Wakami Foundation annual report
letter from the president Letter to our community, to our Wakami
plan around their dreams, dreams of having
a rich meal to share, dreams of knowing we
As I write this letter, Guatemala is in turmoil.
are living in a place where they can become a
We are witnessing what I believe is the difficult birth of a new democracy. There are
Today that dream which began so small
forces that swirl around us that are hard to
is now a reality where we work with over
comprehend or at times to believe.
50 villages and with over 1,500 people
It would be very easy to be scared, to feel
(women, men, girls boys).
overwhelmed, to feel too small to do anything. And yet, as I write this letter, I have more
Still, Guatemala has over 18 million people. So
of you, it is because we have become one
health care and proper nutrition. What
community, where we share a collective dream
difference does it make, how can we become
– one with shared tables . . .
part of the solution in a country with such
hope than ever. And it is because of all
many people suffer from a lack of education,
challenges as ours? We have learned how to design, create and ship beautiful products that our clients want. Together, we have learned how to generate income starting with products made by the hands of rural women in Guatemala and
I can tell you that it makes all the difference... We have learned how to create change, how
finding their way to our friends and customers
to transform poverty into prosperity, how to
around the world who buy them. We have
transform pain into wisdom and strength, how
learned how that income is transformed into
to unite different worlds by becoming a bridge,
dreams becoming a reality...
how to become ONE in a shared dream, while keeping our individual dreams. We know how,
Dreams of boys and girls going to school and
now we need to keep working to make that
graduating from college, girls’ clubs that keep
dream bigger, to reach more women, more
girls empowered and motivated to build a life
communities, and more countries.
As I write this letter, I am in Columbia with
the Aspen Institute sharing our work and our
vision with leaders from around Central and South America. These leaders come from countries like Guatemala; countries with the dream of peace who are still far away from it.
Thank you for being part of this community that every day creates new ways to create a better world.
However, because of all that we have learned together, the Wakami journey has us here, in this new place where we can share our successes, our challenges, our failures and our dreams, with others who share the same
hopes for their country and who, like me, search for a way to make peace become reality. Together, in Wakami as a community and when we step out into the world to share
with others, we are in a space where we can be part of the solution. We don’t have all of the solutions to all of the problems that face us, but yes, we have a portion of it. And for that, I thank you. You are an essential part of what has brought us to this place and time. I believe that one day we will have a beautiful Guatemala and that we, all of us as citizens of this world who are in love with this country, will have been a part of that result! My invitation is that each one of you, from your spaces and with those who are a part of your world, also share what we have learned together.
With much love and gratitude, María.
letter from the executive director Our Annual Report is a reflection of how
Seeing how the leaders of these communities
we have implemented and stayed true
and the women in our groups have come to
to the principles and dreams of Wakami.
believe in themselves, to see their value and
Communities of the Earth (“COTE”) is the part
to feel empowered to change the realities
of Wakami that gets to work directly in the
for themselves and their families is the reason
communities to incubate, empower and stand
why we do what we do.
side by side with the communites , the women and the girls that share our dreams.
When we see the girls in the Girls Clubs learning about their body, developing soft
In COTE, we believe in the power of dreams
skills, finding self-esteem, learning how to use
but our mantra is that, while an individual
a tablet, speaking English, etc., we are driven
dream is powerful, collective dreams are
to continue our work. With your support, our
unstoppable. We work to create collective
work has enabled these girls to see a different
dreams that include our communities,
reality than the one they know. Simply seeing
our team here in Guatemala, and you, our
what is possible transforms their reality and
the way they see their future.
Each one of us has dreams and goals,
We do not work with small touches or
but sometimes because of the lack of
infrequent contact; we work deep with each
opportunities in our lives or our country, it
community, family and producer to make sure
is difficult and sometimes impossible to
each one that is part of our community has
achieve them. Our goal is be the an agent
the opportunities and the income they need
of change for each person, each family, and
to help accomplish their dreams. Your support
each community where we work-, and to help
means they have vegetables and eggs on
them find the opportunities they need to
their table.
accomplish their dreams. Throughout the years with your support we
Your support means they have healthy meals and their children have full stomaches
have seen how these dreams can become
that will allow them to study and concentrate.
a reality and how lives have been changed.
It is priceless to see the transformation in
each one of the families and watching these changes makes the countless hours of work worthwhile. For me, it is a privilege to have a team working at Wakami that is really passionate, has great hearts, and gives the extra mile week by week to be with each of the groups,
becoming a part of their community and a part of their family. You can be proud of the Wakami team that is working in these communitites thanks to your support. I want to thank each one of you, our donors that make our job possible and give us the resources to be able to be in all of our communities each month, transforming the realities of many Guatemalan families.
Together, we are a great community, where we each bring our talents and resources, uplift each other and make each of us a better person.
- Stefani.
about the organization We are a Guatemalan non-profit partnering with women artisans from rural communities in Guatemala who struggle to generate sustainable sources of income for their families. Their dreams are big, but opportunities are scarce. That is why it is our mission to empower women to make their dreams become a reality, and to transform cycles of poverty into cycles of prosperity.
wakami system
Communities of the Earth (NGO) conducts operations within the rural communities to incubate and strengthen our artisans’ businesses.
The Wakami Foundation is a 501 (c) (3) based in the United States that supports the three methodologies implemented by COTE and Wakami.
Kiej de los Bosques is a B-Corporation ethical fashion brand (commercially known as Wakami) that facilitates our Access to Markets methodology.
We believe that reaching a better world is possible, but only through collective action. So, with every step we take down that path, we are guided by the same light, the same vision, the same dream...
our dream... Living in a world of families with houses surrounded by gardens, orchards, and bees. A table shared by fathers and mothers who work and prosper, boys and girls who study and play. Prosperous and sustainable families where the Earth takes care of us and we take care of it.
mission Our mission is to create opportunities that allow our communities to achieve their dreams.
how do we make dreams a reality? through our formula for change
methodologies The opportunities that bring about the change to fulfill dreams.
creating cross - generational change , takes time
We work in methodologies because they are a wholistic, long-term process, and they are transferable and adaptable to varying communities.
what are these opportunities?
inclusive business
light manufacturing
regenerative agriculture
access to markets
smart investment
inclusive bussiness Our Inclusive Business methodology, run by Communities of the Earth, incubates and develops rural businesses mainly led by women, ensuring that they have the necessary skills to be dynamic competitors in any value chain.
This process challenges women to dream, and it works. It works because it’s transferable and accessible to diverse communities. We connect in their language and relate ideas to what they will uniquely understand.
With an extensive network of support and resources, we employ nine training cycles over a two-year time span to teach our artisans the ins and outs of running a formal business including business organization, production, financial management, and personal management.
light manufacturing: Our artisans create and sell a range of sustainable handmade products in small batches. Bracelets and accessories are the most popular under the Wakami name, but the communities also produce one-of-a-kind clothing and home items. In Central America, there is a long tradition of handmade products drawing on traditional production practices and designs, many of which are rooted in indigenous communities.
regenerative agriculture: We believe in connecting with the Earth such that as we take care of her, she takes care of us. That is why we have begun a program for regenerative agriculture – farming techniques that mitigate climate change and restore ecosystems by optimizing the health of the soil, which in turn sequesters carbon from the atmosphere and betters the water cycle.
These systems are built on the principle of replicating natural habitats to ensure they are flourishing and productive. So far, women in six communities have learned the fundamentals of regenerative agriculture, starting with egg production, followed by organic vegetables and herb gardens.
They are also learning how to harvest square-foot gardens based on their nutritional needs with native seeds, and how to transform plant-based fibers (banana, izote, and palm leaf) into final products that are used for some of Wakami’s best-selling items. This provides fresh produce year-round for artisan families and facilitates new income sources. Our technicians visit the groups every one to two weeks to give training workshops and track the program’s development.
access to markets Access to Markets methodology is operated by Kiej de los Bosques. We partner with this for-profit organization because it serves as a vehicle for each of our rural businesses to sell what they produce by becoming their first customer and, consequently, launching access to national and international markets. Our communities work in four sustainable value chains with the purpose of simultaneously improving livelihoods and taking care of the Earth:
1 han dm a d e p r o d ucts 2 for estr y 3 fi b er s 4
regenerative agriculture (coffee)
This undertaking is not merely entrepreneurship – we make certain that our businesses have a market and that the impact is sustainable.
smart investments Income generation alone is not effective in thoroughly improving one’s quality of life. This platform closes the gap by supplying the knowledge and resources needed to optimize the fulfillment of dreams.
Our Smart Investment methodology, run by Communities of the Earth, guides our artisans to invest their income in such a way that it truly transforms their families’ livelihoods. We accomplish this by providing access to four social programs that strategically improve education and wellness within the communities.
nutrition girls’ clubs scholarships safe & healthy homes
We believe each child deserves to live a healthy and happy life, with good nutrition at the core... nutrition Our nutrition team carefully monitors the nutritional status of our artisans’ children. We aim to improve early nutritional development, which is why we focus on infants, young children, and women of childbearing age. Through hands-on workshops, we educate artisan families on healthy food choices and how to cook with produce from their regenerative agriculture gardens.
Nothing is more powerful than the multiplier effect that an empowered girl can have to inspire and transform the destinies of entire communities.
girls clubs Through our Girls Club program, we seek to provide girls between the ages of eight and seventeen with the tools and training necessary to successfully develop their skills and help them achieve gender equality. Participants are mentored by local leaders, teachers, parents, and health providers on an array of topics including, but not limited to:
self-empowerment familial & friendly relationships community roots Another key component of this program is providing technology access and training, especially as a tool for English learning and career preparation.
We prepare children to one day achieve their own dreams... scholarships We want each child in the Wakami system to have access to education because not only is it the dream of their mothers, but it prepares the children to one day achieve their own dreams. Thus, we provide partial financial scholarships for our artisans’ children to keep them in primary and secondary school. By contributing this economic incentive, we hope to eliminate the need for parents to choose between sending their child to school or sending their child to work. Wakami children between the ages of six and eighteen benefit from this program.
We promote
healthy families and communities.
safe & healthy homes Once women have a source of income, they are more likely to invest in their homes. We promote healthy families and communities by covering 50% of the cost for access to products such as water filters, smokeless stoves, and solar energy. Nearly half of Wakami women have benefited from this program.
1 13 Departments
93 Rural and Urban
254 Scholarships +150 Girls in girls club Petén
+83 Rural and urban companies Chimaltenango
working in light manufacturing.
10 Coffee growing groups involved in regenerative agriculture.
Wakami Center Xetzac Farm: Demonstrative and experimental farm.
We are quite proud of the impact we’ve made so far, but dreaming never stops! It’s all about where we can go next...
A fulfilled dream is characterized by significant and sustainable changes in livelihoods. It has many intertwined factors, such as:
increased income
healthy living
access to education
community development
All that we aim to illustrate with The Wakami Dream...
BHAG our big hairy audacious goal:
Reach two million fulfilled dreams in our communities by 2030
Thriving Coffee - Growing Communities main objectives Quality of Life Transformation: Positively impact the quality of life for coffee-growing families by fostering entrepreneurship capabilities. This involves enhancing the talent and innovation of rural women and young individuals. Their effectiveness in developing new products and establishing value chains aims to create complementary income sources alongside coffee cultivation. Business Diversification: Initiate a process of business diversification, commencing with coffee and extending into alternative value chains such as regenerative agriculture and light manufacturing. This strategic move ensures the creation of additional income streams, contributing to the economic resilience of the communities involved. The project is strategically centered on enhancing the quality of life and diversifying income for rural women and their families. This is achieved by integrating them into our Inclusive Business Methodology, with a specific emphasis on Light Manufacturing ans Regenerative Agriculture, thereby facilitating market access through Wakami’s value chain and platforms.
Palencia, Guatemala Paneya, San José Poaquil, Chimaltenango
Gender Equality and Empowerment: Actively contribute to gender equality and women’s empowerment by generating opportunities that provide a platform for the active participation of girls and women. This involves creating safe environments where they can thrive as students, entrepreneurs, and contributors to various value chains within the project and their communities.
2021 - 2023 The outlined objectives underscore the project’s commitment to holistic development, encompassing economic empowerment, innovation, and social equality within the targeted communities.
KPI’s • 10 women actively engage in income diversification through the production of light-manufactured products. • 25 women experience the dual benefits of home gardens and egg production, contributing to both self-consumption and income diversification. • 16 women receiving personalized nutritional mentorship aimed at improving their overall health and well-being. • 10 children, aged 0-5, benefit from comprehensive nutritional monitoring and consulting. This initiative is designed for the early identification and prevention of chronic malnutrition.
Girls’ Clubs The Girl’s Club is a safe space for personal and social growth for girls and young women between 7 - 17 years old, where girls develop life skills, build bonds with peers in their community, and have better opportunities for life. We chose a young mentor to lead the Girl’s Club, so the girls can feel close to her. The mentor (along with occasional guests like local leaders, health providers, and parents) works closely with the girls to teach them new topics every day, accompanied by a DIY activity where
We work on topics such as:
they can put into practice what they learned.
self-esteem social relationships
For example, the day they learn about the
human rights
importance of saving money, they make a piggy
conflict resolution
bank with simple materials for them to start
social responsibility
saving. The girls enjoy doing these activities
because it is easy for them to learn, and they can spend quality time with their friends.
We support girls in questioning traditional gender norms, and we provide information
We start each club with a dream workshop
on sexual and reproductive rights and health.
where the girls can draw their dream. After
Our curriculum also includes technology
that, we aim to give them the necessary tools to
access and training that helps the girls
feel empowered and to be able to achieve their
explore their capabilities and be prepared for
dream—a complete development of life skills.
better career opportunities in the future.
Palencia, Guatemala San José Poaquil, Chimaltenango (3 communities) Sacatepequez (2 communities)
2021 - 2023 partner description The Starbucks Foundation supports thriving communities through grants to nonprofit organizations, from coffee and tea-growing communities around the world. The strive to create a positive impact for people – from the first 10 ft to the last 10 ft of coffee – by supporting nonprofit organizations in partnership with Starbucks partners, licensee partners and others with a shared commitment and belief in stronger, more equitable communities.
main objectives
• Reduce the vulnerability of girls by being part of a group and network creating a support system.
• Six Girls’ Club successfully implemented.
• Learn negotiation skills, leadership and critical thinking from an early age. • Create a life plan that makes them dream and identify the steps needed to carry out their plans. • Delay child marriage and decrease domestic violence. • Increase years of education, self-esteem, girls’ participation in social programs, knowledge of human rights, female autonomy, liberty, and better household situations. • Support with technological alphabetization and English to reinforce girls’ professional skills.
...and individual donors.
• Over 150 girls benefiting from the program. • 5 young women (mentors) working professionally. • 116 tablets distributed among the clubs supporting technological tools development. *Tablets have been acquired with the support of Minnesota and Alaska Rotary Clubs as well as individual donations.
Technification of rural MSMEs, led by women, for economic recovery Within the framework of the Initiative to Support Enterprises Led by Rural Women of the GEF Small Grants Program, implemented by UNDP, initiatives have been promoted that support the expansion and scaling of green enterprises led by women, transforming their products, expanding networks of distribution, accelerating its presence in markets and improving its access to platforms and digital payments. The initiative seeks to ensure that women’s businesses are sustainable and can access financial mechanisms that allow them to reinvest in their growth, positively impacting their profitability and strengthening their sustainability in the medium and long term. This project, executed in partnership with the Association of Exporters of Guatemala (AGEXPORT) and the GEF Small Grants Program, implemented by UNDP, focused on improving the competitiveness of 15 rural MSMEs led by women, developing their knowledge in business management for the sale of their products in national and international markets, which could contribute to improving their income in the short term.
The project, had several lines of work: • Carrying an assessment to determine the needs of MSMEs. • Generating a personalized training plan for the development of technical, administrative and financial skills. • Mentoring focused on the selection of electronic markets, payment platforms and e-commerce channels, among others. • Workshops focused on product design and advice to adapt their products to the selected electronic markets, taking into account their productive and technical capacities. • Product branding and marketing for the MSMEs electronic profiles and social networks to increase market access. • Opening doors to opportunities such as participating in the biggest regional fair within the handmade sector in Central America, New World Crafts.
2021 - 2023 This project laid the foundations for a new design of projects focused on electronic commerce of companies led by women in the artisan sector of Guatemala. The personalized mentoring and technical support provided the MSMEs to develop their businesses financial and administrative capacities, improving internal processes, product quality and access to digital markets, which will allow their sustainability in the medium and long term.
partner description: The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is the global network of the UN for development.
main objective Support the expansion and scaling of enterprises led by women, transforming their products, expanding distribution networks, accelerating their presence in markets and improving their access to platforms and digital payments to ensure the sustainability of their businesses.
KPI’s • Over 400 artisans with business capacities for the commercialization of their products using eCommerce tools. • 15 MSMEs participating in regional handmade fairs. • 10 MSMEs with products placed in eCommerce platforms such as Facebook Marketplace and others.
Huehuetenango, Sololá, San Marcos, Suchitepéquez, Quetzaltenango, Chimaltenango y Guatemala
Women’s Empowerment for Central America Women’s Empowerment for Central America
We have begun this project in Guatemala,
(WE4CA) is a 4-year project implemented by
building on the established supply chain
Mennonite Economic Development Associates
relationships between Wakami and rural
(MEDA) in partnership with Wakami, through
women-led businesses. In Year 2, the project will
COTE and Pro Mujer (PM).
scale up its operations to Nicaragua, leveraging the extensive networks and experience of both
Funded by Global Affairs Canada (GAC), this
PM and MEDA as well as applying learnings
initiative will ultimately uplift 5,000 women and
from implementation in Guatemala.
girls, as well as engage an additional 330 men and boys in Guatemala and Nicaragua with the goal of enhancing women’s empowerment and gender equality. WE4CA supports rural and indigenous populations operating in the Regenerative Agriculture sector (focused on coffee) and the Light Manufacturing sector. The project contributes to poverty alleviation by promoting the socio-economic empowerment of women and girls as a strategy to improve gender equality and address sexual and gender-based violence and harassment. This is being accomplished by improving business performance, access to gender-responsive financial and community services.
ultimate outcome Enhanced gender equality and empowerment of women and girls in the Central America region. Our three intermediate outcomes:
Guatemala: south-western departments (Sololá, Quetzaltenango, Totonicapán, Suchitepéquez, Guatemala, Chimaltenango, Sacatepéquez) and Chiquimula Nicaragua: western departments of Masaya and Carazo, as well as northern departments of Matagalpa and Esteli
2021 - present 1
2 Increased equitable, inclusive, environmentally sustainable and growing businesses for systemically marginalized women, particularly indigenous women.
3 Enhanced access to inclusive, environmentally and gender responsive financial products and services by women-led businesses.
partner description MEDA is the overall project lead for activities in both Guatemala and Nicaragua. While MEDA is new to Guatemala, it has been operating in Nicaragua for almost two decades. MEDA will draw on its experience implementing programs funded by GAC to ensure that WE4CA is delivered in line with donor implementation and reporting standards and best practices. Pro Mujer (PM) is a mission-driven social enterprise and industry leader in financial inclusion, entrepreneurship, and health, with a women-centered approach. PM has provided comprehensive solutions at both individual and collective levels to facilitate women’s empowerment throughout Latin America for over 30 years.
Increase usage of gender transformative wellbeing practice and services, including Sexual and Gender-Based Violence and Harassment (SGBVH) prevention and response, by women, girls and targeted rural communities.
Strengthening capacities of producers Especially women and young smallscale coffee farmers linked to specialty coffee markets and the coffee value chain main objective Groups of small-scale coffee producers, especially women and young people, have a training and education platform that allows them to generate new income opportunities through jobs and self-employment in the diversification of productive activities complementary to the coffee value chain.
Through the Regenerative Agriculture model, they improve the production and quality of coffees to make links with markets and value chains of specialty coffees; through the development of entrepreneurship capabilities, enhancing talent and innovation, showing its effectiveness in the development of new products and by-products that generate a sustainable income for coffee and positively transform the quality of life of rural coffeegrowing families.
Ixil (Northwestern) Ch’ortí (East - Region Guatemala)
2022 - 2023 partner description The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger. Its goal is to achieve food security for all and make sure that people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives.
KPI’s Development of a training strategy for 11 groups in the coffee value chain aimed at a minimum of 40 women and young people from the East and Northwestern region of Guatemala, which includes at least an internship plan, content for strengthening capacities and methodologies to implement the strategy. Seven groups of producers with strengthened productive and business capacities to generate complementary income to the coffee value chain and acquisition of a regenerative agriculture model Three groups of producers selling coffee and products from value chains complementary to the coffee chain to national and international markets.
Creating cycles of prosperity in rural communities in Guatemala. In collaboration with the Sinapi Foundation, our 2022 initiatives have thrived through three interconnected sub-projects, each contributing to the holistic development of our community. Screen-Printing Facility: The completion of the screen-printing facility at the Wakami Embassy in Antigua Guatemala marks a pivotal step in our journey. This initiative empowers us to internally produce screen-printed items for our value chain. Beyond contributing to our product diversity, this facility has opened doors for new employment opportunities, especially for women, fostering professional growth within our team. Custom orders from esteemed partners like Starbucks have already been received, and our first in-house screen-printed tote bag has successfully entered the market.
main objective Transformation of handmade processes through the integration of design and marketing innovation by rebuilding systems to unlock doors to new and diverse markets and ensure the sustainability and growth of impactful initiatives.
2022 - 2023 KIKOTEM - Artisanal Home Products (A Partnership with Cemaco): Wakami’s collaboration with Cemaco stands as a beacon for connecting rural businesses with a vast national market. The initial collection comprising 41 handmade products—from blown glass to textiles—found steady demand in over 12 stores and online platforms. Now poised for expansion, the second collection, featuring over 30 meticulously crafted items, was launched. Handmade by seven rural enterprises spanning various regions, these products embody the rich diversity of Guatemalan craftsmanship. Regenerative Agriculture (Phase 2): Building on the success of the first phase, our Regenerative Agriculture initiative advances with a focus on value addition. Rural entrepreneurs, having mastered the basics, are now delving into innovative approaches. Activities include transforming products into healthier, longerlasting food items and implementing equipment and processes for fabric and final product production from native plant-based fibers. Our technicians conduct regular workshops, ensuring ongoing education for the participating groups. Naturally produced fibers from communities are not only contributing to KIKOTEM’s collections but also expanding to create textiles for bags, clothes, and baskets for Wakami’s national market.
Amidst our growth, we maintain our commitment to handmade quality, fairtrade sourcing, and rural community development. In 2023, we strategically invested funding in two key areas: 1. Technology Development for Value Chain Optimization: Embracing technology to streamline our processes and enhance efficiency, this investment aims to optimize our entire value chain, ensuring sustainability and scalability.
2. Market Expansion through Innovative Design and Marketing: To propel our market reach and create new income opportunities for rural enterprises, we are implementing cutting-edge design and marketing tools. By staying abreast of the latest software and strategies, we aim to not only sustain our impactful work but also open doors to new and diverse markets. In essence, the Sinapi Foundation’s Collaborative initiatives represent a harmonious blend of craftsmanship, community empowerment, and strategic foresight, positioning us at the forefront of sustainable and impactful development in Guatemala.
main results • Strategic investment in cutting-edge equipment and tools aimed at enhancing handmade processes and craftsmanship.
• Innovation for Market Access: Designing new product collections for Wakami and Kikotem.
• Successful implementation of the ODOO Enterprise Resource Planning (EPR) system: Centralized data management, process optimization, and seamless integration across the value chain streamlining operations, boosting sales, and fortifying financial and marketing management.
• Professional audiovisual productions for communication and marketing.
partner description: The Sinapi Foundation fosters NGO partnerships and integration of best practices in support of communities seeking self-sustainable and individually empowered development. Sinapi focuses on individual dreams and commitments, participates in relationships that foster mutual dignity and respect for existing cultures, and provides helping hands instead of handouts.
• Investment in marketing infrastructure and storage. • Adoption of 3D design and modeling techniques.
Leveraging Wakami for Global Impact Wakami is poised for a transformative journey, not just within Guatemala but on a global scale. Backed by documented analyses affirming the efficacy of our methodologies as a “gold standard” for economic development in impoverished communities worldwide, our vision extends beyond borders. The overarching goal is to amplify Wakami’s national standing and elevate its international recognition, thereby broadening income opportunities for rural businesses in Guatemala and beyond.
main objectives 1
2 Strategic Planning for Growth: In 2022, we initiated a comprehensive 8-year strategy to navigate the existing growth potential within Guatemala in order to support our community in fulfilling their dreams. This plan not only aims at capitalizing on local opportunities, but also serves as a blueprint for expanding our capacity to achieve an international reach.
Enhanced Marketing and Documentation:
The year 2023 witnessed strategic investments in refining our documentation and marketing strategies. This move is geared towards boosting sales, particularly for Wakami and Kikotem’s handmade product collections. The rationale is simple – increased sales translate into higher income generation for our communities and all stakeholders involved in our value chains.
3 Documentary Video Project: Recognizing the power of visual storytelling, we have embarked on the creation of a documentary video that encapsulates our vision. While in its early stages, this project is poised to serve as a compelling narrative, effectively communicating our mission and impact to a national and global audience.
2022 - 2023 This multifaceted approach aligns with Wakami’s commitment to sustainable development, economic empowerment, and community wellbeing across generations. As we step into this new phase, weenvision not just growth, but a lasting and meaningful impact that resonates locally and reverberates globally.
partner description McNulty Foundation’s mission is rooted in the idea that everyone has the right to opportunity, and impediments like inadequate education and limited access to markets are seen as unacceptable hindrances to potential. The philosophy emphasizes the universal desire for meaningful lives, improved conditions for future generations, and individual responsibility for personal and community well-being. It asserts that those who have benefited from opportunities should use their talents to expand opportunities for others, and true leadership empowers individuals, instilling a sense of agency and community engagement while inspiring the next generation.
Scholarships Program Guatemala has one of the highest poverty rates in Central America and has among the highest rates of income disparity and gender inequity in the world. The prohibitive cost of tuition, school supplies, and transportation means that there is little access to education for children in remote villages – especially girls. This program aims to change that reality by providing the Wakami children with the opportunity to access education that prepares them to one day achieve their dreams. We provide partial financial scholarships for our artisans’ children to keep them in primary and secondary school. By contributing this economic incentive, we hope to eliminate the need for parents to choose between sending their child to school or sending their child to work. Wakami children between the ages of six and eighteen benefit from this program, so much so that they have a 140% higher school enrollment rate than the national average.
main objective Secure student re-enrollment and retention.
Guatemala, Chimaltenango, Sololá, Chiquimula, Sacatepéquez, Totonicapán, Quiché
2022 - 2023 KPI’s • The program positively impacted 103 children in 2022, demonstrating a significant increase to 151 beneficiaries in 2023. • In 2023, there are 70 boys and 81 girls actively participating in and continuing their education through the scholarship program. • Notably, 11 children are expected to successfully graduate from Primary School in 2023, marking a crucial milestone in their educational journey.
• Additionally, the program supported the graduation of 12 teenagers from Middle School in 2023, facilitating their transition to higher levels of education. • Furthermore, 7 teenagers are anticipated to graduate from High School in 2023, showcasing the program’s commitment to fostering education and academic achievement among rural youth.
...Reverend Muller and other individual donors.
Travelers Program We invite Citizens of the World to experience Guatemala and the Wakami communities in a unique and enriching way. Our travelers participate in life-changing workshops with our team and our artisans, visit main tourist destinations, and develop valuable relationships with a group of like-minded peers.
Most of all, we create this trip to be a sincere personal journey as each activity is an opportunity to dream freely and reconnect with one’s own purpose in life. Groups can customize their expeirence with itineraries ranging from one day to one week long, at any time of the year. While this program generates some funds for our work, it is most importantly about increasing our community reach.
main objective Expand our community of Citizens of the World, fostering the power of collective and connecting dreams.
KPI’s • +200 travelers.
2022 - 2023
our community
join our community!
Visit us:
our tea m 2 com m uni ti es 3
Join us on a trip to experience Wakami and Guatemala from a local perspective! This unique opportunity involves sharing with our artisans, collaborating with our team, and visiting tourist destinations.
d onor s
Partner with us:
4 partners
Become a partner by initiating or participating in a project with the Wakami Foundation. We have many exciting enterprises, and your assistance is essential to our ongoing success and development!
Donate: Contribute to the funding that makes our work possible, because change happens when we support and uplift one another. Global change. The formation of a world where purpose, prosperity, and hope exist for everyone.
manifesto. We are the citizens of the world. We believe that a better world is possible, that global change begins at home. We dream of living in a world of unity, of equality – a world of connection. We believe in the power of dreams and we know that collective dreams are unstoppable. We choose to live a life of purpose and we know that our actions build the world in which we want to live. We know that when we collaborate with others everything is possible. We believe in peace, in gratitude, in purpose, in hope. We are citizens of the World.
We extend heartfelt thanks to our generous donors and invaluable partners for their unwavering support. Your commitment to our mission has been instrumental in creating opportunities that enable our community to fulfill their dreams. Your generosity has not only transformed lives but has also fueled our collective efforts to foster positive change. Together, we are making a meaning ful impact, and it is with immense appreciation that we acknowledge your crucial role in the success of our endeavors.
Thank you for standing alongside us as we continue to strive for a brighter and more empowered future for all!