“Because of this name, Allah will also fulfil many of the promises He made to the Promised Messiah ”: Waqf-e-Nau Mauritius’ virtual class with Huzoor (as)
A group of waqifeen-e-nau in Mauritius had the good fortune of meeting with Hazrat Amirul Momineen (aba) on 13 December 2020 in a virtual class. It is narrated that during the time of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II (ra), Majlis-e-Irfan used to take place after Maghrib prayer at Masjid Mubarak in Qadian. On one occasion, Hazrat Musleh-e-Maud (ra) had the following poem read out for three days [in Majlis-e-Irfan]:
After the nazm was presented, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) said, “You have done well, masha-Allah” and further asked how many waqifeen knew the meaning of this nazm. Huzoor (aba) then added, “It should be translated and given to each and every waqf-e-nau so that they know Hazrat Khalifatul Masih II’s (ra) expectations of them.” Following this, a brief report was presented by the national secretary waqf-e-nau. In the report, he stated that there were a total of ی م اےنپ پ ی�اروں یک تبسن رہزگ ہن رکوں اگ دنسپ نیھبک 280 waqifeen-e-nau in Mauritius. Of the 280, � وہ وھچےٹ درہج ہپ رایض وہں اور ان یک اگنہ رےہ ��ی یچ 166 were boys and 114 were girls. He further said that there were 18 waqifeen “I shall never expect from my loved ones that serving as life devotees, six serving as misthey are satisfied on a lower status and they sionaries, five studying in Jamia Internationset small goals [for themselves].” al Ghana, one studying in Jamia Ahmadiyya With regard to this poem, Huzoor (ra) said, “I Canada, three serving in MTA studio Mauhave written this poem for waqifeen-e-zinda- ritius, one serving in the Jamaat’s printing gi [life devotees].” press in Burkina Faso, one serving under the The class of waqifeen of Mauritius com- Nusrat Jahan scheme and one serving in Darmenced with the recitation of a portion from us-Salam office in Mauritius. the Holy Quran, which highlighted Mary’s In addition, the secretary stated that between mother who vowed to dedicate her child’s 2019-2020, one national Ijtema was held, one life for the cause of God. Following this, the general meeting was held and a career guidabove mentioned nazm, composed by Hazrat ance forum was conducted. Musleh-eMaud (ra), was presented. After delivering the brief report, the secretary ISMAEL MAGAZINE | 30