ΚΞΛ Brothers on the Move! Bro. Jamel Vanderburg (Xi Chapter, Spring ‘08) In an effort to provide voter education on the college campus, Bro. Jamel Vanderburg (Xi Chapter, Spring 2008) is guiding students on the campus of New York Institute of Technology in understanding the political climate and voting. Under the New York Tech Votes initiative, Bro. Vanderburg teaches a course titled Foundations Inquiry where he focuses on challenging his students to be civically engaged and learn about issues that impact local, state, and national elections. He has invited notable guests including Miss U.S.A. Cheslie Kryst, Assemblywoman Taylor Darling (18th District), County Legislator Jason Richberg (15th District, Suffolk County and member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc.) and former deputy campaign manager of the Bernie Sanders campaign, Soror René Spellman of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated. Here is what Bro. Vanderburg had to say: “It's important that we keep the power of voting and being civically engaged at the forefront of everything we do. The work we do to better our lives and communities never ends, for we're not only working for ourselves, but future generations. I remind my students every day that there is more to education than what's inside the books. It's about knowing about the world around you, being engaged, aligning yourself with BOTH likeminded and different-thinking individuals, and having a curiosity for what may not be a perfect world, but a world where everybody is represented and there is no color associated with eliminating disparities. The work doesn't end on Election Day. It just begins another chapter of moving the needle towards a more just society and world.” We salute Bro. Vanderburg as he continues to hold the light high by educating our future. Onward and upward, good brother!
Calling All Brothers! Are you a Brother who has been creating social change within the community? Feel free to reach out and the communications committee will contact you to see if we can share it in our newsletter! You can contact us at: associateeditor@wallstreetalphas.com
| Volume 10 | No. 2 | The Wall Street Alpha Report