts and Crafts for Kids

Issue Four May 2013

“Showcasing Australian Work At Home Parents”

Contents Page 16

Breakfast in Bed for Mum with Frantic in the Kitchen


Exclusive Interview with Rock a Buy Baby Markets Rock a Buy Boutique Markets


NAB National Small Business Summit at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre on 24th - 25th July


Adventures of a Secret Shopper


A Special Present for Mum Easy Crafts for Kids to Make


Top 10 Social Media Tips for 2013


Your Health and Fitness with Carly Grossek

10 30 Money Saving Tips


Plexus Newsletter

Shipping 12 Drop Sourcing your Products



15 100 Business Ideas


WAHP Published Advertising Rates


Editors Desk

If you would like to be included in our magazine as an advertiser or feature Email advertising@wahppublished.com for more information.

Editors Desk Welcome to our 4th issue of WAHP Published and also our very special Mothers Day Issue. This issue is jammed pack full of interesting articles for both your family and of course your business. In this issue, I had a chat with a Brisbane WAHP business - Rock a Buy Boutique Markets and for all our baby businesses, Rock a Buy Baby Markets. It was great catching up with Michelle and having a chat about her Markets. Take a look on page 3 to read my interview with this inspiring Market business. Do you love our cover photo this issue? Melissa from Colonial Candlez won our Cover Photo Competition. I had a chat with Melissa and asked her what Mothers Day is like in her household.

The magazine is now bi-monthly and there are exciting events coming up for WAHP Published, we are sure there are also many exciting times ahead for your business too. We would love to hear about them. We now have a Submissions section and we are very interested in receiving articles for future issues. As with all business, we have been working on making WAHP Published the best magazine for you. This means putting together articles that are important to YOU. Not just your business, but as work at home parents your family is a very big influence. Life can get very busy, so take a few moments to recharge your batteries and enjoy a good read.

Helen Dayman Editor WAHP Published

Melissa said “Hmm... Mothers Day in my house, usually is about hubby giving me something 2 weeks early! My 20 yo usually asks me 20 questions about what I want then opts for a block of chocolate, which gets given back to him as I don’t eat chocolate lol. My daughter (18yo) is usually the more thoughtful of the givers, in the sense she will give something she likes hehe. And then comes the youngest at 15, he’s the one who buys (or makes) some thing for me - that really is for me!” We have a bumper issue for you. Mothers Day is almost here. Frantic in the Kitchen has put together a few easy recipes for the kids to make Mum breakfast in bed. We also have some beautiful craft ideas for Mothers Day presents. We also have articles to help you in your business. Adam from Bee Recognised has put together some great Social Media tips. If you are thinking of starting a new business, but are stuck on the type of business you want, check out our list of 100 Business ideas. Brisbane will be the venue for the 2013 NAB National Small Business Summit. This year it is ideally placed only 2 months before the Federal Election. The Summit will be a mix of opportunities for Small Business Associations and organisations to help set policies with government as well as many informative sessions for small business owners. There is an Exhibilition that may be a great opportunity to showcase your business.

Contact Email Addresses -

For display advertising and Catalogue advertising@wahppublished.com

To contact the Editor editor@wahppublished.com

To submit an article submissions@wahppublished.com

Exclusive Interview


Rock a Buy Baby Markets Rock a Buy Boutique Markets Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: What type of stalls do you have at each of the Markets?

Keeping with our theme of family leading up to Mothers Day, I interviewed Michelle Moore from Rock a Buy Baby Markets and Rock a Buy Boutique Markets in Brisbane.

Michelle Moore - Rock a Buy Boutique Markets: Rock a Buy Baby Markets is a new and pre loved baby and children’s markets. It boasts over 75 stalls with everything for Mums, babies, children and from ages 0-10 years. We are so proud of the high quality of pre loved goods that go through our markets. The business stalls offer beautiful shoes, hair accessories, modern cloth nappies, designer clothing and much more. We also have a fantastic range of food and coffee stalls as well.

Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: Can you tell me a little about how you started the Markets in Brisbane? Michelle Moore - Rock a Buy Boutique Markets: Rock a buy baby markets at Strathpine, Brisbane was the first market I started. I wanted a market that could assist parents in giving their children the best of goodies but at prices that we can all afford in this day and age. I also wanted a place where parents could sell their goodies in great condition, make some money, have fun and sell those goodies they no longer needed. I have a number of years in marketing and advertising I wanted the markets to be something as a mum of four I would want to go to. So what did I feel were concerns when I went to other markets?

Rock a Buy Boutique Markets boasts over 80 stalls with everything for Mums, ladies, kiddies and your homes. So you are sure to see loads of beautiful handmade and designer ladies and children’s clothing, jewellery, home decor, shoes, also a fantastic range of food and coffee stalls as well. Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: Being a WAHP can be difficult at times, how do you juggle your time with family and running both Market businesses?

Aisles were not wide enough, felt stressful as it was rather squashed and there would be 20 people at one stall trying to grab bargains, so I wanted somewhere that had loads of open space and also room for growth. A place where people could come that was really friendly and where they got honest answers to their questions. I also wanted there to be new products as well as pre loved. I wanted this for the variety but also so that I could assist WAHP and hobbyists. Rock a buy baby markets has gone from strength to strength which saw us win the 2012 Quest new business of the year awards which we were so very thrilled to have won.

Michelle Moore - Rock a Buy Boutique Markets: It can be difficult. My saving grace is my wonderful husband. I have four children and I have married the most wonderful Dad in Australia, sorry ladies, but I did. The fantastic thing is me not working full time and doing one of the Markets now means, yes I am working but I am working around my beautiful children. I have a 15, 8, 5 and 3 year old so it can certainly resemble a circus at my home… however if they are out with daddy or asleep that is my time to go gung ho and get my work done. I am known for being seen on Face book still at 2-3am in the morning.

In October 2012 I found myself in a position where I could open another market. A boutique new only market which so many of our shoppers at the other markets had been asking me to do. I wanted stall holders to have the opportunity to attend a boutique markets with their beautiful goodies however not pay the huge stall fees that some boutique markets expect. I wanted to really be able to make it affordable and also in a great part of Brisbane. So when I came across Aviation high school, at Clayfield it all just fell into place.

Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: Mothers Day is only a few days away. Do you have any specials or plans for stall holders at your Markets leading up to Mothers Day? Michelle Moore - Rock a Buy Boutique Markets: Our last Rock a Buy Boutique Markets saw us with some stunning stalls boasting some beautiful wares and specials for Mother’s Day.

Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: Love the name of the Markets, how did you decide on these names?

Our Rock a Buy Baby Markets at Strathpine is next Saturday and as we have free lucky door prizes every month this month one of the prizes is a beautiful hamper for Mums. So we really want mums to feel very special this Mother’s Day.

Michelle Moore - Rock a Buy Boutique Markets: I wanted something that said baby, but was also catchy. One night whilst it was all coming together I just had a thought.... Rock a Buy Baby Markets was born. So when I started the Boutique Markets, I wanted it to run as a separate entity however I still very much wanted the connection with the success we have had from Rock a Buy Baby Markets. With the Boutique Markets I also did not want it to be just about children. I wanted it to be for ladies, Mums, home decor, jewellery all the lovely things us ladies love!

Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: A little birdie told me that you use your background in marketing, advertising and public relations as a power for good? Michelle Moore - Rock a Buy Boutique Markets: One of the things I wanted when I thought about how I could make our markets different from the rest is that I appreciated many folks wanted to start a business, however they had no idea where to start. So through word of mouth it got out that I offered extensive advertising when you are a stall holder at either of our markets. I want to see others succeed too, not just myself. When I see someone struggling with their business I am always happy to say ‘Hey, can I give you some advice’. We are all here to help each other and I feel this has been a very strong point in our success of the markets.

Helen Dayman - WAHP Magazine: Where do you hold your markets and are you looking to expand to other locations? Michelle Moore - Rock a Buy Boutique Markets: We currently have markets in two locations. Rock a Buy Baby Markets new and pre loved is at Strathpine Community Centre in Mecklem Street, Strathpine. Rock a Buy Boutique Markets is at Aviation high School, Widdop St, Clayfield, Brisbane. The Strathpine new and pre loved markets is at what I consider to being close to self sufficient and is very well known in Brisbane. Once I get the Rock a Buy Boutique Markets almost at that point then yes, I will certainly be looking at doing another one. I have had numerous requests from shoppers. Please open one here, please open one there.


Rock a Buy Baby Markets - 1st Saturday of every month Rock a Buy Boutique Markets - 3rd Saturday of every month www.facebook.com/Rockabuyboutiquemarkets (Check if date changes) Email - rockabuyboutiquemarkets@gmail.com

Adventures of a Secret Shopper Luckily the sales assistant was a grandmother herself and took the situation in her stride. She patted my son’s sticky head and chucked him under the chin, then patted my shoulder and said she understood and not to worry about the mess. By this time, I felt like my evaluation of the store wasn’t going so well and it was me who needed to be evaluated. So, as if this trip couldn’t get any worse, my recently toilet trained child let loose all over the floor. My heart also dropped to The other day I received an email from a customer the floor and was consequently covered in urine. satisfaction website that offered me a chance to be a secret shopper. I recalled about a year ago that I registered with a website who would occasionally contact me to conduct secret store reviews in my area. I thought this would the perfect job for me and I could do it with my son in tow. What I should have realised first of all is that shopping with a toddler is difficult, to say the least, at the best of times. Now try adding a toddler who barely slept all night, was cranky to begin with and insisted on bringing just about every toy that he owned. So we arrived at the store (I can’t say which one it was, but it was small and sold clothing), my son was in a trolley, mainly to accommodate the hundred toys or so. We went in, I will admit that I was excited and had my iPhone clutched in my Once again, the amazingly understanding assistant hand, ready to take notes and rate the store’s overall came over armed with a stack of paper towels which appearance, cleanliness and customer service. I gratefully took and cleaned up the mess. I might add, we had barely moved past the security beeper The clothes were beautifully presented, neatly thing when the ill-fated tomato incident closely spaced on the racks, a big thing to an OCD sufferer followed by the pee incident occurred. After I had like myself, the posters were straight and the cleaned up our mess and apologised profusely to store smelled like vanilla. So far so good! My first the loveliest sales assistant I had ever met, I left the contact with the staff was a lovely older lady who store with a red face and a screaming toddler. It’s came over to say hello and admire my little boy, safe to say that I rated the store very highly for each who to my horror, had tomato sauce smeared all section, although I didn’t really see much of the through his hair. Yes, tomato sauce; this in itself clothing except the white pants that we destroyed. was cause for much mummy embarrassment as he had looked like a little angel seconds before I So I guess the secret shopper job didn’t work walked into the store. ]=Unfortunately my little out quite as well as I expected but it won’t angel reached out and grabbed a pair of pure white stop me from trying out new and inventive three-quarter pants. I froze, my eyes nearly popped ways to bring some money into the household. out of my head which he must have picked up on because he began to wail like a possessed fire truck. Written By Kirsty Ferguson


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Aromapendants, a perfect item of silver jewellery in which to use your essential oils for personal aromatherapy. Choose which oils you take with you an essential oil for an aroma alone, as perfume or for their many medicinal effects on the body or to enhance mind, mood and emotion.


Top 10 Social Media Tips for 2013 1. Be Social This is the most overlooked aspect of social media and the most important. While generating business may be the main goal of your social media campaign, you need to remember that the majority of your audience will be viewing a social media platform for information or entertainment, so think less about sales and more about word of mouth advertising.

6. Plan, plan and plan some more Social media is a constantly changing beast, so plan your campaigns over a period of one month. Review and go over your stats and analytics for the previous month and plan for next month based on your findings. 7. Utilise multiple platforms While Facebook is the largest social media platform, it may not be the best platform for your business to reach your target market. Look at platforms like Pinterest if you have visual based content or products to sell and remember platforms like Twitter can link with your Facebook account with just the click of a button.

2. Don’t Be an Island If you’re planning a social campaign that’s not connected to the rest of your communications, marketing and media plans, and then rethink it. Traditional and digital media need to support an integrated campaign that has social media at its core. 3. Encourage user generated content You are working smarter not harder by letting your online community generate content on your page and your followers feel validated by posting on your pages. There are several ways to encourage user content such as running competitions, posting surveys or doing market research on your brand.

8. Ask your audience Plain and simple. Ask anything. Why? Because when you ask your audience something, you give them permission to speak. When it comes to social media, you want to do two things: engage and get people involved. 9. Exchange contact information Social media is a “party” and you want to play and interact on the terms of your host, but just as important is the simple fact that said party will end at some point. While certain business ventures and social platforms may come and go the relationships you build have the potential to last a lifetime.

4. Authenticity Social media isn’t like traditional advertising and it shouldn’t look and feel the same. You need to develop a voice in social media for your business— one that talks like a real person, shares like a real person, and that people can relate to as a real person. 5. Give value People need a reason to follow you and your brand on social media, so think about what value you offer to your followers.

10. Educate yourself Spend time educating yourself on the best practices to optimize your campaign. Following industry leaders can keep you informed of any changes in the industry so you stay one step ahead of your competition and put you in the best position to thrive. Written by Adam Barton Bee Recognised


You can follow the latest Social Media @ facebook.com/BeeRecognised Let’s connect! Drop by my page anytime and say Hi.

Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness ‘Where Dreams Come True’

The first of 5 cookbooks in the Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness series is coming soon. I am compiling a series of healthy, affordable and easy to make recipes for one or a whole family. Pre – order your copy now of the Dinners cookbook. More to come: Lunches Breakfasts Desserts Snacks Cost - $15 Will be ready for distribution 10th June 2013. Call Carly on 0428 163 313 to order or email cinderella_stories_fitness@hotmail.com

Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness ‘Where Dreams Come True’

Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness Weekend Retreat (1/6-2/6) in Fortitude Valley, Brisbane. Calling all ladies & men to jump on board the pumpkin coach and become a Cinderella Recruit by booking into the weekend health & fitness retreat now before it books out. Activities will include : indoor rock climbing, hot springs yoga, boxing, cardio/weights training, bridge climb (extra) & massages. Cost - $500pp Includes 1 night accommodation, all health & fitness activities (excluding bridge climb). Food and bridge climb at own expense. Call Carly on 0428163313 now to secure your spot!!!

30 Money Saving Tips These days money just doesn’t go as far as it used to. Basic services are rising and most Australian families are doing it tough and are looking for any way to save a few dollars here and there. So here are just a few to get you started. 1. Join your local library to access free books, DVD’s and games for you and the littlies 2. If you like going to the movies, cinemas usually offer a cheap night or join a loyalty program at your local cinema to cash in on discounted tickets

15. Make homemade gifts using your kids’ artwork or take advantage of online photo shops like snapfish for great gift ideas 16. To save money on clothes, check the clearance racks and buy the next size up for you or your kids. You can save a small fortune 17. For more cheap clothing options, visit your local op shop. You can get great bargains and sometimes even new clothes 18. For an inexpensive and chic way to update your kitchen, buy mismatched crockery from a second hand store

3. When using fresh herbs, stored the chopped remainder in ice cube trays with a little water. Pop them frozen into stews, casseroles and soups

19. Join a website like freecycle that recycles goods. You can request something that you’re looking for or post something you want to get rid of. No money changes hands, it’s all free

4. Use the coupons in the back of the shop-a-dockets to save money on everything from ten pin bowling to carpet cleaning and two for one meals

20. Join a toy library, usually for a small fee and supply your kids with a great and ever changing range of toys

5. Once a week, cook up some easy meals to freeze into portion sizes. This way, you always have meals on hand for when you don’t feel like cooking or you are short on time, reducing that chance of splurging on takeaway

21. Make your own kids activity books by downloading and printing free colouring and puzzle pages. Staple them together and you have a free activity book for them. Disney also offers some free colouring in pages

6. Buy and freeze bacon when it is on special. It freezes well and can be used in so many recipes

22. Most libraries have a weekly story-time where you can go and listen to a story, meet you people and play in their toy room afterwards

7. Get your friends together and have a clothes swap night. You can have a whole new wardrobe for no cost and you get rid of your unwanted clothes

23. For a fun and cheap craft idea, fill cheap spray bottles with watered down paint and spray onto a white sheet or butcher paper. Adjust the nozzles to make different patterns

8. Walk wherever you can to save money on petrol. Park your car a couple of blocks from school and walk your kids back to the car. Great way to get in some exercise as well

24. Make your own wrapping paper by having your child paint onto butcher paper

9. If your family loves juice, empty half of the bottle into an empty one and fill it with water. The juice lasts twice as long and there is less sugar in the juice 10. When you have left over shepherd’s pie or bolognaise, put them into puff pastry triangles and bake in the oven til golden. You get two different and yummy meals out of the same ingredients. As a cheap dessert, fill with canned fruit 11. Keep your leftover bread crusts, tear into cubes and freeze them for croutons for soups 12. For a nice cheap breakfast alternative, make French toast, yummy and cheap 13. Take advantage of the local parks and beaches for free family fun 14. At some parks they have gym equipment, you can use this and save on a gym membership

25. Use eBay to buy cheap toys and clothes. You can also use it to make a little money cleaning out your unwanted things 26. Save money in winter by using flannelette sheets and a hot water bottle rather than an electric blanket to warm your bed 27. Buy your batteries in bulk. Work out what size your remotes and toys take and save money by buying in bulk 28. When your towels are no longer fluffy, cut then into squares and use for face washers or cleaning rags 29. Invest in ice-cream moulds for the freezer and make your own icy poles for the kids. Use water with sliced fruit or watered down juice or cordial 30. Get a few friends together and buy food items such as meat, fruit and vegetables and pantry staples in bulk to bring down the price Written by Kirsty Ferguson


Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness ‘Where Dreams Come True’

Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness is a service for ladies. I myself have lost a large amount of weight and decided to study personal training so I could help others achieve the same results. Personal Training – starts from $45 for ½ hr Outdoor Bootcamp Sessions – casual rates $30 per session (1hr) Online Nutrition Program - $10pw Call Carly on 0428 163 313 to change your life for the better.


Drop Shipping Sourcing your Products

There are many different types of businesses that can be operated from home and also take advantage of online selling your products. Many WAHPs are very creative, spending time in a labour of love on each and every product. But… not everyone is creative. You might not be creative but are still keen to start a business from home so that you can spend time with your family. Drop shipping may be an alternative. What is Drop Shipping?


Many wholesale suppliers offer dropshipping as an alternative to buying large quantities of stock. This retail methods means tht you don’t keep any products in stock, unless you wish to direct sell possibly at markets. With drop shipping, the wholesale supplier stocks a large range of products in their inventory and they will ship the products directly to your customers. Just think… the headache of stocking so many products to overflowing in your garage or shed are gone. Most drop shippers also offer ‘private label shipping’ - your products ship direct from the wholesaler to your customer with a return address and invoice customised to your business.

1. Firstly, you don’t need heaps of money. This is an easy way to get your business started and selling products online. No heavy investment of money in large stocks of products. As a bonus, you can offer a large variety of products to your customers.

How does it work? 1. You choose the products from the drop shipper/ supplier 2. You set the price and advertise it through an online store or your Facebook Page. 3. You sell the product direct to your customer and collect payments. 4. You place an order to your drop shipper/supplier. 5. Your customer receives the goods.

How to find Drop Shipping Wholesalers?

2. Convenient and Efficient - Starting any business is a lot of work, especially if your cash flow is limited. Not needing to worry about paying for products up front and finding somewhere to store your stock will free up your time to concentrate on getting those sales and customer service. 3. You don’t have to deal with product returns or warranties - the drop shipper does that for you. 4. You don’t have to worry about doing shipping labels, checking and packing products, stamps or driving to the post office - this will save you lots of time. 5. You don’t have to purchase the product until after it has been sold - pay for the product after you have been paid. 6. You can operate your business from any location, wherever you can find an internet connection or signal. 7. A proven model, many Ebay ‘Power Sellers’ use drop shipping to stock a large variety of products without the headaches of handling large quantities of inventory, postage and shipping.

Like any decision you make with your business, it is important to do extensive research. Spend time looking at online stores too see what products and brands they sell. Do the online stores have an actual shopfront? If they don’t, this would be a good indicator that those products/brands they sell are available by drop ship. Your research will also help you decide what types of products you want to sell. Contact the manufacturer or distributor of your chosen products/brands and discuss with them the opportunity to sell their products by drop shipping. You might decide to subscribe to a paid directory. Do your research - you don’t want to be tied into paying a monthly fee that benefits them and not you. Google can be a good tool in your search for drop shippers. Widen your search terms to include - wholesale; distributor; reseller; bulk; warehouse; and supplier.


Remember 1. There will always be competition and price competition. Offer something extra to add value product education, service and selection. 2. Avoid having out-of-stock items. Always have multiple suppliers that can drop ship similar product lines. With more choice, you will hopefully never run out of stock. If it happens, instead of cancelling the order, why not offer an alternate or upgraded product. You want to build your brand loyalty. 3. It can be difficult to sell a product that you haven’t seen. You can always purchase one of each item so that you can see first hand the quality of the product. If you are interested in selling at markets too, then these products will quickly find a new owner. 4. There is always the possibility that a drop shipper may make an error and a product is not shipped to the customer. Most drop shippers will work towards solving this issue. If not, you should be willing to step into the gap. You want happy customers and to build brand loyalty. Drop shipping is one alternative to get your online business up and running quickly. It may or may not be the right choice for your business. Like with any business decision - it is important to do your own research. Written by Helen Dayman

100 Business Ideas 1. Accountant

37. Dog Walker

2. Appointment Reminder Service

38. Dressmaking/Sewing

3. Author

39. Dried Floral Arrangements

4. Baby Handprint, Footprint and Shoe Bronzing Service

40. Editor

5. Baby Products – Cloths, Nappies, Equipment 6. Beautician 7. Bookkeeping Service 8. Business Plan Writer

41. Email Processing 42. Event Management/Organiser 43. Face Painting 44. Family Tree Researcher 45. Finance Broker/Advisor/Planner 46. Floral Arrangements

75. Party Plan Consultant

47. Food Delivery Service

76. Personal Fitness Trainer

48. Freelance Writer

77. Personalized Stationery

49. Fundraiser/Sponsorship

78. Personal Shopper

50. Gift Baskets

79. Photographer

51. Graphic Artist

80. Picture Framing

52. Hairdresser

81. Pregnancy Fitness Class

53. Home Plan Designer

82. Proof-reader

54. Housekeeper

83. Public Relations Specialist

17. Cleaning Service

55. “How-To” Videos

84. Public Speaker

18. Clothing and Accessories Design

56. Infant Massage Instructor

85. Publisher

19. Consultant, Beauty

57. Internet Link Exchange Researcher

86. Referral Service

20. Consultant, Business

58. Interior Decorator

87. Reporter

21. Consultant, Colour

59. Invitations

88. Scrapbooking Service

22. Consultant, Computer

60. Jewellery Designer

89. Screen Printing

23. Consultant, Home Business

61. Kids Party Planner

90. Secretarial or Typing Service

24. Consultant, Image/Colour

62. Mailing List Service

91. Selling on EBay

25. Consultant, Internet

63. Make-Up Artist

92. Seminar and Workshops Promotion

26. Consultant, Small Business

64. Market Researcher

93. Teaching/Tutoring

27. Consultant, Time Management

65. Massage Therapy

94. Tour Guide

28. Consultant, Business Broker

66. Maternity Wear

95. T-Shirt Design

29. Consultant Management

67. Mystery Shopper

96. Voice Over

30. Consultant Marketing & Advertising

68. Nail Artist

31. Copywriter

69. Name Certificates & Plaques

97. Virtual Receptionist or Telephone Answering Service

32. Craft Kits for Kids

70. Nanny Finding Service

33. Family Day Care

71. Newsletter Publishing

34. Desktop Publishing

72. Office Organizer

35. Direct Sales

73. Outdoor Adventures

36. Disk Duplication - DVD/CD

74. Packing/Unpacking Service

9. Cake Decorating 10. Candle Making 11. Card Making 12. Catering 13. Celebrant 14. Child Minding Service 15. Childbirth Instructor 16. Children’s Clothes - Designing/ Importing


98. Website Design and Web content Writer 99. Web Marketing 100. Wedding Planner

Breakfast in Bed for Mum With

Frantic in the Kitchen

With Mother’s Day fast approaching and the media flooding the stores with “ideas” on what to buy for your mum, it does not cease to amaze me why we have lost touch with the things that “really” matter in life – health and family. So I am sharing some really easy ideas for Mother’s Day Breakfast that even the littlest of kiddies can get involved in. Even dads that have no clue in the kitchen will get these basic recipes right.

CRUMPETS WITH CHOCOLATE SPREAD AND BANANAS Ingredients Pikelets Chocolate Spread Bananas

Method 1. Warm pikelets . I used Woolworth’s brand Breakfast Pikelets. You can also use readymade waffles, pancakes or crepes. Set aside. 2. Warm 4 tablespoons of your favourite chocolate spread in the microwave in a small bowl for 15 seconds on high. I used Sweet William nut free 25% reduced sugar chocolate spread but you can definitely use Nutella or an alternative. 3. Slice 1 small banana per person into small slices. 4. Assembly: Use 2 pikelets per person . Put one pikelet on plate, drizzle melted chocolate spread, top with half the banana slices, place another pikelet on top, drizzle more chocolate spread and place the remaining banana on top. Repeat this process until all serves are finished. Note: Use 1 tablespoon of chocolate spread and 1 banana per person.


BAKED EGGS IN TOAST WITH BAKED BEANS Ingredients - Serves 4 1 small can baked beans 4 eggs 1 sliced bread crusts off per person (cup) Note: if laying baked beans in the toast muffin cup you will need 2 slices bread per

person no crusts)

Method 1. Pre-heat oven to 190 degrees Celsius. 2. Cut off the crusts of the bread. 3. Roll out the bread squares flat. (kids will love doing this) 4. In a 1/2 cup capacity muffin tray spray some olive oil lightly. 5. Place a slice of bread in, pressing down firmly. Use 2 slices of bread if you are planning to put in baked beans on the bottom to avoid leakage otherwise serve the baked beans on top if you want to avoid any sogginess. 6. Spray the lined bread with a little oil and bake for approx. 10 minutes until golden brown and crisp. Remove from oven.

7. Place 1 tablespoon baked beans on the bottom and carefully place 1 egg on top (place just the egg if you are serving the beans on the side).

8. Bake for 15 minutes until the egg white is firm and the yolk is cooked to your liking. 9.Remove from oven. Allow to sit in tray for 5 minutes before serving.


Ingredients - Serves 4

1 square puff pastry sheet 4 slices ham 8 tablespoons grated cheese ( I used 4 cheese mix)

Method 1. Pre-heat the oven to 200 degrees celsius. Line a baking tray with baking paper. 2. Cut the pastry into 4 squares.

3. Place the cheese in the centre and add the ham on top roughly torn. 4. Take one corner of the square to meet with another opposite and do the same with the other corners until they all meet in the middle. Pinch ends slightly with fingers.

5. Place on baking tray and spray lightly with oil. 6. Bake in the oven for approximately 20 minutes or until golden brown.


The Council of Small Business Australia (COSBOA) have announced that the Queensland Government, through the Department of Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games, is the official Government Partner of the NAB National Small Business Summit 2013 to be held in Brisbane in July. The Premier of Queensland, Hon Campbell Newman MP will give the opening address at the Summit, with Hon Jann Stuckey MP a guest panellist at the main plenary, which will coincide with the launch of Queensland’s Small Business Week incorporating the NAB National Small Business Summit. Peter Strong, Executive Director of COSBOA feels Queensland’s small business community has been hit hard recently, so the support from their government for the Summit will be welcomed. “With many small businesses still recovering from the many natural disasters that have affected Queensland over the past few years, this partnership affirms the commitment of the Queensland Government to the local small business community. “The Summit is a great opportunity for the Queensland Government to recognise the importance of small business as the backbone of many industries, and that their sustainability is a key driver for the Queensland economy. “It is also a chance for local issues facing small businesses to be brought together with industry leaders, senior politicians and government representatives from other States so we can pool our ideas to help small businesses grow to better the economy as a whole,” stated Mr Strong. Peter Strong will facilitate the plenary address, with guest panellists the Hon Jann Stuckey MP Minister for Tourism, Major Events, Small Business and the Commonwealth Games, and Bruce Billson, Shadow Minister for Small Business. The main plenary will give delegates an opportunity to raise the small business issues in their industries to the government ministers and their representatives for the benefit of policy development. The Council of Small Business of Australia, COSBOA, will highlight the key issues surrounding people, policy and partnerships for small businesses with industry representatives, senior politicians, bureaucrats and big business at the 2013 NAB National Small Business Summit to be held in Brisbane in July, two months before the Australian federal election. Amanda Lynch, Chair for COSBOA said, “We need to make sure that the key issues facing small business are being discussed and heard by our politicians.

The themes of the 11th NAB National Small Business Summit will help facilitate the debate, drive policy and build partnerships for the betterment of our small business people.” The program will deliver the latest in policy; current issues facing small business; technology; finance; and change management to name a few topics, delivered by decision makers and specialists in each field. There will be Networking Opportunities including a morning session in the Exhibition to welcome small business owners/ operators from the local area. Opportunities for top level political engagement with invited speakers - the Prime Minister and Leader of the Opposition, Queensland Premier Campbell Newman, Federal Minister for Small Business, The Hon Gary Gray MP, and Shadow Minister for Small Business, The Hon Bruce Billson MP, as well as Federal and State Small Business Commissioners. Take Home Knowledge from each session/forum delivering information on policy as well as operational know-how. Business Showcase of the products and services you need to know about to get small business booming. The NAB National Small Business Summit will run from 24th – 25th July at the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre. To register visit www.nationalsmallbusinesssummit.com.au For more information on COSBOA and the NAB National Small Business Summit 2013 visit: www.cosboa.org.au


- $760

(2 days)



A Special Present for Mum Easy Crafts for Kids to Make

Mummy Flower Cards A special Mothers Day card made with Love.

What You’ll Need: Card stock (8 1/2” x 5 1/2”) Ribbon Patterned fabric or paper Buttons Glue Scissors

Make It: 1. Fold your card stock in half to form a card. 2. Cut a piece of ribbon and glue it to the center of the front flap to form the flower’s stem. 3. Before the glue dries, cut two leaves out of fabric or paper and glue them on, tucking the ends underneath the ribbon. 4. Cut flower petals from fabric or paper; use three different patterns and cut each shape slightly smaller than the last. (See below for a flower template kids can use.) 5. Once the petals have been layered on top of each other and glued down, add a colorful button on top to form the flower’s center.


Tulip Photo Surprise A fun way to surprise Mum - a gift with a hidden surprise! A great idea for Mother's Day...

You will need: Card in green and another colour Photo (passport size) Paper fastener

Make It: 1. Use our template to cut the petals stem and leaves from card. 2. Glue the leaves to the base of the stem and then glue your photo to the largest petal. 3. Layer your petals to form your flower and punch a hole at the bottom. 4. Punch a hole at the top of your stem. 5. Use a paper fastener to attach your flower to the stem.


Tulip Template STEM







www.ActivityVillage.co.uk - Keeping Kids Busy

A Flower for Mum You will need: Patterned scrapbook paper (double sided is best) for 5 circles and a base Glue Button Straw or chop stick ( to use as your flower stem) Circle punch ( I used the 1 1/4 in circle punch) or something round to trace so you can out out circles

Make It: You will need to punch out 5 circles out of patterned paper and one larger circle to glue the petals too. The fun thing about these flowers is you can make them all sizes, big or small.. they are cute all sizes!

Step 1 - Fold you circle in half, then open it back up

Step 2 - Bring the edge of the circle to the middle line and fold again‌ do this on both sides

Step 3 - Do this to all 5 petals‌ you may find that you have to fold one a little wider at the end so the petals all fit in a nice tight circle

Step 4 - Glue the 5 petals to the larger circle (or square)

Step 5 - Glue a button or gem into the middle, then tape a straw or chop stick to the back of the flower to create a

Your Health and Fitness With Carly Grossek - Cinderella Stories Health & Fitness Embracing your post baby body

Tired of looking six-months pregnant when you delivered a few weeks (or months) ago? At this point, diet and exercise after pregnancy may sound impossible to fit into your life — you may be tempted to try the latest fad to get back that pre-baby body, but the best method is to start small and be patient.

Yes, a few mums are flat-tummied and back in their regular clothing within weeks of delivery, but it’s rare, and not worth comparing yourself if you’re not one of these women. Think of your slightly rounder hips, softer tummy, and thicker waist as a small price to pay for the wonderful new person in your life.

For the past nine months, your body hasn’t been your own. Though you may have read or heard about how it would change, you might not have been fully prepared for the physical toll that pregnancy took. And now you want your body back!

Ease back into old activities

That’s perfectly understandable — but it’s also important to be patient and to give yourself a break. After all, your body spent nine or so months stretching and adjusting in order for your baby to develop and be born, so don’t expect it to bounce back a few weeks after giving birth. Give it nine months to a year to get back to what you think of as “normal” — and keep in mind that your shape won’t be exactly as it was before.

If you can, put chores like cooking and cleaning aside for the first two to four weeks so you can focus on resting and caring for your newborn. Sleep is essential for your body’s recovery and your ability to cope and feel good about yourself. Putting your feet up and drinking plenty of fluids can do wonders for getting rid of any swelling that developed during pregnancy.

Did you know that pregnancy is actually four trimesters? Consider the first few postpartum months as part of your pregnancy journey — it might help relieve the pressure to resume all your old activities as soon as possible.

As you feel more steady, you can slowly start working Remind yourself every day that your figure changed in exercise back into your routine. If you’re recovering from order to create and nourish a miracle. Here are some a vaginal birth, you can probably start walking and doing other ways to help you feel good about your body after gentle stretches soon after you come home. If you’re delivery. recuperating from a c-section, wait until after your sixweek checkup before you resume exercising, although some doctors encourage women to walk around starting Don’t judge your looks by the first few weeks If you’re like most women, in the first weeks after giving the day after their c-section. birth you’re sore, leaking, dripping, swollen, flabby, and possibly decorated with stretch marks, not to mention Remember your body needs to time to adjust and heal and you need to allow the body this time to recover not utterly exhausted and emotionally spent. only for yourself but your child’s. Be patient, and know that your former self, or someone closely resembling her, will return. How long it will take Everyone is a yummy mummy in their own right!!!! depends on a number of factors. Your age, whether this is your first — or fourth — pregnancy, your fitness level, and your genes all help determine if and when you’ll be able to fit into your pre-pregnancy jeans again.


Bacon and Corn Soup Recipe of the Month The thing I love about soups is they fill you up and very quickly too. Nothing beats a good slurp of soup! Method Ingredients 6 rashers rindless bacon, chopped 1 onion, chopped 4 potatoes, peeled and cubed 1 litre chicken stock 1 x 440g can creamed corn 2 tablespoons plain flour ¼ cup water Salt & pepper to taste ½ cup Gruyere cheese 1 tablespoon chopped parsley

1. Place bacon in a 4-litre casserole dish. Cook in microwave oven on HIGH power for 3 – 4 minutes, stirring twice. Add onion and potatoes to dish. Cover with lid or plastic wrap and cook on HIGH power for 6 - 8 minutes stirring twice. 2. Blend in stock. Cook, uncovered on HIGH power for further 8-10 minutes, stirring once. Return bacon to soup with corn. Blend flour with water to make a smooth paste. Blend into soup with seasonings. 3. Cook uncovered, on HIGH power for minutes, stirring once Serve sprinkled with cheese and parsley.


PLEXUS SLIM Celebrating our 1 year Anniversary in Australia


When a 33 year old Qld mum of four came across the advert for Plexus Slim whilst surfing the net late one night little did she know that this was going to change her life forever. That moment was to take Bec on an adventure that would not only result in a much healthier family but would see her start her own business that today only 12 months later is more than 500 strong and growing by the each day . Her team of ambassadors are a dedicated bunch of ladies and men, most of whom are on their own weight loss journey. Their common goal is to enjoy a better life and help others achieve their goals through sensible and safe natural products which are inexpensive and affordable but most of all effective. To celebrate the one year anniversary of Bec starting her fabulous Aussie team we are offering one lucky reading a free 7 day challenge – please see our competition on the next page 

Disclaimer: All information provided in this article, particularly any information relating to specific medical conditions, health care, preventive care, and healthy lifestyles, is presented for general diagnose, informational purposes only. It should not be considered complete or exhaustive and does not cover all disorders or conditions or their treatment. The information provided is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or health care provider, and may not necessarily take your individual health situation into account. The author assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of this article. The statements regarding any products included in this article have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to treat, cure or prevent any disease.

28 32



Having trouble losing weight and keeping it off? You’re not alone. But don’t worry! Finally there is an all-natural, healthy solution to help you lose weight for the long term. Plexus Slim is the all-natural way to lose weight and inches by burning fat, not muscle. Slim may also help keep blood sugar, cholesterol and lipids at healthy levels. In addition, Slim helps reduce binge eating and increases your willpower over food. Simply pour into a bottle of water 30 minutes before a meal, drink, and experience the results you’ve been dreaming of. •Safe and effective weight control •May help regulate blood sugars •May help maintain healthy blood pressure •Promotes beneficial cholesterol and lipid levels •Proven ingredients—including Alpha Lipoic Acid, Chlorogenic Acid, Garcinia Cambogia—that address all areas of weight loss •No caffeine •No stimulants •Fast and easy. Plexus Slim is: •Safe, non-stimulatory and non-thermogenic •Diabetic friendly




PLEXUS 96 – OUR MEAL ON THE GO Plexus 96, our protein meal on-the-go, is designed to support you on your Plexus Weight Loss program. Find yourself in a hurry with no time to stop for breakfast? Tempted to pick up a quick fast-food lunch? Plexus 96 is there to rescue you. Avoid high calorie meals and starving yourself. Serving Size: 1 packet

Total Calories

Serving Per Container: 12



Directions: Shake or blend 1 packet with 8 oz of ice cold water. Milk may be substituted for water, but will provide additional calories. Blend with 2 ice cubes for additional thickness. Features & Benefits •Only 96 calories •Contains more than 20 vitamins and minerals for optimal nutrition •Delivers high-quality whey protein isolate and concentrate to help build lean muscle and fuel the body’s needs •Provides comprehensive amino acid profile for proper brain, muscle and energy function •Helps curb cravings and hunger •Helps maintain optimal blood glucose levels •Delicious and easy to use for an active lifestyle


To find an ambassador near you please go to our website http://products.plexusaustralia.com.au/

Please Like our page “ Plexus Slim – Australian Ambassadors United “ for details on how to enter our competition to win a 7 day challenge  http://www.facebook.com/plexusslimaussieambassadors


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I just love the range of 3 Sprouts storage ideas! This is the storage bin and it’s a great place to store all kinds of toys! It’s only $49.95 and available at www.bumpnbaby.com.au You can also keep up to date with offers and new products on Facebook at www.facebook.com/bumpnbabyproducts

Enjoy exquisite aromas and the skincare benefits of Arpel’s Happy Hour Collection. The power of natural ingredients such as coconut, papaya, lemon, lime, Vitamins C & E combine in this skin care regimen to result in smoother, softer, younger looking skin. Collection includes Coconut Makeup Melt, Papaya Scrub, Lemon Lime Freshener, C-Source Facial Treatment Capsules. Suitable for all skin types, especially mature skin. www. colormebeautifulcosmetics.com.au

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Passionflower Canvases are unique, one of a kind light weight canvases designed to hang on the wall or sit on a shelf. They can be personalised with a name, theme, colour – whatever you like! They make an affordable, original gift! Contact Kate today www.facebook.com/passionflowercanvases

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‘Sundae’s’ $15 each 1 x Sundae Glass, 1 x Hand Towel, 1 x Face Washer, 1 x Spoon Great gift idea for any occasion http://www.facebook.com/GrabbaGiftbox

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All my nappy cakes are unique and oneof-a-kind. It is truly a gift from the heart! Order yours today! p: 0409 727 282 e: showerthebabync@gmail.com f: www.facebook.com/Shower.the.Baby

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Violet Jane Handmade ~ Hand stamped wrapping paper, boutique paper bags, gift tags & lots more. Custom orders very welcome! Imperfectly perfect & completely unique. www.facebook.com/violetjanehandmade

Add your listing in the monthly WAHP Published catalogue for only $10.00! The cataogue is published every month. zoo avenue


LIGHT SWITCH STICKERS Completely removable and reusable. No sticky residue is left behind. Also available in many other designs. www.zooavenue.com.au www.facebook.com/zooavenue

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92.5mm x 55mm

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