Ismael – Apr-Jun 2023 (English)

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ISMAEL Taleem & Tarbiyat Magazine for Waqifeen-e-Nau QUARTERLY | ISSUE #30 | APR-JUN 2023 اوقرفت ال و اعیمج ہللا لبحباومصتعاو And Hold Fast All Together By The Rope of Allah Be Not And Divided The Holy Quran 3:104
Follow the Central Waqf-e-Nau Department on @WAQFENAUINTL @WAQFENAUINTL WWW.WAQFENAUINTL.ORG WAQF-E-NAU (CENTRAL) 22 DEER PARK ROAD, LONDON. SW19 3TL (UK) +44 (0)20 8544 7633 +44 (0)20 8544 7643

Meet the Team

Chief Editor & Manager: Luqman Ahmed Kishwar

English Editor: Mudabbir Din

Urdu Editor: Farrukh Raheel

Print manager: Touqeer Tanvir

Farukh Arshad

Content manager: Firhaad Ahmed

Creativity & Cover: Talat Syam

Designing Team: Talat Syam (Lead Designer)

Rameez Ahmad Rajput

Nasir Hanif


Sadiq Ahmed

Rabeeb Mirza

ISMAEL MAGAZINE QUARTERLY | ISSUE # 30 | APR-JUN 2023 CONTENTS 05 The Holy Qur'an 06 What does Islam say? 07 The Promised Messiahas 08 Pearls of Wisdom 10 The Sacrifice Required to Fulfil the Pledge of Waqf-e-Nau 18 Huzooraba’s insightful response to contemporary issues 22 Insightful Guidances of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya 28 The Quintessence of Devotion 30 Ask a Murrabi 36 In The Spotlight 39 USA Waqifeen-e-Nau visit Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada 44 Khilafat: In The Eyes of Converts

What is Ismael Magazine?

By the grace of Allah Ta'ala, Waqifeen-e-Nau are now spread across the globe, many of whom are studying in their respective fields while others have already fulfilled their pledge of dedicating their lives for the Jama’at. There are many who are Missionaries, practising Doctors, Television producers, Architects, Graphic designers, Engineers, Accountants and much more.

Ismael is an international magazine, which was launched in 2012 by Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih the fifthaba specifically for the Waqifeen-e-Nau around the world. At this auspicious occasion, addressing the Waqifeen-e-Nau Huzoor-e-Anwaraba wrote:

“The magazine has been named as “ISMAEL”, which reminds us of the sacrifices made by Hazrat Ismaelas and by Hazrat Hajiraas who spent their lives in a desolate and barren place and instituted exceptional standards of sacrifices for the sake of religion. Likewise, it is expected of every Waqf to uphold the covenant of Waqf (dedication) made by their parents even before their birth, who have in turn themselves reaffirmed the same.”

Waqifeen-e-Nau can contribute by sending articles regarding their respective fields of studies. This magazine is published on a quarterly basis as a platform for the Waqifeen-e-Nau to get in touch and say what they have always wanted to. To subscribe to this magazine, you can contact your National Waqf-e-Nau Secretary. You can also read the magazine online at:

Remember, this magazine is for the Waqifeen-e-Nau, by the Waqifeen-e-Nau. Everyone is welcome to send their articles, contributions and comments. Ismael magazine is the central magazine for Waqifeen-e-Nau from around the globe.


The Holy Quran

''And worship Allah and associate naught with Him, and show kindness to parents, and to kindred, and orphans, and the needy, and to the neighbour that is a kinsman and the neighbour that is a stranger, and the companion by your side, and the wayfarer, and those whom your right hands possess. Surely, Allah loves not the proud and the boastful'' (4:37)

After laying down in the preceding verses that one should be kind to one’s wife, in the present verse the Quran enjoins a Muslim to make his kindness so comprehensive as to include in its scope the whole of mankind, from parents who are the nearest, to strangers who are the farthest removed. The Arabic expression rendered as, neighbour that is a kinsman, may also mean: (1) the neighbour that lives near; (2) the neighbour that is kind. Similarly, the words, neighbour that is a stranger, may also include: (1) the neighbour that lives at a distance; (2) the neighbour that is not kindly. The expression, companion by your side, may mean:(1) wife or husband; (2) comrade on a journey; (3) fellow partner in a trade or a co-worker; (4) associate; (5) immediate neighbour. The words, those whom your right hands possess, may refer to slaves, bondwomen,

servants and even subordinates. A person who does not carry out the Divine commandments contained in this verse is condemned as proud and boastful because, instead of doing good to others and being kind to them, he looks down upon them and behaves arrogantly. The very act of abstaining from being kind to one’s fellow beings, whether relations or neighbours or strangers, is an act of pride condemned by Islam. (5 Volume Commentary, Volume 2 page 649, Surah Nisa Chapter 4 Verse 37 footnote 514)

یبرقلا یذبو اناسحا نیدِلاولابو ائیش ہب اوکرشت الو ہللا اودبعاو بحاصلاو بنجلا راجلاو یبرقلا یذ راجلاو نیکسملاو یمتیلاو نم بحی ال ہللا نا ؕ مکنامیا تکلم امو ۙ لیبسلا نباو بنجلاب ﴾۳۷ۙ﴿ اروخف الاتخم ناک

What does Islam Say

Their flesh reaches not Allah, nor does their blood, but it is your righteousness that reaches Him. Thus has He subjected them to you, that you may glorify Allah for His guiding you. And give glad tidings to those who do good.

(Al-Hajj, 22:38)


The Holy Prophetsa went towards Al-Baqi (the grave-yard at Medina) on the day of Eid-ul-Adha and offered a twoRakat prayer (of Eid-ul-Adha) and then faced us and said, ''On this day of ours, our first act of worship is the offering of prayer and then we will return and slaughter the sacrifice, and whoever does this concords with our Sunnah; and whoever slaughtered his sacrifice before that (i.e. before the prayer) then that was a thing which he prepared earlier for his family and it would not be considered as a Nusuk (sacrifice.)'' A man stood up and said, ''O, Allah's Apostle! I slaughtered (the animal before the prayer) but I have a young she-goat which is better than an older sheep.'' The Holy Prophetsa said to him, ''Slaughter it. But a similar sacrifice will not be sufficient for anybody else after you.''


مکل اہرخس کِلذک مکنم یوقتلا ہلانی نکلواہؤآمدالواہموحل ہللا لانی نل ننسحملارشبوؕ مکیدہ ام یلع ہللا اوربکتِل

The Promised Messiahas

''The flesh of your sacrifices does not reach God, nor does blood reach Him, but your righteousness does.’ That is, ‘Fear Him so much that you die in His way, just like you slaughter sacrificial animals with your own hands. In the same way, you should sacrifice yourselves in the way of God.’ When taqwa [righteousness and true awareness of God] is less than this, it is still flawed.''

(Chashma-e-Ma‘rifat, Ruhani Khazain, Vol. 23, p. 99, Footnote)


Pearls of Wisdom

Huzoor's guidance

“God Almighty has stated that righteousness is the true essence that should underlay any sacrifice of animals we make. This is what is beloved to God. By making a physical sacrifice, the person making the sacrifice expresses his willingness to forego all his personal desires for God… The person making the sacrifice should take a lesson from this act of sacrificing an animal and realise that he too should be willing to make every sacrifice of his personal desires for the greater goal of achieving the nearness and pleasure of God Almighty.”

(Eid ul Adha Sermon 12 August 2019)


Q&A with Huzooraba

One of the Khuddam asked His Holiness how to control one’s anger.

Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad replied:

“The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) has said that if you feel angry then sit down and if your anger persists, then lie down and wash your face with cool water… So, when you are angry, repent and drink cool water and according to the saying of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him), sit down rather than being fiery and emotional, so that your anger may subside. Other than that, there are occasions where a person becomes cross at someone and their anger is justified. However, even then a person should not lose control of his senses. That anger which is justified should only ever be exhibited for the sake of reforming someone and it should soon subside and should not be kept in one’s heart. It should not be that it becomes a habit and that you become irritated at even small things so that other people feel tense around you and want to avoid your company.”

Upon being asked which is his ‘favourite’ country, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad said

“All countries have good and pious

Ahmadi Muslims and each country has its own unique features and beauty. Every nation and people have their own particular qualities, and, as I have said, sincere Ahmadis are living in all countries. And when Ahmadis are good then the country too becomes good! Therefore, for me, all countries are good.”

“You (Ahmadi Muslims in the UK)

are good, so are those in Germany, Holland, Belgium, France, Canada, USA, New Zealand, Australia, and those in African countries. Ahmadi children and adults in Africa are pious and loyal who show great love. Just look at what happened in Burkina Faso recently –how extraordinary was the sacrifice of the Ahmadis who were martyred there for the sake of their faith. So, after that, Africans surely will be the dearest. Wherever there are sincere Ahmadi Muslims, those who offer sacrifices and are firm in faith, for me that country is good.”

A question also related to what a person should do when approached by a beggar on the street.

“The better approach is to give money to charity organisations. There are charities established by other communities or agencies that the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community supports either through Humanity First or directly so that they are able to help the poor and they know where the need is greatest for the poor in terms of providing food, education and making medical care available. So that is why we give money to the charities. However, if a beggar approaches you directly, then our teaching is that we should not reject them, instead we should give them something, even if it is a little. If you do not want to give them money, then at least never speak harshly to them because we do not know if they are in genuine need or not as we do not know what is in the hearts of others.” press-releases/2023/01/nasirat-fromgermany-have-honour-of-a-virtualmeeting-with-head-of-the-ahmadiyyamuslim-community/



Sacrifice Required to Fulfil the Pledge of Waqf-e-Nau

Official transcript of address by Hazrat

Khalifatul Masih V (aba) at the National Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema UK 2023 on 30th April 2023, from the Baitul Futuh Mosque, Morden, UK


After reciting Tashahhud, Ta`awwuz and Surah alFatihah, His Holiness, Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (aba) said:

‘With the grace of Allah, the National Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema [gathering] of the UK Jama’at is taking place today. The purpose of the Ijtema is for Waqifeen-eNau to join together to enhance their moral state, to increase their religious knowledge, to better understand their objectives, and above all, to be inspired towards developing an everlasting bond with Allah the Almighty. The programme has been arranged to facilitate your religious training and spiritual development so that you become closer to Allah the Almighty, as seeking His nearness is the ultimate objective for every Waqif-e-Zindagi [lifedevotee], rather for every true Muslim.

As you are all aware, your parents made a decision before you were born to dedicate and devote your lives to the service of the Jama’at. Nonetheless, Waqf-e-Nau are not compelled to remain within this scheme, rather upon reaching an age of maturity, all members of Waqf-e-Nau must determine for themselves if they wish to renew the pledge made by their parents and continue their Waqf [dedication]. Many of you have already reached adulthood or are rapidly approaching it.

Indeed, some of you are married with children and are no longer dependent upon your parents. Consequently, most of you are no longer at an age of ignorance or immaturity and so should be able to fully comprehend and grasp the gravity of the undertaking you have taken as a member of Waqfe-Nau. In general terms, if you make a promise or pledge to any person, you must try your level best to fulfil it. Otherwise, you would be guilty of deceit and betray the other person’s trust.

As Waqf-e-Nau, the pledge you have made is on a different level entirely as it is not made with any person but directly with Allah the Almighty. You have each promised to spend your lives in His service and be ready for every sacrifice and hardship for His sake. Hence, today I wish to mention the spirit and level of sacrifice required to successfully fulfil and honour the demands of the pledge of Waqf-e-Nau.

First and foremost, it is imperative that you continually strive to elevate the standards of your

faith in Allah the Almighty and His religion. Only by attaining the love and nearness of Allah the Almighty can members of Waqf-e-Nau fulfil their pledge of bai’at [allegiance] to the Promised Messiah (as) and the demands of their Waqf.

The covenant you have made demands absolute faith and trust in Allah and requires you to constantly strive to build a living connection with Him. It demands that you be ready for every sacrifice for the sake of Allah and be utterly faithful, sincere and loyal to Him in every aspect of your life. On one occasion, the Promised Messiah (as), whilst mentioning what constitutes true faith and loyalty to God, referred to the fact that Allah the Almighty has praised Hazrat Ibrahim (as) in chapter 53, verse 38 of the Holy Qur’an with the words: یفو یذلا میہرباو “And of Abraham who fulfilled the commandments.” [1]

In relation to this verse, the Promised Messiah (as) said that Allah the Almighty has testified to the supreme obedience and sincere loyalty of Hazrat Ibrahim (as) because he not only made a pledge, but also fulfilled it. As I have said, your pledge is of utmost seriousness and magnitude. In essence, you have affirmed before God that you will be ready for every possible sacrifice and hardship for His sake and will, until your dying breath, seek to serve your faith.

I firmly believe that if every member of the Waqfe-Nau scheme, with purity of heart, lives up to this pledge, then together you can bring forth a great spiritual revolution in the world and liberate society from the chains of moral decay in which it has become shackled. However, for this you will need the help and love of Allah the Almighty, and to attain that, you must give precedence to Him over everything else.

Explaining the point, the Promised Messiah (as) said:

“To attain the love and nearness of Allah the Almighty, one must manifest absolute truthfulness and sincerity for Him. The love that Hazrat Ibrahim (as) gained was due only to the faithfulness and absolute devotion that he showed to God.”


The Promised Messiah (as) continues, “The verse ‘and of Abraham who fulfilled the commandments’ means that Hazrat Ibrahim (as) showed absolute sincerity and loyalty to Allah. To manifest loyalty, faithfulness and sincerity with Allah the Almighty requires a form of death.”

The Promised Messiah (as) further said, “Until a person is completely ready to completely forsake all the pleasures and attractions of the world and until a person is ready to endure every form of humiliation, hardship and struggle for the sake of God, it is impossible to attain the virtue of truthfulness and sincerity. Therefore, to be truly faithful and sincere to Allah requires a person to be ready to give up all of his desires and worldly pursuits for His sake. It requires a person to willingly withstand humiliation and rejection, to be ready for all possible sacrifices and to absorb every type of torment and grief for the sake of His faith.”[2]

As Waqf-e-Nau, the onus is on you, even more than other Ahmadis, to be faithful and obedient to Allah

the Almighty in every respect. Yet, that path to Allah the Almighty is not straight or simple. Indeed, the Promised Messiah (as) has stated that at every turn and corner, there are worldly attractions that can corrupt a person’s faith. In fact, the Promised Messiah (as) has equated anything that takes a person away from God to be a false idol.

The Promised Messiah (as) has stated, “Idolatry is not merely that a person worships a tree or a stone, rather every such thing that proves an obstacle in attaining the love of Allah and takes precedence over Him is an idol. Man harbours so many idols within himself that he does not even realise that he is guilty of worshipping them.” He continues, “Thus, until a person does not sincerely become God’s and until he is not ready to endure every trial and tribulation in His way, it is extremely difficult for him to develop true fidelity and sincerity with God.”[3]

The Promised Messiah (as) goes on to explain why Allah the Almighty has praised Hazrat Ibrahim (as) and conferred such honour upon him; the Promised


Messiah (as) states, “Did Ibrahim (as) attain his title for nothing? No. Rather, the words, ‘and of Abraham who fulfilled the commandments’ was bestowed upon him only after he was ready to sacrifice his own son.“

Hazrat Ibrahim (as) gained the love of God because of his willingness to give up everything for His sake to the point that he even stood ready to sacrifice his beloved son.

The Promised Messiah (as) states, “Allah the Almighty desires the practical manifestation of one’s faith. Only through action and deeds is He pleased and such actions demand anguish and struggle.”[4]

Consequently, trials and tribulations are a necessary part of life for a believer. It is quite easy to proclaim that you are loyal to Allah the Almighty and willing to tolerate everything for His sake, but true faith is actually demonstrated when a person is tested and where real sacrifice is required.

Moreover, for those people who exhibit patience and trust in Allah even during times of great struggle, the Promised Messiah (as) has given glad tidings. The Promised Messiah (as) states, “When a person is ready to tolerate pain and grief for the sake of God, then God Almighty saves him from such sorrows. When Hazrat Ibrahim (as), in fulfilment of the command of Allah the Almighty was ready for the sacrifice of his son and had fully prepared for it, then Allah the Almighty saved him. He was hurled into the fire, but the fire could not hurt him.”[5]

The Promised Messiah (as) states that when Hazrat Ibrahim (as) demonstrated his willingness to sacrifice his son for the sake of Allah the Almighty, then Allah stopped him, and He testified to his faithfulness and sincerity. Thus, every Waqf-e-Zindagi, including all Waqifeen-e-Nau, must be ready to endure whatever hardship and adversity comes their way for the sake of Allah the Almighty. If every Waqf-e-Nau and life devotee achieves this, they can consider that they have successfully fulfilled their pledge of Waqf and are destined to be the beneficiaries of the ever-


lasting blessings of Allah that He has promised to those who devote their lives purely for His sake.

So, always keep in view the extraordinary way in which Hazrat Ibrahim (as) fulfilled his pledge. Similarly, you should look to the Companions of the Holy Prophet (sa), who displayed incredible levels of faith and devotion. They surrendered all personal desires and were ever ready to give their lives for the sake of their faith.

Similarly, the Companions of the Promised Messiah (as) also showed exemplary standards of sacrifice. Amongst his followers were those who relinquished all material pursuits and worldly opportunities for the sake of their faith. They included exceptionally well-educated people who had gained bachelor’s and master’s degrees, which was extremely rare at that time, and for whom there was huge demand in society. Instead of seeking fame and fortune, they left behind everything and came into the service of the Promised Messiah (as). They devoted their lives to the service of Islam and fulfilled their pledges without a second thought for what they had left behind.

So, it is with this mindset that the Waqifeen-e-Nau and Waqf-e-Zindagis should seek to live their lives. If not, their claim of having devoted their lives will be hollow and not based on truth.

I reiterate that you must all recognise the value and significance of your pledge, and for this, the most crucial element is to develop a personal bond and loving relationship with Allah the Almighty. As I have said many times before, you must elevate the standards of your worship. Every Waqf-e-Zindagi and Waqf-e-Nau must offer the five daily prayers each day with punctuality and should carefully reflect upon the meaning of each prayers.

It is narrated that once, during the time of the Holy Prophet (sa), a Muslim entered the mosque whilst the Holy Prophet (sa) was sitting with some of his Companions. The man had not offered Namaz [prayer] and so offered it on his own. Once he had finished, he approached the Holy Prophet (sa), who instructed him to offer it again. The Companion did as instructed and returned to the Holy Prophet (sa). Once again, the Holy Prophet (sa) told him to repeat the prayer. So, he went and offered it for a third time.

After again observing him, the Holy Prophet (sa) instructed him to pray again. Upon this, the Companion said, “O Messenger of Allah, I have offered the prayers as I know how and cannot pray in a better way than this. So, please teach me how to pray.” In response, the Holy Prophet (sa) explained how to do justice to Salat [prayer]. He explained that during Namaz, a person should praise Allah the Almighty, express his love for Him, and recite Surah Fatihah, Durood Sharif [sending peace and salutations upon the Holy Prophet (sa)], and all the other necessary prayers while pondering over their meanings.

Moreover, the Holy Prophet (sa) explained that a Muslim should prostrate in sajdah [prostration] with complete humility.[6] Hence, you should offer every Namaz with due care as prescribed by the Holy Prophet (sa) rather than quickly going through the motions.

In addition, a Waqf-e-Nau should be regular in offering Nawafil, voluntary prayers, so that their relationship with Allah the Almighty becomes stronger. Only when a personal and living bond with your Creator develops within you will you start to attain the standard of loyalty required of a person who fulfils his pledge or pledges and who has vowed to dedicate his life for the sake of his faith.

Similarly, as Waqf-e-Nau, you must recite the Holy Qur’an daily and read its translation. In addition, you should study the commentaries of the Promised Messiah (as) and the Khulafa so that your understanding of its teachings increases. Otherwise, if you do not understand the Qur’an’s teachings, how will you practise them, and how will you convey its message to others? How will you be able to ask others to accept what you yourself are ignorant of?

Furthermore, it is the obligation of those who have devoted their lives to demonstrate the highest possible moral standards and to seek to adopt every type of virtue. In your daily lives, you should observe the best morals and etiquettes when you are with your family, friends, and fellow students and in all of your dealings. Always hold fast to the trust and never permit yourself to engage in falsehood. Speak to others respectfully and kindly.

Some of you are married, whilst others will, Insha’Al-


lah, [God-willing] get married in the future. In this regard, Waqf-e-Nau should prioritise righteousness and piety when it comes to finding a wife so that your home environment is religious and according to the teachings of Islam. In reality, you will only consider righteousness to be your priority when marrying if you are religious-minded and value your faith above everything else. Once married, you must treat your wives with love and kindness and fulfil their needs as best you can. You must also set the best possible example for your children. Only if you manifest excellent morals in front of them and guide them towards righteousness will you fulfil your duties to them and towards safeguarding the next generation of the Jama’at.

Another important virtue that you must adopt is modesty. Do not be under the misconception that modesty is something only for women and girls to practice; rather, it is essential for boys and men as well. In this society, indecency and vulgarity is visible almost everywhere. So, when you are out in public, you should lower your gaze rather than look curiously in every direction and towards those indecent things that are contrary to your faith.

Similarly, avoid all immoral and obscene content on social media, television or elsewhere. Exposure to such content is extremely harmful. It can easily corrupt one’s mind and adversely affect your behaviour. Many studies and media reports have proven that exposure to pornography or similar vulgar material is hugely damaging, both at an individual level and for the wider society.

For example, studies have shown that viewing such content leads to disturbing attitudes amongst boys and men towards women and girls and often to violence. Unquestionably, every Ahmadi must exhibit modesty, but there are even higher expectations and demands upon those who have dedicated their lives for the sake of Allah.

It is also extremely important that the Waqifeen-e-Nau pay particular regard to fulfilling their duties as members of Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya [Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association] or Atfalul Ahmadiyya [Ahmadiyya Muslim Children’s Association]. You should take a full part in their Ijtemas and other events and be ready for whatever duties are required of you. Whilst the Waqf-e-Nau Ijtema is a one-day event, the National Khuddam and Atfal Ijtemas usually take place over three days, and so


you should attend as much as possible and take a full part in the various activities and programmes. When you attend such events, it should be your firm intention to increase your religious knowledge and improve the practice of your faith. You should set such a high example that other Khuddam and Atfal clearly discern the difference between Waqf-e-Nau and others. In this way, you will become positive role models for them. If you achieve such standards, you will surely become the beneficiaries of countless blessings and rewards from Allah the Almighty.

Similarly, in the field of tabligh [propagation], the Waqf-e-Nau should be at the forefront of spreading the message of Ahmadiyyat. In this era, the opponents of Islam are attacking the teachings of Islam on a daily basis. Furthermore, ignorant and entirely false interpretations of Islamic teachings by extremists enable them to unfairly malign and ridicule our religion.

Hence, to enlighten the world of the matchless teachings of the Holy Qur’an and to inform mankind of the unparalleled status of the Holy Prophet (sa) is the paramount duty of every Ahmadi and es-

pecially Waqf-e-Nau. To be successful in tabligh, it is vital that you gain religious knowledge, and you must also sincerely pray that Allah blesses your efforts and those of other Ahmadis engaged in spreading the message of Islam.

To win people’s hearts, you must ensure your personal example and conduct is beyond reproach. Show sympathy and love for others and care for those in need. If you are kind and considerate, you will find that people are naturally inclined towards you, and it is more likely they will be drawn towards the teachings of Islam. By observing your pious nature, any false misconception about Islam will naturally be eliminated from the hearts and minds of non-Muslims.

It is also imperative that the Waqf-e-Nau strive to develop an unbreakable spiritual bond with the Khalifa of the time and display the highest standards of loyalty and obedience to the institution of Khilafat. If you are sincere with Khilafat, it will not only benefit you personally and be a means of gaining the rewards of Allah, it will ensure that the unity within our Jama’at will grow ever stronger.


Another quality that you must seek to cultivate is humility. You should abandon all forms of arrogance and egotism. Do not think yourselves better than others. Indeed, you should have a hatred for arrogance and self-importance. Allah the Almighty loves those who are humble and abhors those who are proud. Despite his great status, the Promised Messiah (as) was always the epitome of humility. As a result, he received a revelation from Allah the Almighty that “Your humble ways were liked by Him.”[7]

Having taken the bai’at of the Imam of the Age, the Promised Messiah (as), and pledged to act upon and propagate his teachings, we must endeavour to be like him. We must strive every day to instil within ourselves those qualities and virtues fundamental to righteousness. Only then will we be amongst those fortunate souls who have fulfilled the objectives of their Waqf and the demands of their pledge.

Before concluding, I also wish to remind you that Promised Messiah (as) has stated that his followers should seek to learn about the world and gain its insight. Accordingly, apart from religious studies, Waqifeen-e-Nau must also strive to excel in their secular education. Always seek to increase your knowledge, and do not waste time on trivial things. Consider how you can benefit humanity and advance human understanding.

The Waqifeen who enrol in Jamia Ahmadiyya should also, alongside their religious studies, try to increase their secular knowledge. It is vital for missionaries to have an understanding of what is happening in the world so they can relate to other people.

Furthermore, those Waqifeen-e-Nau studying or working externally, particularly in research, should endeavour to climb to the pinnacle of their respective fields of learning. If you excel in acquiring worldly and religious knowledge, you will have the intellectual armoury to propagate the message and teachings of Allah the Almighty and defend Islam from those who seek to defame it.

Furthermore, you will, Insha’Allah, gain the ability to bring people towards the worship of the One God and under the banner of he who was the most honoured of all mankind, the Holy Prophet Muhammad (sa).

At the end, I sincerely pray that Allah the Almighty enables all of you to fulfil the pledge you have made to dedicate your life for the sake of Islam with unconditional loyalty and sincerity. May He grant you the capability to elevate your moral and spiritual standards and enable you to continually increase your service to the Jama’at. May you be counted amongst the most faithful soldiers of the spiritual army of the Promised Messiah (as), whose mission is not to conquer lands or territories but rather to win the hearts of mankind and to bring the people of all nations, races, and beliefs towards Allah the Almighty. May all of you, as Waqifeen-e-Nau, come to play an outstanding role in conveying the message of Islam and Ahmadiyyat to every corner of the world. May Allah enable you to do so, Ameen.’

[Original source – published in The Review of Religions online]


[1] The Holy Qur’an 53:38.

[2] Al Hakam Vol. 7, No. 10, 17 March 1903, p. 1 referenced in Tafsir Hazrat Masih-e-Mau’ud Vol. 7 p. 306.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Ibid.

[5] Ibid pp. 306-307.

[6] Sahih al-Bukhari, Kitab al-Adhan Bab Amr al-Nabi (sa) allazi la Yutimmu Ruku’ahu bi al-I’adah.

[7] Tadhkirah p. 595 Fourth Edition.


Huzooraba’s insightful response to contemporary issues

The world we live in today is plagued with issues such as Homosexuality, poverty and international Terrorism. The world’s leaders be they Muslim, Jewish or Christian are each giving their own twisted verdicts leading the nations to collide and differ on nearly every single issue. Muslim leaders are altering the words of the Holy Quran and our Beloved Prophet Muhammadsa to best suit their desires.

From the wrongful belief in the so-called ‘triple talaq’ to the heinous killings in regards to their apostasy laws. The Muslim Ummah is the perfect reflection of the hadith that they will one day mirror the Jews.

Today, there is only one man on the face of this earth whose guidance is based upon true Islamic teachings; He is the Khalifa, the representative of Allah on earth – one in 7 billion.

Our beloved Khalifa Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmadaba endeavours day by day to tackle these contemporary issues head on and drag the world away from the dark pit it is rapidly headed towards.

The first topic which Huzoor has beautiful explained throughout the years, is an issue which is ever growing in today's society is: That Islam sees women inferior to men.

In today’s day and age Islam is under fire and it is oft thought that the religion does not grant equality to women but rather that it oppresses them. There is a common misunderstanding in the west that women

are suppressed in Islam. Huzoor has very beautifully explained at the Jalsa Salana UK Lajna address in 2016 that no other book before the Holy Quran has given women their rights just as it has to the men. Huzoor refers to the verse of the Holy Quran in chapter 2, verse 229, that the rights upon women are equal to those upon men.

Huzoor then eloquently goes on to say that the Quran has given women many rights, such as a man and woman having the same reward for their pious deeds, women having the only right upon that which they earn and that women have been made the owners of properties.

Following on from this Huzoor describes a short encounter he had with a female journalist. The journalist asked Huzoor that as Christianity has changed its teachings in accordance to a new era, do you not think that change is also needed in Islam’s teachings.

Huzoor gave the most beautifully perfect answer by saying …

“No, why? Because the Holy Quran has kept in mind human nature when distributing responsibilities, and once they have been distributed there is no need for change. A change is only needed where there is a lack of rights being fulfilled be they women’s rights or men’s rights”


Just a few years ago when our beloved Huzooraba went for his tour of Canada, he had a very interesting interview with a news anchor by the name of Peter Mansbridge. In this interview he questioned the separation of men and women at events such as Jalsa salanas and ijtemas. Huzoor eloquently explains to him that this separation in no way means that they are segregated but rather if he were to ask the Ahmadi women, and Huzoor actually stated that he often does ask, but they would insist that they do not feel in any way uncomfortable. Huzoor then refers to the insightful commands of the Quran where men are instructed to lower their gaze as a form of purdah and the next verse gives the same teaching for women.

Huzoor then finished the discussion by saying:

“Apart from this, it is the Religious teaching… whether you like it or not”

This is the Divine Khalifa of Islam who, shows us from his supreme example how to wisely deal with attacks on Islam by not shying away from the truth. To have no inferiority complex with regards to Islam. Regarding the treatment of women, a study showed that 1 in 3 women will endure domestic violence in their lifetime, because such people are not following a divine leader, there is no-one stopping them or advising them to treat women kindly. On the other hand, Huzoor-e-Anwar constantly tells Ahmadi men to treat women with the utmost respect. Speaking about the severity of domestic abuse in the home on the 19th may 2017 in his Friday Huzoor stated:

''Some men, thinking that they have unbridled authority as the head of the house, are engaged in domestic violence and cruelty to children. So, if one wants to carry on treating his wife and children like ignorant people, then there is no benefit in coming into the Bai'at of the Promised Messiah (as)''

Today, Muslims are scared to announce their faith leading to recent statistics to show that around 27% of Muslims are “non practising” even those who are practising their concept of Islamic teachings have become skewed. The number of Muslim teens who now drink alcohol has risen dramatically over the past decade. All these unislamic actions are down

to one factor, the Muslim Ummah being ignorant to the single Muslim leader who has forsaken every western ideology which contradicts Islamic law…

Huzoor does not in any way shape or form accept the adaptation of Islamic teachings,

Now, many people accuse Islam for not integrating into society and it is a renowned belief that one simply cannot be a Muslim and be so called westernised.

If we just have a look back at the interview our beloved Huzoor had with Peter Mansbridge Huzoor valiantly states that…

“You have to be law abiding, you have to work for the betterment of your nation and country, this is true integration”

Huzoor then refers to an incident in Sweden where a journalist questioned that you do not shake hands with ladies? So how can you integrate into society? The wisdom behind Huzoor’ reply was such that he questioned them back by saying that how does shaking hands with women have any such relation with the betterment of the country or nation.

The misconception of Islam is not unheard of, the view that people have of its teachings is blurry through the glasses of hate that people tend to view Islam through. On his tour of Scandinavia Huzooraba said…

“That if people viewed Islam through lenses of justice instead of lenses of prejudice then they would see that Islam is a religion of peace”

Huzoor has on many occasions instructed us to not fear what is being said about Islam but rather that we should address these issues according to Islamic teachings but remember to keep in mind the fine line of wisdom. Our beloved Huzoor delivered a keynote address in Denmark of the need for mankind to respect each other, now just to remind you this is Denmark we are talking about, the country which is well renowned for publishing cartoons of the Holy Prophet of Islam saw without a care in the world for the offense they inflict upon muslims. Again at this occasion Huzoor rose to the controversy and dealt


with the issue at hand by saying…

“This unjust portrayal of the Holy Prophet defies history and defies the truth. The reality was that the Holy Prophet was forever enslaved by his determination to establish peace and the rights of humanity.”

Now these issues have led to youth to be at crossroads in regards to their faith. Children in this society are being pushed towards atheism by being allowed to think they know what is best for them from such a young age. I mean children as young as 7 are being taught about “transgender experiences” in schools and certain unions are even contemplating bringing that age down to just 2 years of age!...

This is what the world wants to teach their kids but our beloved Huzoor, has been teaching us to love one another, to be Loyal to one’s faith and nation and to uphold the responsibilities Islam demands from us from the moment we attend our first Ijtema. The pledge is recited Ijtema after Ijtema to lay out our responsibilities as Ahmadis to not only Allah and his Khalifa but our duties to our country as well. Just because we as ahmadis serve our community and our countries it in no way means that we have to fall prey to their ideologies and complexities rather a quote of Huzoor which comes to mind to perfectly summarise this topic is that…

“We will get the world to follow us and we will not follow the world”

Huzur during the national Ijtema said: “As Muslim youth, you should have no inferiority complex”

Through the Khalifah of Ahmadiyyat a new generation of Muslim Youth are being born who will be firm in their Religion and faith, insha'Allah

All these issues I have stated have one basic solution which Huzoor has told people, not just for us as Muslims but for the world on a global scale. That is for Man to recognise his God and come back to his creator.

Huzoor has also sent many letters to world leaders counselling them on their actions and how God is the answer to their chaos.

Huzoor e anwar constantly reminds in accordance to the Holy Quran that this life that we are living today is nothing but a past time… Huzoor specifically stated a couple of years ago in his Friday sermon that…

''Allah the Almighty states that you must remember that the life of this world is not everything as the real life is the one in the hereafter. Therefore, it is necessary for one to forge a relationship with Allah the Almighty and to adhere to His commandments in order to seek His pleasure and a prosperous end.''

Huzoor has said that the reason for injustice is a lack spirituality. The reason for war is a lack of spirituality. The reason for greed is a lack of spirituality. All in all, the golden key for the world, Huzoor has said, is to recognise your creator; without listening to this key advise from the Khalifa, the world will never be in a state of peace.

“That if people viewed Islam through lenses of justice instead of lenses of prejudice then they would see that Islam is a religion of peace”
Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmedaba

Insightful Guidances of Khilafat-e-Ahmadiyya

The world as we know is ridden with chaos and unrest. Nations are waging war upon one another in every sense of the word. The world’s leaders are steering the world into another age of destructive pandemonium which due to the extent of weaponry readily available would be fatal. Everywhere we turn politicians are abusing their power relentlessly because the global economy is moving against their best interests.

Religion is a thing of the past, as more and more people look towards rejecting the idea of a God, we also see that the major religions are being portrayed falsely, terror attacks being carried out in the name of Religion. What is the

cause for this? Why is the world ready to plunge itself into an abyss of bedlam? The answer to this is simple and one which was prophesied over 1400 years ago by the Holy founder of Islam(saw)… The coming of the spiritual reformer of the age, who would set about in reconstructing the worlds order and leave behind a divine caliphate which would guide its members to becoming the best spiritual versions of themselves.

This article will delve into the various insightful guidances given by the Khulafa of Ahmadiyyat.

Every Khalifa has been divinely cho-


sen by the Almighty thus far. they have all been directly connected to Allah spiritually. Therefore, they have all been sent with boundless guidance’s for their community. So as to offer justice to each of our beloved khulafas.

Hazrat Maulana Hakeem Nooruddin (Khalifatul Masih I)ra was a pure and simple man, tolerant, frank and straightforward and truthful. He had excellent qualities of administration and leadership. He had a singular faith in God. His trust in Him was noteworthy and very remarkable.

Quraishi Ameer Muhammad Sahib of Bhera relates:

“I was in the presence of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih when the postman brought a VP parcel for Rs. 16, containing some books. He exclaimed that these were his favourite books which he had fondly ordered sometime back but he had no money to pay for them now. He then said that “God has so much compassion for me that I am sure He will send down His beneficence at this very moment.” Soon after a Hindu man brought his sick child to Huzoor to have him diagnosed. Huzoor examined him and wrote a prescription. The man placed before him a guinea (worth Rs. 15 then) plus one rupee in gratitude and left. Huzoor at once prostrated in thanksgiving and said “I was confident that my Lord, my Friend will never forsake me. It might have been that the man would not give anything at all since as a rule I do not ask

for anything or that he would present only one guinea. But my Allah saw to it that His humble servant’s needs are met in full.”

This very short but insightful relation show us the level of trust he had in Allah the Almighty no matter how problematic the situation at hand seemed.

The next guidance I wish to present here is not in need of any explanation and is one which Hadhrat Musleh Maudra has given to missionaries in the European world.

Huzoor gave this advice in writing to

“God has so much compassion for me that I am sure He will send down His beneficence at this very moment.”
Hazrat Khalifatul Masih Ira

Maulana Qazi Muhammad Abdullah on the occasion of his departure for England as a missionary on the 6th September 1915.

Huzoor writes and I quote, “Europe is now steeped in materialism. She is the mine of all sciences. She is proud of her knowledge. She is puffed up with the thought that what she thinks to be civilization is the real civilization and that all else is barbarism. People, finding her so far advanced in science, are over awed by her extravagant claims while as a matter of fact the sciences of Europe cannot be put in the balance against the knowledge contained in the Quran. Her theories are subject to constant change while the Quranic truths are eternal and unchangeable. Hence, he who believes in the Holy Quran cannot for a second be cowed down before her. If he studies her civilization

in the light of the Holy Quran, it will appear to him anything but civilization and its bright pearls will appear no more than mere oyster shells.

Therefore, never be dismayed by the theories of Europe. If they ever begin to ruin your mind, take to the study of the Holy Quran and the works of the Holy Founder of the Ahmadiyya Jamaat and you will find such knowledge therein as will counteract their unhealthy influence. Bear in mind that you are going to conquer Europe and not be conquered by it. Do not be afraid of her pretensions for they are utterly baseless. Do not yield to the irreligious influences of Europe. But try to bring Europe round to the civilization of Deen-i-Haq; remembering at the same time the injunction of the Holy Prophetsa i.e., Convey glad tidings to the people and scare them not away. Speak gently.

The original urdu text for this can be found in Al-Fazl. Dated on 14th Sepetember 1915

Each Khalifa has provided guidance to the Community and each has ensured that the message of Ahmadiyyat continues to be carried to all parts of the world. Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh as the third successor to the Promised Messiahas. He travelled widely, spreading the message of Islam wherever he went. He was the first Ahmadi Khalifa to travel to Africa. A lasting consequence of that historic journey was that the Ahmadiyya Jama’at expanded its efforts in the service of humanity in West Africa. As a result of the selfless efforts of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh, the Nusrat Jahan scheme was established, and to this day still continues to provide medical and educational help to West African nations.


Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh also established mosques and missions in various parts of Europe. It was under his guidance and leadership that the Ahmadiyya community has the honour of witnessing the historic return of Islam to Spain.

‘Love for All, Hatred for None’, is the simple phrase that became established as the slogan of the Ahmadiyya Muslim community during this Khilafat. For far too long, Islam had lived under the shadow of militancy and ‘holy war’. That was not the message with which the Holy Prophetsa won the hearts of millions – not through war, but peace; not through hatred, but love. Those simple words are also a lasting testament to the behaviour of the members of the Ahmadiyya community during the severe anti-Ahmadi hostilities which took place in 1974, hostilities which were borne with patience and fortitude under the guidance of Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh .

Hadhrat Khalifatul Masih IIIrh argued that Islam granted absolute freedom of choice in matters of faith and conscience and there was no earthly penalty prescribed for apostasy. In a sermon delivered on Friday 29 December, 1978, he said:

‘Freedom of conscience and freedom of belief are the fundamental rights of man. His very creation is for that purpose. If man is not free in respect of these matters, if people are to be driven forcibly into Islam like sheep and goats, then there can be no recompense by God, the One and Unique, for any human action. Will you compel God Almighty to accept the hypocritical actions of people performed by them under compulsion so that God Himself

must love them under compulsion?

During the Khilafat of the 4th Khalifa, Hadhrat Mirza Tahir Ahmadrh the need for guidances was paramount, the jamaat had relocated to London and was being faced with questions and issues which it had not faced prior to the move. During his Khilafat it was customary that Huzoor would make himself readily available at various times to the community or to others to answer any questions that were put to him. During Huzoors trip to west ferry, Australia on the 30th September an outsider asked what his thoughts were on the future of the western society from an Islamic point of view.

Huzoor begins to answer this question by stating, “The fact is that the pursuit of pleasure and a sense of liberty coupled together have made western soci-


ety what it is today. Liberty from what? Liberty from all bondage that binds man to his Creator. This is what I see in the western concept of liberty today. Liberty from all that is noble that creates responsibility, which binds you and which limit your avenues of pleasure seeking. That is the liberty which the West has got today and is still pursuing – a mad pursuit of pleasure wherever it is to be had, forgetting that it is not for man to get whatever he wants to whatever extent he wants to have it.”

Huzoor goes on to explain that man was born with limited knowledge and limited capabilities. He is born with limited imagination and limited reach, so it is impossible for man to attain unlimited pleasure. What usually happens is that man in his mad pursuit is unable to fulfil his worldly desires. This is affecting the entire society and causing a huge amount of unrest.

Later on, Huzoor refers to the western desires using the example of alcohol. How at first a single sip is capable of giving the drinker a kick, however after a certain amount of time that person becomes an alcoholic and no longer is able to even receive a kick from multiple bottles.

Huzoor then mentioning his experience of when he visited the United States that, “while I was there a few years ago, there was a Radio station devoted entirely to the reporting of murders and every five minutes, on average, a murder was taking place. People were being looted and murdered, not for the sake of bread, not for the sake of the necessities of life but just for the sake of the thrill of it. They sought pleasure wherever they could find it. That is the disease of the society.

The answer given by Huzoor is a perfect one and is need of no explanation.

So, what is the answer? The only answer is this – that true pleasure, lasting pleasure, true satisfaction and contentment can only be had by establishing one’s relationship with one’s Creator. That is what man was created for. Society has lost direction. Man has lost his bearings. He has lost the purpose of his creation. So why should God be interested in saving man when he is not serving the purpose of his creation? Everything is created for a certain purpose and according to the Holy Quran man was created to be introduced to his Lord. In the previous stages of life, no animal had developed enough to realise things which only man can realise. The first species which could come into contact with his creator was in the form of man – I mean direct conscious contact. This is what the Holy Quran tells us – to pursue that end, to reach one’s Lord as soon as possible and to remain with Him, to live with Him, to feel His nearness, and so on. The Holy Quran tells us that this is contentment, this is true pleasure. It also tells us that by living closer to your God you become noble, because He is noble.


The last guidance for this article was given by our current Khalifa Hadhrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad (may Allah strengthen his hand) who has on countless occasions explained to us the importance of our Waqf and what it truly means to be a missionary. Recently we were blessed with the visit of Huzoor on 29th April 2019 at the occasion of the convocation in which Huzoor addressed the current and future missionaries on the importance of their Waqf and missionary work. Huzoor went on to say…

''No matter how trivial the matter may seem, it is your duty to guide them (the jamaat members) to the right path. However, for this it is important that your own model and relationship with God Almighty is exemplary. May Allah enable you all to fulfil the words of Hadhrat Musleh Maudra which he expressed in the following couplet;

Today, the majority of the world has become embroiled in materialism and is distant from God, consequently they have fallen spiritually into an abyss of darkness. In such a time, it is your duty to become like a Qutb (leader) for your own people as well as others. It is the duty of those individuals who have submitted their lives for this task. The meaning of Qutub is a leader, or that polar star which serves as a guide and shows people the way, another meaning is the central point. Another meaning of the word Qutub is a saint, or one who has a close bond with God Almighty.

Therefore, it is your duty to impart the teachings of faith to the world and bring them closer to God Almighty. Today it is you whom God Almighty has chosen as the leaders of this world and the ones who are going to serve as its guide. Today, God Almighty has established you as the centre around whom people shall gather to learn about faith and

increase in their spirituality. For this to occur it is essential to become a wali, to forge a connection with God Almighty and to increase in spirituality and so, you should continue to excel in achieving these standards… thus, you must never go after the world, rather you should instil confidence within yourself and continue increasing it and confidently go on propagating the teachings of Islam.

Instead of pursuing after worldly endeavours, you must present the teachings of Islam and become a shining guide for the rest of the world.

Since God Almighty has made you into leaders, therefore, you ought to do justice to your role, otherwise studying here for seven years and becoming a Murabbi and graduating with a degree will be meaningless.

میں �را� روا ظلمت تم ود مکا کا قطب وجا ھو ا�م�ھر یلیے کے ںو� �ھ� لےبھو


What it Means to be ‘Special’

In the 2023 Waqfe-Nau

Ijtema UK, Huzooraba very importantly reminded the life devotees:

“As I have said, your pledge is of utmost seriousness and magnitude. In essence, you have affirmed before God that you will be ready for every possible sacrifice and hardship for His sake and will, until your dying breath.”


If we were to look for a true embodiment of this pledge then the example of the Holy Prophet and his beloved friend the first Khalifa of Islam Hadhrat Abu Bakrra should easily suffice.

It was a sweltering afternoon in Mecca, and the Ka’ba was buzzing with activity as the Quraish tribesmen gathered to plot against the Prophet Muhammad and his followers. The Quraish were staunchly opposed to the Prophet’s message of worship of One God, and they saw him as a threat to their traditional way of life.

As the sun beat down on the Ka’ba, the Prophet and his companion, Abu Bakr, arrived on the scene, unaware of the danger that awaited them. They began to circumambulate the Ka’ba, reciting prayers and supplications to Allah.

Suddenly, a group of Quraish tribesmen appeared out of nowhere, brandishing their weapons and shouting insults at the Prophetsa and Abu Bakrra. They pushed and shoved them, knocking them to the ground and kicking them repeatedly.

Despite the violence being inflicted upon them, the Holy Prophetsa and Hadhrat Abu Bakrra remained steadfast in their faith. They refused to renounce their belief in Allah, even in the face of extreme persecution.

As the Quraish continued to attack them, the Prophet remained calm and composed, praying for their guidance and forgiveness. He knew that Allah was with him, and that no amount of violence or intimidation could shake his faith.

Eventually, the Quraish grew tired of their assault and left the Prophet and Abu Bakr lying on the ground, battered and bruised. But despite their injuries, the two men refused to be broken. They rose to their feet, dusted themselves off, and continued to worship and spread the message of Islam throughout the Arabian Peninsula.

The Prophet remained steadfast in his mission to spread the message of Islam. His unwavering commitment to his beliefs were exemplified in a Hadith narrated by Abu Hurairah, which states:

The Quraish once approached the Prophet and said, “Give up your preaching of Islam and we will give you anything you want.” `If you demand money and wealth, we will make you the wealthiest man among all Arabs. If you are interested in lordship and position, we will make you our absolute chief. If you like sovereignty, we will make you our own sovereign…

The Holy Prophet Muhammadsa immediately rejected this offer.

[Seerat ibn Hisham, Vol. 1, pp.295-1296.]

Again, Hudhursa uncle, Abu Talib requested the Holy Prophet to discontinue his efforts in the way of Islam, fearing for his safety.

However, once again, the Prophet’s response was unwavering, as he replied,“Even if they were to place the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand, I will never give up my mission.”

This statement underscores the depth of the Prophet’s devotion to his faith and the conviction that he had in the message that he believed in, and the message he was delivering.

In driving forward this point we can again look back at Hudhur’s address at the Waqf-e-Nau National Ijtema where he stated:

“I firmly believe that if every member of the Waqf-e-Nau scheme, with a purity of heart, lives up to this pledge, then, together, you can bring forth a great spiritual revolution in the world and liberate society from the chains of moral decay in which it has become shackled.

“However, for this, you will need the help and love of Allah the Almighty and to attain that you must give precedence to Him over everything else.”

Our Beloved Holy Prophet Muhammadsa serves as an incredible example of inspiration, and we need not look any further than this. His shining example demonstrates the true glory of mankind.

He was the quintessence of what it means to be ‘special’.Now is the time for us to strive for that same level of ‘special’, inspired by his teachings and the life that he led.

Furthermore, Huzooraba clearly defined what is to be ‘special’ as a Waqf-e-Nau, stating:

‘Waqf-e-Nau, as I said are very special. But they will have to prove that they are ahead of others in their relationship with Allah; only then they will be called ‘special’. They will be called special if they have fear of God more than others. They will be called special if their standards of worship are a lot higher than others. They will be called special if they offer supererogatory prayers along with the obligatory ones. It is a sign of being special if their degree of general conduct is extremely high. There is a marked difference in their language and talking manners. It is clearly observable that if there is a genuinely trained person who prefers faith over worldly matters. Then they will be ‘special’.





Asif Munir

25 years of age. currently serving in New Zealand


1. What inspired you to apply for Jamia ?

Every high-school student experiences anxiety about the future and frequently changes their career aspirations or university plans. Personally, I had a strong interest in mathematics, which led me to consider pursuing a career as an accountant or in a math-related field. However, my perspective shifted when Jamia Ahmadiyya UK organized its first tarbiyyati class for the youth on a national level. This five to seven-day camp provided an opportunity for everyone to pray, eat, and play together, but more importantly, it offered teachings on the fundamental doctrines and beliefs of Ahmadiyyat. I experienced a significant boost in my faith, for which I am grateful. Inspired by this class, I began reading the books of the Promised Messiahas in English, and it was through this that my love for our Jamaat increased. Realizing the importance of this truth, I felt compelled to further explore our religion and share its message with others.

2. Was there anyone who inspired you to become a Murabbi ?

In my family, as well as in my local Jamaat at the time, there was no presence of a Murrabi, which meant that I did not have anyone to look up to during my childhood.

3. Name three things that you experienced in your time studying in Jamia which changed you as a person.

My time in Jamia has been truly transformative, filled with remarkable experiences that have shaped who I am today. Firstly, prior to joining Jamia, I never had a strong interest in reading

books. However, within the Jamia environment, I discovered a newfound passion for books that has now become an integral part of my life.

Secondly, Jamia instilled within me a profound sense of discipline. From being punctual at the assembly hall every morning at precisely 8 am to abstaining from keeping a mobile phone in Jamia and adhering to specific dress codes, these practices formed a strong sense of self-discipline.

However, the most significant changed occurred in my life is my spirituality. Prior to Jamia, I occasionally found myself becoming lazy when it came to prayers. However, within the environment of Jamia, by the grace of Allah the Almighty, I truly understood the importance of prayer. It became deeply meaningful, reinforcing the essential lesson that I must always rely on God.

4. Any special memorable moment with Khalifatul-Masihaba which stuck with you?

One of the most memorable moments I had with Huzoor occurred during my third year at Jamia. At that time, I often wondered if Huzoor knew me personally, just as he did with other students. Seeking clarification, I mustered up the courage to ask Huzoor if he recognized me when he reads my letters. I wanted to know if my face came to his mind when he received my letters. Although Huzoor did not directly answer my question, I sensed that he wanted to ensure that I wouldn't be disheartened by his response. Instead, he offered me a heartfelt advice. Huzoor advised me that whenever I write a letter, I should include a picture of myself in the corner.


Taking Huzoor's advice to heart, I diligently followed his instructions and included a photograph of myself with every letter I wrote thereafter. A month or two later, I was granted another blessed opportunity to meet with Huzoor. As soon as I entered the room, Huzoor greeted me with genuine warmth, and he affectionately remarked on the quality of the prints from my ''really good printer.'' In that beautiful moment, I knew without a doubt that Huzoor had indeed been reading my letters and had developed a recognition of who I was.

5. How has studying in Jamia prepared you for your posting?

In the field, one encounters numerous challenges, particularly when living far away from family members. However, Jamia serves as a remarkable preparation ground, equipping students to navigate various situations. As a Jamia student, one typically sees their family only once or twice a week,

fostering independence and adaptability. This experience proves invaluable when transitioning to the field, as it helps individuals become accustomed to living without constant family support. Furthermore, in the field, one is bound to encounter individuals who pose religious questions. Jamia plays a pivotal role in enhancing students' knowledge and understanding of religious matters, enabling them to provide appropriate and informed answers. The comprehensive education received at Jamia equips students with the necessary tools to address religious inquiries and engage in meaningful discussions.

6. Where are you posted and what is your daily routine?

I reside in Hamilton, a small town in New Zealand, where we currently do not have a mosque. Instead, we gather at a salat centre to perform our prayers. It has become a regular part of my routine to attend the centre.

In addition to attending prayers, I make a conscious effort to visit the families within our community daily. This interaction allows me to establish personal connections with each member of the community. Moreover, I devote time to reading and expanding my knowledge every day.


7. How important is it for a Murrabi to keep in constant contact with KhalifatulMasihaba?

Maintaining constant contact with Huzoor is of utmost importance for a Murrabi, as they serve as Huzoor's representatives and have dedicated their lives to spreading the message of the Jama'at worldwide. By staying connected with Huzoor, Murrabis seek continuous guidance and support in fulfilling their responsibilities.

As Huzoor embodies the spiritual and administrative authority of the Jama'at, their insights and direction are invaluable for Murrabis in navigating various challenges and effectively disseminating

the Jama'at's message. Huzoor's wisdom, experience, and deep understanding of the community's needs serve as a guiding light, shaping the efforts and strategies of Murrabis across the globe. Constant contact with Huzoor not only ensures that Murrabis remain aligned with the Jama'at's vision and objectives but also helps strengthen their connection with the divine mission entrusted to them. It provides a sense of unity, purpose, and motivation to carry out their duties diligently and passionately.

8. What are two things that you would advise the current Jamia students around the world?


Firstly, always rely on God Almighty and maintain complete trust in Him. Being a missionary can present challenges that may lead to doubts about the fruitfulness of our efforts. During such times, it is crucial to remember that our ultimate reliance should be on God. Trusting in His Divine wisdom and guidance will provide us with the strength and resilience needed to persevere. Having unwavering faith in God's plan and His ability to bring about positive outcomes, even in difficult circumstances, will sustain us through the ups and downs of missionary work.

Secondly, dedicate yourself to rigorous study at Jamia. The educational foundation laid at Jamia serves as a powerful tool for missionaries. Embrace the opportunities for learning and growth provided by Jamia, as they will equip you with the necessary understanding and proficiency to effectively convey the message of the Jama'at.

9. What advice would you give to anyone who wants to join Jamia but is unsure about this life changing decision?

It is crucial to approach the decision to join Jamia with seriousness and dedication. The life in Jamia can indeed present challenges at times, and if one decides to leave midway, it can have significant mental and

emotional repercussions. Therefore, it is important to fully comprehend the commitment and responsibility that come with being a Jamia student. Joining Jamia requires a genuine intention to serve the faith and the community, along with a sincere desire to deepen one's spiritual connection.

By entering Jamia with a serious mindset and a strong sense of dedication, individuals are better equipped to navigate the potential difficulties they may encounter along the way. This commitment will provide them with the resilience and determination needed to overcome challenges and continue progressing in their journey.

11. Not every Murrabi will be posted near Huzoor. What advice would you give for those Murrabian that are posted far away from Markaz and their families?

It is crucial for every Murrabi to remember that their work is solely for the sake of God and not driven by worldly gains. The primary objective should be to please God in all endeavours and actions. Regardless of the geographical location where a Murrabi is stationed, whether it be the UK, Africa, New Zealand, or any other part of the world, the ultimate goal remains constant—to serve God and spread the message of the faith.

35 A local News article on Murrabi Sahib's activities


My name is Zubair Ahmed Hayat I am a Waqf-e-Nau and Waqf-e-Zindagi serving as Head of Design and Video Production for The Review of Religions. I did my Undergraduate and Masters degrees in London and I like to play sports and travel the world.

How did you know you wanted to dedicate your life in service of your faith?

I always knew from a young age that I was a Waqf-e-Nau and that my parents dedicated my life to my faith so I had to deliver something special that helped Islam and Ahmadiyyat. So when I was in university I made the decision to ask Huzur for guidance on what he wanted me to do in my career and I requested to Huzur that my ambition was to serve the Jamaat and not get any other job even though I had a Masters in English and so Huzur appointed me to The Review of Religions department which was in line with my educational background and my interests. Since then I have been serving for over 7 years and travelled to many countries serving the Jama'at which has been a very fun and fulfilling experience.

Is there anyone who specifically inspired you?

A few people in my life inspired me like the previous Sadrs of MKA UK, Tommy Kallon Sahib and Fahim Anwar Sahib, as I would look up to them and I was impressed with how they always served the Jama'at but were also very charismatic and had drive and purpose. I had never met people in University or in other areas of the world who had that same determination to serve their faith and also live a successful life. I found that a lot of Ahmadis who served the Jama'at developed qualities that were superior because their service pushed them to step outside of their comfort zone and constantly adapt to new situations. This made them allrounders and very successful which was very impressive to see.


What creates passion and motivation when you are carrying out your Waqf?

The passion comes from the guidance of Huzur that he wants us to be passionate about the work we are doing and constantly innovate to stay ahead of the game and attract people to the teachings of Islam. The work we do on a daily basis is geared towards changing the world for the better so that is also motivational because we know that what we are working on has a purpose greater than any individual and it is for the betterment of humanity.

What advice would you give to someone who wants to dedicate their life but is unsure about this life changing decision?

You need to be sure in yourself about whether or not you want to do it because your parents, brothers, sisters, friends or anyone else cannot put that spark in you to serve and it has to come from within. So, the intention needs to be sincere and ofcourse people can adapt and mature over time but the initial feeling of serving the Jama'at is key to creating that life of a Waqf. Also when you do become a

Waqfe Zindagi you need to be a role model for others as they look up to you for help support and as an example therefore it is important to try to live up to the high standards set by Huzur.

How important would you say are your earlier studies (Secondary School and University) in counting towards your ability to do Waqf? My A-Levels and Degree were important and Huzur emphasised doing it which is why I spent those years focussing on my studies. However to dedicate your life to the faith I feel that it requires a superior mindset which is separate from your studies and comes from an eagerness to serve and make a change in the world through the teachings of Islam and under the guidance of Huzur. That cannot be taught and it needs to be brought forward from your own mindset.

What are three things you love about your Waqf?

It is always challenging, you get to try new things and develop skills in multiple areas and you meet a lot of people in different places that you develop relationships with and work together for a greater purpose.

How are you still keeping in touch with Khalifatul-Masih V aba with regards to your Waqf?

I write letters to Huzur and have Mulaqaats but also Huzur gets updates about the work of each Waqf and he guides us in so many ways of how we should act and what we should do to become successful and that is a blessing.

Describe your daily routine.

My daily routine incorporates my work, my health and also my family. So go for a walk or run in the morning, then have a healthy breakfast and go to the office to do my work till the late afternoon then I spend time with my family at home in


the evenings. At the moment I am trying to read 10 pages of a book everyday and also develop new skills so I am trying to be open to new ideas. To serve Islam a person needs to be constantly self improving so that they can take on the big jobs and solve big problems that come with a life of service.

Not everyone who is Waqfe-Zindagi will be posted near or around Khalifatul Masih or even in the same country. What advice do you have for such Waqifeen who will be posted far away from Markaz or their families?

That comes with the service to faith, its all about sacrifice. I have been sent to different places for months without my family but you learn to be strong and resilient and reassure your family that everything will be fine. It is also an adventure so wherever you are sent or whatever work you are given look at it in a positive way, there is always a positive spin you can put on it to keep you motivated and happy.


USA Waqifeen-e-Nau visit Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada

By the grace of Allah, the National Waqf-e-Nau Department USA, in collaboration with Majlis Khuddamul Ahmadiyya USA, the National Waqfe-Nau Department Canada and Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada, organized an annual visit to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada from May 19th to 21st, 2023. This visit brought together Atfal and Khuddam (1218 year olds) from the USA to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada.

Throughout the visit, participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in a rich program that combined spiritual, educational, and recreational activities, fostering a sense of unity, learning, and inspiration to attend Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada.

The total attendance for this visit was 127. The breakdown of attendees was as follows: 52

Waqifeen-e-Nau boys, 37 Non Waqf-e-Nau boys, 22 parents/guardians, 8 National Team members, 6 local/regional volunteers, and 2 MTA Crew members.

Waqf-e-Nau USA department in conjunction with the Canadian hosts provided comprehensive logistical services to the trip participants that included 7 shuttles from 5 different locations within the USA, airport pickup and drop off in Toronto and accommodation to 80+ guests.

The visit to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada commenced on Thursday, May 18, 2023, with guests arriving and checking in by 7:00 PM. A dinner was served to welcome the participants. All visitors were provided accommodation upon their arrival by the Canadian Jama’at and were provided lodging in various guest houses across Peace Village.


The following day, Friday, May 19, began with Fajr prayers at 4:45 AM, followed by a designated time for participants to catch up on sleep or engage in exercise until 7:30 AM. The day started with a live Friday sermon at Baitul Islam Mosque at 8:00 AM, followed by a breakfast at Tahir Hall. Preparation for Friday prayers took place at 10:00 AM, and lunch was served at Tahir Hall at noon. After Friday prayersat Baitul Islam Mosque at 1:30 PM, an opening and orientation session was conducted at 2:30 PM.

The opening session was presided by Naib Ameer Canada, Kaleem Ahmad Malik Sahib. After recitation from the holy Qur’an and opening address by National Secretary Waqf-e-Nau USA, respected Naib Ameer Sahib welcomed the contingent and provided invaluable guidance. He emphasized the significance and blessings of serving Jama’at as a life devotee.

After the opening session, the participants drove to the new Jamia building in Innisfil, Ontario for a visit where they offered Asr prayer. Jamia administration shared details of the facility and multi-phased expansion plans for the academic, administration and accommodation buildings. National Secretary Waqf-e-Nau Canada, Murabbi Basil Raza Butt sahib

led an exciting team building exercise for the boys. Guests were served with light snacks. At 7:15 PM, the group returned to Aiwan Tahir for dinner at 8:00 PM. Maghrib/Isha prayers were performed at 8:55 PM. The evening concluded with more sports activities at Tahir Hall from 9:15 PM to 10:45 PM.

On Saturday, May 20, the day began with Fajr prayers at 4:45 AM, followed by breakfast at Tahir Hall at 6:30 AM. Participants arrived at Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada for a full-day session at 7:30 AM. The visit to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada encompassed an engaging program filled with enlightening experiences and insights into the institution's rich heritage and educational offerings. Participants gathered in the morning in Jamia auditorium where group formations took place and 10 Jamia students were assigned to each group. The day began with an assembly in the Jamia auditorium at 7:50 AM, where attendees joined the students of Jamia Ahmadiyya in their morning assembly.

A guided tour of Jamia Ahmadiyya commenced at 8:10 AM, led by knowledgeable group leaders. Participants had the opportunity to explore various aspects of the institution, including an interactive tour of an exhibition in the halls of Jamia Ahmadiyya,


visits to the classrooms, and lastly, the library. This immersive tour allowed them to gain a firsthand understanding of the institution's academic and cultural environment.

A break was scheduled at 10:00 AM in Tahir Hall, facilitating valuable interactions between the Jamia Faculty, students of Jamia Ahmadiyya, and the visiting Waqf-e-Nau participants from the USA. This informal setting fostered meaningful exchanges of ideas, experiences, and insights.

Language classes were an integral part of the visit. Urdu classes were conducted in the Jamia Auditorium at 11:00 AM, providing Waqf-e-Nau students from the USA with an opportunity to enhance their language skills. Following the Urdu class, an Arabic class was conducted at 11:30 AM, further enriching the participants' linguistic knowledge.

At noon, participants gathered to watch the documentary titled ''A Day in Jamia.'' This insightful documentary offered an in-depth look into the daily routines and activities at Jamia Ahmadiyya, providing a comprehensive understanding of the life and experiences of its students.

A special session titled ''Experience of Jamia Ahmadiyya'' took place from 12:30 PM to 1:00 PM. The session featured presentations by Maulana Daud Ahmad Hanif Sahib (Principal Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada), Mirza Harris Ahmad Sahib (National Secretary Waqf-e-Nau USA), students of Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada, and the Waqf-e-Nau visitors. These presentations offered unique perspectives on the Jamia Ahmadiyya experience, highlighting the transformative impact of education and spiritual development within the institution.

The visit concluded with a closing session and Q&A session at 1:00 PM. The National Secretary Waqf-e-Nau USA and the Principal Sahib Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada delivered closing remarks, expressing gratitude for the visit and emphasizing the importance of education, character development, and spiritual growth. The session concluded with a heartfelt dua. Zuhr

prayers wereheld at Baitul Islam Mosque at 2:00 PM.

After Zuhr prayer, lunch was offered at Tahir Hall at 2:30 PM. The day continued with a special dinner in the company of the National Amila and Jamia Ahmadiyya Faculty at 7:30 PM. A group photograph was taken at 8:35 PM, followed by Maghrib/Isha prayers at 8:55 PM. The evening concluded with a visit to the MTA Studio and more sports activities at Tahir Hall from 9:15 PM to 10:45 PM.

Overall, the visit to Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada offered a comprehensive and immersive experience, allowing participants to gain valuable insights into the institution's history, educational practices, language learning, and daily routines. The program fostered a deeper connection with Jamia Ahmadiyya's mission and values, leaving a lasting impression on all those who participated.

The final day, Sunday, May 21, began with Fajr prayers at 4:45 AM, followed by breakfast at Tahir Hall at 6:30 AM. A concluding session took place at Baitul Islam Mosque.

The concluding session at Jamia Ahmadiyya Canada began with Tilawat (recitation) at 8:00 AM. Following that, Murabbi Basil Raza Butt Sahib, the National Secretary of Canada, delivered his remarks at 8:05 AM, setting the tone for the session. The session continued with a segment dedicated to presenting gifts and recognizing individuals, led by Assistance Secretary Waqf-e-Nau USA, Mahmood Ahmad Sahib, starting at 8:15 AM. This special


gesture served to acknowledge and appreciate the contributions of deserving individuals. Mirza Harris Ahmad Sahib, the National Secretary of the USA, addressed the gathering with his remarks at 8:35 AM, offering thanks to our hosts and all the volunteers who made this program possible.

As the morning session drew to a close, Naib Ameer Canada, Sohail Mubarik Sharma Sahib, provided concluding remarks at 8:40 AM and led the participants in dua (prayer) at 8:50 AM. Finally, at 9:00 AM, participants were provided with To Go lunch boxes as part of the departure process, ensuring they had a convenient meal for their onward journey back to the United States.

By Allah's grace, MTA Int USA studios was blessed by the permission of Huzoor-e-Anwaraba to travel alongside the National Waqf-e-Nau Visit to Jamia Trip in May, 2023. The MTA team consisted of two members, Murabbi Omar Farooq, and a regular volunteer of MTA, Muaz Malik sahib. They travelled

from Maryland USA to Toronto and planned to document in detail the entirety of the program of this blessed visit to Jamia. At each important event and every leisure activity the crew worked hard to gather as much background footage and as many interviews during the program as possible. This was further supplemented by studio interviews of organizers from USA and Canada.

By Allah's sheer grace, the team was able to collect all necessary footage, interviews from Jamia faculty, Jamia students, organizers in USA and Canada, and also the youth participating in the trip. Now they plan to produce a world news report for MTA International, and also will be working to produce a longer documentary to be released later in the year. The total length of the captured footage spans many hours, and interviews number in the dozens. MTA Canada also provided assistance in the filming of interviews and background footage.


Scan this QR code and watch the highlights on MTA news



In the Eyes of New Converts

Waqfe-Nau - Denmark



The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama'at is a community established in 1889 by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian. He claimed himself to be the Messiah and Imam Mehdi of the time, which was foretold by God Almighty. It is the only community, with a Khalifa (spiritual leader appointed by God Almighty). We Ahmadi pride ourselves for being born into a family which already believes in Khilafat. But not everyone is so fortunate. Many people have to struggle to find their path to what they believe is the right faith for themselves.

How fortunate we are, who were born Ahmadis; we opened our eyes to this world, seeing the Khalifa, hearing him and receiving his guidance. Have you ever asked yourselves, “What would have happened if I had been born into a non-Ahmadi family?”

Whosoever was born in this light and followed it has achieved great success and was saved. Whosoever, despite being born in this light has chosen darkness, and ruined their soul is indeed a loser. Whosoever was guided by Allah’s Grace and Mercy to follow this light later in their lives, wish they had never known darkness, and after that, if they truly submit themselves to Allah and become a servant of Khilafat, they will be like those who were born Ahmadis and attach themselves to divine religion.

I got a chance to interview two members of Jama'at Denmark one of them converted to Islam Ahmadiyyat and the second one is the next generation and born Ahmadi. The aim of the interview was to ask them about their feelings after they met Khalifatul Masih.

He migrated from Kosovo to Denmark in 1992. And he converted to Islam Ahmadiyyat in 1992. Adam Xhuzl. has met Hazrat Mizra Tahir Ahmad Khalifatul Massih IVrh as well as Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad

“In 1992, in Kosovo. We never heard about the Khalifa. We didn’t know who he was. But when I came to Denmark. ALHAMDULILLAH, I met some members of the Jama'at. And that’s how I got introduced to books about Ahmadiyyat. And thereafter we began to listen to MTA, and at that

time Hazrat Mizra Tahir Ahmadrh was the Khalifa of Jama'at.

At this time, the only way to listen to MTA was if you had a satellite dish. And we were refugees, so it was hard to coordinate all that stuff, but occasionally, we got to see the Friday sermon. When it was announced that Huzoor would come to Denmark. We began to prepare to see him. We lived in Nakskov which is roughly 2 hours away from Copenhagen. So, my family and some other Ahmadi family took the bus to meet Huzoor. And when we met him, it was so surreal, because we had seen him a couple of times on MTA, but when you see Huzoor in person it’s a whole other thing, it’s if your worries don’t even matter any longer.

We were given the chance to have a family meeting with Huzoor, and I don’t know how to describe it. But it was very special to meet Huzoor because it felt very spiritual. And I could sense that Huzoor’s presence evoked something within me. And during the meetings, we were given gifts; rings for the whole family and pens, which I still have to this day at home. Huzoor said to me, that I should work for Jama'at. Work hard for Jama'at. Work a lot for Jama'at and it seemed he was quite happy because we in Nakskov were building a mosque. “

Many are fortunate to be born into an Ahmadiyya family. But there are also first-generation Ahmadis who experienced their parent's conversion to the Ahmadiyya faith.

Adam Xhuzi in the midlle of the picture with members of Nakskov Jama'at. Welcoming Huzoor Anwar on arrival in Nakskov,Denmark (2011)

He is a first-generation Ahmadi. “Thankfully I was born Ahmadi. When my parents came to Denmark as a refugee in 1992, they converted to the Ahmadiyya faith. When I was a little young kid, my father often took me to the mosque in Nakskov. When I became a teenager me and my friend Isa frequently took to the mosque after school. During that time, we spent our time in the mosque. The best part of going to the mosque is the peace in my body that I get after I have prayed. Also, the fellowship of my brothers from the mosque. Today I have made some good friends and mentors who I value a lot in my life.

The First time I met His Holiness Hazrat Mirza Masoor Ahmad Khalifatul Masih Vaba, I felt like the whole world just stopped and the room just became full of love and good energy.

I am happy that my parents converted to Ahmadiyyat because I feel like we have a strong love for each other. When I am travelling to other countries, like for example to Jalsa Salana (annual gathering) and when I meet some new people from the Ahmadi faith, I feel like we have that kind of love for each other as we have known each other for many years.”

The basic and significant advice that the Promised Messiah (on whom be peace) gave to those who took his Bai’at is as he states in one place:

‘The purpose of their joining the Movement and establishing with me a relationship like that of a disciple is that they should achieve a high degree of piety and righteousness.

No wrongdoing or mischief should ever come near them. They should offer the five daily Prayers regularly and with congregation and should not lie nor hurt anyone with their tongues.

They should not be guilty of any kind of vice and should not let even thought of mischief, wrongdoing or transgression pass through their minds.

They should shun every type of sin, offence, undesirable speech and action, as well as all egoistic passions and unruly behavior. They should become pure-hearted, harmless and meek servants of God Almighty, and no poisonous germ should flourish in their beings.”

[Essence of Islam, Vol. IV, pp. 249 – 250]

Hakan Vragovic Hakan Varagovic with Isa Sanullari visiting Jamia Ahmadiyya UK 2016. Hakan is on the left of the picture. Khuddam Denmark after mulaqat with His Holliness Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad khalifatul Massih V (2016)

We welcome all Waqifeen-e-Nau to volunteer for Ismael magazine and join our editorial team




Jamia Ahmadiyya UK will be holding entry test and interview on 04th and 05th July 2023 for this year’s intake of students. The following conditions apply:

Qualifications: Applicants with A-Level qualification will be given preference. Applicants with A-Levels qualification (passing with a minimum B in at least 3 subjects) will be accepted.

Applicants applying with GCSEs must obtain grades 8 and 9. BTEC qualification will not be accepted.

Age on Entry: Maximum age of 17 years for students with GCSE or 19 years with A-Levels or equivalent qualifications.

Medical Certificate: The applicants MUST submit a medical certificate from the GP with whom they have been registered.

Written Test and Interview: The applicants will take a written test and will appear before a Selection Board for interview. Only those who pass the written test will be invited for interview.

The written test and interview will be based on the recitation of the Holy Quran, the Waqfe Nau Syllabus, and proficiency in reading, writing and spoken English and Urdu languages. Furthermore, candidates will be judged on their potential of learning and reading the translation of the Holy Quran, Ahadith, the books of the Promised Messiahas as well as religious and general knowledge.

Applications should be addressed to:


Jamia Ahmadiyya UK

Branksome Place

Hindhead Road


GU27 3PN

For any further help or clarification, please telephone: +44(0)1428647170 or +44(0)1428647173, +44(0)7988461368(Mob.), Fax: +44(0)1428647188

Jamia is open from Monday to Saturday from 8 am to 2 pm. Visitors are welcome ONLY by prior appointments.


Procedure: Application will ONLY be accepted on the prescribed Admission Form available from the Jamia UK office. Incomplete application form will not be accepted. It must be accompanied by the following documents:

• Application must be endorsed by the National Ameer.

• Medical certificate from the GP.

• Photocopies of the GCSE or A-Level results. If the results are awaited, the candidate must include a letter from his school/ sixth Form tutor about his projected grades.

• Copy of applicant’s passport.

• One passport size photograph.

• An attested photo copy of the birth certificate.

• The spellings of the name must be the same as in the passport.

LAST DATE: The application for the 2023 entry MUST arrive by 30th May 2023. Applications received after that will not be considered.

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