Wartburg College Viewbook - Minnesota

Page 1

e r u t u F E VIEW

QUIZ What kind of


ROOMMATE are you?

page 9



Great coupons for your campus visit

page 26

center pullout


on the field or on stage




Randene Davie, Glenville, MN











pages 20 and 22

page 6

Carrington Banks, Stockbridge, GA

TO guIde yOu


At Wartburg College, everybody wants to help you find your path. But if you are looking for real support, there is no better place to turn than our Pathways Center. • Transition to college easier with our first-year orientation program (Orange EXCELeration). • Find a passion and develop an academic plan with the help of your academic advisers (who are also faculty).

• Get help with tough assignments with our Writing/Reading/Speaking Lab. • Get free tutoring with our Supplemental Instruction (SI) program. • Find the right major with helpful information and special faculty advisers. • Research possible careers, prepare for job searches, and learn about graduate school. • Network with Wartburg alumni to find jobs or internships. • Prepare for life after graduation with our Senior-Year Experience Programs.


www.wartburg.edu/pathways 2

Inside Wartburg College

Learn what it’s like to Be orange. page 4

Cover and Feature Stories

6 8 20 22 26


Student Life

5 7 10 12 14 18 19 24

Fast Answers What is there to do?

p. 10 p. 15 Do you offer my major?

How big is the school?

p. 31 Visiting Wartburg

back cover


Guidance for Success

How can I get involved?

p. 17


Yes, you can graduate in four years!

16 28 30 31



What does it mean to

be OraNge?

Be Orange is more than a slogan at Wartburg College. It describes the warmth of our friendly campus ... the spark of intellectual curiosity fueled by top-notch professors and small classes ... the inner glow created by involvement in nationally recognized leadership and service programs ... the energy unleashed in finding your unique calling ... the fire of turning your dreams into reality with impressive placement rates for jobs and graduate school...

It’s about being different. It’s about being real. It’s about being you. Still need convincing? Check out www.wartburg.edu/life to get the scoop. 4

WarTburg // daily diary

es, IA Jon Housholder, West Des moin Wartburg Class of 2012 Attended Waukee High School, ical led a couple of days out of a typ

life? We pul What’s it like to live the Orange ht not be the best e you an idea. Well, “typical” mig giv to r nne pla t’s den stu urg rtb Wa orter and anchor for munications Arts major is a rep word to describe Jon. The Com y-by-play for w on KWAR; and does radio pla sho io rad a ts hos con; sio evi Wartburg Tel rks part-time k team, is a Peer Helper, and wo trac the on o als s He’ cs. leti ath Wartburg y. We’re not really yeah, Jon’s VP of the student bod oh d, An ce. offi ons issi adm the in . Phew! s, but he excels academically, too sure how he squeezes in classe

November 16-17 16 Chapel, CHA, 10:15 a.m. 17 Student Senate, WBC 214, 6 p.m. Women’s Basketball, Simpson, W, 6 p.m. ETK Presents Hana Pestle, Northwind Quintet Recital, McCaskey Lyceum, 8 p.m. Bachman FAC, 7 p.m. Men’s Basketball, Simpson, W, 8 p.m.

That’s Me!

Wednesday, November 16 8:00 a.m. - Breakfast 9:00 a.m. - Class-Coaching Authorization 10:15 a.m. - Chapel 10:45 a.m. - Peer Helpers—m eet with Tony 12:00 p.m. - Class-German 1:15 p.m. - Lunch 2:30 p.m. - Class-Drugs & Personal Health 3:45 p.m. - Study 6:00 p.m. - Dinner/Planning Ra dio Show w/Drew 7:00 p.m. - Wartburg TV produ ction meeting 8:00 p.m. - Basketball game bro


Thursday, November 17 7:15 a.m. - Breakfast 7:45 a.m. - Lab-Drugs & Pe rsonal Health 9:00 a.m. - Workout 10:00 a.m. - Study 12:00 p.m. - Lunch 1:00 p.m. - Class-PR Tech niques 3:00 p.m. - Meet with Advis er 4:00 p.m. - TV studio work 6:00 p.m. - Student Senate Meeting & Pizza 8:00 p.m. - Hana Pestle co



WarTburg // spot a student


WarTburg STUDENT I heart Wartburg. My parents like it too. My four-year graduation plan beats many of my state friends on the five- or six-year plan at other schools.

no hunger pains here. Choose from salad/deli bar, wok, pizza, grill, taco bar, pasta, and main entrée courts, a soup-of-the-day and dessert bar, as well as a huge cereal bar and fruitand-fiber-court—all at the Mensa.

Calves benefit from all the training and thrilling competition of being part of Wartburg Track and Field.

Emily Eimers, ‘13 Lone Rock, IA


Law-school applications on the brain. This senior will finish up in four years, and with a 98-percent placement rate in graduate and professional schools, his Wartburg degree is likely to make admission a breeze.

not his favorite shorts. (Those are packed for his service trip to Missouri.)

Carrington Banks, ‘12 Stockbridge, GA

Squeaky white shoes: courtesy of five skywalks. Rain or shine, skywalks make getting to class comfortable.

The he Do’s & Don’ts of First-Year Students

... what you can do to conserve energy. Plan ahead with your roommate to share appliances. Remember, smaller is better! ... remember your Resident Assistant (RA) is always there to help. ... use the new W sports and wellness center. ... remember that your parents and your professors read your Facebook page. ‘Nuff said. ... hold on to at least $300-$500 for your first-semester textbooks. (For real. Textbooks are expensive!) ... bring a 10-day supply of underwear and socks. Mom won’t be around to do your laundry. ... get involved in activities you love and check out the Volunteer Action Center for ways you can make a difference. ... study and go to class! ... get into the music, study and fellowship opportunities that Campus Ministry offers. ... know the Pathways Center is always here for you, whether you need help adjusting to college life or just need someone to talk to.

... do anything on the weekend you won’t want your friends to talk about on Monday. (You know they will.) ... skip classes to catch your favorite soaps. The characters will be doing the same thing tomorrow (and tomorrow ... and tomorrow). Once a week is enough to get your fix. ... think you can get good grades without studying— even if you squeezed by in high school. ... talk on your cell in the library. That’s what texting is for. ... forget to ask your parents for monthly care packages. You’ll miss those cookies! ... get caught throwing away a pop can or water bottle. There’s no excuse not to recycle when there are bins all over campus.


• www.wartburg.edu/pathways/firstyear.html 7

Cre Ive aT SP aCeS The residence halls have everything you could ever want—your own space, friends right down the hall, a sweet meal plan, and an environment suitable for studying and fun. Be part of a community and meet lifelong friends with a place to call your own, all while getting the Wartburg value. Find out which style of living fits you best. Scan this code with your mobile phone to watch our residential life video, and visit www.wartburg.edu/reslife for floor plans and 360-degree room tours.


It’s all about being you


WarTburg // res life

what kind of

roommate are you?

Some of you have spent your whole lives sharing bedrooms with siblings, while for others, college will be the first time you’ll ever have to share your personal space. Are you ready to take the leap from big sister or sole dweller to roomie? Take our quiz to find out!

You get your roommate’s name and contact info a few weeks before the semester starts. You: a. Send him an email introducing yourself and asking some questions about his interests. b. Email him to say hi and find out when he’s getting to campus, then get there first to get the best bed. c. Nothing. You have enough to do before you leave without one more thing to worry about. You’ll meet him when you get there. d. Email him to tell him you’re not interested in new friends and warn him never to touch your stuff.


Your floor is going to a group dinner at the Mensa, but your roommate has used all of her meals for the week. You’ve got a few bonus meals left. You: a. Let her and her boyfriend use two of your bonus meals without owing you anything—you weren’t going to use them anyway, right? b. Give her one of your bonus meals with the understanding that she’ll buy you lunch next week. c. Offer her $3 dining points, but ONLY in exchange for her chemistry notes. d. Tell her “good luck” and go to dinner with your floor mates.


MOSTLy a You are a model roommate. As a matter of fact, you’re so perfect, you’re hardly human. You may lack confidence to stick up for yourself and allow others to take advantage of you. You also may lack fun in your life. Before you move into the dorms, loosen up and relax!

When it comes to neatness, you: a. Have a place for everything, keep everything in its place, and get very upset if anything is out of place. b. Might get a little bit messy, but never have mold growing on things under your bed. c. Believe that laundry is something that must be done once a semester, whether you need it or not. d. Can’t remember the last time you saw your bedroom floor, dresser, or chair, but swear you know where everything is!


You notice something in the fridge that looks like your little brother’s science project. You: a. Put on rubber gloves, bring it to the dumpster, disinfect the fridge, and never say a word. b. As nicely as possible, ask your roommate to dispose of the offensive item. When he doesn’t, ask nicely again. c. Go find your roommate in his friend’s room and yell at him about it. d. Put it in your roommate’s bed.


MOSTLy b You have it all figured out: the perfect balance between self-respect and respect for others. You know when to be responsible and when to cut loose. You maintain the right balance between friendship and privacy. You live by the Golden Rule. Congratulations! You really are the perfect roommate.

It’s Tuesday at midnight. You: a. Have been sound asleep for two hours. b. Start thinking about turning in, since you want to hit The W before class in the morning. c. Figure you can work on editing your new YouTube video for at least another hour. d. Decide it’s the perfect time for your band friends to come over and practice.


Your roommate borrows your best coat without asking and spills coffee all over it. You: a. Forgive him quickly and take it to the cleaners yourself. b. Are angry, but get over it when he gets it dry-cleaned and returns it promptly. c. Scream and yell, make him take it to the cleaners, and refuse to talk to him for a month. d. Tell him he has to buy you a new coat and never speak to him again.




You have a few things to work on before moving in with someone else. A refresher course on consideration, respect, and anger management might be a good place to start. Start trying to think about others a little bit when you’re making decisions. There’s hope for you yet—you just need to make the effort.

You are hereby forbidden to live with another human being! You have some work to do, but all is not lost. Start with getting a lesson in common courtesy and go from there. Good luck changing your ways before you move to campus. Your roommate is counting on you!


WarTburg // knight life

M u y , M yu Me O S e M M gI

livin’ the dream IN WaverLy

feed your face Figuring out your own meals for the first time in your life can be daunting—but not at Wartburg. A variety of board plans and dining options let you choose as many meals as you need to fuel your busy schedule. 10

Mensa This 10-court dining hall offers an endless array of healthy and tasty choices. The Den-Rittersaal Upscale fast food, salad bar, grab-n-go deli, and ice cream treats. Plus, if you use your ID card you get 10 percent off every meal. Konditorei Coffee House Library coffee house with light lunches, bakery treats, and of course, a variety of coffee drinks. The Zesty Orange Coffee shop in the W with salads, wraps, smoothies, pizzas and more.

Northeast Iowa is so much more than farmland! When you’re ready for a study break, there’s plenty to do on campus, in Waverly, and in nearby Cedar Falls and Waterloo. Food, movies, shopping, and fun are never far away. There’s a vibrant Waverly downtown, complete with the famous Waverly Palace Theatre, plus great golfing, bike trails, and boating on the Cedar River. Visit www.waverlyia.com to see more. Scan this code with your smartphone to see a video featuring more great things about Waverly. Or search “Waverly, Iowa” on YouTube.

WarTburg // campus events

08 President Obama in 20

campus events

You don’t have to drive for hours to see your favorite performers. Big-name entertainment comes to Waverly often, thanks to student-run organizations like Entertainment ToKnight (ETK). ETK fills your social calendar all year long, with tickets for most shows costing around five bucks. And don’t forget politicians. It’s campaign season, so we’ll see plenty of them around as well.

bIg NaMeS

bIg FuN

d OuL XT C u yO ur Ne be O hT


>> Maroon 5 >> The Fray >> Chingy >> David Cook >> Seth Meyers >> Javier Colon

All have performed at Wartburg—and we’ve got more lined up.


Have fun, stay in shape, and learn something new at The W, Wartburg’s latest and greatest addition. The Wartburg-Waverly Sports & Wellness Center is 200,000 square feet of fitness and fun, right on campus. One of the largest NCAA Division III facilities of its kind in the nation, The W opened in 2007 and reflects a $31 million investment.


Wartburg // the W

The W Includes: • Rock climbing wall • 25-yard, six-lane-wide pool • Hot tub • Waterslide • Steam room • Sauna • Training room • Cold-plunge pool for avoiding injuries after athletic training sessions • Fieldhouse with volleyball and b­­­­­­­asketball courts and an eight-lane, 200-meter track • Auxiliary gym with a walking and jogging track, racquetball courts, a basketball court, and golf cages • Hall of Champions • Student health center, including massage therapy and orthopedic care • Zesty Orange restaurant • Intramural athletics • Wide variety of fitness classes • Instructor certification classes • Employment opportunities for students, including lifeguarding and personal training




C eL

e Iv


T e a d r

You’re thinking Waverly, Iowa. You’re thinking a small college in a small town.

Think again.

At Wartburg, we embrace and celebrate our diverse student population. We are among the state leaders in percentage of diversity enrollment, with students from 27 states and nearly 50 countries. Students of color and international students comprise 16 percent of our enrollment. You could be lab partners with a biology major from Nepal. Share lunch with a student from Africa. Run sprints with a place kicker from Chicago. Be folder partners with a soprano from New Jersey. You’ll have free admission to four yearly Artist Series programs featuring drama, music, and dance. Convocation speakers will challenge your thinking on a variety of world issues. At Wartburg, we not only help you discover the world, we bring the world a whole lot closer to you. 14

Waiting for miley What do students in the Wartburg Communications Program do when they have free time in between studying and activities? They lip-sync to Miley…and they record it. Oh, and they get more than 26,600 hits on YouTube. Scan this code with your mobile device or search “Wartburg Miley” to watch.

CAMPUS Activities Organizations

American Chemical Society American Marketing Association Artist Guild Cercle Francais (French) Deusche Kulturstunde (German) History Club Honor Council La Mesa Espanola (Spanish) MENC (music education) Missing Bytes (computer science) National Science Teachers Association Phi Beta Lambda (business) Pre-Law Club Psi Phi (physics) Psychology Club Public Relations Student Society of America Social Work Club Society for Collegiate Journalists Student Music Therapy Association Wartburg Association of Student Educators Wartburg Engineering Society

Wartburg // activities

Honor Societies

Alpha Chi—top 10% juniors and seniors Beta Beta Beta—biology Delta Mu Delta—business Kappa Delta Pi—education Kappa Mu Epsilon—mathematics Lambda Pi Eta—communication arts Phi Alpha—social work Phi Eta Sigma—first-year students Pi Gamma Mu—social sciences Psi Chi—psychology Sigma Delta Pi—Spanish Theta Alpha Kappa—religion, theology

Student-Managed Campus Media

The Castle—literary magazine Wartburg Television KWAR-FM The Fortress—yearbook The Trumpet—weekly print, online editions Tower Agency—integrated marketing communications

Get Involved

Interest/Service Groups

Alliance (LGBTA) Ambassadors Asian Student Association AWARE (alcohol education) Best Buddies Black Student Union EARTH (environmental awareness) Entertainment ToKnight Homecoming Committee International Club OrangeBand Service Trips SMART (sexual assault awareness) Sojourners Student Alumni Council Student Center Council Student Conduct Board Student Orientation Staff Students for Peace and Justice Student Senate Volunteer Action Center Wartburg Democrats Wartburg Green Party Wartburg Republicans Wartburg Students for Life


About 20% of Wartburg students end up marrying each other. Not that you’re going to college to meet your future wife or hubby—but it happens!

shake things up

Start something


Wartburg // majors



major is right for you?

Your parents ask you. Your neighbors ask you. The pizza delivery guy asks you. But the answer isn’t coming any quicker. What are you going to study in college? Take our personality quiz, then check out the profiles at the top of the next page to find out what kind of majors fit your unique style. To discover career areas related to academic majors, go to www.wartburg.edu/careerplan.

Time for a study break. You quit channel-surfing when you find:


Glee: The storylines might get melodramatic, but the musical arrangements are worth watching. And wow, those kids can sing!


Minute to Win It: It’s even more fun when you re-create the games in your living room and try to beat the people on TV.

It’s Friday! You plan to:


Head to the coffeehouse for Open Mic Night. You want to see how the crowd receives your latest performance poem.


Rent Transformers, again. No matter how many times you see it, the special effects are fascinating.



American Pickers: If two guys from Iowa can turn their hobby/business into a TV show, you’re sure you can, too.

Be at the big game. Forget watching it—you’re in the starting lineup.

You take out the trash and notice your mom has tossed out her beat-up old hair dryer. You bring it back into the house because:


It’s not made of biodegradable, eco-friendly materials. Plus you can make it into a cool sculpture.


You want to dissect it for parts and post a listing of its internal components on your blog.


You can get her money back. If you post complaints and reviews on enough consumer protection and product-rating sites, you know they’ll respond.

It’s election year, and you learn that your favorite candidate is coming to town. You:


Analyze with your friends the enormous consequences riding on the voter turnout, the weather on the day of the elections, and the hideous color of the opponent’s shirt.


Check out the poll numbers— haven’t these people heard of margin of error?!?


Blow up balloons, stuff envelopes, put up posters, make phone calls, go knocking on doors, and lead a campus voter registration campaign.

It’s time for your school’s huge annual senior production. How do you take part?


You’re the artiste, dahling. Whether you’re painting the set, playing in the pit, or acting on stage, your creative talents steal the show.


You man the light booth. Everyone would be lost without your technical expertise.

Still unsure? Wartburg’s Pathways Center—our advising and counseling center— is here to help you figure it out. Visit www.wartburg.edu/pathways for details.



See all of those loyal assistants? That chair with your name on it? You inspire confidence in others; that’s why you’re the director. Just make sure you lose the beret.


Mostly b: the solver

Mostly c: the doer

As a Thinker, you have the heart of a lion and the soul of a poet. You “get” stuff like Shakespeare, opera, and The History Channel. Your inflated need to fight injustices has gotten you in trouble once or twice, but how badly can staging a couple of walkouts for vegetarian rights REALLY blemish your permanent record? Consider a major where you can put your artistic braininess to good use, like Art, Music, Philosophy, or Modern Languages.

Problem solvers like stuff. They like to build stuff, they like to take stuff apart, and they like to see what happens when they put stuff in places where it doesn’t belong, like the microwave. Your talents for tinkering, calculating, and manipulating have given you a keen sense for how the world works. They’ve also gotten you grounded more than once for taking apart the kitchen appliances. Look into majors where you can problemsolve to your heart’s content, like Biochemistry, Engineering Science, Computer Science, or Mathematics.

Doers do. Doers are movers and shakers. Your mantra is “Lead, follow, or get out of the way.” However, you can’t ever remember choosing the latter two. In school you’ve chaired every committee, captained every team (football, speech, chess—you name it), and been class president every year since kindergarten—although you did have to call for a recount in the third grade. Choose a major like Business Administration, Political Science, Economics, Elementary Education, or International Relations.

CHECK OUT ALL OUR AWESOME Accounting Art Art Education Biochemistry Biology Business Administration: • Finance • International Business • Management • Marketing • Sport Management Chemistry Communication Arts: • Public Relations • Electronic Media • Print Media Communication Studies: • Speech Communication • Theatre Communication Design Computer Information Systems Computer Science Economics


at Wartburg

Education: • Christian Day School • Early Childhood • Elementary • Middle • Secondary • Special Education Engineering Science English Fitness Management History Individualized Major Interdepartmental Major International Relations Mathematics Medical Technology Modern Languages: • French and French Studies • German and German Studies • Spanish and Spanish Studies Music (B.A.) • Applied Music • Church Music Music Education (B.M.E) • Instrumental • Vocal Music Performance (B.M.) Music Therapy (B.M.E.) Music Therapy (B.M./M.T.) Philosophy Physical Education Physics Political Science Psychology

Religion: • Camping Ministry • Preseminary • Urban Ministry • Youth & Family Ministry Social Work Sociology (Community Sociology) Writing

Interdisciplinary Minors: Environmental Studies Intercultural Studies Leadership Certification Social Entrepreneurship Women’s Studies Worship Studies

Preprofessional Study: Dentistry Medicine Nursing Occupational Therapy Optometry Pharmacy Physical Therapy Pre-Law Veterinary Medicine

Cooperative Professional Programs: Clinical Laboratory Science Nursing Seminary



WarTburg // faculty

Golden Voice Assistant professor Jennifer Larson is an in-demand concert vocal soloist, but dedicates herself to teaching Wartburg students English, German, Italian, and French diction.



I Heart Science Mark McDermott helps students fall in love with teaching. Behind that smile is an assistant professor of science education, an avid sports fan, and a busy father of two.

Wondering who you might spot on campus? Check out what's happening with some of Wartburg's high-profile staff and stars.

You’ve got questions, she’s got answers Psychology professor Cynthia Bane pauses to say “hi” while helping students with their undergraduate research.



WarTburg // spiritual life and campus ministry




Shine as a Wartburg Knight At Wartburg, you can win in the classroom and on the field. You’ll work with experienced coaches, have access to state-of-the-art training facilities in The W, and get support from a community that appreciates studentathletes. At Wartburg, you’re the star. You’ll be a winner among winners. Our students become All-Americans, Academic All-Americans, and NCAA postgraduate scholarship winners, and our teams have won almost 50 Iowa Conference championships in the last seven years. Plus, Wartburg was one of only two colleges in the country to win three NCAA Division III national titles in 2008-09.

Scan the code to go to www.Go-Knights.net


WarTburg // athletics


Basketball Cross Country Golf* Soccer Tennis Track & Field* (indoor and outdoor) Volleyball


Baseball Basketball Cross Country Football Golf Soccer Tennis Track & Field (indoor and outdoor) Wrestling*


Ballroom Dancing Club Cheerleading Dance Team Fitness Instructional Team Intramural Athletics Knights Defense (martial arts) Student Athlete Advisory Committee Ultimate Frisbee Wartburg Outdoors Club Women’s Rugby Club

*2010-2011 Conference Champions



WarTburg // music


Download Wartburg music at:


At Wartburg, Orange is more than something you can see and smell—it’s a color you can hear. And the sound of Orange is the sound of music. Because if music is your life, then you belong at Wartburg College.

WarTburg // music

Whether you sing, play, or do both, there’s a music group (or several) for you. Learn from musical masters, like world-renowned opera star, Simon Estes. Tour the world performing with an acclaimed production. With a variety of majors to choose from—including music education and music therapy—there’s a way for you to transform your talents into a career.

CHRISTMAS WITH WARTBURG is one of the biggest holiday events, an annual performance that features hundreds of vocalists and musicians. SCAN THIS CODE with your phone to see more about the 2010 performance. Or search “Christmas with Wartburg” on YouTube.

Music Groups: Castle Singers (vocal jazz group)

Ritterchor (men’s choir)

Chapel Choir

St. Elizabeth Chorale (women’s choir)

Gospel Choir

Symphonic Band

Knightliters Jazz Band

Wartburg Choir

Ninth Street Jazz Band Opera Workshop

Wartburg Community Symphony Orchestra

Pep Band

Wind Ensemble

Theatre & Speech: Wartburg Players Forensics Team

SCAN THIS—OR SEARCH “Christmas with Wartburg” —to hear “Christmas with Wartburg” on iTunes.

Dr. Simon Estes


WarTburg // notable knights



IT PAYS TO BE ORANGE  Graduate in 4 years  Land a job and launch your career in 6 months  Excel in graduate school  Become a doctor, lawyer, teacher...(and the list goes on)

JACK SALZWEDEL Wartburg ’82 President/CEO American Family Insurance

SCOTT HARVES Wartburg ’97 Award-winning Producer ESPN


WARTBURG—Nationally Recognized SAMANTHA SOUHRADA Wartburg ’00 HR/Wage Administration John Deere Waterloo Works


 One of five colleges in the nation to receive the Washington Center’s Higher Education Civic Engagement Award for service-learning and community engagement 

Nationally classified by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching as one of 12 exclusively baccalaureate colleges that foster experiential learning and community engagement

Among 109 schools named “with distinction” to the President’s Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll, recognizing volunteer service by Wartburg students

Ranked No. 1 in the country by Break Away alternative break organization, based on percentage of students who participate in service-related trips during spring break (15%)

One of only 34 colleges in the central U.S. region profiled by Colleges of Distinction

Listed in Peterson’s Top Colleges for Science among 200 schools with outstanding programs in science and mathematics

Ranked in Barron’s Best Buys in College Education among 247 schools providing first-rate education at an affordable price

Included in U.S.News & World Report’s listing of America’s Best Colleges

Expanding diversity, with U.S. students of color and international students comprising 16% of total enrollment

State-of-the-art science center, communication arts facility, and sports and wellness center (The W)

Only Iowa college in any NCAA division to finish in the top 25 of national Director’s Cup competition for 10 consecutive years, based on national finish in men’s and women’s sports

Accounting Associate Cargill

SHARON CORRIGAN Wartburg ’80 Vice President of Marketing Jaguar


WarTburg // travel

the places you’ll go

48% of Students Study Abroad

Wartburg College isn’t only in Iowa. It isn’t even just in the U.S. When you study at Wartburg, the world is your classroom.

Spend a semester living and interning in Denver, Colo., with Wartburg West. • Live in an urban setting (the college-owned apartments are located in downtown Denver) • Clarify your career goals and values • Develop professional and personal skills • Engage in urban community service In 2010-11, students studied in: • Argentina • China • Austria • France • Australia • Germany • Brazil • Ecuador Learn more about study abroad opportunities and watch a video about May Term in Tanzania at www.wartburg.edu/gmcs.


• Mexico • Senegal • Spain • Tanzania a

WarTburg // travel

did you know?

2009-2010 study aboard Argentina Austria Australia Brazil China Ecuador France Germany Hungary Mexico Senegal Spain Tanzania

Wartburg College is named after the Wartburg Castle, an important historic fortress overlooking Eisenach, Germany, birthplace of world-famous musician J.S. Bach. The Wartburg Castle was the place where Martin Luther translated the New Testament into the language of the people, making it readable for the common person for the first time in history. Today the castle is one of Germany’s most popular tourist attractions. It also inspired the look of the Wartburg College campus.


WarTburg // plan a visit

Immerse yourself

2011-2012 Visit Days

Don’t just visit Wartburg. Totally immerse yourself in campus life. Meet our friendly students. Grab an ice cream Avalanche at The Den. Check out a class. See a game or go to a concert. Visit with a professor.

Learn what it’s like to Be Orange. We do more than one-size-fits-all visits. Contact us in advance and your day at Wartburg will be customized around your interests, your questions, and your schedule. If you want to set up an overnight visit, just give us a call.


Sept. 24: Fall Visit Day Oct. 20-21: Minnesota Visit Days Oct. 24: Church Vocations Visit Day Nov. 4: Education Visit Day Nov. 11: Social Work Visit Day Nov. 12: Meistersinger Auditions Nov. 13: Fall Scholarship Day Nov. 14: Business Visit Day Nov. 14: Math, Computer Science, and Physics Visit Day Nov. 18: Exploring Visit Day Nov. 30: Music Visit Day Jan. 14: Cedar Valley Science Symposium Jan. 15 and 21: Winter Scholarship Days Jan. 20: Communication Arts Visit Day and Meistersinger Auditions Jan. 28: Meistersinger Auditions Feb. 11: Meistersinger Auditions March 16: Multicultural Visit Day March 23: Transfer Visit Day May 4: Spring Visit Day

What do I ask? When you’re here, get straight answers from our students. Wartburg’s Ambassadors will tell you what you need to know, like: How easy is it to meet with faculty? Can you usually get into the classes you want? What do most people do on weekends? How big are your classes? What do you think of your adviser? How is the food?

more information and registration:





WarTburg // plan a visit

UT. IS O d. H T r da EAR s—T r mom o ing it. t n e Stud t to you er read i th Give even bo t ’ Don


When it comes to helping your child choose a college, it’s tempting to price shop. But this is an investment in your child’s future, and you know what you want for his or her college experience. Consider this: – State budget cuts have resulted in public colleges and universities raising their tuition and reducing their resources—so it’s harder for students to get into the classes they need to graduate on time. – Most Wartburg students graduate in four years. Combine extra time in school with lost time in the workforce, and Wartburg’s costs compare favorably. – Wartburg’s financial aid packages are generous. Many students graduate with approximately the same debt load as graduates from state universities. – You get more for your education dollar at Wartburg: • Classes are smaller. • Professors, not graduate students, teach every class. • The students get the classes they need, when they need them. – Wartburg graduates leave school with: • A job and graduate school placement rate of 98%. • Higher earning potential. Theand O–Factor • More real-world experiences from internships Creating Value @Wartburg service opportunities. • Proven leadership and teamwork skills. Graduate in 4 years or less • A strong social and professional network. 92% • A commitment to their communities. • A passion for what they do.

Graduate in 4 years or less



The O–Factor

Creating Value @Wartburg

Institutional Grant Award $13,848



The best way to know if Wartburg is right for your son or daughter is to take a personalized tour of campus. Meet professors. Visit a class. Eat in the dining hall. You’ll know right away if Wartburg College is a good fit for your family.

The O–Factor

The O–Factor

Creating Value @Wartburg Creating Value @Wartburg As you gather the information you need to help your child make this Institutional significant life decision, we are here to answer your questions. Visit Graduate in Grant Award 4 years or lessor call us at 800-772-2085 to let us know www.wartburg.edu/parents 92% $13,848 how we can help you discover what it means to Be Orange. $10,000

Edie Waldstein

The“O” O–Factor THE FACTOR Creating Value @Wartburg


$4,814 $1,000

The O–Factor

Wartburg State Schools Creating Value @Wartburg

Student/faculty Ratio: Wartburg





Vice President for Enrollment Management


State Schools


State Schools



Wartburg // financial aid


invest in you

The idea of paying for school? Eek. The idea of paying for a great private college like Wartburg? Double eek, right? Wrong. Fear not, parents and prospective students. We’re committed to helping students achieve Knighthood. Everyone’s circumstances are different, but here are a few examples of financial aid packages awarded in 2010-2011, just to give you an idea of what’s possible.

Katelyn is from Sioux City, Iowa.

Because of her parents’ income, she does not qualify for need-based aid. She ranked in the top 10 percent of her class and scored a 29 on her ACT. She is majoring in chemistry and plans to be a physician. Her financial package at Wartburg looks like this:

Regents Scholarship


Cedar Valley Science Fellowship Educational Partners in Covenant - Wartburg

1,000 750

Educational Partners in Covenant - Congregation


Possible Campus Employment


Josh is from Denver, Colo.

His parents are in the middle-income bracket. He has a 25 ACT. He plans to study elementary education and become a teacher. His award looks like this:

Presidential Scholarship


Out-of-state Grant


Campus Employment - Federal


Perkins Loan - Federal


Subsidized Stafford Loan - Federal


Unsubsidized Stafford Loan - Federal 2,000 Total Financial Aid Package


Unsubsidized Stafford Loan - Federal 5,500 Total Financial Aid Package


Ashley is from Council Bluffs, Iowa.

She demonstrates high financial need. She graduated in the top half of her class. She is exploring several majors and her grandma graduated from Wartburg. Her financial package looks like this:

Crunch Your Numbers

Yeah, yeah, you don’t want to do a worksheet, we know. But trust us, this one is worth the effort.

Subsidized Stafford Loan


Tuition and Fees: Room and Board: + plus Comprehensive Fee: = Outside Scholarships: – minus Wartburg Scholarships: – minus Student Loans: – minus Summer Earnings: – minus On/Off Campus Work: – minus Other Loans (PLUS, Unsub, SELF) – minus

Unsubsidized Stafford Loan



Campus Employment - Federal


Wartburg Opportunity Award


Legacy Grant


Iowa Tuition Grant - State


Pell Grant - Federal


Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant - Federal

Total Financial Aid Package



$30,960 $8,150 $39,110 ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

– minus ________ Your Cost = ________ /10 =Your Monthly Payment ________

Try our online calculator: www.wartburg.edu/calculator


Learn all about our available scholarships and financial aid opportunities at


WarTburg // compare

hOW dOeS WarTburg COMPare?

College Profiler COLLEGE:

Wartburg College*

State U**



Male students (%)



Female students (%)



Average class size



Average ACT (25th to 75th percentile)



Student-faculty ratio



Total yearly cost (in-state)



Total yearly cost (out-of-state)



Federal grant aid (yearly average)


$3,467 (‘08–’09)

State/local grant aid (yearly average)


$4,232 (‘08–’09)

Institutional grant aid (yearly average)


$4,814 (‘08–’09)

Student loan (yearly average)



Graduates who finish in 4 years or less (%)


Not Available

Entering class 4-year graduation rate (cohort)



Student population (total enrollment)

Fun FaCTS Job & placement rate Medical school placement rate Skywalks connecting buildings First-year students receiving academic scholarships in 2010-2011 States represented Countries represented Can you have a car? Coffee shop in the library? Internet-wired classrooms Wireless Internet residence halls Undergraduate research opportunities? Majors

98% 92% 5 55% 26 46 Yes Yes 100% 100% Yes 50

*FaCT CheCK Most recent data available is provided in all cases. * Most recent data reflects ’10-’11 information ** Average of Iowa’s three public universities Majority of data is from Integrated Post Secondary Education Data System (IPEDS); some state university data from institutions’ websites.


• Graduate in 4 years • Land a job in 6 months • Excel in graduate school • Find a passion for what you’ll do

Come for a personalized visit.

Check us Out 100 Wartburg Blvd. Waverly, Iowa 50677-0903 www.wartburg.edu

visit Our Campus Wartburg customizes your visit. You will get a personal tour, meet with faculty in your area of interest, and meet one-on-one with the admissions staff. Be sure to make Wartburg one of your campus visits!

Call today to set up a visit. 800-772-2085

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